Potential role for snoRNAs in PKR activation during metabolic stress

Osama A. Youssefa, Sarah A. Safrana, Takahisa Nakamurab, David A. Nixc, Gökhan S. Hotamisligild,1, and Brenda L. Bassa,1

aDepartment of Biochemistry, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112; bDivisions of Endocrinology and Developmental Biology, Department of Pediatrics, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH 45229; cDepartment of Oncological Sciences, Huntsman Institute, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT 84112; and dDepartment of Genetics and Complex Diseases, Sabri Ülker Center, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA 02115

Edited by Roy Parker, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, and approved March 16, 2015 (received for review December 15, 2014)

Protein kinase RNA-activated (PKR) has long been known to be activate PKR (14–16), indicating the presence of additional mech- activated by viral double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) as part of the anisms linking inflammatory responses with PKR activation. mammalian immune response. However, in mice PKR is also activated Recent studies demonstrated that PKR can also respond to by metabolic stress in the absence of viral infection, and this requires metabolic stress in mice and humans (13, 17). For example, a functional kinase domain, as well as a functional dsRNA-binding obesity and endoplasmic reticulum stress activate PKR, which in α domain. The endogenous cellular RNA that potentially leads to PKR turn phosphorylates eIF2 and other targets critical in insulin activation during metabolic stress is unknown. We investigated this action and metabolic homeostasis. Genetic loss or chemical in- question using mouse embryonic fibroblast cells expressing wild-type hibition of PKR in obese mice results in improved glucose me- PKR (PKR ) or PKR with a point mutation in each dsRNA-binding tabolism (18). The activation of PKR during metabolic stress WT depends on its dsRBMs, and deletion of either the RNA binding motif (PKRRM). Using this system, we identified endogenous RNA that interacts with PKR after induction of metabolic stress by palmitic acid or kinase domains results in similar metabolic outcomes in mice (PA) treatment. Specifically, RIP-Seq analyses showed that the major- (13, 19), raising the possibility that endogenous RNA is re- sponsible for PKR activation during metabolic stress. Here we ity of enriched that interacted with WT PKR (≥twofold, false explore this question using a combined bioinformatics and ex- discovery rate ≤ 5%) were small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs). Immuno- BIOCHEMISTRY – perimental approach. Collectively, our data point to a class of precipitation of PKR in extracts of UV cross-linked cells, followed by small noncoding RNAs, the small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs), RT-qPCR, confirmed that snoRNAs were enriched in PKRWT samples as potential activators of PKR under metabolic stress. after PA treatment, but not in the PKRRM samples. We also demon- strated that a subset of identified snoRNAs bind and activate PKR in Results vitro; the presence of a 5′-triphosphate enhanced PKR activity com- snoRNAs Are Enriched in PKR Immunoprecipitates After PA Treatment. ′ WT pared with the activity with a 5 -monophosphate, for some, but not Mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) treated with palmitic acid all, snoRNAs. Finally, we demonstrated PKR activation in cells upon (PA) to induce metabolic stress show an elevated level of PKR snoRNA transfection, supporting our hypothesis that endogenous autophosphorylation compared with untreated cells (13). An snoRNAs can activate PKR. Our results suggest an unprecedented increase in palmitate-induced autophosphorylation is not ob- and unexpected model whereby snoRNAs play a role in the activation served in cells expressing PKR with a point mutation in one of of PKR under metabolic stress. Significance PKR | snoRNA | metabolic stress | phosphorylation | RNA-binding protein

