Chapter 20

Literary Musicians

I. Introduction A. Literacy increased during the nineteenth century, as did music literacy. 1. This development influenced what composers wrote. B. What composers read is somewhat uncertain, except for a few examples. 1. Our knowledge of what earlier composers read is particularly sketchy. 2. Earlier composers sought inspiration from other composers; nineteenth-composers looked into poetry, novelists, and philosophers in addition to other musicians. C. The new literacy also meant an interest in music criticism, as in the cases of Berlioz and Robert Schumann. 1. Schumann wrote for the Allegemeine musikalische Zeitung beginning in 1831. 2. Finding it too conservative, he helped begin a new journal: Neue [Leipziger] Zeitschrift für Musik in 1834. He served as editor. 3. Berlioz published in the Journal des débats, in Paris.

II. Berlioz A. Berlioz’s Literary Trinity 1. Only three years after the death of Beethoven (two after that of Schubert), Berlioz composed the Symphonie fantastique, one of the most startling and unique pieces in the symphonic literature. 2. Its program is expertly revealed in masterful orchestration. a. The program itself drew the proverbial “line in the sand” between absolute and program music. b. The association with extra-musical content was of paramount importance. 3. Berlioz remarks in his memoirs that reading spurred his interest in the arts. a. This is evident in the subject matter of many of his works.

B. Berlioz’s Fantastic First Symphony 1. The Symphonie fantastique aligns with many aspects of Romanticism, particularly the grotesque and supernatural. 2. The “hero” of the five- (not four-) movement symphony is a musician (“un artiste”), who is in love with a woman. She is represented by the idée fixe. a. The artist encounters her theme in different ways throughout each movement. b. The text lays out the program for the symphony. 3. The Symphonie fantastique is considered autobiographical, but the extent of its relevance is unknown. a. The most reliable representation of Berlioz’s life is the relationship with Harriet Smithson, for whom Berlioz had fallen in 1827. 1) He did not even meet her until 1829. 2) At that time she was allegedly having an affair with his manager. This purportedly was the spark that lit the symphony’s composition. 3) They met in 1832 and were married within a year.

4. The program to Symphonie fantastique circulated prior to the premiere. This was unusual, because most performances did not even have anything like a program or notes distributed at the concert itself. 5. The five-movement work harkens back to Beethoven’s Sixth. 6. The orchestra required was larger than any that had been needed outside of an opera house. a. Woodwinds are particularly prominent, noticeably the four and new types of . b. Four harps are required in the score. c. Berlioz wanted an orchestra of 220 performers, but only had 130 at the premiere. 7. The manner in which the instruments play was also novel. a. Berlioz published a manual on orchestration in 1843.

C. Following the Idée Fixe 1. Berlioz’s use of a motive to cause the listener to remember a particular character derives from opera. 2. Here it is a physiological reaction. 3. The appearance of the idée fixe at various times functions as a juxtaposition of “real time” and “aria time,” and draws the listener’s attention to a specific “moment out of time” that was characteristic in opera of the period, but not instrumental music. 4. The fourth movement, “March to the Scaffold,” began life in a different piece, altered in the Symphonie fantastique to include the idée fixe in a spectacular musical representation of the guillotine blade chopping off the artist’s head. 5. The fifth movement is grotesque in several ways: harmony, instrumentation (including execution), dynamics, and transformation of the idée fixe. It includes the Dies irae to represent the sacred, including an academia represented by counterpoint. a) The use of fantastical orchestration (here col legno) against the learned style of the polyphony represents a sort of joke, for those who can “get it.” b) The Dies irae has since become the musical emblem of death.

D. Discriminating Romanticisms 1. Schumann’s longest critique was devoted to the Symphonie fantastique. a. This was partly due to the fact that he was defending it against criticisms by Fétis and others. 2. Schumann did not focus on the program but on the music independent of the program (prior to the sixth installment of his critique). 3. Schumann finally stated that music should require some involvement on the part of the listener, whether with the program or not. 4. Berlioz did not write another detailed program for instrumental pieces after this one. 5. He came to be associated with the “Music of the Future,” with Wagner and Liszt.

