5/10/2016 WASHplus News January 2015

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January 2015 Program Highlights IN THIS ISSUE Program Highlights

Uganda Benin Mali Zambia Global Partnerships and Fora

UNC Conference Global Handwashing Day Resource Partners

Water.org IDEO.org Envirofit New Resources

Habit Webinar Cookstove Q&A Distance Learning WASH­Friendly Schools Guide WASHplus Blog WASH and Nutrition Webinar

Girls take menstrual management into their own LATEST UPDATES hands as they make reusable menstrual pads, one of the many small doable actions WASHplus helped to promote in Household Drinking Water Uganda. Indoor Air Uganda—Project Transition to Local Actors Innovation Exchange In November WASHplus concluded a busy year and a half of work in Uganda (May 2013–November 2014) to reduce and improve the health and resilience of key Urban Health populations in three districts—Kabale, Kisoro, and Kanungu. WASH and Nutrition http://us2.campaign­archive1.com/?u=ed50820bda89f8241498bf4db&id=02accdba6a&e=[UNIQID] 1/6 5/10/2016 WASHplus News January 2015 This multidisciplinary initiative focused on integrating water, sanitation, food hygiene, and into nutrition JOIN OUR and Feed the Future activities as well as community and COMMUNITIES clinically based HIV activities. WASHplus also worked to Clean Cookstove strengthen the capacity of local districts to plan, budget, Community on implement, and monitor water, sanitation, and hygiene LinkedIn (WASH)–related activities. A WASH forum was held in WASH & Nutrition collaboration with USAID implementing partners December Community of Practice 2 to celebrate project accomplishments and mark the official transition to district actors. The project produced a number of publications and materials for field use that are now NEW RESOURCES available, including training and resource packages on Integrating Safe Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene into HIV Webinar on Hand Programmes and Integrating Safe Water, Sanitation, and Washing and the Hygiene into Infant and Child Nutrition Programmes, and Science of Habit job aids/assessment cards in English and two local On December 4, WASHplus and PPPHW co­hosted a languages—Rufumbira and Rukiga (available on the webinar with David Neal, WASHplus website). Districts will reproduce these materials PhD, from Catalyst Behavior in even larger quantities using their USAID WASH grants. Sciences and the University An end­of­project review is also available here. of Miami. Dr. Neal specializes in behavior Benin—Launch of Peri­Urban Neighborhood Work change and the advanced To take advantage of the measurement of human buzz around Global decision making. He emphasized ways to apply Handwashing Day in the basic science of habit October, and behavior change to WASHplus/Benin real world health organized an official interventions and program program launch in delivery, with a focus on Enagnon, one of the behavior change for hand peri­urban washing with soap, but his neighborhoods where it is implementing a hygiene and ideas are relevant to anyone working on water treatment activity. The event called together project behavior change activities. community outreach workers, political and religious Nearly 200 participants leadership, women’s cooperatives, school children, USAID from 15 countries joined and its key sector partners, with animation by traditional the webinar. A recording music and theater groups, to mobilize for improving WASH and slides are available in urban areas. The Ministry of Health served as the here. convener, as the program is closely tied to its efforts to produce an urban WASH strategy. Attendance was robust— What Have We 400 people participated in the festivities. The culmination of Learned About Cookstoves Q&A the event was a visit to the demonstration stands where WASHplus Household Air participants could learn how to make various models of Pollution Specialist Elisa tippy taps and correctly use Aquatabs to safeguard their Derby participated in a two­ drinking water. day online Q&A session hosted and facilitated by Mali—CLTS in Tough Conditions The World Bank’s Clean Stove Initiative on September 30 and October 1. The Q&A session focused on lessons learned about http://us2.campaign­archive1.com/?u=ed50820bda89f8241498bf4db&id=02accdba6a&e=[UNIQID] 2/6 5/10/2016 WASHplus News January 2015 Before WASHplus, the consumer preferences for national community­led improved cookstoves in total sanitation (CLTS) Bangladesh through the WASHplus project, and in strategy in Mali Indonesia through The suggested that World Bank’s Indonesia implementers avoid Clean Stove Initiative. Key areas with difficult soil findings from the WASHplus conditions when applying consumer preferences the subsidy­free study and related excerpts approach. Many of the from the Q&A are provided WASHplus target communities, selected because of their in this WASHplus blog posting. high rates of undernutrition (primarily stunting) in children

under 5, are located in areas where construction of Distance Learning traditional pit latrines is difficult—rocky, sandy, and flooded Modules on Hand areas. To address this constraint, the WASHplus project Washing team, in partnership with other local stakeholders (district In November and December technical staff working for the Ministry of Health and local 2014, the PPPHW hosted a masons), developed innovations for the building of improved distance learning course latrines in each of these challenging environments. Working covering the design, delivery, and monitoring through local masons to propagate the innovative and evaluation of hand construction techniques among communities, this initiative washing with soap resulted in thousands of latrines being built in areas long programs. The purpose of seen as off limits for a subsidy­free approach. this course is to provide practical guidance on how UNICEF invited WASHplus to share these experiences with to design and implement stakeholders during a national workshop on CLTS in hand washing with soap September 2014. As a result of the workshop, the national behavior change programs that target marginalized guidelines for CLTS in Mali were revised to include groups in communities, WASHplus’s solutions for building latrines on difficult soils. schools, health centers, and other institutions and bring them to scale. The two modules can be downloaded here.

