Florida Energy Extension Service

Native for South Florida1

Alan W. Meerow2

A may be defined as a multi-stemmed woody Native materials are often better adapted to plant of small size (less than 10 feet tau at maturity). In landscape conditions than some commonly used some cases, the distinction between "" and "shrub" exotic . This is especially true if the site breaks down, since some large shrubs can be trained to conditions duplicate closely those experienced by a a single trunk and used as a small tree, while some small particular species in its natural environment. Some can produce several stems and appear shrub like in native shrubs (for example, wax myrtle, Myrica cerifera) the landscape. Shrubs fulfill many important roles in show wide latitude in their adaptation to very different landscape horticulture. Hedges, foundation plantings, conditions, while others fail if planted in conditions not accent, and specimen plantings are all uses for which sufficiently similar to their natural home. shrubs are well suited. It is usually a combination of tree and shrub plantings that sets the tone of the COASTAL SOUTH FLORIDA landscape and defines the outdoor living space. VEGETATION ZONES When choosing native shrub species, it is important South Florida’s various plant communities contain to understand both the conditions at the planting site and many native species of shrubs suitable for landscaping. of the original habitat of the species being considered. In recent years, interest in the use of native for In south Florida, the majority of the population is Florida landscaping has greatly increased. Some of the concentrated within a 10-12 mile wide coastal area. reasons for this include the loss to development of Moving shortly inland from the coast, three vegetation natural areas in the state, coastal deterioration due to zones are encountered: the pioneer, the scrub, and the disturbance of native vegetation, and concern about forest zone. water use to support exotic landscapes composed of introduced species with greater irrigation requirements The pioneer zone occurs on the primary dunes that than some native species. The introduction of exotic build along beach front with wave action. Few plants plants that naturalize and, in some cases, out compete are adapted to this harsh environment, and of these, even native species, has become of great concern in various fewer are shrubs. Well adapted species function as sand parts of Florida. Considerable amounts of time, money, binders. Sea oats, Uniola paniculata, a perennial grass, and energy are now spent eradicating such plant pests is the most important species in the pioneer zone. Many from many areas of the state. Many counties are of the plants typical of the pioneer zone are discussed in considering landscape ordinances that require a detail in the companion publication, "Native Ground percentage of native plant materials to be utilized in all Covers for South Florida (EES 60)." future developments. Several have already implemented such ordinances. This will result in a need for wider Where wave building is absent, mangroves and availability of native plant materials. Woody landscape saltwater marshes replace the pioneer zone. Mangroves plant producers, landscape architects, and home are woody plants especially adapted to withstand intense gardeners in Florida need to become informed about and salinity and saltwater flooding and are extremely prepared for the production and cultural needs of this important in stabilizing and building south and central type of plant material. Florida’s coastlines. The maintenance or replanting of mangrove associations requires special care outside the

1. This document was published as publication EES-59. For more information, contact your county Cooperative Extension Service office. 2. Assistant Professor, Ornamental Horticulture, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville.

