The Sigma Chi Fraternity Epsilon Omega Chapter Constitution, Bylaws, and Appendices Updated: 2017

The Bylaws: Introduction

No bylaw shall be valid which conflicts with any provision of the Constitution, Statutes, Ritual, or any enactment of the General Fraternity. A copy of the General Fraternity Constitution, Statues, and Executive Committee regulations is listed in the Governing Laws handbook and in the back of the Norman Shield. These should be referred to, and understood when revising a chapter’s existing bylaws.

Table of Contents

Contents Page Article I · Membership

Pledging 1 Initiation 2 Affiliation 2 Special Status 3 Article II · Meeting 4 Chapter Meeting 4 Rules on Debating 4 Attendance 4 Excuses 4 Voting 5 Quorum 5 Article III · Officers

Chapter Officers & Chairmen Duties of Officers 6 Nomination of Officers 12 Election of Officers 13 Term in Office 13 Scholastic Eligibility 13 Appointed Officers 13 Chapter Evaluation of Officers Impeachment 13 Vote of Confidence 14 Article IV · Committees 15 Article V · Finances 20 Formatted: None, Indent: Left: 0", Space Before: 0 Fees (brothers and pledges) 20 pt, Don't keep with next, Don't keep lines together Dues 20 Formatted: None, Indent: Left: 0", Space Before: 0 Semi-Annuals 20 pt, Don't keep with next, Don't keep lines together Payment Plans 20 Financial Suspension 21 Formatted: None, Indent: Left: 0", Space Before: 0 Occupancy of the Chapter House pt, Don't keep with next, Don't keep lines together Fines Formatted: None, Indent: Left: 0", Space Before: 0 Article VII · Conduct pt, Don't keep with next, Don't keep lines together

Formatted: None, Indent: Left: 0", Space Before: 0 pt, Don't keep with next, Don't keep lines together

Formatted: None, Indent: Left: 0", Space Before: 0 pt, Don't keep with next, Don't keep lines together

Conduct 26 Judicial Board 26 Article VIII · General

30 Distribution of Bylaws 30 Illegal Drugs, Immorality, and Marijuana 30 Chapter House Occupancy 31 Room Assignments 31 Community Service…………………………………………………………………….31 Article IX · Sober Sig 34 Article X · Epsilon Omega Chapter Awards 35


Believing that where there is law there is liberty, we the members of the Epsilon Omega Chapter of the Sigma Chi Fraternity do establish these bylaws for the government of our chapter, and solemnly promise to obey them. It must be understood that the constitution and Statutes of the Sigma Chi Fraternity shall be supreme.

Article I Membership Section 1 Pledging A. No person shall be pledged to membership in the Sigma Chi Fraternity unless he qualifies under Statues 3.07a, 3.07b, 3.07c, and 3.10 of the Sigma Chi Constitution. B. No person shall be pledged to membership in the Epsilon Omega Chapter of the Sigma Chi Fraternity except by a majority vote of the active voting chapter., with the exception of legacies. Legacies shall require a vote of no less than one third of the active voting chapter’s negative votes during any membership selection meeting, to be terminated from the recruitment list. A legacy is defined as any blood relative (brother, son, uncle, grandson, etc.). If a potential new member receives 20% of the active voting chapter’s negative votes then his name will be withdrawn from the recruitment list. If and when a person is terminated by 20% of the active voting chapter, the vote may be overruled by a two-thirds majority of the same vote. C. No more than two ballots shall be held on any candidate for pledging is a single chapter meeting. D. No pledgeship can be broken except by a vote of not less than 20% of the members of the active chapter, present and voting at a regular or special meeting. (Grand Consul Ruling) If and when a chapter terminates pledgeship, as described in Article I, Section 1-D, above sentence, the vote may be overridden

by 51% of the same voting body. 1. If, at any time, a potential new member’s name is removed from the recruitment list during a membership selection meeting, the said potential new member’s name must be presented in front of the entire membership selection meeting for reconsideration. E. If a pledge has not been initiated by the end of the second semester, including the semester pledged, following his pledging because of his financial or scholastic ineligibility, his pledgeship will be automatically terminated. F. Every pledge of the chapter shall pay the Quaestor at the time of his pledging in addition to the pledge fee of the chapter, the sum of $65.00 for the use and benefit of the General Fraternity, for which the Epsilon Omega Chapter shall receive a copy of the Fraternity Pledge Manual and a pledge pin for the candidate to wear

during pledgeship. G. All pledge voting concerning membership selection, pledgeship termination etc., shall be governed by open ballot.

H. If a pledge’s semester grade point average is below a 2.60 on a 4.00 scale at the end of his pledgeship, the said pledge will be placed in a continuation program and will be requireda vote will be held on eligibility to move into the house if it is not full. A pledge must receive a two-thirds open ballot vote of the active chapter to be eligible to move into the house.

Section 2 Initiation A. No person shall be initiated into membership unless the chapter has written certification that said person has maintained a 2.80 semester grade point average or better on a 4.00 scale in all subjects carried for the semester of pledgeship. Such certification shall come from the proper college or university officials. B. No person shall be initiated unless passed by a formal vote of final approval by not less than 80% of the active chapter present and voting at a regular or special meeting. C. No person shall be initiated into membership as an undergraduate unless he has received instruction under the tutelage of the Magister and has passed the Official Pledge Examination during a closed book exam with a score of 8075% or better, as determined by the Grand Praetor and after certification in writing from the Grand Praetor that the person desiring initiation has passed the said examination. A pledge receiving a lower score may take the exam a second time prior to the scheduled Initiation only if authorized by his Magister and the Chapter Advisor

due to extenuating or aggravated circumstances. D. No pledge shall be initiated into the chapter who has an outstanding balance with the chapter. E. No pledge shall be allowed to take the Official Pledge Exam or enter into I-Week unless he has paid his initiation fee. F. (Sigma Chi Statute 5.09) Every member upon his initiation shall pay to the Quaestor, in addition to the initiation fee of the Epsilon Omega Chapter, the sum of $160.00 for the use and benefit of the General Fraternity, and shall receive therefore a certificate of membership and initiation badge.

G. All pre-initiation activities and initiation procedures not included in the Ritual, Ritualistic Manual, or Magister’s Manual of the Sigma Chi Fraternity are prohibited, particularly any type of “hazing,” or dangerous or wasteful and fatiguing activity in accordance with Sigma chi Statutes 6.02d, 6.02e, and 6.02f for the Sigma Chi Constitution and the guidelines, and policy issued forth from the Executive Committee of the Fraternity in its August 14 session, 1977. (Resolution and Policy, Statement and Position concerning Pledge Training

and the Ritual.) H. Newly initiated brothers must attend four (4) mandatory Post-Initiation Training sessions. In case of an absence, a legal excuse as provided for in Article II, Section 4 will be accepted. I. The Initiation of each candidate shall be promptly reported to the Executive Secretary.

Section 3 Non-Discrimination

A. The Sigma Chi Fraternity shall not be discriminatory in terms of race, color, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, financial, or social status.

Section 4 Affiliation A. Any member of another chapter of the Sigma Chi Fraternity may affiliate with Epsilon Omega Chapter, only after written confirmation from either the college or university which was previously attended, and his original chapter that he was in good standing, financially, and otherwise. B. An affiliated member is subject to all the provisions of the bylaws of the Epsilon Omega Chapter. C. Any brother of another chapter wishing to affiliate with the Epsilon Omega Chapter must be in attendance at Ball State University at least three (3) weeks prior to affiliation and must be proposed by a brother in good standing at the Epsilon Omega Chapter. D. A majority vote of the active voting chapter will be required to affirm affiliation.

Section 5 Special Status A. Realizing that there may be semesters where members are currently enrolled at the university but are not attending classes on campus (i.e. studying abroad, student

teaching, working internships, etc…), said brothers will be recognized as Special Status Members. Such members will not be subject to the same requirements as active members. B. Members wanting to be recognized under the Special Status Provisions will be required to inform the Executive Committee at least two calendar months before the semester in which they desire status. 1. The Executive Committee will hear all formal requests and subject to a majority vote of approval from the active chapter, shall make all decisions. 2. In the event that a brother breaks his housing contract, it will be at the discretion of the housing corporation to assess appropriate penalties. C. Special Status Members will be required to pay IFC and General Fraternity dues as described in Article V, Section 3. D. Special Status Members will not be required to attend chapter or any mandatory meetings. E. Special Status Members will not be eligible to attend Brotherhood or Social Events or to participate in intramurals under the name of Sigma Chi.