WASH­Friendly Schools Guide WASHplus’s SPLASH project in Zambia published a WASH­Friendly training guide geared toward educators, government officials, and communities that are interested in incorporating improved sanitation access, clean drinking water, and hand washing stations and materials to its students and teachers along with a complementary WASH curriculum and MHM. Zambia’s commemoration of Global Handwashing Though geared to the Day took on added significance in light of the concern Zambian school context, http://us2.campaign­archive1.com/?u=ed50820bda89f8241498bf4db&id=02accdba6a&e=[UNIQID] 3/6 5/10/2016 WASHplus News January 2015 over Ebola transmission on the continent. The much of the material is SPLASH project (Schools Promoting Learning applicable to any low­ Achievement through Sanitation and Hygiene) resource school setting. Read the guide here. celebrated in schools in all four of its districts under the theme “Choose Handwashing, Choose Health.” New WASHplus Blog Hand washing was promoted as an easy­to­do and WASHplus introduced its cost­effective way to prevent diseases. Pupils from blog in 2013 as a platform many different schools came together in events filled for field and HQ staff to with poems, skits, songs, dances, puppet shows, and share highlights and hand washing demonstrations. Government officials, perspectives about traditional chiefs and their head men, community WASHplus activities and WASH topics from a more members, and teachers also took part. personal perspective. A

recent blog post included WASHplus Benin Coordinator Armand Zambia—MHM Study Launch Aguidi’s observations of SPLASH launched its formative research on menstrual missed opportunities for hygiene management (MHM) in schools in December. The engaging children in study will take place in one urban and one rural school in behavior change activities. each of SPLASH’s four districts in Eastern Province, with the goal of determining the prevailing knowledge, attitudes, Upcoming WASH and perceptions, norms, barriers, and practices related to MHM Nutrition Webinar and to identify facilitators for improving MHM. As part of the January 8, 10–11 am launch SPLASH held an inception meeting that drew EST WASHplus is collaborating participants from cooperating partners such as UNICEF, with the CORE Group CAMFED, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Nutrition and Social and Local Government and Housing to explain the study Behavior Change working methodology and provide the rationale of the study and groups to host a one­hour research design. The other overarching purpose was to webinar on Multisectoral learn from partners that already conducted similar research Approaches to Improve and get their insights into improving the research plan. Child Growth through WASH, Nutrition and Early Suggestions for areas to pursue included: eliciting the Childhood Development. perceptions of boys about MHM; learning how best to diffuse Ann Jimerson with Alive & MHM messages in the communities in light of the extremely Thrive and Renuka Bery sensitive and rarely discussed nature of the issue; and with WASHplus will discuss learning how best to strengthen synergies between the evidence for integrating teachers and communities to support MHM. The study is these three sectors and the expected to be completed in March 2015. evolution of the Clean, Fed & Nurtured community of practice. Sign up for the webinar here.

Are you receiving the GLOBAL PARTNERSHIPS AND FORA WASHplus Weekly? Each issue highlights University of North Carolina Water for Health new publications and Conference resources on many WASHplus staff had a significant presence at this annual different WASH and household conference in October, participating in or leading panels on topics. To subscribe, topics ranging from the theory and practice of habit sign up at washplus.org, formation as it relates to hand washing to HIV and MHM to or email. Past issues can integrating WASH into nutrition, along with a poster on be viewed here. http://us2.campaign­archive1.com/?u=ed50820bda89f8241498bf4db&id=02accdba6a&e=[UNIQID] 4/6 5/10/2016 WASHplus News January 2015 collecting and curating WASH sector knowledge and information. Link to the all the UNC materials here.

Global Handwashing Day CONNECT WITH WASHPLUS On October 15, 2014, hundreds of millions of people from

around the world gathered together to celebrate a simple Subscribe to behavior that has big health impacts—hand washing with Newsletter soap. Now in its seventh year, Global Handwashing Day was Follow us on Twitter commemorated in where a Guinness World Record was broken; in Washington, DC, at an event on innovation; Follow us on Facebook and in many, many countries in between. To explore events YouTube that were held around the globe, visit the interactive event map on the Global Handwashing Day website. The founder Email us of Global Handwashing Day, the Global Public­Private Read our blog Partnership for Handwashing with Soap (PPPHW), will feature a different country’s celebration each Thursday on Visit our website washplus.org the Global Handwashing Day Facebook page, so be sure to

follow along for inspiration and ideas for next year.


Water.org Convened the Second East Africa WaterCredit Forum in partnership with the MasterCard Foundation. The forum was part of Water.org’s five­year collaboration with the foundation to bring safe water and sanitation to economically challenged communities in East Africa through an innovative approach called WaterCredit. Read more.

IDEO.org Receives the 2014 Innovation in Philanthropy Award, which recognizes an emerging nonprofit with an innovative approach to improving the quality of life for individuals, prompting long­term sustainable change, and addressing a critical societal issue. For more on IDEO.org’s nonprofit design approach to empower the poor click here.

Envirofit Launches New Fuel­Efficient Wood and Charcoal Stoves. These stoves are designed to help save money and time, reducing fuel costs, reducing the time of collection of the fuel, and taking less time to get up to heat than traditional jikos. Read more.

http://us2.campaign­archive1.com/?u=ed50820bda89f8241498bf4db&id=02accdba6a&e=[UNIQID] 5/6 5/10/2016 WASHplus News January 2015 WASHplus is a five­year project funded through USAID’s Bureau for that supports healthy households and communities by developing and implementing interventions that lead to improvements in water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and household air pollution (HAP) activities. WASHplus is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) under cooperative agreement AID­0AA­A10­00040. The information in this newsletter does not necessarily represent the views or positions of USAID or the U.S. government.

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