Coordinator’s AGM Report for DCV Year 2018/19 Introduction Who led them Although the days worked remained the same as last Once again special thanks to Don and Val who between year the workdays and average attendance have crept them have, again, led many the tasks this year. up again to a new high. Annual summary compared to previous years Task Leaders Tasks Led Richard Meatyard 26 Work Days Att’nd Paid Year Tasks Sites days worked (avg) up Don Simcock 14 18/19 710 51 80 31 10 ? Val Simcock 10 17/18 693 50 80 32 9 ? Doug Kite 9 16/17 630 53 82 31 9 51 Gareth Morgan 6 15/16 541 49 83 31 8 ? John Marsh 5 14/15 561 52 88 32 8 ? Chris Huggill 4 13/14 573 53 86 32 8 44 Peter Warren 4 12/13 561 52* 84 31 8 46 Dave Wyborn 2 95/6 684 55 86 39 8 ** Who we did them for. Attendance figures continue broadly in line with This year Wildlife Trust retained the crown and previous years. Peak attendance, except for the two with less work from ARC and more at Tyneham, ARC Beach clean days, coincided with days have dropped out of the top 3 for the first time in many where tasks were followed by a social event. years. Days Work Avg. Daily User Body worked days Attendance DWT 28 181 7 NT & 12 111 11 Purbeck Tyneham Trust 7 103 16 ARC 8 96 13 NT 7 49 8 Litter Free Coast&Sea 2 41 33 Rempstone Estate 4 39 10 Swyre, Peter Yates 4 34 9 Purbeck DC 4 28 9 Butterfly Conservation 2 15 9 Illchester Estates 1 13 9 Weekend or single day tasks? This year I have again included a breakdown of The vital statistics - What we did and who for? attendance by day. This year weekend efficiency has Again, the highest attendance figures were for beach been slightly higher than Sunday only tasks and the clean days, due to members of the public joining in, difference in attendance between Saturday and Sunday followed by various (Tyneham) where the task days on weekend tasks has increased. included a social event. Task type Saturday Sunday Work days % What things we did. Weekend 7 11 8 89 Days Avg. Daily Task type Sun only 13 11 81 worked Attendance Rubbish clearing 3 24 Highlights & low lights of the Year Various 10 14 This year with the AGM closer to the end of the DCV year, I have had less chance to forget what we did last Scrub Bashing 26 12 year and rather less time to put my report together. Woodland/Coppicing 7 12 This year we escaped any serious disruptions due to Hedge laying 3 11 bad weather, although it would be fair to say the Dry Stone Walling 4 9 weather was at times challenging. A long hot dry period Construction / Walling 7 8 coincided with invasives season making these tasks Fencing 12 7 hard work. Then we seemed to run into a winter that Pond / Ditching 1 7 while it wasn’t particularly cold or wet, managed to reserve the worst of the wet weather for when we were Tool store &repairs 1 7 working, particularly Sundays. A notable exception to Invasive species, etc. 6 5 this was the Saturday of the DCV Christmas meal which was foul weather all of Saturday and without the