Animals respond to stress in many ways, including initiating rotein kinase RNA-activated (PKR) is a member of a stress- cell death to eliminate damaged cells. Protein kinase RNA- Presponse kinase family that includes PKZ and PEK (1) and is activated (PKR) is a protein that senses stress, and it promotes one of four known kinases that can phosphorylate eukaryotic cell death by phosphorylating eIF2α to block protein synthesis initiation factor 2 (2). It is an IFN-induced kinase found in a in damaged cells. PKR is activated by metabolic stress, such as latent form in most cells (3) and was initially identified as an that associated with obesity, and this activation depends on its antiviral protein involved in innate immunity (4). It is generally RNA-binding domain. Here we investigated whether endoge- accepted that PKR activation is triggered by viral double- nous RNA triggers PKR activation in response to lipid exposure. stranded RNA (dsRNA) during infection (5). PKR contains two Our results indicate that a noncoding RNA, the small nucleolar functional domains: tandem dsRNA-binding motifs (dsRBMs) at RNA (snoRNA), binds PKR during cellular metabolic stress, and the N terminus and a catalytic kinase domain at the C terminus multiple experiments suggest snoRNAs also activate PKR dur- (6). The dsRBMs play a key role in the activation and function of ing metabolic stress. snoRNAs have established roles in RNA PKR. When a single dsRNA molecule binds to both dsRBMs, modification, and our studies suggest they have additional a conformational change occurs that promotes dimerization and roles in metabolic stress. autophosphorylation at multiple serine and threonine residues Author contributions: O.A.Y., S.A.S., T.N., G.S.H., and B.L.B. designed research; O.A.Y., (7, 8). Point mutations in the dsRBMs of PKR disrupt its in- S.A.S., and T.N. performed research; O.A.Y., S.A.S., D.A.N., and B.L.B. analyzed data; teraction with dsRNA and prevent the autophosphorylation re- and O.A.Y. and B.L.B. wrote the paper. quired for its kinase activity (9). The authors declare no conflict of interest. α Once activated, PKR binds and phosphorylates the -subunit This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. α of eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2 ) on Ser51 (10). Phos- Freely available online through the PNAS open access option. phorylation of eIF2α by PKR leads to a general inhibition of α Data deposition: The sequences reported in this paper have been deposited in the protein synthesis (11). In addition to eIF2 , other proteins such Expression Omnibus database, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo (accession no. GSE66540). as the inflammatory signaling molecules Jun N-terminal protein 1To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email: [email protected] or kinase and IκB kinase can be activated by PKR (12, 13). In- [email protected]. ′ terestingly, RNAs derived from the 3 -untranslated regions of This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10. certain , including tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), can 1073/pnas.1424044112/-/DCSupplemental.

www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1424044112 PNAS Early Edition | 1of6 Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 Initially, we sequenced three biological replicates for both A other (10%) PKRWT and PKRRM MEF cells (dataset A, Datasets S1–S4). We used the DefinedRegionDifferentialSeq (DRDS) algorithm from PKR -A PKR -A SI Materials and Methods RM 5 WT coding noncoding the USeq software package (20) ( )togen- (14) (122) (64) (58) snoRNA erate lists of annotated genes encoding RNAs enriched in response (90%) to PA treatment in PKRWT samples, but not in PKRRM samples (Fig. 1A). Of the 122 genes unique to the PKRWT samples, 58 were unannotated noncoding, and surprisingly, 90% of these encoded snoRNAs. B other noncoding (6, 3.4%) To confirm the results of the dataset A analysis, we performed (11, 6.2%) high-throughput sequencing on two additional sets of PKR- immunopurified RNA (datasets B and C), again including sam- ples of PKRWT and PKRRM with or without PA treatment. mRNA Dataset B included three additional biological replicates and was PKR 12 PKR RM WT (57, 32.2%) snoRNA analyzed with the DRDS algorithm, whereas dataset C contained (105) (224) (103, 58.2%) a single sample and was analyzed with an algorithm suited to a single sample, the DefinedRegionScanSeqs (DRSS) algorithm, also of the USeq package (20) (Dataset S1). As shown in Fig. S1, C 177 total enriched RNA and consistent with the analysis of dataset A, for both datasets B and C we observed that over 80% of the noncoding RNAs that were Relative Read enriched in the PKR sample, but not in the PKR sample, after Coverage WT RM (PA) (+) PA treatment were snoRNAs. Thus, altogether we sequenced seven biological replicates of both PKRWT and PKRRM in three separate Relative Read runs. Each sequencing run was analyzed independently, and in each Coverage (Mock) (+) of the three cases, snoRNAs were enriched in response to PA treatment. Pairwise Spearman correlation analyses suggested good Enriched (+) agreement between biological replicates within the same dataset Genes (+) SNORD74 SNORD75 SNORD24 (ρ = 0.92–0.99) and between the three datasets (ρ = 0.78–0.89). Fig. Gas5 Coordinates S2 shows representative analyses. 162,965,400 162,965,800 162,966,200 Genes (-) Whereas the above analyses considered only reads that aligned Enriched (-) to annotated genes, in a second bioinformatics approach, we generated lists of genomic regions, annotated and unannotated, Relative Read that encoded RNAs enriched in immunoprecipitates of PKRWT, Coverage but not PKRRM, after PA treatment. The ScanSeqs algorithm of (PA) (+) the USeq package was used with a sliding window of 50 bp (SI Materials and Methods) to analyze each of the three datasets (A, B, Relative Read and C) individually (Dataset S2). Datasets were then intersected Coverage to reveal 224 genomic regions that encoded RNAs enriched in (Mock) (+) PKRWT immunoprecipitates after PA treatment; these regions were Enriched (+) found in all three datasets after excluding regions enriched in PKR samples (Fig. 1B). Using the Integrated Genome Browser Genes (+) RM Flnb Coordinates 8,748,000 8,752,000 8,756,000 8,760,000 8,764,000 Genes (-) Enriched (-) A 0.9 ** Fig. 1. snoRNAs are enriched in PKRWT immunoprecipitates after PA treat- 0.8 ment. (A) Venn diagram shows the number of annotated genes enriched in 0.7 * * * PKRWT and PKRRM samples for dataset A [fold increase ≥ 2; false discovery rate (FDR) ≤ 5%]. (Right) Pie chart shows the number of coding and noncoding RNAs 0.6