The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without regard to race, color, sex, or national origin. Florida Cooperative Extension Service / Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences / University of Florida / John T. Woeste, Dean DECAT Page 2 scope of this publication. Ask your cooperative SITE FACTORS TO CONSIDER extension agent about Florida Sea Grant and Department WHEN CHOOSING NATIVE SHRUBS of Natural Resources publications that address the Careful consideration of the characteristics of the replanting of mangroves. planting site must be used before choosing native shrubs for landscaping. First, some concerns relating to the past The scrub zone occurs where dunes have stabilized, history of the site must be answered. some organic matter has accumulated, and salinity of the is lower. It often intergrades with the pioneer zone. What was the original vegetation of the area? This It is a vegetation type that is rich in shrubs. Some knowledge will give an indication of which native plants typical members include: Sea grape (Coccoloba uvifera), will perform best on the site. Assuming that the answer Wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera), Saw palmetto (Serenoa to the next question is no, native species that once grew repens), Cocoplum (Chrysobalanus icaco), Sea lavender in a given location are likely to do best when replanted (Mallotonia gnaphalodes), and Bay cedar (Suyiana in comparison with species from very different types of maritime). Scrub also occurs further inland on ancient native vegetation. dunes that formed when much of coastal Florida was underwater, but will usually include several tree species Have the native soil and/or water flow patterns been as well as shrub species not found in the coastal scrub. modified? During development, topsoil is often Scrub formations support a number of rare, threatened, removed, and original drainage patterns are disturbed. or endangered species. Little original coastal scrub Fill soil of very different quality may have been brought remains in much of southeast Florida. in to replace the topsoil removed. If such is the case, it may be impossible to reestablish the same species that The forest zone occurs yet further inland where once grew on the site, or may at least require a great dunes have stabilized completely, salinity is yet further deal of site preparation and maintenance to do so. decreased, and have accumulated sufficient nutrients to support trees. The term ’forest zone,’ is Additional considerations must be paid to the present really a broad umbrella for various types of tree condition of the site. Does the site accumulate standing communities, including Slash pine woods (Pinus elliotii water? What is the soil type: muck? white sand? coral var. densa) and hardwood hammocks. Little remains of rock? Is there salt spray exposure on the site? Will the mainland south Florida’s unique coastal tropical landscape plants be integrated with turf, and possibly be hammocks composed of many tree species characteristic subjected to turf oriented irrigation practices? All of of the islands. Many shrub species occur in these factors will influence the degree of success with the understory and at the margins of these pine and which particular native species will perform in a hardwood forests, including Indigo berry ( landscape. The size of the lot may also restrict the use aculeata), Firebush (Hamelia patens), Locustberry of some species whose mature dimensions require a lot (Brysonima lucida), Marlberry (Ardisia escallonioides), of space. and various Stoppers (Eugenia species). PLANTING NATIVE SHRUBS In recent years, urbanization in south Florida has Planting native shrub species is no different than moved steadily inland towards the Everglades, a unique planting exotics. Amending the backfill soil (the soil wetland habitat often likened to a wide, shallow, slow originally excavated from and then returned to the moving river. The original vegetation of this area is planting hole) is not recommended. The top of the dominated by sawgrass marsh, cypress swamps, and ball of nursery stock should be situated at the same level island hammocks of hardwood trees, rimmed by a ridge in the soil as occurred in the field or the container. of slash pine woods. When developing these wetlands, Large masses of circling in container stock should the land is drained and dredged, and much of the muck be slit lengthwise in a few places from the top to the soil is replaced by fill. Consequently, it may be difficult bottom of the rootball to stimulate lateral root to reestablish the original vegetation of these inland production. It may be necessary or desirable to reduce areas. top growth; this should be accomplished by thinning out (removing one or several, well distributed branches at their point of origin), rather than heading back (cutting all top growth back to approximately the same level). Thinning cuts will preserve the natural shape of the shrub. DECAT Page 3

