NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF THE 146th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF BURTON RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB To be held in the Clubhouse, Peel Croft, Lichfield Street, Burton upon Trent on Wednesday 12 July 2017 at 7.30pm AGENDA 1. Apologies 2. To consider the Annual General Meeting which was to have been held on 7th July 2016 3. To receive the Annual Report for the Season 2016-2017 4. To receive the Accounts and Balance Sheet for the Financial Year ended 30th April 2017 5. To elect the Officers of the Club for the Season 2017-2018 You are advised that the nominations for election are:- Officer Nomination Proposed by President I. W. Cartwright General Committee (GC) Hon Sec C. Y. Bradley GC Hon Treasurer M. W. Evans GC Hon Fixture Sec S. Nicholls GC Club Captain H. Titley Playing and Coaching Health and Safety B. Cook GC Youth Liaison Officer S. Briggs GC Colts Organiser M. P. Tweddle GC Finance and Development C. Grimsdell GC Chair of Ground A. Bullock GC Playing and Coaching M. P. Tweddle GC Promotions Y. Tweddle GC House and Bar P. Foster GC Social Vacant N/A Disciplinary P. J. Cartwright GC Volunteer Coordinator L. Stoakes GC Mini Junior Chairman I. Baker Mini Junior

6. To elect the seven members of the Committee for the Season 2017-2018 You are advised that the nominations for election are:- D.G. Gill GC NA A. Peach GC NA J. Fargher GC NA R. Williams GC NA D. Bradley GC NA S. Eastwood GC NA W. Hulbert GC NA 7. To appoint the Auditors for the Year ending 30th April 2018 accounts 8. Report from Colin Grimsdell regarding relocation

1 9. To hear any relevant matters for consideration during the ensuing year, but on which no voting shall be allowed Please note that only fully paid up members are eligible to vote NOTE The General Committee have given considerable thought to subscriptions for the 2017-18 season and as a result there will be an increase on the rate for last season. Subscriptions are due on 1st September 2017; please support your club by paying a membership on time. You can now pay your subs online via PAY YOUR SUBS on the BRFC website Category One off Direct Debit 1870 £160 £170 Patrons £110 £120 Ordinary Members £80 £90 Senior Citizens £65 £75 Senior Players £110 £120 Family Membership £110 £120 Note 1 - Please note family membership carries one voting right per Family at General Meetings. Note 2 - Where Senior Players have children who are involved in the club the relevant Family membership applies. You can now pay your subs online via Payments on the BRFC website:- http://www.pitchero. com/clubs/burton/payments. Bank Details are available on request should you prefer to pay via Internet or Telephone Banking. All cheques should be made payable to Burton RFC Ltd. It is important that we have update address and email details for members, please forward any changes to [email protected] Please make every effort to attend the AGM Who should attend? All recipients of this document, be they players, Mini Junior Parents, 1870 Members, Patrons, Senior Citizens or Ordinary Members. Why should I attend? This is chance to learn about your club and ask questions about how it is run. The finances are a ‘done deal’ The financial year runs to 30 April. The Honorary Treasurer produces monthly reports for each General Committee Meeting which are available behind the bar to any member for them to review. At the end of the Financial Year the Honorary Treasurer produces the accounts and issues them to the accountants to conduct an audit on BRFC Ltd and an independent review on the subsidiary company BR Ltd. Therefore it may appear that the finances are a done deal, however it is a retrospective report.

2 BURTON RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB LTD. Minutes of the 145th Annual General Meeting held at Peel Croft on Thursday 7th July 2016, starting at 7.30pm Chairman: Mr. K.R. Wrathall, President opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present, to the 145th AGM. 1. Present K R Wrathall, M W Evans, W Leason, D Bradley, A M Campbell, Y Tweddle, R Wheeldon, C Wheeldon, A M Bullock, A Peach, J Edwards (Jnr), M Tweddle, R Fearn, S Fearn, R Williams, C Bradley, I W Cartwright, J Fargher, S Nicholls, P Bunting, L Bunting, B Cook, R Clark, D Babb, J Edwards (Snr), P Stockbridge, S Eastwood, A Wass, P Foster, I Baker, C Grimsdell, H Grimsdell, P R Davies, J Williams, C Horsley, S Tjon Soeilen, T Wright, P Harris, C Suggate, J Suggate, R Ellerton, M Ellerton, D Cartwright & L Clay Apologies C Atkinson, T Tipper, A Taylor, G M Hamilton, P J Cartwright, J W Cartwright, N Collett, C Evans, F Bartram, E Bradley, P Cartwright, R Hunton, J Bullock, J Peach, N Wrathall, C Deighton, B S Langslow, M Tweddle, H Titley, D Gill, L Stoakes A minutes silence was held as a sign of respect for those who members who has passed away in the last twelve months. 2. To consider the Annual General Meeting which was to have been held on 15th July 2015 The President, KR Wrathall, expressed his pleasure at the attendance for this meeting. The President asked if there were any questions from the floor regarding the ‘2015 AGM situation’. There were no questions. 3. To receive the Annual Report for the Season 2015-2016 There were no questions. 4. To receive the Accounts and Balance Sheet for the Financial Year ended 30th April 2016 The Honorary Treasurer, M W Evans, explained that he had been considering if his detailed financial reports had led to dwindling attendance at AGMs and decided he would report at more of a summary level on this occasion. M W Evans explained the diagram included in the AGM Booklet which represents a new structure arising due to Community Amateur Spots Club status which had been put in place recently. The structure is beneficial from a tax perspective. M W Evans give the following explanations: • A request for dispensation has been lodged with the FCA to avoid an audit, and the significant associated costs. The FCA have not responded but he is hopeful that it will be granted. The figures in the accounts will remain unchanged regardless

3 • Promotions – fantastic result and the benefit of Project Genesis coming to fruition. The results stand on their own and have not benefited from extraordinary donations • Highest returns from Promotions and Bar in last 10 years • Strategy of gaining income form ‘outside events’ has contributed to the improved performance • The Ground expenditure is also the highest in last 10 years • Balance sheet o Good reserves o Good level of cash to draw upon through the lean summer months • Page 6 – Promotions o Sponsorship – Marston’s, Jupiter, ISM, FSI, Unite Toyota, etc. o Player sponsorship. Playing & Coaching have assisted by cajoling the players and the result was an almost double of income o Raffles – Spring Draw a fantastic return thanks to the prize of a car sourced by K Barlow and D Bradley / U10s for driving ticket sales o Functions – best on record, including best Sportsman’s Evening return on record • Page 7 – Bar o 55% increase in profit. Dry sales up 24% which have a positive effect of 4% on wet sales o Room hire – massive increase in hire which goes straight to the bottom line, plus wet and dry sales spin-offs o Excellent food offerings started by Kay and continued by Claire. The state of the art cooker donated by Mark & Yvonne Tweddle is a fantastic asset o 8% increase in turnover for only a 2% increase in staffing o Praise given to bar staff • Ground o Increase levels of depreciation following significant investment, however these had been planned for o Pitch hire increase attributable to St George’s Park – Playing & Coaching reduced their expenditure by the corresponding amount o Lichfield Street fence required c£4k of repair costs o Business rates – an appeal has been lodged and the outcome is awaited o A Bullock and A Wass acknowledged for their efforts • Playing & Coaching o Increased income from subs and match fees • Admin o Extension of Planning Approval for Peel Croft extended (spread over 5 years) o Free banking is beneficial o Problems with kit supplier led to poor results with the ‘Shop’ – new supplier will hopefully improve the situation

