Members’ Digest

issue date

call in date



Page No

Section 1 Cabinet Decisions 1.1 - 1.5

Section 2 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions 2.1 - 2.49

Section 3 Minutes of the Council -

Section 4 Minutes of the Scrutiny Committees 4.1 - 4.17

Section 5 Minutes of the Regulatory and Joint Committees 5.1 - 5.5

Section 6 Corporate Information and Articles 6.1 - 6.19


Cabinet Decisions

Call-in Process

Any Member of the Council may by notice in writing to the Head of Law and Administration request that a decision of the Cabinet be referred to the appropriate Scrutiny Committee. The reports supporting the decisions are reproduced in Section 2 and further information can be obtained from the Officer contact identified in the report.

The notice must state the reason why the Member wishes the decision to be referred and must be received by the Head of Law and Administration by 5.00 pm on the last day of the call-in period - shown on the front cover of the Digest.

If notices are received signed by one Member of the appropriate Scrutiny Committee and any two other Members, the decision will be referred to the Scrutiny Committee.

It is, therefore, important that Members who wish to call in a decision should seek support from other appropriate Members. If you return the call-in response without securing support from other appropriate Members you risk there not being the necessary three signatures to support the call-in. If you cannot obtain the support of two other appropriate Members, you may still return the call-in request to register your concern/objection but this will not result in call in unless two other appropriate Members act independently of you on the same issue.

Blank call-in forms have been sent to you in the past and further copies are available on request from Democratic Services and on the Members webpage. However, if you do not have a form, a letter, e-mail or a fax to the Head of Law and Administration setting out the item and reason for call-in will be accepted. The Head of Law and Administration will accept three separate forms, e-mails, letters or faxes, suitably signed, to call-in an item or three signatures on one form, letter or fax.

You can obtain further information on the call-in process by telephoning (01785) 619212.

Call-in forms or letters relating to call-in items should be returned to

Head of Law and Administration Democratic Services Civic Centre Riverside Stafford ST16 3AQ

E-mails should be addressed to [email protected]

Faxes should be sent to Stafford (01785) 619119

Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

Minutes of the Cabinet held at the Civic Centre, Riverside, Stafford on 5 September 2019

Chairman - Councillor P M M Farrington

Present (for all or part of the meeting):-

Councillors: F Beatty - Economic Development and Planning Portfolio J M Pert - Community and Health Portfolio J K Price - Environment Portfolio R M Smith - Deputy Leader and Resources Portfolio C V Trowbridge - Leisure Portfolio

Also present - Councillors C A Baron, A T A Godfrey, M Phillips

Officers in attendance:-

Mrs T Redpath - Corporate Business and Partnerships Manager Mr R J Simpson - Interim Head of Operations Mr J Dean - Democratic Services Officer

CAB25 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held on 1 August 2019 were submitted and signed.

CAB26 Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Mr T Clegg, Chief Executive.

CAB27 Councillors’ Question Time

Councillor C A Baron had submitted the following item in accordance with paragraph 2.9(b) of the Cabinet Procedure Rules:-

“Will Cabinet consider implementing a ban on balloons and sky lanterns being released into the environment on council owned land and property for the following reasons:

Members of the Community are passionate about the environment and animal welfare.

At present, only 66 (of 354) councils within have bans on the release of both sky lanterns and balloons on all council owned land and property A ban would help prevent the individual and mass release of sky lanterns and balloons on council land to prevent the

1.1 Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

unnecessary suffering to animals and the devastating impact they can have on the environment.

It's estimated that 200,000 sky lanterns are sold in the UK each year, along with many thousands of balloons also being sold with a number of them intended for release. While these releases can look mesmerising, many people are unaware of the deadly consequences fallen lanterns and deflated balloons can have for animals and the environment.

Wildlife can easily become entangled in lantern frames and balloon strings- not to mention the fatal effect these parts can have on an animal if they ingest any component of these items. Deflated and fragments of balloons are commonly mistaken for food by marine life, and the strings used to tether balloons have been known to cause animals to become entangled or choke and suffer from internal blockages which ultimately leads to their death.

In March, a report was released stating that balloons are the highest- risk debris item to seabirds, they're 32 times more likely to result in death than ingesting hard plastic.

Both balloons and sky lanterns have the potential to travel miles from their original release site before returning back to land.

The RSPCA and many other organisations including the Marine Conservation Society, the British Veterinary Association and the National Farmers Union all support the ban of balloon and sky lantern releases.

I repeat my request that the cabinet considers implementing such a ban in Stafford Borough”

Councillor Baron attended the meeting and confirmed the question as set out.

Councillor Farrington referred the matter to Councillor Price who responded as follows:-

“Thank you to Councillor Baron for raising this issue. As portfolio holder for Environmental matters affecting the Borough I can confirm that the Terms and Conditions for the hiring of Council owned land will be amended to prohibit the release of said balloons / lanterns, details of which to be published on the Council’s website.”

RESOLVED:- that the response of the Cabinet Member - Environment Portfolio be noted.

1.2 Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

CAB28 New Local Plan 2020-2040: Updated Programme

Considered a report recommending that the new local plan programme be updated (with the latest revision of the Local Development Scheme bought into effect from 17 September 2019) replacing the existing scheme, as set out in Section 2 of Digest No 259 of 6 September 2019.

The Cabinet Member, Economic Development and Planning Portfolio highlighted the proposal as set out in paragraph 2 of the report, to which the Cabinet moved directly to voting on the recommendation.

RESOLVED:- that the proposal of the Cabinet Member, Economic Development and Planning Portfolio, be approved as follows:-

that from 17 September 2019 the Local Development Scheme be bought into effect as an update for the New Local Plan 2020-2040.

CAB29 Government Grant Funding Stafford Borough Garden Community Proposals

Considered a report recommending approval to spend a Government grant of up to £750,000 during the financial year 2019/20 on initial feasibility studies and programme management of proposals for a new Garden Community, as set out in Section 2 of Digest No 259 of 6 September 2019.

The Cabinet Member, Economic Development and Planning Portfolio highlighted the proposals as set out in paragraph 2 of the report, to which the Cabinet moved directly to voting on the recommendations.

RESOLVED:- that the proposals of the Cabinet Member, Economic Development and Planning Portfolio, be approved as follows:-

that:- (a) for the financial year 2019/20 authority to spend the MHCLG Garden Communities grant of £750,000 be delegated to the Chief Executive (in consultation with the Meecebrook Programme Board);

(b) for subsequent financial years the delegation be reviewed by Cabinet.

The Leader of the Council noted that it was a significant matter of progress that said funding had been granted, and although proposals were at an

1.3 Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

early stage it was pleasing that further work could continue in this area through the quality of hard work of the Officers concerned.

CAB30 Performance Reporting 2019 - 2020 - Resources

Considered a report providing an update regarding performance (Resources) for Quarter 1 of 2019-2020, as set out in Section 2 of Digest No 259 of 6 September 2019.

The Deputy Leader highlighted narrative updates 3.3.3 and 3.3.4 to which the Interim Head of Operations provided an update regarding said vacancy. Councillor Smith then set out the proposal in paragraph 2 of the report, to which the Cabinet moved directly to voting on the recommendation.

RESOLVED:- that the proposal of the Deputy Leader, be approved as follows:-

that the information as set out in the report be noted.


CAB31 Performance Reporting 2019 - 2020 - Economic Development and Planning

Considered a report providing an update regarding performance (Economic Development and Planning) for Quarter 1 of 2019-2020, as set out in Section 2 of Digest No 259 of 6 September 2019.

The Deputy Leader highlighted the proposal as set out in paragraph 2 of the report, to which the Cabinet moved directly to voting on the recommendation.

RESOLVED:- that the proposal of the Deputy Leader, be approved as follows:-

that the information as set out in the report be noted.

The Cabinet Member - Economic Development and Planning highlighted that retail occupation was improving across the Borough.


CAB32 Performance Reporting 2019 - 2020 - Community Wellbeing

1.4 Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

Considered a report providing an update regarding performance (Community Wellbeing) for Quarter 1 of 2019-2020, as set out in Section 2 of Digest No 259 of 6 September 2019.

The Deputy Leader referred to indicators LI12 and LI18 before highlighting the proposal as set out in paragraph 2 of the report, to which the Cabinet voted on the recommendation.

RESOLVED:- that the proposal of the Deputy Leader, be approved as follows:-

that the information as set out in the report be noted.

The Cabinet Member - Community and Health Portfolio praised the content of the report which demonstrated ongoing good work in supporting communities through collaborative working with partners. Councillor Pert confirmed the deadlines for nominations for the Community Awards and applications for small grant awards. Continuing, Councillor Smith noted the successful high profile events held in the Borough as set out on page 41 of the agenda, before Councillor Trowbridge noted the increasing membership of the new Stone Leisure Centre.


CAB33 Exclusion of Press and Public

RESOLVED:- that pursuant to Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting whilst the next following item of business be discussed, on the grounds that it includes the disclosure of exempt information of the type specified in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to the Act.

Recording of the meeting was suspended at this time.

CAB34 Environmental Services Review - Confidential

Considered a confidential report regarding the Environmental Services Review, as set out in Section 2 of Digest No 259 of 6 September 2019.

RESOLVED:- that the proposals of the Deputy Leader, as set out in paragraph 2 of the Confidential Report be approved.


1.5 Cabinet Decisions


Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions

Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019



Page Nos

New Local Plan 2020 - 2040: Updated Programme 2.1 - 2.6

Government Grant Funding Stafford Borough Garden 2.7 - 2.13 Community Proposals

Performance Reporting 2019 - 2020 - Resources 2.14 - 2.20

Performance Reporting 2019 - 2020 - Economic Development 2.21 - 2.26 and Planning

Performance Reporting 2019 - 2020 - Community Wellbeing 2.27 - 2.40

Environmental Services Review - CONFIDENTIAL 2.41 - 2.49

Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

CABINET 5 SEPTEMBER 2019 New Local Plan 2020-2040: Updated Programme

This is the Report supporting Cabinet Decision reference CAB28 /19

1 Purpose of Report

1.1 To recommend that the New Local Plan programme is updated, with the latest revision of the Local Development Scheme brought into effect from 17 September 2019, replacing the existing Scheme.

2 Proposal of Cabinet Member

2.1 That the Local Development Scheme be brought into effect from 17 September 2019 as an update for the New Local Plan 2020-2040.

3 Key Issues and Reasons for Recommendation

3.1 The Council has an adopted local plan to meet legislative requirements, which provides the framework for development until 2031, including housing and employment provision. The main development strategy and supporting policies reflected the short to medium term needs of Stafford Borough but new development opportunities are now being created since the Plan was adopted in June 2014.

3.2 In July 2017 the Council agreed to progress with a New Local Plan 2020-2040 in order to reflect new investment opportunities arising through the Constellation Partnership’s Growth Strategy (formerly the Northern Gateway Development Zone) that maximises the benefits of HS2 to 2050, beyond the scope of the adopted Plan for Stafford Borough 2011-2031. Furthermore a strong market across the Borough has meant that housing and employment development sites are being delivered, meaning that more land is now required to provide for future growth.

