ST. PAUL’S CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY SCHOOL Calder Road, Rawtenstall, , BB4 8HT Headteacher: Ms S Howard [email protected] School Office: 01706 215893

Friday 30th September 2016


Dear Parents/Carers

We have arranged for pupils (Year 1 children from Starfish, Turtles, Seahorses and Unicorns) to see a pantomime at Library Theatre, . Your child will see the performance of Aladdin on Friday 9th December at 10.00am.

The cost will be £12.00 per child. This price includes the ticket, coach transport, a drink and a snack for each child during the interval. The children will not require any money on the day and should wear their school uniform.

The performance starts at 10am so the children will be leaving school immediately after registration. All children require a packed lunch for the day which we will eat upon our return to school.

Please could all payments reach school by Thursday 20th October. Cheques can be made payable to St Paul’s Primary School. Should the contribution cause any financial difficulties, please return the slip and discuss with this with the office.

If any parents are available to support us on the day, please contact your child’s class teacher. Thank you in advance.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Ormerod Assistant Head

……………………………………………………………………………………………… Theatre- Aladdin

I give permission for my child ………………………in ………………………… class to attend the performance of Aladdin on Friday 9th December 2016

I enclose ______to cover the cost of the trip.

My child has the following medical condition ______and will require ______to be taken on the visit.

Signed ……………………………….. Parent/ Carer