enriched only in PKRWT in dataset A (122 RNAs), and column shows the per- 0.5 centage of snoRNAs among these noncoding RNAs. (B) Venn diagram shows Fraction Bound 0.4 * number of enriched genomic regions for PKRWT and PKRRM samples, common to datasets A, B and C (fold increase ≥ 2, Storey’s q-value FDR ≤ 5%). Genomic 0.3 regions encoding RNAs enriched exclusively in PKR samples encompass 177 0.90.2 WT * genes, and the pie chart on the right categorizes these regions. Lists of these 0.80.1 regions and intersected regions are included in Dataset S2.(C) IGB snapshots of 0.7 enriched regions (“Enriched”) show an example for one enriched region PA - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + encompassing three annotated snoRNAs (Upper)encodedintheGas5 gene, and SNORD113 SNORA70 SNORA46 SNORA3 SNORA26 SNORA20 SNORD50 SNORD57 for two enriched regions within the Flnb gene (Lower). “Relative read cover- B 0.5 ” 6 age is the number of mapped reads per base/(total number of reads * 10 ). 0.4 0.3 the dsRBMs, raising the possibility that endogenous RNA may 0.2

be involved in PKR activation during metabolic stress. To identify Fraction Bound 0.1 such endogenous RNAs, we immunoprecipitated PKR from −/− PA - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + PKR MEFs reconstituted with wild-type PKR (PKRWT)orPKR SNORD113 SNORA70 SNORA46 SNORA3 SNORA26 SNORA20 SNORD50 SNORD57 with a mutation in each dsRBM (PKRRM,K64A,andK154A)after

treatment with PA. We then performed RNA immunoprecipitation Fig. 2. Validation of the enrichment of snoRNAs in PKRWT samples after PA followed by high-throughput sequencing (RIP-Seq). Our goal treatment. Graph shows the fraction of specified snoRNA that cross-linked to

was to identify RNAs that were candidates for triggering acti- PKRWT (A)orPKRRM (B)with(+) and without (−) PA treatment. Associated snoRNAs vation of PKR in the presence of PA in a manner that was de- were analyzed by RT-qPCR. “Fraction bound” is the snoRNA level in IP/snoRNA pendent on functional dsRBMs. level in input sample. Error bars, mean ± SEM, n = 3. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.005.

2of6 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1424044112 Youssef et al. Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 (IGB) (21), the 224 genomic regions were visualized and manually Mock-treated PA-treated A 12 curated to create a list of corresponding genes. For genomic regions that encompassed multiple annotated snoRNAs, where reads 10 abundantly mapped to each snoRNA but not intervening regions (Fig. 1C, Upper), each snoRNA was included as a distinct gene (103 8 snoRNA genes; Fig. 1B). Regions that did not include annotated snoRNAs (Fig. 1B) were largely composed of annotated mRNAs 6 (Dataset S2). For this category, when multiple enriched regions were encompassed by a single annotated gene, they were collapsed 4 into a single entry (68 genes for mRNA+other noncoding, Fig. 1 B and C, Lower). Somewhat surprisingly, only six regions were in 2 unannotated regions of the genome. Finally, three enriched regions