Article II Meetings

Section 1 Chapter Meetings A. A regular formal chapter meeting shall be held weekly on Sunday. evening at 5:30 PM. The Consul shall announce any deviation from this schedule in writing at least 24 hours prior to the regular meeting time. B. Special chapter meetings may be called by the Consul at any time. , and shall be called by him upon the majority vote of the Executive Committee. In both cases, Due notice shall be given in writing concerning the time of the meeting. C. All regular chapter meetings shall be conducted according to the provisions of Division 1 in the ritual of the Sigma Chi Fraternity and shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order.

Section 2 Rules on Debating A. In debating on any topic, a brother of the Fraternity may be called on to speak one at a time if and only if he is the author of the topic under debate or he is a brother recognized by the Consul as someone who has additional insight on the topic under debate. B. The Consul may extend debate concerning matters that he determines are vital to the well being of the chapter. C. Any brother of the Fraternity may direct questions to the speaker on any topic being debated one at a time only after being recognized by the Consul. After the question is answered, the member asking the question may make appropriate comments.

Section 3 Attendance A. In accordance with Ritualistic Statutes (Page 8) it is mandatory for all members to attend the regular chapter meetings, unless having a legal excuse as hereinafter prescribed.been excused by the Chapter Annotator. B. Attendance at the Ceremonies of Initiation is mandatory unless having a legal excuse as hereinafter prescribed. B. It is mandatory for members of Executive Committee to attend Executive Committee meetings, unless having a legal excuse as hereinafter prescribed. C. In the case that a brother is absent from a regular chapter meeting, an Initiation Ceremony, or other mandatory meeting due to any of the above excuses, due notice must be given prior to the scheduled meeting time. C.D. A brother absent from a regular chapter meeting, an Initiation Ceremony, or other mandatory meeting without a legal excuse will be held accountable in accordance with Article 5, Section 10.

Section 5 Voting A. All chapter members shall have a vote except as hereinafter provided. B. Voting shall be by acclamation and a majority vote shall decide all questions unless otherwise provided by law. The Consul shall vote only to break a tie. C. There shall be no voting by proxy. 1. Any five (5) brothers may demand a secret ballot. D. After 4 years of undergraduate status, if the member wishes to remain active, he must be reviewed and voted on by the Executive Council. Otherwise, he will be promoted to Alumni status. Additionally, after 5 years of active member status, you will be automatically promoted to Alumni status and encouraged to graduate. E. Newly initiated brothers will not be given a vote until they meet the memorization requirements prescribed by the Ritual. F. Any decision of the Executive Committee may be overruled by a majority vote of the active chapter. G. Any brother who misses a chapter meeting or executive council meeting without legal excuse will lose the right to vote for the following chapter. The brother will regain his right to vote by attending consecutive chapter meetings equal in number to those that he missed. Any brother who misses three (3) or more chapter meetings or executive council meetings without legal excuse within a semester will lose the right to vote for the remainder of the semester.

G.H. Any brother who is not in good standing will lose the right to vote.

Section 6 Quorum A. Quorum shall be at least 50% of the active chapter in order for issues and/or amendments to be voted upon. A two-thirds affirmative vote of the active chapter present is needed for an amendment to be approved if quorum has been met in the chapter meeting. B. When quorum is not met in the regular chapter all proposed items requiring a vote will be tabled to the Executive Committee following that chapter meeting.

Section 1 Chapter Officers and Chairmen A. The officers and chairmen of the chapter shall be those prescribed in the Sigma Chi Ritual, and in addition, such positions as are necessary to perform the administration of the chapter. B. An assistant officer/chairman shall be appointed to assist any officer at the request of the officer or the suggestion of the Consul. An assistant officer/chairman shall automatically be nominated for the next election if he has satisfactorily completed his duties. C. The elected officers/chairmen of the Epsilon Omega Chapter of the Sigma Chi Fraternity shall be: 1. Consul 2. Pro Consul 3. Annotator 4. Quaestor 5. Magister 6. Tribune 7. Kustos 6. Recruitment Chairman 7.9. Academic Chairman 10. Social Chairman 11. Philanthropy Chairman 8.12. Community Service Chairman 9.13. Athletic Chairman 10. Public Relations Chairman 15. Brotherhood Chairman Kustos D. The appointed officers of the Epsilon Omega Chapter of the Sigma Chi Fraternity shall be: 1. Risk Manager 3. Chapter Editor Dad’s Day Chairman Section 2 Duties of Officers A. Consul 1. The Consul is the President and Chief Executive of the Chapter, as such is responsible for everything the chapter does, or fails to do. 2. To meet this responsibility, he must utilize delegation of responsibility and involvement of other officers and Brothers, rather than doing all the work himself. 3. He is responsible for the analyses of the chapter’s position, standing, and purposes, definite or potential problems, as well as establishment of new goals and priorities at times. 4. A working knowledge of the Sigma Chi Constitution, Statues, Ritual, Chapter Bylaws, and policies must be maintained, along with ensuring campus and Interfraternity regulations and procedure are maintained and all pertinent provisions are carried out and enforced. 5. A close relationship and communication with the Chapter Advisor(s), Housing Corporation, Grand Praetor, Alumni, General Headquarters, University and Interfraternity officials must be exercised. As president of the chapter, he is also its most visible example and spokesman. 6. He presides over chapter meetings, and such other chapter affairs and activities as appropriate. 7. He maintains an up-to-date knowledge of all chapter and member developments, opinions, and activities, and follow-up through appropriate officers on all operations and programs. 8. He is responsible for the security of the Charter, Ritual, and ritualistic materials. 9. He is constantly in the forefront in regards to the development of chapter progress, standard, purpose, and responsibility. 10. He is expected to attend the Sigma Chi leadership training workshop before or early in his term.

B. Pro Consul 1. As vice-president of the chapter, he works closely with the Consul in carrying out the above responsibilities. 2. He is the chairman of the chapter Executive Committee, administering its affairs and being responsible for its effective functioning.

3. He is responsible for the duties of all officers of the house. He shall monitor all officers and hold them accountable to their duties. 2.4.He shall be responsible for the completing and submitting of the chapter’s Peterson Significant Chapter Award 5. Preside over meetings in the Consul's absence and assume the obligations of the Consul in such an event. . 3.6.Act as the committee coordinator and to make all standing committee appointments. 4.7.Assume the role of parliamentarian and be versed in parliamentary procedure. 5. nterpret the chapter’s Constitution and Bylaws 7.9.Hold judicial board training and mock trials for all new justices at least once per academic year. 8.10. He carries out such other duties as the Consul may request. 9.11. He must be prepared to effectively assume the duties of the Consul, should the Consul be absent of unable to serve. 12. He is expected to attend the Leadership training Workshop before or early H in his term. C. Annotator 1. He keeps accurate records, reports, and minutes of chapter meetings and such other meetings and operations as the chapter may require, and transcribe such records into the chapter minute book. 2. He will furnish the chapter officers and the Grand Officers with such information as they may need and request. 3. He has the responsibility of organizing and maintaining the chapter’s administrative files and records. 4. He will hold an up-to-date copy of the chapter’s bylaws. 5. He is responsible for the maintenance of the chapter’s permanent record of member’s personal data and information, including chapter attendance and brother’s standing. 6. He must attend each of the scheduled Interfraternity Council Meetings. 7. He will make a calendar for the year’s social events 8. He is the chairman of the Bylaw committee, maintaining and interpreting, the chapter’s Constitution and Bylaws.

D. Quaestor 1. As treasurer of the chapter, he collects and preserves all money due to the chapter, and disburses money as the chapter needs and directs, consistent with the requirements of good business and fiscal procedure, fraternity policy and chapter resources; He is responsible for communicating and insuring the awareness and exercise of chapter and

individual financial obligations among the Brothers and Pledges. 2. He prepares a budget before the start of the chapter fiscal year (usually the academic year), presents it to the Executive Committee, Chapter, and Advisors, and sees that its provisions are followed; consistently reviewing operations to insure that the chapter operates within its means. 3. He keeps accurate, complete, and up-to-date records of all chapter financial operations, using the Sigma Chi bookkeeping system or other approved method. 4. He insures that all dues and fees owed to the chapter and Fraternity, by members and pledges, are paid through the use of an online bill collection service.on time or specified enforcement procedures carried out for overdue accounts. 5. He sees that the chapter’s financial obligations to the Fraternity, landlord, local merchants, etc. are met promptly. 6. He is responsible for providing the chapter, General Headquarters, and Chapter Advisor(s) with the budget, and review of operations at the end of the year. He also insures that the required reports are provided to federal and state tax and Social Security officials. 7. He is expected to attend the Leadership Training Workshop before or early in his term.

