
(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,662,332 B2 Gavegnano et al. (45) Date of Patent: *May 30, 2017

(54) ANTIVIRALUAKINHIBITORS USEFUL IN A61 K3I/66 (2013.01); A61 K3I/7072 TREATING OR PREVENTING RETROVRAL (2013.01); A61K 45/06 (2013.01) AND OTHER VIRAL (58) Field of Classification Search CPC ...... A61K 3 1/66; A61K 31/519: A61K 31/70; (71) Applicant: EMORY UNIVERSITY, Atlanta, GA C07F 9/9873; C07D 265/36; C07D (US) 487/04; C07H 19/06 (72) Inventors: Christina Gavegnano, Decatur, GA USPC ..... 514/50, 108, 230.5, 265.1: 544/244, 262 (US); Raymond F. Schinazi, Miami, See application file for complete search history. FL (US) (56) References Cited (73) Assignee: EMORY UNIVERSITY, Atlanta, GA (US) U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 7.593,820 B2 9, 2009 Wilks et al. (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 9,089,574 B2* 7/2015 Gavegnano ...... A61K 31.52 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 2011/0092499 A1 4/2011 Bourke et al. U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. This patent is Subject to a terminal dis FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS claimer. CN 1729.192 A 2, 2006 CN 101448826. A 6, 2009 (21) Appl. No.: 14/808,860 CN 101878O32 A 11 2010 WO 02.096909 A1 12/2002 (22) Filed: Jul. 24, 2015 WO 2006096,270 A1 9, 2006 WO 2007070514 A1 6, 2007 Prior Publication Data WO 2008079521 A2 T 2008 (65) WO 2008109517 A1 9, 2008 US 2016/0051554 A1 Feb. 25, 2016 WO 20081572O7 A2 12/2008 WO 2008157208 A2 12/2008 WO 2009045975 4/2009 Related U.S. Application Data WO 20111092.17 A2 9, 2011 (63) Continuation of application No. 14/360,905, filed as * cited by examiner application No. PCT/US2012/067369 on Nov. 30, 2012, now Pat. No. 9,089,574. Primary Examiner — Raymond Henley, III (60) Provisional application No. 61/564,994, filed on Nov. (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Andrews Kurth Kenyon 30, 2011, provisional application No. 61/570,813, LLP. David Bradin filed on Dec. 14, 2011. (51) Int. C. (57) ABSTRACT A6 IK3I/70 (2006.01) A6 IK3I/66 (2006.01) Compounds, compositions, and methods of treatment and A 6LX 3/535 (2006.01) prevention of HIV are disclosed. The compounds A 6LX 3/59 (2006.01) are pyrrolo2,3-bipyridines and pyrrolo2,3-bipyrimidine C07F 9/02 (2006.01) JAK inhibitors. Combinations of these JAK inhibitors and CO7D 487/00 (2006.01) additional antiretroviral compounds, such as NRTI, NNRTI, A6 IK3I/52 (2006.01) integrase inhibitors, entry inhibitors, protease inhibitors, and A 6LX 3L/7072 (2006.01) the like, are also disclosed. In one embodiment, the combi A6 IK 3/4045 (2006.01) nations include a combination of adenine, cytosine, thymi A6 IK3I/53 (2006.01) dine, and guanine nucleoside antiviral agents, optionally in A6 IK3I/536 (2006.01) further combination with at least one additional antiviral A6 IK 45/06 (2006.01) agent that works via a different mechanism than a nucleoside (52) U.S. C. analog. This combination has the potential to eliminate the CPC ...... A6 IK3I/519 (2013.01); A61K 31/4045 presence of HIV in an infected patient. (2013.01); A61 K3I/513 (2013.01); A61 K 3 1/52 (2013.01); A61K 3 1/536 (2013.01); 20 Claims, 19 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent May 30, 2017 Sheet 1 of 19 US 9,662,332 B2

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, , 1. v Jak initiator Figure 10c US 9,662,332 B2 1. 2 ANTIVIRALUAKINHIBITORS USEFUL IN and HIV-1 protease inhibitors. In compliant patients, TREATING OR PREVENTING RETROVIRAL HAART is effective in reducing mortality and progression of AND OTHER VIRAL INFECTIONS HIV-1 infection to AIDS. However, these multidrug thera pies do not eliminate HIV-1 and long-term treatment often CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED results in multidrug resistance. Also, many of these drugs are APPLICATIONS highly toxic and/or require complicated dosing schedules that reduce compliance and limit efficacy. There is, there This application is a U.S. continuation application under fore, a continuing need for the development of additional the provisions of 35 U.S.C. S 120 of U.S. patent application drugs for the prevention and treatment of HIV-1 infection Ser. No. 14/360,905 filed May 27, 2014, now U.S. Pat. No. 10 and AIDS. 9,089,574, which claims priority to International Patent It would be useful to have combination therapy that Application Ser. No. PCT/US 12/67369 filed Nov.30, 2012, minimizes the Virological failure of patients taking conven which in turn claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent tional antiretroviral therapy. It would also be useful to Application No. 61/564,994 filed Nov. 30, 2011 and U.S. provide a therapy that can provide a cure for HIV/AIDS, by Provisional Patent Application No. 61/570,813 filed Dec. 15 15, 2011. The disclosures of U.S. patent application Ser. No, destroying the virus altogether in all its reservoirs. The 14/360,905, International Patent Application No. PCT/ present invention provides Such therapy, as well as methods US 12/67369, U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. of treatment using the therapy. 61/564,994, and U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/570,813 are hereby incorporated herein by reference in SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION their respective entireties, for all purposes. Antiretroviral JAK inhibitors, compositions including BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION such inhibitors, and methods for their use in treating viral infections, are provided. Examples of viruses that can be In 1983, the etiological cause of AIDS was determined to 25 treated using the compounds described herein include HIV. be the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1). In 1985, it including HIV-1 and HIV-2, Flaviviridae viruses, such as was reported that the synthetic nucleoside 3'-azido-3'-de HCV and Dengue, and Alphaviruses such as Chikungunya oxythymidine (AZT) inhibited the replication of human immunodeficiency virus. Since then, a number of other W1US. synthetic nucleosides, including 2',3'-dideoxyinosine (DDI), 30 Representative JAK inhibitors include those disclosed in 2',3'-dideoxycytidine (DDC), 2',3'-dideoxy-2',3'-didehydro U.S. Pat. No. 7,598.257, an example of which is Ruxolitinib thymidine (D4T), (1S,4R)-4-2-amino-6-(cyclopropy (Jakafi, Incyte), which has the structure shown below: lamino)-9H-purin-9-yl)-2-cyclopentene-1-methanol sulfate (ABC), cis-2-hydroxymethyl-5-(5-fluorocytosin-1-yl)-1,3- oxathiolane ((-)-FTC), and (-)-cis-2-hydroxymethyl-5-(cy 35 tosin-1-yl)-1,3-oxathiolane (3TC), have been proven to be effective against HIV-1. After cellular phosphorylation to the 5'-triphosphate by cellular kinases, these synthetic nucleo sides are incorporated into a growing strand of viral DNA, CN causing chain termination due to the absence of the 3'-hy 40 droxyl group. They can also inhibit the viral enzyme reverse transcriptase. Drug-resistant variants of HIV-1 can emerge after pro longed treatment with an antiviral agent. Drug resistance most typically occurs by mutation of a gene that encodes for 45 an enzyme used in viral replication, and most typically in the Representative JAK inhibitors also include those dis case of HIV-1, reverse transcriptase, protease, or DNA closed in U.S. Pat. Nos. Re 41,783; 7,842,699; 7.803,805; polymerase. Recently, it has been demonstrated that the 7,687,507; 7,601,727; 7,569,569; 7,192,963; 7,091,208; efficacy of a drug against HIV-1 infection can be prolonged, 6,890,929, 6,696,567; 6,962,993; 6,635,762; 6,627,754; and augmented, or restored by administering the compound in 50 6,610,847, an example of which is Tofacitinib (Pfizer), combination or alternation with a second, and perhaps third, which has the structure shown below: antiviral compound that induces a different mutation from that caused by the principle drug. Alternatively, the phar macokinetics, biodistribution, or other parameter of the drug can be altered by Such combination or alternation therapy. In 55 general, combination therapy is typically preferred over alternation therapy because it induces multiple simultaneous pressures on the virus. However, drug resistance can still emerge, and no effective cure has yet been identified. Such that a patient can ultimately stop treatment. 60 Treatment for AIDS using attachment and fusion inhibi tors as well as other antiviral drugs has been somewhat effective. Current clinical treatments for HIV-1 infections include triple drug combinations called Highly Active Anti retroviral Therapy (“HAART). HAART typically involves 65 and which has the chemical name 3-((3R,4R)-4 methyl-3- various combinations of nucleoside reverse transcriptase methyl-(7H-pyrrolo2,3-dipyrimidin-4-yl)-amino-piperi inhibitors, non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, din-1-yl)-3-oxo-propionitrile.

US 9,662,332 B2 7 8 cycloalkylene, wherein each of the C- alkylene, C optionally substituted with 1, 2, or 3 substituents indepen alkenylene, C alkynylene, arylene, cycloalkylene, het dently selected from OH, CN, amino, halo, Calkyl, C. eroarylene, and heterocycloalkylene is optionally Substi haloalkyl, halosulfanyl, aryl, arylalkyl, heteroaryl, het tuted by 1, 2 or 3 substituents independently selected from eroarylalkyl, cycloalkyl and heterocycloalkyl; halo, CN, NO, N, SCN, OH, C alkyl, C. haloalkyl, RandR'' are independently selected from H, C, alkyl, C2s alkoxyalkyl, Co alkoxy, Chaloalkoxy, amino, C C- haloalkyl, C2-alkenyl, C2-alkynyl, aryl, cycloalkyl, alkylamino, and Cls dialkylamino; heteroaryl, heterocycloalkyl, arylalkyl, heteroarylalkyl, D and E are independently absent or independently cycloalkylalkyl and heterocycloalkylalkyl, wherein said selected from C alkylene, C alkenylene, C. alky C. alkyl, Ce haloalkyl, Calkenyl, C- alkynyl, aryl, nylene, (C. alkylene),-O-(C. alkylene), (C. alkyl 10 cycloalkyl, heteroaryl, heterocycloalkyl, arylalkyl, het ene)-S-(C. alkylene), (C. alkylene), -NR—(C. alky eroarylalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl or heterocycloalkylalkyl is lene), (C. alkylene),-CO—(C. alkylene), (C. alky optionally substituted with 1, 2, or 3 substituents indepen lene),-COO (C. alkylene) (C. alkylene),-CONR dently selected from OH, CN, amino, halo, Calkyl, C. (C. alkylene), (C. alkylene), -SO-(C. alkylene), haloalkyl, Ce haloalkyl, halosulfanyl, aryl, arylalkyl, het (C. alkylene), -SO-(C. alkylene), (C. alkylene)- eroaryl, heteroarylalkyl, cycloalkyl and heterocycloalkyl; SONR (C. alkylene), and (C. alkylene)-NRCO 15 R and R are independently selected from H, Cy', NR' (C. alkylene), wherein each of the C alkylene, —(C. alkyl)-Cy", Co alkyl, Chaloalkyl, Calkenyl, C. alkenylene, and C alkynylene is optionally Substi C2-alkynyl, wherein said Co alkyl, C- haloalkyl, C2 tuted by 1, 2 or 3 substituents independently selected from alkenyl, or C. alkynyl, is optionally substituted with 1, 2, halo, CN, NO, N, SCN, OH, C alkyl, C. haloalkyl, or 3 substituents independently selected from Cy", —(C. Cs alkoxyalkyl, Calkoxy, Chaloalkoxy, amino, C. alkyl)-Cy", OH, CN, amino, halo, Calkyl, Chaloalkyl, alkylamino, and Cls dialkylamino; Chaloalkyl, and halosulfanyl: D and E are independently absent or independently or R and R together with the Natom to which they are selected from C alkylene, C. alkenylene, Ce alky attached form a 4-, 5-, 6- or 7-membered heterocycloalkyl nylene, arylene, cycloalkylene, heteroarylene, and hetero group optionally substituted with 1, 2, or 3 substituents cycloalkylene, wherein each of the C- alkylene, C 25 independently selected from Cy', —(C. alkyl)-Cy", OH, alkenylene, C alkynylene, arylene, cycloalkylene, het CN, amino, halo, C alkyl, Chaloalkyl, Chaloalkyl, eroarylene, and heterocycloalkylene is optionally Substi and halosulfanyl: tuted by 1, 2 or 3 substituents independently selected from RandR'' are independently selected from H. Coalkyl, halo, CN, NO, N, SCN, OH, C alkyl, C. haloalkyl, C. haloalkyl, C- alkenyl, Ce alkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl, Cs alkoxyalkyl, Calkoxy, Chaloalkoxy, amino, C. 30 cycloalkyl, heterocycloalkyl, arylalkyl, heteroarylalkyl, alkylamino, and Cls dialkylamino; cycloalkylalkyl and heterocycloalkylalkyl, wherein said E" and E are independently selected from H, halo, Ca Coalkyl, Chaloalkyl, Calkenyl, C-alkynyl, aryl, alkyl, Calkenyl, C. alkynyl, Chaloalkyl, halosulfa heteroaryl, cycloalkyl, heterocycloalkyl, arylalkyl, het nyl, C, a hydroxyalkyl, C, a cyanoalkyl, Cy', CN, NO, eroarylalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl or heterocycloalkylalkyl is OR', SR, C(O)R, C(O)NR'R'', C(O)OR, OC(O)ROC 35 optionally substituted with 1, 2, or 3 substituents indepen (O)NR'R''NRR, NRC(O)R, NRC(O)NR'R'', NRC(O) dently selected from OH, CN, amino, halo, Calkyl, C. OR, C(-NR)NR'R'', NRC(-NR)NR'R'', SOR, S(O) haloalkyl, Ce haloalkyl, halosulfanyl, aryl, arylalkyl, het NRR, S(O).R, NRS(O).R, C(=NOH)R’, C(—NO eroaryl, heteroarylalkyl, cycloalkyl and heterocycloalkyl; (C. alkyl)R. and S(O)NR'R'', wherein said Cls alkyl, or RandR together with the Natom to which they are Cs alkenyl, or Cs alkynyl, is optionally substituted with attached form a 4-, 5-, 6- or 7-membered heterocycloalkyl 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 substituents independently selected from 40 group optionally substituted with 1, 2, or 3 substituents halo, C. alkyl, Calkenyl, C. alkynyl, Chaloalkyl, independently selected from OH, CN, amino, halo, C. halosulfanyl, Ca hydroxyalkyl, C. cyanoalkyl, Cy', CN, alkyl, Chaloalkyl, Chaloalkyl, halosulfanyl, aryl, ary NO, OR', SR, C(O)R’, C(O)NR'R'', C(O)OR, OC(O)R’, lalkyl, heteroaryl, heteroarylalkyl, cycloalkyl and heterocy OC(O)NR'R'', NRR, NRC(O)R, NRC(O)NR'R'', NRC cloalkyl; (O)OR, C(-NR)NR'R'', NRC(—NR)NR'R'', S(O)R’, 45 R" and R'' are independently selected from H. Co S(O)NR'R', S(O).R., NRS(O).R, C(-NOH)R’, alkyl, Ce haloalkyl, C- alkenyl, C- alkynyl, aryl, het C(=NO(C. alkyl))R’, and S(O)NR'R''. eroaryl, cycloalkyl, heterocycloalkyl, arylalkyl, heteroaryl R" is H. Cy', —(C. alkyl)-Cy', C. alkyl, C alkyl, cycloalkylalkyl and heterocycloalkylalkyl, wherein haloalkyl, C. alkenyl, C- alkynyl, wherein said C. said Co alkyl, Chaloalkyl, Calkenyl, C- alkynyl, alkyl, Chaloalkyl, Calkenyl, or C. alkynyl is option 50 aryl, heteroaryl, cycloalkyl, heterocycloalkyl, arylalkyl, het ally substituted with 1, 2, or 3 substituents independently eroarylalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl or heterocycloalkylalkyl is selected from OH, CN, amino, halo, Ce alkyl, C. optionally substituted with 1, 2, or 3 substituents indepen haloalkyl, halosulfanyl, aryl, arylalkyl, heteroaryl, het dently selected from OH, CN, amino, halo, Calkyl, C. eroarylalkyl, cycloalkyl and heterocycloalkyl; haloalkyl, halosulfanyl, Chaloalkyl, aryl, arylalkyl, het R’ is H, Cy', -(C. alkyl)-Cy', C. alkyl, C. eroaryl, heteroarylalkyl, cycloalkyl and heterocycloalkyl; haloalkyl, C. alkenyl, C- alkynyl, wherein said C. 55 or RandR' together with the Natom to which they are alkyl, Ce haloalkyl, C- alkenyl, or C- alkynyl is attached form a 4-, 5-, 6- or 7-membered heterocycloalkyl optionally substituted with 1, 2, or 3 substituents indepen group optionally substituted with 1, 2, or 3 substituents dently selected from OH, CN, amino, halo, Calkyl, C. independently selected from OH, CN, amino, halo, C. haloalkyl, Ce haloalkyl, halosulfanyl, aryl, arylalkyl, het alkyl, Chaloalkyl, Chaloalkyl, halosulfanyl, aryl, ary eroaryl, heteroarylalkyl, cycloalkyl and heterocycloalkyl; 60 lalkyl, heteroaryl, heteroarylalkyl, cycloalkyl and heterocy R" and Rare independently selected from H, C, alkyl, cloalkyl; Chaloalkyl, C- alkenyl, Ce alkynyl, aryl, cycloalkyl, R’ is H. CN, NO, or C alkyl: heteroaryl, heterocycloalkyl, arylalkyl, heteroarylalkyl, R and R are independently selected from H and C, cycloalkylalkyl and heterocycloalkylalkyl, wherein said alkyl: C. alkyl, Ce haloalkyl, C2-alkenyl, C2-alkynyl, aryl, 65 R is H, CN, or NO; cycloalkyl, heteroaryl, heterocycloalkyl, arylalkyl, het m is 0 or 1; eroarylalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl or heterocycloalkylalkyl is n is 0 or 1; US 9,662,332 B2 9 10 p is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6: AZD1480 has the following formula: q is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6: r is 0 or 1; and s is 0 or 1. Additional JAK inhibitors include CEP-701 (Lestaurtinib, Cephalon Technology), a JAK 2 FL3 kinase, AZD1480 (AstraZeneca), a JAK2 inhibitor, LY3009.104/INCB28050 (Eli Lilly, Incyte), a JAK 1/2 inhibitor, Pacritinib/SB1518 (S*BIO), a JAK2 inhibitor, VX-509 (Vertex), a JAK 3 inhibitor, GLPG0634 (Galapagos), a JAK 1 inhibitor, 10 INC424 (Novartis), a JAK inhibitor, R-348 (Rigel), a JAK 3 inhibitor, CYT387 (YM Bioscience), a JAK1/2 inhibitor, TG 10138, a JAK2 inhibitor, AEG 3482 (Axon), a JAK inhibitor, and pharmaceutically-acceptable salts and prod rugs thereof. LY3009104 is believed to be (R)-3-(4-(7H-pyrrolo[2,3- Lestaurtinib has the following formula: 15 dpyrimidin-4-yl)-1H-pyrazol-1-yl-3-cyclopentyl-pro panenitrile H Pacritinib has the following formula: O N



The compounds include those described in U.S. Publica 35 tion Nos. 20110020469; 20110118255; 20100311743: 20100310675; 20100280026; 20100160287: 20100081657; 20100081645; 20090181938; 20080032963; 200702598.69; and 20070249031. The compounds also include those described in U.S. 40 Publication NoS. 20110251215; 20110224157: 20110223210; 20110207754; 20110136781; 20110086835; TG 10138 has the following formula: 20110086810; 20110082159; 20100190804; 20100022522; 20090318405; 20090286778; 20090233903; 20090215766; 20090197869; 20090181959; 20080312259; 20080312258: 45 20080188500; and 20080167287: 2008003.9457. The compounds also include those described in U.S. Cr Publication NoS. 20100311693; 20080021013; NH 20060128780; 20040186157; and 20030162775. The compounds also include those described in U.S. 50 Publication NoS. 20110245256; 20100009978; 20090098137; and 20080261973. The compounds also include those described in U.S. Out Publication No. 20110092499. Representative compounds > H - 's include: 1.7-iodo-N-(4-morpholinophenyl)thieno 3.2-dpy 55 rimidin-2-amine 2. 7-(4-aminophenyl)-N-(4-morpholino phenyl)thieno 3.2-dpyrimidin-2-amine 3. N-(4-(2-(4-mor CYT387 has the following formula: pholinophenylamino)thieno3,2-dpyrimidin-7-yl)phenyl) acryl-amide 4. 7-(3-aminophenyl)-N-(4-morpholinophenyl) thieno3.2-dpyrimidin-2-amine 5. N-(3-(2-(4- 60 morpholinophenylamino)thieno3.2-dpyrimidin-7-yl) N phenyl)acrylamide 7. N-(4-morpholinophenyl)thieno 3.2-d pyrimidin-2-amine 8. methyl 2-(4-morpholinophenylamino) thieno 3.2-dpyrimidine-7-carboxylate 9. N-(4- OO morpholinophenyl)-5H-pyrrolo3.2-dpyrimidin-2-amine 65 10.7-(4-amino-3-methoxyphenyl)-N-(4-morpholinophenyl) thieno3.2-dpyrimidin-2-amine 11. 4-(2-(4-morpholino phenylamino)thieno 3.2-dpyrimidin-7-yl)benzenesulfona

