Vol.lXlV.No.3THt E UBYSSEVancouver, B.C. Friday, November 27,1981 Y228-230 1

Les sectes et nous] Une maladie de notre civili ^^^H L. oiupan <3n *«!•» v


Mltod k/br •JI'ta1"r* "•'"nt htw.'LV war .*W^«"*"*».. By VIC MacBOURNIE leadership roles in the cult. "These people of The Silhouette are ready to lay down their lives for The Way Reprinted by Canadian University Press International," says Demkowitz. "When you meet the friendliest people you In preparation for the college Demkowitz have ever known, who introduce you to the collected items which were spelled out for her iJIS^^ on a two page list. "They tell you to put most loving group of people you 've ever en­ countered, and you find the leader to be the Wf&iAn Oifcer#< names on all your clothes. Men bring boxer most inspired, caring, compassionate and Mt .7 zy. ^.Trv. d/J?>'..« ec shorts, women bring briefs, I mean they even understanding person you 've ever met, and llfliis tell you what kind of underwear to bring with then you learn that the cause of the group is you," she says. This was just another way to something you never dared hope could be ac­ stop the member's thinking process, she complished, and all of this sounds too good adds. to be true — /"/ probably is too good to be bri»in>l The importance of extreme thought con­ true — /'/ probably is too good to be true! trol by the cult is made evident in Cincinnati looiel;' Don't give up your education, your hopes I ex-cult I magazine's example: and ambitions to follow a rainbow. " "Don't think" cultists are warned, "Satan Jeannie Mills, uses your thoughts to trick you." When Survivor-Jonestown, Guyana corps members at The Way College of Em­ More than three million young people, the poria were ordered outside for a late night majority university and college students, training session several years ago, most ap­ have fallen victim to one of North America's peared in sweat suits and tennis shoes, most extensive social phenomena — the cult prepared to run. "You're thinking again," movement. their leader thundered. "Did I tell you you were going to run?" Later the group was led Chris Denkowitz is one woman who has re­ to a muddy field on campus and drilled in turned from a cult. Her experience began calisthenics. "Hit your stomachs!" the leader when she was approached by a woman on a shouted . . . "Stand up and run in place busy street. The woman was friend­ . . . Hit your backs." ly and outgoing, and Chris, intrigued by their conversation, agreed to meet with her again. One cultist recalls lying on her back in the The following day the woman asked Chris deep mud, thinking she might someday be out to a coffee house where Chris got her called on to fight communists under similar The Way conditions. A moment later, she noticed a first exposure to the fact that her new ac­ quaintances were involved in some kind of thumping noise behind her, like the sound of religious organization. muffled drum beats. Turning her head she discovered the source of the sound: an entire "The coffee house consisted of a couple of section had followed the order literally. More songs and some skits, something you might than a hundred were standing rod-straight, find in high school or any other church func­ to hell pounding their backs with their fists. "It tion, said Demkowitz. turned my stomach," she said. Although Demkowitz felt the new group of is definitely a mind control technique used to to give you salvation, then that is fine as long people she was with were strange she could put yourelf in a trance like state and become as you decide by your own free will to wor­ "One of the interesting things that is in­ not quite place them, and because they were very susceptible to the suggestions of the ship that rock," said Demkowitz. cluded on the list for the college is a gun. I so friendly she had no reason to doubt them. group," said Demkowitz. was looking for a gun to bring to this college. After Demkowitz took the class in Toronto Now a rational person might ask, why would "They were so nice and at the worst they "The Way International claims speaking in she went to the Rock of Ages, but before go­ a Biblical Research and Teaching Ministry were harmless, no matter what I thought of tongues does many things. They claim it ing to the festival she remembers that in three want you to have a gun?" them, I did not think they were harmful at removes doubt, worry and fear, which it weeks she had stopped living with her sister, all. The girl continued to call me every day. does, but it removes everything else along The Way International claims the gun is had moved into a house of "believers" where used for a hunter training course but, it is in­ We played sports together, we went to the with it," says Demkowitz. she was sleeping on the floor alongside the beach and went dancing," she said. teresting that Demkowitz told The Silhouettt Demkowitz says speaking tongues works believers, had stopped looking for a job and that the members are trained in the three Demkowitz says she began to trust the like a jamming device in the cultists' minds so had given up her life to serve God with the marksman positions. group and became increasingly involved with that if they have a problem or if they ques­ Way International. "So in fact, my whole ex­ While Demkowitz was in Ottawa her them. "They were so nice, they seemed to tion something all they have to do is speak in istence was based around the Way Interna­ mother contacted her to convince her to have a direction in life and they had a lot of tongues for a while and it stops their analysis tional," said Demkowitz return home. Demkowitz explained to her answers to a lot of questions," said Chris. process. "When you open your eyes you On her one year recruiting program she mother that she had a commitment to God She was introduced to the cult after her forget what the problem even was," said was sent to Ottawa. "Cults are very in­ and a certain spiritual field which she could friends convinced her to attend a half hour Demkowitz. terested in separating your connection with not leave. lecture called PFAL (Power For Abundant This is just the beginning of the cult's mind reality and one way to do that is to do it by Living.) Christine sat through the half hour control techniques. While speaking in Her mother came for lunch one day and separating you from your family and friends. seminar that turned out to be an entire even­ tongues blocks the member's ability to although Demkowitz did not know it, her All they have to do is claim that God told ing of songs and testimonies about how this analyse or question problems, a low protein mother had come to kidnap her so that she them that I should be in Ottawa, so I went." class had changed people's lives. diet and sleep deprivation slows down the could be deprogrammed. "You know the old, I-was-an-alcoholic- brain's ability to rationalize. Love bombing Demkowitz's sister could not believe it Demkowitz said that when her mother and-now-that-I-have-taken-the-PFAL-class- by other members of the group and peer when she was told thai: Chris was going came she had a ten dollar bill in her hand and I-am-a-wonderful-and-upstanding-citizen-in- pressure combine to force the new recruit in­ to Ottawa but Demkowitz thought that it was asked her if she would mind leaving now the-community," said Demkowitz. to submit to the group. satan acting through her sister that caused because she had a taxi waiting downstairs. The half hour lecture was actually only the Demkowitz says mind control is the her to question leaving. first half hour of a 36 hour real course. "This greatest evil in the cults. In Ottawa, Chris took another drastic step When Demkowitz entered the cab she did 36 hour course is The Way's main indoctrina­ "The PFAL is the main indoctrination of towards the trap that had been set by the cult. not realize that the cab had foreign plates, tion and by the end it teaches you how to The Way, the mind control is the issue. It is She had committed herself to a four year Bi­ did not have a meter inside and did not have speak in tongues. "The way that The Way In­ not a religious question in my mind, because ble Study College which is run by The Way a cab stand on top. She admitted that her in- ternational teaches it, (speaking in tongues) if you want to believe that this rock is going and trains the elite corps of Way members for See page 7: EDUCATION

is here at UBC. recruit students. is not nice. Yet Maybe they're Learn what to Broocks spent two j infiltrating YOUR expect and weeks at UBC. group. suspect. See Find out why. INSIDE: Hie KKK See page S page 3 See page 7 Page 2 THE UBYSSEY Friday, November 27, 1981 Free sex advice. hat's right. When you AND NOW, Tvisit I'J. Burger & Sons we'll advise you of your sex. Free of charge! Add this free advice to our 15 classic- burgers and other great stuff A WORD and you've got one heck of a crazy little restaurant, sir or madam. 2966 W. 4th Ave. by Bayswater. Open daily from 11:30a.m. FROM OUR SHAREHOLDERS. LSAT GMAT MCAT INTENSIVE REVIEW SEMINARS Each year, the 11,000 what our shareholders think. Their \XV,,tti-r-...rl-.Kli..ltlu-l.SAT.liMAT .111,1 Ml AT: Canadians who own Labatt's are feelings and concerns provide an • 200 p.itir' *..pync'liri\l .. urru ilium invited to an outdoor important basis for future policies • 70 p.i^t Math Primt-r (srm i...i.li LSAT ii liMAT cvui.lr.intl shareholder's meeting. There, and decisions. • ..•iiiiii.ir-M:.J J.is^-^ they can ask questions and Canadians actively participating • sp,v i.iliik.l imtrikl.'rN • ( m.ir.iim-.- ri-|x.Lt fhr UUHM' t..r in > express their opinions about how the in a Canadian company. We believe it cxrr.i . li.irm- it vi'tir *. "r*' i^ company is run. makes for a better future. We know iiiiN.in*l.nt..n At Labatt's, we want to know it makes for a better beer. \X'hvn..ri;i..-ii*.il..ll.iiKltin,l,.uih.m v..ii . ...i rr.ilK .1.' rlu' pr*p.ir.ii 11.11 \>>u kfiplli.nkiiiK vo.i'll m-r .ir.mnJ r.

National Testing Centre Inc. i 10-1 IS: M.,inl.„u|S, V.nn..n«.r. B I VnB.'I" or call: WHEN GETS TOGETHER OVER A BEER. tKM) fifw-ioeo Are you in favor of a better contract for TAs? Wages Security Quality

• grad students costs = $9,490, • joining union is optional maximum UBC offer = $5,835 • a strong union is representative Education • summer stipend not guaranteed • better benefits for all • massive tuition fee increase • stronger bargaining power • a voice for TAs in the educational likely • more effective contract process • TA wage often sole source of enforcement • no cutbacks in TA positions income • more TA time for students • UTAs and markers underpaid • strengthen graduate programs TA Strike Vote Dec. 3 VOTE YES Friday, November 27, 1981 THE UBYSSEY Page 3 THE MOONiES

ANICE WAS YOUNG AND LONELY, UNTIL SHJE MET THE MOONIES. THEN SHE DISAPPEARED. By DAVE WATSON It was an isolated existence and even For Canadian University Press though she enjoyed working with the Indoctrination plays a role in everyone's children, she was unhappy with her life. It forms the beliefs we live by and employers. defines our attitudes to the world about us. One morning, while visiting Boston on her Many types of educational and religious in­ day off, she was approached by a young doctrinations are taken for granted, but man, who introduced himself as Mark, and amidst North American religious cults, in­ another woman. They were friendly and doctrination has become a highly developed outgoing and started a conversation. procedure with powerful and far reaching ef­ Moonie recruiters often work in pairs, one fects. male and one female, since they appear less Janice Rahn, a young Canadian woman in threatening to new recruits. It is a common her early twenties, was recruited into the cult practice for such groups to misrepresent Unification Church while working in Boston, themselves at first, claiming to be any Massachusetts during the summer of 1980. number of organizations. Within two weeks she gave up her job and Moonies oftens say they're members of Rev. Sun Myung Moon joined the Moonies. The College Association for the Research of Recruited and indoctrinated through a Principles (CARP). Once an individual has agreed to attend the lectures to be given after the workshop. She weekend workshop and a week long series of "They were very friendly and said their Moonies workshop, their chances of being later found out the lecture series is run con­ lectures, Rahn spent four weeks in different group was concerned about things that were recruited increase dramatically. stantly to take advantage of those attracted Moonie camps until she was sent to Atlanta happening with students. They wanted to ex­ Weekend workshops are heavily or­ to the weekend workshop. as a fund raiser. amine the disintegration of education, morals chestrated affairs in which the individual is Rahn was aware of the increasing pressure Shortly afterwards, Rahn's parents kid­ and values," says Rahn. given no time alone, constantly pressed to placed on her to stay for the week's lectures. napped her from Atlanta spending $13,000 to Moonies also establish contact through take part in group activities and watched She decided to return to her job in Boston, have their daughter deprogrammed before door to door canvassing, claiming to do closely by church members to see they remain but during that week Mark continued to returning to Canada with her. surveys on world problems, attitudes to local involved. phone and visit her. Eventually, while out with Mark, she called her employer. Rahn spent the last year recovering from issues and any other subject they believe will Individuals are discouraged from making her experience. Sensitive to any type of coer­ capture people's interest. outside phone calls or talking to other new "I just phoned up and told him I'm not cion or pressure, she has had difficulty Once initial contact is made, the group members in an attempt to maintain the coming back. They owed me a couple of holding onto jobs and eventually ended up usually invites the recruit to some type of group's 'positive' atmosphere. New members weeks salary and I gave that up." working for herself making stained glass win­ organized activity. Rahn was invited to lunch are constantly showered with attention and "I felt guilt and thought I had better make dows. In September of this year she entered a at a large house in the city. There, she found affection. the best of this experience with the Unifica­ teachers college. a group of happy, outgoing people who were During the weekend, church members give tion Church." Recruitment and indoctrination in cults always smiling and talking with her. 'spontaneous' testimonials of the changes Rahn also phoned her parents in Ontario. they underwent after joining the group, and especially within the Unification Church Mark, the young man she first met was "Mark was there as well. They said it was up usually reporting their earlier lives to be ex­ follows consistent patterns. Moonie recruit­ always nearby, talking and finding out more to me what I did but just to keep them in­ tremely unhappy and dissatisfying. ment is aimed at those in their late teens and about her. formed." early twenties, in many cases, those in college Asking the purpose of the group, Rahn Rahn attended the group's workshop in After leaving her job Rahn travelled to the and university. received several general replies until Mark New Hampshire and found the weekend a group's camp in New York State and long series of fast-paced activities, interspers­ Campuses are common places for cult eventually admitted they were a Christian became more involved in the group's ac­ ed with lectures on general historical prin­ recruitment. Students tend to be open to new organization but made no specific mention of tivities. ciples and drawing parallels between the time experiences and easily drawn into these types the Unitarian Church. "When they have you there for a week, of Christ and today. of religious activities. She spent the day playing sports, singing they begin talking about the Unification Cult recruiters look for people who appear and socializing and was invited to spend the Slowly, the religious nature of the camp Church. Up till then I thought they were a isolated or alone. Often, those recruited are following weekend at one of the group's lec­ began developing, but there was no open Christian group." in the middle of changes in their lives and ture workshops. reference to the Unification Church or is "They begin to fill you with their own usually, though not always, are unhappy or Cults attract new members by emphasizing Founder, Reverend Moon. values. I was totally off balance. I didn't dissatisfied with their situations. the social aspects of their group. Cult Rahn was given no time alone to reflect on trust my own judgement. Rahn's recruitment follows this pattern. members are effusive and lavish a great deal the events of the weekend. During her time "They never answer questions, just saying She moved from her home in Southern On­ of affection on new recruits. there, Mark worked hard to improve their you'll understand in time. When someone tario to take a job near Boston as a nanny, "They work on your curiosity, tiy to feel relationship, "He was always praying and does raise a doubt they're told they're af­ caring for two young children in a house near you out. They don't want to hit you with holding my hand, always putting subtle fected by past concepts and they should stop the ocean. anything that might shock you," says Rahn. thoughts in my head." thinking for themselves. In many cases, Moonie indoctrination seeks "At first, there was no mention of out inner conflicts in the individual and by Reverend Moon but during the lectures focusing on them pressures recruits to join Reverend Moon's picture hung on the wall. the group. The cult plays on suppressed inner It's not till the final lecture that Moon is The cult in Canada conflicts which the individual must either presented as the Messiah," she says. overcome by himself or control by identify­ The Unification Church in Canada is small residence of Governor General Vanier. It is The continual repetition cult members face ing with the cult. compared to its organization in the United reputedly being used as a training centre for serves two purposes, to reinforce what States but its limited numbers have not Moonies from the Toronto area. John Freed, in his book Moon Webs says, they're being taught and to occupy their prevented them from gaining a foothold in The Church also recruits in Toronto, often "For some, the vulnerable spot is a lack of time. Canada. near the Eaton Centre, sometimes claiming fulfillment in their work or personal lives; for During the lectures, church concepts others, the guilt of being modern 'con­ Moonie activities in Canada are mainly to represent the College Association for the became more prevalent. New recruits are en­ sumers' who have compromised their past centered in Toronto where the Unification Research of Principles (CARP). couraged to forget their old lifestyles and ideals. Their own unused potential is used as Church has acquired a number of properties The Canadian Unity Freedom Foundation sever their contact with jobs, careers, friends a weapon to push them into extreme in­ and commercial operations. is also associated with the Moonies. The and family. trospection . . . and further." According to the Toronto based Council group usually presents films on various cam­ By this time, recruits have become attach­ "As Dr. Clark concludes in his paper on Mind Abuse, the Moonies own two puses and this group appeared on the ed to the movement mainly through Manipulation of Madness: 'They (cults) are houses in the Toronto area. Houses are McMaster campus last year. socialization with church members. During embarking upon a draconian experiment — usually bought through entrepreneurs, who The Canadian Unity Freedom Foundation the week-long series of lectures, the recruit is one which no ethical scientist would consider front for the Unification Church and later also publishes a small tabloid newspaper call­ always kept busy with no time to themselves. taking — a healthy person with a basic sell them directly to the Church and take ed Our Canada and distributes it free in The recruit through indentification and cons­ neurosis was having it transformed into an their profit. Toronto. tant pressure is forced to accept group doc­ acute obsession. Psychosis was being impos­ trines. The church allegedly owns a cosmetic store COMA maintains that the Moonies have ed." "The Moonies told us what our friends in the Yorkville area called Hanida Ginseng approximately 100 members in Canada but "Then, poised at the abyss of nervous col­ and family would say and tried to discourage Cosmetics and a company which distributes they generate about $3 million a year in lapse, the recruit is offered only one avenue us from talking to old friends," says Rahn. Oriental teas called the Ginseng Tea Com­ revenue. of escape, which he takes in sheer despera­ pany. In Western Canada, Moonie centres in After a week in New York, Rahn with tion: he fastens onto the group to escape his Mark and some other members, began mov­ The Church also owns a 95-acre estate on and Edmonton are run through the pain." ing to different camps. Rice Lake in Peterborough, formerly the Unification Church in the United States. As the weekend progressed, Rahn was Claiming they were afraid of being caught pressured to remain for a week-long series of See page 6: CULTS Page 4 THE UBYSSEY Friday, November 27, 1981