RNA level (relative to GAPDH) RNA level were discarded as false positives, based on the normalized number 0 of reads aligned to these regions. Our final list totaled 177, and again, the majority were snoRNAs. We compared the predicted SNORA3 SNORA17 SNORA26 SNORA46 SNORA50 SNORA70 SNORD113 thermodynamic stability of enriched snoRNAs and non-snoRNAs with length-matched, random transcribed regions. We found that B Mock PA C snoRNAs, but not non-snoRNAs, were predicted to be significantly Cyt Nuc Cyt Nuc 50 more stable than the random regions (Fig. S3). PKR 40 snoRNAs are small noncoding RNAs that function mainly in 30 complex with a conserved set of proteins in the modification of Tubulin ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and snRNAs (22). The H/ACA class of 20 snoRNA mediates pseudouridylation, and the C/D snoRNAs ′ O 10 guide 2 - -methylation. A small subset of snoRNAs (e.g., U3 PARP snoRNA) guide pre-rRNA cleavage. In addition, there are

% PKR in the Nucleus PKR in % 0 Mock PA snoRNAs that do not appear to function as guides for RNA PKR DAPI Merge modification, and these are referred to as orphan snoRNAs. D Using information for human orthologs (www-snorna.biotoul.fr//),

we categorized snoRNAs enriched in PKRWT immunoprecipitates BIOCHEMISTRY in the presence of PA into guide and orphan snoRNAs. Analyzing Mock the distribution of the two subclasses of snoRNA in all datasets from the two bioinformatics approaches (DRDS/DRSS and Scan- Seqs), using ensembl gene IDs (www.ensembl.org), did not show a consistent pattern of snoRNA classes (Fig. S4); some datasets showed a predominance of H/ACA snoRNAs, and some a pre- dominance of C/D snoRNAs. However, the majority of enriched snoRNAs in our datasets function as guides for RNA modification (based on human orthologs, see Datasets S1 and S2). PA Validation of snoRNA Enrichment in PKRWT Samples After PA Treatment. Analysis of multiple biological replicates, with multiple algorithms, indicated that snoRNAs were the most abundant class of RNA in 1.4 the PKR immunoprecipitates after PA treatment. To provide E Mock PA WT 1.2 further experimental support for this observation, we exposed 1 cells, with or without prior PA treatment, to 254 nm of UV-C light to cross-link physically interacting molecules. Cells were then 0.8 lysed, PKR was immunoprecipitated, and immunoprecipitates were 0.6 washed eight times with high salt to remove non–cross-linked spe- 0.4 cies before RNA extraction. We then used reverse transcription

Relative RNA level RNA Relative 0.2 followed by quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) (Dataset S3) to measure 0 expression levels of eight snoRNAs that showed enrichment in the SNORA3 SNORA71 SNORD113 U6 deep sequencing analysis and found that six of these showed a Cytoplasm significant increase in their levels after PA treatment (Fig. 2A). 1.4 Mock PA Although the level of some snoRNAs in PKRRM samples showed 1.2 an increase after PA treatment, these differences were not signifi- 1 cant (Student’s t test, P > 0.1) (Fig. 2B). “ ” 0.8 UV-C irradiation is a zero length cross-linking technique that will only covalently link RNA to proteins that are in direct 0.6 contact and, further, will not create protein–protein cross-links 0.4 (23, 24). Thus, these results indicate that PKR is directly inter- Relative RNA level RNA Relative 0.2 acting with snoRNAs in cells. Furthermore, this association is 0 significantly increased after PA treatment of PKRWT in a manner SNORA3 SNORA71 SNORD113 U6 Nucleus

Fig. 3. PA treatment does not change PKR or snoRNA localization or total as in B. Error bars, mean ± SEM, n = 10. (D) Immunofluorescence of MEFs

snoRNA level. (A) The level of each snoRNA extracted from PKRWT lysate treated (PA) or untreated (Mock) with PA. Cells were stained using an an- with (PA) and without PA (Mock) treatment was measured by RT-qPCR. RNA tibody against PKR, and nuclei were stained with DAPI. (E) The level of each levels were normalized to levels of GAPDH mRNA. The mean ± SEM are from snoRNA extracted from cytoplasmic (Upper) or nuclear fraction (Lower)was four different biological replicates. (B) Western analysis of cytoplasmic (Cyt) measured by RT-qPCR. RNA levels were normalized to 36B4 RNA (25) and and nuclear (Nuc) fractions from MEFs untreated (Mock) or treated (PA) with plotted as the average ratio of RNA in PA-treated cells relative to mock- PA. (C) Quantification of PKR accumulation in nuclear fractions determined treated cells. Error bars, mean ± SEM, n = 3.

