Carmen Gräßle Curriculum Vitae Updated: April 2019 of , Department of Mathematics, Bundesstr. 55, 20146 Hamburg, [email protected], +49 40 42838 5114, Research Interests Optimization with PDE constraints, nonlinear optimization, model order reduction techniques, proper orthogonal decomposition, numerical methods for dynamical systems and optimal control problems, phase field systems, incompressible flows. Current Position since 04/2015 Phd student, , Topic: Adaptivity in Model Order Reduction with Proper Orthogonal Decomposition, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Michael Hinze, since 04/2019 co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Armin Iske. { Combine POD with space-adapted snapshots in simulation and optimal control. { MOR for phase field systems governed by the Cahn-Hilliard equation. { Determine suitable time instances for snapshot generation in optimal control. { Derive stable ROMs for incompressible flows with space-adapted snapshots. { Numerical validation in Matlab and C++ using FEniCS, ALBERTA, EIGEN. Education 10/2008–03/2015 Diploma in mathematics (minor subject: ), University of , Grade: very good (1.4), Title of diploma thesis: POD based inexact SQP methods for optimal control problems governed by a semilinear heat equation, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Volkwein, 2nd Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Fredi Tröltzsch. 06/2007 Abitur, Klosterschulen Unserer Lieben Frau Offenburg, Grade: very good (1.0). Research Grants and Awards 2019 Rising Stars in Computational & Data Sciences, Austin, USA, Intensive workshop for women Phd students and postdocs who are interested in pursuing research careers. Selected as one of 32 participants, the only participant from Europe (selection rate 21%). Contribution with research talk and poster. since 01/2019 GAMM Junior, In each year, 10 new GAMM Juniors are selected for 3 years. They are characterized by an excellent diploma and/or Phd thesis in the fields of Applied Mathematics or Mechanics. 2017 SIAM student travel award, $800, Financial support in order to participate in the SIAM CSE in Atlanta, USA, 2017. since 10/2016 Funded by DFG-SPP 1962, Non-smooth and Complementarity-based Distributed Parameter Systems: Simulation and Hierarchical Optimization, Working in project P13 in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Michael Hintermüller (WIAS ), Prof. Dr. Michael Hinze (University of Koblenz) and Tobias Keil (WIAS Berlin) on Simulation and Control of a Nonsmooth Cahn-Hilliard Navier-Stokes System with Variable Fluid Densities. 2007 Abitur awards, Award for outstanding results in German (Scheffelpreis), math- ematics, chemistry, Latin, religion, award for particular assistance in the school community. 2006 Federal competition in mathematics (Bundeswettbewerb Mathematik), 3rd price in the first round. Mentoring 04/2017–09/2018 Mentoring Master student Jan Oke Alff within his thesis on: Trust Region POD for Optimal Control of Cahn-Hilliard Systems, University of Hamburg. Teaching Experience Correction of exercises and exams (theory and implementation), undertaking of the exercise classes in the following courses: 04/2015-03/2017 Exercises Tutor, Technical University of Hamburg, Analysis I–III for engineers. 04–09/2014 Exercises Tutor, University of Konstanz, Optimization. 04–09/2013 Exercises Tutor, University of Konstanz, Optimization. 04–09/2011 Exercises Tutor, University of Konstanz, Analysis II. Languages and Skills German (native), English (fluent), Latin. C++, FEniCS, Matlab, IDL, Git. Reviewer Enumath Proceedings 2017, 2015. CPDE CDPS 2019. Organization 04/2016-03/2019 Lothar Collatz Seminar, Coordination, Organization of a research seminar for graduate students, Phd students and postdocs in the field of applied mathematics. 2019 Co-Organization of DFG-SPP 1962 Young Researchers Event, Technical University of Braunschweig, 13-15 February 2019, about programming principles in C++ and Python, together with Paul Manns (TU Braunschweig), Dr. Jose Vidal-Nunez (TU Chemnitz). 