Lou n tv 3rd Ouad Pact Is Before Coming Planners } coriom ir- Mav >rltlrmrlil Mav lit Debated < hi ( time ^oon !n I ur-dav I ibrarv Mattrr

apron •st* M-l voh mg [zo-lbh * f‘N.lafh an hast JA itwlsoi Town; bv ttw* ‘ fiunt’A rn«i> I the township Mu nit ipal w it bin a •eks Building AAard Stride' J he Herald learn*'' The third quad ot Tw in Rn erx is Mercer < ount Life? planned lor a stretch id land on tin mission rri oi i n t*X«H u! ■ Herr Side • »t Buiiti on Tin-.day ill A donna Proba-ao and AVvckoti Library 'em Mills Hoads Director Martiri filial I.iwnship I'liiiiiMn: Board a jKissibte settlement ( !,airman John Urt atd Tuesday \A ndsor libra rv rsMjv 1 ight In’ was m>t m the position to Mr AA mar t on 11 nd TV release particular development < omiTusmoo m<■t on T1 joking pi,iti' proposed lor the third did not reveal inv plans 11w Peddit* Lake \\ <*<*rr related the session was m library The only thing I can -;iy Itscii-s the master plan and not is that a compromise is tx-ing the Twin Rivers development On July 26 aorked out he added a y or. Roach said the state Although thi’ general consensus Kast Windsor Township < uUm ,i .creed to dredge the lake it ituong ollicials is that plans for has, held up a S9 a 13 pa v merit m t'Jofough would turn the the third quad will pass Tuesday Itbrarv taxes to the < ounty during ui|i over to it Then it night Chairman 1 irr s.nd some I he pas! two months hi opposite*! lin t be tor High! members may oppose the to what some otiiciats term as tiers, the mayor related RCA TV Camera proposal inadequate1 litsrary ladltlies in ojile troni throughout the rticre cem- to ho ’long tq the Township r icon Id come ai and use H nvrtlvmg the economics of Twin The library lend between the Borough is too small, i>! a Rivers Mr Orr said There is a Tow nship and County trepan some a ior a state operated ant percent increase in costs over months ago when the Library rational laeihty m ad two \ears ago when the first Heading For Moon ( iimiMission rejected a proposal section was approved bv hast Windsor to renovate an d like to see some kid hook Some members are debating ux isting building .it Hickory ait Ci•liter in Houston ,1 mee r« metier down in whether the development will pay t orner and I Hitch Neck Hoads into \ the c. imcra on and oil liikt May or .Roach said it- own way Mr Orr said a library branch round raise or lower n .Jiiuid a lot ot local people Township Manager Dana Houston Texas lord red giving In l97o Council appropriated or out on a suti|is t and Miller Planning Board mem” Fo Itu* 11io* viewers at $,!7 non to purchase the building ,1 tu.si t ht light control tor tier '.ini there may lie a question color I\ cMinera worHi >i » more than three acres ot Ull.llilv picture 1 ' ot whether there is complete million which 'he ID A space surrounding land and to renovate iver e.i trier a is (iesf^iied Waller To Lcav <■ School Post; ‘ enter iHere dev ehjpei h*»oked ‘ the structure (See Ql AD, back pagel Might’stow 11 and K.t-i Wind land Mi?e rigors <>t moon But after louring the site the not re>iidentN will Ih* able Hr a nd tias,. passi‘d a Library Commission tell the cost •marvel ill pn iUus r« ;de ol ern irunmenta 1 was excessive since the W ill Four Kurojic For One \ ear CouncilWm from space In their 1\ sl'ls Oil A s. ■ f r, > h tun ,,vser?H'l' loader withhold the $9 733 library tux Mr p,liter said tie is anxious scientists beaded hy Project odar Ifav s l rcp.fi l merit with Counedmen Hohert Boltner ■ ihuul the travel and educational On July 21 Manager Leo VAeinreb ot The irner a a dl Im* protected and toirdon Beaver opposing Hie trip Mv wile is (ireek and I m hairless Hills I*,, bv a gold loll thermal device move 'lire -he w ill get a thrill in touring On Wednesday July 2) it will be At a demonstration ot the Councilman Boltner char geci < iieece; Ih* s.nd (See CAMLHA. back pagel acacie K.ist AAinrisor Townships chance camera in the Hi A Space that Kast AA 1 ndsor IS I 1 e itw.iss t«‘en interested in to argue against Public Service's Center hist Kriday June 2> receiving adequate considera tion irchttei'ture Mr W,liter com their proposed string ol AlHMMKi volt Mr VVeinreh predicted that Irom the County Libra rv cr ghost' - Wltilhoiding Mi (axes is a pr«qMM a; Iruiuj-tria! Arts and Technology ID Windsor MighC Herald i mined claims w dl w ipe out prime Mr VAeinreb said AAe have during th** method ot protest tor in> on** 1 urke also I r(mi Trenton State He has office at L4*. South Mom si a ill tw 1 .«1 mils I IIIS light industrial land IK hour especially a responsiblt* ge t■(in Day holida\ ( las'ilitsl and news Mr Miliar said the tact t hat \ native ol Philadelphia l‘a \ \ 1 m I ova N a v i r r bin just what kind ol opposition I i i able. and - Kast \\ 1 ndsor 'lid h.i-t, t panti its Mr w .liter has resided in deadlines for the Thursday July it \mer can't say hy a nine library tax is Iwcomti ratlw’r IIighlstjowri tor 12 years Marling Saturday Jill; Issue havi• been moved up Township Mayor (iordoi Clark a pa hie ot ludicrous The next quart«i window service at the Higbtsi The di•a dime tor all news Hi]11 > vas unavailable tor comment '-mall IV payment is due on Aug m It the Post tHtice will lie available ! re lea scv and classlMed ad when contacted this week Hng Council hasn't p\ Council lo study the power line and class! Med ads taken after Ibis The library direclor said a six continue to prevail through announced this week a special projects issue has recommended an t«- equipfied deadline will lie held lor the percent interest rate is l*emg Thursday with a chance tor The new schedule will rui n will earn SIT.OKI alternate route for the lines which ontrots ihat Thursday July ! , issue tacked onto the $9 a i t lull thunder storms m the afternoon del widely and anvpine desirn would by pass the Township and .1*5 MipUliiu»d Retail's dvertising deadline tin I.ast month Ihe Kast Windsor Icmpefr.dures will range m the pick up package- or other return to the Kast cut through AAest A\ tndsor to odio i <>n a he Julv S! issue is I uesaiav at “i s„ a ifti the tow expected to iIf1 rn max used the back platform (.See LIBKARY. back pagel Sxsteni in the tall Deans Archer reported ...... n...... u ...... ii'incimiii;if>ii,ii 0 (in 111 niiiiiijHiiiiii 111 mtii! a i ti 11 m h 1 a n n' mu ...... ’iiiiie ■■■•■« > •••■ ... . I A Funny Combination Baseball And Donkeys

Hightstow n Intermediate .school athletn field last k riday night June TV to witness ihe annual Donkey Bail game between the Hlghtstown and I-AA mdsor Fire 1 ompanics P A G E T W O WINDS* r.- MIGHTS HERALD I hitch Neck < h urch Fashion '>uinmcr Scr\ ice- SOCIAL NOTES Show Set Rclca-cd K\ Pa-tor roert The Junior F'riday Club of Sunday service- at the Dutch 448 Hightstoxxn has planned tor Oct 8 Seek First Presbyterian Church Fashion Show' presented by * iDrden V I errace has V>uth Mill and Village Koads V M r. Hess Brothers ot Allentown Pa completed a tw.►week course Princeton .Junction a i! 1 In- held at >med Hess Brothers has been a :or reserve officers at the 1 S 9 JO a m throughout the summer Hex tashion leader in the retail in­ according to Kev James S Naval War College Newport dustry since the turn of the cen Weaver pastor tur% when the finest in American Families are encouraged »o ami European fashions were Mrs Ynna Simonson has worship together and a children s igrtfgation is meeting r -rte presented in elaborate shows in •aeen transferred from Prin sermon will he a part of each nm Unity building at the spring and fall m the store and is eton Hospital to Meadow service Young children will have nerj ol Railroad and Rogers continuing this trend today Lake- Nursing Center room C the privilege ol going to the ■ up- each Sunday morning G a leader Hess has not onlx .Christian Education Building iris |ire being made to erect a ►ent tashion teams to countries under the care of Senior High x church building at the around the world seeking out the Fellowship members Toddlers Mr and Mrs Nate Bouchelle trend setting fashions hut has had nn.it street hxcatton of the aid Mr and Mrs Warren Pinto will he cared tor during the enure tied that a as destroved -hx world famous designers trom service enjoyed dinner and en Paris Rome Scandinavia The billow ing is a schedule tor tertainment by Engelbert F ngland and Athens as guest> Humperdinck at the Latin summer worship • t *-tt r. rtCKC*rong son of making personal appearances July 4 The Kev Claude L Roe Casino mi Cherry Hill On June during premiere presentation of aijd _Mrs . Pickering 21 the Bouchelles observed of Princeton will preach i r .i'ntiurv Hoaci. recenih their owe eolleetions in the t S July a chaplain George h it heir 19th wedding an Hess > tor more than 25 years filed Parent" mversary Un Sunday at zgerald of Princeton Hospital will \ va a rd for the has been, and still is the only preach ternoon they gave a party at store in a t S. city oi 108.000 rage m the he Czechoslovakian Club to Juh 1H The Kex Claude 1. Roe ■photr. i! Rutger- population that is consistently w ill preach honor their daughter Debbie represented at the haute couture at Agriculture an who graduated from Vllentown July 2V Charles Herrick filial Science and alia mod? showings in Spring graduate student at Princeton High school, and their son tndF.illm European countries In Theological Seminary will Ronald who graduated from addition Hess s stands alone as Joseph Doyle is a surgic, the 8th grade at Millstone preach KiUetit n Princeton Hospita the department store presenting school Vug 1 The Rev Bill Right of He is doing well telev ision productions m color at Princeton will preach least twice each y ear The 33rd annual Tindall Aug 8 to Aug 29 The Rev Pl.-ise mite that I get my Don t miss the fashions by Hess Reunion w as held Sunday June James S Weaver pastor will column ready for Mondav of 37 at the home of Mrs Harold preach each peek' ..deadline of 7 p m Tindall old Trenton Road tor calling xour notes in to me ( ath olic ( hurt'll There w as good attendance and You may call me anytime at ill enjoyed a covered dish my home Your items are < ommunitv Kami ►upper also swimming ( (irn iv a l Is O n appreciated Mi ss Marik n Huneke baseball quoits and other • Perform- Holidax , games The St Anthony of Padua Mr and Mrs David B .Miss Kushneru'Is Roman Catholic Church of Benton ol Hightstown announce Mrs Car! Dye was given a Hightstown is sponsoring its \iusi.-on July ‘> \\ 6(18 K. Stephen Ivothe ’ he icugagement ol their surprise baby shower on June annual 'Carnival" now to •laughter Miss Paula Blake Bride Of Gary Cier 22 at the home ot Mrs Paul Saturday July 3. from 7 to 11 p m I rider the direction ol Dr Benton, to Edward P McNulty iek»- of f.ong McCoy ot Conover Road Mrs The < arnixal began on Tuesday Edgar Thomas the Hightstown son ol Mr and Mrs Edward J Frederick •r ol the bride, McCoy and several ladies from Miss Doreen Kushnerwtch. lather the bride was attended Admission is tree and the f-.ast Windsor Community Hand McNulty of Cranbury The Hightstow x ot ft. • of I -ong Ihe Hope Baptist Church daughter of Mr and Mrs by her st.stei Mrs Sharon ! community is invited The church will present a program Ot hand bruit* jeleci is a graduate of ol K ■Stephen K. -r -il the groom planned the evening and served Victor J Kushnerwich of Ward of Hightstown as matron : is located on Maxwell Avenue off music in the park at the High! .Hightstown Regional High and Mrs Rich npher Kothe of light refreshments to 17 guests < ranbury became the bride of of honor Bridesmaids were Route 53 stow n Memorial Library at 10 JO school and is employed by the :517th A i-ong lirother of fhe Gary tie r son ot Mrs Miss Mary Ann Cier sister of a m Monday July 5 offices oi Dr Kessler and Dr saturda urn- 2t> Mr and Mrs David Nau and . Catherine Cier ol Woodbridgc tin- groom ol Woodbridgc Cal) 448-3005 for classified and The morning program will Morgenstern of Hightstown The ernonv s a graduale of Bunny had as their dinner in a ceremony performed Miss Helei Sadovskx of display advertising. feature band music suitable for Her fiance.is presently with the I or tried Path. ■ school arid is guests last Tuesday Mr and Saturday June 2t- ,d Trinity Roosevelt Miss i athx Klein of Independence Day pints as well \rmv stationed in Germany A Haughnex at Mcttler In . Mrs Ronnie Lee Gilley Mr Church in Princeton by the Roosevelt ami Mrs Donna as selected readings performed by spring 1472 wedding is i athohe Church rrporation ol and Mrs John W Evans and Rex E Rugby Auer Senesy of Hightstow n planned three members of Potpourri Mrv Joann. Ir Kofhe is a Henrietta and Anna Richards Given in marriage In her Ronald Cier brother ol the M r s . M a r k * Productions the Hightstown East Rohtnnsvillf ser ng Branch High Evan and Ronnie left Wed groom served as best man W indsor community s little theater Joyce M Konvit. daughter of of tronor Bridesidesmaids inch ed w if h the t S nesday morning to make their 1 shers included Joseph Bars! T e a L e a f & Mr jnd Mrs Paul Konvit of 59 ( athiccn Stull-. group Mrs Patriciaicia Huneke mploved bx the home in Oklahoma All best of Wood bridge John Ward ol Residents are asked to get in the North Mam Street Cranbury I renton sisterster in law ol National * Gas wishes go with them Hightstowi. Richard Norland xva' .(warded a bachelor ol arts Card Reading spirit of the July 4th holiday by find.- Mrs Carol Ruethe k< aincth ril*;hm an of Cranbury and Arthur coming to the park w ith chairs or degree at the 86 th annual Troy Hills cousin ol lire hi i reception at Karen Bollinger Hampton Graham ot Hightstown If x ou re lonesome wor commencement of Wagner blankets to sit on Mrs Lot isc Derthick Manor in Arms Apartments The bride an alumna of ned sick or in trouble and College on June n A graduate W cf Eilisdale -riding to St Thomas hip surgerx at the Graduate Mr and Mrs rtiarles S Stults F airleigl Dickinson Lmver tiappmevs in life one visit For the best advertising results Miss Konvit attended •x:th Mrs Marko and hap Thomas > cot! of l-ong Br. rnds Hospital in Philadelphia She Jr of Hightstown announce the -it\ teaches at the Hightstown in town, advertise m the Wmdsor- Tusctilum College in Tennessee pmesx may come to \ ou on served as ties! man t s will reside in and her family appreciated the marriage of their daughter intermediate school The Hights Herald. 44F-30O5. lieiofeenrolling at Wagner She i aj airairs in site- see her m were Ko rert Huneke cards and flowers and the e! Cathteen. to Kenneth < Tilghman groom also an alumnus of earned her degree in art and her home 380 Easton lorts ol the Hightstown First son of Mr and Mrs Clarence Hightstown High School , is I Avenue New Brunswick was n member of the Art Club Aid Squad Karen will he Tilghman. Jr of Next Egypt presently ttendmg Rutgers at Wagner She will do confined most ot the summer The double ring ceremony vxas t ill vet Mix Call tor appointment graduate work at Boston performed in tin- home ol the Following a honeymoon in BOWCRAFT l. niversity and plans a career Law renson Rue of Y ork Road bride s parents on Friday evening Bermuda, the couple will reside 2 4 6 - 1 1 6 4 in teaching and commercial is a surgical patient at Prin June 4 by Judge Karl Essl in F'ast W indsor ha yum art ■ ceton Hospital in room 106A The bride wore pink flower buds Route 22 Scotch Plains 233 0675 in her hair and a pink floor-length N,tv’y Ensign Keith Novin Mr and Mrs Edward J gown of crepe with seeded pearls Mmiatur* Got- • Go Karrs son (il Mr and Mrs Theodore Andrews and children Linda on the empire waistline Art Dery • U Drix/p Boars • Swinging Novin 7*5 Bennington Dr East and Tommie Dutch Neck Charles S Stults 111 the bride s Puny & Ho tv Ride* * K" Wai<- Windsor was commissioned to Road, have returned alter a brother took pictures while the ho present rank and received a F in is h F e e d e r * OPEN EVERY' • • visit at the home ol Mr and parents of the bride and groom bachelor of science degree Mrs George Alec in Cutchogue and Mrs Karl Ess! w itnessed the W ITI 1IISWAX DAY & EVENING June during graduation 10 L i relatives of Mrs An intimate candlelight wedding FROM 10 A M (Special Weekday Day Rates: ceremonies at the L S Naval rirews Accompanying them Following the ceremony Mr and f his unique liquid heew ax feeding polish will Yea demy Annapolis Md He is was Mrs Anna Andrews Mrs Dentils Chappell, and Mr ; cnclratc and create exquisite new natural a graduate of General Douglas Edward s mother who spent a and Mrs Samuel Jones were beauty in your furniture never seen before and VaoArthur High School it is so good for the wood. week at the home of her sister present to toasi their sister and law ittown L I Katheryn Demchuck. in tier husband , Pennington, N.J IN OUR SHOWROOM Calverton. LI The newlyweds now reside in j Mr and Mrs Paul V New Egypt Vahinttne of Cranbury have Rte o i Pennytown' by the Stage Depot 4 6 6 1221 Mr and Mrs Stuart Johnson YOUR NEEDS COME FIRST announced the engagement of Bradford Road East Windsor their daughter Gloria .lean to F rcihofcr- Inc. Township entertained at a Jphis S Bassista. son ol Mr- and -wirn party and supper several Mrs: Emil Bassista of Edison To Build In PI l> members ol the Hightstown Holiday Special Y graduate of Hightstown High Miss Barbara Vnm- Kurness Registered Nurses Association Twin Rivers spokesmen have school Miss Valentine is Wallpaper and custom window shade .md their husbands last Sun announced another addition to the 1 employed by Dr Henry Jay The group celebrated its industrial park of this Planned \| i-- Itm lie-- I P Ytirams in Princeton Her 10% off (on $25 or more) 2nth anniversary l nit Development off Route 33 ART GALLERY : lance a graduate of Middlesex Freihoter Bakeries Inc of Ceramic Tile Tub enclosures i iiuhty Vocational School in o m o - o n Robert Turton 1\ h month Philadelphia will occupy an 8,000 SPECIAL SALE ON CUSTOM FRAMING Carpetings Floor coverings New Brunswick n emploved 5 old son of Rev and Mrs Robert square toot distribution center to ilium A Bur by RCA V tall wedding is Sales E spert installation Turton entered Helene Fuld in- located at the corner of Milford Otk- - ^eftio(iucfio*u istiip announce planned * * * Hospital in Trenton on Tuesday and Twin River- Drives around tu-ir daughter lor surgery Sept IS Lithographs by Diane and Bobby Mount twin V Stephen Construction for Freihofer. the Mr .md Mrs iaagliter and son of Mr and Seymour Rosenthal • Frank Palmiere • Hyacinthe oldest family owned bakery in the Kuller • M Maurice son ot High! MrS Kotxert Mount t restfield Municipal Holitiax I S is slated to begin within the -ars old on Acres were Hi \t next to days Rtmh ! »' A Ir,m i h , l\,] „ FLOOH « W ALL ! Mr Thump Jbne 25 Linda another Municipal buildings in Hight 201 IIG-OHOJ COVIVIINO*, INC. i\ attending daughter was 9 i>n June 24 tow r Borough and East Windsor \itiUh>„, in r \ / ■OWT1 M t * 'immunity Satijirday they had c* party w ith •Township will lie closed all day Pack Na\- H iank- tmemai** XA.. R ompson was neighborhood children with ice Monday July 5. in observance of ( uh Scout Pack 07 held its an w w h i i o m 4 4 3 - 1 4 4 0 om the s .reirii and ak. the Independence Dav nual "Carnival Saturday June •ting a tour trimmings 4th of July Special! MON. THKU SAT. 9-Y, WED. 9-12, FR1. 9-9 In the Borough and Township 19 at Brooktree Park The t ub Tash normally picked up on Scouts would like to thank \prtl wed Niav x l.ieulenant Com Monday w ill be picked Vip on everyone who helped to make the a Oder Paul D Shein of Tuesdav event a success Sffiile Saver LaVake AVAILABLE IT S NEW! IT’S FUN! IT S COMPLETE! J e w v U- r s as o f J u ly 1 A R T S A LE 1 will be closed Single Adults & Married Couples each Monday MEMBERSHIPS TO CLEAR THE SHOP beginning July 12 h Terms can be arranged FOR NEW GRAPHICS THE Beat the heat this summer * KODAK NSTAMATIC * • A "P A ' T y£ j) RABlf GOLDEN GALLERY IS OFFERING A T« HAM ' A b ' TRAf -AMEPA PQuCH CASE until and enjoy yourself at KODACOLOP *** * SMILE SAVER POCKET ' P- ALBUM SY, VANIA mm ter. • vo ■> to ’ aaf > flash pictures Labor Day A 25% DISCOUNT ON MOST PINE BRAE COUNTRY CLUB GET ALL THIS Swimming — Twirni — Snock Bor & D ining OF IT S ORIGINAL WORKS for only ‘ 1 9 ” N O W CmrtAUY IOOITID JtMT lu MINU’ B (ROM RRlNCfON * MINqr£5 tfOM SOMMVILlI ON ?OUTE . S JS’ ONE a t f h e WlfT Of ROUTE ?04 JewelfM at \jy« u Stf 94 Va v St' <** t P» eron \ ew J**< Social and Family Memberships PHOTO SHACK 609 924 0624 r or Merrsberfh^p Applications or inform ation TE (SLDENGUBW Rt 130, Hightstown Cranbury Inn Cranbury N.J Ptxone 395 0969 *18’ CALL 882-0975 Jo*e>