III. Mendelssohn A. The Prodigious Mendelssohn 1. One of Mendelssohn’s early works, the to A Midsummer Night’s Dream, also depicts fantasy in a brilliant demonstration of orchestration.

a. Composed when he was twenty-seven, it premiered only a few years before the Symphonie fantastique. 2. Goethe met Mendelssohn when the composer was twelve. 3. Mendelssohn was acknowledged as a child prodigy, like Mozart, but he was not exploited by his father (as the earlier composer had been). 4. At sixteen, he composed the in E-flat Major, Op. 20, which demonstrated that he already knew how to handle larger forms. 5. Mendelssohn knew the music of Bach and Handel well, conducting the revival of the St. Matthew Passion in 1829, at age twenty. 6. He excelled at the concert overture, including the Midsummer Night’s Dream overture and (inspired by his grand tour). a. Two of his symphonies bear hallmarks of this journey: No. 3 (“Scottish”) and No. 4 (“Italian”). 7. Mendelssohn’s musical talent, his excellent education, university education, and travels enabled him to rise to the position of being a preeminent figure in German music in the 1840s. 8. He wrote public and private (domestic) music. 9. The composer held impressive posts during his adult years, but the strain of travel, work, and composition seems to have resulted in a series of strokes in 1847, killing the composer at age thirty-eight.

B. Mendelssohn’s Paulus and Civic Nationalism 1. Mendelssohn’s Handelian oratorio, Paulus, demonstrates various facets of the man: composer, conductor, advocate, civic musician, and religious composer. 2. While the composer had conducted and studied the works of Bach, his oratorio is more along the lines of Handel, with a measure of Bach added to it. a. This was secular music on a sacred subject, not service music. 3. Paulus reveals aspects of the relationship between religious and national culture in Germany in the 1830s. a. Mendelssohn was of Jewish descent; Paul begins his life as Saul, a Jew from Tarsus. b. Mendelssohn’s grandfather had all his children baptized—so, to a degree, Paul’s story is Mendelssohn’s, and that of his family. c. The composer usually called himself “-Bartholdy,” adding the Christian surname. 4. The chorales in Paulus also point to ideas about the German nation. a. Mendelssohn used chorales in other works, such as the “Reformation” Symphony. b. The chorale Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme figures throughout the oratorio, signaling people to wake up and spread God’s word. c. In the final chorale, Mendelssohn incorporates Luther’s translation of the Nicene Creed. Presented before an audience of Catholics (not Protestants), the concept portrayed is national religious union. Mendelssohn can be seen as a civic musician.

C. Nationalist Takes a Racial Turn 1. The critics in Leipzig overwhelmingly approved of Mendelssohn.

2. Only three years after his death, however, the Neue Zeitschrift für Musik published an inflammatory article entitled “Judaism in Music,” claiming that Jews were biologically distinct from gentile Christians and served therefore to dilute Christian musical traditions. The article argued that: a. Jews could never be true Christians, nor true Germans. b. Race, unlike religion, could not be changed. c. Mendelssohn’s music could not reach the listener on a deep level because it is not of the “folk”—it is there only “reflective” and not “instinctive.” d. The oratorios were “sexless” opera wannabes. e. The author warned that acceptance of Mendelssohn would have negative Jewish influences on Germany. 3. This article influenced thoughts about music in the years to come. 4. It was written by Wagner, although not published under his name.

IV. Schumann A. Schumann and Literature 1. Schumann was a contemporary of Mendelssohn, Chopin, and Liszt. 2. He began his adult life pursuing law, but turned to music, rather late for a composer. 3. He tried to make a career as a concert pianist, studying with Friedrich Wieck, father of the professional pianist Clara Wieck (a child prodigy herself). Schumann and Clara married, against her father’s wishes, in 1840. 4. Schumann injured his hand when he was twenty and turned to composition and criticism. 5. As a critic, Schumann discouraged music written to simply please the crowd, which he labeled “Philistine.” a. Early nineteenth-century artists used that term to describe artistically illiterate people who preferred materialism, or the performers/composers who pandered to them. 6. He created a group called the Davidsbund (fictional only) who represented artistic ideals.