Youssef et al. PNAS Early Edition | 3of6 Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 AB C 5-ppp-mSNORA3 ds106 100 100 [RNA] nM - 5 80 hSNORA3 80 32P-PKR hSNORA71 60 mSNORA3 60 % PKR act 5.1 6.7 14 25 40 65 100 mSNORA71 5’-ppp-hSNORA3 40 40 mSNORD89 [RNA] nM ds106 - mSNORD113 20 mSNORD7 % PKR activation 20 32P-PKR % PKR activation mSNORA41 0 % PKR act100 53 0.4 2.8 52 102 132 164 0 0 200 400 600 0 200 400 600 [RNA] nM [RNA] nM D ds106 5’ppp-mSNORD113 5’p-mSNORD113 [RNA] nM ds106 - 5’ppp-mSNORA3 5’p-mSNORA3 ds106 - 5’ppp-mSNORA71 5’p-mSNORA71 - 32P-PKR % PKR act100 86 0.2 1.4 6.3 17 30 42 1.9 5.1 10 19 24 100103 2.8 2.2 11 25 43 62 3.1 9.1 22 41 57 100 77 0.4 0.7 2.9 5.7 12 30 0.9 0.6 0.8 1.3 2.6 E 80 80 100 5’-ppp mSNORA3 5’-ppp mSNORA71 5’-ppp mSNORD113 5’-OH mSNORD113 60 5’-p mSNORA3 60 5’-p mSNORA71 80 5’-p mSNORD113 60 40 40 40 20 20 % PKR activation 20

% PKR activation

% PKR activation 0 0 0 0 200 400 600 0 200 400 600 0 200 400 600 [RNA] nM [RNA] nM [RNA] nM

Fig. 4. snoRNAs activate PKR in vitro. (A) Autophosphorylation assay with representative snoRNAs. snoRNA concentrations were 10, 50, 100, 200, and 500 nM; perfectly duplexed RNA 106 bp in length (ds106) concentrations were 5 and 10 nM. Phosphorylation activities were normalized with reactions of 5 nM of ds106. Averaged activation data (as assayed in A) for snoRNAs identified (B) or not identified (C) by RIP-Seq. (D) Comparison of autophosphorylation for snoRNAs with different 5′ termini. snoRNA concentrations as in A.(E) Averaged activation data for SNORA3, SNORA71, and SNORD113 with different 5′ termini. mSNORA and hSNORA indicate mouse and human box H/ACA snoRNA, respectively; mSNORD, mouse box C/D snoRNA. Error bars, mean ± SEM, n ≥ 3, except for mSNORD89, mSNORD7 (C), and 5′-OH mSNORD113 (E), which show mean ± SD, n = 2. White spaces indicate where intervening lanes were removed from the figures.

