“Everything but Equality” Ex-Worker Speak for Gay Professors Speak out to Support Student Work Towards Inclusion Sentenced Graduates to Probation
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The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s Volume 45: Issue 132 Monday, April 30, 2012 Ndsmcobserver.com O’Brien to “Everything but equality” Ex-worker speak for Gay professors speak out to support student work towards inclusion sentenced graduates to probation Observer Staff Report Observer Staff Report Senior Michael J. A former University em- O’Brien has been named ployee in Notre Dame’s Of- valedictorian of the 2012 fice of the Registrar who Notre Dame graduating pled guilty to four counts of c l a s s voyeurism will serve no time and will in prison, a judge ordered pres- last week. ent the Don G. Steinke, 59, ap- vale- peared in St. Joseph County dictory Superior Court with his at- address torney, Mike Tuszynski, d u r i n g on April 26. Judge Jerome the May Frese sentenced Steinke to 20 Com- four years on probation and mence- O’Brien ordered him to complete 20 ment hours of volunteer work un- ceremony, the University til he finds employment, ac- announced in a press re- cording to court documents. lease Friday. PAT COVENEY /The Observer Steinke was arrested O’Brien, a political Spanish professor Carlos Jerez-Farrán speaks out about the “invisible discrimination” he’s experienced and March 7, 2011 after a woman science major and phi- the University’s lack of promotion of his research on LGBTQ issues, seen in the books pictured. found a pen camera aimed losophy minor from St. at the toilet on the floor of a Charles, Ill., will gradu- By SARAH MERVOSH other steps to help LGBTQ in- not to be recorded during The women’s bathroom in Grace ate with a 4.0 grade point Senior News Writer dividuals feel more included on Observer’s interview. In addi- Hall. The pen camera was average and will also be campus. tion, these professors said this turned over to Notre Dame awarded an Internation- The rising call for the ex- However, three gay professors same message has caused other Security Police (NDSP), ac- al Business Certificate pansion of rights for lesbian, who shared their stories with LGBTQ professors to leave the cording to court documents. from the Mendoza Col- gay, bisexual, transgender and The Observer said the Univer- University and stopped some Steinke allegedly admitted lege of Business. questioning (LGBTQ) students, sity’s latest step toward inclu- prospective students from en- to placing the camera in the O’Brien is editor-in- faculty and staff hit a speed sion was not enough. They say rolling. women’s restroom with the chief of “Beyond Politics: bump last week when the Uni- the administration’s current However, these professors, intent to retrieve the camera Undergraduate Journal versity announced it would not nondiscrimination policy sends who have collectively been and download the recorded of Politics,” and serves add sexual orientation to its a clear message to LGBTQ stu- teaching at the University for video content. as president of the Notre nondiscrimination clause. dents, faculty and staff — they nearly 70 years, were willing Frese also reduced Stein- Dame College Democrats In a press release, Notre are second-class citizens, and to share their experiences in ke’s charges of four Class D and vice president of service Dame stated it would not change there is reason to be afraid. light of the student body’s re felony counts of voyeur the wording of the nondiscrimi- It was because of this mes- see SPEAKER/page 4 nation clause, but would take sage that one professor asked see RIGHTS/page 4 see STEINKE/page 4 St. Edward’s to keep lofts temporarily Theater professor named By TORI ROECK News Writer Sheedy Award recipient After sparking protest from residents and alumni of St. Ed- By KRISTEN DURBIN deliver a brief reflection on his ward’s Hall, the Office of Hous- News Editor pedagogy. ing decided last week to reverse The award, named for its plan to gradually introduce Last week, the College of former dean Fr. Charles E. modular furniture in the dorm, Arts and Letters named the- Sheedy, is the most presti- originally set to begin this fall. ater professor Peter Holland gious faculty honor in the Col- Jeff Shoup, director of the Of- the recipient of the 2012 lege of Arts and Letters. Since fice of Housing, said the origi- Sheedy Ex- 1970, it has been given to one nal plan was to replace the ex- cellence in professor each year who “has isting furniture class by class. Te a c h i n g sustained excellence in re- “Our plan had been that we Award. search and instruction over would have put modular furni- Hol land a wide range of courses,” ac- ture in all of the rooms where will be cording to the Arts and Let- there were going to be fresh- f o r m a l l y ters website. men next year,” Shoup said. Photo courtesy of Frank Soler presented “It recognizes what’s unique “The next year, all the rooms Pictured is a loft in St. Edward’s Hall. Residents petitioned to with the about Notre Dame and Arts where there were going to be keep the lofts after hearing of plans to phase them out. award at and Letters in that it com- freshmen and sophomores a Dec. 5 Holland bines the best of a liberal arts would get modular furniture, tion and residents were blind- Soler said. “They went about ceremony. college with the best of a re- and so on and so forth.” sided by the proposed change. it completely disregarding the Last year’s Sheedy Award search university,” associate Sophomore Frank Soler, pres- “[The Office of Housing] nev- students’ perspective.” winner, history professor dean JoAnn Del ident of St. Edward’s Hall, said er explained it to us, and they Thomas F.X. Noble, will intro- building lofts is a dorm tradi- never asked our opinion on it,” see LOFTS /page 4 duce Holland, who will then see HOLLAND/page 6 INSIDE TODAY’S PAPER Campus gets ‘Muddy’ page 3 u Viewpoint page 8 u Vanessa Carlton performs at Legends page 10 u Men’s lacrosse beats Syracuse page 20 page 2 | ndsmcobserver.com The Observer u DAY-TO-DAY Monday, April 30, 2012 QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ANTOSTAL EVENT? www.ndsmcobserver.com P.O. Box 779, Notre Dame, IN 46556 024 South Dining Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556 Editor-in-Chief Allan Joseph Managing Editor Business Manager Megan Doyle Jeff Liptak Asst. Managing Editor: Andrew Owens Asst. 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Peter Miller Photo Desk from the University of Michi- (574) 631-8767 [email protected] gan will be presenting at the Systems & Web Administrators lecture today at 4 p.m. in (574) 631-8839 Hayes-Healy Center. Policies The Observer is the independent, daily newspaper Friends of the Orphans is published in print and online by the students of the sponsoring a blood drive to- GRANT TOBIN/The Observer University of Notre Dame du Lac and Saint Mary’s morrow from 12 to 6 p.m. in College. Editorial content, including advertisements, The Men’s Crew Team competes at the Midwest American Collegiate Rowing Association the Stepan Center. is not governed by policies of the administration of Regatta on Saturday in Grand Rapids, Mich. The team came in third place overall. either institution. 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