4 Letter from the Executive Director 5 Letter from the Board Chair 6 Astraea in Action 8 Astraea Grantee Partners Lead 14 Grantmaking 21 Giving at Astraea 23 Honoring Our Partners in Philanthropy 33 Financial Statement 34 Staff, Board, and Panels LETTER FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR

Dear Friends,

I have a great story to tell you.

ENTER: 40-year-old filmmaker-activist-community organizer. Also, depending on venue, cook-storyteller- educator-technologist.

SETTING: 34-year-old social justice foundation dedicated to the eradication of racism, sexism, and Photo by Syd London gender-based oppression.

Both are firstborns with strong feminist roots. Both are motivated by collective action, standing in strong community, and the belief that justice is attainable. Neither is afraid of hard work. They did not expect to meet.

Something tremendous happened in the year 2011.

In the following pages you will learn of the vital work many of Astraea’s grantee partners have had the tenacity to accomplish. You will learn how they cover ground where changing laws are insufficient; work in the face of persistent violence; and innovate solutions to undermine the vitriol so many LGBTQI people face every day. Several grantee partners’ cultural and artistic advocacy raises awareness of these issues, changes attitudes, and transforms society.

Concurrently, I hope you will also learn of the grace and intention with which Astraea was able to usher in new leadership so that we could, together, take a well-deserved breath, look around the room and recognize the brilliant strategic vision 34 years of bold philanthropic activism reveals.

You will hear us begin to speak of the work Astraea does alongside of our grantmaking. It feels crucial to raise up our commitment to capacity building and leadership development, philanthropic advocacy, and our media-communications practice in order to truly recognize what it takes to make a grant, an Astraea grant. And what it means to build, link, and amplify in unique and serious partnership; to stand with our grantee astraea lesbian foundation for justice and donor partners and insist on holistic long-lasting change.

Astraea was and often still is the first—the first foundation of its kind, we often make the first grant to a group or a country or a region, and we are often the first to stand in unlikely community with folks we grow to love and respect.

And so I ask, isn’t this Justice in the Making?

A very good story indeed,

A very good story indeed, annual report

J. Bob Alotta Executive Director 464 LETTER FROM THE BOARD CHAIR

Dear Friends,

We live in such amazing and complicated times. The end of 2011 saw groundbreaking recognition of and (SOGI) rights. In December, the Obama Administration released a memo outlining strategies to protect LGBTQI rights internationally. It was later underscored by the powerful speech delivered by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Human Rights Day in which she declared, “ rights are human rights.” In the same month, the United Nations released a report on violence and based on Photo by Syd London sexual orientation and gender identity; the first of its kind!

At the same time, repression and violence continues to plague LGBTQI people around the world. You will read in this annual report how our grantee partners in China, India, Turkey, the Middle East, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Slovakia and across the U.S. are responding to critical challenges in their communities and transforming society towards one that embraces LGBTQI people and their safety.

As the only public, global foundation solely committed to the pursuit of LGBTQI justice, Astraea is proud to work in meaningful relationship with our grantee partners and movement allies to play a part in these important events. Through the generosity of our community of donors, Astraea’s International Fund has made over $8.1 million in 900 grants to 338 organizations in 81 countries across the globe.

In so many boardrooms, community spaces, and street corners around the world, we are a principled voice for the common good – a common good that fully includes LGBTQI folks, people of color, and all those marginalized.

As the world continues to transform, so do we here at Astraea. The end of fiscal year 2011 saw the leadership transition of our Executive Director, as our dear colleague Katherine Acey became our first Executive Director Emerita and we welcomed our new Executive Director, J. Bob Alotta.

While this report includes only three official months of Bob’s tenure, by the time of publication, Astraea will near the end of its first year under Bob’s visionary leadership and soon its 35th anniversary! At this exciting moment in Astraea’s history, envisioning the foundation’s coming years ahead includes reflecting on what we’ve www.astraeafoundation.org learned, filled with profound gratitude to all those who made it possible. We find ourselves rededicated to the critical work at hand while dreaming about our future–one filled with justice and full human rights for all oppressed people around the world.

I hope the stories of courage and hope shared here inspire you as much as they inspire me. On behalf of the Board of Directors, our thanks to you, the Astraea community, for all that you do for the common good.

Sincerely, annual report

Mary Li, Board Chair 5

46 The Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice provides critically strategic resources to cutting edge LGBTQI social justice organizations around the globe. Astraea is the first foundation in the world to prioritize women, , and gay individuals and organizations in grantmaking. And our multi-faceted and innovative leadership in philanthropy has been growing for 34 years. Since our very first round of grants made in 1978, Astraea has worked at the intersections of racial, economic, social, and gender justice. We strive to create integrated livelihoods for our communities and center the voices most seldom heard and most directly affected by inequities. ASTRAEA BELIEVES. We are a multi-gendered, multiracial, multi-identity organization honoring the political saliency of our roots. Grown from a lesbian feminist vision, we honor strong values such as self-determination, community empowerment, movement building, and building across issues and generations. We understand as an ever-evolving value to which we all can ascribe. That is why we strategically resource organizations dismantling structural inequity on multiple fronts—on the basis of racial, sexual preference, gender, economic and social differences. Astraea’s work spans across strategic interventions: grantmaking, capacity building and leadership development, media-communications, and philanthropic advocacy to secure human rights and dignity for all LGBTQI people, everywhere. astraea lesbian foundation for justice

The Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice is the top funder in number of grants to LGBTQI organizations in the Global South and East.1

Astraea is number nine of the top ten funders in amount of funding to LGBTQI organizations in the Global South and East, the only public foundation to make the top ten list.2

Internationally, Astraea has granted $8.1 million in 900 grants to annual report 338 organizations in 81 countries.