This grey box is brought to you by The Ubyssey Co. where we publish fester, more efficiently end with more flair than any other newspaper west of Bianca. Today's message is to remind you and your friends to come and hear our own graduate, the esteemed Mr. Bill, investigative jour­ SUMMER EMPLOYMENT nalism is boring but like liver, it's good for you. Catch the chatter at 4:30 p.m. in SUB 241k and C.A. FIRM leave your trench coat at home. If you are a 3rd year accounting student *-*> f r ?- of proven academic and leadership :-->sf.-**#&i* r - f- ..mn. m abilities and are interested in profes­ SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA sional employment with a C.A. firm Kazuyoshi Akiyama, Music Director May to August, 1982, please submit your resume (UCPA form is suitable) and a copy of your most recent Subscribe now for the transcript of marks by December 15, 1981, to the Canada Employment Cen­ tre on Campus, Brock Hall.

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By GLEN SANFORD Why is the KKK at UBC? benefits for its members. "They can Alex McQuirter looks like "We have a few of our members attend various cultural events such somebody you'd meet in a disco. on campus and they suggested we as cross lightings." Or maybe a commerce class. contact the paper to have the op­ He outlines the Klan's ideas and He has the aura of a confident, portunity to speak with you first policies. He dismisses criticism of bright young man on the road to hand about why there are members the Klan as media distortion. He success. He hardly looks like one of (of the Klan) at UBC. doesn't acknowledge facts about Canada's leading racists. "In the 1960s you maybe Klan atrocities and fills the gaps Oh, there are a few details that wouldn't have had quite as many with Klan mythology. make McQuirter appear slightly out Klan members on campuses, but it's For instance, when the Klan first of the ordinary. Like the two huge changing. Now students are beginn­ formed in the Southern United henchmen who travel with him. Or ing to think for themselves. People States, it did not bully and torture the way he constantly looks over his are saying 'let's ignore the problems blacks. In fact, the KKK actually shoulder, almost as if he were we're not responsible for and let's defended the white community paranoid. begin to worry about ourselves'." from roving gangs of blacks. And there's the way he and his McQuirter goes on to say there is He continues to glorify the Klan. henchman scout out all corners of an "informal club" of the KKK at He enthusiastically describes his every room they enter. And check version of the Klan's history. He behind the curtains. defends last Spring's Klan involve­ And then there's the peculiar way ment with the invasion of McQuirter and his group seek out a Dominica, where a small group of washroom (Asks a henchman, Americans and Canadians were "Where's the nearest washroom?" found out after plotting to over­ He listens politely, then asks for the throw the Island's black govern­ location of other washrooms in ment. SUB. He nods, and examines the "It was well organized and nearly entrance to the nearest washroom. successful. But I was involved as an He then promptly heads to a individual, not as a Klansman. mystery location.) There was a lot of money involved. But what really makes McQuirter I wish I could say it was a Klan stand out is his eyes. They are, as operation but it wasn't." one UBC student said, like black When the mercenaries were ar­ pits. They gleam in a most unholy rested, several Klansmen were fashion, and certainly have the found on a boat prepared to leave ability to send chills down the spine. for Dominica. Rifles and machine Aside from these traits, Mc­ guns were seized. And a Nazi flag. Quirter seems like the all-Canadian McQuirter does not deny Klan af­ kid, soft spoken but a natural McQUIRTER . . . Klan leader filiation with Nazi principles. He leader. A guy with a lot of UBC. He won't give specific says the German Nazis introduced charisma. membership figures, but there are many progressive social programs He's the leader of the Canadian more than 20. that the Klan supports. Especially Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. the concept of promoting the Aryan And he actually claims that the "It's not an officially designated race. Ku Klux Klan is a legitimate den. The things they do are varied. "Let the blacks develop their organization of concerned citizens There's still a lot of left wing in­ own culture in Africa," he says. seeking justice. That it's a group fluence among profs on campus, so Finally the reporters run out of that has been subjected to media they keep quiet until they graduate questions. And McQuirter, still lies and public abuse since its incep­ from UBC. We encourage them to looking over his shoulder, leaves tion. That the KKK is not a terrorist join groups that are against the UBC. organization and that it is sup­ Klan or are left wing oriented to ported by black nationalists. find out why they're against us, what their attitudes are. We store Late news item: Alex McQuirter He sits at a table calmly explain­ this information in our files and we was arrested by Toronto police ing the difference between Cauca­ can use it later if they run for public Wednesday for possession of sians and other races. Two nervous office or something. At the same firearms and cocaine. McQuirter Ubyssey reporters ask questions. A time if they hear of somebody said during his interview with The photographer moves around the who is sympathetic, they bring out Ubyssey that all Ku Klux Klan table, snapping photos. Each click the idea of joining the Klan." members take oaths to obey the law seems like an explosion. The two fully. Klan members claim the ar­ henchmen move out of the camera's He goes on to describe the Klan rest was a setup to discredit the range. More questions. as a "cultural" group with a lot of racist group. W/ST\

By MURIEL DRAAISMA credibility to a group of people who have a over the incident," he added as a justifica­ The committee to fight racist and fascist history of violence and a reputation of trying tion for the Front's actions. violence was recently constituted as a to disrupt progressive movements. Colly concluded that "self-defence is the legitimate UBC club. The addition of a new On Oct. 17, the People's Front Against only way to fight violence." Fight violence club to the Alma Mater Society may not seem Racist and Fascist Violence allegedly with violence? He said the committee's main extremely important, but the nature of the disrupted a rally, sending three people to aim is "to unite in action against racist and club is disturbing. hospital and injuring several others. The fascist ideology." The word "action" The committee's leading members are af­ B.C. Organization to Fight Racism spon­ presumably means smashing other people filiated with the People's Front to Fight sored the rally in Vancouver's South over the head with sticks. SAC Racist and Fascist Violence, a front for the Memorial park to publicly demonstrate The committee has taken upon itself to Communist Party of Canada (Marxist- against the Ku Klux Klan. fight the cutbacks. Colly has recently handed Leninists). The student administrative com­ Two weeks previous, Oct. 4th, another ral­ out a petition opposing the planned tuition mission was not aware that the committee is ly had been held for the same purpose. The increase and circulated it among UBC constitutes linked to the People's Front when the con­ People's Front had again allegedly smashed students pretending it was sponsored by the stitution was passed. Students for an Accessible Education, an in­ "We didn't know they are a cover for the dependent ad hoc group. When the SAE CPC-(ML). They told us they were not in­ SAG "We have found out, it condemned the petition. Colly volved in the violence with the B.C. promptly issued a scathing statement criticiz­ CPC(M-L) Organization to Fight Racism," said club clubs on this campus ing SAE. commissioner Terry Cox. SAE spokesperson Paul Yaskowich said his group never agreed on the petition that Cox said the committee qualified accor­ as far left as Stalin Colly made, in its entirety." He set up a com­ ding to SAC's rules. Asked whether previous mittee on his own without SAE's permission knowledge of the affiliation with the CPC- and as far right as or that of the arts undergraduate society so in (ML) would have affected SAC's decision he effect he disassociated with us." » said, "I think it would have influenced our Attila the Hun. Yaskowich added: "by way of implication, decision somewhat, but it wouldn't have he's trying to use the credibility of the SAE to changed (the outcome). They are on a proba­ peaceful demonstrators with sticks from their lend credit to his own organization, the com­ tion period at the moment and if they do placards. The BCOFR unsuccessfully tried to mittee against racist and fascist violence." anything that is contrary to the interests of avoid confrontation with the Front. On behalf of the AUS of which Yaskowich is the Alma Mater Society, they will be According to Al Soroka, a spokesperson president, he said arts members were con­ deconstituted immediately." for the committee against racist and fascist cerned about being associated with that Cliff Stewart, SAC secretary, plainly violence and CPC(M-L) member, the group because of their involvement in violent stated SAC could make no moral decisions or BCOFR didn't allow the CPC(M-L) to state demonstrations. prejudge the committee. "We have clubs their opinion. "They attacked us first," he In his condemnation of the SAE, Colly on this campus as far left as Stalin and as far claimed. "When provoked, we will fight claimed the SAE is ' 'the private preserve of a to the right as Attila the Hun. If we con­ back," he added. couple of student hacks who are not demned everyone's beliefs, we would be A student spokesperson for the committee, answerable to anyone and never claimed to schizophrenic." Garnet Colly said there is a certain amount of be democratic." Yaskowich said the paper is The problem is not the committee's beliefs. confusion about the rally because of press "a derogatory piece on SAE which I consider SOROKA ... 'we will fight back' The problem is the AMS has now given coverage. "The media created mass hysteria to be slander." Page 6 THE UBYSSEY Friday, November 27, 1981 Cults turn victims into children From page 3 much they raise is an indication of the evening with only a short break her much that night. "It was the control of people so they can't by deprogrammers, the group mov­ their devotion. But they're never for lunch, they would return to the first time I'd spent alone in seven think for themselves. ed mainly at night without telling satisfied with what they get. They Centre for dinner around 9 p.m. weeks." "There should be some legisla­ recruits the locationof their new make you feel you never give If new recruits were expected, "When I woke up in the morn­ tion (to control cults). I believe camps. enough. I heard of one girl in New some members would return early ing, I spent two hours just lying in parents should be able to take During this time, the cult was us­ York who made $1,000 a day selling to give the introductory lecture. bed and deprogramming myself. custody of their children for three ing Mark to draw Rahn deeper into peanut brittle," she says. New recruits took part in a follow- When you're alone your thoughts weeks at any age. the group. Many cults talk of "giving 100 up discussion after dinner and when are so different." "These groups should have to ac­ "I came to trust Mark very per cent" and equate it with it was over, the members would "In the cult, they never left me count for their money. It angers much. I was almost in a child-like reaching a person's potential. Some hold their prayer meeting. Many alone. I never questioned it. They me when they take advantage of be- members would do their Bible readings before going to bed. Rahn adds they slept about four hours a night and were well fed but some members said they were nce an individual has agreed thankful they now had enough he Unification Church believes in money to eat better. reaching people individually. Oto attend a Moonie workshop, Fortunately for Rahn, Mark was T sent to New York to recruit for the Once you have a person's soul, their chances of being recruited Church. Her doubts about fund increase dramatically raising and Mark's departure made you have them totally. her reconsider her relationship with the Unification Church. During the month Rahn was missing, her parents began sear­ ching for their daughter. Tracing state. I trusted him so much that cult members drive themselves her to Atlanta, they hired two men always wanted me to talk to an ing called a charity. Most are just when we played baseball I would 16-20 hours a day selling flowers, to pick her up and flew into Atlanta older member rather than a new political organizations. No one has swing at every pitch no matter how candy, candles or anything they themselves. recruit." any idea how much Moon makes or bad." think will make a profit. Rahn's parents visited the house "I spent a week at the where it goes. It's just a front." The group spent four weeks mov­ Cult members speak of "heaven­ where she was staying and after deprogramming centre. At first I She concluded by saying that ing from camp to camp in the ly deception," a phrase used to talking for some time asked her to disputed everything with the cults are very detrimental to young Eastern States, spending their time qualify misrepresentating go for a ride. "I got in the car and deprogrammers but eventually I people. "They're not honest. What playing team sports, and hearing themselves either in fund raising or was kidnapped." stopped and began accepting they really do is take advantage of more on the Unification Church un­ recruitment. According to the things. The Rahns drove for ten hours to people's innocence." til they eventually arrived in Atlan­ Unification Church, those outside a deprogramming camp in Virginia. "I spent the week there observing ta. the group are agents of Satan. "I wanted to go back to the people from other cults and was Rahn spent only two months in "All during our time together, Therefore, any fabrication can be Moonies but in the car I began amazed at the similarities in cult ex­ the Moonies but that short time had the group had been working up to used to take money from them to reading Crazy for God which had perience." a powerful and far reaching effect beginning fund raising, but they draw these people into the cults. the exact same experiences as Rahn says the cult's control is in­ on her life. kept on saying not to worry about The usual day for fund raisers in­ mine. sidious. "The Unification Church Lack of awareness is what many it. volves waking at 6 a.m. followed by "Doubts began to develop but I believes in reaching people in­ cults depend on to procure "New members are told how prayers and exercise. Breakfast is still felt the world was in a mess and dividually. It's slower, but surer. members. Cults exert strong in­ served at 7:30. Any meetings for the if Moon couldn't save it no one Once you have a person's soul you fluences on individuals due to their day are held after breakfast and could. have them totally. methods of indoctrination, and Looker a cheap, fund raising begins at 9. Each team "I felt very negative and thought "Cults are dangerous because people should be informed if they is assigned a specific area which that Moon was the last hope." they mock values which are a hope to respond to them intelligent- fluffy, popcorn, they cover on foot and usually Arriving at the deprogrammers necessary part of society. They take alone, often working till late into camp Rahn said, no one talked'to fun flick By SHAFFIN SHARIFF Jllljttart HAIRSTYLING Looker, the new Michael Crichton film, is a piece of fluff. That is not to say that the film is ex­ 25% OFF cessively inept. Quite frankly, • BODY WAVES • COLOURS • STREAKS Looker is a silly, enjoyable film, BOWL WAVE • PERMS • HENNAS and a pleasant surprise. WITH PRESENTATION OF THIS AD (EXPIRES DEC. 23) Looker Starring Albert Finney and in THE PIT on 2691 WEST BROADWAY Susan Day VANCOUVER, B.C. V6K 2G2 Playing at Capitol Six SATURDAY, NOV. 28 PHONE: 738-8011 The plot, which has something to do with "perfect female types" get­ SPECIALIZING IN: ting killed because of a top-secret FROM 4:30-6:30 p.m. D SPEAKERS experiment to construct computer • SPEAKER KITS images with hypnotic light rays for • SPEAKER REPAIR SPECIAL A TTRA CTIONS: AND ACCESSORIES mass television manipulation. Enter Albert Finney, selfless soul and ENGINEER'S KAZOO BAND WE HANDLE SPEAKERS BY: • Electro-Voice • Motorola Beverly Hills plastic surgeon, who is U.B.C. CHEERLEADING BAND • Peerless D Philips concerned because the models get­ • Pioneer • KEF ting killed are all his patients. The • Eminence DAudax No Door Charge • Pyramid good doctor takes it upon himself The only to rescue one remaining model store with a 734-5142 (Susan Dey). DANCING AT 8. 1 FAIR PRICING 2077 W. 4th Avenue POLICY" Enter James Coburn as a suave, on Loudspeakers Vancouver, B.C. V6J1N3 MUSIC BY CITR - Door $1 (At Arbutus) sophisticated, and dashing millionaire (what else is new?) who is the mastermind behind the Looker laboratory, where engineers are perfecting the Looker gun, which gives the illusion of invisibili­ ty. This is harmless, mindless stuff, to be viewed with tongue in cheek. Looker isn't as sophisticated as the SOUTHERN James Bond thrillers, but it is in the same vein as Coburn's own B-grade Our Man Flint film series. There are some amusing moments along the way, particularly take-offs on television commercials and the North American television viewing habits. However, Looker isn't as COMFORT controlled and as fun as Chrichton's earlier Great Train Robbery. Looker has an even pace and Its special taste flashy, mechanized sets — in other words, 95 minutes of unof- fensive celluloid. Like Capricorn made it famous. One and Coma. Looker is a pop­ corn movie. Proceed and enjoy. Friday, November 27, 1981 THE UBYSSEY Page 7 Maranatha madness hits UBC By ARNOLD HEDSTROM support human rights movements in El For 14 days and 14 nights he preached. Salvador, South Africa and Namibia. At night he spoke to small crowds in Maranatha leaves such action to the in­ Buchanan, told stories, played music, and dividual. led singalongs with words on a screen from But despite a failure to present a stand on an overhead projector. The meeting was poverty and human rights violations, slick and glossy yet casual. The friendly in­ Broocks is appalled by those who advocate formal approach can only be described as homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle or professional. Disturbingly professional. favor choice on abortion. His beliefs are During the day he took his platform to not surprising considering Maranatha af­ the campus. He harangued and yelled at filiations with organizations such as students with the use of loudspeakers and a Melodyland seminary, 100 Huntley Street, microphone with a cord long enough to let 700 Club and Full Gospel Businessmen, all him roam among the usual large crowds fundamentalist or conservative groups cur­ eating their lunches on SUB plaza and main rently working in the United States or mall on a sunny fall day. After his sermon, Canada. Broocks, himself, was the gospel hymns, pushed to high volume, Mississippi coordinator for a political ac­ echoed around campus. tion called Washington for Jesus. The small crowds at Buchanan each night Another major Maranatha political ac­ speak for the popularity of Rice Broocks, tion is to ensure that their message is heard the touring minister for Maranatha in the form that they want to present it. Ministries International, a group totally Broocks advocates religious training to concerned with converting individuals to supplement secular training offered by uni­ versities. It is a right in an intellectual com­ his church. The first night of his UBC BROOCKS . . . don't listen, just walk off crusade six students attended. Wednesday munity to have all forms of knowledge ad­ in SUB, a regular meeting had about 30 "We felt it would be better to keep talk­ complished by accepting Christ first, and vanced, says Broocks. Maranatha creates participants. The group is small but grow­ ing with them rather than force them then, Broocks promises "meaning and pur­ its own platform. ing. underground," says Evans. "One must be pose" to life in his sermons. A Maranatha Maranatha and Rice Broocks feel no re­ But resentment to the Maranatha was very wary of these people. They know how full color glossy pamphlet says accepting gret about adverse reactions from students. also growing on campus. The Alma Mater to control people. They are dangerous and Christ "has real and practical application to Broocks says students who don't want to Society, the registrar's office, student not to be trusted." everything you do." hear him don't have to listen. "They don't counselling and The Ubyssey all received Evans says they use typical cult actions: have to listen. They can walk off." And he numerous complaints. Most protested high pressure verbal assault and preying on Hermanson says accepting Jesus for defends his method of preaching on Biblical Maranatha disturbing the peace but some individuals who are isolated from the com­ some people gives a temporary feeling of grounds. parents objected to dramatic personality munity or families. security. But, "if you accept Jesus your "If you open up the New Testament that changes in their sons' and daughters' UBC chaplain George Hermanson agrees problems begin because you are called to is what Jesus did. He taught in the market­ behavior, according to former student ad­ with Evans. "They're not any different face the problems of the world." place ... I never wanted to! I mean, I was ministrative commission chair Bill than EST. They view the task of change in Maranatha's view is a form of false raised very properly and very socially in the Maslechko. SAC is concerned enough that our society as a personal one and not a consciousness not gospel. Hermanson says South. I wouldn't raise my voice to anyone at its last meeting members investigated the social problem." the Maranatha people have even gone as far hardly," says Broocks. "But, you know, possibility of deconstituting the group as a The Maranatha people offer short trun­ as to tell students that they don't need to there is a duty, I believe ... to do what the campus club. SAC's major concerns were cated answers to complex human problems. study. Jesus will take care of them. Bible says." the complaints and non-UBC influence. Broocks defends his church's viewpoint. Maranatha's individualized religion also But Maranatha is a historical, says Her­ UBC is not the first Canadian university He says the wisdom of God covers every means that except for a few moral questions manson. Jesus and his followers did not to have organizers vaulted in to establish area of human life. "The simplicity of Jesus the church is not involved in issues as are have microphones and a public address sys­ Maranatha. Two years ago the group is that you don't have to understand all of many major religious groups. Churches in tem. started a ministry at the University of the things about God to give your heart to Europe, for example, are involved in anti- "While Jesus did do public preaching, he Waterloo in Ontario. The campus chaplains Him and have Him begin to operate in your nuclear movements. In Vancouver, a coali­ did not bang people over the head," says from Waterloo reacted with caution accor­ life." tion of churches and other groups take Hermanson. The chaplain adds that discus­ ding to Reverend Al Evans of St. Paul's For Broocks, religion is a simple matter strong action against welfare cuts. At UBC, sions with Jesus did not involve yelling and College. of obedience. Obedience to God is only ac­ on an international scale, church groups often involved dialogue.