3.3 In addition there is a legal requirement to periodically review the local plan and in doing so the following areas can be addressed:

o An increased Corporate focus on delivering new economic growth o Changes in Government policy including for housing development o Reviewing Gypsy and Traveller pitch provision past 2027

3.4 Since the Local Development Scheme for the New Local Plan 2020-2040 was published in July 2017 a number of significant factors have occurred, leading to the requirement for an updated programme to be prepared:

2.1 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

• Government publication of Local Housing Need standard methodology delayed from Summer 2018 to Spring 2019 (published in March 2019). As a direct result work on the New Local Plan evidence base to establish the key future requirements for housing & employment provision could not be progressed until March 2019 and therefore delayed progress on preparing the Issues & Options stage.

• On 25 March 2019 the Government announced initial funding and feasibility studies for a Garden Community proposal called Meecebrook in the north of Stafford Borough. The concept of a new Garden Community in the Borough and it’s location for up to 10,000 new homes must now be investigated and assessed through the New Local Plan process. It is anticipated that delivery of a new Garden Community in the Borough will require a significant and dedicated level of evidence and resources deployed across a range of partners which would need to be co-ordinated through a Governance Board

• Following the elections in May 2019 a new administration is now in place to lead Stafford Borough for the next four years. This provides an important opportunity to fully engage with Members and key partners on the New Local Plan evidence base, strategy & policy development, initially through the Issues & Options stage as well as ensure robust community engagement & consultation approaches.

4 Relationship to Corporate Priorities

4.1 As a key strategic document for the Council the New Local Plan will deliver on the Corporate Business Plan’s vision, in particular the key objectives:

“To deliver sustainable economic and housing growth to provide income and jobs.”

“To improve the quality of life of local people by providing a safe, clean, attractive place to live and work and encouraging people to be engaged in developing strong communities that promote health and wellbeing.”

“To be a well-run, financially sustainable and ambitious organisation, responsive to the needs of our customers and communities and focussed on delivering our objectives.”

2.2 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

5 Background

5.1 The published Local Development Scheme (July 2017) covers the period 2017 to 2021 and sets out the following key stages:-

Process Stage Proposed Completion Date Commencement July 2017 Issues and Options Report July 2018 to September 2019 Preferred Options Report March 2020 Formal publication of the proposed September 2020 new plan Submission of the proposed new plan February 2021 to the Planning Inspectorate Examination of the proposed new plan May 2021 Adoption of the new local plan November 2021

5.2 Based on the factors set out in the Key Issues section of this report it is proposed that the following programme is agreed to progress the New Local Plan 2020-2040:

Process Stage Proposed Completion Date Commencement July 2017 Issues and Options Report July 2018 to March 2020 Preferred Options Report January 2021 Formal publication of the proposed June 2021 new plan Submission of the proposed new plan December 2021 to the Planning Inspectorate Examination of the proposed new plan March 2022 Adoption of the new local plan October 2022

2.3 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

6 Implications

6.1 Financial The financial implications of updating the New Local Plan programme through the Local Development Scheme are that funds will now be spent in subsequent financial years than previously planned. Please refer to the table below. The negative variance identified is currently under review.

Local Plan Revised Budget

Original Revised Variance Plan Plan Oct 2018 July 2019 £ £ £ 2018/19 75,000 54,700 -20,300 2019/20 205,000 162,200 -42,800 2020/21 115,000 118,100 3,100 2021/22 80,000 75,000 -5,000 2022/23 0 100,000 100,000

Total 475,000 510,000 35,000

By way of background, in July 2017 the New Local Plan costs were agreed as being in the region of £536,000 requiring an additional £233,000 from Council reserves, which was agreed at Cabinet on 17 July 2017. However to deliver a robust and sound Plan these costs may increase depending upon the level of growth to be promoted in Borough, not least through the Meecebrook proposals. The Council will continue to work with partners across a range of work programmes to support the New Local Plan and its future development strategy.

Legal The New Local Plan to be subject to relevant Planning Acts and Regulations as well as subject to decision by Full Council prior to publication and adoption in line with the Constitution.

Human Resources In the first instance the New Local Plan will be delivered by existing staff from within Development and the wider organisation. Once all internal resource has been utilised, it may be necessary to look for external support.

Human Rights Act None identified

2.4 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

Data Protection None identified

Risk Management Adopted Plan for Stafford Borough in place. However without progressing with a New Local Plan there is a risk of not having an up-to-date Plan which would lead to Government planning policies overriding local policies. Whilst the adopted Plan for Stafford Borough is currently more than 5 years old, due to the Council having a 5 year housing land supply it continues to be used for making planning decisions. A delay and / or uncertainty at the local level without a New Local Plan could lead to Legal Challenges and / or Appeals with significant costs for the Council.

Whilst the Council will seek to ensure that the New Local Plan is progressed in accordance with the latest timetable and minimise any risks of delay it should be noted that the following factors may have an impact:

• Changes in Government legislation, regulations & policy • Unanticipated scale and nature of consultation responses received including new evidence submitted unexpectedly. • Failure of key partners and other agencies to deliver evidence on time and make responses to key elements of the process • Staff turnover, recruitment difficulties and sickness absences leading to inadequate skill base • Programme amendments and procedural slippage due to poor project management or inadequate resources identified to secure delivery • Political changes, procedural delays or failure to meet Council dates • Unanticipated delays in external events such as resource capacity of the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) for the Examination process or failure to deliver robust arrangements for this process • Non-conformity and failure in the tests of soundness for new planning policy documents •

2.5 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

6.2 Community Impact The Borough Council considers the effect of its Assessment actions on all sections of our community and has Recommendations addressed all of the following Equality Strands in the production of this report, as appropriate:-

Age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation.

The New Local Plan will deliver a statutory development plan which is designed to be inclusive to all residents and those interested in planning the future for the Borough.

Throughout the process of preparing the New Local Plan a thorough consultation and engagement process will enable residents and interested parties to be involved in its preparation, including 24/7 access to key documents through the Borough Council’s web-site.

Contact Officer: Alex Yendole Telephone No: 01785 619536

2.6 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

CABINET 5 SEPTEMBER 2019 Government Grant Funding Stafford Borough Garden Community Proposals

This is the Report supporting Cabinet Decision reference CAB29/19

1 Purpose of Report

1.2 To recommend approval to spend a Government grant of up to £750,000 during the financial year 2019/20, from the Government’s Garden Communities programme on initial feasibility studies and programme management of proposals for a new Garden Community in Stafford Borough.

2 Proposal of Cabinet Member

2.1 That authority to spend the MHCLG Garden Communities grant of £750,000 be delegated to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Meecebrook Programme Board, for the financial year 2019/20.

2.2 That the delegation be reviewed by Cabinet for subsequent financial years.

3 Key Issues and Reasons for Recommendations

3.1 On 25 March 2019 the Council was awarded £750,000 by the Government to help to develop plans for a new garden community at Meecebrook, in the north of the Borough. Specifically the funding is to be spent on progressing feasibility studies, programme co-ordination / management and specialist work following the Council submitting a bid in response to the Government’s Garden Communities prospectus in November 2018. It should be noted that any proposals for a new garden settlement at Meecebrook will be subject to the New Local Plan process.

3.2 The £750,000 of grant funding has been paid to Stafford Borough Council under Section 31 of the Local Government Act 2003 grant for the purposes of progressing the Meecebrook Garden Community project.

3.3 Following receipt of the funding the Borough Council has established robust governance arrangements to oversee the project. These are set out in the APPENDIX. The first meeting of the Meecebrook Programme Board on was held on 23 July 2019. At this meeting the Board agreed in principle the proposed allocation of the grant funding. Please refer to the table below:

2.7 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

Programme 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 Unallocated TOTAL Item

£ £ £ £ £

Technical 300,000 50,000 350,000 studies including services and infrastructure

Development 80,000 80,000 Vision and Masterplan Framework

Governance 210,000 80,000 20,000 310,000 and Programme Management

Unallocated 10,000 10,000

TOTAL 590,000 130,000 20,000 10,000 750,000

3.4 This report is seeking delegation from Cabinet to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Meecebrook Programme Board, to authorise spend of the grant funding for the financial year 2019/20. The Chief Executive, in consultation with the Meecebrook Programme Board, will only have the delegated authority to commit to spend up to the £750k available. Delegation for any additional requirements will revert back to Cabinet. This delegation should be reviewed by Cabinet for subsequent financial years and for any subsequent grant funding secured by the Borough Council to support the delivery of this project.

4 Relationship to Corporate Priorities

4.1 As a key strategic proposal, subject to the New Local Plan, delivery of Meecebrook will contribute towards the Corporate Business Plan’s vision, in particular the key objectives:

“To deliver sustainable economic and housing growth to provide income and jobs.”

“To improve the quality of life of local people by providing a safe, clean, attractive place to live and work and encouraging people to be engaged in developing strong communities that promote health and wellbeing.”

2.8 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

“To be a well-run, financially sustainable and ambitious organisation, responsive to the needs of our customers and communities and focussed on delivering our objectives.”

5 Implications

5.1 Financial Government has provided grant funding of £750k and total expenditure agreed by the Chief Executive in consultation with the Meecebrook Programme Board will not exceed this figure. As such, there are no direct financial implications for the Council during 2019/20 except for staff resources and time spent on the project. Set out in the table below is the anticipated spend per year:

Year £

2019/20 590,000 2020/21 130,000 2021/22 20,000 Unallocated 10,000

TOTAL 750,000 Legal The Meecebrook Garden Community proposals will be considered through the New Local Plan, which will be subject to relevant Planning Acts and Regulations as well as subject to decision by Full Council prior to publication and adoption in line with the Constitution.

Human Resources In the first instance spending of the Government’s grant funding for Meecebrook will be delivered by a new Programme Manager role as well as existing staff from within Development and the wider organisation. At this stage it is not anticipated that any external agency staff support will be required. Nevertheless a number of the programme items will require external contractors / companies employed to deliver the work.

Human Rights Act None identified

Data Protection None identified

2.9 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

Risk Management As previously stated the Government grant funding is subject to Section 31 grant rules which means that the Council will not be required to repay this money, and there are no specific deadlines for when these funds are to be spent.

Nevertheless spending this grant funding is a key element of establishing future development provision through the New Local Plan. Without progressing with a New Local Plan there is a risk of not having an up-to-date Plan which would lead to Government planning policies overriding local policies. Whilst the adopted Plan for Stafford Borough is currently more than 5 years old, due to the Council having a 5 year housing land supply it continues to be used for making planning decisions. A delay and / or uncertainty at the local level without a New Local Plan could lead to Legal Challenges and / or Appeals with significant costs for the Council.

Whilst the Council will seek to ensure that the Government grant funding is spent during 2019/20, 2020/21 & 2021/22 should be noted that the following factors may have an impact:

• Failure of key partners and other agencies to deliver evidence and key elements of the process on time • Staff turnover, recruitment difficulties and sickness absences leading to inadequate skill base to progress projects • Programme amendments and slippage due to poor project management or inadequate resources identified to secure delivery

5.2 Community Impact The Borough Council considers the effect of its Assessment actions on all sections of our community and has Recommendations addressed all of the following Equality Strands in the production of this report, as appropriate:-

Age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation.

The Meecebrook proposals could assist in delivering the New Local Plan which is designed to be inclusive to all residents and those interested in planning the future for the Borough.

2.10 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

Throughout the process of preparing the New Local Plan a thorough consultation and engagement process will enable residents and interested parties to be involved in its preparation, including 24/7 access to key documents through the Borough Council’s web-site.