that is dependent on functional dsRNA-binding motifs. Using pu- substrate inhibition was observed, and snoRNA-induced PKR rified recombinant PKR and in vitro-transcribed SNORD113 (Box activation followed a bell-shaped curve (Fig. S6). Because our C/D snoRNA), we employed gel shift assays to show that PKR can RIP-Seq data were derived from MEFs complemented with hu- also interact with snoRNAs in vitro. SNORD113 binds to man PKR, we tested both mouse and human snoRNAs. We found PKRWT with an estimated Kd of 16.1 nM. Binding was de- that recombinant human PKR could be efficiently activated by pendent on functional dsRBMs; PKRRM showed only weak human snoRNAs, with a tendency toward higher activation than affinity for SNORD113 (Fig. S5). mouse snoRNAs for a given RNA concentration (Fig. 4B). We considered a number of explanations for the observed Further experiments were performed to test if the ability of increase in snoRNAs cross-linked to PKRWT after PA treatment. snoRNAs to activate PKR was specific to snoRNAs identified by For example, it seemed possible that the increased association RIP-Seq or if this was a universal property of snoRNAs. Two box was because PA increased the total levels of snoRNAs. However, C/D snoRNAs and one box H/ACA snoRNA were selected using RT-qPCR, we determined that the levels of snoRNAs in based on their absence from the enriched annotated genes in total RNA samples did not significantly increase after PA treat- PKRWT after PA treatment (Datasets S1 and S2). All three ment (Fig. 3A). We also considered the possibility that PA in- snoRNAs could activate PKR (Fig. 4C). duced a change in the localization of either PKR or snoRNAs. The snoRNAs that we tested in vitro were transcribed using However, cell fractionation followed by Western analyses showed T7 RNA polymerase and hence have a 5′-triphosphate. Previous that PKR is localized in both cytoplasm and nuclei of MEFs and work shows that in vitro PKR activation by certain RNAs de- that there was no significant change in localization after PA pends on a 5′-triphosphate (26). Thus, using three different treatment (Fig. 3 B and C); immunofluorescence studies con- snoRNAs, we compared PKR activation in response to different firmed the cell fractionation results (Fig. 3D). We also measured 5′ termini. For SNORA3 and SNORD113 the presence of a the level of some snoRNAs in nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions 5′-triphosphate led to a significantly higher level of PKR ac- using RT-qPCR. We found that the vast majority of snoRNAs tivity compared with a 5′-monophosphate; for SNORD113, ac- were in the nuclear fraction, and we did not detect a change in tivation by a 5′-monophosphate or 5′-hydroxyl was barely detectable snoRNA localization after PA treatment (Fig. 3E). (Fig. 4 D and E). However, PKR activation by SNORA71 was robust and occurred at nearly identical levels for RNAs containing either a snoRNAs Can Activate PKR in Vitro. To provide an in vitro correlate 5′-triphosphate or monophosphate. In light of previous studies, the to our bioinformatics data, we used an in vitro PKR autophos- differential requirements for 5′ termini among snoRNAs may reflect phorylation assay to determine if snoRNAs could directly acti- different secondary structures (26). Indeed, nuclease mapping of a vate PKR. Representative snoRNAs from class H/ACA and C/D subset of snoRNAs established that SNORA3 and SNORA71 were were selected based on the presence in at least one dataset. more rod-like, with longer helical regions, than SNORD113 (Figs. Titrating RNA against a constant concentration of purified, S7 and S8). Interestingly, of the snoRNAs tested, SNORD113 was recombinant PKR showed that snoRNAs can activate PKR in most dependent on 5′-triphosphates in autophosphorylation assays vitro (Fig. 4 A and B). As observed with activation by dsRNA (10), (Fig. 4E).

4of6 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1424044112 Youssef et al. Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 A 1200 8 interact with PKR in MEFs in a PA-dependent manner. In vitro p = 0.02 p = 0.01 studies with purified, recombinant PKR showed that snoRNAs 1000 directly activate PKR, and for some, but not all, snoRNAs this 6 activation was enhanced by the presence of a 5′-triphosphate. 800 Transfection of snoRNAs into cells also activated PKR, and again, ′ RNA Copies RNA Copies p = 0.003 for some snoRNAs this activation was enhanced by a 5 -tri- 11 11 600 4 phosphate. Our studies indicate that snoRNAs bind PKR in cells experiencing metabolic stress, raising the possibility that under 400 certain conditions these noncoding RNAs may activate PKR. 2 200 How Does PKR Intersect with Known Roles of snoRNAs? snoRNAs PKR activity/10 PKR activity/10 have well-characterized roles in ribosome biogenesis. They bind 0 p ppp p ppp p ppp 0 to four proteins to form snoRNPs, which guide rRNA base mSNORA3 mSNORA71 mSNORD113 modifications by forming a short duplex with rRNA (27). Our