Education needed to stop cult growth

From page 1 does, is it tries to get you to use your own ability to notice these things was probably mind to separate you from the cult beliefs caused by her inability to rationalize. and environment. They give you food and let The car did not turn down the proper street you sleep and ask you questions like why do but Demkowitz thought the driver was just you need guns in The Way Corps," she adds. taking a different route. It turned down a "It's a chipping away of a brick wall to get side street and she saw two joggers on both you to think for yourself." sides of the street. Once the person begins to think for "The car went between the two joggers, it themselves they go on a rehabilitation pro­ stopped, both doors opened up, one guy gram of rest and relaxation that gives them grabbed my shoulders and pushed me down, time to think of what happened to them and the other guy took my mother and helped her learn why they did it. out of the car and into the front seat. I started kicking this guy and yelling at my During her rehabilitation program mother to run," she said. Christine had the opportunity to talk to When her mother got into the front seat of former members of the Moonies (Unification the car Demkowitz knew what had happen­ Church) and the Hare Krishnas, who to her ed. "I knew Satan had possessed my mother surprise had the same or very similar ex­ and it was not her fault that she was giving in perience as she had had in The Way Interna­ to Satan and had hired these animals. I didn't tional. know what they were going to do with me. I Demkowitz has also worked with other was sure I was going to be raped, beaten, tied deprogrammers, assisting them in helping up, and possibly even killed, because I didn't kids like herself. know what Satan would do to me. Today Demkowitz has recovered from her After she had settled down a little, her experience in The Way International. She re­ mother told her that she just wanted to talk mains cautious of all cultist groups and will to her. "This is a classic line because all not talk to members for great lengths of time. deprogramming is, is a process of giving the She is angry at The Way for what they did cultist an opportunity to see things they were to her, but she realizes that the only way to not exposed to in the cult. While in the cult curb their success is to educate others. they had been separated from the real world "I think public education is basically the by being told that the newspapers, radio, and only thing that is going to make people see television were written by Satanic people." the danger of cults and is going to make any She spent three days in a house talking kind of dent in the wall that these cults have with a deprogrammer and his assistants for built — financially, mentally, whatever." 12 to 15 hours a day. "What deprogramming The cults are growing at an incredible rate." Page 8 THE UBYSSEY Friday, November 27,1981

Ticket exposes cult tactics Exam Blues? Essays Due? By JULIE WHEELWRIGHT David's self-image and in the end he journalist is puzzling. The comedy One of the biggest corporations "snaps." His hair is shaven and he again detracts from the tension and You've Heard off in the United States is currently becomes another glassy-eyed does not really add to the film. operating with slave labor; young Moonie, peddling his flowers on the Aside from these criticisms the Speed Reading? people who are deprived of proper streets under false pretenses. film's message is clear; cults like the nutrition, sleep, medical attention His family and Larry become Moonies are dangerous. They prey CLEAR COMMUNICATION Introduces: and their ability to think. deeply concerned and set out a plan on people's vulnerability, their need And they do this perfectly legally. to get him back. Unfortunately the for reassurance in a difficult world. In 1980 Montreal journalist Josh filmakers decided to turn David's After watching the chilling account Freed wrote a book about his suc­ mother (Marcia Diamond) into a of life in a cult in Ticket To cessful attempt to get his long time stereotypical Jewish mother. The Heaven, you may never buy The Speedwriting method does for your writing of exams and essays friend Benjie back from this group, scene where the family and friends another flower from a glassy eyed what speedreading does for your reading — it slashes the time you the followers of Reverend Sun kidnap David is also turned into a stranger. spend orgainzing, researching, and writing. At this time of year, Myung Moon or the Moonies. that's important. Freed's book not only exposed You can learn to save enough time in one day to triple the quantity the maltreatment of the young and quality of your writing. It works for all your subjects: Law, volunteers but Moon's extensive in­ English, History, Geography, Psychology, etc. come from their sale of flowers, This is not a shorthand method. It is a technique for organizing and and his restaurants, munitions fac­ presenting thoughts that has proven itself to students for two years. tories, jewellery stores, fish plants Call to reserve your place in one of the three Saturday ses­ etc. sions: NOVEMBER 28, DECEMBER 5. DECEMBER 12 Ticket to Heaven Cost $45. Place: SUB Directed by R.L. Thomas CLEAR COMMUNICATION CONSULTANTS LTD. Playing at The Park 980-4318 And now the film. Ticket to Heaven essentially documents Freed's siory of rescuing his friend from the Moonies in California. The filmakers were very careful to change the names in the picture and it carries a disclaimer stating that al! A CAREER IN the characters are fictional. CHIROPRACTIC But the story is the same and the only disappointment is that the cor­ porate aspects of Moon's operation The Chiropractic Profession is were noi more fully exposed. playing a significant role in Visually the film adds great impact the delivery of health care to CULTISTS . . . bizarre rituals portrayed in Ticket to the scenes of the recruitment the public of Canada. There are camps and it is well worth seeing. comedy sketch, further detracting [~ opportunities for both men and A few changes have been made to from the central drama. women in this growing profession. the original story. David (Nick But even these flaws are not far Mancuso) Larry (Saul Rubinek's) from Freed's book. The kidnapping Group What aptitudes must you possess? long time friend, breaks up with his scene was chaotic, the participants - desire to serve your fellow live in woman friend and travels to faced a jail sentence for their crime man in a tangible and reward-J California. and they were amateurs. The grope. ing way. David arrives at a "commune California police did eventually - minimum two years university* catch up to David's parents but they science with standing in which isn't a commune" to visit fter the game, after the a Canadian friend and is enticed to were released after only a few days. chemistry - organic 6 inor-* A exam, after anything ganic, psychology, biology* spend a week at a nearby camp. The The most effective acting comes the group gropes better and physics. camp is really the Heavenly from Ralph Thomas who plays at l?J. Burger & Sons. Home - manual dexterity and high-' Children's recruitment centre where David's deprogrammer, Line ol 15 classic burgers. And ly developed eye-hand David is subjected to constant Strunk. A scene where Strunk other great stuff. 2966 VC! 4th skill. touching, bombarded with lectures, comes into the house where David is Ave. by Bayswater. Open encouraged to confess his "sins" being held to meet him, is par­ daily from 11:30a.m. FINAL REGISTRATION DATE FOR and deprived of sleep. ticularly powerful. Void where prohibited by law. SEPTEMBER IS JANUARY 31,1982. The game of dodge ball becomes Dressed in black leather, Strunk a "love-bomb" as the infectious kneels down in front of David, leader Ruthie (Kim Cattrall) urges pushes him onto the bed and lies on the players to shout "boot with top of him. "Love me, love Satan," for more t> iftjf TTutiuf t contact THE B.C CHIROPRACTIC ASSOCIATION love, watch with love." As Freed he breathes. David sits bolt upright, 736 Granville Street Vancouver. B C describes the experience, "the chan­ shaking and white, the first human ting continued hypnotically, response he displays since the kid­ without let-up for two hours. It did napping. not rise or fall with good or bad Rubinek as Larry and Eric (Guy plays; it simply continued." Boyd) also deliver convincing per­ The constant touching, shouting, formances. But why they turned exhaustion all combine to unglue Freed into a comedian-businessman


School of Business Administration The University of Western Ontario London, Ontario, Canada N6A 3K7 Professor E. F. Peter Newson, Chairman, MBA Program, will Host a Discussion of the Western MBA Program