' .. • ateness of yearbooks Ttu Hru ■ t Kg Hightstown High >. tiool some students were > purchase the books prior ■ ■■ -'s i.l. two weeks ago For 'hose who ha\e not had the ipportumty to purchase their yearbooks a special sale is being George A Wrigh • eid Monday through Friday Irom Noe) Hermanrv. a in to : p m at the high school [>ple S’ uiicnts are asked to see Mr \tji . \dd» t Young me >.*• hour** chaper children It : ys t advertise in theWind- ■ r-Hictits Hei 5:. 448-3005. welcome and learnei THE PRINCETOS PACKET, ISC. through the patu Publisher Knowledge ot these J opt* First National Production Plant .u»d< orpouieH ejduuj.v Hightstown Hightsti ot Sound Hightstown Library Hightstov Marv 1 • Its* K 1 >epart ment Hightstown F.irc 1 dvo id P Hut: l )epart ment Master H»a gel 1 dvHIlW fuel I veuiftve I dtiurand Buvure M Kubbish Hounds Had Picnic Stiop High Is Theater Urns K ■icrt liuuhl Medunu'j Supt ’ Barber Shi ip Peddle >L'hool Planetarium Hightstown Post Mill uni Benue ( rra iljlK .ii Mj i i • ■;■•■' !,«• ini■ the tennis courts at office. Bat(lev u*w Orch ; i rrlv itMiwiMtmimiHiimmttmimmtiHHmtiimiimiiimiiHmiimiimimMiniMiiMmmmiMmiMiiMiii o me. out forgot to clean up the Dock tor s Pet Center Zet sa m ■ t ., i isor Ecology Coalition. Kennels W alker Go r a o n Dair\ Convention Attended We have had addition*d in div iduats ci•me to our school Water Pollution Next Aim and share their talents and experiences with us To these By VFW Post ^ -capping or water analysis •Inppsptiiijit1 fotlie I h w l i s h killj< nif- j;^.un • •• ■* people we add a special thank ic-cUee should contact Mr Clarence Kiell Joseph Nerm YOU * several members of V F w Post ( . Hiolly after July 5 5700 and iLs I-adies Auxiliary Kdmond Bunting and Dr R F Notterrnan t he (ildzej Mrs Violet Hertnch. chairman, attended the Department Con that plans tor Kecycling doctor Mr J Seines k a the vention tn Wildwood last week Several awards were w< i at the hutlder Dr F M Stern the group* h> Ixegin a watfr pollution are well underway Anyone where Geraldine Crawford and Convention by the Lad i es dentist Dr Andersen. the Auxiliary tor the year ■ •*••! of more storage space Jacob Friehaut look over their mild i intact Mrs Hertnch dentist Mr* Ikola our com official duties as Auxiliary under the leadership ot li,.. .. ,|jtu)n *a ill vuttciTn it Kn\ irotiTurittiil ! munity helper, Mrs Whitney President and Post Commander President Stephanie Byrne the nurse Officer Warshany THURS. FRI. SAT. O N L Y ! Those in attendance were Mr

T the policeman Mrs Hoy the ■‘ l ( * " j)b‘-- nd ’racing j»ro\ui 1 ii Ka>l W ind>or be expressed to the local ceremonies held June 13 at thi REG . *8.99 ( arlGros.se Mr and Mrs George newspajiers and radio stations Neighborhood Fly up (1|( The Fast Windsor Township MeCoy Mr and Mrs Krnest At v i-e . alt tor making this another OVERSIZED Krin Cross Claudia Fogelin Lym ■ use sometime during the Boswell. Mr and Mrs Don Board approved plans to construct proprietors 1 in : ■ enriching and purposeful pre Kreuz. Sonjia Kirosky Becks , , ., Inrri week ot this month Montemaro Mr and Mrs Joseph a SJoo.ooo Fu'Seat diner on Houle construk ted een BAR-B-Q Tantum All of these girts have .lessen and Mr and Mrs Michael opost s k i Mi : / it hough they are too young to iiip-hase a hunting license are "Icome to enroll in the course LAWN CHAIR t->wever those 4 through 21 must Folding, polished slum in tun, in town advertise the Hunter's Safety ( nurse with 5 r 8 extrm-wide durmbis IUght.s Hern Id. 44 i order to purchase license this Kel-Wesre web*, waterfall oontour Mat mstm Mid-Summer Clearance and back. NOW IN PROGRESS Lodge 59 Celebrates Savings of 20% to 30% Its 25th Vnniversarv

featuring famous High Tripp /.igler of t ranbury w ho efebt < ix rtormed organ music Mayor Arthur Roach of • KITTINGER H ahtstown read a letter of 3 0 - Q U A R T ongtatulations to Mr Holmes • WILLIAMSBURG REPRODUCTIONS H rum the members of Borough Miss Barbara Here* man FOAM COOLER Shepherd Jr ounetl who wished him a sue t JAMES RIVER REPRODUCTIONS Letilbijrtviile P • •sstui term ot office Mayor VI iw*. kcrccma n I o W illiatji Melcal Coach then presented Mr Holmes by HICKORY CHAIR Grand| James ( ■rii the Mavor . < itizens < itation Stu< 1 \ Dcmt-r toi outs' mding work on tiehalf of • CUSHMAN COLONIAL Tbi-I.ittair w.i Hie community for the past several years Miss Barbara Kerecman WINDOW • HITCHCOCK REPRODUCTIONS daughter ot Mrs Flea nor .speakers for the evening were Kerecman of 122 Bennington Dr SCREENS NnHi Grand James Babcock Nu'dt'MQ t o a r r keeps t i f l Twin Rivers recently graduated 11 N James Clawson P<» M - food and beverage • STRATOLOUNGER 11 from Kereka College and plans to Harry shepherd P (> M William The right tempereture It Iloli attend the University ol Denver ■'anger A lu m in u m Metcall Mayor Roach, and the • BEDDING by SERTA and SIMMONS IV Colo . to work towards a Master s carry handle 99*~ a n d up a !. speaker Mr Holmes ice ot ( Degree in Library Science Ther*- were 40 members and rk Mj ? Miss Kerecman is a graduate of SCREENS AND VENTS • JOHNSON KARPER n-st attending this dimier Hightstown High School 1 . 1 7 ALL SIZES AVAILABLE • KARPEN REG SI 96

• Many, Many more BEACH BALLS 50 F t A TTESriON! 290 to 49t GARDEN NOSE V irtyl irfnttc wrtfh yorktown is now specializing in: All Accessories NOW 5 0 % OFF! 6 y m roup4«nf 3/1' wax depilatoration This Sale Open to the Publn Com e see the Fnest n - facials mint & regular REG. 159 eye brow arching make-up consultation & manicures me Professionally By

1600. 655 3300

P m T, ' P.M. FRI. 4 SAT. -■■’tv Mr Paul Miss Judy S Miss Cindi CLOSED JULY 4th and 5th ------THLRS., & FRI. ONLY- OUR S15.00 INCLUDES 50 PATRONIZE Your Downtown Hightstown Merchants PERMANENT 12 and the Ewing Carpet I lPr,!NTHL RS. & FRI.NIGHTS TIL9 F.M ROSSMOOR VILLAGE. JAMESBURG Yorktowne Hair Fashions 99 MAIN ST.—HIGHTSTOWN, N.J OFF ROUTE 130 NORTH OF CRANBURY NCETON RD & RT 130 HIGHTSTOWN. N.J. T r y Tracy’s Firstl VISIT OUR SHOWROOM VISIT THE MODEL HOMES AT ROSSV OR 448-9870 ALSO IN TRENTON N j 1661 North Older- A*e ar*G BURL1. NG ’ *•» \ Mrs. Safran To Teach Regional Ballet Teen Art Workshop Company Dances In I estival


pain! wallets * ait oT the 4J rk v. ifri pi«i med vk i»re >ele June ‘♦'dchifitj • > 24 the!I'M f3ertrom DKiern people ami adults She ' i color \ illagers Offer Melodrama in Boston at the John? and sp re<»gr jpihed bv Jerry School in Princeton in R< M IDIH.KBI SH Emly n .tie start A\ arreti Firhardt, Bos.' )a ith music trtim Mi Henke Williams melodrama. "Night right 'tars as Dan the Proha:bkei s S'vn/ph.my No 2 Mr Must f all which opened at ingratiating bellhop with the Boss rmer t >rotes sional Hie Adlagers Barn Theatre s. t ret passion tor killing ... .Uy damei ; The 1.! of the FT lav night will continue tor ■ men Shari l pbm plays the Prinet1tor* B. u hich Hi.- next three weekends Not a comely country maid Curtain mamlitins the "fi rvc‘gional whodunnit but rather a "how me is : 40 pin or. Fridays Bullet OPE I , B«l< >* i Ri ' was done Night Must and Saturdays 7 to on Sun Fall was .me ot the first ( i hi >liiturdxi \ June ireus dramas to portray a pi*'. vi \ i et toth*• music. ot the psychopathic killer Its 0B ru n sw itk s Barnum A*Batlex )U S 111 Hinghng Bro suspense lies ,r, watching the orgensen as Gallery Offers •entl\ at Band Neb .1 plav s characters discover 2nd BIG WEEK guest r«*ogr*i jpher mas 'i ardle cho wti.it the audience knows irom Summer Intime Continues pertur t r he riialmee gala l7SUMMER OF ’42” ich ^hc* Oils Selection rrual luri pert ornianee Hrutm:s was v ening Jennifer O'Neill ncum e again jxTlor the e ' Th. varied approach of three Gary Grimes ^ ith Shakespearean Farce artist- in oils offers a fine op tor hi'■> manv t ont rife»utions to the Auditions Set portunity at Gallery mo lor the 7 30 8. 9 30 bright simple one might almost night s ottering is Spl l lic Hopewell A alley Boosters serious collector to make a say it ark This is not an attempt to Grass followed by IT* ..i in*- season William Northeast Regional Ballet ..re now auditioning young selection of an important git! update it or to make a modem the Pendulum on IT Iw cltth Night \ss. jtton is made up ol 25 trombone players aged 8 to Hi tor Tie- work of many artists is statement ol some kind but Itlms are shown in air T/TT-TTl regional companies many Irony parts in The Musi* Man It will available but the Gallery sug purely to make the play more lun McCormick Hail at . - i.-st-rlbk} Twelfth mator cities Members of the play at the Washington Crossing gests perusal of the contrasting tor jhe audience and tor Hie ac Reserved sets tor dram; Shakespeare s Princeton Regional Ballet Hark open Air Theatre on July 30 techniques ol Ken Me Indoe Eli- Jase Fonda tors ■ performances, as w r: comedies The plot i urn pan*, are selected b\ audition arid U August i. & 7 and possibly /.atieth Leary or Jacques Kupher oh Monday and Thursday night formation abou the stT.lt' 1 Donald Sutherland I Hike Orsino lin es the irom dance studios throughout the August 13 and 14 man V in la escapes a Julvi 5 and <> Summer Intime may Ik* obramed by calling central New Jersev area Anyone lhat would like to Elizabeth Leary is developing THEATRE anil disguises herself as continues its film festival Monday tH8l auditioi should call Robert Sine an ever widening following as she ” KLUTE” WASHiHCr* '!&£■;KMM. I KC *TATTn"AT> «■**>PWO MI* • ills in love w ith the juiiilim f f f> r [ p u~ k miHHiimimi: .iiihiiiiiiiituiiiiiiiiiiitiiioi ...... i mi ...... imimiiimiitmmii| HUH 7:17 1847 No prev ious ex pursues her clear, precise vision . ala Viola fails in love perienve is necessary She paint- buildings in landscape I ink.- and everything Proceeds from the production settings and uses a washed fresh 12:30 3,5 15,7 30 8.9 50 lopeless until Viola s ..a: - ' noticing Hit- Hopewell approach which projects a SHOW BOAT Rainmaker 9 Is Near Perfection Valiev Central High School s band thoughtful mood > i-ili brother Viola mi to Scotland scheduled tor th* The works of Mr Me Indoe and • ; Hike and everyone is incisive portrait ol the widowed spring ol 1072 Mr Kupherman are tilled with Two months ago Summer In venture celebration is .) group m T R E N T J u n e 2 5 , 2 6 8. J u ly 1 ,2 3 activity almost impossible to deputy sheriff who lives alone thickly applied color Mr trill** ol a plot provides time was defunct there was to tie Tile production is directed by Me Indoe lakes his impressions no fourth season .To our great take and deadly il done without ih an excuse for t«*iiet tint Summer Intime was Brendan Burke and has all the Blairstown Club Irom nature and is vivid and Steve M cQ ueen "it a- ol his most good lurtune founder Geoffrey welcome hallmarks ot his ties! Irontal in his expression Mr Peterson lias somehow managed a t»>rn on a dream and reborn on.a ' r aiders the dare The company teeds on its work meticulous attention to Sets Art Exhibit Kupherman is perhaps more a. -iivia > drunken esiirrechol S i|H icd aO detail a musical control of pace (•(implicated and reserved but ” LE MANS’ wetik with a moving demon ow n generosity radiating the care Bl.AItiSTtlAA N The Blair r Belch and his anil affection that gives life to its and tension daring exuberance ot equally as vivid (lartner Sir Andrew strduon ot the magic we almost style And what is more a warm Woman's Club of Blairstown will hardworking skills The Rant hold its annual art exhibit, under 12 2.4, 6, 8 10 • ■k the wise too! F'este maker is a perfect ptav tor them depth ot humanity that goes The show is called The Ka Ha- direction iii Mrs Filler F'erna MADAME BUTTERFLY pompous steward and !he\ do it near!* perteelh l>e\ond technical proticiencv to HaPPiNFsS iS md .1 course Viola mater It about . an Saturday .h.tv beginning at h#- most charming oi- rattle farmers -in n time Of Hi a m and continuing a D a le To drought an older brother throughout the day Works ot in-s heroines the girl appealing ami hollow and charged violence to Hie seamless unity ot carHing the ranch on In- tiack .rti'ls w HI be tiung outdoors along R P U E K S K a T e ,gi her male disguise. w it h a desperate bravuia. Hus striking evening ot theater It w hile little brother stumbles Mam Street • K tK'ioved of women I H’twirah Savadge is still one ol the 1 had a page or two perhaps I A Place To Go MEXT Week toward manhood a sj.sjer cm the Literature Group will ilidante to men lines! actresses this town has might lii-gin to descriU- some ol bariissingiy old and honest who sponsor a book sale in front ot the Vioi * is Giulia Pagano seen here she invests the role ot what moved and delighted me out this play As it is any thing I ^■pENXSYLVAlw, j , U.utemy ol Dramatic map and a likable eon artist who s.iv seems only an injustice to the Library at the Olde Mill Building trades on human gullibility by lunation ot strength and insecurity *• r• -he received their that is at times almost unbearably things which must tie ignored so - award lllivia will be going, to its source the need to leave it at this it it lias been some AIR CONDITIONED believe in the impossible to poignant Andrew Bloch is by .> Bett\ Hager, who turns hilarious and painful as the time since you last howled with DANCING it's grmat funl arnegie Tech and has drop m glee or sept without shame then awkward baby brother Krne.st EVERYSAT & SUN NITE Special Grour Rofti. recently as Charlotte [j is a romance a celebration ot go Bevel in what was almost a the tieauties hidden txdnnd our Norris brings his. special gilt of Children's Birthday Portits.^, in Theatre intimes i.,* -!iorv hv Robert Rockwell NOTTINGHAM Orponnotion fund Raisers. \ .!«• md as Maggie in clever veil of i acts Avery risky BALLROOM Giri Scout Groups-Badges. . Hot Tin Hoof with the M®rce» St Harrolfon Square N J AMERICA ON WHEELS j isw ick Players Richard Thfftatqest BaUrdOm ■ t Kush Kehm w ill pla> Fine Singing Saves Showboat Bands1 KeiMilfPvtltAtrtak t.-ich and Andrew Sat Stan Maze MMV1.77.S InMMRCk k while John Vennema i ITl'SATLLK A cool evening i wived if is a grotesque story sparkles and blends into one tug Sun Benny Snyder Tel:2J7-3ll3 the title role in Si s under tfie stars in a wooded glen It serves a> rather disjointed gala extrayanganza The gay 9 to12 1 A one or Coyotes Rainmaker plays fratran! with honeysuckle framework lor halt a dozen im precision ot choreography the k m r c c July 3 4-5-6 7 8-910 j General manager > A ^ « o AasA^ l% l without mosquitos because the mortal tunes, fifteen scenes line vocal music both solo and .•rsmi w ll play Orsino smudge pots are effective with divided info two acts that span choral the vibrant sets, the zippy F’ Berkowatz a Prin the I w-ooden tienches comtortably lorty years ..ml three generations orehestra.l accompaniments all uirnnus now doing spaced on the terraced hillside all ot show people the family add up to a striking revue work in dramatic art at this plus the delight ot Jerome Captain Andy Hawkes Showboat wa performed .*rsit\ ot California at ANNUAL CARNIVAL Keijn melodies are the setting for A tewed as a whole each scene again last s.iturda and will be Princeton . , director Mr - h* moonlight.pit rk that wa th* repeate. Thursday . F'ridav and me-at s| s opening ope^iing of Showboat at the urday nights .1 ily t 2 and 3 -1 s,..,son The He JUNE29 - JULY 3 Opqn Air Theatre at Washington ( l i o i r ( o l l f * « F f rain date Julv 4 d 8 in p m at htingaie and fmissing State Hark on Friday the Open Air Theater in directed An Jutte 23 Plan" < onccri- \\ ashmgton ( rossi g Hark Man lor All Tfie Pennington H.tayers Tickets which nay Ik- pur 7PM TO 11PM Happv Time directed by Harry Schultz chased at the gale ire $2 each $1 FUN AND GAMES FOR ALL RESERVE THESE DATES' Sight Mr Showboat going on a mostly I or I uc". 737 3K21 RIDES GAMES PRIZES the next four consecutive Tuesday < olleen /irn ib ev enthgy. .July h. t ; go and 27 The 8 FOR ADULTS BEER PIZZA SODA : p m concerts w ill he presented A I 1 I Nils ( . i| Hsf 5 FOR KIDDIES CLAMS HOT DOGS m the Westminster Fiavhouse and are open to the public .- Hiout Mirishipmai even >_ sni-r CAR 50-50 RAFFLES BURGERS SAUSAGE ot Mr and Mrs lermai: ol :7o Terbune ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA tending the Aviation in Course with the tier Training Detach CHURCH e Naval Air Station, • rpus in s 11 Tex. He is MAXWELL AVE . ROUTE 33 member ot the Navy HIGHTSTOWN ______NEW JERSEY Leers Training Corps


