Volume 17, Number 1, Spring 2007 33

Th e Taste of Mushrooms

Robert M. Hallock*

Introduction toes. Savory taste is exemplifi ed by a chemical called monosodium glutamate (MSG), which is a THE TASTE AND smell of mushrooms are im- common food additive. MSG is composed of an portant for both the identifi cation of species and , glutamate, and sodium, which is an for the oro-sensory sensations one experiences exemplar of salty taste. A second component of while eating them. Several issues regarding gusta- fl avor is smell. Our olfactory systems are capable tion and olfaction are important to the mycopha- of detecting around 10,000 diff erent smells. gist and will be discussed here. First, perceptions Th ese various smells, when combined with taste, of the taste, smell, and texture of mushrooms often yield a unique oro-sensory experience. Th e will be diff erentiated and discussed. Th is will be last components of fl avor are the spiciness, physi- followed by a discussion of sensory defi cits that cal temperature, and general texture of the food, can impair the taste or smell systems and lead to which are all signaled by the trigeminal nerve. particular problems either identifying or eating Spiciness can range from a mild tingly sensa- mushrooms. Special consideration will be given tion caused by spearmint to the painful burning to those who cannot taste bitter compounds and evoked by a spicy pepper or Russula emetica. the potential that exists for these people to mis- Mushroom books often use adjectives to describe identify particular species of mushrooms. the “taste” of mushrooms that include all of these Th e fl avor experienced from eating mush- components of fl avor. Although many mushroom rooms, or any other food, comes from a combina- identifi cation books describe the odor or taste of tion of taste, texture, temperature, spiciness, and mushrooms as useful diagnostic characteristics, aromatic qualities (Zasler et al., 1992). Since this many books unfortunately ignore them. Th e taste review primarily deals with taste, it is important of mushrooms will now be explored in depth, to briefl y defi ne and diff erentiate these concepts. giving specifi c attention to what contributes to a Taste is one component of fl avor and is thought given taste. to be limited to the perception of sweet, sour, Taste salty, bitter, and savory. See Figure 1 for a chart depicting the components of fl avor. Receptors Th e taste of Agaricus bisporus is often described as for these fi ve taste qualities are contained in “mild” or “meaty” and is best typifi ed by the taste taste buds, which are located on the palate (top quality “savory” because of its high amino acid of the mouth) and pharynx (back of the throat), content. To account for the taste of this mush- as well as the tongue. Despite what is commonly believed, taste receptors on all portions of the

oral cavity respond equally well to the diff erent Flavor➝ tastants (see Smith and Margolskee, 2001, for a review of this topic). ➝ ➝ ➝ ➝ ➝ Savory or “meaty” is the taste quality rep- Spiciness Odor Taste Texture Temperature resented by amino acids, or protein. Foods rich ➝ in amino acids include mushrooms, fi sh, meats, ➝ ➝ ➝ ➝ ➝ cheese, and some vegetables like kelp and toma- Sweet Sour Salt Bitter Savory * Rocky Mountain Taste and Smell Center, Cell & Developmental Biology, University of Figure 1. Th is fl owchart depicts the multiple Colorado Health Sciences Center, Aurora, CO components of fl avor as well as the fi ve basic taste 80045, [email protected], qualities. McIlvainea 17 (1) Spring 2007 33 34 McIlvainea






grams of glutamic acid 0 chicken salmon tomatoes kelp L. edodes P. ostr. A. bisporus