Dorset Countryside Volunteers Charity No: 1071723 Page: 1 / 6 Coordinator’s AGM Report for DCV Year 2018/19 prospect of the Christmas meal in the evening I think Peter Warren Technical advisor, chainsaw operator we would have given up as a bad job and gone home and trailer towing. early. Then, to add insult to injury after a dry start the John Marsh & Orchis exchange trips organisers. Sunday went the same way so for me this gets the low- Jane Faulkner light of the year crown. Tess Green Younger members recruitment and Vitower was once again a bright sunny day with a publicity. spectacular sunset, sadly no mumuration this year so the fencing at Abbotsbury just pips it as the highlight of And the leaders, who have lead task this year and the year, spectacular day on a fascinating site and ice without whom tasks would have been a chaotic free for creams to round the day off. all, not to mention lacking biscuits and hot drinks: An unseasonably warm February resulted in a Chris Huggill, Doug Kite, Gareth Morgan, John reshuffling of the early March tasks when clients Marsh, Peter Warren, Don Simcock, Val decided that bird nesting season had started early. Simcock, Dave Wyborn. Creating extra work for Doug and myself as alternatives When it comes to task leading it is very much a case of to the planned scrub cutting tasks had to be found and many hands make light work, so if you can please join scheduled at short notice, a DCV first, I think. our pool of task leaders, just leading a couple of tasks The Orchis visit went well. This year they joined us for each year would lighten the load of the other leaders. the Autumnal beach clean at Abbotsbury and in conjunction with public participation, helped in setting a Conclusion A return to a year of no cancellations. The one Sunday new attendance record of 38! that was rained off was on a Bank Holiday and we took The glow worm walk this year returned to Hambledon the opportunity to reschedule for the Monday. We did Hill with the result we saw rather more and somewhat end a few tasks early when the wet and cold final brighter glow worms this time. soaked through or due to a lack of work. We gained a few new and returning members during the year Younger members although for various reasons they have only been Sadly, despite the best efforts of our publicity officers, occasional attenders. With more volunteers doing both once again we failed to attract any regular younger days of a weekend and improved attendance on members. Sundays particularly, we have hit a new high for work Website days, at least for as far back as my records go and The website continues to attract the occasional new have had a successful and very productive year. member and to stimulate regular enquiries about Richard Meatyard volunteering. Coordinator Accidents 28th May 2019 This year saw only a few minor cuts, scratches and Explanation of figures bruises from a variety of causes, although Swyre and Year The DCV year runs from 1st April to 31st walling seemed to be the main cause. The most March. significant cut being from a DCV arrow that broke as it was being pushed into the ground. Tasks Is the number of single and double day tasks worked during the year. Thanks The work DCV does each year takes a good deal of Days worked Is the number of days on task during the organisation and preparation, this involves some year. members in a considerable amount of work each year in addition to the time they spend out on task and I am, Sites The number of different sites on which as are we all, indebted to them for this effort, for which I we work. thank them and without which DCV would cease to Attendance Our attendance figure records the function number of individuals on each day. This figure includes DCV volunteers, anyone Chris Huggill Treasurer and trailer towing. from the user body any other volunteers Don & Val Who create the interesting and working with us. Simcock informative quarterly newsletter. Work days The work day figure includes only DCV Doug Kite Who seeks out and puts together our volunteers and includes part days where programme of tasks for a wide range appropriate (this is the figure that of client of clients. charges are based on). Gareth Morgan Our publicity officer who actively Paid-up The paid up membership figure is based promotes the work of DCV in the on a calendar year and not the DCV year. press, using the internet, and by leaflet dispensers around the county. Helen Gorman Who arranges and interesting selection of social events, also our secretary.