Vvilliam Shakespeare's TWELFTH NIGHT

Also July 2, 3, 4 - July 15, 16, 17, 18

Fiirn F^stiva every Monday and Tuesday night only SI 00! • nc-’ ioned Han ton Murray Theatre on the Princeton Campus

For Reservations and Information Call: 452-8181 A INDSi HERA] P A G E F IV E

< H< "v t In Brooktree

196 \lake5th Marking Period mes and prizes ■ adults and ■.or sack race Honors Vl Intermediate Sehool k' featured

df^nts vchn ■ >!ate elephant Rights rmwliti!*' SchfMji n e t.-.!>• wants to trade Fir st Honors Scott • sor-Rights )f*r .Ja \ KJ saifi Lorraine firs* \KiZ/ef Bnen Katherine \ 1 j e t Mary B*-th Setneska

Second Honors Steve SALES 8, Burch Mike < rist-v Kichard fr RENTALS f ' nls Hob*•rt Harper Man oe- s T?ave; Trailers Kov til■ Diane Dosle Kathy kd A a "'p ers M otor Reeve;a Man** Henzes Lorraine Ba MUSICAl x - V V n - t,-nes installed Gas < v nthuii Hand Sharon hpahn Ki SEE RYc, La ; j ■. • f ' ‘ eel Sets i e & Repair Dai!\ Marv ' i Reills Ke\ ir ilolan Kaths Kiker Holly Herrick Jame- S< he rick Her FOR BEST D SCOUNTS BARBERS runlette Braun ( athenne (jodish William Stiliwr •II Beth O ’Neill STELLft MUS : TENTER CAMPING CENTER Debra Mount Teresa Ciowar U S HWY NO 1 Cindy Minahan Ham Woodbery (iommunit\ (Calendar Powers Applegartr Rr South Brunswick Kick fiomnier Kathy Hick anr esident, and }0f T Bo * - . • *n«94n‘s l anet Higfitstown ' 448 Karen Kornit Third Honors 201 297 3049- Jacob Bruner James Jordan (in rr\ Johnson Steven I ,e< ones Kick’. Schuder Steven i Hestad Township \\ omen's (dub Form I.Ka ( lUstuKen < ,inn\ Hancock HIGHTS THEATRE Ioann*[* KstCfMfS Mike i.ershowitz Memtiers ot the Hast W mr Hightstown. N J 448 7947 Launt■ Herbert Maureen Mariev r residen Mr Women - Club celehrated [owe First Vic I iebbut Betts Joe B'. rd 1 .arr thei formal ion by attending ir> David Toole Now Playinq tpoiltie* Gregors Bsrne Gregor- cocktail parts on June It* at a\ mond Harbarz ■resident Mr Harlln Dean R home of Mr and Mr-- f*nr nitety at 8 P M only Alien Paulene De Renzo Kthe .nauer secre Rowe it74 Dorchester !>r E iatiert Boltner mat Sun 1 30 PM Lvnrt 1.auretta Rene* e and fellow W indscir lr' Eugene Pow Lewis. Linda Ridgwas Kay ipate in the The group i^ working tow. The dub will n Bingham laths Crown Brian ives ot The lawrence of arabia becoming part ot The ' t ednesdav of e\ e Kri> Mike Josephs oil Beverly Jersesjfederation ot Worm a I ton ol W< Vtalker Elizabeth Eberle Steve Clubs and ho(x*- to estate - i is ek winner of 7 A cadem y A w ards Riches Roxanne Tobin David working relationship with Hast W sor won Jacobs Tom Da senport Marta Mitchell and Gas le Rosen 7th Grade Ft rst Hon ors George Danser Lisa (Landek • Domed cover Oesign Julie 1stns Hedy Kalikotl Juliet for sell-basting action M a Done■ Barba ra Sobkijsuak Kathry n Tea pole Barbara l>eigh Pamela Mark Barbara W ik JosceStraight Wyatt Huddleston Laurie Suited Steve Waterhouse * Super hard Linda Richman Sharon Shekosks Tetloo !! finish and Anne Ghitman Second Honors John Harper Patricia Batrett Jabtn Sadi Diane Tiifstrom Doug Schrader Kathy ( ha pm luiuren Janzen Linda KI Meridenkn Colleen Wian <

r >oi stain-resistant p nc f»iatn finish

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12 exp roll or cartridge of color film printed & developed - __ $1.99 I liuii < o! |, «rr Plan- < .oncrrU Bor Scouts Advance ?xp S2 9S M i>« \\ iiitta ral l Bride Flashcube — Staple; 99' At Honor Court Princeton Hiqhtvtown Rd 1 i" "■ 1 or m ark L. (ioodrnan Princeton Junction Thu 799 1 732 this tear s Court til HMwr Muttda; .it the First Baptist f butch Promotions lor the Semite ,1111 the presentation ol awards «a Subscription Coupo n til reeled hv Scoutmaster Bil Stephens Bugle scm.' (.. 1; tow n If your scotch Fuchs served as master o m i U IXDSOR MIGHTS HERALD ceremonies II in Promoted In Second < lass Scon costs $2 more than were Steve Floltzctaw K Dflivcrrti I vt rv Ihur-ii.iv Bv \Uu| Svmonds. Jim How to;. I .1 ■diiale Harper and Kichv Dnumlo J and Promoted to Firs! ( lass Scout (til! t -the P&T,you should It.- is 50 Jell McLarnon Jar id Saiti an 1 YEAR S3 2 YEARS s5 Ricky Schuster mts ot Merit Badges aitd \ward- wet be able to taste presented to the following St outs F irst Aid Merit Bridge scol III tin * llolt/elaw and Javtd saiti do m the difference.! Personal F itness Merit Badge Jon Harper I Jen l.'hiet < ertitn ales i made H - llielite Herald Harper Paul Hanc/.ank \l >ut.ing ■ 3 Kna/ik F!ut) ot.. is open 5? QT < tu t k t»r mun«*v order t-m lo-t 0 Mile Hikei s A war I 1 . • - ( J ' i r l 1 ll - t a 111 *< 1 Fuchs Keith

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Now you re ready for th i floors Friese-Scxton hardwood P :n' if the most magnifirent showrooms of hardwood floors that an ui d unywher There is nothing that s'u of natural wood parquet for f r o m d a y o f d e p o s i t elegance to vour home and Hardwood floors an dur they outlast most other s u rf , Take a step in the rtgf ‘ Frtese Sex’ n - c nv> ’-.a Whv I >n‘t v m stop :n • withdrawal? Friese Sexton V 4J00 S. Ci \ South P!

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Sen ' - • re*- k b ro ch ure :rald Music. Dance Reviews Planned H in

At State Museum Auditorium HARMONY SPEEDWAY| m Wher« Tri'Stat* § ® All Surs Compete | ■ t v#rv SATURDAY at 7 PM * 5 E v*r\ SUNDAY st 7 PM * actress anc •! ■'« ee- a • ti T r le Headers ■a facher there ® • *•-' • • eds • Sportsman @ ® * S e rr', L a te M o d e ls J 1 HARMONY N J l > Jui> 28 Mrs Tina S oH Rm 519 | i prese nt >e\ era. 2 7 M i Kk North o< Philhpabunj • if the Ew mg Teer iMHMaaHtHHIMMaMMt Etcetera young from local and a ret ^ Clinic Registration HDOPEIIM The Hightstown East Windsor this tall f* employed A M< A still has a limited number i b> the Division of Health ■ a vacancies in its Summer Eu.n JULY 3rd drug a Muse progr ■Tub lor all three sessions MacNicill 22\ea This program is for boys and ■r vocalist • t*- j met ipj Tiber of t he girl* who have completed 1st bnmgh 6th grades There is three PET SHOW WINNERS in the Largest Dog Categor / are <;*' !oi!gr>: < horu> U ho performed •w.■ week sessions which will meet c Ik ms. second place, Jaycee Jay Baer« anti Joel F ishet third plat e steele s it the Hightstown Intermediate Cranbury N J Just North of Half-Acre Road) (609) flN-4433 Artists sjiow rase Ttlea t re school from 9 a m to 3 p m Monday through Friday The w ednendav Julv Bom la ■heme of the tirst session will be 19 Kihbons Awarded In Pet Show Bejma |>t Titusvi lie Pirates and Buchaneers July 6 oomphshfd pianist at 18. I"eeentlv The Rights town East Windsor ’ he second session w Stacey Bondon first place J graduated trom \olr e Darne High meet trom July 19 to 30 with a Jaycee* and Jaycee ette* spors Fisher second place and I.au .• mi itteiiding Irenit on vdate m theme of Robin Hood Days The sored their 2nd annual Pel Vetick third place September was first plac«• winner tinal session Aug 2 through 13 Show last Saturday June 25. at Largest l>og Category m Mar\ Simon (ii ndfi i r 'ill feature the theme Indian the Hightstown Intermediate competition she w i J Michele Mahon first place J 1 play Lore iskeNOer School with some loo adults and Elkins second phjce jnd select ion$ trom Rachimanunoff and I he theme of each session is children attending Fisher third place * hopin Nlar> Lou (• Dennis -tressed in many of the daily R 4 c i v g c a m s Nineteen ribbon- were awarded >ears old a gradu Cutest Dog Category K id Karen t Notre ictivities of the Fun Club There to pels owned by the following Dame Higti who altends Trenton Brighton tirst place td place a ,II he arts and crafts with manv children State has danced sirice ch Smalksst Dug i ategory ' Paul Nicest Cat Category t'a Javcee ildhood \ikc home projects swimming She will perform u) an original archery lishing. where the Y Perkowski first place M Hutchinson first place Dee 1 laid Jov .composition bv Millred guarantees fish will tie biting i.albraith second place arid Weller second place. i Holcombe ’! renlon ini drama and music with parents Rebecca Applegate third place Stephanie Perkowski third pla o com poser) overtur*e to R.K-k nvited to see tinal presentation Largest Pet Category He Best Groomed Category which shy has chore■ograj: games and sports and nature lore Wednesday July The ide exciting and interesting Brvans hill preseifit selections I tie number of youngsters CAL CUSTOM Award Presentations Mark from Ffurlie Thev i nclu de which can be accommodated in twins Donna and Dona Id and •his type ot program is limited triplets Darlene se and since ttiere will be no more than 10 1 bane The 19 v ea . oungsters per counselor and Trenton High gradua tes h, aide Hth (?rade Commencement ■ ompleted their fres hman \ear at For further information and r The Hightstown Intermediate Hampton Institute triplet* registration, please call the and Donna E Lacy won the girls l.usoy .Memorial School 8th Grade Exercises were YMi \ office Monday through award The Women’s Progressive 'hv’fiov Mill girl R aon cs UJHGGL . 5 held at the high school on Wed­ Friday 9 a m to J p m or stop in Club Award is given to the black est average in (,anlcn ( hi !> 1 o ii r nesday June 16 A total of 231 the office at 157 South Main St coy anti girl who hast wnrki-tl language arts students received their cer Hightstown hard and have done their best in •reived the award M rllllitT ' (».inti c i i " Mini B ikes- Dune B uggies Custom tificates o! promotion V.W. Equipment all subjects during their years in d Patricia Miller The Rocks Brook Ga rdt Twenty one different students *n Club the Hightstown Intermediate the girls The sponsored a tour of five of its 1 received awards These included School. Derrick 1 Spady wot th< sard tor showing meniberst garden* ti to 8 to The Intermediate Home-School boys’ award and Men on S Jane*- |i m on Tjhursdav June 2 ------Y f * . Association Award which is given ■able amount ot J the girls Gardenwhich vk ere to the student with the highest quality ot work visited The Ashton Music Award is included Mrs Saimuel average m all subjects in eighth inracter develop Mann given to the eighth grader who has unusual | plants Mrs grade The first award went to eh eighth grade \rthur shown the highest quality of Scott < arduner Tweed < roses > Stuart Patricia Miller and the second to musicianship and who has con Susan D Brine Robert Hamel and tnbuted the most to the musical Richard Gustalson ■shrubs and Patricia M lino : eretved !he i .aufa program of the school during the E Be Renee trees and Mrs Arthur Sdiroeder Camp Award which is given for seventh and eighth grades This Curt Wool garden and vegetable tfie highest average in arithmetic award went to R Virginia Han in and TKUMBODY spelling English and penmanship cock The Davison Music Award in the seventh and eighth grades given lor demonstrating (he Patricia Miller and Michael Casey greatest amount of growth in the received the Abraham Feldsher field of music m. seventh and stimmt‘i Rratlintr Award for the highest average in eighth grades went to Dianne "I would eighth grade science Doyle Javid Saift received the The Washington Township The American Legion Award is Ethel McKnight Social Studies t r r w ■ ••nduct i summer given to the boy and girl who Award for demonstrating th< Heading Program for elementary received the highest number of greatest amount ot interest in school children. Iieginning on July student v otes based on leadership social studies and lor contributing Children interested in par and citizenship ijuahties Robert the most to his social studies impaling may now register in the oeiieve... V Hamel won the bo vs award classes i bran GIRLS!





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The friendly bank for people NAM:. WHH FIRST NATIONAL BANK AD0RESS- -PHONF- OF PRINCETON VA.’N OFFICE COPNEB OF NASSA. ANC //■ ' n '5 * ? " : O' **<%■***•- • S

1 Baffling Experts

Apple st own ieadolt strigk that startl'd a jrth plan sn • two* run rally which was all ti St reel! P.1rk t he> re-ally reeded but his second ii: rmu sacrifice fix and liH’..ti­ sixth \rltimg three run homer : . ki things somewhat - spa rklins helped \ ir.i ft. a iin u r - nd the 1iitti ns easier tiot i,ray and his mates eman Allke M ke 1A .idlinger went the retired !he list e tor Lost to sutler order be! ore his >er(>nd I os- in three ver led a eie•an diets inwriile captured the Minor Her lo bre•vtk l.eH> l-r’ Graham tussl'd a t-lofji !ith? W Ith relattv e ea-i crown Honu* ruiw b\ winner The img neat tw omdleie an outstanding Bob Howle> Kfv.fi Kau>t her tie howtn er ip.n(jn ,t grand -lam and Steve •f Niry^iie> i[he one run ii siiNCfier led 'he wav if: the ow U9 ball:ers this year GraFiam M \ loK- v If r dtdn ! all • 1 r l r i t > despite two hjt> each >pewell H igle walk got the wui when Kick Brunn s ■ • •pened he two run sixth inning single John Kelleher and Mark i me v hrmighl. Hightstow n from a 2-1 *erc\ hi She Met- in the lo-ephson ti ! i it tor the triumph . The > or Id Surie- encounte , : il-o got hitting support ? Mith -otne lusty front Bt id Greinke w ho whiiusj wB F iir ei w hn each belted a triple nd I line pitching W 1 M hatters in pitching the wm > • ip pm the los- on Hopewell onlor eat )wn hitle k; *J iliH I *<»>.! i 4 and also clubbed a home run starter Dan Huge >ur hof lie run- oil the f f rentofi Post Hd Kevin Kau.-cher added another Ni-rtl: Trenton wop its Itrst Bobov ; llBtlSOfl'Z Date Hamilton I‘ns! 11 circuit smash to the cause game u: the season at the ex >cardelli I and F rank Terhzzt Broiid St I’ark Post j! pen-t ■ Lo-t 148 by slamming I iied the hr-t game «m .chile Bob How lev s three hits }ilgm>tnu n ! os! 146 >45 t and Harry Doholte s also aided out Ii base hits six of which Man ii lark three hits Borden town Host 26 5(H) 4 wee.; tor extra bases The Mardelli three hits one a the victory John Kelieher Hopewell Fu>! m t 464 4 homered tor the Giants and -ee-aw battle saw Hightstown homer and Lonlon two Lawrence Host 414 grab a 4 o lead tn the second. •nples led the hitting parade John Hitter and Mark North Trenton Host 4“>ft Mrs. Crowley Reelected Joseph-on chipped in w ith two ■ nt Lost 458 got two runs in the in the -m ind contest to make a bottom ot the mning and four -alettes each ' .unnerjot Terltzzi despite Bret more u; the next trame to take 3s*.'ley, recently reelected Republican Municipal Chairman Koch - nomer tor the losers Bounding out regular season’ action in this division the t ards a i> 4 lead at last v s Mercer County Reorgam/ation Meeting with top Rep VFW Batters Win Alter both teams tallied three In the 11 na Iva> a 1 rt gu Assemblymen Karl VVeiclel of Mercer County and V,alter thumpi'ri the Met- 17 K and the (Sell to i ■easoni U< Phillies bombed the Bed Sox l-t •a; e- r the tourtb the losers gh! still . FVV broke up a 2 2 f ie and decided the GOP M« Cocinty Surrogate candidate Ronald Prykanov.sk;i of Highi ,»St W(*‘k the Bed Sox beat the i Two home run- by Jar Ebert got -ingle run trt the tilth to ut tin* local entry tn game Fix an / I candidates for reelection m the new Suburban fi ercer h and then belted the showed the was ni the < ard- pull within one run HK- But err < ourtlx senior Bo tie Hlgt»tstown fell victim to the iter of Mercer wilt hear! the GOP ticket m his nyitvt for > St .■rdmtil , 17-2 Darren Spady win a- dtd the hitting ot Glenn North rent on came back with William tinaliy ion their circuit's first no hitter of the ■ truck! iut 15 batter- arid Bobbins and Lawrence f uogtn a BUI tw markers in the sixth, three it t he 1 tj t season campaign when Hamilton - John i How eji ’ only three hit- in and the eight strikeout pitching t i -!-. in the seventh and one in A F 'AA )7(m rdg \\ e; \\ irtdsoi Teddet tired the gem winch m oppit ' he Mels. who'also had ot winner sieve MeLarnon Phil, the eighth to sew things up , i on ,1lune 24 ti iictl first win eluded U strikeouts Tedder'also nuhltj with AAayne Headman Msp.ii h and Dave Rousseau Believer Jim Gilsdorf bti* the victory sitndw tched two ijits and Mark Weihen topped the Mets hitters walked -ix hatter- three of which recorded the win in the wild i round -e s 4 2 to plus an error accounted for the hiaverj bases loaded triple Sam Smith - grand slam ;t pair r i,, i mi nt c i despite giving up H.oniltiSn A F'AA m June 22 losers two t irst •inning runs Dow n \\ r f file n m a v e r a 1 m ost home run and the lour hit lour hits tour runs and five ,md x to Law rencere \ FH on June 2 1 after three frames Hamilton duplutated Spady - per pitching ot Steve Johnson -2 - ilk- i only three innings of -cot ed three time- in the bottom ot tormahce when he fanned Ii powered the Phils to their final work Mike AVadlmger in rebel WINDSOR-MIGHTS liightfiattder Brad Thompson and tossed a three hitter to help game verdict Johnson .also •hr out't 'a a tap s ,ip I or I odder r Brent Wham took the loss liurkxi Hightslow to its win tn mother the 1 arris Homer- ' . -truckot.it ten and-walked but and make a loser ot -tarter Eric i i-’iterlielder Jack Lust was John H air and Scott F ield and one tn hurling the decision scattering -even hits in a route Mowery tin the winners big offensive going performance He got hitting Denny Bannister s la strikeout a capon with tour bits, three of support from Dorrell Wood two pitching and Jin, Tramontana s them doubles and three RBI's I IN \l SI ANDINGS M \JORS singles and But' Fmgel whose two tut- led Lawrence- to their w hdc Brent Laladmo s two hits HB1 single fnghltghted 1 he wm ie(i-i(fed verdict and three KB! - topped the HERALD American tiers three run tiltli inning that ILghtstow n attack Lost UK added to their own \\ IS I GB dow mail by committing 11 PUD Plans Building • vas ! 1 mote than ; tin committed m their win l )ld 'l mkv Inn \ attkve IIM.I Construction will liegi in late \n del 1 u|ienirtg - expected tot over Hopewell Solomon Dodge Red s -{Ml summer on a Twin Rivers Fi- hi Town Supermarket and a I tie locals bounced back Allen A. Stulls Tiaei- professional I>utiding to l located \ anety Store now under con Irom that ticking however to Putt's f ount's Diner It south of the Tow n i enter - eastern sfruction (in the north side ot the eke out a hard earned w in over parking lot existing Twin Rivers Town Le w fence under the Eggerts ros-ing Field lights last National Planned as two. one story ('enter 'Construction of the budding- m contemporary design supermarket and variety store Sunday Alter building a 7T with a court <*t mi tront the will complete tin- Town Center "a e lining advantage w ith the buildings wit use jnedical of turning a rectangular shopping od ot a ix run third frame. lice- (or a varietyt \ u! phy mci a n> area around a central court High;-tow n had to hold .on lor 1st Nil Bank 0 Hu Me .peciahslitiri the win Lost 414 tallied three times m the !ourth and eoun- I ou ne A ( * HMilry 1g IS expected to Be , community reporter. Call •ered the winners' two, sixth ( elitet ( Hauls * end <>i the vear t*e occupied 1 the windsor-Hights Herald with frame markers with a four-run a re :l uua s D tp1 Store ( animals ' Twin. Rivers ut'hctals- tips or ideas tor photo feature, uprising m the iiottom of the pl.ins - |)air\ Queen Phillies -f 10. present K discus sing with or newS stories. 448-300... inning but then ran out ol gas I INAL Sl VNDINGS MINORS pin sic tans

