(Drhrr uf tftr Ifruutrhprs unh ffiutriutr uf Anrrrirtt Tfralbtin ?utrlishrd hp tlrc (4nrtral (Iaurt uf thr Order Scrruvr-rn Aoants Onvrs. Secrelary General 14 \Var.r. Srnrrr, Nrw Yonx 5. Nnw Yonr. Eosol LpoNr WrrrrNnv, Chairman of the Bulletin Committee 3411 Oarwoon Tnnnacn. WasrrrxcroN 10. D. C.

Vor,. XXII, No. 1 APRIL. 194f) lYnor,o No. 73

AR,THUR }IIIJTON }IcCRILI,IS Gouernor of the Rhode IslctncL Society, UrrJer of the Fouttcler,s cut.tl Putriots ol Anterica ARTHUR MILTON MCCRILLIS Ar,tlrrrr,}Iiltorr flcCr.illis tr'its ltclr.rt itr 1)ror,itlertce, ll. 1.,-0r.trrlrtlt: of f"rut'- ntiitirltl aDtl lllla lltrlt"y 'r\It'(r|illis' t6,'"ii"-il,;i 1E7+, sotr jll !I:13t"]*tf.tlt'livenDg otie ,,t",r ^r.r. fr.onr Br.o\.n l_-nir-cr.sitl 1s!t7, rls'srrirrtlcd irt tltl'tle lines fltinl oil 1.lic gor''re*ce1r,rr1-il.rrti,,1-... IIc i-* l,ir f,:u..",i,jt ,iri,,..1,,*, *'1io settle4 lirst i1 l)orchcstcr' .lclscrrli L'ornis, :'tcestot' t'its liii;j.:'fi;;;rs i.., iViri,i."i,r., cn'u., i'.16ii1r. [1is I).1r'i.t rvlo ser.r-.rl i* (1.1. Iiir.lilrst Rtlgi- JohD -S"tgt'itntstLoorris of r,er,arr,rii. i:,r''., r""rtT, Conrpatrl', "l'ight Ilot'st''" gr.iulu:rtioD he cDtt't'c,l the rvholt'srtle lrtlsillt'ss 01' lris litlht:r; I-non to A' Ii' b":,,1;; -*'t;:ii.'il.i.ii;r'rsgrt,-.rlt,,'tr tlte lit'ru llitrno \\'as c1a'51ed & So'. Tl;'i;ir.irr;,-r i:nr incor.po.irletl in 190S,,.rvhetr htr lrccrillis fttllicr', 19!0, 1e rvas n-ns clcctetl 1",,,,.nre". fit.r,t1e rleirtl c,f hjs ,.,rr.iTrarr*.r'el, i].d irs such. ser.ved uutil lris r'r:tit'e- elected P'esitlctrt I}'rlrvn o[i ment in 1942. October 20. 190:i, ito tnitr'l'ietl itloito Flalst'-r' I'rcsirlt''t of f ittr N.*, Yor'l< City, tta'g;rt;; i)i C;i'.\\rilb'r' I'-' IJ'r.r*-n' Saviugs Bnnli' No childlen' Luivclsirl r-rj'.t1e o.tler cllLar,ter: rii"rri,"" of t1.31o4c rsla'ti s,ciety I{e'F;;;"; is a as c

