August 2017

In this month’s Spotlight Greetings from MTNZ President Lesley Carthew ...... 2 Important changes to the licencing of music in a dramatic context - APRA ...... 4 We’re over the mid-year hump - iTICKET ...... 5 Spotlight on our major sponsors John Herber with Sharron, Diane and Graeme ...... 6 Final days to register for the NextGen Boot Camp 18 – 20 August at Lake Karapiro...... 8 MTNZ Event Calendar – Zonys, Combined South Island meeting 28 October in Oamaru 14 Huge thanks to our awesome NextGen Boot Camp sponsors ...... 15 What’s Happening – Around the Zones Zone One News with Emma Bishop ...... 16 Stellar Cast announced for the season of Sister Act ...... 18 Zone Two News with Tracy Holmes ...... 20 Zone Three News with Sharron Pardoe ...... 21 Zone Four News and report from the Ashburton Meeting ...... 25 58th National Conference and Volunteer Training Weekend – Nelson – 16 – 18 March .. 29 Zone Five updates with Helen Horsnell ...... 30 South Otago and Alexandra both celebrating milestones ...... 31 That Bloody Woman – a punk rock musical about touring NZ ...... 33 What’s Happening – Junior Theatre/Schools Junior Theatre Celebration 21 October – Auckland, Takapuna Grammar ...... 34 Techie Talk, Updates and Info ETNZ conference, offers from our corporate members ...... 40 Training and Upskilling Opportunities Drama NZ; CIMTTSS, NASDA, Kelley Abbey ...... 46 What’s New from the Copyright Holders Origin, Devon Williamson, Play Bureau, MTI ...... 50 What’s Happening – Town and Country Fleeced, Little Shop, Sunset Boulevard, Sweet Charity, TWO, Wedding Singer, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang ...... 58


Greetings from President Lesley Carthew .. Smiling Is Infectious - Author Unknown Smiling is infectious, you catch it like the flu, When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too. I passed around the corner and someone saw my grin. When he smiled I realized I’d passed it on to him. I thought about that smile, then I realized its worth. A single smile, just like mine could travel round the earth. So, if you feel a smile begin, don't leave it undetected. Let's start an epidemic quick, and get the world infected!

Welcome to the August edition of “Spotlight”, I do hope you are all surviving the winter, and do hope that not too many of you have been affected by the terrible storms that have beset both islands.

I found the poem above on Facebook (thank you Mark von Dadelszen), and thought what wonderful words! I did a little bit of “googling” and my friend Mr Google tells me that the words have been attributed to the Late Spike Milligan, however many other people from around the world are laying claim to being the author – like me they must like the words, however I will not be one to lay claim to writing them. However, I have taken the words on board, and aim to live by them.

Since I last wrote to you in June, your Executive met in Nelson. We welcomed Emma Bishop, James Wright and Tracy Holmes to our team and once again, I thank Pauline Vella, Gwen Lyon and Ngaire Holmes for their contribution to the national body activities over recent years. Kate had organised a recce of the Founders Heritage Park (Dan is checking out the facilities in this photo) where Friday and Saturday will be held and then the Monaco where the Saturday night function will take place. Kate is busy putting the conference programme together with Carl and Ross and it’s looking fantastic. We worked our way through a large agenda, with plenty of action points and good and often robust discussion and this will be fed back through our zone meetings throughout the year. Saturday night we had a team building exercise at the Honest Lawyer – Maori AB’s playing the Lions, so that couldn’t be missed.

I also had the pleasure of travelling to Morrinsville to attend the first Zone Two meeting, since Tracy was elected as Zone Rep at our AGM in . Supportive as ever, there were well in excess of 50 people attend the meeting, and my thanks go to the wonderful team at Morrinsville who provided us with their wonderful venue, and their superb catering. Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea were all excellent, and from all of us in attendance, “thanks so much”. Tracy, assisted by Administrator Rochelle provided the attendees with a great agenda, topics based on Knowledge Café Formula, and all who attendees participated fully. The afternoon finished with entertainment by Morrinsville Little Theatre members, and my thanks to those people for giving up their time on a Saturday to come and entertain us. That evening, after a meal in Hamilton, a number of us watched Hamilton Operatic Society’s production of “Les Miserables”. Superbly directed by David Sidwell, with musical direction by Alex Wiltshire, I just loved the production, it is a perennial favourite of mine, after being on stage in some 30 plus performances, and viewing numerous other productions, the show for me has lost nothing, and I just loved it. Wonderful to see our “Next Gen Gwen” in the role of Cosette, she was absolutely beautiful. And on that note Gwen, my heart goes out to you, Ruby and your Mother and brother, as you begin your journey without your Dad Stephen, he was taken far too soon, but you will have wonderful memories to look back on.


On my way home from Hamilton to Napier, I called in to the Epworth Retreat, where the Next Gen Bootcamp will be held in three weeks time. It is a fabulous facility, and I am looking forward to joining with all The Next Genners who have already registered for this excellent training weekend. Where else would you be able to learn from Jennifer Ward- Lealand, Teesh Szabo, David Adkins, and Dale Henderson for the princely sum of $50, all costs included. So if you haven’t already done so, please register by contacting [email protected] for further info.

MTNZ was well represented at the ETNZ (Entertainment Technology NZ) conference held recently at Toi Whakaari in . As the conference was in Wellington (so no logistical cost for Sharron, Steve and Kate) and we received, gratefully, funding from Pub Charity towards registration fees, MTNZ could have five representatives in attendance, along with Brent Smith from Napier Operatic who received the Community Technical Award this year in New Plymouth. As Sharron has eluded to in her report, we have taken on board some of the learnings from this conference which we will present at Nelson conference and share with our members. Carl has already done this at the Zone Four meeting recently held in Ashburton. Kate and Emma also attended the Theatre Marketers Hui in Auckland – facilitated by Wendy Riley from Showbiz . From that, there will be a forum on marketing at our conference in Nelson and Emma attended a conference on Diversity facilitated by Creative NZ, and will facilitate a forum on that topic in Nelson too. Emma was also lucky enough to represent MTNZ at an evening hosted by Auckland Live and hear Tim Minchin speak. Thank you Auckland Live for the invite.

In the last three weeks, I have travelled to Waipawa M & D, to their production of “The Sound of Music”, I always say this small society punches far and above their weight, and congratulations to you all, on your successful production. And of course it has been the turn of my home society Napier to have my attention, as they performed “Blood Brothers” for three weeks to the people of Hawkes Bay. I can only say I was immensely proud to have been part (in a very small way), of this outstanding production, and my congratulations to all involved, you should be so proud. I only wish the local public would support you more than they do.

We welcome two new members to MTNZ – Society members Kauri Theatre Company, based in Wellington and a fellow industry national body – Drama NZ as associates

Next weekend, I am travelling to Palmerston North, to meet with fellow Zone Three enthusiasts to discuss the possibility of setting up Zone Three Awards, so watch this space. I also intend to see “Three Phantoms”, Chris Crowe, Tim Beveridge and Karl Perigo, what a concert that will be.

And then, it’s Abbey’s “Full Monty”, Boot Camp, and then it will be September and Spring!

Yours in theatre



APRA has been reviewing the scope of APRA AMCOS’ agency to license performances of music in a dramatic context. The changes are due to come into effect from 1 January 2018, the statement below is on both the New Zealand and Australian APRA AMCOS websites:

Important changes to the licensing of music in a dramatic context from 1 January 2018

You may be aware that APRA AMCOS and its membership of songwriters, composers and music publishers is currently reviewing the scope of APRA AMCOS' agency to license performances of music in a dramatic context.

The intention of the review is to deliver a licensing process that is less burdensome for all parties.