In the U.S., Astraea has granted over $10 million in over 2,000 grants to over 750 organizations across 43 states. 466 Every march begins with a footstep. ASTRAEA CATALYZES. The first grantmaker to hundreds of organizations, Astraea has played a catalytic role for LGBTQI organizations globally. By seeding nascent ideas, groups, and movements, these initial grants have grown into long-term partnerships and coalitions. ASTRAEA CONNECTS. Amongst a web of stakeholders, Astraea walks proudly alongside national and international activists, funder networks and engaged individuals. As an architect for change, Astraea has used its convening power to enable leaders from divergent regions to develop relationships, share strategies, and leverage resources across constituencies, issue areas, geographic boundaries and funding sectors.

ASTRAEA KNOWS that progress requires the convergence of many forces—cultural production and organizing, breaking isolation, securing institutional and policy changes, and mobilizing individuals to act in community. ASTRAEA COMMITS to finding innovative ways to connect communities and their resources across the globe and in local neighborhoods. As a connective change-agent, Astraea propels the convergence of these forces, making transformation possible. www.astraeafoundation.org annual report 1 “LGBTI Grantmaking Findings,” A Global Gaze: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Grantmaking in the Global South and East 2010. (New York: FLGBTQI, 2011)

2 Ibid. 7



The end of 2011 saw groundbreaking recognition of LGBTQI rights, including overt advocacy and acknowledgment by the Obama Administration and by United Nations leaders regarding the rights of LGBTQI people. These milestones would not have been possible without decades of our grantee partners’ work to claim their human rights in the face of violence and discrimination. Their artistic, cultural and policy work has legitimized LGBTQI struggles as international human rights concerns deserving state, national and international legal protection.

However, institutional recognitions and policy victories do not always translate into the transformation of cultural attitudes and the acceptance of LGBTQI communities. Enduring challenges remain and Astraea’s grantee partners are leading the global effort to implement strategies to achieve liberation and equality for LGBTQI communities worldwide.


Forum for the Empowerment of Women march through White City, Jabavu, an area in Soweto, in celebration of 2011 Soweto Pride.


ASTRAEA GRANTEE PARTNERS COVER GROUND In Hong Kong, Women Coalition of HKSAR responds through effective advocacy and public education to fight a conserva- WHERE CHANGING LAWS tive backlash against the first legal recognition of same-sex relations ARE INSUFFICIENT in a domestic violence ordinance amendment. The repeal of Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, which legalized consensual homosexual activity, has increased the risk of violence against the LGBTQ community in India. In response, Sappho for Equality develops advocacy strategies based on a publication released by the organization on violence and rights violations against marginalized women.

National Asian Pacific Islander Alliance initiated a project to develop materials on immigration laws, specifically those impacting the LGBTQ community, and disseminates materials in six Asian languages to thousands of people attending the organiza- tion’s community forums on Comprehensive Immigration Reform in the United States.


In 1996, South Africa became the first country in the world to recognize and include sexual orientation protections in its constitution. Nonetheless, the prevalence of violence against gender non-conforming lesbians and transgen- der men has persisted at an alarming rate. The Forum for the Empowerment of Women (FEW) was established to confront discrimination and help black lesbian women claim and live out their constitutional rights.

www.astraeafoundation.org To address the rise in crimes against the LGBTQI population, FEW works within one community at a time to raise awareness of relationships between local police authorities, community stakeholders, and the lesbian community through sensitization workshops. FEW also developed a training program aimed at creating a culture of tolerance and understanding toward black lesbian students in local schools. Employing principles of non-discrimination and equality as mandated by the South African constitution, this program is able to sensitize students to identify with LGBTQI issues while promoting the implementation of the law. annual report





QUEERS FOR ECONOMIC JUSTICE astraea lesbian foundation for justice Poverty and economic hardship, both within and outside of the LGBTQ community, is pervasive and continues to grow as the economic recession in the U.S. persists. Queers for Economic Justice (QEJ) is one of the few LGBTQ groups de- voted to addressing poverty issues in New York City and to organizing low-income and homeless LGBTQ people. QEJ’s Shelter Project, whose main focus is to create safety within the shelter system, has garnered much attention. QEJ’s unique program is directed at empowering the LGBTQ homeless community in advocating for their own legal rights and protections, so often ignored within the shelter system. Additionally, QEJ’s three-phase Shelter Safety Campaign includes doing outreach throughout the New York City shelter system and invigorating activist engagement; building annual report coalitions to facilitate public education and target institutional reforms; and organizing public protests and actions, such as the 2012 LGBTQ Poor People’s March.


In Santiago de Cali, Colombia, 34 murders, 50 attempted murders and over 100 cases of police abuse directed against the LGBT community, specifically transgender women, have been documented.Santamaria Fundación GLBT created the Trans Human Rights Observatory to register attempts of violence and abuse. The group utilizes this documentation in public education efforts.

Community United Against Violence initiated a nation-wide campaign in the U.S. to mobilize LGBTQ organizations, elected officials, and community leaders to apply pressure on the government to opt out of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency’s “Secure Communities” program and eradicate other discriminatory practices, from police profiling to selective law enforcement of racial and sexual minorities.

