E EPISCOPAL CHURCHPEOPLE for a FREE SOUTHERN AFRICA . 339 Lafayette Street, New York, N.Y. 10012·2725 C (212) 4n-0066 FAX: (212) 979-1013 S A #113 12 August 1991 South Africa The contrast couldn't have been greater. The African National Congress at its conference in Durban 2-7 July put together a structure for the future South Africa. Twelve days later new press disclosures reiterated what we've known all along - the present South African gov­ ernment is 1IU..1rderous and conniving - a regime strong but faltering.

The Durban conference was a tumultuous and joyous event. For the first time in over th!:Be decades those who had been in prison, in exile and under persecution at home met and in a week's time ha:rrnnered out policy on the many and daunting crises facing tormented South Africa. The 2240 delegates chosen from a.lmost a thousand chapters within 14 regions of the country elected 50 persons who will join 40 ex-officio members to form the National Execu­ tive Corrunittee. The NEC later chose 20 of its members to comprise - along with the six elected national officers - a National Working Corrunittee. a shadow cabinet. The elections at the conference were supervised by an independent team of South Africans of undoubted credentials - the first denocratic elections in South Africa, shed of the incubi of race, class, sex or residence, a IIDdel for the future.

As expected was unani.nDusly elected President of the ANC. His old comrade from Robben Island and before, Wal ter Sisulu, was chosen Deputy President. Oliver Tambo, who led the ANC from exile during the long years of struggle, was acclaimed as National Chairman. Slowed down by a stroke two years ago, the venerated leader remains in an ac­ tive position. With a choice widely hailed by friend and opponent alike, the conference elected veteran trade union leader Cyril Rarnaphosa to be Secretary General of the ANC. Jacob Zuma was made his deputy and Thomas Nkobi retained the post of treasurer.

Following hard upon the ANC conference US President George Bush amounced the lifting of US trade and economic sanctions against South Africa in recognition of the 'profound trans­ fornation' wrought by President F. W. De Klerk.

On 19 July the WEEKLY .MAIL hit the newsstands with documentary proof of di­ rect funding of the Inkatha organization of Chief Gatsha Buthelezi. Misnamed Inkathagate (it really is Pretoriagate), the disclosure together with others :L.icreasingly appearing in VRYE WEEKBLAD, 'IHE NEW NATION, THE WED

Later this IIDnth the ANC, the Pan Africanist Congress, the Azanian People's Organization, the South African Communist Party, the Congress of South African Trade Unions, the South African Council of Churches and others will meet in Cape Town to deliberate upon setting up a Patriotic Front to stand in opposition to Pretoria and its allies, looking forward to negotiations and the selection of a constituent assembly. The ANC persists in its demand for an interim government to see the country through deIIDCratic elections, a rational call all the IIDre strengthened by the revelations about Pretoria pouring forth every day. Aspinall set up secret fund JOHN ASPINALL, the million­ the government was reimbursed aire zoo owner, and Kerry Packer, from its Central Committee. ac· the Australian media magnate, count. But' presented with evi­ set up a secret trust fund last year for Buthelezi dence of the fund's existence, a for Chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi, committee member, Walter Fel­ the Zulu leader, according to gate, confirmed the money came bank records obtained by The In­ From Chris McGreal in Johannesburg from ChiefButhelezi's private ac­ dependent on Sunday. Chief Bu­ count, indeed from the original thelezi has used money from the (£50,000) funnelled through the were the major contnbutors to source of those ful1ds. The with· account to repay slush funds that police to pay for rallies. But he the opening trust fund, with other drawal was made on Tuesday were channelled to his Inkatha has said it was repaid from Inka· unnamed supporters. Mr Aspinall without the usual 30 days' notice. movement by South Africa's gov­ tha funds. The bank records once funded a trip around the The government paid the original ernment, the records show. show, however, that the money globe for the Zulu leader. 