-/- observation that PKR interacts with snoRNAs raises the ques- B PKR PKRWT SNORD113 SNORA71 - + - + - + tion of whether PKR is part of these snoRNPs. However, PKR p-eIF2α immunoprecipitation from lean and obese liver tissue lysate followed by mass spectrometry did not show association of any CD guide snoRNP core proteins with PKR (28). This suggests that 10 4 PKR–snoRNA and snoRNPs may exist as distinct complexes in 8 * 3 * the cell. At present, we cannot rule out the possibility that 6 snoRNP proteins interact transiently with snoRNA–PKR com- activity 2 α activity 4 * α * plexes, but were not captured by immunoprecipitation. Impor- 2 1 tantly, our RIP-Seq data did not show enrichment of rRNA after PA treatment, suggesting that PKR activation is not mediated by p-eIF2 0 p-eIF2 0 0 800 2000 4000 0 800 2000 4000 a snoRNA–rRNA duplex. SNORA71 Concentration (nM) SNORA71 Concentration (nM) Where and When Does PKR Interact with snoRNAs? We find that Fig. 5. snoRNAs activate PKR in cells and in lysate. (A) Quantitation of B phospho-PKR (p-PKR) activity. PKR activity was calculated per copy number PKR is in the cytoplasm as well as the nucleus (Fig. 3 ), where BIOCHEMISTRY of the transfected snoRNA, as determined from RT-qPCR of transfected cells. snoRNPs assemble. Furthermore, our data indicate that PA in- PKR activity values per 1011 RNA copy numbers for 5′-monophosphorylated duces the interaction of PKR and snoRNAs (Fig. 2A); at present, (p) and 5′-triphosphorylated (ppp) snoRNAs are shown. Dark gray bars are it is entirely unclear how this might occur. A recent study showed graphed relative to the left y axis, and light gray bars are graphed relative to that PKR is activated by inverted Alu repeats when these factors −/− the right y axis. (B) Western blot of p-eIF2α in PKRWT or PKR lysates, Mock- mix as the nuclear envelope breaks down during mitosis (29). PA treated (−), 2 μM5′-ppp-mSNORA71–treated (+)or5′-ppp-mSNORD113– has been shown to induce mitosis (30), and we considered whether treated (1.2, 3.2, and 6.4 μM). Quantification of p-eIF2α activity in MEFs mitosis could trigger a snoRNA–PKR interaction. However, our (C) and CHO (D) lysates after treating with 5′-ppp-mSNORA71. Fold change immunofluorescence data (Fig. 3D) did not show MEFs with mi- in phospho-eIF2α activity is graphed relative to mock-treated lysate. Error totic morphology after PA treatment. Nevertheless, future studies bars, mean ± SEM, n = 3. *P < 0.05. involving more in-depth analyses will be needed to rule out a cell cycle-specific effect. snoRNAs Can Activate PKR in Cells. We attempted to knock down Do snoRNAs Activate PKR in Vivo? We found that snoRNAs acti- snoRNAs in MEFs in hopes of testing effects on PKR activity vate endogenous PKR in cells and in cell lysates, indicating that after PA treatment, but we were unable to attain efficient snoRNAs could, in theory, activate PKR during metabolic stress. knockdown. As an alternative, we transfected MEFs with dif- Our in vitro and in-cell data show enhancement of PKR activity ferent snoRNAs and assayed PKR activation by Western analysis by the presence of a 5′-triphosphate for some but not all tested using an antibody specific for phosphorylated PKR. As shown in snoRNAs (Figs. 4 and 5). Possibly a 5′-triphosphate increases the Fig. S9, transfecting MEFs with SNORA3, SNORA71, or binding affinity of some snoRNAs to PKR. Consistent with this SNORD113 increased levels of activated PKR compared with hypothesis, PKR contains a potential triphosphate-binding site mock-treated cells. After normalizing PKR activity to the level of (31). Most snoRNAs are encoded in introns of host genes. After transfected snoRNA, measured by RT-qPCR, we determined splicing, exonucleolytic processing of the debranched lariat ′ that the presence of a triphosphate group at the 5 end of generates mature snoRNAs with 5′-monophosphates, at least in SNORA3 and SNORD113 led to higher PKR activation com- those snoRNAs tested (32). Other snoRNAs are independent ′ A pared with a 5 monophosphorylated snoRNA (Fig. 5 ). genes that are transcribed by RNA polymerase (pol) II and We also found that snoRNAs could induce phosphorylation of thus have a 5′-cap (33). According to the current mouse genome eIF2α (a target of PKR) in cell lysates prepared from MEFs. −/− annotation from the University of California at Santa Cruz Activation was observed only in extracts prepared from PKR (UCSC) Genome Browser (December 2011, GRCm38/mm10), MEFs expressing wild-type PKR (Fig. 5B), indicating that the SNORA3 and SNORA71 are encoded in the introns of RPl27a observed phosphorylation of eIF2α is PKR-dependent. Adding and of a noncoding RNA, respectively. SNORD113 annota- ′ ′ 5 -ppp-mSNORA71 or 5 -ppp-mSNORD113 to the PKRWT tion indicates that it is transcribed from an independent MEF lysate increased eIF2α phosphorylation levels (Fig. 5 B and gene. Therefore, SNORA3 and SNORA71 are predicted to have C), and activation was also observed using lysates prepared from 5′-monophosphates and SNORD113 to have a 5′-cap. In nem- CHO cells (Fig. 5D). atodes, yeast, and plants, some snoRNAs are transcribed from independent genes by RNA pol III to generate a 5′-triphosphate Discussion on the nascent transcript (33), but to our knowledge a snoRNA Here we report studies to identify the endogenous RNA responsible transcribed by pol III has not been observed in mammals. for binding and activating PKR during metabolic stress. Using RIP- It is interesting to consider the possibility that metabolic stress Seq protocols, we identified candidate RNAs that bound PKRWT, alters snoRNA processing to create aberrant 5′ termini. For but not PKRRM, after treatment of cells with PA to mimic meta- example, blocking trimming and capping might leave a 5′-tri- bolic stress. Unexpectedly, the largest category of candidates was phosphate instead of the expected 5′-monophosphate found on snoRNAs. UV–cross-linking experiments confirmed that snoRNAs mature snoRNAs. However, our RIP-Seq data indicate that the

