International Journal of English Linguistics, Literature, and Education (IJELLE) Vol. 1, No. 1, 2019 Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara ISSN Print: 1566-102416 ISSN Online: 1566-105494 “A CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF CAR ADVERTISEMENTS IN TELEVISION.”

Sakia Hermila Tantri, Veronika Unun Pratiwi, Imroatus Solikhah, Sari Handayani [email protected]


This research was conducted to find out realities that showed on discourse of car advertisements in television based on the critical discourse analysis theory by Guy Cook and to know the purposes that are showed in car advertisements on television.

This research used the Critical Discourse Analysis based on Guy Cook’s theory. It is a descriptive qualitative research in conducting the research. The data of this research are 21 car advertisements that are in four commercial televisions, such as metro TV, Trans 7, MNC TV, and RCTI. The data are taken from spoken text, written text, and also expression of the advertisement models. The researcher also uses respondents to answer the questionnaire. This questionnaire is used to answer second problem statement that is the purposes that are showed in car advertisements in television.

Based on the analysis, eight elements of Guy Cook’s theory in Critical Discourse Analysis are substance, music and pictures, paralanguage, situation, co-text, intertext, participant, and function. It can be concluded that 100% of 21 car advertisements contains substance, music and pictures, paralanguage, situation, participant, and function. From 21 car advertisement, there are two car advertisements that contain co- text. So the percentage is 9, 52%. Then, only (Man. City vs Daihatsu Team version) that didn’t contained in intertext. So, the percentage of the car advertisements that contain intertext is 90, 47%.

Based on the questionnaires which were distributed to the 15 people in all segments, the purposes of car advertisements are to influence the people to choose the product based on its strengths. Because of advertisement, the power of interest also appears by the costumer to buy this product.

Based on the findings, it is suggested that the teacher have to conduct some research about Critical Discourse Analysis in other subjects. For the student, it is expected they can explore Critical Discourse Analysis in other theories, such as theory from Roger Fowler and friends, Theo Van Leeuwenn, Sara Mills, Van Dijk, and Norman Fairclough. For other researchers, it suggested to conduct a research in other subject of advertisement and other theories of Critical Discourse Analysis. Besides, it is also suggested to the other researcher to analyze the data which are taken from the different data sources, such as advertisements and articles in magazines, newspaper, and others.

Keywords: critical discourse analysis, Guy Cook’s theory, car advertisements, television.


Language is the method of human communication, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way (Oxford, 2008). Language is an important tool to create communication. By using language, people could express the ideas, convey something, thoughts, and even express feelings to the others. It could develop by the needs, wish, and want of the speaker. It produces something spoken or written, by the words, sentences, utterance, etc. This language usage is also related on discourse. Discourse is not only corned with the language, it also examines the context of communication (Cook, 2001: 3). The context of communication includes who is communicating with whom and why; in what kind of society and situation; through what medium; how different types and acts of communication evolved, and their relationship to each other.

The little thing that has important role in advertisement is the language advertisement itself. The term advertisement is derived from Greek, its means news order that is to courage and persuade people in order to interest on goods and services offered. Advertisement as a text is an organized sign system based on some codes that reflect certain values, attitudes, and beliefs. (Anik Kusrianti dkk, 2004: 1) Volume 1, No. 1, 2019 : 9 - 16 9 International Journal of English Linguistics, Literature, and Education (IJELLE) Every message in the advertisement has two meanings; they are explicit and implicit meaning. (Noviani in Anik Kusrianti dkk, 2004:1). Because of this, there are some advertisements that the language of advertisement is understandable by the people, but sometimes it cannot be understood by the people.

Language style of advertisement actually is usual and common, but the image could be agreed by the people. People’s belief on some product is increasingly if the product could advertise with a good language style and also a good graphic design. But, if the product advertises with a common language style, people’s belief decrease and didn’t interest with this product. People like something eyes catchy, so it will be influenced on advertising in product.

In the advertisement language, there is slogan. Slogan used by a company selling a particular product will tie in closely (Goddard, 1998: 106). Slogan is a brief striking phrase its purpose is to draw attention or attract the costumer or the readers to fulfill the goal of the producer. Slogan is made from correct diction and suitable with goods and services offered. Slogan could be symbol and identity in the products. Slogan of advertisement could be enjoyed in mass media.