Dorset Countryside Volunteers Charity No: 1071723 Page: 2 / 6 Coordinator’s AGM Report for DCV Year 2018/19 Date Site Client Days Task 18-01 25/3/18 Tyneham Tyneham Trust 28 Various Remove debris, leaves and soil from cottage floors. Sweep and tidy. Renew 3 deer fence posts. DSWA ran training course for free for DCV, 9 participants. Remove soil from pavement, gutter and tidy paths to cottages. Lots of digging, walling is very well received. 18-02 8/4/18 Powerstock Common Dorset Wildlife Trust 5 Fence repairs Cleared remaining sections of fence line. Straightened posts replacing with new as needed and every third one. Cleared overhanging willow trees. Re-tensioned wire. 18-03 14&15/4/18 Loscombe Dorset Wildlife Trust 7 Fencing Constructed new section of fence in hayfield. Did carpentry and fitted struts to pre-installed strainer posts. Beat in intermediate posts. Strung up 150m of stock net and matching 2 strands of barbed wire. Sat, hot, sunny and dry. Sun, wet, wet, wet! 18-04 23/4/18 Abbotsbury Beach Litter Free Coast & Sea 28 Beach clean Probably a record number of beach cleaners! There was lots of LFCS publicity and DCV had a mention too so this was effective. Less rubbish than in the past, possibly due to the cafe offer of free drinks for litter is working well. 17 bags for landfill. 3 bags plastic recycling and 1 of tins. 18-05 28&29/4/18 Higher Hyde Heath Dorset Wildlife Trust 16 Fencing Final section of fence. Completed carpentry on strainer posts. Move all materials on-site. Banged in remaining intermediate stakes and strung wire. Returned unused materials to bottom of slope and erected wire across access gap left previously. Job done. 18-06 6/5/18 Swyre Swyre - Peter Yates 7 Walling Dismantle wall at far end of field, dig out trench and lay foundation stones through approx. 12m to a standing section. 4 Vols walling and 3 on foundations. Bright sunny cloudless day with a cool breeze. Afternoon cream tea, 4 went to pub but shut! 18-07 12&13/5/18 Tyneham Tyneham Trust 26 Various Sat: Clear weeds and self-sown ash from church wall, poison latter. Repair and fill large pothole in car park. Remove scrub near gardener’s cottage. Sun: Various jobs around farm. New gabion, clear ford, clear gwyle, fix gate, etc. 18-08 20/5/18 Toolstore Dorset Countryside 7 Tool repairs Trailer lid, repair damage and clean ready for painting. Empty trailer, clean out inside. Fit plastic skirts to inside of wheel arches to stop water ingress. Toolstore, clean and sharpen tools. Clear apron and repair damage to front wall. Clean and rust treat pond ramps. 18-09 26&27/5/18 Kingcombe Meadows Dorset Wildlife Trust 13 Fencing Complete carpentry on preinstalled strainer posts. Beat in intermediate posts. String up stock net, approx. 160m. String 2 stands of barbed wire. All done by Sunday lunchtime so an early finish. 18-10 2&3/6/18 Studland National Trust - Studland 24 Boardwalk To construct boardwalk across damp ground to link previous section to bird hide. Sat: all frame completed. Sun: fitted decking boards and no-slip treads, nearly 1000 screws used, 22m of boardwalk completed by lunchtime. PM, we had a walk over Godlingston Heath and an ice cream at Knoll Beach. Managed to find work for everyone that turned up. 18-11 10/6/18 Powerstock Common Dorset Wildlife Trust 5 Gates & Fencing Replaced post of self-closing gate so it actually closes. Added new rails from post to fence. Repaired two sections of fence by replacing 19 intermediate posts, hard work getting some of the posts driven in. 18-12 17/6/18 Tyneham Tyneham Trust 19 Various Good number of vols. Cleared stream. Removed vegetation from cobbled ford. Cleared mud from silt trap. Cleared a couple of cottages in the village. Cleared various other areas including the hen house. Shared buffet at lunch time. 18-13 24/6/18 Swyre Swyre - Peter Yates 9 Walling To continue walling along far section of field from where we left off. New fence installed and Peter Yeates & son, Martin, have finished with coping to stock proof field. We continue walling and start 2 new sections and got foundations in. 18-14 30/6&1/7/18 Loscombe Dorset Wildlife Trust 6 Thistle slashing Very hot on Saturday, less so on Sunday but humid, maybe this accounts for poor volunteer turn-out. Despite low numbers larger part of reserve covered cutting and slashing marsh and spear, and creeping thistles. Even half of great tuckers done by end of Sunday. Some thistles huge, marsh thistles up to two slasher lengths tall, need to get out of way fast as they fell, lots of prickles. 18-15 7&8/7/18 Greenlands National Trust - Studland 15 Ragwort Sat: Cleared ragwort from designated fields near holiday cottage and farm. Very enjoyable evening picnic, delicious food. Sun: scorching hot day, cleared several areas, hilltop, 2 fields and woodland fringe. Aggressive pheasant attacked volunteers on woodland fringe. 18-16 15/7/18 Abbotsbury Beach Illchester Estates 13 Fencing & Litter pick During the morning put in posts and strung up chain link + two strands plain wire to extend tank trap fence out across bank. In the afternoon spent a couple of hours doing a litter pick on part of the bank that is normally out of bounds. Early finish and opportunity for and ice cream before heading homewards.