Contact Officer: Karen Tierney Telephone No: 01785 619536

2.11 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019


CABINET 5 SEPTEMBER 2019 Government Grant Funding - Stafford Borough Garden Community proposals

Meecebrook Garden Community Governance Structure

Meecebrook Programme Board Membership

- Stafford Borough Council Chief Executive (chair)

- Stafford Borough Council Leader

- Stafford Borough Council Head of Development

- County Council Leader

- Staffordshire County Council Chief Executive

- Defence Infrastructure Organisation Head of Estate

- Homes England Regional Director

- Landowner representatives

2.12 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

Meecebrook Programme Delivery Team Membership

- Stafford Borough Council Head of Development (Chair)

- Stafford Borough Council Economic Development and Planning Portfolio


- Stafford Borough Council Garden Community Programme Manager* NOT


- Defence Infrastructure Organisation Senior Development Surveyor

- Homes England Senior Planning Manager

- Homes England Senior Acquisitions Manager

- Staffordshire County Council Economic Development and Planning Policy


2.13 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019


5 SEPTEMBER 2019 Performance Reporting 2019-20 - Resources

This is the Report supporting Cabinet Decision reference CAB30/19

1 Purpose of Report

1.1 To provide an update to members regarding performance reporting for Quarter 1 2019 - 2020 as set out in the attached APPENDIX.

2 Proposal of Cabinet Member

2.1 That the information be noted.

3 Key Issues and Reasons for Recommendation

3.1 The Council’s Performance Report for Quarter 1 highlights the following:

(a) Performance at a glance: • All targets reported as exceptional

(b) Narrative updates: • 1 measure is below what it should be • 3 measures are reported as being exceptional • 17 measures are reported as being on track

4 Relationship to Business Objectives

4.1 Performance reporting interlinks with all corporate business objectives.

5 Report Detail

5.1 The corporate business plan is the main strategic plan of the authority. It sets the direction over the next three years and outlines the main business objectives and areas of focus.

5.2 The plan is a high level plan that enables the authority to define its success, in terms of the delivery of outcomes, and prioritises those activities that will help to achieve those outcomes. It provides a focus to all of our staff so that they know and aware of what they should be working on and what to prioritise.

2.14 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

5.3 As part of the business planning the council now reports on the following:

• Performance at a glance • Narrative update against business objectives • Improvement report

The improvement report provides members with some reassurance that issues of performance are being addressed and the actions that are being taken to improve the situation.

5.4 Quarter 1 Performance Report highlights the following:

(a) Performance at a glance since quarter 1:

Targets reported as exceptional:

- LI19 % of calls abandoned achieved an actual of 2.4% against a target of 5% - LI20 an actual of 96.7% against a target of 80% of residents are satisfied with our customer contact centre - LI21 Days taken to process new HB/CT Claims has achieved 19.9 Days - Target 20 Days - LI22 Days taken to process new HB/CT change in circumstances has achieved 7.8 Days against a target of 9 Days - LBV12 Sickness Rates is recorded as 1.03% for this quarter

(b) Narrative updates are contained in the APPENDIX and are summarised as:-

• 1 measure is below what it should be • 3 measures are reported as being exceptional • 17 measures are reported as being on track

6 Implications

6.1 Financial There are no financial implications associated with this report Legal Not applicable Human Resources Not applicable Human Rights Act Not applicable Data Protection Not applicable Risk Management Not applicable

2.15 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

6.2 Community Impact The Borough Council considers the effect of its Assessment actions on all sections of our community and has Recommendations addressed all of the following Equality Strands in the production of this report, as appropriate:-

Age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation.

Contact Officer: Tracy Redpath Telephone No: 01785 619195

2.16 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

2.17 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

2.18 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

2.19 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

2.20 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019


5 SEPTEMBER 2019 Performance Reporting 2019-20 - Economic Development and Planning

This is the Report supporting Cabinet Decision reference CAB31/19

1 Purpose of Report

1.1 To provide an update to members regarding performance reporting for Quarter 1 2019 - 2020 for Economic Development and Planning Scrutiny Committee as set out in the attached APPENDIX.

2 Proposal of Cabinet Member

2.1 That the information is noted.

3 Key Issues and Reasons for Recommendation

3.1 The Council’s Performance Report for Quarter 1 is highlighted as follows:

(a) Performance at a glance: • 2 quarterly targets have reported as being exceptional • 4 quarterly targets are reported as being on track

(b) Narrative updates: • 3 measures are reported as being exceptional • 17 measures are reported as being on track

4 Relationship to Business Objectives

4.1 Performance reporting interlinks with all corporate business objectives.

5 Report Detail

5.1 The corporate business plan is the main strategic plan of the authority. It sets the direction over the next three years and outlines the main business objectives and areas of focus.

5.2 The plan is a high level plan that enables the authority to define its success, in terms of the delivery of outcomes, and prioritises those activities that will help to achieve those outcomes. It provides a focus to all of our staff so that they know and aware of what they should be working on and what to prioritise.

2.21 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

5.3 As part of the business planning the council now reports on the following:

• Performance at a glance • Narrative update against business objectives • Improvement report

The improvement report provides members with some reassurance that issues of performance are being addressed and the actions that are being taken to improve the situation.

5.4 Quarter 1 Performance Report highlights the following:-

(a) Performance at a glance:

Targets reported as exceptional are:

- LI1 There has been 100% compliance with individual Project Plans - LI6 There has been a 100% of areas of open space to new houses approved

(b) Targets on track:

- LI2 There has been a 26% increase in footfall associated with major events in the Stafford Town Centre - LI3 Stafford Retail premises occupancy rates is 90% - LI4 Stone Retail premises occupancy rates is 98% - LI5 Completion of Issues and Options stage by March 2020 is on track

Narrative updates are contained in the APPENDIX and are summarised as:-

- 3 measures are reported as exceptional - 17 measures are reported as being on track

6 Implications

6.1 Financial There are no financial implications associated with this report Legal Not applicable Human Resources Not applicable Human Rights Act Not applicable Data Protection Not applicable Risk Management Not applicable

6.2 Community Impact The Borough Council considers the effect of its Assessment actions on all sections of our community and has Recommendations addressed all of the following Equality Strands in the production of this report, as appropriate:-

Age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation.

Contact Officer: Tracy Redpath Telephone No: 01785 619195

2.22 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

2.23 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

2.24 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

2.25 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

2.26 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019


5 SEPTEMBER 2019 Performance Reporting 2019-20 - Community Wellbeing

This is the Report supporting Cabinet Decision reference CAB32/19

1 Purpose of Report

1.1 To provide an update to members regarding performance reporting for Quarter 1 2019 - 2020 for Community Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee as set out in the attached APPENDIX.

2 Proposal of Cabinet Member

2.1 That the information is noted.

3 Key Issues and Reasons for Recommendation

3.1 The Council’s Performance Report for Quarter 1 highlights the following:

(a) Performance at a glance: • 2 quarterly targets are below what they should be, which are accompanied with improvement reports • 5 quarterly targets are reported as being on track • 5 quarterly targets are reported as being exceptional

(b) Narrative updates: • 5 measures are reported as being exceptional • 19 measures are reported as being on track

4 Relationship to Business Objectives

4.1 Performance reporting interlinks with all corporate business objectives.

5 Report Detail

5.1 The corporate business plan is the main strategic plan of the authority. It sets the direction over the next three years and outlines the main business objectives and areas of focus.

5.2 The plan is a high level plan that enables the authority to define its success, in terms of the delivery of outcomes, and prioritises those activities that will help to achieve those outcomes. It provides a focus to all of our staff so that they know and aware of what they should be working on and what to prioritise.

2.27 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

5.3 As part of the business planning the council now reports on the following:

• Performance at a glance • Narrative update against business objectives • Improvement report

The improvement report provides members with some reassurance that issues of performance are being addressed and the actions that are being taken to improve the situation.

5.4 Quarter 1 Quarterly Performance Report highlights the following:

(a) Performance at a glance:

Targets below what they should be, which are accompanied with an improvement report are:

Quarterly Performance Indicators:

- LI12 % of programmed health and safety inspections of businesses carried out when due 86%, against a target of 100% - LI18 12 disabled facility grants completed, against a target of 25

(b) Targets on track

Quarterly Performance Indicators:

- LI9 106.58 KGS of residual household waste has been collected per household - LI13 17 empty homes have been brought back into use following Officer intervention - LI14 6 energy efficiency measures were installed - LI16 35% of homeless cases closed through prevention - LI17 65% of homeless cases closed through relief

(c) Targets reported as exceptional are:

Quarterly Performance Indicators:

- LI7 97.31% of enviro-crime complaints have been dealt with promptly and no longer than 72 hours after receipt - LI8 98.34% of residents think the town centres are clean and tidy - LI10 58.03% of household waste was sent for reuse, recycling and composting - LI11 95.48% of businesses are broadly compliant with legislation under the food hygiene rating system - LI15 35 households have been given advice on energy efficiency

2.28 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

(d) Narrative updates are contained in the APPENDIX and are summarised as:-

- 5 measures are reported as being exceptional - 19 measures are reported as being on track

6 Implications

6.1 Financial There are no financial implications associated with this report Legal Not applicable Human Resources Not applicable Human Rights Act Not applicable Data Protection Not applicable Risk Management Not applicable

6.2 Community Impact The Borough Council considers the effect of its Assessment actions on all sections of our community and has Recommendations addressed all of the following Equality Strands in the production of this report, as appropriate:-

Age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation.

Contact Officer: Tracy Redpath Telephone No: 01785 619195

2.29 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

2.30 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

2.31 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

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2.33 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

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2.40 Reports Supporting Cabinet Decisions


Minutes of the Council


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3.1 - 3.

Council Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

3.1 Council


Minutes of the Scrutiny Committees

Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019



Page Nos

Resources Scrutiny Committee - 25 July 2019 4.1 - 4.6

Community Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee - 31 July 2019 4.7 - 4.11

Resources Scrutiny Committee - 20 August 2019 4.12 - 4.14

Economic Development and Planning Scrutiny 4.15 - 4.17 Committee - 27 August 2019

Scrutiny Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

Minutes of the Resources Scrutiny Committee held at the Civic Centre, Riverside, Stafford on Tuesday 25 July 2019

Chair - Councillor R P Cooke

Present (for all or part of the meeting):-

Councillors: A R G Brown P W Jones M G Dodson W J Kemp A T A Godfrey R Kenney A S Harp P Roycroft R A James

Cabinet Member - Councillor R M Smith - Resources Portfolio Cabinet Member - Councillor C V Trowbridge - Leisure Portfolio Cabinet Member - Councillor J M Pert - Community and Health Portfolio

Also present - Councillors A M Loughran and L Nixon

Officers in attendance:-

Mr N Raby - Head of Human Resources Mr I Curran - Interim Head of Law and Administration Mr P Kendrick - Head of Technology Mrs T Redpath - Corporate Business and Partnerships Manager Mr R Simpson - Interim Head of Operations Mr A Bailey - Scrutiny Officer

RSC1 Minutes

The Minutes of the last meeting held on 26 March 2019, having been published in Digest No 254, were submitted and signed.

RSC2 Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors M V Holmes (Substitute W J Kemp), J A Nixon (Substitute P W Jones) and J K Price (Environment and Health Portfolio).

RSC3 Members Items

Councillor A T A Godfrey had submitted the following item under Paragraph 2.8 of the Scrutiny Committee Procedure Rules:-

4.1 Scrutiny Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

“I would like the committee to look into the apparent cost cutting measures take at this year’s production of Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice at Stafford Castle.