Figure 2: Mushrooms have high levels of glutamic acid. Th is is a graph that depicts the number of grams of glutamic acid per 100 g of various protein rich meats, vegetables, and fungi. L. edodes, Lentinula edodes; P. ostr, Pleurotus ostreatus; A bisporus, Agaricus bisporus. Data from the USDA. room, we will explore its components. According and Eaker, 1992). One amino acid in particular, to the United States Department of Agriculture glutamic acid, is present in high concentrations (USDA) nutrient data laboratory, 100 g of raw in most of these mushrooms. Figure 2 shows the Agaricus bisporus contains 92.43 g of water, 3.09 amount of glutamic acid in several commercially g of protein (amino acids), 0.34 g of fat, 1.65 g of available mushrooms alongside other foods that sugars, 1.0 g of fi ber, 422.39 mg of minerals, and are traditionally considered rich in amino acids 7.83 mg of vitamins. Th is Agaricus species con- and good examples of savory foods. tains all 10 of the essential amino acids (ones that MSG and other amino acids are fl avor en- cannot be synthesized by the body), and a total of hancers and increase the palatability (pleasant- 18 of the 20 amino acids, lacking only asparagine ness) of foods (Bellisle, 1998; Halpern, 2000; and glutamine. Importantly, lysine, the most dif- Pres cott, 2001; Yamaguchi and Ninomiya, 2000). fi cult amino acid to obtain in vegan diets, is the Prescott (2001) had groups of people taste salmon fi fth most plentiful amino acid in A. bisporus. cakes, chicken soup, and spring rolls, both with One hundred grams of this mushroom accounts and without the addition of MSG, and had the for 6.18% of the daily recommended allowance participants rate the foods on richness, accept- (based on a 2000 calorie/day diet) of protein, ability, saltiness, sweetness, and natural taste. He 0.52% of the allowance of fat, and 4% of the daily found that adding MSG to each of these foods allowance of fi ber. Th is mushroom thus provides signifi cantly increased subjective ratings of rich- a rich source of complete proteins while being a ness and acceptability. Two of the three foods low-fat food source, and is of particu lar benefi t to were reported to be saltier with the addition of those individuals on a vegan diet who need alter- MSG, while “sweetness” and “natural taste” did nate sources of the essential amino acids. not increase. Yamaguchi and Ninomiya (2000) Other commercially available and com- described results from the United States Army, monly consumed mushrooms such as Flammuli- who tested the eff ects of MSG on food prefer- na veluptipes (USDA), Lentinula edodes (USDA), ences 50 years ago. Of the 50 foods or recipes that Morchella deliciosa (Rotzoll et al., 2006), Pleurotus they added MSG to, results showed that 28 foods eryngii (Mau et al., 1998), P. ostreatus (Bano and or recipes were improved with MSG, 18 were Rajarathnam, 1988), and Ustilago maydis (Lizar- unchanged, and four worsened. Certain types of raga-Guerra and Lopez, 1996) contain similarly foods were improved with the addition of MSG, high amounts of amino acids. A commonly avail- while other kinds of foods tasted worse after addi- able commercially available mushroom, Canthar- tion of MSG. Meat, fi sh, and canned vegetables ellus cibarius, is comprised of 10% protein (Danell or recipes containing these foods were improved Volume 17, Number 1, Spring 2007 35