250,000 rand into a special Inka- The disclosures deepen the came from a l.27m rand private The fund is solely in Mr Buthe- tha account. Since the disclosure scandal of the government's se­ investment account in his name. lezi's name at the First National of the transfer, Chief Buthelezi cret support for Inkatha over the His staff have often portrayed Bank, formerly Barclays, in the has said he did not know of it be­ last five years. The government him as a relative pauper who lives KwaZulu capital, Ulundi. There cause so much money went admits providing covert financial on his 9,000 rand a month salary is no Inkatha control over the ac- through the account. assistance but denies using Inka­ from the KwaZulu government. count, number 4529040806. Mr Aspinall and Mr Packer tha to incite violence in South Af· , But on 11 September 1990, Mr Chief Buthelezi is not heavily were nOlimmediately available rican townships to discredit the Aspinall, ',Yhoowns.Howletts zoo out of pocket from refullding the for comment last night. They African National Congress. in Kent,· arn:I Mr Packer, not pre· cash as, since the account was" were at a.1.~est wedding re­ Chief Buthelezi has said he viously known to have taken an opened, it has earned 182,522 ception for.Packer's daughter, I knew nothing of the 250,000 rand interest in South African politics, rand in interest. Inkatha had said Gretel, in Sussex. i ¥ THE INDEPENDENT ON SUNDAY 28 JULY 1991 US unions gave ;SA police to roo~ mone~lQ~1nkatha

lout funding leaks South Aftica. Brown, who died two yean 810, had a for- midable reputation as a CIA formed the basis of simulta· EVELATIONS about asset in the formation of I Patrick Laurence neous reports by the Guardian secret South African anti-communist trade unions In Johanne.burg and a Johannesburg news· Rgovernment funding in Europe after the war, and paper. the Weekly Mail. for Inkatba's trade union laterin Aftica. OUTH African police arc The reports quoted from a 10­ thia week have revived ear· ChiefButhelezi visited him investiga!'ing the origin of page memorandum sent by ller accounts ofsupport from in Geneva in 1983 seeking the sccurity police docu· Major Louis Botha to police American groups for Chief funds to help Inkatha forge S l1nks ments used by the Guardian to headquarters in Pretoria Mangosuthu Buthelezi's with the trade union expose the government's covert requesting finance for an In· activities. movement. funding of the Inkatha Freedom katha rally in March last year. Ever since the United Brown's sympathy was Workers Union, of South Af- never in doubt. A full 10 Party. It is expected that the police I~ The investigation is to deter- inquiries. will ccnccnt..'"3te on rica (Uwusa) was formed yel'.!'S "'M/.le!' he. had said: mine whether the documents the Weekly Mail, although its 1988, Its strongest l1nks have· "We are ready [to traiiI black were stolen. in breach of the co-editor, Irwin Manoim, said been with the American unionists) if KwaZulu is Protection of Information Act. yesterday that officers had not labour federation, AFL-CIO. ready. We have good contacts This baa been a secret con· in South Aftica and we have The law prohibits the posses· approached the paper. dult for American money to talked about how assistance sion and publication of any doc· Under South Africa's Crlm· anti-c:ommunist groups for in the training field could be ' ument obtained from "a prohib- inal Procedure Act, police may the put 45 yean. arranged." ited placc" and carries a fine of subpoena journalists to force As early as 1982, Chief In the week that the union ' up to HlO,OOO (£2,000), 10 years' ·them to disclose the source of Buthelezi was given the AFL- was launched- with an ex. I imprisonment, or both. their information. Failure to do CIO