Pembe Hayat documents official complaints against the perpetrators of police brutality and applies public pressure on the Turkish authorities to halt attacks on transgender women.


Pembe Hayat organizers carry a sign that reads, “According to the police, it’s transgender people’s fault.”

Photo courtesy of Pembe Hayat 11


ASTRAEA GRANTEE PARTNERS ARE CULTURAL CHANGE AGENTS Astraea funding fortifies cultural advocacy work and reaches progressive artists whose mediums raise awareness of social justice issues. Astraea grantee partners may be filmmakers, writers or they may be painters. Regardless of the medium, each artist makes important strides in transforming society by shaping images of LGBTQI people.

Ulrike Müller Austria-born and New York-based artist Ulrike Müller incorporates community organizing into her creative practice. As an artist, Müller is driven by a commitment to queer politics and a critical examination of the role of art in society. Working in several mediums, she describes her painting as “grounded in the desire to participate in a larger conversation about alternatives to traditional gendered norms and lifestyles.” Abstract and associative, her paintings invite viewers to play with associations and render the social and the individual as inseparable. “Individual, even intimate experience,” Müller says, “is entwined with culturally Photo by Sherif Sonbol Ulrike Müller poses with a handmade shared ideas.” In 2011, Müller initiated Herstory Inventory, a collaborative drawing project quilt based on a series of her works on paper titled 99. that invites participants to engage with lesbian feminist history by translating image descriptions found at the Lesbian Herstory Archives in Brooklyn, New York into new images. astraea lesbian foundation for justice

El Centro de Investigación y Acción en Derechos y Ciudadanías (CIADEC) - Familia Galán created the first and only trans studies center in Bolivia, bringing photo exhibits and performances to universities, as well as unearthing the presence of and reaffirming respect for transgender women in traditional religious festivals.

Rompiendo el Silencio produced a first of its kind virtual lesbian magazine in Chile. Printed versions of the magazine recently reached 20,000 copies.

Queer Leaders Forum Film Project completed an oral history film project showcasing the lives of nine annual report diverse lesbian and bisexual women in Slovakia. The film is currently being nationally broadcasted through various media outlets.



Adebisi Ademola Alimi, a Nigerian LGBT activist granted asylum in the UK, has his portrait taken for None on Record’s Seeking Asylum Video Project. Photo by Samantha Stark

None on Record produces audio documentaries highlighting the experience of LGBTQ Africans in the diaspora and collaborates with LGBTQ groups in Kenya to train community members in audio documentary production. www.astraeafoundation.org

Brown Project established a U.S.–based lead- As the first legally recognized Mexican-based transgender ership development network, Palestinian LGBTQ organization, organization Colectivo bringing together communities Al-Qaws plays a critical Binni Laanu is responsible ASTRAEA of masculine-of-center women of role in creating regional for organizing the first indigenous GRANTEE color, transgender men of color, partnerships with Middle Eastern transgender convening in Latin PARTNERS as well as straight and queer LGBT groups. The organization America and facilitating a plat- men of color. Integrating an established the first national form for the historic regional INNOVATE analysis of masculine privilege Palestinian LGBTQI hotline in transgender movement-building annual report in queer of color community collaboration with another initiative. dialogue, Brown Boi Project is Astraea grantee-partner, breaking new ground in racial Aswat. and gender justice.





Astraea grants reach across the globe, reinforcing the political leadership of lesbians, women, transgender people and people of color and cultivating the work of hundreds of LGBTQI activists and artists. In the 2011 fiscal year, Astraea awarded $1.5 million in grants to groups and individuals in 36 countries. The Astraea Foundation stands

among the top ten LGBTQ grantmakers in the U.S. both in total dollars given and total grants awarded.1 Internationally, Astraea is also among the top ten LGBTQ grantmakers who contribute 45% of total funds granted to change-makers in the Global South and East.2 astraea lesbian foundation for justice ,,


The , FIERCE, Queers for Economic Justice and the Sylvia Rivera Law Project rally at Occupy Wall Street. annual report

1 “Findings: LGBTQ Grantmaking by U.S. Foundations (2010),” Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Grantmaking by U.S. Foundations Calendar Year 2010. (New York: FLGBTQI, 2011)

2 “LGBTI Grantmaking Findings,” A Global Gaze: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex Grantmaking in the Global 1446 South and East 2010. (New York: FLGBTQI, 2011) GRANTMAKING

U.S. GRANTS PROGRAM This year, Astraea awarded $823,368 to 52 groups and 5 individuals across 21 cities in 15 states in the U.S.

As part of a Brown Boi Project retreat, Zahyr and Jung-Fung do economic justice community outreach with Causa Justa/Just Cause in East Oakland. Photo by Anthony Dimaano

US REGIONS: Funders for LGBTQ Issues Queer Muslim Retreat Northeast and New York, NY Philadelphia, PA Mid-Atlantic $2,500 $1,000 Midwest Asia Lyons www.lgbtfunders.org www.lgbtmuslimretreat.com

