AT&T Political Engagement Report

January 2015-June 2015

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Corporate Governance & Board Oversight Policy

AT&T values responsible corporate governance and participates in the political process in an effort to formulate policies that benefit consumers, shareholders and the communities in which we operate.

One of the many ways we encourage a AT&T complies with its internal political dynamic public policy debate is by supporting contributions and funding policy through a wide range of political candidates who are utilization of a mechanized system for addressing the issues of greatest concern to initiating, processing, and authorizing all the country. While we do not always agree political contributions. The mechanized with every position taken by political system also manages political contribution candidates and political organizations, we do budgets and spending levels. AT&T built the provide support where they have significant mechanized system to ensure every request positions that align with our company’s core for a political contribution is legally reviewed goals. and approved by management in strict compliance with its internal policy and In making contributions, AT&T is guided by procedures for Corporate Political strong corporate governance principles and Contributions. practices. We are committed to complying with laws and regulations governing the Board of Directors Oversight political process including campaign finance and disclosure rules. AT&T has established The Public Policy and Corporate Reputation strict internal policies, processes and Committee of the Board of Directors is compliance measurements to ensure responsible for oversight of AT&T’s public adherence to legal and regulatory policy activities, corporate political fund requirements. disbursement, and it receives regular reports

2 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report as to all contributions made by the Company. Senior Executive Vice President - External The Committee in turn both provides a full and Legislative Affairs and Senior Executive report of these activities and recommends to Vice President & General Counsel. Each the Board for its approval, a resolution proposed political expenditure, regardless of setting the maximum amount of political amount, must be reviewed by AT&T’s legal contributions to be made by the Company. counsel to confirm that it is lawful from a Each year, the Public Policy and Corporate state and federal law standpoint as Reputation Committee recommends and the applicable. Board reviews and approves a maximum limit on the aggregate amount of political Contributions to Industry Associations and contributions that may be made, and Coalitions authorizes only political contributions that are permitted by, and in strict compliance AT&T contributes to industry associations and with, applicable law. The AT&T Political coalitions such as United States Telecom Contribution Statement is Association, CTIA-The Wireless Association, posted externally on AT&T’s public website at and The Future of Privacy Forum. Industry associations and coalitions advocate matters relations?pid=7726. AT&T complies with the of importance to the industry on behalf of law and does not make corporate political their members. AT&T has a rigorous approval contributions to candidates for federal office. process for contributions to industry associations and coalitions. Each proposed Senior Leadership Approval contribution must be in the best interests of the company and our shareholders, and must AT&T’s Senior Executive Vice President - be approved by the Senior Executive Vice External and Legislative Affairs, who reports President - External & Legislative Affairs and directly to the Chief Executive Officer, is the Senior Executive Vice President & General responsible for overall management and Counsel or other senior leaders. participation in the political process. Support Contributions are also reviewed and for candidates and organizations are based approved by AT&T’s legal counsel for on common public policy priorities. purposes of confirming that contributions are legally permissible. These contributions are Corporate political contributions are made discussed with the Public Policy and without regard for the personal political Corporate Reputation Committee on a preferences of AT&T’s officers and executives. regular basis, and both the Committee and Further, no contributions are made in full Board are provided with the full list of anticipation of, in recognition of, or in return contributions and have an opportunity to for any act or favor. AT&T applies a robust provide guidance with respect to the authorization process for political contributions by the Company. expenditures. Except for contributions for ballot measures, no corporate political expenditure over $1,000 may be made unless approved by the Chief Executive Officer,

3 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report Code of Business Conduct responsibilities to the company; therefore AT&T has a policy to guide employees with AT&T’s Code of Business Conduct includes respect to their personal political activities. provisions regarding political activity and Employees are advised that personal political contributions that provide guiding principles activities must never occur on company time and practical application for employees. and no company resources can be used. AT&T’s Code of Business Conduct is reviewed Additionally, AT&T does not reimburse annually by all employees. AT&T encourages employees, directly or indirectly, for political its employees’ voluntary, personal donations or expenses. participation in the political process, whether by voting, volunteering time, contributing And it is the unequivocal policy of AT&T that money to the candidates of their choice or no employee will be subject to any form of holding public office. However, there are pressure, coercion or intimidation related to strict laws that apply to corporate participation in political activities, nor shall involvement in the political process and it is any employee receive compensation or important that employees’ personal political benefits for participating in personal political activities are separate from their activities.

4 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report

PAC Contributions

AT&T’s Employee Political Action Committees (PACs) are voluntary and non- partisan and provide AT&T management employees an opportunity to collectively support public policy positions that are important to AT&T.

AT&T has a long history of employee Each employee PAC’s Disbursement involvement in the political process through Committee, which determines the its AT&T Employee PACs. In all, there are 30 contributions that will be made, is comprised separate state employee PACs and one of management employees from various federal employee PAC. Each employee PAC AT&T business units and management levels has a Chairman, officers, and committees that within the company. Consideration of a are engaged in PAC operations. contribution to a candidate is largely based on the candidate’s position on issues of importance to AT&T’s business and the communications and technology industry.

AT&T Federal PAC Contributions

January-June 2015 Federal & State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Adams, Alma US House of Representatives, NC $1,000 Aderholt, Robert US House of Representatives, AL $2,500 Aguilar, Pete US House of Representatives, CA $3,500 Amodei, Mark US House of Representatives, NV $1,000 Ashford, Brad US House of Representatives, NE $2,000 Ayotte, Kelly US Senate, NH $1,000 Barr, Andy US House of Representatives, KY $2,500 Barrasso, John US Senate, WY $3,000 Barton, Joe US House of Representatives, TX $5,000 Bass, Karen US House of Representatives, CA $2,500 Beatty, Joyce US House of Representatives, OH $1,000 Becerra, Xavier US House of Representatives, CA $2,000 Benishek, Dan US House of Representatives, MI $5,000

5 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report AT&T Federal PAC (Continued) January-June 2015 Federal & State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Bennet, Michael US Senate, CO $1,000 Bera, Ami US House of Representatives, CA $1,000 Bilirakis, Gus US House of Representatives, FL $1,000 Bishop, Mike US House of Representatives, MI $1,000 Bishop, Sanford US House of Representatives, GA $1,000 Blackburn, Marsha US House of Representatives, TN $5,000 Blunt, Roy US Senate, MO $2,500 Boozman, John US Senate, AR $3,000 Bost, Mike US House of Representatives, IL $5,000 Boustany, Charles US House of Representatives, LA $5,000 Boyle, Brendan US House of Representatives, PA $1,000 Brady, Kevin US House of Representatives, TX $1,000 Brady, Robert US House of Representatives, PA $4,000 Brat, Dave US House of Representatives, VA $2,000 Bridenstine, James US House of Representatives, OK $1,000 Brooks, Mo US House of Representatives, AL $2,000 Brooks, Susan US House of Representatives, IN $10,000 Brown, Corrine US House of Representatives, FL $3,000 Brown, Sherrod US Senate, OH $2,000 Brownley, Julia US House of Representatives, CA $1,000 Buchanan, Vern US House of Representatives, FL $2,500 Buck, Kenneth US House of Representatives, CO $3,000 Bucshon, Larry US House of Representatives, IN $5,000 Burr, Richard US Senate, NC $5,000 Busch, Michael State House of Representatives, MD $2,000 Bustos, Cheri US House of Representatives, IL $1,000 Butterfield, G. K. US House of Representatives, NC $3,000 Byrne, Bradley US House of Representatives, AL $3,000 Calvert, Ken US House of Representatives, CA $3,500 Cardenas, Tony US House of Representatives, CA $5,000 Carter, Buddy US House of Representatives, GA $1,000 Carter, John US House of Representatives, TX $5,000 Castor, Kathy US House of Representatives, FL $1,500 Chabot, Steve US House of Representatives, OH $1,000 Chaffetz, Jason US House of Representatives, UT $5,000 Clark, Katherine US House of Representatives, MA $1,000 Clarke, Yvette US House of Representatives, NY $3,500 Clay, William US House of Representatives, MO $2,000 Cleaver, Emanuel US House of Representatives, MO $2,000 Clyburn, James US House of Representatives, SC $5,000 Coffman, Mike US House of Representatives, CO $1,000 Cohen, Stephen US House of Representatives, TN $1,000 Cole, Bill Governor, WV $1,000 Cole, Thomas US House of Representatives, OK $1,000 Collins, Christopher US House of Representatives, NY $5,000 Collins, Douglas US House of Representatives, GA $5,000

6 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report AT&T Federal PAC (Continued) January-June 2015 Federal & State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Comstock, Barbara US House of Representatives, VA $5,000 Conaway, Michael US House of Representatives, TX $2,500 Connolly, Gerald US House of Representatives, VA $2,000 Cook, Paul US House of Representatives, CA $1,000 Costa, Jim US House of Representatives, CA $4,000 Costello, Ryan US House of Representatives, PA $3,000 Cownie, Peter State House of Representatives, IA $500 Cramer, Kevin US House of Representatives, ND $2,500 Crenshaw, Ander US House of Representatives, FL $5,000 Crowley, Joseph US House of Representatives, NY $4,000 Cuellar, Henry US House of Representatives, TX $4,000 Culberson, John US House of Representatives, TX $1,000 Cummings, Elijah US House of Representatives, MD $1,000 Curbelo, Carlos US House of Representatives, FL $5,000 Dalrymple, Jack Governor, ND $800 Davis, Danny US House of Representatives, IL $2,000 Davis, Rodney US House of Representatives, IL $5,000 DeGette, Diana US House of Representatives, CO $1,000 Delaney, John US House of Representatives, MD $1,000 DeLauro, Rosa US House of Representatives, CT $1,000 Denham, Jeff US House of Representatives, CA $5,000 Dent, Charlie US House of Representatives, PA $2,500 DeSantis, Ron US House of Representatives, FL $3,500 Desaulnier, Mark US House of Representatives, CA $1,000 Deutch, Ted US House of Representatives, FL $4,000 Diaz-Balart, Mario US House of Representatives, FL $2,500 Dingell, Debbie US House of Representatives, MI $1,000 Doggett, Lloyd US House of Representatives, TX $1,000 Dold, Bob US House of Representatives, IL $5,000 Donnelly, Joseph US Senate, IN $1,000 Donovan, Dan US House of Representatives, NY $3,000 Duckworth, Tammy US House of Representatives, IL $1,000 Duffy, Sean US House of Representatives, WI $2,500 Duncan, Jeff US House of Representatives, SC $2,000 Ellmers, Renee US House of Representatives, NC $3,000 Engel, Eliot US House of Representatives, NY $2,000 Ernst, Joni US Senate, IA $1,000 Esty, Elizabeth US House of Representatives, CT $1,000 Farenthold, Blake US House of Representatives, TX $3,000 Fattah, Chaka US House of Representatives, PA $1,000 Feinstein, Dianne US Senate, CA $1,000 Fischer, Deb US Senate, NE $2,500 Fleischmann, Chuck US House of Representatives, TN $2,000 Fleming, John US House of Representatives, LA $1,000 Flores, Bill US House of Representatives, TX $2,000 Foster, Bill US House of Representatives, IL $3,000