DATE: December 2 TIME: 1:00-2:30 p.m. PLACE: Room 200, Brock Hall

Anyone Interested in Discussing The Western MBA Program is Invited to Attend Friday, November 27,1981 THE UBYSSEY Page 9 Beau-pere near perfect whole By SHAFFIN SHARIFF these two people were basically like­ the: audience directly. He introduces with Get Out Your Handkerchiefs. kilter, and slightly absurd; things "People have always liked the able people looking for affection, himself and gives us a short history Despite the film's luminous per­ are never as they seem. Marion's humor in my films, except when I and found it nowhere except in each of his life: he is married, has a wife formances, Beau-pere is very much candid revelations startle us at first, make fun of women. But actually, other? who's a model, and a 14-year-old a director's movie. but Blier doesn't set her up as a my films make fun of everyone, stepdaughter. As soon as the cam­ Working with cinematographer stereotyped sex goddess. At the both men and women. I love all Beau-pere era beings to move again, he stops Sacha Vierny, Blier has created a end, it is her innocence, her ro­ kinds of caricature." Directed by Bertrand Blier addressing the audience; he is now a controlled, brightly-lit world for mantic delusions that stay with us. —Bertrand Blier Starring Patrick Dewaere character in the movie, not an om­ Remi and Marion. The director's Remi, on the other hand, appears director and Ariel Besse niscient narrator. presence is continually felt in this confused and disoriented; he is Playing at the Bay Remi is a talented jazz pianist, film. The most obvious reminder is broke and yet responsible for Mar­ Blier is absolutely correct — his but he is broke. His wife, Martine the constantly moving camera. The ion's welfare. But toward the end of new French film, Beau-pere is noth­ Beau-pere opens with a striking (Nicole Garcia) humiliates herself fluidity of technique — Blier always the film, our impression of him ing but a caricature. A caricature of tracking shot of a restaurant. The by posing as a model for lingerie cuts on motion — matches the changes. Remi has always been dis­ the characters and the mise-en- camera, fixated on the mirrored ads. On her way to an interview, film's structure and style. Beau- oriented and penniless, never being scene, an elaborate dream balloon ceiling, begins to track slowly, until Martine has a car accident and is pere is like a beautiful dream, a able to fulfill his ambitions and concocted by a writer-director who the perspective is right side up, nor­ killed. "What can you say?" asks subtly comic investigation of its hopes. (He reminds one of Charlie thought, what if. . .? What if a mal. It continues to glide smoothly Remi. "An intersection, a truck, a leading characters, Remi and Chaplin's Little Tramp character.) 14-year-old fell in love with her until we have a full shot of Remi poor reflex." Remi — the Beau- Marion. Dewaere and Besse dominate the 30-year-old stepfather, and all sorts (Patrick Dewaere), a piano player. pere of this film — is now daughter Blier is almost too fond of using movie — as they should. But the of complications, ensued? What if He stares at the camera, addressing Marion's guardian. the tracking camera, and most of supporting actors deserve a men­ What happens next — a sexual the time, the tracking isn't motivat­ tion also. Maurice Risch is excell­ relationship involving Remi and ed by the narrative. Yet the move­ ent as Remi's lifelong friend who Marion (Ariel Besse) — could have ment gives the film, a giddy, ro­ works nights, while Remi keeps been a field day for a neo-realist mantic feel. Watching Beau-pere, borrowing money from him and his filmmaker. Indeed, the scenario is you can't help but admire the de­ family. Nathalie Baye, who was in ripe for a harsh, potentially exploit­ gree of control Blier exhibits over Godard's Sauve Qui Peut La Vie, ive treatment of degradation and the plot developments without stifl­ has a merely functional role in this breakdown (James A. Cain wrote a ing the characters' freedom and im­ film, as does Nicole Garcia, last novel with similar circumstances, pact. seen in Alan Resnais' Mon Oncle Butterfly). But Bertrand Blier, who The actors have a brilliant rap­ D'Amerique. also directed the academy award- port with the camera, and most of Beau-pere has an appropriately winning Get Out Your Handker­ them, at one time or another, stare jazzy soundtrack, thanks to Phillipe chiefs, isn't the least bit interested directly at the camera and address Sarde's exuberant score (Sardi com­ in any social (or torrid) ramifica­ the camera (a nice touch). Patrick posed music for Roman Polanski's tions of the affair. Dewaere, who seemed almost invis­ Tess also). The director's images One could liken Blier to a behav- ible in Get Out Your Handker­ and the musical score frequently ioralist, dissecting his characters chiefs, has his best role to date. compliment each other. Early in the with a fine precision without any Remi's character demands a full movie, for example, a wonderful deep emotional attachment to any range of subtlety and control since synthesis is reached. As Dewaere is of them. Wry, almost satiric humor the ironic twist at the end of the speaking to the audience the tone plays an essential part in Beau-pere. film hinges on Dewaere's perform­ and pitch of his voice fluctuate with The film is superior to Get Out ance. and match the rhythm of the music. Your Handkerchiefs — for exam­ Ariel Besse, making her screen And Maurice Wander's jazz piano ple, the audience doesn't feel left debut, has the angelic charm of an is particularly suited to Blier's out of the joke and the irony of the ingenue and none of sultriness of a tracking camera. situation (the title beau-pere, has a Lolita. She has a natural, innocent The components of this film dual meaning: handsome or won­ face that adds a touch of ambiguity form a near perfect whole. Beau- derful father, or stepfather). about her motives. The script calls pere is one of the year's most grace­ Beau-pere indicates that Blier's for her to discuss the most intimate ful, intelligent comedies. But more roots are filmly planted in a poetic part of her body, and Besse suc­ importantly, it is a testimonial to sensibility of Renoir and Truffaut; ceeds marvelously, delivering her Blier's talent. Considering the im­ Blier was Truffaut's assistant di­ lines with a frankness that is more provement over his last film, Get rector for many years. The Blier of than a little disarming. Out Your Handkerchiefs, it is excit­ Beau-pere isn't a humorist unsure The world that Blier has dreamed ing to anticipate the Blier to come DEWAERE . . . with Besse in frank comedy of his film craft, as he seemed to be up for his characters is slightly off after Beau-pere. Time Bandits Gilliam's triumph By CHARLES CAMPBELL Warnock) is not too cute and No doubt. The Time Bandits Evil (David Warner) is suitably is a very good film. But it's one Blend of adventure, farce bitchy. of those long awaited films that Michael Palin and Shelly has become for many a victim of Duval are perfect as a pair of -its own hype. Because of all the ment for both. And it never The next night Kevin goes to Of course they haven't got two awkward unconsummated upper pre-release publicity a lot of peo­ bores or patronizes. bed with his polaroid. That's cents to rub together but that's crust British lovers. ple have gone to see it with a fix­ Despite the mature rating and when the time bandits because they're poor. Marion Sir Ralph Richardson is ed idea of what to expect. the liberal dose of Monty themselves arrive. These six would you ask the poor to come memorable as the supreme be­ Python style humor Gilliam in­ dwarfs were the supreme being's in please?" ing. He's an absent minded Many people think that the tended the film primarily for assistants in creation. After Sean Connery's appearance in Wizard of Oz style of god. The Time Bandits is a Monty Python children. "I found that a lot of screwing up in trees and shrubs the film adds an interesting twist self-proclaimed nice one film, which it's not. Though it the nuances in Monty Python they were relegated to repairs. to the idea of the film as remarks after a noisy materiali­ was directed by Monty Python that went over the heads of Dissatisfied, they steal their childhood fantasy. Kevin saves zation: "I can't stand un- animator, Terry Gilliam, and adults were picked up by the boss' map to the flaws in the the helmeted Agamemnon (Con­ tidyness. I want all this mess was co-written by Gilliam and kids," he says. universe — seven holes in time nery) from the minotaur and picked up." Pythonite Michael Palin, only The film takes the form of a that allow them to travel freely when the Greek hero removes his Visually the film is superb. In Palin and John Cleese of the child's fantasy or adventure; through the past and future. helmet it's an ancient James essence an animated film with British comedy group make ap­ we're never sure which. Kevin, Bond who owes Kevin a debt. live characters, The Time Ban­ pearances in the film and they Kevin leaves with this uncer­ the inevitable child hero, is a tain group and they are off to dits is done with taste and class are brief. precocious child whose life is Agamemnon takes Kevin on the 1700s to rob Napoleon. Tak­ as a son, leaving the time bandits that would flatter The Lord of plagued by his parents' mundane ing advantage of the famous the Rings (so recently botched by concern with kitchen gadgets, to save Kevin from the plotting The Time Bandits general's weakness for short Clymenestra and the vengeful Ralph Bakshi). Directed by Terry Gilliam game shows and bedtimes. His people they literally steal his The special effects, supervised home, set in the near future, is a string of murders that plagued Playing at the Dunbar right hand fleeing to the middle Agamemnon's family. by John Bunker of Star Wars and the Odeon. parallel hell of suburban bad fame, are great when they need ages. The film culminates with the taste complete with chesterfields to be but fortunately never There they meet Robin Hood, dwarfs trying to bilk Evil himself and lamp shades still in their fac­ become the excuse for the film. Other people expected The tory fresh plastic covers. a stuffy con artist in a crayon against Kevin's wise admoni­ Time Bandits to be the The Time Bandits is not the Kevin retreats to his toy filled green leotard, played by John tions. They don't know that they quintessential children's film, greatest film of the decade by bedroom which is promptly in­ Cleese. are falling into Evil's trap. The which it's not. It's a film that any means. But given the vaded by a knight in shining ar­ "So you're a robber? Jolly master of the computer chip, tries to entertain both adults and number of mindless comedies mor who crashes through the good. How long have you been a lasers and subscriber trunk dial­ kids occasionally ignoring one in made for kids these days, and closet door, leaps over Kevin's robber?" asks the hood in a pa­ ing has a design of his own — to favor of the other. the number of adventure films bed and retreats down a tree lin­ tronizing tone as he plans a little get hold of the dwarfs' map and thereby control the world. that sanctify violence it remains But while the episodic plot ed alley. When Kevin's father robbing of his own. fair to say that this strange blend may not always be sophisticated complains about the noise, there "The poor are going to be ab­ Gilliam shows considerable of fantasy, adventure, farce and enough for adults and the humor is no damage. Both Kevin and solutely delighted," he says as he talent as a director, coaxing fine satire (with a quotient of subtle is occasionally too subtle for the the audience are left wondering paws Napoleon's treasure. performances from all the ac­ wisdom) is one of the best films kids The Time Bandits still suc­ whether the knight was fantasy "Absolutely thrilled. You must tors. The dwarfs emerge as six for children since the Wizard of ceeds in being great entertain- or reality. meet them. Charming people. distinct characters, Kevin (Craig Oz. Friday, Nov Page 10 THE UBYSSEY