4 • Mini Junior o Spring Draw (MJ portion) highest ever o Increased income o Increased expenditure for playing equipment, although this off-sets where sponsors obtained o Player’s meals increased but a positive as there are many spin-offs o Trophies – 2 annual charges in 1 set of accounts • Trade debtors increased. MW Evans apologised for invoicing Marston’s late, however the payment will appear in the subsequent accounts • Debtors are being chased • Spring Draw cashed late • The Rugby Football Foundation have extended their loan(used for Tatenhill) for a further 5 years M W Evans asked for questions – there were none. 5. To elect the Officers of the Club for the Season 2016-2017 K R Wrathall took the opportunity to reflect on the progress made within the club during the last 3 years by giving a slide show, summarised as follows: • Facilities improvements • Playing successes • Challenges • Finances – first positive year following five negative (if donations are removed) • Great social events • Rugby Club of the Year • Young Rugby Ambassadors • Forthcoming wedding ceremony at Peel Croft KRW suggested it was the achievement of the whole club. KRW thanked the General Committee and in particular MW Evans and IW Cartwright. A bright future for the club with potentially exciting times ahead.

Officer Nomination Proposed by President I. W. Cartwright General Committee (GC) Seconded by A Peach and unanimously voted for. Hon Sec C. Bradley GC Seconded by K R Wrathall and unanimously voted for. The remaining positions on Committee were elected en-bloc as follows: Hon Treasurer M. W. Evans GC Hon Fixture Sec S. Nicholls GC Club Captain H. Titley Playing and Coaching Health and Safety B. Cook GC Youth Liaison Officer S. Briggs GC

5 Colts Organiser M. P. Tweddle GC Finance and Development C. Grimsdell GC Chair of Ground A. Bullock GC Playing and Coaching M. P. Tweddle GC Promotions Y. Tweddle GC House and Bar P. Foster GC Social Vacant GC Disciplinary P. J. Cartwright GC Volunteer Coordinator L. Stoakes GC Mini Junior Chairman I. Baker Mini Junior Seconded by S Fearn and unanimously voted for. I W Cartwright thanked Declan Bradley and Nikki Collett for their efforts with the Mini Junior Section over a number of years. Note – K. R. Wrathall will assume the position of Immediate Past President. B. Leason is stepping down, but has said he will step in when and if required. I W Cartwright thanked K R Wrathall for his services to the Club as a President, and presented a small gift.

6. To elect the seven members of the Committee for the Season 2016-2017

You are advised that the nominations for election are:-

Nomination Proposed by: D. Gill GC A. Peach GC J Fargher GC M. Tivey GC Vacancy Vacancy Vacancy Seconded by R Fearn and unanimously voted for. GC will try and fill the vacant positions. 7. To elect Honorary Life Members In special recognition for services to the Club, the General Committee nominated K.R. Wrathall. Seconded by Sarah Nicholls. 8. To appoint the Independent Auditor for the Accounts Season 2016-2017 Currently an appeal with FCA, therefore give MWE the authority to appoint as required Proposed - R Wheeldon – Seconded - H Grimsdell 9. Report from Colin Grimsdell regarding relocation Went through a timeline of events from where we have come.

6 2008 – SGM at Bretby to allow GC permission to buy the new site. 2008/9 – Raised £500k; £100k from RFF £10k from SRU, remaining from members. Land at Tatenhill purchased. Financial crash. 2011 – Planning permission for new site, 40 acres 2012 – Planning permission for Peel Croft granted, this wasn’t easy as A1 open retail required, cost a lot of money. 2014 – Extension to planning permission 2015 – Peel Croft planning permission extended. 2016 – Current planning permission at Tatenhill expires in November; we need to demonstrate the planning permission has started. Brexit; what effects will this have? Market uncertain around commercial property. 2017 – Need to start on Peel Croft to retain planning permission. Peel Croft – We need to sell Peel Croft to realise Tatenhill. Retailers interest required – agree heads of terms – legals – market the site to funds - £££. If we can have the site 70/80% prelet then we can go back to the funds to invest in the site. Brexit has created a change, times are now uncertain for many retailers. Definite interest and stages ticked for retailers ready to take to market the site. If they agree then payment is passed to us and then the site is theirs to do with whatever they want. New School – Staffordshire County Council – want to open by September 2018 - Started talking to the school to see what synergies there could be – car parking, entrance, roundabout, security, right of way from the Bridge pub for secure cycle path and footpath. Direct funding, they can action on our behalf. We have agreed to land swap through Aggregate Industries, to sell to SCC, worth about 750k. School still not approved. Gone to be rubberstamped because the county is applying to the county, just to check all above board and water tight. Currently with them for 8 weeks. No confirmation on time. C Grimsdell showed a copy of todays Burton Mail where a petition has been setup by a Tatenhill resident to object to the school. From the sale of the land we can start to get things moving. J Williams asked about the upgrading the bridge over the canal. We demonstrated that the traffic that we would generate would not have an impact. C Grimsdell explained that a new bridge will now be built as a result of the development of Lawns Farm, but this will now be a benefit to us. RFU – committed to putting down AGP 4G pitches (600/700k), this might happen as we are now high on the list. Dealing with Pete Shaw as conflict for Tom Bartram. Sport England – They are excited about the project, so could well have funds to offer alongside the school. Grant applied for in 2015, but as we were unable to demonstrate that the project was to commence. Need to offer community use, not just rugby. Richard Williams asked if Sport England would be money or funding that would need to be repaid, CG said that this would be funding. ESBC – Where do they sit? They have section 601 funds, £250k from Lawns Farm to use for the new ground. Potential pot of money of up to 500k, but at what cost?

7 Looks like all pieces of the jigsaw are coming together. Conditions need to be met. If all the pots of money can be realised then we don’t need to achieve as much as originally wanted from Peel Croft. R Clark asked if the Club could be kept as well as, but C Grimsdell said no! S Nicholls asked if we know who the retailers are, C Grimsdell unable to say. S Smith asked current cost of the relocation, C Grimsdell unable to answer, needs to be done again, maybe £4million. Have the plans changed? C Grimsdell said that we have recognised that we might need to change and do a section 73 to enhance the site and change the planning. The key to this is the new school. J Williams said this will have a great bearing, when was Peel Croft last valued. C Grimsdell explained it depends on who is interested in the site and what the gross site value is. The value changes all the time. C Grimsdell needs to ensure that no one pull the wool over his eyes! R Williams asked is there going to be surplus at the end of this. C Grimsdell thinks this is unlikely. Moves all the time with the market. Need to be aware that initially the new club will probably run at a loss. A Bullock asked about timescales from getting the money to needing to move? C Grimsdell explained that is probably won’t be a long time and we will more than likely to be homeless. Everyone will need to mobilise very quickly. Shobnall, Oxhay, Lichfield? Need to keep Club together to get to the end result from which everyone will benefit. S Eastwood asked what would a partial relocation of pitches cost? C Grimsdell talked through part A & B moves, is it sustainable? This would be very difficult. S Eastwood asked if a fundraising effort to target Mini Junior to try for a partial relocation, as M J have the mass of numbers. R Williams asked how many pitches are on the plans? C Grimsdell said five plus training areas, but we need to make sure that the entrance is in place; that the pitches are within the planning permission. C Grimsdell said he has a date in mind that if Peel Croft has not been sold then the land at Tatenhill will be sold to give monies back to the investors. I W Cartwright thanked C Grimsdell for his efforts to date, and hopes they will be rewarded will the ultimate prize! 10. To hear any relevant matters for consideration during the ensuing year, but on which no voting shall be allowed J Williams asked what the cost of the shirts for seniors and mini, Y. Tweddle advised £550 for M J and £750 for seniors. J Williams said we need to try and emphasis what it costs to put a player out each week from U6 through to seniors. Maybe individuals will appreciate they are getting value for money out of their membership for rugby as sport. I W Cartwright said how honoured he is to take on the Presidency at Burton RFC and looks forward to meeting people old and new and he is up for the challenge.