2018 Co-Organization of Model Order Reduction Summer School, University of Hamburg, 24-28 September 2018, 32 international participants, organization of scientific schedule with talks, posters, three invited speakers, soft skill sessions, social network activities, accommodation. Recruitment of MIN-graduate school funding of EUR 8000, COPDESC funding of EUR 5000 and DFG-SPP funding of EUR 2500. 2017, 2016 Co-Organization of Young Researchers Meeting & CSE Workshop, Plön, 21-24 March 2017, 21-24 March 2016. Research Visit 06-07/2012 University St. Andrews, Scotland, IAESTE research visit, Topic: Particle orbits in electro-magnetic fields, with particular attention to the force-free Harris sheet, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Thomas Neukirch. Academic Memberships Member of Lothar Collatz School. Member of SIAM Student Chapter Hamburg. Member of GAMM Student Chapter Hamburg. Member of GAMM. Personal Interests and Stay Abroad 08/2007–08/2008 AuPair, Bray, Ireland, Cambridge Advanced English Certificate. Dancing ballet, swimming, playing piano and clarinet. List of Publications

2019 [9] POD for optimal control of the Cahn-Hilliard system using spatially adapted snapshots, Carmen Gräßle, Michael Hinze, Nicolas Scharmacher, in Numerical Mathe- matics and Advanced Applications Enumath 2017, 703-711, Springer, 2019. 2018 [8] POD model order reduction with space-adapted snapshots for incompressible flows, Carmen Gräßle, Michael Hinze, Jens Lang, Sebastian Ullmann, submitted to Adv. Comput. Math., ArXiv: 1810.03892, 2018. [7] Adaptive trust-region POD for optimal control of the Cahn-Hilliard equation, Jan Oke Alff, Carmen Gräßle, Michael Hinze, PAMM 18(1), 2018. [6] POD reduced-order modeling for evolution equations utilizing arbitrary finite element discretizations, Carmen Gräßle, Michael Hinze, Adv. Comput. Math. 44(6), 1941–1978, 2018. [5] A-posteriori snapshot location for POD in optimal control of linear parabolic equations, Alessandro Alla, Carmen Gräßle, Michael Hinze, ESAIM:M2AN, 52(5), 1847– 1873, 2018. 2017 [4] POD basis updates for nonlinear PDE control, Carmen Gräßle, Martin Gubisch, Simone Metzdorf, Sabrina Rogg, Stefan Volkwein, At-Automatisierungstechnik, 65(5):298– 307, 2017. [3] The combination of POD model reduction with adaptive finite element meth- ods in the context of phase field models, Carmen Gräßle, Michael Hinze, PAMM, 17(1):47–50, 2017. 2016 [2] A residual based snapshot location strategy for POD in distributed optimal control of linear parabolic equations, Alessandro Alla, Carmen Gräßle, Michael Hinze, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49(8):13–18, 2016. [1] Snapshot location for POD in control of a linear heat equation, Alessandro Alla, Carmen Gräßle, Michael Hinze, PAMM, 16(1):781–782, 2016. List of Talks and Poster Presentations

2019 Offline Adaptive Strategies in Model Order Reduction with Proper Orthog- onal Decomposition, Rising Stars in Computational and Data Sciences, April 2019, Austin, USA. Poster: Offline Adaptive Strategies in Model Order Reduction with Proper Orthogonal Decomposition, Rising Stars in Computational and Data Sciences, April 2019, Austin, USA. Model order reduction for space-adaptive simulations of unsteady incompress- ible flows, CSE Workshop, March 2019, Plön, Germany. Model order reduction for space-adaptive simulations of unsteady incompress- ible flows, Gamm Annual Meeting, February 2019, Vienna, Austria. Poster: Adaptivity in Model Order Reduction with Proper Orthogonal De- composition, Gamm Annual Meeting, February 2019, Vienna, Austria. 