B. Music of Letters 1. Schumann championed the music of Schubert, Beethoven, and even Bach (and later Brahms). He associated with literary music. 2. He chose as a model the literature of Jean Paul, a Romantic author. He remarked that he felt like the music of Schubert represented the literature of Paul. 3. He frequently wrote literary music without words, and he included narrative comments in his compositions. 4. He signed some of his pieces with the names of his literary characters. 5. Schumann often used literary devices (letters, names) as the basis for compositions. a. His Op. 1 is based on a fictionalized countess named ABEGG. b. The most famous example is in his Carnaval, in which he uses five notes to spell his own name and the town where his girlfriend lived. 6. Schumann thought that literary devices in his music should be considered part of the works, not “extramusical” additions or inspirations.

C. The Piano Fantasie, Op. 17

1. The Piano Fantasie, Op. 17 is an example of literary music. a. This is a large-scale work in three movements, and at one point Schumann called it a sonata. b. Schumann dedicated it to Liszt. 2. The tribute to Beethoven is unmistakable, and one working title included a reference to him, calling the piece as monument to the master. 3. He later added lines from Schlegel’s poem “Die Gebüsche,” which had been set by Schubert (and Schumann makes reference to Schubert’s setting toward the end). a. Schlegel’s writings include ideas about both the public/monumental and the private/intimate. b. Schumann’s musical is replete with similar gestures of the inward and secret. 4. Schumann published the work with a typographical mark that indicated something had been omitted. From his earlier work on the Fantasie, we know that these were references to Beethoven and others. a. He uses Beethoven’s An die ferne Geliebte in the first movement, and the allusion is to Clara Wieck. 5. At the same spot, Schumann allows a structural use of recall to define the form, but it is not what one would have expected had it been called a “sonata”—this is why “fantasy” is the better term. a. The tone of the work sounds throughout, as indicated in the epigraph.

D. Schumann’s “Year of Song” 1. Schumann was occupied with piano composition until 1840, the year he married Clara. a. The first twenty-three published opuses were for piano. 2. He wrote predominantly (almost entirely) songs in 1840. He called this the “year of song.” 3. The year 1841 was devoted to symphonies, 1842 to , 1843 to oratorio, and 1848 to dramatic music. 4. His attitude toward song changed in 1840, the first year he saw it as a viable, “great” art. 5. Song obviously provided him the opportunity to work with literature. 6. He drew from Heine for the Dichterliebe, Op. 48. a. This is a song cycle of sixteen pieces that addresses the pain of unrequited love. b. Im wunderschönen Monat Mai represents the musical embodiment of the longing Schumann felt for Clara and was composed in May. 1) Schumann uses harmonic tension and delayed resolution to portray unconsummated passion, ultimately leaving the song hanging on a dominant-seventh chord, with emphasis on the seventh. 2) The lack of resolution drives the listener to the next song. 3) The final consummation comes after the singer angrily mocks his overly emotional outpouring that has been the last fifteen pieces, but Schumann gives the consummation not to the singer but to the accompanist.

E. Schumann’s Last Years 1. In his mid-thirties, Schumann devoted his time to large-scale compositions.

2. As he became more famous, his works tended to become more predictable and to behave as the public expected them to behave. 3. Afraid of going mad, he revised many of his earlier works to make them more conventional. 4. He did, indeed, go mad, spending his last two years in an asylum.

V. Fanny and Clara A. Genius Restrained: and Clara Wieck Schumann 1. Fanny Mendelssohn was also a child prodigy, studying piano and composition. 2. She was the first to use the title “,” and composed over 500 works. 3. She composed large-scale choral works. 4. Fanny was discouraged from music composition by her brother (Felix) and father, and she fell away from composing after the birth of her son. a. Six lieder were published under her brother’s name in 1827 and 1830. b. She performed only once as a pianist after her father’s death. c. When she was forty, her younger brother gave her permission to publish some smaller works. 5. Fanny’s story shows some of the issues women faced in trying to publish in the nineteenth century, including not only prejudices against women composers but also the lack of support to learn how to do larger forms. 6. In contrast to Fanny, Clara Wieck Schumann lived her life as a public figure, performing frequently. 7. Many of her compositions were for her own performances. 8. She published songs with her husband, and he had described the venture as a declaration of their oneness. 9. With eight children and a husband who required a lot of attention, Clara gave up composition in 1856, at age thirty-eight.