Figure 3: Mushrooms representative of sweet, sour, bitter, and umami tastes. felleus (bitter: top left), Gomphus fl occosus (sour: top right), Clavariadelphus truncatus (sweet: bottom left), and Armillaria mellea (savory: bottom right). Photo of C. truncatus courtesy of Marie Heerkens, other photos courtesy of David W. Fischer/AmericanMushrooms.com. by MSG. Interestingly, this indicates that adding between the small and large fruiting bodies, the MSG to amino acid rich foods further enhances base of the mushroom contained 56% less amino their fl avor. Th is implies that adding mushrooms acids than were contained in the fruiting bodies. to other protein rich foods increases overall pal- Conversely, the base of the mushroom contained atability. Conversely, cereals, milk products, or 65% more sugars than the large and small fruit- sweet-fl avored recipes were made worse by the ing bodies, which contained similar amounts to addition of MSG. One could posit that adding each other. Although the main fruit body and the mushrooms to similar food types would make base of the mushroom contain diff erent propor- them unpalatable, but this might best be left to tions of nutrients, they are both consumable. individual experimentation. Appropriately, the authors concluded that both Recent research in mushrooms has focused parts of this mushroom should be prepared for on quantifying the various amino acids present in the table. commercially available mushrooms. Taking this a Rotzoll et al. (2006) analyzed the individual step further, Mau et al. (1998) examined amino chemical components of the common morel, acid and sugar concentrations in three diff erent synthesized a solution that contained similar pro- parts of the king oyster mushroom, Pleurotus portions of these chemicals, and then sought to eryngii. Th ey separately analyzed large fruiting defi ne which chemicals were critical to the natural bodies, small fruiting bodies, and the base of morel taste. In the fi rst part of their experiment, clusters of the cultivated mushroom. Although they isolated 33 taste compounds that were pres- concentrations of amino acids were largely similar ent in the morel, and then determined their con- 36 McIlvainea centration in the morel. Th e 33 stimuli were then foods are readily avoided. Tylopilus felleus and divided into categories based on their known taste Gymnopilus spectabilis are two examples of bitter characteristics: there were fi ve savory compounds, mushrooms. Bitter taste is generally associated seven “sour and mouth-drying com pounds,” with toxic stimuli, and bitter foods are readily ten sweet, six bitter, and fi ve salty compounds. avoided as well. Th e full repertoire of bitter com- Next, they presented the individual compounds pounds in fungi is still incompletely understood, to participants to determine whether they were and warrants further research to uncover whether present at detectable or subthreshold levels. Of the bitter compounds in fungi bind to the same the 33 stimuli, only one savory compound, fi ve taste receptors as bitter compounds from plants. sour/mouth-drying compounds, and one of the Th e low amount of sugars found in mushrooms sweet chemicals were present at supra-threshold explains why they are generally not characterized levels; the other 26 stimuli were not detected. as sweet. However, Clavariadelphus truncatus and Th e authors concluded that the taste of the morel Cantharellus cibarius are two species typically de- primarily arose from the seven supra-threshold scribed as sweet. Only one mushroom species is chemicals. In the second part of their study, they reported to be salty. Th e cap surface of Aureobol- made a composite of all 33 taste stimuli in the etus gentile, a European mushroom, is reported to same concentrations as the natural morel, and taste salty if it is licked. Th is seems to be an excep- termed this the artifi cial taste imitate. Th ey took tion, though, as most mushrooms do not contain this synthetic mixture and then systematically salts. Figure 3 depicts mushrooms representative omitted various groups (e.g. all sweet or sour stim- of four out of the fi ve taste qualities. uli) or individual components (e.g. glutamic acid) and examined how the deletions aff ected the taste Other Sensory Components of the solution. Th e elimination of several of these components (e.g. 5` nucleotides, carbohydrates) Trigeminal: Mushrooms described in the did not result in any diff erence in fl avor. However, fi eld guides with descriptors such as acrid, pep- the removal of all the organic acids resulted in less pery, or burning, all excite the trigeminal nerve, sour and savory taste. Removal of one particular which innervates the tongue and carries the sen- sour/mouth drying stimulus, [?]-aminobutyric sory signals to the brain. Russula brevipies and R. acid (GABA), resulted in less mouth drying, less emetica are good examples, and anyone who has savory taste, and an increased perception of bit- tasted these mushrooms is aware of the burning terness. Removal of glutamic acid, the only amino sensation that overcomes the oral cavity. acid present at supra-threshold levels, resulted in Smell: Th e odors of mushrooms are as nu- less savory taste. Interestingly, removal of all the merous as the number of species themselves. bitter or salty compounds, all of which were pres- Mushrooms vary from the soapy smell of Tri- ent only at subthreshold levels, resulted in a slight- choloma saponaceum to the diffi cult to describe ly reduced taste intensity and complexity. Th is but immediately recognized cinnamon-like odor fi nding demonstrated that even the subthreshold of T. magnivelare. taste stimuli contributed to the overall taste qual- ity of the mixture. In conclusion, the taste of the Sensory Defi cits morel is a complex taste made of many chemicals, Defi cits in smell and taste are widespread and can which likely interact with each other to yield the present a handicap in mushroom identifi cation characteristic morel taste. With this knowledge of and alter the oro-sensory experience of eating the chemical components that comprise the morel them. Common causes of taste and smell defi cits taste, one should not be surprised to see a morel- will be briefl y considered, followed by specifi c like fl avoring substance on the grocery store shelf examples of when these defi cits can lead to the some day. misidentifi cation of mushrooms. Most people Although many common edible mush- who experience a subjective loss of “taste” actu- rooms taste savory, many others typify other ally have smell dysfunctions instead. For example, tastes. Sour-tasting mushrooms like Gomphus at the Monell-Jeff erson Chemosensory Clinical fl occosus contain acid. Traditionally, sour-tasting Research Center (MJC), a total of 547 people foods are associated with spoiled foods, and these complained of taste defi cits. Of these, only 48 Volume 17, Number 1, Spring 2007 37