.) ltorv t:ottld he \\.irs iD ilre auturnn of 77ii, so, if he u-irs l

'\meetilrgoftheCorrrrcil\YtlS]ielLl.Nor'ernber.ltlr,1!)48,:rt1,he*'i1'1 seveu I,.rr.uriugtoir Oo.ntrl' Lil*b. Go'e'tror' Ro*'le-rr pr:tlsitlerl, 1.ltc .a'r. of 1le i*iii.,'Jiri'i,t"i"i." iiotcr.'or R'rvle'1' suggcstcit it,at ((l)ittl'iotic comnittee, "lnclcilse' in^Ilc'rntlet'sltijr"' iie chauged to '\c- tir.ities irntl Incle:ts" i" ir"-r,.r'shifi." I{c suggcstelJ l]ltl-:I'llt"tlt"" lic,' ttie-Jtte..,ron'titt.,,, i' place of fl . \\' Brotl-tt, ii.^i,iit'f*.t tht' specinl *-hrl n-irs .'ablc tu s.n.1.- Govcr'tto" lion-ley i'eportetl ful comruittee apltoiutetl itt ihe ){ovcrrrber' 2lth, 191i, urt"tinl:-.-}])ttttt'"U the-ctist of a rlispla-v case a'tl tlttl r'etrovirtior-r of :l i"^Triir'r"t,"i,t'rvas action Cnrnriinr ,Ly*. Ttre re1i.r't rvas :rccepterl, 5.t l;i.iii;;-ui Ll.'. '. Gov- n.irs tirke' or1 ir'). iir ttr,-,_at)sence c,t -\4arns, .r,n'r Rrr-ley "r1i"rrifit,'...u"-tiio- sn1.r,r.roli \ritnl Rccolrls (1617 to 1834), ale ".1rurt,;iicomplction, floofs non. bei.g tlt:l"lttl'1'- ilrrl.rr r,epail.ing^.- ()1, A sttm rrot'ea'i'g to exceecl l\i10.00 \\.ils ilpl)I,Opr.iirtetl for. .tlre w. II. Jucl<], Ctrairnurn, Dr.. Arthur. Ar]rms antl ,r; ;il;;.-fl;$. comrnittce; als-o JOhD IL Colemfln o"iu'"piioliterl rr Norniilatirrg ir'cl Ii.ving"Titrlicr'as amtlitors of ttre Treasttl:et'ts I1,'c,st Stonc l'ere acl- r.erort. ,\ssriciates Ci ri'itl Rolles arlil llon'is B' C1}ning ili"i:,li ir;i;",i];'s"ci"irl.',',,1 llo$'r,'rl clnrli'l'lrlr,ll. \\':trt'ctt DrlNitt'rl oliver .r. Thrall, aDcl .loseph Ben- ii;;il. Hi.r""a cir.o.iriii rhr.rll. a'rl i"-fr,',ffr:"ii,-.nfi."l iu sig'at.res o' thcir zrpplications n1,1,rt,vrrl lrl tlre Regislr'nl"'"up.t (*o'errro. tlie 4eirths of P:rst-Go'e.nor Ro5et't Rotylev'"qro.i.n of Nortl \\rcbber T,or.ell of lrr"i|rrr..r*y arro Asalicl \yillis ]ritchell \\roodburj'. Maj<-rr General Gor-ernor Rorvley leportcd on a lcttel' n'r'itten llf (io'ernor ol'iit" Distt'ict of C'l.mbia Sbcicty, regarding Truesdell, nlzrn-v of the irleas membcrsliit.r. It n,as trr" i-p" of the council that i;i"iit; iettei' might l.re used by our Societr'' past .r,iai'""p"'"t.J on thc Tr,ienrrial meetiug_ of the GoYeroo" mem- C..r*""f Co,i"t t,eta iir Pro'viclence Na.-l' 23, 1943, at rvhich 33 il";"ii;;"ir;l;t the-vartolls societies"\l-ele *n'holepresent-six from con- Rcports orr.l .ii..".rions tool< the afternoon. Gor'- 'ectic*t. 4 orilor' Ro\\'lo,)'oxpr'essed the irr-rpe tlrat in the luture there might be mole tilro to iliscuss rvhat actir-e progrirms ale going on in the sey- erll sticieties. Deput;,' Gor-emor Harly Ir'. llorsc r,eportetl on a pro- poserl pilgr'irnage of thc Boy Scouts to Lebunon, Oonnecticut, ncxt .Iune. It was votccl that the sum of $200, voted irt lt pr.o-ious meet- ing (11/2;/+7), for the plescrvation of ldstorical rlocumcnts be ruthorized for expenses of the Lebrrnon program, pr,or-idecl the Spe- cirrl Oornmittee rlid rtot lielie'r,e it best to use this sum:rt this timc for' any previollsly cliscussed ;rctir.it.r. .\l'ter the Coulcil Meeting, 25 associittes ancl gucsts listened to a i-er'-v inslriling talli ou Russiil's Iir.rrcign Policy ir;' Ilrclfessor Rogcl Sh:rrv of the Depaltncnt of Irrtelnirtional Relations of Tlinity CoJlegc.