Definition of music in a dramatic context

It is likely that the current definition of dramatic context will be revised so that the overall context of a performance will be taken into account, rather than the strict application of the current criteria. This new definition will be more consistent with definitions used in other major territories. This will mean that if a performance has been classified in, for example, the UK as not being dramatic context, it will likely be regarded the same in Australia and New Zealand. The proposed change to the definition will also mean that there will be performances that do not currently fall within the dramatic context definition that in future, may fall within the dramatic context definition - and be licensed as such.

What happens next?

APRA AMCOS is still in the early stages of consultation with members, overseas affiliates, and licensee bodies including Live Performance Australia on these proposed changes, to become effective 1 January 2018.

The purpose of this news piece is to put current clients on notice that performances of APRA works in a dramatic context after 1 January 2018 are likely to be categorised under different criteria than those currently used.

We will inform the marketplace of the precise changes as soon as they become available.

What happens to the performances you have scheduled after 1 January 2018 that are licensed under the current definitions?

For performances of musical works that are scheduled to take place after 1 January 2018, where the works are performed in a theatrical setting, or where the performance contains narrative elements (such as biopics of particular artists or eras), you should contact APRA AMCOS regarding your music licensing as soon as possible.

If you have any questions please contact Greer Davies on [email protected] or phone 0800 800 663 ext 727 or ddi 09 623 4727.



Spotlight on John Herber with Sharron Pardoe, Diane and Graeme Philip

John Herber Ltd has been the major sponsor of Musical Theatre New Zealand for many years. MTNZ is extremely grateful for all their support and in 2015 Graeme and Diane were made Life Members of MTNZ acknowledging their amazing contribution to community theatre.

We all know that they are the leading manufacturers of theatre and cinema drapes, curtains and screens; an innovative producer of sound shells, portable staging and flooring; an expert in customised canvas and emergency shelters; and a front runner in flame retardant fabric supply and services - but what do we know about the face of John Herber, Graeme and Diane Philip who, together with their sons Mark and Deane, run this very successful company out of Kaiapoi. We decided to find out what makes Graeme and Diane tick:

You love to travel. What was the last overseas adventure you had and what made it special? Our last overseas adventure was 2016 with a trip to the 100th racing of the Indianapolis 500 motor race. Unfortunately, our favourite driver Scott Dixon didn’t win but it was a great venue and atmosphere. We have been lucky enough to have been there twice - the first time in 2013. For those who are into motor racing, it is a definite for your bucket list.

After Indianapolis, we flew to Wisconsin to catch up with some friends we had met on a Rhine River cruise in 2014, then onto Canada travelling to Montreal, Joliette in Quebec, Ottawa, Toronto and down to Niagara Falls. Niagara Falls was amazing.

After spending a couple of weeks travelling around this area of Canada we went onto Calgary making our way by car through the beautiful national park to Banff, Lake Louise, and Jasper. The beauty of this country is indescribable, just amazing. From Jasper, we caught the Rocky Mountaineer train to Vancouver. The whole trip was about five weeks. I think what made the trip so special was seeing two Brown Bears just meandering down the road not even worrying about the traffic. All in all, an amazing trip with some amazing memories.

Below are some photos of our Trip to Canada


After seeing many musicals over the years, are there any that stand out that you would rebook to see straight away? We could not count how many musicals we have seen and as everyone is so different it is so hard to pick which one we would go and see again. For myself there are two I have been too many times and that is Phantom of the Opera and Lion King. These two I would buy tickets tomorrow to see again. Graeme’s favourite is Les Misérables - the reason being that it is a powerful production and the story draws you into it.

What are the biggest changes in theatre that you have noticed over the past 20 years or so? When we were first introduced to theatre some 30-odd years ago the products to produce a good show were few and far between and shows were very amateurish. The availability of new and modern technology plus the knowledge that theatre technicians have gained over the years has made productions from both amateur to semi-professional companies become as equally as good as the professional companies overseas.

It has been great to see the upgrading of some our major venues and the preservation of older theatres such as Civic Auckland, Isaac Theatre Royal Christchurch, St James Wellington. This is something all theatre goers should be proud of.

Outside of work and theatre, what other interests do you have? Motor Racing (real petrol heads), sport (followers of rugby, netball and of course the America’s Cup). Family is the most important. We love to watch the grandchildren play rugby and netball on as Saturday. Diane also loves to relax in the evenings doing cross stitch.

How long has John Herber been your family business? We bought John Herber Ltd in 1980 with Mark and Deane coming on board to join us, making it a family business.

If you had a “bucket list” what would be on it? Indianapolis 500 (Done) River Cruise on the Rhine (Done) Trip to Europe, Germany, Austria, Switzerland (Done) Swarovski Crystal in Wattens Austria (Done) Grand Canyon (Done) Niagara Falls (Done) Canada & Rocky Mountaineer (Done) F1 Motor Racing and meet Lewis Hamilton Trip to Italy, Greece, Vienna River Cruise up the Danube and through the Iron Gate. Ride in a Lamborghini around a racetrack at 260 km/h (Done)


Pictures of some of the places we have been

Neuschwanstein Castle Freiburg Germany

Swarovski Crystals Watten Austria Palace in Austria

How would you spend your ideal Sunday? Our ideal Sunday is pottering around on our lifestyle block and then sitting down around 2pm with a few pickies and a good glass of wine for me and a beer or whisky for Graeme watching motor racing on TV. ************************************************************************************************************* Musical Theatre New Zealand Strictly NextGen – The MTNZ Youth Boot Camp 2 – 18, 19, 20 August

Final days to register – contact [email protected] for a rego pack or go on line

Registration Fee – this includes EVERYTHING apart from your bedding which you can either bring with you or hire onsite. $50 with a $5 extra linen hire if you want to hire on site  you must be aged between 18 – 35 as at 18 August

Weekend Programme

Venue: Epworth Retreat and Recreation Centre, Cambridge

Friday 18 August 3pm All attendees to be in camp 3.30pm Welcome, housekeeping, health and safety briefing, weekend programme, introductions 4.15pm Knowledge Café - – interactive around the table group forum on ideas, topics, etc. that NextGen would like to discuss 6.15pm Dinner


7.30pm How to best work with your team on a production & how to resolve conflict with David Adkins From onstage to backstage, this forum and discussion (we want your ideas too) will give you tips and ideas on how the roles of the management team (Director, Musical Director, Choreographer, Production Manager, Technical people etc.) and the committee/board can come together to produce a great experience for all involved 9.15pm Wrap up – supper and networking

Saturday 19 August 7.30am Breakfast available until 8.30am 8am Technical NextGenners (Group Four) depart for Morrinsville Theatre – transport provided 9am Session One commences Group One – Master Class - Flying Solo with Jennifer Ward-Lealand Group Two – “Manipulation of the Elements of Choreography Vs. Genre” Exploring the interpretation of musical styles and how it affects movement quality – advanced dancers with Teesh Szabo Group Three – directing with David Adkins 11am Session One continues 1pm Lunch 2pm Session Two commences Group One – “Nailing that dreaded Movement Audition” – for ensemble and movers level with Teesh Szabo Group Two – Master Class - Flying Solo with Jennifer Ward-Lealand Group Three – directing with David Adkins 3.30pm Afternoon tea 3.30pm Session Two continues 5.30pm Down time 7pm Dinner 8pm Come together and practice group dance 9pm Supper and networking

Sunday 20 August 7.30am Breakfast available until 8.30am and pack out rooms 9.30am Technical NextGenners depart for Morrinsville Theatre 9.30am Q&A with tutors – Jennifer, Teesh and David with James facilitating 10.30am Showcase of group dance, a selection of the solo song performances and a selection of script from the directing students Midday Farewell and close training school for dancers, singers and directors; lunch and clean up camp 1pm Vacate camp

What to Bring (you can hire bedding from Epworth for $5) • Bottom sheet for mattress (the accommodation is shared single bunk beds) • Pillow case or your own pillow • A very warm sleeping bag, bedding and a hot water bottle • Towel and toiletries • Warm, comfortable and casual clothes - thermals, merino, hats, gloves, warm socks, slippers – there is heating but it is August, so come prepared • Good, solid shoes – no high heels please • Two copies of your song – in the correct key please. This is to be no longer than two verses/choruses so everyone can participate. • Note pad/book, pens, pencils


TRAINING WEEKEND WORKSHOP BRIEFS Groups One and Two MASTER CLASSES FLYING SOLO Telling the Story in Song with Jennifer Ward-Lealand In this workshop each participant is directed in a musical theatre song of their choice. There is a strong emphasis on identifying and developing the inner monologue, and how this focus serves the greater goal - that of engaging at a deeper level with the story of the song and, consequently, with the audience. Participants receive individual detailed direction and have the opportunity to observe their fellow classmates and engage fully in the process. About Jennifer …. Since training at Auckland’s influential Theatre Corporate, Jennifer has worked extensively in theatre, film, television, musical and radio for over 30 years.