Northeast and Brooklyn, NY $1,000 Mid-Atlantic International Gay and Queers for Economic Justice Margot Karle Scholarship Fund Lesbian Human Rights New York, NY Outside Continental U.S. Commission $65,000 South Audre Lorde Project New York, NY Additionally, $150,000 active† New York, NY $36,900 www.q4ej.org West and Southwest $100,000 www.iglhrc.org Additionally, $115,000 active‡ Streetwise and Safe (SAS) www.alp.org National Queer Asian Pacific New York, NY Islander Alliance (NQAPIA) $9,000 www.astraeafoundation.org MidWest Funders Network Affinity Community Services Washington, DC www.streetwiseandsafe.org Midlothian, VA $95,000 Chicago, IL $2,500 $80,000 Additionally, $150,000 active† Sylvia Rivera Law Project www.disabilityfunders.org www.nqapia.org New York, NY Additionally, $150,000 active† www.affinity95.org $65,000 FIERCE None on Record Additionally, $100,000 active** New York, NY Amigas Latinas Association Brooklyn, NY www.srlp.org $125,000 active† Chicago, IL $7,000 www.fiercenyc.org $11,265 www.noneonrecord.com The Fire This Time (film)

www.amigaslatinas.org Brooklyn, NY Fire & Ink Providence Youth Student $10,000 Silver Spring, MD Movement (PrYSM) Joyce Warshow Memorial Fund annual report $5,500 Providence, RI www.promisedlandfilm.com/films/ www.fireandink.org $15,150 the-fire-this-time- www.prysm.us

*over 2 years beginning in 2009, **over 2 years beginning in 2010, †over 3 years beginning in 2009, ‡over 3 years beginning in 2010 4615 GRANTMAKING

Unid@s The National LGBT Esperanza Peace and Justice Entre Hermanos Latino/a Human Rights Center Seattle, WA Astraea Visual Organization San Antonio, TX $661 Arts Fund Washington, DC $125,000 active† www.entrehermanos.org $25,000 esperanzacenter.org Helen Cozza www.unidoslgbt.com Making Money Make Change Albuquerque, NM ROOTS Coalition , CA $2,500 Women, Action & the Media Atlanta, GA $2,500 helencozza.com Cambridge, MA $10,000 www.makingmoneymakechange.org $50,000 active** Jen Harris www.womenactionmedia.org Southerners on New Ground National Network for Hudson, NY Atlanta, GA Immigrant and Refugee Rights $2,500 Outside of $50,000 Oakland, CA www.jenpharris.com Additionally, $125,000 active† $7,000 Continental US www.southernersonnewground.org www.nnirr.org Ulrike Müller Kulia Na Mamo Brooklyn, NY Honolulu, HI SPARK Reproductive Justice Queer Women of Color Media $2,500 $7,500 NOW Arts Project um.encore.at www.kulianamamo.org Atlanta, GA San Francisco, CA $10,000 $115,000 active‡ Nancy Natale South www.sparkrj.org www.qwocmap.org Easthampton, MA allgo Honorable Mention Austin, TX TGI Justice Project nancynatale.net $115,000 active‡ West and San Francisco, CA www.allgo.org Southwest $1,200 Brown Boi Project Additionally, $125,000 active† Center for Artistic Oakland, CA www.tgijp.org Revolution (CAR) $45,000 North Little Rock, AR www.brownboiproject.org The Jordan/Rustin Coalition $40,992 Los Angeles, CA Additionally, $100,000 active** Community United Against $25,000 NEWMR Fund Violence www.jrcla.org www.artisticrevolution.org San Francisco, CA $7,000 Women’s Funding Charis Circle Lynn Campbell Memorial Fund Network Atlanta, GA www.cuav.org San Francisco, CA $7,000 $1,500 www.chariscircle.org www.womensfundingnetwork.org

ASTRAEA FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 U.S. LGBTQ FOUNDATIONS 2010 100 While recent trends show a steady decline

astraea lesbian foundation for justice in general operating 67% funding nationally, in 2011, Astraea's percentage was its highest in three years.

With our support, 32% 30% Astraea grantee 24% partners have infrastructural resources at their disposal and the  autonomy and exibility to respond quickly to the issues that matter to 0 them most. SUPPORT TO PROJECT-SPECIFIC NATIONAL LGBTQ DOLLARS GENERAL OPERATING GRANTEE PARTNERS’ SUPPORT FUNDING GENERAL OPERATING1 FUNDING DECREASE2 GENERAL OPERATING annual report

1 “Findings: LGBTQ Grantmaking by U.S. Foundations (2010),” Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Grantmaking by U.S. Foundations Calendar Year 2010. (New York: FLGBTQI, 2011) 2 “Introduction,” Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Grantmaking by U.S. Foundations Calendar Year 2010. (New York: FLGBTQI, 2011) 1646 **over 2 years beginning in 2010, †over 3 years beginning in 2009, ‡over 3 years beginning in 2010 GRANTMAKING