E. Magister

1. He is responsible for the conduct of the Sigma Chi chapter program for preparing the pledge brothers for initiation and for their preparation to become committed, responsible active Brothers. 2. He must plan, articulate, organize, and be the leader in the conduct of this program in the chapter. a. In so doing, he must work to insure understanding, support, and involvement in the program by all members of the active chapter. 3. He is charged with the responsibility of guiding a chapter program which instills the ideals of Sigma Chi, and the development of pride and commitment, through learning, participation, and responsibility. 4. He must insure, along with the chapter, that any activities or occurrences that are hazing, embarrassing, trivial, deceptive, subservient, or contradictory to academic responsibilities or Sigma Chi ideals are prevented. 5. He must establish and guide the pledge program to emphasize individual responsibility and motivation in scholastic achievement. 6. He directs and conducts the program based on and consistent with the official pledge-initiation report forms and fees and furnished on time to the General Fraternity.

7. He is the general overseer of all pledge and candidate activities. 8. He assists the Pro Consul in the post-initiation orientation and chapter operation assimilation of the new initiates. 9. He is expected to attend the Leadership Training Workshop before or early in his term.

F. Recruitment Chairman 1. He is the planner, organizer, and coordinator of the chapter’s recruitment program, instilling a year-round awareness of its importance as well as implementing specific programs and scheduled activities. 2. He is responsible for involving the entire chapter, Brothers and pledges, in recruitment, as well as coordinating communications with potential new members, recruitment publications, and adherence to Fraternity and campus regulations. 3. He insures that all men who receive recommendations are contacted, and that all Brothers sending recommendations receive acknowledgement, and notification of the outcome. 4. He is responsible for the emphasis to potential new members of the necessary awareness of academic and financial obligations, information to parents, and of stressing the values of fraternity membership in general as well as specifically in Sigma Chi.

5. He is responsible for recording the attendance of brother’s at recruitment events.

G. Tribune 0. He prepares and sends all necessary chapter correspondence, invitations, etc. He assists the Consul and other officers in coordinating and submitting all officer and chapter reports on time, and supplies the General Headquarters, Grand Praetor, Advisor(s), and University officials with reports of new officers , and other information as required. 2. He may also be the Scholarship Chairman of the chapter. He is responsible for the preparation and publication of all of the chapter printed periodicals and materials, including a reasonably frequent newspaper or newsletter, and as specified by the chapter other materials 3. He must supply to the Editor of The Magazine of Sigma Chi at the Headquarters, semester articles of news and photos of Fraternity wide interest about the active chapter and members, as well as nominations for All-Sig athletic teams, copies of all chapter publications and such other information as the Editor of The Magazine of Sigma Chi requests. 4. He assists the Consul in preparation of the nominating brochure for the chapter Balfour Award candidate and other Fraternity awards as specified. 5. He prepares and distributes news releases and information to campus, college community and hometown news media, about chapter events, public service projects, and news of members. 6. He is responsible for gathering and making a permanent record of chapter activities, events, and members, in the form of a scrapbook of chapter history or in such other manner as is desired. 7. He is responsible for the care and preservation of the library, historical records, and properties of the chapter. 8. He shall furnish the Grand Historian with such information as he may request and assist in the preparation of chapter historical material for General Fraternity publications. 9. He is responsible for correspondence between the chapter and alumni. 10. He is responsible for keeping alumni informed about upcoming events.

11. He is responsible for locating alumni and their respective addresses. 12. He is responsible for sending alumni The Cardinal Sig newsletter telling of past and upcoming events for the chapter.

13. He will work with the chapter’s Recruitment Chairman on obtaining Alumni Referral’s for potential new members. 14. He is responsible for the chapter’s public image between the chapter members and outside organizations, the community, etc. 15. He is responsible for publication of the chapter’s service projects. 2.16. He is responsible for publicizing the chapter’s events on campus. H. Social Chairman 1. He is the planner and organizer of all chapter social functions. He will make a calendar for the year’s social events. 2. He will be responsible for the arrangements of, or the delegation of responsibilities, for both the winter and spring formals. 3. He will assist the chapter’s Risk Manager in all capacities necessary. Fundraising Chairman

I. Athletic Chairman 1. He is in charge of chapter participation in intramural sports as well as special chapter athletic events. 2. He is responsible for turning in rosters of intramural teams on time. 3. He will be responsible for keeping Brothers informed of upcoming events, games, meets, matches, etc. Alumni Relations Chairman 0. He is responsible for correspondence between the chapter and alumni. 0. He is responsible for keeping alumni informed about upcoming events. 0. He is responsible for locating alumni and their respective addresses. 0. He is responsible for organizing all events dealing with the chapter’s Homecoming. 0. He is responsible for sending alumni a semester newsletter telling of past and upcoming events for the chapter. 0. He is responsible for sending the chapter’s “E-Update” to alumni once a month. 0. He will work with the chapter’s Recruitment Chairman on obtaining Alumni Referral’s for potential new members.

M. Public Relations Chairman 0. He is responsible for the chapter’s public image between the chapter members and outside organizations, the community, etc. 0. He is responsible for publication of the chapter’s service projects (American Red Cross, Cancer Society, etc.). 0. He is responsible for publicizing the chapter’s events on campus. 0. He will serve on the chapter’s Judicial Board of Review T.M. Community Service Chairman 1. pick up next week. He is the planner and organizer of all chapter community service events. 2. He is responsible for collecting and turning in all community service forms from brothers. 3. He must hold two mandatory community service events each semester. Mandatory community service events must be announced at least three weeks in advance. 4. He will maintain a list of all brothers previous semester and current semester community service hours. 1.5.He will work with the Social Chairman to organize community service events with other greek organizations.

U.N. Scholarship Academic Chairman 1. He is responsible for the creation and maintenance of a high priority for learning and scholastic achievement among Brothers and pledges, and for keeping a suitable atmosphere for study in the chapter house. 2. He must maintain a list of previous semester and current semester grades for all brothers. 2.3. He is responsible for monitoring the library hours of brothers who are not in good standing. This entails setting up and maintaining the Ball State ID library computer tracking program.provides information on resources and assistance available to Brothers and pledges, including those aids available in the chapter, the General Fraternity, and on campus, particularly in tutoring, counseling, and financial assistance. 3.4. He is responsible for the planning and conduct of chapter programs of education emphasis, including faculty discussions, chapter awards, and chapter programs of a campus-wide academic nature. 4.5. He assists the Consul in the maintenance by the chapter of General Fraternity and University academic requirements.

0. He assists the Rush Chairman and the Magister in emphasizing academic priorities in the conduct of the rush and pledge programs, particularly with pledges in the influential first months of their college study. 1. He is responsible for the cleanliness, care, and maintenance of the chapter house, with the assistance of the Brothers and pledges. 1.2. He is in charge of organizing one house improvement project each semester. This event must include the current pledge class and brothers. 2.3. He works very closely with the Epsilon Omega Housing Corporation.

S. Kustos a. He is responsible for the privacy and care of the chapter room and conduct of chapter meetings and such other gatherings as the chapter may specify, and carries our other tasks as the Consul may direct. b. He will conduct two Post Initiation Training meeting for the newly intiated brothers. a.c. He will conduct all tests relating to voting rights and maintain a list of all brothers who have not yet earned voting rights. d. He will be required to maintain an up-to-date inventory of all chapter ritualistic materials and I-week Supplies. e. He will organize and preside over practices for the Initiation Ceremony. b.f. He will assist the Magister in setting up and conducting all I-week ceremonies. T. Brotherhood Chairman a. He plans and coordinates all chapter brotherhood events. b. He is responsible for planning the annual Brotherhood retreat to be held

He shall, at theeach beginning Fall Semester. of each semester, present a tentative schedule of events at chapter.

U. Mom’s DayParental Relations Chairman a. These individualsHe will be responsible for coordinating and overseeing all events and Dad’s Day Chairmendetails associated with the planning and conducting of Mom’s Day. b. These individualsHe will be responsible for coordinating and overseeing all events and details associated with the planning and conducting of Dad’s Day. V Risk Manager 1. A Risk Manager will be appointed by the current Risk Manager and Consul. Once appointed, they will begin their term immediately.