\ meric an

Hlgfitstown t arie- t tgcs : iinningluin - Pliaimacx WE \\ e bririjg the local news Jim’- f wintry Dinei Indians t w.tclt A I ui Red S BELIEVE that we have the National into \our home e\er\ rhursda\ BEST POOLS lowin' A. I in the industry.

k \ B Pit They are high quality, heavy duty construction Lampersjust 1 (Jame pools built to last and Subscription Coupon installed with years of Was From Pennant experience. We Are For The Finest In U '/NDSOR- HIGH TS HE RA I i-nil Lamp etri 'V' within {me game ot clinching the •‘"fl >'ngle and George Jurgebs National Division ot the High! double ami single to. edge Van SMALL ENOUGH SWIMMING POOLS, v hich from A mdsor • tiot three to know you and th* Ko4>ert Ko> n Wlfint1! lhli\t‘r« b' Mail tiers r< *ked offer SUPPLIES & ACCESSORIES SERVICE o"A i h»i; a a- -t: -i . ■ I YEAR s3 2 YEARS S5M \nu>v honju run doubii SUPPLIES ALL !j- 'help thetr Ui*K prosper arid \14irk Dyckrnar U liirefPplFlIk' ti i ;’4 fHKl !0 V run and- double wftiL "aibiinger doubN^i tor th< REPAIRS - * F hiers id with a WORK 11 truck Curriculum personal touch. You'll find that Discussion the biggest POOL j stores are not always ( heck or morn-A orr rn< Iomm] the east expensive STORE I rn -net STOP IN t ill O u t \n d 'tail I o ;>Ld r i a 201-359-3000 Afld WE'D LIKE TO GET P.O. Box 146, HigHtitown H J TO KNOW YOU! Route 206. Belle Mead, N.J. THE PRINCETONPACKET THE CENTRAL POST The Lawrence Ledger CLASSIFIED (1T.XDS0R-HIGHTS HERALD

Bargain Mart Classified Rates Help H anted Help Hantfd Htlp H anti d Help W anted Help W anted 4 nnouncement?

RELIABLE » lea wing woman pixil Memtiership Available igs -\li ( : :s si!icd Advertising appears m a. needed i m m edmiei;- Father ol two poof- ■ sale 4k round oriental table iN \V F'.ast Windsor Township U>ui newspaper•- >- ireulation l &, 900» in -mall modern .. x • oval custom made rug A Reasonable rate- The Pnnccton Packet, The ( entriJ g & light -term nece p.ni ; o-t Slide $->ou Flanders Post Windsor-Mights HeraJd and The related to expenei (ij*en7day- I2noonto8pm • led walnut desk water resistant Lawrence Ledger Ads may be mailed * HINESE Mandarin Instruct*: Group rates available it> lanulies toji A black chrome chair both desired by < ollege professor ar 1 .ill 432 8877 in or telephoned Deadline for nr ads or more IdA, discount Si 65 Antique 2x3 Bacchus wife for summer tutoring For information call 448-8359 -culptor St,5 child- 12 drawer i' 5 p ,m Mondays tf 'they an- to hi evenings per week Vall 924-7! 4i properly classified received on , best S3o 8 Harlow tutted sofa erd- reupholstering cost $12iKi Tuesday before noon will appear a - - siidt House S15 Super Too Late to Classify” Ads must be wonda.tiorse s'. MORF. incl fur an * elied by 5 p m M onday Wcc ke nd F I’ F ASSISTANT tor HANTS F. At.I h s Jaycee coat clothe- Call *8)9 883-57T1 edition of The Princeton Pat kefs EXVERIENCED COOK ae work Good at -TAL ASSISTANT : housework live m steady week in Pnnceu Football Classic Aug 28 Palmer f**'d*-*d w vsith *ing ability Mack Lu: deadline is 5 p m, Ihursday weekly -alary References stadium Fhiioy a protessional ur St Windsor 2 iv ertence preferred iamily Write Box 175: ng 'o tram right pe c.imt, i tie!: charity $e A $4 KIB d.ATT HESs S3.. Pia\ pen zhtstown HA IT S are S.L00 lor four lines or less Princeton Packet •.ckets available Tickets at I'm - .image S Dressing Table for one issue or. if ordered in advance versify Store Varsity sports 37 Sterilizer 37 etc Oval antique $ 150additional lor t* o consecutive t uu-ms Liquor- Hmkson's mirror Phone 201 297 1632 weeks or issues and the thud insertion stationery A . enter sports Or order b\ mail Box 324 Princeton is I RM Thereafter each consecutive M 117 h i H o t S E K E E P E H imie only costs SI Next increment of . ! f. \ * E U I I \ 1 N J CNF! MA ERS 1 2 hp jet pump § 42 TOP RE \)R \ ! ' it 1 ICC Mature woman sat A Sun only f<»ur lines 50 cents and the same FASHION sFa KETARV Law rente* die ii-wr. transportation A reterence- cal 'unk complete with plastic ) vu|niv to *rs old $125 Call 737-0647 thereafter. Ads may be displayed with JALESVW )MAN I sytuxil uttice ot the Treasurer white space margins and/or additional challenging and responsible capital letters at $3.50 per inch Permanent lull or part time - ‘ ion requires typing A SAI..FISMAN Time sharing Must Special discount rate of S 3 00 per inch excellent salary profit sharing -t orthand ability to organize and tie familar with basic program GOLF CLl'BS A BAG 8 Ham avHnlaf'k i > advertisers r jrmir i U. plan regular employee benefits LF.M.ADfEs !<> -tn hour jd idependently ( ’all N Ksh.f A si 'Hi m iL g l ANDHA irons and 2 wimkIs Must sell $45 MEN mton s mo: mmg Personnel l nhmded 30 W same classified display ad Tor 1 1 all Mrs Searies lor interview alia hie, ih Trt Mam st Freehold 20i<43i-27oo Have you consulted the guide to Call 924 1229 iutdul ladies stt)re rent Princeton Vrea Nursery schools ' onsecutivc weeks ur issues or different ■ * 2 4 tZ < a pi >ppmg Center Apply Lerc and Day Care Centers'’ Which classified display ads totaling 20 or MoWER cordless electric Black BELLOWS ip between 10 ant j pm Mon I Vi if Es t ( IMP AN ION desired for includes haste information such as more inches per month, and who A Decker 197H used 2 inns orig 21(1 Nassau St ( Ffxpenence prpf erred seashore Driving essential Reply schedules tuition philosophy arrange to be billed monthly Box EXPERIENCED ( LE 4M.NG $i.t(i Guarantee one more year Princeton ' Box i7Vi i n Princeton Packet Available at local pharmacies A numbers are 50 cents extra V\. iM AN wanted in Law reneevilte Sacrifice $8n Call 921 3619 1 or 2 day- weekly: for well -tatnrner- Or mail $1 organized household Must have Preschool Guides Box 37 Pnn 11 KM.N 25 cents billing charge it ad is celon Junction N J (I855ti not paid for within 10 day** alter transportation and references DR \ETS.1J AN M e won:.,in )nr Begin now or Sept f all evenings expiration of ad H) per cent cash HR •work ns ij P O s T I N G M A C H I N E (,i)LF C U B S A BAG Wilson BE Yt (>WN BOSS Earn an ivii F.nginecnng othee -***.-0734 san: Sneed Champ 2-9 irons and discount on classified display ads if hill WANTED RESPONSIBLE tnconn (it \ 'PERATOR Experienced to. our own. right in your .Norm- e\{x-nence required Ex wedge 4 Spalding registered r paid hy the 2tm ->t Lie following COl.'PLE without children or pets ••omn assist in our Accounts Receivable lumty Be an \y GEEK E U . F7RK Fixperienced uj year old girls and bins F’lease 1471 STERF U i>6 Long week to minute.- outside'" Prtn all phi • HF MIST Bl* i|.< *< ,!.s'I Mach Lumiiei * i.i Main St F. \ g 1 \ F F. R I n te r e s t e d in Packet TOO Witherspoon St, ot 'lacing shipments c.il Mr- Wilder *424-9083 celon Own transportation phone communication- and record W indsor 2 mi South ol Mights Sanitary B s or M S required : nctainted freight AM EM radio Princeton. N.l I el 609-924 3 244. Reliability essential 201 -3594493 keeping Must be able to type and BS degree 2 years industrial tow n recent graduate ok to work for balanced 8 sjx'aker system. 4 I he ( entral Post Building 3 5 30. prepare statist!* al reports - Apply experience in K&D required to medium sized Consulting firm -peed delux automatic changer Ho«»m 202 35 0) (Route 27b Kendall .it Needham- Motor Service, Inc conduct ekperiments In Vivo on Write Alt It Douwes Van Note lull 12e watt amplifier jacks for Park N.J Tel 201 297-3434. rodents ajnd their tissues with MOTHER S HELPER from now Harvey Associate.- Consulting FROG HOLLOW DAY CAMP ADM INISTRA TIV K ASSISTANT 273). Brunswick Pike Trenton external speakers 8 track tape Windsor-Mights Herald I4t> South N .) \n equal opportunity etn drug- and cosmetics also to tn Sept 7th Live in beautiful FIngineers 1101 State Road! swimming Horseback Riding player input jacks Mfg For computer center Diversified home with -wimm ing pool Princetoi N J 0854(i or all 609 Archery Arts A ('rafts Nature Mam St . High is town \ J., Tel duties include reception ploy er evaluate j skin treatments for suggested list price $489 Pay only safety anjd efficacy in human i hildren 9 tl '.4 y r- Salary S.So 924-04 Li Study Track Games First Aid 60tM4H 3005 The Lawrence ledger. telephone typing billing simph §243 or take small payments of 297H Brunswick Ptktf (Hi \i Trenton, studies j . per week Driver's license Course. Dramatics Gymnastics, $12 per month Call credit bookkeeping WENGEL SKK Je-irable Personal or church Woodcraft A Fishing ( ampers 6 fel: 600-896 9 It M i VICE CORP Princeton N J Manager Mr Gulden at MAIDS Send resume and salary required references required Please PRoJFJ T DEVELOPMENT to 11 Pollywogs 3 to 5 F'or 11914 I 829-3880 609 *t24-4t)0U 'elephone •*.. '* IK4 REFERENCES) HE< r e d u. i■uiitidejic*■ ir, Personnel Mgr RESEARCHER brochure call 653 1797 It toll call collect t.eneral household responsibilities and child t are light cooking or | A ll I I! W AI.I At E Inc Medical communications position assist with cooking ( Tanburx i New Jersey TEACHERS & COLLEGE ot international publisher located An **qual opportunity employer sTl'DENTS need a summer job’’ in Princeton requires person to Help Wanted WANTED Local financial in 212-286-7900 DOG TRAINING IN VOIR SPRINGFIELD Riding Mower tor i m/f Call V anda Beauty Counsellor 3Ht> -upervtse market research dept. Sale 4 ti p declutching Blade, two stitution requires industrious 3(483 Interesting position with light HOME The only successful competent person to tram as method of problem correction We forward speeds complete with travel Secretarial skills essentia! dump cart $63 00 924 403. alter teller Typing required, auto p l a n t m a n a g e r specialty Salary open Please -end resume teach y our dog to respond to y ou necessary A knowledge of SECRETAKA' 6 30 p m SECRETARY Part time cen producer of compounds enamels REAL ESTATE SALES PER to Box 1752. c i. Princeton Packet obedience guard training, trails hx-ated law office 1 i p m bookkeeping helptul Excellent and varnishes Five to ten years SONNEL for Hightstown and problem correction as chewing shorthand and typing required future tor right person Cal! 882 Position requires individual with experienci* in product inr plan general area Some experience housebreaking wildness etc >*24 2144. . 421 and ask for managing officer . years secretar <1 experience A rung scheduling and stock control preferred ( all Sleeie Rnsioff A : a,unit guaranteed toi lifetime good scene tana I skills to work in necessary! Vhfi require a self Smith Realtor 609-448-8311 or *. .3 of dog Day or eve- appointment our Dental Division, which will GENTLEMAN OF T HE PRESS a starting Individual with, proven !9MU* 201 297-o2(Xi tor interview all for free home consultation B< iLENS 12 hp estate mower w ith relocate to the Twin Rivers area in sully experienced newspaper Progression l nhmited 609 799 experience in handling men writer editor with zing SHixxi up i. cut and snow blades 4 years old the near future Reph e d ( entral f'nst. Box 116 2679 Michael Beattv trainer Snelling and Snelling 2(il 782 1211 excellent condition original cost MAINTENANCE OPENINGS Kendall Hark $4 150. asking $1,500 or any Apply Personnel office 9 3 or call reasonable offer May tie seen at K R Squibb & Sons, an expanding leader tn the pharmaceuto 201 ' 324-0279 Ct ARDS l informs furnished, * AMP Boys and girls. the Chesterfield Twp School, industry, has the following permanent openings at its t amp us i DELIVERY KOLTE DRIVER Chesterfield. N J weekdays 9 to 3 Salary phi- incentive 3 day week ■-.irk in Princeton LawrenceviUc Situations Wanted SL.petaukin Country Day ("amp facilities m New Brunswick, New Jersey JOHNSON Vrea F or appt cal! 201 -329-0021 298-6900 eves 298 1820 & benefits Uniforms & cleaning 17!h year Ages 4 14 Cull das JOHNSON supplied, year round employ ment .rogram Swimming Mature Apply at Nassau Water Con ounseior* Small groups LICENSED PK ACTK AL Nl'RSE HEATING SYSTEM steam with . REFRIGERATION •htioning *. *i ’.43 Witherspoon St Traasportation Phone or w rite for >0! < .eorge St home case desired F.xcellent blowers heats 5,000 sq ft Fix New Brunswick N J I'nnceton! N J ( LIRE AI SOMI HtXJKki EPING • rmhure 924-184H Lawrenceville eellent condition Make offer references Call between 5-9 p m Road Princeton ENGINEER and typing expenence dt-suable A aned i93-4962 phone 448-0479 8 am 5 pm \n equal opportunity employer office duties. Apply Mach Lumber C o xcelleni opportunity an individual with 3 to 5 years industrial m/f Mam Si.. Windsor N J '2 mi South t experience and preferably experience on Amonia Systems to work ATTENTION MOTHERS will Hightstown) care for vour pre-schooler in my rotatingstating shifshifts A New Jersey Refrigeration Engineers License Blue < LEKK AI eal or high* S re q u ire d Kendall Park home Many yrs [CONFERENCE TABLE of (J ERK SI .PEKVISOH Personals S4 53 per hour * Shift differential exp Best references 29" 3507 heavy Oak 14 long x 42 wide SECURITY S95 EDISON FI RNTTl'RE Indiv idual vx ith figure appitude * Cost of living * Overtime & Uniforms STORF: Rt (ill south of desired tjo perform diversified BOOKKEEPER GAL FRIDAY TO PAINT i ollege student Dovlestown Pa GUARDS dutie- liufudmg supervising Houses eft all 92! 9842 after 6 J! ST ARRIVED from Germany MASON clamp truck driver- record Publisher located in Princeton seeks individual well versed in p m A looking* lor a good home I'm Pme opportunity for Mason with at least 10 years experience and keeping and taking of periodic r ound A firm A can stand up to any Full and Part Time inventory Must be willing to work ■.mkkeeping experience Fulltime knowledge of industrial and construction masonry to work day shift -ires- put upon me ! m a pertect MOVING Must sell solid Cherry rotating shifts (xisition with excellent benefits In Hopewell Princeton Area including one week vacation this MOTHERS HELPER nr babe -ize F 70 15 Radial call 448-8473 Dining room set royal blue. Mr A $4.53 per hour Overtime & paid benefits Uniforms Furnished car For further information call ,-itter days Flxpenenced high Ask lor Dennis Mrs Mediterranean style chairs He after | libera I fringe iienetJt- school senior Calf 882 3471 oil type finish walnut and end No Layoff Mr Tuckel 921-69*43 + Cost of Living + Free Uniforms plea-ant Working conditions and cofiee tables royal blue table S I 85 per man hoot gixid starting salary lamip p 9 fft avocado couch needs Both of these oositiojns offer excel tent company benefits and top HOI KESITTEK P rinceton WOI LDN T IT BE LOVELY if 8 hours guaranteed ME< HANTCAL DESIGNER tor ou could have a smashing new workK 4 Morrocan oriental wool working conditions For a personal interview1 Vpply Per-onnel Office 9-3 nr call work related to water & sewage l mversity employee available overtime per week summer look You can with rugs hand woven green pattern APPLY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Mon toFn 8 AM to 4 PM 2t»l 524-|279 treatment plant design. immediately References ( all IJ Viviane Woodard complete 9x12. solid green 8x10, solid gold Knowledge of reinforced concrete ( uddehack 9 am 3 pm 432-3349 6x9 A 3x5 Best offers 448-8123 I ntet esf ec per so ; JOHNSON -feel mechanical components complexion care program and 609 386 131? or v< A ■nd electrical desirable Degree 'iew summer satin collection F or E. R, Squibb & Sons, Inc. TEENAGER good with children tree personal analysis and F'( (R. - ..LI 7 cots, a wicker chair 8ox 156, W dlinqbon .j Jo h n s o n "f necessary but experienced desires mother - heljier or child preferred Write Mr H Douwes professional makeup lessons call and table Also several clocks U S Highway L New Brunswick N J care position on weekdays Call Alls- Marie at 921-8042 between 5-7 < all 424 1218 after 5 13 week days *'il t ■ eorge Strt*et * an Note Harvey Associates Mervf 297 293* Use College Farm Road Entrance New Brunswick \ J ■insulting Engineer- mi! State p m An isjua I opportunity employer An equal opportunity employer Road Princeton N J 08540 or call i m ! 009-924 44413 MOTHER'S HELPER or ALCOHOLICS A NON YMOL'S babysitter reliable teen • • F LP AND INF"RM AT!GN [OFFERING a fine selection of references 1 live in Kendall Park • ALL 6 0 9 924-7592 paintings by local artists from $20 POSITIONS AVAILABLE area 201 297 (355 up 1 omplete framing and mat Bern,.in,-nt 1 e in , n n .n v B ,r 1 T im e |ting service at prices worth in CHILD CARE in my home for S* V ll 1in, 1 , ■ ,! K, n ,1 Ii ■,,,! (.. ,„.,l l,|i vestigatmg Some very fine working mothers ir Lawrence bargains in furniture S |. ill* 11, i ,| , 11•, , i, , U . , ... i K . HIGHTSTOWN PLANNED ( I p ...... 1. •,. Located on Princeton Pike Very PARENTHOOD CLINIC 1 M M IIxl id ; \ k r ...... t, n i p 1 1 |„ 111• r reasonable < all H83-*>426 MERCER STREET SOUTH