George Meaney human ecutive dominated by busl. • A spokesman for the law and so can result in a journallst rilhtll award. In the same nes8men and managers _ order ministry, Craig Kotze, being sent repeatedly to jail year Irving Brown. the head reports appeared in the said yesterday: "All avenues until the courts decide he or she of the federation's interna- South Aftican press that it will be explored." But he in· is no longer recalcitrant. donal department, led a dele- had approached the AFL·CI0 sisted that the police were com· The South African Union of ption to South Aftica, to through the African-Arneri. mitted to the "free flow of infor· Journalists said yesterday: "It otfer funds for trainintr to can Labour Centre for "large mation" and were not trying to is the duty of the media to ex­ llelected union activists who scale aasistance". prevent further disclosures. pose corruption wherever It oppoeecl the ANC's stance on The general secretary, S. l. , The disclosures. which led to might be found. The role of the sanctiona. Conca. a Kwazulu busln_ the demotion of the law and police in the Inkathagate scan­ The delelation was man, has admitted that funds order minister, Adriaan Vlok, dai has been amply highlighted. rebuffed by mOlt black were sought from Israel and and the defence minister, Gen· For the police to Investigate the unionsbecauseofltllconnee- West Germany and that eral Magnus Malan. were based Weekly Mail and its source Is tlonl wltb President American unionIsts had on security police docume~ simply vindictive." Reapn'. ..~ en- agreed to help to orpnJse lhe somc marked top secret, ob- - IBPment~,. 9Dion. tained by the Guardian. They m'E GUARDIAN THB GUARDIAN Saturday August 3 1991 Saturday July 27 1991 ,\ ------Townships still britt of Inkatha warrior attacks AT A red-brick community centre armoured vehicles standing ~ in this most inappropriately From John Carlin when the ftrst shacks were burnt named area of $oweto, 170 refu­ in White City, Soweto on 19 July; he recalled haVIng triee gees while away the day longing to to douse the flames at one ,hack return to the squalid squatter set­ down homes, loot and kill, tar­ and being ordered to go away b} tlement they call home but unable getting ANC sympatbilen; and policemen standing by: he re, to do so because, they say, r.Jcatha the police stand idly by. . called having complained at a supporters backed by the police Human right3 organiaalions are meeting chaired by Mr Mntarnbo ha'te established a reign of terror in possession of a sworn affidavit. two days after tbat. there. by one man whose identity they dlt: On the day after Mr TwaJo was The first shacb were burnt not want revealed yet who de­ attacked. the local organisation down at Mshenguville on the scribed what he saw at about 8pm for the homeless, HOMHLE, put night of 19 July, a matter of hours on the nigbt of 21 July. The story pressure on the police to raid Mr after the SoutIJ African pern­ has been heard so often before it Mntambo's home, wtuch they did, ment had admitted the security has almost become a cIich6. There they found, according to police had paid money to lnkatba, The man said he saw some 25 HOMHLE workers who ac­ a reYelation which rein.forced the ~ ~ redbeadbandll ­ companied the police. one view in the tOWlllbipe that the the IWtlIa warriors' trademark Makarov pisto~ two home-made state has sponsored tile "blac.t-on-, delK:end from a police guns, spears, lead pIpes and two black" vio1eDce of tile past year. arIIIOUIlld vehide carrying spears, full police uniforms, Mr Mntarnbo On tbd very same night two cJubt.; ~ and J"l1l8lIU -(ma­ W3S arrested and wuhin 24 hours weeb.was the fint deatlt·- a chetes)., 1'bII¥ were dropped off released on l.S00 South African well-1aIown MsheDpviBe African outside ....'boD' of M8hengu­ rand (£300) bail. National Congress (ANC) mem­ viIIe's 1DliI1ha"'dIief, • man called A Catholic pnest, who hap­ ber, a worker at an organisation Mntalllllo. ,1'tieY ma!l!!led down a pened to arrive at the refugee-lit­ for the bomelesa, .... backed to path ~WIIr"""aud sbortly tered White City comrnuDlty cen­ death. SIix:e then IIIOR than 30 thenlllflir·t1ii:;~- wIlo was tre yesterday afternoon to prepare shacb hlIVe been burnt down and stlllldiDa.:OIl a 1le8rlJy, IIIOUIId ­ for a funeral, wryly surveyed the hundreds of people IuM fled ­ saw ~ rllIlI 0lIC of the squatter scene. "It's the same old story ­ IDOIIt of them to relatiYa in camp.'" r , '..'