US 9,662,332 B2 13 14 7-(3-(piperazin-1-yl)phenyl)thieno 3.2-dpyrimidin-2- groups of compounds of Formulas A and B. The amino acid amine 95.7-(6-(2-morpholinoethylamino)pyridin-3-yl)-N- residues include the 20 naturally occurring amino acids (3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)thieno 3.2-dpyrimidin-2-amine commonly designated by three letter symbols and also 96.7-(2-ethylphenyl)-N-(4-(2-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)ethoxy)phe include, 4-hydroxyproline, hydroxylysine, demosine, nyl)thieno 3.2-dpyrimidin-2-amine 97.7-(4-(aminomethyl) isodemosine, 3-methylhistidine, norvlin, beta-alanine, phenyl)-N-(4-(morpholinomethyl)phenyl)thieno3,2-dpy gamma-aminobutyric acid, citruline, homocysteine, homo rimidin-2-amine 98. N-(4-(1-ethylpiperidin-4-yloxy) serine, ornithine and methioine Sulfone. Prodrugs also phenyl)-7-(1H-pyrazol-4-yl)thieno 3.2-dpyrimidin-2- include compounds wherein carbonates, carbamates, amides amine 99. N-(2,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-7-phenylthieno 3.2-d and alkyl esters which are covalently bonded to the above pyrimidin-2-amine 100.7-bromo-N-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl) 10 substituents of Formulas A and B through the carbonyl thieno3.2-dpyrimidin-2-amine 101. N-(3,4- carbon prodrug sidechain. dimethoxyphenyl)-7-phenylthieno3,2-dipyrimidin-2- The JAK inhibitors can be used in combination with amine additional anti-retroviral agents, including reverse tran R348 (Rigel) is defined in Velotta et al., “A novel JAK3 Scriptase inhibitors. Such as nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor, R348, attenuates chronic airway allograft rejec 15 inhibitors (NRTI) and non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase tion.” Transplantation. 2009 Mar. 15: 87(5):653-9. inhibitors (NNRTI), non-nucleoside viral polymerase inhibi The present invention also relates to the use of pharma tors, protease inhibitors, fusion inhibitors, entry inhibitors, ceutically acceptable acid addition salts of compounds of attachment inhibitors, and integrase inhibitors such as ralte Formulas A and B, as well as the additional JAK inhibitors gravir (Isentress) or MK-0518, GS-9137 (, described herein. The acids which are used to prepare the Gilead Sciences), GS-8374 (Gilead Sciences), or GSK pharmaceutically acceptable acid addition salts of the afore 364735. mentioned base compounds of this invention are those In one embodiment, the combinations include, in addition which form non-toxic acid addition salts, i.e., salts contain to a JAK inhibitor as described herein, at least one adenine ing pharmacologically acceptable anions, such as the hydro nucleoside antiviral agent, at least one cytosine nucleoside chloride, hydrobromide, hydroiodide, nitrate, sulfate, bisul 25 antiviral agent, at least one guanine nucleoside antiviral fate, phosphate, acid phosphate, acetate, lactate, citrate, acid agent, and at least one thymidine nucleoside antiviral agent. citrate, tartrate, bitartrate. Succinate, maleate, fumarate, glu In one aspect of this embodiment, the therapeutic combina conate, saccharate, benzoate, methanesulfonate, ethanesul tions include, and further include at least one additional fonate, benzenesulfonate, p-toluenesulfonate and pamoate agent selected from reverse transcriptase inhibitors, espe i.e., 1,1'-methylene-bis-(2-hydroxy-3-naphthoate) salts. 30 cially non-nucleoside viral polymerase inhibitors, protease The invention also relates to the use of base addition salts inhibitors, fusion inhibitors, entry inhibitors, attachment of Formulas A and B. The chemical bases that may be used inhibitors, and integrase inhibitors such as (Isen as reagents to prepare pharmaceutically acceptable base salts tress) or MK-0518, GS-9137 (elvitegravir, Gilead Sciences), of those compounds of Formulas A and B that are acidic in GS-8374 (Gilead Sciences), or GSK-364735. nature are those that form non-toxic base salts with Such 35 Certain JAK inhibitors are also inhibitors of CYP3A4, compounds. Such non-toxic base salts include, but are not which means that they will significantly increase the C. limited to those derived from Such pharmacologically plasma level of any anti-HIV drug that binds to CYP3A4, acceptable cations such as alkali metal cations (e.g., potas including HIV-1 protease inhibitors. sium and sodium) and alkaline earth metal cations (e.g., It is believed that this therapy, particularly when admin calcium and magnesium), ammonium or water-soluble 40 istered at an early stage in the development of HIV-1 amine addition salts such as N-methylglucamine-(meglu infection, has the possibility of eliminating HIV-1 infection mine), and the lower alkanolammonium and other base salts in a patient. While not wishing to be bound to a particular of pharmaceutically acceptable organic amines. theory, it is believed that the JAK inhibitors function in a The JAK inhibitors described herein include all confor way that is not likely to provoke resistance (i.e., does not mational isomers (e.g., cis and trans isomers. Those com 45 involve inhibition of enzymes, or introduction of modified pounds which have asymmetric centers exist in different bases in a way that would provoke enzyme mutations). enantiomeric and diastereomeric forms. This invention Further, when the JAK inhibitors are combined with relates to the use of all optical isomers and stereoisomers of different nucleosides containing all the possible bases the compounds, and mixtures thereof, and to all pharma (ACTG), optionally in the presence of additional agents, the ceutical compositions and methods of treatment that may 50 combination minimizes the ability of the virus to adapt its employ or contain them. In this regard, the invention reverse transcriptase and develop resistance to any class of includes both the E and Z configurations. The compounds of nucleoside antiviral nucleosides (i.e., adenine, cytosine, Formulas A and B can also exist as tautomers. This invention thymidine, or guanine), because it would be susceptible to at relates to the use of all such tautomers and mixtures thereof. least one of the other nucleoside antiviral agents that are This invention also encompasses pharmaceutical compo 55 present, and/or the additional non-NRTI therapeutic agent. sitions containing prodrugs of compounds of the Formulas A Furthermore, hitting the same target such as the active site and B. This invention also encompasses methods of treating of the HIV-1 polymerase with different bases allows com or preventing viral infections that can be treated or pre plete and thorough chain termination of all the possible vented by inhibitors of protein kinases, such as the enzyme growing viral DNA chains. The use of an NNRTI in addition Janus Kinase 1, 2, or 3 comprising administering prodrugs 60 to the four different nucleosides (ACTG analogs) can be of compounds of the Formulas A and B. Compounds of even more effective, since NNRTI bind to the HIV-poly Formulas A and B having free amino, amido, hydroxy or merase and cause the enzyme to change conformation carboxylic groups can be converted into prodrugs. Prodrugs preventing chain elongation by natural nucleosides interact include compounds wherein an amino acid residue, or a ing in the active site of the enzyme. polypeptide chain of two or more (e.g., two, three or four) 65 In any of these embodiments, additional therapeutic amino acid residues which are covalently joined through agents can be used in combination with these agents, par peptide bonds to free amino, hydroxy or carboxylic acid ticularly including agents with a different mode of attack. US 9,662,332 B2 15 16 Such agents include but are not limited to: antivirals, such as BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES cytokines, e.g., rIFN alpha, rIFN beta, rIFN gamma; ampho tericin B as a lipid-binding molecule with anti-HIV activity; FIG. 1 is a chart showing the potency and toxicity of JAK a specific viral mutagenic agent (e.g., ribavirin), an HIV-1 inhibitors Tofacitinib or Jakafi versus FDA approved con VIF inhibitor, and an inhibitor of glycoprotein processing. trols AZT and 3TC in acutely infected resting macrophages Representative anti-TNF alpha therapies include, but are not (MO), as well as in peripheral blood mononuclear (PBM) limited to, Infliximab (Remicade), adalimumab (Humira), cells. Median effective antiviral concentration (ECs) data certolizumab pegol (Cimzia), and golimumab (Simponi), (potency) is shown in terms of LM concentration of the alone or with a circulating receptor fusion protein Such as compounds. The ICso values (toxicity) (LM) are also shown etanercept (Enbrel). 10 in PBM, MO cells, CEM cells, and Vero cells. When administered in combination, the agents can be FIG. 2 is a chart showing the effect of various concen administered in a single or in multiple dosage forms. In trations of Tofacitinib and Jakafi on cellular proliferation Some embodiments, some of the antiviral agents are orally total cell number (10° cells) versus uM drug in activated administered, whereas other antiviral agents are adminis PBM cells incubated for 5 days with the compounds. Cyclo tered by injection, which can occurat around the same time, 15 heximide is shown as a positive control, and a “cells plus or at different times. media' control for each compound is also shown. The compounds can be used in different ways to treat or FIG. 3 is a chart showing the effect of various concen prevent HIV, and, in one embodiment, to cure an HIV trations of Tofacitinib and Jakafi on cellular viability (% infection. The invention encompasses combinations of the viability versus uM drug) in activated PBM cells incubated two types of antiviral agents, or pharmaceutically acceptable for 5 days with the compounds. Cycloheximide is shown as derivatives thereof, that are synergistic, i.e., better than a positive control, and a “cells plus media” control for each either agent or therapy alone. compound is shown as well. In one embodiment, a combination of a JAK inhibitor as FIGS. 4af show the results of flow cytometric analysis of described herein, a macrophage depleting agent (e.g., clo PHA-IL-2 stimulated primary human lymphocytes exposed dronate-loaded liposomes, gadolinium chloride (GdC1)), 25 to various concentrations of Jakafi or Tofacitinib for 5 days plus HAART therapy is used. prior to assessment of viability using propidium iodide (flow In another embodiment, a combination of a histone cytometry). Histograms and scatter plots are representative deacetylase inhibitor (HDAC inhibitor) or interleukin 7 data from at least 3 independent experiments conducted with (IL-7) and HAART and a JAK inhibitor is used. pooled cells from 8 donors. In another embodiment, the JAK inhibitors are adminis 30 FIG. 4a is a scatter plot showing a Side Scatter (SSC) tered to a patient before, during, or after administration of a Gating strategy, where the X-axis in the first chart is Side vaccine or an immunomodulatory agent. Scatter Pulse Height (SSC-h) and the Y-axis is Side Scatter Combinations of these approaches can also be used. Pulse Width (SSC-w), and in the second chart, the forward The antiviral combinations described herein provide scattered light (FSC) is shown with the X axis being means of treatment which can not only reduce the effective 35 Forward Scatter Pulse Height (FSC-H) and the Y axis being dose of the individual drugs required for antiviral activity, Forward Scatter Pulse Width (FSC-W) and Gating strategy thereby reducing toxicity, but can also improve their abso based on forward scatter (FSC) and side scatter (SSC) was lute antiviral effect, as a result of attacking the virus through established and used uniformly across all samples (A). multiple mechanisms. That is, various combinations FIG. 4b is a histogram showing the results of flow described herein are useful because their synergistic actions 40 cytometry studies using Propidium Iodide stain, which is permit the use of less drug, and/or increase the efficacy of the read by the phycoerythrin (PE-A) channel, looking at the drugs when used together in the same amount as when used cell counts of viable cells. Propidium iodide is a large alone. molecule, which exclusively intercalates into the DNA of The use of JAK inhibitors, alone or in combination, dead/dying cells and is detectable by PE fluorescence (flow provides a means for circumventing the development of 45 cytometry). Living cells do not uptake Propidium Iodide, viral resistance, thereby providing the clinician with a more therefore they are not fluorescent or detectable by the PE efficacious treatment. channel. Cells incubated in the absence of drug were 92.8% The disclosed JAK inhibitors, used alone or in combina viable (therefore 92.8% of these cells did not uptake the tion or in alternation therapies, are useful in the prevention Propidium Iodide stain), and cells exposed to 95°C. heat for and treatment of HIV-1 infections and other related condi 50 1 minute (positive control for dead cells) were 2.8% viable tions such as AIDS-related complex (ARC), persistent gen (therefore only 2.8% of cells were negative for Propidium eralized lymphadenopathy (PGL), AIDS-related neurologi Iodide stain, whereas 97.2% were dead, and therefore posi cal conditions, anti-HIV antibody positive and HIV-positive tive for Propidium Iodide stain) (B). The data is shown in conditions, Kaposi's sarcoma, thrombocytopenia purpurea terms of total percent of cells in each sample, where gating and opportunistic infections. In addition, these compounds 55 was established based on viable cells cultured in the absence or formulations can be used prophylactically to prevent or of drug. retard the progression of clinical illness in individuals who FIG. 4c shows histograms comparing the cell viability for are anti-HIV antibody or HIV-antigen positive or who have cells exposed to Jakafi and to no drug (i.e., controls) for been exposed to HIV. The therapy can be also used to treat concentrations of 0.1 uM Jakafi, 1.0 LM Jakafi, 10 LM other viral infections, such as HIV-2. 60 Jakafi, and 50 uM Jakafi. The invention includes methods for treating or prevent FIG. 4d shows histograms comparing the cell viability for ing, and uses for the treatment or prophylaxis, of a Flavi cells exposed to Tofacitinib and to no drug (i.e., controls) for viridae infection, including all members of the Hepacivirus concentrations of 0.1 uM Tofacitinib, 1.0 uM Tofacitinib, 10 genus (HCV), Pestivirus genus (BVDV. CSFV. BDV), or uM Tofacitinib, and 50 uM Tofacitinib. Flavivirus genus (Dengue virus, Japanese encephalitis virus 65 FIGS. 4e and 4fare charts showing the mean and standard group (including West Nile Virus), and Yellow Fever virus), deviations from the experiments shown in FIGS. 4c (Jakafi) as well as Alphaviruses, such as the Chikungunya virus. and 4d (Tofacitinib), respectively. US 9,662,332 B2 17 18 FIGS. 5a and 5b are charts showing the percent inhibition applications, published applications and other publications of HIV-1 replication versus untreated control for the co referenced herein are incorporated by reference in their administration of Jakafi and Tofacitinib in primary human entirety unless stated otherwise. In the event that there are a lymphocytes (FIG. 5a) and macrophages (FIG.5b). The data plurality of definitions for a term herein, those in this section is shown in terms of percent inhibition (%) on the Y axis prevail unless stated otherwise. versus drug concentration (LM) on the X axis. As used herein, any “R” group(s) such as, without limi FIGS. 6a and 6b are charts showing the fold increase 50 tation, R', R', R', R, and R' represent substituents that (FIs) and fold increase 90 (FI) for Jakafi and Tofacitinib can be attached to the indicated atom. A non-limiting list of against various NRTI-resistant HIV-1 in primary human R groups include, but are not limited to, hydrogen, alkyl, lymphocytes. Results with NRTI AZT, (-) FTC, 3TC, D4T, 10 alkenyl, alkynyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkynyl, ddI, EFV, and TDF are also shown. aryl, heteroaryl, heteroalicyclyl, aralkyl, heteroaralkyl, (het FIGS. 7a-7d are charts showing the effect of various Jak eroalicyclyl)alkyl, hydroxy, protected hydroxy, alkoxy, ary inhibitors (Cycloheximide (black line), Tofacitinib (grey loxy, acyl, ester, mercapto, cyano, halogen, thiocarbonyl, line), and Jakafi (dashed line) on proliferation and viability O-carbamyl. N-carbamyl, O-thiocarbamyl, N-thiocarbamyl, of PHA (FIGS. 7a and 7c) or PHA+IL-2 (FIGS. 7b and 7d) 15 stimulated primary human lymphocytes. FIGS. 7a and 7b C-amido, N-amido, S-sulfonamido, N-sulfonamide, C-car are shown in terms of 96 viable cells versus concentration of boxy, protected C-carboxy, O-carboxy, isocyanato, thiocya Jak inhibitor (uM). FIGS. 7c and 7d are shown in terms of nato, isothiocyanato, nitro, silyl, Sulfenyl, Sulfinyl, Sulfonyl, cell count (10° cells) versus concentration of Jak inhibitor haloalkyl, haloalkoxy, trihalomethanesulfonyl, trihalometh (uM). anesulfonamido, and amino, including mono- and di-substi FIGS. 8a and 8b are charts showing that Tofacitinib and tuted amino groups, and the protected derivatives thereof. Jakafi inhibit reactivation of latent HIV-1. FIG. 8a shows the An R group may be substituted or unsubstituted. If two “R” results in a primary central memory-based T cell latency groups are covalently bonded to the same atom or to model (Bosque and Planelles (2009) Induction of HIV-1 adjacent atoms, then they may be “taken together as defined latency and reactivation in primary memory CD4+ T cells. 25 herein to form a cycloalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkynyl, Blood 113: 58-65), in terms of the % inhibition of reacti aryl, heteroaryl or heteroalicyclyl group. For example, with vation of latent HIV-1 versus concentration of Jak inhibitor out limitation, if R and R" of an NR'R" group are indicated (uM). FIG. 8b shows the results in a J-Lat latency T cell to be “taken together, it means that they are covalently system (Jordan et al. (2003) HIV reproducibly establishes a bonded to one another at their terminal atoms to form a ring latent infection after acute infection of T cells in vitro. The 30 that includes the nitrogen: EMBO Journal, Vol. 22 No. 8 pp. 1868-1877), in terms of Whenever a group is described as being "optionally the 96 inhibition of reactivation of latent HIV-1 versus concentration of Jak inhibitor (uM). Diamonds represent substituted that group may be unsubstituted or substituted results for Tofacitinib, and squares represent results for with one or more of the indicated substituents. Likewise, Jakafi. 35 when a group is described as being "unsubstituted or Sub FIGS. 9a and 9b are charts showing that Tofacitinib and stituted if substituted, the substituent may be selected from Jakafi inhibit reactivation of latent HIV-1 in primary human one or more the indicated substituents. If no substituents are macrophages. Tofacitinib (FIG. 9a) and Jakafi (FIG. 9b) indicated, it is meant that the indicated “optionally substi inhibit reactivation of latent HIV-1 in primary human mac tuted” or “substituted’ group may be substituted with one or rophages when drug is applied to cells during reactivation 40 more group(s) individually and independently selected from but removed thereafter. Tofacitinib inhibits ~40% of reacti alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalky vation while Jakafi inhibits ~35% of reactivation within 72 nyl, aryl, heteroaryl, heteroalicyclyl, aralkyl, heteroaralkyl, hr post reactivation. (heteroalicyclyl)alkyl, hydroxy, protected hydroxyl, alkoxy, FIGS. 10a–10c are charts showing the percent inhibition aryloxy, acyl, ester, mercapto, alkylthio, arylthio, cyano, of PSTAT1, PSTAT3, and PSTAT5, respectively, versus no 45 halogen, thiocarbonyl, O-carbamyl. N-carbamyl, O-thiocar drug (control) versus micromolar Jak inhibitor. The lines bamyl, N-thiocarbamyl, C-amido, N-amido, S-sulfonamido, shown with diamonds represent Jak inhibitor Tofacitinib, N-sulfonamido, C-carboxy, protected C-carboxy, O-car and the lines shown with squares represent Jak inhibitor boxy, isocyanato, thiocyanato, isothiocyanato, nitro, silyl, Jakafi. Sulfenyl, Sulfinyl, Sulfonyl, haloalkyl, haloalkoxy, triha 50 lomethanesulfonyl, trihalomethanesulfonamido, and amino, DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE including mono- and di-substituted amino groups, and the INVENTION protected derivatives thereof. Each of these substituents can be further substituted. The present invention is directed to compounds, compo As used herein, “C, to C, in which “a” and “b” are sitions and methods for treating viral infections, such as HIV 55 integers refer to the number of carbon atoms in an alkyl, infections, including HIV-1 and HIV-2 infections. In one alkenyl or alkynyl group, or the number of carbon atoms in embodiment, the compounds are heteroaryl Substituted pyr the ring of a cycloalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkynyl, aryl, rolo2,3-bipyridines and heteroaryl substituted pyrrolo2,3- heteroaryl or heteroalicyclyl group. That is, the alkyl, alk bipyrimidines that modulate the activity of Janus kinases enyl, alkynyl, ring of the cycloalkyl, ring of the cycloalk (JAK inhibitors). 60 enyl, ring of the cycloalkynyl, ring of the aryl, ring of the The various embodiments of the invention are described heteroaryl or ring of the heteroalicyclyl can contain from “a” in more detail below, and will be better understood with to “b', inclusive, carbon atoms. Thus, for example, a “C to reference to the following non-limiting definitions. C alkyl group refers to all alkyl groups having from 1 to Definitions: 4 carbons, that is, CH , CHCH , CHCH2CH2—, Unless defined otherwise, all technical and scientific 65 (CH),CH , CHCHCHCH , CHCH-CH(CH)– terms used herein have the same meaning as is commonly and (CH)C . If no “a” and “b' are designated with regard understood by one of ordinary skill in the art. All patents, to an alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, cycloalkyl cycloalkenyl, US 9,662,332 B2 19 20 cycloalkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl or heteroalicyclyl group, the system throughout all the rings. The number of carbon atoms broadest range described in these definitions is to be in an aryl group can vary. For example, the aryl group is a assumed. Co-14 aryl group, a Co-o aryl group, or a C6 aryl group. As used herein, the term “alkyl can be straight or Examples of aryl groups include, but are not limited to, branched hydrocarbon chains that comprise a fully saturated benzene, naphthalene and azulene. An aryl group may be (no double or triple bonds) hydrocarbon group. The alkyl substituted or unsubstituted. group may have 1 to 20 carbon atoms (whenever it appears As used herein, "heteroaryl” refers to a monocyclic or herein, a numerical range such as "1 to 20 refers to each multicyclic aromatic ring system (a ring system with fully integer in the given range; e.g., “1 to 20 carbon atoms” delocalized pi-electron system) that contain(s) one or more means that the alkyl group may consist of 1 carbon atom, 2 10 carbon atoms, 3 carbon atoms, etc., up to and including 20 heteroatoms, that is, an element other than carbon, including carbon atoms, although the present definition also covers the but not limited to, nitrogen, oxygen and Sulfur. The number occurrence of the term “alkyl where no numerical range is of atoms in the ring(s) of a heteroaryl group can vary. For designated). The alkyl group may also be a medium size example, the heteroaryl group can contain 4 to 14 atoms in alkyl having 1 to 10 carbon atoms. The alkyl group can also 15 the ring(s), 5 to 10 atoms in the ring(s) or 5 to 6 atoms in the be a lower alkyl having 1 to 6 carbon atoms. The alkyl group ring(s). Furthermore, the term "heteroaryl includes fused of the compounds may be designated as "C-C alkyl or ring systems where two rings. Such as at least one aryl ring similar designations. By way of example only, "C-C alkyl and at least one heteroaryl ring, or at least two heteroaryl indicates that there are one to four carbon atoms in the alkyl rings, share at least one chemical bond. Examples of het chain, i.e., the alkyl chain is selected from methyl, ethyl, eroaryl rings include, but are not limited to, furan, furazan, propyl, iso-propyl. n-butyl, iso-butyl, sec-butyl, and t-butyl. thiophene, benzothiophene, phthalazine, pyrrole, oxazole, By way of example only, "C-C alkyl indicates that there benzoxazole, 1.2.3-oxadiazole, 1,2,4-oxadiazole, thiazole, are one to six carbon atoms in the alkyl chain. Typical alkyl 1,2,3-thiadiazole, 1,2,4-thiadiazole, benzothiazole, imida groups include, but are in no way limited to, methyl, ethyl, Zole, benzimidazole, indole, indazole, pyrazole, benzopyra propyl, isopropyl, butyl, isobutyl, tertiary butyl, pentyl, 25 Zole, isoxazole, benzoisoxazole, isothiazole, triazole, ben hexyl, and the like. The alkyl group may be substituted or Zotriazole, thiadiazole, tetrazole, pyridine, pyridazine, unsubstituted. pyrimidine, pyrazine, purine, pteridine, quinoline, isoquino As used herein, “alkenyl refers to an alkyl group that line, quinazoline, quinoxaline, cinnoline, and triazine. A contains in the straight or branched hydrocarbon chain one heteroaryl group may be substituted or unsubstituted. or more double bonds. An alkenyl group may be unsubsti 30 As used herein, "heteroalicyclic” or "heteroalicyclyl tuted or substituted. refers to three-, four-, five-, six-, seven-, eight-, nine-, ten As used herein, “alkynyl refers to an alkyl group that up to 18-membered monocyclic, bicyclic, and tricyclic ring contains in the straight or branched hydrocarbon chain one system wherein carbon atoms together with from 1 to 5 or more triple bonds. An alkynyl group may be unsubstituted heteroatoms constitute said ring system. A heterocycle may or substituted. 35 optionally contain one or more unsaturated bonds situated in As used herein, the term “alkoxy” includes O-alkyl such a way, however, that a fully delocalized pi-electron groups wherein “alkyl is defined above. As used herein, system does not occur throughout all the rings. The heteroa “cycloalkyl refers to a completely saturated (no double or toms are independently selected from oxygen, Sulfur, and triple bonds) mono- or multi-cyclic hydrocarbon ring sys nitrogen. A heterocycle may further contain one or more tem. When composed of two or more rings, the rings may be 40 carbonyl or thiocarbonyl functionalities, so as to make the joined together in a fused fashion. definition include oxo-systems and thio-systems such as Cycloalkyl groups can contain 3 to 10 atoms in the ring(s) lactams, lactones, cyclic imides, cyclic thioimides, cyclic or 3 to 8 atoms in the ring(s). A cycloalkyl group may be carbamates, and the like. When composed of two or more unsubstituted or Substituted. Typical cycloalkyl groups rings, the rings may be joined together in a fused fashion. include, but are in no way limited to, cyclopropyl, cyclobu 45 Additionally, any nitrogens in a heteroalicyclic may be tyl, cyclopentyl, cyclohexyl, and the like. quaternized. Heteroalicyclyl or heteroalicyclic groups may As used herein, "cycloalkenyl refers to a mono- or be unsubstituted or substituted. Examples of such "heteroali multi-cyclic hydrocarbon ring system that contains one or cyclic' or "heteroalicyclyl groups include but are not more double bonds in at least one ring; although, if there is limited to, 1.3-dioxin, 1.3-dioxane, 1,4-dioxane, 1,2-dioxo more than one, the double bonds cannot form a fully 50 lane, 1,3-dioxolane, 1,4-dioxolane, 1.3-oxathiane, 1,4-ox delocalized pi-electron system throughout all the rings (oth athiin, 1.3-oxathiolane, 1,3-dithiole, 1,3-dithiolane, 1,4-ox erwise the group would be “aryl, as defined herein). When athiane, tetrahydro-1,4-thiazine, 2H-1,2-oxazine, composed of two or more rings, the rings may be connected maleimide, Succinimide, barbituric acid, thiobarbituric acid, together in a fused fashion. A cycloalkenyl group may be dioxopiperazine, hydantoin, dihydrouracil, trioxane, hexa unsubstituted or substituted. 55 hydro-1,3,5-triazine, imidazoline, imidazolidine, isoxazo As used herein, “cycloalkynyl refers to a mono- or line, isoxazolidine, oxazoline, oxazolidine, oxazolidinone, multi-cyclic hydrocarbon ring system that contains one or thiazoline, thiazolidine, morpholine, oxirane, piperidine more triple bonds in at least one ring. Pf there is more than N-Oxide, piperidine, piperazine, pyrrolidine, pyrrolidone, one triple bond, the triple bonds cannot form a fully delo pyrrolidione, A-piperidone, pyrazoline, pyrazolidine, 2-ox calized pi-electron system throughout all the rings. When 60 opyrrolidine, tetrahydropyran, 4H-pyran, tetrahydrothiopy composed of two or more rings, the rings may be joined ran, thiamorpholine, thiamorpholine Sulfoxide, thiamorpho together in a fused fashion. A cycloalkynyl group may be line Sulfone, and their benzo-fused analogs (e.g., unsubstituted or substituted. benzimidazolidinone, tetrahydroquinoline, 3.4-methylene As used herein, “aryl refers to a carbocyclic (all carbon) dioxyphenyl). monocyclic or multicyclic aromatic ring system (including 65 An “aralkyl is an aryl group connected, as a Substituent, fused ring systems where two carbocyclic rings share a via a lower alkylene group. The lower alkylene and aryl chemical bond) that has a fully delocalized pi-electron group of an aralkyl may be substituted or unsubstituted. US 9,662,332 B2 21 22 Examples include but are not limited to benzyl, substituted A “sulfonyl group refers to an "SOR' group in which R benzyl, 2-phenylalkyl, 3-phenylalkyl, and naphtylalkyl. is the same as defined with respect to sulfenyl. A sulfonyl A "heteroaralkyl is heteroaryl group connected, as a may be substituted or unsubstituted. substituent, via a lower alkylene group. The lower alkylene An “O-carboxy' group refers to a “RC(=O)C group and heteroaryl group of heteroaralkyl may be substituted or 5 in which R is hydrogen, alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, cycloalkyl, unsubstituted. Examples include but are not limited to cycloalkenyl, cycloalkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl, heteroalicyclyl, 2-thienylalkyl, 3-thienylalkyl, furylalkyl, thienylalkyl, pyr aralkyl, or (heteroalicyclyl)alkyl, as defined herein. An rolylalkyl, pyridylalkyl, isoxazolylalkyl, and imidazolylal O-carboxy may be substituted or unsubstituted. kyl, and their substituted as well as benzo-fused analogs. The terms “ester” and “C-carboxy” refer to a “ C(=O) 10 OR group in which R is the same as defined with respect A“(heteroalicyclyl)alkyl is a heterocyclic or a heteroali to O-carboxy. An ester and C-carboxy may be substituted or cyclylic group connected, as a Substituent, via a lower unsubstituted. alkylene group. The lower alkylene and heterocyclic or a A “thiocarbonyl group refers to a “ C(=S)R’ group in heterocyclyl of a (heteroalicyclyl)alkyl may be substituted which R is the same as defined with respect to O-carboxy. or unsubstituted. Examples include but are not limited 15 A thiocarbonyl may be substituted or unsubstituted. tetrahydro-2H-pyran-4-yl)methyl, (piperidin-4-yl)ethyl, (pi A “trihalomethanesulfonyl group refers tO an peridin-4-yl)propyl. (tetrahydro-2H-thiopyran-4-yl)methyl, “XCSO group wherein X is a halogen. and (1.3-thiazinan-4-yl)methyl. A “trihalomethanesulfonamido' group refers to an “XCS “Lower alkylene groups' are straight-chained tethering (O)RN group wherein X is a halogen and R defined with groups, forming bonds to connect molecular fragments via respect to O-carboxy. their terminal carbon atoms. Examples include but are not The term "amino” as used herein refers to a NH group. limited to methylene (-CH ), ethylene (—CH2CH2—), As used herein, the term “hydroxy' refers to a —OH propylene (—CH2CH2CH2—), and butylene group. (—CH2CHCHCH ). A lower alkylene group may be A “cyano' group refers to a “ CN' group. substituted or unsubstituted. 25 The term “azido” as used herein refers to a N group. As used herein, “alkoxy' refers to the formula —OR An "isocyanato' group refers to a “ NCO' group. wherein R is an alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalk A “thiocyanato' group refers to a “ CNS’ group. enyl, cycloalkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl, heteroalicyclyl, aralkyl, An “isothiocyanato' group refers to an “ NCS group. or (heteroalicyclyl)alkyl is defined as above. Examples of A “mercapto' group refers to an “ SH' group. include methoxy, ethoxy, n-propoxy, 1-methylethoxy (iso 30 A “carbonyl group refers to a C=O group. propoxy), n-butoxy, iso-butoxy, sec-butoxy, tert-butoxy, An “S-sulfonamido' group refers to a “ SONRR group in which R and R are the same as R defined with phenoxy and the like. An alkoxy may be substituted or respect to O-carboxy. An S-sulfonamido may be substituted unsubstituted. or unsubstituted. As used herein, “acyl refers to a hydrogen, alkyl, alk 35 An "N-sulfonamido' group refers to a “RSON(R) enyl, alkynyl, or aryl connected, as Substituents, via a group in which R and R are the same as R defined with carbonyl group. Examples include formyl, acetyl, pro respect to O-carboxy. A N-sulfonamido may be substituted panoyl, benzoyl, and acryl. An acyl may be substituted or or unsubstituted. unsubstituted. An “O-carbamyl group refers to a “ OC(=O)NR'R'' As used herein, “hydroxyalkyl refers to an alkyl group in 40 group in which R and R are the same as R defined with which one or more of the hydrogen atoms are replaced by respect to O-carboxy. An O-carbamyl may be substituted or hydroxy group. Examples of hydroxyalkyl groups include unsubstituted. but are not limited to, 2-hydroxyethyl, 3-hydroxypropyl. An “N-carbamyl group refers to an “ROC(=O) 2-hydroxypropyl, and 2,2-dihydroxyethyl. A hydroxyalkyl NR group in which R and R are the same as R defined may be substituted or unsubstituted. 45 with respect to O-carboxy. An N-carbamyl may be substi As used herein, “haloalkyl refers to an alkyl group in tuted or unsubstituted. which one or more of the hydrogen atoms are replaced by An "O-thiocarbamyl group refers to a “ OC(=S)— halogen (e.g., mono-haloalkyl, di-haloalkyl and tri-ha NRR group in which RandR are the same as R defined loalkyl). Such groups include but are not limited to, chlo with respect to O-carboxy. An O-thiocarbamyl may be romethyl, fluoromethyl, difluoromethyl, trifluoromethyl and 50 substituted or unsubstituted. 1-chloro-2-fluoromethyl 2-fluoroisobutyl. A haloalkyl may An "N-thiocarbamyl group refers to an “ROC(=S) be substituted or unsubstituted. NR group in which R and R are the same as R defined As used herein, "haloalkoxy' refers to an alkoxy group in with respect to O-carboxy. An N-thiocarbamyl may be which one or more of the hydrogen atoms are replaced by substituted or unsubstituted. halogen (e.g., mono-haloalkoxy, di-haloalkoxy and tri-ha 55 A “C-amido' group refers to a “ C(=O)NR'R' group loalkoxy). Such groups include but are not limited to, in which R and R are the same as R defined with respect chloromethoxy, fluoromethoxy, difluoromethoxy, trifluo to O-carboxy. A C-amido can be substituted or unsubsti romethoxy and 1-chloro-2-fluoromethoxy, 2-fluoroisobu tuted. toxy. A haloalkoxy may be substituted or unsubstituted. An "N-amido' group refers to a “RC(=O)NR A “sulfenyl group refers to an “ SR' group in which R 60 group in which R and R are the same as R defined with is hydrogen, alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalk respect to O-carboxy. An N-amido can be substituted or enyl, cycloalkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl, heteroalicyclyl, aralkyl, unsubstituted. or (heteroalicyclyl)alkyl. A sulfenyl may be substituted or As used herein, “organylcarbonyl refers to a group of the unsubstituted. formula —C(=O)R’ wherein R' can be alkyl, alkenyl, A “sulfinyl group refers to an “ S(=O) R' group in 65 alkynyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkynyl, aryl, het which R is the same as defined with respect to sulfenyl. A eroaryl, heteroalicyclyl, aralkyl, or (heteroalicyclyl)alkyl. sulfinyl may be substituted or unsubstituted. An organylcarbonyl can be substituted or unsubstituted. US 9,662,332 B2 23 24 The term “alkoxycarbonyl as used herein refers to a (Cbz), p-methoxybenzyl carbonyl (Moz or MeOZ), tert group of the formula—C(=O)CR', wherein R is the same butyloxycarbonyl (BOC), 9-fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl as defined with respect to organylcarbonyl. An alkoxycar (FMOC), benzyl (Bn), p-methoxybenzyl (PMB), 3,4-dime bonyl can be substituted or unsubstituted. thoxybenzyl (DMPM), and tosyl (Ts) groups. The term As used herein, "organylaminocarbonyl refers to a group “ N-linked amino acid refers to an amino acid that is of the formula C(=O)NR'R'" wherein R and R" are inde attached to the indicated moiety via its main-chain amino or pendently selected from the same substituents as defined mono-Substituted amino group. When the amino acid is with respect to organylcarbonyl. An organylaminocarbonyl attached in an —N-linked amino acid, one of the hydrogens can be substituted or unsubstituted. that is part of the main-chain amino or mono-Substituted As used herein, the term “levulinoyl refers to a 10 amino group is not present and the amino acid is attached via —C(=O)CHCHC(=O)CH group. the nitrogen. An —N-linked amino acid can be protected at The term "halogen atom, as used herein, means any one any hydroxyl or carboxyl group that is present on the amino of the radio-stable atoms of column 7 of the Periodic Table acid. For example, an —N-linked amino acid can contain an of the Elements, i.e., fluorine, chlorine, bromine, or iodine, ester or an ether group. Suitable amino acid protecting with fluorine and chlorine being preferred. 15 groups include, but are not limited to, methyl esters, ethyl Where the numbers of substituents is not specified (e.g. esters, propyl esters, benzyl esters, tert-butyl esters, silyl haloalkyl), there may be one or more Substituents present. esters, orthoesters, and oxazoline. As used herein, the term For example “haloalkyl may include one or more of the “amino acid refers to any amino acid (both standard and same or different halogens. As another example, "C-C, non-standard amino acids), including, but limited to, alkoxyphenyl' may include one or more of the same or C.-amino acids -amino acids, Y-amino acids and Ö-amino different alkoxy groups containing one, two or three atoms. acids. Examples of Suitable amino acids, include, but are not As used herein, the term “nucleoside' refers to a com limited to, alanine, asparagine, aspartate, cysteine, gluta pound composed of any pentose or modified pentose moiety mate, glutamine, glycine, proline, serine, tyrosine, arginine, attached to a specific portion of a heterocyclic base, tau histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylala tomer, or derivative thereof such as the 9-position of a 25 nine, threonine, tryptophan and valine. purine, 1-position of a pyrimidine, or an equivalent position The terms "derivative,” “variant,' or other similar terms of a heterocyclic base derivative. Examples include, but are refer to a compound that is an analog of the other compound. not limited to, a ribonucleoside comprising a ribose moiety The terms “protecting group' and “protecting groups' as and a deoxyribonucleoside comprising a deoxyribose moi used herein refer to any atom or group of atoms that is added ety, and in some instances, the nucleoside is a nucleoside 30 to a molecule in order to prevent existing groups in the drug analog. As used herein, the term “nucleoside drug molecule from undergoing unwanted chemical reactions. analog refers to a compound composed of a nucleoside that Examples of protecting group moieties are described in T. W. has therapeutic activity, such as antiviral, antineoplastic, Greene and P. G. M. Wuts, Protective Groups in Organic anti-parasitic and/or antibacterial activity. Synthesis, 3. Ed. John Wiley & Sons (1999), and in J. F. W. As used herein, the term “nucleotide' refers to a nucleo 35 McOmie, Protective Groups in Organic Chemistry Plenum side having a phosphate ester Substituted on the 5'-position Press (1973), both of which are hereby incorporated by or an equivalent position of a nucleoside derivative. reference for the limited purpose of disclosing suitable As used herein, the term "heterocyclic base' refers to a protecting groups. The protecting group moiety may be purine, a pyrimidine and derivatives thereof. The term chosen in Such a way, that they are stable to certain reaction “purine' refers to a substituted purine, its tautomers and 40 conditions and readily removed at a convenient stage using analogs thereof. Similarly, the term "pyrimidine” refers to a methodology known from the art. A non-limiting list of Substituted pyrimidine, its tautomers and analogs thereof. protecting groups include benzyl, Substituted benzyl; alky Examples of purines include, but are not limited to, purine, lcarbonyls (e.g., t-butoxycarbonyl (BOC)); arylalkylcarbo adenine, guanine, hypoxanthine, Xanthine, theobromine, nyls (e.g., benzyloxycarbonyl, benzoyl), Substituted methyl caffeine, uric acid and isoguanine. Examples of pyrimidines 45 ether (e.g. methoxymethyl ether); substituted ethyl ether, a include, but are not limited to, cytosine, thymine, uracil, and substituted benzyl ether, tetrahydropyranyl ether; silyl derivatives thereof. An example of an analog of a purine is ethers (e.g., taumethylsilyl, tmethylsilyl, thisopropylsilyl, 1,2,4-triazole-3-carboxamide. t-butyldimethylsilyl, or t-butyldiphenylsilyl), esters (e.g. Other non-limiting examples of heterocyclic bases benzoate ester), carbonates (e.g. methoxymethylcarbonate), include diaminopurine, 8-oxo-N-methyladenine, 7-deazax 50 Sulfonates (e.g. tosylate, mesylate), acyclic ketal (e.g. dim anthine, 7-deazaguanine, N,N-ethanocytosin, N,N'- ethyl acetal): cyclic ketals (e.g., 1,3-dioxane or 1,3-dioxo ethano-2,6-diaminopurine, 5-methylcytosine, 5-fluoroura lanes); acyclic acetal; cyclic acetal, acyclic hemiacetal, cil, 5-bromouracil, pseudoisocytosine, isocytosine, cyclic hemiacetal, and cyclic dithioketals (e.g., 1,3-dithiane isoguanine, and other heterocyclic bases described in U.S. or 1,3-dithiolane). Pat. Nos. 5.432.272 and 7,125,855, which are incorporated 55 "Leaving group’ as used herein refers to any atom or herein by reference for the limited purpose of disclosing moiety that is capable of being displaced by another atom or additional heterocyclic bases. moiety in a chemical reaction. More specifically, in some The term ' O-linked amino acid refers to an amino acid embodiments, “leaving group' refers to the atom or moiety that is attached to the indicated moiety via its main-chain that is displaced in a nucleophilic Substitution reaction hi carboxyl function group. When the amino acid is attached, 60 Some embodiments, “leaving groups' are any atoms or the hydrogen that is part of the —OH portion of the carboxyl moieties that are conjugate bases of strong acids Examples function group is not present and the amino acid is attached of Suitable leaving groups include, but are not limited to, via the remaining oxygen. An —O-linked amino acid can be tosylates and halogens Non-limiting characteristics and protected at any nitrogen group that is present on the amino examples of leaving groups can be found, for example in acid. For example, an —O-linked amino acid can contain an 65 Organic Chemistry, 2d ed., Francis Carey (1992), pages amide or a carbamate group. Suitable amino acid protecting 328-331, Introduction to Organic Chemistry, 2d ed., Andrew groups include, but are not limited to, carbobenzyloxy Streitwieser and Clayton Heathcock (1981), pages 169-171; US 9,662,332 B2 25 26 and Organic Chemistry, 5" ed., John McMurry (2000), The term “pro-drug ester refers to derivatives of the pages 398 and 408; all of which are incorporated herein by compounds disclosed herein formed by the addition of any reference for the limited purpose of disclosing characteris of several ester-forming groups that are hydrolyzed under tics and examples of leaving groups. physiological conditions. Examples of pro-drug ester groups As used herein, the abbreviations for any protective include pivaloyloxymethyl, acetoxymethyl, phthalidyl, groups, ammo acids and other compounds, are, unless indanyl and methoxymethyl, as well as other such groups indicated otherwise, in accord with their common usage, known in the art, including a (5-R-2-oxo-1,3-dioxolen-4-yl) recognized abbreviations, or the IUPAC-IUB Commission methyl group. Other examples of pro-drug ester groups can on Biochemical Nomenclature (See, Biochem. 1972 11:942 be found in, for example, T. Higuchi and V. Stella, in 10 “Pro-drugs as Novel Delivery Systems'', Vol. 14, A.C.S. 944). Symposium Series, American Chemical Society (1975); and A "prodrug” refers to an agent that is converted into the “Bioreversible Carriers in Drug Design: Theory and Appli parent drug in vivo. Prodrugs are often useful because, in cation’, edited by E. B. Roche, Pergamon Press: New York, Some situations, they may be easier to administer than the 14-21 (1987) (providing examples of esters useful as prod parent drug. They may, for instance, be bioavailable by oral 15 rugs for compounds containing carboxyl groups). Each of administration whereas the parent is not. The prodrug may the above-mentioned references is herein incorporated by also have improved solubility in pharmaceutical composi reference for the limited purpose of disclosing ester-forming tions over the parent drug. Examples of prodrugs include groups that can form prodrug esters. compounds that have one or more biologically labile groups The term “pharmaceutically acceptable salt” refers to a attached to the parent drug (e.g., a compound of Formula I salt of a compound that does not cause significant irritation and/or a compound of Formula II). For example, one or to an organism to which it is administered and does not more biologically labile groups can be attached to a func abrogate the biological activity and properties of the com tional group of the parent drug (for example, by attaching pound. In some embodiments, the salt is an acid addition salt one or more biologically labile groups to a phosphate). of the compound. Pharmaceutical salts can be obtained by When more than one biologically labile groups is attached, 25 reacting a compound with inorganic acids such as hydro the biologically labile groups can be the same or different. halic acid (e.g., hydrochloric acid or hydrobromic acid), The biologically labile group(s) can be linked (for example, Sulfuric acid, nitric acid, phosphoric acid and the like. through a covalent bond), to an oxygen or a heteroatom, Pharmaceutical salts can also be obtained by reacting a Such as a phosphorus of a monophosphate, diphosphate, compound with an organic acid Such as aliphatic or aromatic triphosphate, and/or a stabilized phosphate analog contain 30 carboxylic or Sulfonic acids, for example acetic, succinic, ing carbon, nitrogen or sulfur (referred to hereinafter in the lactic, malic, tartaric, citric, ascorbic, nicotinic, methanesul present paragraph as “phosphate”). In instances where the fonic, ethanesulfonic, p-toluensulfonic, salicylic or naphtha prodrug is form by attaching one or more biologically labile lenesulfonic acid. Pharmaceutical salts can also be obtained groups to the phosphate, removal of the biologically labile by reacting a compound with a base to form a salt such as group in the host produces a phosphate. The removal of the 35 an ammonium salt, an alkali metal salt, such as a Sodium or biologically labile group(s) that forms the prodrug can be a potassium salt, an alkaline earth metal salt, Such as a accomplished by a variety of methods, including, but not calcium or a magnesium salt, a salt of organic bases Such as limited to, oxidation, reduction, amination, deamination, dicyclohexylamine, N-methyl-D-glucamine, tris(hydroxym hydroxylation, dehydroxylation, hydrolysis, dehydrolysis, ethyl)methylamine, C-C, alkylamine, cyclohexylamine, tri alkylation, dealkylation, acylation, deacylation, phosphory 40 ethanolamine, ethylenediamine, and salts with amino acids lation, dephosphorylation, hydration and/or dehydration. An Such as arginine, lysine, and the like. example, without limitation, of a prodrug would be a com The term “protected as used herein and unless otherwise pound which is administered as an ester (the “prodrug”) to defined refers to a group that is added to an oxygen, facilitate transmittal across a cell membrane where water nitrogen, or phosphorus atom to prevent its further reaction solubility is detrimental to mobility but which then is 45 or for other purposes. A wide variety of oxygen and nitrogen metabolically hydrolyzed to the carboxylic acid, the active protecting groups are known to those skilled in the art of entity, once inside the cell where water-solubility is benefi organic synthesis. The term aryl, as used herein, and unless cial. A further example of a prodrug might comprise a short otherwise specified, refers to phenyl, biphenyl, or naphthyl, peptide (polyaminoacid) bonded to an acid group where the and preferably phenyl. The aryl group can be optionally peptide is metabolized or cleaved to reveal the active moiety. 50 substituted with one or more moieties selected from the Additional examples of prodrug moieties include the fol group consisting of hydroxyl, amino, alkylamino, ary lowing: R*R*C(=O)CCH R*C(=O)SCHCH , lamino, alkoxy, aryloxy, nitro, cyano, Sulfonic acid, Sulfate, R*C(=O)SCHR'NH , phenyl-O-, N-linked amino acids, phosphonic acid, phosphate, or phosphonate, either unpro O-linked amino acids, peptides, carbohydrates, and lipids, tected, or protected as necessary, as known to those skilled wherein each R is independently selected from an alkyl, an 55 in the art, for example, as taught in Greene, et al., Protective alkenyl, an alkynyl, an aryl, an aralkyl, acyl, Sulfonate ester, Groups in Organic Synthesis, John Wiley and Sons, Second a lipid, an —N-linked amino acid, an —O-linked amino Edition, 1991. acid, a peptide and a cholesterol. The prodrug can be a The term purine or pyrimidine base includes, but is not carbonate. The carbonate can be a cyclic carbonate. The limited to, adenine, N-alkylpurines, N-acylpurines cyclic carbonate can contain a carbonyl group between two 60 (wherein acyl is C(O)(alkyl, aryl, alkylaryl, or arylalkyl). hydroxyl groups that results in the formation of a five or six N-benzylpurine, N°-halopurine, N-vinylpurine, N-acety membered ring. Conventional procedures for the selection lenic purine, N-acyl purine, N'-hydroxyalkyl purine, and preparation of Suitable prodrug derivatives are N-thioalkyl purine, N-alkylpurines, N-alkyl-6-thiopu described, for example, in Design of Prodrugs, (ed. H. rines, thymine, cytosine, 5-fluorocytosine, 5-methylcyto Bundgaard, Elsevier, 1985), which is hereby incorporated 65 sine, 6-azapyrimidine, including 6-azacytosine, 2- and/or herein by reference for the limited purpose of describing 4-mercaptopyrmidine, uracil, 5-halouracil, including 5-fluo procedures and preparation of Suitable prodrug derivatives. rouracil, C-alkylpyrimidines, C-benzylpyrimidines, US 9,662,332 B2 27 28 C-halopyrimidines, C-vinylpyrimidine, C-acetylenic Unless otherwise indicated, the alkyl and alkenyl groups pyrimidine, C-acyl pyrimidine, C-hydroxyalkyl purine, referred to herein, as well as the alkyl moieties of other C-amidopyrimidine, C-cyanopyrimidine, C-nitropyrimi groups referred to herein (e.g., alkoxy), may be linear or dine, C-aminopyrimidine, N-alkylpurines, N-alkyl-6- branched, and they may also be cyclic (e.g., cyclopropyl. thiopurines, 5-azacytidinyl, 5-azauracilyl, triazolopyridinyl, cyclobutyl, cyclopentyl, cyclohexyl or cycloheptyl) or be imidazolopyridinyl, pyrrolopyrimidinyl, and pyrazolopy linear or branched and contain cyclic moieties. Unless rimidinyl. Purine bases include, but are not limited to, otherwise indicated, halogen includes fluorine, chlorine, guanine, adenine, hypoxanthine, 2,6-diaminopurine, bromine, and iodine. 2-chloro-2-aminopurine, inosine, and 6-chloropurine. Func (C-C)Heterocycloalkyl when used herein refers to pyr tional oxygen and nitrogen groups on the base can be 10 rolidinyl, tetrahydrofuranyl, dihydrofuranyl, tetrahydropy protected as necessary or desired. Suitable protecting groups ranyl, pyranyl, thiopyranyl, aziridinyl, oxiranyl, methylene are well known to those skilled in the art, and include dioxyl, chromenyl, isoxazolidinyl, 1.3-oxazolidin-3-yl, trimethylsilyl, dimethylhexylsilyl, t-butyldimethylsilyl, and isothiazolidinyl, 1,3-thiazolidin-3-yl, 1.2-pyrazolidin-2-yl, t-butyldiphenylsilyl, trityl, alkyl groups, acyl groups such as 1.3-pyrazolidin-1-yl, piperidinyl, thiomorpholinyl, 1.2-tet acetyl and propionyl, methanesulfonyl, and p-toluenesulfo 15 rahydrothiazin-2-yl, 1,3-tetrahydrothiazin-3-yl, tetrahy nyl. drothiadiazinyl, morpholinyl, 1,2-tetrahydrodiazin-2-yl, The term acyl refers to a carboxylic acid ester in which the 1,3-tetrahydrodiazin-1-yl, tetrahydroazepinyl, piperazinyl, non-carbonyl moiety of the ester group is selected from chromanyl, etc. One of ordinary skill in the art will under straight, branched, or cyclic alkyl or lower alkyl, alkoxy stand that the connection of said (C-C)heterocycloalkyl alkyl including methoxymethyl, aralkyl including benzyl, rings is through a carbon or a sp hybridized nitrogen aryloxyalkyl such as phenoxymethyl, aryl including phenyl heteroatom. optionally substituted with halogen, C to C alkyl or C to (C-C)Heteroaryl when used herein refers to furyl, thie Calkoxy, Sulfonate esters such as alkyl or aralkyl Sulphonyl nyl, thiazolyl pyrazolyl, isothiazolyl, oxazolyl, isoxazolyl, including methanesulfonyl, the mono, di or triphosphate 25 pyrrolyl, triazolyl, tetrazolyl, imidazolyl, 1,3,5-oxadiazolyl, ester, trity1 or monomethoxytrityl, substituted benzyl, tri 1,2,4-oxadiazolyl, 1.2.3-oxadiazolyl, 1.3.5-thiadiazolyl, 1.2, alkylsilyl (e.g. dimethyl-t-butylsilyl) or diphenylmethylsilyl. 3-thiadiazolyl, 1,2,4-thiadiazolyl pyridyl, pyrimidyl, Aryl groups in the esters optimally comprise a phenyl group. pyrazinyl, pyridazinyl, 1,2,4-triazinyl, 1.2.3-triazinyl, 1.3.5- Acyl can also include a natural or synthetic amino acid triazinyl, pyrazolo3.4-bipyridinyl, cinnolinyl, pteridinyl, moiety. 30 purinyl, 6,7-dihydro-5H-1pyrindinyl, benzobthiophenyl, As used herein, the term “substantially free of or “sub 5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-quinolin-3-yl, benzoxazolyl, benzothiaz stantially in the absence of refers to a nucleoside compo olyl, benzisothiazolyl, benzisoxazolyl, benzimidazolyl, thi sition that includes at least 95% to 98%, or more preferably, anaphthenyl, isothianaphthenyl, benzofuranyl, isobenzo 99% to 100%, of the designated enantiomer of that nucleo furanyl, isolindolyl, indolyl, indolizinyl, indazolyl, side. 35 isoquinolyl, quinolyl, phthalazinyl, quinoxalinyl, quinazoli Similarly, the term "isolated refers to a nucleoside com nyl, benzoxazinyl; etc. One of ordinary skill in the art will position that includes at least 85 or 90% by weight, prefer understand that the connection of said (C-C)heterocy ably 95% to 98% by weight, and even more preferably 99% cloalkyl rings is through a carbon atom or a sp. hybridized to 100% by weight, of the nucleoside, the remainder com nitrogen heteroatom. prising other chemical species or enantiomers. 40 (C-C)aryl when used herein refers to phenyl or naph The term "host, as used herein, refers to a unicellular or thyl. multicellular organism in which the virus can replicate, As used herein, the term antiviral nucleoside agent refers including cell lines and animals, and preferably a human. to antiviral nucleosides that have anti-HIV activity. The Alternatively, the host can be carrying a part of the viral agents can be active against other viral infections as well, so genome, whose replication or function can be altered by the 45 long as they are active against HIV. compounds of the present invention. The term host specifi The term “antiviral thymidine nucleosides’ refers to thy cally refers to infected cells, cells transfected with all or part midine analogues with anti-HIV activity, including but not of the viral genome and animals, in particular, primates limited to, AZT () and D4T (2',3'-didehydro (including chimpanzees) and humans. Relative to abnormal 3'deoxythymidine (stravudine), and 1-D-D-Dioxolane)thy cellular proliferation, the term “host” refers to unicellular or 50 mine (DOT) or their prodrugs. multicellular organism in which abnormal cellular prolifera The term “antiviral guanine nucleosides' refers to gua tion can be mimicked. The term host specifically refers to nine analogues with anti-HIV activity, including but not cells that abnormally proliferate, either from natural or limited to, HBG (9-(4-hydroxybutyl)guanine, lobucavir unnatural causes (for example, from genetic mutation or (1R(1 alpha2beta,3 alpha)-9-2,3-bis(hydroxymethyl)cy genetic engineering, respectively), and animals, in particu 55 clobutyllguanine), (1S,4R)-4-2-amino-6-(cyclo lar, primates (including chimpanzees) and humans. In most propylamino)-9H-purin-9-yl)-2-cyclopentene-1-methanol animal applications of the present invention, the host is a Sulfate (salt), a prodrug of a G-carbocyclic nucleoside) and human patient. Veterinary applications, in certain indica additional antiviral guanine nucleosides disclosed in U.S. tions, however, are clearly anticipated by the present inven Pat. No. 5,994,321 tion (such as bovine viral diarrhea virus in cattle, hog 60 The term “antiviral cytosine nucleosides’ refers to cyto cholera virus in pigs, and border disease virus in sheep). sine analogues with anti-HIV activity, including but not The term "halo', as used herein, unless otherwise indi limited to, (-)-2',3'-dideoxy-3'-thiacytidine (3TC) and its cated, includes fluoro, chloro, bromo or iodo. 5-fluoro analog (-)-FTC, , 2',3'-dideoxycyti The compounds of this invention may contain double dine (DDC), , beta-D-2',3'-didehydro-2',3'-dideoxy bonds. When such bonds are present, the compounds of the 65 5-fluorocytidine (DFC, D-da-FC, RVT, ) and invention exist as cis and trans configurations and as mix its enantiomer L-D4FC, and (APC, AVX754, tures thereof. BCH-10618). US 9,662,332 B2 29 30 The term “antiviral adenine nucleosides’ refers to adenine analogues with anti-HIV activity, including, but not limited to 2',3'-dideoxy-adenosine (ddAdo), 2',3'-dideoxyinosine (DDI), 9-(2-phosphonylmethoxyethyl)adenine (PMEA), 9-R-2-phosphonomethoxypropyl adenine (PMPA, Tenofo vir) (K65R is resistant to PMPA), fumarate (9-(R)-2bis isopropoxycarbonyl)oxy CN methoxy-phosphinylmethoxypropyladenine fumarate, TDF), bis(isopropyloxymethylcarbonyl)PMPA bis(poc) PMPA), GS-91.48 (Gilead Sciences) as well as those dis 10 closed in Balzarini, J.; De Clercq, E. Acyclic purine nucleo side phosphonates as retrovirus inhibitors. In: Jeffries DJ, De Clercq E., editors. Antiviral chemotherapy. New York, Representative JAK inhibitors also include those dis N.Y: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; 1995. pp. 41-45, the contents closed in U.S. Pat. Nos. Re 41,783; 7,842,699; 7.803,805; of which are hereby incorporated by reference. 15 7,687,507; 7,601,727; 7,569,569; 7,192,963; 7,091,208; The term AZT is used interchangeably with the term 6,890,929, 6,696,567; 6,962,993; 6,635,762; 6,627,754; and zidovudine throughout. Similarly, abbreviated and common 6,610,847, an example of which is Tofacitinib, which has the names for other antiviral agents are used interchangeably structure shown below: throughout. As used herein, the term DAPD ((2R,4R)-2-amino-9-(2- hydroxymethyl)-I, 3-dioxolan-4-yladenine) is also intended

