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1083–4427/99$10.00  1999 IEEE 394 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS—PART A: SYSTEMS AND HUMANS, VOL. 29, NO. 4, JULY 1999 approximation properties and the variety of estimation algorithms that kurtosis that is needed by the algorithm and then show how the algo- exist in the literature [1], [2]. The model assumes that the unknown rithm can make use of this quantity to produce better solutions. We density can be written as a weighted finite sum of Gaussian kernels, consider the univariate case only. Work is under progress to extend the with different mixing weights and different parameters, namely, definition and use of total kurtosis in higher dimensions. Section IV means and covariance matrices. Then, depending on the estimation gives experimental results from the application of the algorithm to algorithm, an optimum vector of these parameters is sought that density estimation problems, while Section V summarizes and gives optimizes some criterion. Most often, the estimation of the parameters hints for future research. of the mixture is carried out by the maximum likelihood method, aiming at maximizing the likelihood of a set of samples drawn II. GAUSSIAN MIXTURES AND THE EM ALGORITHM independently from the unknown density. One of the algorithms often used for Gaussian mixture model- A. Gaussian Mixtures ing is the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm, a well-known x statistical tool for maximum likelihood problems [3]. The algorithm We say that a has a finite mixture distribution p@xA provides iterative formulae for the estimation of the unknown param- when its probability density function can be written as a finite eters of the mixture, and can be proven to monotonically increase in weighted sum of known densities, or simply kernels. In cases where x each step the likelihood function. However, the main drawbacks of each kernel is the Gaussian density, we say that follows a Gaussian u EM is that it requires an initialization of the parameter vector near the mixture. For the univariate case and for a number of Gaussian solution, and also it assumes that the total number of mixing kernels kernels, the unknown mixture can be written is known in advance. u To overcome the above limitations, we propose in this paper a p@xAa %j p@xjjA (1) novel dynamic algorithm for Gaussian mixture modeling that starts jaI u u aI with a small number of kernels (usually ) and performs EM where p@xjjA stands for the univariate Gaussian x@"j Y'j A steps in order to maximize the likelihood of the data, while at the same I @x " AP time monitors the value of a new measure of the mixture, called total p@xjjAa p exp j P'P (2) kurtosis, that indicates how well the Gaussian mixture fits the input 'j P% j data. This new measure is computed from the individual weighted P parametrized on the mean "j and the variance 'j . In order for p@xA to sample kurtoses of the mixing kernels, defined by analogy to the be a probability density function with integral 1 over the input space, weighted means and variances of the kernels and first introduced in the additional constraints on the weights %j of the mixture must hold [4] for on-line density estimation. Based on the progressive change of the total kurtosis, our algorithm performs kernel splitting and u % aIY%! HX increases the number of kernels of the mixture. This splitting aims at j j (3) making the absolute value of the total kurtosis as small as possible. jaI By performing dynamic kernel allocation, the proposed algorithm The Gaussian mixture model is general and under regular conditions is capable of finding a good estimation of the number of kernels of it may approximate any continuous function having a finite number the mixture, while it does not require any prior initialization near of discontinuities [11]. the solution. As experiments indicate, our approach seems to be For the estimation problem we assume a training set ˆ a superior to the original EM algorithm in approximating an unknown @xIY YxnA,ofn independent and identically distributed samples of density. This fact renders it a good alternative for Gaussian modeling, the random variable x, taking values from an input space, e.g., in the especially in cases where little information about the density to be univariate case the real line s‚ . Training aims at finding the number approximated is available beforehand. of kernels u and the optimum vector  of the Qu parameters of In the neural networks literature, a feed-forward network that the mixture implements a Gaussian mixture is the probabilistic neural network         a@%I Y"IY'I Y FFFY%u Y"u Y'u A (4) [5]. The network uses one Gaussian kernel for each input sample, while the variance of each kernel is constant and known and the that maximizes the likelihood function mixing weights are equal to the reciprocal of the total number of n  inputs. The network can be regarded as a distributed implementation  a —rg m—x v@AYv@Aa p@xiAX (5)  of the Parzen windows method [6]. Some of the limitations of the iaI original network model were relaxed in subsequent works [7]–[10], Although efficient methods exist for the