.o, wblItever De Klerk 'law, The p0­ Soweeo itlelf. The names of BYe F_ ~4besllekof the lice are working hand-mohand poop6e who bave been Iti1Ied are Mbatha ,1imiI)- \¥II. lnnt dcJn. with lnkatha. And just to add to ~ but the eIIII:t figure is Zanele ~ aDd Jw lWU-~~ all the usual eYldence, now we ac­ tl10afillt by COII1JJIIIIlity leaders to olddaJIhW Lind8 _ alone it- tually have uniforms!" bccWtolO. side.:..M allOut ~wIaeA!tbI, • RIO DE JANEIRO - Nel­ 11ae'WIll told by the refugea at heilIJ 101IIII men ~aadthea son Mandel&, the ANC leader. White City yesterday offered are· saw that their homi w'as on fire. said on Thundav thaI the Soutlt minder that, for all the public: W!lJdid'itbappen? "It lItUIl bave Afril:an gll\IeeWn.:..l could llQ scandala, all the dJmning new dis­ beea becall8ll my bUlbaact Vuai .' longer be trIJIted and told it tCll closures and then all the deniaIa ' c COIIIJIIitMe II\IlIIIber at step aside ill tavow of an in~ by the JOIIel1Ullllllt - ootabIT by - all the i1t~ ~ ,gtMmment or face the end of FW de KJerk on Tuesday - of r=a bave belonged to'pCopIe taIts WIth his DlIJVeIIIenl, Rmtel' aJlegationa that the security forces who support the ANC." Did she reports. ''The only way to a non­ had been ID~ in the tClW1llbip go to the police statioJl1"Yt!s, but racial democracy in South Africa slaughter. the pattern of the vi0­ they told me they were too afraid is that of an intenm government. lence has remamed eerily un­ to go to MsbcIJlUVille." Ifde Klerk and Ins regime are nOC changed slnce il a111W1ed ill the.. That /I riat tIte' pciDr:e 'told prepared to aca:pc thia demand JohannesburJ area a year ago. Barty Twalo, who was stabbed they must Ieam there can be no lnkatba wpponen art'ive at a seven times by Inbtha auackcn further dia:uaioa between them p~ peaa:fuJ area; they on the nigbl aft« the Mbatbas and oursefta," Mr Maodela tolll threaten people. order them to were forced out of tbe camp. He a news confm:oce 011 the first daJ JOID lwtha or leave; they burn recaI1l1d haYin8 seen two police of a visit to BraziL ,;//'" f;~"

'At tar. towMht••to .. ccaft4Mmed." will k..,. cloee .Me" on ttteittuat Mel continue . Fear could aid Inkatha cause NERVOUS residents at the ~..~'. ," '. . "Inkatha may also use its posi. emphasis on free choice and the lion sa an anned procector 10 proud hislory of !he Zulus. :::==~o:=~: .~~~. .~. ~~ creale I national base amonl I residents report mal \' more ethnically and regionally Zulu migrant worten in some In a recenl opinion poll by ':'~ disparate group of persons." he are.u exron laXes from people uid. Dr..". maguine which asked what he called ANC violence. living beside their hoslels. people aboUI !heir political inlen- Inkatha spokesman Mr Musa All sides agree there is no Those who refuse are generally polnl in creating I mullipany tiOll£, 24 percenl replied thar!hey Myeni lAid he was recruiting hud anacked. Inkalha IS also ICCUSed were 100 terrified 10 vOle. 'The democracy if people vole nol for of coercive recruiting in Kwazulu. earegory came second after the amone black 10wn coWKillon, who !hey believe in but for those Inkatha denies all this. BUI ANC which topped the poll with ~icemnden. ~a1ries~_~andminersroundin !hey fear most BUI anaJySll say Myeni caused I stir when he saId 39 pereenL U1" I usrn .....u a thai is !he danger. Inkalha would field 250 000 war. PoIiric:aJ anaIysa say thai in Johannesbura· . "If we could go 10 electiona rion 10 combal crime and ANC SolIdi Africa's atmosphere of fear, . Twelve lown~~lll mayon recT' while we are trapped in a culture violence unless the ANC ended Mandela'i main rival, Chief Ut!ed 10 Inkatha are