2018 Adaptivity in Model Order Reduction with Proper Orthogonal Decomposi- tion, CSC Seminar MPI Magdeburg, November 2018, Magdeburg. Invited by Prof. Dr. Peter Benner Simulation and Control of a Non-Smooth Cahn-Hilliard Navier-Stokes System with Variable Fluid Densities, DFG-SPP 1962 Annual Meeting, joint talk with Tobias Keil (WIAS Berlin), October 2018, Kremmen. POD model order reduction with space-adapted snapshots for incompressible flows, Model Order Reduction Summer School, September 2018, Hamburg. Adaptive trust-region POD for optimal control of the Cahn-Hilliard equation, NUMDIFF-15, Conference on Numerical Solution of Differential and Differential-Algebraic Equations, September 2018, Halle. Combining POD model order reduction with adaptivity, 14th Viennese Confer- ence on Optimal Control and Dynamic Games, July 2018, Vienna, Austria. Combining POD with Adaptivity for the Model Order Reduction of the Cahn- Hilliard System, IUTAM Symposium on Model Order Reduction of Coupled Systems, May 2018, Stuttgart. Poster: Combining POD Model Order Reduction with Adaptivity, Model Re- duction of Parametrized Systems IV, April 2018, Nantes, France. Combining POD Model Order Reduction with Adaptivity, Young Researchers Meeting and CSE Workshop, March 2018, Plön. Adaptive trust-region POD for optimal control of the Cahn-Hilliard equation, Gamm Annual Meeting, March 2018, München. 2017 Simulation and Control of a Non-Smooth Cahn-Hilliard Navier-Stokes System with Variable Fluid Densities, joint talk with Tobias Keil, SPP annual meeting, October 2017, Kremmen. Adaptive trust-region POD for optimal control of the Cahn-Hilliard equation, Optimization of Infinite Dimensional Non-Smooth Distributed Parameter Systems, October 2017, Darmstadt. Adaptive trust-region POD for optimal control of the Cahn-Hilliard equation, ENUMATH, September 2017, Voss, Norway. The inclusion of adaptivity concepts in the context of POD model order re- duction, CE Seminar, June 2017, Darmstadt. Invited by Dr. Sebastian Ullmann POD reduced order modeling for evolution equations utilizing arbitrary finite element discretizations, Young Researchers Meeting and CSE Workshop, March 2017, Plön. POD reduced order modeling for evolution equations utilizing arbitrary finite element discretizations, SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, February 2017, Atlanta, USA. POD reduced order modeling for evolution equations utilizing arbitrary finite element discretizations, Lothar-Collatz Seminar, January 2017, Hamburg. POD reduced order modeling for evolution equations utilizing arbitrary finite element discretizations, 3rd Workshop on Model Reduction of Complex Dynamical Systems - MODRED, January 2017, Odense, Denmark. 2016 POD basis updates for nonlinear PDE control, Workshop on Optimal and Feedback Control of Differential Equations, November 2016, Konstanz. Simulation and Control of a Non-Smooth Cahn-Hilliard Navier-Stokes System with Variable Fluid Densities, joint talk with Tobias Keil, SPP 1962 Kick-off Meeting, October 2016, Berlin. POD reduced order modeling for evolution equations utilizing arbitrary finite element discretizations, Reduced Basis Summer School, October 2016, Hedersleben. A residual based snapshot location strategy for POD in distributed optimal control of linear parabolic equations, 2nd IFAC Workshop on Control of Systems Governed by Partial Differential Equations, June 2016, Bertinoro, Italy. The inclusion of adaptivity concepts for model order reduction utilizing POD, Oberseminar Numerik, Universität Konstanz, May 2016, Konstanz. Invited by Prof. Dr. Stefan Volkwein A residual based snapshot location strategy for POD in distributed optimal control of linear parabolic equations, Young Researchers Meeting and CSE Workshop, March 2018, Plön. A residual based snapshot location strategy for POD in distributed optimal control of linear parabolic equations, Joint DMV GAMM meeting, March 2016, Braunschweig. 2015 Poster: Towards optimal snapshot location for POD model order reduction in optimal control, Model Reduction of Parametrized Systems III, October 2015, Trieste, Italy. POD based inexact SQP methods for optimal control problems governed by a semilinear heat equation, DMV student’s conference, September 2015, Hamburg. Towards optimal snapshot location for POD model order reduction in optimal control, Reduced Basis Summer School, September 2015, Hegne.