The Ashfords Benefice The Ashfords Group of Churches: The Parishes of , Ashford Bowdler, , Knowbury, Ludford and Richards Castle. • to be community Jesus said “love each other as I have loved you” o in the community o Welcome! ▪ for the community

As a Christian Community we walk together in the light of Christ, seeking to join in with God’s mission for his creation. Sunday 12th July – The Fifth Sunday after Trinity ...... Ludford 11:15am Common Worship (LM) Ashford Bowdler 6:30pm BCP Evening Prayer (ST)

Leadership Team Reading: Isaiah 55.10-13 Rev’d Lynn Money – 01584 831203 / 07342348580 Second Reading: Romans 8.1-11 Richard Harral (01584 831679) – Richards Castle Gospel: Matthew 13.1-9, 18-23 Ann Lansdell (01584 831268) – Ashford Bowdler Peter Stretton (01584 831474) – Ashford Carbonel Stephen Ashford (01584 874402) – Caynham Collect for the day : Merlin Unwin (01584 872987) – Ludford Almighty and everlasting God, by whose Spirit the whole body Church Office – Monday 9:00am – 1:00pm of the Church is governed and sanctified: hear our prayer which Thursday 9:00am – 1:00pm we offer for all your faithful people, that in their vocation and ministry they may serve you in holiness and truth to the glory of your name; through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, in the Tel: 01584 831585 Clare Bicker-Caarten, [email protected] unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Outside of these hours, please contact Reverend Lynn Money

on 01584 831203 (usual day off is Friday)

Traidcraft in and around Fair Trade goods continue to be available from Traidcraft either home delivery As a church, we pray for those who are ill or frail: or to collect. Orders small or big are welcome. Please continue to support Christine, Daniel, Colin, Kay, Margaret, Margaret, Roger, Jill and Brian. Traidcraft. Contact Liz Taylor 01584 831149.

And for those who have died and their bereaved families: Lynn would like to compile some stories/pictures to produce a small booklet of Paul Sallis (RC), Norman Wright (AC) and Michael Bowden (AC) how we have spent our time over ‘lockdown’. If you have any pictures, recipes,

crafts, experiences of how you have been helped, please could you email them Services, Activities & Information to Lynn. [email protected] Whilst we are delighted that services are starting again please be aware that attending church will not be the same as it was before lockdown. You are Historic Churches Trust - Ride and Stride. Sadly this event has had asked to socially distance whilst in church and will be shown to a pew. You may to be cancelled this year which was due to have taken place on Saturday 12th only share this pew with your household or social bubble. Please remember to September. If you would still like to make a donation place donate to Lloyds socially distance when walking to and from church including church footpaths. Bank Pride Hill, , Sort code 30-97-62, Account no. 01409408 On entering and leaving the church you will be asked to sanitise your hands. Reference R+S Donation. Or cheques to be made payable to Shropshire Historic We have a limited number of people that we are allowed in each of our Churches Trust, Mr Noel Fryer, 12 Shrewsbury Street, Hodnet, churches so please book with your Church Warden if you are intending to come TF9 3NP. We are also looking for someone who would like to take over this to a service. We are not allowed to do any singing and we not allowed to give event as Pam Blaxland and Jennifer Wright will be stepping down. If you are out service books – a printed copy will be provided for you to dispose of after interested please contact William Price – Chairman of SHCT. use. Sadly we are unable to offer communion services but this will be reviewed for August. All churches have reduced the number of services for July and Services in August August but we hope to be back to a normal pattern in September. 02.08.20 Ashford Carbonell 9:30am Family Service 09.08.20 Ashford Bowdler 6:30pm BCP Evensong Knowbury, Caynham and Richards Castle Churches will remain closed until Ludford 11:15am Common Worship September. 16.08.20 Ashford Bowdler 11:15am Matins Ashford Carbonell 9:30am Lay Led 12.07.20 Ludford 11:15am Lay Led Ludford (874095) 11:15am Common Worship (LM) 23.08.20 Ashford Carbonel 9:30am Common Worship Ludford 11:15am Common Worship 19.07.20 Ashford Carbonell (831474) 9:30am (ST) Caynham (874402) 11:15am (LM)

The Ashfords Church Group office is open Mondays and Thursdays 9:00am-1:00pm. 26.07.20 01584 831585 – Clare Bicker-Caarten. Outside of these hours please contact Reverend Lynn Ashford Bowdler (831268) 11:15am BCP Morning Prayer (LM) Money on 01584 831203. Ludford 11:15am Morning Prayer (RDownes)