So, many ways is done to promote some product in advertisement. Nowadays, the advertisement can be conveyed on the street, television, newspaper, magazine, internet, etc. People can read the advertisement easily, whenever and wherever they go.

One of the effective media to promote the advertisement is television media. This media has much strength, such as the advertisement could be conveyed in audio visual, could be acted by artist, there are written discourse and oral discourse with jingle, soundtrack, and pictures. People may know with advertisement of Chevrolet Aveo where its car could bungee jumping and around the sky. In the 9’ second of this advertisement, it is written Aveo’s first skydive. In the 13’ second, it is written Aveo’s first kickflip. Aveo’s first bungee is shown on 19’ second. And in the end of this advertisement, it is written Come out and Play. It is slogan of Chevrolet Aveo.

Based on the phenomena on the background of the study, the researcher formulates the problem statement as follows: What realities that are showed in car advertisement on television based on the critical discourse analysis theory by Guy Cook? the researcher formulates the following objective of the study, namely: To find out realities that showed on discourse of car advertisement in television based on the critical discourse analysis theory by Guy Cook.

There are some researches that concern with the same theory as this research. The previous researches that related with this research are as follow: Analisis Tindak Tutur dan Implikatur dalam Wacana Iklan Mobil Majalah Otomotif Autocar by Dewi Maria (UNS, 2006). The result of Dewi Maria’s thesis are: (1) Dewi Maria concluded the way of conveying message on discourse of car advertisement in Autocar magazines based on speech and implicature that contained in these advertisements. (2) She explained about locution, illocution and per locution types of speech act that contained on discourse of car advertisement Autocar Magazines. (3) She explained about implicature that contained on discourse of car advertisement in Autocar magazines. The differences between this previous research and this research are ; This previous research analyzed car advertisement based on speech act and implicature (pragmatic approach). Meanwhile, this research will analyze car advertisements based on critical discourse analysis using Guy Cook’s theory.

Discourse is not just a language which is written. It also related to the language use in the society whether written or spoken and it also the type of social practice. Critical discourse analysis is consolidated here as a ‘three dimensional” framework where the aim is to map three separate forms of analysis onto one another analysis of (spoken or written) language texts, analysis of discourse practice (processes of text production, distribution, and consumptions), and analysis of discursive events as instance of social cultural practice. (Fairclough, 1995: 2)

In the advertisement language, there is slogan. Slogan used by a company selling a particular product will tie in closely (Goddard, 1998: 106). Slogan is a brief striking phrase its purpose is to draw attention or attract the costumer or the readers to fulfill the goal of the producer. Slogan is made from correct diction and suitable with goods and services offered. Slogan could be symbol and identity in the products. Slogan is a short and striking or memorable phrase used in advertising. Slogan is needed by many companies to promote their product in advertisement. They use a catchy phrase to persuade the consumer and tell that the product has something special and different. When done well, a slogan can become the centerpiece of a company’s identity – and if done poorly, a slogan can send the wrong message and actually drive customers away (Kristen Hamlin, 2014: 1). A good slogan can become the identity of some products. But, there is slogan that is unsuccessful to persuade the consumers and just send a wrong message to the consumer.

10 Volume 1, No. 1, 2019 : 9 - 16 International Journal of English Linguistics, Literature, and Education (IJELLE) Slogan advertisement usually contains less than five words. It is a catchy and declarative phrase. It tells the benefits of the product and gives some expectation to the consumer that they have to choose this product.

Television advertisements develop in various categories. The big category from television advertisements based on the media, because the television advertisements are build from object visualization and audio power (Bungin, 2008: 111). Television advertisements use a short story that has similarity with short movie. It has a short time, so it has to leave a deep message to the audience in a few second.


The design of the research was qualitative method. According to Bodgan and Taylor, qualitative research is the procedure of research which produces descriptive data in the form of written or oral words of people and behavior which can be observed (In Moleong, 2007: 3). Qualitative research is also called naturalistic research methodology. This research is done on natural setting. The researcher must not build some hypothesis, but the researcher can observe and give some interpretations from this research.