THE SOCIETY -\t thc meeting of the Society Jan. 19, 1949, Col. l'r:eder'ic G. Bauel, Plrst Plesirlent Gereral of the Society of the War of 1812, gave an .interestirrg t:rlk on the Naval Strategy t-rf tlie War of 1812. The prilcipal business of the mcel.ing rvas the :rpliointrnent of a Nomi- n:rting Oomtnittee, consisting of I):n-enport Blorvn, Raymond B. I3irhvell, and }lontgomer'\r Reerl, u'ho r.epor.terl the follon'ing names at thc ilnnurrl mecting ffarr:h 2, at thc Par.liel llouse, , follol'- ilrg .lunc:lreon: (ior-clnor' Iien. I'crk:1 Poore Moselel' l)eputy Grivcr'nor lJchvurd Nichols Chase Olra.plain O. tr. llclrrtilc Sccretar'y trtobert Treat lh'easurer I)oualcl IL Alleu State's ,\ttorney }lontgomery Rectl Registrar Dar-euport Rron'n Geuealogist Irhilip R. Calder Histolinn lldu.ard Stelrhen Jloulton Oonncillors, 7949-1952 I\raltel Channing Lester L. Mayo I)r'. r\rnzi Iledell Shoernaker 19+7-1950 Beirjanrin Bristol. Draper, Jr. (succcccling B. I'}. P. Ifoseley) .\t tire annual meeting the above narnecl nominoes l'ere elcctecl to thc position clesignatecl. Follon'ing the business mecting and Itncheon, Bradford I{. Bachrach, \rice-Presiclent and Director of Bachrach, Inc., photographers, spoke on ((I?hotography antl Pirotog- ltrphers of the Cir.il '\\rai'." It n'as repor.tecl that dur.irrg the year thrce Associates hatl died: Freclerich llay Mclntirc, Ilarr;' Steyens Balcll'in; :lncl l,-rank S. Watermair I thrce hatl lesignecl: Stephen Percy Cushman, Charles ,\. Ilolcleu, Melvirr S. \\rclsh l three had been electecl subject to Registrar approval I Maulicc N. Winslor', John N. Abbot, George A. K1'le I zrrrd four. electecl and apploved: Raymond B. Bithvell, Ilenry R. Loomis, Raymond Franlilin Rol'ley, Benjamin lleim Bristow l)lapel, Jr. 'Ihe present active membership is 96, of r'hom 23 are life members. THE ILLINOIS SOCIETY Thc Illinois Societl- mc1 Jilu.6 at tht littgirlt-'cI'-s (-llrrb itL Olricitgot 1illrg lirtt<" $.i1.1i. orre olf the lar.gesl rtutttllt't'tt1'ttttrnlrcl's 1rt't'st'tt1-.1'oI';r ,i-;;ilt oi ttr. mctiting nt tlit,'(ielclitl.(,',rttt'i f it-q tlist:rtsset.l ln'(lr-'Ir- o",rt-T*,1,,.ae11. (iover'rr?rl of tlie Distri<:1 6i Coltttnbiil Socicll'ltlrti Corrttttil.ttle ,1' llttr (illlerltl (-l6lrr'1 ' ifi,ilt of tlc lleinlrclslip p,l'ttt.I' (i,r'cl'lt,t''\ -Il"i"rii"-let1cr ""rifrorn G.r'er''.r Gerrer'rrl llc'\llrirl *':ts l'.:ttl' I)r..1'11 lL'imet;r- Stolc s'olitt.tt 1lt. rv:t-,vs lttttl ltlcittts o1' itr-.,ri.i"g-t.1e rncn,l,crship'ofi thc Soi'itiy itttrl g:.r'e il lIl()st ilrsliriltg tttt'tttber t

DAYID BANI{S PLUII. Gel. \o' i.i7s. \. \. Soc. ii()9, I'r'csitlcn1 anrl a Dilector of the 'ft'o.v Recor'c1 Cottrlritul'. lrublishci's oi' tlie Tr'o1' (N.Y.) Recolcl arrrl the'I'r'o1'Timcs-Recortl, r-as liille

-\ .c '{0 gt ssBqc tlaeqS C :i0*{}T'i11i;, r-. eirl.rg poonqoeeg ?IE9 _,.,-.'".;{repesnrJ, Irry .uec ..,.- --* -+t-'