Dorset Countryside Volunteers Charity No: 1071723 Page: 3 / 6 Coordinator’s AGM Report for DCV Year 2018/19 Date Site Client Days Task 18-17 21&22/7/18 South Poorton Dorset Wildlife Trust 11 Ragwort Sat: Cleared ragwort from new field, into 2 dumpy bags for later collection. Slow work, completed by 5pm. Sun: Filled further 3 dumpy bags, almost cleared reserve of ragwort. Also cut and pulled creeping thistle. Very hot and ground hard baked making removing the ragwort slow work. 18-18 29/7/18 Birch Common Dorset Wildlife Trust 7 Stream clearing Arrived on site in heavy rain and stream flowing fast. Worked on clearing area.1 until lunchtime then move on to area.2. Rain eased to a drizzle by morning break and stream level started to fall after lunch. All accessible plastic cleared by afternoon tea break so an early finish. 18-19 4&5/8/18 Tyneham Tyneham Trust 23 Various Sat: Move pile of stone from car park to yard. Cleared deer fence line around two sides. Tidied up large pile from previous clearing. Very hot so slightly early finish. Sun: Removed weeds from wall of ford. Continued clearance of deer fence on south side and by car park. Removed surface weed from pond. Replaced wooden step in woodland trail. New entrance, removed hedge, dug trench and laid foundations for wall. 18-20 11&12/8/18 Seacombe Valley National Trust - Studland 16 Handrails Sat: Took out 12 posts and associated handrails. Dug in new oak posts into nearly solid rock, 2 hrs per hole and fixed one rail to posts, too low! Sun: repositioned low rail and other rail, cut weather tops on posts. Took down extra section and dug out 3 more holes and fitted posts. Extended orange netting down to incomplete section. Tidied site of all iron work. Wet all day heavy at times. 18-21 18&19/8/18 Fontmell Down Dorset Wildlife Trust 18 Baby scrub Two warm but humid days cutting small scrub on the steep slope of Fontmell adjacent to the road. Two strips cleared from top to bottom of the slope on each day. Sun came out on Sunday afternoon, very hot working on slope low down out of the cool breeze. 18-22 25&27/8/18 South Poorton Dorset Wildlife Trust 8 Construction Sat: Dug in hanging post, 2 closing posts and strainer. Hung field gate and pedestrian gate. Sun: Cancelled due to heavy rain and high winds. BH Mon: Fitted catches, railed up both sides of gateway. Restrung fence to new strainer and made start on replacing failed intermediate posts. 18-23 1/9/18 Upton Wood Council 7 Stream clearance Clearance of main stream through the site of rubbish and obstructions. Opening up stream to let in the light mostly by clearing overgrowth and brambles. 18-24 2/9/18 Swyre Swyre - Peter Yates 10 Walling Continue walling where we left off last time. More stone delivered, some enormous! Section left unfinished last time completed and coping stones put in place. Section started last time, foundations placed and built up very nearly to height. Intervening section cleared out and foundations and three courses completed. 18-25 9/9/18 Swyre Swyre - Peter Yates 8 Walling Continue rebuilding fallen section of wall, one section completed with coping stones, the other section to height but no enough coping stones, so laid large flat stones on top to stabilise over Winter. Peter started new section, laid foundations and some walling done. Tidied the piles. 18-26 16/9/18 Abbotsbury Beach Litter Free Coast & Sea 38 Beach clean 38 volunteers in total, 11 Orchis, most left after lunch for Swannery visit. Covered from tank traps to, almost, boundary. 13 landfill bags, recycling bags: 4 plastic, 2 tins. Various boat floats, etc. 18-27 23/9/18 Pilsdon Pen National Trust - West Dorset 9 Fence removal A day clearing out fence line on eastern and southern boundaries of the hill fort. Then removing fence line from boundaries. All clearing completed most of fence removed from eastern boundary, had to put some back due to cows in adjoining field. 18-27 29&30/9/18 Pilsdon Pen National Trust - West Dorset 13 Fence removal Two days clearing out fence line on eastern and southern boundaries of the hill fort. Then removing fence line from boundaries. All clearing completed most of fence removed from southern boundary. 18-28 7/10/18 Tyneham Tyneham Trust 17 Various Completed new entrance path. Cleared concrete path. Dug out yarrow from wildlife beds. Repaired gate fastening. Installed trial dragon's teeth in car park. Cleared around loos. Pruned shrubs in granary garden. Cleared weeds from small section of wall in Post Office row. 18-29 14/10/18 Upton Wood Purbeck District Council 9 Bog myrtle coppicing Damp start coppicing leggy Bog Myrtle in the mire. Very wet after lots of heavy rain. Then cleared some of the denser clumps of bramble. After lunch, dug out selection of saplings and transferred them to the woodland and replanted. 18-30 20&21/10/18 Wytch Heath Rempstone Estate 21 Pine & Gorse Sat: Cut out copse of pine and gorse from recovering heath over large area of cleared pines. Beautifully sunny day and hot too! Gained 6 friendly helpers, British White cows, rather cute. Sun: Even hotter, nobody missed having a bonfire. 18-31 27&28/10/18 Birch Common Dorset Wildlife Trust 14 Small birch Cut dense thicket of birch saplings over an area of about 250m2, leaving a forest of tall stumps for treatment by DWT. Burnt all brash. On Sunday had the company of the highland cows and the bull all day. Browsed on the tops of the cut birch on the bonfire and as they were cut down, roaming around the task site amongst the volunteers. Cold but sheltered from nagging wind, warm when sun shone and by the fire.