2. The appointed chairman will be responsible for: a. Knowing and understanding Risk Management Foundation and Interfraternity Council social event policies. b. The arrangement and delegation of responsibilities for chapter functions involving social events and or brotherhood events. c. Contacting the Fire Marshal to conduct a walk-through inspection once each semester. d. Determining and scheduling the chapter’s Sober Sig Program. Peterson Chairman Section 3 Nomination of Officers A. At the meetingNominations for officers will be held six weeks prior to the election meetinend of the semester, If a brother is nominated for any of the top five positions they are nominated automatically into all following positions. Nominations will be accepted from the floor. Additional nominations will be accepted prior to commencement of elections on election night. B. Any brother who is so nominated for office shall fulfill the aforementioned duties and hereinafter prescribed scholastic and financial qualifications. C. The Consul, Pro Consul, Quaestor, Magister, Rush Chairman, Social Chairman, House Manager, and HistorianTribune, and Kitchen Steward must live in the house during their term in office. D. No person in the active chapter may hold office or be nominated for an office if they do not meet the following requirements. 1. Earned a 2.6 GPA the previous semester. 2. Completed all required community service hours. 3. Have a zero balance with the chapter. 4. Served on a committee in the previous year. The committee does not have to be related to nomination. 5. Must be in good standing with the Chapter. 6. Must have voting rights. unless he has a zero balance or a payment plan with the Epsilon Omega Housing Corporation and the Epsilon Omega Chapter. No bills may be paid during a chapter meeting. Section 4 Election of Officers A. Elections will be held in the fifth and fourth week before the end of the semester. The top five positions will be elected in the fifth week with the remaining positions elected in the fourth week. B. During Elections brothers must sit in strict pin order.The Consul, subject to a two-thirds (2/3) overruling of the active voting chapter, shall decide the date of the election of officers C. To be considered elected,Elections will be decided by a simple majority vote. If no candidate receives a majority a runoff vote between the top two voted candidates will decide the winner. In the case of a deadlock, the executive committee will vote to break the deadlock at the first executive committee meeting. A. Elections will be held in the following order: Consul, Pro Consul, Annotator, Quaestor, Magister, Tribune, Kustos, Recruitment Chairman, Philanthropy Chairman, Community Service Chairman, Social Chairman, Athletic Chairman, House Manager, and Brotherhood Chairman. each winning candidate must have received a majority of the votes cast. C.E. The elected officers will be installed as prescribed by the Ritual one week after the entire election proceedings have transpired. The top five newly elected positions will be instated before the elections of the remaining officers. F. The Election process will begin by all nominated candidates exiting the chapter room. Pin order determines the order in which speeches are given. The lowest pin will give the first speech and the highest pin will give the last.For the offices of Consul, Pro Consul, Quaestor, Magister, Rush Chairman, and House Manager, a question and answer period will followthe candidates’ speeches. After all candidates have spoken and left the chapter room, questions (approx. 4-5), at the discretion of the Consul, will be accepted from the floor by the Consul and recorded by the Annotator. Any question asked to a candidate must be asked to all following candidates. At the consuls discretion a new question may be asked and previous candidates may be brought back in to answer the question. Each candidate for the office will enter the chapter room in order of lowest pin number. The Consul will address the candidate with the question and give the candidate a total of 10-15 minutes to answer all questions. Once all candidates have answered questions and exited the chapter room a closed discussion will begin. Once the discussion has ended voting will begin. Once the election is decided all candidates will be called back into the chapter room and the Consul will congratulate the winner.

Section 5 Terms in Office The term in office for both officers appointed and elected shall be for one year, beginning the first regular meeting following their election appointment with the exception of Rush Chairman, which will end immediately following their second rush. The Magister’s term in office is two (2) pledge classes (from the first pledge classes pinning to the second going active).

nominationfalls below the aforementioned scholastic average or is impeached, , the Executive Committee of the chapter maywill declare his office vacant under the authority and provisions of Statute 7.05. A special election will be held at the next chapter. If at any time the Pro Consul is not satisfied with the current officer, he may ask for a simple majority impeachment vote of the Executive Committee to remove the officer. A top five position must be voted on by the entire chapter. Any officer of the active chapter may be impeached for non-exemplary conduct, conduct unbecoming of a Sigma Chi, or through sanctions imposed by the Judicial Board. Section 7 Appointed Officers A. Subject to the approval of the chapter, the Consul shall appoint such other officers as they deem necessary. B. The appointed officers must meet the standards prescribed for elected officers of the chapter.

Section 1 Committees A. There shall be the following standing committeesEvery officer of the chapter must serve as chairman of a standing committee and meet at least two times a semester.: B. The officer must maintain a list of committee attendance and submit the list after every meeting to the Annotator. A.C. Committee meetings must be announced and chapter and a reminder sent out through the chapter text system before being held. The committee meeting shall also be shown on the chapter calendar. Executive Committee Section 2 Executive Committee A. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the Consul, Pro Consul, Annotator, Quaestor, Magister, House ManagerTribune, Recruitment Chairman, Philanthropy Chairman, Community Service Chairman, Kitchen Steward, Social Chairman, Risk Manager, and Scholarship Academic Chairman, and Public Relations Chairman... B. The Pro Consul shall serve as the chairman of this committee and the Consul serving as ex-officio member. C. The Executive Committee shall meet weekly to plan the chapter meeting agenda and for the purpose of assisting the Consul in the planning and fulfillment of a well-rounded active chapter program. In addition, the executive committee shall ensure that all of the officers and committees have set proper goals for their term of office; shall establish long range goals; and shall conduct an adequate and

regular evaluation of all chapter operations and programs. D. To expediate the chapter meeting and enable the executive committee to better plan chapter operations, each committee and officer report to be heard in the chapter meeting shall first be presented in the executive committee meeting.

E. Every officer must present, to the Annotator, a list of brothers who have completed the requirements of the officer’s position. (ex. Academic Chairman must provide a list of who has completed library hours and who maintain the minimum GPA.)

D.F. The Annotator will maintain a master list of all requirements and brother

standings and update the list at every Executive Committee meeting. E.G. The Annotator shall keep the Executive Committee minutes and post a copy of each executive committee meeting minutes by midnight the following day. . F.H. An Executive Committee meeting may be called at any time with a 24 hour notice upon the approval request of the Pro Consul or Pro Consul. G.I. The Executive Committee has the authority and is required to do the following: 1. Vote on all chapter matters. All matters voted on in Executive Committee must be presented at the following chapter meeting. Executive Committee votes are not valid until ratified by the chapter. 1.2.The chapter ratifies an Executive Committee decision by default. To overturn the Executive Committee vote, five brothers must motion for a chapter vote. A closed Act as it sees fit on violations of the bylaws and house rules.discussion will begin and afterwards a vote will commence. A simple majority will decide the matter. Act as an appellate court to review an appeal of a fineJury Board decision., The appellate decision its decision is to be presentedwill be announced to the Act as a committeeactive on chapter bylaws. at the next regular meeting, such decision 4. Consider and decide house policy in connection with campus/fraternity affairs with special references to campus political parties. 5. Review all bills, motions, and submit recommendations to the active chapter. 6. Act on behalf of the active chapter on questions and policies concerning the chapter when it is not in session. Brothers and pledges may appeal Executive Committee decisions in chapter meetings. The chapter may overrule such decisions of the Executive Committee by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the active voting chapter, a quorum being present. Section 3 The Finance Committee A. The Finance Committee shall be chaired by consist of the Quaestor, Assistant Quaestor (If applicable), the Consul, the Pro Consul, the Chapter Advisor, and the alumni Financial Advisor. tThe Quaestor shall act as chairman. B. The Finance Committee shall meet at least two weeks prior to the first chapter meeting of each fall term to consider and prepare a budget for the entire school year. This budget must be presented to the chapter at the first chapter meetingduring the first month of the fall term and will only be legal after approval by a majority vote of

the chapterthe Executive Committee. The Finance Committee will require the appointment of a qualified person, preferably a Certified Public Accountants, to audit the accounts of the Quaestor. The accounts will be audited at the termination of each Quaestor term of office or more often as the committee shall direct. The accounts must be audited at least once each school year. C. The Ffinance Committee shall require that the Quaestor submit a copy of the budget and of all audits to the chapter, the Chapter Advisor, the House Corporation, the Grand Praetor, and the General Headquarters office of the Fraternity. C. The Finance Committee shall require that the Quaestor submit, in approved accounting form, a monthly written statement of profit, loss, income, and expense breakdown to the chapterExecutive Committee, the Chapter Advisor, the House Corporation, the Grand Fraternity, not later than the 30th of the month for the previous month’s operation. D.E. The Finance Committee shall require that the Quaestor submit to the Chapter Advisor, the House Corporation, the Grand Praetor and the General Headquarters office of the Fraternity, a yearly financial summary of operations for the entire school year. This report must be prepared and distributed no later

than July 1 of each year. The Finance Committee shall be responsible for the Financial Policy of the chapter and its fulfillment, and in addition, any brother who does not abide by the

payment of bills to the chapter shall be subject to such disciplinary action as the Finance CommitteeJudicial Committee deems best. Statute 7.02 of the Sigma Chi Constitution will be invoked whenever necessary.