Jennifer was a founding board member of the Watershed Theatre and a co-founder of The Large Group and The Actors' Program. She is currently President of New Zealand Actors Equity, Patron of Q Theatre, and serves as a trust board member of Arts Regional Trust , Silo Theatre, Clarence St Theatre Trust, and Actors Benevolent Fund. In the 2007 New Years Honours List, she was named an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to theatre and the community. In 1989/90, Jennifer toured NZ and internationally with THE FRONT LAWN and in the early 90s moved to Australia to appear in the comedy TV series FULL FRONTAL, and played Viola in the Adelaide International Festival’s production of TWELFTH NIGHT.

On stage her work includes THE GOAT, THAT FACE, BERLIN, BREL (Metro Magazine’s #1 Cultural Experience 2012), THE BOOK OF EVERYTHING (Best Ensemble & Excellence Awards, Auckland Theatre Awards 2015) for Silo Theatre, TWELFTH NIGHT, LE SUD, AUGUST: OSAGE COUNTY, THE HERETIC and LYSISTRATA for Auckland Theatre Company, RITA AND DOUGLAS for Armstrong Creative and BETWEEN THE SHEETS and LUNCHEON at the Basement.


Theatre directing credits include. JACQUES BREL IS ALIVE AND WELL AND LIVING IN PARIS and THE MYSTERY OF IRMA VEP for Silo Theatre, TIC TIC for Strata Creative, THE LAST FIVE YEARS and FALLOUT: THE SINKING OF THE RAINBOW WARRIOR for Last Tapes Theatre Company, THE CHOICE for The Blue Baths in Rotorua and most recently the Wellington season of HUDSON & HALLS for Silo (BEST PRODUCTION WELLINGTON THEATRE AWARDS 2016).

Jennifer devised and performed the cabarets FALLING IN LOVE AGAIN featuring the songs of Marlene Dietrich, and THE LOOK OF LOVE which she has toured extensively throughout New Zealand, and in Australia. She works regularly as a voice over artist and can be heard as the character of DORABLE DUCK on the children’s television series BUZZY BEE.

She is also a keen student in te reo Māori, beginning in 2008 at the Kura Pō at Pūkenga, Unitec. Since then she has studied at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa (Te Arataki Manu Kōrero 2012, Te Aupikitanga ki te Reo Kairangi 2013, Te Pīnakitanga ki te Reo Kairangi 2016) and at Te Wānanga Aronui o Tāmaki- makau-rau/ AUT (Te Pihinga 2014, Te Māhuri 2015)


Choreography/Dance/Movement/Channelling Your Inner Sausage Roll with Teesh Szabo Group One - appropriate level for the “Just give me a bucket now or the sausage roll level (aimed at singers who need to move) “Nailing that dreaded Movement Audition” - discovering the inner dancer in you and be ready to wow that panel of creatives at your next audition

Group Two - appropriate level for the “Triple/Double turns and 90degree level and above performers) “Manipulation of the Elements of Choreography Vs. Genre” Exploring the interpretation of musical styles and how it affects movement quality

About Teesh … A Palmerston North based Choreographer, Dance Educator, Director and Actor, Teesh’s journey and career has taken her around the world. Working on London’s West End Stage with shows such as Martin Guerre, Whistle down the Wind and Mamma Mia, highlights have included sharing the stage at the London Palladium with her biggest musical theatre idol Chita Rivera and theatre greats Tommy Tune, Cyd Charisse and Russ Tumblyn. She has also been fortunate to see the world performing on the high seas with Princess Cruise Lines and working as movement choreographer for many of our top ice skaters here in NZ. Equally passionate about dance education Teesh works with various dance and performing arts studios and is the Movement Specialist for Junior Theatre NZ dedicated to the development and promotion of junior musical theatre in New Zealand. She is currently developing a resource book titled “Destination DANZ” and is excited about sharing this with both students and teachers of Musical Theatre in the near future. Proud to be associated again with Musical Theatre NZ NextGen boot camp, Teesh jumped at the chance to return for the 2017 weekend and the opportunity to work with another group of talented energetic thespians. You will be challenged in ways you did not think you would. Just remember… “If you stumble, make it part of the dance”

Group Three - Directing 101 with David Adkins (this is an all-day workshop, so if you do directing, you can’t do choreography or Jennifer’s masterclass – this workshop includes practical directing and working with script) • The roles of the management team (Director, Musical Director, Choreographer, Production Manager etc) • What does a director actually do • The vision • Responsibilities • The need to educate • Preserving the illusion • Selecting a show • Time table formulas • People • The rehearsal schedule • Preparing and meetings • The crew • Auditions • Rehearsals • Dealing with beginners and prima dona’s • Common directing errors • What happens after opening • Plus a whole heap of other little bits and pieces and information • Practical exercise with participants “directing” each other using scripts provided by David before the weekend workshop.


About David …. Born in London and raised in NZ, David has directed for a number of societies in the Auckland region. David’s theatrical experience includes directing, choreography, stage management, lighting design and operation, sound design and recording, props, crew, set design, production management and the very important role crucial to any production - tea person! David also worked professionally in the UK theatre scene in the late 80’s for two years as assistant stage manager and stage manager of a professional cabaret. Onstage David has undertaken leading roles such as Jesus (Godspell), Nathan Detroit (Guys and Dolls), Bill (Me and My Girl), Fagin (Oliver) and the MC (Cabaret). Leading roles in plays such as Run for your Wife, Caught in the Net, Boeing Boeing and Noises Off and Wilbur in Hairspray.

Later this year, he will be directing Sister Act for Amici at the ASB Waterfront, and next year producing Mamma Mia and The Doris Day Special at the Bruce Mason Centre in Takapuna.

Out in the “real world” David has a long career in the corporate arena of retail, having held senior roles in major retailers operating throughout NZ and Australia. An Associate Fellow of the New Zealand Institute of Management, David has been a regular guest speaker at Auckland University and counts teaching as one of his most favourite things. David has a solid understanding of the challenges that societies face, both large and small, and the difficulties that committee’s face in producing shows – and dealing with all the personalities that form a show company. David has done several workshops for MTNZ and other arts and entertainment industry groups.

Group Four - The ETNZ NextGen Lighting Workshop with Dale Henderson and Aaron Chesham (ACLX) (this is an all day session and up until Sunday lunchtime, so if you do lighting, you can’t do any of the other workshops. This is not a lighting design course and will be held offsite at Morrinsville Theatre.)

Dale and Aaron will focus on understanding a range of lighting equipment, appropriate maintenance, how it links together, its safe rigging and operation.

Topics/Programme • Introductions • Health and Safety • Equipment – Types of Luminaires - Care - Use - Control. • Equipment – Dimmers, Lighting control • Equipment – Moving Lights and Special effects • The Production Process - Production Teams - Production Meetings. • Rigging – Focus – Plotting • Colour • Industry qualifications and training

About Dale .. Dale is a Director of Events . With over 30 years experience as an Entertainment Technology technician, both professionally and in not for profit situations, Dale has a wide range of skills which he regularly shares with upcoming technicians. He is a past President of Tauranga Musical Theatre, past President of the Entertainment Venues Association of NZ, recipient of the MTNZ Merit Award, and is the current chairman of the Entertainment Technology NZ training subcommittee (responsible for developing the new Entertainment Technology qualifications). Dale has a special passion for Musical Theatre, Health and Safety, and training in the Entertainment Industry.