The shrubs should be regularly irrigated after Under the category of ’Hardiness Zone,’ subtropical planting, and a mulch of organic material is refers to the transitional area between central and tropical recommended. A surface application of a slow release Florida where an occasional winter frost will occur. fertilizer can be applied within the dripline of the shrub Tropical refers to southernmost mainland Florida and the (the area of soil contained within the spread of the Keys where winter frosts are rare to nonexistent. Before shrub’s b ranches) before the mulch is placed down. If installing a large scale landscape using native shrubs rainfall is received on a regular basis in the first few listed as tropical only, it is best to confer with your months after planting, this may be sufficient for county cooperative extension agent about expected establishment of small container stock (1 gallon size). winter minimums in your area. If a particular species If not, periodic irrigation will be necessary. In either can be used in central and north Florida as well, this has case, careful monitoring of the new landscape is essential been indicated. to make sure that the plants are not water stressed during the establishment period. Larger plants may require a OBTAINING NATIVE PLANTS year or more to properly establish in the landscape. The Native plants should not be transplanted from the frequency of irrigation (weekly, to several times per wild without the permission of the landowner, and never week during the first month) will depend on temperature from public lands. In general, it is best to leave wild and the water holding capacity of the soil. Irrigation populations intact, unless the plants face destruction from frequency can be reduced in successive months. development. Superior individuals in native populations Generally, the production of new growth is the best should be identified where possible, and nursery stock indication that a shrub is becoming established. propagated vegetatively or by from them. The Supplementary fertilization 2-3 times per year may be advantages of seed vs. cutting propagation is that a desireable, at least during the first year after planting. degree of the genetic diversity of the species is Some native plant producers recommend using fertilizer maintained in cultivation. The Florida Native Plant formulations with micronutrients (trace minerals) Society regularly publishes a bulletin called The traditionally designed for palms, particularly if the native Palmetto containing horticultural information on native shrubs are being planted on fill soils. plants (FNPS c/o Crow-Segal Management Firm, INC., 1133 West Morse Boulevard, Suite 201, Winter Park, FL HOW TO USE THE NATIVE SHRUB 32789). The best source of information on obtaining SELECTION TABLE Florida native plants is the Plant and Service Locator The table of native shrub species suitable for use in published by: south Florida will help in making the right choices for various landscape situations. The list is by no means a Association of Florida Native Plant Nurseries complete inventory of the subtropical or tropical shrub P.0. Box 1045 species native to the state, but is representative of those San Antonio, Florida 33576-1045 native shrubs that have proven themselves in the (904) 588-3687 landscape, are available from nurseries, or are judged worthy of wider use and availability. The table is arranged alphabetically by scientific name, accompanied by one or more common names. Special attention should be paid to environmental factors such as soil pH and light requirements, and drought and salt tolerances. Drought tolerance refers to Florida conditions only and should be interpreted as follows: High: will not require supplemental irrigation after establishment; Medium: may require occasional irrigation during periods of unusual water stress; and Low: will require supplemental irrigation during periods of drought.

Salt tolerance should be interpreted as follows: High: will withstand direct salt spray and soil salinity; Medium: should be protected from direct salt spray but will withstand moderately saline conditions; and Low: sensitive to salt. DECAT Page 4

Table 1a. Height, growth rate, soil pH, hardiness zone, light requirements, and salt and drought tolerances of native shrubs.

Mature Natural Scientific Name Height Growth Hardiness Light Salt Drought Common Name (in feet) Rate* Soil pH~ Zone** Requirements Tolerance Tolerance

Acacia farnesiana 8-10 M W C, ST, T H M H Sweet Acacia

Acoelorrhaphe wrightii 15-20 S W C, ST, T M, H M M Paurotis Palm

Amphitecna 20-30 M W ST, T H H H (Enallagma) latifolia Black Calabash

Amyris elemifera 12-16 S W ST, T M, H H M Torchwood

Angadenia berterii 2-4 S Alk ST, T H L H Pineland Allamanda

Ardisia escallonioides 12-15 M W ST, T L, M, H H M Marlberry

Asclepias tuberosa 3-4 M W C, N, ST H L H Butterfly Weed

Baccharis halimifolia 5-7 M W C, N, ST, T H H H Salt Bush

Befaria racemosa 4-8 S A C, N, ST M, H L M Tarflower

Borrishia arborescens 2-4 S W ST, T H H H Silver Sea Oxeye

Bumelia reclinata 20-30 M W C, N, ST H H M Slender Buckthorn

Byronima lucida 15-20 S W T H L H Locustberry

Callicarpa americana 4-8 F W C, N, ST H L H Beautyberry

Calyptranthes pallens 10-25 S W T M M H Spicewood, Pale Lid-

Capparis 8-10 S W T H H H cynophallophora Jamaican Caper

Casasia clusifolia 5-10 S W ST, T H, M H H Seven-Year Apple

Cephalanthus 15 M W C, N, ST M, H L L occidentalis Buttonbush

* S - Slow; M - Medium; F - Fast ** C - Central; ST - Subtropical; T - Tropical; N - North ~ A - Acid; Alk - Alkaline; W - Wide + L - Low; M - Medium; H - High DECAT Page 5

Table 1a. Height, growth rate, soil pH, hardiness zone, light requirements, and salt and drought tolerances of native shrubs.