Meeting closed at 9.35pm.

8 Burton Rugby Football Club Ltd. Honorary Secretary’s Report Season 2016/2017 A new season, a new President! It is clear to see that the appointment of Mr Ian Cartwright is far more popular than that of a certain other President who came into office in the same year! Playing and Coaching (Yet again many thanks to the super-efficient Jono Edwards for the original information) As soon as the 2015/2016 season was completed the Playing & Coaching Team turned their attention to the plans for the forthcoming season. Continuity was maintained with Mark Tweddle continuing in the role of Director of Rugby, assisted by Craig Dutton. Jono Edwards continued as Team Manager and Sarah Nicholls was again appointed Club Fixture Secretary. The highlight of the off season was to secure the services of a new Player Head Coach, Ricky Whitehall. Ricky had spent 7 seasons in France playing for Lille Metropole Rugby and moved back to the local area in July 2016 with his young family. Previously to playing in France he was a professional player at Coventry RFC competing in the 2nd tier of English Rugby. He is an ex-student at Hartpury and studied at the University of West England where he achieved a BSc in Sports Conditioning and Coaching. He also represented England U18 and England Students. He is a RFU Level 2 coach with aspirations to keep playing but moving into coaching so we believe he is an ideal fit for Burton Rugby Club. Ricky made an immediate impact both on and off the field with his wealth of experience and has led from the front in many games with his work rate and tackle count. He is a steadying influence for the players on the pitch which is something Burton have been lacking over previous seasons and it is good to have him in the thick of the action especially in those tight games. He had the respect of the players from day one and they are enjoying his coaching style and way he and his family have brought into the club. A lot of the good things that have happened over this season and the culture Burton are trying to create has come from Ricky. It is not only the senior players who have benefited from the New Player/Head Coach. As part of his role it was a requirement for him to develop the clubs links with the local community, schools and colleges. He has successfully ran two kids coaching camps at Burton and he attends junior coaching night on Wednesday evenings to pass on his knowledge to the junior teams. He is has also worked with the Junior girls, Colts and regularly seen on a Sunday morning with the Minis (U6 to u12) on the Ox Hay providing support and encouragement. We were also pleased retain the services of Tom Barlow in a new role of attack and skills coach. Tom has been with the club since 2011 and boasts a wealth of experience from his playing days, having turned out for professional sides Sale, Nottingham, Cornish Pirates, Plymouth Albion and Rotherham. Tom’s main area of responsibility will be improving the core skills of all the players.

9 Unfortunately this meant the club could no longer retain the services of Nick Adams therefore he was relinquished of his role within the coaching team. We thank Nick for his support over the past few seasons and wish him all the best for the future. Harry Titley remained as Club Captain and must be commended for the extra work he puts into the club. Harry goes above and beyond the role of Club Captain and can regularly been seen with a brush in is hand sweeping changing rooms, mopping corridors, manning the BBQ and helping out on Sunday mornings with the Minis. His commitment to the club was quite rightly acknowledged at the Players Awards Dinner as Harry was presented the Bob Watson Trophy for his Services to the club (both on and off the field). Jack Neal was handed the reigns of 1st XV captain on match days from newly appointed Head Coach Ricky Whitehall once he has accessed the playing squad over the pre-season. Jack leads by example on the pitch and although his roots are with Burntwood RFC he is very much part of the Burton Rugby Club family. Another exciting development is that Burton Rugby Club are delighted to have joined the South African Exchange Program. The background to the program is it was set up to assist young black disadvantaged communities in , with a view to opening up opportunities for them to experience playing rugby in Europe and change their lives in a meaningful way. There are two levels to the SARU exchange the Tier 1 level includes clubs like Saracens, Sale , Gloucester, Worcester Warriors and Selkirk RUFC in Scotland. Over the years the exchange has had players like Joe Launchberry, Ben Ransom and Sam James all traveling to South Africa and also many players traveling to the UK from South Africa. The most recent big success from South Africa is Lukhanyo Am, who is now playing for the Kings in South Africa and contracted by the Sharks Currie Cup team in 2016/17. This season Burton had 3 young men with us as part of this exchange Aphiwe Mahlati (Prop), Dale Koopman (Wing) & Malcolm Theo (Fly half / Full back). Each of these players were with the club for 6 months and as well as playing were heavily involved with the coaching of the junior age groups. They have all been a real credit to the program and their country and we wish them well on their return to South Africa. It is also hoped Dale and Aphiwe may return to play for the club in future seasons. As part of the exchange Burton is also sending back some of its promising youngsters to experience rugby in a completely different environment. This year Joe Gorman, Jeri Oldfield and Callum Shaw will be flying out to join the Sharks academy at the end of April for a 10 week period. During this time they will be full time in the sharks academy doing 5 skills sessions and 5 conditioning sessions each week all under the excellent coach Deon Kayser, (ex Springbok). After this period they will then either be selected for the sharks U20 team or move to Cape Town to play for 2 months in the Cape Town league returning end of August.

10 This is part of a long term project with SARU and Burton RFC to grow together in giving young players a fantastic opportunity to improve not only there rugby but themselves. St George’s Park was again successfully secured as the clubs external training facility for the seniors, colts and junior colts with regularly 40-50 players attending Thursday night training. The junior girls also experienced the facility and had access to the 1st XV Senior coaches which proved a great success. 360 Coaching Rugby Camps were launched and ran over the October half term and Easter holidays at Peel Croft which brings in additional revenue and helps attract and retain youngsters. Additional physio provision was brought in to cover Tuesday and Thursday night training sessions as well as Saturdays and we thank our physios Lisa McKenna and Yang Lay for their expert support throughout the season. In March the convincing home win over county rivals Stoke (45-5) coincided with the visit from Rugby NATS. Rugby NATS UK is a self-funded, social media platform created to provide a broadcasting service to promote “Grass Roots Rugby” across the leagues nationally. Jack and his team followed Burton Rugby Club from Thursday last week at training at St George’s Park through to match day on Saturday versus Stoke and have definitely captured the essence of the club and the culture we are trying to create. The finished video can be viewed via the following link - watch?v=I1Qu87T5Tlw Magic Weekend As weekends go, it didn’t get any better or bigger for the Club on the last weekend of the season as the club had three teams all with chances of bringing home silverware. First up were the Colts (under 19’s) who were up against Stafford at Lichfield in the Staffordshire Colts County Cup Final. Although not playing to their true potential which had seen them breeze past Lichfield and Tamworth in earlier rounds, the team held on to claim victory by 17-8. Next up at the same venue were the 1st XV in the Staffordshire Senior County Cup Final against National 3 Midlands opposition, Longton. In a pulsating encounter where the lead changed on several occasions it was Burton who showed fantastic team spirit to recover from being 13-24 down with 20 minutes to go to win 27-24. So two down and after a celebrating into the early hours it was onto Sutton Coldfield RFC to support the A XV in the Midlands Reserve League (Division 2) Cup Final against Newport. The Burton A XV had already secured the league title but had won 1 and lost 1 against their cup final opponents in the league competition. However the team would not be denied and the double was secured in emphatic style 41-24. So 3 cup finals and 3 wins and shows that from a playing perspective the club is a very healthy position with strength in depth and home grown talent coming through from the Colts.