Lesbian Herstory Archives Defense and National Domestic Workers Donor Advised Brooklyn, NY Education Fund Alliance Funds $100 New York, NY New York, NY www.lesbianherstoryarchives.org $2,500 $750 Kitchen Table www.lambdalegal.org nationaldomesticworkeralliance.org Giving Circle National Women’s Health Mobile Homecoming Network Parents, Families and Friends of North Star Fund Durham, NC Washington, DC Lesbians and Gays New York, NY $2,500 $500 Washington, DC $500 www.mobilehomecoming.org www.nwhn.org $1,000 www.northstarfund.org www.pflag.org The Lesbian, Gay, Political Research Marsha Day Bisexual and Transgender The Gay and Lesbian Task Force Associates Memorial Fund Community Center Washington, DC Somerville, MA Services and Advocacy New York, NY $2,000 $1,000 for GLBT Elders (SAGE) $1,500 www.thetaskforce.org www.publiceye.org New York, NY www.gaycenter.org $1,000 National Center for Asian Communities for www.sageusa.org National Center for Lesbian Rights Reproductive Justice Lesbian Rights San Francisco, CA Oakland, CA Right Action Fund San Francisco, CA $3,000 $500 National Center for $3,000 www.nclrights.org www.reproductivejustice.org Lesbian Rights www.nclrights.org San Francisco, CA Teresa Rose and Grassroots Institute for $5,000 Pass the Butter Fundraising Training (GIFT) www.nclrights.org Maria J. Rintrona Oakland, CA Fund Fund $750 The Women’s Foundation Coalition on Homelessness Audre Lorde Project www.grassrootsfundraising.org of California San Francisco, CA New York, NY San Francisco, CA $1,500 $1500 Jewish Voice for Peace $2,500 www.cohsf.org www.alp.org Oakland, CA www.womensfoundca.org $500 Purple Lady Fund Center for Anti-Violence www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Roots and Wings Education Network Brooklyn, NY Puente de la Costa Sur Fund New York, NY $750 Pescadero, CA Children’s Music Network $2,500 www.caeny.org $750 Arlington, MA www.glsen.org www.mypuente.org $3,000 FIERCE www.cmnonline.org New York, NY $1,500 Lambda Legal Defense www.fiercenyc.org and Education Fund New York, NY $500 www.lambdalegal.org 100 94%

61% www.astraeafoundation.org 41% 33%

0 Outside U.S. Grant Total U.S. Grant Dollars U.S. Grant Dollars to U.S. Grant Dollars Dollars to POC groups to POC-led Efforts Multi-Racial POC Groups to by/for POC Groups annual report Astraea's Funding to People of Color (POC) groups


INTERNATIONAL GRANTS PROGRAM Internationally this year, Astraea awarded $745,322 to 55 groups across 45 cities in 36 countries.

Jayanthi Kuru-Utumpala of Women’s Support Group discusses advances and challenges in activism to end violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in Sri Lanka. Photo by Zavé Martohardjono

INTERNATIONAL Gay and Lesbian Memory The Initiative for Equal Rights Colectivo Binni Laanu REGIONS in Action (GALA) (TIER) Juchitan de Zaragoza, Mexico Johannesburg, South Africa Lagos, Nigeria $10,000 Africa $20,000 active** $6,000 Americas and Caribbean www.gala.co.za Additionally, $20,000 active** Colectivo de Investigación www.ysm-rightsorg.page.tl Acción en Derechos Trans - Asia and Pacific Gays and Lesbians of www.discussdiversity.blogspot.com Familia Galán Eastern Europe and Zimbabwe (GALZ) La Paz, Bolivia Commonwealth of Harare, Zimbabwe Youths 2Gether Network (Y2N) $25,000 Independent States $4,000 Ekpoma, Nigeria www.galz.co.zw $12,800 Colectivo Lésbico Feminista Global youths2gethernetwork.blogspot.com Tres Gatas Middle East Gender DynamiX Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Cape Town, South Africa Americas and $3,000 $16,000 active** 3gatas.blogspot.com astraea lesbian foundation for justice Africa www.genderdynamix.co.za Caribbean Collectif Arc-En-Ciel Aireana - Grupo por los Colombia Diversa Quatre Bornes, Mauritius Minority Women in Action Derechos de las Lesbianas Bogota, Colombia $6,000 Nairobi, Kenya Asuncion, Paraguay $75,000 active‡ www.collectifarcenciel.org $7,500 $2,380 www.colombiadiversa.org Additionally, $20,000 active** Additionally, $20,000 active** Forum for the Empowerment www.minoritywomeninaction.co.ke www.aireana.org.py Corporación Promoción de la of Women (FEW) Mujer/Taller de Comunicación Johannesburg, South Africa Sexual Minorities Uganda CAISO: Trinidad & Tobago’s Mujer $10,000 (SMUG) Coalition Advocating for Quito, Ecuador www.few.org.za Kampala, Uganda Inclusion of Sexual Orientation $11,680 $3,000 Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago www.tcmujer.org Freedom and Roam Uganda www.smug.4t.com $7,500 (FAR-UG) gspottt.wordpress.com Ekipa Guate annual report Kampala, Uganda Guatemala City, Guatemala $4,300 $18,605 Additionally, $20,000 active** www.elflacguate.blogspot.com www.farug.blogspot.com