Feedback from the first NextGen Boot Camp held in last year … • As a singer I loved Jennifer’s session, I came home gushing about how amazing it was! I really liked that when each person went up to sing, even though they were performing, we were all learning. Every time a new person got up to sing we were observing Jennifer to see how she got to the real message with the singer, and what techniques were used to get there. With each of us she was able to get us to connect with our song and I will use the techniques I’ve learnt when I perform. • I'm still in awe with Jennifer's ability to turn the most inexpressive of us into real actresses and actors. Her connection with people is something truly special and amazing to be a part of. The classes exceeded expectations greatly and will packed with tips that I'll use to the full and upmost in future theatre opportunities • Teesh was so friendly and welcoming. It was so beneficial and interesting- the class really opened up my way of thinking when it comes to dancing. Teesh turned a not so confident dancer it to a confident dancer, by simplifying and explaining thing without using dancing terms and jargon- was such a great experience and I learnt a lot! • I greatly enjoyed Teesh’s workshop and as someone who has only really learnt dancing in musical theatre shows, it was nice to see that if you have a good choreographer you won’t be able to tell the difference between trained and non-trained dancers. The format of that session worked well for me as we started small and simple and then worked up from there • 10/10 - I felt great atmosphere was created by being out of reception, accommodation was just as I like camps to be! Great workshops also, Jennifer and Teesh were so clear in their individual points to teach - definitely taught applicable skills & ideas. The crowd of people there were all bubbly theatre enthusiasts like myself which meant everybody got along together really well. • I really liked the format of the weekend, I thought it was good to get the MTNZ questions and feedback done on the first night and it was interesting to hear how other societies worked. Being in a camp setting with no cell phone coverage was brilliant, we were away from the hustle and bustle and it really gave us the chance to connect with one another and put all of our energies into our vocal and dance sessions. • Cheese featured in every meal and awesome, awesome people

Feedback from David’s directing courses he has presented for MTNZ • David’s presentation was exceptional. He had a good sense of humour and was easy to understand. He never made any questions directed at him seem silly or irrelevant and kept me glued to him the entire day as so much of what he said was making sense. I have been to many conferences and training seminars and often it is hard to stay awake and stay focused especially if there is only one presenter. This was not the case with David • David was very entertaining and relevant. Interacted extremely well with the group. Responded to all questions respectfully and answered succinctly. Excellent planning and structure

James Wright – NextGen Boot Camp Hi all, just a quick message from me in regards to this year’s NextGen boot camp. I wanted to strongly encourage those of our members, ages 18 – 35, to register and get involved. For those of you who don’t already know, it is a boot camp for those interested in gaining further knowledge and skills, within all areas of musical theatre, through working along-side some of NZ’s best.

After attending last year in Dunedin and loving it, I was very hopeful that we would be able to have it in the north this year for the very purpose that more north island members could come with less financial restriction. Having the Bootcamp in Cambridge this year has made this so accessible to this area of NZ and so in my opinion, if you’re free that weekend, or can make yourself free, then go!


We have the return of Teesh (choreography) and Jennifer (Singing), who were both outstanding to work with in their own ways. Whether you’re an experienced singer/dancer or not – give it a go! Regardless of your experience or ability, you can never stop learning.

Due to feedback from last year’s camp, we decided to include Directing workshops which will be run by David Atkins and lighting workshops which will be run by Dale Henderson and Aaron Chesham. Hopefully these will encourage our more tech-minded NextGenners to make an appearance.

If any of these areas interest you then do register and if you have any more questions then please ask away! Registrations open very soon and are only $50 which covers the ENTIRE weekend including food and accommodation. You just have to get yourself there. That’s all from me for now ☺ James Wright

MTNZ Calendar 2017 Date Event 18 – 20 August NextGen Boot Camp – Zone Two – Epworth Retreat, Cambridge 16 September The MTNZ office will be off line – you will need to contact your Zone – 9 October Rep during this time if you need anything from MTNZ. Kate is visiting the Incas in Peru, Eva Peron in Argentina and tortoises on the Galapagos Islands so pretty much uncontactable 28 October ZONYs – Whakatane 28 October Combined South Island Meeting – Oamaru 4 November Executive Meeting - Auckland 11 November Zone Two meeting – Rotorua 20 – 22 EVANZ Conference – Wellington November 16 – 18 March 58th National Conference, AGM and Volunteer Training Weekend Nelson

The MTNZ Facebook community page – you should be on it Do have a prop you are after, some random wardrobe piece, want some advice – this is the page ☺ This is our community page – it’s a closed group so no spammers can be annoying and this is YOUR page to network and find info etc. instead of emailing me – post your request here …. This is our member community page – it is closed so just ask to join – this is becoming quite popular for lots of info that is relevant to our members, and noticeboard items

New NextGen Community Page This is a page for the NextGenners (16 - 29) in the Musical Theatre New Zealand Community. On here you can share photos, experiences, ideas and connect. If you're moving towns and want to be involved in the society in your new town, or are after singing lessons, or if you know of auditions happening for a show, or you have a show you want others to come along to, or anything along those lines, post on here and we can help each other out!! We should even have our own hashtag!! #mtnznextgen - have fun sharing your experiences with everyone!!



Zone One – Emma Bishop, Zone Rep It’s been an extremely busy couple of months in Zone One with four Youth Productions three of which were from MTI's Broadway Junior Collection.

Bring It On (North Shore Music Theatre), High School Musical Jr. (Pukekohe Performing Arts), The Little Mermaid Jr. (Playhouse Theatre Incorp.,) and the NZ Premiere of Singing in the Rain Jr. (Centrestage Youth Theatre) are all very different shows but one thing these productions all had in common was the children giving it their all, committing to their roles and most of all enjoying themselves. It is fantastic to see that there are a multitude of future performers for our community theatres.

However, it hasn't been all youth shows.....oh no we have had Oliver in Kerikeri and in Auckland we have had Bonnie & Clyde (Harlequin Theatre), Catch Me If You Can (Papakura Theatre Company), In The Heights (Manukau Theatre Company), and NINE (Auckland Music Theatre), and believe it or not, all the societies managed to get not only fabulous casts, including men, but crew as well....the negative side was with them all overlapping many were unable to support each other.....this issue is definitely on my agenda for the future. It has also been a huge month for auditions with more in the next few - AMICI Trust have auditioned and cast Sister Act on in Nov at the ASB Waterfront, Centrestage have auditioned and cast Chitty Chitty Bang Bang on in November (the MTNZ Executive are very much looking forward to attending this show when they are in Auckland for their meeting), Whangaerei have auditioned and cast The Addams Family on in November, NSMT are auditioning for Jekyll and Hyde on in November, and Manakau are auditioning for Sweet Charity on in October and Auckland Music Theatre are auditioning for Mamma Mia on in March 2018....

What a line up!! I think that’s all for now from Zone One!!!! Emma


Associate Member Pauline Vella and partner John Michie announce a new theatre company - ReGen Theatre. ReGen Theatre will provide theatre opportunity primarily for artists 55+,and is for those interested in performing, writing, directing, producing theatre and who wish to Regenerate their involvement, Renew their talents, Reclaim opportunity, and Rekindle their theatre passion. Much planning to be done to grow this baby, but we are pretty excited to get started.

Oliver! - The Kerikeri Theatre Company's presentation of the much loved musical Oliver! has been chalked up as a resounding success. Produced by David and Helen Crewe, and directed by Barbara Kirkman, the show ran for five nights in Kerikeri Turner Centre's main theatre from July 11 - 15 and included two matinees in the mix. With a cast of more than 70, including 46 actors and backstage helpers, props, costumiers, and sound and lighting technicians, the musical was the single biggest production of the theatre company to date. Everyone involved was delighted to experience full houses at almost every presentation of the show.