Rt h U I 1 - ' |»l 1 l( ! ■ l l M , | 6 , ...... ,|, • ■ i F ir-! and third Saturday mor 625 Mercer St FILING TYPING Telephone Hightstown. N J SECRETARIES & CLERICALS 1 t i > it ,et tor a job com m itm ent »n Lawrenceville evemngs and -ome mornings and -hare driving and expenses overhead garage dixir with track I cl limn- >* - M.in 1111ii I ii afternoons Call 924 3574 Leave July ! 924-9124 and hardware $25 Double hung Why not join a company that has long ftstabtishad tseM *n its tv»fd and Car* ur df? win 36w x 48h $15 Picture win you w ith a wide vanatv of opportunity w»thm ts worldwide corporate officer w storm 4 6 x4 §20 18" rotary mower $20 3 prs wooden skis We have TWO possibilities BRIGHT INTELLIGENT young w binding- 1 pr Head std Eiro woman desires job MTST F.VF2RYBODY .- hooked on FORMS CONTROL SUPERVISOR umethmg Join Hie people who stereo pre Amp 115 w amp 359- You are invited to «nt operator with IBM schooling 5008______You can become acquainted Bonus also a college graduate :* doing something about their with us in our New Y ork w ith us *n N e w Y o rk .itigup- Trv - oming to C O M E prepared to beg n wor at«d -ndivfdua' who has de^ Won * you hire me Please reply LIVING ROOM set 4 pc 2 Sofa Offices and move w ith us to our to Box ! 744 o The Princeton 92441928 Bed s. 1 Find Table. 1 2 pc Hutch new worldwide headquarters in weeks prior to our yth Packet L awrencev'he in the fall 3 drawers can be seen at the 1 Lawrencevitle 2 J olonade Motel Rt 130 448 7366

W»th your good typing and steno Skills or clerical abttfty you t'CSTOM made 7 ft tailored sofa H ANDYMAN odd jobs fixil - i >*• • M A N *K REST I black & guilt wood trim, in style of O u r many diversified openings vice household repair- Etoi ou- home-sty le Louis XVI $500 firm Call 896 1878 reliable responsible co :ng :or the aged corner of) For an interview appointment call collect 2 2 758-6500 liege -tudent anytime anywhere $2 30 :■ t 1 I Rt *3 state Don Carroll Ext 2219 or Jim Gray Ext 2212 hr 924-9549 ppr< : F o -urtner ntormation MF.N S GOLF SHOES. Arnold all 452-8301 F’almer brown A white. Coriam "Almns- new -ize -K $15 ("all 8% E R Squibb & Sons, Inc. e a 0161 E.R. Squibb & Sons., Inc. COLLEGE ST) DE" -eekb 1J *SE ’WEIGHT easily health W EDDING GOWN size 6 w slip A 909 THIRD AVE., N.Y.,N.Y. 10022 summer emplo; men Able and (D 25 Kennedy Bivd East Brunswick N J 08816 '-•■r. rig send S: Health 'Hi ‘ , in excei 1 U ) (Q u a i aePODiimiir e m m o t i* conscientious c - * Box 5m Trenton N J ’ Bridesmaid s gown si An equa: opportunity employer m f ,ight pink r. excel ond $25 297 t.'Ji) <>RI.\CETO\PACKET THE CEXTRAL POST Thu Lawrence I.udqur CLASSIFIED ILTNDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD

Autos For Sale Autos F'or Sale bargain Mart Bargain Mart Bargain Marl Betsand Animals Bets and Animals For

EuKIc. GAl \\A $.» -* excel 67 A W SEDAN good cond 55 > good cor, j iF. : amps prong cond less than- Ae i><« mi a c ru es $87.' ,rr Includes snow itts and (Lacks I - . • .er.t tires .a -k. rack AAeekdav eves tire- a , : r.tkt it $42 - track " i-t buffet table 6 U’ nr sun ■ all 44k ■* H dutorr.a’ i. port a hie dehumidifier r.uhti auto ’ rans ps l. - Hid tires 'Do' ’ ions '.'all »5U9 3’- after 7 pm 448-8587 Wknd.- 597 tap« p *5 $.>• ( .ill 921 9582 • fumr retim.xher & 1 all 799-0331 i'iAi'' s. • . r,v s v;- j '[ ~AM !.<•’ a. »tale tw in bed e>ot ’ liter ladder &• HK!\ El.LK. M Al.lBt excei AL.ASKAN MALA Ml TE> AK' md ’tv toot p- 4 pvt all other i HK A Hot.FT IMP AL A abiraet bo\ 2b BRAXD NEW > steeper travel Oarage Sales registered champion -ired extras Orig owner S'. (5c ( all guaranteed Excellent condition Boats it .•!i males l temale t ali . . - i.t6i trailers with lots of extras m 609 655 after * pm "«• s " Must -ee Best otter 6(6* 193 8597 iudmg gas electric refrigerator ga-beater gas lights burner ga- Ft m>L. t ) f t 13 stoves city water hook up. large i.AR-A'.E SALT. 24.il Main SI !967 MG 7.a 2 door sedan 54.(H*i ‘ ,• adder biter etc wardrobe with room for toilet Law renc.-v'.lie July 9-3 p m miles good condition $5(X' or best -••ison nn patches N0.B0 DA - - AN MATCH t-he ’ 96!- BABA Bi.l E ■ ADILLAC * ANoK S\\ AP - 2 year old .iftd 17 gallon water tank a reai Antiques ’mils ,'urniture eh quality and selection 01 our indoor offer Call 92; 8900 after 6 p ra rnce unit and a real value ai only - 1 'NA K KT1BI.K original owner inttnai a not i excellent S A V K and outdoor fresh water plants i «« mi. • xi c operating cond condition in exchange tor com si 595 Field Trailer Sales Route Sale prices on fish tank set-ups •: M refrigerator SM ALL AMM ALA ETERIN ARA May be seer at 37 Nassau St Day parable . < canoe Call 924 1981 '•59 between Hi, 537 & Ht 528 11 Alt AG F SALE 148 1 >ak Creek two!er prices on many f-sfi s' PoNTIAt FIREBIRD good i lid sou Philcn air I NDOW ME. NT after t'. p m (.’ream Ridge N J 738-8912 E.;-t a For Vinyl (touch, girl - Docktor s Pet Center 882 12Sc condition ’ toil after t. pin 448 I SKi brass fireplace ' k> -laHips allies clothes- toys Fqrmerlv Princeton Small viumai Rescue League <: v ■ 11 Call >124 ! RD 4 door Galaxie 5toi sAll.lNi, ( ANOFINt. 17 Fold . ... ■ ,i- onditioi) I am V 'T Bike $15 Bov - 20 Bike $10 \ 24 H ol'R PERIOD .1 :reh .ired term-r i>upp‘- «. .«i. 921 . ill msv-921 iooi evenings Bo..! w i ( ohkI cond $2.10 ( all ih-r P -<■ i ill B Leip 609 Tncvcle $5 ( all 448 224o YARD s.ALK GE washer old 3897 oO BMW 2801 silver ext blue 924 6930 , 1 'ottles furniture, assorted IK AOI K IND AN LNJl RED PET leather mt a . every possible treasures A junk Thurs Fri 4 Sat PLEASE. (. A 1.1 THE PoLKT option $8 ,60" new First Hl.NESE Pt (. PI PPtES AKt ■ r.iso:.aim one: 'aii 009 448 SPEEl 'B '' AT Glassbar 5t) h p on Lake Kd between Kingston 4 1 All FT SELL Red Triumph TK-4 At i.riii/i-r spinet Route i ( all 452 2I4> ! K OR ADOPTION male 7 weeks wormed 4 9461 Mercury ( ompletc all ac­ ttiifcib. very good inoculated champion line apricot Asking si29o ( .HI -7 . “62(> day- cessories Call evenings 201359 ,'H ! •? • 1 ^ >1 i960 MAUN A VOX Magnacqfor fawn 609-888 3351 924 7681 after n p m '■206 TV with remote control Zeiffh Male mixed breed Beagle Ter rier ’ :ack and white approx. ;46i all hlk with tan trim pn ’ ure tube 4 years old, in good A g tii.ile Collie Retriever rust INDIVID! AL1ST1C KITTENS i963 VOLKSW AGEN Good cond. <*.? A VA BEFTLK t.ood running i'K Nt,. IN SAILBOAT with self color verv affectionate Thomas Henry \a nook House Hill \l« . '.RAVER Firestone condition Best offer 921-2148 moving must sell $45'- 201 359 con radio sun root $; 395 ( ail bailer side rails latest stay .... v ; .jn (©0 sale 5 x 1(1 gal tanks A at -pd ps radio new dutch, battery Leaving state Thursday and A g male hlk 4 an Ig Shepherd 2.126 mi suite s ,dl 921-6332 after 7 :» trailer Readv to use $275 Call M APt.K -INGl.K BED new cessories 2 tires, dean. 1 owner $ Call Frtdav Julv 14 2 9 to 5 201 545- type dog p m 9218607 - 2i> Cooper rotary Sacrifice.prices Call 921-2339 Black 4 wht male Pointer mixed 466 1806 :• mowir 1 . hp completely W442 " ■ breed dog M oi.i d >.io Baby • crib Male ilk Scotty type dog 2. FT > AB1N CRUISER Custom * " i 73*2097 alter? in p m 196" At STIN COOPER complete Priscilla - . at tor part- Svier- Garage 609 Made V 8 Engine head Inboard DAYHKLi chest of drawers PI.A M<»1 TH 69 KUADRl N\ER, 25>< 7692 * Best ''tier Call after 5 587-0459 metal kitchen cabinet wieke G A RAGE SALE furniture ( all us about our many attractive PAMPERED POODLEPARLoft young cats and adorable kittens BLl K. Black vinyl top $83 4 sp table rocking chairs double qthes household items Rte 539 All Small Breed- Hurst Headers Hollev 78n Posi dr a inboard sink 4 other household • tweei Allentown and Bight i tool Summer Trims include Mag.- Stereo SJ.lMk' 201-821-8891 i i , t>LD simplicity lawnmower stown at sign 259-7633 Ditt PLEASE HAVE YOUR CATS dcxir to d(H>r items Call 921 7625 alter 3 no p m 67 MUSTANG blue. 6 cv! oh rot- ■ tiller 10 h p electric brenner AND MIXED BREED DOGS Air Cond Limousine Service all ( -. I'lli itt condition $8W. SPAA ED automatic Call 201-297 1144 Campers & Trailers i’ o'* inn l ’ in ( all Mr- a < Graves 921-6122 1971 S I FRFO( (IMHlIN K NTS lietvveCn 8 a m 5 pm Monday HORSE LOVER Looking tor 69 MG MIDGET convertible I i i YU! FREEZER $7u I 10 W ATTS thru Saturday responsible person to share ex TRIUMPH TH4 .A IRS new paint coupe 4 speed, wire wheels SC1H I T'Z MOBILE HOME 12 \ •:Ati,in i tan $13 l >ihkI Bus Opportunities pense ot boarding small horse - new top $13txi , ail 921 8643 luggage rack, new Perrelli tires " , 1 l 2 yrs old Bay window idtli ... ( ,dl 2(>i-’297-3353 Unclaimed Ireight complete i tuier 10 mm Irom Nassau St 924 excel cond $1450 697. 4874 carpeting air conditioning, new amplifier with AM FM multiplex 69,10 built n Kill hen Aid dishwasher in walnut finish with all jacks and BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY GENTLE Black 4 White gelding VOl VO 142. I960 std Blue AC extra closets shower and tub - I-‘ Hi sAl.K Braided oval IxtRHK’M AN M ALE Pt PPIEs i. - Kt)RD K AIRLANE (• cvI gtKxf ■ * - n > i sin Both in brown push buttons to tape-in tape-out Ft IR responsible person to start a in hands about in yrs old Recent AM EM 23 0<»> mi snows orig tep- -kirting storage shed ear phones, turntable extra 2nd riding stable Fenced pasture Champion sired docked cropped shots wormed floated shod all 4 • oud almost new tires 4 batferv owner driver ( all 924 (,7.(13 after Excellent condition 2ol 297 4881 on x ’* grev wool velvet shots i all 4t>(. )69( $225 ( all 609 4489.420 ’ K 1 ill 92t-2.t;«t speaker set and open reel tape liarn hay riding trails available feet Good beginners horse Call 5 JO pm recording ! nit comes equipped ( all 448 9118 after 5 p m 609 ' 737 2598 ______w ith a turntable plus 2 delux 18 FREKl to good home. 4 ex 1907 Mi. MIDGET convertible A AGABOND MOBILE HOME lor RIKTHDAA PARTY SPECIAL walnut finished air driven ENGLISH SPRINGER SP ANIEL 1964 PONTI AI (.HAND PR1X A I ceptionally beautiful 4 at excel cond British green S950 Cab sale in x >o, furnished or un Party Nurse or (Ibwn party ware speakers Mfg suggested list Mdse. Wanted PUPPIES AKC champion line condition Call after" p m 201 297 price $429 Pay only $183 or take lectiomate kittens 2 multi colored shots wormed 215'794-7624 883-0419 tunn-bed Call 201 29. 7.891 |H*r i laid ( rnplcte with every long hairs. 1 charcoal grey i 1224 on at, ii ilered j oys included up small payments of $9 30 per month tortoiseshell All from same litter w n P ota Pretty six It shower Intelligent and of regal umbrella tor rent $8 Information INVALID NEEDS used but :968OPEL.SEDAN excei running DRIVE AAA A A Mv Bedford 1 all Credit Mgt Mr Gidden at disposition Housebreken 4 we cond 22 one miles $8iK' t.ood deal Camper Terrific fun car Best delivery Call Barbara 201’ 359- dependable station wagon Call Feeds and Grains uto MERIT HA ' t.MET ( aliente •609 829-3880 pay for shots To see call 924 (Kmi on a small clean car 921-6813 otter Call 924 2688 924 1852 alter 6 p m 2 in [in p m torall animals convertible A ellow with black If loll call collect RUSK DAI I M ills interior 6 eyl . stick shift, radio 274 Alexander St and heater 2 new snow tires Good CAMPER 1969 Bethany sleeps 4. y W ANTED Lionel trains or trade BEAlTIFl L MEXICAN PAR Princeton condition $345 or best otfer Call 1st UAH yt ALITY 2nd CAR extras include Coleman stove & KT L 1.11 K green •ve in- ■ collectors we take all ROT Female A'oung $20 Call W A 4-0134 297 450! At TOGRAPHS 4 HAKE COINS PRICE ownei ream puff 1967 ice box & screened tent Best offer ■ ii.-i t-llmv sola l>ed Good con ( all 609-298 1469 2ol 297 3578 after evenings purchased and sold If you are Dodge Coronet 44n V8 2 dr hdtp over $70(1 882 2032 after 5 pm : n r $7. (if canister vacuum considering the sale of your i . n in ein new hosi* $13 )967 GTO red wht top 4 int i spd r&h immaculate cond in X out collection we invite you to contact i’OA FOX Terriers all ages Excel maintenance record Good ■ all 07f '«««> ext 2420 8 30 a m us Mercer Street South 62.3 mags 4 extra wheels 2 w studded . Ci p in grown male Fox Terriers $2o snows $123o Call 921-9000. ext rubber 2 tree rims for snows Mercer St Hightstown. N J '■ * tINs W ANTED Paying $2 30 M A N D A KD ' H N At Z E R Large male grown Chihuahua $4o Price $995 ( all 466 3238 trucks PI. PPIES 3 males 6 weeks old 3156 tietween 9 am 4 pm Ask tor ’ vet tlf dollars High prices Stud service 009 7'(9 l!4K Chris tor gold cuns and old gold 25% Paper trained Aerv good over fan tor silver coins Mercer dispositions lovable 'Will be YW KAKM.ANN GHIA 6.1 coupe FRENI II PROA 1NCLAL cherry excellent watch dug- m a veai Original owner Good looking RIGA El KM I l RE M \R I Street South 625 Mercer St ••• . U -.2 ARK.BACK Excellent DUMP TRUCK BODY for sale dining room itirniture oval table Call 799 1822 economical, dependable tran Hightstown VJ Motorcycles condition $995 Call 921-8042 6 \ 9 (toll 297-0463 all 799 1619 idler 5 so State Highway 206 sportation Just passed inspection Princeton. S J $495 Call 7:57 2991 7. Al.Nil 1 DROP LEAF dining and !\ A VI A NOR 19.0 HONDA SI PER 90 excellent ’ . r i ‘Mi -a iiit chajrs and pads 1 oNGHAIR RED D.ASUHl ND.S 1968 JEEP W A( o INKER A H. 4 Princeton Shopping Center condition with luggage rack low Instruction ■ dit ittti IVan be used W ANTED Free toys cribs, etc AKC Keg. all shots 6 weeks old mileage Asking S30n < all 297 57.62 191.5 ( UFA A IMPAEA CON wheel drive ps X pb. equipped to r- > -r.ti .able 9J1 2231 Call ekes 924-3635 after 5 p m pull trader 924-6507 Furniture - tor Rutgers l Diversity. VERTIBLE 4 spd tran- top 4 Floor Coverings Livingston Day Care Center ( all ------Pres like new Ladv has outgrown 201 34 "0i ext 2996 or 201 ’ 249 her sportv ways 4 want- a station Draperies and Bedding HORSES FOR HIRE Mayflower TK SPITFIRE 1966 wire wheels Kl NARHvF W ASHER white all 1596 68 HONDA DREAM 160CC 027 wagon SHOO < ail. 201 359-4592 T ife and Linoleum Farms Sweet mans Lane 2 new Mtchelin radials needs 1-ARRINGTON'S t vi-ien i mos old. under warranty, original mile $375 ( all 448'>695 W A 1-9100 W A 1 9292 Perrineville N J H miles East of repair $35(1 ( all 424 7499 MUSIC CENTER iiniintfnatue agreement paid Hightstown on Kt ill Warded s.2’.i „nTitn e 319.7 Also Kenmote GROUP LESSONS trails, special attention to AT REDUCED RATES . ii dryei ■ mos old all cycle Bl A THE BEST Buy A anda , .’hildrK” open all dav sat 4 Sun 1970 BSA CYCLE 441 Victor 968 AAA tojl AKEBACK excel , piano, flute Violin .>,>•' 'Lte sacrifice $H.k> 738-2097 MERCEDES 63-220 SEB con Beauty Counselor Cosmetics, shin weekday call tino 738-H4H' after * Special Uhram lender- big seat cond : owner complete service trumpet drums liter to p m vertible dr ( abriolet 42 ikki mi care items and tragances for your Lost & Found p m '4 per hour Horses boarded high Sissy bar 2H0u tittles ex record avail, loved 4 cared lor 2 Fee $25 00 > week session twice K.xceptionall) maintained Silver eel lent condition Call 386-7f#t9 20) 521-3265 after 7 pm w eek family Call 448-6979 w red genuine leather interior POPULAR PIANO Fully equipped Must see to ap I All I.A s ill 1' AW 130 \ I LOST ABA SINMA.N CAT 1969 K AW ASAKI 250 c c 3.500 Individual (private) STORE ‘6.5 WHITE RAMBLER > ON pfeciate thi- unique -Ql KEN of Charlie in Kendall Park June miles Klxcel. cond Include- 2 VERTIBLE -tick shift Phone the Mercede- line 215 1 Y > 1489 10 lesson course Imported and domestic varn helmets plus accessories $49 22 Fur color like wild rabbit LHASA APSO female puppy for fi09 737 -‘KKR Rt -I & Washington Kd I 1 im eliin Sfwppmg ( 'enter need It point crewel work rugs Reward $50 201-297-2883 ( all 924-0143 and accessories will lx1 lound at sale Born April 14 AK' Princeton 452-2659 champion lines shots right with 1 ittlanus ,t spt-v i.lllv children Adorable personal it. Ml ST AN(, white red in W arren Plaza West Kt 130 lilt KM rriNG SHOP to*’’’ HOND A Super Hawk lu. Hightstow n 448-7170 924 3928 tenor vinyl top 6 cvl auto 1 i \ . ■ Waitresses Maids i. TulaneSt \\ A 4-0306 « excellent cond asking $350 LOST G REA TABBA cat (toll after 5 pm 448 2288 trans new tires or bes? , *.T MG U G'l 1 UUP A ELL' iW Ui .mi i i.ii — 1 (ditv Work, etc In otfer 924 1527 Autom purchased in !9(il< tor - . : .t'-ortea colors w white lee! wearing red collar Duchess roamed from resi Almost $4 'mh 1 Add 1 extras includ*- <»,(, A VA . nun -vjt AKKRA K 8 track stereo tape recorder : >11- s ,,, iLF CU BS A BAG, (fence in Strawberry Hill Call SOLI) THE F ARM now must sell v d i k i n g e l e m e n t a r y ducks ami Geese very cheap Also Greer, treige vinyl ins Radio roof tapes -now tire- $! ntKi 201-297 Bo • ti.;i.» Rom.ick 2 wiwds 5 Rl BBER STAMPS anytime 359 8880 s' Hi Mil. Reading Teacher mother duck with 1 o babv ducks Autos For Sale ■ ick- clean 521k» rrn College I57f! l . ». ■ i all 297 1381 School (>t College address Grade- ; diagnostic testing Home business zip-code 448 18Wi ! cr - o' ■ '• ’,05 159 Yardv ille area 5905 Rubber stamps of all kinds and sizes made to vour order at !967 UOLG.AR- to uoo MILES TUTORING FOR SI MM EH by ■ Hit Hi1 ilRi- m gomi condition, IIINKsUN S automatic tran- pw st vinyl Gool)j HOMES wanted lor these AUSTIN HEALEA 6' red iuoo Kendall Park teacher ( all 201 s i ’ Ke-uror- washer $26 Norge 82 Nassau Si Pets and Animals - S.AAB . mi new engine rail tinted windows $1 Tine (toll lovely dogs purebred Alaskan MARK tit a real classic car 297 0889 ■ ' . < - L’72' ’*«-( mi new exhaust -ystem 201-251 -470- after 4 p m Malamute $40 (.olden Ketretver electric overdrive 27 a#’ orig mi nippy ; $50 and a Racing t.rav good: tires interior excel cond I- REE to good homes kittens, 3 M • t cond Best otfer ill •» ,2 .. am Km 5*00 ( all ‘ 609 <31 Hl-m ROYAL SAFARI portable found $.5u All dog- raised with from 9-5 30 After 6 215 HV ; temale tr.de Grandmother oiler < pm 201 297 9178 ’’ i>r\ i \k G P ’wrtter like new Ideal for K'ddrt- .md nave a. ’ tier sr.ui- 5774 Ask tor Mr Ravvdkm be,4 SPRITE Excellent con Sealpoint s^mese Healthy ctoll O'(9-758-84IO ' r <-alive Arts AA orkshop di’son 1970 motor and tran July Augusi .ptouird frosted t0 “chooi $25 ic’ tve ., i-.A:nerica: n xture 799 r H*rtect tor the * ‘Ui “''l __ -.mission entire car rebuilt 1822______^------!------custom hard 'op and new con kite her $6.i ' n Idrei T "I. md over ' lutdixir ;9>’9 PEI GKuT 404 Sedan .ordbletop roll bar New radial morning Painting, all ENGLISH BONE CHINA 8 place i vw - ' ARM tv , ESTR1 automatic, radio, heater Mtchelin 05 K oKD ( ountry sedan 1ft MIXED BREED stray dog- and res-battery Highest offer Call , media settings 98pieces perfect cond i‘ \ EN FEK B .irding: Training T.re- hhi mi $:995 ■. .her' 4 passenger air cond excellent s- w g Pt eand ei iup riding cats Tee to good homes tom : >n edition . owner '59-6671 j, 297 -m,9.- ever, ng- new $875 asking $500 Call 452 267’ Mott r-: ugh; and sold ' all 609- : :k \ tar & red 'hampmr - red 7 one 2. m -• :-«s9 r ’he -peed fuei in lection r'all Joe evening rough Always T\ ANTENNA finest available 406-2162 wks old shots 4 wormed Home f RD FAIRLANK W A c n ucu country 20! 329-6277 McGinn 452-27> ex' 22to After K Da ;gh’ Special bring j ere: argest with rotor poies chimney 4 root raised 201 526-1530 Body good cond rew yres cal 883 7545 your supper Bucks County Daily mounts 4 wiring Installed 4 mos t uttler battery runs well -motor ( erarr.. m ulrture wheel ■ "v‘d Sunday ago For sale i 2 of ortgtna .-os’ )OG AND CAT BOARDING -reeds work Best offer 20! 2$r MY FATHER TRUSTED IT so .958 MERCEDES BENZ 190SL throwing Sculpture tore D v test own $7n firm Call 452-8252 Rear Br -k Kernels Princeton TOA POODLE White AKC ul vours 1965 Ford f. cylinder roadster AM FA! -adio New top .- d m Mederr. icensed registered 14 months -. i mate excellent condit.nr $4'. (“aii 448- exceller • and - • (to.. '!96-97 . Studio on the< 452-905i ■ es w -id v :dua care 452 Best dtfer cai. 448-3499 2450 txRwten and 9 after 3 p m 2692 ______GERMAN Short Hair Pointers Nl( L BEL AIR 68 4 dr- radio \s. reg BOXER PIPS one ■ ' VVA FASTBACK new tires ready ! July 9 . AK1 ' reg held autc power -leer other extras regular service, excellent 2nd car sharp X clear, you must see to: oerm shot tails 4 ears cut Call cnamotons good hunter ('ail 58‘ - July August x cond 8:500 BICYCLE REPAIRS 20'; 828-4090 w w /ires neap tor quick -aie Asking $la> Call 737 2163 appreciate Cai:'882-7293 after 6, .ps $125 firm AAe Buy and Sell ' "* ... 148 -roe p m : a a never worn Intense analytical sessions P5 Girts school rii.K k u r o s t o r e s D r .,n g and Pa.nting w ith HORSES AND PONIES BOAR 4 GERMAN SHEPHERD pup­ •W ieaving I is m-us- -e; H! GHIK LEE SMITH '.2 ; 2 r' fT call 24 2F \\ '. • 1 t:Tspoon St reef pies mack and tar. : ninths Id - I >LD> CUTLASS SUPREME t’9f 7 VW 1 AM PER 35.006 miles DEI’ Princeton Belle Mead area •n ondmor. Rep.:.;,-’ ■ -. -* n AM FM Wednc-dav evening 7 '30-9 AKC [-how qu a .’ K.o-i-0 - excellent condition radial tires eer. .5-7 hfr’&tffr blow Btrst oif#t ovt*-r cmldrei. Reas ■ 44; udi' 4' i P m HOME HUNTER’S GUIDE