(8.8%) were found to have measurable defi cits in surgery to any one of the auditory ossicles (Mott, taste (and only two of these people were found to 1992), and dental surgery (Zuniga et al., 1994). have a complete loss of taste). Th e overwhelming Traumatic brain injuries, which also physically majority of the people, 366 (70%), had measur- damage the taste nerves, are wide spread; it is able defi cits in smell (174 of these people had reported that one in every 200 people who suff er anosmia, or a complete loss of the sense of smell) a traumatic brain injury experience taste defi cits (Cowart et al., 1997). A loss of smell often results (Sumner, 1967). Second, taste dysfunction often in a subjective loss of taste, although in strict results from diseases and the drug treatments used terms, the patient can still “taste.” Th is is best for various conditions. For example, prescription explained as follows: we have all had experiences drugs (Schiff man, 1991), radiation therapy, and of eating while we have a cold and are unable to chemotherapy (Beidler and Smith, 1991) all smell the foods we eat. Although there are marked have eff ects on the taste system. Th ird, disorders decreases in the overall perception of the food, and diseases, e.g. depression (Amsterdam et al., and the food is subjectively perceived as bland, 1987), bulimia (Rodin et al., 1990), Parkinson’s strictly speaking, the taste system is unimpaired. disease (Zucco et al., 1991), and certain genetic Th us, most people who complain of “taste” defi - disorders (Henkin, 1967) alter normal taste per- cits could likely have olfactory problems. ception. Taste disorders, irrelevant of the cause, Olfactory disorders are common, often have impact many facets of life. Th e above etiologies sudden onsets, and have several main causes. In of taste dysfunction are mentioned because they a survey of 1.5 million people in 1987, 1.2% of are common and can cause abrupt changes in respondents reported permanent olfactory loss the perceived taste of foods. A genetic disorder and 62.4% a temporary loss of olfaction (Gilbert whereby people are unable to taste bitter com- and Wysocki, 1987). Th e most common causes pounds has special relevance to mycophagy, and of olfactory loss are upper respiratory infec- will be discussed in depth below. tions or colds, head trauma, sinus disease, and Non-tasters: Approximately 25% of the popu- medication (Doty et al., 1991). Costanzo et al. lation (Bartoshuk et al., 1998) has a genetic varia- (2003) reviewed the literature on the relationship tion in their bitter taste receptors that renders between head injuries and loss of olfaction. Th ey them unable to detect some bitter compounds. found that the incidence of anosmia (a complete Th ese people are therefore at risk for mis identi- loss of smell) was directly correlated to the degree fying bitter mushrooms, especially if they are of head trauma; 4–7% of people who experienced taught to rely on their sense of taste to distinguish mild head trauma were anosmic, compared to between bitter and non-bitter mushrooms. People 92% of people who suff ered severe head injuries. with this genetic variation are called non-tasters Another common cause of olfactory loss is medi- and they have a diminished ability or complete cation. Mott and Leopold (1991) compiled an failure to detect some bitter compounds. A labo- extensive list of medications that impair the sense ratory accident in the early 1930s led a researcher of smell. Th ese causes of olfactory loss are impor- to discover that a compound he was working with tant to know because sensory loss negatively im- was intensely bitter to his lab assistants but not to pacts the overall quality of life, not just the ability himself. In 1931 Fox published the fi rst report on to quickly diff erentiate a Tricholoma magnivelare non-tasters. He found that six out of ten people and T. zelleri, which can look very similar. in his sample could not taste the bitter compound Gustatory loss is less prevalent than olfactory he tested. More recently, a diff erent, safer bitter loss, but also has profound eff ects on the quality compound has been used in taste research to test of life. A loss or decrease of taste function can arise for non-tasters in the population, and 25% of from many causes, but most can be placed in one people cannot taste the compound (Bartoshuk et of three main categories. First, taste dysfunction al., 1998). Kim et al. (2003) has found a muta- can result from physical damage to specifi c taste tion on gene TAS2R38 of chromosome 7Q36 in nerves suff ered during surgery or as a result of a non-tasters. Th is gene is responsible for making a traumatic brain injury. Damage can be sustained bitter taste receptor. from cochlear implants (Hamamoto et al., 2000), It is currently unknown whether various surgery to remove acoustic tumors (Mott, 1992), bitter compounds contained in mushrooms 38 McIlvainea