Section 4 ScholarshipAcademic Committee B. The Scholarship Academic Committee shall be under the direction of the Academic Chairman appointed by the Scholarship Chairmen .and approved by the Consul. The Scholarship Chairmen shall oversee the committee. A.B. The Scholarship Academics Committee shall construct such a program to promote of scholarship academic achievement to which will be benefitcial to both the pledges and the active brothers. The chapter Scholarship Academic Committee shall verify the scholastic eligibility of all brothers who have been nominated for a chapter office. B.C. The Scholarship Academic Chairmen and this body shall the Chapter’s liaison to the Sigma Chi Foundation.

Section 5 Ritual Committee D. The Ritual ChairmanKustos will oversee this committee. He will appoint brothers to his committee with the approval of the Magister and Consul. E. The Ritual Committee shall have complete charge and care of all initiation paraphernalia, the construction of such, and its removal, and shall assist the Consul and the Magister in any duties that may pertain to ritualistic action. F. The Ritual Committee shall plan and administer the Indoctrination- Week schedule.

Section 6 Social Committee A. The Social Committee will be overseen by the Social Chairman. and brothers he selects and approved by the Consul.

B. It The Social Committee shall plan at the beginning of each school year, a tentative social program for the entire year. It also shall be the duty of the Social Committee, after being informed of this allotment provided in the budget as developed by the Finance Committee, to present in writing a tentative budget for each social event planned, which shall become a part of the permanent files of the chapter.

Section 7 Recruitment Committee A. The Recruitment Committee shall be appointed overseen by the Recruitment Chairmen. and approved by the Consul. The Recruitment Chairmen will head the committee. B. The Recruitment Committee will plan and execute all Recruitment functions. It will present a recruiting plan to the chapter for approval proceeding each Recruitment period. B.C. The Recruitment Committee will conduct all recruitment events including Bid night and Pin night.

Section 8 Pledge and Membership Education Committee

A. The Pledge Education Committee shall be composed of the Consul, Magister, and brothers selected be overseen byy the Magister. and approved by the Consul. The Magister will act as chairman. B. The committee’s duties shall be: formulation, definition, interpretation, and integration of all pledge education activities and policies, subject to approval of the active chapter and in close cooperation with the Magister.

Section 9 Campus and Public Relations Committee A. The Campus and Public Relations Committee shall becomposed of the Public Relations Chairman, who shall head the committee, the Chapter Editor, and brothers they appoint.overseen by the Tribune. B. The Campus and Public Relations Committee shall analyze, develop and promote a program of extracurricular activities among brothers; keep track of all activities being participated in by brothers, and pledges, and alumni; maintain close contact with student offices and alumni, keeping a list of vacancies in campus positions; and develop other functions which will bring Sigma Chi in a favored position in the minds of the campus and and community.

A. Chairman and brothers selected by the Alumni Relations Chairman and approved by the Consul. F.D. The committee’s duties shall be: 1. To maintain a correct alumni mailing list. 2. To formally invite all alumni to chapter functions.

3. To be a liaison between the chapter and relations program. 4. Plan yearly recognition dinner for House Corporation and Chapter Advisor. 5. Work with the Social Committee on alumni portion of Homecoming activities, and assist in the program of chapter publications. 6. Maintain regular chapter updates to alumni once a month.

Section 11 Parent Relations Dad’s Day Committee A. The Parent Relations Dad’s Day Committee shall consist be overseen byof the Parent Relations Dad’s Day Chairmen. and brothers appointed by the Consul. B. The Parent Relations Dad’s Day Committee shall plan, organize, and host Dad’s Day and Mom’s Day. These events must be planned at least one month in advance to allow time for parents to adjust work schedules and make travel closely with the executive officers in selecting a project to improve the Epsilon Omega Chapter as a whole. This committee will investigate possibilities of improvement and report to the active chapter with a recommendation. The active voting chapter will have the final vote.

Section 13 Bylaws Committee A. The Bylaws Committee shall consist of the Annotator as Chairman and the Executive Committee. B. The Bylaws Committee shall meet at the beginning of each academic yearsemester to discuss in detail the bylaws of the Epsilon Omega Chapter, and make recommendations and suggestions to the active chapter. It shall be the duty of the Bylaws Committee to keep the bylaws up-to-date.

Section 14 Peterson Committee A. The Peterson Committee shall be headed by the Peterson Chairman and consist of the Executive Committee. B. The Peterson Committee shall be responsible for submitting to the General Fraternity Headquarters an application for the Peterson Significant Chapter Award.

Section 15 Special Committees A. The Executive Committee, shall at the suggestion from either the Consul or the active chapter, authorize the appointment of any special committees.

Article V Finances

Section 1 Pledge Fees A. Pledge fees of the Epsilon Omega Chapter shall be $120.00, which shall be paid at the time when active dues are paid (In addition to the General Fraternity fee of $90.00 to be paid at the time of pledging for a copy of the Norman Shield and pledge pin).

Section 2 Initiation Fees A. The initiation fee of the Epsilon Omega Chapter shall be $220.00, which shall be paid prior to the formal initiation ceremony with the allocation of $175.00 to the General Fraternity to cover the cost of the badge and registration fee.

Section 3 Active Member Semester Dues A. The semester dues of the Epsilon Omega Chapter will be $35010.050, from which allocations will be made to a social program and the active chapter program, but which will be collected as one fee. B. Any brother involved with an organization on campus will be allotted a discount of $20.00 total for the academic year.

Section 4 Special Status Member Semester Dues A. Brothers recognized as Special Status members as described in Article I, Section V will be required to pay the amount of $85.00 to account for theses members individual IFC and General Fraternity dues.

Section 5 Semi-Annual Dues to the General Fraternity A. The Quaestor and Annotator shall submit these dues to the Executive Secretary along with the Semi-Annual Report before the prescribed deadline for submission.

Section 6 Payment Plans A. The chapter shall have three payment plans as provided in this policy.

1. Two equal payments during the year. a. The first payment shall be due on the first day of the Fall Semester and will be considered delinquent if not received by midnight on the thirty-first day of the semester. b. The second payment shall be due on the first day of the Spring Semester and will be considered delinquent if not received by midnight on the thirty-first day of the semester.

2. A monthly payment plan in which the payment shall be due on the first day of the academic year and will be considered delinquent if not received by midnight thirty-one (31) days thereafter. 3. An annual payment plan in which the payment shall be due on the first day of the academic year and will be considered delinquent if not received by midnight thirty-one (31) days thereafter. B. All payments are due at the respective due date according to the payment plan chosen. All payments no received by the respective due date will be subject to the 7, 30, 60, day delinquent policy. 1. 7 days after the due date there will be a $25 late fee and an additional $25 charge for every month after that until a minimum payment is made (the minimum payment amount will be determined by the Quaestor). 2. 30 days with no payment will result in another $25 late charge in addition to the 30 day late fee and financial suspension procedures will begin. 3. 60 days without a payment to the chapter will result in a third $25 late fee, the member in question’s account status will be turned over to an outside collection agency, and financial suspension forms will be submitted to headquarters. C. Payment plans must be approved by the financial committee of the Epsilon Omega Chapter and will be approved only when deemed necessary. The need for a particular payment plan will be assessed on and individual basis.

Section 7 Financial Suspension A. Financial suspension proceedings will begin when any brother becomes delinquent. B. Financial suspension shall be carried out as prescribed in the Sigma Chi Statute 7.02. C. Once a brother is expelled from the chapter, a local collection agency shall be contacted to recover the money rightfully owed to the chapter and fraternity. D. Brothers who are financially suspended, or are in the process of being suspended or expelled, or are not current with their financial obligations to the chapter shall abide by the following stipulations. a. Said brother will not be allowed to attend or participate in any chapter activities including, but not limited to, social/brotherhood events and intramural sports. b. If said brother lives in the house, he will be served notice that he will have to find another place of residence within thirty (30) days or pay his bill. Additionally, he will not be allowed to take advantage of the chapter’s meal service.

Section 8 Occupancy of the Chapter House and Participation in Events A. No brother will be allowed to move into the house at the beginning of any semester unless he has completed a housing contact and he and his parents have

signed it. The brother must also be current in his financial obligation to the chapter as outlined in this document. B. No brother will be allowed to participate in any chapter activities including, but not limited to, social/brotherhood events and intramurals, if he is not current with financial standing.