now makme of violence. people would vote on !he township confl iet. M II1hu B thel . leader f thmp easy for us 10 penetrale aeographic lines, dependine on The threal repudiated by angos u ezt. 0 their. rownships even in areas was who il atrongest in thai area," ld II !he Inkatha Freedom Party, could where we have never exisled" be Inkathl's leaden but they sa evenllWly proft IOUgh compell·. said. . saId Mr KhabaMkhiz.e. I newspa. remallled l!X'"ible subject for In­ lion for the loyalty of the black per edilor in Natal. lemll debale. majority, t Members AnolJler analyst in Natal who Ethnic hostility AI leasr I 800 people haft died declined 10 be named said: Inkatha, which Buthelezi once ainc:e August in the worst urban "People will decide which is !he "lnkatha has enormous capac­ violeace in decada in clubes described as I llJ'OllP where "!he more powerlul. rhe ANC. In­ ity to disrupl community life and dove of peace sira easily 01\ rhe U'Oud Johannelbure between karha. n- for IIOCIIt'ity reuona threaten die peace process." point of I spear", wu for years a pro-Inkalha Zulu mipant workers Inkatha will pick up vOla. " Haysom comrnenled. local power rulinl rhe KwaZulu and ANC·suppootinl residenll. He said violence crealed SUDng rn1lal territory. New recruits ethnic hoatility towards Zulus. BUilding ties BUI membership baa grown 10 ensuring thaI Zulus I~bens ..e two million, a quaner ol Ihal AJlhoulh Inkatha won only "lnkatha has corne 10 stay in of IlIIck turned 10 Inkalha for UOllDd JohanneabulJ, from lbout four percent in rhe Drum poll, in SowelD. The praencc of lnkatha support. 30 000 in rhe mid-I9701. The UIIIe wilb other surveya, il IIood 10 in peopIe's minda is incredibly "Thai would consolidate I ANC II believed 10 haft fewer IIIOft pre. pick up support from blacks fear­ stronl." said Ihe pro.ANC far flung suppon base !hID half a million members. ful of the fullll'e, rhe anaJyats say. Inalyst, who toured Sowelo viously no( inreresled in Inkatha." recauly. BlUilWss Day newspaper I&Jd Potential reauill were bIlCb Stooges wbo fell Inkathl had proved itrelf "They ha"" a110 penetrllIed!he dlar for Presideru FW de KlerI< Free Swe In rhe moat iDcredibie and Mandela, Myeni's commenll rhe IIJ'OnFSI rhe banIea AsUd whdher Inkarha was in and manner. "mu.st have been rhe polinc:aJ ahould be bKted out prudeDc:e, proteetine IOwnahip councillon, at "Inkarha now repreaaIlI rhe equivaJeIII of a cold badl ... the .and people at all raca with _ widely reviled sa 01 !he ssoop:s poliricl of beine c:onKrValive. lr it realisation it dawning Ihal lIle dlin, 10 Iole from apanheicI I)'IICIII. Myatl replied: no( a-=,o( beina Zulu. The ANC and rhe Govemmenl an: llOl reforma and anxioua about a fu.. "No, we ate _ in rhe _unry YIOlence au_ rhe picture or rhe only puties capable of reven. 11ft under die ANC. buaineu. But sa IllOII sa dIey (ANe) flih.... lr aulel doubt." ina ID vioIenI aoIutions". (councillors) join Inkadla. _ "We are beinl ftry much in­ lnkalha spokeamen a110 said On Tueaday, Mr Slmu.1 r1midated by rhe civica:' &aid In­ ben of Inkarha in rhe.. areM will rhey drew "rremendoua" suppon Jamile, a deputy MinISter olin..,. nor fold !heir ...... - lbcy _ bIba recruiter Mr Joahua Mojaki. from cllurchpn after Buthelezi rior in the KwaZulu homeland referrinllD pro-ANC civic otpD­ aaackelL" I.. ye.- publicly declared belie! aovemmenr wsa found luJlry 0( iuIioaa. uwyao Nichol.. tbr-- aut III God and Mandela spoke am· IIIUTder and Irremplled mUTder. He said his TI...... people lnkalha wu IMina lip rhe C8uae 01 brvaJendyon rhe same ropic. Alrhoup Jamile II noc rhe only - Joinina Inkalha, edopcina many potential lOla' fI'OIII 1I*'l' New "'Cnills inelude 100 000 Inkatha member so face _b Zu1u but "in rhe TSWUla .a,.. beid's end. functionatw III loa! ""'.. who ClIll respect for In- .-;ou char&a, he is !he moot ad\ue" and buiJdilllliea with 10­ 1O"emment. lIibal IlomeIaIIdI eel kath', pro·busineu, anri· -a lD be OllIIvicfed. • Sapo­ CIII fiIbIwina wltitea to combat munic:ipaJ black polica. sanenona -. ira proclaimed R_r.