Data of this research was the script text of car advertisement, it is included the realities of this advertisement based on critical discourse analysis. It will be contained written-text and spoken-text of the car advertisement. The researcher had chosen the advertisement of car because it contains advertisement language that had appealed to analyze using critical discourse analysis Guy Cook’s theory. Not only that, the researcher had given data from questioner to analyze the second problem statement. The source of the data was car advertisements in Television that is presented in metro TV, Trans 7, MNC TV and RCTI. The researcher had collected the data easily by these channels TV. The questioner data had gotten by 20 people in around the researcher. This research had used two types to collect the data. The first type of collecting the data was to find out the realities in car advertisement based on critical discourse analysis theory by Guy Cook. Then, the second step of collecting data was to find out the purposes that shown in car advertisement.

The first type that had been used as follows:

1. Watching the Television and finding realities in discourse of car advertisements.

2. Re-watching, recording and making field notes about car advertisements’ language and these conversations.

3. Downloading the car advertisement in the television by Youtube to capture this video and making into photos. It is used for record and documentation.

4. Classifying the realities shown in discourse of car advertisement in television.

5. Giving code to the data. The example of data card is:

Narrator: Came out and Play (1/Ch/Aveo/Metro/Nov 16th 2013/29-30)

The explanation:

Came out and play is the slogan/advertisement language that will be analyzed.

1 : the number of datum

Ch : brand of the product (Chevrolet)

Aveo : type of the product (Aveo)

Metro : channel TV (Metro TV)

Nov 16th 2013 : date of the advertisement taken

29`-30` : data position (second 29th-30th)

The second type of collecting data was in terms to know peoples’ perception about car advertisement, so that the result can support some analysis. At this type, the researcher that had been used as follows:

Volume 1, No. 1, 2019 : 9 - 16 11 International Journal of English Linguistics, Literature, and Education (IJELLE) 1. Making questionnaires with some question about car advertisement. It will be filled by selected people.

2. Analyzing the collected questionnaires and making conclusion.

3. Making conclusion.

In this research, the researcher used data triangulation, data triangulation can be used to test the credibility of data was done by checking the data has been obtained through several source of data. Meanwhile, investigator triangulation had been needed to support the data.


Result findings of the research are 21 car advertisements in four channels of commercial television. Four channels of commercials television are metro TV, Trans 7, MNC TV and RCTI. Based on the table above, the researcher gets the result of percentage. The explanation is 21 data of car advertisement has substance, music and pictures, paralanguage, situation, and participant. 100% of 21 car advertisements contain substance, music and pictures, paralanguage, situation, and participant. They can be appeal clearly. Meanwhile, Honda Mobilio and New Kijang Innova contain co-text. 19 car advertisements didn’t contain co text. So, the percentage is 9, 52% of all car advertisements that contain co-text. Then, only Daihatsu (Man. City vs Daihatsu Team version) that didn’t contained in intertext. So, the percentage of the car advertisements that contain intertext is 95, 25%. The Classification of Realities on Discourse of Car Advertisement in Television

Realities in discourse can be related with the context. There are eight unsure of context (Cook, 2001: 4), such as substance, music and pictures, paralanguage, situation, co-text, intertext, participant, and function. Data of this thesis are 21 car advertisements.

1. Substance

Substance is the physical material which carries or relays text (Cook, 2001: 4). Substance has two types; they are primary substances and secondary substance. Substance primary is conveyed written text, such are background, cardboard, board, and banner. These 11 car advertisements has a same characteristic, they use narrator as primary substance. The costumers usually interested with the advertisements that use a narrator because the message could be understood clearly.

Beside primary substance in spoken text, there are written text. The primary substance in written text is screen. Screen is the most substance that can be found in the advertisement. Brand and logo is the main important thing that is in the advertisement. It is the sign to introduce this product to the people who watch this advertisement. From the 21 data of car advertisement, almost all of the data has brand and logo that is showed in the screen.

2. Music and Picture

Displaying music can be divided into three types, such as (1) music vocal and instrument, (2) music vocal, and (3) music instrument. Music vocal and instrument is music that concern in vocal by human and instrument. Music vocal is music that is performed by voice of people. Meanwhile, music instrument is music that is performed by music only.

The explanations of analysis in 21 car advertisement are as follows:

a. Music vocal and instrument

The advertisements that belong to music vocal and instrument are Chevrolet Aveo, , Mitsubishi Pajero Sport, Toyota Agya, Toyota Etios Valco, Toyota New Yaris, Ertiga Matic, and Suzuki Karimun Wagon R. Eacsh advertisement has different characteristic.

