(Iowa City, Iowa), 1964-09-10
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ennis• seedlJd No.2; 41·year·old .. Seixas of Villanova, Pa., the ail owon Cup captain; Britain's Roger Serving the State University of Iowa --- and the People of Iowa CUJ/ . Ronald Barnes of Brazil; Senkoyvski of Detroit and Bill 10 Cents Per Copy Associated Pr Lased Wire and WirephOto Iowa City, Iowa -1bunday, September 10. 1964 of AUstralia. Hughes, Hultman Meet:: trounced Shiv Mira of ~ 6·2, 6·4. , who knocked out sixth· Manuel Santana of Spain second round, bested Her· Fitzgibbon of Garden City, 10-12, 6-4, 7-5, 9·7 in a match which carried two days. In Televised Debate next plays the little Latir. , Barnes, who trounced Graebner oC Santa Moni· Calif., 6-4 , 6·4, 6·2. , Stolle's next opponent, Highway Issues a five·set struggle, beat· Johnson Asks Werksman of Los An· 6·1 , 2·6, 6·3, 6·4. Sen· , of Detroit, eliminated J. Carpenter oC Canada, 6·3, 7-5, FBI To Study Bring Sharp Clash DES \101 ES ( P) - D mocratic Co . Harold Hughes i Racial Unrest ' called for a one-c nt-a-gallon increase in the gasolJne tax to pay l for t [l[l<>d up wn trucoon of highway during an hour-long n Specials Information Could lead t )evhed debate' ('dne day evening with his opponent, Repub To New legi$lation lican tty. C n. EVlln Hultman, HUllh • proposal was the only liv now It in tramc Iccldents. WASHINGTON IA'l - President major n w plan outlined during the Johnson said Wednesday he has or· Hugh said be does not (avor I debate, whiC!h WD carried on sev~n dered a compilation or hundreds of bonding program because " . do not lelevi ion station and 3S radio sta· believe In mortgaging the future or FBI reports to determine wh ther tions. But Hultman ome out with a common pattern underlies out· our children for higbways or IJIY· a propo I to u mobile cIa. s UUng else." breaks oC racial violence in both rooms for vocational education the North and tbe South. cla. Hugh aid he ravo "an in- Johnson told another of his im. crea in th' gasoline tax 01 one The governor mlde the ga eent a gallon to pay for stepped-up promptu news conferences that the ta)( r ommendation after sharp FBI has been collecting such re hishway construction." He said he char e by Hultman that HUih thought Iowans would be willing to ports at the rate of "aboul 40 a had no ·pecJfic programs for tbe nighl." pay the extra talC (or better blgh· Still Friends educational needs oC Iowa. the ways. Familiar Scene HE SAID he wants these brought problem of highway construction, Gov. Harold Hugh .., right, .. nd Atty , Gen, EVln Hultman .h.ke tax reform or law enforcement. ON EDUCATION, Hugh and together so he can study them in Hultman both said th y b ic:aUy It's .. Icen. that'll be r.peated again and again things .. girl n"d. for school, Cuolyn w.. In manageable form and determine hands before goin9 into their TV deb.te Wednesday evening. Hult rn return, Hugh call d Hult- a.gr d 011' th goals bul th y dUrer .. nd .. gain. Carolyn Sternberg, A2, Cedar Rapids, Iowa City b.fore d .. ",s begin to work .s floor whether he should make further I man is the Republican candidate opposinll Hugh ..' bid for re .• I,e· man's tax propo al "dreaming of her mother and friend Mary Giovannzi wer. chairman at Burg •. the highe l quality." ed on m thad! of achievinll Slieb recommendations - including, per· tion lIS low .. 's governor. - AP Wirephoto alms. among the first to unload a car full of all those haps , suggestions for new laws - AT THE END of th debate, to cope with racial outbreaks. Hultman ch II nged Hughes to Hullman said "w. must not COD meet him in a serie of televised fuse the building of Olinda wIth the The President sllid the FBI will Six Schools Close- lalks, but th governor sald his ootid in, of tempi . We should Pepperidge "compile reports on various prob· scherlule wa full. Later, Hughes scrutiniz the spending of every lems encountered in cities and tax dollar." Barry ~aps U.S. states that could involve violations said, "I'm not eoing to let some· one rise diet te my campaign." He said ludi .hould be made of federal law and do involve dis· Howev r, the lIubernatoriat rivals To Close turbances and violence." to determine ways to make fuller Teachers Sfrike are scheduled to appear joinUy be use of present building., private Johnson said he has already COre the Iowa Dllily PI' Associ· Iran portation of school children Foreign Policy mayo~ s Local Plant informed and governors of alion