11 1st XV Midlands 1 West – 3rd Senior Staffordshire Cup Winners Team P W D L CB CO NO F A PD Win % 1st XV 29 23 1 5 0 0 0 916 441 475 79.31% So near and yet so far for the 1st XV this season. The top three of Newport, Bournville and ourselves were head and shoulders above the rest of the league and 92 points last season would have secured a playoff spot. But alas the team would accumulate 103 points, have the best points difference and still end up with nothing to show for their efforts. Our form since the New Year was excellent with 12 wins from 13, but we know where we lost it. Crewe & Nantwich (away), Sutton Coldfield (away) and Hereford (away) were all games lost by 8, 2 and 1 point respectively. Its small margins and something the coaches will need to address in the close season. Whether it be complacency or lack of concentration these spells where as a team they go missing was undoubtedly their undoing this season and the reason why promotion is again so narrowly going to be out of reach. Standout performances were against eventual playoff winners Bournville (43-18), away at Mosley Oak (67-7), away at Stratford (45- 15) and the Staffordshire Senior County Cup Final win against Longton (27-24). 43 players played 1st XV this season with Dan Grimsdell, Tom Hunt, Dale Koopman, Aphwie Mahlati, Alberto Mullarach, Will Roden, Malcolm Theo, Josh Lister and Ricky Whitehall all making their debut for the club. Landmark appearances were achieved and ties presented to the following players: 50 - Jack Brooks and Nick Oxley. 100 - Harry Titley. Dave Archer also reached 200 appearances. Darryl Banton hung up his boots having been a product of the clubs Mini/Junior section Darryl made his debut for the 1st XV in 2000 and has played on and off for the club for 17 years, albeit a couple of seasons where he was plying his trade with rivals Longton and Walsall. But Burton was and is his home club and he was the most recent member of the 250 club which he shares with only another 32 players in the clubs 147 year history. Banton, who was out of favour last season, has come back into the 1st XV and made the 9 shirt his own this season. However age, work commitments and having a young family means it is now time to call it a day. The club wishes Darryl and his family all the best and hope to keep them all involved with the club.

A XV Midlands Reserve League (Division 2) Champions Midlands Reserve League (Division 2) Cup Final Winners Team P W D L CB CO NO F A PD Win % A XV 25 22 0 3 0 5 0 959 309 650 88.00% Just 3 defeats all season and with an 88% win percentage it was too easy for the A XV at times but you can only play what’s in front of you. The league/cup double was

12 secured in what was a very successful season and all the players involved should be very proud of their achievements with a special mention to skipper Billy Peach and Dave Henry. The A XV is now a great springboard for players to move up into the 1st XV rugby with Tom Hunt, Josh Lister and Dan Grimsdell all establishing themselves in the A XV before moving up into the 1st XV in the later part of the season. B XV Staffordshire Merit Division 1 – 3rd Team P W D L CB CO NO F A PD Win % BEES 22 10 1 11 5 3 2 597 671 -74 45.45% A wobble around November and December and lack of commitment and players meant the B XV played once In 6 weeks. But since the turn of the year’s numbers have been good and with the influx of colts into the senior ranks next year the future looks good. After all the Facebook messages and soul searching they still managed to come third in their Merit league with notable wins against Whittington 1st XV and Gnosall 1st XV. The Bees will probably be rebranded next year so they can play in a structured league as 3rd teams are being refused entry. This will mean potentially tougher games but we feel we have the playing squad to compete and something we need to do to develop our core player base. Social games will also be arranged for our more senior players who still want a run out COLTS A season of transition with us combining the U17’s & U18’s to form a colts side with the U17’s remaining as a team for the U17 county cup. Numbers remained good throughout the season as the squad benefited from the training alongside the seniors and the added input of senior coaches Ricky Whitehall & Tom Barlow. Results were good with the colts u17’s being eventual runners up in the county cup, the colts side bowing out of the National colts cup in round 4 following victories against higher ranked clubs in rounds 2 & 3 and the winning of the county cup following a hard fought game over Stafford (17-8). The Cup Final with a squad consisted of 8 x U17’s, 9 x U18’s & 5 x under 19’s. Several members of the colts squad represented the A XV during the season with four of them playing some part in the victorious Midlands Reserve League (Division 2) cup final. Congratulations also to Dan Grimsdell who made his 1st team debut Colts Players player was won by U17 George Else & Colts Coaches player by Harry Mellor. Under 17 coaches player of the year was won by Tom Rutherford A special mention for Sam Willetts for coming back from illness, working his way into the U18’s starting line-up and also playing up or the seniors in the A’s & B’s Plans for next season are well under way this current under 16’s attending training sessions towards the end of the season to allow them the best possible integration for next year and 26 confirmed fixtures in the NLD transition league

13 Representative Honours No fewer than eleven players from the club representative the Staffordshire Senior County side in their County Championship games against Leicestershire, Durham and Cumbria. The players selected were: Matt Tivey, Ricky Whitehall, Joe Gazzard, Ken Archer, Lewis Sturgess, Kelvin Browne, Jack Neal, Jack Brooks, Harry Titley, James Davies and Nick Oxley. The same number of Burton players also representative the Staffordshire Under 20’s - Callum Shaw, Charlie Newcombe, Lewis Sturgess, Jeri Oldfield, Oliver Rizk, Charlie Bunting, Alex Sanseverino, Joe Gorman, Will Beardsmore, Jamie Dutton, Connor Wood. Jamie Dutton, Charlie Newcombe, Connor Wood, Callum Stoakes, Liam O’Toole and Ben Action all represented Staffordshire at the under 18s age group. Dominic “Spuddy” Taylor also represented the Navy, playing in the The Babcock Trophy Army v Navy game at Twickenham. Ladies and Girls Junior Girls Rugby continues to thrive at the Club, under the guidance of Richard Williams and his team of coaches. Under 13 Girls The under 13 Girls have developed and grown substantially throughout the last season. The rise in popularity can be attributable to Mark Tolley’s tireless efforts in promoting the sport and encouraging young players to the Burton family, and this should be recognised by the club. Thank you, Mark. Additionally, the girls themselves have passed the word at their schools and beyond, resulting in a swelling of the squad from single figures to 34 by the end of the season. Without exception the girls have welcomed new players with open arms and a definite ‘sisterhood’ has developed between them. All attend training and matches with genuine enthusiasm, whatever the weather, and apparently the muddier the better!! Their attentiveness during training sessions and pre-match is to be credited and the committing nature of the Rugby they play should not go without mention. Their commitment to tackles and rucks, at this age, is commendable. Occasionally you will hear them say ‘Sorry’ to an opponent they have just tackled as they trot off in search of the ball. Additionally, it is great to witness the approach of the girls when asked to supplement visiting teams in order to ensure games are played. This has also resulted in firm friendships being made with players from other clubs. This enthusiastic approach by players, parents and coaches has resulted in this age group winning the majority of their games this season and this has definitely caught the eye of surrounding clubs who have commented positively about the success of the Girls Section in general.