Mature Natural Scientific Name Height Growth Hardiness Light Salt Drought Common Name (in feet) Rate* Soil pH~ Zone** Requirements Tolerance Tolerance

Ceratiola ericoides 4-5 M A C, N, ST H H H Rosemary

Chiococca alba 6-9 M W C, ST, T H H H Snowberry

Chrusobalanus icaco 6-8 M W ST, T H H M Cocoplum

Coccoloba uvifera 15-30 M W ST, T H H H Sea Grape

Colubrina arborescens 15-20 M W ST, T M, H H H Coffee Colubrina

Conocarpus erectus var. 15-20 M W ST, T H H H sericeus Silver Buttonwood

Dalbergia 6-9 M W C, ST, T H H H ecastophyllum Coin

Dodonaea viscosa 5-12 S W ST, T H H H Varnish

Duranta repens 12-15 M W ST, T M, H M M Golden-Dewdrop

Erythrina herbacea 4-20 M W N, C, ST M, H L M Coral Bean

Eugenia spp. 8-20 S W ST, T M, H H H Stoppers

Forestiera segregata 5-20 M Alk N, C, ST H H H Wild Olive; Florida Privet

Gossypium hirsutum 10-15 F W ST H H H Wild Cotton

Hamelia patens 5-6 M W ST, T H, M M H Scarletbush

Ilex cassine 25-40 M A C, N, ST H M M Dahoon Holly

Ilex glabra 6-10 S A C, N, ST M, H M M Gallberry

Ilex vomitoria 2-8 M W C, N, ST M, H H H Yaupon Holly

* S - Slow; M - Medium; F - Fast ** C - Central; ST - Subtropical; T - Tropical; N - North ~ A - Acid; Alk - Alkaline; W - Wide + L - Low; M - Medium; H - High DECAT Page 6

Table 1a. (continued).

Mature Natural Scientific Name Height Growth Hardiness Light Salt Drought Common Name (in feet) Rate* Soil pH~ Zone** Requirements Tolerance Tolerance

Iva frutescens 3-10 M Alk N, C, ST H H M Marsh Elder

Jacquinia keyensis 10-15 S Alk ST, T H, M H H Joewood

Lycium carolinianum 6-8 M W C, N, ST M, H H H Christmas Berry

Lyonia ferruginia 10-20 S A C, N, ST H L H Rusty Lyonia

Mallotonia gnaphalodes 4-6 S W C, ST, T H H H Sea Lavender

Maytenus 4-8 S W ST, T M, H M M phyllanthoides Florida Mayten

Myrica cerifera 12-15 M W C, N, ST H H H Southern Wax Myrtle

Myrsine guianensis 15-20 M W ST, T M, L H H Rapanea

Pithecellobium 15-20 M W C, ST, T H H H guadelupense Blackbead

Pithecellobium 15-20 M W C, ST, T H H H ungius-cati Cat’s-Claw

Psychotria nervosa 4-6 M W ST, T M, L L M Wild Coffee

Randia aculeata 6-10 S W C, ST, T H H M White Indigoberry

Rhapidophyllum hustrix 3-5 S W C, N, ST L, M, H L M Needle Palm

Rhus coppalina 5-25 F W N, C, ST H L H Winged Sumac

Sabal etonia 3-4 S W C, N, ST, T M, H M H Scrub Palmetto

Sabal minor 5-7 S W C, N, ST, T H H H Dwarf Palmetto

Savia bahamensis 8-10 S W ST, T H H H Maidenbush

Scaevola plumieri 1-6 S W C, ST, T H H H Inkberry

Serenoa repens 6-15 S W C, N, ST, T M, H H H Saw Palmetto

Sophora tomentosa 6-10 M W C, ST, T H H M Necklace Pod

* S - Slow; M - Medium; F - Fast ** C - Central; ST - Subtropical; T - Tropical; N - North ~ A - Acid; Alk - Alkaline; W - Wide + L - Low; M - Medium; H - High DECAT Page 7

Table 1a. (continued).