Although the play itself was excellent, the facilities were much reduced when compared to all previous productions.

This event is the highlight of our cultural year. At last year’s special scrutiny presentation by Freedom Leisure their senior management reassured us there would be no reduction in the quality of the occasion, this appears not to be the case.”

Councillor A T A Godfrey outlined the reasons and rationale behind the Members’ Item to the Committee.

In response the Cabinet Member (Leisure Portfolio) made the following comments:-

• This year’s production of Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice at Stafford Castle was a wonderful show • Would not want to see the Shakespeare Festival lost • Freedom Leisure had a job to do and were required to produce the show within budget • There were issues at the first show that were resolved in time for the second show • The toilets were in the wrong place • Next year would be the 30th Anniversary of the Shakespeare Festival and it would be bigger and better than this year • It was positive that disabled spectators could feel part of the show • The roofing was now fully complete • Always looking for improvement

The Committee then discussed the following aspects of the Members Item with the Cabinet Member (Leisure Portfolio:-

• This years show felt intimate • There were no negative comments from the second night onwards, just positive comments • It was important to differentiate between the production, which was excellent and the facilities that were reduced • Site lines were an issue, but could not be extended due to restrictions imposed by Heritage England • It would be preferable to have the whole of Stafford Castle as a backdrop for the Shakespeare Festival • It would be useful to have further information in relation to the outlay by Freedom Leisure for the Festival • The Council was due to receive an annual update from Freedom Leisure later this year, which could be considered by this Committee

4.2 Scrutiny Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

Following the discussion, it was agreed that Freedom Leisure be invited to present their annual update report to a future meeting of this Committee.

RESOLVED:- that in exercise of the powers delegated to the Committee, Freedom Leisure be invited to present their annual update report to a future meeting of this Committee.

RSC4 Councillor A T A Godfrey had submitted the following item under Paragraph 2.8 of the Scrutiny Committee Procedure Rules:-

“I would like the Resources Scrutiny Committee to look into the funding available for the building of social houses by local authorities.

In resent times the Government has become more amenable to councils building their own housing for rent.

It has always been a cornerstone of local government to provide high standard affordable rented accommodation.

In resent times this has been provided by housings associations, but as members will know some local authorities are now building their own housing stock again.

I believe the committee’s time will be well spent looking into this very important social issue.”

Councillor A T A Godfrey outlined the reasons and rationale behind the Members’ Item to the Committee.

In response the Cabinet Member (Community and Health Portfolio) made the following comments:-

• The quality of Stafford and Rural Homes was second to none and the merger was geographically coterminous that would allow the larger organisation to be a Place Shaper • Although Cannock Chase Council had retained their housing stock, they only built around 125 social houses last year, whereas 200 affordable homes were built in the Borough • Unless development could happen at significant scale, development and management costs were likely to be disproportionate. • To develop the housing the Council would need to appoint or commission: -  Valuers  Surveyors  Architects  Builders, electricians and plumbers and  Project managers • A key element would be the scale of the development and the ability of the Council to either put in its own land (opportunity cost) or acquire new land

4.3 Scrutiny Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

• The Council did not own significant amounts of land and experiences elsewhere in the country revealed potential viability issues due to the additional build costs of smaller sites and competition for those smaller sites from other affordable housing providers

The Committee then discussed the following aspects of the Members Item with the Cabinet Member (Community and Health Portfolio) and Cabinet Member (Resources Portfolio):-

• The Borough currently had sufficient exception sites • A range of houses had been built across the Borough • Any financial return from the building of social housing should be re- invested into social housing • A need for social housing could be demonstrated • The need to undertake borrowing to build new council houses required a valid business case to exist in terms of financial viability • In order for the Council to access some grant funding towards new build, they would have to become a development partner with Homes England. This only contributes a small amount of funding to the cost of the build and in Stafford would only support affordable rent and intermediate home ownership products

Following the discussion, it was moved by Councillor A T A Godfrey and seconded by Councillor W J Kemp that a further report be bought back to this Committee outlining the financial viability for the provision of social housing by this Council.

On being put to the vote, the proposal was declared to be lost.

RESOLVED:- that in exercise of the powers delegated to the Committee:- the Members Items be noted.

RSC5 Performance Reporting 2018-21

The Committee considered the performance management details for those areas within the remit of the Committee for the quarter 4 period up to 31 March 2019.

The Committee discussed the following aspects of the report with the Cabinet Member (Resources Portfolio), the Head of Technology and the Corporate Business and Partnerships Manager:-

• - A balanced budget, without the use of reserves is set for the duration of the Medium Term Financial Plan - concern over the potential need for a transfer from working balances during 2021-2022 and the stability of the future New Homes Bonus income • - Increase in income generated by the service through Fees and Charges in line with the recommendations made as part of the annual budget process - clarification over the proportion of the

4.4 Scrutiny Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

Council’s gross income raised through fees and charges and how this compared with the family group of Authorities • - Support the specification, procurement and installations of new systems and data security - clarification of the supply of the dual firewalls • - Procure and implement a new Contact Centre Telephony system to enable a consistent approach to call handling - clarification of the reasons for the slippage • - Design and use new web based electronic forms - clarification of the reasons for the slippage • - Encourage and support our residents following the introduction of Universal Credits - an explanation that responsibility for this transferred to the Citizens Advice Bureau on 1 April 2019 • 3.3.1 - Develop customer service standards to inform development of Corporate Customer Charter - clarification of the reasons for the slippage

RESOLVED:- that in exercise of the powers delegated to the Committee, the performance management data relating to areas of activity within this Committee’s remit be noted.

RSC6 Complaints Monitoring 2018/19

The Committee considered the report of the Interim Head of Law and Administration (V1 17/7/19) in relation to Corporate Complaints and complaints referred by the Local Government Ombudsman during 2018/19.

RESOLVED:- that in exercise of the powers delegated to the Committee, the report be noted.

RSC7 Business Planning Report

The Committee considered the report of the Interim Head of Law and Administration (V2 17/7/19) which presented Members with a review of the programme of business considered by the Committee in 2018/19.

The Committee noted that during the last year they had considered a wide variety of issues affecting the Resources Portfolio and had completed a Task and Finish Review relating to the Annual Review of the Constitution.

RESOLVED:- that in exercise of the powers delegated to the Committee, the report be approved and submitted as the Annual Report to the Council.

RSC8 Work Programme - Resources Scrutiny Committee

Considered the report of the Interim Head of Law and Administration, which presented the Resources Scrutiny Committee’s Work Programme (V2 17/7/19) for the forthcoming meetings up to February 2020.

4.5 Scrutiny Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

RESOLVED:- that in exercise of the powers delegated to the Committee, the Work Programme (V2 17/7/19) be approved, subject to the various amendments made during the meeting.


4.6 Scrutiny Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

Minutes of the Community Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee held at the Civic Centre, Riverside, Stafford on Wednesday 31 July 2019

Chair - Councillor J Hood

Present (for all or part of the meeting):-

Councillors: C A Baron P W Jones R J Barron L Nixon A R G Brown R M Sutherland A G Cooper M J Winnington D Holbrook-Summers

Cabinet Member - Councillor J K Price - Environment Portfolio Cabinet Member - Councillor J M Pert - Community and Health Portfolio

Also Present:-

Councillors A T A Godfrey, A M Loughran, G P K Pardesi and M Phillips.

Officers in attendance:-

Mrs A Nevin - Health and Housing Manager Mrs T Redpath - Corporate Business and Partnerships Manager Mr R Simpson - Interim Head of Operations Mrs V Cooper - Community Safety Lead Mr A Bailey - Scrutiny Officer

CWB5 Minutes

The Minutes of the last meeting of the Community Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee held on 16 July 2019, as published in Digest No 258 were submitted and signed.

CWB6 Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors A P Edgeller (Substitute P W Jones), A D Hobbs (Substitute D Holbrook-Summers) and Councillor C V Trowbridge (Leisure Portfolio).

4.7 Scrutiny Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

CWB7 Members Item

Councillor A D Hobbs had submitted the following item under Paragraph 2.8 of the Scrutiny Committee Procedure Rules:- “I would like to ask the Cabinet Member for Environment if they would consider a green project involving tree and hedge planting to reduce carbon emissions, wildflower patches to increase insects and pollinators, and planting of orchards and vegetables to encourage a more sustainable way of living.”

In Councillor A D Hobbs’ absence, Councillor D Holbrook-Summers outlined the reasons and rationale behind the Members’ Item.

In response, the Cabinet Member (Environment Portfolio) made the following comments:-

• Welcomed the Members’ Item • Champion for green space in the Borough • Was proactive in the provision of sustainable habitats • There were 15 sites of Special Scientific Interest around the Borough • There were many other sites of biological importance including:- o Chartley Moss o Motley Meadows o Crown Local Nature Reserve o Ferndown Orchard o Stafford Crematorium o The Mayor’s Honey o 20 new trees to be planted at Victoria Park o Areas at Holmcroft and Tillington o Borough Allotments o Burley Fields and Meece Brook • There were strategies including the Eco Schools Network and the Tree Strategy • Encouraged Members to visit local nature reserves and explore the information on the Council’s web site

The Committee discussed the following aspects of the Members’ Item:-

• Stafford Borough was a Green Borough • Green awards highlighted the outstanding work achieved • It was important to plant the right trees in the right place • Encouraged Members to visit Derrington Woods • Important to work with Parish Councils on green projects • Important to reduce the use of pesticides to encourage wildlife

RESOLVED:- that in exercise of the powers delegated to the Committee, the Members’ Item be noted.

4.8 Scrutiny Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

CWB8 Healthy Staffordshire Select Committee

Considered the report of Councillor A P Edgeller (V1 22/7/19) on matters considered by the Healthy Staffordshire Select Committee at their previous meetings held on 19 March and 10 June 2019.

The Committee discussed the following aspects of the report with the Cabinet Member (Community and Health Portfolio):-

• An explanation of the merger of the Clinical Commissioning Groups and that the provision of Hearing Aids for non complex hearing loss should not be on the list of their excluded and restricted procedures • An outline of the discussion between the University Hospital of North Midlands and the Healthy Staffordshire Select Committee on 10 June 2019

RESOLVED:- that in exercise of the powers delegated to the Committee, the report be noted.

CWB9 Empty Homes Strategy and Release of Funding - Called-In Item

The following matter had been published in the Members’ Digest No 256 of 14June 2019 and had been called in to this Committee by Councillors A T A Godfrey, A D Hobbs and G P K Pardesi for the following reason:-

“Methods of making the policy more effective.”

Councillors G P K Pardesi and A T A Godfrey discussed the following reasons behind their call-in of this matter:-

• There was little evidence in the report of how many homeless families had been rehoused • The policy appeared to appease existing home owners and help them bring existing homes back into use at a profit • There was little information on the number of empty homes

In response, the Cabinet Member (Community and Health Portfolio) made the following comments:-

• The purpose of the report was to launch the consultation on the Empty Homes Strategy and to agree to spend funding • The report did highlight the data on empty properties • The scheme was to specifically look at long term empty properties • There were plenty of housing providers that provided housing for individuals • The Council’s response was pragmatic in relation to empty homes • Empty homes tended to drag down communities • This was intended as targeted intervention

4.9 Scrutiny Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

The Committee discussed the following aspects of the report with the Cabinet Member (Community and Health Portfolio) and the Health and Housing Manager:-

• An explanation of the conditions imposed on loans to bring empty properties back into use • An explanation of the reason for the gap between Empty Homes Officers • A written answer would be provided in relation to the numbers of properties brought back into use by Council Tax band • It was important to bring empty properties back into use, loans were repaid and do not profit homeowners • There were no significant issues with squatters in the Borough • The need to recruit an Empty Homes Officer on a long term basis

RESOLVED:- that in exercise of the powers delegated to the Committee, the decision of the Cabinet in relation to the Empty Homes Strategy and Release of Funding as set out in Minute No CAB10/19, be noted.

