

Are you in dire need of a dietary over-haul and behavioural reboot?

This workshop shares: • the latest evidence-based scientific research • strategies to achieve sustained weight loss and increased vitality • the scientifically proven path to sustained weight loss and disease prevention. • an easy to adhere to whole foods approach to eating and

30 year veteran in whole-self life style wellness Teri Gentes wows you into action in this inspiring session complete with live food demos, tastings and take home product samples. Please see power-point for comprehensive information

Focus: Body mechanics and hormonal balance– the relation to nutrient density and stress management Plant based nutrients and fiber power (satiating/nourishing/cleansing/sustainable/affordable)

Making magnificent meals with ease

Accepted knowledge in main stream media: A healthy diet requires consumption of ‘healthy’ whole foods.

From Wikipedia, WHOLE FOODS are foods that are unprocessed and unrefined, or processed and refined as little as possible before being consumed. Whole foods typically do not contain added ingredients, such as sugar, salt, vitamins, or fat.[1] Examples of whole foods include unpolished ; and ; unprocessed meat, poultry, and fish; and non-homogenized unpasteurized milk. The term is often confused with organic food, but whole foods are not necessarily organic, nor are organic foods necessarily whole.

The American Institute for Cancer Research [AICR] have established 10 recommendations for cancer prevention, and beyond not using tobacco, the predominant dietary message is:

“Diets that revolve around whole plant foods-vegetables, whole grains, fruits and beans—cut the risks of many cancers, as well as other diseases significantly. 1

Researchers attribute the significant reduction on the incidence of developing cancer due to decreases in the levels of a cancer-promoting growth hormone called IGF-1, likely due to the reduced intake of animal protein. 2

1. American Institute for Cancer Research. Recommendations for Cancer Prevention, http://www.aicr.org/reduce-your-cancer- risk/recommendations-for-cancer-prevention/recommendations_04_plant_based.html 2. American Institute for Cancer Research AICR, http://www.aicr.org/about/advocacy/the-china-study.html

Food in today’s world is far removed from the ‘truly organic’ raising and growing of food by our ancestors. In addition to all the concerns and risks associated with agri-farming practices in both animal and produce/commodity production, slaughtering/harvesting; and the seriously compromised nutrient density with mass production and genetic engineering, corporate food scientists posing as chefs have created an endless array of nutrient void, processed foods, chemically manipulated to create food addictions. Consumption of these foods impairs our health and creates eating disorders, and health challenges that are fast becoming epidemic.

REAL FOOD FOR REAL HEALTH www.terigentes.com [email protected] 613 277 5817 www.terigentes.com

The cultivation of a great state of health and disease free longevity is dependent up a truly healthy lifestyle.

Our mental and emotional well-being is greatly impacted by:  our conscious and subconscious mindset,  our sense of purpose and worthiness  our daily diet and exercise practices,  our community connections,  our sleep routines  our ability to find joy and meaning in life

Each aspect of this wheel impacts the whole of the wheel, positively or negatively.

In today’s fast paced and often overly demanding world most people are weary, relying on stimulants to make it through the day and in a negative state of mind. This is like poison to our cells, triggering a state of chronic stress, increasing anxiety, impairing coping abilities and influencing daily habits. Given food is our number one comfort go-to (typically high sugar carbs including alcohol and trans-fats) overconsumption usually results. This triggers compromised digestive/ gut health issues, various emotional challenges such as remorse and guilt leading to increased anxiety and excess stress, thus a vicious cycle results.

The physiologic impact of the foods we consume affects our mood and influences the production of neurotransmitters in the brain. Our moods, in turn, affect our desires for certain foods and impair our ability to discern real hunger from emotional or nutrient deficiency cravings and longings for specific foods. Though there are several neurotransmitters involved, most of the relationship between food and mood centers on the neurotransmitter serotonin.

Serotonin is formed in the brain from the amino acid tryptophan after we eat carbohydrates. While quality carbohydrate intake is needed to keep normal serotonin production, the foods that lead to the greatest serotonin production–starches and sugars – need to be eaten in whole foods form in order to control body weight and diabetes risk. Chronic cravings/ingestion for refined starches, such as pasta, commercial breads, rice, and sugary foods, usually leads to excessive intake and is often driven by high levels of chronic stress.

The nutrient deprived body has impaired coping skills for dealing with this leading to the production of excess stress hormones in the body, primarily cortisol. When cortisol is produced, it inhibits serotonin production. We feel increasingly anxious and depressed and sleep is disrupted causing cortisol levels to further increase and deplete serotonin levels. Most of us have occasionally experienced increased cravings for comfort foods during times of stress or when feeling depressed or anxious. However, in a state of chronic stress, many people - your clients included tend to experience intense starch and sugar cravings daily.

Stress management is crucial to our overall well-being and hormonal balance.