Dorset Countryside Volunteers Charity No: 1071723 Page: 4 / 6 Coordinator’s AGM Report for DCV Year 2018/19 Date Site Client Days Task 18-32 3&4/11/18 Fontmell Down Dorset Wildlife Trust 12 Scrub Sat: Cloudy very windy but dry. Cutting mixture of gorse and thorn scrub, First fire too close to gorse for gusting wind. Moved to safer location. Sun: Steady light rain all day. Fire slow to get going. Everyone wet through by afternoon tea break so half left then. Tidied site and let fire burn down left site about 4pm. 18-33 10&11/11/18 Twelve Acre Wood National Trust - Studland 22 Coppicing Sat: Cut and burned holly leaving old hazel stools as they might die. Two heavy showers, good large fire. Sun: Sunny all day. Continue cutting holly and small hazel stools. Good are cleared in tidy fashion, good fire. One minutes silence at 11am. Lunchtime visit to previous coppicing. 18-34 18/11/18 East Ramsdown ARC/HCT 16 Birch clearing Cut birch, mainly, also some pine and western Hemlock from slopes of heathy hill. Constant traffic noise from A338. Fire dowsed with water at end of day. A lovely sunny warm day. 18-35 24&25/11/18 Powerstock Common Dorset Wildlife Trust 15 Scrub Heavy rain the day before meant under bridge was flooded, only access from the Eggardon side. Sat: Dismal drizzly day, took a lot to get the fire going. Fair area cleared considering only 5. Sun: Better weather and turnout so a bigger area cleared. Trailer had been broken into overnight, nothing taken, just lock hasp damaged. 18-36 1&2/12/18 Dunyeat's Hill ARC/HCT 22 Birch clearing Clearing mainly birch but also some pine and a little gorse from the designated area. Very wet start to Saturday but good bonfire going by late morning. Sun: continued clearing birch from area, also cut and burnt some pine and gorse but stopped when fire became too smoky and stacked instead. 18-37 8&9/12/18 Kingcombe Meadows Dorset Wildlife Trust 23 Hedgelaying Made start on top end of hedge. Some good bits some sparse bits. Dry start but heavy rain at lunch time and into the afternoon. Cleared out nearly all the hedge (c125m) and laid probably over half the length. Burnt up nearly all the brash. Sun: big turnout, despite threatening black storm clouds in morning it stayed dry with lots of sunshine from coffee time to sunset over hill on opposite side of valley. 18-38 15&16/12/18 South West Hyde ARC/HCT 25 Pine cutting Sat: surprising turnout given foul weather, heavy rain all day. Fire took most of the morning to get going and sulked all day, everyone soaked through by lunchtime, just kept going by thought of DCV Christmas dinner in VH in the evening. Sun: At bright sunny start brought a large turnout but the weather had the last laugh by lunchtime the heavy rain was back, and people started to drift away as the afternoon progressed. With everyone soaked called it a day at afternoon tea break. 18-39 30/12/18 Tadnoll Dorset Wildlife Trust 22 Pine and Birch Damp start, clearing to extensive views across reserve from task site high on old Knowle. Cleared scattered pine and birch from belt of heath from Knowle to railway line. Long hauls, some up steep track to big bonfire on crest of Knowle. In the afternoon a 2nd smaller bonfire on eastern foot of hill, burning cut pines and birch left on track side and cutting more beside railway. Large turnout, lots of food and some post-Christmas lethargy around fire. 18-40 5&6/1/19 Lankham Bottom Butterfly Conservation 17 Scrub Cut and burn thorns, elder and brambles to widen grass corridors on steep slope at top end of valley. Continued on Sunday, joined by 2 BC vols. Nigel very happy with area cut. Spotted stray calf, farmer called to rescue it. 18-41 13/1/19 Vitower ARC/HCT 20 Scrub Cut gorse in triangle of land adjacent to where we previously cut gorse around fenced toad pond (still no toads). Started fire No.1 then abandoned it due to excessive smoke and lots of volunteer complaints. Peter chain sawed a clearing in the middle of the gorse and new fire started here. Some gorse stacked along hedge line, left site in darkness. 18-42 19&20/1/19 Coney's Castle National Trust - West Dorset 22 Scrub Cleared belt of tangled thorn and bramble from edge of hill fort beside lane. All burnt up on metal sheets raised above ground to protect archaeology. By end of Sunday had 3ft high volcanic mound of ash and glowing embers. Great turn out for this site, especially on Sunday when weather dry and still. Several enjoyed atmospheric walk around hill fort after lunch, marvelling at the strangely contorted trees. 18-43 26&27/1/19 Langton West Wood National Trust - Studland 30 Ride clearing Sat: Ride widening. cut bramble scallops to encourage butterflies also cut back 3m of hazel back to allow more light on the rides and burnt what we cut. Lunchtime walk to previous coppicing sites. Sun: More scalloping and cutting of hazel along ride edge to let more light in. With good turnout work completed and fire burnt down by around 3pm. 18-44 2&3/2/19 Great Ovens ARC/HCT 22 Pine clearing Cutting and pulling, small to medium pine from area adjacent to houses at Sandford end of the reserve. Sat: Bright sunny and windy, had to stop burning due to complaints from residents about the smoke that the wind was taking towards the houses. Sun: Bright and sunny, wind had gone around so able to have a large fire initially although dry conditions mean it had to be reduced as the day progressed. Some pine stack under large trees at edge of site. 18-45 9&10/2/19 Warren Wood National Trust - Studland 24 Ride clearing Sat: Coppice 10m wide strip next to track and deer fence. Some old and large hazel stools chain sawed by Peter. Dry all day then 20mins of heavy rain at days end. Very windy all day, helmets worn. Sun: Continue same work, few rain showers, narrow designated area with aim of joining up with first coup cut in this wood, very nearly finished. Lots of ivy ladened large trees involving lots of chainsaw work in the afternoon.