Instruction Special Services Special Services Bldg, Sees & Supply summer Rentals Real Estate For Rent Wanted 7 o Rent Lots hoi Sale

: , ::r., " i !KK *" - WOODED i l 11.DING LOT tor SPANISH TI'TOHIV* by Law -TAAINDs ’K Hft.HTM iiWN te-ire- to re:i: ,,pt or -mall hou < Ek VMH TILE • MEL -I B LEI ed acres taw runco Twu r«-m ev«ll<- school tea&her < m rl)t * HAI \ 1 & \ AH NISH STHIPPED / A-KE.E: Hi 11 IKIN'. \ sLDlNtj shed 4 -,r bedre rr. -pac-'U- it; country setting sept or before n Pt - •’ _ !. ique- ii -rri--■’ - ' 4 •. Mr- Scbimmerhng .1! trwm pricete * ant and or New. and I Repairs gi ters and conditt ’tied" dish '^V2tW ui\t 1 dma r\ hou*behold lurnisnmgs We Aiks & hi n.1\"a t WNS> .-e :ur shed garten sva>her machine c ...... _ ' ieorge Hook ■ ader • I fee * t •- mis - e '■ washing ir> er ...... ____ _ < salize m dei»t ate of ieerN .a •! couple N • chilrfrei $ wirpeted! 2 1 2 bath- SU-.mem. • ji! af'e- " P M Gu ar a nl 'led work ■ "£ n s h. i j w a n t e d Furn apt Princeton ini* ■ ■■ « iMids i£lueO pt“ G ■ E,*';*s"9jl>ljv, price*’ ! - . - Ul I t Air turritsfur ncits tor vumn?er v,, or without m.iie *.t IKi metal ait oi w tiiuh are IVsTRLiTIONS T\ eti hxcelh ( Ifllli iuttng roxinimait’S l- •all work 921-3033 or npleteh '-ate m < »ui' e \ehjfM\e New A or■k i t \ V r•' ‘ ' ii more h plus home 92:$hH_’U i!eiHie vohf’*' * P1 es-- 1 he1 a <>ck3 Utilities >h s e c i urit% requ?red l < 1 iMPi I t « \i'|- 1- I ‘-lav s >moou. vo heat PRtNt t DIN Hi MI ' " K r Mi MS Pot ON os or 4 ye.a r lease imrnedsa'X ?K' w anted tH'dutx»m- apt m 1 auMu dip or A dter * a sh \U- cii-o. ( all MW-44H 4 os; y. eek i ompubo Progrumm ng UlsHils S| s| K\ H I M IM iM .I \ss A V| | Mist V| N, v l>drm 2 baths turn all cupartc> Pnnictoh tor ■ret ir i*d prntes-ioi ml stripp* d turn?fare a n d do da>> t on pie no pt*ts « ompuiei Scrv iic Teehnofog. see the i.n H' c A Half Acre Hd !• SPRING S I « ,. e,b an -22 • lx*I wees :• pel • \\ .■... i ii Sept Of T f*t inistiirig < ume ■ < k ( p 114 or u v* p m iv i esting ’ 'hem Clean s. tripping ‘ . anbui '- N J PRIM ETON 2 ’ 297 4729 alter 6 p m t >,r. and K . en fig 1 I,*- owl . ’,m pro<,"(*ss j i The Wood Shed i V\ V 4 2Hft> • IBM < omiMlUTtO! MAERSfTA PRiiKES-OK A Bn dgepoin ? Hoad ♦l miles north of j MIRRORS RENTAL .oxely 9 rm r mch 2 A\ nil if N ACRES m beautiful student! >c Prinueton ofi Kt - Bi­lie \fead Home and lndust-r- IA! DiGl.ASs WlFf -eek apt or house rental in I ii'linn I'I.k I'mi nt <• rf«ag< 'Dash, Kufibish tiaths. tree? pool SoUif Brun Prurcefoi or vicmMy I'eginmng soit-hu! ’. I owns,iie near New Open ‘I n*-s Sal 2*ll 35'SM777 PI. VI 4 A W INDuW GRASS Removed \ ACATIDN vfagnmeent IWki -wrick ' all Safe Aug Call collect >16 92K Hope $29,000 Call 212 862 2119 1’lilM El ON < oMPt TEH Hauling of all Types I-lands Boating swimming I.NSTITf TK oshtng All accommodations LAWHE.V E HOME I ME Ed G uNi s rtllilR WANIN', \ND Write Eagle Rock Box 4, Lan ( 01 lid ' booklet write or phon* c o Aluminum window- screens AIM a A ( l.KAMNl. SERV ID -downe Ontario, or call til.L6.79 2001 El RNlSHED Hid SE tor rent I w J J V Ai I. ' 1 >i it s, t Real Fstati For Sale 1 olloH k «j ,t m 8 Hi p m doors siding awnings rails Rcjsicr'ai*!. rates I all 201 297 h or Rent Rooms Aug arough Jan 4 Bedrooms 0KAD1 ATES looking lor 2 tidrm ■Mill 924. . repairs John Ru-.-o Jr 882-6709 a■., i all after c ;o p m recreation room 2 I 2 bath- on I apt preterahty turn, within Ji| NASS AI STREET commuting distance to Princeton I'KINI ED >N N .1 acre i , minutes lo Princeton Call DOES A 1 it H ffof, SE. NE.E D ' SRPENTER oNTRAiTt iR RooM tpr professional gen 2ol !79 62.16 alter o p m hospital $2ue mo Reply to Box l AAV K! M I rilAANSHIt’ Approved for Veterans Tinning Reman Sj\ radio private bath I * AIN 11N (1 ' f Toft—-iniial job, at All phases of home remodeling -l AIMER V At ATIoN HOME ON 1742 * o Prince!oji Packet N.A.ss-Al II DIPLDMAT one ot • in ill; on price" r,il] ,1m 404) and kitchen cabinets work Call Convenient to center ot-Princeton ’ tie areas most spacious 2 story Dreg ;<*o ,.»»! i all t.09 914 2568 PRIM ETON'S LAKE Carnegie P D Alien 1919 .597 2021 Read through a prof - 7.01IU vol Colonials 4 large bedrooms 2-1 2 library, in' a row boat or in one ot t’aths spacious living room, s ,v I I \{ VI INC, cuNTRAt KENDALL PARK bedroom 1 FI RNlSHED ROOM in central k rooms July 4 August 17 or -22 1 I 2 bath air conditioned house dining room electric kitchen with STITCHEtn ('LASS <011 T oR s IN' j-e> laliong m I, NFt RNISHE 11 Hi H si dishw ashcr panelled family nxim I Princeton location Parking wek- $luo weekly ihn 934 Near bus route t«rPrinceton New temporary Surface Einibrmilery . ,jd ',c and clearing cellars 27o9 W. ANTED with log tiurmng fireplace, Learn a variety of stitches design J |1 dll' and op soli 40, 212,2 or. available ! ( all 924 7024 A ork AA ill freshly paint SJiki jx-t >ki. nitC tully insured I phnistei.. Phiirn oversize laundry room adjacent to A our own pieces no kits no ex -.9*1 o ;.y : . .______. 'Four bedroom viriturmshed house rear hall Extra large panelled A [XTience required $1 > for » -’ hr desired in Princeton \A e-tern tiled basement. great for & complete wall to wall cleaning I, \MP SH VltES lamp inounlmg NICE KojlM lar rent w ith kitchen Business ■sessions Wed Nights ,lul\ 21 tactlities also'spacious room avail -ecitoi preferred Needed tor teenagers Screened back porch A Aug Ik Phone Diana Strange at , ,, , atwt.D’Pgii's Nassau Interiors. l>"2 Resort Property quick ixcupancv with on* vear a 2 car garage Nassau s’ Princeton June 2f;th Working, men •is; r m before July i, to register 1 r ' " preferred; ( all 92! -0242 after 7 pm Real Estate For Rent lease nr longer 186 ( OLDSOIL KD New custom U AI EE It It ROW E INI built Dutch Colonial on 1-12 * \ I K v INI t R10 K PRIME DEE ICE SP ACE Palmer Square, 1’rmceton N J acres Princeton address. 4 " A I AIMIN' , A i >, '■. IN(, : J-.SS EsTENE RIG' R IDE R A PJf >N I’.xl' ' a: Jr 1.1 XI HA ( A.MPING 71 trailer 924-1819:7 bedrooms 21 2 baths living room “ LARg I- CLEAN ROOM with omplete with kitchen bathroom Lovely n-.’w offices available lor with stone fireplace panelled Physics I '-due,...... teachei Showcases Walk in Boxes, Hptpt $gi-4$i: cooking [Private entrance and heat sleeps -i\ lakeshore sRe lease s<»>n P ie-i’ge Rout* Un family room with brick fireplace Private instruction all agis- in '• 1 ,u Mi 1 onditiotiers AY - i ■ telephone! Air conditioned and with private beach boat. Iishing location near the Prinretnn beamed ceiling and siale floor biding a dill- Pi alt J..... I ' - m p o -9 44H •Hr»a« If,! iicswer yiei i »k " v \ i DISPOSED carpeted : Gt-mlemei, preierred All included only $ 1 No weeklv 69 ILght-town Road Panelled oft tees 1 ill PI.E RE k)\ IRE E CRN apt or Basement and 2 car garage ■ Twp (fall Mi rail altei P ' r. w i A 799 2"*- miles Ironi Princeton Call write with acoustical ceilings central -mall house- Mr. 2 minus ot Immediate occupancy Leatherrnan, HH2 la.!:! Hightstow n N ;I \ is, sac . Insured < 20'1 lor info reservations Pilgrim an and tbundani parking Will cupancy Sept 1st Lease 6 mos 782-89 f.5 l ake < amp Grounds stage Road part it i»n lo suit tenant renewable to 12 Princeton. NORG ATE! Ill .7 bedroom New Grptna NJ 609 296 4725 or Reasonable lease and terms Lawrenceville Kingston area colonial Centrally air con 7789 Tent and R V sites available Near puhl * transport line- A ' > YAKPKNTKT available 1200 to 6000-q ft ditioned hull basement 2-car i i M D HI- REFTNtSHINi, loo shopping facilities Mr John garage Immediate occupancy Finch Phone BIT; 4000 Manhattan EXPERIENCED PROFESSION 1.& 1. Bl 1LDEKS AND 1 11 MR i VMM. !'«■ oo .7 For Rent Apts. Rl( II ABIIMIN R| AI I A (It 12 El 86th St apt >02 \L Ml Sit TEA* HEN now ac­ HOME IMEHoVEM ENTS 448 Aikki E K ill At I I I I ABE ALTA cepting lieginnmg A intermediate Realtor 883 5522 students in piano A theory Alterations Additions Repatr- ED es Ruth Lehmann 882 8798 «M F EI'RLONI, Painling Lawrence Twp KK2-0254 Rooting and Painting 1-ARfiECLASSICAL MAINE -alt Interiors & Exteriors Call 737 F'REEHoiLD comfortable tur ARCHITECT 'SUFFICES PRINCETON Po s t Dot No job too small water home overlooking lob A RESIDENCE Phone 201 329 401$4 60 nished apt Ideal lor traasterred TOR ATE! married with 2 people and in between homes -termen - harbor with .Alt E’or Sale or Lease children seeks a hr unfurnished Cadillac view Elegantly lur 2tll 4i>2 i2$l l furnished efficiency house or apt lor rent beginning nished with 2 baths 2 weeks 1 Princeton N .1 W Ml.ABLE PRIVATE IN PAINTING Interior Exterior DUE s s M \R t N (, . and l tufmshed room, with or Sept 1.1971 vear round $25ti limit SPACKUS HOCSE! for sale two A N D w ithout kitchen Private entrance vear Reply to Box 1735, c o 019 921 3268 STKl (TION lor beginners in college students low cost tree \| TE'K VI IONS Janice VS oil > ( all M l 4.72 .587) miles northwest of Princeton guitar clarinet, or saxophone estimates references Call Clay 201 462 lf>9*> Princeton Packet Sunny living room 25x18 has i f Jell Orlando. 466 5227 da vs 201 846 667'* beamed ceiling and thermopane sliding glass doors affording FISHING SAILING SWIMMING SCREEN REPAIRS 4 FT screen OFFICE SPACE FOR KENT outstanding view of hillside with in Lakes river and hay are within is spei iaftv Franklin Park » NEW YORK SI R LET 1 wide variety of trees and plantings (tar den Landscape bedroom apt on Central Park walking distance of this treed 90 x 17(8i square feet of office and Real FstaL W anted and recessed blur-stone terrace Brunswick area Sp«‘ctai price for H"! SH"I PH 'TQGRAPHER loo corner lot in the hea-rt of a entire house 201 207 270 after ■ South A tilh Ave Picture windows storage space Dining room 1- 18x16 opening onto will photograph anything from overlooking park Vir cond small quality housing tract along living room watt, adjacent hied mountains, to moles Art if you liedroom July thru Labor Day f orked River Development has MACRICEH HAGEMANCu w ANTED i > rown house. g*xwi kitchen 17x13 Three ample OB M want it. reproduction if you don't Ric h a r d P E m I'xnrm $250 a month, weekly maid in private boat basin, play picnic 231 Rogers Av e condition, some land, in bedrooms, tiierl bath plaster (, \KIIEN MARKET IN( I V U ATING-I.ANDSf APING East service Phone 924 0145 eluded 609 924-689) or 212 247 area clubhouse Build your house Hightstown N J ( ii iggM'ivy, King tor 01 Prth walls 25 jxirch Over an acre or one bv dev eloper Lowest taxes ceton Nut ov er $ !(H8»9 Call 924 DEMOLITION 5177 448 *888' with evergreens about the border 141 netscape septic systems sewer A water Principals .ill fit19-883•6425 18.72 alter 6 p m _ __ and many good sized flowering I >i'signer a nd ( jifllra cto r lines connected driveways & trees and shrubs as well as yews OFFICE SPAl E N-ASSAl parking areas constructed land U T 2 nxim- & I>ath heat & hot and mature oaks willows A lexander Si clearing ERGEN HKEINISHENG A watgr turb I tlight over store on STREET 2181-40: sq It light A maples etc Call owner at 4(9, Princeton Hightstow n Rd Princeton Jet Nassau St Write Box 1774 . ,, HE!VI NE. Ali 1 ICE! AN I bdrm a m with available parking From Small bouse near new Squibb 1331 evenings preferred iphoL'erittk Antiques ri'stored. $127 Call 921 7677 452 2401 nirmltirt repaired complete Princeton Packet ranch 1 mi trom ocean Close to Law renceville Offices Please upholstery work Ml work done noat.s A piver Manasquan 91500 send details phot' and asking piour Carpenter Contractor ■iie Club ajnd a beautitul reflection Norwood in Bergen County conditioning iu-17 mile radius it Cranbury ( ontracting problem l« giving you some ex kike and grounds F \N E'RONT SRNGi E .Brant Principals only call 448 721' from Bdrm Ranch $49 900 ;h‘! iciu is! help Just . ali i iinst ",*• All phases of carpentry I ni cumlMt'l your own private 9-9 PM Builder owner Hightstown area Call >419' 655 4 Bdrm Ranch $35 9(81 Beach Long Beach island 320(1 between 9 am 7 pm after 6 30 MW 924 1221 Smith a, 921 24.17 References Cranbury N J entry I n.1111 outdixir- a patio Also lots available $16.(88) to PH< >N h- 609 44K 904:7 Available Aug 21 Sept 7 pm call 448 9,40 $18.3-943-2211 Must, tie quiet A very reasonable to yard Music games and stones allow for repairs & modernization j tiednxmis* 2 1 2 baths 1 car Bring own lunch JtoO yrs ot age Direeiion.4' From Trenton South Preter Iruying on contract from garage ( entral air conditioning a day > per wk 9 to 4 You pick up INTERIOR PAINTING • 91 R, I bp Ri Li t mitinue on ftt 3 B! II.IHNGS 30 tXJo so ft owner Home prion* 609-296 7929 and deliver $20 per wk 201 297 >Ie' ■ anus ■ - k miniscule rates -uitable for storage or light ir, baseboard hot water heal oar sp \i KLING W VEI. CEILING 1 I South j )■ 2 mile- in Mil! ( reek Real Estate For Rent Ph!"‘" '$’"*!•>" " X ! , ,,,!illC many extras well 2742 ' : ,'i ■ ■■■• ■ 1 .,11 _*>>’ 297 itcu dustrs ! mi East ot Hightstown REP \IH Indoot Outdoor lid L x0 j ’urn Lett i" samples maintained Mid $70 s jtamting Quality work Reasonable Phone ‘.94 1160 anytime Reasonable. Kendall Park ard Ei iR REN T Monmouth Jet et E or sale by ow ner PAINTERS 2 college students St'Ufli Brunswick ,>nl\ joi « , ticiency ajpt $102 a month, utilities FOR RENT Pi mcipafs only 452 203.7 Experienced Interior and ex ®io ‘ " Busint n.n Sir vices -2" a mo i .entleman only 1 mo Lots For Sale ixtween9 , pm . Mon E tenor Call alter 7 p m 882 7716 security Telephone 201J29 2912 A'" m i1!;- bedroon house in .* ■ v elx setting on the outskirts of ; \\s N MOVING a HUMMING s t KHKUS nwtalled TV radio THESIS 4 MAM St RUM Typing TWO R(H i\l APT lor rent all Pennington $.700 00 a month tor a LOTS FOR SALE PdRT one yr lease $450 00 for a 2 vr PKI NT ETON TWP on Boro edge I* '- o'* weekend- A Mondas> Call ^ ' H"' - ,S hx.x utive lype utilities tiuTuded angle person H anted To Rent M Vi.ABAK FLORIDA < all 609 Well constructed Ranch house in ■ b A m rO , V - , 'linn, lepaiicd no charg* : it san t he artxii ribtioiis Mimeographing 2nl I29-69|4 call after 2 p ir, > ,i$e and $4t*i'»' lot ,1 i y r lease 397 3197 or 29i 996 4123 -wi. oi 4M«2to, .liter a mp m jlv,sj < ,,li Erol 448-24t; Mr- DuTcco sw ann For "formation call 'THUMP good cond 2 hdrms -mall den. In si’N LAND KEALTDR 195 rm w fireplace dining area 2 full tiaths breezeway garage ex OIL V \ I \ TI N < * T VKKN EAST vliNDSOR Chestnut Nassau Str**e1 Princeton N J $ >" REW ARD tor the -uggestion si MMLR CEE WING SEKV UT pandabie attic appliances Oil consignment u ( ■Willow apartments l lira modern 921 7657 leading to the rental of a house or Xvailabk* VaM i-l.vH or 7 Rldg. Sees & Supply large apt tor voung tarmlv ('all ELM RIDGE. I'ARK ; 1 2 acres radiant heat on planted & partly 1444 sid\ aif‘i* 1 *r n pj>t» nt niont 2 fjednxim apartments available fenced L i acre no traffic low 44m immediately $210 ( ,11 44k 19m 655 134' •r large! Prtwelon - prestige ievidential area with targe priva’e I maintenance E or Sole by ow ner for only $42 7<8i for July 30 set si B I.E’j 1 bedroom apt NEEDED SEPT OCT un ,*ke and tree- $1* '»m and up H SEs 1 RITV SV STEMS Burglar E. AST AAINDSOR 4 tiedrixim Element Principals only 924-5874 DANGKROI STREES N \\ M \l | \ sii\ central Jir pool terrace 2nd furnished I or 2 bedroom apt in v pear-"' >•'*(' '7 220! or "Wn and Eire protection that evervone ' "ionial air cond dishwasher can a I loro No continuing charge’ Hw lo A ■ :ggc Dr iIiki! sept occupancy Right private dwelling $140 max no broker , i s I Li I si . U( t -towi .!rtf.1 448-6889 after 7 10 arpeted 2 : 2 tjaths basement (ail 587 28.7* V all 924 2909 DA 9 4n.V: ic'urnished -4«i per mo plus la'pa ; >or< 9 t- Trimmed topped or reran ed utiRties I or 2 yr lease $800 1 > > ' d 11 H SALK BY (lW NER - i! - " rl ’.1,'! * >' > API I "it REN] wren, i.' VN 111 PHt|'DHit{ \PH vour ; dEuUERisia'ed 1.0 1 ed:at* ixi'Upantv Gait *48 men! center of Pari- France lor Pr ncelot: Tow nship 4 plus acres children * \ our picnic vourEii- 7- ', Mia “AH-Jjfd M. e’li-U.Uix V Rd 17 trim to Princeton ., Irg ,"24 w eetul.i'. - 2 A( HE. L‘ I 't large apple - ■ ■ • ‘ -imtlar m Princeton 921 918,4 . completely wooded Possibly eddir,| rm - ’.xalk in closets just tree- South Brunswick Township ’ ' ' E or mrre-diate . ' $98>* - all -ubdivision 4 txflr after* ’• pm Eo.ening- 448 837*. pet'ialR g,ssi wah children ■ ' ' A.'" ■ - • ■ I w.i-tier - dryer Lawrer EXE' \ MA E, a wife need rental ■ o Princeton Packet How about shots at your pride and i needs ii-’Us' • ’ C repair? eviile Twp $3,25 mo Call '88-J • ■ 2 or 4 ’ edrixin unfurnished un in action baseball horseback c ' *! I K* house m desirable Prince!or. area tennis Iftsbees whatever > A M HOME JMPRov J MEN Is N pete September oc’ upancv telephone Vi • • 14» ‘ " " I 'll A si 111 f J H 1 ai 201 297 • !or add;' i.< s 1 TRENTON rl; ■a-e References Phone EAST WINDSOR large 4 KENT -\L 7 bedroom house close Ex '■edroorr. Colonial near Krepps • lo se t d p k in ’ e;1(jn i mi rceuc i in pa' o- , ustom bia ■ J l LA • - . 1 PAN. A 4 room 2 Nassau s: shopping schools 2 •school 2 car garage central air •iorfh o! Kingston one block of , bedroom j apartment electricity R, -ernerr play room- 2 1.2 baths conditioning storm and screens included tie’.- allowed $i5t> m "Jerr kitchen di-hwasher Raymond Road s8! week da vs 24S Nassau S' J d K.idlg. cond pet.’) allowed $ .'■■ (‘alibi** apt Reasonable 201 297 9484 derground electric ind telephone U A 4 411 * 'll. B! RNKRs 989-9742 I $ i. ,* arid $18 Terms carles Perpetua Prop kj x s v xui- K Ht tlHIM, A 'ON fNt E. >,elusive Realtor ... 4 Nassau S' TW BOB Ms tile bath kitcher »E f 1. >R KENT Princeton YOl'NG ( Ol'PLE desire- . or - E iRsALEDK REN 1 .1 500 s q f t l.iH KSREPVIRED oNI R J !'E illy] \ Eu AV > a N , Manni In* * a rehouse all clear spam ..air v rm din rr : $227 rr..' utilities „f.sL ear lease bedroom t*edr*x>m unfurnished apar’ m*-:.' . 2"! 25i* 1 all Anytime GF NEK VI GKINDINt. sIDEU -VEK-s tone * ai. Dor • , xtra adults onditioned loading plaftorm 2 Bottom KCD.iTM after e n r Belle Mead. 2cl •’ rm»K ,:ea $47- for sept . >KCupam ■ E(e„ ■ -.abi* pm ’ ", >:•«■". 7629 rent Reference- ''all 44; ;.92h •• !<-- G ," *■>:’ 8 Jersey Turnpike • fit# 44r[ >5 g- HOME HUNTER'S GUIDE