Much of the scenery for the production was created by arts-inspired inmates at the Ngawha Corrections Facility, courtesy of a cast member who works as a prison officer by day and who encouraged their participation. By way of a thank you to those inmates and prison staff for their involvement, members of the cast of Oliver, in costume, visited the facility on Friday, July 21 and presented excerpts from the show. With applause ringing in their ears, the cast members were then delighted to be treated in turn to a number of musical, poetic and theatrical performances by the inmates. Meanwhile, The Kerikeri Theatre Company has two productions planned for August and November this year. The first will be a humorous mini sketch as a single presentation only to an upcoming Justices of the Peace regional conference in Kerikeri. The second is an adult themed comedy drama written by David Crewe entitled The Trial of Dr Millicent Malville. It is a murder trial in which the audience is the jury! Performances will be on November 10, 11 and 12 at the Turner Centre.

Media contact: Malcolm McMillan email – [email protected]


Stellar Cast Announced!

A woman hiding in a convent helps her fellow sisters find their voices as she rediscovers her own. This feel-good comedy smash is based on the hit film. We are excited to introduce an incredible cast, some of New Zealand's most experienced musical theatre performers, for the production of SISTER ACT, THE MUSICAL bound for the ASB Waterfront Theatre this November and December....

In the lead role of Deloris Van Cartier -- a wannabe diva whose life takes a surprising turn when she witnesses a crime and the cops hide her in the last place anyone would think to look- a convent -- is New Zealand Idol finalist Keisha Tunks who has been performing in Japan since finding fame on the television series. "Like Deloris, I also have big

dreams," says Keshia. "Playing Deloris is one of them and I can't wait to hit the stage again in New Zealand."

Joining Keshia on stage in this glorious Broadway musical is an outstanding line-up of New Zealand talent...


The Sister Act Company

Deloris Van Cartier - Keshia Tunks Eddie Souther - Keith Marr Monsignor O’Hara - Steve King Sister Mary Roberts - Samantha Campbell Sister Mary Patrick - Emma Leon Sister Mary Theresa - Val Hemphill Sister Mary Lazarus - Lynn Webster Sister Mary Martin-Of-Tours - Kerie Smith TJ - Sean Macfarlane Pablo - Gerard-Luke Malgas Joey - David Mackie Michelle - Kristin Paulse Tina - Kelly Harris

Nuns - Kerry Scurr, Charlie Helliwell, Olivia Garriock, Amber Dixon, Bridie Dixon, Katherine Cornish, Abby Doyle-Lisette, Vanessa Preston, Sarah Jayne Phillips, Nikki Kent, Ally McDonald-Bull, Tiffany Utama

Ensemble & Backing Vocalists - Lara Bottero, Lygia Verhoven, Kelly Harris, Kristin Paulse, Cameron Stables, Eric Ripley, Dave Torres, Carolyn Groen, Kristen Darrell, Deehan Morgado, Tegan McKnight, Joanna Wood, Hannah Brown, Paula Cross




Based on the Touchstone Pictures Motion Picture "Sister Act" written by Joseph Howard By arrangement with Hal Leonard Australia Pty Ltd Exclusive agent for Music Theatre International (NY)


Zone Two with Zone Rep Tracy Holmes Hi musical theatre world :-) Zone Two is humming along beautifully with lots of wonderful shows coming up and lots of wonderful shows been so far this year. Thank you all to the shows I have attended, I have thoroughly enjoyed the shows. This weekend I am heading to Tauramanui to see “Fleeced” looking forward to it, hopefully the weather behaves and we can get there ok.

My first Zone meeting was held in Morrinsville on the 2nd July! What a fantastic day we had over 50 people attend and lots of fantastic ideas and thoughts from all! Technology at its best we got to Skype the Zone 4 meeting in Ashburton, wow how cool what a way to get our Societies mixing. Our Zony nominations were also announced at the meeting and we are now in the planning stages of Zony Awards to be hosted by Theatre Whakatane on 28 October. Thanks Morrinsville for being fabulous hosts, and it was lovely to have most of the exec in attendance with Lesley, Kate, Emma and Dan. Our next Zone meeting will be hosted by Rotorua on the 11th November. Our condolences go to the beautiful Gwen past Next Gen Rep who lost her dad last week. Ngaire and myself attended Gwen’s dad’s funeral on Friday a beautiful service celebrating a wonderful life. Now I’m busy planning a weekend of yummy food for the NextGen Boot camp! Only three weeks to go…. yes Kate there will be pumpkin soup 

Tokoroa Little Theatre We have just held Auditions for our next production, Green Ginger, written and directed by Doug Blair Qsm a long serving member of our society. Green Ginger is a panto type production with acting music and dancing, nineteen of the cast are school age and six adults. Our season will open on Wednesday September 13th to September 17th with two matinee performances.

WORLD PREMIERE SHOW FOR TAUMARUNUI FLEECED By Lynelle Kuriger Taumarunui’s Little Theatre is gearing up for the world premiere of a brand new musical, on stage from August 4. Fleeced is the latest creation from home-spun playwright Lynelle Kuriger, whose singing cows you might remember from the sensational Jersey Girls. This time it’s a flock of sheep that takes centre stage, alongside two hapless farm mutts who are baffled by their woolly antics. Where Jersey Girls featured moo-wop songs from the Fifties and Sixties, Fleeced is pure Seventies disco. The flares are wide, the glitter ball spins and the white woolly afros are ENORMOUS. Fleeced is a hilarious romance with characters who are colourful and memorable - and just wait till you hear those sheep sing and dance! The large cast has been rehearsing for months under the experienced directorship of Marion Johnston, who has cast experienced actors alongside some exciting newcomers to bring Taumarunui audiences a show that is fresh, exciting and full of humour. While Jersey Girls has not been off the stage since it was first performed here, with theatre groups across New Zealand reporting packed houses for those musical cows, Fleeced makes its global premiere at the Little Theatre with a gala performance on August 4. Theatre goers are encouraged to get their glad rags on (or their favourite disco gear) for a night to remember featuring special events and popping corks! In all there are eight shows between August 4 and August 12, and tickets are already selling fast. To buy tickets for this world first show go to or visit your local iSite. Adults $30, school students $15. 20

Theatre Whakatane packed into the Little Theatre this weekend ahead of the opening of Little Shop of Horrors at the end of the month. Audrey II was suitably contained in her cage for the journey from Gateway as can be seen in the photo. The creative team and 11 person cast have been working hard and are looking forward to transferring into the Theatre

Zone Three – Sharron Pardoe – Zone Rep Zone Three is full into show mode with productions happening everywhere, and the next audition round gearing up. From Blood Brothers in Napier to Mary Poppins in New Plymouth and Little Shop of Horrors in Paraparaumu – there has been a huge variety on offer. In the next few weeks I'm heading off for an audition meeting (Rock of Ages) in Porirua, a Sunday afternoon jaunt to Palmy to see The Full Monty, a night out at the Phantoms (what a treat) also in Palmy and last Friday attended a fund raising event with Michael Nicholas Williams accompanying the fabulous Jane Keller who will be presenting at MTNZ conference in Nelson.

Recently I went to the first day of the ETNZ conference which was held in Wellington and caught up with a lot of MTNZ members and associates. Both Kate and I came out with a few ideas and plans to implement for our own conference in Nelson and it was great to catch up with many MTNZ corporate members and Carl Sheehan from Nelson and Gavin Bailey from Christchurch also representing MTNZ. Some fantastic speakers especially Fred Caron from Cirque de Soleil - du-Soleil-adviser-putting-safety-in-the-spotlight

A group of us are also meeting this month to talk through the logistics of staging a Zone 3 awards ceremony. After looking at all the information from Zone 5 and Zone 2 it's a big task, but I think we can do it. Watch this space. Sharron Pardoe Zone 3 Rep MTNZ

Kauri Theatre Company Inc. New to Zone Three – MTNZ Society members Kauri Theatre Company are celebrating their launch with a fund raising evening full of entertainment, raffles and auctions on the 12th August. 7.00pm til late. The Grand on Courtenay Place, Wellington.

