For Litchfield Veterans Memorial

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For Litchfield Veterans Memorial World War I Christian L. Bertram August Adams Charlie W. Bierbaum George Albrecht Edward F. Birkenkamp William Merton Aldoris Ross E. Bishop Augustus M. Alexander Walter L. Bishop Claude P. Allen John Lynn Bitter George Elbert Allen Walter M Blakeman Granderson Edgar Allen Paul C. Blatter, Jr. Joseph William Allen Edwin Rollin Boosinger Louis J. Allen Freeman P. Botkin Wilson B. Allen Charles E. Braden Clifford L. Anderson Stanley Bradley William E. Anderson Russell W. Brawley Fred Arends Arch T. Bray William Arends Harold Bryan Bray Emory Arnold Martin M. Bray Richard F. Ash William A. Bray Edward Charles Bailey William E. Bray Walter H. Bakeman William Brazil Orville A. Baldwin William M. Breitweiser Lester W. Bandy Eddie Brennan Jesse Bannes William Lloyd Brewington John Banovic Andrew J. Briggs Dwight Taylor Barcroft Stephen W. Briggs Victor A. Barcroft William Enos Bringhurst Roscoe Lenard Barlow Hulda L. Brockman Frank C. Barry Leslie I. Brokaw Joseph F. Barry Wilbur Beck Brokaw Arthur William Bartling Kenneth Brookman Henry Wilmont Bartling Everett Brookshire Roscoe B. Bartling Leo M. Brown William Carl Bartman Clyde M. Brubaker, Sr. Paul Elzevir Barton Earl D. Brue William Henry Barton, Jr. Albert Theodore Bumann Ernest Bazarth John K. Burnett Otto F. Beck Daniel F. Burns William C. Beck Edward R. Buske Harry F. Bennett Harry W. Butler G. Clyde Benson Andrew Don Butts Russell Berry Tony R. Buzick William O. Calcott Monday, September 27, 2021 William John Carroll Paul E. DeMonbron Frank Stanley Carter Norris DeWitt Wilmer Cavinder William E. Dieckman Ralph C. Cayce Martin A. Doll John V. Chamberlin Clarence E. Dooley William H. Chamberlin David D. Dooley Ralph Logan Chambers Thomas E. Dooley Paul F. Chance Clarence M. Doolin Harold W. Charles Clarence Robert Dooling Howard L. Christen Willis Douglas Joseph H. Clifton James J. Driscoll Cullen A. Cline John M. Driscoll Elzya D. Cline Fred A. Duff William H. Cline Mike M. Dukas Orville C. Clinesmith Harry Don Duncan Charles R. Coatney Ross C. Duncan Harry Collenberger Charles W. Dutton Thomas P. Concidine Otto S. Edwards William Conlon, Sr. Henry W. Eichelroth Alva Cooper Robert A. Eller Cecil W. Cooper Allan R. Elliott Harry P. Cooper B. J. Ellis Jesse John Corlew Roy M. Emmons Joseph Harold Corlew Charles Herbert Ennis Kenneth E. Corrington Louis H. Ernst Chester Arthur Covington Arthur George Faeth George Cox Eugene Falletti James Albert Craig Guy Lewis Farquhar Cecil H. Cramer Harold E. Fasick Jesse E. Cress George M. Faught Clarence Otis Davis Paul Fedder Donald Buell Davis Edward H. Feller James L. Davis Earle Fellers John Wesley Davis John Joseph Fizzell Lindsay O. Davis John Flitz Perl Wayne Davis William H. Flitz Robert H. Davis George W. Flynn Thomas M. Davis Arthur L. Fogleman William W. Davis Carl Putnam Fogleman Henry Adison Dees Melcher M. Fogleman Joseph Francis Deitrick Walter Ray Fogleman Monday, September 27, 2021 Ben August Fonke William Earl Hand Charles W. Fouts William Aaron Hard Amos Fox Aaron W. Hart James Fox Preston C. Harwood Guy T. Friend Leon Hauser Edward H. Fuller Vernon Hauser Leslie D. Fuller Kline V. Hawkins V. E. Fuller Arthur F. Heath