7 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report AT&T Federal PAC (Continued) January-June 2015 Federal & State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Foxx, Virginia US House of Representatives, NC $3,000 Frankel, Lois US House of Representatives, FL $2,000 Fudge, Marcia US House of Representatives, OH $1,000 Gallego, Ruben US House of Representatives, AZ $3,000 Garamendi, John US House of Representatives, CA $1,000 Garrett, Scott US House of Representatives, NJ $1,000 Gibbs, Robert US House of Representatives, OH $1,000 Goodlatte, Bob US House of Representatives, VA $5,000 Gowdy, Trey US House of Representatives, SC $2,000 Granger, Kay US House of Representatives, TX $1,000 Graves, Garret US House of Representatives, LA $2,500 Graves, Samuel US House of Representatives, MO $2,500 Graves, Tom US House of Representatives, GA $1,000 Green, Gene US House of Representatives, TX $4,000 Griffith, H Morgan US House of Representatives, VA $3,000 Grothman, Glenn US House of Representatives, WI $1,000 Guinta, Frank US House of Representatives, NH $2,000 Guthrie, Brett US House of Representatives, KY $5,000 Hall, Daniel State Senate, WV $250 Hall, Isadore US House of Representatives, CA $2,500 Hardy, Cresent US House of Representatives, NV $5,000 Harper, Gregg US House of Representatives, MS $5,000 Hastings, Alcee US House of Representatives, FL $2,500 Heck, Denny US House of Representatives, WA $1,000 Heck, Joseph US House of Representatives, NV $2,500 Heinrich, Martin US Senate, NM $1,000 Heller, Dean US Senate, NV $1,000 Hensarling, Jeb US House of Representatives, TX $5,000 Herrera-Beutler, Jaime US House of Representatives, WA $2,000 Hice, Jody US House of Representatives, GA $1,000 Higgins, Brian US House of Representatives, NY $2,000 Himes, Jim US House of Representatives, CT $2,000 Hoeven, John US Senate, ND $1,000 Holding, George US House of Representatives, NC $4,000 Hoyer, Steny US House of Representatives, MD $5,000 Hudson, Richard US House of Representatives, NC $2,500 Huelskamp, Tim US House of Representatives, KS $1,000 Huizenga, Bill US House of Representatives, MI $2,000 Hunter, Duncan US House of Representatives, CA $2,500 Hurd, Will US House of Representatives, TX $5,000 Hurt, Robert US House of Representatives, VA $4,000 Isakson, Johnny US Senate, GA $1,000 Israel, Steve US House of Representatives, NY $2,500 Jeffries, Hakeem US House of Representatives, NY $3,000 Johnson, Bill US House of Representatives, OH $4,000 Johnson, Eddie US House of Representatives, TX $1,000

8 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report AT&T Federal PAC (Continued) January-June 2015 Federal & State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Johnson, Ronald US Senate, WI $6,000 Johnson, Sam US House of Representatives, TX $2,000 Jolly, David US House of Representatives, FL $2,000 Jordan, Jim US House of Representatives, OH $1,000 Joyce, Dave US House of Representatives, OH $1,000 Katko, John US House of Representatives, NY $2,000 Kelly, John US House of Representatives, MS $2,000 Kelly, Mike US House of Representatives, PA $2,500 Kelly, Robin US House of Representatives, IL $4,000 Kennedy, Joseph US House of Representatives, MA $2,500 Kildee, Dan US House of Representatives, MI $2,000 Kilmer, Derek US House of Representatives, WA $1,000 Kind, Ron US House of Representatives, WI $2,000 King, Pete US House of Representatives, NY $3,000 Kinzinger, Adam US House of Representatives, IL $5,000 Kirk, Mark US Senate, IL $3,000 Kirkpatrick, Ann US House of Representatives, AZ $2,000 Kline, John US House of Representatives, MN $5,000 Knight, Steve US House of Representatives, CA $5,000 Kuster, Ann US House of Representatives, NH $1,000 Labrador, Raul US House of Representatives, ID $2,000 Lahood, Darin US House of Representatives, IL $3,000 Lamborn, Doug US House of Representatives, CO $1,000 Lance, Leonard US House of Representatives, NJ $5,000 Langevin, Jim US House of Representatives, RI $1,000 Lankford, James US Senate, OK $4,000 Larson, John US House of Representatives, CT $2,000 Latta, Bob US House of Representatives, OH $2,000 Lee, Mike US Senate, UT $1,000 Lewis, John US House of Representatives, GA $1,000 Lieu, Ted US House of Representatives, CA $1,000 Lipinski, Daniel US House of Representatives, IL $2,500 Loebsack, David US House of Representatives, IA $3,000 Long, Billy US House of Representatives, MO $5,000 Lowenthal, Alan US House of Representatives, CA $2,000 Lujan Grisham, Michelle US House of Representatives, NM $1,000 Lujan, Ben US House of Representatives, NM $4,000 Maloney, Sean US House of Representatives, NY $1,000 Manchin, Joe US Senate, WV $3,000 Marchant, Kenny US House of Representatives, TX $1,000 Marino, Tom US House of Representatives, PA $4,000 Matsui, Doris US House of Representatives, CA $3,000 McCain, John US Senate, AZ $2,000 McCarthy, Kevin US House of Representatives, CA $5,000 McCaskill, Claire US Senate, MO $1,000 McCaul, Michael US House of Representatives, TX $5,000

9 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report AT&T Federal PAC (Continued) January-June 2015 Federal & State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions McClintock, Thomas US House of Representatives, CA $1,000 McMorris Rodgers, Cathy US House of Representatives, WA $5,000 McNerney, Jerry US House of Representatives, CA $5,000 McSally, Martha US House of Representatives, AZ $1,000 Meehan, Patrick US House of Representatives, PA $5,000 Meeks, Gregory US House of Representatives, NY $2,500 Meng, Grace US House of Representatives, NY $1,000 Messer, Allen US House of Representatives, IN $1,000 Mica, John US House of Representatives, FL $2,000 Miller, Jefferson US House of Representatives, FL $3,000 Moolenaar, John US House of Representatives, MI $3,000 Moran, Jerry US Senate, KS $5,000 Mulvaney, Mick US House of Representatives, SC $2,000 Murkowski, Lisa US Senate, AK $1,000 Murphy, Chris US Senate, CT $1,000 Murphy, Tim US House of Representatives, PA $5,000 Murray, Patty US Senate, WA $3,000 Napolitano, Grace US House of Representatives, CA $2,000 Nelson, Bill US Senate, FL $3,000 Neugebauer, Randy US House of Representatives, TX $1,000 Noem, Kristi US House of Representatives, SD $2,000 Norcross, Donald US House of Representatives, NJ $1,500 Nugent, Richard US House of Representatives, FL $2,500 Nunes, Devin US House of Representatives, CA $5,000 Olson, Pete US House of Representatives, TX $3,000 Pallone, Frank US House of Representatives, NJ $3,500 Palmer, Gary US House of Representatives, AL $1,000 Paulsen, Erik US House of Representatives, MN $5,000 Paulsen, Kraig State House of Representatives, IA $500 Payne, Donald US House of Representatives, NJ $1,000 Perlmutter, Edwin US House of Representatives, CO $1,500 Peters, Scott US House of Representatives, CA $2,500 Pitts, Joe US House of Representatives, PA $1,000 Poe, Ted US House of Representatives, TX $1,000 Poliquin, Bruce US House of Representatives, ME $2,000 Pompeo, Michael US House of Representatives, KS $5,000 Price, Thomas US House of Representatives, GA $2,500 Quigley, Mike US House of Representatives, IL $3,000 Ratcliffe, John US House of Representatives, TX $1,000 Reed, Jack US Senate, RI $2,500 Reed, Tom US House of Representatives, NY $5,000 Renacci, James US House of Representatives, OH $5,000 Rice, Kathleen US House of Representatives, NY $2,000 Richmond, Cedric US House of Representatives, LA $2,500 Roby, Martha US House of Representatives, AL $2,000 Rokita, Todd US House of Representatives, IN $3,000

10 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report AT&T Federal PAC (Continued) January-June 2015 Federal & State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Roskam, Peter US House of Representatives, IL $3,000 Ross, Dennis US House of Representatives, FL $3,000 Rouzer, David US House of Representatives, NC $1,000 Roybal-Allard, Lucille US House of Representatives, CA $2,000 Rubio, Marco US Senate, FL $2,000 Ruiz, Raul US House of Representatives, CA $4,000 Ruppersberger, C.A. US House of Representatives, MD $4,000 Rush, Bobby US House of Representatives, IL $2,500 Russell, Steve US House of Representatives, OK $1,000 Ryan, Paul US House of Representatives, WI $5,000 Salmon, Matt US House of Representatives, AZ $1,000 Sanchez, Linda US House of Representatives, CA $3,000 Sanchez, Loretta US House of Representatives, CA $3,000 Sands, Thomas State House of Representatives, IA $500 Sanford, Mark US House of Representatives, SC $1,000 Scalise, Steve US House of Representatives, LA $5,000 Schatz, Brian US Senate, HI $2,500 Schiff, Adam US House of Representatives, CA $1,000 Schock, Aaron US House of Representatives, IL $2,000 Schrader, Kurt US House of Representatives, OR $2,500 Schumer, Charles US Senate, NY $5,000 Schweikert, David US House of Representatives, AZ $1,000 Sessions, Pete US House of Representatives, TX $2,500 Sewell, Terri US House of Representatives, AL $3,000 Shelby, Richard US Senate, AL $5,000 Sherman, Brad US House of Representatives, CA $1,000 Shimkus, John US House of Representatives, IL $5,000 Sinema, Kyrsten US House of Representatives, AZ $4,000 Sires, Albio US House of Representatives, NJ $3,000 Smith, Jason US House of Representatives, MO $3,000 Stabenow, Debbie US Senate, MI $2,000 Stefanik, Elise US House of Representatives, NY $3,000 Stewart, Chris US House of Representatives, UT $1,000 Stivers, Steve US House of Representatives, OH $1,000 Stutzman, Marlin US House of Representatives, IN $3,000 Swalwell, Eric US House of Representatives, CA $1,000 Takai, Mark US House of Representatives, HI $1,000 Tester, Jon US Senate, MT $4,000 Thompson, Bennie US House of Representatives, MS $3,500 Thompson, Glenn US House of Representatives, PA $1,000 Thompson, Mike US House of Representatives, CA $2,000 Thornberry, Mac US House of Representatives, TX $5,000 Thune, John US Senate, SD $4,000 Tiberi, Pat US House of Representatives, OH $2,000 Tillis, Thom US Senate, NC $1,000 Tonko, Paul US House of Representatives, NY $3,000