to include a related form of DAPD known as APD (-)-3- D-2-aminopurine dioxolane, as well as all optically active forms of DAPD, including optically active forms and race 25 mic forms and its phosphate prodrugs as well as dioxo lane-G and the 6-methoxy or 6-chloro derivatives. As used herein, the term “pharmaceutically acceptable salts' refers to pharmaceutically acceptable salts which, upon administration to the recipient, are capable of provid 30 ing directly or indirectly, a nucleoside antiviral agent, or that exhibit activity themselves. Tofacitinib (Pfizer), and which has the chemical name As used herein, the term “prodrug, in connection with 3-((3R,4R)-4 methyl-3-methyl-(7H-pyrrolo[2,3-dipyrimi nucleoside antiviral agents, refers to the 5' and N-acylated, din-4-yl)-aminol-piperidin-1-yl)-3-oxo-propionitrile. alkylated, or phosphorylated (including mono, di, and 35 In one embodiment, the compounds have the formula: triphosphate esters as well as stabilized phosphates and phospholipid) derivatives of nucleoside antiviral agents. In Formula A one embodiment, the acyl group is a carboxylic acid ester in RI R2 which the non-carbonyl moiety of the ester group is selected 40 from Straight, branched, or cyclic alkyl, alkoxyalkyl includ N1N N ing methoxymethyl, aralkyl including benzyl, aryloxyalkyl l R3 including phenoxymethyl, aryl including phenyl optionally 2 N Substituted by halogen, alkyl, alkyl or alkoxy, Sulfonate N H esters such as alkyl or aralkyl Sulphonyl including methane 45 sulfonyl, trity1 or monomethoxytrityl, substituted benzyl, wherein: trialkylsilyl, or diphenylmethylsilyl. Aryl groups in the or the pharmaceutically acceptable salt or prodrug thereof. esters optimally comprise a phenyl group. The alkyl group wherein can be straight, branched or cyclic and is preferably Cs. R" is a group of the formula As used herein, the term “resistant virus' refers to a virus 50 that exhibits a three, and more typically, five or greater fold R5 increase in ECso compared to naive virus in a constant cell R 1. line, including, but not limited to peripheral blood mono n N 1. (CH2) y nuclear (PBM) cells, or MT2 or MT4 cells. As used herein, the term “substantially pure' or “substan 55 olo tially in the form of one optical isomer refers to a compo sition that includes at least 95% to 98%, or more, preferably wherein y is 0, 1 or 2: 99% to 100%, of a single enantiomer of the JAK inhibitors R" is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, described herein, and, optionally, to similar concentrations 60 (C-C)alkyl, (C-C)alkylsulfonyl, (C-C)alkenyl, (C- of a single enantiomer of a nucleoside. In a preferred C.)alkynyl wherein the alkyl, alkenyl and alkynyl groups embodiment, the JAK inhibitors are administered in sub are optionally Substituted by deuterium, hydroxy, amino, stantially pure form. trifluoromethyl, (C-C)alkoxy, (C-C)acyloxy, (C-C) I. JAK Inhibitors alkylamino, ((C-C)alkyl)amino, cyano, nitro, (C-C)alk Representative JAK inhibitors include those disclosed in 65 enyl, (C-C)alkynyl or (C-C)acylamino; or U.S. Pat. No. 7,598.257, an example of which is Ruxolitinib R" is (Cs-Co)cycloalkyl wherein the cycloalkyl group is (Jakafi, Incyte), which has the structure shown below: optionally Substituted by deuterium, hydroxy, amino, trif

US 9,662,332 B2 35 36 halo, CN, NO, N, SCN, OH, C alkyl, C. haloalkyl, independently selected from Cy', —(C. alkyl)-Cy", OH, Cs alkoxyalkyl, Calkoxy, Chaloalkoxy, amino, C. CN, amino, halo, C alkyl, Chaloalkyl, Chaloalkyl, alkylamino, and Cls dialkylamino; and halosulfanyl: E" and E' are independently selected from H, halo, Ca RandR'' are independently selected from H. Coalkyl, alkyl, Calkenyl, C. alkynyl, Chaloalkyl, halosulfa C. haloalkyl, C- alkenyl, Ce alkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl, nyl, Ca hydroxyalkyl, C, a cyanoalkyl, Cy', CN, NO. cycloalkyl, heterocycloalkyl, arylalkyl, heteroarylalkyl, OR', SR, C(O)R, C(O)NR'R'', C(O)OR, OC(O)ROC cycloalkylalkyl and heterocycloalkylalkyl, wherein said (O)NR'RNRR, NRC(O)R, NRC(O)NR'R'', NRC(O) Co alkyl, Chaloalkyl, C2-alkenyl, C2-alkynyl, aryl, OR, C(-NR)NR'R'', NRC(—NR)NR'R', S(O)R', S(O) heteroaryl, cycloalkyl, heterocycloalkyl, arylalkyl, het NRR, S(O).R, NRS(O).R, C(-NOH)R, C(-NO 10 eroarylalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl or heterocycloalkylalkyl is (C. alkyl)R’, and S(O)NR'R'', wherein said Cls alkyl, optionally substituted with 1, 2, or 3 substituents indepen Cs alkenyl, or Cs alkynyl, is optionally substituted with dently selected from OH, CN, amino, halo, Calkyl, C. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 substituents independently selected from haloalkyl, Ce haloalkyl, halosulfanyl, aryl, arylalkyl, het halo, C. alkyl, Calkenyl, C. alkynyl, Chaloalkyl, halosulfanyl, Ca hydroxyalkyl, C, a cyanoalkyl, Cy', CN, 15 eroaryl, heteroarylalkyl, cycloalkyl and heterocycloalkyl; NO, OR', SR, C(O)R, C(O)NR'R'', C(O)OR, OC(O)R’, or RandR together with the Natom to which they are OC(O)NR'R'', NRR, NRC(O)R, NRC(O)NR'R'', NR attached form a 4-, 5-, 6- or 7-membered heterocycloalkyl (O)OR, C(-NR)NR'R'', NRC(—NR)NR'R', S(O)R’, group optionally substituted with 1, 2, or 3 substituents S(O)NR'R', S(O).R., NRS(O).R, C(-NOH)R’, independently selected from OH, CN, amino, halo, C. C(=NO(C. alkyl))R’, and S(O)NR'R''. alkyl, Chaloalkyl, Chaloalkyl, halosulfanyl, aryl, ary R" is H, Cy', —(C. alkyl)-Cy', C. alkyl, C lalkyl, heteroaryl, heteroarylalkyl, cycloalkyl and heterocy haloalkyl, C. alkenyl, C- alkynyl, wherein said C. cloalkyl; alkyl, Chaloalkyl, Calkenyl, or C. alkynyl is option R" and R'' are independently selected from H. Co. ally substituted with 1, 2, or 3 substituents independently 25 alkyl, Ce haloalkyl, C- alkenyl, C- alkynyl, aryl, het selected from OH, CN, amino, halo, Ce alkyl, C. eroaryl, cycloalkyl, heterocycloalkyl, arylalkyl, heteroaryl haloalkyl, halosulfanyl, aryl, arylalkyl, heteroaryl, het alkyl, cycloalkylalkyl and heterocycloalkylalkyl, wherein eroarylalkyl, cycloalkyl and heterocycloalkyl; said Co alkyl, Chaloalkyl, C2-alkenyl, C2-alkynyl, R’ is H, Cy', -(C. alkyl)-Cy', C. alkyl, C aryl, heteroaryl, cycloalkyl, heterocycloalkyl, arylalkyl, het haloalkyl, C. alkenyl, C- alkynyl, wherein said C. 30 eroarylalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl or heterocycloalkylalkyl is alkyl, C-1 haloalkyl, C2- alkenyl, or C2-alkynyl is optionally substituted with 1, 2, or 3 substituents indepen optionally substituted with 1, 2, or 3 substituents indepen dently selected from OH, CN, amino, halo, Ce alkyl, C. dently selected from OH, CN, amino, halo, Calkyl, C. haloalkyl, halosulfanyl, Chaloalkyl, aryl, arylalkyl, het haloalkyl, Ce haloalkyl, halosulfanyl, aryl, arylalkyl, het eroaryl, heteroarylalkyl, cycloalkyl and heterocycloalkyl; eroaryl, heteroarylalkyl, cycloalkyl and heterocycloalkyl; 35 R" and Rare independently selected from H, C, alkyl, or RandR'together with the Natom to which they are C. haloalkyl, C2-alkenyl, C2-alkynyl, aryl, cycloalkyl, attached form a 4-, 5-, 6- or 7-membered heterocycloalkyl heteroaryl, heterocycloalkyl, arylalkyl, heteroarylalkyl, group optionally substituted with 1, 2, or 3 substituents cycloalkylalkyl and heterocycloalkylalkyl, wherein said independently selected from OH, CN, amino, halo, C. C. alkyl, Ce haloalkyl, Calkenyl, C- alkynyl, aryl, 40 alkyl, Chaloalkyl, Chaloalkyl, halosulfanyl, aryl, ary cycloalkyl, heteroaryl, heterocycloalkyl, arylalkyl, het lalkyl, heteroaryl, heteroarylalkyl, cycloalkyl and heterocy eroarylalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl or heterocycloalkylalkyl is cloalkyl; optionally substituted with 1, 2, or 3 substituents indepen dently selected from OH, CN, amino, halo, Ce alkyl, C. R’ is H. CN, NO, or C. alkyl: haloalkyl, halosulfanyl, aryl, arylalkyl, heteroaryl, het 45 R and R are independently selected from H and C, eroarylalkyl, cycloalkyl and heterocycloalkyl; alkyl: RandR'' are independently selected from H, C, alkyl, C. haloalkyl, C2-alkenyl, C2-alkynyl, aryl, cycloalkyl, R is H, CN, or NO; heteroaryl, heterocycloalkyl, arylalkyl, heteroarylalkyl, m is 0 or 1; cycloalkylalkyl and heterocycloalkylalkyl, wherein said 50 n is 0 or 1; C. alkyl, Ce haloalkyl, C2-alkenyl, C2-alkynyl, aryl, cycloalkyl, heteroaryl, heterocycloalkyl, arylalkyl, het p is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6: eroarylalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl or heterocycloalkylalkyl is q is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6: optionally substituted with 1, 2, or 3 substituents indepen r is 0 or 1; and dently selected from OH, CN, amino, halo, Ce alkyl, C. 55 haloalkyl, Chaloalkyl, halosulfanyl, aryl, arylalkyl, het s is 0 or 1. eroaryl, heteroarylalkyl, cycloalkyl and heterocycloalkyl; Additional JAK inhibitors include CEP-701 (Lestaurtinib, R and R are independently selected from H, Cy', Cephalon Technology), a JAK 2 FL3 kinase, AZD1480 —(C. alkyl)-Cy", Clio alkyl, Chaloalkyl, Coalkenyl, (AstraZeneca), a JAK2 inhibitor, LY3009.104/INCB28050 C2-alkynyl, wherein said Co alkyl, C- haloalkyl, C2 60 (Eli Lilly, Incyte), a JAK 1/2 inhibitor, Pacritinib/SB1518 alkenyl, or C. alkynyl, is optionally substituted with 1, 2, (S*BIO), a JAK2 inhibitor, VX-509 (Vertex), a JAK 3 or 3 substituents independently selected from Cy', —(C. inhibitor, GLPG0634 (Galapagos), a JAK 1 inhibitor, alkyl)-Cy", OH, CN, amino, halo, Calkyl, Chaloalkyl, INC424 (Novartis), a JAK inhibitor, R-348 (Rigel), a JAK Chaloalkyl, and halosulfanyl: 3 inhibitor, CYT387 (YM Bioscience), a JAK1/2 inhibitor, or R and R together with the Natom to which they are 65 TG 10138, a JAK2 inhibitor, AEG 3482 (Axon), a JAK attached form a 4-, 5-, 6- or 7-membered heterocycloalkyl inhibitor, and pharmaceutically-acceptable salts and prod group optionally substituted with 1, 2, or 3 substituents rugs thereof. US 9,662,332 B2 37 38 Lestaurtinib has the following formula: LY3009104 is believed to be (R)-3-(4-(7H-pyrrolo[2,3- dpyrimidin-4-yl)-1H -pyrazol-1-yl-3-cyclopentyl-pro panenitrile Pacritinib has the following formula:

10 15 3. The compounds include those described in U.S. Publica tion Nos. 20110020469; 20110118255; 20100311743: 20100310675; 20100280026; 20100160287: 20100081657; 20100081645; 20090181938; 20080032963; 200702598.69; and 20070249031. 25 The compounds also include those described in U.S. Publication NoS. 20110251215; 20110224157: 20110223210; 20110207754; 20110136781; 20110086835; TG 10138 has the following formula: 20110086810; 20110082159; 20100190804; 20100022522; 20090318405; 20090286778; 20090233903; 20090215766; 30 20090197869; 20090181959; 20080312259; 20080312258: 20080188500; and 20080167287: 2008003.9457. The compounds also include those described in U.S. Publication NoS. 20100311693; 20080021013; Cro 20060128780; 20040186157; and 20030162775. 35 The compounds also include those described in U.S. 1. Publication NoS. 20110245256; 20100009978; 20090098137; and 20080261973. The compounds also include those described in U.S. Publication No. 20110092499. Representative compounds 40 include: 1. 7-iodo-N-(4-morpholinophenyl)thieno3,2-dipyrimidin 2-amine 2. 7-(4-aminophenyl)-N-(4-morpholinophenyl) CYT387 has the following formula: thieno 3.2-dpyrimidin-2-amine 3. N-(4-(2-(4-morpholino phenylamino)thieno 3.2-dpyrimidin-7-yl)phenyl) 45 acrylamide 4. 7-(3-aminophenyl)-N-(4-morpholinophenyl) thieno3.2-dpyrimidin-2-amine 5. N-(3-(2-(4- N morpholinophenylamino)thieno3.2-dpyrimidin-7-yl) phenyl)acrylamide 7. N-(4-morpholinophenyl)thieno 3.2-d pyrimidin-2-amine 8. methyl 2-(4-morpholinophenylamino) -O-O. 50 thieno 3.2-dpyrimidine-7-carboxylate 9. N-(4- morpholinophenyl)-5H-pyrrolo3.2-dpyrimidin-2-amine 10. 7-(4-amino-3-methoxyphenyl)-N-(4-morpholinophenyl) thieno3.2-dpyrimidin-2-amine 11. 4-(2-(4-morpholino phenylamino)thieno 3.2-dpyrimidin-7-yl)benzenesulfona AZD1480 has the following formula: 55 mide 12. N,N-dimethyl-3-(2-(4-morpholinophenylamino) thieno 3.2-dpyrimidin-7-yl)benzenesulfonamide 13. 1-ethyl-3-(2-methoxy-4-(2-(4-morpholinophenylamino) C thieno 3.2-dpyrimidin- -7-yl)phenyl)urea 14. N-(4-(2-(4- N H morpholinophenylamino)thieno3.2-dpyrimidin-7-yl)phe 60 nyl)methanesulfonamide 15. 2-methoxy-4-(2-(4- morpholinophenylamino)thieno3.2-dpyrimidin-7-yl) yN N N21 F phenol 16. 2-cyano-N-(3-(2-(4-morpholinophenylamino) thieno 3.2-dpyrimidin-7-yl-)phenyl)acetamide 17. N-(cyanomethyl)-2-(4-morpholinophenylamino)thieno3.2- NullsE N 65 dpyrimidine-7-carboxamide 18. N-(3-(2-(4-morpholino phenylamino)thieno3.2-dpyrimidin-7-yl)phenyl)methane Sulfonamide 19. 1-ethyl-3-(4-(2-(4-

US 9,662,332 B2 41 42 thieno3.2-dpyrimidin-2-amine 101. N-(3,4- II. Combinations of JAK Inhibitors and other Antiviral dimethoxyphenyl)-7-phenylthieno3,2-dipyrimidin-2- Agents amine In one embodiment, the compositions include antiretro R348 (Rigel) is defined in Velotta et al., “A novel JAK3 viral JAK inhibitors as described herein and one or more inhibitor, R348, attenuates chronic airway allograft rejec additional antiviral agents. tion.” Transplantation. 2009 Mar. 15: 87(5):653-9. In one aspect of this embodiment, the JAK inhibitors and The present invention also relates to the pharmaceutically additional antiviral agents are administered in combination acceptable acid addition salts of compounds of Formulas A or alternation, and in one aspect, in a manner in which both and B, as well as the additional JAK inhibitors described agents act synergistically against the virus. The composi 10 tions and methods described herein can be used to treat herein. The acids which are used to prepare the pharmaceu patients infected with a drug resistant form of HIV, specifi tically acceptable acid addition salts of the aforementioned cally, a form including the M184V/I, multidrug resistant base compounds of this invention are those which form viruses (e.g., Q151M), K65R mutation, Thymidine analog non-toxic acid addition salts, i.e., salts containing pharma mutations (TAMS), and the like. TAMS include, but are not cologically acceptable anions, such as the hydrochloride, limited to, mutations at reverse transcriptase (RT) positions hydrobromide, hydroiodide, nitrate, sulfate, bisulfate, phos 15 41, 67, 70, 210, 215, and 219, which confer clinically phate, acid phosphate, acetate, lactate, citrate, acid citrate, significant resistance to each of the nucleoside RT inhibitors tartrate, bitartrate. Succinate, maleate, fumarate, gluconate, with the exception of 3TC. saccharate, benzoate, methanesulfonate, ethanesulfonate, While not wishing to be bound to a particular theory, it is benzenesulfonate, p-toluenesulfonate and pamoate i.e., believed that the JAK inhibitors described herein function in 1,1'-methylene-bis-(2-hydroxy-3-naphthoate) salts. a way not associated with heretofore known antiretroviral The invention also relates to base addition salts of For therapy, in that the compounds do not act in the same way mulas A and B. The chemical bases that may be used as as NRTI, NNRTI, protease inhibitors, integrase inhibitors, reagents to prepare pharmaceutically acceptable base salts of entry inhibitors, and the like, all of which interfere directly those compounds of Formulas A and B that are acidic in with a step in the viral replication cycle. Rather, they act in nature are those that form non-toxic base salts with Such 25 an intracellular manner, in a way that is not likely to provoke compounds. Such non-toxic base salts include, but are not resistance. More specifically, the mechanism is independent limited to those derived from Such pharmacologically and distinct from direct modulation or interference with the acceptable cations such as alkali metal cations (e.g., potas viral replication cycle itself, and therefore lacks a selective sium and sodium) and alkaline earth metal cations (e.g., pressure to confer emergence of drug resistant virus. calcium and magnesium), ammonium or water-soluble 30 Further, the combination of the JAK inhibitors described amine addition salts such as N-methylglucamine-(meglu herein, and one or more additional antiviral agents, can help mine), and the lower alkanolammonium and other base salts prevent the development of viral resistance to other antiviral of pharmaceutically acceptable organic amines. agents. Therefore, co-formulation of the JAK inhibitors with The compounds of this invention include all conforma these additional antiviral agents can function as a “resistance tional isomers (e.g., cis and trans isomers. The compounds repellent” for the various mutations associated with conven of the present invention have asymmetric centers and there 35 tional therapy, and provides better therapy than either alone. fore exist in different enantiomeric and diastereomeric In one aspect of this embodiment, a combination therapy forms. This invention relates to the use of all optical isomers is administered that has the capability of attacking HIV in a and stereoisomers of the compounds of the present inven variety of mechanisms. That is, the combination therapy tion, and mixtures thereof, and to all pharmaceutical com includes an effective amount of at least one adenine, cyto positions and methods of treatment that may employ or 40 sine, thymine, and guanosine nucleoside antiviral, as well as contain them. In this regard, the invention includes both the one or more additional agents other than NRTI that inhibit E and Z configurations. The compounds of Formulas A and HIV viral loads via a different mechanism. Examples B can also exist as tautomers. This invention relates to the include reverse transcriptase inhibitors, protease inhibitors, use of all Such tautomers and mixtures thereof. fusion inhibitors, entry inhibitors, attachment inhibitors, This invention also encompasses pharmaceutical compo 45 polymerase inhibitors, and integrase inhibitors such as inte sitions containing prodrugs of compounds of the Formulas A grase inhibitors such as raltegravir (Isentress) or MK-0518, and B, and their use in treating or preventing HIV. This GS-9137 (Gilead Sciences), GS-8374 (Gilead Sciences), or invention also encompasses methods of treating or prevent GSK-364735. ing viral infections that can be treated or prevented by It is believed that this therapy, particularly when admin protein kinase inhibitors, such as the enzyme Janus Kinase 50 istered at an early stage in the development of HIV infection, 1, 2, or 3, comprising administering prodrugs of compounds has the possibility of eliminating HIV infection in a patient. of the Formulas A and B. Compounds of Formulas A and B That is, the presence of the different nucleosides and addi having free amino, amido, hydroxy or carboxylic groups can tional agents minimizes the ability of the virus to adapt its be converted into prodrugs. Prodrugs include compounds reverse transcriptase and develop resistance to any class of wherein an amino acid residue, or a polypeptide chain of two nucleoside antiviral nucleosides (i.e., adenine, cytosine, or more (e.g., two, three or four) amino acid residues which 55 thymidine, or guanine), because it would be susceptible to at are covalently joined through peptide bonds to free amino, least one of the other nucleoside antiviral agents that are hydroxy or carboxylic acid groups of compounds of For present, and/or the additional non-NRTI therapeutic agent. mulas A and B. The amino acid residues include the 20 In addition the lipophilic character of certain agents would naturally occurring amino acids commonly designated by allow them to penetrate certain compartments where virus three letter symbols and also include, 4-hydroxyproline, 60 could replicate (e.g., brain, testicles, gut). hydroxylysine, demosine, isodemosine, 3-methylhistidine, Representative agents are described in more detail below. norvlin, beta-alanine, gamma-aminobutyric acid, citruline, Attachment and Fusion Inhibitors homocysteine, homoserine, ornithine and methioine Sulfone. Attachment and fusion inhibitors are anti-HIV drugs Prodrugs also include compounds wherein carbonates, car which are intended to protect cells from infection by HIV by bamates, amides and alkyl esters which are covalently 65 preventing the virus from attaching to a new cell and bonded to the above substituents of Formulas A and B breaking through the cell membrane. These drugs can pre through the carbonyl carbon prodrug sidechain. vent infection of a cell by either free virus (in the blood) or US 9,662,332 B2 43 44 by contact with an infected cell. These agents are susceptible AMD070 by AnorMed blocks the CXCR4 receptor on to digestive acids, so are commonly delivered by break them CD4 T-cells to inhibit HIV fusion. down, most of these drugs are given by injections or BMS-378.806 is an attachment inhibitor that attaches to intravenous infusion. gp120, a part of HIV. Examples are shown in the table that follows: 5 HGS004 by Human Genome Sciences, is a monoclonal Entry Inhibitors (Including Fusion Inhibitors) antibody CCR5 blocker. INCB 9471 is sold by Incyte Corporation. PRO 140 by Progenies blocks fusion by binding to a Brand Generic Experimental Pharmaceutical receptor protein on the surface of CD4 cells. Name Name Abbreviation Code Company 10 SP01A by Samaritan Pharmaceuticals is an HIV entry FuZeon TM enfuwirtide T-20 Trimeris inhibitor. T-1249 Trimeris TAK-652 by Takeda blocks binding to the CCR5 receptor. AMD-31OO AnorMED, Inc. CD4-IgG2 PRO-542 Progenics Polymerase Inhibitors Pharmaceuticals The DNA polymerization activity of HIV-1 reverse tran BMS-488043 Bristol-Myers 15 scriptase (RT) can be inhibited by at least three mechanis Squibb tically distinct classes of compounds. Two of these are chain GSK-873, 140 GlaxoSmithKline Peptide T Advanced terminating nucleoside analogs (NRTIs) and allosteric non Immuni T, Inc. nucleoside RT inhibitors (NNRTIs). The third class includes TNX-355 Tanox, Inc. pyrophosphate mimetics such as foScamet (phosphonofor UK-427,857 Pfizer 2O mic acid, PFA). CXCR4 Inhibitor The reverse transcriptase has a second enzymatic activity, AMDOTO AMD11070 AnorMED, Inc. ribonuclease H (RNase H) activity, which maps to a second CCR5 antagonist active site in the enzyme. RNase H activity can be inhibited by various Small molecules (polymerase inhibitors). Vicriroc SCH-D SCH-417690 Schering-Plough 25 Examples include diketo acids, which bind directly to the RNase H domain, or compounds like PFA, which are Additional fusion and attachment inhibitors in human believed to bind in the polymerase domain. trials include AK602, AMD070, BMS-378.806, HGS004, Examples of these compounds are listed in the tables that INCB9471, PRO 140, Schering C, SP01A, and TAK-652. follow. AK602 is a CCR5 blocker being developed by Kumamoto 30 HIV Therapies: Nucleoside/Nucleotide Reverse University in Japan. Transcriptase Inhibitors (NRTIs)

Experimental Pharmaceutical Brand Name Generic Name Abbreviation Code Company Dapavir, 2,6- DAPD RFS Pharma diaminopurine dioxolane Retrovir (R) zidovudine AZT or ZDV GlaxoSmithKline Epivir (R) amivudine 3TC GlaxoSmithKline Combivir (R) zidovudine + AZT + 3TC GlaxoSmithKline amivudine Trizivir (R) abacavir + ABC - AZT + 3TC GlaxoSmithKline zidovudine + amivudine Ziagen (R) abacavir ABC 1592U89 GlaxoSmithKline Epzicom TM abacavir + ABC - 3TC GlaxoSmithKline amivudine Hivid (R) didC Hoffmann-La Roche Videx (R) : didI BMY-4O900 Bristol-Myers buffere Squibb versions Entecavir baraclude Bristol-Myers Squibb Videx (REC didanosine: didI Bristol-Myers delayed- Squibb release capsules Zerit (R) d4T BMY-27857 Bristol-Myers Squibb Wread TM tenofovir TDF or Bis(POC) Gilead Sciences disoproxil PMPA fumarate (DF) Emtriva (R) emitricitabine (-)-FTC Gilead Sciences Truvada (R) Viread + TDF + (-)-FTC Gilead Sciences Emtriva Atripla TM TDF + (-)-FTC + Gilead BMS Sustiva (R) Merck DAPD, AMDX RFS Pharma LLC US 9,662,332 B2 45 46 -continued

Experimental Pharmaceutical Brand Name Generic Name Abbreviation Code Company Apricitabine AVX754 SPD 754 Avexa Ltd FLT MIV-310 Medivir L-FD4C ACH-126443, Achillion KP-1461 SN1461, Koronis SN1212 Racivir RCV Emory University DOT Emory University Dexelvucitabine Reverset D-D4FC, DFC DPC 817 Emory University GS9148 and Gilead Sciences prodrugs thereof

HIV Therapies: Non-Nucleoside Reverse U.S. patent application Ser. No. 1 1/768.458, entitled Transcriptase Inhibitors (NNRTIs) “HIV INTEGRASE INHIBITORS filed in the name of Michael A. Walker, et al. on Jun. 26, 2007 and published Jan. 3, 2008 as U.S. Publication No. 20080004265 and assigned Generic Abbre- Experimental Pharmaceutical to Bristol-Meyers Squibb Company. Brand Name Name viation Code Company U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/132,145, entitled Viramune (R) NVP BI-RG-587 Boehringer “HIV INTEGRASE INHIBITORS filed in the name of B. Ingelheim Rescriptor (R) DLV U-901S2S.T. Pfizer Narasimhulu Naidu, et al. on Jun. 3, 2008; published on Dec. Sustiva (R) EFV DMP-266 Bristol-Myers 25 11, 2008 as U.S. Publication No. 20080306051 and assigned Squibb to Bristol-Meyers Squibb Company. (+)-calanolide Sarawak U.S. patent application Ser. No. 1 1/505,149, entitled A. Medichem BICYCLIC HETEROCYCLES AS HIV INTEGRASE capravirine CPV AG-1549 or Pfizer S-1153 INHIBITORS' filed in the name of B. Narasimhulu Naidu, DPC-083 Bristol-Myers 30 et al. on Aug. 16, 2006 and published on Dec. 7, 2006 as Squibb U.S. Publication No. 20060276466. TMC-125 Tibotec-Virco Group U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/590,637, entitled TMC-278 Tibotec-Virco “HIV INTEGRASE INHIBITORS filed in the name of B. Group Narasimhulu Naidu, et al. on Oct. 31, 2006 and published on IDX12899 Idenix 35 IDX12989 Idenix May 17, 2007 as U.S. Publication No. 2007011 1984 and RDEA806 Ardea assigned to Bristol-Meyers Squibb Company. Bioscience, Inc. U.S. patent application Ser. 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No. 11/435,671, entitled 2009 as U.S. Publication No. 20090233964 and assigned to INTEGRASE INHIBITOR COMPOUNDS filed in the Gilead Sciences, Inc. name of Zhenhong R. Cai, et al. on May 16, 2006 and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 1 1/658.419, entitled published on Mar. 29, 2007 as U.S. Publication No. 50 PHOSPHONATE ANALOGS OF HIV INHIBITOR 20070072831 and assigned to Gilead Sciences, Inc. COMPOUNDS filed Jul 26, 2005 in the name of Boo U.S. patent application Ser. No. 1 1/804,041, entitled jamra, Constantine G. et al. and was published on Aug. 13, “INTEGRASE INHIBITORS filed in the name of Zhen 2009 as U.S. Publication No. 20090202470 and is assigned hong R. Cai, et al. on May 16, 2007 and published on Mar. to Gilead Sciences, Inc. 6, 2008 as U.S. Publication No. 2008.00583.15 and assigned 55 U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/215,601, entitled, to Gilead Sciences, Inc. “ANTIVIRAL COMPOUNDS filed on Jun. 26, 2008 in the U.S. patent application Ser. No. 1 1/880.854, entitled name of Cottell, Jeromy J., et al. and published on Jul. 23. “NOVEL HIV REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE INHIBI 2009 as U.S. Publication No. 20090186869 and assigned to TORS filed in the name of Hongyan Guo, et al. on Jul. 24. Gilead Sciences, Inc. 2007 and published on Mar. 20, 2008 as U.S. Publication 60 U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/217,496 entitled No. 20080070920 and assigned to Gilead Sciences, Inc. MODULATORS OF PHARMACOKINETIC PROPER U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/585,504, entitled TIES OF THERAPEUTICS” in the name of Desai, Manoj PYRIMIDYL PHOSPHONATE ANTIVIRAL COM C., et al. and published on Jul. 16, 2009 as U.S. Publication POUNDS AND METHODS OF USE filed in the name of No. 20090181902 and assigned to Gilead Sciences, Inc. Haolun Jin, et al. on Nov. 1, 2005 and published on Jun. 26, 65 U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/340,419 entitled 2008 as U.S. Publication No. 20080153783 and assigned to INHIBITORS OF CYTOCHROME P450 filed On Dec. Gilead Sciences, Inc. 19, 2008 in the name of Desai, Manoj C. et al. and published US 9,662,332 B2 49 50 on Jul. 9, 2009 as U.S. Publication No. 20090175820 and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/190.225 entitled assigned to Gilead Sciences, Inc. PHOSPHONATE ANALOGS OF HIV INHIBITOR U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/195,161 entitled COMPOUNDS filed on Jul 26, 2005 in the name of COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR COMBINA Boojamra, Constantine G. et al., published on Mar. 1, 2007 TION ANTIVIRAL THERAPY filed on Aug. 20, 2008 in as U.S. Publication No. 20070049754 and assigned to the name of Dahl, Terrence C. et al. and published on Jun. Gilead Sciences, Inc. 4, 2009 as U.S. Publication No. 20090143314 and assigned U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/51 1,182 entitled to Gilead Sciences, Inc. NON NUCLEOSIDE REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/208,952 entitled INHIBITORS' filed on Feb. 28, 2005 in the name of Chen, PROCESS AND INTERMEDIATES FOR PREPARING 10 James M. et al., published on Jun. 15, 2006 as U.S. Publi INTEGRASE INHIBITORS filed on Sep. 11, 2008 in the cation No. 2006.0128692 and assigned to Gilead Sciences, name of Dowdy, Eric, et al. and published on Apr. 16, 2009 Inc as U.S. Publication No. 20090099366 and assigned to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/033,422 entitled Gilead Sciences, Inc. 15 PYRIMIDYL PHOSPHONATE ANTIVIRAL COM U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/147.220 entitled POUNDS AND METHODS OF USE filed on Jan. 11, 2005 “THERAPEUTIC COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS in the name of Jin, Haolunet al., published on Dec. 22, 2005 filed on Jun. 26, 2008 in the name of Kearney, Brian P. etal as U.S. Publication No. 20050282839 and assigned to and published on Apr. 9, 2009 as U.S. Publication No. Gilead Sciences, Inc. 20090093482 and assigned to Gilead Sciences, Inc. U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/040,929 entitled U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/147,041 entitled METHODS OF INHIBITION OF MMTV-LIKE “THERAPEUTIC COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS VIRUSES filed on Jan. 21, 2005 in the name of Cihlar, filed on Jun. 26, 2008 in the name of Keamey, Brian P. et al., Tomas et al., published on Oct. 27, 2005 as U.S. Publication published on Apr. 9, 2009 as U.S. Publication No. No. 20050239753 and assigned to Gilead Sciences, Inc. 20090093467 and assigned to Gilead Sciences, Inc. 25 U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/423,496 entitled U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/215.266 entitled CELLULAR ACCUMULATION OF PHOSPHONATE “ANTIVIRAL COMPOUNDS filed on Jun. 26, 2008 in the ANALOGS OF HIV PROTEASE INHIBITOR COM name of Cai, Zhenhong R. et al., published Feb. 19, 2009 as POUNDS' filed on Apr. 25, 2003 in the name of Arimilli, U.S. Publication No. 20090047252 and assigned to Gilead Murty N. et al., published on Sep. 22, 2005 as U.S. Publi Sciences, Inc. 30 cation No. 20050209197 and assigned to Gilead Sciences, U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/204,174 entitled Inc. COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR COMBINA U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/424,130 entitled NON NUCLEOSIDE REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE TION ANTIVIRALTHERAPY filed on Sep. 4, 2008 in the INHIBITORS' filed on Apr. 25, 2003 in the name of Chen, name of Dahl, Terrence C., et al., published on Feb. 5, 2009 35 James M. et al., published on Sep. 8, 2005 as U.S. Publi as U.S. Publication No. 20090036408 and assigned to cation No. 20050197320 and assigned to Gilead Sciences, Gilead Sciences, Inc. Inc. U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/585,504 entitled U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/944,118 entitled PYRIMIDYL PHOSPHONATE ANTIVIRAL COM “AZA-QUINOLINOL PHOSPHONATE INTEGRASE POUNDS AND METHODS OF USE filed on Nov. 1, 2005 40 INHIBITOR COMPOUNDS filed on Sep. 17, 2004 in the in the name of Jin, Haolunet al., published on Jun. 26, 2008 name of Jin, Haolun et al., published on Jun. 23, 2005 as as U.S. Publication No. 20080153783 and assigned to U.S. Publication No. 20050137199 and assigned to Gilead Gilead Sciences, Inc. Sciences, Inc. U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/853,606 entitled U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/903.288 entitled PROCESS AND INTERMEDIATES FOR PREPARING 45 NUCLEOBASE PHOSPHONATE ANALOGS FOR INTEGRASE INHIBITORS filed on Sep. 11, 2007 in the ANTIVIRAL TREATMENT filed on Jul 30, 2004 in the name of Dowdy, Eric, et al., published May 29, 2008 as U.S. name of Krawczyk, Steven H., published on Mar. 17, 2005 Publication No. 2008.0125594 and assigned to Gilead Sci as U.S. Publication No. 2005.0059637 and assigned to ences, Inc. Gilead Sciences, Inc. U.S. patent application Ser. No. 1 1/644,811 entitled 50 U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/757,141 entitled PROCESSES AND INTERMEDIATES USEFUL FOR COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR COMBINA PREPARING INTEGRASE INHIBITOR COMPOUNDS TION ANTIVIRAL THERAPY filed Jan. 13, 2004 Dahl, filed on Dec. 21, 2006 in the name of Evans, Jared W. et al., Terrance C. et al., published on Nov. 11, 2004 as U.S. published on Feb. 14, 2008 as U.S. Publication No. Publication No. 20040224917 and assigned to Gilead Sci 20080039487 and assigned to Gilead Sciences, Inc. 55 ences, Inc. U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/586,627 entitled “USE U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/757,122 entitled OF ADEFOVIR OR TENOFOVIR FOR INHIBITING COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR COMBINA MMTV-LIKE VIRUSES INVOLVED IN BREAST CAN TION ANTIVIRAL THERAPY filed on Jan. 13, 2004 CER AND PRIMARY BILIARY CIRRHOSIS filed On Ju1. Dahl, Terrance C. et al., published on Nov. 11, 2004 as U.S. 20, 2007 in the name of Cihlar, Tomas, et al., published on 60 Publication No. 20040224916 and assigned to Gilead Sci Dec. 6, 2007 as U.S. Publication No. 20070281911 and ences, Inc. assigned to Gilead Sciences, Inc. U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/687,373 entitled U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/435,671 entitled PRE-ORGANIZED TRICYCLIC INTEGRASE INHIBI “INTEGRASE INHIBITOR COMPOUNDS” filed on May TOR COMPOUNDS filed on Oct. 16, 2003 in the name of 16, 2006 in the name of Cai, Zhenhong R. et al., published 65 Chen, James M. et al., published on Aug. 26, 2004 as U.S. on Mar. 29, 2007 as U.S. Publication No. 20070072831 and Publication No. 2004.0167124 and assigned to Gilead Sci assigned to Gilead Sciences, Inc. ences, Inc. US 9,662,332 B2 51 52 U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/687,374 entitled Nair et al., J Med Chem. 2006 Jan. 26: 49(2): 445-447, PRE-ORGANIZED TRICYCLIC INTEGRASE INHIBI discloses the following integrase inhibitors: TOR COMPOUNDS filed on Oct. 15, 2003 in the name of Chen, James M. et al., published on Aug. 12, 2004 as U.S. Publication No. 20040157804 and assigned to Gilead Sci F ences, Inc. / \ N-NH U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/424,186 entitled METHOD AND COMPOSITIONS FOR IDENTIFYING O N2 ANTI-HIV THERAPEUTIC COMPOUNDS filed on Apr. O O 25, 2003 in the name of Birkus, Gabriel et al., published on 10 Jun. 24, 2004 as U.S. Publication No. 20040121316 and S-1360 assigned to Gilead Sciences, Inc. W \ COH and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 1 1/820,444 entitled N DIKETO ACIDS WITH NUCLEOBASE SCAFFOLDS: 15 ANTI-HIV REPLICATION INHIBITORSTARGETED AT O O HIV INTEGRASE filed on Jun. 19, 2007 in the name of Nair, Vasu et al., published on Nov. 8, 2007 as U.S. Publi cation No. 20070259823 and assigned to the University of F Georgia Research Foundation, Inc. L-731988 U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/047.229 entitled H DIKETO ACIDS WITH NUCLEOBASE SCAFFOLDS: O So ANTI-HIV REPLICATION INHIBITORSTARGETED AT HIV INTEGRASE filed on Jan. 31, 2005 in the name of N 21 OH. Nair, Vasu et al., published on Aug. 3, 2006 as U.S. 25 Publication No. 2006O172973. U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/827,959 entitled PYRIDINONE DIKETO ACIDS: INHIBITORS OF HIV REPLICATION’ filed on Jul. 13, 2007 in the name of Nair, Vasu et al., published on Jan. 24, 2008 as U.S. Publication 30 No. 2008.0020010 and assigned to the University of Georgia Research Foundation, Inc. Additional integrase inhibitors include L-870,810 (Merck), INH-001 (Inhibitex), L870810 (Merck), PL-2500, Additional integrase inhibitors are disclosed in Pais et al., composed of pryidoxal 1-5-phosphate derivatives (Procyon) 35 J Med Chem. 2002 Jul. 18; 45(15):3184-94. monophores (Sunesis), V-165 (Rega Institute, Belgium), Several integrase inhibitors are peptides, including those Mycelium integrasone (a fungal polyketide, Merck), GS disclosed in Divita et al., Antiviral Research, Volume 71, 9224 (Gilead Sciences), AVX-I (Avexa), ITI-367, an oxadi Issues 2-3, September 2006, Pages 260-267. azol pre-integrase inhibitor (George Washington Univer Another integrase inhibitor that can be used in the meth sity), GSK364735 (GSK/Shionogi), GS-9160 (GSK), 40 ods of treatment described herein include 118-D-24, which S-1360 (Shionogi-GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals LLC), is disclosed, for example, in Vatakis, Journal of Virology, RSC 1838 (GSK/Shionogi), GS-9137 (taken alone or with April 2009, p. 3374-3378, Vol. 83, No. 7. Norvir) (Gilead), MK-2048 (Merck), S/GSK1349572 and Additional integrase inhibitors include those described in S/GSK 1265744 (no need for a PK booster) (GSK/ 45 McKeel et al., “Dynamic Modulation of HIV-1 Integrase Shionogi), 6-(3-chloro-2-fluorobenzyl)-1-(2S)-1-hydroxy Structure and Function by Cellular LEDGF Protein, JBC 3-methylbutan-2-yl-7-methoxy-4-OXO-1,4-dihydroquino Papers in Press. Published on Sep. 18, 2008 as Manuscript line-3-carboxylic acid (U.S. Patent Application Publication M8058432OO. No. 20090018162), S-1360, L-870810, MK-0518 (Merck), C-2507 (Merck), BMS. 538158 (Bristol Myers Squibb), and Other representative integrase inhibitors include 50 dicaffeoylquinic acids (DCOAS). Such as those disclosed in L-900564 (Merck). Zhu et al., “Irreversible Inhibition of Human Immunodefi The structure of L-900564 is shown below: ciency Virus Type 1 Integrase by Dicaffeoylquinic Acids.” Journal of Virology, April 1999, p. 3309-3316, Vol. 73, No. 4. There are also various nucleoside compounds active as -O integrase inhibitors, including those disclosed in Mazumder, / N A., N. Neamati, J. P. Sommadossi, G. Gosselin, R. F. Schinazi, J. L. Imbach, and Y. Pommier. 1996. Effects of F N1 N1 N nucleotide analogues on human immunodeficiency virus 60 type 1 integrase. Mol. Pharmacol. 49:621-628. 4N4 Protease Inhibitors Protease inhibitors treat or prevent HIV infection by O OH HN O preventing viral replication. They act by inhibiting the 65 activity of HIV protease, an enzyme that cleaves nascent proteins for final assembly of new virons. Examples are shown in the table that follows. US 9,662,332 B2 53 54 HIV Therapies: Protease Inhibitors (PIs)

Experimental Pharmaceutical Brand Name Generic Name Abbreviation Code Company Invirase (R) (Hard SQV (HGC) Ro-31-8959 Hoffmann-La Roche Gel Cap) Fortovase (R) saquinavir (Soft SQV (SGC) Hoffmann-La Roche Gel Cap) Norvir (R) Ritonavir RTV ABT-538 Abbott Laboratories Crixivan (R) IDV MK-639 Merck & Co. Viracept (R) NFV AG-1343 Pfizer Agenerase (R APV 141W94 or VX-478 GlaxoSmithKline Kaletra (R) + LPV ABT-378.r Abbott Laboratories ritonavir Lexiva (R) GW-433908 or GlaxoSmithKline VX-175 Aptivus (R) tripanavir TPV PNU-140690 Boehringer Ingelheim Reyataz (R) BMS-232632 Bristol-Myers Squibb GW640385 GlaxoSmithKline Prezista TM TMC114 Tibotec