**over 2 years beginning in 2010, ‡over 3 years beginning in 2010 1846 GRANTMAKING

Fundación de Desarrollo Humano Red Lésbica ‘CATTRACHAS’ Gender/Sexuality Rights Association Integral CAUSANA Tegucigalpa, Honduras of Taiwan (G/SRAT) Quito, Ecuador $10,000 Taipei, Taiwan $95,000 $75,000 active‡ desafiandomitos.blogspot.com Rompiendo el Silencio Santiago, Chile Institut Pelangi Perempuan Grupo Latinoamericano de Estudio $9,500 Jakarta, Indonesia Formación y Acción en Sexualidades, www.rompiendoelsilencio.cl $5,000 Género y Cultura (GLEFAS) www.pelangiperempuan.com Buenos Aires, Argentina Santamaria Fundación GLTB $10,000 Cali, Colombia les+ workshop www.glefas.org $10,000 Beijing, China www.santamariafundacion.blogspot.com $8,000 Grupo Safo http:/blog.sina.com.cn/lesplus Managua, Nicaragua Society Against Sexual Orientation $20,000 Discrimination (SASOD) LGBT Centre www.gruposafo.doblementemujer.org Georgetown, Guyana Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia $2,000 $3,000 Instituto Runa de Desarrollo y Estudios www.sasod.org.gy lgbtcentre.mn/en/blogs/lgbt-centres-blog.html sobre Género Lima, Peru Transsa Dominicana LINK Davao Incorporated $1,980 Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Davao City, Philippines Additionally, $60,000 active‡ $10,000 $20,000 active** www.runa.org.pe www.transsadominicana1.blogspot.com Mitini Nepal Jamaica Forum for Lesbians, All-Sexuals United and Strong Kathmandu, Nepal and Gays (J-FLAG) Castries, St. Lucia $20,000 active** Kingston, Jamaica $13,000 $60,000 active† Nutongxueshe (NTXS) www.jflag.org Asia and Pacific Hong Kong, China Arus Pelangi $20,000 Lesbianas Independientes Feministas Jakarta, Indonesia www.leslovestudy.com y Socialistas $10,000 gdottv.com Lima, Peru http://asia.geocities.com/arus_pelangi $20,000 Organization for the Protection & lifsperu.blogspot.com Asia Pacific Outgames Human Rights Propagation of the Rights of Sexual Conference (Transgender Pre-Conference) Minorities Movimiento de Acción Lésbica Feminista Wellington, New Zealand Lahore, Pakistan Aguascalientes, Mexico $10,000 $3,350 $13,000 active** www.wellingtonoutgames.com elmaldeaguascalientes.blogspot.com People Like Us (PLUS) China Queer Independent Films Kolkata, India Mujeres Al Borde Beijing, China $2,760 Bogota, Colombia $17,000 active ** www.pluskolkata.org $20,000 active** www.mujeresalborde.org Chinese Lala Alliance Sappho for Equality Shanghai, China Kolkata, India Mulabi - Espacio Latinoamericano $35,000 $20,000 de Sexualidades y Derechos www.sapphokolkata.org Guadalupe, Costa Rica Common Language www.astraeafoundation.org $30,000 Beijing, China Sayoni www.mulabi.org $65,000 active† Singapore, Singapore $7,000 Organización de Transexuales por la Creating Resources for Empowerment www.sayoni.com Dignidad de la Diversidad in Action (CREA) Rancagua, Chile New Delhi, India Shanghai Nvai Lesbian Group $2,445 $12,000 Shanghai, China Additionally, $18,000 active** Additionally, $60,000 active** $11,500 www.transexualesdechile.org www.creaworld.org www.nvai.org

Organización Trans Reinas de la Noche Gay and Lesbian Activist Network for Society of Women Guatemala City, Guatemala Gender Equality (GALANG) of the Philippines (STRAP) annual report $22,500 Quezon City, Philippines Quezon City, Philippines www.reinasdelanoche.org.gt $10,000 $4,000 www.galangphilippines.org www.tsphilippines.com

**over 2 years beginning in 2010, †over 3 years beginning in 2009, ‡over 3 years beginning in 2010 4619 GRANTMAKING

Taiwan LGBT Family Rights Advocacy Pembe Hayat LGBTT Dayanisma Dernegi Taipei, Taiwan Ankara, Turkey Middle East alQaws for Sexual and Gender Diversity $10,000 $10,000 in Palestinian Society http://lgbtfamily.org/html3/ www.pembehayat.org Jerusalem, Israel

$16,000 Vikalp Women’s Group Queer Leaders Forum (QLF) Additionally, $20,000 active** Vadodara, India Bratislava, Slovakia www.alqaws.org $2,200 $10,000 www.vikalpwomengroup.com www.qlf.blog.sme.sk Aswat - Palestinian Gay Women www.qlf.sk Haifa, Israel Women Coalition of HKSAR $8,422 Hong Kong, China Rromnjako Ilo Additionally, $90,000 active† $75,000 Belgrade, Serbia -Vojvodina www.aswatgroup.org www.wchk.org $20,000 active**

Eastern Europe and SKUC-LL Ljubljana, Slovenia Commonwealth of $48,500 active* Independent States www.ljudmila.org/lesbo Gayten LGBT - Center for the Promotion of LGBTIQ Human Rights Global Belgrade, Serbia Grantmakers Without Borders $20,000 San Francisco, California, U.S. www.transserbia.org $5,000 www.gwob.net Kampania Przeciw Homofobii (KPH) Warsaw, Poland International Network of Women’s Funds $30,000 active** Mexico City, Mexico world.kph.org.pl $2,000 www.inwf.org astraea lesbian foundation for justice annual report

*over 2 years beginning in 2009, **over 2 years beginning in 2010, †over 3 years beginning in 2009 2046 GIVING AT ASTRAEA GIVING AT ASTRAEA


KS Stevens and Daniela Dusak celebrate the holidays with Astraea in 2010. Photo by Melissa Hoskins www.astraeafoundation.org

Astraea partners with individuals to work together towards transforming the social justice landscape for LGBTQI people around the world. Astraea donors are a diverse, informed and strategic community of people living across the economic spectrum. Our donor-partners understand the importance of collectively fueling the movements and grassroots organizing required to secure a world where all can live with dignity.

annual report


We are an expansive community and our relationships are worth cultivating. In-person briefings, print and electronic publications, social media communications, teleconferences and public events give donors a chance to hear directly from Astraea grantee partners about the issues they are confronting and the innovative solutions they are building. Gatherings and educational events offer Astraea donor-activists the opportunity to find community with each other, while learning on an even deeper level about the work of LGBTQI groups around the globe.