11 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report AT&T Federal PAC (Continued) January-June 2015 Federal & State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Toomey, Patrick US Senate, PA $6,000 Upmeyer, Linda State House of Representatives, IA $500 Upton, Frederick US House of Representatives, MI $5,000 Valadao, David US House of Representatives, CA $5,000 Van Hollen, Chris US Senate, MD $1,000 Vargas, Juan US House of Representatives, CA $2,000 Veasey, Marc US House of Representatives, TX $3,000 Vela, Filemon US House of Representatives, TX $3,500 Wagner, Ann US House of Representatives, MO $2,500 Walberg, Tim US House of Representatives, MI $3,000 Walden, Greg US House of Representatives, OR $5,000 Walker, Bradley US House of Representatives, NC $3,000 Walters, Mimi US House of Representatives, CA $2,500 Wasserman-Schultz, Debbie US House of Representatives, FL $3,000 Watson Coleman, Bonnie US House of Representatives, NJ $1,000 Welch, Peter US House of Representatives, VT $1,500 Westmoreland, Lynn US House of Representatives, GA $1,000 Whitfield, Edward US House of Representatives, KY $3,500 Wilson, Frederica US House of Representatives, FL $3,000 Wilson, Joe US House of Representatives, SC $2,000 Wittman, Rob US House of Representatives, VA $1,000 Womack, Stephen US House of Representatives, AR $3,000 Woodall, Rob US House of Representatives, GA $1,000 Wyden, Ron US Senate, OR $1,000 Yarmuth, John US House of Representatives, KY $5,000 Yoder, Kevin US House of Representatives, KS $2,000 Yoho, Ted US House of Representatives, FL $1,000 Young, David US House of Representatives, IA $2,000 Young, Todd US House of Representatives, IN $4,000 Zeldin, Lee US House of Representatives, NY $2,000 Zinke, Ryan US House of Representatives, MT $1,000

January-June 2015 Leadership PACs & Other Committees Contributions Alamo PAC $5,000 AMERIPAC: The Fund for a Greater America $5,000 Ander PAC $5,000 Big Sky Opportunity PAC $2,500 Billy PAC $2,500 Blue Dog PAC $5,000 Boehner for Speaker $5,000 Bridge PAC $5,000 Carter PAC $1,000 CHC - BOLD PAC $5,000 Citizens for Prosperity in America Today PAC $5,000 CMR PAC $1,000

12 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report AT&T Federal PAC (Continued) January-June 2015 Leadership PACs & Other Committees Contributions Congressional Black Caucus (CBC PAC) $5,000 Country First PAC $5,000 Country Roads PAC $2,500 CTIA - The Wireless Association PAC $5,000 Dakota PAC $1,000 Democrats Win Seats (DWS PAC) $1,000 Eye of the Tiger PAC $5,000 Free State PAC $5,000 Fund for the Majority $1,000 Good Fund, The $4,000 Great Lakes PAC $1,000 GreggPAC $5,000 Hawaii PAC $2,500 Heartland Values PAC $5,000 HellerHighwater PAC $5,000 House Conservatives Fund $5,000 ICE PAC $5,000 Impact $5,000 ISSA PAC $5,000 Jobs, Economy and Budget Fund (JEB Fund) $5,000 Kelly PAC $5,000 Lone Star Leadership PAC $2,500 Longhorn PAC $5,000 Majority Committee PAC $5,000 More Conservatives PAC (McPAC) $2,500 Moving America Forward PAC $5,000 Nebraska Sandhills PAC $2,500 New Democrat Coalition PAC $5,000 NEW PAC $5,000 New Pioneers PAC $5,000 Next Century Fund $5,000 Orrin PAC $2,500 Pioneer PAC $5,000 Prosperity Action Inc. $5,000 Reclaim America PAC $5,000 Republican Mainstreet Partnership PAC $5,000 Responsibility and Freedom Work PAC (RFWPAC) $5,000 Rock City PAC $5,000 Roskam PAC $2,000 SASSE PAC $2,500 Searchlight Leadership Fund $5,000 Senate Victory Fund PAC $5,000 Shore PAC $5,000 Susan PAC $3,000 TelecomPAC $5,000 TENN PAC $5,000

13 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report AT&T Federal PAC (Continued) January-June 2015 Leadership PACs & Other Committees Contributions Thoroughbred PAC $5,000 True North PAC $2,500 Trust PAC $5,000 Tuesday Group PAC $5,000

January-June 2015 National & State Party Committees Contributions Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee $15,000 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee $15,000 House Republican Caucus $400 Majority Project, The $250 National Republican Congressional Committee $15,000 National Republican Senatorial Committee $15,000 North Dakota House Democratic NPL Caucus $200 North Dakota Senate Democratic NPL Caucus $200 National Republican Congressional Committee Headquarters Account $45,000 National Republican Senatorial Committee Headquarters Account $45,000 Senate Majority Fund $500 Senate Republican Caucus $400 South Dakota Republican Party $350 Victory Club 2015 $2,000

14 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report State PAC Contributions

Alabama PAC

January-June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Albritton, Greg State Senate $750 Alexander, Louise State House of Representatives $1,000 Bussman, Paul State Senate $2,000 Chambliss, Clyde State Senate $2,000 Falls, Brandon State Senate $750 Faulkner, David State House of Representatives $1,000 Ford, Craig State House of Representatives $1,000 Lindsey, Richard State House of Representatives $1,000 McCampbell, Artis State House of Representatives $1,000 Melson, Tim State Senate $2,000 Sells, Chris State House of Representatives $1,000 Shelnutt, Shay State Senate $1,000 Smith, Harri State Senate $2,000 South, Kyle State House of Representatives $1,000 Standridge, David State House of Representatives $500 Strange, Luther Attorney General $2,500 Stutts, Larry State Senate $4,000 Wadsworth, Tim State House of Representatives $1,000 Whatley, Tom State Senate $2,000 Williams, Jack State House of Representatives $1,000 Williams, Phil State Senate $2,000

Arkansas PAC

January-June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Branscum, David State House of Representatives $250 Collins, Charlie State House of Representatives $500 Della Rosa, Jana State House of Representatives $250 Dotson, Jim State House of Representatives $250 Douglas, Charlotte State House of Representatives $250 Eads, Lance State House of Representatives $250 Eubanks, Jon State House of Representatives $250 Fite, Charlene State House of Representatives $250 Gillam, Jeremy State House of Representatives $1,000 Gossage, Bill State House of Representatives $250 Hickey, Jimmy State Senate $500 Hodges, Grant State House of Representatives $250 Lundstrum, Robin State House of Representatives $250 Petty, Rebecca State House of Representatives $250 Rushing, Laurie State House of Representatives $250 Sorvillo, James State House of Representatives $250

15 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report Arkansas PAC (Continued) January-June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Standridge, Greg State Senate $500

Arizona PAC

January-June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Biggs, Andy State Senate $400 Carter, Heather State House of Representatives $250 Fann, Karen State House of Representatives $250 Farley, Steve State Senate $250 Gowan, David State House of Representatives $400 Griffin, Gail State Senate $250 Hobbs, Katie State Senate $250 Lesko, Debbie State House of Representatives $250 Meyer, Eric State House of Representatives $250 Montenegro, Steve State House of Representatives $250 Olson, Justin State House of Representatives $250 Pierce, Steve State Senate $250 Shooter, Don State Senate $250 Stanton, Greg Mayor of Phoenix $400 Wheeler, Bruce State House of Representatives $250 Yarbrough, Steven State Senate $400

January-June 2015 Political Action Committees (PACs) Contributions $1,250

California PAC

January-June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Bonilla, Susan State Senate $4,200 Buchanan, Joan State Senate $4,200 Guerra, Eric Sacramento City Council District 6 $1,000 Hansen, Steve Sacramento City Council District 4 $1,000 Harkey, Diane State Board of Equalization $1,500 Horton, Jerome State Board of Equalization $5,900 Ma, Fiona State Board of Equalization $2,000 Mitchell, Holly State Senate $3,904 Mullin, Kevin State House of Representatives $4,341 Pedroza, Alfredo Supervisor District 4 $300 Pomer, Bruce Sacramento City Council District 6 $1,000 Terry, Donald Rancho Cordova City Council $500 Ting, Philip State House of Representatives $3,781 Yee, Betty Controller $3,500

16 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report California PAC (Continued) January-June 2015 State & Local Party Committees or Other Groups Contributions California Democratic Party $3,936 California Republican Party $9,065 Citizens for Increased Voter Participation, YES on Charter Amendment $1,000

January-June 2015 Political Action Committees (PACs) Contributions Alice B. Toklas Lesbian & Gay Democratic Club PAC $5,000 Californians for Jobs and a Strong Economy $4,152 Central City Association PAC $4,000 LA Jobs Political Action Committee $10,000 Orange County Business Council's BIZ PAC $2,500 San Francisco Democratic County Central Committee $2,500