HIV Therapies: Other Classes of Drugs the severity of the condition to be alleviated. It is to be further understood that for any particular subject, specific dosage regimens and schedules should be adjusted over time Brand Generic Abbre- Experimental Pharmaceutical according to the individual need and the professional judg Name Name viation Code Company 25 ment of the person administering or Supervising the admin Wread TM tenofovir TDF or Gilead Sciences istration of the compositions. disoproxil Bis(POC) fumarate PMPA Examples of Suitable dosage ranges for anti-HIV com (DF) pounds, including the JAK inhibitors described herein, can be found in the scientific literature and in the Physicians 30 Desk Reference. Many examples of Suitable dosage ranges Cellular Inhibitors for other compounds described herein are also found in public literature or can be identified using known proce Brand Generic Abbre- Experimental Pharmaceutical dures. These dosage ranges can be modified as desired to Name Name viation Code Company 35 achieve a desired result. Certain JAK inhibitors described herein are also inhibitors Droxia (R) Hydroxyurea HU Bristol-Myers Squibb of CYP3A4, which means that they will significantly increase the C plasma level of any anti-HIV drug that binds to CYP3A4, including HIV-1 protease inhibitors. This HIV Therapies: Immune-Based Therapies 40 information can be taken into consideration when determin ing Suitable dosages for Such compounds. Brand Generic Abbre- Experimental Pharmaceutical IV. Combination Therapy for Treating an HCV Infection Name Name viation Code Company Nonlimiting examples of additional agents include: HCV Protease inhibitors: Examples include Medivir Proleukin (R) aldesleukin, IL-2 Chiron 45 O Corporation HCV Protease Inhibitor (HCV-PI or TMC435) (Medivir/ Interleukin-2 Tibotec): MK-7009 (Merck), RG7227 (ITMN-191) (Roche? Remune (R) HIV-1 AG1661 The Immune Pharmasset/InterMune), boceprevir (SCH 5.03034) (Scher Immunogen, Response ing), SCH 446211 (Schering), narlaprevir SCH900518 O Corporation Salk vaccine (Schering/Merck), ABT-450 (Abbott/Enanta), ACH-1625 50 HE2OOO HollisEden (Achillion), BI 201335 (Boehringer Ingelheim), PHX1766 Pharmaceuticals (Phenomix), VX-500 (Vertex) and telaprevir (VX-950) (Ver tex). Further examples of protease inhibitors include sub strate-based NS3 protease inhibitors (Attwood et al., Anti III. Combination or Alternation HIV-Agents viral peptide derivatives, PCT WO 98/22496, 1998: In general, during alternation therapy, an effective dosage 55 Attwood et al. Antiviral Chemistry and Chemotherapy 1999, of each agent is administered serially, whereas in combina 10, 259-273; Attwood et al., Preparation and use of amino tion therapy, an effective dosage of two or more agents is acid derivatives as anti-viral agents, German Patent Pub. DE administered together. In alternation therapy, for example, 19914474: Tung et al., Inhibitors of serine proteases, par one or more first agents can be administered in an effective ticularly hepatitis C virus NS3 protease, PCT WO amount for an effective time period to treat the viral infec 60 98/17679), including alphaketoamides and hydrazinoureas, tion, and then one or more second agents Substituted for and inhibitors that terminate in an electrophile Such as a those first agents in the therapy routine and likewise given boronic acid or phosphonate (Llinas-Brunet et al. Hepatitis in an effective amount for an effective time period. C inhibitor peptide analogues, PCT WO 99/07734): Non The dosages will depend on Such factors as absorption, substrate-based NS3 protease inhibitors such as 2,4,6-trihy biodistribution, metabolism and excretion rates for each 65 droxy-3-nitro-benzamide derivatives (Sudo K. et al. Bio drug as well as other factors known to those of skill in the chemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 1997, art. It is to be noted that dosage values will also vary with 238, 643-647: Sudo K. et al., Antiviral Chemistry and US 9,662,332 B2 55 56 Chemotherapy, 1998, 9, 186), including RD3-4082 and Helicase inhibitors (Diana G. D. et al. Compounds, com RD3-4078, the former substituted on the amide with a 14 positions and methods for treatment of hepatitis C, U.S. Pat. carbon chain and the latter processing a para-phenoxyphenyl No. 5,633,358: Diana G. D. et al., Piperidine derivatives, group; and Sch 68631, a phenanthrenequinone, an HCV pharmaceutical compositions thereof and their use in the protease inhibitor (Chu M. et al., Tetrahedron Letters 5 treatment of hepatitis C, PCT WO 97/36554): 37:7229-7232, 1996). HCV polymerase inhibitors, including nucleoside and SCH 351633, isolated from the fungus Penicillium gris non-nucleoside polymerase inhibitors, such as ribavirin, eofulvum, was identified as a protease inhibitor (Chu M., et viramidine, clemizole, filibuvir (PF-00868554), HCV POL, al., Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters 9: 1949 NM-283 (valopicitabine), MK-0608, 7-Fluoro-MK-0608, 1952). Eglin c. isolated from leech, is a potent inhibitor of 10 MK-3281, IDX-375, ABT-072, ABT-333, ANA598, BI several serine proteases Such as S. griseus proteases A and 207127, GS 91.90, PSI-6130, R1626, PSI-6206, PSI-35938, B. a-chymotrypsin, chymase and Subtilisin. Qasim M. A. et PSI-7851, PSI-7977, RG1479, RG7128, HCV-796 VCH al., Biochemistry 36: 1598-1607, 1997. 759 or VCH-916, and salts and prodrugs thereof. U.S. patents disclosing protease inhibitors for the treat Gliotoxin (Ferrari R. et al., Journal of Virology, 1999, 73, ment of HCV include, for example, U.S. Pat. No. 6,004,933 15 1649-1654), and the natural product cerulenin (Lohmann V. to Spruce et al., which discloses a class of cysteine protease et al., Virology, 1998, 249, 108-118); inhibitors for inhibiting HCV endopeptidase 2; U.S. Pat. No. Interfering RNA (iRNA) based antivirals, including short 5.990,276 to Zhang et al., which discloses synthetic inhibi interfering RNA (siRNA) based antivirals, such as Sirna-034 tors of hepatitis C virus NS3 protease; U.S. Pat. No. 5,538, and others described in International Patent Publication Nos. 865 to Reyes et a, WO 02/008251 to Corvas International, WO/03/070750 and WO 2005/012525, and U.S. Patent Inc, and U.S. Pat. No. 7,169,760, US2005/176648, WO Publication No. US 2004/0209831. 02/08187 and WO 02/008256 to Schering Corporation. Antisense phosphorothioate oligodeoxynucleotides HCV inhibitor tripeptides are disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. (S-ODN) complementary to sequence stretches in the 5' 6,534,523, 6,410,531, and 6,420,380 to Boehringer Ingel non-coding region (NCR) of the virus (Alt M. et al., Hepa heim and WO 02/060926 to Bristol Myers Squibb. Diary1 25 tology, 1995, 22, 1 O-717), or nucleotides 326-348 com peptides as NS3 serine protease inhibitors of HCV are prising the 3' end of the NCR and nucleotides 371-388 disclosed in WO 02/481.72 and U.S. Pat. No. 6,911,428 to located in the core coding region of the HCV RNA (Alt M. Schering Corporation. Imidazoleidinones as NS3 serine etal, Archives of Virology, 1997, 142,589-599; Galderisi U. protease inhibitors of HCV are disclosed in WO 02/08198 et al., Journal of Cellular Physiology, 1999, 181, 251-257); and U.S. Pat. No. 6,838,475 to Schering Corporation and 30 Inhibitors of IRES-dependent translation (Ikeda N et al., WO 02/48157 and U.S. Pat. No. 6,727,366 to Bristol Myers Agent for the prevention and treatment of hepatitis C, Squibb. WO 98/17679 and U.S. Pat. No. 6,265.380 to Vertex Japanese Patent Pub. JP-08268890: Kai Y. etal, Prevention Pharmaceuticals and WO 02/48116 and U.S. Pat. No. 6,653, and treatment of viral diseases, Japanese Patent Pub. 295 to Bristol Myers Squibb also disclose HCV protease JP-10101591); inhibitors. Further examples of HCV serine protease inhibi 35 HCV entry inhibitors, such as celgosivir (MK-3253) tors are provided in U.S. Pat. No. 6,872,805 (Bristol-Myers (MIGENIX Inc.), SP-30 (Samaritan Pharmaceuticals), Squibb); WO 2006000085 (Boehringer Ingelheim); U.S. ITX4520 (iTherX), ITX5061 (iTherX), PRO-206 (Progenies Pat. No. 7,208,600 (Vertex); US 2006/0046956 (Schering Pharmaceuticals) and other entry inhibitors by Progenies Plough): WO 2007/001406 (Chiron); US 2005/0153877; Pharmaceuticals, e.g., as disclosed in U.S. Patent Publica WO 2006/119061 (Merck); WO 00/09543 (Boehringer 40 tion No. 2006/0198855. Ingelheim), U.S. Pat. No. 6,323,180 (Boehringer Ingelheim) Ribozymes, such as nuclease-resistant ribozymes (Mac WO 03/064456 (Boehringer Ingelheim), U.S. Pat. No. cjak, D. J. et al. Hepatology 1999, 30, abstract 995) and 6,642,204 (Boehringer Ingelheim), WO 03/064416 (Boeh those disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 6,043,077 to Barber et al, ringer Ingelheim), U.S. Pat. No. 7,091,184 (Boehringer and U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,869,253 and 5,610,054 to Draper et al; Ingelheim), WO 03/053349 (Bristol-Myers Squibb), U.S. 45 and Nucleoside analogs have also been developed for the Pat. No. 6,867,185, WO 03/099316 (Bristol-Myers Squibb), treatment of Flaviviridae infections. U.S. Pat. No. 6,869,964, WO 03/099274 (Bristol-Myers In certain embodiments, the compounds provided herein Squibb), U.S. Pat. No. 6,995,174, WO 2004/032827 (Bris can be administered in combination with any of the com tol-Myers Squibb), U.S. Pat. No. 7,041,698, WO 2004/ pounds described by Idenix Pharmaceuticals in International 043339 and U.S. Pat. No. 6,878,722 (Bristol-Myers Squibb). 50 Publication Nos. WO 01/90121, WO 01/92282, WO 2004/ Thiazolidine derivatives which show relevant inhibition 003000, 2004/002422, WO 2004/002999, WO 10/014134 in a reverse-phase HPLC assay with an NS3/4A fusion and WO 11/123586. protein and NS5A/5B substrate (Sudo K. et al. Antiviral Other patent applications disclosing the use of certain Research, 1996, 32, 9-18), especially compound RD-1- nucleoside analogs that can be used as second agents to treat 6250, possessing a fused cinnamoyl moiety Substituted with 55 hepatitis C virus include: PCT/CAOO/01316 (WO a long alkyl chain, RD4 6205 and RD4 6193; 01/32153; filed Nov. 3, 2000) and PCT/CA01/00197 (WO Thiazolidines and benzanilides identified in Kakiuchi N. 01/60315; filed Feb. 19, 2001) filed by BioChem Pharma, et al., J. EBS Letters 421, 217-220; Takeshita N. et al, Inc. (now Shire Biochem, Inc.); PCT/US02/01531 (WO Analytical Biochemistry, 1997, 247, 242-246; 02/057425; filed Jan. 18, 2002); PCT/US02/03086 (WO A phenanthrenequinone possessing activity against pro 60 02/057287; filed Jan. 18, 2002); U.S. Pat. Nos. 7,202,224; tease in a SDS-PAGE and autoradiography assay isolated 7,125,855; 7,105,499 and 6,777,395 by Merck & Co., Inc.: from the fermentation culture broth of Streptomyces sp., PCT/EP01/09633 (WO 02/18404; published Aug. 21, 2001); SCH 68631 (Chu M. et al, Tetrahedron Letters, 1996, 37, US 2006/0040890; 2005/0038240; 2004/0121980; U.S. Pat. 7229-7232), and SCH 351633, isolated from the fungus Nos. 6,846,810; 6,784,166 and 6,660,721 by Roche: PCT Penicillium griseofulvum, which demonstrates activity in a 65 Publication Nos. WO 01/79246 (filed Apr. 13, 2001), WO Scintillation proximity assay (Chu M. et al. Bioorganic and 02/32920 (filed Oct. 18, 2001), WO 02/48165, WO Medicinal Chemistry Letters 9, 1949-1952); 05/003147; US 2005/0009737; US 2005/0009737; U.S. Pat. US 9,662,332 B2 57 58 Nos. 7,094,770, 6,927,291, WO 08/12163434, WO with Nexavar, doxorubicin, PI-88, amantadine, JBK-122, 10/077554, WO 09/152095, WO 10/075549, and WO VGX-4 IOC, MX-3253 (Ceglosivir), Suvus (BIVN-401 or 10/135569 by Pharmasset, Ltd. virostat), PF-03491390 (formerly IDN-6556), G126270, Further compounds that can be used as second agents to UT-231B, DEBIO-025, EMZ702, ACH-0137171, MitoC), treat hepatitis C virus are disclosed in PCT Publication No. ANA975, AVI-4065, Bavituxinab (Tarvacin), Alinia (nitra WO 99/43691 to Emory University, entitled “2'-Fluoro Zoxanide) or PYN17. nucleosides'. The use of certain 2'-fluoronucleosides to treat Prodrug Forms HCV is disclosed. The 5'-hydroxyl moiety in the nucleosides described Other miscellaneous compounds that can be used as herein, and hydroxy groups on the JAK inhibitors described second agents include 1-amino-alkylcyclohexanes (U.S. Pat. 10 No. 6,034,134 to Gold et al.), alkyl lipids (U.S. Pat. No. herein, can be modified to be in prodrug form. For example, 5,922,757 to Chojkier et al.), vitamin E and other antioxi the 5'-hydroxy in nucleosides can be replaced with a 5'-OR' dants (U.S. Pat. No. 5,922,757 to Chokier et al.), squalene, moiety, where R' is an optionally substituted alkyl, an amantadine, bile acids (U.S. Pat. No. 5,846,964 to Ozeki et optionally Substituted cycloalkyl, an optionally Substituted al.), N-(phosphonoacetyl)-L-aspartic acid, (U.S. Pat. No. 15 aralkyl, dialkylaminoalkylene, alkyl-C(=O)—, aryl-C 5.830,905 to Diana et al.), benzenedicarboxamides (U.S. (=O)—, alkoxyalkyl-C(=O)—, aryloxyalkyl-C(=O) , Pat. No. 5,633,388 to Diana et al.), polyadenylic acid alkylsulfonyl, arylsulfonyl, aralkylsulfonyl, an —O-linked derivatives (U.S. Pat. No. 5,496,546 to Wang et al.), 2',3'- amino acid, diphosphate, triphosphate or derivatives thereof, dideoxyinosine (U.S. Pat. No. 5,026,687 to Yarchoan et al.), O benzimidazoles (U.S. Pat. No. 5,891,874 to Colacino et al.), plant extracts (U.S. Pat. No. 5,837.257 to Tsai et al., U.S. Pat. No. 5,725,859 to Omer et al., and U.S. Pat. No. Vl 6,056,961), and piperidenes (U.S. Pat. No. 5,830.905 to g Diana et al.). Exemplary Additional Therapeutic Agents for Treatment 25 k s of HCV In one embodiment, one or more compounds provided wherein: herein can be administered in combination or alternation V' is O or S; with an anti-hepatitis C virus interferon, such as Intron A(R) R" is selected from O, OH, an optionally substituted (interferon alfa-2b) and Pegasys(R (Peginterferon alfa-2a); 30 aryloxy or heteroaryl-oxy-, alkyl-C(=O)—O—CH2—O , Roferon A(R) (Recombinant interferon alfa-2a). InfergenR) alkyl-C(=O)—S CHCH. O. , pivaloyloxymethyl, (consensus interferon; interferon alfacon-1), PEG-Intron(R) - NH-CH-aryl, -O-CH, O C(O) OR', an-N- (pegylated interferon alfa-2b) and PegasySR (pegylated linked amino acid, an —N-linked amino acid ester, interferon alfa-2a), optionally in further combination with ribavirin. 35 In one embodiment, the anti-hepatitis C virus interferon is infergen, IL-29 (PEG-Interferon lambda), R7025 (Maxy alpha), Belerofon, Oral Interferon alpha, BLX-883 (Locteron), omega interferon, multiferon, medusa inter feron, Albuferon or REBIFR). 40 In one embodiment, one or more compounds provided O and herein can be administered in combination or alternation O with an anti-hepatitis C virus polymerase inhibitor, such as ribavirin, viramidine, HCV POL, NM-283 (valopicitabine), R14. PSI-7977, PSI-938, MK-0608, 7-Fluoro-MK-0608, PSI 45 O O 6130, R1626, IDX-184, INX-189, PSI-6206, PSI-35938, iii. R1479, HCV-796 or R7128. In one embodiment, one or more compounds provided R12 R13 herein can be administered in combination or alternation with an anti-HCV protease inhibitor such as ITMN-191, 50 or OR' can be SCH 503034, VX950 (telaprevir), GNS-227, or Medivir HCV Protease Inhibitor. In one embodiment, one or more compounds provided herein can be administered in combination or alternation 21 O 21 O with an anti-HCV vaccine, such as TG4040, PeviPROTM, 55 "l le Ral N le CGI-5005, HCV/MF59, GV1001, IC41 or INNO0101 (EI). o1 No o1 No In one embodiment, one or more compounds provided herein can be administered in combination or alternation with an anti-HCV monoclonal antibody, such as AB68 or 21 O 21 O XTL-6865 (formerly HepX-C); or an anti-hepatitis C virus 60 "t le Ral S le polyclonal antibody. Such as cicavir. o1 No o1 No In one embodiment, one or more compounds provided herein can be administered in combination or alternation with an anti-hepatitis C virus immunomodulator, such as Zadaxin R (thymalfasin), NOV-205 or Oglufanide. 65 In one embodiment, one or more compounds provided O ORb1 O ORb1 herein can be administered in combination or alternation US 9,662,332 B2 59 60 -continued -continued

Ral arry 22O C2 2O 61i? -- 22 a 61 --fi?a 22 N r P s Arl O1 P s 5 N O 1 Y, N O 1 Y, Rb1 O s

where Ar' is selected from phenyl, pyridinyl, monocyclic to O ORb1 O ORb1 heteroaryl, substituted phenyl with 1-3 substituents, and 21 O O monoheterocyclic heteroaryl with 1-2 substitutents, wherein Ral 29 29 each Substituent is independently selected from the group N N1 K Arl o1 K consisting of —F. —Cl, —Br. —I. C. alkyl, -CF, l O O 15 R -OMe, NMe, OEt, —COR', CONH2, - SMe, O s —S(=O)Me, S(=O)NH, and CN: or R' and R' can combine to form a cyclic phosphate of where Ar' is selected from phenyl, pyridinyl, monocyclic the formula: heteroaryl, substituted phenyl with 1-3 substituents, and monoheterocyclic heteroaryl with 1-2 substitutents, wherein each Substituent is independently selected from the group consisting of —F. —Cl, —Br. —I. C. alkyl, -CF, OMe, NMe, OEt, COR', CONH, -SMe, —S(=O)Me, S(=O)NH, and CN: 25 R19 or R' and R' can combine to form a cyclic phosphate of the formula:

where R' is selected from N-linked amino acid ester, OR or OR', wherein R is substituted aryl with 1-3 30 substituents, or substituted heteroaryl with 1-2 substituents, wherein each substituent is independently selected from R' R19 and R. R'' is selected from O, OH, an optionally substituted 35 where R' is selected from N-linked amino acid ester, aryloxy or aryl-O , alkyl-C(=O)—O—CH2—O—, alkyl OR' or OR', wherein R is substituted aryl with 1-3 C(=O)—S CHCH. O. , pivaloyloxymethyl, - NH substituents, or substituted heteroaryl with 1-2 substituents, CH-aryl, —O CH- O C(O)—OR', an N-linked wherein each substituent is independently selected from R' amino acid, an —N-linked amino acid ester, 40 and R', each R'' and Rare, independently, -C=N or an optionally substituted substituent selected from Cs orga nylcarbonyl, Cs alkoxycarbonyl and Cs organylamin ocarbonyl: each R'' is hydrogen or an optionally substituted C. 45 alkyl: each m is independently 1 or 2, and if both R" and R' a O and