Natural stress management support:

The dietary supplement 5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan) can help to reduce stress-related food cravings. In the body, tryptophan is converted to 5-HTP, which is then converted to serotonin. Taking 5-HTP can enhance serotonin synthesis, aiding the body in sleep, reducing mood disorders, and promoting weight loss. The more serotonin levels are maintained, the fewer the cravings for sweets and carbohydrates. Doses range, make sure that you consult your health care professional before using 5-HTP. REAL FOOD FOR REAL HEALTH www.terigentes.com [email protected] 613 277 5817 www.terigentes.com


Research confirms that following four simple behavior patterns can help prevent chronic disease development and progression by more than 90%.

The EPIC study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine show that adherence to four simple lifestyle pillars can dramatically lower the risk from virtually every major chronic illness. This study followed 23,000 people for nearly 8 years and examined smoking behavior, food consumption, exercise and maintenance of a healthy weight.

The researchers discovered that those participants who:

– Didn`t smoke, – Consumed a diet high in fresh vegetables and low in meat, – Exercised at least 3.5 hours per week and – Maintained a normal weight (BMI less than 30)…

…reduced their risk of developing diabetes by 93%.

- Heart attack risk was reduced by 81%; - Stroke risk was cut in half and - 36% of all cancers were prevented.

The results of research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association show how using a dietary approach including fiber, almonds and natural plant sterols can lower cholesterol as much as dangerous statins.

Another side effect of statin therapy is increased levels of insulin. Following a natural diet protocol does not raise insulin and has been shown to lower blood pressure, increase HDL cholesterol, lower triglycerides and alter the ratio of atherogenic dense LDL particles toward the harmless large buoyant variety.

Resources: http://www.naturalnews.com/031709_chronic_disease_lifestyle.html#ixzz3aWMWoQxa


THE BASIC COMPONENTS: – mostly plant based, – mostly alkaline, – whole, (unprocessed) - fresh, - perishable, - seasonal, - 50% raw, - local, - variety, - non GMO, - organic/bio or pesticide/herbicide/fungicide free

REAL FOOD FOR REAL HEALTH www.terigentes.com [email protected] 613 277 5817 www.terigentes.com

NUTRIENT ESSENTIALS: – Amino acids, – EFA’s, – Vitamins/minerals/-trace minerals (supplements: B12, Omega 3, Vit D) – Sufficient Fiber – A Synergy of ‘whole’ foods and elements to enhance absorption… – Healthy bacteria (fermented foods/probiotics) and digestive enzymes


INCLUDE both raw and fermented foods with cooked meals as digestive aids.

Breakfast – raw veggies and fruits, whole grains, alkaline proteins, healthy fats Lunch – some raw, salads, quality carbs, fiber rich proteins and whole food fats Dinner – vegetables and quality proteins (mostly plant based: , nuts, seeds, or pseudo Non-GMO whole grains such as: amaranth, teff, buckwheat, wild rice, quinoa, farro, sorghum.) Snacks – quality carb/protein/fat combos – fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, grains… Sweets – fruits, unrefined natural sugars, quality fats and carbs

OPTIONS FOR THE NON-COOK: – take lessons, learn to cook, attend workshops, watch shows and videos – join a co-op/community program with group meal prep – order on-line home delivery healthy meals – tap into commercial conveniences and learn basic meal assembly – barter your services with a cook/chef – connect with a locale quality home caterer or whole foods resto

WHIPPED CASHEW CRÈME Yield: approx 2 cups Recipe created by Teri Gentes www.terigentes.com Permission required to reprint teri@[email protected] 1½ cups raw organic cashews soaked 4-8 hours, drained (No time? See Teri’s Tip below!) Approx 3/4 cup organic coconut, cashew or almond milk (more if needed) 4-6 tbsp raw local honey, real maple syrup or raw agave, to taste 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 tsp freshly squeezed organic lemon juice (reserve zest)

1. Measure first five ingredients into a powerful blender such as the ever 2. Taste and adjust sweetness and thickness if needed then transfer to a glass bowl and refrigerate for at least 60 minutes before using. so affordable Salton Harley Pasternak Power blender. Process or blend using off and on power and scraping down sides as needed until well combined and creamy.

References and Resources: How Not to Die, Dr American Dietetic Association: vegetarian diets. J Amer Diet Assoc 2003 Jun;103(6):748-65. / Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein, and Amino Acids (Macronutrients) (2002); Food and Nutrition Board (FNB), Institute of Medicine (IOM) https://www.canada.ca/en/services/health/food-nutrition. / html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3Agv4aQLUs  Brain Building Nutrition – Michael A Schmidt, PhD, Food and Mood - Feeling Light Shoshanna Katzam and Wendy Shankin-Cohen  www.Vegnews.org / http://www.pcrm.org/ http://www.vsh.org/  John Robbins johnrobbins.info/blog Dr www.NutrientRich.com Eat to Live Joel Furhman; The China Study Colin T Campbell;  National Institute of Health www.nih.com / The Cancer Project www.cancerproject.org www.pcrm.org http://www.nap.edu/books/0309085373/html/) / http://www.vrg.org/nutrition/protein.php / http://nutritionfacts.org/