Dorset Countryside Volunteers Charity No: 1071723 Page: 5 / 6 Coordinator’s AGM Report for DCV Year 2018/19 Date Site Client Days Task 18-46 16&17/2/19 Rempstone Forest Rempstone Estate 20 Scrub Reduce gorse in belt alongside power line to a sparse scatter. Tricky terrain on old forestry ridges and furrows. Even more tricky burning, especially on Sunday with Molina becoming tinder dry in the gusty breeze. Smallish (for DCV) bonfires on both days and on Sunday much of the gorse dragged a long distance into the nearby pine plantation. Dug trench around fire and dowsed with water to keep peat wet. End of Sunday dowse fire completely with hose and buckets of water from nearby puddles. 18-47 24/2/19 Upton Wood Purbeck District Council 10 Hedgelaying Morning mainly clearing out hedgerow alongside houses near entrance. Afternoon laying sections of hedgerow mature enough to lay. About half completed. 18-48 2&3/3/19 Lambert's & Coney’s National Trust - West Dorset 13 Fencing & Scrub Split site weekend. Sat: SW slope of Lambert's Castle, clearing and removing old fence line. Cleared complete line but only removed the half of the fence belonging to the NT. Dry with sunny intervals. Sun: Below Fishponds burning up arisings from previous hedgelaying and clearing scrub from small compound below hedge. Very wet and windy all day, had early finish at afternoon tea break as everyone soaked. 18-49 10/3/19 Higher Hyde Heath Dorset Wildlife Trust 11 Steps & scrub Stripped out most of the old steps. Built 10 new steps and made good on a temporary basis. Cleared circular route around reserve and some pine from the heathland. 18-50 17/3/19 Higher Hyde Heath Dorset Wildlife Trust 9 Steps & scrub Stripped remainder of old steps. Built 14 new steps and completed flight. Cleared around pond under Doug's guidance to remove shade and increase light. 18-51 24/03/19 Upton Wood Purbeck District Council 9 Scrub Uprooting brambles in a this 2m wide line between "poisoned area" of mire and 8m distance from fence. transplanting saplings from mire to areas where the brambles had been removed. Warm sunny spring day.