Colorado PAC

January-June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Adams, Liz Denver City Council District 6 $500 Bradley, Sean Denver City Council District 11 $500 Brooks, Albus Denver City Council District 8 $500 Hancock, Michael Mayor of Denver $1,500 Herndon, Chris Denver City Council District 11 $500 Ortega, Debbie Denver City Council District 13 $500 Shepherd, Susan Denver City Council District 1 $500 Susman, Mary Beth Denver City Council District 5 $500

Connecticut PAC

January-June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Drew, Dan Mayor of Middletown $500 Harp, Toni Mayor of New Haven $1,000 Scalettar, Ellen State House of Representatives $500

January-June 2015 Political Action Committees (PACs) Contributions New Friends PAC $2,000 New Horizons PAC $2,000

Florida PAC

January-June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Abruzzo, Joseph State Senate $500

17 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report Florida PAC (Continued) January-June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Artiles, Frank State House of Representatives $500 Baxley, Dennis State Senate $500 Beshears, Halsey State House of Representatives $500 Bullard, Dwight State Senate $500 Burton, Colleen State House of Representatives $500 Campbell, Daphne State House of Representatives $500 Corcoran, Richard State House of Representatives $500 Cortes, Robert State House of Representatives $1,000 Cruz Rifkin, Janet State House of Representatives $500 Diaz, Jose State House of Representatives $500 Eagle, Dane State House of Representatives $500 Fischer, Jason State House of Representatives $1,000 Fullwood, Reggie State House of Representatives $500 Gaetz, Matt State Senate $500 Grant, James State House of Representatives $500 Grimsley, Denise State Senate $500 Hager, Bill State House of Representatives $500 Harrell, Gayle State House of Representatives $500 Hutson, Travis State Senate $1,500 Ingoglia, Blaise State House of Representatives $500 Ingram, Clay State House of Representatives $500 Jenne, Evan State House of Representatives $500 Latvala, Christopher State House of Representatives $500 Magar, MaryLynn State House of Representatives $500 Miller, Mike State House of Representatives $500 Montford, Bill State Senate $500 Moskowitz, Jared State House of Representatives $500 Nunez, Jeanette State House of Representatives $500 Oliva, Jose State House of Representatives $500 Plasencia, Rene State House of Representatives $500 Rader, Kevin State House of Representatives $500 Renner, Paul State House of Representatives $1,000 Richardson, David State Senate $500 Rodriguez, Jose State House of Representatives $500 Rooney, Patrick State House of Representatives $500 Rouson, Darryl State Senate $500 Slosberg, Irving State House of Representatives $500 Steube, W. Gregory State House of Representatives $1,000 Stevenson, Cyndi State House of Representatives $500 Sullivan, Jennifer State House of Representatives $500 Thurston, Perry State Senate $1,000 Trujillo, Carlos State House of Representatives $500

January-June 2015 Political Action Committees (PACs) Contributions Florida Foundation for Liberty $2,500

18 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report Georgia PAC

January-June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Beskin, Beth State House of Representatives $1,000 Brockway, Buzz State House of Representatives $750 Butler, Gloria State Senate $750 Cagle, Casey Lt. Governor $1,000 Davis, J. Max State House of Representatives $500 Epps, James State House of Representatives $500 Ginn, Frank State Senate $1,000 Gooch, Steve State Senate $1,000 Harrell, Brett State House of Representatives $1,000 Jeffares, Rick State Senate $2,500 Miller, Butch State Senate $1,000 Parsons, Don State House of Representatives $1,500 Raffensperger, Brad State House of Representatives $1,000 Ralston, David State House of Representatives $2,500 Willard, Wendell State House of Representatives $1,000 Williams, Michael State Senate $750

Illinois PAC

January-June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Arena, John Chicago Alderman Ward 45 $1,000 Austin, Carrie Chicago Alderman Ward 34 $1,500 Beale, Anthony Chicago Alderman Ward 9 $1,500 Bennett, Jerry Mayor of Palos Hills $400 Brookins, Howard Chicago Alderman Ward 21 $1,500 Burns, Will Chicago Alderman Ward 4 $1,000 Cappleman, James Chicago Alderman Ward 46 $1,500 Cardenas, George Chicago Alderman Ward 12 $1,000 Claar, Roger Mayor of Bolingbrook $500 Cronin, Dan DuPage County Board Chairman $1,000 Denson, Ronald Mayor of Blue Island $120 Durkin, Jim State House of Representatives $1,000 Ervin, Jason Chicago Alderman Ward 16 $1,000 Foulkes, Toni Chicago Alderman Ward 29 $500 Fritchey, John Cook County Board of Commissioners $750 Gainer, Bridget Cook County Board of Commissioners $750 Graham, Deborah Chicago Alderman Ward 29 $1,500 Hairston, Leslie Chicago Alderman Ward 5 $1,000 Harris, Michelle Chicago Alderman Ward 8 $1,500 Hastings, Kyle Mayor of Orland Hills $150 Holmes, Natashia Chicago Alderman Ward 7 $1,500 Lane, Lona Chicago Alderman Ward 18 $1,000 Laurino, Margaret Chicago Alderman Ward 39 $1,500

19 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report Illinois PAC (Continued) January-June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Lopez, Raymond Chicago Alderman Ward 15 $500 Maldonado, Roberto Chicago Alderman Ward 26 $1,500 Mell, Deb Chicago Alderman Ward 33 $1,500 Mendoza, Susana City Clerk of Chicago $1,500 Mitts, Emma Chicago Alderman Ward 37 $1,500 Moore, David Chicago Alderman Ward 17 $500 Moore, Joe Chicago Alderman Ward 49 $1,500 Moreno, Joe Chicago Alderman District 1 $1,000 Noak, John Mayor of Romeoville $500 O'Connor, Mary Chicago Alderman District 41 $1,500 O'Connor, Patrick Chicago Alderman Ward 40 $1,500 O'Shea, Matt Chicago Alderman Ward 19 $1,500 Pope, John Chicago Alderman Ward 10 $1,500 Preckwinkle, Toni Cook County Board of Commissioners $1,000 Presta, Lou Mayor of Crestwood $60 Proctor, Andrew Chicago Alderman Ward 5 $250 Radogno, Christine State Senate $1,500 Reilly, Brendan Chicago Alderman Ward 42 $1,000 Silverstein, Debra Chicago Alderman Ward 50 $1,500 Smith, Michele Chicago Alderman Ward 43 $1,500 Solis, Danny Chicago Alderman Ward 25 $1,500 Suarez, Ray Chicago Alderman Ward 31 $1,500 Summers, Kurt Chicago City Treasurer $1,000 Tamburino, Joseph Mayor of Hillside $75 Tunney, Tom Chicago Alderman $1,500 Walsh, Lawrence Will County Executive $500 Ward, Tyrone Mayor of Robbins $100 Wasowicz, Kris Mayor of Justice $100 Yarbrough, Karen Cook County Recorder of Deeds $500

January-June 2015 State & Local Party Committees or Other Groups Contributions 10th Ward Regular Democratic Organization $1,000 41st Ward Regular Democratic Organization $1,000 43rd Ward Regular Democratic Organization $1,000 Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation $2,500 Democratic Party of the 29th Ward $1,000 Illinois AFL-CIO COPE $1,500 Illinois Lincoln Series $1,000 Illinois Women's Institute for Leadership $1,500

January-June 2015 Political Action Committees (PACs) Contributions Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce PAC $2,500

20 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report Indiana PAC

January-June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Alting, Ronald State Senate $300 Arnold, Lloyd State House of Representatives $1,000 Aylesworth, Michael State House of Representatives $500 Bacon, Ron State House of Representatives $500 Bassler, Eric State Senate $500 Behning, Robert W. State House of Representatives $300 Boots, Philip State Senate $1,000 Bosma, Brian State House of Representatives $1,500 Bray, Rodric State Senate $500 Broden, John State Senate $1,000 Brown, Timothy N. State House of Representatives $1,000 Burton, Charles W. State House of Representatives $500 Charbonneau, Ed State Senate $500 Cook, Anthony State House of Representatives $500 Crider, Michael State Senate $500 Dermody, Tom State House of Representatives $1,000 Fewell, Chuck Mayor of Greenfield $100 Fine, Bill State House of Representatives $500 Ford, Jon State Senate $500 Forestal, Dan State House of Representatives $1,000 Franklin, Ted Mayor of Logansport $100 Friend, William State House of Representatives $1,000 Frizzell, David State House of Representatives $300 GiaQuinta, Phil State House of Representatives $1,000 Head, Randy State Senate $1,000 Heaton, Bob State House of Representatives $500 Henry, Cindy Mayor of Fort Wayne $1,000 Hershman, Brandt State Senate $500 Holdman, Travis State Senate $1,000 Houchin, Erin State Senate $1,000 Huston, Todd State House of Representatives $1,000 Lehman, Matthew State House of Representatives $500 Macer, Karlee State House of Representatives $500 Mayfield, Peggy State House of Representatives $500 McMillin, Jud State House of Representatives $500 Merritt, Jim State Senate $1,000 Miller, Pete State Senate $500 Milo, Blair Mayor of La Porte $300 Myers, Mark Mayor of Greenwood $125 Olthoff, Julie State House of Representatives $500 Pryor, Cherish State House of Representatives $500 Raatz, Jeff State Senate $500 Randolph, Lonnie State Senate $1,000 Richardson, Kathy State House of Representatives $500 Riecken, Gail State House of Representatives $500

21 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report Indiana PAC (Continued) January-June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Soliday, Edmond State House of Representatives $1,000 Tallian, Karen State Senate $1,000 Torr, Gerald State House of Representatives $500 Ubelhor, Matthew State House of Representatives $500 VanNatter, Heath State House of Representatives $1,000 Yoder, Carlin State Senate $500 Ziemke, Cindy State House of Representatives $500

January-June 2015 Political Action Committees (PACs) Contributions Indiana Manufacturers Political Action Committee (IMPAC) $1,000

Kentucky PAC

January-June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Keene, Dennis State House of Representatives $500 Meyer, Russ State House of Representatives $500 Palumbo, Ruth State House of Representatives $500 Riggs, Steve State House of Representatives $500 Stivers, Robert State Senate $500 Westrom, Susan State House of Representatives $500

January-June 2015 State & Local Party Committees or Other Groups Contributions House Republican Caucus Campaign Committee $2,500 Kentucky Democratic Party $2,500 Kentucky Campaign Committee $2,500 Republican Party of Kentucky House Trust $1,500 Republican Party of Kentucky Senate Trust $1,000 Senate Republican Campaign Caucus Committee $2,500