IF Law IIIId Order Minister Adri81 kalha allegedly blamed on the bus­ Vlok seriously believed he was fund­ Counteringviolence. Orcreatingit? drivers' refusal 10 rrnnspon workers. ing the United Workers Union of Firsl 10 be shot was C0S31U member South Africa to "counter intimidation. !he Instirute of Race Relations' annua1 The United WO~ers' Union of ery. Uwusa officials were allegedly Denis Zondi. This set In mooon acycle ilIegallK:tions and related violence on survey. AltempIS 10 CIXllact its general Soutll Atricefs record as a labour seen with slrikebreakers. of violence in which seven Cosatu un­ the labour front", he must be disap­ secretary, Dumisani Dludla, failed this .The Slabbing of Transpon and ionists and Ihree Uwusa offiCIals were poinlied wilh its performance. week. federation IS poor - but its General Workers Union shop sle· killed over the nexllhrer yaD'I. Where ithas ell8blished a fOOlhoId ­ Despite irs principle ofindepeixlence success raIe on vioIenC8 is wards' chainnan al SA Slevedores, C In an intemal report Iasr Yl3, after the and it '- managed this in very few from all political organisatknI. Uwusa frightening...DREW FORAES r MtshaIi, during an Uwusa-TGWU or· eruption of the Transvaal violence. wortpl-=a - violence has erupted bas echoed alllnkalha's policies, Irs ganising bailie at !he Durban rInn. Numsa blamed InkathaIUwusa mem­ with IenifyiDg frequency. Irs slogan at firsl general secretary, Simon Conco. Some Uwusa rnemben !lave been • An alleged panga attack on Cosatu ben for a spBle of death Lhr'eals. a.~. irs Iaanch, Ihat it would "bury COS8IU", was a former chief whip in lite 1twaZu­ killed or injured In wattpIace clIsbes. textile union leader Elias Banda in lsi­ sination allcmpts on Numsa officials has aapIml a sinister signiflCllllCC. lu Legislative Assembly. Other mem­ But in the rnaJOl1fy at incidenlS where thebe in February 1989 by three Uwusa and open wortplace IigJlu ng In Reef C1aIbeIalwaZu1n'I'ranspM in Ma­ bers of irs national executive included Uwusa is known or suspected 10 have officials. An interim order restraining faclorics. Key Numsa ,hop slewards ritzbnrg sbcnIy after Uwusa's forma­ an industrial relations executive for a bea1 irrvoIvI:d. II is Cosma ani ill atrlli­ Uwusa officials from assaulting Cesa­ hal bea1 fon::nllo Icave !hell pilns. tion Inwidely seen as a spark for that group or Natal companies, a business­ ares who have 5lIffeRd. tu unionists was granted. In a statement 111" wcell. Cosatu saKI city'. inrmninable cycle offlK:tional man and aIOwnshiJl superintendent. The sowing IietmlC divisions in \he .The murder of five miners em· Uwusa's campaign of murnodation had killings, This gives a rich irony to ShoItJy before irs May I 1986 launch, workforce lhrougJ1 the fUndins of an ployed by Zinc Corporation al!he com· during the last year mushroomed Into Vlok's claims that police funded the Inkatha Freedom Party leader Mango­ exclusively Zulu umon was bound 10 pany's boslel in 1987, allegedly be· an "orchcstrated reIgn of Icrror aglIIllSI union 10 lite lWIC of RI,S-million as a sulhu Buthelezi threatened 10 "launch heighten labour ConfliCt. Via·.:nl inci· cause they refused 10 join Uwu.'la.. our members" CO\iIIU tvlSk"l-<.IwtlJen manatJrlllOOling I3Jour Slabiliry. Inkatha in the field oflabour relations, dents involvins Uwusa include: .The death of six workers, some had been forced on pIIln or death 10 re­ TIzre is Iiule evidm:e that Uwusa 0p­ 10 comller insuIrs and denigration from e11le 1987 murder of a Naliona1 Un­ memben of Uwusa, some of !he Na· sign from CosaIU and the ANC and jOU1 erates IS a normal lI'lIde union. TM Cosatu". He spoke at its launch and is ion of Mincworkers orgaruser, John lional Union of Metalworkers, in Uwusa and Inkatha. the

HE United Workers Union Documents in the possession of ofSouIh AJiica (Uwusa) is a project under the joint control The Weekly Mail show that not ofthe South African Police and only did the police fund the United . Inkatba. Workers' Union of South Africa t This emerges clearly from se­ but also helped establish it. cret police documents, copies of which IIrDREW FQRRESI are in the possession of The Weekly Mail. exposure of his ministry's involve­ The doCuments raise explosive ques­ ment with the union. tions about the links between the high­ eThat at least until October 1989, p0­ wortcer force .~ Zulus In tracIfIonai gabbrandish their cuItlraI weapons at an Inkatha raRy at l

: IJ18Af"I/A : JUlIGSPARK, DtlRBAlI : 19SO-03-25