There are many ways to support Astraea and its grantee partners. For a complete menu of giving options, including gifts of cash, stock, donor-advised funds, and planned giving, please visit www.astraeafoundation.org/take-action or contact (212) 529-8021 x814 astraea lesbian foundation for justice annual report

2246 Trish Houck and Lyssa Jenkens are among Astraea’s long-time donors. Photo by Melissa Hoskins HONORING OUR PARTNERS IN PHILANTHROPY


Astraea thanks everyone who has made a contribution – of money, time, or talent – in support of its work. All contributions are deeply appreciated and vital to advancing the human rights of the communities we serve.

We are grateful for the commitments of the following foundations, organizations, and individuals.* Their support between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011 made our work possible.

Giving levels include gifts to the Annual Fund, the Endowment, to our events, and to donor-advised funds housed at Astraea.



www.astraeafoundation.org www.astraeafoundation.org

annual report *Great care has been taken to check all names and giving levels in this report. We apologize for any errors and ask that you notify us so that we may correct our records should you find an incorrect listing. annual report

Trish Houck and Lyssa Jenkens are among Astraea’s long-time donors. 4623 Donors Leadership Giving Circle Gifts of ... to the TRANSFORMATION Barbara & Eric Dobkin/ Dipti Ghosh Acey Fund $400,000+ Dobkin Family & Meggy Gotwaco Anonymous Dreilinden Gesellschaft Foundation Stacey Herzing Kimberly Aceves fur gemeinnutziiges Katherine M. Franke Katherine T. Acey Privatkapital mb HIVOS HCROA: A CFC Human Audra Acey Open Society Institute and Civil Rights Live Oak Fund/ Jehan F. Agrama & Dwora Fried Federation Horizons Foundation Carol B. Alpert COURAGE Teresa Ng Heather Dawn Artemis $100,000+ Henry van Ameringen & Maryanne E. Travaglione Foundation Arcus Foundation Susan Penick/ Cynthia Attwood & Kathy Woodrell Liz Hirsch Albert Penick Fund Marion Banzhaf Diane L. Bernard/ & Karen Pratt/Funding Ute A. Pfeifer Alvin H. Baum, Jr. Heller-Bernard Fund Exchange Stephanie K. Blackwood CoYoTe PhoeNix Estate of C. Edwin Baker Kicking Assets Fund/ Terry L. Boggis Tides Foundation Ford Foundation Shad A. Reinstein Denslow Brown & Jody Laine White & Linda Smith Amy Mandel &

Charlotte Bunch & Roxanna M. Carrillo VISION Katina Rodis/ Jessica Saalfield Morton and Barbara Eliza S. Byard $25,000+ Mandel Family Jean Saul Maria Cadenas Anonymous Foundation Jill C. Campbell Jennifer Wilson Barbara Meislin/ Mona C. Cardell & Berta Britz Adam & Rachel Albright/ ARIA Foundation Jewish Community Under 1 Fund/ Joan T. Casale Endowment Fund Horizons Foundation Kevin Cathcart Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund Weston Milliken Underdog Fund/ Alexandra Chasin Tides Foundation Herbert I. Cohen, M.D. Gill Foundation Nancy D. Polikoff Constance Cohrt & Cheryl Swannack & Amy Reichman Nancy Meyer KNOWLEDGE $2,500+ Rajat Dutta & Mark Weiss Dorothy E. Sander/ Joyce Warshow Fund Rosalind Dutton Naomi Sobel Anonymous & Jill Gates Smith Schwab Fund for Tamara Chin Rachel Efron, Ph.D. Ted Snowdon Foundation Charitable Giving Tucker Pamella Farley Darlene de Manincor The Sister Fund astraea lesbian foundation for justice Edrie Ferdun & Jan Felshin WISDOM & Emily Rosenberg/ Annette Firestein & Lawrence Bilick $10,000+ Vanguard Charitable Jake Family Fund Endowment Program Katherine M. Franke Anonymous Jane Clayton Oakes Linda Gaal & Adina Back Barbara J. Wright & Joa Dattilo Mika Albright/ & Dee Kenny Marie Gaerlan ARIA Foundation Robin Rosenbluth Lynn Gernert & Susan Weiler & Tracy Scott Dipti Ghosh & Meggy Gotwaco Elizabeth Bremner INSIGHT & Karen Crow Diane Sabin Julie Goldscheid & Penelope Damaskos $5,000+ & Ruth Herring & Pam Peniston Susan M. Davis/ Anonymous Stacey Herzing Marsha Day Fund Bev Scott annual report Katherine T. Acey & Courtney Liz Hirsch & Karen Pratt M. Quinn Delaney & Wayne D. Jordan Lynn Gernert Joan W. Watts & Susan Weiler

