Executive Executive SummarySummary


Pueraria mirifica has been used in Thailand for medicinal purposes for many years, mainly as a female hormone supplement. mirifica is a found in the wild in Myanmar and Northeastern Thailand. It is also known as kwao krua. The term pueraria mirifica was coined in 1952. Today, the extract from this plant is used to make supplements. Science and latest manufacturing techniques from Japan add to the natural beneficial effects of pueraria with a combination of other ingredients with positive estrogenic effects that support youth and vitality!




Female Wellness Jelly Stick

Benefits > A jelly for female health & beauty which addresses the Explanation of Ingredients concerns of today’s women > Dietary support including skin whitening.

Pueraria (pueraria mirfica) has been used traditionally in Recommended for Asia for hundreds of years particularly by women in > People who are concerned about their beauty and health their menopause due its beneficial estrogen effects. > Want to keep a moisturized skin Especially in Thailand, it has been a common skin > Are suffering from menopause symptoms. moisturizer supplement and an overall female supplement for the improvement of breasts size and Details firmness. > Presentation: Aluminum Pouch > Packaging: 17grams per stick x 15 sticks pouch or box > Suggested Intake: 1stick in a day > Type: Food Supplement.

Ingredients > Pueraria extract > Hyaluronic acid > Vitamin C > Soya germ extract > Ceramide > Nicotinic acid amide > Vitamin B1 > Vitamin B2 > Vitamin B6




SR. NO. ITEMS PAGE NO. REMARKS Explanation/Information about the 1 4 Product 2 Benefits of the Product 5 3 Recommended For 6 Ingredients: Short Explanation of Main 4 7 Ingredients 5 OEM Details 8 6 Usage 9 7 Pictures 10 8 Research Report 11




Women’s skin

Beauty, Skin, Whitening & Bust Enlargement

Pueraria mirifica is a plant found in Thailand. The extracts from this plant is mainly to make female hormone supplements. This herb has been traditionally used as a vitality enhancer and rejuvenating agent particularly for older women. Pueraria mirifica carries the same potential risks of estrogen replacement therapy; as such, it should not be used in persons with high cancer risk or survivors of cancer of the breast.

Pythoestrogens hormones are the most important factor when women reach the reproductive age, estrogens will be produced to promote the development of female secondary sexual characteristics such as smooth skin, enlargement of breasts, vaginal wall tightening, uterus wall tightening and aspects of regulating the menstrual cycle. Furthermore, there are several other structural changes induced by estrogen in addition to other functions of body such as helping Vitamin D combine with calcium for bone formation. During menopause in female, ovaries produce less estrogen and progesterone. The reduction of hormone will cause menopause symptoms such as hot flashes, etc.

Phytoestrogens: The Hormones from Nature Phytoestogens or plant’s hormones are the alternative way to replace of human’s hormones when reach menopause. Phytoestogens are plant-derived compounds functioning as the primary sex hormone and Pueraria Mirifica (Strong Estriol) and Curcuma Comasa (Weak Estriol) is the best in class of Phytoestogens plant.




 Pueraria is widely recognized as a natural breast enlargement supplement and improvement of the figure  Pueraria mirifica is regarded as a “Fountain of Youth” because it possesses Phyoestrogens that helps supplement human estrogen  Support for menstrual pain and effects related with menopause including osteoporosis  It is an outstanding combination for glowing skin, in anti-flecking and also reduces skin wrinkles and sags  Our jelly stick supplies skin Pueraria extract, Hyaluronic acid, CoQ10 and Vitamins C, B1 and B2 to maintain its suppleness and elasticity  Vitamin B2, chemically called Riboflavin, is a vitamin essential for good health, normal growth, and metabolism  Vitamin B helps the processes in body to get or make energy from the food you eat. They also help to form new red blood cells  Body uses Vitamin C in building processes of skin, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels  Best natural source of hormones  Pueraria mirifica contains very high isoflavones content and high anti mutagenic effects as well has high killing effects on human mammary cancer cell lines.