14 Towards the end of the season it was not unusual to see 20+ players attending training and matches, resulting in the ability, on occasion, to provide 2 Burton teams. The coaches and support at training by keen parents has also assisted in the development of this section and going forward the coming season should see the U13 group with, potentially, two Level 2 coaches. The forthcoming season will see a good number of the girls moving into the U15 group and we all wish them well as they continue their Rugby development. The remaining U13 girls await with open arms to welcome the upcoming players and I am sure that the coming season will see the Girls Section as a whole developing further. Under 15 Girls The U15 girls continue to grow in numbers and stature this year and the results through the season demonstrated this improvement and competitiveness in all games they were involved in. As for actual has had a tough season, with a lot of cancellations for one reason or another (weather/county commitments and opposition crying off). However, we achieved a reasonable set of results from the games we did manage to play (around 60/40 win/loss ratio). The girls won the RFU Bowl competition against very strong opposition (the final at Trentham was epic...and the demolition of Tamworth was a touch of brilliance). We have deliberately avoided recording the results of each match to avoid making winning the most important part of the culture, which we have also instilled in the girls. Our key focus has been getting the girls playing as much rugby as possible, with a smile on their faces. The team ethics and spirit, along with the understanding of the core values has been wonderful to witness and long may this continue. We had ten girls selected for Staffordshire this season (7 in main squad and 3 in development squad). 4 of our girls were invited to attend Midlands trials...2 were selected to play for Midlands which is an increase from last year. Next season the U15 will start with 40+players and the U18 will start their first season playing competitive rugby. Under 18 Girls The season started with just a handful of girls attending training which meant were unable to field a side in any competitive games. This did not stop the squad training every week and the by the end of the season the number pf players had more than doubled. Even without competitive games, three Burton girls were selected to play for Staffordshire. Next season, the U18’s will have more than enough to field a competitive team in the county knock out competition and will be endeavouring to qualify for the National Cup too. The Hannah Bladon Core Values Trophy The season was concluded in June with the biggest players dinner of the season with 155 players, parents, sponsors and supporters in attendance. The age group

15 awards were presented by Staffordshire RFU President Becky Davies this year, who was immensely impressed by the spirit of the girls and the how we were leading girls rugby in the Midlands. The presentations were particularly special this year, as were honoured to welcome Max Bladon to present the Hannah Bladon Core Values award. This special trophy is to commemorate Hannah’s contribution to starting the girls section at Burton. The room was so impressed to hear Max’s story about Hannah and we look forward to welcoming him back next year. Mini Junior Little Ruggers A number of enjoyable sessions for our youngest members were run by YRAs Blythe Ferguson and Will Hulbert at the beginning and end of the season. U6 The under 6’s have had great fun this season getting to grips with the basics of the game. We have had strong numbers of children down on a weekly basis, even in the very cold months. Interestingly this year we have had a fairly equal split of Under 5’s and Under 6’s. We were very fortunate to make use of the 3G in Jan and Feb which I think helped keep the children motivated and prevented many cancellations of training sessions. Our season ended in possibly a first for the Under 6’s where we joined with Barton for home and away friendly games/practices. This was a really great opportunity to see the children apply their skills which have developed greatly during the course of the season into game situations. It was a fantastic note to end the season with all players enjoying new and exciting experiences as they visit different clubs and their players. We wish Angelo and Chris and all those moving up into Under 7’s next year the best of luck and look forward to welcoming lots of new Under 6’s in September! Thanks must go to all the volunteers that have helped make the Under 6’s possible this year, thank you Angelo, Steve and Chris. Thanks also to the parents for their continued support. U7 Played our first games this season. Enjoyed and hosted the Staffs County u7s rugby festival. Playing Shirt sponsorship from UTL (via Sara Sneath). Drill top sponsorship via Chartley Groundworks Limited (Jim Bagnall). Playing numbers increased to 30. We have lost a couple but also gained 8 new players and requests steadily come in so we are a healthy age group. U8 Great team ethos and recognition of Rugby’s Core values. Winning awards for teamwork and respect at both the Coalville and Ashby festivals (voted for by other teams in attendance). U9 The progress all the kids have made this season in their first year of contact. Absolutely delighted with the performance and standard they have reached and confident we have an age group of talent to take forward through the club.

16 The two memorial games we played: The Lou Burns Memorial game v Under 10’s, in commemoration of Andy’s wife. Fantastic contribution and effort by U9 coach Steve Smith to make it happen, and then how our age group, the U10’s, and the club embraced the day. All wearing pink socks that Saturday was a special moment. The Memorial game v Barton in relation to the death of one of their team’s father. Both teams embraced the spirit of the game. Although we played for a cup and won, the trophy was handed back to Barton, which was well received. A wonderful evening for Children in Need. Everyone came together to help. Raised just short of £700 on the night. Finally, on behalf of all the coaches, to say what a pleasure it has been to coach this age group. Kids from all different schools have become firm friends and most of all they enjoy their rugby together. Backed by supportive and enthusiastic parents, we retain the same number of children turning up for home and away games throughout the whole season, no matter what the conditions. Without their commitment, none of what we achieve would be possible. U10 The under 10’s continues to attract more players to the club regularly putting out two or three squads. The squad has improved throughout the year with players and parents showing huge commitment during an age group where scrum, ruck and mail have been introduced. The coaching team has again grown with several new coaches attending their coaching awards which has enabled the players to be coached in small groups, leading to lots of improvement. Several brilliant rugby events have happened this year that the age group have had the pleasure of being involved with including: Lou Burns Memorial Game v Burton u9’s. Burton Tour where the team played their best rugby yet and scored the best team try so far in their short careers. A brilliant end of season awards with the u9’s with over 70 adults and 60 players / siblings attending. U11 This season was amazing for under 11’s as the main focus was tour. The aim of the tour was to give kids/parents as much fun/activities/rugby that you can fit into a weekend for a good price. This went well and even the peak venture staff said it was the best group they had entertained. Under 11’s keep developing there skills and they keep coming back each year. We make sure we follow the kids first policy in the way that its fun and game based development.

17 Things that didn’t go well are: prefer to have pitch allocation for the season and felt that the community spirit was not there. IE felt like I ran my own age group but no involvement in other things U12 The under 12s have enjoyed a good season and have seen some new faces on the team and Brian join the coaches. This has been a great help to us all! We have tried to improve our game and the Wednesday training session has proved to be very valuable and we have seen a steady improvement on Sunday in the matches we’ve played. The lads have enjoyed last season and ended it with a well deserved win. We would like to thank everyone who has supported us and we look forward to September when it all starts again! U13 Burton u13 had a tough season but still managed to keep a smile going after many hard fought games. The squad continues to be very large and still growing so we have been able to maintain two equally matched teams through the season. This success has sometimes been our downfall as we have had far too many players for one squad, but barely enough for two. Eight players were selected to go for Tigers Development this season, with a couple being retained at the end of the season. The coaching team maintained a resolute stance towards selection, despite a few parents making a strong case to pick a first team on ability only. Our approach will continue next season, but starting line ups will be picked on attitude, desire, effort in training and then ability. This will not please everyone, but we need to develop a stronger team ethic and reward committed effort. More team building activities are also needed and we will be touring next season!! Here’s to a great 2017/18 season and hopefully our parents will start feeding our players with growth hormones through the summer. U14 Secured & kept a team of 20 lads Level 2 coach joining next season Full season of games, thanks to Steve Eastwood – Juniors Fixture Fantastic convincing win, last game of season! U15 U15 Squad had 26 players all season, with excellent strength in depth with some players improving significantly over the season. Some excellent performances and some poor performances and losses. However the squad has reached the point were the performance does not change which ever players are on the field. The squad won the Staffordshire County Plate Competition for the second year running beating