estimation of the Qu leading to network models that implement some variants of the EM parameters of the mixture from a set of samples of x, the automatic u algorithm. However, in most approaches the number of kernels of estimation of u remains a difficult problem [11]. the mixture is considered known in advance, and it turns out that the automatic estimation of u is a difficult problem [1], [11]. B. The EM Algorithm Statistical methods or neural network models for estimating the number of kernels of a Gaussian mixture have been proposed in The EM algorithm [2], [3], [14] is a powerful statistical tool the literature [1], [9], [12], [13]. However, most of them usually for finding maximum likelihood solutions to problems involving cannot satisfy the necessary regularity conditions for estimating the observed and hidden variables. The algorithm applies in cases where asymptotic distributions of the underlying tests, and thus have to we ask for maximum likelihood estimates for some observed variables resort to costly heuristic techniques, e.g., Monte Carlo bootstrapping, ˆ but we do not know the exact form of their probability density for obtaining a solution. function. Instead, we can compute the joint density of these variables In Section II we review the use of Gaussian mixtures as models for and some hidden variables ‰ . probability density estimation, and show how the EM algorithm can At each EM step the algorithm computes the quantity be used for obtaining maximum likelihood solutions. In Section III @tA @tA  j a i‰ log p@ˆY ‰ jAjˆY  (6) we describe our algorithm. We first define the new measure of total IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS—PART A: SYSTEMS AND HUMANS, VOL. 29, NO. 4, JULY 1999 395 which is a function of the parameter vector  and which is obtained by averaging the logarithm of the joint density of ˆ and ‰ , conditioned on , over the hidden variables ‰ , given the observations ˆ and the current estimate of the parameter vector @tA (E step). Then, the next estimate @tCIA of the parameter vector is computed as the value that maximizes the quantity  (M step). Alternating these two steps, the EM algorithm can be shown [2] to monotonically increase the likelihood of the observations ˆ, thus yielding an optimum  in the maximum likelihood sense. Fig. 1. Wrong fitting: the EM algorithm tries to fit the input samples (vertical The problem of estimating an unknown Gaussian mixture by bars) to a Gaussian kernel, while the samples actually follow a bimodal maximizing the likelihood of the parameter vector  can be regarded distribution. as a problem with hidden variables and thus solved by using the EM algorithm. In this case, the hidden variables are the kernels the the parameter vector  to a global maximum (satisfying appropriate input samples statistically belong to, while each EM step provides an nonsingularity conditions) of the parameter space [2]. The algorithm improved estimate of the parameters %j , "j , and 'j of each kernel may easily get stuck in a local maximum or saddle point. Moreover, j, j aIY Yu. These iterative formulae can be shown [2] to be so far we have assumed a known number of mixing kernels and thus n @tCIA I have obtained the iterative solutions (7)–(9). In practice this is hardly % a € @jjxiAY (7) j n true: u is usually unknown and has also to be estimated from the iaI n input samples. These two constraints hamper severely the efficiency

€ @jjxiAxi of the EM algorithm. @tCIA iaI On the other hand, for the estimation of the number of mixing " a (8) j n kernels we cannot use the maximum likelihood method. Maximizing € @jjxiA the likelihood with respect to the number of kernels leads to using iaI one kernel for each input sample of ˆ, with the kernel mean equal to n P @tCIA the sample. Apparently, such a solution would lead to a large number € @jjxiA xi " j of kernels, equal to the cardinality of ˆ, giving rise to overfitting. 'P@tCIA a iaI j n (9) In general, it appears that the EM algorithm for Gaussian mixtures € @jjxiA suffers from the problems of local maxima and an unknown number iaI of kernels. In order to solve these two problems, we need a measure of where the quality of the approximation at any instant as an indicator of how well the model fits the data. A bad fitting would necessitate a change @tA @tA @tA %j p xijjY "j Y'j of the parameter vector, or even an increase of the dimensionality of € @jjxiAa X u (10) the parameter space. In the following we touch these issues. @tA @tA @tA %k p xijkY "k Y'k kaI III. THE KURTOSIS-BASED ALGORITHM It is not difficult to see that the weights %j satisfy the conditions (3) FOR GAUSSIAN MIXTURE MODELING after applying the above formulae for all kernels. It is useful here to make a qualitative analysis of the above A. Total Kurtosis Measure formulae. In each EM step we use the posterior probability € @jjxiA Assuming that the random variable x follows a Gaussian mixture that a sample xi belongs statistically to kernel j when the prior with a predefined number of kernels u, the EM algorithm yields the probability of the latter is %j , and which is computed in (10) by iterative update equations (7)–(9) for the estimation of the