CWB10 Performance Reporting 2018-21

The Committee considered the performance management details for those areas within the remit of the Committee for the quarter 4 period up to 31 March 2019.

The Committee discussed the following aspects of the report with the Cabinet Member (Community and Health Portfolio), the Cabinet Member (Environment Portfolio), the Interim Head of Operations and the Corporate Business and Partnerships Manager:-

• LI32 - % of household waste sent for reuse, recycling and composting - an explanation of the seasonal performance in this area and the forthcoming promotional campaigns • LI53 - Reported incidents of domestic abuse (crime only) and LI54 - Reported incidents of anti social behaviour - an explanation for the performance in this area and preventative measures in place • 2.3.2 - To implement and co-ordinate Stafford in the World - Congratulations to the officers that organised this event • 2.3.5 - Support community groups who wish to undertake litter picks - The success of litter picking in the Borough

RESOLVED:- that in exercise of the powers delegated to the Committee, the performance management data relating to areas of activity within this Committee’s remit be noted.

4.10 Scrutiny Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

CWB11 Business Planning Report

The Committee considered the report of the Interim Head of Law and Administration (V2 22/7/19) which presented Members with a review of the programme of business considered by the Committee in 2018/19.

The Committee were informed that during the last year they had considered a wide variety of issues in support of the Council’s Corporate Business Objective to improve the quality of life of local people by providing a safe, clean, attractive place to live and work and encouraging people to be engaged in developing strong communities and promote health and wellbeing.

RESOLVED:- that in exercise of the powers delegated to the Committee, the report be approved and submitted as the Annual Report to the Council.

CWB10 Work Programme - Community Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee

Considered the report of the Interim Head of Law and Administration, which presented the Community Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee’s Work Programme (V1 22/7/19) for the forthcoming meetings up to February 2020.

RESOLVED:- that in exercise of the powers delegated to the Committee, the Work Programme (V1 22/7/19) be approved.


4.11 Scrutiny Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

Minutes of the Resources Scrutiny Committee held at the Civic Centre, Riverside, Stafford on Tuesday 20 August 2019

Chair - Councillor R P Cooke

Present (for all or part of the meeting):-

Councillors: A R G Brown R A James M G Dodson R Kenney A T A Godfrey J A Nixon A S Harp P Roycroft M V Holmes

Cabinet Member - Councillor R M Smith - Resources Portfolio Cabinet Member - Councillor J K Price - Environment Portfolio

Also present - Councillor M Phillips

Officers in attendance:-

Mr B Kean - Head of Finance Mr I Curran - Interim Head of Law and Administration Mrs T Redpath - Corporate Business and Partnerships Manager Mr P Gammon - Neighbourhood Services Group Manager Mr R Wolfe - Revenues and Benefits Manager Mrs V Ashcroft - Principal Corporate Business and Partnership Officer Mr A Bailey - Scrutiny Officer

RSC9 Minutes

The Minutes of the last meeting held on 25 July 2019, due to be published in Digest No 259, were submitted and signed.

RSC10 Consultation on Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme

This matter had been considered by Cabinet on 1 August 2019 and was submitted to this Committee for consultation.

The Committee considered the report of the Head of Finance (V2 12/8/19) that related to the following:-

• The need to review the Council’s Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme (LCTRS) • An explanation of the proposed features of a new Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme • Sought the necessary approvals and delegations to instigate a formal consultation process, subject to detailed cost forecasting and the scheme principles explained in this report

4.12 Scrutiny Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

The Committee discussed the following aspects of the report with the Revenues and Benefits Manager:-

• Confirmation that the changes to the scheme are intended to be budgetary neutral • Clarification that Council is working in partnership with other Staffordshire District Councils and a specialist consultant • The Council has a statutory requirement to approve a Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme.

RESOLVED:- that in exercise of the powers delegated to the Committee, the decision of the Cabinet, as set out in Minute No CAB22/19, the Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme, be noted.

RSC11 Resources Portfolio - Final Accounts 2018/2019

The Committee considered the report of the Head of Finance (V1 25/7/19) in relation to the Final Accounts position for the Resources Portfolio for the financial year ended 31 March 2019.

Members were informed that the revenue outturn for the Resources Portfolio for 2018/2019 was £185,930 less than the budget of £6,378,600 and the capital outturn for 2018/2019 was £8,515 less than the budget of £800,000.

The Committee discussed the following aspects of the report with the Head of Finance:-

• The reasons behind the £186,000 favourable variance • The turnover provision for vacancies

RESOLVED:- that in exercise of the powers delegated to the Committee, the Final Accounts position for the year ended 31 March 2019 be noted.

Councillor A T A Godfrey declared a Personal Interest in the following item as it related to additional costs to the weighbridge as part of the Waste Contract.

RSC12 Performance Reporting 2019-20

The Committee considered the performance and financial management details for those areas within the remit of the Committee for the quarter 1 period up to 30 June 2019.

The Committee discussed the following aspects of the report with the Cabinet Member (Resources Portfolio), the Head of Finance, the

4.13 Scrutiny Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

Neighbourhood Services Group Manager and the Corporate Business and Partnerships Manager:-

• 3.3.3 - Develop a contract management and procurement training package - the reasons as to why the Contract and Procurement Manager position had not been filled • Clarification of the implications of the Business Rates Revaluation in Stafford Town Centre and income from the New Homes Bonus • The implications of the Local Authority Fair Funding Review • An explanation for the Stone Leisure Centre Car Park Compensation Costs • An explanation of the additional Waste Contract Costs and works to the Weighbridge • Clarification of the EU Preparation Grant • An explanation of the additional Election Costs

RESOLVED:- that in exercise of the powers delegated to the Committee, the performance and financial management data relating to areas of activity within this Committee’s remit be noted.

RSC13 Work Programme - Resources Scrutiny Committee

Considered the report of the Interim Head of Law and Administration, which presented the Resources Scrutiny Committee’s Work Programme (V1 6/8/19) for the forthcoming meetings up to February 2020.

RESOLVED:- that in exercise of the powers delegated to the Committee, the Work Programme (V2 6/8/19) be approved.


4.14 Scrutiny Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

Minutes of the Economic Development and Planning Scrutiny

Committee held at the Civic Centre, Riverside, Stafford on Tuesday 27 August 2019

Chair - Councillor W J Kemp

Present (for all or part of the meeting):-

Councillors: A G Cooper P A Leason B M Cross G P K Pardesi A S Harp M Phillips P W Jones M J Winnington

Also Present:-

Councillor J K Price - Environment Portfolio

Officers in attendance:-

Miss M Smith - Strategic Business Manager - Development Mrs E Fullagar - Chief Accountant Ms J McCloy - Deputy Chief Accountant Mr R Simpson - Interim Head of Operations Mr A Bailey - Scrutiny Officer

EDP9 Minutes

The Minutes of the last meeting held on 27 June 2019, having been published in Digest No 257, were submitted and signed, subject to the clarification of Performance Indicator LI4 - number of jobs created.

EDP10 Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors J A Barron (Substitute P W Jones), F Beatty (Economic Development and Planning Portfolio) and J M Pert (Community and Health Portfolio).

EDP11 Economic Development and Planning Portfolio - Final Accounts 2018/2019

The Committee considered the report of the Head of Finance in relation to the Final Accounts position for the Economic Development and Planning Portfolio for the financial year ended 31 March 2019.

Members were informed that the revenue outturn for 2018/2019 showed a net income of £42,919 which represented a favourable variance of £149,739 as compared to the annual budget of £106,820.

4.15 Scrutiny Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

The Committee discussed the following aspects of the report with the Chief Accountant:-

• Parking reduced enforcement and lower operating costs • Staffordshire County Council Contributions to Road Car Park • Additional Street Naming Income • Reduced Planning Fee Income • Stafford and Stone Markets • Capital Portfolio slippages

RESOLVED:- that in exercise of the powers delegated to the Committee, the Final Accounts position for the year ended 31 March 2019 be noted.

EDP12 Performance Reporting 2019-20

The Committee considered the performance management details for those areas within the remit of the Committee for the quarter 1 period up to 30 June 2019.

The Committee discussed the following aspects of the report with the Interim Head of Operations, the Strategic Business Manager - Development and the Chief Accountant:-

• LI2 - % increase in footfall associated with major events in Stafford Town Centre • LI3 - Stafford Retail Premises occupancy rates at 90% • LI4 - Stone Retail Premises occupancy rates at 98% • LI6 - Area of open space to new houses approved • 1.1.2 - Continue to supply affordable housing working with Registered Providers and Homes England • 1.2.6 - Provide new leisure and recreation facilities • 1.2.7 - Source and develop new gypsy and traveller sites • 1.3.3 - Unlock economic activities in our rural areas • 1.4.2 - Embed high quality design into Planning Policy to ensure that Stafford is an attractive place that people want to live in, promoting healthy lifestyles and supporting future investment • 1.5.2 - Stafford Brooks Project • 1.6.1 - To ensure that policies and codes of practice for the construction and operation of HS2 through the Borough adequately protect residents in terms of compensation, and mitigate any adverse environmental affects and protect biodiversity • 1.6.2 - Monitoring of HS2 construction works to ensure approved policies and codes of practice has been implemented • Parking enforcement costs (to be reimbursed £66,000) • Development Management reduced income £51,000 • Forward Planning Staffing Variations

4.16 Scrutiny Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

RESOLVED:- that in exercise of the powers delegated to the Committee, the performance management data relating to areas of activity within this Committee’s remit be noted.

EPD13 Work Programme - Economic Development and Planning Scrutiny Committee

Considered the report of the Head of Law and Administration, which presented the Economic Development and Planning Scrutiny Committee’s Work Programme for forthcoming meetings up to February 2020.

RESOLVED:- that in exercise of the powers delegated to the Committee, the Work Programme be noted, subject to the amendments made at the meeting.


4.17 Scrutiny Committees


Minutes of the Regulatory and Joint Committees

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Page Nos

Planning Committee - 14 August 2019 5.1 - 5.5

Regulatory and Joint Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

Minutes of the Planning Committee held at the Civic Centre, Riverside, Stafford on Wednesday 14 August 2019

Chairman - Councillor R M Sutherland

Present (for all or part of the meeting):-

Councillors: B M Cross A Nixon A S Harp G P K Pardesi J Hood A N Pearce P W Jones M Phillips W J Kemp

Also in Attendance - Councillors A R G Brown, B McKeown and J K Price

Officers in attendance:-

Mr J Holmes - Development Manager Mr R Wood - Development Lead Mrs D Templeton - Senior Planning Officer Miss M Smith - Strategic Business Manager - Development Miss L Collingridge - Contracts Solicitor Mr A Bailey - Scrutiny Officer

PC29 Minutes

Minutes of the previous meetings held on 3 and 16 July 2019 were submitted and signed.

PC30 Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors A P Edgeller (Substitute P W Jones) and A D Hobbs (Substitute G P K Pardesi) and Councillor A N Pearce arrived late and was not therefore able to take part in the determination of applications 19/30787/HOU and 19/30448/FUL.