Soundtrack of Chevrolet Aveo’s advertisement is song from Fun feat Janelle Monae with the title “We are young”. From this advertisement, this song is more known by people. Most people know this song from this advertisement than from Fun feat Janelle Monae.

Daihatsu Ayla brings Afgan’s song as the soundtrack, but the lyrics has modified. The lyrics 12 Volume 1, No. 1, 2019 : 9 - 16 International Journal of English Linguistics, Literature, and Education (IJELLE) are suitable with strength and characteristic of Daihatsu Ayla. The song is ears catchy and people can easy to sing this song. Toyota Etios Valco also has easy listening jingle, the title is “Let’s Go Somewhere New”.

Mitsubishi Pajero Sport, Toyota Agya, and Toyota New Yaris also present good music vocal and instrument. So it will attract people’s attention to watch this advertisement.

Meanwhile, Suzuki Ertiga Matic and Suzuki Karimun Wagon R arrange the music vocal and instrument with good lyrics. These lyrics also contain slogan of these cars.

b. Music vocal

Chevrolet Spin presents the advertisement with music vocal only. Music vocal is played by family in car that similar with sound of car machine.

c. Music instrument

The most advertisements use this type as the complement of advertisement. The advertisements that belong to music instrument are Daihatsu (Man. City vs Daihatsu Team), , Daihatsu Xenia, Ford Focus, Honda Mobilio, Hyundai All New Santa Fe, Kia Sorento, Mitsubishi Mirage, Innova, , Nissan All New Grand Livina, and Proton Suprima. Music instrument is chosen because it will be effective when it combines with narration by the narrator.

3. Paralanguage

Language is usually brought by the sign as graphitic substance and phonetic substance. Both of them have the same meaning. Beside graphitic and phonetic substance, there is substance that also brings language, it is called paralanguage. According to Cook (2001, 4), Paralanguage is meaningful behavior accompanying language, such as voice quality, gestures, facial expression and touch (in speech), and choice of typeface and letter sizes (in writing). The function of paralanguage is to make conspicuous the text. The conspicuous is shown by the enthusiasm from the narrator and model of the advertisement on spoken text and the use of types of letter on written text.

From 21 car advertisements, the models and narrators show belief and spirit to promote these cars. The expression of happiness is also showed by the models, such as daughter in Toyota Kijang Innova’s advertisement, families in some advertisements. Persuasion of the models is also showed in Daihatsu Xenia as testimony of the costumer.

4. Situation

Situation is the properties and relation of object and people in the vicinity of the text, as perceived by the participant (Cook, 2001: 4). Co-text is text which the participants perceive as belonging to other discourse, but which they associate with the text under consideration, and which affect their interpretation (Cook, 2001: 4). Co- text has relationship with cohesion. Cohesion is the term used in discourse analysis to refer to linguistic devices which create links between sentences and clause (Cook, 2001: 151). There are two types in cohesion devices, such as grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion. Grammatical cohesion includes reference, substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction. While, lexical cohesion is about repetition and collocation.

In the 21 data of car advertisements, there are two advertisements that can be explained about co-text and cohesion. They are Honda Mobilio and New Kijang Innova. In the Honda Mobilio’s advertisement, there is a reference of grammatical cohesion. The word “anda” means people in the world who find a good car a family. New Kijang Innova’s advertisement has reference of grammatical cohesion. The word “Ayah” can be replaced by New Kijang Innova. It happened because Ayah and New Kijang Innova has same characteristics. It is mentioned dari dulu ayah itu paling gagah. It has same meaning with perkiness New Kijang Innova. Selalu menghiburku that is said by daughter is also has same meaning with written text “New Front Design, New Entertainment system, Dual SRS for all grades”. They are the specifications of this car. So, Ayah is metaphor of the car.

In co-text explanation, there is repetition word in number 7 and 8. It is phrase “Honda Mobilio”. It is meant in emphasizing the brand of the product. The same statement between spoken and written text is in order to introduce a new specification of the new product. The word dialah”“ in New Kijang Innova’s advertisement is also belongs to references in grammatical cohesion. Dialah refers to Ayah that protects her daughter. The advertisement of Daihatsu (Man. City vs Daihatsu Team) actually has many statements. But it doesn’t analyze because it concerns in the way of football match.

