The Pros icient has appointed S.irjjnati to be the Prime Minister,S±:ti Gandhi will also be Minister of Atomic Ener,y,

On the advice of the Prime .Mlnlstei, tae President 11as

appoinLed the fo1lown9 persons to be members of the Council of i'inisters g-

COD NC IL OF MIS T RS Members of toe Cabinet

Shri Morarji R. Dosai, Dc t y Prime Minister Mi ister 01 Finance

3ri Fakhruodin All Afee -Mi - - -- - i..- .- '- cf TnCj'4 1 0.4.. r a DeveJopment and Company Affairs

Shi. M.C. Cb.agla Mnistr of ExteTnaJ Affaf Sin Y.B. Chow on Minister of home Affairs Siri Dtnsh Stng Minister of Commerce

6 SorT Tai S lcd Del Hatiol l-TLnster of Labour and

Shri Jagjivan Aani Minis icr cif Food and Ar. culture

Dr. Koran Sin Minister of Tourism and Civil Ailtion

P, Soi Afo1a Medta Minister of P anning P:troIeuni & Ceemicaj and ocja1 Helfae I 10. Shri P. Govjda Nenon Minister of Law

11 SI C A N. Poonacha Mm.. star of Ralays

12. Dr. Rem Subhag Minister of Panilamentary Affairs and Cornnanications L. Dr. VKTj.\T Rac Minister of Transport and Sk eiingf -

14 -2-

Dr. M. Chenna Reddy Minister of Steel, Mines and Meta

Dr. Triuna Sen Minister of luction Shr I K. K. Shah .. Minister of inforaation and Broadcas bing

Shri Satya Maraan Sinlea Minister withcuu Portfolio Sardar Minister of Dernce.


1. Shri B.P. Dhag2t Minister of State in the Ministry of Defence.

2, Dr. S. Chandrasekhar • . Minister of Health end Faiiiy ?le.nniug.

Shri Parinal Ghosh . . Minister of State in the inistry of Failways.

Shrimati F}eirenu Guha .. Minister of State in the feparteenb 0:1 Social Welfare. 14

Shri Jar.annath Rao . ster ci ferNs, Housing and f V. Shri L.N. Miabra Minister of State in the Ministry of Lafour and Rehabilitation.

Shri K. C. Pant • . Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance.

Shri K. Raohuramaiah . . Minister of State in the Ministry of La::.

Dr. K.L. Baa .. Minister of Irri{b a tion and Pow or

Shri R aMunath Reddi . • Mnjster oT Ste to in the Minis try of Intuatrial Develoioe taut Coup any Affairs. Shri P.C. 3othi • . Minister at State :in the , Nines and Metals.

Prof. Shor Singh ,.. Minister of State in the Iinistry rut Hducstion Shri Anna Sahih Shinde Minister øf State in the Mjnistr:\ of taod and Agriculture. -3---

14. Shri V.C. Shukia ... Minister of State in the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Rashtrapati Bhavan 22, 1888 (March 13, 1967).

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