Recommended For

 Women who want to support their exercise routine, improve their figure and looks

 Women suffering from menopause

 Women who want natural breast enlargement supplement

 Lighten menopausal/post-menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes

 Women suffering from skin ageing, wrinkle and sags

 Women who want to keep skin moistured and youthful

 Women who have a hormonal imbalance




Active Explanation of Main Ingredients Ingredients

Pueraria extract Pueraria Mirifica: Pueraria Mirifica has been used in Thailand for medicinal purposes Hyaluronic acid for many years, mainly as a female hormone supplement. Pueraria mirifica is a plant found in the wild in Myanmar and Northeastern Thailand. It is also known as kwao krua. Vitamin C The term Pueraria mirifica was coined in 1952. Today, the extract from this plant is Soya germ extract used to make supplements.


Nicotinic acid amide Hyaluronic acid: Hyaluronic acid is a major moisturizing agent that, together with Vitamin B1 several plant extracts such as aloe Vera, pueraria and chlorella, makes a perfect mix of natural beauty.

Vitamin B2 Vitamin C: It is an antioxidant nutrient which is also present in our body and has a strong influence in keeping youthful and healthy appearance.

Vitamin B1: Thiamine is a vitamin, also called vitamin B1. Vitamin B1 is found in many Vitamin B6 foods including yeast, cereal grains, beans, nuts, and meat. It is often used in combination with other B vitamins, and found in many vitamin B complex products. Vitamin B complexes generally include vitamin B1 (thiamine).Vitamin B1 or Thiamine helps the body's cells convert carbohydrates into energy.



OEM Details

OEM Details Packaging 17grams per stick x 15 sticks pouch or box Each stick is carefully packaged as Aluminum pouch or box Ideal MOQ 26,000 sticks (smaller order quantity can be discussed too) Price On request Ideal qty. for Sample Order 100 sticks Samples Available Quality standards methods, Certificate of Analysis, Certificate of Origin, Certificate of the formula, Free Sale Certificate Standard Certificates Food Sanitation Act Certificate Packaging details, COA, GMP c Certificate and COO Type Food Supplement

Brand OEM / Private Label (We are very flexible in changing formulation, packaging and designing.) Shelf Life 24 Months Flavors Available N.A Origin Made In Japan




Jelly Sticks can be consumed at any temperature. Store Collagen jelly stick in a cool and dry area but away from direct sunlight Recommended dosage: Consume 2 sticks per day - Morning and Evening No additives

No added sugar

No artificial colours or flavours

These sticks are very convenient to carry as they come in sealed aluminium small sachets for one time consumption.




Product Image Product Packaging Details

Private Label for 17grams per stick x 15 sticks pouch or box



Research Report


Pueraria mirifica has been used in Thailand for medicinal purposes for many years, mainly as a female hormone supplement. Pueraria mirifica is a plant found in the wild in Myanmar and Northeastern Thailand. It is also known as kwao krua. Today, the extract from this plant is used to make supplements. This varies person to person, but typically within one month people notice results with maximum enlargement occurring 3-4 months after supplementation begins. Some women have noticed results as quickly as five days.

Active Compounds from Pueraria mirifica

Deoxymiroestrol and are that are only found in Pueraria mirifica. They are much stronger than soy or red clover isoflavones. Moreover, they also have many phytoestrogens such as , , Daidazin, Genistin, Puerarin, and Kwakhurin Natural Herbal Products. Main chemical substances in the plant—Phytoestrogens and miroestrogen—can effectively stimulate the characteristics of women such as breast and hip enlargements. These two substances will induce the increasing of cell turgidity, not cell proliferation.



Research Report

Pueraria mirifica Health Benefits:

There have been studies done to suggest that pueraria mirifica can benefit a number of health conditions:

Menopause: There was a study done in Thailand where a group of women were given a pueraria mirifica supplement for one month. At the end of the study, the subjects noticed a significant decrease in night sweats and hot flashes. In fact, many of the women started to notice an improvement within one week. Pueraria mirifica contains a compound called miroestrol. Researchers believe that this is the active constituent for alleviating menopausal symptoms.