Figure 4: edulis (left) and Tylopilus felleus (right) look similar and are often confused with each other. B. edulis is savory while T. felleus is intensely bitter to most people. Distinguishing characteristics: (1) B. edulis has white webbing around the stem, (2) the cap is red-brown in B. edulis but tan to brown in T. felleus, and (3) the pores become yellow-green with age in B. edulis but pink in T. felleus. Photos courtesy of David W. Fischer/AmericanMushrooms.com. bind to the same receptor that is known to be A second potential misidentifi cation of absent in non-tasters. Th ere are numerous bit- mushrooms based on the lack of a bitter taste is ter compounds in nature, and there also exist with Gymnopilus spectabilis. In a short descriptive several bitter taste receptors that each likely binds account, Roper (2003) harvested Armillaria mel- a family of structurally similar bitter compounds. lea which turned out to be G. spectabilis. After However, there is anecdotal evidence to suggest this person and one of their friends ate some that the bitter compounds in Tylopilus felleus and quantity of these mushrooms, they began to Gymnopilus spectabilis bind to the taste receptors experience hallucinations characteristic of G. that are absent in non-tasters. One person in my spectabilis and other hallucinogens. G. spectabilis own mushroom group is unable to taste the bit- is a very bitter mushroom that is of similar size, terness in T. felleus. His son also failed to taste shares a similar habitat, and can be a similar color the bitterness, suggesting a genetic factor in their to some forms of mushrooms in the A. mellea inability to taste the bitter compound. Th ere are complex. See Figure 5. Th e cap color of mush- also similar stories from other mushroom groups. rooms in the A. mellea complex can range from Th e percentage of people who cannot taste the the yellow-brown form in Figure 5 to the more bitter compound in T. felleus is unknown, and typical brown color represented in Figure 3. Th e although it could be a result of a mutation on only way for someone to be unable to taste the gene TAS2R38, this has yet to be demonstrated. bitterness in G. spectabilis is if they are a non- Nearly all mushroom identifi cation books explic- taster. Th is story is interesting because there were itly state that the fi nal defi nitive step in distin- two people who were eating the mushrooms, and guishing T. felleus from other such as presumably, both could not taste the bitterness. T. indecisus or is a simple taste test. If the incidence for a non-taster for this com- See Figure 4. Th e former is strongly bitter while pound in the population is 25%, then the odds the latter two have a mild more pleasant taste. In of any two unrelated people chosen at random light of evidence suggesting that up to 25% of being non-tasters is 1 in 8, or 12.5%. Th ese are people cannot taste some bitter compounds, rec- not small odds, underscoring the importance of ommending a taste test to confi rm the identifi ca- educating mycologists and mycophagists about tion of some mushroom is potentially dangerous. this issue. Th e short account concludes that there Although there have been no reports of illness or may be a new species of G. spectabilis that is not death from T. felleus, I doubt anyone would rec- bitter. Wishful thinking aside, I believe it more ommend eating the same quantity of it as many likely that the consumers of the mushrooms were people eat B. edulis. non-tasters. Volume 17, Number 1, Spring 2007 39

Figure 5: Gymnopilus spectabilis (left) and mushrooms in the Armillaria mellea complex (right) can look similar and share similar habitats. G. spectabilis is intensely bitter, while A. mellea and allies is savory. Distinguishing characteristics: (1) G. spectabilis is yellowish-orange while A. mellea is yellowish-brown, and (2) G. spectabilis has an orange-brown print, while A. mellea has a white . Photo of G. spectabilis courtesy of Hugh Smith, and A. mellea courtesy of Rex Bartlett.

Defi cits with Aging: Th e perceived intensity of salty taste is compromised with the normal aging salty and bitter tastes decrease as a function of process. A decrease of salty taste is likely of little age. First, Weiff enbach et al. (1982) assessed the importance in tasting mushrooms because mush- detection threshold of NaCl (salty) in young, rooms are not naturally salty. However, elderly middle, and old participants. Th e young group people should be aware that there is a decrease in consisted of people less than 45 years old, the the perceived intensity of some bitter compounds middle group people between 46 and 65 years with age. Interestingly, defi cits in the perception old, and the old group consisted of people older of savory taste stimuli with aging have not been than 66 years old. Th ey found that the millimolar studied. Other defi cits to taste and smell typically concentrations of NaCl in a taste solution needed come from physical damage to the sensory sys- to reach detection threshold were 2.49, 3.26, tems or from genetic causes, and this short review and 6.09 in young, middle, and old participants, has described the most prevalent ones. It is the respectively. Second, Cowart et al. (1994) found aim of this review that mushroomers are educated that older people (mean age 74 years old) rated about the importance and individual variation of quinine (bitter) as less bitter than younger people perceptions of taste and smell of mushrooms. (mean age 26 years old). Th ese defi cits likely alter For example, a mushroom might be described as the subjective experience of eating food. Th e taste tasting very bitter to one person, somewhat bit- experience from the same mushroom may not be ter to an elderly person, and not bitter at all by same between a young and old person, but palat- a non-taster. Importantly, these individual varia- ability still remains a matter of taste. tions can lead to the misidentifi cation of specifi c mushrooms. Th is review has described a few spe- Conclusions cifi c examples where specifi c taste or smell disor- ders can lead to the misidentifi cation of particular Th e sense of taste and smell is important to the mushrooms, but it is likely that many more exist, identifi cation of mushrooms. First, this review underscoring the role of educating mushroomers explained the common tastes of mushrooms, and about these issues. the specifi c components in mushrooms that yield diff erent tastes. Second, this review described ACKNOWLEDGMENTS common taste and smell defi cits that impair the perception of some mushrooms, as well as Special thanks to David W. Fischer and Dorothy discussed specifi c taste-related defi cits with ag- A. Albright for reading earlier drafts of this man- ing. 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