From Computational to Structural

Part 0

Fernando Luís BARROSO da Silva Department of Biomolecular Sciences, FCFRP/USP, Brazil [email protected] March 09, 2020


or applied to biological science or

where Physics, and science meet [pictures from , unknown internet,from[picturesunknown author]

Fernando Barroso, FCFRP/USP SAIFR - March 9-15, 2020


1 where Physics, Biology and


Pressure [pictures from internet, unknown internet,from[picturesunknown author]

Fernando Barroso, FCFRP/USP SAIFR - March 9-15, 2020


Multi-scale & multi-approach modeling


2 Molecular base to understand diseases, pharmaceuticals, bioseparation processes, new functionalized materials, ....

Fernando Barroso, FCFRP/USP SAIFR - March 9-15, 2020


General approach: to rationalize key applied systems From the REAL system to CG models

+ - + - + - - + - microencapsulation pH and salt

Example of measurements Electrostatic interactions Electrostatic

Fernando Barroso, FCFRP/USP SAIFR - March 9-15, 2020


3 From Computational Physics to Structural Bioinformatics

1. M.P.Allen e D.J. Tildesley, Computer of Liquids, (Oxford University Press, 1989). 2. D. Frenkel e B. Smid, Understanding Molecular Simulation, (Academic Press, 2001). 3. T. Schlick, Molecular , (Springer, 2010). 4. J.M. Haille, Simulation: Elementary Methods, (Wiley-Interscience, 1997). 5. D.C. Rappaport, The Art of Molecular Dynamics Simulation, (Cambridge University Press, 1997). + specific scientific papers

Fernando Barroso, FCFRP/USP SAIFR - March 9-15, 2020


….Structural Bioinformatics

Fernando Barroso, FCFRP/USP SAIFR - March 9-15, 2020


4 Syllabus

✓ About us ✓ Bibliography

✓ From complex problems to key answers ✓ Early computer experiments ✓ What is Structural Bioinformatics? ✓ Molecular modeling ✓ Solving the model

✓ Electrostatic interactions & constant-pH simulation methods

Fernando Barroso, FCFRP/USP SAIFR - March 9-15, 2020


Life is complex! [unknown author] [unknown

Fernando Barroso, FCFRP/USP SAIFR - March 9-15, 2020


5 ΄s toolbox

predict events

퐴 = −푘푇푙푛 푄 = 푈 − 푇푆

[unknown author] [unknown Free Free


푤(푟) = −푘퐵푇 ln[ 푔(푟)]

The radial distribution hist(r) g(r) =

 nobsV [Barroso da Silva, daSilva, 2000] [Barroso Fernando Barroso, FCFRP/USP SAIFR - March 9-15, 2020


6 Intermolecular interactions and the radial distribution function

[Skaf & Barroso da Silva, 1994]


intermolecular interactions

Fernando Barroso, FCFRP/USP SAIFR - March 9-15, 2020

13 [FB, SP LGD, & 2016] PD,

Fernando Barroso, FCFRP/USP SAIFR - March 9-15, 2020


7 The radial distribution function How do I generate the configurations? hist(r) g(r) =  nobsV …

Fernando Barroso, FCFRP/USP SAIFR - March 9-15, 2020


Fernando Barroso, FCFRP/USP SAIFR - March 9-15, 2020


8 How does enter in this picture?

Fernando Barroso, FCFRP/USP SAIFR - March 9-15, 2020


Easier to be done in a ! [unknown author] [unknown


9 Fernando Barroso, FCFRP/USP SAIFR - March 9-15, 2020


Fernando Barroso, FCFRP/USP SAIFR - March 9-15, 2020


10 rdf

Fernando Barroso, FCFRP/USP SAIFR - March 9-15, 2020


Structural Bioinformatics

Fernando Barroso, FCFRP/USP SAIFR - March 9-15, 2020


11 We need to create a common language!

Computer simulation B.P.C. – DCBM/FCFRP - USP Fernando Barroso ([email protected]) SAIFR, March 9-15, 2020


“…is conceptualising biology in terms of (in the sense of Physical ) and applying “informatics techniques” (derived from disciplinessuch as applied maths, computer science and ) to understand and organise the information associated with these molecules, on a large scale.”


12 Homology modeling

biomolecular “Omics” Molecular proteomics simulation modeling Binding affinities alignments molecular dynamics structure interactions

Statistics Physics


PSP Biological approach

1) Find a known structure with a similar sequence 2) Align the sequences 3) Model the unknown structure on the known structure using the alignment


13 Physical approach

1) Choose or make a model 2) Simulate

f (x) Solution of the Modelling model

What Force field? Molecular dynamics? Langevin dynamics? Genetic ? simplification Monte Carlo? reduction in # sites accuracy practical relevance Poisson-Boltzmann?