Mature Natural Scientific Name Height Growth Hardiness Light Salt Drought Common Name (in feet) Rate* Soil pH~ Zone** Requirements Tolerance Tolerance

Suriana maritima 10-15 S W ST, T H H H Bay Cedar

Tecoma stans 10-20 F W ST, T, C H M H Yellow Elder

Tetrazygia bicolor 5-20 M W ST, T H, M M H Florida

Vaccinium myrsinites 1-2 S A C, N, ST M, H L H Shiny Blueberry

Yucca aloifolia 12-15 M W C, N, ST H H H Spanish-Bayonet

Yucca gloriosa 6-8 S W C, N, ST H M H Spanish-Dagger

* S - Slow; M - Medium; F - Fast ** C - Central; ST - Subtropical; T - Tropical; N - North ~ A - Acid; Alk - Alkaline; W - Wide + L - Low; M - Medium; H - High DECAT Page 8

Table 1b. Nutritional Requirements, plant type, flower color, flower characteristics, flowering season, notes and uses of native shrubs.

Flower Scientific Name Nutritional Plant Flower Charac- Flowering Common Requirements Type Color teristics Season Notes and Uses Name

Acacia farnesiana M Ever Yellow Showy, Year-round A thorny, much-branched shrub. used to Sweet fragrant make perfume. Uses: Specimen plant; informal Acacia hedge.

Acoelorrhaphe M Palm White Insigni- Sp Can be used as a large screen. Petioles persistent wrightii ficant and spiny. Uses: Specimen plant. Paurotis Palm

Amphitecna L Ever Yellow Insigni- Sp Tolerates poor growing conditions. Uses: Specimen (Enallagma) ficant plant. latifolia Black Calabash

Amyris elemifera L Ever White Insigni- F Green wood used as torches. Often tree-like in Torchwood ficant form. Uses: Specimen plant.

Angadenia L Ever Yellow Showy Year-round Well adapted for alkaline soils. Uses: Specimen berterii plant; informal hedge. Pineland Allamanda

Ardisia L Ever White, Insigni- Sp, Su, F Shiny black attracts birds. Uses: Specimen escallonioides Pink ficant, plant. Marlberry fragrant

Asclepias L Ever Orange Showy Su Attracts butterflies to the garden. Uses: Specimen tuberosa plant. Butterfly Weed

Baccharis L Ever White Insigni- F Good for wild gardens and seaside plantings. May halimifolia ficant become weedy. Uses: Specimen plant; problem Salt Bush plant.

Befaria racemosa M Ever White Showy, Sp, W Attractive in mass. sticky, once used as Tarflower fragrant flypaper. Uses: Specimen plant.

Borrishia L Ever Yellow Showy Sp, Su B. frutescens, with green foliage, is also available. arborescens Uses: Specimen plant; groundcover. Silver Sea Oxeye

Bumelia reclinata L Ever White Insigni- F Can become a small tree. Uses: Specimen plant. Slender ficant Buckthorn

Byronima lucida L Ever White, Showy Sp, Su Sensitive to over-watering. Uses: Specimen plant. Locustberry Pink

Callicarpa L Ever Laven- Insigni- Sp Attractive purple attract many birds. Uses: americana der ficant Specimen plant; informal hedge. Beautyberry

+ L - Low; M - Medium; H - High ^ Ever - Evergreen; Dec. - Deciduous DECAT Page 9

Table 1b. Nutritional Requirements, plant type, flower color, flower characteristics, flowering season, notes and uses of native shrubs.

Flower Scientific Name Nutritional Plant Flower Charac- Flowering Common Requirements Type Color teristics Season Notes and Uses Name

Calyptranthes M Ever White Insigni- Sp, Su, F Good native hedge material, can be clipped. Uses: pallens ficant Formal, informal hedge. Spicewood, Pale Lid- Flower

Capparis L Dec. Pink- Showy Sp Undersides of rust-colored. Good hedge cynophallophora white material. Uses: Specimen plant. Jamaican Caper

Casasia clusifolia L Ever White Showy, Su Good for seaside plantings. Uses: Specimen plant. Seven-Year fragrant Apple

Cephalanthus M Dec. White Showy Su Best in wet sites. Uses: Specimen plant; informal occidentalis hedge. Buttonbush

Ceratiola L Ever Red, Insigni- Year-round Well adapted to the sand pine areas of Florida. ericoides Yellow ficant Difficult to propagate. Uses: Specimen plant. Rosemary

Chiococca alba L Ever Yellow Insigni- Year-round Attractive white fruit. C. pinetorum is pineland Snowberry ficant species. Uses: Specimen plant.