Breast Enhancement: Women who are looking for an alternative to breast augmentation often turn to Pueraria mirifica. One study has suggested that 70 percent of women who use Pueraria mirifica notice an increase in their breast size. Not only does it increase breast size, but it can also reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

Low Libido: Pueraria mirifica has been shown to increase sex drive. It can also increase vaginal moisture.

Osteoporosis: Osteoporosis is another condition that is extremely common in post-menopausal women. This condition causes the bones to become weak and brittle, which makes them more prone to breaking. Pueraria mirifica has been shown to improve skeletal health, which can reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Researchers believe that the phytoestrogens in Pueraria mirifica are helping fight osteoporosis. Taking Pueraria with calcium, as is recommended to aid absorption, would further help combat osteoporosis.





Aging: Pueraria mirifica is a great choice for people who want to naturally fight aging. This supplement contains flavonoids and miroestrol compounds, which have all been shown to be effective for fighting aging. A reduction in gray hair and cellulite, increased energy, improved memory and improve circulation are some of the benefits that people have reported after taking Pueraria mirifica.

Improve Skin: Pueraria mirifica helps hydrate the skin and boost collagen production. This gives you a healthier, more youthful-looking complexion. It also helps protect against wrinkles.

Weight Loss: Pueraria mirifica can be effective for reducing appetite, which can help you reach your goal weight. CERAMIDE

Ceramide is any group of amides formed by linking a fatty acid to sphingosine, ceramide constitutes over 50% of the hydrating factors found in the surface layer of skin, and is responsible for hydrating and nourishing skin so that it stays soft and smooth. It is absorbed into skin for greater hydration and elasticity. It is known to play an essential role in structuring and maintaining the water permeability barrier function of the skin. It is generally accepted that the intercellular lipid domain is composed of approximately equimolar concentrations of free fatty acids, cholesterol, and ceramides. Ceramides hold onto water molecules, helping to attract and retain moisture in the skin. As we grow older, our skin loses moisture capturing lipids called ceramides rendering the skin dry and rough. Ceramide is the main component of the stratum corneum of the epidermis layer of human skin. The link between skin disorders and changes in





barrier lipid composition, especially in ceramides, is difficult to prove because of the many variables involved. However, most skin disorders that have a diminished barrier function present a decrease in total ceramide content with some differences in the ceramide pattern. Formulations containing lipids identical to those in skin and, in particular, some ceramide supplementation could improve disturbed skin conditions. Together with cholesterol and saturated fatty acids, ceramide creates a water-impermeable, protective organ to prevent excessive water loss due to evaporation as well as a barrier against the entry of microorganisms. With aging there is a decline in ceramide and cholesterol in the stratum corneum of humans.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that is necessary for normal growth and development. Water-soluble vitamins dissolve in water. Vitamin C is needed for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of your body. It works as an antioxidant. Antioxidants are nutrients that block some of the damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals may play a role in cancer, anti-ageing heart disease, and conditions like arthritis. Vitamin C is an antioxidant nutrient that is also present in our body. It has a strong influence in keeping a youthful and healthy appearance. It is available in food such as citrus fruits, broccoli and tomatoes. Vitamin C is essential for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of the body. It is needed for healing wounds as well as for repairing and maintaining bones and teeth. It is an antioxidant and helps in delaying ageing process. Vitamin C is used to make skin,



Research Report

tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels. It also helps in healing scars. Vitamin C has been a popular remedy for the common cold. Vitamin C is commonly known for its role in boosting immune system functions, minimizing your risk of catching a cold or flu. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding and those who smoke need higher amounts of vitamin C. Vitamin C is also useful for pregnant women or breastfeeding, they need high amount of vitamin C.

Note: More information about Research and Analysis can be provided on your request.

Disclaimer: “The information displayed herein has not been evaluated and/or approved in any form by the Japan Ministry of Health, FDA and/or similar body in Japan or elsewhere. Please follow a balanced life-style, diet and exercise for general health and wellness. None of our products is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. Consult your doctor at all times. The information provided here is for informational purposes and we do not claim ownership thereof unless indicated otherwise”