18 Wolverhampton in the final were they showed so much tenacity and Rugby ability. One player captained the Staffordshire U15 side for the season 7 other players attended Leicester Tigers U15 Development Player Pathway the majority have been with Burton since U6 and U7 a testament to the coaching they have received and their own ability. 2 have moved into the Player Development Group for U16 and they are also training over the summer with the Talent Development Group. The downside of the success is that it does put strain on the coaches and remaining players as the success results in players sometimes been unavailable for club rugby, but again an excellent reflexion on the Burton Mini Junior section in terms of 10 years of player development and coaching. U16 1 player x Henry Longstaff played for the Staffs county. Successful full tour of Weston super mare, beating Weston and Burnham on Sea. Sold the most raffle tickets in spring draw From March integrated into senior training attending session on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

U17 Burton U17’s beat their nemesis Lichfield 3 times in one season, twice at U17 level and once at Colts, after never beating them since U6’s Won more games that they lost All U17’s played U18 rugby, playing in the National Colts cup up to the 4th round, losing to the eventual Semi Finalists 2 U17’s played for the A’s on regular occasions. U17’s made it through to the Final of the Staffs County U17’s Cup, winning every game on the way apart from the final which the lost by 2 points. 9 U17’s played in the Staffs Colts County Cup teams, running up to Burton Colts winning the Cup, with 8 U17’s in the Squad for the final, 5 of which were in the starting line up U18.

The Season Off the Field For the second year running we won Rugby Club of the Year, which is a credit to Phil Foster, Emma Redfearn, Claire Gibbs and their fantastic team, who enjoyed the celebrations in Manchester at the awards evening. A wonderful reward for the fantastic hospitality and service they provide for all members and visitors to Peel Croft throughout the year. Both food and drink are always of an exceptional standard and the envy of many of the clubs that come to play at Burton. We are very lucky to have such a wonderful house and bar team.

19 In October coaches from the Sharks Academy, including Deon Kayser ex Springbok, ran a training session at St. George’s Park for the U17s and U18s. But the highlight of the evening was that Club captain, Harry Titley got to take Deon to his local chippy. Grassroots rugby at its best. In November we enjoyed another successful Sportsmans Evening at Pirelli Stadium, entertained by stories from Peter Wheeler. The date is confirmed for our next one so make sure it is in your diary, Thursday 12th October. At the end of the month we saw a gathering of old players at Peel Croft for the 50th birthday of a past club captain, this turned out to be the warm-up event for our Players Reunion in March. The lads once again put their modesty behind them and agreed to pose for the annual Burton RFC calendar, I fear the print run will be bigger this year; it’s turning into a popular purchase! Our Family Christmas Day is now an established event in the Burton RFC diary, going from strength to strength each year. Santa arrived on his sleight and listened to the hopes and dreams of all the boys and girls who queued up to see him. JC and his Disciples turned up in their best Christmas jumpers to entertain the crowds with Christmas carols and songs. Boxing Day saw friends old and new gather at Peel Croft to either play or watch the President’s XV take on Bill Leason’s XV, another close contest with the President’s XV coming out as the winners. A very special day with some Dad’s playing rugby with their lad’s for the first time. Rumour has it that the both Ian and Bill are already recruiting for players for this years game, so make yourself available if approached, but choose your side wisely! On Saturday 11th March we saw the first Players Reunion held at Peel Croft for many years. It was wonderful to see so many old faces back at the club, another great day for the history books at Burton RFC. Many reliving memories of their happy times at our wonderful club. Stories were shared between friendships formed over many years, and time turned back to their era when they proudly pulled on a Burton shirt and graced Peel Croft. Photos from the archives scrolled across the screens in the Clubhouse for everyone to enjoy, stirring more memories of times gone by. People travelled from all over for the event, but a special thanks has to go to former Club Captain Graham Staley for making the trip all the way over from the USA. To quote him “It did indeed bring back many memories. It was amazing that many of us couldn’t remember what we did last week but COULD remember precise details of games played 40 years ago - and in the case of the old boys from the grammar school - 50 years ago.” A 500 1st XV appearance tie was presented to John Edwards in recognition of the 684 1st XV appearances he made for Burton, this was to make up for the two 250 appearance ties he was given many years ago. The bar and Jack Baker lounge were full to bursting with an amazing atmosphere to watch the big game from Twickenham against Scotland, the result pleased many but not all in the room. Yes we ran out of Pedigree and Guinness, but most were happy to be

20 adaptable in such a crisis and changed their drink of choice for one day only. A toast was raised by the President, Ian Cartwright to absent friends, who I’m sure were all looking down, (or up!) with great envy that they were missing such a fun day. The bar staff did a tremendous job as always and ensured that everyone was fed and watered sufficiently, perhaps some more than others! We promise not to leave it so long until the next one, but remember that there is always a welcome at Peel Croft for friends old and new, you don’t have to wait for these special events to make a visit to the club that we all love so dearly. Many congratulations to Pete Bunting for winning of the East Staffs Sports Council Administrator of the Year award. It was great to see his efforts recognised as he puts much time into arranging coaching events for the club and is heavily involved in our successful Young Rugby Ambassadors programme. He was also presented with a RFU Valued Volunteer Award at an event in Cannock celebrating volunteers from across Staffordshire. No coincidence but Ladies Day fell on April Fool’s Day this year at the Club, arranged this year for the first time by Rose Goring. Thanks to her organisation and efforts over a hundred ladies descended on Peel Croft in their finery. However, the bar reported that 12 bottles of prosecco were left unsold out of 150, so you must try harder next season ladies! Not only were they treated to the 1st XV game, but the day also saw the first game played in memory of Lou Burns. This will now be an annual match in the fixture list to remember one of our rugby Mums whilst raising monies for cancer charities. The Spring Draw this year was a huge effort made by the U11s under the ownership of Steve and Caroline Smith, who gathered some fantastic prizes kindly donated by many local companies. Selling £6354 tickets for the Club, this event is a massive fundraiser for our club and we thank everyone who bought or sold a ticket, or even both and to everyone who donated a prize. The Annual Ball was once again held at the National Brewery Centre, with over 250 people in attendance I think it’s safe to say a good night was had by all and an early morning by some! It was great to see some of Young Rugby Ambassadors in attendance and they did a fantastic job extracting money from people’s pockets for the raffle. Slightly biased on this one, but I really think that the Burton Rugby Club Ball is one of the best nights of the year. Hope to see more of you there again next year, so put the date in your diary now, Friday 11th May 2018. During the Ball we proudly presented Jono Edwards with a RFU Valued Volunteer Award. He does so much for our Club, most of which people don’t even realise. Delighted to say he also received a well deserved standing ovation. Thank you Jono from everyone at Burton RFC. May saw the return of Burton Rugby Club Cricket team, they visited Deer Park to play Dunstall and it appears that rugby isn’t the only sport that we can we win!