Louisiana PAC

January-June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Robideaux, Joel State House of Representatives $500 Skrmetta, Eric Public Service Commissioner $5,000

Maryland PAC

January-June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions McFadden, Nathaniel State Senate $250 Middleton, Thomas State Senate $500

22 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report Mississippi PAC

January-June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Alday, Gene State House of Representatives $500 Anderson, Jeramey State House of Representatives $400 Barker, Toby State House of Representatives $400 Beckett, Jim State House of Representatives $1,000 Blount, David State Senate $500 Boyd, Randy State House of Representatives $500 Butler, Albert State Senate $500 Calhoun, Credell State House of Representatives $400 Campbell, Kimberly State House of Representatives $500 Chaney, Michael Insurance Commissioner $1,000 Clarke, Alyce State House of Representatives $400 Collins, Nancy State Senate $500 Crawford, Carolyn State House of Representatives $500 Denton, Oscar State House of Representatives $500 Dickson, Reecy State House of Representatives $500 Dixon, Deborah State House of Representatives $500 Doty, Sally State Senate $500 Eaton, Bo State House of Representatives $500 Evans, Michael State House of Representatives $500 Faulkner, John State House of Representatives $500 Fitch, Lynn Treasurer $1,000 Frazier, Hillman State Senate $700 Gandy, Phillip State Senate $500 Gibbs, Karl State House of Representatives $500 Guice, Jeffrey State House of Representatives $500 Gunn, Philip State House of Representatives $1,500 Hale, Steve State Senate $500 Hamilton, Eugene State House of Representatives $500 Haney, Greg State House of Representatives $400 Hood, Joey State House of Representatives $500 Hopson, Briggs State Senate $500 Horan, Kevin State House of Representatives $500 Horhn, John State Senate $500 Huddleston, Robert State House of Representatives $500 Jackson, Lataisha State House of Representatives $400 Jackson, Robert State Senate $750 Jennings, Wanda State House of Representatives $500 Jones, Kenneth State Senate $500 Longwitz, Will State Senate $500 Massey, Chris State Senate $500 Middleton, America State House of Representatives $500 Mims, Sam State House of Representatives $500 Moore, John State House of Representatives $500 Morgan, Ken State House of Representatives $400

23 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report Mississippi PAC (Continued) January-June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Myers, David State House of Representatives $750 Nelson, Pat State House of Representatives $500 Oberhousen, Brad State House of Representatives $400 Patterson, Randal State House of Representatives $500 Pickering, Stacey Auditor $1,000 Read, John State House of Representatives $750 Reeves, Tate Lt. Governor $10,000 Rogers, Ray State House of Representatives $500 Shirley, William State House of Representatives $750 Sojourner, Melanie State Senate $500 Staples, Gary State House of Representatives $750 Tagert, Mike Transportation Commissioner $1,000 Thomas, Sara State House of Representatives $500 Tindell, Sean State Senate $750 Watson, Michael State Senate $700 Weathersby, Thomas State House of Representatives $500 Younger, Charles State Senate $500

Missouri PAC

January-June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Adams, Joe State House of Representatives $1,000 Arnowitz, Larry St. Louis Alderman Ward 12 $250 Baringer, Donna St. Louis Alderman Ward 16 $250 Berry, T.J. State House of Representatives $1,000 Boyd, Jeffrey St. Louis Alderman Ward 22 $250 Braznell, Beth St. Louis Alderman Ward 15 $250 Colona, Mike State House of Representatives $1,000 Conway, Stephen St. Louis Alderman Ward 8 $250 Crawford, Sandy State House of Representatives $1,000 Dugger, Tony State House of Representatives $1,000 English, Keith State House of Representatives $1,000 Flanigan, Tom State House of Representatives $1,000 Flowers, Dionne St. Louis Alderman Ward 2 $250 Fraker, Lyndall State House of Representatives $1,000 Green, Megan St. Louis Alderman Ward 15 $250 Hicks, Ron State House of Representatives $1,000 Howard, Carol St. Louis Alderman Ward 14 $250 Ingrassia, Christine St. Louis Alderman Ward 6 $250 James, Sly Mayor of Kansas City $1,000 Kennedy, Terry St. Louis Alderman Ward 18 $250 Kidd, Bill State House of Representatives $1,000 Korman, Bart State House of Representatives $1,000 Krewson, Lyda St. Louis Alderman Ward 28 $250 Leara, Mike State House of Representatives $1,000

24 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report Missouri PAC (Continued) January-June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Love, Warren State House of Representatives $1,000 McDaniel, Andrew State House of Representatives $1,000 Miller, Rocky State House of Representatives $1,000 Moore, Sam St. Louis Alderman Ward 4 $250 Murphy, Beth St. Louis Alderman Ward 13 $250 Nichols, Mary State House of Representatives $1,000 Ogilvie, Scott St. Louis Alderman Ward 24 $250 Pace, Sharon State House of Representatives $1,000 Pogue, Jeff State House of Representatives $250 Rone, Don State House of Representatives $1,000 Schmid, Craig St. Louis Alderman Ward 20 $250 Smith, Clem State House of Representatives $1,000 Taylor, Jered State House of Representatives $1,000 Vollmer, Joe St. Louis Alderman Ward 10 $250 Wagner, Scott City Council $250 Walsh, Gina State Senate $62 Williamson, Frank St. Louis Alderman Ward 26 $250 Zerr, Anne State Senate $62

New Jersey PAC

January-June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Angelini, Mary Pat State House of Representatives $750 Beck, Jennifer State Senate $350 Benson, Daniel State House of Representatives $250 Burzichelli, John State House of Representatives $500 Cruz-Perez, Nilsa State Senate $500 Danielsen, Joseph State House of Representatives $350 Greenstein, Linda State Senate $500 Greenwald, Louis State House of Representatives $300 Gusciora, Reed State House of Representatives $100 Kyrillos, Joseph State Senate $150 Lagana, Joseph State House of Representatives $350 Lesniak, Raymond State Senate $500 Mainor, Charles State House of Representatives $350 Marin, Eliana State House of Representatives $550 Moriarty, Paul State House of Representatives $350 Mukherji, Raj State House of Representatives $350 Oliver, Sheila State House of Representatives $250 Oroho, Steven State Senate $350 Pou, Nelida State Senate $300 Prieto, Vincent State House of Representatives $500 Quijano, Annette State House of Representatives $350 Rible, David State House of Representatives $500 Schaer, Gary State House of Representatives $500

25 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report New Jersey PAC (Continued) January-June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Scutari, Nicholas State Senate $300 Singleton, Troy State House of Representatives $550 Weinberg, Loretta State Senate $500 Wimberly, Benjie State House of Representatives $250 Wisniewski, John State House of Representatives $500

New York PAC

January-June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Brown, Byron Mayor of Buffalo $1,450 Carlucci, David State Senate $500 Corwin, Jane State House of Representatives $250 Croci, Tom State Senate $750 Cuomo, Andrew Governor $10,000 DeFrancisco, John State Senate $1,000 Dilan, Martin State Senate $300 Dinowitz, Jeffrey State House of Representatives $500 Farrell, Herman State House of Representatives $500 Flanagan, John State Senate $750 Funke, Rich State Senate $500 Gantt, David State House of Representatives $500 Gianaris, Michael State House of Representatives $1,000 Golden, Marty State Senate $950 Griffo, Joseph State Senate $1,250 Hevesi, Andrew State House of Representatives $400 Klein, Jeffrey State Senate $500 Kolb, Brian State House of Representatives $750 Libous, Thomas State Senate $1,000 Little, Elizabeth State Senate $500 Morelle, Joseph State House of Representatives $1,500 O'Mara, Thomas State Senate $500 Palumbo, Anthony State House of Representatives $175 Parker, Kevin State Senate $500 Raia, Andrew State House of Representatives $250 Ritchie, Patty State Senate $750 Savino, Diane State Senate $500 Skelos, Dean State Senate $1,000 Stewart-Cousins, Andrea State Senate $1,000 Titone, Matthew State House of Representatives $250 Venditto, Michael State Senate $500 Young, Catharine State Senate $750

26 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report North Carolina PAC

January-June 2015 State & Local Party Committees or Other Groups Contributions NC Democratic Party (NCDP) - Senate Caucus $1,000 NC Republican Senate Caucus $1,000 North Carolina House Democratic Caucus $1,000 North Carolina Republican House Caucus $1,000

January-June 2015 Political Action Committees (PACs) Contributions Committee To Elect Republican Women $500

Ohio PAC

January-June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Ashford, Michael State House of Representatives $250 Clyde, Kathleen State House of Representatives $250 Coley, Bill State House of Representatives $500 Hall, Dave State House of Representatives $350 Hill, Brian State House of Representatives $500 Hughes, James State Senate $350 Murray, Amy Cincinnati City Council $200 Obhof, Larry State Senate $1,250 Oelslager, Scott State Senate $500 Patton, Thomas State Senate $500 Pelanda, Dorothy State House of Representatives $500 Roegner, Kristina State House of Representatives $350 Rosenberger, Cliff State House of Representatives $2,500 Schaffer, Tim State House of Representatives $350 Seitz, William State Senate $350 Widener, Christopher State Senate $1,000

Oklahoma PAC

January-June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Condit, Donnie State House of Representatives $350 Echols, Jon State House of Representatives $500 McBride, Mark State House of Representatives $150 Silk, Joseph State Senate $500

Pennsylvania PAC

January-June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Aument, Ryan State Senate $500