Chrusobalanus L Ever White Insigni- Year-round New foliage red in some forms. Uses: Formal, icaco ficant informal hedge; specimen plant; edible fruit. Cocoplum

Coccoloba uvifera L Ever White Insigni- Su Edible purple fruit. Good seaside plant. Uses: Sea Grape ficant Specimen plant; informal hedge; edible fruit.

Colubrina L Ever White Insigni- Year-round Can become a small tree. Uses: Specimen plant. arborescens ficant Coffee Colubrina

Conocarpus L Ever Purple- Insigni- Sp, Su, F Excellent seaside plant. Medium-textured silvery erectus var. Green ficant leaves. Uses: Specimen plant; informal, formal sericeus hedge. Silver Buttonwood

Dalbergia L Ever White, Insigni- Sp, Su Grows well in coastal landscapes. Uses: Specimen ecastophyllum Pink ficant plant. Coin Vine

Dodonaea viscosa L Ever White Insigni- Su Leaves very shiny. Winged fruit showy. Uses: Varnish ficant Specimen plant. Leaf

+ L - Low; M - Medium; H - High ^ Ever - Evergreen; Dec. - Deciduous DECAT Page 10

Table 1a. (continued).

Flower Scientific Name Nutritional Plant Flower Charac- Flowering Common Requirements Type Color teristics Season Notes and Uses Name

Duranta repens L Ever Blue, Showy Sp, Su, F Yellow fruit is poisonous to humans. Uses: Golden- White Specimen plant, informal hedge. Dewdrop

Erythrina M Dec. Red Showy Sp Attracts hummingbirds. poisonous. Uses: herbacea Specimen plant. Coral Bean

Eugenia spp. L Ever White Insigni- Sp, Su Many stoppers are slow growing but tolerate poor Stoppers ficant conditions. Uses: Specimen plant; informal hedge.

Forestiera L Ever Green Insigni- Sp Hedge plant with good salt, drought, and alkali segregata ficant tolerance. Uses Specimen plant; informal hedge. Wild Olive; Florida Privet

Gossypium M Ever White Showy Sp, Su Can be trained as a small tree. Uses: Specimen hirsutum plant. Wild Cotton

Hamelia patens M Ever Red Showy Sp, F Tubular red flowers all year. Uses: Specimen plant. Scarletbush

Ilex cassine L Ever White Insigni- Sp Red-berried. Grows in boggy sites. Withstands Dahoon ficant shearing. Uses: Formal hedge. Holly

Ilex glabra L Ever White Insigni- Sp Clump-forming. Black fruits in winter. Uses: Gallberry ficant Specimen plant.

Ilex vomitoria L Ever White Insigni- Sp, Su Many cultivars of various growth habits exist. Yaupon ficant Uses: Specimen plant; formal, informal hedge. Holly

Iva frutescens L Ever Green Insigni- Sp, Su Useful where brackish water accumulates. Uses: Marsh Elder ficant Informal hedge.

Jacquinia keyensis L Ever White Showy, Sp, Su Seldom used but has interesting architecture. Uses: Joewood fragrant Specimen plant.

Lycium L Ever Blue Insigni- Su Good for coastal landscapes. Uses Specimen plant. carolinianum ficant Christmas Berry

Lyonia ferruginia L Ever White Insigni- Sp Two other native species are also infrequently Rusty ficant cultivated. Uses: Specimen plant. Lyonia

Mallotonia L Ever White Insigni- Year-round Well adapted for beach landscapes. Considered gnaphalodes ficant endangered in Florida. Uses: Specimen plant. Sea Lavender

+ L - Low; M - Medium; H - High ^ Ever - Evergreen; Dec. - Deciduous DECAT Page 11

Table 1a. (continued).