Beurling fails to buzz 'Vfvwf&ntffomHetr-

By BRIAN JONES tion is an understatement. Beurl­ George "Buzz" Beurling was a ing's personality and character are Canadian war hero, a fighter pilot best exemplified by a vivid descrip­ ranked among the top 10 of the Sec­ tion he himself gave of how he flew ond World War Allied aces, who by his Spitfire to within 30 yards of an the age of 21 was as familiar to Ca­ Italian pilot before firing at point nadians as then prime minister blank range. Mackenzie King. "One of my cannon shells caught The reader is introduced to Beur­ him right in the face and blew his ling in his boyhood — a nice reli­ head right off. The body slumped gious kid with strict but loving par­ and the slipstream caught the neck, ents who has an insatiable love for the stub of the neck, and the blood airplanes. He paid for flying lessons streamed down the side of the cock­ by building and selling balsa wood pit," Beurling said. model planes, and quit school at 16 "It was a great sight anyway, the to pursue an aviation career. red blood down the white fuselage. I must say it gives you a feeling of Hero: The Buzz Beurling Story satisfaction when you actually blow By Brian Nolan their brains out." Published by Lester and Beurling was a soldier who obvi­ Orpen Dennys ously enjoyed his work, and for this 201 pages $14.95 Nolan gives him praise and acco­ lades. Nolan staunchly defends Luckily for Beurling, World War Beurling against the claim, quite II breaks out. After being rejected justifiably made, that he was a by the RCAF, he sails to England to "cold-blooded killer." His 31 vic­ join the RAF and eventually ends tims are not treated as human be­ up in Malta, where in just three ings who lost their lives, but as mere months he becomes a top ace and statistics necessary for Beurling's Canadian hero. He arrives home, in climb to hero status. 1944 and proposes marriage to his The horror and reality of war are pretty girl friend. He meets the neglected in favor of ceaseless hero prime minister and travels across worship. A search for a rational, the country selling war bonds for moral justification for warfare, for the government. Beurling's actions, and for his hero Sounds like a Hollywood script, status is not even considered, either doesn't it? Unfortunately, that's ex­ by Beurling or Nolan. actly the way author Brian Nolan But Nolan's power of description treats it. The book is essentially a should not be overlooked. His in­ chronology of Beurling's heroic ex­ troduction is definitely classic: ploits, both in and out of the cock­ "TAKALI AIRFIELD, Malta. The pit. In his adulation of Beurling, summer of 1942. The atmosphere Nolan neglects any and all serious of the island is surreal: a lime green analysis of the man and his life. sky at dawn and pastel butterflies It is obvious that Beurling joined flitting about between the falling the air force only because of his bombs." Prose such as this makes it love of flying. The killing that came hard to believe that Nolan is a pro­ with it was not contemplated, and fessor of journalism at Carleton BUZZ BEURLING . . . hero worship of soldier who loved his work Beurling also came to love even University. that. A Toronto newspaper describ­ George Beurling's life story is one ed Beurling, in his obituary, as which should hold the reader spell­ Raven and fans: no I "perhaps the coldest, deadliest hu­ bound, and would if treated in a so­ man who ever sat behind an air­ phisticated manner. Unfortunately, By DIRK SION with the same bottle in hand that craft's sights and smiled happily as Nolan's biography is at best inter­ There was no great emotion Raven saluted the crowd and told he watched his foe being blasted to esting but simple, and at worst shared between performer and au­ them to enjoy themselves. dience when David Raven and the pieces." mundane. It is merely a Hollywood The evening began with a set by Escorts played before a mild milling Yet even this gruesome descrip­ war story put into print. "special guests" who unfortunately of dazed souls Friday evening in the subdued the minds of the audience SUB ballroom. into passivity and received their on­ Indeed, the greatest show of emo­ ly applause when they were leaving tion occurred when David Raven the stage. Hugo's tragic hunchback kicked at and exchanged obscenities with a member of the audience who When the Escorts finally ap­ had taken a swig out of Raven's peared the crowd did not seem to Foon's frivolous travesty bottle of wine. Ironically, it was care much. As the band began to By KERRY REGIER Playhouse stage, attempted to pro­ the same, wouldn't we? Foon's Victor Hugo's novel Notre Dame duce a parody of Hugo, but achiev­ Quasimodo is not even ugly — de Paris is filled with the image of ed travesty instead. merely cute and sweet. Dobbs chronicles the Cathedral, an immense grey The general effect is to transform By DAVID FRASER tusks a native hunter had given him mountain, a million tons of stone Hugo's tragedy, simultaneously ex­ It is the early 1950s and colonies as a gift. weighing down every word. pansive and claustrophobic, into a have long since become liabilities The hypocrisies of British rule are bedroom farce, including a scene in for Britain. Independence is on the revealed as British intelligence offer Hunchback of Notre Dame which Captain Phoebus draws horizon for the native peoples of him a job after serving time. By By Dennis Foon Esmerelda's blouse tantalizingly British East Africa, the scene of Kil- then, British colonial attitudes had Directed by Roger Hodgman open. dare Dobbs' recent novella Pride changed, and Russell's administra­ At the Queen Elizabeth Playhouse True, the entire play is set in the and Fall. tive experience was considered use­ stage that is part of the Cathedral, Expectations are high, if not un­ ful for dealing with newly-emanci­ but it is dark, without capturing its realistic, of the material gains pated African states. In the shadow of the cathedral vastness. The ridiculous papier- Uhuru, or freedom, will bring when Having served in the British Co­ Hugo ranges his characters: Pierre mache bells did nothing to improve the white Wazangu transfer power lonial Service in Tanganyika from Gringoire, poet; Esmerelda, gypsy the effect. to Africans. 1948 to 1952, Dobbs can write with girl, hunting for her lost mother; Only Frollo, played by Peter the old hermit-woman, waiting for an intimate comprehension of Af­ Haworth, retained some of Hugo's rica's landscape, wildlife and tribal her daughter's return; Dom Frollo, Pride and Fall power. Haworth played Frollo customs. But he most lucidly de­ Archdeacon of Notre Dame; and By Kildare Dobbs strongly, seriously, with enormous scribes the society of English trans­ his virtual slave, the hideously Published by Clark Irwin determination and an undercurrent plants who ruled Africa, and per­ distorted bellringer Quasimodo. of sweaty cold fear of losing his 164 pages, $12.95 , FOON . . . resurrects Hugo formed their duties under the "sav­ Hugo's tale centers around deepest desire. agely hot" African sun which Frollo's desire for Esmerelda and Hugo's Quasimodo, for example, In Hugo's novel, the hunchback St. John Russell, the central char­ "shone indifferently on good and his plans to ensnare her, using the is a creature of the dark, half- pushes Frollo off one of the towers, acter, is a junior officer fed up with evil." other chracters as pawns. Slowly the petty and pompous British co­ animal like the cathedral's and Frollo hangs agonizingly in These colonials' lives are ridden they are all drawn to destruction by lonial protocol. He deviates from gargoyles and seen only in glimpses space from a lead pipe, surrounded with boredom and mediocrity. Mar­ their tragic fates; Hugo may have the superficial etiquette of his or at a distance. Foon's Quasimodo by gargoyles. Finally the pipe ital relations and strained and drawn his inspiration when, explor­ fellow colonial administrators, speaks in a Yorkshire-Cockney breaks, and Frollo crashes onto the dreary; long periods of separation ing the cathedral, he discovered "outcasts from England (who) saw dialect and constantly makes silly roof of a Paris house, and onto the often lead to unfaithfulness, a sub­ "carved by hand on the wall in a themselves as keeping up standards speeches to the audience. He tries to pavement, dead. Foon instead has ject dealt with in greater detail. dark recess of one of the towers, the be profound, when he compares his Quasimodo strangle Frollo — a that had been allowed to lapse in In three of the six short stories ac­ word 'fatality.' " own ugliness to the audience's gesture frivolous, weak, and almost England." companying the novella, Dobbs' Dennis Foon, in his adaptation of general attractiveness, saying that if incongruous, like almost everything Russell is caught making love to a portraits of the colonial hierarchy Notre Dame de Paris for the he ripped our faces off we'd look in the play. teenage African woman, and con­ VS victed for concealing a pair of ivory are humorous. He sketches imper- amber 27, 1981 THE UBYSSEY Page 11 MacLennan's voices compelling despite some loose ends By KERRY REGIER Later on MacLennan drops some of the moralizing tone and involves "A warm morning in June, not a us in the characters. Conrad Deh- cloud in the sky, another winter and mel takes us back to Nazi Germany a long cold spring gone over at last and approaches the mythic, as op­ and the lilac was in bloom again." posed to the mere symbolism, of the Hugh MacLennan begins his lat­ earlier characters. In Dehmel, Mac­ est book, Voices in Time, with a Lennan has infused a deeply feeling metaphor for the complete novel. It spirit, caught in a trap between per­ is loosely a science-fiction story, sonal and family loyalties. With with its principal character, John Wellfleet, writing of his past from the year 2030. WORDSMITH MacLENNAN Voices in Time By Hugh MacLennan . . .relates history of future Penguin Books nuclear war, a tale of loss and suffering. Voices in Time has an ingenious multilayered plot, with characters and locations reaching back deeper Dehmel, he watches the great Ger­ into Wellfleet's past, more remote manic culture of Goethe, Einstein, from his direct knowledge, and end­ Beethoven and Kafka vanish utterly ing with accounts of relatives he with Hitler's rise to power. In these never met, drawn from papers passages MacLennan's prose is Hamp tense and realistic found in a box. MacLennan uses most passionate: he feels, and this increasing removal from per­ wants his readers to feel, the loss By WENDY CUMMING When O'Sullivan regurgitates his emerges from the war physically sonal experience as a tool for, so to suffered by everyone. In a cacaphony of bullets, boots personal statement of principles at wounded, but he is soon decorated speak, standing farther from his and British dialects, Hamp, first of Hamp's trial, the scene becomes a as a hero. Hamps' suffering Had MacLennan concentrated on Studio 58's World War I plays, tug-of-war between the justice of transcends to a severe emotional subject which becomes larger and this idea he might have created a deeper. renders a mockery of the so-called humanity and the absurdity of collapse. He just can't take any powerful novel, and one with 'justice of law.' military ethics. On the one side more hallucinations or uncon­ The beginning of the novel greater unity than Voices in Time. Hamp, the bumbling, naive literally resting is the wai' panel trollable bouts of trembling. Charg­ sounds like a polemic against the ir­ Instead, he overgeneralizes and is private has been charged with deser­ who, with rigid morals, refuse to ed with desertion, Hamp's chest is rationality of 1981 and nuclear war. unable to handle the vastness of his tion, and his predicament marches consider Hamp's psychological donned with bullets, not medals. Much of the early pages are spent in structure. Huge areas of the plot are us directly into his character state. On the other side swells But the third act is disappointing­ windy moralizing on subjects fa­ covered with but a sentence or two, development. Hamp's touching testimony of his ly predictable, for it provides miliar to everyone, especially to sci­ sometimes leaving the impression experience in Passchendaele. While Before enlisting voluntarily in the •unneccessary details rather than a ence fiction readers. Television, po­ MacLennan was simply lazy, and trapped in a shell hole, Hamp sees army, Hamp worked in an iron highly needed twist in plot. Once a litical bumbling, modern morals, all didn't bother tying up loose ends. his friend, not more than five yards mill. He is not stupid, but does have defendant is convicted, inexorably these and more are targets for Mac­ away, get blown to bits. The blue This sloppiness contributes to the trouble expressing himself. Played he receives the last rights, then faces Lennan; but he says nothing new, and yellow pieces spattered so badly collapse of the novel's total struc­ by Michael Viro, Hamp is innocent­ the firing squad. Hamp's predica­ and rarely says it eloquently. that he had to get a new uniform. ture. The connections in time be­ ly childlike. As he answers ques­ ment is exhausted from every possi­ tween characters are tenuous at tions too honestly, trembles and Hamp's Passchendaele ex­ ble angle, leaving us little to reflect best, linked as they are by trite de­ tugs at his clothes, Viro is ir- perience is comparable to Robert­ upon. The acting also lags into mere Dve lost vices MacLennan uses, and some­ resistably likeable. son Davies' novel, Fifth Business, role playing once Hamp passes out. times only barely connected by the where Dunstan Ramsay, also trap­ However, Hamp's first two acts play a few brave members of the au­ smallest coincidences. Perceiving Hamp's awkward ped in a shell hole, gets hit in the provide tense, realistic drama, dience hazily rose from their seats honesty, the integral, just Lieute­ leg. After dragging his numbed which debunk the ethics of to dance. As the band played on, But despite the structural short­ nant Hargreaves, who defends his body through the mud, Ramsay . established justice and questions the adequately hammering out their comings and the occasional grand­ case, drills Hamp non-stop unknowingly reaches a German absurdity of war itself. An alarming numbers, the audience continually standing, MacLennan has created a throughout the first act, searching outpost and in his delirium, shoots question today, due to the threat of rose from their seats to fill the compelling book. Much tension is for important details which may three German officers. Davies thus nuclear war. dance floor. derived from the details of the char­ alter his fate. Eventually The Escorts performed two sets, acter's dilemmas, and though Mac­ Hargreaves unravels the relying heavily on the Rolling Lennan could not weld the details psychological evidence; Hamp is Stones for material. Nothing ex­ into a coherent structure, if the not a cold footed deserter, but a vic­ citing ever happened and the au­ book is approached as a collection tim of shell shock, who can no dience mildly rolled along. of loosely related short stories it can longer function in battle. This pro­ Thus went the evening. be satisfying. of, when presented at Hamp's trial, conflicts with the army's narrow concept of justice. Hamp's character represents British colonialism more than just the skinny, knock- knock-kneed private. He is a pro­ ious, paternalistic British officials The Happy Warrior is a short totype: the innocent victim of a who discuss their insufficient salar­ story about a British soldier who hard-headed war-time bureaucracy. ies over brandy and cigars, not delights in killing, enough to make Today, he exists commonly as the overly concerned about the rising the sanguinary authors of Soldier of too honest, non-aggressive, obe­ star of African nationalism. Fortune magazine proud. dient worker who is inevitably Dobbs' insightful studies of Af­ A Question of Motive and A crushed by the company. rican tribesmen are also enthralling. Memsahib's Confession deals with Though resenting the interlopers to the indifelity of jaded colonial their land: the whites, Indians and housewives who despise their frus­ Hamp Arabs, native aspirations to inde­ trated, lonely lives. Long periods of By John Wilson pendence are tied to a dream of ma­ tropical-isolation are common; hus­ Studio 58, Langara until Dec. 11 terial abundance. bands are away for weeks inspect­ East Africans believed writing, ing game and village schools and re­ Hamp exposes the hypocrisy of bicycles, gramophones, a house turn exhausted. military hierarchies which produce with a good roof, shoes, and other Yusuf and Maria concerns the men like Dr. O'Sullivan, a red neck, manifestations of white culture pos­ twisted sexual appetite of an Eng­ weaselly officer, who's cure-all is a sessed a type of magic; things that lish prison officer's wife who re­ "Good kick in the ass." When give strength. "Witamins" give peatedly attempts to seduce a Masai Hamp complains of insomnia, loss powerful thoughts. houseboy. Yusuf suspects her of of appetite and diarrhea, In an ecstatic tribal ceremony, witchcraft and slashes her to death O'Sullivan prescribes a good dose energized by copious amounts of in self defence. He is sentenced and of laxative. millet beer, tribesmen sing and hanged, a victim of an alien rule O'Sullivan (Ray Harrison), dance to the glories of Uhuru. Ask­ which seldom worked simply be­ prides himself on his so called ed by his wife of the meaning of cause the colonial English "were no lucidity; he is never fooled by any "this freedom," an African guide longer serious about their power." young soldier's fabrications to retorts: "It is the honey in the Pride and Fall is an excellent col­ evade front line duty. comb, the sap in the bamboo in spr­ lection of yarns about an anachro- Playwright John Wilson cleverly ing that makes you drunk, the mar­ nous colonial society peopled by keeps the origins of O'Sullivan's row in the thigh bone. It is the outcasts who realized their brand of vindictiveness ambigious. We're sperm in the loins and the milk in government was, as Dobbs describ­ not certain whether his obstinance the breast; it is the force that gives ed it, "a distraction, a long trip, a is typical of his personality or pro- the world strength." voyage with no destination." .duced bv the war. INHABITANTS OF WAR . . . humanity versus military Page 12 THE UBYSSEY Friday, November 27, 1981 Dear Santa. • • Dear Santa Claus. Last year I asked for job security, but I didn't get it. Last year I asked for a decent wage and I didn't get that either. On a sexual harassment grievance clause, I was also out of luck. But this year, trusting in the belief that you're a reasonable person, even if I suspect you don't understand my position, I'm again asking for a few things. A decent wage would sure be nice, I'm getting awfully sick of having to live on macaroni and weiners because my wages as a teaching assistant are so low. Seven thousand, two hundred dollars is really closer to the figure I need to live decently. The university is only offering me $5,835 while the faculty of graduate students estimates a grad student needs $6,490 a year. It would make my job a lot easier Santa, if I didn't have to work in a lab where there are more students than desks, or lecture to 40 students instead of giving individual attention in a tutorial. In other words, Mr. Claus, quality of education is as important to me as it is to the students I teach. Please let me know if you can get this for me, and if you can't, remind, all the other teaching assistants to get out and vote yes on Dec. 3. Merry Christmas and happy contracts. The brain wash When people in North America woke up one morning to learn that almost 900 people had killed themselves in the jungles of Guyana, we learn­ ed the terrifying power of cult figures. All over Canada, cults such as the Moonies, The Way International, and other evangelical groups are gaining momentum. They prey on people's in­ securities and offer them the impossible instant happiness our culture is programmed for. Only two years ago a Moonie publication, Our Canada, was distributed free at our university. University of Toronto officials say Moonies and others have been active there. And what do they want? Your mind. When you give up your ability to think, you become completely depend­ ent upon the body which does your thinking for you. It is your duty to keep your critical faculty as keen as possible. Don't let anyone tell you how or what to think. Even us.

Fact and fiction surround TA strike issues On Dec. 3rd, 1981, YOU, the of goodwill and give-and-take. FICTION: The university is be­ a living wage this year, you certainly exploiting the weakness of the TAs bargaining unit of TA's, tutors and FACT: On the issues of job- ing reasonable in offering the TAU will not get it next year. position. It hopes that the TAU will markers will be asked to partake in posting, union-dues, and wages, the an increase 14.2 per cent. FICTION: Voting yes in the com­ dissipate its resources by having to a strike vote. The important issues administration has flouted both the FACT: When you are not earning ing strike vote will lead to im­ annually organize expensive and at stake are: Wages, Union Securi­ letter and the spirit of the present very much, 14 per cent of it is still mediate work stoppage, pickets and laborious membership drives. ty, and Quality of Education. A collective agreement. At present, not very much. The university has indefinite strike action. On the other hand, the TAU does strike vote is a serious business. negotiations have reached an im­ been under-paying TA's for years. FACT: Voting yes to the strike not want to coerce anyone into its Before YOU vote, make sure you passe, with the university not too With the prospects of even further vote is telling the university to nego­ ranks. Under its proposal, anyone have separated the facts from the subtly implying: "if you want a liv­ budget retrenchment, NOW is the tiate in good faith. who does not want to be a member fiction. ing wage, quality of education and time for TA's to break away from Voting yes will not lead can simply sign a form saying so. If FICTION: The Teaching union security, you will have to win the downward spiral of piecemeal automatically to a strike. Instead, however, they do not sign the form Assistants Union (TAU) is an a strike vote first." pay awards. If you do not fight for large support for the union in the within 30 days of hiring, they amalgamation of communists, strike vote will enable the union automatically become union Trotskyites and knee-jerk liberals, negotiators to return to the bargain­ members and,' in so doing, will en­ whose sole purpose is to bankrupt ing table and tell the university that joy the benefits that other people UBC by excessive wage demands. Prank quotes 'real' TA's, both union and non-union have fought to get. members, feel that they should be FACT: The TAU is the sole and I'm writing this letter on behalf he would put the forces of religion These are the issues to be decided paid more and should have some in­ exclusive bargaining agent for TAs, of all those who were "sucked in" in the service of fraud is quite on Dec. 3rd. For an increase in put to the courses they teach. This tutors and markers at UBC. It is by the joke article about our records shocking, to say the least. Wages, VOTE YES. If you want should awaken the university to the comprised of members of every being lost in a computer accident. If the only clue in the article that your wages to continue to keep up race, creed, colour and political needs of a section they have con­ There's no way I or anyone else hints that it's all a joke is the refer­ with inflation, VOTE YES for persuasion. Its preferred methods sistently ignored. could have known that the article ence to Lech Walesa being in Can­ union security. If you think that are reasonable discussion and was a joke. If the Vancouver Sun ada for secret meetings, it's no won­ FICTION: Union security is an you can help maintain academic negotiation. had a front page story about the der I and so many others were taken attempt to press-gang unwilling standards at UBC VOTE YES to FICTION: The university is con­ United States invading Mexico or a in. Why should everyone be expect­ TA's into the TAU. By opposing a quality of education. cerned with the welfare of TAs, and terrorist attack on Paris, wouldn't ed to read a newspaper article that union security clause, the universi­ therefore provides them with a liv­ everyone believe it? I know I would. carefully? ty is supporting human rights and Brian Morgan ing wage. That's why Al Banham really Jim Schomberg democracy. shop steward FACT: By the university's own misused his journalistic position in Vancouver School of Theology FACT: The university is cynically Chemistry Department figures, it costs $9,490 to attend writing that story. It was too well UBC for one year. When the TAU done for anyone to know it was a asked for $9,400 the university fake. What were even more irre­ laughed so hard that it could not sponsible were the flippant remarks Mountain made from molehill reply. When the TAU asked for made by UBC administrators, gov­ $7,200, the university offered ernment ministers and others in Regarding the article "Women presence of the USS Ranger in Van­ Bowd called it "a chance to go out $5,800! Reasonable? supporting this prank. It is not for sought by Ranger strangers" which couver harbor during UN Disarma­ and have a good time, a party." FICTION: The administration me to decide whether a chaplain graced the front page of The ment Week, but the line of attack If the officers had wanted to meet are reasonable people, amenable to who does not believe in God "in the Ubyssey Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1981. taken by Lee Fraser was very, very sleazy women, to use Fraser's term, rational and persuasive arguments biblical sense" should even be al­ Personally I think it was a good weak. Fraser must be overly sen­ I am sure they would not have and ready to negotiate with a spirit lowed on campus, but to think that idea to complain and/or protest the sitive if not paranoid to think that bothered to look as far as the the invitation to a cocktail party to university. It is my opinion that meet officers of the Ranger aboard Fraser's indignation is unfounded the HMCS Kootenay was sleazy. and her or The Ubyssey, in their THE UBYSSEY "Dear ladies" (which was the on­ eagerness for news, have tried to November 27, 1981 ly part of the invitation that the ar­ make a mountain out of a mole hill. Published Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays throughout the university year by the Alma Mater ticle specifically quoted) is not, to If Fraser does not think the Ranger Society of the University of B.C. Editorial opinions are those of the staff and not of the AMS or my mind a particularly sleazy ex­ should be here then by all means the university administration. Member, Canadian University Press. The Ubyssey's editorial of­ pression. Furthermore, it comes as protest or boycott the cocktail party fice is in room 241k of the Student Union Building. Editorial departments, 228-2301; Advertising, no surprise to me that since most, if but don't make the invitation into 228-3977. not all, of the officers were men anything more than it apparently "Hello everyone, would you like to buy a flower?" asked Glen Sanford innocently. Arnold Hedstrom looked pale. "No. they haven't got to you too," shrieked was — a perfectly legitimate desire Nancy Campbell. Charles Campbell came right behind Sanford. "Would you like to buy one of my books, they really have lovely illustrations," he said. Eric Eg- they invited female but not male gertson looked at Chuck's orange robes and gleaming head. "Won't you get cold in that outfit?" asked the ever practical Brian Jones. "Oh Brian, you just students to the party. Is it surprising by young officers to meet intelligent haven't found the word of God yet and that is why you reveal your cynicism," said the born again Joe Wong. "This is all really weird," said Muriel Oraaisma as young ladies for a social evening. she accepted a candy cane from'a glassy eyed but smiling Julie Wheelwright. Wendy Cummings and Kerry Regier were chanting silently in the corner of the of­ that nice young navy officers might fice and Shaffin Shariff was telling the new staffers about the wonderful new Way he had found through an evangelical Me. Dave Fraser and Dir* Sion said want to meet young intelligent M. T. Berger they were off for a wonderful weekend at a training seminar at a place that was like a commune but waan't really. Scott McDonald said he'd aeen this kind of grad student history behavior, at football games and the Shrum bowl in particular, and of course with engineers. Eve Wigod thought the whole thing was ridiculous. female students for, as Sharon Friday, November 27,1981 THE UBYSSEY Page 13