21 As always there is lots of work going on behind the scenes that people don’t always see. Our Treasurer, Martyn Evans continues as always to do a sterling job keeping the books balanced and in good check. Of course, his job is made easier when receiving valuable income not just from the bar but also through Promotions. Thank you to Yvonne Tweddle and her team for continuously exploring new ways for sponsors to support our Club. Colin Grimsdell is still tirelessly heading up the Development Committee and this year has been no exception to the level of hard work that is being done to bring about the move from Peel Croft to Tatenhill. This is still a very delicate matter and Colin will report to the AGM in as much detail as possible at the time. Many congratulations to the winners of all of the awards listed overleaf. I hope the players think of these awards during the season, they are not given out lightly and each recipient should be proud of their achievement. Once again we must thank the generosity of members and visitors to the club in supporting various charities during the season including Children in Need, Muscular Dystrophy UK and Breast Cancer Care are just some of those who have benefited from our Club. As another season goes by we also have to say a sad farewell to a number of people who had been involved in the activities of the club over a number of years, Dr Ian Grey, Rudolph Peltier, Richard Mousley, Alfie Lowe, Hannah Bladon, Hilda Peach and Paul Wells. Our thoughts and condolences to their families and friends. May I wish all our members who are not in the best of health a speedy return to health and happiness. We are hugely indebted to all our wonderful volunteers, who give up so much of their time supporting all the activities at Burton RFC. Without such commitment, it would not be possible to do what we do, week in and week out. As a club we are extremely lucky to have highly skilled and enthusiastic coaches and referees available to provide knowledge to all ages. Finally, a special ‘Thank you’ to you, our members for your continued support, I know you will keep it up next season as we are all proud to be associated with the best rugby club in the world. Claire Y Bradley, Hon. Secretary


TEAM J.H. Richards J.H. Richards and Sons is a fine Voted on by A XV OF THE YEAR and Son Trophy local jeweller who continues P & C Committee to actively support the club. Presented to Club Team of the Year, not necessary the most successful

MOST Ron Cotterill Donated by Ron Cotterill (past Staffordshire Voted on by Chaz Bunting IMPROVED Most Improved referee & Committee member). For the P & C Committee PLAYER Player player of senior level who has shown the most consistent improvement throughout the season

PLAYERS Players Player In memory of former player, Club Secretary Voted for by Players who Ken Archer PLAYER John Lowe and President. This award can mean a great have played at least 5 Award to the as it is voted for by their fellow League or Cup games for team players. 1st XV during current season

SERVICES TO Bob Watson Bob Watson (past Club Patron) donated the Voted on by Harry Titley THE CLUB Trophy trophy for the player of any level for his P & C Committee (ON & OFF services to the Club both on and off the field THE FIELD)

CLUBMAN Tony Docksey Clubman of the Year trophy was donated Voted on by Darryl Banton OF THE YEAR Memorial by the family of the late Tony Docksey, P & C Committee Trophy who played for the Club from when he left school until the day he tragically died on a bus after playing for the 1st XV down in London. It is awarded to the player who most epitomises Tony with his commitment and service to the Club. UNSUNG Roy Bradley Donated by Buster’s family, the award goes Voted on by Will Hulbert HERO Memorial Trophy to someone who just gets on with their job, P & C Committee without expecting any praise or recognition for their efforts. COACHES’ Colin Horsley Colin Horsley (past Club Coach) donated his Voted on by Lewis Sturgess AWARD Coaches’ Award trophy for the player who has given the the Club Coaches Coach the most support, satisfaction and pleasure throughout the season, both on and off the field.


BILL BARBOUR William Barbour Bill Barbour (past Club Patron and Committee Presented by Ken Archer TROPHY Memorial Trophy member) donated his award for the player the Club Captain who has given the Club Captain the most support with his services on and off the field throughout the season.

COLTS Harold Grief Donated by Harold Grief (Club Patron). Voted for by George Else PLAYERS Trophy For the Colt who in the view of fellow team Colts Players PLAYER members has been the outstanding player of the season.

COLTS Donated by Bill Leason (past president) Voted on by Harry Mellor PLAYER OF For the outstanding player of Colts level P & C Committee THE YEAR throughout the season. Voted on by Colts Coaches. Bill Leason is our Past President of the club and also past president of Staffordshire Rugby Union

UNDER 17’s For the outstanding Under 17’s player Voted on by P & C Tom PLAYER OF throughout the season. Committee Rutherford THE YEAR Voted on by Colts Coaches.

24 Burton Rugby Football Club Ltd Finance Report to be Included in the Annual Report


‘ ’ Last year the Annual Report containedBurton the BRFC Rugby UnauditedFootball Club Consolidated Ltd Financial Statements for year th ending 30 April 2016. In everyFinance year priorReport to to 2016 be Included they were in the independently Annual Report examined by our accountants, however as a consequence of creating a subsidiary company, 100% owned by BRFC, the Financial Conducts AuthorityBackground (FCA) who regulate us insisted a full audit was required. I challenged this but unfortunatelyLast wasyear theunsuccessful Annual Report so contained the accounts the ‘BRFC had Unaudited to be audited. Consolidated Financial Statements’ for year ending 30th April 2016. In every year prior to 2016 they were independently examined by our accountants, In all previoushowever years as a the consequence report I ofproduced creating a remainedsubsidiary company, unchanged 100% following owned by BRFC, their theindependent Financial examination. The same wasConducts true Authority for 2016 (FCA) with who the regulate exception us insisted of the a fullaudit audit fees was which required increased. I challenged by this £4k. but This is not the unfortunately was unsuccessful so the accounts had to be audited. fault of the accountants; it is the legal requirements forced upon them to complete the audit. The actual charge wasIn substantially all previous years higher the report than I produced£4k however remained, as unchanged a supporter following of BRFC their independent, they made examination. a decision to write off the excess.The same was true for 2016 with the exception of the audit fees which increased by £4k. This is not the fault of the accountants; it is the legal requirements forced upon them to complete the audit. The actual charge was substantially higher than £4k however, as a supporter of BRFC, they made a decision to write In 2016 theoff accountants the excess. took over 4 months to complete the audit. This year it will be substantially quicker as the previous work can be re-used. Unfortunately, they are unable to produce the report for the productionIn of 2016 the theAnnual accountants Rep orttook. Inover addition 4 months the to complete FCA has the givenaudit. This BRFC year ait willdispensation be substantially not to produce consolidatedquicker accounts as the previouswhich complicateswork can be re -andused. addsUnfortunately cost to, thethey audit.are unable Therefore to produce, taking the report on for board the all of the production of the Annual Report. In addition the FCA has given BRFC a dispensation not to produce above I haveconsolidated decided accountsto produce which Management complicates and Accounts adds cost to for the audit.BRFC Therefore for inclusion, taking on in board this allyear’s of the Annual Report. above I have decided to produce Management Accounts for BRFC for inclusion in this year’s Annual Report. In case you were thinking was it worth creating a subsidiary company, the answer is yes. We benefit In case you were thinking was it worth creating a subsidiary company, the answer is yes. We benefit substantiallysubstantially from being from a being Community a Community Amateur Amateur Sports Sports Club Club (CASC) (CASC) which which enjoys enjoys the benefits the ofbenefits a of a charity, andcharity, creating, and, creating a subsidiary a subsidiary company company ensures ensures we maintain maintain that that benefit. benefit.