O 50 O R14. R 14 O O O O

iii. iii. R12 R13 55 R12 R13

or OR' can be each R', each R', each R', each R'' and each m can be the same or different. 60 R", R', R', and R' are each independently selected from hydrogen, an optionally substituted alkyl, an optionally 21 O 21 O Substituted alkenyl, an optionally substituted alkynyl, an Ral-- 29 Ral-- 29 optionally substituted aryl, an optionally substituted het N O1 Y, N O1 Y, eroaryl, an optionally Substituted aralkyl and an optionally 65 Substituted heteroaryl-(C. alkyl). In one embodiment, R' is a mono-phosphate, di-phos phate, tri-phosphate, or phosphate prodrug. US 9,662,332 B2 61 62 V. Pharmaceutical Compositions tablets, troches, or capsules. Pharmaceutically compatible Humans suffering from effects caused by any of the bind agents, and/or adjuvant materials can be included as diseases described herein, and in particular, HIV infection, part of the composition. can be treated by administering to the patient an effective The tablets, pills, capsules, troches and the like can amount of the compositions described above, in the presence 5 contain any of the following ingredients, or compounds of a of a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier or diluent, for any similar nature: a binder Such as microcrystalline cellulose, of the indications or modes of administration as described in gum tragacanth or gelatin; an excipient such as starch or detail herein. The active materials can be administered by lactose, a disintegrating agent Such as alginic acid, Primogel, any appropriate route, for example, orally, parenterally, or corn starch; a lubricant such as magnesium Stearate or enterally, intravenously, intradermally, Subcutaneously, 10 Sterotes; a glidant Such as colloidal silicon dioxide; a transdermally, intranasally or topically, in liquid or Solid Sweetening agent such as Sucrose or saccharin; or a flavoring form. agent such as peppermint, methyl salicylate, or orange The active compounds are included in the pharmaceuti flavoring. When the dosage unit form is a capsule, it can cally acceptable carrier or diluent in an amount Sufficient to contain, in addition to material of the above type, a liquid deliver to a patient a therapeutically effective amount of 15 carrier Such as a fatty oil. In addition, dosage unit forms can compound to inhibit viral propagation in Vivo, especially contain various other materials which modify the physical HIV propagation, without causing serious toxic effects in the form of the dosage unit, for example, coatings of Sugar, treated patient. While not wishing to be bound to a particular shellac, or other enteric agents. theory, it is believed that the JAK inhibitors render the The compounds can be administered as a component of an cellular milieu non-supportive of productive replication. By elixir, Suspension, syrup, wafer, chewing gum or the like. A "inhibitory amount' is meant an amount of active ingredient syrup may contain, in addition to the active compounds, sufficient to exert an inhibitory effect as measured by, for Sucrose as a Sweetening agent and certain preservatives, example, an assay Such as the ones described herein. dyes and colorings and flavors. A preferred dose of the compound for all the above The compounds or their pharmaceutically acceptable mentioned conditions will be in the range from about 1 to 75 25 derivative or salts thereof can also be mixed with other mg/kg, preferably 1 to 20 mg/kg, of body weight per day, active materials that do not impair the desired action, or with more generally 0.1 to about 100 mg per kilogram body materials that Supplement the desired action, such as anti weight of the recipient per day. The effective dosage range biotics, antifungals, antiinflammatories, protease inhibitors, of the pharmaceutically acceptable derivatives can be cal or other nucleoside or non-nucleoside antiviral agents, as culated based on the weight of the parent nucleoside or other 30 discussed in more detail above. Solutions or Suspensions agent to be delivered. If the derivative exhibits activity in used for parental, intradermal, Subcutaneous, or topical itself, the effective dosage can be estimated as above using application can include the following components: a sterile the weight of the derivative, or by other means known to diluent Such as water for injection, Saline solution, fixed oils, those skilled in the art. polyethylene glycols, glycerine, propylene glycol or other The compounds are conveniently administered in unit any 35 synthetic solvents; antibacterial agents such as benzyl alco Suitable dosage form, including but not limited to one hol or methyl parabens; antioxidants such as ascorbic acid or containing 7 to 3,000 mg, preferably 70 to 1,400 mg of Sodium bisulfite; chelating agents such as ethylenedi active ingredient per unit dosage form. An oral dosage of 50 aminetetraacetic acid; buffers such as acetates, citrates or to 1,000 mg is usually convenient. phosphates and agents for the adjustment of tonicity Such as Ideally, the active ingredient should be administered to 40 Sodium chloride or dextrose. The parental preparation can be achieve peak plasma concentrations of the active compound enclosed in ampoules, disposable Syringes or multiple dose of from about 0.02 to 70 micromolar, preferably about 0.5 to vials made of glass or plastic. 10 micromolar. This may be achieved, for example, by the If administered intravenously, preferred carriers are intravenous injection of a 0.1 to 25% solution of the active physiological saline or phosphate buffered saline (PBS). ingredient, optionally in Saline, or administered as a bolus of 45 Liposomal Suspensions (including liposomes targeted to the active ingredient. infected cells with monoclonal antibodies to viral antigens) The concentration of active compound in the drug com are also preferred as pharmaceutically acceptable carriers, position will depend on absorption, distribution, metabolism these may be prepared according to methods known to those and excretion rates of the drug as well as other factors skilled in the art, for example, as described in U.S. Pat. No. known to those of skill in the art. It is to be noted that dosage 50 4.522,811. For example, liposome formulations may be values will also vary with the severity of the condition to be prepared by dissolving appropriate lipid(s) (Such as Stearoyl alleviated. It is to be further understood that for any par phosphatidyl ethanolamine, Stearoyl phosphatidyl choline, ticular subject, specific dosage regimens should be adjusted arachadoyl phosphatidyl choline, and cholesterol) in an over time according to the individual need and the profes inorganic solvent that is then evaporated, leaving behind a sional judgment of the person administering or Supervising 55 thin film of dried lipid on the surface of the container. An the administration of the compositions, and that the concen aqueous solution of the active compound or its monophos tration ranges set forth herein are exemplary only and are not phate, diphosphate, and/or triphosphate derivatives is then intended to limit the scope or practice of the claimed introduced into the container. The container is then swirled composition. The active ingredient may be administered at by hand to free lipid material from the sides of the container once, or may be divided into a number of smaller doses to 60 and to disperse lipid aggregates, thereby forming the lipo be administered at varying intervals of time. Somal Suspension. A preferred mode of administration of the active com In one embodiment, the composition is a co-formulated pound is oral. Oral compositions will generally include an pill, tablet, or other oral drug delivery vehicle including one inert diluent or an edible carrier. They may be enclosed in or more of the JAK inhibitors described herein, and option gelatin capsules or compressed into tablets. For the purpose 65 ally including one or more additional antiviral agents. of oral therapeutic administration, the active compound can In another embodiment, the JAK inhibitors described be incorporated with excipients and used in the form of herein are co-formulated with ATRIPLAR (efavirenz 600 US 9,662,332 B2 63 64 mg/emtricitabine (-)-FTC200 mg/tenofovir disoproxil polar lipids with an aqueous Solution. The unfavorable fumarate 300 mg), and, optionally, with a thymidine nRTI entropy caused by mixing the insoluble lipid in the water Such as AZT and a guanine nRTI (or a compound Such as produces a highly ordered assembly of concentric closed DAPD which is deaminated in vivo to form a guanine nRTI, membranes of phospholipid with entrapped aqueous solu in this case, DXG). Because efavirenz is an NNRTI, teno 5 tion. fovir is an adenine nRTI, (-)-FTC is a cytosine nRTI, and U.S. Pat. No. 4,938,763 to Dunn, et al., discloses a AZT is a thymidine nRTI, and DAPD is deaminated in vivo method for forming an implant in situ by dissolving a to form DXG (a guanine NRTI), the combination of the nonreactive, water insoluble thermoplastic polymer in a coformulated compounds will provide, in addition to the biocompatible, water soluble solvent to form a liquid, plac JAK inhibitors, all four bases (ACTG) plus an additional 10 ing the liquid within the body, and allowing the solvent to agent capable of interacting with HIV in a different mecha dissipate to produce a solid implant. The polymer Solution nism. can be placed in the body via Syringe. The implant can Controlled Release Formulations assume the shape of its Surrounding cavity. In an alternative All of the U.S. patents cited in this section on controlled embodiment, the implant is formed from reactive, liquid release formulations are incorporated by reference in their 15 oligomeric polymers which contain no solvent and which entirety. cure in place to form solids, usually with the addition of a The field of biodegradable polymers has developed rap curing catalyst. idly since the synthesis and biodegradability of polylactic A number of patents disclose drug delivery systems that acid was reported by Kulkarni et al., in 1966 (“Polylactic can be used to administer the combination of the thymidine acid for surgical implants.” Arch. Surg., 93:839). Examples and non-thymidine nucleoside antiviral agents, or prodrugs of other polymers which have been reported as useful as a thereof. U.S. Pat. No. 5,749,847 discloses a method for the matrix material for delivery devices include polyanhydrides, delivery of nucleotides into organisms by electrophoration. polyesters such as polyglycolides and polylactide-co-gly U.S. Pat. No. 5,718,921 discloses microspheres comprising collides, polyamino acids such as polylysine, polymers and polymer and drug dispersed there within. U.S. Pat. No. copolymers of polyethylene oxide, acrylic terminated poly 25 5,629,009 discloses a delivery system for the controlled ethylene oxide, polyamides, polyurethanes, polyorthoesters, release of bioactive factors. U.S. Pat. No. 5,578,325 dis polyacrylonitriles, and polyphosphaZenes. See, for example, closes nanoparticles and microparticles of non-linear hydro U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,891.225 and 4,906,474 to Langer (polyan philic hydrophobic multiblock copolymers. U.S. Pat. No. hydrides), U.S. Pat. No. 4,767,628 to Hutchinson (polylac 5,545.409 discloses a delivery system for the controlled tide, polylactide-co-glycolide acid), and U.S. Pat. No. 4,530, 30 release of bioactive factors. U.S. Pat. No. 5,494,682 dis 840 to Tice, et al. (polylactide, polyglycolide, and closes ionically cross-linked polymeric microcapsules. copolymers). See also U.S. Pat. No. 5,626,863 to Hubbell, et U.S. Pat. No. 5,728,402 to Andrx Pharmaceuticals, Inc. all which describes photopolymerizable biodegradable describes a controlled release formulation that includes an hydrogels as tissue contacting materials and controlled internal phase which comprises the active drug, its salt or release carriers (hydrogels of polymerized and crosslinked 35 prodrug, in admixture with a hydrogel forming agent, and an macromers comprising hydrophilic oligomers having bio external phase which comprises a coating which resists degradable monomeric or oligomeric extensions, which are dissolution in the stomach. U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,736,159 and end capped monomers or oligomers capable of polymeriza 5,558,879 to Andrx Pharmaceuticals, Inc. discloses a con tion and crosslinking); and PCT WO 97/05185 filed by trolled release formulation for drugs with little water solu Focal, Inc. directed to multiblock biodegradable hydrogels 40 bility in which a passageway is formed in situ. U.S. Pat. No. for use as controlled release agents for drug delivery and 5,567,441 to Andrx Pharmaceuticals, Inc. discloses a once tissue treatment agents. a-day controlled release formulation. U.S. Pat. No. 5,508, Degradable materials of biological origin are well known, 040 discloses a multiparticulate pulsatile drug delivery sys for example, crosslinked gelatin. Hyaluronic acid has been tem. U.S. Pat. No. 5,472,708 discloses a pulsatile particle crosslinked and used as a degradable Swelling polymer for 45 based drug delivery system. U.S. Pat. No. 5,458,888 biomedical applications (U.S. Pat. No. 4,957,744 to Della describes a controlled release tablet formulation which can Valle et. al.; (1991) “Surface modification of polymeric be made using a blend having an internal drug containing biomaterials for reduced thrombogenicity.’ Polym. Mater. phase and an external phase which comprises a polyethylene Sci. Eng., 62:731 735). glycol polymer which has a weight average molecular Many dispersion systems are currently in use as, or being 50 weight of from 3,000 to 10,000. U.S. Pat. No. 5,419,917 explored for use as, carriers of Substances, particularly discloses methods for the modification of the rate of release biologically active compounds. Dispersion systems used for of a drug form a hydrogel which is based on the use of an pharmaceutical and cosmetic formulations can be catego effective amount of a pharmaceutically acceptable ionizable rized as either Suspensions or emulsions. Suspensions are compound that is capable of providing a substantially Zero defined as Solid particles ranging in size from a few manom 55 order release rate of drug from the hydrogel. U.S. Pat. No. eters up to hundreds of microns, dispersed in a liquid 5,458,888 discloses a controlled release tablet formulation. medium using Suspending agents. Solid particles include U.S. Pat. No. 5,641,745 to Elan Corporation, plc discloses microspheres, microcapsules, and nanospheres. Emulsions a controlled release pharmaceutical formulation which com are defined as dispersions of one liquid in another, stabilized prises the active drug in a biodegradable polymer to form by an interfacial film of emulsifiers such as Surfactants and 60 microspheres or nanospheres. The biodegradable polymer is lipids. Emulsion formulations include water in oil and oil in suitably poly-D.L-lactide or a blend of poly-D.L-lactide and water emulsions, multiple emulsions, microemulsions, poly-D.L-lactide-co-glycolide. U.S. Pat. No. 5,616,345 to microdroplets, and liposomes. Microdroplets are unilamellar Elan Corporation plc describes a controlled absorption for phospholipid vesicles that consist of a spherical lipid layer mulation for once a day administration that includes the with an oil phase inside, as defined in U.S. Pat. Nos. 65 active compound in association with an organic acid, and a 4,622.219 and 4,725,442 issued to Haynes. Liposomes are multi-layer membrane Surrounding the core and containing phospholipid vesicles prepared by mixing water-insoluble a major proportion of a pharmaceutically acceptable film US 9,662,332 B2 65 66 forming, water insoluble synthetic polymer and a minor 5,256,641 (Oct. 26, 1993, Yatvin et al.); U.S. Pat. No. proportion of a pharmaceutically acceptable film-forming 5,411,947 (May 2, 1995, Hostetler et al.); U.S. Pat. No. water soluble synthetic polymer. U.S. Pat. No. 5,641.515 5,463,092 (Oct. 31, 1995, Hostetler et al.); U.S. Pat. No. discloses a controlled release formulation based on biode 5,543,389 (Aug. 6, 1996, Yatvin et al.); U.S. Pat. No. gradable nanoparticles. U.S. Pat. No. 5,637.320 discloses a 5,543,390 (Aug. 6, 1996, Yatvin et al.); U.S. Pat. No. controlled absorption formulation for once a day adminis 5,543,391 (Aug. 6, 1996, Yatvin et al.); and U.S. Pat. No. tration. U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,580,580 and 5,540,938 are directed 5.554,728 (Sep. 10, 1996; Basava et-al.). Foreign patent to formulations and their use in the treatment of neurological applications that disclose lipophilic Substituents that can be diseases. U.S. Pat. No. 5,533,995 is directed to a passive attached to the nucleosides of the present invention, or transdermal device with controlled drug delivery. U.S. Pat. 10 lipophilic preparations, include WO 89/02733, WO No. 5,505,962 describes a controlled release pharmaceutical 90/00555, WO 91/16920, WO 91/18914, WO 93/00910, formulation. 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N. nary biological evaluation of 1-3-D-arabinofuranosylcyto and Hutchinson, J. P. (1987) “The question of chair-twist 65 sine 5'diphosphate -, 2-diacylglycerols.” J. Med. Chem. equilibria for the phosphate rings of nucleoside cyclic 3',5'- 25, 1322 1329; Saffhill, R. and Hume, W. J. (1986) “The monophosphates. HNMR and x-ray crystallographic study degradation of 5-iododeoxyuridine and 5-bromoethoxyuri US 9,662,332 B2 69 70 dine by serum from different sources and its consequences therapy would be maintained during macrophage depletion. for the use of these compounds for incorporation into DNA.” Then, treatment with the macrophage depleting agent is Chem. Biol. Interact. 57, 347 355; Saneyoshi, M., Moro withdrawn, while treatment with HAART and the JAK Zumi, M., Kodama, K., Machida, J., Kuninaka, A. and inhibitor is maintained. Yoshino, H. (1980) “Synthetic nucleosides and nucleotides. 5 In one aspect of this embodiment, HAART is then with XVI. Synthesis and biological evaluations of a series of drawn, while JAK inhibitor therapy is maintained, option 1-B-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine 5'-alky or arylphosphates.” ally while monitoring viral rebound. Chem Pharm. Bull. 28, 29152923; Sastry, J. K., Nehete, P. In another aspect of this embodiment, both HAART and N. Khan, S., Nowak, B. J., Plunkett, W., Arlinghaus, R. B. JAK inhibitor therapy are then withdrawn, optionally while and Farquhar, D. (1992) “Membrane-permeable dideoxyu 10 ridine 5'-monophosphate analogue inhibits human immuno monitoring viral rebound. deficiency virus infection.” Mol. Pharmacol. 41, 441 445; In another embodiment, viral loads are reduced with Shaw, J. P., Jones, R. J. Arimilli, M. N., Louie, M. S., Lee, traditional HAART+JAK inhibitors, specifically one or both W. A. and Cundy, K. C. (1994) “Oral bioavailability of of Tofacitinib and Jakafi, as described herein. PMEA from PMEA prodrugs in male Sprague-Dawley rats.” 15 Then, macrophages are systemically depleted (typically 9th Annual AAPS Meeting. San Diego, Calif. (Abstract). without discrimination for infected versus infected macro Shuto, S., Ueda, S., Imamura, S., Fukukawa, K. Matsuda, A. phages) with Boniva or Fosamax (both of these drugs are and Ueda, T. (1987) “A facile one-step synthesis of 5' potent macrophage depleting agents). HAART+JAK inhibi phosphatidiylnucleosides by an enzymatic two-phase reac tor therapy is maintained during macrophage depletion. tion.” Tetrahedron Lett. 28, 199202; Shuto, S. Itoh, H., Then, treatment with the macrophage depleting agent is Ueda, S., Imamura, S. Kukukawa, K., Tsujino, M., Mat withdrawn, while treatment with HAART and the JAK suda, A. and Ueda, T. (1988) Pharm. Bull. 36, 209 217. An inhibitor is maintained. example of a useful phosphate prodrug group is the S-acyl In one aspect of this embodiment, HAART is then with 2-thioethyl group, also referred to as "SATE'. drawn, while JAK inhibitor therapy with one or both of VI. Methods of Treatment 25 Tofacitinib and Jakafi is maintained, optionally while moni The compositions described herein can be used to treat toring viral rebound. patients infected with HIV-1 and HIV-2, to prevent an In another aspect of this embodiment, both HAART and infection by HIV-1 and HIV-2, or to eradicate an HIV-1 or JAK inhibitor therapy with one or both of Tofacitinib and HIV-2 infection. Jakafi are then withdrawn, optionally while monitoring viral When the treatment involves co-administration of the 30 rebound. JAK inhibitors described herein and nucleoside antiviral In another embodiment, a combination of a histone agents and/or non-thymidine nucleoside antiviral agents, the deacetylase inhibitor (HDAC inhibitor) or interleukin 7 HIV-1 or HIV-2 may already have developed one or more (IL-7) and HAART and a JAK inhibitor is used. One mutations, such as the M184V, K65R mutation or TAMS. In limitation associated with treating HIV is that while it is not Such a case, the second agent will ideally be selected to be 35 fully understood how HIV-1 evades the immune response active against HIV-1 or HIV-2 that has these mutations. and establishes latency in resting cells, it is believed that a Methods for selecting appropriate antiretroviral therapy for variety of signalling molecules and transcription factors patients with various mutations in their HIV-1 or HIV-2 are appear to play a role, and thus offer potential targets for known to those of skill in the art. intervention. Thus, in this embodiment, IL-7 is used to When the treatment involves the co-administration of an 40 confer reactivation of resting cells, effectively flushing adenine, cytosine, thymidine, and guanine nucleoside anti HIV-1 out of hiding, and histone deacetylase (HDAC) viral agent, as well as the additional antiviral agent(s), inhibitors are used to confer reactivation by up regulation of ideally the administration is to a patient who has not yet pro-HIV genes, effectively coaxing virus out from previ developed any resistance to these antiviral agents or has ously resting cells. In this manner, latent HIV is eradicated. been off therapy for at least three months. In that case, it may 45 An example of a reactivation agent that could be used in this be possible to actually cure an infected patient if the therapy manner is panobinostate, which is described, for example, in can treat substantially all of the virus, substantially every Lewin, et al., “HIV cure and eradication: how will we get where it resides in the patient. However, even in the case of from the laboratory to effective clinical trials?” AIDS:24 infection by a resistant virus, the combination therapy Apr. 2011. Representative HDAC inhibitors include Vor should be effective against all known resistant viral Strains, 50 inostat, Romidepsin (trade name Istodax), Panobinostat because there is at least one agent capable of inhibiting Such (LBH589), Valproic acid (including Mg valproate and other a virus in this combination therapy, and because the JAK salt forms), Belinostat (PXD101), Mocetinostat inhibitors do not function in the same manner as the con (MGCD0103), PCI-24781, Entinostat (MS-275), SB939, ventional NRTI, NNRTI, protease inhibitors, entry inhibi Resminostat (4SC-201), Givinostat (ITF2357), CUDC-101, tors, integrase inhibitors, and the like, and thus remain 55 AR-42, CHR-2845, CHR-3996, 4SC-202, sulforaphane, effective against Strains that have mutated following expo suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA), BML-210, Sure to these agents. M344, CI-994; CI-994 (Tacedinaline); BML-210; M344; The compounds can be used in different ways to treat or MGCD0103 (Mocetinostat); and Tubastatin A. Additional prevent HIV, and, in one embodiment, to cure an HIV HDAC inhibitors are described in U.S. Pat. No. 7,399,787. infection. In one embodiment, a combination of a JAK 60 The strategy involves reducing viral loads with traditional inhibitor as described herein, a macrophage depleting agent HAART and JAK inhibitor therapy. Then, the patient is (e.g., clodronate-loaded liposomes, gadolinium chloride treated with a reactivation agent (as defined in Lewin et al., (GdC1)), plus HAART therapy is used. The strategy Supra), Such as panobinostat. involves reducing viral loads with traditional HAART and In one aspect of this embodiment, both HAART and JAK JAK inhibitor therapy. Then, macrophages are systemically 65 inhibitor therapy are maintained during reactivation, and in depleted (typically without discrimination for infected ver another aspect of this embodiment, HAART, but not JAK sus infected macrophages). HAART and JAK inhibitor inhibitor therapy, is maintained during reactivation. US 9,662,332 B2 71 72 Treatment with the reactivation agent is then withdrawn, phosphate group on the lipid A moiety. This chemical while continuing treatment with HAART and one or more treatment dramatically reduces toxicity while preserving the JAK inhibitors, such as Tofacitinib and Jakafi as defined immunostimulant properties (Ribi, 1986). Ribi Immuno herein. chemistry produces and supplies MPL to GSK-Biologicals. In one aspect of this embodiment, HAART is then with QS21: is a natural saponin molecule extracted from the drawn, while JAK inhibitor therapy is maintained, option bark of the South American tree Ouillaja Saponaria Molina. ally while monitoring viral rebound. A purification technique developed to separate the individual In another aspect of this embodiment, both HAART and saponins from the crude extracts of the bark, permitted the JAK inhibitor therapy are then withdrawn, optionally while isolation of the particular saponin, QS21, which is a triter monitoring viral rebound. 10 pene glycoside demonstrating stronger adjuvant activity and In another embodiment, the JAK inhibitors are adminis lower toxicity as compared with the parent component. tered to a patient before, during, or after administration of a QS21 has been shown to activate MHC class I restricted vaccine and/or an immunostimulant. The use of immunos CTLS to several subunit Ags, as well as to stimulate Ag timulants can provide an optimal antiretroviral regimen. The specific lymphocytic proliferation (Kensil, 1992). Aquila immunostimulatory treatments include, but are not limited 15 (formally Cambridge Biotech Corporation) produces and to, therapies from two functional classes: 1) agents that supplies QS21 to GSK-Biologicals. target actively replicating cells and 2) agents activating CpG ODN 7909 is a synthetic single-stranded phospho latently infected cells. rothioate oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) of 24 bases length. In addition to the JAK inhibitors and immunomodulatory Its base sequence, which is 5'-TCGTCGTTTTG-TCGTTTT agents, HAART can also be provided. The JAK inhibitors, GTCGTT-3', has been optimized for stimulation of the optionally with co-administered HAART, can suppress virus human immune system. CpG DNA or synthetic ODN con to undetectable or virtually undetectable levels. The addition taining CpG motifs are known to activate dendritic cells, of an immunomodulatory therapy that specifically targets monocytes and macrophages to secrete TH1-like cytokines viral reservoirs can, ideally, lead to a cure, or at least remove and to induce TH1 T cell responses including the generation virus from one or more viral reservoirs. 25 of cytolytic T cells, stimulate NK cells to secrete IFNg and Immunostimulants increase their lytic activity, they also activate B cells to The term “immunostimulant' is used herein to describe a proliferate (Krieg A et al. 1995 Nature 374: 546, Chu Ret Substance which evokes, increases and/or prolongs an al. 1997 J. Exp. Med. 186: 1623). CpG 7909 is not antisense immune response to an antigen. While the present applica to any known sequence of the human genome. CpG 7909 is tion distinguishes between an “antigen’ and an “immunos 30 a proprietary adjuvant developed by and produced on behalf timulant it should be noted that this is merely for reasons of Coley Pharmaceutical Group, Inc., Mass., US. of clarity and ease of description. It should be understood iNKT Agonists that the immunostimulant could have, and in many cases A subset of T cells known as iNKT (invariant natural preferably has, antigenic potential itself. killer T) cells are defined by their expression of a restricted Immunomodulatory agents modulate the immune system, 35 TCR repertoire, consisting of a canonical V-alpha-14-J- and, as used herein, immunostimulants are also referred to as alpha-18 or V-alpha-24-J-alpha-18-alpha chain in mice and immunomodulatory agents, where it is understood that the humans respectively. iNKT cells recognize and become desired modulation is to stimulate the immune system. activated in response to self or foreign antigenic lipids There are two main categories of immunostimulants, presented by non-polymorphic CD1d molecules expressed specific and non-specific. Specific immunostimulants pro 40 on the surface of APCs. iNKT cells are activated in response vide antigenic specificity in immune response, such as to a variety of infections, and during inflammatory and vaccines or any antigen, and non-specific immunostimulants autoimmune diseases. iNKT cells provide a means of linking act irrespective of antigenic specificity to augment immune and coordinating innate and adaptive immune responses, as response of other antigen or stimulate components of the their stimulation can induce the downstream activation of immune system without antigenic specificity, such as adju 45 DCs, NK cells, B and T cells. It has been demonstrated in vants and non-specific immunostimulators. vitro that iNKT cells stimulate B cell proliferation and Examples of immunostimulants include levamisole, tha antibody production. lidomide, erythema nodosum leprosum, BCG, cytokines NKT cells can be activated by alpha-galactosyl-ceramide Such as interleukins or interferons, including recombinant (alpha-GalCer) or its synthetic analog KRN 7000 (U.S. cytokines and interleukin 2 (aldeslukin), 3D-MPL. QS21, 50 2003/0157135). Alpha-GalCer can stimulate NK activity CpG ODN 7909, , anti-PD-1 or PD-1 targeting and cytokine production by NKT cells (U.S. 2003/0157135). drugs, and acid (DCA, a macrophage stimulator), imiqui Alpha-GalCer and related glycosylceramides not only func mod and residuimod (which activate immune cells through tion as antigens, but can also be used as soluble adjuvants the toll-like receptor 7), chlorooxygen compounds such as capable of enhancing and/or extending the duration of the tetrachlorodecaoxide (TCDO), agonistic CD40 antibodies, 55 protective immune responses induced by other antigens. soluble CD40L, 4-1BB:4-1BBL agonists, OX40 agonists, Thus, in some embodiments of the present invention the TLR agonists, moieties that deplete regulatory T cells, immunostimulant may be an iNKT cell agonist. The agonist arabinitol-ceramide, glycerol-ceramide, 6-deoxy and 6-sul may be an exogenous or endogenous agonist. It may be a fono-myo-insitolceramide, iNKT agonists, TLR agonists. glycosidic agonist (such as alpha-galactasylceramide) or a WF 10 Immunokine, Macrokine is a 1:10 dilution of 60 non-glycosidic agonist (Such as threitolceramide). tetrachlorodecaoxide (TCDO) formulated for intravenous Immunostimulatory Lipids or Glycolipids injection. WF 10 specifically targets macrophages, and In some embodiments, the immunostimulant may be a modulates disease-related up-regulation of immune lipid or a glycolipid. Glycolipids presented by CD1 can be responses in vivo. grouped into different classes including for example diacyl 3D-MPL is an immunostimulant derived from the lipopo 65 glycerolipids, sphingolipids, mycolates and phosphomy lysaccharide (LPS) of the Gram-negative bacterium Salmo coketides (Zajonc. and Krenenberg, Current Opinion in nella minnesota. MPL has been deacylated and is lacking a Structural Biology, 2007, 17:521-529). Microbial antigens US 9,662,332 B2 73 74 from pathogenic mycobacteria, Such as glucose monomy Saponins are known as adjuvants in vaccines for systemic colates (GMM), mannosyl phosphomycoketides and phos administration. The adjuvant and haemolytic activity of phatidylinositol mannosides are known to be potent ligands individual saponins has been extensively studied in the art for human T cells when presented by group I CD1 molecules (Lacaille-Dubois and Wagner, supra). For example, Quil A (Zajoncan Kronenberg, Supra). The immunostimulant can (derived from the bark of the South American tree Ouillaja be a glycosylceramide, for example alpha-galactosylcer Saponaria Molina), and fractions thereof, are described in amide (KRN 7000, US2003/0157135) or an analogue U.S. Pat. No. 5,057,540 and "Saponins as vaccine adju thereof, such as for example threitolceramide (IMM47) or vants”, Kensil, C. R., Crit Rev Ther Drug Carrier Syst, 1996, other non-glycosidic iNKT cell agonists (as described in 12 (1-2):1-55; and EP 0362 279 B1. Particulate structures, 10 termed Immune Stimulating Complexes (ISCOMS), com Silk et al. Cutting Edge J. Immunol. 2008). Further ana prising Quil A or fractions thereof, have been used in the logues which may be used in accordance with the invention manufacture of vaccines (Morein, B., EP 0 109942 B1). and methods of producing Such analogues are disclosed in These structures have been reported to have adjuvant activ WO2007/050668, which is incorporated herein by refer ity (EP 0 109942 B1; WO 96/11711). The hemolytic CCC. 15 saponins QS21 and QS17 (HPLC purified fractions of Quil TLR Agonists A) have been described as potent systemic adjuvants, and Intracellular TLRs such as TLRs 3, 7, 8 and 9 recognize the method of their production is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. nucleic acids. As such, synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides 5,057,540 and EP 0 362 279 B1. Also described in these (ODN) such as the TLR9 agonist CpG have previously been references is the use of QS7 (a non-haemolytic fraction of used as immunostimulants. These TLR immunostimulants Quil-A) which acts as a potent adjuvant for systemic vac operate by a different mechanism than that employed by cines. Use of QS21 is further described in Kensil et al. lipids such as alphaGalCer. These immunostimulants (1991. J. Immunology Vol 146, 431-437). Combinations of directly activate the cell that they are taken up by, culmi QS21 and polysorbate or cyclodextrin are also known (WO nating in, for example, the secretion of cytokines and 99/10008). Particulate adjuvant systems comprising frac chemokines that result in the further stimulation of immune 25 tions of QuilA, such as QS21 and QS7 are described in WO responses. 96/33739 and WO 96F11711. The TLR expression pattern is specific for each cell type Other saponins which have been used in Systemic vacci (Chiron et al., 2009). TLR expression in human B cells is nation studies include those derived from other plant species characterized by high expression of TLR 1, 6, 7, 9 and 10. Such as Gypsophila and Saponaria (Bomford et al., Vaccine, 10(9):572-577, 1992). with the expression pattern varying during B-cell differen 30 Cytokines tiation. TH-1 type cytokines, e.g., IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, IL-2, Soluble CpG ODNs are rapidly internalized by immune IL-12, IL-18, etc, tend to favor the induction of cell medi cells and interact with TLR9 that is present in endocytic ated immune responses to an administered antigen. In con vesicles. Cellular activation by most members of the TLR trast, high levels of Th2-type cytokines (e.g., IL4, IL-5, IL-6 family (including TLR9) involves a signaling cascade that 35 and IL-10) tend to favor the induction of humoral immune proceeds through myeloid differentiation primary response responses. Interleukin-18 (IL-18), also known as interferon gene 88 (MYD88), interleukin-1 (IL-1), receptor-activated gamma (IFNg) inducing factor, has been described as an kinase (IRAK) and tumor-necrosis factor receptor (TNFR)- pleotropic cytokine with immunomodulatory effects that associated factor 6 (TRAF6), and culminates in the activa stimulates patients own immune system against disease. tion of several transcription factors, including nuclear fac 40 IL-18 has several bioactivities, including the ability to tor-kappaB (NF-kappaB), activating protein 1 (AP1), promote the differentiation of naive CD4 T cells into Th1 CCAAT-enhancer binding protein (CEBP) and cAMP-re cells, to stimulate natural killer (NK) cells, natural killer T sponsive element binding protein (CREB). These transcrip (NKT) cells, and to induce the proliferation of activated T tion factors directly upregulate cytokine?chemokine gene cells, predominantly cytotoxic T cells (CD8+ phenotype) to expression. B cells and plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) 45 secrete gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) (Okamura H. et al. are the main human cell types that express TLR9 and 1998, Adv. Immunol. 70: 281-312). IL-18 also mediates respond directly to CpG stimulation. Activation of these Fas-induced tumor death, promotes the production of IL-1a cells by CpG DNA initiates an immunostimulatory cascade and GMCSF, and has anti-angiogenic activity. IFN-O. 2a, that culminates in the indirect maturation, differentiation and including pegylated versions thereof (Pegasys), can also be 50 used. Recombinant human Interleukin-7 (r-hIL-7/CYT107) proliferation of natural killer (NK) cells, T cells and mono can also be used. cytes/macrophages. Together, these cells secrete cytokines Vaccines and chemokines that create a pro-inflammatory (IL-1, IL-6, As used herein, “vaccine” includes all prophylactic and IL-18 and TNF) and T. Sub.H1-biased (interferon-gamma. therapeutic vaccines. A vaccine includes an antigen or IFN-gamma., and IL-12) immune milieu (Klinman, 2004, immunogenic derivative, and an adjuvant. As used herein, Nature Reviews, 4:249). 55 the vaccines can be any vaccine that inhibits any of the Thus, in Some embodiments the immunostimulant is a viruses described herein, including anti-HIV vaccines which TRL agonist. For example, it is an endosomal TLR agonist, inhibit HIV through any mechanism. in particular a nucleic acid, such as for example DNA, RNA Where the vaccine is an anti-HIV vaccine, it ideally (either double or single stranded). The immunostimulant inhibits or stops the HIV virion replication cycle at any one may, for example comprise a CpG oligodeoxynucleotide or 60 of the following phases of the HIV virion cycle: a poly-U nucleic acid. Phase I. Free State Saponins Phase II. Attachment Saponins are taught in: Lacaille-Dubois, M and Wagner Phase III. Penetration H. (1996. A review of the biological and pharmacological Phase IV. Uncoating activities of saponins. Phytomedicine Vol 2 pp. 363-386). 65 Phase V. Replication Saponins are steroid or triterpene glycosides widely distrib Phase VI. Assembling uted in the plant and marine animal kingdoms. Phase VII. Releasing US 9,662,332 B2 75 76 While many antiviral vaccines use live viruses, with In one embodiment, the present invention provides an respect to HIV vaccines, it is not advisable to use live essentially non-cytolytic recombinant HIV-1 capable of viruses, due to the risk of infection. However, it is known highly efficient replication wherein the NSS of the virus that deletion of the HIV nef gene attenuates the virus. envelope glycoprotein is modified sufficiently to prevent cell Desrosiers and his associates have demonstrated that vac damage by the virus, preferably by eliminating positively cination of macaques with nef-deleted SIV protected wild charged amino acids, even more preferably, such elimination type SIV challenge (Daniels, M. D. et al. Science 258:1938 or modification resulting in no more than one (1) and (1992): Desrosiers, R. C., et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA preferably zero (0) positively charged amino acids. The 86:6353 (1989)) and others have demonstrated that nef gene positively charged amino acids which may be modified or is dispensable for SIV and HIV replication (Daniels, M. D. 10 replaced include lysine and arginine. et al. Science 258:1938 (1992); Gibbs, J. S., et al. AIDS Res. In another embodiment, replacement of the natural signal and Human Retroviruses 10:343 (1994); Igarashi, T., et al. sequence results in a more efficient replication of HIV. J. Gen. Virol. 78:985 (1997); Kestler III, H. W., et al. Cell Accordingly the present invention provides an essentially 65:651 (1991)). Furthermore, deletion of nef gene renders non-cytolytic recombinant HIV-1 capable of highly efficient the virus to be non-pathogenic in the normally susceptible 15 replication wherein the NSS of the virus envelope glyco host (Daniels, M. D. et al. Science 258:1938 (1992)). protein is replaced with an essentially non-cytolytic and In terms of antigens, subunit vaccines can be used more efficient signal sequence. In a preferred embodiment, (Cooney E. L., et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1993: 90: replacement of the NS S of the envelope glycoprotein of 1882-86; McElrath M J, et al. J Infect Dis. 169: 41-47 HIV-1 with either the mellitin or IL-3 signal sequence (1994); Graham B S, et al. J Infect Dis 166: 244-52 (1992); decreases the cytotoxicity of the retrovirus. As such, the and Graham B S, et al. J Infect Dis 167: 533-37 (1993)). present invention includes within its scope replacement of HIV-derived antigens include HIV-1 antigen gp120, tat, nef, NSS with any signal sequence which renders the retrovirus reverse transcriptase, gag, gp120 and gp160, and various essentially non-cytolytic. The inventors have also shown targets in pol One examples of an HIV vaccine is the that replacement of the NSS with mellitin or IL-3 signal DermaVir therapeutic HIV vaccine, currently in Phase II 25 sequences results in a greater level of production and clinical studies. secretion of gp120, in addition to the reduced cytotoxicity. The vaccines of the present invention may additionally The inventors have also shown that replacement of the NSS contain Suitable diluents, adjuvants and/or carriers. In some results in partial deletion the Vpu gene. Studies have shown embodiments, the vaccines contain an adjuvant which can the Vpu gene can be completely deleted without any mea enhance the immunogenicity of the vaccine in vivo. The 30 Surable impact on the virus’ ability to replicate (James et al. adjuvant may be selected from many known adjuvants in the AIDS Res. Human Retrovirus 10:343-350, 1994). art, including the lipid-A portion of gram negative bacteria In another embodiment, the retrovirus is rendered aviru endotoxin, trehalose dimycolate of mycobacteria, the phos lent. In a preferred embodiment, the virus is rendered pholipid lysolecithin, dimethyldictadecyl ammonium bro avirulent by deleting the nef gene. Accordingly, the present mide (DDA), certain linear polyoxypropylene-polyoxyeth 35 invention provides an avirulent, essentially non-cytolytic ylene (POP-POE) block polymers, aluminum hydroxide, retrovirus which contains a sufficient deletion of the nef gene and liposomes. The vaccines may also include cytokines that to render the virus non-pathogenic and wherein the virus are known to enhance the immune response including GM envelope glycoprotein gp120 coding sequence is replaced CSF, IL-2, IL-12, TNF-C. and IFNY. with a more efficient signal sequence. As used herein, The dose of the vaccine may vary according to factors 40 “sufficient deletion” means deletion of enough of the Such as the disease state, age, sex, and weight of the sequence to prevent transcription and thereby production of individual, and the ability of antibody to elicit a desired the nef protein product. response in the individual. Dosage regime may be adjusted In a further embodiment, the retrovirus is rendered aviru to provide the optimum therapeutic response. For example, lent, essentially non-cytolytic, and contains a Sufficient several divided doses may be administered daily or the dose 45 deletion of the nef gene and the Vpu gene to render the virus may be proportionally reduced as indicated by the exigen non-pathogenic. cies of the therapeutic situation. The dose of the vaccine may Recombinant retroviruses be prepared using techniques also be varied to provide optimum preventative dose known in the art. In one embodiment, the retrovirus can be response depending upon the circumstances. introduced in a host cell under conditions suitable for the The vaccines may be administered in a convenient man 50 replication and expression of the retrovirus in the host. ner Such as by injection (Subcutaneous, intravenous, intra The essentially non-cytolytic and avirulent retroviruses muscular, etc.), oral administration, inhalation, transdermal can typically be produced in large quantities and in a form administration (Such as topical cream or ointment, etc.), or that is non-pathogenic to the patient. The viruses can be Suppository applications. used, in combination with the JAK inhibitors and, option Recombinant Retrovirus 55 ally, with HAART, for preventing or treating a retroviral The recombinant retrovirus of the present invention can infection. In this use, an effective amount of a killed recom be any retrovirus, including HIV-1, HIV-2, SIV, HTLV-1. binant essentially non-cytolytic avirulent retrovirus is Preferably the retrovirus is a human immunodeficiency virus administered to a patient in need of treatment or prophylaxis selected from HIV-1 and HIV-2, more preferably, the retro of a retroviral infection. The term “effective amount’ as used virus is HIV-1. 60 herein means an amount effective and at dosages and for The vaccine can be an essentially non-cytolytic retrovirus, periods of time necessary to achieve the desired result. wherein the term “essentially non-cytolytic' means that the In one embodiment, the natural signal sequence of the retrovirus does not significantly damage or kill the cells it virus envelope glycoprotein, Such as gp120, is modified to infects. In one embodiment, the natural signal sequence of provide an essentially non-cytolytic signal sequence, and/or HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp120 (NSS) is modified to be 65 the virus is rendered avirulent by deleting the nef gene. In essentially non-cytolytic, or is replaced with an essentially one aspect of this embodiment, the modification to provide non-cytolytic signal sequence. a non-cytolytic NSS results in no more than one positively US 9,662,332 B2 77 78 charged amino acid in the NSS sequence, more preferably the formulations of the present invention may include other Zero positively charged amino acids. agents commonly used by one of ordinary skill in the art. In another aspect of this embodiment, the natural signal The vaccine may be administered through different sequence of the virus envelope glycoprotein, preferably routes, such as oral, including buccal and Sublingual, rectal, gp120, is replaced with an essentially non-cytolytic signal 5 parenteral, aerosol, nasal, intramuscular, Subcutaneous, sequence, and, optionally, the virus is rendered avirulent by intradermal, and topical. The vaccine of the present inven deleting the nef gene. tion may be administered in different forms, including but In another aspect of this embodiment, where the NSS is not limited to Solutions, emulsions and Suspensions, micro replaced, the non-cytolytic signal sequence is selected from spheres, particles, microparticles, nanoparticles, and lipo the group consisting of the mellitin sequence and the IL-3 10 Somes. It is expected that from about 1 to 5 dosages may be signal sequence. required per immunization regimen. Initial injections may Chimaeric Antigens range from about 1 mg to 1 gram, with a preferred range of The vaccines can comprise chimaeric antigens, for about 10 mg to 800 mg, and a more preferred range of from example, a chimaeric influenza-HIV vaccine. In one 15 approximately 25 mg to 500 mg. Booster injections may embodiment, the vaccine comprises the A-antigenic loop of range from 1 mg to 1 gram, with a preferred range of influenza hemagglutinin (HA-A), modified to resemble the approximately 10 mg to 750 mg, and a more preferred range principle neutralizing determinant (PND) of HIV envelope of about 50 mg to 500 mg. glycoprotein gp120. The Chimaeric antigens can be pre The volume of administration will vary depending on the sented as killed or attenuated virus. route of administration. Intramuscular injections may range Vaccine Production from about 0.1 ml to 1.0 ml. To produce a vaccine, the antigen is typically combined The vaccines can be administered before, during or after with a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier, and, typically, an an infection. An infected individual can receive a vaccine adjuvant, to make a composition comprising a vaccine. This directed to the virus infecting the individual, even though the vaccine composition is optionally combined with an immu 25 levels are reduced via treatment with the JAK inhibitors nostimulant and administered to a patient in need of treat and/or HAART, stimulating the immune system to fight the ment or prevention of a viral infection. virus that remains in the individual. In one embodiment, the vaccine includes antigens The vaccine may be stored at temperatures of from about selected for more than one virus, particularly where co 4 C. to -100 C. The vaccine may also be stored in a infection rates are known to be high. One example is HIV 30 lyophilized State at different temperatures including room and HBV or HCV, or HIV and influenza. temperature. The vaccine may be sterilized through conven A variety of adjuvants known to one of ordinary skill in tional means known to one of ordinary skill in the art. Such the art may be administered in conjunction with the protein means include, but are not limited to filtration, radiation and in the vaccine composition. Such adjuvants include, but are heat. The vaccine of the present invention may also be not limited to the following: polymers, co-polymers such as 35 combined with bacteriostatic agents, such as thimerosal, to polyoxyethylene-polyoxypropylene copolymers, including inhibit bacterial growth. block co-polymers; polymer P1005: monotide ISA72: Fre Treatment or Prevention of Other Viral Infections unds complete adjuvant (for animals); Freund's incomplete The invention includes methods for treating or prevent adjuvant; sorbitan monooleate; squalene; CRL-8300 adju ing, and uses for the treatment or prophylaxis, of a Flavi vant; alum; QS 21, muramyl dipeptide; trehalose; bacterial 40 viridae infection, including all members of the Hepacivirus extracts, including mycobacterial extracts; detoxified endo genus (HCV), Pestivirus genus (BVDV. CSFV. BDV), or toxins; membrane lipids; or combinations thereof. Flavivirus genus (Dengue virus, Japanese encephalitis virus The vaccine formulations can be presented in unit dosage group (including West Nile Virus), and Yellow Fever virus). form, and can be prepared by conventional pharmaceutical Viruses Characterized by the Flaviviridae Family techniques. Such techniques include the step of bringing into 45 The Flaviviridae is a group of positive single-stranded association the active ingredient and the pharmaceutical RNA viruses with a genome size from 9-15 kb. They are carrier(s) or excipient(s). In general, the formulations are enveloped viruses of approximately 40-50 nm. An overview prepared by uniformly and intimately bringing into associa of the Flaviviridae taxonomy is available from the Interna tion the active ingredient with liquid carriers. Formulations tional Committee for Taxonomy of Viruses. The Flaviviridae Suitable for parenteral administration include aqueous and 50 consists of three genera. non-aqueous sterile injection solutions which may contain Flaviviruses. This genus includes the Dengue virus group anti-oxidants, buffers, bacteriostats and solutes which render (Dengue virus, Dengue virus type 1, Dengue virus type 2, the formulation isotonic with the blood of the intended Dengue virus type 3. Dengue virus type 4), the Japanese recipient; and aqueous and non-aqueous sterile Suspensions encephalitis virus group (Alfuy Virus, Japanese encephalitis which may include Suspending agents and thickening 55 virus, Kookaburra virus, Koutango virus, Kunjin virus, agents. The formulations may be presented in unit-dose or Murray Valley encephalitis virus, St. Louis encephalitis multi-dose containers, for example, sealed ampules and virus, Stratford virus. Usutu virus, West Nile Virus), the vials, and may be stored in a freeze-dried (lyophilized) Modoc virus group, the Rio Bravo virus group (Apoi virus, condition requiring only the addition of the sterile liquid Rio Brovo virus, Saboya virus), the Ntaya virus group, the carrier, for example, water for injections, immediately prior 60 Tick-Borne encephalitis group (tick born encephalitis virus), to use. Extemporaneous injection Solutions and Suspensions the Tyuleniy virus group, Uganda S virus group and the may be prepared from sterile powders, granules and tablets Yellow Fever virus group. Apart from these major groups, commonly used by one of ordinary skill in the art. there are some additional Flaviviruses that are unclassified. Preferred unit dosage formulations are those containing a Pestiviruses. This genus includes Bovine Viral Diarrhea dose or unit, or an appropriate fraction thereof, of the 65 Virus-2 (BVDV-2), Pestivirus type 1 (including BVDV), administered ingredient. It should be understood that in Pestivirus type 2 (including Hog Cholera Virus) and Pesti addition to the ingredients, particularly mentioned above, virus type 3 (including Border Disease Virus). US 9,662,332 B2 79 80 Hepaciviruses. This genus contains only one species, the tions of AZT (positive control) or Tofacitinib and Jakafi for Hepatitis C virus (HCV), which is composed of many 2 hr prior to removal of drug-containing medium and 4 hr clades, types and Subtypes. infection with HIV-1Ball at 0.1 MOI in the absence of drug. Chikungunya virus, an RNA virus of the genus Alphavi 4hrs after infection, virus was removed and drug-containing rus, can also be treated using the compounds described 5 medium was returned to the cultures. Supernatants were herein. collected on day 7 post-infection and HIV-1 p24 was quan Those of skill in the art can effectively follow the admin tified via ELISA (Zeptometrix Corporation, Buffalo, N.Y.). istration of these therapies, and the development of side EC50 analysis was performed using CalcuSyn software effects and/or resistant viral Strains, without undue experi (BioSoft Corporation, Cambridge, UK). mentation. 10 PBM cells were isolated as follows: Lymphocytes were The present invention will be better understood with isolated from buffy coats derived from healthy donors reference to the following non-limiting examples. obtained from Life South Laboratories (Dunwoody, Ga.). Activated lymphocytes were maintained for 72 hrs in EXAMPLE 1. medium that was Supplemented with 6 g/ml phytohemag 15 glutinin (PHA) (Cape Cod associates, East Falmouth, Comparison of JAK Inhibitors to Conventional Mass.). Media was comprised of RPMI media supplemented Antiretroviral Therapy with 20% fetal calf serum, 1% penicillin/streptomyocin and 2% L-glutamine (Sigma Aldrich, San Jose, Calif.). Current first line highly active antiretroviral therapy PBM cell infections: Testing was performed in duplicate (HAART) for the treatment of human immunodeficiency with at least 3 independent assays. Cells were incubated in virus (HIV-1) infections combines two nucleoside reverse RPMI medium (HyClone, Logan, Utah) containing HR-IL2 transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI) together with either a pro (26.5 units/ml) and 20% fetal calf serum. Infections were tease inhibitor (PI) or non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase performed by adding HIV-1, followed by a further incu inhibitor (NNRTI). These drug combinations have markedly bation at 37°C., 5% CO2, 1 hr prior to addition of drugs. decreased mortality and morbidity from HIV-1 infections in 25 Assays were performed in 24 well plates (BD Biosciences, the developed world. Franklin Lakes, N.J.). One ml of supernatant was collected Existing therapies cannot eradicate HIV-1 infection after 5 days in culture and then centrifuged at 12,000 rpm for because of the compartmentalization of the virus and its 2 hr at 4° C. in a Jouan Brá3i (Thermo Electron Corp., latent properties. Therefore, chronic therapy remains the Marietta, Ohio). The product of the RT assay was quantified standard of care for the foreseeable future. Although 30 using a Packard harvester and direct beta counter and the HAART regimens are selected in part to minimize cross data were analyzed as previously described (Schinazi et al. resistance, and thereby delay the emergence of resistant 1990). viruses, all regimens eventually fail, due primarily to lack of Cytotoxicity Assay adherence to strict regimens, delayed toxicities and/or the The toxicity of the compounds was assessed in Vero, emergence of drug-resistant HIV-1 strains, making it a major 35 human PBM, CEM (human lymphoblastoid), as described imperative to develop regimens that delay, prevent or attenu previously (see Schinazi R. F. Sommadossi J.-P. Saalmann ate the onset of resistance for second line treatments for V., Cannon D. L., Xie M.-Y., Hart G. C., Smith G. A. & infected individuals who have already demonstrated muta Hahn E. F. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 1990, 34, 1061 tions. The occurrence of common resistance mutations, 67), and also in MO cells. Cycloheximide was included as including thymidine analog mutations (TAM), K65R and 40 positive cytotoxic control, and untreated cells exposed to M184V, need to be a continued focus in the rational design cell culture medium were included as negative controls. of HIV-1 NRTI drug development. The cytotoxicity ICs was obtained from the concentra The objectives of this study were to evaluate JAK inhibi tion-response curve using the median effective method tors that do not appear to function in the same manner as described previously (see Chou T.-C. & Talalay P. Adv. NRTI, NNRTI, protease inhibitors, entry inhibitors, inte 45 Enzyme Regul. 1984, 22, 27-55; Belenkii M. S. & Schinazi grase inhibitors, and the like. In the data shown in this R. F. Antiviral Res. 1994, 25, 1-11). example, the JAK inhibitors that were evaluated were Jakafi The potency and toxicity of JAK inhibitors Tofacitinib (Incyte) and Tofacitinib (Pfizer). and Jakafi versus FDA approved controls AZT and 3TC was PBM Cell and Mcp Protocol for Antiviral Potency evaluated in acutely infected activated MO, as well as in Macrophages were isolated as follows: Monocytes were 50 PBM cells. The ECso data (LM) is shown in FIG. 1. Also isolated from buffy coats of HIV-1 negative, HBV/HCV shown in FIG. 1 are the ICso values (LM) for these com negative donors with density gradient centrifugation pounds in PBM, MO cells, CEM cells, and Vero cells. coupled with enrichment for CD14+ monocytes with The data show a very large therapeutic window (ratio of Rosette Sep antibody cocktail (Stem Cell Technologies, toxicity/potency), and that the JAK inhibitor compounds Vancouver, British Columbia). Cells were seeded at a con 55 have substantially the same ECso and Substantially lower centration of 1.0x10 cells/well for 1 hr at 37° C. and 5% ICs values as AZT and 3TC. CO to confer plastic adherence prior to repeated washes Cell proliferation was evaluated in activated PBM cells with 1xPBS. Macrophages were maintained in medium incubated for 5 days with various concentrations of Tofaci containing 100 U/ml macrophage colony-stimulating factor tinib and Jakafi, with cycloheximide as a positive control, (m-CSF, R&D Systems, Minneapolis, Minn.), supplemented 60 and a “cells plus media” control used as well. The data is with 20% fetal calf serum (Atlanta Biologicals, Lawrence shown in FIG. 2, in terms of total cell number (10° cells) ville, Ga.) and 1% penicillin/streptomyocin (Invitrogen, versus uM drug in medium. The data shows that Tofacitinib Carlsbad, Calif.) for 7 days (37oC, 5% CO2) prior to testing. and Jakafi do not affect total cell proliferation at antiviral Macrophage infections: Macrophages were cultured as concentrations. described above for 7 days. For acute infection, macro 65 Cell viability was evaluated in activated PBM cells incu phages were serum starved for 8 hrs prior to infection and bated for 5 days with various concentrations of Tofacitinib cultured for 2 hr in medium containing various concentra and Jakafi, with cycloheximide as a positive control, and a US 9,662,332 B2 81 82 “cells plus media” control used as well. The data is shown of the eluted nucleic acids using a multiplex Q-PCR protocol in FIG. 3, in terms of cell viability (%) versus uM drug in with suitable primers and probes for both target and refer medium. The data shows that Tofacitinib and Jakafi do not ence amplifications. For COXII the following sense, probe affect total cell viability at antiviral concentrations. and antisense primers are used, respectively: 5'-TGCCCGC Conclusion CATCATCCTA-3' (SEQ ID No. 1), 5'-tetrachloro-6-car In conclusion, Tofacitinib and Jakafi are potent, Sub boxyfluorescein-TCCTCATCGCCCTCCCATCCC micromolar inhibitors of HIV-1 replication in both PBM TAMRA-3' (SEQ ID No. 2), and cells and MO cells. The compounds do not affect viability or 5'-CGTCTGTTATGTAAAGGATGCGT-3' (SEQ ID No. 3). proliferation for PBM cells and MO cells, or total cell For exon 3 of the B-actin gene (GenBank accession number number, up to around 10 uM (2-3 logs above EC50). The 10 E01094) the sense, probe, and antisense primers are therapeutic window (ratio of toxicity:potency) is wide for 5'-GCGCGGCTACAGCTTCA-3' (SEQ ID No. 4), 5'-6- both cell types (24->100). FAMCACCACGGCCGAGCGGGATAMRA-3 (SEQ ID EXAMPLE 2 No. 5), and 5'-TCTCCTTAATGTCACGCACGAT-3' (SEQ 15 ID No. 6), respectively. The primers and probes for the Mitochondrial Toxicity Assays in HepG2 Cells rRNA gene are commercially available from Applied Bio systems. Since equal amplification efficiencies are obtained i) Effect of the JAK Inhibitors described herein on Cell for all genes, the comparative CT method can be used to Growth and Lactic Acid Production: investigate potential inhibition of mitochondrial DNA syn The effect on the growth of HepG2 cells can be deter thesis. The comparative CT method uses arithmetic formulas mined by incubating cells in the presence of OuM, 0.1 uM, in which the amount of target (COXII gene) is normalized 1 uM, 10 uM and 100 uM drug. Cells (5x10" per well) were to the amount of an endogenous reference (the B-actin or plated into 12-well cell culture clusters in minimum essen rRNA gene) and is relative to a calibrator (a control with no tial medium with nonessential amino acids Supplemented drug at day 7). The arithmetic formula for this approach is with 10% fetal bovine serum, 1% sodium pyruvate, and 1% 25 given by 2-AACT, where AACT is (CT for average target test penicillin/streptomycin and incubated for 4 days at 37°C. At sample-CT for target control)-(CT for average reference the end of the incubation period the cell number was test-CT for reference control) (see Johnson MR, K Wang, determined using a hemocytometer. Also taught by Pan J B Smith, MJ Heslin, R B Diasio. Quantitation of dihy Zhou X-R, Cui L, Zhou X-J, Sommadossi J.-P. Darley dropyrimidine dehydrogenase expression by real-time Usmer VM. “Differential effects of antiretroviral nucleoside 30 reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Anal. Bio analogs on mitochondrial function in HepG2 cells' Antimi chem. 2000: 278: 175-184). A decrease in mitochondrial crob. Agents Chemother. 2000; 44: 496-503. To measure the DNA content in cells grown in the presence of drug would effects of the compounds on lactic acid production, HepG2 indicate mitochondrial toxicity. cells from a stock culture can be diluted and plated in iii) Electron Microscopic Morphologic Evaluation: 12-well culture plates at 2.5x10" cells per well. Various 35 NRTI induced toxicity has been shown to cause morpho concentrations (OuM, 0.1 uM, 1 uM, 10 uM and 100 uM) logical changes in mitochondria (e.g., loss of cristae, matrix of the compounds can be added, and the cultures incubated dissolution and Swelling, and lipid droplet formation) that at 37°C. in a humidified 5% CO atmosphere for 4 days. At can be observed with ultrastructural analysis using trans day 4 the number of cells in each well can be determined and mission electron microscopy (see Cui L. Schinazi R F. the culture medium collected. The culture medium was 40 Gosselin G, Imbach J. L. Chu C K, Rando RF, Revankar G filtered, and the lactic acid content in the medium deter R, Sommadossi J. P. Effect of enantiomeric and racemic mined using a colorimetric lactic acid assay (Sigma-Al nucleoside analogs on mitochondrial functions in HepG2 drich). Since lactic acid product can be considered a marker cells. Biochem. Pharmacol. 1996, 52, 1577-1584; Lewis W. for impaired mitochondrial function, elevated levels of lactic Levine E. S. Griniuviene B, Tankersley KO, Colacino J. M. acid production detected in cells grown in the presence of 45 Sommadossi J. P. Watanabe KA, Perrino F. W. Fialuridine the compounds would indicate a drug-induced cytotoxic and its metabolites inhibit DNA polymerase gamma at sites effect. of multiple adjacent analog incorporation, decrease mtDNA ii) Effect on the compounds on Mitochondrial DNA abundance, and cause mitochondrial structural defects in Synthesis: cultured hepatoblasts. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 1996: 93: a real-time PCR assay to accurately quantify mitochon 50 3592-7: Pan-Zhou X R. L. Cui, XJ Zhou, J P Sommadossi, drial DNA content has been developed (see Stuyver L. J. V M Darley-Usmar. Differential effects of antiretroviral Lostia S, Adams M, Mathew J S. Pai BS. Grier J, Tharnish nucleoside analogs on mitochondrial function in HepG2 PM, Choi Y. Chong Y. Choo H, Chu C K, Otto M.J. Schinazi cells. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother: 2000, 44, 496-503). R F. Antiviral activities and cellular toxicities of modified For example, electron micrographs of HepG2 cells incu 2',3'-dideoxy-2',3'-didehydrocytidine analogs. Antimicrob. 55 bated with 10 uM fialuridine (FIAU; 1,2'-deoxy-2'-fluoro Agents Chemother. 2002; 46: 3854-60). This assay can be 1-D-arabinofuranosly-5-iodo-uracil) showed the presence of used to determine the effect of the compounds on mitochon enlarged mitochondria with morphological changes consis drial DNA content. In this assay, low-passage-number tent with mitochondrial dysfunction. To determine if the HepG2 cells are seeded at 5,000 cells/well in collagen JAK inhibitor compounds promote morphological changes coated 96-well plates. The compounds are added to the 60 in mitochondria, HepG2 cells (2.5x10" cells/mL) can be medium to obtain final concentrations of OuM, 0.1 uM, 10 seeded into tissue cultures dishes (35 by 10 mm) in the uM and 100 uM. On culture day 7, cellular nucleic acids are presence of 0 uM, 0.1 uM, 1 uM, 10 uM and 100 uM prepared by using commercially available columns (RNeasy nucleoside analog. At day 8, the cells can be fixed, dehy 96 kit; Qiagen). These kits co-purify RNA and DNA, and drated, and embedded in Eponas described previously. Thin hence, total nucleic acids were eluted from the columns. The 65 sections can be prepared, stained with uranyl acetate and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (COXII) lead citrate, and then examined using transmission electron gene and the B-actin or rRNA gene were amplified from 5ul microscopy. US 9,662,332 B2 83 84 EXAMPLE 3 Tet (+) can also be maintained to determine the basal levels of HBV expression. 3TC can be included as positive control. Mitochondrial Toxicity Assays in Neuro2A Cells EXAMPLE 6 To estimate the potential of the JAK inhibitor compounds to cause neuronal toxicity, mouse Neuro2A cells (American Cytotoxicity Assay Type Culture Collection 131) can be used as a model system (see Ray A S, Hemandez-Santiago B I. Mathew J S. The toxicity of the compounds can be assessed in Vero, Murakami E. Bozeman C, Xie MY, Dutschman G. E. Gullen human PBM, CEM (human lymphoblastoid), MT-2, and E, Yang Z. Hurwitz S, Cheng Y C, Chu C K, McClure H, 10 HepG2 cells, as described previously (see Schinazi R. F., Schinazi R. F. Anderson K. S. Mechanism of anti-human Sommadossi J.-P., Saalmann V., Cannon D. L., Xie M.-Y., immunodeficiency virus activity of beta-D-6-cyclopropy Hart G. C. Smith G. A. & Hahn E. F. Antimicrob. Agents lamino-2',3'-didehydro-2',3'-dideoxyguanosine. Antimicrob. Chemother: 1990, 34, 1061-67). Cycloheximide can be Agents Chemother: 2005, 49, 1994-2001). The concentra 15 included as positive cytotoxic control, and untreated cells tions necessary to inhibit cell growth by 50% (CCs) can be exposed to solvent can be included as negative controls. The measured using the 3-(4,5-dimethyl-thiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphe cytotoxicity IC50 can be obtained from the concentration nyltetrazolium bromide dye-based assay, as described. Per response curve using the median effective method described turbations in cellular lactic acid and mitochondrial DNA previously (see Chou T.-C. & Talalay P. Adv. Enzyme Regul. levels at defined concentrations of drug can be carried out as 1984, 22, 27-55; Belenkii M. S. & Schinazi R. F. Antiviral described above. Res. 1994, 25, 1-11). EXAMPLE 4 EXAMPLE 7