Section 9 Education and Prevention A. The bylaws shall be given to all pledges at their first pledge meeting where the Quaestor will address the pledge class about their financial responsibility. The Quaestor will also review the policy with the chapter annually. B. Upon initiation each new brother shall: 1. Fill out a financial policy under the guidance of the Quaestor. The brother and his parents shall sign the policy. 2. Fill out his financial suspension form (Form 50) to be kept in the chapter files.

Section 10 Fines A. A record of fines shall be kept by the Quaestor and shall be indicated on the first subsequent monthly bill. B. Any brother who is delinquent in the payment of fines shall be subject to the provisions concerning non-payment of bills as set forth in Article V, Section 6. C. All members of the active chapter, both officers and brothers shall be authorized to administer fines. It will take the observation of one (1) active member to administer fines. It will take the observation of one (1) active member to administer fines on alleged offenders, which shall be presented to the Pro Consul

in writing. D. All fines shall be subject to appeal to the Executive Committee within one (1) week after being levied. After one (1) week, fines will not be appealed. 1. Any fine being appealed must be submitted in writing to the Pro Consul before the scheduled Executive Committee meeting, the week directly following the said fine being levied. E. All brothers will take full responsibility for the actions of any of their guests. All fines obtained by that said guest shall be paid, in full, by the brother whose guest is in question.

F. Finable offenses will be limited to the following actions: 1. A brother absent from any scheduled chapter meeting with out legal excuse shall be fined $10.00 2. A fine of $10.00 will be assessed to any brother or pledge for parking under any of the following four (4) circumstances: a. In the cooks designated parking spaces during their working house. Working hours shall be defined as weekdays from 6:00 AM until 6:00 PM.

b. Any brother or pledge who deliberately parks in the yard, with the exception of special weekend activities. c. Any brother who parks in the front spaces directly behind the house (north/south orientation) that is not of junior or senior status. d. Any brother that parks in the spaces in front of the house at any time. 3. Any brother absent from the Ceremonies of Initiation without a legal excuse as provided for in Article II, Section 4 of these bylaws shall be fined $50.00. 4. Any brother who has not completed his Post-Initiation Training work by the Wednesday of the Indoctrination Week of the next pledge class shall be fined $50.00 and shall be fined $50.00 for every subsequent Initiation. 5. There will be an automatic $50.00 fine for any brother drinking alcohol during, or prior to, the initiation activities, Friday night of Initiation week. 6. A fine of $25.00 plus damages will be assessed to any brother or pledge caught with any substance (i.e. food and/or drink) in the chapter formal that could be destructive to the chapter house. 7. Any brother or pledge who is found guilty by the Executive Committee of damaging any part of the house or objects within will be assessed a fine of $10.00 and suffer one or both of the following consequences: a. He will be required to repair or replace the damages he is accountable for. He will also be accountable for the costs incurred. He must meet a time deadline set by the Consul and House Manager. b. If the time deadline is not met, he will be put on social and athletic probation and will be charged for the costs to make the proper repairs or replacements. c. If either the Consul or House Manager is found guilty of the damage, the Executive Committee will determine the proper fines and time period. 7. After two unexcused absences, a fine of $10.00 will be assessed to any brother missing any mandatory meeting without legal excuses as provided for in Article II, Section 4. 8. A fine of $20.00 will be assessed to any brother or pledge that is found smoking in the chapter house. 9. One member of the Executive Committee or the Consul will be responsible for being sober and working security the entire evening of a party. Working security consists of following the Risk Management Policy. The Risk Manager appoints what E.C. member will be the “Sober Exec.” At what party. Failure to abide to this policy will result in a $25.00 fine and will be subject to working another date. 9. Any brother who fails to show up for the reported athletic game will be fined $10.00 plus the registration fee the house loses. Formatted: Justified, Indent: Left: 0.25", Right: 0.03", Line spacing: Multiple 0.93 li, Don't allow hanging punctuation

12. Any brother who does not attend a Recruitment function shall be fined $5.00. Brothers are allowed one (1) unexcused absence. Excused absences shall consist of class, work, going home, meetings, sizable homework assignments, or any other responsible excuse. If you are not able to attend any rush function you must tell the Rush Chairman, Consul, or Pro Consul

by 2:00 PM the day the rush event is to be missed. 13. Any active brother that does not attain a GPA between a 2.60 to a 2.20 in a given semester will be required to attend study tables for six (6) hours the following semester per one (1) week, a 2.199 to a 1.60 for nine (9) hours the following semester per one (1) week, or a 1.599 or lower for twelve (12) hours the following semester per one (1) week. This does not pertain to summer semesters. Two (2) of these hours per week may be with a tutoring session. A failure to fulfill this requirement will lead to one (1)

sober driving shift for each week not fulfilled. 13. A fine of $20.00 will be assessed to any brother or pledge that is found eating and/or drinking in the chapters study room. 13. A fine of $5.00 will be assessed to any brother or pledge that is found using smokeless tobacco in the chapters study room. 14. If, for wrongdoing, a brother’s name appears on a police report, he may be fined $50.00.

15. If a brother is arrested he may be fined $100. 15. Any brother who moves out of the chapter house during the signed contract academic year, with the reason being mid-year graduation or quitting school, will be fined $25.00. G. Any brother or pledge that has an outstanding fine to the chapter, prior to the sign- up of an event will not be able to participate in the event representing the Sigma Chi Fraternity (i.e. intramural events, Greek Week, Derby Days, or any payment required social events). If the brother or pledge cannot make his payment for serious financial reasons, he can begin a payment plan, and if the first payment is made by the sign-up of that event, he can participate. NOTE: Philanthropic events are excluded from this provision.

Article VI Amendments

Section 1 Procedure to make Amendments A. To amend these bylaws, a proposal must be presented to the Executive Committee in writing, after the proposal it shall be presented at the next regular chapter meeting.

Section 2 Waiving a Bylaw A. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the active voting chapter shall be necessary to waive a bylaw.

Article VII Conduct

Section 1 Personal Conduct A. Each brother and pledge shall conduct himself as a gentleman and in a manner which shall preclude any conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline or unbecoming of a member of the Sigma Chi Fraternity within the meaning of its laws while he is on the chapter grounds, engaged in a chapter related function, or is engaged in any activities which shall be a reflection on the chapter because

of his actions. B. Any violation of the foregoing ruling shall be subject to the disciplinary action of the Judicial Board.

Section 2 Conduct with Pledges A. Every active shall treat the pledges of the chapter with a high respect and esteem emulating the ideals of the White Cross. B. Any brother in violation of the foregoing ruling shall be subject to the disciplinary action of the Judicial Board and at their discretion be subject to the action as put forth in Statute 7.01 of the Governing Laws.

Section 3 Judicial Board

A. The purpose of the Judicial Board shall be to: 1. Respond fairly and decisively to brothers and pledges that have brought dishonor to the chapter and fraternity through their actions at any time, either while at a chapter sponsored event or otherwise. 2. Hold brothers accountable for breaking any Sigma Chi statues and/or chapter bylaws. 3. Hold brothers accountable to the nine (9) basic expectations of fraternity members as outlined in the Sigma Chi Code of Conduct as follows: a. I will know and understand the obligations stated in the Jordan Standard, the Sigma Chi Creed, and the ideals expressed in the Sigma Chi Ritual and will strive to incorporate them in my daily life. b. I will strive for academic achievement and practice academic integrity. c. I will respect the dignity of all persons; therefore, I will not physically, mentally, psychologically, or sexually abuse or haze any human beings. d. I will protect the health and safety of all human beings. e. I will respect my property and the property of others; therefore, I will neither abuse nor tolerate the abuse of property. f. I will meet my financial obligations in a timely manner.

g. I will neither use nor support the use of illegal drugs; I will neither abuse nor support the abuse of alcohol. h. I will acknowledge that a clean and attractive environment is essential to both physical and mental health; therefore I will do all in my power to see that the chapter property is properly cleaned and maintained. i. I will challenge all my fraternity members to abide by these fraternal expectations and will confront those who violate them. 4. Discipline brother for other offenses as called for by the chapter Executive Committee or any alumnus. B. The Judicial Board shall consist of the: 1. Pro Consul, who will serve as chairman 2. Public Relations Chairman 3. Three (3) brothers elected by the chapter C. The members of the board shall be elected every six (6) months or as necessary in the case of membership resignation. Section 4 Judicial Process A. Accusation 1. The chapter Consul or member of the Executive Committee is informed by: a. A witness b. Another brother c. The Interfraternity Council d. The University e. Other credible source. 2. The executive committee, if appropriate, will automatically put the brothers(s) involved in the incident on immediate suspension from all chapter activities (social events, intramural sports, pledge interaction, etc.) for a period not to exceed fifteen (15) days pending the outcome of an investigation and decision by the Judicial Board. B. Investigation of Incident 1. The Consul shall contact the Pro Consul who will notify the other board members, being collecting facts and, if necessary, set a trial date, which must take place within the fifteen (15) days suspension period. 2. The Pro Consul shall notify the brother(s) accused immediately and give them forty-eight (48) hours to respond to the allegations. Responses should be given to the Consul and Pro Consul. 3. Failure of the brother(s) to reply within the designated time period will result in a please of “no contest”. NOTE: “No Contest” does not imply guild or innocence. C. Trial

1. A trial shall be held on the date set by the Pro Consul, unless the brother admits guilt in which case there is no trial and the Judicial Board shall apply the appropriate punishment. a. The date shall be set far enough in advance to provide participants and witnesses’ ample time and notice to make arrangements to attend. 4. The board shall be present with all the facts and either:

a. Make a decision b. Decide to hear further from the witnesses, those accused and any other person the board decides will be needed. In this case, further testimony will be entertained after which a decision will be rendered.