parameters applying the continuous version of Bayes’ theorem. This quantity of the mixture. In these equations, the posterior probability (10) € @jjxiA is computed for every kernel j from the previous estimates specifies the probability that a sample xi statistically belongs to a of the parameters %j , "j , and 'j for this kernel, and for input xi. kernel j, thus each input sample can be regarded as originating from Then it is summed over all input samples xi for the estimation of the one of the kernels j with probability € @jjxiA. new priors %j (7), it is summed weighted by the inputs xi for the Based on this quantity, the fitting procedure tries to optimally estimation of the new means (8), and it is summed weighted by the distribute the u given kernels over the input space, in such a way square distances of the input samples xi to the new means for the P that most of the details of the unknown density are correctly captured. estimation of the new variances 'j (9). By analogy to the formulae of However, in cases where the number of kernels is not adequate the sample moments in , the estimated parameters in each EM for accurately approximating the input density in some parts, the step of the algorithm can be regarded as weighted sample moments fitting algorithm, using a limited number of kernels, will unavoidably of the random variable x, with the weights being the posterior underestimate the density in those parts and give poor results. It € @jjxiA. turns out that although the parameters of the kernels, i.e., means and variances, are correctly estimated from the weighted sample moments C. Limitations of EM shown in (8) and (9), it is probable that the fit is not adequate. In In problems of Gaussian mixtures, due to the nonlinearities of Fig. 1 we show such a case: the input samples (vertical bars) follow the underlying densities with respect to their parameters " and ', a bimodal distribution while EM tries to fit them to a single Gaussian the likelihood function exhibits almost surely local maxima or saddle kernel. In this case, there is no way to use the first two moments, points. It is desirable, therefore, that a maximum likelihood estimation i.e., mean and variance, to reveal this hidden multimodality. method should be able to escape from such local maxima. A solution to the problem is to resort to higher moments in order Although the EM algorithm monotonically increases in each step to decide whether a kernel j fits adequately the samples lying in the likelihood of the observations, it cannot ensure convergence of its vicinity. Under the assumption that p@xjjA in (1) is the Gaussian 396 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS—PART A: SYSTEMS AND HUMANS, VOL. 29, NO. 4, JULY 1999

density (2), it is not difficult to verify that the following equation The total kurtosis u„ can be regarded as a measure of how holds irrespective of the values of "j and 'j well a Gaussian mixture fits the data, since a low value (near zero) I x " R indicates that each individual kernel fits naturally the samples in its j p@xjjA dx aQX vicinity, therefore the mixture constitutes a good approximation to ' (11) I j the unknown density that generated the samples. On the other hand, Using Bayes’ rule we can express p@xjjA in the above formula in a large value of the total kurtosis means that there are kernels that terms of the mixture p@xA do not fit adequately their corresponding samples, or their parameters (mean and variance) are not properly adjusted. € @jjxA p@xjjAa p@xA The measure of kurtosis is important since the value of the % (12) j likelihood alone does not provide much information regarding the and (11) becomes effectiveness of the fit. For example, by using the EM algorithm we arrive at a solution of maximum likelihood for a specific number of I x " R € @jjxA j p@xA dx aQX kernels, but we cannot be sure whether the solution constitutes an ' % (13) I j j acceptable approximation to the unknown density; the two densities The left part of this equation can be approximated by Monte Carlo may differ significantly based on other distance measures [16]. On the integration [11], [15] from the training data xi, i aIY Yn, which other hand, we know that a lower bound for the total kurtosis is the are independently sampled from p@xA to give zero value. Therefore, we can expect that the lower the total kurtosis n R value of the obtained solution is, the better is the approximation of I xi "j the unknown density. € @jjxiAaQX (14) n%j 'j iaI As an example, consider the approximation of two unknown densities using a Gaussian mixture with u aIH kernels. The first To make this result more intuitive, we can substitute in the above density was a Gaussian mixture with four components, while the % formula the mixing weights j computed in each step of the EM second was a uniform density. The maximization of the likelihood algorithm from (7) to arrive at the result provided solutions with log-likelihood values 12 202 and 11732, n R respectively. These values contain no information of how well the x " € @jjx A ' i obtained solutions approximate the corresponding densities. As ex- iaI n aQX (15) pected, the first solution accurately approximated the known Gaussian mixture, while the second solution was only a coarse approximation € @jjxiA iaI to the uniform density. The total kurtosis of the solutions was 0.03 and 0.31, respectively, for the two cases. This means that the total kurtosis j Based on that, we define the weighted kurtosis j of a kernel of value revealed that the first approximation was accurate, while the the mixture as second approximation was coarse. In general, solutions of lower total n x " R kurtosis, provide better fit to the samples compared to solutions with € @jjx A ' i higher total kurtosis. In the following section we propose an algorithm iaI j a n Q (16) that is based on EM and which automatically increases the number

