* MINIDISC vs DOLBY S Second, and perhaps more critically,the V - In this corner: Teac's 2030S provides Dolby S V -2030S cassette deck , a system ($650) with three that is far superior to the heads and Dolby S and older Dolby B and C sys- HX Pro circuitry. tems in terms of attacking tape noise. But Dolby S doesn't come without ca- veats. Since the signal played back from the tape controls the noise -reduc- tion processing, the sys- tem's success hinges on accurate recording and playback. To help insure this, Dolby S decks are designed to have a tight head -azimuth tolerance in order to limit deviations in high -end response that occur when the record and play heads aren't perfect- ly perpendicular to the direction of tape travel. In addition, when mak- ing a recording, the re- cording circuits must be carefully matched to the type of tape being used. uses data reduction, in which a com- Thus the V2030 -S provides a manual- puter algorithm selectively throws out ly run tape -calibration system. To data deemed unnecessary for high - achieve the very best recordings, you quality reproduction. must first turn on a built-in oscillator, The MD's designers hoped that it then adjust the bias and record -sensi- would displace the analog cassette, tivity levels by watching meters while and the format has enjoyed great suc- making a test recording. When you're cess in Japan. Yet success hasn't fol- finished, you can erase the test tone, lowed in the United States. In re- set your recording levels, and make sponse, Sony - MD's biggest booster your tape. - recently redoubled its efforts by in- Besides Dolby S, this deck also of- troducing more affordable MD com- couple of hundred dollars less you fers Dolby B and C noise reduction ponents and packaging home record- could purchase a recorder that looks as well as Dolby HX Pro, which is a ers with portable players in specially very much like the V -2030S; these circuit that increases high -frequency priced bundles. decks are among the most ubiquitous headroom by automatically attenuat- But is the audio world big enough of audio products. Unlike many other ing the bias signal during high -fre- for two portable, recordable formats? cassette decks, however, the V -2030S quency peaks. HX Pro is strictly a re- Can these two contenders stand up to has a couple of secret weapons to en- cording enhancement, and tapes re- the sonic standard set by the CD? How hance its performance. corded with it can be played on any do they compare in terms of user fea- First, the V -2030S features a combi- deck. That's good, because the HX tures? To answer those questions, we nation three -head configuration in Pro circuit cannot be turned off. arranged a bout between the formats, which separate tape heads for record- Other features found in the V -2030S dressed them each in black trunks, and ing, playback, and erasing are placed include independent capstan and reel - placed our bets. in two housings. Because the record- drive motors, automatic tape -type se- ing and playback heads can be opti- lection (the deck sets standard bias mized for their intended purposes, a * THE CASSETTE DEFENDER * and EQ levels for Types I, II, and IV), three -head design usually offers better automatic record mute (to place a 4 - Representing the cassette format in sound quality than less expensive second blank section between record- this match was the Teac V -2030S. decks that combine the record and ed selections), an MPX filter (to atten- With a suggested retail price of $650, play functions in a single head. Hav- uate the 19 -kHz pilot tone from stereo it sits among the upper middle class of ing three heads is also welcome be- FM broadcasts), an electronic tape today's consumer cassette decks and is cause it allows you to expertly monitor counter with nominal or tape -time typical of what an on a a signal from the tape as it is being re- readouts, and a return -to -zero function budget might choose for recording corded, instead of listening to the in- (to fast -wind the tape to the counter's from CD's or archiving LP's. For a put signal with your fingers crossed. 0000 setting). There is no azimuth ad -