Kauri Theatre Company stands for: • Diversity • Integrity • Encouragement of talent in all areas of theatre • Excellence in performance and production • Strength • Longevity • Professionalism

Their first production scheduled for September 2018 at the Gryphon Theatre is ‘Bad Girls’ directed by Lindsey Rusling. They are very excited about this launch and need your help to raise funds to get this venture underway. 21

Musical Stars Performance Trust is staging: Disney's Aristocats Kids (30 minute show) and Peter Pan - The British Musical 23rd of September at the Lower Hutt Little Theatre: 11am and 3pm

A real treat for musical theatre fans! SUNDAY 6th AUGUST, 6.00pm NZ's three Phantoms - Chris Crowe, Tim Beveridge and Karl Perigo - combine for one night only at Regent-on-Broadway for a spectacular evening of songs from such shows as Les Misérables, West Side Story, Secret Garden, Stop the World I Want to get Off, Man of La Mancha, Love Never Dies, Follies, Chess, Jekyll and Hyde, Carousel, and of course, The Phantom of the Opera. Joined by Barbara Graham, who played Christine in Auckland and Wellington, and accompanied by musicians Vicki Lee and Roger Buchanan. Book at TicketDirect!


Get ready for the ride of your life Taranaki, because, Finally, New Plymouth Operatic has announced that the international smash hit musical Priscilla, Queen of the Desert will drive on into the TSB Showplace in June 2019.

A Divalicious Musical Comedy, Priscilla Queen of the Desert is an uplifting story, based on the 1994 Oscar- winning hit movie, of three Sydney drag artists who hop aboard a battered old bus named Priscilla, on a journey of self-discovery which takes them on a road trip to the heartland of Australia searching for love, friendship and family.

Check out our New Plymouth season trailer here!

“We are in the entertainment business” said New Plymouth Operatic President Kevin Landrigan “And Priscilla is pure entertainment”. New Plymouth Operatic will be the only musical theatre society in the North Island to bring the world’s most famous bus to its audiences. With a dazzling array of over 500 outrageous costumes, 200 magnificent headdresses, a spectacular bus and a parade of dance floor classics including Don’t Leave Me This Way, I Will Survive, I Love the


Nightlife, Go West, Hot Stuff, Colour My World and Shake Your Groove Thing, Priscilla will be a Just-wanna have fun spectacular.

“We are very excited to have been able to obtain the Priscilla costumes direct from the West End production of the show” said Mr Landrigan “They are a showstopper in their own right”. New Plymouth Operatic along with their colleagues from Showbiz Christchurch were able to negotiate the acquisition of the costumes at the conclusion of the Auckland professional season of Priscilla late last year. “Obtaining the professional costumes really made Priscilla such a stand out option to stage here in New Plymouth” Mr Landrigan added. Priscilla marks the continuation of the Society’s focus on bringing the very best blockbuster musicals to the people of Taranaki, by the people of Taranaki, and follows on from previous hits including Cats, Miss Saigon, The Phantom of the Opera, Mamma Mia, 2016's Sister Act and the recently concluded season of Mary


Poppins, with more of the same set to continue in the foreseeable future “We are now planning through to 2024, and have secured performance rights to bring many more of the world’s best available blockbuster musicals to Taranaki” said Mr Landrigan. Priscilla represents a completely different type of show from the Societies recently concluded family show, Mary Poppins, and 2018’s Les Miserables. “We couldn’t have got any different” quips Mr Landrigan, who added “When doing our production planning, we try to bring a variety of shows across various years, not just to appeal to different segments of the public, but also our own Operatic members. Our make-up and costume teams will no doubt be chomping at the bit for Priscilla to arrive”. Priscilla, Queen of the Desert – The Musical is set to run at New Plymouth’s TSB Showplace from Thursday 20 June 2019. Make sure you don't miss the Bus!

Expressions of interest for the roles of Director, Musical Director and Choreographer close August 7th by emailing [email protected]

Zone Four with Zone Rep Ross Benbow A good number of people from all but six of the Zone 4 societies gathered in Ashburton for the zone meeting held at The Ashburton Events Centre. We had reports from around the zone with every society appearing to have had a busy start to the year. Some highlights include: Kirwee’s first ever junior production; Ashburton’s new building was officially opened by their Patron Mona Redcliffe, who at 96 must be one of the oldest members of MTNZ. Waimate’s scarecrow in Wizard of Oz broke his leg and was replaced by the drummer so another drummer was pressed into service - well done; Blenheim had 99.97% houses for Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.

With the renewed interest in Footrot Flats Amuri Players are revamping their Footrot Flats wardrobe and it is available for hire. They also are looking for an Audrey potplant for Little Shop of Horrors. John Herber Ltd MTNZ’s major sponsor are so busy they are needing more staff to cope. Terry Molloy of White Sound is offering to run day courses for techos who need to upskill.

Carl Sheehan from Nelson ran a brilliant series of discussions on Health and Safety, Risk Assessment, Strategic Planning and Codes of Conduct for members. This was based on the work he has done with Nelson to implement these documents and he has made these available through our Zone Administrator Dianne so if you would like a copy contact Di. Consortiums for C and D size venues was discussed and in general is of interest to most societies either as official consortiums or as planned joint productions. It was agreed this should be discussed at the South Island on October 28th.

It was agreed by societies present that all societies should send a full membership list, with email addresses, to the MTNZ General Manager each year. This will enable MTNZ to contact every member of the growing MTNZ family with information on training, meetings The AGM and training week end and anything else that may be important to members quickly. It will also lessen the load of individual secretaries to resend this information to members.


To do this properly the societies should add the following to their subscription notices: “By becoming a member of (Society Name) you become a member of MTNZ, which is a national body organisation that provides training and support to its members. By ticking this box you give permission for us to add you to their newsletter database. MTNZ will only contact you about training or our National Conference, AGM and Volunteer Training weekend and also send you a copy of each Spotlight magazine. You may unsubscribe at any time”

A discussion on what was needed at zone meetings decided formal workshops and seminars were better left to the MTNZ Training Weekend but round table discussions such as the Risk Assessment one that are based on a hands-on experience were worth having. Other suggestions were a revue of a successful show from one society, with a start to finish report could be valuable starting further discussion.

A special highlight of the meeting was the Skype session with the Zone 2 meeting being held at the same time. It was great to join the two meetings if only for a short time but get that feeling of a large family get together. A roundup of MTNZ support services, awards, insurance scheme, the Nextgen Bootcamp and a reminder of the South Island meeting on 28th October in Oamaru finished up the meeting. Full minutes will be sent to societies secretaries. Thank you Variety Theatre Ashburton for your hosting of a great week end.

October 28th - South Island Meeting – Oamaru this year – put it in your diaries now We will have a session on the new reporting standards and changes to the incorporated society act. Sue Barker from Wellington will repeat her forum and seminar from New Plymouth conference and she will take a workshop on this to help those who are not sure what is required.

The new Incorporated Societies Act and your constitution – what your Society needs to know Presenter: Sue Barker – Sue Barker Charities Law Sue will discuss the new Incorporated Societies Act and how this will impact the non-profit sector going forward. Bring your current constitutions and work through them with Sue and your questions as well. This is a follow up session from Craig’s seminar on the new reporting to Charities and we encourage all Society members to send at least one person to this seminar with Sue. Like the Health and Safety Act and the new reporting standards, all non-profit organisations need to know the changes and the implications – so be in the “know”.