27 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report Pennsylvania PAC (Continued) January-June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Barbin, Bryan State House of Representatives $250 Barrar, Stephen State House of Representatives $500 Benninghoff, Kerry State House of Representatives $500 Burns, Frank State House of Representatives $250 Clarke, Darrell Philadelphia City Council District 5 $500 Daley, Peter State House of Representatives $500 Delozier, Sheryl State House of Representatives $250 DePasquale, Eugene Auditor General $500 Dermody, Frank State House of Representatives $1,000 Ellis, Brian State House of Representatives $300 Farry, Frank State House of Representatives $300 Folmer, Mike State Senate $500 Godshall, Robert State House of Representatives $300 Gross, Deb Pittsburg City Council District 7 $100 Hanna, Michael State House of Representatives $500 Harris, C. Adam State House of Representatives $300 James, R. Lee State House of Representatives $300 Kampf, Warren State House of Representatives $300 Longietti, Mark State House of Representatives $250 Markosek, Joseph State House of Representatives $500 Matzie, Robert State House of Representatives $250 Mensch, Bob State Senate $500 Neilson, Ed Philadelphia City Council At-Large $250 Parker, Cherelle Philadelphia City Council District 9 $250 Scarnati, Joseph State Senate $1,000 Shapiro, Josh Chairman Board of Commissioners $500 Squilla, Mark Philadelphia City Council District 1 $250 Stephens, Todd State House of Representatives $250 Wolf, Tom Governor $1,000

January-June 2015 State & Local Party Committees or Other Groups Contributions House Democratic Campaign Committee $500 Senate Republican Campaign Committee $1,000 Senate Republican Campaign Committee $400 House Republican Campaign Committee (HRCC) $900

January-June 2015 Political Action Committees (PACs) Contributions Better PA PAC $1,000

South Carolina PAC

January-June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Allen, Karl State Senate $300

28 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report South Carolina PAC (Continued) January-June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Anderson, Carl State House of Representatives $300 Anthony, Michael State House of Representatives $300 Bales, James State House of Representatives $300 Bernstein, Beth State House of Representatives $250 Bryant, Kevin State Senate $300 Clyburn, William State House of Representatives $300 Coleman, Creighton State Senate $200 Finlay, Kirkman State House of Representatives $250 Hayes, Jackie State House of Representatives $300 Hodges, Kenneth State House of Representatives $250 Hosey, Lonnie State House of Representatives $250 Jefferson, Joseph State House of Representatives $250 Johnson, Kevin State Senate $300 Lucas, James State House of Representatives $1,000 Mack, David State House of Representatives $300 Martin, Larry State Senate $1,000 McMaster, Henry Lt. Governor $500 Mitchell, Harold State House of Representatives $250 Sabb, Ronnie State Senate $250 Sandifer, William State House of Representatives $1,000 Scott, John State Senate $200 Shealy, Katrina State Senate $250 Smith, James State House of Representatives $400 Whipper, J. Seth State House of Representatives $300 White, W. Brian State House of Representatives $1,000 Williams, Kent State Senate $300 Wilson, Alan Attorney General $500

Tennessee PAC

January-June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Beck, Bill State House of Representatives $500 Clemmons, John State House of Representatives $500 Daniel, Martin State House of Representatives $2,000 Durham, Jeremy State House of Representatives $1,000 Fitzhugh, Craig State House of Representatives $1,000 Green, Mark State Senate $3,000 Gresham, Dolores State Senate $3,000 Holsclaw, John State House of Representatives $1,000 Keisling, Kelly State House of Representatives $500 Ketron, Bill State Senate $3,000 Kumar, Sabi State House of Representatives $1,000 Kyle, Sara State Senate $1,000 Lamberth, William State House of Representatives $1,500 Massey, Becky State Senate $1,000

29 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report PAC (Continued) January-June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Niceley, Frank State Senate $1,000 Parkinson, Antonio State House of Representatives $1,000 Roberts, Kerry State Senate $1,000 Smith, Eddie State House of Representatives $1,000 Sparks, Mike State House of Representatives $500 Terry, Bryan State House of Representatives $1,000 Towns, Joe State House of Representatives $1,000 Tracy, Jim State Senate $3,000 Travis, Ron State House of Representatives $500

January-June 2015 Political Action Committees (PACs) Contributions Council of Administrators and Supervisors (CAS-PAC) $2,500 McCormick PAC $1,000 Majority PAC (MPAC) $1,000 Republicans Achieving A Majority PAC (RAAMPAC) $10,000 Tennessee Forward PAC $2,500

Texas PAC

January-June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Blanco, Cesar State House of Representatives $356 Bonnen, Dennis State House of Representatives $25 Brown, Jeff Supreme Court Justice $6,270 Cyrier, John State House of Representatives $1,000 Darby, Drew State House of Representatives $30 Frullo, John State House of Representatives $12 Geren, Charlie State House of Representatives $12 Giddings, Helen State House of Representatives $75 Harless, Patricia State House of Representatives $40 Huffman, Joan State Senate $29 Hughes, Bryan State Senate $10,000 Kacal, Kyle State House of Representatives $29 Kuempel, John State House of Representatives $12 Martinez, Armando State House of Representatives $769 Martinez-Fischer, Trey State Senate $7,000 Menendez, Jose State Senate $10,000 Murphy, Jim State House of Representatives $51 Rodriguez, Jose State Senate $47 Romero, Ramon State House of Representatives $603 Sitton, Ryan Railroad Commissioner $847 Smith, Wayne State House of Representatives $28 Turner, Sylvester State House of Representatives $1,292 Turner, Sylvester Mayor of $5,000

30 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report Wisconsin PAC

January-June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Cowles, Robert State Senate $132 Fitzgerald, Scott State Senate $1,000

January-June 2015 State & Local Party Committees or Other Groups Contributions Assembly Democratic Campaign Committee $2,000 Committee to Elect a Republican Senate $3,500 Republican Assembly Campaign Committee $8,000 State Senate Democratic Committee $2,000

31 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report

Corporate Political Contributions

At AT&T, we recognize that our products and services play a vital role in the lives of hundreds of millions of individuals and businesses all over the world. Where lawful and appropriate, we support leaders who believe, like us, that an environment where businesses are able to invest, grow and compete in the global marketplace is a critical ingredient of our national economy.

January - June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Abramson, Neil State House of Representatives, LA $250 Acevedo, Edward State House of Representatives, IL $500 Achadjian, Katcho State Senate, CA $1,500 Albo, David Delegate, VA $500 Alejo, Luis Assembly, CA $2,000 Allain, Bret State Senate, LA $500 Allen, Ben State Senate, CA $2,500 Allen, Travis Assembly, CA $1,500 Althoff, Pamela State Senate, IL $1,000 Anders, Andy State House of Representatives, LA $250 Anderson, Neil State Senate, IL $1,000 Anderson, Steve State House of Representatives, IL $500 Andrade, Jaime State House of Representatives, IL $1,000 Angelle, Scott Governor, LA $5,000 Anthony, John State House of Representatives, IL $500 Appel, Conrad State Senate, LA $500 Arambula, Joaquin Assembly, CA $1,000 Arnold, Jeff State House of Representatives, LA $250 Arroyo, Luis State House of Representatives, IL $1,000 Astle, John State Senate, MD $1,000 Baker, Catharine Assembly, CA $3,000 Baldonado, Alonzo State House of Representatives, NM $500 Barickman, Jason State Senate, IL $500 Barkley, Charles Delegate, MD $500 Barrow, Regina Ashford State House of Representatives, LA $250 Bates, Pat State Senate, CA $3,000 Batinick, Mark State House of Representatives, IL $500 Beall, Jim State Senate, CA $1,200

32 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report Corporate Political (Continued) January - June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Beiser, Dan State House of Representatives, IL $1,000 Bellock, Patricia State House of Representatives, IL $500 Bennett, Scott State Senate, IL $1,000 Bennett, Tom State House of Representatives, IL $500 Bertino-Tarrant, Jennifer State Senate, IL $500 Bigelow, Frank Assembly, CA $3,000 Billiot, Robert State House of Representatives, LA $250 Bishop, Stuart State House of Representatives, LA $500 Biss, Daniel State Senate, IL $1,500 Bivins, Tim State Senate, IL $500 Block, Marty State Senate, CA $200 Bloom, Richard Assembly, CA $2,600 Bloxom, Robert Delegate, VA $250 Bocanegra, Raul Assembly, CA $1,300 Boissiere III, Lambert Public Service Commissioner, LA $1,000 Bonilla, Susan State Senate, CA $4,200 Bonta, Rob Assembly, CA $2,300 Bourne, Avery State House of Representatives, IL $1,000 Bradley, John State House of Representatives, IL $1,500 Brady, Bill State Senate, IL $500 Breen, Peter State House of Representatives, IL $500 Broadwater, Chris State House of Representatives, LA $250 Brough, Bill Assembly, CA $1,500 Brown, Cheryl Assembly, CA $2,500 Brown, Terry State House of Representatives, LA $250 Brown, Troy State Senate, LA $500 Bryant, Terri State House of Representatives, IL $1,000 Burke, Autumn Assembly, CA $3,000 Bush, Melinda State Senate, IL $500 Butler, Tim State House of Representatives, IL $500 Cabello, John State House of Representatives, IL $1,000 Calderon, Ian Assembly, CA $2,600 Carr, Betsy Delegate, VA $250 Carter Peterson, Karen State Senate, LA $500 Carter, Steve State House of Representatives, LA $500 Cassidy, Kelly State House of Representatives, IL $750 Cervantez Alejo, Karina Assembly, CA $2,000 Chang, Ling-Ling Assembly, CA $4,000 Chapa LaVia, Linda State House of Representatives, IL $1,000 Chau, Ed Assembly, CA $1,000 Chavez, Rocky Assembly, CA $1,000 Chiu, David Assembly, CA $2,300 Chu, Kansen Assembly, CA $1,000 Claitor, Dan State Senate, LA $500 Clayborne, James State Senate, IL $1,500 Cloonen, Kate State House of Representatives, IL $750