Assay for Bone Marrow Cytotoxicity 25 HCV Replicon Assay' Primary human bone marrow mononuclear cells were Huh 7 Clone B cells containing HCV Replicon RNA can obtained commercially from Cambrex Bioscience (Walkers be seeded in a 96-well plate at 5000 cells/well, and the JAK ville, Md.). CFU-GM assays can be carried out using a inhibitor compounds tested at 10 uM in triplicate immedi bilayer soft agar in the presence of 50 units/mL human 30 ately after seeding. Following five days incubation (37°C., recombinant granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating 5% CO), total cellular RNA can be isolated by using factor, while BFU-E assays used a methylcellulose matrix versaGene RNA purification kit from Gentra. Replicon RNA containing 1 unit/mL erythropoietin (see Sommadossi J. P. and an internal control (TaqMan rRNA control reagents, Carlisle R. Toxicity of 3’-azido-3'-deoxythymidine and 9-(1, Applied Biosystems) can be amplified in a single step 3-dihydroxy-2-propoxymethyl)guanine for normal human 35 multiplex Real Time RT-PCRAssay. The antiviral effective hepatopoietic progenitor cells in vitro. Antimicrob. Agents ness of the compounds can be calculated by Subtracting the Chemother. 1987; 31: 452-454; Sommadossi, J P Schinazi, threshold RT-PCR cycle of the test compound from the R F. Chu, C K, and Xie, M.Y. Comparison of Cytotoxicity threshold RT-PCR cycle of the no-drug control (ACtHCV). of the (-) and (+) enantiomer of 2',3'-dideoxy-3'-thiacytidine 40 AACt of 3.3 equals a 1-log reduction (equal to 90% less in normal human bone marrow progenitor cells. Biochem. starting material) in Replicon RNA levels. The cytotoxicity Pharmacol. 1992: 44:1921-1925). Each experiment can be of the compounds can also be calculated by using the ACt performed in duplicate in cells from three different donors. rRNA values. (2'-Me-C) can be used as the control. To AZT can be used as a positive control. Cells can be incu determine ECoo and ICso values, ACt: values can first be bated in the presence of a JAK inhibitor compound for 14-18 45 converted into fraction of starting material and then were days at 37°C. with 5% CO, and colonies of greater than 50 used to calculate the 96 inhibition. cells can be counted using an inverted microscope to deter mine ICs. The 50% inhibitory concentration (ICs) can be REFERENCES obtained by least-squares linear regression analysis of the logarithm of drug concentration versus BFU-E survival 50 1. Stuyver L. et al., Ribonucleoside analogue that blocks fractions. Statistical analysis can be performed with Stu replication or bovine viral diarrhea and hepatitis C viruses dent's t test for independent non-paired samples. in culture. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother: 2003, 47, 244 254. EXAMPLE 5 2. Reed IJ & Muench H. A simple method or estimating fifty 55 percent endpoints. Am. J. Hyg. 27: 497, 1938. Anti-HBV Assay 3. Applied Biosystems Handbook The anti-HBV activity of the JAK inhibitor compounds EXAMPLE 8 can be determined by treating the AD-38 cell line carrying wild type HBV under the control of tetracycline (see Ladner 60 Assay for Effectiveness Against West Nile Virus S. K., Otto M.J., Barker C. S., Zaifert K., Wang G. H., Guo J. T., Seeger C. & King R. W. Antimicrob. Agents West Nile virus drug susceptibility assays can also be Chemother: 1997, 41, 1715-20). Removal of tetracycline done as previously described in: Song, G.Y., Paul, V., Choo, from the medium Tet (-) results in the production of HBV. H. Morrey, J., Sidwell, R. W., Schinazi, R. F., Chu, C. K. The levels of HBV in the culture supernatant fluids from 65 Enantiomeric synthesis of D- and L-cyclopentenyl nucleo cells treated with the compounds can be compared with that sides and their antiviral activity against HIV and West Nile of the untreated controls. Control cultures with tetracycline virus. J. Med. Chem. 2001, 44, 3985-3993. US 9,662,332 B2 85 86 EXAMPLE 9 utilizing Small intestinal epithelial cells on microcarrier beads. The infectivity assay may be useful for screening Assay for Effectiveness Against Yellow Fever entry inhibitors. Yellow fever drug susceptibility assays can also be done 5 EXAMPLE 12 as previously described in: Julander, J. G. Furuta, Y., Shafer, Bioavailability Assay in Cynomolgus Monkeys K., Sidwell, R. W. Activity of T-1106 in a Hamster Model of Yellow Fever Virus Infection. Antimicrob. Agents The following procedure can be used to determine Chemother: 2007, 51, 1962-1966. whether the compounds are bioavailable. Within 1 week 10 prior to the study initiation, a cynomolgus monkey can be EXAMPLE 10 Surgically implanted with a chronic venous catheter and subcutaneous venous access port (VAP) to facilitate blood Assay for Effectiveness Against Dengue collection and can undergo a physical examination including hematology and serum chemistry evaluations and the body One representative high throughput assay for identifying 15 weight recording. Each monkey (six total) receives approxi compounds useful for treating Dengue is described in Lim et mately 250 uCi of H activity with each dose of active compound at a dose level of 10 mg/kg at a dose concentra al. A scintillation proximity assay for dengue virus NS5 tion of 5 mg/mL, either via an intravenous bolus (3 mon 2'-O-methyltransferase—kinetic and inhibition analyses, keys, IV), or via oral gavage (3 monkeys, PO). Each dosing Antiviral Research, Volume 80, Issue 3, December 2008, Syringe is weighed before dosing to gravimetrically deter Pages 360-369. mine the quantity of formulation administered. Urine Dengue virus (DENV) NS5 possesses methyltransferase samples are collected via pan catch at the designated inter (MTase) activity at its N-terminal amino acid sequence and vals (approximately 18-0 hours pre-dose, 0-4, 4-8 and 8-12 is responsible for formation of a type 1 cap structure, hours post-dosage) and processed. Blood samples are col m7GpppAm2'-O in the viral genomic RNA. Optimal in vitro 25 lected as well (pre-dose, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 12 and 24 conditions for DENV2 2'-O-MTase activity can be charac hours post-dosage) via the chronic venous catheter and VAP terized using purified recombinant protein and a short bioti or from a peripheral vessel if the chronic venous catheter nylated GTP-capped RNA template. Steady-state kinetics procedure should not be possible. The blood and urine parameters derived from initial velocities can be used to samples are analyzed for the maximum concentration establish a robust scintillation proximity assay for com 30 (Cmax), time when the maximum concentration is achieved pound testing. Pre-incubation studies by Lim et al., Antiviral (Tmax), area under the curve (AUC), half life of the dosage Research, Volume 80, Issue 3, December 2008, Pages 360 concentration (TV), clearance (CL), steady state volume 369, showed that MTase-AdoMet and MTase-RNA com and distribution (Vss) and bioavailability (F). plexes were equally catalytically competent and the enzyme Supports a random bibi kinetic mechanism. Lim validated 35 EXAMPLE 13 the assay with competitive inhibitory agents, S-adenosyl homocysteine and two homologues, sinefungin and dehy Cell Protection Assay (CPA) drosinefungin. A GTP-binding pocket present at the N-ter minal of DENV2 MTase was previously postulated to be the The assay can be performed essentially as described by cap-binding site. This assay allows rapid and highly sensi 40 Baginski, S. G.; Pevear, D.C.; Seipel, M.; Sun, S. C. C.; tive detection of 2'-O-MTase activity and can be readily Benetiatos, C. A.; Chunduru, S. K. Rice, C. M. and M. S. adapted for high-throughput screening for inhibitory com Collett “Mechanism of action of a pestivirus antiviral com pounds. It is suitable for determination of enzymatic activi pound” PNAS USA 2000, 97 (14), 7981-7986. MDBK cells ties of a wide variety of RNA capping MTases. (ATCC) are seeded onto 96-well culture plates (4,000 cells 45 per well) 24 hours before use. After infection with BVDV EXAMPLE 11 (strain NADL, ATCC) at a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 0.02 plaque forming units (PFU) per cell, serial dilutions of Anti-Norovirus Activity test compounds are added to both infected and uninfected cells in a final concentration of 0.5% DMSO in growth Compounds can exhibit anti-norovirus activity by inhib 50 medium. Each dilution is tested in quadruplicate. iting norovirus polymerase and/or helicase, by inhibiting Cell densities and virus inocula are adjusted to ensure other enzymes needed in the replication cycle, or by other continuous cell growth throughout the experiment and to pathways. achieve more than 90% virus-induced cell destruction in the There is currently no approved pharmaceutical treatment untreated controls after four days post-infection. After four for Norovirus infection ( 55 days, plates are fixed with 50% TCA and stained with revb/gastro/norovirus-qa.htm), and this has probably at least sulforhodamine B. The optical density of the wells is read in in part been due to the lack of availability of a cell culture a microplate reader at 550 nm. system. Recently, a replicon system has been developed for The 50% effective concentration (ECs) values are the original Norwalk G-I strain (Chang, K. O., et al. (2006) defined as the compound concentration that achieved 50% Virology 353:463-473) 60 reduction of cytopathic effect of the virus. Both Norovirus replicons and Hepatitis C replicons require viral helicase, protease, and polymerase to be func EXAMPLE 1.4 tional in order for replication of the replicon to occur. Most recently, an in vitro cell culture infectivity assay has been Plaque Reduction Assay reported utilizing Norovirus genogroup I and II inoculums 65 (Straub, T. M. et al. (2007) Emerg. Infect. Dis. 13(3):396 For a compound, the effective concentration is determined 403). This assay is performed in a rotating-wall bioreactor in duplicate 24-well plates by plaque reduction assays. Cell US 9,662,332 B2 87 88 monolayers are infected with 100 PFU/well of virus. Then, the in vitro antiviral activity of the compounds described serial dilutions of test compounds in MEM supplemented herein, or other compounds or compound libraries. with 2% inactivated serum and 0.75% of methyl cellulose In some embodiments, the replicon systems are subge are added to the monolayers. Cultures are further incubated nomic and therefore allow evaluation of small molecule at 37° C. for 3 days, then fixed with 50% ethanol and 0.8% inhibitors of non-structural proteins. This can provide the Crystal Violet, washed and air-dried. Then plaques are same benefits to Norovirus drug discovery that Hepatitis C counted to determine the concentration to obtain 90% virus replicons contributed to the discovery of therapeutics useful Suppression. for treatment of that virus (Stuyver, L. J., et al. (2006) 10 Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 47:244-254). Both Norovi EXAMPLE 1.5 rus replicons and Hepatitis C replicons require viral helicase, Yield Reduction Assay protease, and polymerase to be functional in order for replication of the replicon to occur. It is believed that the For a compound, the concentration to obtain a 6-log compounds described herein inhibit viral polymerase and/or reduction in viral load is determined in duplicate 24-well 15 viral helicase. plates by yield reduction assays. The assay is performed as The in vitro cell culture infectivity assay reported using described by Baginski, S. G.; Pevear, D.C.; Seipel, M.; Sun, Norovirus genogroup I and II inoculums (Straub, T. M. et al. S. C. C.; Benetiatos, C. A.; Chunduru, S. K. Rice, C. M. and (2007) Emerg. Infect. Dis. 13(3):396–403) can also be used. M. S. Collett “Mechanism of action of a pestivirus antiviral This assay can be performed in a rotating-wall bioreactor compound” PNAS USA 2000, 97 (14), 7981-7986, with utilizing Small intestinal epithelial cells on microcarrier minor modifications. beads. The infectivity assay can be used for evaluating Briefly, MDBK cells are seeded onto 24-well plates (2x10 cells per well) 24 hours before infection with BVDV compounds for their ability to inhibit the desired virus. (NADL strain) at a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 0.1 PFU per cell. Serial dilutions of test compounds are added 25 EXAMPLE 1.8 to cells in a final concentration of 0.5% DMSO in growth medium. Each dilution is tested in triplicate. After three days, cell cultures (cell monolayers and Supernatants) are Antiviral Potency and Toxicity of Jakafi and lysed by three freeze-thaw cycles, and virus yield is quan Tofacitinib in Primary Human Lymphocytes and tified by plaque assay. Briefly, MDBK cells are seeded onto 30 Macrophages 6-well plates (5x10 cells per well) 24 h before use. Cells are inoculated with 0.2 mL of test lysates for 1 hour, washed and The antiviral potency and toxicity ofjakafi and tofacitinib overlaid with 0.5% agarose in growth medium. After 3 days, was evaluated in primary human lymphocytes and macro cell monolayers are fixed with 3.5% formaldehyde and phages, using the methodology outlined above. stained with 1% crystal violet (w/v in 50% ethanol) to 35 visualize plaques. The plaques are counted to determine the The antiviral potency against HIV-1 LAI in primary concentration to obtain a 6-log reduction in viral load. human lymphocytes was 0.1-0.8 uM (EC50) and 4.7-15.1 uM (ECoo). Antiviral potency against HIV-2 in primary EXAMPLE 16 human lymphocytes was 0.02-0.07 uM (EC50) and 0.4-1.8 40 uM (EC). Antiviral potency against HIV-1Ball in primary Diagnosis of Norovirus Infection human macrophages was approximately 0.3 uM (EC50) and 3.0 uM (EC). AZT (control) demonstrated antiviral One can diagnose a norovirus infection by detecting viral potency against HIV-1 LAI, HIV-2, and HIV-1Ball as RNA in the stools of affected persons, using reverse tran expected. Toxicity (ICs) measured with the MTT assay scription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assays. The 45 ranged from 1.3 to >100 uM depending on the cell type virus can be identified from stool specimens taken within 48 tested. Propidium Iodide (primary human lymphocytes) to 72 hours after onset of symptoms, although one can obtain demonstrated ICs >50 uM. Data are mean and standard satisfactory results using RT-PCR on samples taken as long deviations from at least three independent experiments. as 7 days after the onset of symptoms. Other diagnostic methods include electron microscopy and serologic assays 50 The data is shown below in Tables 1 and 2. for a rise in titer in paired sera collected at least three weeks apart. There are also commercial enzyme-linked immuno TABLE 1. assays available, but these tend to have relatively low Anti- Anti- Anti- Anti sensitivity, limiting their use to diagnosis of the etiology of HIV-1 HIV-1 HIV-2 HIV-2 Anti- Anti outbreaks. Clinical diagnosis of norovirus infection is often 55 ECso in ECoo in ECso in E.Coo in HIV-1 HIV-1 used, particularly when other causative agents of gastroen acutely acutely acutely acutely ECso in ECoo in teritis have been ruled out. infected infected infected infected acutely acutely PBM PBM PBM PBM infected infected cells cells cells cells McD McD EXAMPLE 17 Compound (IM) (M) (IM) (M) (M) (M) 60 In Vitro Antiviral Activity Jakafi O.1 4.7 O.O2 + 0.4 O3 3.1 O.O2 O.O7 O.O1 O.2 O.1 1.8 Tofacitinib 0.8 + 17.1 O.07 - 18 O.2 2.9 In vitro anti-viral activity can be evaluated in the follow O.3 15.1 O.OO6 1.1 O.08 1.4 ing cell lines: AZT O.O2 O.13 O.OO1 0.01 - O.O1 O.O7 The Norwalk G-I strain (Chang, K. O., et al. (2006) 65 O.OO8 O.O3 O.OOO8 O.O1 O.O2 O.12 Virology 353:463-473), the GII-4 strain replicon, as well other Norovirus replicons can be used in assays to determine US 9,662,332 B2 89 90 TABLE 2 EXAMPLE 20 ICso in Viability of Primary Human Lymphocytes Exposed ICso in PHA ICso in PHA- stim- PBM to Various Concentrations of Jakafi or Tofacitinib IL-2 ulated cells ICso in ICso in PBM PBM (IM) ICso in CEM Vero The viability of primary human lymphocytes exposed to cells cells *Pro- Mcp cells cells various concentrations of Jakafi or Tofacitinib was deter (IM) (IM) pidium (IM) (IM) (M) *MTT *MTT Iodide *MTT *MTT *MTT mined using the techniques discussed above. Compound Assay Assay assay Assay Assay Assay PHA and interleukin-2 (IL-2) stimulated primary human 10 lymphocytes were exposed to various concentrations of Jakafi 3.1 9.1 - >50 >100 11.8 29.3 1.7 1.3 1.1 3.7 Jakafi or Tofacitinib for 5 days prior to assessment of Tofacitinib 1.3 6.3 >50 49.2 >100 >100 viability using propidium Iodide (flow cytometry). O.9 1.8 FIGS. 4af show the results of flow cytometric analysis of AZT >100 >100 >50 >100 14.3 56.0 PHA-IL-2 stimulated primary human lymphocytes exposed 15 to various concentrations of Jakafi or Tofacitinib for 5 days prior to assessment of viability using propidium iodide (flow EXAMPLE 19 cytometry). Agating strategy based on forward scatter (FSC) and side Therapeutic Index for Jakafi and Tofacitinib in scatter (SSC) was established, and used uniformly across all Primary Human Lymphocytes and Macrophages samples. FIG. 4a is a scatter plot showing a Side Scatter The therapeutic index (ratio of toxicity:potency) for Jakafi (SSC) gating strategy, where the X-axis in the first chart is and Tofacitinib was evaluated in primary human lympho Side Scatter Pulse Height (SSC-h) and the Y-axis is Side cytes and macrophages using the methodology described Scatter Pulse Width (SSC-w), and in the second chart, the above. The therapeutic index ranged from 1.0-31.0 for forward-scattered light (FSC) is shown with the X axis being HIV-1 infection in primary human lymphocytes when using 25 Forward Scatter Pulse Height (FSC-H) and the Y axis being MTT assay toxicity values, and were >100 using propidium Forward Scatter Pulse Width (FSC-W). The gating strategy iodide toxicity values. The therapeutic Index ranged from 18 based on forward scatter (FSC) and side scatter (SSC) was to >100 for HIV-2 infection in primary human lymphocytes established and used uniformly across all samples. when using MTT assay toxicity values, and were >100 using Cells incubated in the absence of drug were 92.8% viable, propidium iodide toxicity values. The therapeutic index for 30 and cells exposed to 95° C. heat for 1 minute (positive HIV-1 infection in primary human macrophages was >100 control for dead cells) were 2.8% viable (FIG. 4b). (MTT assay toxicity values). Gating was established based on viable cells cultured in The data are shown below in Tables 3 and 4. the absence of drug (FIG. 4b). Histograms and scatter plots are representative data from at least 3 independent experi TABLE 3 35 ments conducted with pooled cells from 8 donors. Graphs (E, F) are mean and standard deviations compiled from each TI forantiviral TI forantiviral TI for antiviral independent experiment. potency against potency against potency acute HIV-1 acute HIV-1 against FIG. 4B is a histogram showing the results of flow infection in PBM infection in PBM acute HIV-1 cytometry studies using Propidium Iodide stain quantified cells versus cells versus infection in 40 with the phycoerythrin (PE-A) channel. Only dead/dying toxicity toxicity PBM cells * Calculated using * Calculated versus toxicity cells will stain positive for Propidium Iodide, therefore only MTT assay using MTT * Calculated dead/dying cells will be detected by the PE channel using toxicity values for assay toxicity using flow cytometry. Living, viable cells will not be stained by PHA-IL-2 values for Propidium Propidium Iodide, therefore they will not be detected in the stimulated PHA stimulated Iodide 45 PE channel. Cells incubated in the absence of drug were Compound PBM cells PBM cells toxicity values 92.8% viable (meaning that 92.8% of cells did not uptake Jakafi 31.0 >100 >100 Propidium Iodide stain), and the positive control of cells Tofacitinib 1.O 8.0 >100 exposed to 95° C. heat for 1 minute were 2.8% viable AZT >100 >100 >100 (meaning that 97.2% of these cells stained positive for 50 Propidium Iodide and are therefore dead) (B). The data is shown in terms of total percent of cells in each sample, TABLE 4 where gating was established based on viable cells cultured TI for antiviral TI for antiviral TI for antiviral in the absence of drug. potency potency potency FIG. 4c shows histograms comparing the cell viability for against against against 55 cells exposed to Jakafi and to no drug (i.e., controls) for acute HIV-2 acute HIV-2 acute HIV-1 infection infection in infection concentrations of 0.1 uM Jakafi, 1.0 LM Jakafi, 10 LM in PBM PBM cells W(SS Jakafi, and 50 uM Jakafi. cells versus versus toxicity toxicity in FIG. 4d shows histograms comparing the cell viability for toxicity * Calculated macrophages cells exposed to Tofacitinib and to no drug (i.e., controls) for * Calculated using * Calculated using Propidium using 60 concentrations of 0.1 uM Tofacitinib, 1.0 uM Tofacitinib, 10 MTT assay Iodide MTT assay uM Tofacitinib, and 50 uM Tofacitinib. Compound toxicity values toxicity values toxicity values FIGS. 4e and 4fare charts showing the mean and standard Jakafi >100 >100 >100 deviations from the experiments shown in FIGS. 4c (Jakafi) Tofacitinib 18.5 >50 >100 and 4d (Tofacitinib), respectively. AZT >100 >50 >100 65 The data showed that Jakafi did not significantly reduce viability versus no drug controls for all concentrations tested with the exception of 50 uM (p<0.05)(FIG. 4c). The data US 9,662,332 B2 91 92 also showed that Tofacitinib did not significantly reduce (EFV) was similarly potent across all NRTI resistant strains viability versus no drug controls for all concentrations tested as expected. Data are mean and standard deviations calcu (FIG. 4d). lated from at least 4 independent experiments, with pooled cells from 8 donors and duplicates in each experiment. EXAMPLE 21 5 The ECso data is shown in Table 6, and the EC data is Viability of Primary Human Lymphocytes Exposed shown in Table 7. to Various Concentrations of Jakafi or Tofacitinib TABLE 6 The antiviral potency of Jakafi and Tofacitinib was evalu- 10 ated in primary rhesus macaque lymphocytes and macro ( phages using the techniques discussed above. AZT (-)FTC 3TC Tofacitinib Jakafi The antiviral potency was approximately 0.4 uM (EC50) XXLAI O.O3 + O.09 O.O2 O.8 0.4 26 - 1.3 O3 + O.3 and 4.0 uM (EC) for both Jakafi and Tofacitinib in primary OOO7 rhesus macaque macrophages. The antiviral potency was 15 M184V O.O1 10.1 - 7.3 >10 1.6 O.7 O3 + O.3 O.O2 0.09+0.1 (ECs) and 1.3+0.8 (EC) in primary rhesus K6SR O.04 O.S. O.4 2.5 3.0 1.8 O.8 O2 O.3 macaque macrophages. An AZT control demonstrated anti O.O2 viral potency as expected. The data (Shown in Table 5 L74V O.O2 O.2 O2 (0.6 - 0.8 O.9 - 1.0 O.1 O2 below) are mean and standard deviations from at least three O.O2 independent experiments. 2O A62V 4.6 - 7.7 0.4 - 0.3 0.5 + 0.7 O2 O2 (0.03 O.O2 V75If F77L TABLE 5 F116Y. Q151M Acute Acute Acute Acute 4xAZT O.1 O1 (0.2 - O.1 0.7 - 0.8 O3 O2 (0.09 0.1 infection infection infection infection (D67N/ in rhesus in rhesus in rhesus in rhesus 25 K7ORf macaque macaque macaque macaque T215Y/ macrophages macrophages lymphocytes lymphocytes K219Q) Drug ECso (IM) ECoo (IM) ECso (IM) ECoo (IM) D4T didI EFV TDF Jakafi O4 O2 4.2 + 1.3 O.09 0.1 1.3 O.8 Tofacitinib O3 + O.2 3.1 - 0.9 O3 + 0.1 2.9 - O.S 30 XXLAI 1.0 OS 11.5 - 6.6 O.O2 O.O3 O2 O2 AZT O.O8 0.1 O.9 O.7 O.OO2 OOO1 O.O3 O.O2 M184V O.6 O.8 11.5 - 9.1 OO1 O.OO6 0.09 O.O3 K6SR 1.5 - 0.6 21.2 - 18.3 0.007 0.4 - 0.1 L74V O.9 O.8 13.2 8.5 OO6 O.O7 O2 + 0.1 A62VV75IF77L 6.8 O5.7 40.5 - 521 O2 (0.3 O.7 O.8 EXAMPLE 22 F116Y/Q151M 35 4xAZT (D67N/ 27.8 37.1 35.5 - 31.O. O.O7 0.04 O.O7 0.04 Synergistic Antiviral Potency for Co-administration K7ORT215Y/ of Jakafi and Tofacitinib in Primary Human K219Q) Lymphocytes and Macrophages