Frederick William Gangwish Henry A. Heien John Gates Alvin Garnet Heise Willard G. Gates Charles J. Heise Theodore Gehner Frank Heise Arnold W. George Frederick John Heise Elmer F. George Leo A. Heise Everett B. Gerhard Jesse Robert Henderson Fred L. Gester Kenneth L. Henderson John F. Gester John Henshilwood Lloyd L. Giberson Andrew J. Herman Ira K. Gonterman Edward B. Hilger Otto Christopher Gonterman Mae E. Hitchell Gordan D. Goodall Joseph C. Hogsett William E. Goodall Robert Henry Hogsett Peter M. Graham Harold C. Hoisington Ray M. Graham Eury Alfred Holliday Clure D. Grassel John Thomas Holliday Chester J Greer Roy Westley Holliday Leslie A. Gregg George Joseph Houlihan Ward Gregg William R. Howard William H. Griffin Everett Hudspeth Cecil Grimm George Bernard Hughes Lester Ray Grimm Hugh Hughes Thomas Grisham Jim C. Hunt Ross W. Griswold, Sr. Robert M. Husband Edward T. Gronewald Harold E. Hussey Herman H. Gronewald Henry G. Immenga Jesse Norton Grooms Clinton Homer Jackson Edward H. Grosenheider Clyde L. Jackson Otto H. Grosenheider Frederick P. James Edward D. Groves Roy Jarrard George A. Hall Pearly W. Jarvis William C. Hampton Orrin Gladys Jenkins Monday, September 27, 2021 William J. Jett Charles J. Lang Lloyd M. Johnsey Christian M. Lauber John M. Johnson Frank J. Laurant, Jr. Oscar Johnson Jack Laurent Fred P. Jones Jacob M. Law Joseph Lee Jones Francis J. Lawler Ralph Jones Alvin T. Lee Willis F. Jones John H. Lee Martin F. Kalaher Robert E. Lee Ur M. Keagy Edward L. Leitschuh Herbert R. Keele Otto J. Leitschuh Lester B. Keith Winfred L. Lindley Ben Kellenberger Charlie Loew Robert Emmet Kelley Joseph Edward Logsdon David Francis Kennedy James E. Long Leslie V. Kiggins Leonard H. Long Ralph Lawrence Kiggins Horace S. Low Arch P. Kinder John Luenemann Jesse Allen Kinder Fred Lynn Lester E. Kinder Roy M. Lynn Maynard W. Kinder Thomas W. Lynn Russell E. Kinder Francis Patrick Machler Henry Kindler Daniel U. Macreiewski William Columbus King Jesse Maliff Ernest Huey Kitch Joseph Maliff John Raymond Kitch Emil W. E. Marburger Mary Edna Kitch George Markos Charles Thompson Klein Emery F. May John C. Kleinbeck Wayne McAllister Edward J. Knag John McBrain Edward A. Kniery Frank P. McBride William E. Knight Virgil J. McKimmey John Koniak, Jr. Frank O. McMasters Roy F. Koontz Walter M. McMasters Andrew C. Kopp James W. McPheron Raymond C. Kopp Monell E. McWilliams Frank Kuciejcik August John Mead Lloyd Newton Kunkel Wilber Melton Wayne Andrew Kunkel Marvel M. Mercer John W. Lambert Murl P. Mitchell Joseph Kenneth Lane Ruby Mitchell Monday, September 27, 2021 Donald D. Mix Herbert G. Price Arthur R. Monke Arthur Elliott Price, Sr. Edwin Herman Monke John E. Puckett George Monke Gilbert H. Pugh Otto F. Monke Robert Radcliffe James Moore William A. Ramsey Philip J. Moore John F. Ratliff Harold Morgan Floyd B. Ray William N. Morris William D. Ray George M. Mumme Carl Abram Redfield Joseph Munday Dennis J. Reed Earl H. Myers William M. Reed Mayo Myers George L. Reents Peter Myers, Jr. Guy Thomas Reese Herbert H. Myers, Sr. Charles Thomas Reeve Clarence P. Nail Walter F. Reeves Charles Alfred Napier, Sr. William M. Reeves Stacey Neal William Frank Rents Elbert N. Nevins Claude D. Reubart Clarence A. Newcom Charles J. Riemenschneider Arthur William