-NNFU 2014 CONGRESS- Date 23rd to 26th April 2014 Venue Eros Primary School (Windhoek / suburb: Eros, Eros Avenue)

THEME: “Small Scale Farmers key to Household Food Security”




DATE: Thursday 24th April 2014

09:50 Arrival of Hon. John Mutorwa - Minister of Agriculture, Water and Forestry

09:55 National and AU Anthems

10:00 Welcome Statement by NNFU President –Mr. Pintile Davids

10:10 Official Opening Statement by Hon. John Mutorwa- Minister of Agriculture, Water and Forestry

10:20 Vote of Thanks by Mr. Elia Kandjii- NNFU National Secretary

10:25 AU and National Anthems

Agenda: Official Opening of NNFU 2014 Congress. Windhoek 24th April 2014

Congress Explanation & Organization

Wednesday 23rd April 2014

What is the National Farmers Union (NNFU)?

The NNFU also known as the voice of Namibian Farmers is a National federation of regional farmers Union. Launched in 1992 this Union was created to serve as a mouthpiece for Namibian communal and emerging farmers. The main objective of this Union is to develop household security, learn and develop Marketing of farming products, increase household income, increase participation and recognition of woman in farming, contribute to environmental protection and sustainable utilization of natural resources.

The Congress:

That 9th edition of the NNFU congress took place in Windhoek (Eros Primary School) between the 23rd to the 26th April 2014. The main aim of this Congress was to deliberate on issues like the status of the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) negotiations, climate change (the direct impact and possible mitigation strategies), the role of the Agricultural Trade Forum (ATF), outcomes of the community-based rangeland and livestock management project and other types of projects in different areas.

Meeting Room Organization

FAO was invited to the Congress and had to organize a stand to be in link with farmers and delegates. In fact before organizing the stand members of FAO went there on Wednesday 23rd to put posters, tables, etc. The aim was to be in solidarity to the came of Namibian Farmers and to support them as much as possible.

FAO Stand Organization

FAO Namibia provided more than 300 volumes of different FAO publications and CD-ROM including pamphlets on family farming, (The FAO Strategic Objectives: Booklets, Family Nutrition Guide, etc.) to farmers and delegates who were interested to know more about FAO’s policies and action. Two members of FAO were present to explain to delegates how FAO’s readiness and availability to support them to enhance, develop their productivity. The role of FAO in the NNFU Congress was to let people know how FAO supports member countries.

Congress Official Opening Session

Thursday 24th April 2014

Hon. Ministry John Mutorwa with FAOR and NNFU President

The opening session started with the arrival of the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry Hon. John Mutorwa. Farmers.

Hon. Ministry John Mutorwa with FAOR and NNFU President

Openning Session :

Delegates listening to the opening statements of Hon. Ministry John Mutorwa.

NNFU President Mr. Pintile Davids

The NNFU President Mr. Pintile Davids openned this Congress with a speech that raised some issues. He believes that this Congress would have permitted to guide NNFU to reposition itself in changing national and global environment for the promotion of agricultural development. With the mention of a last formal appearance and statement as NNFU president Mr. Pintile Davids in a first part agreed and acknowledged that there were a lot of changes, development and challenges that have characterized the agricultural landscape since the independence of the country. He is grateful to all who

Source of the picture: New Era Newspaper contributed and effected those visible changes. However with an average of 4% of declining performance of the agricultural GDP over the last few years Mr. Pintile Davids decided before passing the micro to Hon. John Mutorwa to raise some issues and appreciations: • NNFU Relationship with GRN: “NNFU (…) is still enjoying blessing and support. I must express our sincere appreciation for that” • Recognition and Contribution of Agriculture: UN and AU declared that 2014 is the year of Family Farming and Household Food Security, which is a clear demonstration that Agriculture is placed at the center and can from now enjoy a full support globally. • Policy and Legislation: He raised the fact that the country needs to see consistent, sustainable, coordinated, harmonized, comprehensive policies, strategies and legislative framework. (Based on NDP’s and VISON 2030) • Extension and service delivery: Even if Namibia is one of the few African country who provide extension and veterinary services, NNFU would like to appeal for more Vets, veterinary inspectors, extension officers, etc. Although that NNFU appreciate the Government efforts so far made • Drought: He wanted to show that Namibia needs a proper national respond against drought. In fact even if there is a Drought Policy Strategy in the country since 1997 the “incentive scheme on livestock came late and many farmers who relied on the money to save the rest of the herd failed to do so and in fact some are still waiting for their payouts”. • Levies: Mr. Pintile Davids said that with the current low prices for livestock (both abattoirs and auctions) they would not be in position to accept and condone any further increase in levies. For that precise reason he called for a viguros intervention from all parties affected in the industry. • Ear Tags: There are no major issues with the envisage price adjustments. • Export Restrictions to South Africa: Outcomes will affect directly Namibia’s economy. He appealed the Government for direct engagement with counterpart in SA to deal with the matter at political level. • Land Reform and Resettlement: The main point of his speech is a second official call to the Head of State and Minister MLR to Review Land Reform Conference as soon as possible to take stock of what happened and make new recommendations. • Access to Agricultural Credit: The fact is that the banking sector is only considering conventional forms of collateral, which is extremely difficult to fill for farmers. For that reason he called MAWF and AgriBank to intervene and roll out a comprehensive financing scheme that shall benefit farmers in the country. • Partner and stakeholders: He encouraged partners to not forget about the win-win basis that should continue. • NNFU members: He appealed members to continue in supporting and participating in activities and programmes in order to make the Union visible, vibrant with the aim to show a positive image Hon. John Mutorwa