33 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report Corporate Political (Continued) January - June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Collins, Jacqueline State Senate, IL $500 Connelly, Michael State Senate, IL $1,500 Conroy, Deborah State House of Representatives, IL $500 Cooley, Ken Assembly, CA $2,300 Cooper, Jim Assembly, CA $2,500 Cortez, Page State Senate, LA $500 Cosgrove, John State Senate, VA $500 Costello, Jerry State House of Representatives, IL $500 Cox, Kenny State House of Representatives, LA $250 Crespo, Fred State House of Representatives, IL $500 Cromer, Greg State House of Representatives, LA $250 Cronin, Dan DuPage County Board Chairman, IL $500 Cullerton, John State Senate, IL $10,000 Cullerton, John State Central Committeeman, IL $10,000 Cullerton, Tom State Senate, IL $1,000 Dababneh, Matt Assembly, CA $2,800 Dahle, Brian Assembly, CA $3,000 Daly, Tom Assembly, CA $3,600 D'Amico, John State House of Representatives, IL $500 Danahay, Mike State House of Representatives, LA $250 Daniel, J. Austin West Feliciana Parish Sheriff, LA $500 Davidsmeyer, C.D. State House of Representatives, IL $1,000 DeGrange, James State Senate, MD $1,000 Delgado, William State Senate, IL $500 DeLuca, Anthony State House of Representatives, IL $1,000 Demmer, Tom State House of Representatives, IL $500 DeSteph, Bill State Senate, VA $500 Dodd, Bill Assembly, CA $2,000 Dorsey-Colomb, Yvonne State Senate, LA $500 Drury, Scott State House of Representatives, IL $750 Dunkin, Ken State House of Representatives, IL $1,000 Durkin, Jim State House of Representatives, IL $10,000 Eggman, Susan Assembly, CA $3,000 Evans, Marcus State House of Representatives, IL $1,300 Fariss, Matt Delegate, VA $500 Feldman, Brian State Senate, MD $1,000 Fine, Laura State House of Representatives, IL $500 Foil, Franklin State House of Representatives, LA $250 Forby, Gary State Senate, IL $1,500 Fortner, Mike State House of Representatives, IL $1,000 Franks, Jack State House of Representatives, IL $1,500 Frazier, Jim Assembly, CA $4,200 Frerichs, Michael State Treasurer, IL $1,500 Fuller, Jean Assembly, CA $2,000 Gabel, Robyn State House of Representatives, IL $750 Gaines, Beth Assembly, CA $2,000

34 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report Corporate Political (Continued) January - June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Gaines, Ted State Senate, CA $1,200 Galgiani, Cathleen State Senate, CA $1,200 Gallagher, James Assembly, CA $3,000 Gallot, Rick State Senate, LA $500 Garcia, Cristina Assembly, CA $3,000 Garcia, Eduardo Assembly, CA $1,300 Garofalo, Raymond State House of Representatives, LA $250 Gatto, Mike State Senate, CA $200 Gautreaux, Sid East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff, LA $1,000 Gentry, Nate State House of Representatives, NM $1,000 Gilbert, Christopher Todd Delegate, VA $1,000 Gipson, Mike Assembly, CA $1,500 Gisclair, Jerry State House of Representatives, LA $250 Glazer, Steve State Senate, CA $4,200 Gloria, Todd Assembly, CA $1,000 Gomez, Jimmy Assembly, CA $2,000 Gonzalez, Lorena Assembly, CA $2,600 Gray, Adam Assembly, CA $4,900 Guinn, Johnny State House of Representatives, LA $250 Hadley, David Assembly, CA $2,000 Haine, William State Senate, IL $1,200 Hall, Isadore State Senate, CA $3,500 Hammond, Norine State House of Representatives, IL $1,000 Hanger, Emmett State Senate, VA $500 Harmon, Don State Senate, IL $2,000 Harper, Matthew Assembly, CA $1,500 Harris, Lance State House of Representatives, LA $250 Harris, Napoleon State Senate, IL $1,500 Harrison, Joe State House of Representatives, LA $250 Hassan, Maggie Governor, NH $2,500 Hastings, Michael State Senate, IL $500 Havard, Kenny State House of Representatives, LA $250 Hays, Chad State House of Representatives, IL $1,000 Hazel, Chris State House of Representatives, LA $250 Head, Chris Delegate, VA $500 Hebert, Douglas Allen Parish Sheriff, LA $500 Heitmeier, David State Senate, LA $500 Henry, Cameron State House of Representatives, LA $250 Hensgens, Bob State House of Representatives, LA $250 Hernandez, Elizabeth State House of Representatives, IL $500 Herrell, Stella Yvette State House of Representatives, NM $500 Hershman, Brandt State Senate, IN $2,000 Hertzberg, Robert State Senate, CA $1,000 Hill, Jerry State Senate, CA $1,400 Hodges, Valarie State House of Representatives, LA $250 Hoffman, Jay State House of Representatives, IL $1,000

35 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report Corporate Political (Continued) January - June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Hoffmann, Frank State House of Representatives, LA $250 Holden, Chris Assembly, CA $4,600 Hollis, Paul State House of Representatives, LA $250 Holmes, Linda State Senate, IL $500 Holtzman Vogel, Jill State Senate, VA $500 Honore, Dalton State Senate, LA $250 Howard, Frank State House of Representatives, LA $250 Howell, William Delegate, VA $1,000 Hueso, Ben State Senate, CA $3,000 Huff, Bob Assembly, CA $350 Hunter, Mattie State Senate, IL $1,000 Hurley, Fran State House of Representatives, IL $500 Hutchinson, Toi State Senate, IL $1,500 Huval, Mike State House of Representatives, LA $250 Ingle, Stuart State Senate, NM $500 Irwin, Jacqui Assembly, CA $2,300 Ives, Jeanne State House of Representatives, IL $500 Ivey, Barry State House of Representatives, LA $250 Jackson, Eddie Lee State House of Representatives, IL $500 Jackson, Hannah-Beth State Senate, CA $2,000 Jackson, Katrina State House of Representatives, LA $250 Joannu, Johnny Delegate, VA $250 Johns, Ronnie State Senate, LA $500 Johnson, Robert State House of Representatives, LA $250 Jones, Thaddeus State House of Representatives, IL $500 Jones-Sawyer, Reginald Assembly, CA $3,000 Kay, Dwight State House of Representatives, IL $500 Kifowit, Stephanie State House of Representatives, IL $750 Kim, Young Assembly, CA $1,500 Knight, Barry Delegate, VA $500 Kotowski, Dan State Senate, IL $1,000 Lackey, Tom Assembly, CA $2,000 LaHood, Darin State Senate, IL $500 Lambert, Eddie State Senate, LA $250 Landry, Nancy State House of Representatives, LA $250 Lang, Lou State House of Representatives, IL $2,000 Lara, Ricardo State Senate, CA $2,000 Leger, Walt State House of Representatives, LA $250 Leopold, Chris State House of Representatives, LA $250 Levine, Marc Assembly, CA $2,000 Leyva, Connie State Senate, CA $1,000 Lightford, Kimberly State Senate, IL $1,000 Lilly, Camille State House of Representatives, IL $500 Linder, Eric Assembly, CA $1,500 Lingamelter, Scott Delegate, VA $500 Long, Gerald State Senate, LA $1,000

36 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report Corporate Political (Continued) January - June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Low, Evan Assembly, CA $2,600 Madigan, Michael State House of Representatives, IL $10,000 Maienschein, Brian Assembly, CA $4,000 Manar, Andy State Senate, IL $500 Manley, Natalie State House of Representatives, IL $500 Manno, Roger State Senate, MD $500 Martin, Willy St. James Parish Sheriff, LA $500 Martinez, Iris State Senate, IL $500 Martinez, Richard State Senate, NM $500 Martwick, Robert State House of Representatives, IL $1,000 Mathias, Jim State Senate, MD $500 Mathis, Devon Assembly, CA $1,000 Mautino, Frank State House of Representatives, IL $1,500 Mayes, Chad Assembly, CA $1,500 Mayfield, Rita State House of Representatives, IL $500 McAsey, Emily State House of Representatives, IL $500 McAuliffe, Michael State House of Representatives, IL $1,000 McCann, Sam State Senate, IL $1,000 McCarty, Kevin Assembly, CA $2,300 McConnaughay, Karen State Senate, IL $1,000 McDermed, Margo State House of Representatives, IL $500 McGuire, Mike State Senate, CA $2,500 McGuire, Pat State Senate, IL $1,000 McSweeney, David State House of Representatives, IL $1,500 Medina, Jose Assembly, CA $1,300 Meier, Charlie State House of Representatives, IL $500 Melendez, Melissa Assembly, CA $3,000 Mendoza, Tony State Senate, CA $1,000 Miller, Gregory State House of Representatives, LA $250 Mills, Fred State Senate, LA $500 Mitchell, Christian State House of Representatives, IL $500 Moeller, Anna State House of Representatives, IL $500 Monning, Bill State Senate, CA $2,400 Moores, Mark State Senate, NM $500 Moreno, Helena State House of Representatives, LA $250 Morrell, Mike State Senate, CA $3,000 Morris, Jay State House of Representatives, LA $250 Morrison, Julie State Senate, IL $500 Morrison, Tom State House of Representatives, IL $500 Moylan, Marty State House of Representatives, IL $500 Mullin, Kevin Assembly, CA $3,000 Mulroe, John State Senate, IL $1,000 Munger, Leslie State Comptroller, IL $1,000 Munoz, Antonio State Senate, IL $1,400 Murphy, Matt State Senate, IL $500 Nasheed, Jamilah State Senate, MO $1,000

37 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report Corporate Political (Continued) January - June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Nazarian, Adrin Assembly, CA $2,000 Nekritz, Elaine State House of Representatives, IL $1,000 Nguyen, Janet State Senate, CA $2,600 Noland, Michael State Senate, IL $1,000 Nybo, Chris State Senate, IL $1,000 Obenshain, Mark State Senate, VA $1,000 Obernolte, Jay Assembly, CA $3,000 Oberweis, Jim State Senate, IL $2,000 O'Donnell, Patrick Assembly, CA $2,000 O'Leary, Kevin St. Louis City Councilman, MO $500 Olsen, Kristin State Senate, CA $4,200 Ourso, Darrell State House of Representatives, LA $500 Padilla, Alex Secretary of State, CA $4,500 Padilla, Michael State Senate, NM $500 Pan, Richard State Senate, CA $1,000 Patterson, Jim Assembly, CA $4,000 Pavley, Fran State Senate, CA $1,000 Payne, William State Senate, NM $1,000 Peacock, Barrow State Senate, LA $500 Pearson, Kevin State House of Representatives, LA $250 Pelath, Scott State House of Representatives, IN $2,000 Perea, Henry Assembly, CA $3,000 Perry, Jonathan State Senate, LA $1,000 Phelps, Brandon State House of Representatives, IL $2,000 Phillips, Reggie State House of Representatives, IL $500 Poe, Raymond State House of Representatives, IL $750 Ponti, Erich State House of Representatives, LA $250 Pritchard, Robert State House of Representatives, IL $1,000 Pugh, Catherine State Senate, MD $1,000 Pugh, Steve State House of Representatives, LA $250 Quirk, Bill Assembly, CA $2,300 Radogno, Christine State Senate, IL $10,000 Raoul, Kwame State Senate, IL $1,500 Reeves, Bryce State Senate, VA $500 Reis, David State House of Representatives, IL $1,000 Rendon, Anthony Assembly, CA $6,500 Rezin, Sue State Senate, IL $1,000 Richard, Jerome "Dee" State House of Representatives, LA $250 Ricketts, Pete Governor, NE $1,000 Ridley-Thomas, Sebastian Assembly, CA $1,000 Righter, Dale State Senate, IL $1,000 Riley, Al State House of Representatives, IL $1,250 Robinson, Roxann Delegate, VA $500 Rodriguez, Freddie Assembly, CA $2,600 Rose, Chapin State Senate, IL $500 Roth, Richard State Senate, CA $1,000