Canadian faces second class citizenship It was not until the election of the metamorphosis occurred in Mon­ comply since it was already 20 signed at the bottom of his declara­ provision for your case under the University Endowment Lands treal! I must admit that no incident minutes to seven. It was at this tion that everything he said was law." How is it possible in a coun­ representative for the Greater Van­ in Quebec has ever made me feel point that all of my problems true. I was supposed to sign the try like Canada, made up almost couver Regional District on Nov. 21 that my Canadian citizenship was began. To save minutes, we went at same declaration, but they couldn't entirely of citizens who one day or that I had the unpleasant surprise of any different than those born in this the same time to two officials sitting take my word since my mother had another must have become Cana­ discovering that I was only a country, especially with regards to beside each other. We answered the not chosen Canada for her delivery dian by naturalization? Seeing my second-class Canadian citizen. my civil rights. To my dismay, this same questions, with the same room. What a joke! I began to anger, a Mann candidate represen­ Originally from France, I beautiful dream was crushed Satur­ answers, at the same time. worry about how I was going to tative decided to "challenge" my thought I had become a full fledged day evening. Everything seemed fine until the' prove my sex if they would not take husband for whom everything had Canadian six years ago, after an of­ Being proud to exercise my rights question which completely blocked my word. My anger was gone well until then. This meant ficial naturalization ceremony. I as a citizen, I went to the polling the machine was asked: "Were you unmeasurable. The longer 1 tried to that he had to sign a second piece of must say that on that day I was very booth at the University Hill born in Canada?". While my hus­ discuss and convince the electoral paper which said that everything on moved and no doubt prouder than Elementary School. It was the band was answering "yes", because officer, the harder 1 banged my the first declaration and had many Canadians to be part of a closest one to my home and the he was fortunate enough to be born head against the wall of the so call­ already been signed, was true. No country that I had chosen by school my son attends; another in New Brunswick, I answered ed "rules". Remembering a French verification was done or necessary, choice. At last I was going to be reason for not going elsewhere. My honestly "no." The official stop­ proverb, "It is better to turn to God nor justification for the challenge able to participate in Canadian husband and I had decided to vote ped dead in her writings to an­ rather than the saints", I decided to given when asked. So what was the politics and feel responsible, thanks before going to see a film presented nounce to me that if this was the discuss my problem with ;he head purpose of this "challenge:" a to the new right to vote which was by the UBC film society at 7 p.m. case, I must produce a paper prov­ electoral officer whose apparent verification or an attempt to conferred upon me by my citizen­ At the entrance of the voting hall ing my Canadian citizenship. I good naturedness reassured me in discourage those voters who seemed ship. I can still feel the tears in my sat two election officers who asked therefore asked why they did not advance. Unfortunately, he was to be of the other side from voting? eyes as I sang O Canada beside the us to go to one of the many tables in ask for proof of my husband's birth twice as stubborn and as enslaved The film had long since begun when other new Canadians who were just front of us because we were not on place and was surprised to learn by the law as his employees. He at last my husband was allowed to as moved as myself. This patriotic the electoral list. We hurried to that they believed his word since he repeated, "I am sorry, there is no deposit his ballot in the magic box. Completely furious, I decided to go home to look for all of my papers to show the first official what 1 had already said. This time, after retur­ Conservatives urge fee protest ning, she did not even want to see my honorable citizenship card and 207, students have a chance to show overlooked. Students now have the Liberal's "new and improved" According to the B.C. ministry of in giving more credit to my papers financing priorities. If students get finance, a shift in spending their concern over the implications chance lo stop these cuts at the than my word, she baptised me involved, the federal fee increases priorities in the November federal of the federal budget. Chuck Cook, source — the House of Commons under a new name because she was can be stopped. If students don't budget has resulted in a $91 million member of parliament for North in Ottawa. But now is the time! unable to read a marriage cer­ take positive action now, we'll all decrease in federal contributions to Vancouver-Burnaby will be at UBC tificate. I must admit that I was I would like to encourage all be paying for it next September. post-secondary education financing to listen to students and gather their relieved when they did not ask me students to impress upon Mr. Cook Ted Dixon in B.C. This could result in an opinions on the subject of federal to prove my sex. After all this, 1 the urgency in stopping the Progressive Conservative club average increase of $379 in tuition education cuts. He will also briefly went to another table to finally col­ per student next year. This is on top explain the issue in more detail and lect the prized ballot only to be of the regular increases the universi­ offer some potential solutions. The "challenged," like my husband, ty slaps us with annually. Further­ ultimate goal of Mr. Cook's visit is 'Security for TAs' probably to see how long I would more, these federal cuts will keep to make these education cuts a I would like to remind TAs of the importance of supporting the union resist because no reasons were given growing for the next five years! number one priority issue in Ot­ security article during the remaining negotiating sessions. The executive, nor papers examined when offered. It is obvious from the budget that tawa. Unfortunately, there are so the steering committees, and the negotiating teams of the last two years But a citizen by choice has a strong the Liberals in Ottawa don't rate many bad things about the federal have put in many precious hours striving for a contract that will improve resistance. I thus voted and we went education as a very high priority. budget, certain issues may get over­ the working conditions and wages of TAs. Adding an annual membership to the later film presentation, reliev­ They are unconcerned about the ac­ looked due to the limited amount of drive to their workload is ludicrous! It is indispensable that the union have, ed to have completed our different cessibility to education or the quali­ time opposition parties have to pro­ at the very least, a minimum of security. Don't forget to vote on Dec. 3. rights as Canadian citizens of first ty of education. pose changes to the budget. Educa­ Rose-Marie Tremblay and second class. On Friday, Nov. 27th, noon SUB tion, however, cannot afford to be Shop steward, French department This adventure is not an isolated case but happened this Saturday to everyone like myself who was not 'Don't play God: be a practising pro-lifer' familiar with the illogicality of the law. I think that there should ab­ If we didn 't have birthdays, than an individual human life. Yet ciples were laid down before Christ Court calls "capability of mean­ solutely be a change in this law: one you wouldn 't be you. the 'infallible' decision (?) of the by Hippocrates, well in advance of ingful life." So the fact that an un­ is Canadian or one is not, regardless If you'd never been born, U.S. Supreme Court in 1973 (Roe abortion technology. They have wanted child might force on its of where one is born. The word of well then what would you do? vs. Wade) affected to disregard life been affirmed and reaffirmed mother "a distressful future" take all Canadians under oath should If you'd never been born, until live birth, a supposition that is countless times since then — that is, precedence over the fundamental have equality, so that all Canadians well then what would you be? medically and biologically absurd. until now. principles of the sanctity of inno­ might have the right to be first-class by Dr. Seuss. Since then statistics have escalated The most striking feature of to­ cent human life, then it is pointless citizens, especially on election days. to an overwhelming 1,300,000 'elec­ day's abortion laws is that it does to speak of medical decisions as A second-class citizen subject to ethical principles. Of all ethical decisions in­ tive' abortions per year in the U.S. not acknowledge that the develop­ Monique Trites dividuals confront in a culture alone. In fact, abortions cause more ing human child has any human I personally believe that man was arts 3 growing continuously more secular, deaths annually in America than rights: only such as the state is will­ created and endowed with that few involve greater complexity in any other disease. ing to grant. Human life is con­ mysterious gift which we call life. People cannot assert that there sidered worthy of protection only if Such life comes into being by an act the application of basic principles The Ubyssey welcomes letters than the matter of abortion. The has been a failure of ethics to keep "compelling state interest" is which shares in the creative powers pace with science. The ethical prin­ guaranteed by what the Supreme of God Himself (Ps. 139:13). from the university community, possibility of abortion has been especially those typed triple spaced know since antiquity. It has also Evidently I am of the opinion that the "life and death question" on a 70 space line. Letters should be been widely condemned — as in the signed with the author's name, Hippocratic Oath, the touchstone should belong to the province of UBC bikers gang up God (Phil. 1:21-24). faculty and year, or position at the of medical ethics for centuries. university. Unsigned letters will not The UBC Motorcycle Club has My point is this — why don't we However, since the second half of Meetings are taking place right be published. Pseudonyms will be been formed with you in mind. On go back to that ancient ethic of stop the 20th century many countries now, between the club and officials used if a good reason is given. (ours included) have faced an in­ a local level, we intend to, and are in charge of this matter. trying to play God — and presume The Ubyssey publishes one more creasing rise in unwanted pregnan­ in the process of, making the that the casualty at an automobile There are 250 motorcycles issue before Christmas exams, on cies and supplementary liberalized bureaucracy on campus aware of accident still wants us to fight to registered on campus this year. We Friday, Dec. 5. The deadline for all restrictions on abortion. No our needs; the most important of save his life, that the dying grand­ feel that it is to the advantage of all, letters for that issue is Tuesday at medical knowledge permits man to these, at the present time, being the mother still wants her last words to to form a common interest group. noon. No late letters will be ac­ define the fetus as anything other need for adequate covered parking. be heard by someone, and that the The advantages of such are unwanted child still wants to be cepted. numerous. born. Whatever faith we choose to All you campus groups with There are several other matters believe in, we must note that what events taking place after Dec. 5 and AUS needs writers currently under discussion at our has happened to transform legal before January, don't say we didn't The Arts Undergraduate Society university population as possible, meetings. Do yourself a favor, and and sometimes popular altitudes on warn you. suspects that there are "creative so, if you study, teach or work here, sit in on the next meeting. It will be abortion is not a scientific The paper staff have found writers" lurking about on this cam­ and write things that you might like held today, Friday Nov. 27, at breakthrough, but an ethical themselves under severe space con­ pus. People who write short stories, to see in print, please submit your noon in SUB 215. You are under no breakdown that reduces the ab­ straints, and have edited numerous poetry, plays and such. typed, double-spaced manuscripts obligation to join, and bike size is solute value of human life to a letters for length. We regret any loss Well, we feel that we can let these to Buchanan 107, before Jan. 8, insignificant. Topics to be discussed relative good that may readily be of quality to these letters, but will people lurk in ignominious obscur­ 1982. at this meeting include those forfeited in the quest for continue to reserve the right to edit ity no longer, and are going to give Writers of fiction, submit! Be­ previously mentioned and, of par­ "privacy," "self-expression," or for brevity, taste and legality. them a chance! A chance to get cause if you don't, we'll just write ticular interest, our first social various other personal goals. Several letters have arrived with published and gain what all writers nasty stories and subversive poems event. This event will be held on In closing I join the ranks of warnings that theirs could not be crave in the depths of their souls — and go through the registrar's list Friday, Dec. 4, from 5 to 8 p.m. in Stephen Parker, Brian Farkes and edited for length. Our policy is to legitimacy! and put your names on them. Save SUB, with prices being a paltry 75 all the pro-lifers, and wish edit any letter for length if The AUS is publishing a fiction us the trouble and send in your cents a bottle. What more can I everybody at UBC a happy 'birth' necessary; we could not operate ef­ magazine in late January/early Feb­ masterpieces. say? day. ficiently without this policy. ruary. We want to get works of fic­ Michael McKinley Scott Morris Rich Dendy tion from as wide a range of the quasi-editor UBC motorcycle club president commerce 2 Page 14 THE UBYSSEY Friday, November 27, 1981

OMBUDS OFFICE ^fiw^0vfm Problems??? Complaints!!! Come See Us Room 100-A (Main Floor) S.U.B. tSrH Phone 228-4846

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Combining top professional hairstylists with a very comfortable atmosphere. Cuts Men $15 00 Women S22 00 Reims Men $:,!S 00 Women S40 00 and tip St leaks color. hennas and conditioners also competitively priced 2529 Alma St at Broadway Mon -Fri - 9:00-7 30 Telephone 224-2332 Sat - 9:00-5 \ 22/


AMS PRESENTS UPCOMING EVENTS Doug & The Slugs Fri., Dec. 11th

Athletes In Action, Tues. Dec. 1st Roots Rockers Reggae, Sat.. Dec. 12th The World of Great Classics. Wed., Dec. 16th Doug Ef The Slugs, Dec. 17 & 19th Doug & The Slugs. New Year Dec. 31st

All Tickets available at YOUR AMS Box Office. Friday, November 27, 1981 THE UBYSSEY Page 15