Overview Overviewfor Burton for Burton RFC RFC

2017 has been a good year producing a surplus of £1,609. The aim of the club is to generate income from 2017 has beenvarious a goodsources year to then producing reinvest in athe surplus club, maintain of £1, the Thefacilities aim and of providing the club an is environment to generate to income from various sourcesplay rugby to then for all reinvest club members. in the I believeclub, maintain we have achieveding the this facilities aim and andI am pleasedproviding to report an environmentthat we to have made a surplus, demonstrating financial stability going forward. play rugby for all club members. I believe we have achieved this aim and I am pleased to report that we have made a surplus, demonstratingManagement financial Accounts stability for Burton going Rugby forward. Football Club Ltd For the year ending 30th April Management AccountsActual for BurtonActual RugbyActual FootballActual Club LtdActual 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 For the year ending 30th April Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Promotions & Other Income 201359,045 66,2692014 62,9072015 73,037 201668,520 2017 Bar Trading Account 10,607 18,554 15,473 24,107 20,475 Club & Ground (43,498) (55,578) (49,269) (57,038) (45,737) Playing and Coaching (31,184) (30,972) (37,681) (30,639) (35,142) PromotionsAdministration & Other Income& Finance 59,045(4,792) (5,010)66,269 (5,477)62,907(11,181) 73,037(10,299) 68,520 Bar TradingMini-Junior Account 10,6073,472 11,55818,554 9,33215,473 7,556 24,1073,578 20,475 Club & GroundClub Shop (43,498)0 (55,578)468 2,664(49,269) 852(57,038) 214 (45,737) Playing and Coaching (31,184) (30,972) (37,681) (30,639) (35,142) Surplus/(Deficit) (6,350) 5,289 (2,051) 6,694 1,609 Administration & Finance (4,792) (5,010) (5,477) (11,181) (10,299) Mini-Junior 3,472 11,558 9,332 7,556 3,578 Author: Martyn Evans Page 1 6/28/2017 M:\FinanceClub Report Shop 2016-17.docx 0 468 2,664 852 214

Surplus/(Deficit) (6,350) 5,289 (2,051) 6,694 1,609

Author: Martyn Evans Page 1 6/28/2017 M:\Finance Report 2016-17.docx

Burton Rugby Football Club Ltd Finance Report to be Included in the Annual Report

Bar & Catering Bar & Catering 2016 2017

Wet take 108,081 112,430 Dry Take 34,267 46,590 Total Bar Takings 142,348 159,020

Opening Stock 3,978 2,277 Purchases 76,791 88,011 Closing Stock 2,277 2,835 Cost of Sales 78,492 87,453

Gross Profit 63,856 71,567 % of Sales 44.9% 45.0%

Brewery Contribution 11,030 11,097 Room Hire 4,613 3,904 Pool Table & Vending M/c 37 55 Bonus Ball Receipts 340 291 Other Income Total 79,876 86,914

Salaries (37,566) (40,388) Wages (9,528) (13,842) Gases (79) (160) Glasses, Opt & Coffee M/c (1,698) (1,932) Fixture & Equipment Repairs (1,790) (3,591) Performing Rights, Licences & Adverts (757) (875) TV Licences (146) (146) Stocktake Fees (240) (240) Sky Television + BT Sport (2,533) (2,913) Equipment Depreciation (1,300) (1,419) Entertainment (145) (694) Sundry Incl WIFI 13 (239) 24,107 20,475 120,000



60,000 Wet take Dry Take 40,000


0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Author: Martyn Evans Page 4 6/28/2017 C:\Data\Word\Rugby\Club\AGM\Finance Report 2016-17.docx Burton Rugby Football Club Ltd Finance Report to be Included in the Annual Report


Ground 2016 2017

Equipment Depreciation 6,856 6,492 Buildings Depreciation 5,117 5,117 Pitch Maintenance 5,272 2,697 Pitch hire 9,124 6,802 Ground Staff 1,877 1,726 Ground Repairs 4,789 1,067 Property Repairs 979 1,012 Window Cleaning 390 390 Bin Hire 941 1,118 Property Cleaning Costs 549 380 Alarm System 489 609 Insurance 2,933 2,765 Electicity - Club 6,649 6,026 Electicity - Floodlights 634 657 Gas 3,930 3,954 Water rates 4,413 2,843 Council Rates/Misc 2,096 2,082

Total Club & Ground 57,038 45,737

Playing & Coaching

Playing & Coaching 2016 2017

Players Subscriptions 6,913 8,456 Match Fees 2,458 2,103 Weight Room Subs 0 Total Income 9,371 10,559

Players Kit Package - Shorts, socks etc(5,927) (8,296) Travelling expenses (6,190) (6,371) Physiotheraphy and Medical (4,066) (5,056) Coaching expenses (14,000) (14,585) Referees Expenses (1,340) (1,196) Players Meals (3,475) (6,290) RFU compulsory Insurance & Registrations(868) (480) Playing kit cleaning and repairs (2,858) (2,377) Playing kit, balls etc (928) (778) Plaques badges (21) (95) Tankards & Awards (145) (127) Sundry expenses - Baby Vouchers etc (192) (50) Total Expenses (40,010) (45,701)

Total Playing & Coaching (30,639) (35,142)

Author: Martyn Evans Page 5 6/28/2017 M:\Finance Report 2016-17.docx Burton Rugby Football Club Ltd Finance Report to be Included in the Annual Report

Admin & Finance

Admin & Finance 2016 2017

Data Protection Costs 35 35 Postage 142 117 Stationary & Software 251 275 Ann Rep, Handbooks Whole Seal 1,405 1,502 Accountancy Fees 1,500 4,000 Society Subs 235 272 Match Day Entertaining 1,458 1,701 Peel Croft Development 1,232 1,232 Donations to Charity 90 50

Total Administration 6,348 9,184

Total Finance 833 1,115

Mini Junior

Mini Junior 2016 2017

Subscriptions 21,400 23,740 Spring Draw 5,460 3,473 Total Income 26,860 27,213

Coaching Courses (360) (228) Coaching expenses (900) (867) Pitch Hire (3,979) (7,659) Playing Kit (4,394) (3,830) Balls & Equipment (5,807) (3,152) Fixture Costs (200) First Aid (634) (288) Players Meals (3,030) (7,611) Total Expenses (19,304) (23,635)

Mini-Junior Surplus/(Deficit) 7,556 3,578

Club Shop

Club Shop 2016 2017

Sales 3,564 3,822 Purchases (2,712) (3,608)

Gross Profit 852 214

Author: Martyn Evans Page 6 6/28/2017 M:\Finance Report 2016-17.docx Burton Rugby Football Club Ltd Finance Report to be Included in the Annual Report

BRFC Balance Sheet for the year ending 30th April 2017

2016 2017 Name £ £ £ £ £ £ FIXED ASSETS Investments 100,000 100,000 Tangible assets 251,074 233,359 TOTAL FIXED ASSETS 351,074 333,359


Stocks 4,705 4,089 Debtors Trade Debtors 33,785 22,114 Interco with BRL 519 Other debtors 25,327 22,762 59,630 44,876

Cash in hand 5,338 6,683 Cash in bank 28,430 37,224 33,768 43,907 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 98,103 92,872

CREDITORS Rugby Football Foundation (96,000) (92,000) Staffs RU Loan (8,000) (6,000) PL Control Acc (16,455) (22,669) Social security and other taxes (6,085) (6,171) Other creditors (6,408) (4,677) Accruals and deferred income (42,711) (25,444) Interco with BRFC (519) - TOTAL CREDITORS (176,178) (156,960)


ACCRUALS AND DEFERRED INCOME Deferred grants (52,298) (46,960)

NET ASSETS 220,701 222,310

CAPITAL AND RESERVES Share Capital Share Capital (29) (29) 29 29 Reserves Reserves (225,892) (225,892) Profit and Loss Account 11,916 5,221 Profit for the year (6,695) (1,609) 220,672 222,281 220,701 222,310

Author: Martyn Evans Page 7 6/28/2017 C:\Data\Word\Rugby\Club\AGM\Finance Report 2016-17.docx