Flower Scientific Name Nutritional Plant Flower Charac- Flowering Common Requirements Type Color teristics Season Notes and Uses Name

Maytenus L Ever White Insigni- Su Uncommon. Uses: Specimen plant. phyllanthoides ficant Florida Mayten

Myrica cerifera L Ever White Insigni- Sp, Su Root suckers, can become weedy. Leaves stain Southern ficant masonry. Uses: Specimen plant; problem plant. Wax Myrtle

Myrsine L Ever N/A Insigni- Year-round Can be trained into a small tree. Uses: Specimen guianensis ficant plant. Rapanea

Pithecellobium L Ever Pink Showy Sp, Su Lustrous black seeds. Uses: Specimen plant. guadelupense Blackbead

Pithecellobium L Ever Green- Insigni- Su Spiny. Can become a tree. Uses: Specimen plant. ungius-cati Yellow ficant Cat’s-Claw

Psychotria L Ever White Insigni- Sp, Su Red berries attract wildlife. Medium-textured nervosa ficant understory plant. P. ligustrifolia finer-textured. Wild Coffee Uses: Specimen plant.

Randia aculeata L Ever White Insigni- Year-round Spiny. White berries. Uses: Specimen plant. White ficant Indigoberry

Rhapidophyllum L Palm White Insigni- Sp A good landscape specimen. Has long spines near hustrix ficant crown. Uses: Specimen plant. Needle Palm

Rhus coppalina L Dec. Green Insigni- Sp Suckers profusely. Fruit attracts wildlife. Not for Winged ficant small yards. Uses: Informal hedge. Sumac

Sabal etonia L Palm White Insigni- Sp Slow growing. Difficult to transplant. Uses: Scrub ficant Specimen plant. Palmetto

Sabal minor L Palm White Insigni- Su Difficult to transplant. Uses: Specimen plant. Dwarf ficant Palmetto

Savia bahamensis L Ever Green Insigni- Sp Good for coastal landscapes. Uses: Specimen plant. Maidenbush ficant

Scaevola plumieri L Ever White Insigni- Su Sprawling shrub is excellent for beach plantings. Inkberry ficant Uses: Specimen plant.

Serenoa repens L Palm White Insigni- Su Tough, difficult to transplant. Blue form most Saw ficant, desirable. Uses: Specimen plant; groundcover. Palmetto fragrant

Sophora L Ever Yellow Showy Year-round May naturalize. Heavy fruit crop sometimes tomentosa unattractive. Uses: Specimen plant. Necklace Pod

+ L - Low; M - Medium; H - High ^ Ever - Evergreen; Dec. - Deciduous DECAT Page 12

Table 1a. (continued).

Flower Scientific Name Nutritional Plant Flower Charac- Flowering Common Requirements Type Color teristics Season Notes and Uses Name

Suriana maritima L Ever Yellow Insigni- Year-round Well adapted to coastal landscapes. Uses: Bay Cedar ficant, Specimen plant. fragrant

Tecoma stans M Ever Yellow Showy Year-round Prune hard to maintain attractive form. Uses: Yellow Specimen plant. Elder

Tetrazygia bicolor L Ever White Showy Sp, Su Attractive foliage. Uses: Specimen plant; informal Florida hedge. Tetrazygia

Vaccinium L Ever White, Insigni- Sp Prefers acid soil. Spreads by runners. Uses: myrsinites Pink ficant Specimen plant; informal hedge. Shiny Blueberry

Yucca aloifolia L Ever White Showy Sp Excellent seaside plant. Dangerous dagger-like Spanish- leaves. Uses: Specimen plant. Bayonet

Yucca gloriosa L Ever White Showy Su Sharp-tipped leaves are dangerous. Uses: Specimen Spanish- plant. Dagger

+ L - Low; M - Medium; H - High ^ Ever - Evergreen; Dec. - Deciduous