Broadbent Says Salvadorean church officials told Hugh Greenwood said the board rary for extended hours would be him that 90 per cent of the killing Universities Need has as yet "no official point of view difficult because of staff required, Stay Out Of was done by forces connected with on job training versus intellectual but he added such a plan could be the government or the military. The Public Support development." possible at Sedgewick library. Latin America total number of casualties the coun­ The public views universities as SAE chair Paul Yaskowich said a "Extended hours before exams try has suffered comprise a greater "elitist, pampered, and irrelevant," board base of support with faculty, would be a useful thing to do," said HAMILTON (CUP) — The proportion of its population than Canadian Association of University staff, students, and the administra­ Mclnnes, adding that he will watch United States must accept the those suffered by Canada in all of Teachers representative James tion working together is required, the SFU experiment. popular demand for democratic World War II. Foulks said Thursday. not Doug Kenny's form of "quiet He said studying for exams might diplomacy." socialism in Latin America, or face He told 50 people in Buchanan be made easier if the university a rising tide of radical marxism, Broadbent stated that if a settle­ 104 the public must be given "a At the end of the forum a former simply provided more study space. says federal NDP leader Ed Broad­ ment were to take place, it would wider appreciation of universities SAE member, Garnet Colly, bent. have to happen in Washington, "if and their contribution to the challenged the effectiveness of Newspaper "They must accept the right of the U.S. did not prop up the Duarte economy, industry, and culture." SAE's cutbacks efforts. Yaskowich Central America to shape their own regime by military means, a Foulks was one of four speakers called Colly an "example of the Printing Again destiny," he said. "If that proves to negotiated settlement would be bickering that goes on instead of at a cutbacks forum sponsored by WINNIPEG (CUP) — In less be something (to the political) left found." working together." the Students for an Accessible than 10 minutes, the University of of the Republican party, perhaps it Meanwhile, UBC students are in Education. Manitoba Students Union was forc­ is the Republican party that is out the midst of a week of solidarity Mike Miller, a Canadian Federa­ ed to resume printing the engim*er- of step with historical destiny." All Night with Central America. tion of Students representative said ing students' controvesial Broadbent was speaking at the public support is required to have Library newspaper, the Red Lion, at a annual SHARE rich-poor dinner The week concludes today at an impact on funding for post special general meeting Wednesday. noon when El Salvadorian student held recently in Hamilton. secondary education. He said there Simon Fraser University's library At the meeting called by Raul Pineda speaks in the SUB must be a concerted effort to will be pulling five all-nighters with Broadbent was in El Salvador engineering senior stick Erik Tatar- auditorium. Today is also the an­ change the public's "misinforma­ students before Christmas exams earlier this year as a representative chuk, a large audience composed niversary of the last public ap­ tion" concerning universities. this year. of Socialist International, which of­ mostly of engineering students pearance of the Democratic Revolu­ SFU librarian Ted Dobb said fered to mediate a peaceful settle­ "The worst thing is for the quickly voted to reverse the tionary Front (FDR) in El Salvador. Monday the library will be open 24 ment between warring government government to make a unilateral council's Oct. 27 decision to stop hours a day from Nov. 30 to Dec. 5. and liberation forces. At a press conference in San decision on cutbacks based on some the UMSU printship from printing Salvador, the nation's capital city, accounting principle," said If response to those hours is good, the Red Lion. Broadbent said the liberation the FDR held a news conference. It English professor Bruce Grenberg. the library will set those hours for "I'm disappointed that the mo­ forces were willing to negotiate a was interrupted by the military, He fears this will mean univer­ the week before each exam period. tion passed," said UMSU president peaceful settlement, but the govern­ which rounded up and killed seven sities will become more job- "Having been a student myself, I Tim Rigby, adding that the meeting ment wished the war to continue. FDR leaders. oriented. That sort of "dinosaur know what it's like before exams," was "overwhelmed by engineers." The violence and fear "ensures that There willl be a moment of thinking" would be like "cutting he said, adding that students often (An estimated 70 per cent of the 509 those with power and wealth main­ silence during Pineda's presenta­ the roots of a plant hoping that become "night people" before their students at the meeting were from tain it in a undemocratic fashion," tion, which includes a slide show flowers will still bloom." exams. engineering). he said. and question and answers. Board of Governors member He said the university's student But Tatarchuk told reporters he services building will also be open was pleased with the results. during that period so students will "Engineers do take a lot of interest be able to buy coffee and food in student government," he said. while they study. The entire meeting took 23 He said the 24 hour library is a minutes, with about seven minutes novel approach. "Some people spent discussing the Red Lion. Only think it's an odd idea, but I don't two speakers, both from engineer­ think so myself." ing, spoke before the question was The move to 24 hour opening will called and a vote forced. cost the library about $900, Dobb But Robinson felt the meeting said. He added if 250 students per was a railroad, and intends to call night make use of the service, that for a referendum on the issue. will amount to a net cost of less "This showed how well our than $1 per student. democracy works on campus," he "It doesn't cost that much," said. "The engineers could have Dobb said. totally taken over and run UMSU He said the library's math room, completely." the periodical reading room and the Council originally voted over­ reserve book room won't be open whelmingly in favor of stopping the the extra hours. UMSU printship from publishing UBC acting librarian Doug the Red Lion, saying the paper is Mclnnes, when told of the SFU sexist, demeaning to men and plan, said opening UBC's main lib­ women, and possibly libellous. 'Biirdwatch j Rugbcy games with UVic while the UBC The first team has two big games women dropped all four to the coming up. On Saturday at 2:30 Vikettes who have only lost nine of p.m. UBC will be playing Kats at the last 60 games. The UBC men are either Camosun park or in 1-1 in league play so far this year Thunderbird stadium depending if and the women are 0-4. The UVic — arnold hestrom photo the parks board closes the fields. men are 2-0 and the women are 4-0. CONTEMPLATING LIFE, students discuss forming frisbee throwing religion, after learning of numerous tax ad­ The other game is against the Van­ Swimming vantages involved in being able to deduct everything. Group eventually broke into factions, one going to sell couver Reps on Wednesday at The UBC swim team will also be flowers on downtown street corners, while other group went to check out Moonies. Group members were last Thunderbird stadium starting at 8 in Victoria to play UVic. The meet seen applying to be recognized as AMS club. After all, AMS will constitute any club just for the hell of it. It makes p.m. gets underway Saturday at 1 p.m. them look busier than they really are. Volleyball Hockey Once again Sandy Silver the The Thunderbirds take a 1-5 women's volleyball coach is mad at record into Saskatchewan for two Game plan for Shrum: get ripped The Ubyssey. She demanded that games this weekend. The University the paper drop all of these tirades Here is the plan: go to the Pit, get tional Association of Intercollegiate the success and media attention of Saskatchewan took two games about budget cuts and tuition fees cracked out of your little mind, Athletics. UBC and its strong running back off the 'Birds last weekend at UBC. and stress the good news like her catch one of the buses down to Em­ The key to the game for UBC will Steele received. The Clan players Tennis team's tournament this weekend. pire stadium, sneak your bottle in, be how long its offense can keep the went out of the way to try and point The men's team will host find the right side and act silly. Or, ball. UBC's passing game at best is out that they are in a tougher The tournament starts tonight Portland State this Saturday from if you are no fun, you can stay average and the running is handled league. and continues all day tomorrow at noon to 5 p.m. home and study and listen to the by Glen Steele who is still nursing a They also denied receiving any War Memorial gym. The competi­ Waterpolo tion will include a Chimos team Shrum Bowl on CITR. sore ankle. scholarship money even though 30 The waterpolo team will be in Ed­ with six players from the Canadian This Saturday night at 8 p.m. the of the 53 players on the SFU foot­ monton this weekend to compete in 1976 Olympic squad. And if that UBC Thunderbird football team ball program are from outside B.C. the Canada West Universities will host the Simon Fraser Clans­ This denial was a simple lie because isn't good news, what is. Soccer Challenge Cup. men in the United Way Shrum (SPORTS) the SFU administration acknowl­ Intrasports The women's soccer team will Bowl. And although it is just an ex­ edges the grants and that is why In badminton Gordon Kidd host Titans Sunday on McGinnis hibition game, both teams consider SFU does not compete in any Cana­ belongs to the Koyote, not Kayote, it the most important game of the field at 10 a.m. UBC's defense is very strong, but dian leagues. association, and Anseul Chu not year. may not be able to cope if the of­ The SFU players were jealous be­ Basketball Stan Kita was the winner of the first UBC has had a very successful fense does not eat up yardage and cause Steele was receiving the ma­ The men's and women's teams round, Kita was the runner-up. year in the Western Intercollegiate the clock. SFU's offense is pass ori­ jority of the interviews with the will be in Victoria to play the Vik­ No one enjoys writing in­ football league but a loss in the ented and given enough time it can press and every time he passed them ings and Vikettes. Both of the Vic­ trasports, we just do it as a service, Shrum Bowl would change the sea­ hurt you. on his way to another they would toria teams are the current Cana­ so if anymore people come in com­ son from successful to so-so. Like­ At a luncheon given to promote snicker among themselves about his dian champions and have been for plaining, you can go back to wise it would salvage Simon crucial fumble in the playoff loss to two years. the Shrum Bowl, several SFU play­ reading about yourselves on the Fraser's disastrous year in the Na­ Alberta. Be there — aloha. ers were both envious and critical of Last year the UBC men split their gym wall or help out. Page 16 THE UBYSSEY Friday, November 27, 1981

Since nowhere else in this rag will you find a message tell­ ing you that we will only publish once next week, guess it's up to this department. All Tweens, Hots and letters should be in by Monday at noon for publication on Friday. This will be our final issue for the term and we will resume publication on Jan. 4, 1982. See you then. Russian Film Classics LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED THE WILD HUNT BILINGUAL EXCHANGE OF KING STACH DIRECTOR: Valeri Roubinchik FELLOWSHIP The first in the series, this film is a Gothic tale in the tradition of Edgar Allen Poe. An eerie story of a researcher who encounters some bizarre characters haunted by the Medieval King Stach and his ravaging band of ghostly horsement. One week onlyl Available to Canadian citizens who wish to SHOWTIMES: 7:15, 9:30 plus 2 p.m. Sunday pursue an MBA or MSC degree in Business WARNING: Some violence; occasional nudity. B.C. Direc­ (MATWI) tor. Administration or Commerce at any Canadian university which is a member or affiliated THE MIRROR with the Association of Universities and DIRECTOR: Andrei Tarkovsky Andrei Tarkovsky creates an autobiographical essay of private and col­ Colleges of Canada. lective memories. His use of flashbacks, dream sequences and newsreel footage makes probably the most complex and hermetic film ever pro­ Two awards annually, renewable for second duced in the Soviet Union. It is an astonishing departure from the straightforward narrative tradition we usually associate with the coun­ year. English speaking applicants must try. From Dec. 4-9 only. attend French university and French speaking SHOWTIMES: 7:30, 9:30 plus 2 p.m. Sunday applicants must attend English university. (MATURE) $5,000 per year and one summer's employment SIBERIADE with the Lever group of companies. DIRECTOR: Andrei Mikhailov-Konchalovsky Applications with supporting documents must The search for oil in Western Siberia is a backdrop for a Romeo and Juliet like story through several generations. The original Russian epic be received no later than February 1st, 1982. ran as a 7 hour, 4 part film, but through a fine job of editing has been reduce to 3 !4 hours for international distribution. From Dec. 10-15 only. For additional information and application form please write to: SHOWTIMES: 8 p.m. only plus 2 p.m. Sunday IMATUIIFN WARNING: Occasional violence, nnudity , suggestive scenes and coarse language. B.C Director Awards Officer, Please note all films are in Russian with Canadian Awards Section, «VARSITy English subtitles. 224-3730 The Association of Universities 4375 W. 10th LIMITED ENGAGEMENT and Colleges of Canada, 151 Slater Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5N1.

TA Strike Vote Wages- Security- Quality Education VOTE YES DEC. 3 .. .for a better contract Friday, November 27, 1981 THE UBYSSEY Page 17

vista ^.&<^~*.''WW SNUGGLE UP TO GREAT SOUNDS ^^f^ THIS CHRISTMAS 'Tis the season for sugar plum vi­ arrowhead, a set of mammoth tusks At a Special Holiday Price! sions induced by Christmas spirits and B.C.'s first bicycle. The musty (including the bubbly kind). Pacific atmosphere has inspired many a AM/FM portable stereo receiver. Quality workman­ Ballet Theatre will stick to this su­ student to offer his life in a ritual­ ship, light weight design, with rich stereo sounds gary tradition Dec. 17, 18, 26 and istic sacrifice to posterity-conscious just like your home unit. 27 at the Vancouver Playhouse. If curators thus avoiding Christmas You've got to hear it to believe it! you're on a diet, try the Pacific exams. Another one bites the dust. This is a limited offer available on a factory-to-you Northwest Ballet's Nutcracker next basis. So don't miss these spectacular savings. door at the Queen Elizabeth The­ Factory warranty included. atre from Dec. 28 to Jan. 6. Nuts We guarantee our price is the best. If you find a are salty but they have fewer comparable unit at a lower price, we will gladly re­ calories. U fund your money. Enquire about the other fine Martin-Tone sound pro­ Speaking of salt, bring some ducts including AM/FM Stereo Cassette, Stereo along to sprinkle over Doug and the Cassette Player, and FM Stereo Cassette. Slugs and watch them shrivel before your eyes. They'll be playing the Commodore Ballroom Dec. 17 and ONLY 19. Just follow the slimy trail. A Cuckoo in the Nest promises to alleviate exam time depression by a $42.95 farcical expose of sex, insecurity, poverty and other student prob­ PRICE INCLUDES lems. It roosts at the Arts Club The­ HEADPHONES atre from Dec. 4 till snow forces it to migrate. Culture, quick! Pinchas Zuker­ man will appear with the VSO at the MARTIN TONE Orpheum Dec. 14. He will play his A SOUND COMPANION world famous violin and then dis­ n A Division of Byblos Enterprises Inc appear again. #220-1070 West Broadway, Violinists come and go but under­ Vancouver, B.C. V6H 1E7 wear always stays the same. Visit Phone 738-7727 the Vancouver Museum to leer over Waisted Efforts: the History of Women's Undergarments from 1750-1960. This is what Vancouver understands as art. if your intellect operates on a higher level, raise your gaze to Hats Off! a musical satire that sounds racy but isn't. At City Stage until Nov. 26. Karie Gamier, a painting mystic, will display his oil and charcoal works at the Carnegie Centre gal­ lery until Dec. 21. A former UBC student, he is renowned for his sub­ tle artistry so wear strong glasses. As long as you're indulging in re­ gional biases, B.C. artist and teacher Barry Cogswell has chiselled a geometric sculpture display at the Vancouver Art Gallery. Britanny Landscapes is a rain forest version of Egyptian pyramids and Mayan ruins, which either means Cogswell is very imaginative or slightly mis­ guided. The Vancouver Playhouse will honor patrons with the world prem­ iere of The Hunchback of Notre Dame this month. Henry Woolf will play Quasimodo at a consider­ able settlement for disfiguring his back. For the subversive rebel in all of us, the Open Road Office at 311 W. Hastings will be showing Anarchist Poster Art Exhibition, document­ ing the creative energies of idealistic Vancouver during the lost epoch of 1976-1981. As Santa's bleary smile wanes across the land, scrooges can escape into pagan delights of the exotic past. The Vancouver Museum's Cabinets of Curiosities features a child mummy from Egypt, an an­ cient South American Indian Switch blades. 'hat's right. After the Tstrenuous job of switch­ Think about it...talk about it. ing the blades on your ice It's easy to feel that to be one of the crowd means drinking; even drinking skates, you'll probably need a monstrous, tasty burger. to excess. It's almost as if to be somebody you have to get smashed, blitzed 15 super varieties. Plus other or whatever. You can feel embarrassed or ashamed afterwards. great stuff. 11:30 on-7 days a week. 2966 W. 4th Ave. BE SOMEBODY... You decide how much. control your drinking. and Bayswater. Don't let your friends or alcohol control you. Dialogue on drinking An idea from Health and Welfare Sante et Bien-etre social l+ Canada Canada PO Box 8888, Canada Ottawa, Ont. KIG3J2 Page 18 THE UBYSSEY Friday, November 27, 1981

UBG GaiRpas Jack's ^^^^ • GEORGIA HONG KONG '.«»?/' Pizza * HOTEL CHINESE FOOD Cabaret IP'**A ' This Week Steak & Pizza — Lasagna (Self Serve WITH Spare Ribs — Ravioli Proudly Presents Restaurant) We Are Chicken — Greek Salads 5732 - CLOSED Souvlaki GEORGIA EXECUTIVE il HOT ROCK Fast Free Local Delivery HAIRSTYLISTS UNIVERSITY BLVD/? FOR A-T Eat In and Take Out i£ Now Playing 224-4218 - 224-0529 Under New Management Hour, Mon Thurb 11 30 a IT. 2 00pm -f^ OPEN EVERY DAY >- RENOVATIONS SECRET SERVICE 11 3(1 ,i in 3 00 p m S,n -1 00 p in 3 00 „ For Appointment Call ji 4:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. '** FRASER ARMS Sun .1 00 p m 1 00 ,i MI 801 W.Georgia 681-5615 1450 S.W. Marine Dr. 932Granville Mall 6876418 2136 Western Parkway Lower Level ^ Phone: 224-1313 A