38 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report Corporate Political (Continued) January - June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Ruff, Frank State Senate, VA $500 Runner, Sharon State Senate, CA $4,200 Ryan, John State Senate, NM $500 Salas, Rudy Assembly, CA $1,300 Sanchez, Clemente State Senate, NM $500 Sandack, Ron State House of Representatives, IL $1,500 Sandoval, Martin State Senate, IL $500 Santiago, Miguel Assembly, CA $2,000 Sapien, John State Senate, NM $500 Schexnayder, Clay State House of Representatives, LA $250 Schroder, John State House of Representatives, LA $250 Schuh, Steve Anne Arundel County Executive, MD $2,000 Schwartzkopf, Peter State House of Representatives, DE $600 Seabaugh, Alan State House of Representatives, LA $250 Sente, Carol State House of Representatives, IL $500 Simon, Scott State House of Representatives, LA $500 Sims, Elgie State House of Representatives, IL $1,500 Slay, Francis Mayor of St. Louis, MO $5,000 Smiddy, Mike State House of Representatives, IL $1,000 Smith, James State House of Representatives, NM $500 Smith, John State Senate, LA $500 Smith, John State Senate, NM $500 Smith, Patricia Haynes State House of Representatives, LA $250 Sosnowski, Joe State House of Representatives, IL $1,000 St. Germain, Karen State House of Representatives, LA $250 Stadelman, Steve State Senate, IL $500 Steans, Heather State Senate, IL $500 Steinorth, Marc Assembly, CA $3,000 Stenger, Steve St. Louis County Executive, MO $5,000 Stewart, Brian State House of Representatives, IL $500 Stewart, Miriam State Senate, NM $500 Stone, Jeff State Senate, CA $4,000 Stone, Mark Assembly, CA $1,000 Strange, Luther Attorney General, AL $2,500 Sullivan, Ed State House of Representatives, IL $500 Syverson, Dave State House of Representatives, IL $500 Tabares, Silvana State House of Representatives, IL $500 Talbot, Kirk State House of Representatives, LA $250 Tarver, Greg State Senate, LA $500 Thapedi, Andre State House of Representatives, IL $500 Thibaut, Major State House of Representatives, LA $250 Thierr, Ledricka State Senate, LA $250 Thompson, Dhu Caddo Parish District Attorney, LA $1,000 Thurmond, Tony Assembly, CA $1,500 Ting, Phil Assembly, CA $2,600 Todd, Brandon Washington, DC City Council Ward 4, DC $500

39 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report Corporate Political (Continued) January - June 2015 State Candidates Candidate Office Contributions Torlakson, Tom Superitendent of Education, CA $1,500 Tripp, Don State House of Representatives, NM $1,000 Trotter, Donne State Senate, IL $2,000 Tryon, Michael State House of Representatives, IL $500 Turner, Arthur State House of Representatives, IL $500 Unes, Michael State House of Representatives, IL $1,000 Van Pelt Watkins, Patricia State Senate, IL $1,000 Verschoore, Patrick State House of Representatives, IL $500 Vidak, Andy State Senate, CA $2,000 Wagner, Don State Senate, CA $4,200 Wagner, Frank State Senate, VA $500 Waldron, Marie Assembly, CA $4,000 Wallace, Litesa State House of Representatives, IL $500 Walsh, Larry State House of Representatives, IL $1,000 Ward III, RIck State Senate, LA $500 Ware, Lee Delegate, VA $1,000 Washington, Alonzo Delegate, MD $500 Weber, Shirley Assembly, CA $1,300 Wehrli, Grant State House of Representatives, IL $500 Welch, Emanuel "Chris" State House of Representatives, IL $500 Wheeler, Barbara State House of Representatives, IL $1,000 Wheeler, Keith State House of Representatives, IL $500 White, Jesse Secretary of State, IL $1,000 Wieckowski, Bob State Senate, CA $1,000 Wilk, Scott Assembly, CA $2,000 Williams, Alfred State House of Representatives, LA $250 Willmott, Tom State House of Representatives, LA $250 Winger, Christine State House of Representatives, IL $1,000 Wirth, Peter State Senate, NM $500 Wood, Jim Assembly, CA $4,200 Woodruff, Ebony State House of Representatives, LA $250 Woods, Ivy Jefferson Davis Parish Sheriff, LA $500 Zalewski, Michael State House of Representatives, IL $1,000

January - June 2015 State & Local Party Organizations, Ballot Measure Groups or Other Groups Contributions African American Voter Registration Education and Participation Project (CA) $10,000 Alabama House Democratic Caucus $2,500 Alabama House Republican Conference $2,500 Alabama Republican State Executive Committee $5,000 Alabama Senate Republican Conference $2,500 Arkansas Democratic Black Caucus $1,000 California Democratic Party $199,383 California Republican Party $150,000 Cleveland 2016 Host Committee $500,000 Colorado Citizens Alliance $2,500

40 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report Corporate Political (Continued) January - June 2015 State & Local Party Organizations, Ballot Measure Groups or Other Groups Contributions Colorado Leadership Fund LLC $12,500 Common Sense Values (CO) $7,500 Community Leaders of America (TX) $10,000 Delaware Democratic Party $1,500 Democratic Assembly Campaign Committee Housekeeping Account (NY) $6,000 Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee $50,000 Democratic Majority (IL) $15,000 Democratic Party of Arkansas $10,000 Democratic Party of Georgia $5,000 Democratic Party of Illinois $20,000 Democratic State Central Committee of Louisiana $5,000 Downstate Democratic Caucus (IL) $2,500 $30,000 Florida Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee $50,000 Georgia Coalition for Job Creation, Inc. $40,000 Georgia House Republican Trust $15,000 Great Lakes Fund (MI) $4,500 House Republican Campaign Committee (VA) $7,500 House Republican Organization (IL) $15,000 Indiana Senate Democrats Committee $1,000 $2,000 Kansas Republican Party $5,000 Louisiana House Democratic Campaign Committee $3,000 Louisiana Legislative Black Caucus $3,000 Louisiana Senate Democratic Campaign Committee $3,000 Marion County Democratic Party (IN) $1,000 Marion County Republican Central Committee (IN) $1,000 Maryland House Democratic Caucus $5,000 New York Republican State Committee Housekeeping Account $4,500 New York State Democratic Senate Campaign Committee Housekeeping Account $11,000 New York State Republican Assembly Campaign Committee Housekeeping Account $1,500 New York State Senate Republican Campaign Committee Housekeeping Account $7,500 Ohio House Republican Organizational Committee $10,000 Perea Reviving Jobs and the Economy Ballot Measure Committee (CA) $2,000 Republican Governors Association $50,000 Republican Legislative Delegation Campaign Committee (LA) $6,700 Republican Party of Arkansas $37,500 Republican Party of Florida $75,000 Republican Party of Texas $25,000 Republican State Leadership Committee $50,000 Republican State Senate Campaign Committee (IL) $5,000 Senate Democratic Victory Fund (IL) $12,500 Senate Majority Campaign Committee (IN) $1,000 Senate Majority Fund LLC (CO) $12,500 South Carolina Democratic Party Operating Account $5,000 South Carolina House Republican Caucus Operating Account $15,000

41 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report Corporate Political (Continued) January - June 2015 State & Local Party Organizations, Ballot Measure Groups or Other Groups Contributions South Carolina Republican Party Operating Account $5,000 South Carolina Operating Account $5,000 South Carolina Senate Republican Caucus Operating Account $8,500 Southern Republican Leadership Conference (OK) $11,500 Spirit of Michigan Fund $3,000 Suffolk County Democratic Committee (NY) $300 Texas Democratic Party $25,000 Texas Republican County Chairmen’s Association $2,000 Vermont Democratic House Campaign $1,000 Virginia Senate Republican Caucus $2,500 Women In Government $1,000

January - June 2015 Political Action Committees (PACs) Contributions AT&T Mississippi Political Action Committee $43,000 AT&T Tennessee Political Action Committee $65,700 BellPower PAC (FL) $10,000 Business Force PC (FL) $1,000 Business Voice, Inc. (FL) $150 California Latino Leadership PAC $6,000 Californians for Jobs and a Strong Economy $5,000 Civic Alliance For A Sound Economy (WA) $2,500 Civic Progress Action Committee (MO) $4,500 Colorado Citizens Alliance $5,000 Committee For Bond Initiatives (MO) $1,000 Fair PAC (CA) $7,000 Florida Conservative Alliance $2,500 Florida Foundation for Liberty $2,500 Georgia Chamber of Commerce State PAC Inc. $10,000 GOPAC $45,000 Green Mountain Senate Committee (VT) $500 Growing Florida's Future $10,000 Kansas Chamber of Commerce Political Action Committee $5,000 Leadership for Broward (FL) $5,000 Let’s Get To Work (FL) $25,000 Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce PAC (GA) $10,000 Miami-Dade Residents First (FL) $5,000 Missouri Chamber PAC $5,000 Red State Women PAC (TX) $5,000 Senate Democrats PAC (KS) $1,000 Sensible Pay for SA PAC (TX) $2,000 Susana PAC (NM) $2,500 TAXPAC (CA) $5,000 Technology Association of Georgia PAC $2,500 Voice of Florida Business Political Action Committee $15,500 Wichita Metro Chamber Political Action Committee (KS) $1,000

42 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report Corporate Political (Continued) January - June 2015 Political Action Committees (PACs) Contributions Women in Power PAC (CA) $5,000

43 AT&T Inc. AT&T Political Engagement Report