5. Intertext Volume 1, No. 1, 2019 : 9 - 16 13 International Journal of English Linguistics, Literature, and Education (IJELLE) Intertext is text which the participant perceives as belonging to other discourse, but which they associate with the text under consideration, and which affects their interpretation (Cook, 2001: 4). Intertext can be divided into two types, intra-generic intertextuality and inter-genetic intertextuality. Intra-generic intertextuality contains the voice of another example of the same genre, as when as ad assumes knowledge of another ad (Cook, 2001: 193). Meanwhile, inter-generic intertextuality contains the voice of a different genre, as when an ad evokes knowledge of a film or story.

The most of car advertisements have the similarity between one advertisement with others. 20 data car advertisements conclude in intra-generic intertextuality, except Daihatsu (Man.City vs Daihatsu Team). It is happened because all of advertisement show a car that pass through the road. Daihatsu (Man. City vs Daihatsu team version) doesn’t conclude in intra-generic intertextuality because the setting of this advertisement is football stadium. So, it is belongs to inter-generic intertextuality. Daihatsu Ayla and Suzuki Karimun Wagon R also have same setting of place, where the gas station as visualization about economical fuel.

6. Participant

Participant consists of sender and receiver of the message. Sender of the message is called sender and addresser, meanwhile the receiver of the message is receiver and addressee. The addresser may be an actor, though the sender is an advertising agency. Neither is the receiver always the addressee, the person for whom it is intended. The addressees may be a specific target group, but the receiver is anyone who sees the ad (Cook, 2001: 4). Besides the participants above, there is narrator too. Narrator is person from sender that just shows her/his voice. Sender and addresser is same. So, participant will be explained in addresser, receiver, addressee, and narrator.

7. Function

Function explains what the text is intended to do by the senders and addressers, or perceived to do by the receivers and addresses (Cook, 2001: 4). According to Jakobson in Cook (2001: 134), there are six functions in study of advertisement. The explanations of the data are as follows:

a. Emotive Function

Emotive function is function that is used to express feeling and situation from the addresser. Emotive function is used to express happiness, sadness, anger, etc. It can be found in 19 car advertisements. Most of this, the expressions of addressers are happy and excited because of driving a car. Addresser from most of car advertisements are happy using a car product. So, it also can be concluded that emotive function of most of car advertisement are happy, amazed, and excited.

b. Conative Function

Conative function is function that used to influence behavior of addressee. The function is also to persuade the costumer. But most of all car advertisement has explicit meaning in their function. In the data 20, Fenita Arie as a model advertisement invites people to try and test drive by saying “test drive invites people to try and test drive by saing “test drive yuk”.

c. Referential Function

Referential function is function that used to extend information. The referential function can refers by explanation on substance above. It has same content of explanation with substance when extend information of the product.

d. Phatic function

Phatic function is function that used to check and establish the relation. The example of phatic function is word “deh”, “eh”, “yuk”. In 21 car advertisement, there is an advertisement that contains phatic function. It is advertisement of Suzuki Ertiga Matic. Phatic function is showed on word “test drive yuk”. The word “yuk” is variation from phatic word “ayo”. In english language, it means “let”.

e. Metalingual function

Metalingual function is function that used to negotiate and check the language. In 21 car advertisement, there is no data that use metalingual function. 14 Volume 1, No. 1, 2019 : 9 - 16 International Journal of English Linguistics, Literature, and Education (IJELLE) f. Poetic function

Poetic function is function that used as foreground linguistic structure. It is used to extend certain message. In 21 car advertisement, it has a same message in every advertisement. The message of the data that extended is to suggest the people for using product.

CONCLUSION Based on the finding and discussion, team conclude that; Conclusion deals with the result of discussion and analysis data in the previous chapter. It is presented to answer the problem statement of the research. The conclusion can be seen as follows:

In discourse context of Guy Cook’s theory, there are eight elements. There are substance, music and pictures, paralanguage, situation, co-text, intertext, participant, and function. 21 data of car advertisement has substance, music and pictures, paralanguage, situation, and participant. 100% of 21 car advertisements contain substance, music and pictures, paralanguage, situation, and participant. They can be appeal clearly. Meanwhile, co-text is only in Honda Mobilio and Toyota New Kijang Innova. So, the percentage is 9, 52%. Then, only Daihatsu (Man. City vs Daihatsu Team version) that didn’t contained in intertext. So, the percentage of the car advertisements that contain intertext is 90, 47%.


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