Allison Janney Reaches Great Heights in Acting
5n7t2016 Allison JanneyReaches Great Heights in Acting (INTERVIEW) - bio. ffiF:#llr" AllisonJanney Reaches Great Heightsin Acting{INTEHVIEW Thegifted performer talks about costarring on 'Mom,' makingher upcomingmovies, and, oh yeah,being mentoredby PaulNewman and Joanne\r/oodward. JUTIEJACOBS. 19 HOURS AGO Whilemany actresses of a certaingeneration lament the scarcityof good roles,not to mention steadywork, Alliam:jmn*U remainsamong a selectgroup of thespianswhose phones just don't stopringing. The figuratively and literallytall talent*she stands six feet-has stayedincrediblv busysince she entered the industrynearly two decadesago. Whethershe's supported leads such as M*rut$kg:*n in The Hoursand Mq!$jia,M#C;rtlry in Spy, suppliedihe voicefor otherspecies in FindingNemo and Overthe Hedge, or beenpart of the ensemblesfor independentfilms like Big Nlghtand Juno, Janney always deftly delivers the goods. She'shappy to takeon any projectthat allows her to flexher acting muscle, and notjust up on the bigscreen" Janney currently stars with Anna Faris in theCBS hit sitcom, Mom, as BonniePlunkett, an unahrashedlyinappropriate alcoholic in recovery.And she recentlywas a featuredplayer on Mastersof Sex on Showtime.Both rolesearned her an Ernmyin the sameawards season, a rare featin Hollywood. But she is perhapsLrest known on televisionfor her memorableturn as presidentialpress secretary C.J.Cregg on the NBC drama,The WestWing, which ran for sevenseasons. Janney earned four Emmysand four Screen Actors Guild Awards along with a slewof othernominations for her portrayalof Cregg,which she has said is the mostimpactful and life-changingrole she has ever landedher an invitationto theWhite House as welland ultimatelyopened doors to a celebratedcareer. This past April,Janney returned to her Creggroots when she crasheda White Housepress briefing in characterthe day beforethe annual White House Correspondents Dinner.
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