The HALSWELL DRAMA GROUP is very excited about their upcoming Production of ‘The Wedding Singer’ and rehearsals are starting to get longer and busier. With a cast of 30, ageing from 8 up to 69, we have a very diverse team with enthusiasm overflowing. Based on the movie of the same name, starring Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler, The Wedding Singer is an entertaining and hilarious musical with plenty of opportunities for cast members to be onstage playing a variety of fun character roles. With countless scene changes, including a Wedding Venue, a Shopping Mall, a Nightclub, Wall St and Las Vegas, (just to name a few), the audience definitely won’t be getting bored. Not to mention the funky fashion, the big hair, and the catchy 80’s-inspired music, this is definitely one show not to be missed. The Creative team of Carla Weber (Director) Sarah Hollander (Choreographer) and William Ernest (Musical Director) along with Gabriella Rutherford (Production Manager/Wardrobe) plus the Committee, are all super excited about the show, and can’t wait for the season to open.


Held in the Halswell Community Hall, this show will be the 54th for the Group and, with a new lighting grid installed into the stage ceiling, (Thanks to Graeme Philip from John Herber Ltd & David Bosworth from The Light Site) and some new stage curtains (Thanks again John Herber Ltd) we are definitely on target for opening night.

Tickets for this ‘Totally Awesome’ show go on sale with iTicket on 1st August 2017 and we are expecting sell-out performances, so grab a ticket quick so you don’t miss out. Performances are on 14th/15th/16th & 21st/22nd/23rd September 2017 starting @ 7.30pm – BYO drinks and refreshments. We are also very proud to have Halswell’s - ‘The Old Vicarage’ as our main sponsor, who are offering a special Pre-Show Dinner for ticket holders before each of the performances with a special ‘Wedding Singer Set Menu’ – (Bookings essential) So Dudes & Dudettes we are Like Totally Stoked to the Max - everything is Rad and Choice down here in Halswell – Cool Beans & Primo – Hope to see you here – It’s gonna be Wicked!

Blenheim Musical Theatre has been quite busy during the winter “down time” and we have recently held two working bees to clean up all our building and grounds at our rooms in Lakings Road. We managed to fill three skips and had the usually fun doing it, enjoying the get together and nice lunch afterwards. Ten of our members visited New Plymouth Operatic Society earlier this month and were able to see first hand the set, wardrobe etc of Mary Poppins and were shown what is involved for when we stage the show next year. A big thank you to New Plymouth for spending the time and also for giving our team a great show to go and watch and from what I have heard it was a very enjoyable and worthwhile trip.

We have held our first Centennial Celebrations meeting in June and have another coming up this week, plans are underway for different events to celebrate our 100 years starting on the actual date 12th February 2018. Andrew Scott is our team organiser for this and we will be endeavouring to contact as many ex members and anyone else who is interested in attending our event/s through Spotlight, Social Media etc. Our contact email address is [email protected] if anyone wants to contact me re the celebrations, otherwise there will be more advertised as things get organised and underway. BMT is also well underway now in the rewriting of our Constitution which is being brought into a more modern version to reflect now and future rules applicable to our Musical Theatre.

Auditions are being held for our next show Avenue Q which is being held in November, dates of auditions are 13th and 14th August 2018 and our Director is Pam Logan who is well known for her work with Marlborough Repertory so we are very excited to have her directing for us. Mary Poppins April-May 2018, pre- audition information evening is being 15th August, then auditions are 24th – 26th August 2017 – all information is available on our website We are pleased to be sponsoring Billy Rayner one of our young budding actors to the NextGen Camp being held in Cambridge in August and look forward to hearing all about his experiences on his return. Finally we are thrilled to have one of our long serving members Kerie Smith secure a role in Sister Act in Auckland being staged later this year, congratulations Kerie! Linda McKinley - Secretary BMT


South Canterbury Drama League have just finished a very successful season of Showstoppers 2. With over 80 cast members on the stage and a very short rehearsal period, Showstoppers 2 seemed to hit the right chord with South Canterbury audiences. Never was the saying "The show must go on" more relevant, than when 3 of our stars from Ashburton, Jo and Paul Castelow and Chris Woods braved the flooded roads and atrocious weather to take a 3.5hour trek to Timaru for the Friday night performance. That trip would normally take an hour so lucky they decided to get on the road early arriving at the theatre 45mins before curtain up. Never a dull moment at the SCDL with Last of the Summer Wine opening early August (almost sold out), Avenue Q in Sept, Mum's Choir in Oct and our end of year dinner restaurant show at the end of Nov. Every space at the Playhouse is being fully utilised. It's our 90th Anniversary this year and we celebrated with an Awards evening at the end of June. A great night had by all.

North Canterbury Musical Society Inc. After a successful run of Sound of Music which was a sell out season. vNo rest for the wicked as we launched into our Spring Season show for this year. Auditions are done and dusted for – Sondheim’s "Company"

Robert - James Hart... Kathy - Jacqueline Doherty April - Briar Patrick Marta - Erica J Wilkinson Joanne - Jane Godfrey Larry - Warwick Shillito Sarah - Michelle Hampton Harry - Jeremy Smith Susan - Leanne O'Mahony Peter - Gavin Hurley Jenny - Shannon Peck David - Angus Howat Amy - Andrea Koorey Paul - Daniel Rance

Company by STEPHEN SONDHEIM 2 - 11 NOV 2017 BOOK NOW Director - Fiona Bennetts Musical Director: Diane Coad Choreographer: Colette Inkster

We are pleased to announce our Autumn Season show for May 2018 production - "Jekyll & Hyde" - a musical based on the classic thriller by Robert Louis Stevenson

Hiring costumes - Need - "The Sound of Music ?or Beauty and the Beast ?? we are hiring out the costumes as sets. visit our website for details.


58th National Conference and Volunteer Training Weekend – 16 – 18 March 2018 – Founders Heritage Park and Grand Mercure Nelson Monaco Hosted by Nelson Musical Theatre. Accommodation to suit all budgets - Monaco; Honest Lawyer; Saxton Motor Inn, Rutherford Hotel. Saturday night is a Midsummer Night's Dream - come as your fave Shakespearean character and Nelson, fingers crossed, will provide the summer night :-) Please note there will be training opportunities on Friday afternoon so if you are interested in health and safety, wellbeing in the workplace and theatre, or a performer (singer/actor) you might want to get to Nelson by lunch time Friday. We are still working through the details for a good deal of conference, but currently forum topics include a Theatre Marketing Hui; Techie Talk; Understanding Governance, Legislation and the Charities Law for the non lawyer; Set Design and Drafting with Sketchup; Risk assessment and dealing with unsafe venues; Diversity; Societies Chin Wag Forum. Seminar topics include: Make Up; Musical Directing with Richard Marrett; performance; Theatre school kids- Time to GROW UP!!! Millinery and Lighting. So you won’t want to miss this conference – it’s going to be fabulous and relaxed - in true Nelson style 


Zone Five with Zone Rep Helen Horsnell - Report from the Deep South I just thought I would like to report that even though we have been knocked about by storms this winter ‘The Show Must Go On’ ! It has been particularly difficult for some groups with snow and floods and I hear that Alexandra performed one night of ‘Grease’ with three cast missing as they were unable to get to the theatre due to snow. That being said, the shows have been excellent and musical theatre is as strong as ever.

I recently attended ‘Sister Act’ in Invercargill which was really entertaining. What a fun show, it has some very witty one liners and would suit grass roots community theatre. The reason for that is the bulk of the cast are Nuns, and who make up the bulk of most societies, females! The set does not have to be elaborate and it would work very well in a smaller theatre, so one to think about for the future. I must say congratulations to Invercargill Musical Theatre though as their production was very slick. Mamma Mia is still making a strong presence this year with two productions, one in Gore and one in Queenstown, and another one planned for next year in Oamaru. I also want to congratulate Taieri Musical Theatre for their production of ‘Mary Poppins’, it was super etc, and Nadya Shaw- Bennett, I am sure was born with an umbrella in her hand.