Youssef et al. PNAS Early Edition | 5of6 Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 vast majority of snoRNA reads align to the mature, processed RNA Immunoprecipitation. In all PA treatment experiments, cells were mock- form (see Fig. 1C as an example). Alternatively, a report iden- treated or 100 μM PA-treated for 2 h at 37 °C. Immunoprecipitation was tified a component of the cytosolic capping complex that adds a performed using MEFs as described (13). RNA was extracted with TRIzol, phosphate to monophosphorylated RNA, generating RNA with followed by Turbo DNase treatment (Invitrogen) and ethanol precipitation. a5′-diphosphate (34). Interestingly, RIG-I, a dsRNA-sensing protein, is activated by RNA with either a 5′-triphosphate or a Library Preparation, High-Throughput Sequencing, and Bioinformatics Analysis. ′ Immunoprecipitated RNA was fragmented by incubating in fragmentation 5 -diphosphate (35). Although previous studies indicate that · PKR is not activated by a diphosphate (26), it seems possible buffer (40 mM Tris acetate, pH 8.1, 30 mM Mg acetate, 100 mM K acetate) for 5 min at 94 °C. cDNA libraries were generated using an Illumina small that 5′ termini preferences may vary for different RNAs, and thus, ′ TruSeq RNA sample preparation kit. The Bioanalyzer DNA 1000 chip was used future studies of the effects of 5 -diphosphates are warranted. for evaluating library size. Libraries were subjected to 101 cycles of paired- or In recent years, snoRNAs have been implicated in a wide single-end sequencing with an Illumina HiSeq-2000 sequencer. Extraction of range of pathways, suggesting that they have functions beyond 101-bp paired-end reads used CASAVA 1.7.0 and CASAVA 1.8.2. Standard their roles in RNA modification. snoRNAs maintain chromatin FASTAQ files were extracted with the standard Illumina pipeline. accessibility (36), regulate the coactivator activity of the dyskerin RNP (37), interact with Dicer (38), and are associated with disease ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank B. Dalley (University of Utah core facility) (39). Using multiple assays, we show that snoRNAs interact with for advice and technical support and J. Schaffer (Washington University) PKR in a PA-dependent manner. Our studies suggest yet another for CHO cells and SmD3 primer sequences. Imaging was performed at the Fluorescence Microscopy Core Facility (University of Utah). Microscopy function for snoRNAs, in particular, as signals of metabolic stress. equipment was obtained using National Center for Research Resources Here we note that snoRNAs have been previously linked to Shared Equipment Grant 1S10RR024761-01. This work was supported by lipotoxicity (25), and cells deficient in intronic snoRNAs are funds to B.L.B. from the National Institutes of Aging of the National Instit- resistant to cell death induced by PA treatment (40). utes of Health under Award 8DP1AG044162 and to G.S.H. in part from Grants DK52539 and HL125753. T.N. was supported by a Scientist Develop- Materials and Methods ment Grant from the American Heart Association and Precursory Research for Embryonic Science and Technology from the Japan Science and Technol- Details of methodologies that have been previously described are provided ogy Agency. D.A.N. was supported by National Cancer Institute Cancer Cen- in SI Materials and Methods. ter Support Grant (5P30CA042014-25).

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