PAGE TWELVE s R , a! / ‘ ■ Salt T o o L ate >\\ N rf: u ' I v >• VAUiVlSION VALUY1SI0N .-CONDITION El.) To Classify C UTW -* H s*i flf 4e»jL. SPLIT LEA El NE -VK T\ITST . KM PI \i HER 4, (> & 4 4m.ill hiis> company needs iff Sir ! a f? .■.i urate 1 v|st \ Rev pun 44 lauhdn »m ? a r ii Siir! mmiodiaiely Ii you l al lEc 1! p, ptiva der Tvi.de .■ ■ ncndly atmosphere Prtmlio Ail) enjoy working tor us i garage & < me .ten Hu' Dh k ppointmer' rail Mr M R i \\ i It VI ' HI VI n IM . ?nldrt*r i.rth saving u h Mon lii tu -I p m ‘ vpt K < hai ix'ski & Himmm nn *dn Realtors E m vuIii I1 But mg i orp i ranburv N .)

MO\ IN( » m n s| 1 ; \ ICE ? r \ TR IN lie Ip wanted err. Kitchen panelled il'ERTV i HT: Hours 12 5 pm vrs'ki'mis Route in 1 Bedroom Ham I ton Tup . » all ‘)2I 2 ..’o .mk lor W S B O R D E N Ha'•emen! and at Ills garage lull W k*.' tgc Usn feature' Ki illt ? i rep Lie u *r I.aundrv Hoorn < Must I lit Is It VHRIHH) Realtor 1 1 op v alu* at rplel rp-'T HI \1. D >K vv«**r*ketifF A v .in' Pie; Fun Club n KK I MUiVI Vi Still Has FOR SALE H\ OWNER on qua STONK K W H . years has orth HKillTsTOW \ near I’eddie (>oll made it more IrmuIiIuI ( ’ustom eul de sai Riverside area on a home feature' t.ivmg itooi i vith i oui se Gracious Eairways acre lot 4 mxiroonis 2 2 bath? built t large bedrooms ! hill and iistiim tiuilt ( olonial on large Openings 2 hall halm, laving room vuth raised hearth nreplace lorn d .living room diningroom kitcbcf T o o L ate Jt> ofltT' \ iKJ beautifully landscaped lot * fireplace dining area kitchen has liming modern eat iu Kdchei laundrx room large panele top to bott-on i I-catures 4 truly large Itedrooms 2 Thomas Fouler director ol the evervthing overst/ed 2 car with dishwasher and *«eit cleaning lamiiv room ujtt fireplace Kang* panelled Faind Hoorn 2 ^ » « * l T O « 2 oaths in ft Country kitchen East W irrdsoi A M ki.irafcfc full ' emt-r.’ it f Ui r x.J) ’ lb 0 opening onto terrace large 2 ca To Classify and gam* and. work room I 2 Baths 4 Bedroom' tui ,< • e. ng room u ith fireplace formal garage Available \ug Show i \ s new Tumor Senior High Basement central air *<>ndttion 6 OHKfS MBVM .,nd numerous- extras s .. n«. Call >.• oeu.m aiia'pted lot all three l ’i PI '11 .s vim ,.Hi \ nii! iov fug session s FXP WDKD RAM H K.mastu VEID la w h e n c e t o w n s h i p EL i hh i ( \PK ( oi> on tM’itufilul countrv . - ! viith i tnidren Part Stan July n through July It. duly 19 location on a quiet < ouji with no »OUtf 1) BO88INSX IM N ) Ptneknoll 8 room t olamai. lover drive ha?» ev ery thing 1 acre tot thru trail it Top notch v bedroom ■hiotigt duly in Aug 2 ihrough pool lover LK w fjreplace mud room Ig uixidt’d lot 2 2 expanded ranch with such lovely irai ai 5 8 6 - 1 4 0 0 . tug I 1 dining alcove* kitchen with break baths fireplace to dog run 2 car features as a 21 Living room uences BltiMiK I RE I Utf \ ( Ol (IM \! garage central air nmd $.')4. am ■O'* f OMARI) X.28, l.c Malls Blue \i ’...... ,Th through, 9th grade Iasi room studio lamiiv room 4 formal dining handsome modern i' -lript'-v white ml hidden Bit 2 o lull liasement Bar bv owner Call K83-47I4 .■ill have in opportunity lo par eat in kitchen ifeauldully panelled l.arge t Bedroom 2 ! 2 Rath Liv head lights rally wheels $2.2.30 :icifi.de m ihe basic lundiimentals jX'ltllg laiwReaping a show place tamilv room 5 1 2 bulbs A* H \* Room u Fireplace Formal $5?* >00 basement and 2 car- attached2 fiti richer \ Dining Modern Kit Panelled strategy i: anting and eare amt prevention ol nTfUnes each day in garage also * LVl'RAL AIK f-attim Room 2 car garage > liNIMII D lbiMK on NEELi MOKE BOOM Builders quailt\ carpeting mud room l andscaped I 2 acre Plot BOI SE FOR SALE Riverside (he Billow nig 'fHirts ow n home .24 Basketball Wrestling baseball large DR large kitchen with a reasonable VI1 VKHf , track and Held soccer gym N tW, living room dining room eat in 12 hi or 432 Must < upiou auldul cabinetry 1 BH I \S | WIMISUK kitchen family room with . j -I a - a lid loot ball dim n. 2 tod h- wtth ixirni? to finish s BK1 YSWH K n )\V \S11111 NEW ( t MOM sPI n fireplace 2 i 2 baths- • entra! air I eenaget s enrolled in the on 2nd s 1 or All quality $4it 28o Ml-.i;i t BA I 11MKT 2 dr Magnificent 4 vear old 2 stole conditioning Full dr\ basement 2 program will also (lave an on Neu custom built split in club coup, standard trails rS.li Colonial Home on a lovely 4 4 acre car garage Principals only per i unity tor : id ra mm a I tv fie Brook tree Slate Foyer large excel imid gixxl traiisportatum < ul \ 1 ItN RANCHER oilers h , Lot m Dayton Features include Asking set ix»i ( all 924-531 large Living Boom with fireplace our 5Srfi ypot icing nxim uith picture uindou |.,11leip.tfmu in these varums icrt v 1at la iid vv iih a bouse vfhi can 6 OfMCfS SIEVING YOU fxirt' during each two weeks I’tistiv rail home > ix'dnxmts 2 formal Dining handsome modern am and lormal dining room, modern Kitchen lovely Family- Boom 4 usinii, kitchen uith dishwasher l his new program w ill operate out tile t>a ? hs living room dining T ce In mi Hot SE FOR SALE us Cranbury area f a unils r* iom kit c he n Bedrooms 2 5 2 Baths full large panelled family nxim uith ol the Hightstown Intermediate Basement and 2-car attached it eplace and tieamcd celling 4 Custom built bi level, 3 tiedrixim? V sN v p m WORD ,ll!1 it.EEB Seliool Irom 9 a ni to ’.p m ilailv cement patio with gas grill .it , allege degree or equivalent PH i «arage t“then! additional ha>eboard hot water neat lovely garage & basement idu lit leadershifi covered Patio,, central vacuum PHINCf TON N > Ol 1ST \M )IN(, \ API E AT room, covered brick patio 2 car diversitieti corporation PR jxisl * car detached garage VI! tor garage large lot blocks to Resume and samples ?!3 non Mr Fowler concluded that this $4H at JO and milch more Quality Horn* $42.WH) to tlx dt-n elementary school Call owner Suelling and Suelling 201 782 1211 is an excellent ofiportumty tor $4V ywMi foim, large 921-2700 (.Hot Ht s \m i win 0554)213 oovs planning lo lake par! in al’ g a ra g e 4 Bedroom ( ustom Colonial school athletics next ycui to gam Burlanb valuable personal instruction and This neu Custom Colonial is Realty Co. Inc, \< l.l SIN K RESIDENTIAL ICiptls ' -r. t r. -epat.i'es die lurthei the developmenl ol then virtually complete It features a ■kills under the walehlui eye ol DISTRICT . nid and -li'epuig tre.e mildest WEST WINDSOR TWP large Hit WtiRl.ii s ALL Sid RS MARVIN W DURI.AND Broker n i. ik i .pilelous living room separate killed leadership All tilling room eat in kitchen Ranch Ideal lor large family one promoling gianalr travel agent s 53 N Mam St Cranbury so cxpriiM' has lM’t'ti sfKired in registrations must lx made in HP H \KHM1\RL \1 I'OltS ioitiiK rixim with fireplace 2 I 2 with inlaw? or lor office area ii .'.mi trips and .mart service clfsian ,mld Vorke Inn garage room, family room 3 bedrooms olhcc Op^n Sundays 1 t*> 5 gjrt UH\«i.*d mi Merc*'! Koiid in W S B O R D E N Reduced to $43,900 plus 2 small upstair? with built h days and LvH 448 Mm mt.'tot luunship in orw til tho i MuMtple tasting Bi ‘»k*T ms 2 lull baths kitchen with II x >sl sought aller residential Ro**m*ry ‘.udfb»kT 4Hb- Realtor IIM.lt |s|on \ \| ol the distiiK’tiveh land How about doing a little running m Hightstown recent I> fix'd to: Other features include o \ lA oil \\ HI \B1.E t SI IV\< h AND MoVF This **1199 Shape Program sponsored by the i, R|i.i ^ lio burglar al.irti. system and ustom tiuilt Bi Level Occupancy IK acres of land w tth 2 houses and 5 ht‘eri puthim oil hu\ mg ^Tkui HpwjLT ich more It is in [lerleet con igust ; • VII this tor only $.S4 9hii warehouses, one tor rent Shore Athletic Club which is neu h*line now i'- the time to Bar an<1 1:louse \A dl i> hedriH lot iml reads lo welcome tIn- headed by Elliott Denman, is FH \ linancing available to Presently 1 warehouse and part of ol land ioea led or. t >1* M lot s s l’ l n R \\< II being held ilieti hi Has gi NEW I.ISTIND Very attractixe ; another are rented also a 5 room higlma real pfiten apartment and 1 house Owner W IIA I st- IMITATION ' The program ofx'tied Monday ow neu v I help 1 miuK*e Xib i I I I t o M W< athered and natural pine barn iii presently lives in mam house aid will lx- held every Monday >Ml* \’KOI •EltTA 13 i.Minis pmMji,.iiei. .* i i acres in the i Bedrooms 2 1 2 Baths Liv Boards & 'hand hewn heums Also Icon! [Jin Rixim Modern Ktt Priced to sell Shu ixhi Liberal i bidhN House oilers one v cry Fifteen East Wow ■fA lt>HH "llinp h'H> -*l has. \muell Tup used iuniuer sliding barn dixirs evening until Labor Day wilh the i hen Large Kec Room Laundry terms to qualified buyer living area one afiartmenl Tom nsfrup « i t li 4 , ii 1 (||i highwi i Sundai lust north ol Hopeuell uith i 'all 432 8 !iti icdvities beginning at h }) m on I ra rooms and ^ara^6s i 'i panoiDnm views and prtvaev lor Room and Storage area. 2-car . garage Landscaped 12 acre lot till BOR \( h M.l M 5 IM li pnn idi .m income Live in v '*»F Hurr it ; an t last events arc held each week and Kts202& tl or* and let the house help pax -S \LF <; (HR i In mediate occupancy $37,500 ‘I 1i.EASh 2 2 mi So of Circle they are the mile for boys 14 and >e ''lire to l«M»k into Inis ,aeres HFs lf< iRFD Ni l >\F < i MJ *M XL hrand new lac torA _*u Flemington. N ,1 under the mile lor girls of any it odh S.h 000 < «*dmg' l fiat dates back to the 17«h* > IM n 'lt PROPER III s W ANTED Instruction m 201 782 1970 classical tifeck Intermediate age the ; 2 mile run tor men of loadixji uith charm H rtxims, t> am age and the i 2 mile walk lor UUU! ) Is 1 HARMING This tdoeiieir ik h on replaces walk in set niffcK $ il, ?XX level 'Two hours a week during 1 men of any age There is a 25 cent rito**' |M*rtecllv (he lovely traveto 'HIMd i rrigil on 1 iieres udh century old shade 1 Family $15,500 siimne'i < all 2o| . > 4 inch i»*»me imaUni iti the Peddle trit’s art issure privdt and ap 1 Family $24 90C entrance lee lor each event tiool area large bedrooms 2 (irovtiBialely 4t»Hi ol road frontage nmmereial 4 2 . ‘X " Hightstown High track coach ill baths '{ mcious living room Herb Godwin .urges all interested Ffv. nir lu ur< investment »'> \ inn > DIVE! I E S K T >rmal dining room lamiiv r**om 1 \ N I» i o n S \l I 4 EAMHV.IM'D!V|k proper’ lr individuals to attend this wor Hightstown Each apartment has i iil.tiNIAL i o.' tempura rv blond ith brick fireplace and sliding • .xxt Iropiea! with 2 leaves lo thwhile program lor physical lass doors leaning unto nicclv Bldg lot Hightstown East 4 rixtrn? Good size hack . ard with • e.;d in Has lornuca lop fatili- n in e" and lun to Ixxil W n.dsor West Windsor fully 4 garages iron! A t.ack porches,to •stgmnf piitio Kitchen is well els leapla ■ chairs .1111: alack la lined for the busv h<»uscwitc B MB I \V M.l M V unproved M5oo $45tki NOTE each Apartment $ S3. >'» all 448 1 -eat pad? attached St.5 Call 2l*i eiUral air conditioning Full IS rs Terms Available 1893 for appointment is**mcnt and car garage PENN IN< \ nevi IMM s HU \| ______luding ,t HE.s !NDt STRIAE PARCELS with BultuCGH ( uLoM AL near p .) Ul w 'X w adi ".id ?iding < all tor additional "Riverside Schroii tor '■ale by Cafeteria ,e \ II, attached at ton owner (enter hall entrance 4 i IMi 2Ds R '» K THf Bu,\ | e large itedrooms 2 i 2 baths eat in How abou! ? »«' month guaranteed (1 by split ( kitchen play room lull basement starting salary plus gixxi com ? 7 'x x. .21 ar garage mature plantings for siuris arid iii., commuting to, Helper ixler privaev Priced in mid $5o s < :*■■. \ proles- onal sales career I ME \ I it NTH3i r\ ] Shelling and Suelling 2o| 782 1211 S't ?!W V Please cal! 924 7]52 1)61 age in uTes iy ii1- ?ed land HOt SE f ( iR SALE " Prim <>/ 1 ..F.AMNi» Borough ( heery four bedroom RCA 1 2 bath Garrison colonial, .E 'IEAt HER Nflfl I .1 I ipie a. to know the area centrally air conditioned large - CTIOO i nitier special lube ! ‘x-au'ituin. ,.nd-'ajx-'i if ‘419 i'< ■ position 10 SUDPlR Nfveral ntK1 )\ KI \i I >1 INC t*ack vard unquiet street All you >• faun fly t rtt orrvR 4 hours 3 ould ask tor $39 5;m Available 10 00 a m to 2 !> m. with Sept 1st phone owner 921 891*. I hOLITS 1 I ON \HI) \ \\ Mist M l M 5 Meek Stream kd r REALTOR •■r SJffc rear > Richardson « OffIC($ SillVIHC T0U EAST WINDSOR HOt SE A BEAUTIFUL 4 hdrrri t olonial a w*: 'JM*. r •- NI*■:Mly position with full tl VRul Ml s I Vi K I lot s[ 1 2 cKTt* i v rs old if. exceltofi* f)f- 0.1' V Ih, ! t,(Ju < im Q I if h if> Realtor condition Full iasemerit eat-in WIIDEL kitchen E'irmal living & KOUTC 31 PfNNUiGTON N J •lining room -for xale_r> 737-ISM 112-3104 [ f | sTuM BUILT :; a i it*i d r e a i r»u v a * $ i2 y i* > m Last \' rs. .af ’ie J uL? 1 •. *4 448 Windsor in »-sUfd comp ir o r call Mr 1 large 4081 weekdays room? '' ot j(R o v RCA Cijor: ( entri>< <«ir ■ >nd IN l.oNc, \CKEs rpeting aluminum Routs 535 arvd 571 e lot Ripal countn "j?. N J Phone (f>09i IE? M \KE 'he rXj - r ( 2500 . a-- ... ew . it iarm f irephi srage p< •• ommuting Beautiful retary gix>d i Ititui IM ig and! * *4 RCA X