D. Punishments 1. If the brother(s) are found to be guilty, the punishment shall be assigned by offense. The Judicial Board will levy a first offense punishment from the first tier unless the incident is of a serious enough nature to warrant Conduct Expulsion. On a second offense the Judicial Board shall assign punishment from the second tier, etc. Each time a brother is brought before the Judicial Board during his undergraduate membership he shall be given a higher tier of punishment eve if the incident is different in nature. NOTE: Though the brother(s) will be under the following sanctions, they will not be relieved of chapter financial

obligations or mandatory chapter meeting attendance. 2. All sanctions will be made public to the chapter at the next chapter meeting following the hearing to inform the chapter of the Judicial Boards decision.

3. First Tier a. Ten (10) hours of service to the chapter, university, or community to be decided by the chapter Executive Committee. b. Five (5) hours of study time devoted to reviewing the Sigma Chi Ritual. c. Social suspension from chapter activities (parties, mixers, intramural sports, etc.) for a minimum of twenty (20) days. d. Loss of chapter voting rights for a total of three (3) consecutive, regular or special meetings. e. Verbal reprimand accompanied by a signed agreement which specifically states the guilty party(ies) will not engage in the prohibited activity again. f. If necessary, an acceptable letter of apology shall be written by the brother(s) involved in the incident approved by the Judicial Board Chairman and Consul. NOTE: The above may be replaced and/or supplemented by voluntary emotional or substance abuse counseling.

4. Second Tier a. Fifteen (15) hours of service to the chapter, university, or community to be decided by the chapter Executive Committee. b. Ten (10) hours of study time devoted to reviewing the Sigma Chi Ritual. c. Social suspension from chapter activities (parties, mixers, intramural sports, etc.) for a minimum of twenty (40) days. d. Loss of chapter voting rights for a total of three (6) consecutive, regular or special meetings. e. Verbal reprimand accompanied by a signed agreement which specifically states the guilty party(ies) will not engage in the prohibited activity again. f. If necessary, an acceptable letter of apology shall be written by the brother(s) involved in the incident approved by the Judicial Board Chairman and Consul. NOTE: The above may be replaced and/or supplemented by voluntary emotional or substance abuse counseling. 5. Third Tier a. The chapter will initiate conduct expulsion proceedings pursuant to Statute No. 7.01 of the Sigma Chi Governing Laws and the Executive Committee Regulations 7.01-1 through 7.01-8.

E. Appeals 1. The Chapter Advisor and the House Corporation President shall hear any appeal within fifteen (15) days of the decision by the Judicial Board. To file an appeal, the brother(s) must make a written request to the Pro Consul and Consul who will forward the information to the Chapter Advisor and House Corporation President with the transcripts for the

trial within three (3) days. 2. Before an appeal is heard, there must be proof that due process was not served (i.e. right to face accuser, right to be privy of all evidence, right to an appeal, and the right not to testify against oneself).

Article VIII General

Section 1 Distribution of Bylaws A. All active members and pledges shall be responsible for the knowledge of all chapter bylaws and amendments to the bylaws. B. The Magister is responsible for giving each pledge a copy of the bylaws and house rules and seeing that he is familiar with them within three (3) weeks of his formal pledging. C. Each brother is entitled to a copy of the bylaws and house rules. In addition, copies shall be given to the Chapter Advisor, grand Praetor, and the General Fraternity Headquarters. Availability of the bylaws shall be the responsibility of the Pro Consul.

Section 2 Reading of the Bylaws A. The Consul shall be responsible for the complete ready of these bylaws in a regular active chapter meeting at least twice a year.

Section 3 Regulations Regarding Active Chapter Bylaws A. (Sigma Chi Constitution, Statue 6.02 b) Active chapters shall adopt bylaws for the government and for the regulation and control of their revenues and property and shall file a copy thereof with the Executive Secretary immediately upon adoption; provided, that no such bylaw shall be valid which conflicts with any provision of the General Fraternity’s Constitution, Statutes, Ritual, or any enactment of the fraternity.

Section 4 Illegal Drugs, Immorality, and Marijuana A. The Sigma Chi Fraternity and the Epsilon Omega Chapter do not condone the possession, use, or sale of illegal drugs or marijuana. B. There should be no illegal drugs or marijuana present at any function associated with Sigma Chi or any other function where Sigma Chi is represented or on any property owned or operated by Sigma Chi or the Sigma Chi Housing Corporation. Any brother or pledge with possession, control, the use of, or selling any type of illegal drug or substance on Sigma Chi property will result in Conduct Expulsion. Sigma chi property shall be defined as any property controlled or owned by the Sigma Chi General Fraternity and/or the Epsilon Omega Housing Corporation (i.e. chapter house, adjoining land, within and automobile on adjoining land, and any Epsilon

Omega sponsored event such as Closed Dance.) C. Any brother or pledge caught stealing, illegally entering, or damaging the property of another brother or pledge shall be subject to legal prosecution and immediate conduct expulsion. D. If, for wrong doing, a brother’s name appears on a police report submitted to the Interfraternity Council’s Advisor, he can be penalized in the following ways:

a. He shall lose the right to vote for twenty (20) regular meetings of the chapter and in all consideration sessions for rush during that time. b. He will not participate in any intramural activity under the name of Sigma Chi for the same time period described above. c. He will not participate in any campus events for the same time period described above under the name Sigma Chi (i.e. Bike-A-Thon, Watermelon Bust, etc.) d. He will no participate in any Sigma Chi social function for the house for the same time period as described above.

e. He will be fined according to Article V Section 5. E. If an arrest is made, this individual can be penalized in the same manner; except the time period would be extended to forty (40) regular chapter meetings and fined according to Article V Section 5. F. A seven (7) member Judicial Board consisting of the Consul, Chapter Advisor(s), and brothers appointed by the Consul shall make the decision on the excessiveness of the penalties. The Judicial Board shall meet within seven (7) days from the date on the report and/or arrest. G. The penalties described above shall be effective immediately upon the decision of the Judicial Board. The fine, if assessed, shall be paid within ninety (90) days. H. If the Judicial Board sees a need for possible conduct expulsion, they shall follow the Executive Committee regulations and discipline.

Section 5 Chapter House Occupancy A. The House Corporation shall be responsible for determining the method of which residency in the Epsilon Omega Chapter house is granted.

B. It shall be filled to capacity each semester. C. All officers and chairmen shall be required to live in the chapter house of the duration of their terms.

Section 6 Room Assignments A. No person shall live in the Epsilon Omega Chapter house that is not a brother or pledge of the Epsilon Omega Chapter of the Sigma Chi Fraternity. B. Before a pledge of the Epsilon Omega Chapter may live in the house, he must receive a majority of the votes of the active chapter in his favor. C. No brother shall move into the Epsilon Omega chapter house unless he has maintained an accumulative grade point average of 2.60 on a 4.000 scale. This shall be waived if the house is not at capacity. D. At the second regular chapter meeting in April, rooms shall be assigned for the ensuing school year. Such assignments shall be decided by a system of priority grouping as hereinafter provided. 1. The Executive Committee shall decide priority of seniority. 2. Active brother room priorities will be determined by the following criteria and in the following order.

a. Active brother’s number of successive semester in the room b. Active brother’s number of successive semester in the chapter house.

c. Initiation number of the active brother. E. Active brothers who plan to live in the chapter house for the ensuing school year must notify the House Manager which room and with whom he plans to live with by April 1 of the current year. Failure to do so will result in the loss of all priorities and the House Manager will then assign rooms as he deems acceptable. F. Active brothers who plan to live in the chapter house for the ensuing school year must present a signed contract to the House Manager by April 1 of the current year. Failure to do so will result in the loss of all priorities and the House Manager will then assign rooms as he deems acceptable. G. If a brother moves out of the chapter house for any reason other than internship, student teaching, sickness, or study abroad he forfeits his initiation number priority. If he desires to move back into the house, his name is place at the end of the current waiting list. H. The chapter house shall be full at all times during the academic school year (fall and spring semesters). I. The Epsilon Omega Housing Corporation shall determine the number that forms a . All brothers are required to live in the chapter house at least two (2) years during his status as an active member, should a vacancy require them to do so. J. If, at any time the chapter house is not full, the brothers owing time to the house will split the cost of all vacant rooms equally. If not time is owed to the house, the active brothers will divide the cost of the vacancy equally.