1. HierbT a~el»l bllt.."sie Fir die bet/rill V8IJ RJMJ,OOO-OO.

A two-Une memo from Natal security police h'e8dquarters, c:onfIrmlng pavment of R1!O 000 to Inkatha tor organiSing a rally

10 days before !be rally. The ac­ 1m SoueAfricao P0- count number was 221426­ lice bue-" paid wfC 8006961533. The security lnncll of lbe police amounts of money to has since been disbmlded but it is help Inkad'1a oppose the widely believed that ill officers are still deployed for cowrt political o!>" 17M Wed:l)!NationalMail _ Ceogress._ oblained 1 erationa. copies of iDIemaI security police Tlte IV«ktjItI_ UIo hal coafir­ documenII sIRJwiag extensive dis­ madon ~ a paymenr alR100 (XX) 10 CUIIions bdwelsllnbdlapraident InUtha to orpUse IIlOlber rally on 01iefMlIlpudlu Butbelezi aod a • November S 1989. The nIIly was in senior Dlublm security polic:enum fact held 011 NoYember 19 and was about ways ofpreveoting die ANC adlln!sIed by JGna GoodwlI1 Zweli­ from eroding fnJauba'S slIJlIXll1 in thint NaIaL This document. • Ieaer from Bri­ Allealt R2S0000 W8S peid _ 1m gadier JA Sley1I, aep.ry regional InbIba bIIIk~by die ~ chieilXdie ICCUIiIy police in N_ ty poIi:e fclr die purplIIe oforpnis­ 10 die CXlI....dill& officer lX the se­ iDclllliel aod otber IllIi-ANC activ­ curity police in Precoria. says !hat • itiel sIIortly after die release from Buthe1ezi and his justice minister. . of ANC president Nelson Jeffrey MIeIwa. asked !bar dleir ~ ODe ra1ly p8id for by die "thanb aod peal appreciation be SAP, at Kia,'s Pl!it. Durban 011 pasted 011 to dIOIC responsible for Man:b 2S 1990,. was die spark for pasaing 011 !he fundi. "1IpIUIII: in civic villfen=e ....ha MOJief Minister ButheJezi was came ~ llDlaIowD asllle Maritzburg very emotionaJ wtIen • copy of !he W.r'. ,.;', receipt _ an- 10 IIim. He coukl Aa:ordin8 ID a top-secret security not say tb-* yoe enoup and said pojice men....." Budlelezi was dw he hall1lll expIlCISl it. ~ very emotioul aod expressed ex­ 17M W••1cJy MtIil. wcRinI in con­ trane BnUitude for die extaItofdie junctioa with TIw G..uribl lXlm­ financial assistance provided. .don, has nm ex~dItcb OIIlhe The documa1ts reveal dial Buthe­ documents. It has conflmltid !he In­ lezi was coocaned about declininB katha bank accounl numbers. !be membcrsbip fi.- in Natal at die identities. addresses and telephone lime lX Mmdela's ~ from pis­ numbers ofan thole named in Ihem, on and bad serious mis8ivings and !he deIaiIs al!he Dur1l-. rallies. about die support ofsome ofInIca­ l'here is no conclUSive evidence tba's key leaders, incIudiD8 Inkatha tbatButhelezi or rnemtJers of 1nka­ chairman Prank MdIa10lIIe and for­ and Major Louis Botba, senior offi­ doeI not have die financiallllClllS to tha knew that die money deposited IDa" secretary gencraI Oscar Ohio­ cer in tbe Durban regional security I~ arT'IIIIF sud! a gatberinJ 011 its own, into tbeir aetounI arne direcdy from mo. police. to discuss how to deal with - .. The consequences of this raI1y tai1­ the..Ia:uritY police. Tit. W.dJy Maillw receipts, tfteANC. an Inkatha--rally "10 show everyooc ing will have far-reaching ~ BollIa is weD known in lMt.I as a First NItionaI 8aDk deposit slips. In a Io-page mema-andum 10 the that he (BulbeleZl) has a suona ti­ bas Jordam. He uted wbed1er Illy seaion rL l.be awiliFtJCe service lI' the Axing ofhomicide MP SAP had gJVal fInlI1c:sal lI' 0rganisa­ tional support 10 JTOUPII IlICh as Inka­ premature - Buthelezi lha. Prmlenl FW de KIerk and Law and By CARMEL RICKARD Order MinisI£r M'iIBI VloIt n:fused 10 KWAZULU MP Psychology Ndlovu, answer as this WOlIId Mdcfeat the legal convicted ofculpable