PC31 Application No 19/30787/HOU- Proposed demolition of existing kitchen and conservatory with the construction of kitchen, sitting and bedroom extension - 225 Sandon Road, Stafford, Staffordshire, ST16 3HQ

(Recommendation approve, subject to conditions).

Considered the report of the Head of Development regarding this matter. The Senior Planning Officer reported upon an issue not contained within the report concerning a breach of residential amenity and therefore recommended that the application be deferred without debate in order to allow for the resubmission of an amended report.

5.1 Regulatory and Joint Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

It was subsequently moved by Councillor A S Harp and seconded by Councillor P W Jones that Application No 19/30787/HOU be deferred pending the resubmission of an amended report.

On being put to the vote the proposal was declared to be carried.

RESOLVED:- that planning application no 19/30787/HOU be deferred pending the resubmission of an amended report.

PC32 Application No 19/30448/FUL - Proposed Variation of condition 2,11 and 12 of 18/28266/FUL - Land Off Little Lane, Lichfield Road, Great Haywood

(Recommendation approve, subject to subject to the applicant entering into a planning obligation to secure the obligations under outline permission 14/20886/OUT and the conditions listed).

Considered the report of the Head of Development regarding this matter. The Development Lead reported upon further representations received from Natural England, Colwich Parish Council, a neighbour and the Applicant’s Solicitor. He summarised the main issues raised by Colwich Parish Council and recited the main points contained in Applicant’s Solicitor’s letter.

Public speaking on the matter was as follows:-

Mr A Dunn raised the following points during his objection to the proposal:-

• Spoke on behalf of Colwich Parish Council • Objected to the proposals on the basis of connectivity and highway safety • The closure of Little Tixall Lane would mean that the development would be isolated from Great Haywood • The proposal would put a strain on Coley Lane with the potential for larger vehicles to use the area as a rat-run • The proposal would have a detrimental impact upon both pedestrians and cyclists • There would be an increased risk of crime • Requested the Committee to refuse the application or undertake a site visit

Mr J Heath raised the following points during his support for the proposal:-

• The proposal was just to approve the access geometry and bus stop location only • The application did not seek permission to close Little Tixall Lane as this had already been approved • This was an allocated residential development site • Although the A51 was not a trunk road, the design of the access geometry had been greater than trunk road status

5.2 Regulatory and Joint Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

• The proposal only sought to vary 3 conditions to the permission granted under Application No 18/28266/FUL • These were minor amendments only • Requested the Committee to approve the application in accordance with the extant permission

At the invitation of the Chairman, Councillor A R G Brown, Haywood and Hixon Ward Member addressed the Committee and raised the following issues:-

• The closure of Little Tixall lane would be detrimental to the area • Queried why Coley Lane should not also be closed • The proposal would lead to more traffic using Coley Lane • It was important to keep Little Tixall Lane open • A site visit was important to assess the situation • The proposed bus stop would be better in a lay-by

In response, the Contracts Solicitor clarified that the Committee should only consider the variations to the conditions as the principle of the development had already been approved under Application No 18/28266/FUL and the Highways Authority had raised no objections. There was therefore no grounds to refuse the application on highways safety concerns and warned of the potential costs against the Council at appeal.

The Committee discussed the application and raised a number of issues, including:-

• Queried the Tier classification under The Plan for Stafford Borough and that Great Haywood would remain a Tier 3 Key Service Village • The closure of Little Tixall Lane had already been approved • The specifications for the access were of a higher standard • Although there was sympathy with local residents, the Committee had no choice but to approve the proposal

The Development Manager clarified that Great Haywood would remain a Tier 3 settlement with having a settlement boundary and being a Key Service Village

It was subsequently moved by Councillor A S Harp and seconded by Councillor B M Cross that Application No 19/30448/FUL be approved, subject to the applicant entering into a planning obligation to secure the obligations under outline permission 14/20886/OUT and the conditions as set out in the report of the Head of Development.

On being put to the vote the proposal was declared to be carried.

RESOLVED:- that planning application no 19/30448/FUL be approved, subject to the applicant entering into a planning obligation to secure the obligations under outline permission 14/20886/OUT and the conditions as set out in the report of the Head of Development.

5.3 Regulatory and Joint Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

Councillor A N Pearce took his seat at the table.

PC33 Planning Appeals

Considered the report of the Head of Development.

Notification of the following appeals had been received:-

(a) New Appeals

App No Location Proposal 18/28148/FUL Land Rear Of Erection of four Brampton bedroomed detached Delegated The Butts bungalow and detached Refusal Little Haywood garage Stafford

18/29638/FUL Land Adjacent To Erection of a three 15 Buckland Road bedroom detached Delegated Parkside dwelling and creation of a Refusal Stafford new access

18/28053/REM Broughall Grange Reserved Matters Woodside Road application - Vehicular Delegated access, layout of the site, Allowed Stafford scale of the buildings, the appearance of the buildings including materials and landscaping

19/30516/FUL The Orchard Removal of condition 11 Abbeylands on application Delegated Weston 15/22092/FUL Refusal Stafford

(b) Appeal Decisions

App No Location Proposal 18/29523/HOU 5 Parkfields Farm Retrospective planning Rowan Barn application for new door Appeal Allowed Tittensor Road Stoke On Trent 19/29860/HOU 131 Cannock Road Garage extension & Stafford conversion with extension Appeal Allowed over to create new bedroom

5.4 Regulatory and Joint Committees Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

PC34 USE/00130/EN19 – Garage Site to the rear of 25 Alexandra Road, Stafford, ST17 4DE

Considered the report of the Head of Development and the Interim Head of Law and Administration (V1 05/08/2019) in relation to the use of a garage within a row of garages being used for a commercial business operation without the benefit of planning permission.

It was subsequently moved by Councillor B M Cross, seconded by Councillor A S Harp that the report be approved.

On being put to the vote, the proposal was declared to be carried.

RESOLVED:- that appropriate action be authorised to include all steps including the instigation of court proceedings and any work required to secure the cessation of the unauthorised commercial activity, together with the removal of the associated equipment from within the garage.

PC35 Ongoing Authorised Enforcement Cases

Considered the report of the Head of Development (V1 05/08/2019) setting out ongoing enforcement cases.

The Committee considered the cases as set out with the Development Manager and Contracts Solicitor providing updates in respect of:-

• WKS2/00380/EN16 - The Old Stores, • WKS/00163/EN16 - Hillside, Milford Road, Stafford • WKS3/00259/EN18 - Bird in Hand, Sharpley Heath • WKS2/00086/EN18 - 64 Foregate Street, Stafford

RESOLVED:- that the report be noted.

PC36 Draft Planning Application Validation Criteria

Considered the report of the Head of Development (V1 05/08/2019) which sought approval to adopt the updated version of the Validation criteria having made amendments after the completion of an 8 week consultation period.

RESOLVED:- that the updated Planning Application Validation Criteria be adopted.


5.5 Regulatory and Joint Committees


Corporate Information

and Articles

Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019



Page Nos

List of Meetings - 9 September 2019 to 3 October 2019 6.1

List of Delegated Decisions Decided Between 1 and 31 August 2019 6.1 - 6.15

Assets of Community Value Register 6.16 - 6.18

Charity Boost from Cremations in Stafford 6.18 - 6.19

New Gum Buster Funded by Litter Louts in Stafford 6.19

Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

List of Meetings - 9 September to 3 October 2019

Licensing Sub Committee 2.00pm Monday 9 September 2019

Community Wellbeing 6.30pm Thursday 12 September 2019

Council 7.00pm Monday 16 September 2019

Planning Committee 6.30pm Wednesday 25 September 2019

Parish Forum 7.00pm Thursday 26 September 2019

Cabinet 6.30pm Thursday 3 October 2019

Contact Officer

James Dean, Democratic Services Officer, Tel 01785 619209


List of Delegated Decisions Decided Between 1 and 31 August 2019

18/29378/TWT TPO 13 of 1973: Cedrus 3 Lansbury Close Stafford M B atlantica 'Glauca' (Blue Stafford Manor GRANT Atlas Cedar) - Fell Staffordshire ST17 9YW 19/29879/FUL Minor material 1 The Adstons Gnosall amendments to Gnosall Road Gnosall And PERMIT 15/22498/FUL to include: Befcote Woodseaves replace patio to side Stafford elevation with a chimney, ST20 0EB 2 small windows on first floor front elevation replaced by 1 larger to match existing ground floor, additional roof window and revised access arrangements. 19/29892/TWT TPO No. 5 NSR of 1961: Rear Of 19 Rock Stone Rural Fagus sylvatica Crescent And SPLIT 'Atropurpurea' (Copper Oulton Oulton Beech) - crown reduction ST15 8UH on house side by 2-3 metres, crown lift to 3-4 metres and crown thin by 15-20%.

6.1 Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

19/30072/FUL Extension to match lake Heron Brook Fisheries Eccleshall PERMIT Slindon Road Slindon Stafford Staffordshire ST21 6QP 19/30089/FUL Extension to existing Fletchers Garden Eccleshall Garden Centre building Centre Eccleshall PERMIT to form enlarged kitchen Stone Road with store, laundry, Eccleshall office/locker room, wc Stafford area, enlarged Staffordshire restaurant area, function ST21 6DJ room, soft play area, wc and baby changing area, outdoor patio, car wash area and associated buildings (retrospective) 19/30092/LBC Alterations to external Royal Oak Eccleshall area (retrospective) 25 High Street Eccleshall PERMIT Eccleshall Stafford Staffordshire ST21 6BW 19/30219/TWT TPO No. 12 CSR of 14 The Moorings Colwich 1972: T1, Acer sp. Colwich Haywood And GRANT (Sycamore) - 20% Stafford Hixon Crown Reduction; T2, Staffordshire Fraxinus sp. (Ash) - ST17 0XT Remove; T3, Fraxinus sp. (Ash) - 20% Crown Reduction 19/30217/HOU Single storey side and Oakmoor Brocton rear extension 59 Pool Lane Milford PERMIT Brocton Stafford ST17 0TY 19/30281/FUL Erection of four two Land Adjacent To storey houses New Farm Gnosall And PERMIT Stafford Road Woodseaves Woodseaves Stafford 19/30306/FUL Conversion of an Barn At Haughton existing barn into a New House Farm And PERMIT dwelling Newport Road Haughton Stafford

6.2 Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

19/30397/TWT TPO No. 41 of 1976: Park Grange Stone Town Fraxinus sp. (Ash) - Pingle Lane St Michaels And GRANT selective branch removal Stone Stonefield as listed in application ST15 8QT 19/30442/TWT TPO No. 103 of 1982: Land Adjacent Stafford M B Fagus sp. (Beech) - Sandon Mews Common SPLIT Reduction of lower Stafford canopy on western side Staffordshire by 2 metres back to ST16 3YA previous pruning points; 2 x Pinus sylvestris (Scots Pine) - selective crown reduction by 2 metres on property side. 19/30498/COU Use wooden building for Land At Kirkland Gnosall mixed use - shop and Glen Gnosall And PERMIT cafe Church Lane Woodseaves Moreton Newport Staffordshire 19/30517/TWT TPO No. 68 of 1978: Land Adjacent To T3, Tilia sp. (Lime) - Fell Trent Drive SPLIT T5, Aesculus sp. (Red Ingestre Horse Chestnut) - Fell Stafford T6, Tilia sp. (Lime) - Fell Staffordshire T8, Sequoiadendron sp. (Wellingtonia) - Crown Clean to remove storm damaged branches and stubs T9, Aesculus sp. (Red Horse Chestnut) - Fell T10, Aesculus sp. (Horse Chestnut) - Fell T12, Tilia sp. (Lime) - Remove epicormic growth up to 2.5 metres from ground T13, Aesculus sp. (Red Horse Chestnut) - Fell T15, Tilia sp. (Lime) - Remove epicormic growth up to 2.5 metres from ground T16, Tilia sp. (Lime) - Crown Clean to remove storm damaged branches and stubs