The synergistic antiviral potentency for co-administration 40 TABLE 7 of Jakafi and Tofacitinib was evaluated in primary human lymphocytes and macrophages, using the techniques (ECoo) described above. Co-administration of Jakafi and Tofacitinib at a ratio of AZT (-)FTC 3TC Tofacitinib Jakafi 1:4 (lymphocytes) or 1:1 (macrophages) demonstrated Syn- 45 XXLAI O.1 O.O8 0.8 0.4 3.11.2 28.4 16.7 6.1 - 7.6 ergistic antiviral potency, as calculated by CalcuSyn (Bio M184V O.O2 O.O1 41.3 29.3 >10 27.1 15.7 3.2 2.3 K6SR O3 + O.1 2.4 + 1.4 6.0 - 5.3 81.2 - 26.7 8.5 - 8.1 soft, Inc., Cambridge, Great Britain). The results are shown L74V O2 O.1 1.3 1.0 2.92.9 47.7 45.3 3.2 2.6 in FIGS. 5a and 5b. ECs and EC in lymphocytes were A62V 41.2 - 50.2 2.1 + 1.6 2.7 - 1.7 8.988 1.5 - 1.5 decreased by 5-fold and 117-fold, respectively (dotted lines, V75If FIG. 5a). ECs and EC90 were markedly decreased in 50 F77L macrophages (FIG. 5b). F116Y. Q151M 4xAZT 53.3 66.1 12 O.1 34 11 17.1 - 4.5 2.4 - 2.0 EXAMPLE 23 (D67N/ K7OR, Antiviral Potency and of Jakafi and Tofacitinib 55 T215Y/ Against Various NRTI-resistant HIV-1 in Primary K219Q) Human Lymphocytes D4T didI EFV TDF The antiviral potency of Jakafi and Tofacitinib against XXLAI 6.4 O.4 55.4 23.0 O2 (0.3 0.9 0.8 M184V 26 - 25 44.9 26.2 O.O8 O.O8 O.S. O.3 various NRTI-resistant HIV-1 was evaluated in primary 60 K6SR 7.9 O.3 86.7 O.8 O.O2 O.O1 1.6 O.S human lymphocytes using the techniques described above. L74V 9.8 - 24 80.9 16.6 O2 O3 O2 (0.1 The antiviral potency of Jakafi and Tofacitinib was not A62VV75IF77L 70.3 51.4 83.5 - 28.6 0.44 - 0.6 3.6 it 2.2 significantly different for wild-type HIV-1XXLAI versus that F116Y/Q151M 4xAZT (D67N/ 53.2 66.3 77.1 32.4 O2 O.2 1.2 - 1.1 of HIV-1 containing mutations K65R, M184V, L74V. A62V/ K7ORT215Y/ V75I/F77L/F116Y/Q151M, or 4xAZT (D67N/K70R/ 65 K219Q) T215Y/K219Q). Various controls for each mutation dem onstrated potency or resistance as expected. Efavirenz US 9,662,332 B2 93 94 EXAMPLE 24

Fold Increase 50 (FIs) and Fold Increase 90 (FI) containing mutations. for Jakafi and Tofacitinib Against Various NRTI-Resistant HIV-1 in Primary Human EXAMPLE 25 Lymphocytes Effect of Various Jak Inhibitors on Proliferation and Viability of PHA or PHA+IL-2 Stimulated Primary The fold increase 50 (FIs) and fold increase 90 (FI) for Human Lymphocytes Jakafi and Tofacitinib against various NRTI-resistant HIV-1 10 was evaluated in primary human lymphocytes, using the The effect of various Jak inhibitors on proliferation and techniques described above. FIso is the ratio of ECso against viability of PHA or PHA+IL-2 stimulated primary human mutant virus:ECso against wild-type XXLAI. FI is the ratio lymphocytes was evaluated using the techniques described of E.Coo against mutant virus: ECoo against wild-type XXLAI. above. For PHA stimulated lymphocytes, viability and pro There was not significant increase in FIso or Floo for Jakafi 15 liferation were not significantly different than that of cell or Tofacitinib treated cells. Controls of AZT, (-)-FTC, 3TC. exposed to media alone for all concentrations of either Jakafi d4T, ddI, Efavirenz (EFV), TDF demonstrated sensitivity or or Tofacitinib (FIG. 7a and FIG. 7c). For PHA+IL-2 stimu resistance as expected. lated lymphocytes, viability was not significantly different The data is shown below in Table 8 (FIs) and Table 9 than that of cells exposed to media alone for all concentra (FIs) Table 8 (FIs) 2O tions of either Jakafi or Tofacitinib (FIG. 7b), however proliferation was significantly inhibited by 1.0 uM of Jakafi TABLE 8 or Tofacitinib (FIG. 7d). For all experiments, cells were incubated with media (FIso) alone or drug-containing medium for 5 days prior to assess AZT (-)FTC 3TC Tofacitinib Jakafi 25 ment of cell count and viability. Data are mean and standard deviations for at least three independent experiments con M184V 0.5 117 13.3 O.6 1.3 ducted with at least 4 pooled donors, and duplicates within K6SR 1.5 5.5 3.3 0.7 O.8 L74V O.8 2 0.7 0.4 O.S each experiment. The dotted bar represents mean cell count A62VV75IF77L 184 4.2 O6 O.1 O.1 or viability for cells maintained in drug-free medium. F 116Y/Q151M 30 4xAZT 5.2 2 O.9 O.1 O.3 EXAMPLE 25 (D67N/K7OR/ T215Y/K219Q) Tofacitinib and Jakafi Inhibit Reactivation of Latent D4T didI EFV TDF HIV-1 35 M184V O6 1 O.S O.6 K6SR 1.5 1.8 O.3 2.2 The ability of Tofacitinib and Jakafi to inhibit reactivation L74V O.9 1.1 2.6 1.4 of latent HIV-1 was evaluated using the techniques A62VV75IF77LF116Y. 6.9 3.5 7.7 3.9 described in Bosque and Planelles (2009) Induction of Q151M HIV-1 latency and reactivation in primary memory CD4+ T 4xAZT (D67N/K7OR/ 28.1 3.1 3.1 1.3 40 cells: Blood 113: 58-65, and Jordan et al. (2003) HIV T215Y/K219Q) reproducibly establishes a latent infection after acute infec tion of T cells in vitro: The EMBO Journal, Vol. 22 No. 8 pp. 1868-1877. Tofacitinib (diamonds) and Jakafi (squares) TABLE 9 inhibit reactivation of latent HIV-1 in a primary central 45 memory-based T cell latency model (FIG. 8a) and in the (FIgo) J-Lat latency T cell system (FIG. 8b). Jakafi was the more AZT (-)FTC 3TC Tofacitinib Jakafi potent inhibitor across both systems, and inhibited 50% of reactivation at concentrations found during steady-state or M184V O.13 SO 3.2 1.O O.S K6SR 1.5 2.9 .9 2.9 1.4 C in Vivo (shaded boxes). L74V O.9 1.6 O.9 1.7 0.5 50 The ability of Tofacitinib and Jakafi to inhibit reactivation A62VV75IF77L 242 2.5 O.9 O.3 O.3 of latent HIV-1 was also evaluated in primary human F116Y/Q151M macrophages. Primary human monocytes were obtained by 4xAZT 314 1.4 .1 O.61 0.4 elutriation and differentiated to terminally differentiated (D67N/K7OR/ macrophages in the presence of m-CSF for 5 days. Cells T215Y/K219Q) 55 were subsequently infected with VSV-pseudotyped HIV-1 D4T dI EFV TDF (envelope region), allowing for 100% infection rate of cultures. Cells were further cultured for 40 days until M184V 0.4 O.8 0.4 O.6 cultures were no longer producing HIV-1. At this time, all K6SR 1.2 .6 O.1 1.7 macrophages are now resting, latently infected cells. 41 days L74V 1.5 .1 1.1 1.2 A62VV75IF77L 11 5 2 3.9 60 post infection, 10 ng/ml phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) F116Y/Q151M was applied to the latently infected macrophages for 24 hr in 4xAZT (D67N/K7OR/ 8.3 .4 1 1.3 either the absence of drug (positive control), or in the T215Y/K219Q) presence of 1.0 or 10.0 uMJakafi or Tofacitinib. After 24hr. both PMA and drug containing mediums were removed, and cells were cultured in media alone. Samples were taken at The data is also shown in FIGS. 6a and 6b. Jakafi and 65 various days post reactivation and extracellular, reactivated Tofacitinib did not display a significant difference in FIso virus production was quantified using p24 ELISA. Results (FIG. 6a) or FI (FIG. 6b) versus wildtype HIV-1xxLAI for are reported as percent inhibition of reactivation of latent US 9,662,332 B2 95 96 HIV-1 versus no drug control. The results are shown in way was evaluated using techniques described above. Jakafi FIGS. 9a (Tofacitinib) and 9b (Jakafi). Both Tofacitinib and and Tofacitinib inhibit IFN-C. induced phosphorylation of Jakafi inhibit reactivation of latent HIV-1 in primary human STAT1, 3, and 5 in primary CD4+ T lymphocytes at sub macrophages when drug is applied to cells during reactiva tion, but removed thereafter. Tofacitinib inhibits ~40% of micromolar concentrations, as shown below in Table 10. reactivation while Jakafi inhibits ~35% of reactivation Both drugs also inhibit pSTAT1, 3, and 5 with similar within 72 hr post reactivation. ECsoo in CD8 T cells and CD14 monocytes (data not shown). EXAMPLE 26 Tofacitinib and Jakafi Inhibit a Pro-HIV Cytokine TABLE 10 (IFN-O.) Induced Activation of the Jak-STAT ECso 90 ECso,90 EC5090 Pathway pSTAT1 pSTAT3 pSTAT5 Tofacitinib and Jakafi inhibit a pro-HIV cytokine (IFN-O.) Drug (IM) (IM) (IM) induced activation of the Jak-STAT pathway. Jakafi and (Tofacitinib/Xalijenz) <0.010.01 0.020.9 < Tofacitinib inhibit IFN-C. induced phosphorylation of 15 (Jakafi) <0.01 -0.01 <0.010.01 <0.01 -0.01 STAT1, 3, and 5 in primary CD4+ T lymphocytes at sub micromolar concentrations (A, B, C). EXAMPLE 27 While the foregoing specification teaches the principles of the present invention, with examples provided for the pur Tofacitinib and Jakafi Inhibit a Pro-HIV Cytokine pose of illustration, it will be understood that the practice of (IFN-O.) Induced Activation of the Jak-STAT the invention encompasses all of the usual variations, adap Pathway tations and/or modifications as come within the scope of the following claims and their equivalents. All references cited The ability of Tofacitinib and Jakafi to inhibit a pro-HIV herein are incorporated by reference in their entirety for all cytokine (IFN-O.) induced activation of the Jak-STAT path purposes.



<21 Os SEQ ID NO 1 &211s LENGTH: 17 &212s. TYPE: DNA &213s ORGANISM: Human

<4 OOs SEQUENCE: 1 catcc ta 17

<21 Os SEQ ID NO 2 &211s LENGTH: 21 &212s. TYPE: DNA <213> ORGANISM: human


to ct catcgc cct cocatcc c 21

<21 Os SEQ ID NO 3 &211s LENGTH: 23 &212s. TYPE: DNA &213s ORGANISM: Human


cgtctgttat gtaaaggatg cgt. 23

<21 Os SEQ ID NO 4 &211s LENGTH: 17 &212s. TYPE: DNA <213> ORGANISM: human


gcgcggctac 17

<21 Os SEQ ID NO 5 &211s LENGTH: 18 &212s. TYPE: DNA <213> ORGANISM: human US 9,662,332 B2 97 98 - Continued


Caccacggcc gagcdgga 18

<210s, SEQ ID NO 6 &211s LENGTH: 22 &212s. TYPE: DNA <213s ORGANISM: human

<4 OOs, SEQUENCE: 6 tctic cittaat gtcacgcacg at 22

15 The invention claimed is: 3. The method of claim 1, further comprising the co 1. A method for treating an HIV infection, comprising administration of administering to a patient in need thereof an effective a) at least one each of an adenine, cytosine, thymidine, antiviral amount of a JAK inhibitor selected from the group and guanine nucleoside antiviral agent, or consisting of Jakafi, having the formula: b) at least one additional antiviral agent selected from the group consisting of non-nucleoside reverse tran scriptase inhibitors (NNRTI), protease inhibitors, fusion inhibitors, entry inhibitors, attachment inhibi tors, and integrase inhibitors. N 25 4. The method of claim 2, further comprising the co N S. administration of r CN a) at least one each of an adenine, cytosine, thymidine, and guanine nucleoside antiviral agent, or b) at least one additional antiviral agent selected from the 30 group consisting of non-nucleoside reverse tran oHN / scriptase inhibitors (NNRTI), protease inhibitors, fusion inhibitors, entry inhibitors, attachment inhibi Tofacitinib, having the formula: tors, and integrase inhibitors. 5. The method of claim 1, wherein the compound is 35 N



50 or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof. 6. The method of claim 1, wherein the compound is


or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof. 60 2. A method for treating an HIV infection, comprising administering to a patient in need thereof an effective antiviral amount of a JAK inhibitor selected from the group consisting of LY3009104/INCB28050 Pacritinib/SB1518, VX-509, GLPG0634, INC424, R-348, CYT387, TG 10138, 65 AEG 3482, and pharmaceutically acceptable salts and pro drugs thereof. or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof. US 9,662,332 B2 99 100 7. The method of claim 1, wherein the compound is b) at least one additional antiviral agent selected from the group consisting of non-nucleoside reverse tran scriptase inhibitors (NNRTI), protease inhibitors, fusion inhibitors, entry inhibitors, attachment inhibi 5 tors, and integrase inhibitors. 15. A pharmaceutical composition comprising an effective antiviral amount of a JAK inhibitor selected from the group consisting of Jakafi, having the formula: N 10 \

or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof. 8. The method of claim 1, further comprising the co administration of a macrophage depleting agent. 9. The method of claim 2, further comprising the co administration of a macrophage depleting agent. 10. The method of claim 1, wherein the JAK inhibitor is administered in combination with HAART. 11. The method of claim 10, wherein the the JAK inhibitor is administered in combination with HAART to reduce viral loads in the patient, and wherein the method further com prises: systemically depleting macrophages with a macrophage depleting agent while maintaining HAART and JAK inhibitor therapy until a sufficient amount of macro phages are depleted, as determined, for example, by flow cytometry that a low level or no macrophages are present in the circulating periphery upon blood draw, withdrawing treatment with the macrophage depleting agent, while maintaining treatment with HAART and the JAK inhibitor, where withdrawal of HAART and/or JAK inhibitor is executed upon sustained low level or absent viremia, and either withdrawing HAART while JAK inhibitor therapy is maintained, or withdrawing both HAART and JAK inhibitor therapy, optionally while monitoring viral rebound. 12. The method of claim 10, wherein the the JAK inhibi tor is administered in combination with HAART to reduce viral loads in the patient, and wherein the method further comprises: administering a reactivation agent, while maintaining one or both of HAART and JAK inhibitor therapy, withdrawing treatment with the reactivation agent, upon assessment of increased viral loads in the periphery that may be coupled with but not limited to assessment of diminished or absent memory lymphocytes with flow cytometry, while continuing treatment with HAART and one or more JAK inhibitors, until low level or absent viremia is maintained, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, withdrawing HAART, while JAK inhibitor therapy is a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier or excipient, and at maintained, or withdrawing both HAART and JAK 55 least one additional anti-HIV compound. inhibitor therapy, optionally while monitoring viral 16. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 15, wherein rebound. the at least one additional anti-HIV compound comprises: 13. The method of claim 10, wherein the JAK inhibitor is a) at least one each of an adenine, cytosine, thymidine, administered in combination with HAART to reduce viral and guanine nucleoside antiviral agent, or loads in the patient, and wherein the method further com 60 b) at least one additional antiviral agent selected from the prises administering an anti-HIV vaccine and/or an immu group consisting of non-nucleoside reverse tran nostimulatory agent before, during, or after the JAK inhibi scriptase inhibitors (NNRTI), protease inhibitors, tor is administered. fusion inhibitors, entry inhibitors, attachment inhibi 14. The method of claim 10, wherein the HAART com tors, and integrase inhibitors. prises the co-administration of 65 17. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 14, wherein a) at least one each of an adenine, cytosine, thymidine, the NNRTI is Sustiva, the protease inhibitor is Kaletra, or the and guanine nucleoside antiviral agent, or integrase inhibitor is Raltegravir or Elvitegravir. US 9,662,332 B2 101 102 18. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 13, wherein the at least one additional anti-HIV compound is selected from the group consisting of an anti-HIV vaccine, an immu nostimulatory agent, a macrophage depleting agent or a reactivation agent. 19. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 16, wherein the macrophage depleting agent is Boniva or Fosamax or the reactivation agent is panobinostat. 20. The pharmaceutical composition of claim 13, wherein the at least one additional anti-HIV compound is selected 10 from the group consisting of a) at least one each of an adenine, cytosine, thymidine, and guanine nucleoside antiviral agent, or b) at least one additional antiviral agent selected from the group consisting of non-nucleoside reverse tran 15 scriptase inhibitors (NNRTI), protease inhibitors, fusion inhibitors, entry inhibitors, attachment inhibi tors, and integrase inhibitors. k k k k k