The OSTA’s are surviving well and a new governing body has taken over, we have eleven shows entered this year and planning is well underway to have the awards evening in Tapanui ,at the end of February. Some very strong entries from our smaller groups so it will be interesting at the presentations. It is good to see two societies holding celebrations this year. South Otago in Balclutha are celebrating 50 years August 11 – 13 and are working on their show, 50 curtain calls. Also Alexandra Musical society are celebrating their 60th Jubilee, at Blossom Festival September 23 – 25 . If you have been a past member and wish to attend, do get in touch.

Well that is all from the South, looking forward to the next show and some warmer weather.

October 28th - South Island Meeting – Oamaru this year – put it in your diaries now We will have a session on the new reporting standards and changes to the incorporated society act. Sue Barker from Wellington will repeat her forum and seminar from New Plymouth conference and she will take a workshop on this to help those who are not sure what is required.

The new Incorporated Societies Act and your constitution – what your Society needs to know Presenter: Sue Barker – Sue Barker Charities Law Sue will discuss the new Incorporated Societies Act and how this will impact the non-profit sector going forward. Bring your current constitutions and work through them with Sue and your questions as well. This is a follow up session from Craig’s seminar on the new reporting to Charities and we encourage all Society members to send at least one person to this seminar with Sue. Like the Health and Safety Act and the new reporting standards, all non-profit organisations need to know the changes and the implications – so be in the “know”.



Here at Alexandra Musical Society we have just completed a successful season of Grease with very happy audiences. Our only issue was the snow stopped several car loads being able to come over from the Maniototo.

This week we have auditions for our 60th Jubilee Show. "ShowTime" - Celebrating 60 years in Musical Theatre will open on September 23rd September, Blossom Festival Weekend, a compilation show celebrating shows from the past and present with a hint of into the future. We are at present reaching out to members who have been part of the journey over the years to come along and celebrate, not just to the show, but for a whole weekend of memories, a meal at the lovely Orchard Gardens on the Friday, the show on the Saturday and Brunch at our rooms on the Sunday. Check out our website and consider coming along to be part of the celebrations ! For further information contact [email protected], check out our facebook pages and our website



What’s Happening - Junior Theatre/Schools The International Junior Theatre Celebration comes to New Zealand!

Saturday 21st October, 2017 – Aotea Centre, Auckland

AMICI Trust, in collaboration with international partner iTheatrics and sponsor Music Theatre International, Australasia, will premiere the Junior Theatre Celebration in Auckland, New Zealand on Saturday 21st October, 2017.

The Junior Theatre Celebration hosts national and international musical theatre celebrities and provides an opportunity for young people ages eight to eighteen years in New Zealand to celebrate their love of musicals and experience the transformative power of theatre.

The Junior Theatre Celebration is inspired by the renowned American Junior Theater Festival (JTF), produced annually by iTheatrics’ Junior Theater Group, in partnership with iTheatrics, the leading international authority on musical theatre for young people, headquartered in New York City, USA. iTheatrics’ flagship Junior Theater Festival is held in Atlanta, GA USA in January each year with over 6,000 participants in attendance.

Modelled on this popular Junior Theatre Festival event, the inaugural New Zealand Junior Theatre Celebration day will be held in Auckland in October 2017 hosting 200plys young people and a number of practicing performing arts teachers from all over the country.

We are thrilled to announce that this event will include special guests including: Timothy Allen McDonald (musical theatre author and founding chairman of iTheatrics, New York), Steven G. Kennedy (iTheatrics Resident Choreographer, New York), Marty Johnson (iTheatrics Director of Education and Resident Director, New York), Cindy Ripley (iTheatrics Lead Educational Consultant, New York), and Stuart Hendricks (MTI Australasia).

What is the Junior Theatre Celebration? It’s a one-day event that brings teachers, students and theatre professionals together to celebrate outstanding junior musical theatre productions.

The day includes adjudications by local and international industry professionals, workshops for students, theatre celebrities, a New Works Showcase of titles soon to be available, awards ceremonies and the largest collection of musical theatre professional development under one roof.


Throughout the day, participating groups present a 10-minute excerpt from their recent Broadway Junior ™ musical in front of their peers and an adjudication panel of distinguished theatre professionals. Following each performance, students receive valuable and constructive feedback from the adjudicators. This work is done in front of other participating groups and is designed to enlighten and educate both teachers and students on and offstage. The day then flows into skill-building workshops for students and offers professional development opportunities for teachers. This closing ceremony presents awards to participating groups, and also features an All-Star performance given by students handpicked throughout the day, talk- backs with industry professionals, special guest performances and a Showcase of New Works soon to be released. Most of all the Junior Theatre Celebration offers a perfect day for teachers and students to share and network with like-minded theatre enthusiasts.

If you've not experienced the musical theatre madness and mayhem that is a Junior Theatre Festival or Celebration, all we can say is, what are you waiting for?

You don't want to miss this! There are two types of registration:

GROUP REGISTRATION for groups that have performed/are performing a Broadway Junior™ show

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT REGISTRATION for individual teachers who wish to come along, learn, share and be inspired.

For more information and to learn how you can be involved!

NEW ZEALAND Partnered by AMICI Trust, iTheatrics,

Sponsored by iTicket & Auckland Live Saturday 21st October, 2017 – Aotea Centre, Auckland






Techie Talk, Updates and Info






Theatre & Event Lighting


• Available for hire now • Basic compatibility with major wired intercom manufacturers’ systems

For more information, please contact David Bosworth

Phone: 03 372 9101 Email: [email protected]


Training Opportunities





What’s New from the Copyright Holders




News from Music Theatre International (Australasia)


Now Available for Licensing! by Musical Societies ONLY in Australia & New Zealand

"Everyone's favourite ogre is back in the hilarious stag spectacle based on the Oscar- winning, smash hit film".

WATCH THIS: (Click above to view exclusive footage from the London production!)

Based on the Oscar-winning DreamWorks Animation film, SHREK THE MUSICAL is a Tony Award-winning fairy tale adventure, featuring all new songs from Jeanine Tesori (Thoroughly Modern Millie; Caroline, or Change) and a sidesplitting book by David Lindsay-Abaire. Shrek brings all the beloved characters you know from the film to life on stage and proves there's more to the story than meets the ears.



The Magic Tree House Collection is now part of Broadway JR. in Australia and New Zealand! Adapted from Mary Pope Osborne’s award-winning fantasy adventure book series, Magic Tree House, the stories of Jack and Annie introduce young readers to different cultures, historic figures and periods in history.

These musicals are a great first pick for new directors or students who are new to the performing arts.

In Magic Tree House: Dinosaurs Before Dark KIDS, siblings Jack and Annie discover a mysterious tree house filled with a magnificent collection of books. The two are magically transported back in time to the age of the dinosaurs, where they courageously learn that things are not always what they seem.

Join Jack and Annie as they are transported to an exotic Caribbean island with pirates in Magic Tree House: Pirates Past Noon KIDS. While forced to find buried treasure by the mean Captain Bones, the siblings discover the power of friendship and the simple pleasures in everyday life.

In Magic Tree House: The Knight at Dawn KIDS, Jack and Annie’s tree house takes them to medieval times. An age of knights in shining armour, medieval feasts and secret tunnels, the two discover the power of hope and the true meaning of gallantry.

An ideal story for the Christmas holiday season, Magic Tree House: A Ghost Tale for Mr Dickens JR. takes Jack and Annie to Victorian London, where they learn the importance of charity and kindness through their friendship with legendary author, Charles Dickens.

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Tap your toes and sing along!

Following a successful Australian tour, we are excited to announce the re-release of this splashy adaptation of the world’s most celebrated movie musical.

Filled with every memorable moment from the film and a downpour of unforgettable songs, Singin' in the Rain is now available for musical societies and schools across Australia and New Zealand.


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