K. Married brothers and alumni are excluded from the cost described above. L. Any brother who moves out of the chapter house during the signed contract academic year, with the reason being mid-year graduation or quitting school, will forfeit his room deposit and be fined according to Article V Section 5. M. Each brother is required to move into the chapter house the year immediately following his initiation. N. Any brother not living in the chapter house during the academic school year shall pay a “parlor fee” to the active chapter. O. The Epsilon Omega Financial Committee shall decide the amount of the “parlor fee”.

Section 7 Study Room Key Distribution A. Study room keys will be distributed to any active brother who desires to obtain one. B. Any brother who fails to return the original issued key or loses the original key and desires a replacement key will automatically be fined $20.00. C. The Technology Chairman will collect all keys by the last day of finals. Any outstanding keys will automatically be fined $20.00.

D. Each academic year study room keys will be distributed after the first regular chapter meeting.

Section 8 Social Regulations and Chapter Meetings A. Brothers who are unexcused from five or more chapter meetings or leave chapter without a legal excuse in a given semester will not be allowed to attend any date functions for the remained of that semester.

Section 9 Community Service Hours A. Brothers are required to complete 10 hours of community service per semester. For every hour incomplete a $10.00 fine will be issued. If active brother is involved in extra curricular outside of Greek life only required to do 5 hours.

Article IX – Epsilon Omega Sober Sig Program

Section 1 General B. Every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night, minimum 2 people will be responsible for the transportation from the house of any individual and back to the chapter house of brothers and pledges only between the hours of 9:00 pm and 3:00 am. i. *Pledges will have at least 13 days off between the last time they worked as sober sigs and the next time they will be eligible to work again. In the Spring, where Pledge Classes are much smaller, if there aren't enough pledges for the rotation to allow them 13 days off, then brothers will be selected to fill in their spots.* Section 2 Determining Sober Drivers A. Two pledges will be required to be sober drivers on Thursday nights if it is deemed necessary by the Consul or Risk Manager. B. One Brother and one pledge will be required to be sober drivers on Fridays and Saturdays. C. During any house event where alcohol may be consumed (A “house” event will be defined as any event at the chapter house or other location where the number of Sigma Chi’s present makes up the majority of guests and the event can be considered a Sigma Chi event), at least two pledges will be required to

be sober drivers for the duration of the event. D. Pledges will be determined based on the following criteria in the following order: whoever signed up for Call Duty for the night, volunteer, randomly (i.e. draw of

a hat), or by scores on Pledge exams. Magister will have final say. E. Brothers will be determined based on the following criteria in the following order: judicial board orders, volunteer, house pin order, randomly (i.e. draw of a hat). F. Risk Manager and Consul will have the responsibility of appointing or assigning extra sober drivers or variations in the sober sig schedule at their discretion if they see a need for it. G. Sober drivers are required to stay sober for the entire night. Section 4 Exceptions A. If brother or pledge has a proper legal excuse, the Risk Manager may excuse him for the night and make arrangements for him to work another night. B. If brother or pledge does not have transportation or can make use of one, said brother is required to find a substitute and must let the Risk Manager know at least 48 hrs in advance. Section 5 Penalties A. If brother or pledge is found to have consumed ANY alcohol at all during the night he is required to be Sober Sig, he will be fined $50.00 and will be brought up for Judicial Board or Membership Review.

B. If brother or pledge does not full-fill his duties during the night he is required to be Sober Sig, he will be fined $50.00 and will be brought up for Judicial Board or Membership Review. C. Any Brother or pledge brought up for Judicial Board or Membership Review for reasons outlined above, will be banned from participating in any intramurals, brotherhood events, or social functions until his Judicial Board Hearing. Section 6 Sober Security A. A minimum of two pledges or brothers, and the Risk Manager or assigned Sober Executive will be required to work security on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.

B. Security is responsible for checking in guests, and maintaining the safety of the house throughout the event. C. Sober Security is chosen in the order of Judicial board orders, volunteer, and pin order. D. Security has the right to turn away a guest if they feel the guest is too intoxicated or does not know a brother. E. Security is required to start at 9 p.m. and work until the Risk Manager or assigned Sober Executive feel the social event is over and the use of security is no longer required. F. If a brother is unable to work security the night that they are assigned, a replacement must be found and the Risk Manager must be notified of the changes at least 48 hrs before the assigned night. G. Failure to perform said duties will result in a $25 fine.

Article X – Epsilon Omega Chapter Awards

Section 1 Chapter Sweetheart Award A. This award is present annually to “the girl of our dreams” who is lavaliered, pinned, or engaged to an active brother of the Epsilon Omega Chapter of the Sigma Chi Fraternity. B. Any girl who meets these qualification is eligible to become the Sweetheart of Sigma Chi. C. Criteria 1. Beauty 2. Personality 3. Campus accomplishments 4. Service to the chapter, etc. D. Vote 1. The entire active chapter based on a majority vote.

Section 2 James D Yunker Outstanding Senior Brother Award

A. This award is presented annually to the most outstanding graduating senior(s) who has “worn the White Cross in a manner the seven founders would have commended.” B. Criteria 1. Fraternity service in all areas. 2. Grades. 3. Personality. 4. All of these are to be looked at within the fraternity aspect. C. Vote 1. The entire active chapter based on a majority vote.

Section 4 Outstanding Senior Intramural Athlete Award A. This award is presented annually to the most outstanding graduating senior(s) who have devoted many hours of time and effort to the chapter’s intramural teams. B. Criteria 1. Years of service. 2. Versatility. 3. Number of events participated in. 4. Dedication. 5. Ability, etc. C. Vote 1. The entire chapter based on a majority vote.

Section 5 Outstanding Intercollegiate Athlete Award A. This award is presented annually to graduating senior(s) who has nobly represented the fraternity in Ball State athletics. B. Criteria 1. Earned a varsity letter. 2. Years of participation. 3. Dedication. 4. Ability, etc. C. Vote 1. The entire chapter based on a majority vote.

Section 6 Outstanding Officer Award A. This award is presented annually to the officer(s) who, through his particular office, had performed above and beyond that call of duty. B. Criteria 1. Outstanding at performing the duties of his office. 2. Efficiency. 3. Promptness. 4. Input into other chapter decisions, etc.

C. Vote 1. The Consul selects the recipient of this award.

2017 Point System


Everyone (not holding a position or not a senior) Will Start with 285 Points, Top 8 positions will start with 300, rest of EC will start with 290, Seniors will start with 295 You can earn extra points for things such as but not limited to;

• Academic Achievements (10 pts) • Extra Effort within the fraternity (volunteering to sober, helping out with other positions, Etc..) (5 pts) • Perfect Chapter attendance (10 pts) • Sig Sig (2 pts) • Highest amount raised for Derby Days (15 pts) • Ogl/Ifc events (5 pts) • Being in another school organization (5 pts) • Holding a position in another organization (10 pts) • P4B Participation (5 pts) • Ritual Parts (10 pts) • Going to an intramural game (2 pts) • States day (10 pts) • Community service (5 pts per every 2 hours)

▪ Can lose points for things such as but not limited to; Jboards, Lack of participation, multiple chapter absences, missing kitchen duty, not helping clean after parties or when the house needs it. Disrespecting other Fraternities, not paying dues (Can Discuss point amount with all of EC)

▪ Pin will still be in place only for chapter speaking order, room assignments (This Includes Formals), and Little Bros

▪ Will have a brother of the month, brother of the month will be the brother who earned the most points that month, we can buy his booze for the next weekend.

*Need to have at least 275 points to go to formal/Extravaganza* 230 and below is social probo

point committee has say over amount of points.

(Added By Saxton Barnes, October 17, 2017)