€ @jjxiA of kernels based on the value of the total kurtosis of the mixture. iaI which, for a true Gaussian mixture, should be zero for all components, B. The Proposed Algorithm and which can be regarded as the “weighted” equivalent of the Based on the definition of the total kurtosis (18), we have devel- original definition of the kurtosis of a distribution [15] oped a new algorithm for Gaussian mixture density estimation that n uses the EM algorithm for parameter estimation and automatically I x " R a i Q adjusts the number of kernels using criteria based on the total kurtosis Kurt n ' (17) iaI of the mixture. The proposed algorithm is based on the idea that we where " and ' the sample mean and variance, respectively, of the should try to maximize the likelihood by performing EM steps that random variable x. in general lead to a decrease of the total kurtosis value. u For a mixture of well-separated kernels where the posteriors More specifically, we start with a small number of kernels (usually u is selected from one to three) and perform EM steps € @jjxiA for a kernel j are almost one for samples belonging to u the correct kernel and almost zero for distant samples, the weighted using the kernels. These EM steps adjust the parameters of the kernels so that the likelihood is increasing and the total kurtosis is kurtosis j approximates the original kurtosis measure (17). On the other hand, if for some kernel j the distribution of the samples in its decreasing. This procedure is continued until either a local maximum of the likelihood is encountered or the total kurtosis reaches a vicinity is non-Gaussian, the associated weighted kurtosis j deviates from zero to a positive or negative number. minimum value and starts increasing. We distinguish between these To test how large this deviation is for the whole mixture, a new two cases. In the first case a local maximum of the likelihood is also a local minimum of the total kurtosis, since no further update of the measure is needed that weighs the deviation j of each kernel parameters is possible. If this happens, we check the value of the total according to its importance %j for the whole mixture. In this sense, we define a new quantity called total kurtosis as kurtosis and, if it is sufficient low, we accept the solution, otherwise we consider that the solution is inadequate. Then, using the current u local maximum parameters of the kernels, we create a new initial u a % j j „ j j (18) point for the EM algorithm by splitting one of the kernels in two as jaI it will be described later in this section. which is a weighted average of the individual weighted kurtoses of the In the second case where the total kurtosis starts increasing without kernels of the mixture. The absolute values are needed to compensate the likelihood having reached yet a local maximum, we consider that for the individual kurtoses taking positive or negative values. the EM algorithm has made its best in trying to fit each Gaussian to IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS—PART A: SYSTEMS AND HUMANS, VOL. 29, NO. 4, JULY 1999 397

new old the given samples. Consequently, more kernels are needed to approx- c) Check for convergence: if jv v j `I go to imate the samples better. Therefore, if an EM step leads to an increase step (f). new old in the value of the total kurtosis, this is considered as the event that d) If (u„ bu„ ) and (nosteps b limit) and triggers the split of a kernel in two kernels in order to provide the (en—˜leƒplitting aI) then capability for better approximation of the unknown density by the Gaussian mixture. After splitting, the u CIkernels continue to be • Perform kernel splitting. u Xa u CI nosteps Xa H updated at each step using the EM algorithm. In general, the splitting • , . uold Xa unew vold Xa vnew of the kernels leads to a decrease in the value of total kurtosis. Never- • „ „ , unew vnew theless, in some cases it is possible that, due to improper initialization • Compute „ , ju unewj ` en—˜leƒplitting Xa of the two new kernels, the value of the kurtosis temporarily increases •If split „ P then H for some steps, until the kernels move to the right positions, and the . u Xa unew kurtosis starts decreasing again. For this reason, for a number of EM • Set split „ steps after a split, no further splits are permitted, since we allow the e) Go to step (a) new kernels to move to their appropriate positions even if this temporarily f) If (u„ is not small enough) and (en—˜leƒplitting a leads to an increase of the total kurtosis. I) then Once we have decided when to perform kernel splitting by moni- toring the value of the total kurtosis after each EM step, it remains • Perform kernel splitting. to specify which kernel will be selected for splitting. • u Xa u CI, nosteps Xa H. old new old new A deviation of the total kurtosis u„ from zero implies that the • u„ Xa u„ , v Xa v new new weighted kurtosis of one or more kernels deviates also from the • Compute u„ , v new zero value. Therefore, a reasonable selection criterion is to split the •Ifjusplit u„ j `P then en—˜leƒplitting Xa kernel j that contributes most significantly to the high value of the H. new total kurtosis, i.e., we select the kernel with the highest value of • Set usplit Xa u„ %j j j j. The two new kernels that are created have means equal to • Go to step (a) "j C 'j and "j 'j respectively, and variances both equal to 'j . 4) end. Their priors are set to %j aP so that (3) still holds. Finally, we must also specify termination criteria for the proposed method. Since the EM algorithm converges for fixed number of IV. EXAMPLES kernels, we must specify criteria for disabling kernel splitting in future To assess the effectiveness of our approach we have conducted steps. Consequently, the EM algorithm will converge to a maximum experiments with data drawn independently from known distributions, value of the likelihood. A criterion of this kind is a measure of the which in turn we tried to approximate using our algorithm and the effectiveness of the split: we store the value of the total kurtosis at conventional EM algorithm. After training, we tested the accuracy of the time of a split and the corresponding value at the time of the the obtained approximations with respect to the true densities. next split. If the difference is very small, we consider that splitting In every problem considered, we have created a data set of is no longer effective and from that time on, we keep the number of n a SHHH points drawn independently from the corresponding density kernels fixed and perform EM steps until reaching a local maximum to be approximated. In all experiments the EM algorithm started with of the likelihood. the means of the u kernels being uniformly distributed within the The algorithm just described that dynamically adds kernels based range of the data, while the deviance ' of each kernel was set equal on the value of the total kurtosis, has the attractive feature that it to 0.5. On the other hand, our algorithm always started with u aI requires no initial knowledge about the number u of the kernels of kernel with mean in the center of the data range and ' also equal the mixture. It starts using a small number of kernels and adds kernels to 0.5. in the mixture dynamically, while the algorithm evolves. Moreover, We have considered three one-dimensional problems:  it requires no initialization at a point which is already near the 1) a Gaussian mixture density with four kernels; optimum solution, while, by dynamically increasing the number of 2) a Gaussian mixture density with five kernels; kernels, it is also capable of potentially escaping from local maxima 3) a density with two Gaussian and two uniform kernels. of the likelihood function, thus yielding a better approximation to the In all experiments, since the original density g@xA is known, we unknown density. could compute the theoretically optimal log-likelihood v~ for the given The complete algorithm is summarized below. In the following set of samples xi, i aIY Yn, drawn from the respective density description IYP are user defined variables, limit denotes the n number of steps after the last splitting during which a new splitting v~ a log g@x AX is not allowed, nosteps denotes the number of steps after the last i (19) iaI splitting and usplit denotes the total kurtosis value at the time of the last split. Moreover if the variable en—˜leƒplitting is set equal to 1 Example 1: In this experiment we have generated samples using then no further kernel splitting is allowed. the following Gaussian mixture density 1) Initialization: Set the initial number u of kernels and initialize g@xAaHXPSx@UY HXSA C HXPSx@QY IA the parameters of the kernels (means and variances). old CHXPSx@QY IA C HXPSx@UY HXSA (20) 2) Compute the initial value of the total kurtosis u„ and the vold initial value of the likelihood . where x@"Y 'A is the with mean " and standard nosteps Xa H u Xa uold en—˜leƒplitting Xa I 3) Set , split „ , . deviation '. The value of the theoretical log-likelihood was v~ a a) Perform an EM step. Set nosteps Xa nosteps CI. IP PHI. Fig. 2 displays the original density g@xA as well as the obtained new b) Compute the new value of the total kurtosis u„ and solutions using our approach and the EM algorithm. The EM algo- the new value of the likelihood vnew. rithm was applied on u aRkernels and provided accurate solution 398 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS—PART A: SYSTEMS AND HUMANS, VOL. 29, NO. 4, JULY 1999

Fig. 2. Approximation of a Gaussian mixture density with four kernels. Fig. 4. Approximation of a mixture with two Gaussian and two uniform kernels.