( w< hi i n> Portr\ < haptrr I oral Prolr»-o» I’niin tmi "katt r - ^lat* ! oiirnamrnt- 1 on»lurt~ M rrtin r 's I a t r« I I o Join appt*. ,. e in the Ftowdoin oudiiv In tonal Tournament I n M ! I Nml i< » .Lit . r.as been added to Prin ,. c' .* 1 nvefsrry > 1471 72 varsity ! ickey -cneduie bringing the :acini’ next yesrs T\tltT St*Xf€*f fv> J3 EXECUTIVE CUSTOM RANCH Pn

ATLANTIC CLEANING COMPANY e Over QUALITY I Stop in and see e le c tric

SERVICE jfliMPflINT .. IXfSt' l & . G'y shtxl second ECONOMY S39 900

586 66t)0 i RENT a 50 x 1-50 lot 13 3 ton Ave toOT'H and base ! N'S-A-V-E! STANLEY T. WHITE c-O'HS Near S21 000 ■ GARDEN REALTY,INC. Rwiitcw Colonist 61 N Mam Si Craobury N J acre 2 cat gat SHREDDER 655 3322 or 448 2477 \ T a p Develop Evw $4 2 500 Thorntons F.«td. Jr 3 9 5 0 6 7 9 1 sTOtyHje building RENT-A-CAR •a secluded, in H and 2 ca« gar 'Sursery Tests S. R. S. $42,500 4 bedrooen 3 yf old custom Ranch With t teplace, basement. 2 Pre ■;li( upptM1 children.ur thus,- who 1m rue i poreo i n< ,»i gatach’ o> ,t. brivacv & con ■et in e .snnot 1 ,itlorri ttn< tuition to 1ollected .ill th<- data ventenv v $53,5(X) enroll ih the program ime it tiM>k lor the su f i FT 1 m 1cut- of scholarship emo\e the clo:sure t 4 bedroom Split in exceptional uimts mu>t tx- recommcndcii nettuKl condipon vv n "■ hr ep i ace cat pets, 2 Vi Low Hatr- h\ the ohnld's pediatrician I hi- \')n> delta taill de ,\e k'-.i-i* L't-’-nal *“ ■ conditioned. $50,000 r l o >ehoot matches all ion Inch Is the sale-■< '- ap 1 T.000 thev tributHrtis to the turn! erm> ot inaecesMhdit _ i ‘ sf»unLt child sincM? then ( > L > K Fight i and 4 yea folds oust ( DIAL 249 7121 rn<*d henel it beI thi' sear trom total iiony *i cciden Potter and Hillman rhool ii [lartiii 1 scholarships hildreo shallow mg ptl a A & M PAINT , inch 1 Hiring ,fhe course ol the 5an harm them CEN bottlv • up experiment over To ,0 l Rouie no I HKD I TOOUlINTALJ Realtor Insurance Hightstawn N | 696 Frank :n Bouievarc I Somerse* New je'se- I durators In I)rumatizr l*ollutioit Ph ,nr 44' ftl Steeie, Rostoff 307 N MAIN STREET trom newly formed U university & Smith Middle Atlantic ( onsortmm on Air HIGHTSTOWN, N.J t dozen air pollution Pollution dnrgraduatos REALTORS Plavers ot the ijami' will l>o *4 8 -0 1 1 2 - from it round'the object lot the session according A re a cocN» 6 0 9 meet at Princeton fo Dr Irvin <»lassman Princeton divided into tive role playing 448 8811 655 0080 Ni0ia tundwi H«lidw» >morrow evening pro!essot of. aerospace sciences ttroups each with its own oh Hightsiown, N J Row O o O o o 4 * 8 8781 ‘gm a sophisticated and coordinator ol the project is iirtiw*-- and special interests l)r true designed to 'to tiring home to educators in Glassman explained The groups iramattcally the te resled in the environment the art* politicians cits and court ot air pollution intricacies and I rust rat ions of t \ planners city and counts EAST WINDSOR TOWNSHIP urban setting air pollution control officers, We urgently need lutings for designing viorkahie public policy \hich will last until in the airea ol air pollution con industrialists and land 2 Meadowbrook Dr. SALES and rentals Please give us a call a\ i> known as trol developers Miss Sarah Hoffman Pollution Kxerase The faculty members will also According to a description The key element ot the \PF\ . ? on of desiraOle 8 room spit? level he project is the tie playing the game with an eye STEELE. ROSLOFF & SMITH name ;s interaction interaction Missll off ina 11 Claris rage and a basement Large corner, ibi ree< a rear pabo and sun deck Realtors 609 448 8811 or 655-0080 among role-playing groups in (emotion among players within m time to firm1 the c(»m puter iNi> >venerates a community HOUSE TO • pape r and do:>ed cinL-Ult H&H GASCORP. LAST SECTION teles iis ion programs ■ t he pant ( i parUs can gauge ANYONE N O W O P E N simulated public rear tion to [iheir dens ion m.iking Bulk 8< Bottled Gas IN THE Th« *nd has • lorf* !andics*«« i*t* * ga nm* in the i J f)Oi tiled out ■ • * arm • Industry HOMES and * AH utilities 9*4 MffvicM W ihTM*r I )r (»la » man Inste.ad if- object is to give Used Gas Ranges NATION SPACES * Swimminy tor rvudMti • Tr*t», shrvks 9*4 Niwrnt \m rf hiipa nt> a heigtitt'ned un Electric Refrigerators IMMEDIATELY • 40 Acrts incl. 4 rtcrw derst andmg of the politics ot air 4t Vo tffMMri acre* pollution iti the cities Extra ( harpe ! AVAILABLE * Stopping boon *tc IOK11IIS HALL <1PFNS 448 3232 Service Your horn# U not "just another listing" to us When MONMOUTH MOBILE HOME PARK Morm Hall. H and we assume the responsibility of selling your properly, ft* t h in g a Division cf National Modular Concspti, Inc Hehahilita!lion ( enter local eIX story 212 bed ce HOMES or stop in at our office no obligation ! prov ide '-ktlleiri medi • GLASS INSTALLED mirsing anil .rehabililatiofi iger • AUTO REFINISHING lion I ne , v ict^i hents w ho aire no lor ed < *t \ he t \ lm o| W‘d -4f P nr f Ht rare oll< • INSURANCE GRAND OPENING - NEW MODELS i J it x RICHARDSON Open daily 9 5PM Sat & Sun 1 5PM t APPRAISA LS hcerrstsi iiv rlvt* N \ew •1‘TM*\M!H1 has been cert if icc U S HIGHWt Y 130 REALTY Call 448-5000 the Medn are progr f he HIGHTST0WN 448-5025 Rt 130 E Windsor Twp Hamilton Square 586 0400 s rc u n enter i

f t Offices, Research Laboratories, etc. s L . MAGNIFICENT Princeton Executive Park (Ehurrhill (Srrnts WINDSOR MOUNT LUCAS ROAD, PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY 4 BEDROOM COLONIAL ESTATE REGENCY ■ ' t j l ttQ_n to stdff soon or a c o m p le x o t 2 story, fully BI-LEVEL RANCHER AND SPLIT LEVELS ALSO AVAILABLE ind-m >r huridings <500 to 80.000 fj , r * r Si-’-'r * b«Ci5 th of!Q;r>c , o e~ o .2 1 * r ?de v* m hiitoni -3 k$T WINDSOR TOWNSHIP • • t-iJ ’ j f’nj < r o* Tf«f»ton's swt5v 'b*o. K • »:*#« is esoec.c a© 3-ea v*t*h a modern king Located on a IS.acre coriv*- efcec- Ofrc'e room fc- ope a^cr- eshoust *0- nos* wofk o'ea o**d GREATER VALUE' 3 wooded site wdh prestige c astern zoa cab—ttt Ho-nes are *> a’eo : - K: * c.-e pc?i c~* ehe.fp pghbors such as A rrver ican Comer .ocotions -an. Gallup Poll Princeton • wo-xcr uo'og* • T*o orsd-ho-* txa’*'* Research. N J Bs • E-*C‘0£* Op!'9i*C • Fove*» A * 0 a* M * •*. £» * St-^c "'H co*i*9«» • C ot0*% G«'C'» • N*c Ci. *--0 D-M U 1 BEDROOM from S165 o.-s» T.vm t*wn P* t o" c ■ P- - • • 2 BEDROOMS from S192 troirem 80 : MORTGAGES 25YEARS AVAILABLE TO QUALIFIED BUYERS C o o p fR t or DJtICTiONS r. P,. , ... «. t. ,#1 LEONARD VAN HISE AGENCY 609' 448 2964 invittd REALTOR PARK LANE COMPANY REALTOR 882 5000 O+fic. 609-448-4250 ’KR® L( # tO K 11 * A * r C » A ’ (ON Nv !’ f D 305 n OFt m [E n BOULEVARD GREAT n ECK NY T1 02 T . 51 6 466-2J30 ’60 Stockton Strut Hig^iitown K j (^)uad lift U tirKHIiJtt IHIf MM 11 tillllfltfI tl t ttMfflitilin tiittf It iUll! c h u r c h SERVICES I j 1 Library Hightstown Glass and Mirror Co

pro,ided Glass F urn iture & (Camera r Mutual > Desk Tops Made to order tree .md i ird e 1 eaders Repair Screens & ,! E.idles >'futpel T in p m Storm Sash Windows hui I l

Hope Baptist th u rch lissluH t ha fir I Walter Stuart pastor oi DPI \ Jl 1 S ii.iptisi I'iiurdt ll(> Broad H ikthtstow i announces ') 4 P M i\. services start at tf a m p m Roliert Pretty man up Mr c speaker Robert - iter \lf . -a evening speaker Beer ■r, ca’re provided at evening L iq u o r- Mr i Bible Sdtool for tu»rser> | Mr Ralph tger on through adults at t(! In Wines vUrd Farineih luesdav . 1 uf\ (• Hour of r p m Wednesdav July 7 such as; ol late , Int> Ieens , Jn Y ago Sangria s.durda, JuK Men's Bible Chablis I W F I — A rc h e ry Burgundy i ultirr an ( Inti 4 h \ «I\ rulis-l ( hurch Beaujoiais Superior Hi ss Daren This week Special *4.95 ( amp Mrclinh S<»t Chablis Premier ( ru ( hum Sunda S;ilui(l;i\. JuK T Mr. Hutchinson H etl and (H R Supply from Members ol Hightstow-n I ’rim an Sevenll da\ \d\entist , 'hurl'll . 2 I D ll' a !'.road St are holding worship JoM'ph I Iona id hrie Mowin' CARDUNER’S l ay lor Bd Matiiuan -ervues this Saturday July 3. at the bride <>t Y'redern the annual camp meeting ol Ad Total value ‘8.15 Hutchinson son o .enlist- ri Tranquility .dong with Liquor Store Hiomas K Hutchinson I list li.i|>tiu ( litirdi •tin • church members throughout Bring-this ad to store late Mr Hut ch id New Jersey \! Sabbath School services at These will be sold fast so Hightsbmn on Saturd, H,-v U'uis M Biackmer praMor * ;t> ,i m Highlslown Vdventists F it st come frrst served The vw‘riding cerem will tom hi a program which will P S Watch for our Sales next week pertoriruHl b\ F.riher .i s B A A I S J H e a d e.iture the study oi the church Princeton Road FREE DELIVERY MEW HOURS Go* • y uqht simpson at Christ F . pi.sCOjXl I iii.d it mission program in Church m Middlehmn ! lu‘ tlt'-t general meeting oi the foreign lands & Route 130 448 0574 < »iven m marriage by her Uithonties A'-m-uition of Now 1'liis evening July f, members H ightstow n Firearms & Archery for Sportsmen I a (tier the bride wore a gown ot lor mw was hold roi ently al the o- the l(Kal d u m b will [girl lcipa l<- a lute Ik organ/a with an High sell HreeiiX alley Uostauranl m Greer. ii opening services ol the camp) . .is r en pSa/a West 448 992 448 546 / illusion neckline The high Brook I oitkmtow s services, w hu h w ill neckline v\a> trimmed with I lio \ \ N J is a newly formed In -attended bs many ptersirns trom Venice Lice and the lace was group eottMMing oi -ewerage and •legrapn Highl'town will leatun- a mor repeated in panels down the wator authorities throughout Ihe Mr Hutt adua rang devotional service at H JO trout of the bride's gourt. on lull state \llrod V i’orro Jr . a TWIN RIVERS TOWN CENTER bishop sleeves and a long Hightstc M il a m Koutr W Kail 1 ind»or N.J. dInched train \ pale pink Tomorrow evening al sunset dong with seventh day Miventisls usher m grogram ribbon encircled an er- luthoritios empire waist heirloom Hoot the their dav ot worship which lasts length mantilla of Brussels w N irk i Koliowiou opening remarks a until sunset saluiday No work or lace The bride carried a olio w mg ion al discussion ol goals and a talk com m ercial activity will be DID YOU SEE THE cascade bouquet ot gardimas Mile

<.a* t4c ut4nc< iamUu E tmLm, Spare Ribs 6 9 c LB SM O KED HAM Picnic Shoulders 4 9 e LB Twin Rivers Town Center Route 33 East Windsor ShOrt Ribs MSDA Beef for rjdrbfrcu 6 9 ' lb NOVv S4 40 69* Bologna or L iv e r w urst 69' lb FAMOUS NAME BRANDS P R E S C R I P T I TV COM INS OPEN JULY FOURTH ALL DAY f i l l e d c a r e f u l l y toy qiaedif ie.d p erson n el Paint & Wallpaper Co. AND MANY MORE SPECIALS EVERY WEEK 609-448-6969 OPEN DAILY TILL 10 p m OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY TILL 6 p.m.