homicide by the plllIt'JCliaI rL -uy iDfOOIlllioo". PietermarilZburg Supreme Coon. has Bolha's I().pqe II'CIIIOt'DIum 11Illti­ not been suspended as an MP because YIIing the peymem Il.l IDkaIba gives a be may anx:aI agaimtlhe verdict. nil:insight iDIo how Ihc security poDce This was announcl!d by kwazulu SIIle InkaIha as lhe only crganisaion ca­ Chief Minister Mangosuthu Buthelezi • rL lDIJIIl:liDB lhe iDflueIa rL lhe when askl!d 10 comment 00 Ndlow's ANC. He refers 10 discuIsioDs wilil future in the kwazulu Legislative As­ Buthelezi over a tWl>-tl>-1hree week sembly (KLA). period and ~ security police teo Ndlovu was found guilty ofculpable pons on MConflia wilhiB iDkaIIIa fCli­ homicide for the September 1989 kill­ lowing pesce IaIks" and "Slr.Rgic per­ ing ofaman from Swayimale. He was speclM:r. ODd MinisIa' IludIeIezi and ordered to pay RIO 000 to the depen­ Inkadla: ~il3ims flI' c:urrem ~ danls of the deceased and was given a tialims politics". two-year jaillertD, suspended flI' five Ch'.f".ngoeulhu Ilu1haIcl Botba argues tba the police sboaId yean. su~ InbIba beclIDse BuIbdezi, 1111­ Buthelezi said while the KLA made sion by the law and beIng DrOUght to der pressure from some 01 biJ miDi­ provision for the exclusion of people lriaI is right." . iIl:n~ ~ fallinllIlppllft. woUI convicted of serious crimes. it would He added that members of the KLA otbcrwise be foR:ed tojoiIa fon:es willi be preIIIlIll1re 10 confinn Nd!ovu's SU5- might have been auackl!d more than; the ANC. pension at this stage since be still had other blacks because they were Iewa­ MJ:>uriaI oar discusIioD it __ funher recourse in law. Zulu MPs. "The ANC has waged an very clear dW the lK:tims _ poIitic:II Last month Ndlovu's senior col- ugly war against lcwazulu ... II might lIllIllOelIVnII rL the ANC _ a__ league in lhe Kl.A, Deputy Minister of be they feel rtxn burdened n1lR SUt}. rL 10 the cbid~. ell»" the Interior Samuel Jamile, was jaill!d jectlO greau:r SlTl\IlIlIwt other rnemllm coocern 'The IMI\ bet*'d bll*llhllll8lllOS, Maler LouIs BoIN, _ d'loeen ciaIJy ifme amidln die ...... flI' life for murder and anempted mur- of lhe JNbIic. kalha membership fipra." BadIa to 8CCClII""" PresIdenI FW De I- arpJ ofits ~ who may have been ster rL educatioo. Dr FMdIIiDIe, mini­ was worried that, with the release of katha as a conservauve counrerwetght lence;although he believl!d they were conViCted. . ster rL beallh, QIief Gumede, lIIiDislier Mandela, the ANC would be seen as 10 the ANC during rqouations. wroog he had never condemned indi- However, he SlId be d,d no! believe rL public works IIld miniIIa' S Sithebe, conunanding the suppan of most Earlier this year Sipho Madlaia. a self­ Vlduals who joined Umkhonto weSiz- there was a "genera11oss of fall.h In the minister of home affairs," BoIha said, blacks. and many whiles, Indians and confessed secwity police agent. lold we. members of the KLA" because of the also referring 10 another memo on Min­ coloureds, and that this would be used reponers in Natal that he had been re­ "Ilcnow that things gel too tough for recent lriaIs. lertsal conflict in InkaIha as a ralI1t of overseas 10 put pressure on Pretoria cruited by offICerS in the secunty polICe some hwnans 10 endure and then they The KLA's record of achievements peare talks". durin(the ~ period. and military intelligence 10 assassmate seek violent redress. meant it had "escaped Wl.o;cathcd" from Dhlomo, then also Inkatba IleCl'etary As a counter. he says, Butbelezi pro-ANC Zulu cluet Mhlabunzlma "The world should look al members lhe Irials. PoopIe believed the tnaIs sun­ general. resigned from the