in D s foine Sept. 20, al· nd th of mObile cIa rooms SEATTLE (AP) - Sen. Barry Goldwater said Wednesday cities and states affected by the thoul:b not In debate. for vocational education tramlng. The president of Pepperidge summer's rash oC racial incidents In E. Sf. Louis Hullman repeatedly char ed that Th u e of uch mobil vebicle, Farm, Tnc., announced Wednesday night President Johnson's foreign policy adds up to "defeat, dis that the Federa I Government is Hughes wa speaking only in gen EAST ST. LOUrS, III. IA'l - At Hultman said, would low r c:oIU the company will close its plant aster, retreat, cbaos, confusion." wllling to 'make availahle the full man for the board aid only 10.944 eraliti and was not providing the and allow more Iowans to receive here in May of 1965. information we may have" and to least six of the 35 public schools of the city's 22.500 public school , I d r. hip needed to move IOWI He named a seven·man team headed by former Vice Pres offer any supplemental help with· in this industrial CJty closed Wed· children attended cia. e . forward. vocational education. Pepperidge Farm, frozen pas· ident Richard M. Nixon to point the HUGHES also aaJd be. "vorl tries subsidiary of the Campbell in federal authority. nesday as a teachers strike for The board and the union took Both candidal urn I oc. Republican way in world affairs. ed his campaign in the Pacific more money enl J' d It \iecond opposing CD. es into Circuit Court casionally on words, but both ap more vocational education trlinlng Soup Co., employs al)Qut 170 work· SUCH OFFERS have been made, bec:au "thou ands of gradualet" ers here. "WE DO not intend to rubber Northwest. he said , to state and local officials day. Some parents sided with the at nearby Belleville. The board penred relatively relaxed in what Goldwater said as he flew north teachers. ought to end picketing. The union was the first such televised debate of Iowa schools are not now W. L. Rudkin, Pepperidge presi· stamp four years of mistake, reo in New York, New Jersey, Mary· equipped to handle jobs available. dent, issued word of the closing to from California that be sought the land, Mississippi and Georgia. The East St. Louis Sehool Board asked an injunction closing the between candidate for governor treat and weakness in world af· said six school were forced to schools pending final negotiJItions. in the history of Iowa . He said he advocates a "fint class local employes Wednesday morn presidency not for power, but "to Asked whether he thought that fairs ," the Republican presidential dilute power." He said there is al close becau e of a lack of leachers "1 WOULD like to ,.ee ~ teach· NEITHER WORE makeup. Hult- education" for III of Jowa's cbild- ing. News of the closing brought deliberate agitation was common reno statements of regret from Mayor nominee declared. ready too much power in the and pupils. A spok man for Local ers get more money, Said Kather· man was dre ed in a dark blue White House and the federal gov· to many of the racial outbreaks, t220 of the American Federation Hultman laid that Hughes ba Richard W. Burger and Chamber Goldwaler said his team of con Johnson said it was evident from ine Jone .' moth} of two ~rad~· suit witb a light blu shirt and a of Commerce President Lawrence ernment. of Teachers, AFL-CIO, said eight sChO?I children. But the. s!rJke IS dark blue lie. Hughes wore a black nol explained how he would ac sultants will confer with free world reading tbe newspapers that there complish his educational goal . T. Wade. leaders in "a serious and histor· He said in Seattle the Demo schools were cia ed. hurting the children Dnd It IS hurt- suit a white shirt and B dark blue crats figure : had been "considerable agitation in About two-thirds of the city's ing teachers" .. ti · thin white strings. Consolidation of the company's ically significant attempt to reo these disturbances." lh~ ~ith Hultman also di puted Hughea· sales and shipping operations was "If an element of foreign policy 728 public teachers greeted Tues· Pubhc school teacher In thiS The debate wa limited by prior claim of economic growtb in Iowa group freedom's badly scattered A newsman told the President given as the reason for closing the forces while there is still time." hurts Lyndon Johnson's election day's opening day of school wi th ei.ty ?f 88,000 across ~e Mi isslp- agreement to taxes and tax reform, under Democratic leadership. Tbe loca I plant. chances, forget it.