Niehaus Frank A. Rill Herman L. Niehaus Lloyd Rinker Clarence H. F. Niemann Will Frank Rinker Robert Emmett O'Brien Harvey Robbins William L. O'Brien Charles C. Roberts Harry A. Olin Arthur Clarence Robinson Ralph Orr George E. Rodenbeck Andrew Owens Henry Rodenbeck Norman S. Owens T. G. Rodenbeck George O. Owings Clay Rogers James Ray Painter Joseph C. Rogers Harold Peck Joseph Fiefer Rogers Clyde W. Pence James K. Ronen William N. Phillips Jesse C. Root Hugo B. Picaman Robert C. Root August A. Plunkett Victor B. Root John W. Pollard Albert Allen Rule William Pollard John Henry Rule Bennett Potts Warner J. Rull Arthur F. Prange David Saathoff Frank John Prange Henry R. Saathoff Monday, September 27, 2021 Rheinart Saathoff Arthur J. Smith Peter B. Saathoff, Jr. Burrell Reed Smith August F. Sacha Cleo O. Smith Frank J. Sacha Earnest B. Smith Gordon F. Sallee James Joseph Smith Vivian C. Sallee Joseph Cecil Smith Harold E. Sanderson Manley R. Smith Lester E. Sawyer Ross A. Smith Walter Carrol Sawyer Russell V. Smith Elmer F. Saxby Theodore Floyd Smith Paul W. Saxby Myron W. Snell Harry O. Scheffel Charles Edward Sommers Milford M. Scher John Spensberger John H. Schoen Herman F. Stamer Elmer Schoenewies A. R. Stansifer Harry S. Schoenewies Martin M. Stenzil John H.O. Schoenewies George W. Stewart Henry Charles Schroeder Ralph G. Stiefel Roy E. Schumacher Henry L. Stockamp Joseph J. Schwab Walter W. Stockamp Forrest Elmer Seale Thomas Stone Frank E. Seamon Harold A. Stout Walter Semplowski Otto Stout Paul Revere Sexton George Sturgeon Truman Milton Sexton John Emery Sturgeon Ira J. Shaver Joseph Edward Sturgeon Luke F. Sheahan Virgil R. Sturgeon Clarence Shears Robert R. Talbert James W. Shears Elbert Wallace Arnold Taylor Earl B. Shelton George W. Taylor Carl Sherwood George A. Telfer John F. Shields Thomas J. Telfer Harold Allen Shindler Walter E. Thompson Jacob Lee Short John Thornton Thomas E. Simmons George Fred Thunhorst James D. Skelton Herman Henry Thunhorst William O. Skelton Gale R. Tiffin Vernis Ray Skinner Joseph D. Tiffin Charles C. Small Oren Titsworth Elmer Small Frank Theodore Tomsic Leonard H. Smalley, Jr. Lyman B. Towling Monday, September 27, 2021 Robert Traylor Ben I. Yaeger Harold Tunnell Lewis Dozier Yaeger William Uchtman Russell Yeager Joseph Vanderburg Arthur G. Young Harry Morris VanDoren Corbett D. Young Emma A. Vasel Elmer E. Young Jesse Harmon Voiles Walter H. Zimmerman Walter Voiles William H. Zimmerman John A. Wakeman Christian H. Zoller Russell William Wallis Carl H. Zuber Charles Wandling Henry J. Zuber Frank Joseph Wandling George J. Wandling Otis G. Wandling Charles Silas Weatherford Glenn P. Weatherford Hobart L. Weatherford Perry E. Weber Ray A. Weber John Weerts Thomas E. Weller Edward Welsh Daniel J. Werner Edward A. Westbrook Charles A. White Ira W. White Oscar R. White Julius E. Wiemers John William Wilkes Earl Williams Hayden P. Williams Benjamin Harrison Wilson Floyd S. Wilson Walter L. Wilson Fred Gernardt Windels Clarence W. Winkleblack Donald Wood Lorin Alfred Wood Louis E. Wood Russell H. Wooster Howard Wright Monday, September 27, 2021 World War II Melvin L. Baker Joseph F. Abell Olin L. Baker Andrew Fred Adams Philip D. Baker Wilbert S. Adams Travis S.
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