6.3 Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

T17, Aesculus sp. (Red Horse Chestnut) - Fell T18, Tilia sp. (Lime) - Crown Clean to remove storm damaged branches and stubs T19, Tilia sp. (Lime) - Fell T21, Tilia sp. (Lime) - Fell T23, Tilia sp. (Lime) - Fell T24, Aesculus sp. (Red Horse Chestnut) - Fell T25, Sequoiadendron sp. (Wellingtonia) - Crown Clean to remove storm damaged branches and stubs T26, Tilia sp. (Lime) - Remove epicormic growth up to 2.5 metres from ground T27, Tilia sp. (Lime) - Crown Clean to remove storm damaged branches and stubs 19/30541/TWT TPO No. 425 of 2006: 3 Island Green Stafford M B Fagus sylvatica Stafford Weeping Cross GRANT 'Atropurpurea' (Copper Staffordshire And Wildwood Beech) - Crown lift to 4 ST17 0QB metres and selective branch reduction to establish 2 metres clearance from adjacent buildings. 19/30559/HOU Installation of flue pipe to 3 Old Leese Barns serve a wood burning Leese Lane Seighford And PERMIT stove Billington Church Eaton Stafford Staffordshire ST18 9DG

6.4 Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

19/30561/TWT TPO No. 1 NSU of Land At Altona Close Stone Town 1952: T1, Taxus sp. Stone St Michaels And SPLIT (Yew) - 50% crown Staffordshire Stonefield reduction; T2, Cedrus sp. (Cedar) - crown lift; T3, Tilia sp. (Lime) - pollard; T4, Fagus sp. (Beech) - selective branch reduction and crown lift; T5, Fagus sp. (Beech) - selective branch reduction and crown lift; T6, Fagus sp. (Beech) - selective branch reduction and crown lift; T7, Fraxinus sp. (Weeping Ash) - remove; T8, Fagus sp. (Beech) - remove; T9, Tilia sp. (Lime) - pollard; T10, Tilia sp. (Lime) - pollard; T11, Fagus sp. (Beech) - crown lift; G1, Fagus sp. (Beech) - crown reduction; G2, Acer sp. (Sycamore) - remove; T12, Acer sp. (Sycamore) - remove; G3, Carpinus sp. (Hornbeam) - 50% crown reduction; T13, Betula sp. (Silver Birch) - 50% crown reduction.

6.5 Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

19/30567/HOU Demolition of Aston House Stone Rural existing outbuilding Stafford Road Milwich PERMIT (Permitted Aston By Stone application Stone No.17/27674/ANX) Staffordshire to build proposed ST15 0BJ extension to erect an orangery and to replace a facade. 19/30577/LDC Lawful Development Barn At Gnosall Certificate - Existing Hillside Gnosall And PERMIT use of stable The Outwoods Woodseaves building Outwoods Newport Staffordshire 19/30601/FUL New cattle shed, Shaw Wood Farm Sandon And dairy and associated Butterhill Lane Burston PERMIT access Smallrice Milwich Stafford Staffordshire ST18 0EA 19/30602/FUL Proposed industrial Unit 1 Hixon unit to replace the Hixon Airfield Industrial Haywood And PERMIT existing unit which Estate Hixon was destroyed by Hixon fire. Stafford ST18 0PF 19/30616/HOU Proposed rear and Chartley Weston side extension with Road Milwich PERMIT demolition of Weston conservatory and Stafford car port. Staffordshire ST18 0JS 19/30617/FUL New kennel building Meadowcroft Eccleshall Old Hall Lane Eccleshall PERMIT Mill Meece Stafford ST21 6QT 19/30620/FUL Demolition of Harleythorn House Swynnerton existing dwelling and Harley Thorn Lane Swynnerton And PERMIT two outbuildings and Beech Oulton construction of Stoke On Trent replacement ST4 8SL dwelling, landscaping and associated works

6.6 Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

19/30662/FUL Demolition of Grindley Lodge Fulford existing, dilapidated Aynsleys Drive Fulford PERMIT early 20th century Blythe Bridge rendered detached Stoke On Trent dwelling and ST11 9HJ construction of two new detached dwellings with associated garages 19/30675/COU Delete condition 4 The Old School House Swynnerton on permission Stone Road Swynnerton And PERMIT 19/30270/COU (for Tittensor Oulton mixed use shop, bar, Stoke On Trent gin distillery and ST12 9HA ancillary uses) to allow the sale of other alcoholic drinks 19/30684/HOU Two storey side/rear 44 Mount Road Stone Town extension and single Stone St Michaels And PERMIT storey rear ST15 8LJ Stonefield extension with demolition of existing detached rear garage. 19/30685/HOU Proposed detached Rock Cottage Salt And Enson garage building and 1 Salt Bank Milwich PERMIT recreation room / Salt gym within the roof ST18 0BL space area 19/30697/TWT TPO No. 542 of 14 Elmhurst Way Stone Town 2010: Platanus x Stone St Michaels And GRANT hispanica (London Staffordshire Stonefield Plane) - Selective ST15 8EY branch removal to achieve 4 metre crown clearance to ground 19/30699/HOU Proposed two storey 10 Hill End Stone Rural and single storey Moddershall Oaks Swynnerton And PERMIT rear extension and Moddershall Oulton associated Stone alterations. New Staffordshire Garden summer ST15 8TG house and driveway and garden alterations to rear garden zone.

6.7 Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

19/30700/FUL Secure storage Stafford Freemans Stafford M B facility for plant and Allotments Coton PERMIT equipment Prospect Road Stafford Staffordshire 19/30702/TWT TPO No. 22 of 1975: Kinnord Stafford M B Tilia sp. (Lime) - Radford Rise Baswich SPLIT 20% Crown Stafford Reduction; Crown ST17 4PS Thin; Deadwood Removal and Epicormic Removal 19/30704/HOU proposed orangery West Barn with glazed link to Ellerton Grange, Eccleshall PERMIT the existing barn. Lower Camp Lane Flashbrook Newport TF10 8DS 19/30711/FUL New Slurry Lagoon Shaw Wood Farm Sandon And Butterhill Lane Burston PERMIT Smallrice Milwich Stafford Staffordshire ST18 0EA 19/30718/SCG Variation of Blancomet Recycling Condition 1 on UK Walton OBS application Stone Business Park S.17/05/4119W Opal Way Stone Staffordshire ST15 0SS 19/30719/SCG Application not to Blancomet Recycling comply with (to vary) UK Walton OBS condition 1 of Stone Business Park planning permission Opal Way S.17/05/4119W Stone relating to changes Staffordshire to the approved site ST15 0SS layout and condition 3 relating to hours of operation and the erection of the canopy building for the new copper processing plant

6.8 Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

19/30720/TWT TPO No. 79 of 1980: 2 Park House Drive Stone Town Fagus sylvatica Stone St Michaels And GRANT Atropurpurea ST15 8QR Stonefield (Copper Beech) - Selective branch reduction to clear building and balance crown as detailed in application. 19/30724/REM Reserved Matters Land Adjacent 13 Stone Town following outline Stuart Close North Walton PERMIT application on Stone 19/30057/OUT - ST15 0JU access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale 19/30727/HOU Replacement of 139 Tixall Road Stafford M B existing asbestos Kingston Hill Littleworth PERMIT garage with larger Stafford brick built ST16 3XJ construction inclusive of home office space. 19/30738/HOU Proposed single Holly Cottage Yarnfield And storey extensions Highlows Lane Cold Meece PERMIT and internal Yarnfield Swynnerton And alterations. Stone Oulton ST15 0NP 19/30743/ADV 6.3m pylon sign Rising Brook Service Stafford M B Station Manor PERMIT Wolverhampton Road Stafford Staffordshire ST17 9DH 19/30745/TWT TPO No. 139 of 57 Sheringham Covert Stafford M B 1985: 3 x Quercus Stafford Littleworth GRANT sp. (Oak) - Crown lift Staffordshire to 4 metres ST16 3YL 19/30748/FUL Proposed two steel Land Northwest Of Gnosall portal framed Holly Farm Gnosall And PERMIT agricultural storage The Horseshoe Woodseaves buildings and an Audmore equestrian manege Stafford Staffordshire

6.9 Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

19/30747/LDC Lawful Development Barncroft Certificate - Existing Scamnel Lane Eccleshall PERMIT land used as Chebsey residential curtilage. Stafford ST21 6NB 19/30749/POR Prior Approval - Floors 2 And 3 Stafford M B Change of use of Greyfriars House Common PRIOR APPROVAL floors 2 and 3 from Greyfriars GRANTED office use (class Stafford B1a) to residential Staffordshire (class C3) ST16 2SE 19/30750/ANX Proposed ancillary The Rookery aged person Newport Road Gnosall And PERMIT accommodation. Loynton Woodseaves Stafford Staffordshire ST20 0QA 19/30753/LBC Proposed signage The Judges House Stafford M B plaque St Martins Place Forebridge PERMIT Stafford Staffordshire 19/30754/HOU Proposed living 28 Ford Drive Yarnfield And room/porch Yarnfield Cold Meece PERMIT extension to front Stone Swynnerton And elevation and Staffordshire Oulton dining/kitchen/wet ST15 0RP room extension to rear 19/30761/TWT TPO No. 349 of Abb Stone Stone Town 2005: Cuppressus x Stonefield Works St Michaels And GRANT leylandii (Leyland Oulton Road Stonefield Cypress) hedge - Stone reduce in height to 2 Staffordshire metres ST15 0RS

19/30763/HOU Two storey Red Barn Farm alterations and Fradswell Lane Milwich PERMIT extensions to a two Fradswell storey farm house. Stafford Staffordshire ST18 0EY 19/30768/TWT TPO No. 557 of 24 Brookvale Drive Yarnfield And 2012: Quercus sp. Yarnfield Cold Meece GRANT (Oak) - Remove Stone Swynnerton And epicormic shoots Staffordshire Oulton only up to a height of ST15 0GL 4.5 metres and repeat on an annual basis as required

6.10 Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

19/30769/HOU Proposed demolition 3 Manor Square Stafford M B of existing kitchen Rising Brook Manor PERMIT and erection of a two Stafford storey rear Staffordshire extension ST17 9QL comprising kitchen/family room and bedroom. 19/30774/TWT TPO No. 241 of 7 Franklin Drive Fulford 2001: Platanus x Blythe Bridge Fulford SPLIT hispancia (London Stoke On Trent Plane) - Pollard ST11 9TN 19/30776/FUL Variation of Long Lane Head Farm Fulford conditions 2 and 17 Long Lane Fulford PERMIT on application Stoke On Trent 18/28141/FUL Staffordshire ST15 8SN 19/30777/HOU Proposed alterations Mews Court, Chase Stone Rural and single storey Cottage Swynnerton And PERMIT extension to rear of Chase Lane Oulton the property to Tittensor connect the Stoke On Trent dwelling, family ST12 9HH room and sunroom. 19/30782/ADV Signage, one fully Unit 2 Stafford M B illuminated digitally Madford Retail Park Coton PERMIT printed flex face Foregate Street complete with new Stafford box, one non- Staffordshire illuminated digitally ST16 2QY printed flex face using existing retro frame and one set of digitally printed vinyls to top row of glazing 19/30783/LBC Amendment to Yew Tree House previously approved Sandon Road Milwich PERMIT 18/29810/LBC Hilderstone Stone ST15 8SF 19/30792/HOU Single storey rear 53 Fairway Stafford M B extension. Littleworth Littleworth PERMIT Stafford Staffordshire ST16 3TN