Hon. John Mutorwa was born in 1957 in Nyangana, Okavango Region. He is an active member of People’s Organization (SWAPO). Moreover he is in the Cabinets of since 1992 and is today the Minister of Agriculture, water and forestry.

During the Congress he made a really impressive honorable opening statement. However after many questions during Mr. Pintile Davids’ speech the Ministry of Agriculture decided to answer in a first part to the NNFU President before doing his Statements. For the answer that he gave to Mr. Pintile Davids, he confirmed that the Government is open and the Government always has its “doors-open”. With open-door policy; farmers, people have to be involve in what they are doing they have to trust in what they are doing. They have to speak and consult leaders he was speaking about “traditional leader”, “farmer leader”. The great Ministry insisted in the fact that people have to do things: “Do not wait a conference to speak, make a conference, make an appointment! Doors are always open”. His response is based on what MAWF is doing in accordance with the Government policies. There are many things that the Governments have done and shall continue: • “Make provision and installation of water treatment plants as an integral component of all irrigation water supply schemes” • “Promote and encourage conversation agriculture and ecologically compatible cropping systems” • “Promote and encourage highly adaptive and productive breeds of livestock I both communal and commercial areas” • “Promote and encourage highly adaptive and productive crop cultivars in dry-land or rain-fed crop farming system” • “Promote and encourage agricultural production to best maintain and improve household income” • “Promote sustainable management of rangelands and pastures through preparation and implementation of integrated rangeland management plans to avoid land degradation and deforestation”

If we take a look the Statement, the Ministry of Agriculture underlined many times the fact that adjective and subjective descriptions are usually meaningless, “stop using those terms, small scale farmers, smallholder, etc.” we shall speak about FARMER – THE KEY TO FOOD SECURITY. Clichés are unhelpful for people. And people should adopt a positive attitude. After raising some issues such as the dependencies on traditional forms of Agriculture, the low land access that touches people in Namibia, etc. He decided to explain to people the Government policies overall development Agenda, that main point is: The Rural Development Policy Strategy. He believes that the current private sector under current land ownership or land tenure system will bring infrastructural development to Namibia’s Communal areas or rural areas. The Government must continue to do so.

Congress Official Closing Session

Closed session : Departure of the Minister


All information given on that report are coming from the presence of FAO in the Congress, New Era News Papers, NNFU website, Official Statement by Honourable John Mutorwa, MP and Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry, Official Statement by NNFU President Mr. Pintile Davids, and some internal notes that was taken during the Congress.

Congress FAO Representative Pictures

Mr. Ahmadu Babagana (FAO Representative) and Hon. John Mutorwa-MAWF (Ministry of Agriculture)

Hon. Ministry John Mutorwa exchanging views with FAOR, Babagana Ahmadu on status of Namibia Food Safety bill.

Mr. Ahmadu Babagana and Hon. John Mutorwa-MAWF

Hon. Ministry John Mutorwa exchanging views with FAOR, Babagana Ahmadu on status of draft revised Namibia agricultural policy.

Mr. Ahmadu Babagana (FAO Representative) and Mr. P Davids ( NNFU President)

FAOR Dr. Babagana Ahmadu welcoming NNFU President Mr. Pintile Davids to the FAO Stand.

Report done by: Mathis Haribou