AGADIR RESTAURANT Music For Dine out at one Modern of the excellent . V-\AMBRA R N ^ - -, * • ' '. y' y. ' ~-i - _'o I restaurants V A People advertising in PRESENTS: IN CONCERT \ THURSDAY, X NOV. 26th The Ubyssey! The Only MOROCCAN Cuisine Wed., November 25 - MOEV 10% Student Discount Wed., December 2 — Images in Vogue PAT MCCARTHY 15% for Parties over 10 People Tickets Available at the Club Four Degree Black 1156 Robson St. 682-1110 Belt 645 Hornby 681-9271 C.I.T.R. ROTIMAN DELI and CARIBBEAN FOODS THE PIT presents Roti—Curry Chicken —Beef— Great Sandwiches, Stew—Poulourri Rice W Peas Fabulous Desserts, Yet another episode Take Out—Catering—Delivery Cappuccinos, of thrills and spills Espressos Yes, its the Tel: 876-5066 Licensed Premises Open Tuesday through "HOT Sunday 11:30 a.m.-10 p.m. 922 Kingsway — Opp. ICBC ^Jr^irxJr= "r^r^r^r=Jr='r=]t=Ji=Jr^TBJEJr=Jr^Jr^Jr=Jr=JrJr^ AIR SHOW" FEATURING LIVE TICKETS AVAILABLE AT •She (Etrealjtre di\etBt 3nn MAJOR BAND CBO SOI WEST GEORGIA, ALL LOWER MAINLAND WOOOWARC A {Traditional lEnaJiah Sfcataurant Traditional STORES, AMS TKT. OFFKE/UBC 4686 Dunbar at 30tn 224-2521 INFO: M8INT0 CHARGE-IT: 887-2801 Greco-Roman Cuisine TEMPEST 3 COURSE LUNCH SPECIAL 3.96 Cheapest Free Entertainment in Town DINNER SPECIALS from 4.96 7 Days a Week: 5 p.m.-1 a.m. Fri. and Sat.: 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. , A- Plus complete Menu Selection MON., NOV. 30th ot Salad, Sandwich and FREE fast delivery! 9:00 P.M. House Specialties 228-9513 NO COVER NOW, A NEW *0pen: 11:30 Midnight M 4510 West 10th Ave Monday thru Saturday ste^e-aa ENJOY ENGLISH PUB STYLE BURGER THAT'S f-OOD IN AN AUTHENTIC SETTING Fully Licensed Premises TOP LIVE BANDS NIGHTLY Make The Cheese' Your Local MON. Wet "10" T-shirt Contest FRI. tt SAT. MORE BURGER TUES. Whip Cream THIS WEEK: Wrestling Two Banda WED. Wet Jock THAN Night DAVID RAVEN RED LEAP THURS. Ladies Night & CHAIN REACTION RUN Luncheon Smorgasbord NEXT WEEK: TWO BANDS: Authentic Chinese Cuisine KARROLL BROS, ft 228-9114 DRAGON FLY 10% DISCOUNT ON PICK-UP ORDERS FREE PASS WITH THIS AD (Mon-Thurs) LICENSED PREMISE 315 E. Broadway 879-4651 Free Parking Mon.-Fri. 11:30*00 p.m. CLOSED SATURDAYS Sundaya and Holiday* 4:00 p.m.-t:00 p.m. 2142 WMMm Parkway U.E.L Vancouver. B.C. ( lOpfMMit* Chevron Station) TRADITION Introducing the new hamburger from the DAIRY QUEEN While still keeping to our BRAZIER store. In a new "six to a pound" size that really traditional cozy Greek gives you some meat for your money. Instead of a banquet of atmosphere, we have now expanded in order to accomodate bun. your Wedding, Birthday, Party, You see, while other burger chains lunch or dinner. You'll be taken- get as many as ten hamburgers from a with the Full Array of our delicacies served to your banquet. Dairy pound of beef, we get only six. And MOTEL We even take care of the Cake! Queen that gives you "more burger than bun." A burger that's tender, • COMBINATION PLATTERS deliciously-cooked. Every time. The Live • SKEWER CHOICES new burger from DAIRY QUEEN *•*•>. (SOUVLAKIA) brazier BRAZIER. m • POPULAR SPECIALTIES • ORETIKA • HORIATIKI Entertainment 2272 W. 4th Ave. 11 a. .-1 a.m. Monday to Saturday 4-11 p.m. Sunday 736-2118 I 2601 W. Broadway 1006 Granville 681-6341 Friday, November 27, 1981 THE UBYSSEY Page 19 rmirwcc n Classes i CITR ADVENT CHRISTMAS SERVICE TODAY ISMAILI STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION Making Waves, Paul Kahlia talks to Barbara Last tine for free sports registration, noon, SUB PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CLUB Frum and Peter C. Newman about the media in 213. Discussion of federal education cuts with Chuck Canada, 4:30 p.m., cable 100 fm. SCIENCES AND ETHICS DISCUSSION GROUP Cook, noon, SUB 207. Behind Four Walls, a look at the rental housing How do ecologists and economists differ in their BSU market in Vancouver with an emphasis on stu­ views of environmental problems, Hennings 304. Bible study: Doctrines of man, noon, Angus 215. dent issues, produced by tan Timberiake, 3 p.m., NDP CLUB LE CLUB FRANCAIS Thurs., Dec. 3 cable 100 fm. information table all this week in SUB, Socialist French conversation and general meeting, noon, EISA and Socred scandal calendars will be on sale. main lounge International House. Pre-Christmas party, SUB 200, 8 p.m. BC PIRG NEWMAN CATHOLIC CENTRE CSA A meeting for new members only, noon, SUB 12:30 Ice skating party, meet at 7:30 p.m. at St. Sports night, 7:30 p.m., Osborne gym A and B. 113. Mark's, skating at UBC rink. CITR CVC SUNDAY Off Beet - a comic roundup of the week's off­ SUB 207-209 Winter sports gym night, 7:30 p.m. to 11:30 UNDERWATER HOCKEY beat news, 7 p.m., cable 100 fm. p.m., Winter Sports centre. Clinic, 10 p.m.. Aquatic centre. GSA CITR TUESDAY Punch drunk party, 8:30 p.m., graduate centre. Service of Carols and Readings Laughing Matters, Jerry Eberts and Joe March CCCM MUSLIM STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION take a lighter look at war. Features Bob Newhart, Eucharist and God, noon, Lutheran campus cen­ Muslim Juma, noon. International House. Jonathan Winters, W. C. Fields and Eddie Can­ tre. by UBC Chaplains CITR tor, 4:30 p.m., cable 100 fm. CITIZENS AGAINST THE UNDERMINING Dateline International trends in Japanese busi­ OF SCIENCE EDUCATION ness, produced by Rob Simms, written by Dan MONDAY General meeting, review of first year of activities; Tidball, 3 p.m., cable 100 fm. CITR where do we go from here, noon, Angus 214. SATURDAY Melting Pot, Joe March talks to UBC Poultry ADVENTISTS CHRISTIAN STUDENTS' CLUB SHRUM BOWL Science department head Darrell Bragg about Discussions on I Corinthians — basic Christian The big game, UBC vs. SFU, 8 p.m.. Empire egg cholesterol and the fallacies associated with principles applied to daily lives, noon, SUB 213. stadium. it, 3 p.m., cable 100 fm. CITR Gay Issues — produced by the Gay People of UBC, 3 p.m.. cable 100 fm. WEDNESDAY Fame NDP CLUB Last general meeting of term, all members and | Hot Flashes | interested persons please attend, noon, SUB and 215. UBC BRIDGE CLUB By elevators SUB main floor, informal bridge p.m. Bill Tieleman will give a semi­ night and fun for all, 7 p.m., Lethe. Fortune? Salvadorean COMMITTEE AGAINST RACIST nar on Investigative Journalism. AND FASCIST VIOLENCE That one's in the subversive den, Literature table, noon, SUB foyer. . . . Could be yours if you enter the UBC Alumni noon tpoaker too, and is open to everybody, not THURSDAY How many people have Al and just Ubyssey staffers (wowl). ISMAIU STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION Chronicle Creative Writing Competition. Ronnie murdered lately? How much Don't go away yet. After that Grand organization first and last meeting for ski trip during first week of classes, noon, SUB 117. There's $600 in prizes to be won by UBC student evil have they spread? What are there is a B.C. caucus for the up­ BSU they doing to the people of El Sal­ coming CUP conference. I suspect Christmas: giving or getting? noon, Angus 215. writers. Full information from Speakeasy in SUB all staffers are urged to attend this CCCM vador? Who knows? I don't, but Ecumenical advent service, noon, SU8 207 and or the Alumni Office, Cecil Green Park, Raul Pineda does. He's an exiled one too, especially the delegates. 209. Salvadorean student and FDR rep­ But that's not all for today; this sure AMNESTY UBC 228-3313. Last meeting of year, noon, SUB 115. resentative currently on a cross- is a busy one. Friday night party at CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST Canada speaking tour. Catch his Deb's — bring your own drugs. Speaker John King from Food for the Hungry, presentation today at noon in the noon, SUB 111. SUB auditorium. Radical words FRIDAY GEOLOGICAL SERVICES Hey great, more about Central Laurence Vigrass, University of Regina, director THE CLASSIFIEDS Shrummy jock America. What's going on, is UBC of energy research and geology professor, 3:30 p.m., Geological Sciences building. RATES: Cftmpu* — 1 HMC, 1 day 12.00; sddMOnst Hnta, 01c. Time once again for the annual actually becoming concerned or, TUESDAY GCHIMIMfGlM *"" 3 WlMi l.QSy •93.03* SOCntlOlMH mM Shrum Bowl, whatever that is. dare I say it, radical? Doesn't say ADVENTIST CHRISTIAN STUDENTS' CLUB Be. /UMtkMMl days *3.30 and BOc. Says something here about foot­ what the slant will be, just that the Discussions on I Corinthians, basic Christian Ctosatfied ads an not accepted by tahphona and an payable In ball. UBC vs. SFU on Saturday topic is Nicaragua. Hear Doug San­ principles applied to daily lives, noon, SUB 213. advance. DaadKna it 10:30 a.m. tha day baton publication. night at 8 p.m. at Empire stadium. ders Wednesday at noon in the Law WEDNESDAY Publications Office, Room2*1, S.U.B., UBC, Van., B.C. V6T2A5 A very collegiate way to spend a building, no room number given. UBC BRIDGE CLUB Saturday night, cheering for your Informal bridge night, 7 p.m., Lethe. favorite jock. €rv*ading King THURSDAY 5 — Coming Events 65 — Scandals Reserved covered seating is CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST There's a campus crusade going Christmas special, noon, SUB 111. available for $3 from the AMS ticket on for a guy named Christ. They office in SUB and at Empire ONGOING The Vancouver Institute 70 — Services didn't tell me his last name, but CO-OPERATIVE EDUCATION PROGRAMS Stadium before the game. Pro­ Free Public Lecture whoever he is his crusaders are Year round application deadline: Dec. 15, 1981, Prof. Thomas Shoyama MODE COLLEGE of barbering and hairstyl- ceeds go to the United Way. room 213 Brock Hall. ing. Student hairstyle, $8. Body wave, $15 sponsoring a talk by John King School of Public Administration We predicted UBC will win, after Co-operative education programs in engineering to $25. 601 W. Broadway, 874-0633. from Food For the Hungry. It's at and forestry are accepting applications for all in­ University of Victoria all, we have the CIFL rookie of the noon on Thursdays in SUB 111. terested students in science 1 and transfer ap. CANADA'S ECONOMY: year (Glen Steele) and the best science 1 and FRST 1 until Dec. 15. PROSPECT AND POLICY 80 — Tutoring defenseman (Mike Emery). Prof. Shoyama has served with the Department of Energy, Mines and Paper revolt Resources, the Department of Finance and Atomic Energy of 85 — Typing Attention all Ubysseyers! Staff chartered accountants providing Canada Ltd. meeting today at 2:30 in the in­ Coopers the full range of financial and LECTURE HALL 2 EXPERT TYPING: essays, term papers, famous office. Main topics on the WOODWARD BUILDING. factums, letters, manuscripts, resumes, business services in 21 Canadian theses. IBM Selectric II. Reasonable rates. agenda are autonomy, the constitu­ Sat., Nov. 28 at 8:15 p. tn. Rose 731-9857. tion, and revolution, not necessarily cities, and 90 countries around & Lybrand the world through Coopers & Lybrand in that order. But be warned, it's at TYPING: $1 per page. Legible copy Fast, your own peril. (International). 11 — For Sale - Private accurate, experienced typist with IBM Selectric. Gordon, 873-8032 (after 10 a.m.). With the state everywhere, this is •TYPEWRITER: Olympia, portable, manual, bound to be a dangerous mission. If pica, wide carriage, case. $140 or TYPING SERVICE for theses, correspon reasonable offer. 738-5467. dence, etc. Any field. French also available. we get through it, there's another IBM Selectric. Call 736-4042. event worth investigating at 4:30 FOR SALE — Pop machine and hot dog machine and lots of supplies e.g. napkins, FAST. EFFICIENT TYPING. Close to plates, cups and straws. Call 986-6389 eves. campus. 266-5053.

THEATRE DEPARTMENT MUST SELL 4 tickets to Hawaii, Air Canada, ESSAYS. Theses, Manuscripts, Resumes. Dec. 13 till Dec. 27 charier. Call 683-1633 Fast, professional typing. Phone Lisa, eves 873-2823 and request our student rate.

FOR SALE Williams upright piano and ESSAYS, THESES, MANUSCRIPTS, in AUDITIONS AUDITIONS AUDITIONS bench. Newly tuned, cleaned, regulated. eluding technical, equational, reports, let­ $1203. 224-0805. ters, resumes. Bilingual. Clemy, 266-6641.

for MOVING SALE: Clothes, toys, furniture, kit- TYPING - Special Student Rates. Filtness chenware, Saturday & Sunday, Nov. 28-29, & Cameron Public Stenographers, 5670 10-3. 754 E. 58th Ave. 325-0315. Yew Street, Phone 266-6814.

WORD PROCESSING Specialists for 20 — Housing theses, term papers, resumes, during regular office hours or evenings/weekends By William Shakespeare MAKE $$$ over Christmas. Quiet non­ if arranged in advance. 736-1208. smoking couple want apt. /house after Dec. (Performances: March 3-13, 1982) 5 until New Year, $50/week. Call after 6 THESIS TYPING: Micom word processing. p.m. 682-2052. IBM Selectric, $1.25 page. Equation typing Directed by Donald Soule capability. Pick up and delivery. Call Jeeva ROOM AND BOARD available immediately. at 826-5169 (Mission). Monday-Thursday OPEN TO ALL UBC STUDENTS, FACULTY AND STAFF Psi Upsilon Fraternity House, 2260 after 6:00 p.m. Wesbrook Mall. Ask for Rick Grey or Steve, 224-1421, 228-8943. EXPERIENCED TYPIST. Resumes, essays, NOVEMBER 30 - DECEMBER 2 theses, letters, etc. $1.10/page. Call 736-0592. 40 — Messages Audition appointments should be arranged in advance through the Theatre Department Office, Room 207, Frederic Wood Theatre Bldg. or Telephone 228-3880. PRACTICAL acupuncture, moxibustion, 90 - Wanted home study course. P.O. Box 25676, Van­ couver, B.C. V6M 4G9. COME ONE ************************ COME ALL 50 — Rentals 99 — Miscellaneous FREE to a good home: friendly young male AUDITIONS AUDITIONS 60 - Rides cat, completely house-trained. Phone AUDITIONS 732-8502. Page 20 THE UBYSSEY Friday, November 27, 1981

Stereo Cassette Deck With: Quartz Synthesizer Digital-Analog Receiver with: • Feather touch controls Two-motor tape drive HIP • 30 watts per channel Dolby noise reduction M "i »**fT*rt • 14 station pre-set tuning 16 segment led peak meters •", o r* • Auto-scan tuning Auto-play • Soft touch program selectors TC-FX4 SA-222 SUPER PRICE SUPER PRICE

Direct Drive Linear Stereo Cassette Deck With: Tracking Turntable With: • New Dolby C circuitry Linear playing time counter • Microcomputer automation Automatic music sensor • Plug-in cartridge Feather touch controls • Fully automatic operation Two-motor tape drive • 2-speed search cueing TC-FX6C SUPER PRICE SL-DL1 SUPER PRICE

Stereo Cassette Deck Stereo Receiver With: With: • 35 watts per channel • Legato linear power amplifier • Built in DBX noise reduction • Acute servo lock tuning • DBX disc decoder • Subsonic filter • Soft touch controls • Peak hold level meters RS-M240X • Rewind auto play STR-VX3


AM/FM Stereo Cassette Receiver With: Direct Drive Turntable With Biotracer tonearm • 30 watts per channel Quartz lock speed control • Logic solenoid tape controls Fully automatic operation • Two-motor tape drive II! O C Feather-touch controls • Tape program selector © 8 I jftOH © • Automatic record size selector PS-X600 SUPER PRICE SUPER PRICE SA-R30 SUPER PRICES AVAILABLE ON ITEMS SHOWN ABOVE PLUS HUNDREDS OF IN-STORE SUPER-SPECIALS Final days of records and tapes close out sale — still over 5,000 titles to choose from — everything 30% off or more — lots of classical still left!

^ocrTD K maxell® 0/\~V*yU "leach Tape Case STANTON UDXLI c-90 $. $ ^ Holds 15 - --- sAXC90 7;?c! *4-» 1681 EEE UDXL-llc9o each THE FINEST FOR LESS STEREO VIDEO CHARGEX

master charge