Dorset Countryside Volunteers Charity No: 1071723 Page: 6 / 6 DCV Publicity June 2019

Internet and Social Media

o Website remains our most frequent first point of contact. Many thanks to Richard for his excellent work on it. o Many thanks to Tony for the Facebook site. o Countryside Jobs Service continues to advertise us. o The Bournemouth University Nature Volunteers Website includes DCV and is developing into a national website. I will make more use of it (for instance by adding specific regular sites). o DCV are being added to the LiveWell Dorset website and scheme (run by Public Health Dorset) encouraging activity for health.

A Board and Flag continue to be used at appropriate work sites such as Tyneham and beach cleans.

Publicity Phone held by Gareth, [email protected] run by Gareth.


o Annual distribution to Libraries. Some on display at countryside visitor centres. 20,000 leaflets being ordered for about £250 as I’ve just finished the last crate-load! o As a result of our beach cleans Abbotsbury Tourism have agreed to stock our leaflets. o Tyneham has “DCV at Tyneham” leaflets on display.

Adverts in the free press

o Regular free adverts in Marshwood Vale Magazine, Purbeck Gazette, Stour & Avon Magazine, and Blackmore Vale Magazine.


o Total sales of clothing during FY2018/19 was 15 hats, 10 other clothes items, with discounts applied over the last year of £115 approx (not £125 as two items unbranded, and donations meant it was not quite £115)

Gareth 03/09/18 [email protected] 07923 498760 m/?view=notepad