Real world Physical approach

Computer Experiments — Our main tools Solve • Modeling the model • Implementation • Setup • Runs (simulation) • Analyses

Bioinformatics B.P.C. – DCBM/FCFRP - USP Fernando Barroso ([email protected]) SAIFR - March 9-15, 2020


14 Molecular modeling

Fernando Barroso, FCFRP/USP SAIFR - March 9-15, 2020


Gwild ✓ Fundamental interactions General questions ✓ Each aa contribution G ✓ Molecular mechanisms mutant

More specific questions CaM-smMLK

• Complex? In what condition? Is it stable? • Contact residues? • Mean smMLK conformation? • What sites have changes on pKas? Where are they localized? • Effect of Ca2+ on the CaM-smMLK? • Effect of smMLK on the Ca2+-CaM? • Critical at contact • Other critical


15 Models (general idea)

Mesoscopic models


1 1 푈 = ෍ 푘 푏 − 푏 2 + ෍ 푘 휃 − 휃 2 2 푏 0 2 휃 0 bonds angles 1 + ෍ 푘 1 + cos 푛휑 − 훿 2 휑 dihedrals 퐴 퐵 푞 푞 + ෍ − + 1 2 Direct approach 푟12 푟6 휀휀 푟 non−bonded 0 pairs


Compare with experiments


16 33

Examples of force fields

Fernando Barroso, FCFRP/USP SAIFR - March 9-15, 2020


17 1 1 푈 = ෍ 푘 푏 − 푏 2 + ෍ 푘 휃 − 휃 2 2 푏 0 2 휃 0 bonds angles 1 + ෍ 푘 1 + cos 푛휑 − 훿 2 휑 dihedrals 퐴 퐵 푞 푞 + ෍ − + 1 2 푟12 푟6 휀휀 푟 non−bonded 0 pairs



18 *

Bioinformatics B.P.C. – DCBM/FCFRP - USP Fernando Barroso ([email protected]) SAIFR - March 9-15, 2020



19 RMC aim



20 Solving the model

f (x) Solution of the Modelling model

Fernando Barroso, FCFRP/USP SAIFR - March 9-15, 2020


Molecular Dynamics

Protein Protein Structure Protein Function

compute Forces

푑푟 퐹 Update 푣(푡) = = 푡 + 푣0 Analysis 푑푡 푚 F = ma Trajectory 퐹 푟(푡) = 푡2 + 푣 푡 + 푟 2푚 0 0 averages Update positions and velocities


21 ✓ Gromacs ✓ Charmm ✓ Amber ✓ Discover, Insight ✓ Sigma, Tripos, … ✓ NAMD ✓ Tinker ✓ Lammps...


Monte Carlo

Trial move

Ei Ej

E j − Ei  0 → Accept move −E E j − Ei  0 → Accept move if  e  random number generated uniformly on (0,1)


22 Monte Carlo

Protein Protein Thermodynamics Structure Protein Function

Random displacement 106 steps Evaluate Update ensemble Analysis −E j Pj  e

Accept or Ensemble averages reject


Monte Carlo


23 Simulation Methods for Protein Structure Fluctuations Scott H. Northrup and J. Andrew McCammon , Vol. 19, Issue 5, pp. 1001-1016 (1980)

Three numerical techniques for generating thermally accessible configurations of globular are considered; these techniques are the molecular dynamics method, the Metropolis , and a modified Monte Carlo method which takes account of the forces acting on the protein . The molecular dynamics method is shown to be more efficient than either of the Monte Carlo methods. Because it may be necessary to use Monte Carlo methods in certain important types of sampling problems, the behavior of these methods is examined in some detail. It is found that an acceptance ratio close to 1/6 yields optimum efficiency for the Metropolis method, in contrast to what is often assumed. This result, together with the overall inefficiency of the Monte Carlo methods, appears to arise from the anisotropic forces acting on the protein atoms due to their covalent bonding. Possible ways of improving the Monte Carlo methods are suggested.


x Computational physics

✓ Rationalize processes ✓ Molecular design patients ✓ To deeply understand protein function ✓ To identify new targets ✓ To develop methods and to determine Next Generation Sequencers protein characteristics ✓ To analyze drug binding

drug discovery

biophysical characterization whole genome sequencing


24 Fernando Barroso, FCFRP/USP SAIFR - March 9-15, 2020


From Molecular to Macroscopic Scale (Bio2020)

Experiments, and computer simulation

Macroscopic scale

Biomolecular interactions

Single Electrolyte solutions


25 From Molecular to Macroscopic Scale (Bio2020)

Experiments, theory and computer simulation

Macroscopic scale

Biomolecular interactions

Single molecule Electrolyte solutions