where @—Y ˜A denotes the uniform density in ‘—Y ˜“. The value of the theoretical log-likelihood was v~ a IH RWP. The obtained solutions are shown in Fig. 4. Our algorithm provided a solution with u aIPkernels having v a IH SUU and total kurtosis u„ aHXIS. The EM algorithm was also tested with u aIP kernels, but again the obtained solution was worse compared to ours: the log-likelihood value was v a IH UQH and the value of the total kurtosis was u„ aHXQI. As a conclusion, we can state that the dynamic allocation of new kernels which is guided by monitoring the value of the total kurtosis makes the proposed algorithm an efficient method for Gaussian mixture density estimation that yields considerable improvement over the classical EM algorithm. Moreover, as shown in examples 1 and 2, our algorithm has the ability to approximately identify the number of kernels of an unknown Gaussian mixture density, which is of major importance in many applications.

Fig. 3. Approximation of a Gaussian mixture density with five kernels. V. CONCLUSION We proposed a new method for Gaussian mixture modeling which is based on the EM algorithm, and which dynamically adjusts the with v a IP PHIXR and total kurtosis u„ aHXHQ. Our algorithm number of the kernels of the mixture. We defined a new quantity, was able to identify the correct number of kernels and provided an called total kurtosis, to be used in the algorithm as an indicator of accurate solution with u aRkernels having v a IP PHIXW and how well a Gaussian mixture fits the data. The algorithm performs u„ aHXHQQ. EM steps and updates the parameters of the mixture, while at the Example 2: In this experiment we have generated samples using same time monitors the value of the total kurtosis and increases the the following density: number of kernels in the case where this quantity starts increasing. g@xAaHXPx@UY IA C HXPx@QY HXSA C HXPx@HY QA The increase of the number of kernels is performed through splitting of the kernel that contributes more significantly to the value of CHXPx@QY HXSA C HXPx@UY IAX (21) the total kurtosis. In this sense the proposed algorithm proceeds by The value of the theoretical log-likelihood was v~ a IQ QVPXT. performing both likelihood maximization and kurtosis minimization. Fig. 3 displays the original density g@xA as well as the obtained so- The increase in the number of kernels stops when no further progress lutions using our approach and the EM algorithm. The EM algorithm in the minimization of the kurtosis seems possible. Experimental was applied on u aSkernels and was stuck in a local maximum results on several test problems indicate that our approach constitutes with v a IQ UIV and total kurtosis u„ aHXQS. On the contrary, a promising alternative to the EM algorithm. our algorithm provided a much better solution with u aTkernels In this work we have examined the univariate case. Current work having v a IQ QVS and u„ aHXHTP. focuses on a multidimensional definition of the weighted kurtosis Example 3: Finally we have conducted experiments with the fol- (and the total kurtosis) and the application of the proposed algorithm lowing density consisting of two Gaussian and two uniform kernels to density estimation problems of higher dimensionality. Moreover, we aim at testing the effectiveness of the algorithm on several g@xAaHXPSx@UY HXSA C HXPS @QY IA applications where an EM approach has already been employed, e.g., CHXPS @IY QA C HXPSx@UY HXSA (22) classification, time series, etc. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS—PART A: SYSTEMS AND HUMANS, VOL. 29, NO. 4, JULY 1999 399

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Manuscript received June 26, 1998; revised April 1, 1999. M. Jeng is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan, R.O.C. (e-mail: [email protected]). X. Xie is with INRIA/MACSI Team, ENIM-Ile du Saulcy, 57045 Metz, France (e-mail: [email protected]). Publisher Item Identifier S 1083-4427(99)05343-6.

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