6.11 Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

19/30784/TWT TPO No. 91 of 1981: 23 Manor Grove Stafford M B T1, Picea sp. Stafford Holmcroft GRANT (Spruce) - Reduce ST16 1QL height by 3m; T2 - T5 Populus sp. (Poplar) - Crown reduction to previous pruning points; H1, Crataegus sp. (Hawthorn) - reduce by 2m 19/30785/HOU Rear single storey 7 Greenfield Road Stafford M B extension to replace Weeping Cross Weeping Cross PERMIT conservatory to form Stafford And Wildwood Kitchen and side Staffordshire porch ST17 0PU 19/30789/HOU Proposed first floor 264 Grindley Lane Fulford and rear extension Blythe Bridge Fulford PERMIT Stoke On Trent ST11 9LW 19/30790/HOU Replace front 28 Barn Common High Offley dormer with larger Woodseaves Gnosall And PERMIT dormer Stafford Woodseaves ST20 0LR 19/30810/TWT TPO No. 557 of Woodcroft Yarnfield And 2012: Quercus sp. Highlows Lane Cold Meece GRANT (Oak) - Remove Yarnfield Swynnerton And deadwood and Stone Oulton selective branch Staffordshire removal to balance ST15 0NP crown 19/30811/TWT TPO No. 7 CSB of 60 Cannock Road Stafford M B 1972: Selective Stafford Weeping Cross GRANT removals and Staffordshire And Wildwood maintenance works ST17 0QQ as per submitted application to trees T13 Lawson Cypress; T15 Red Oak; T16 Lawson Cypress; T26 Holly (not in A7 of TPO); T31 Red Oak; T33 Cypress; T38 Holly; T39 Holly (not in TPO).

6.12 Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

19/30802/HOU Proposed two storey Hill Top Eccleshall extension Offleyhay Lane Eccleshall PERMIT Stafford ST21 6HF 19/30805/OUT New dwelling and Land Adjacent Barlaston proposed access Greenways Barlaston PERMIT The Green Barlaston Stoke On Trent ST12 9AB 19/30819/HOU Garage conversion 18 Green Close Colwich Great Haywood Haywood And REFUSE Stafford Hixon ST18 0WF 19/30823/SCG Neighbouring Mill Farm Chebsey Authority Stone Road Eccleshall OBS Consultation - Eccleshall Application to Stafford consolidate the Staffordshire existing permitted ST21 6NX open windrow composting operations including all development permitted by planning permission S.13/22/467W (but excluding all elements related to anaerobic digestion): and removal of the steelwork for the partly-built Anaerobic Digester building; and the erection of a new shredder building and the operation of a shredder therein; and the construction of a concrete storage area; and the importation of wood waste for shredding, composting and milling in the permitted milling building.

6.13 Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

19/30825/HOU Demolition of 20 Eccleshall Road Stone Town existing garage and Stone Walton PERMIT proposed single ST15 0HN storey extension to rear 19/30829/HOU Pitched roof to front. 69 Witney Road Stafford M B Demolition of Baswich Baswich PERMIT conservatory and Stafford single/two storey ST17 0BX extension to rear 19/30836/HOU Single storey side Rowan House Haughton extension to form Watery Lane Seighford And PERMIT orangery Stafford Church Eaton Staffordshire ST18 9EH 19/30840/HOU Proposed side and 73 Ascot Road Stafford M B rear extension Baswich Baswich PERMIT Stafford Staffordshire ST17 0AQ 19/30841/HOU Variation of 20 Airdale Road Stone Town condition 2 and Stone St Michaels And PERMIT removal of condition ST15 8DW Stonefield 3 on application 19/30234/HOU 19/30844/TWT TPO No. 292 of Car Park Stafford M B 2003: 2 x Fraxinus Gaol Road Coton SPLIT sp. (Ash) - 40% Stafford Crown Reduction Staffordshire 19/30878/FUL Replace existing 73 Oxford Gardens Stafford M B garage with two one- Stafford Coton REFUSE bedroom self Staffordshire contained flats ST16 3JB 19/30925/TCA Stone Conservation Norway Stone Town Area: T6, Newcastle Road St Michaels And GRANT Chamaecyparis Stone Stonefield lawsoniana (Lawson ST15 8LB Cypress) - Remove 19/30937/NHPD Rear extension- total 63 Salisbury Road Stafford M B length beyond rear Stafford Littleworth NOTRQ wall of the original Staffordshire dwelling 6m, ST16 3SE maximum height 3.4m and eaves height 2.8m

6.14 Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

19/30973/NHPD Rear extension- total Holly Cottage Gnosall length beyond rear Newport Road Gnosall And NOTRQ wall of the original Gnosall Woodseaves dwelling 4.4m, Stafford maximum height Staffordshire 3.66m and eaves ST20 0BN height 3m 19/30982/SCG Formation of new Manor Hill First School Stone Town vehicle access off Manor Rise Walton OBS Ash Tree Rise and Walton pedestrian route Stone alterations Staffordshire ST15 0HY 19/31054/TCA Stone Conservation St Dominics Convent Stone Town Area: T27, Fraxinus Station Road St Michaels And GRANT sp. (Ash) - Remove Stone Stonefield Staffordshire ST15 8JP

6.15 Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

Assets of Community Value

Name and Nominator Date Date of End of End of Full End of address of Listed Disposal Initial Moratorium Protected Property Notice Moratorium (6 months Period (6 weeks after date (18 after date of disposal months of disposal notice) after date notice) of disposal notice) Hand and Ranton 29 August 11 22 February 11 July 11 July Cleaver Inn, Parish 2013 January 2017 2017 2018 Ranton Council 2017 Green, Stafford (pdf 2.3mb) Red Lion Derrington 29 August 2 14 October 2 March 2 March Inn, Way Ahead 2013 September 2013 2014 2015 Derrington Group 2013 (pdf 2.3mb)

Roebuck Hilderstone 2 26 July 6 26 January 26 Inn, Sandon Parish September 2017 September 2018 January Road, Council 2013 2017 2019 Hilderstone (pdf 2.4mb)

Universal Members 8 January Sports Club, of the 2014 Doxey, Universal Stafford (pdf Sports Club 5mb)

The Crown Hyde Lea 10 Inn, Hyde Parish February Lea (pdf Council 2014 4mb)

St Lawrence Gnosall 6 March Primary Parish 2014 School - Council Swimming Pool, Gnosall (pdf 3mb)

The West Castle 15 April 29 April 10 June 29 October 29 Way Public Church, 2014 2014 2014 2014 October House, Stafford 2015 Stafford (pdf 4mb)

6.16 Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

Name and Nominator Date Date of End of End of Full End of address of Listed Disposal Initial Moratorium Protected Property Notice Moratorium (6 months Period (6 weeks after date (18 after date of disposal months of disposal notice) after date notice) of disposal notice)

Westbridge Stone 16 July 9 April 21 May 9 October 9 October Park, Stone Town 2014 2015 2015 2015 2016 (pdf 6mb ) Council (part only)

Oxleathers Highfields 14 May Public Community 2015 House (pdf Group 1.3mb)

Boundary Plans (pdf 223kb)

The Red Bradley 10 29 10 29 April 29 April Lion, Parish September October December 2016 2017 Bradley, Council 2015 2015 2015 Stafford (pdf 4mb)

Wedgwood Barlaston 19 13 27 March 13 August 13 August Memorial Parish November February 2018 2018 2019 College, Council 2015 2018 Barlaston (pdf 4mb)

The Weston 17 Woolpack with October Public Gayton 2017 House (pdf Parish 3mb) Council

Football / Doxey 21 August Recreation Parish 2018 Ground, Council Doxey Road, Stafford ST16 1EF (pdf 929kb)

6.17 Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

Name and Nominator Date Date of End of End of Full End of address of Listed Disposal Initial Moratorium Protected Property Notice Moratorium (6 months Period (6 weeks after date (18 after date of disposal months of disposal notice) after date notice) of disposal notice)

Eccleshall Destination 12 June 8 July 19 August 8 January 8 January Police Station Manageme 2019 2019 2019 2020 2021 and Car Park nt (pdf 72kb) Eccleshall

Contact Officer

James Dean, Democratic Services Officer, Tel 01785 619209


Charity Boost from Cremations in Stafford

A charity has been given thousands of pounds thanks to recycled metals from Stafford Crematorium.

Old artificial hip and knee joints, along with nails and screws from the coffins, have been passed on to a recycling company in return for money which is then donated to charity.

Once consent from the families has been given, the metal is filtered out as part of the cremation process leaving the ashes to be collected by the deceased’s loved ones or buried.

Stafford Borough Council, which runs the crematorium on the town’s Tixall Road, has donated around £50,000 raised from the artificial body parts and other metals to several charities since 2013.

The latest recipient is Fountains Counselling Service (FCS) who received £8,000 from Councillor Jonathan Price, Cabinet Member for Environment.

Fountains Counselling Service provides voluntary counselling for adults including supporting those through bereavement.

Councillor Price said: “I’d like to think that those who have had loved ones cremated will draw some comfort from knowing their loss is helping fund these incredible charities.

6.18 Corporate Information and Articles Stafford Borough Council - Members Digest - 6 September 2019

“It is fantastic to see how much has been raised by our crematorium over the years for so many good causes - and very pleasing to hear how this money is helping the charities with their excellent work.”

The Tixall Road site was awarded ‘Gold’ status by the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management and has retained its green flag as one of the best open spaces in the country.

More details about the service can be found at

Contact Officer

Robert Simpson, Interim Head of Operations Tel 01785 619411 ______

New Gum Buster Funded by Litter Louts in Stafford

Litter louts have helped to pay for a new machine to remove chewing gum from the streets of Stafford.

Fines given to people throwing rubbish on the ground in the town centre have been used to help purchase the ‘gum buster’ for Stafford Borough Council.

People were handed fixed penalty notices of £75 for littering – although the amount is reduced for early payment. More than 300 people over the last couple of years have been fined which has contributed to the cost of the new machine – along with money from a government grant.

Councillor Jonathan Price, Cabinet Member for Environment, said: “How ironic that those who have treated our borough as a giant dustbin have actually contributed towards helping us keep the area clean.

“Residents who take a pride in the area are rightly annoyed at people who discard chewing gum on the pavements. It leaves a stain on our streets and can be difficult to remove.

“I’m really pleased we have been able to purchase this specialist piece of equipment through these fines and the government grant – but I’d much prefer everyone to put their chewing gum, cigarette butts, crisp packets or whatever other rubbish they have, in a bin!”

Around £42,000 is spent on removing chewing gum from the streets as part of the £1 million spent from the council budget each year keeping the borough clean.

To report litter or fly tipping concerns contact [email protected] or 01785 619000.

Contact Officer

Robert Simpson, Interim Head of Operations Tel 01785 619411

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