2446 continued... Donors to the SPIRIT Estelle Disch $1,500+ INVESTORS Acey Fund Deborah Drysdale/ Anonymous (2) $500+ Alice Y. Hom Women’s Foundation Anonymous (3) Melissa Hoskins Sam Avrett of California Jehan F. Agrama Trish Houck & Lyssa Jenkens Miriam Barnard & Dwora Fried Paula L. Ettelbrick Adele James & Melea Seward Dr. Karla Jay Susan S. Allee Megan E. Fannin/ Ileana Jiménez & Cecelia Martin Alvin H. Baum, Jr. & Karen Krahulik Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Tania Kravath & Carolyn Chadwick Victoria C. Brush Carol B. Alpert Kerry Lobel Patricia M. Fontaine & Marta Drury/ Elly Bulkin Karen Y. Armstrong girls just wanna have funD & Beth P. Stephens & Mary Bowden Gillian Francis June Makela & Sarah Salm/ Linda Marks & Berenice M. Fisher Alexandra Chasin Heather Dawn Artemis Marsha Day Memorial & Maryanne E. Fund Alice McKeage Marta Drury Travaglione Kathleen McLane & Kerry Lobel/ Somjen Frazer Elizabeth A. Meyer girls just wanna Cynthia Attwood Nancy Meyer & Mark Weiss have funD & Kathy Woodrell Reverend Jan Griesinger Weston F. Milliken Rosalind Dutton Rona Guymon Ward Auerbach Elizabeth Seja Min & Jill Gates Smith & Susan G. Freundlich & Andy Baker Lauren W. Hanson Heba A. Nimr Tucker Pamella Farley Maura Bairley Jean Hardisty/JVH Fund North Star Fund Edrie Ferdun Ann Bauman Jane Clayton Oakes & Joa Dattilo & Jan Felshin Judith Helfand Michelle O’Brien Jean Beard/ Johnson & Johnson Family Meg A.L. Hickman The Falcon Fund Eleanor Palacios of Companies Rosalind Petchesky Alice Y. Hom Contribution Fund Merrill Black Marjorie Plumb & Tracy Weitz James C. Hormel Stephanie K. Blackwood JPMorganChase Amy K. Posner & Deborah B. Novak Foundation Starr Potts Kindling Fund/ Arlene E. Bronstein North Star Fund Surina A. Khan Linda Preuss Sarah Buttenwieser & Jennifer C. Terry Michael Ratner & Karen Ranucci K.O. Burkhardt Fund/ & Hosea Baskin Sandra J. Robinson & Juanita Deans Fidelity Charitable Laura I. Kramer Murray Rosenblith & Carol Leven Gift Fund Merle Chambers/ & Deborrah Markette www.astraeafoundation.org Chambers Family Fund Robin Rosenbluth & Tracy Scott Michelle Kweder Diane K. Lincoln Stephanie L. Roth & Kimberly Klein & Denise Gorayeb Theo Yang Copley Joy Linscheid Cynthia Rothschild Daniel J. Lee Elizabeth B. Conant Tuti B. Scott & Camille Cox/ Metropolitan Dixie M. Sheridan Levi Strauss Foundation Tennis Group, Inc. Community Foundation Donna Smith O’Hanlan-Walker LGBT for Greater Buffalo Mildred Murphy Linda Stein & Helen Hardacre Equality Fund/ Javid Syed Horizons Foundation Marjorie Coward Ragnar D. Naess

Rebecca & L.E. Sykes annual report & Sarah Schwartz Sax & David Charles Joy A. Tomchin Winnie Tam Nancy E. Cunningham Network for Good Ted Snowdon Foundation United Way of New York City Arleen Dallery New Prospect Foundation Nancy Wackstein Joan W. Watts Monona Yin & Steve Fahrer 4625 Women Will Circle Anonymous Donna A. Korones Kimberly Aceves Jennifer Krauel Katherine T. Acey Marilyn Lamkay Jomal M. Alcobar Marjorie Lightness Mary Alford Karyn J. London Carol B. Alpert Genevra K. Loveland* Ward Auerbach Leonard Manheimer* & Andy Baker John Manzon-Santos Dr. Sharon L. Aukerman Joseph Mattes* C. Edwin Baker* Shaya Mercer David Becker* Jane Clayton Oakes Sara Berger & Joa Dattilo Diane L. Bernard Lily Olán & Joan Heller* Kay F. Quam Gail S. Bernstein Barbara Raab Melanie E. Berzon Nusrat R. Rabbee, Ph.D. Sylva Billue* Joni Ross* Evelyn Blackwood Stephanie L. Roth Stephanie K. Blackwood & Kimberly Klein Elissa Breitbard Stephanie Roth Elizabeth Bremner Dorothy E. Sander & Karen Crow & Joyce Warshow* B. J. Brown* Sarina B. Scialabba Denslow Brown Dr. Claire E. Selkurt & Linda Smith Dixie M. Sheridan Pamela Calvert Barbara Shollar* Mary Ellen S. Capek Linda Stein & Susan Hallgarth & Helen Hardacre Donna Cassyd Phyllis K. Steiner Judith N. Clarke & Lois Fink Theo Yang Copley Cindy Sterling Jennifer A. Dryfoos Catherine Tinker Sally Duplaix Ann Vittala

astraea lesbian foundation for justice Rosalind Dutton Léonie Walker & Jill Gates Smith & Dr. Katherine Tucker Pamella Farley O’Hanlan Edrie Ferdun Alida Walsh & Jan Felshin Joan W. Watts Sheila Gershen Jessica R. Weissman & Sy Baldwin & Louise P. Kelley Sue Goldwomon Remsen Wolff* Jewelle Gomez Mark B. Wyn & Diane Sabin Karen B. Zelermyer Debra Hirshberg & Tami Gold

annual report & Jamie L. Hecker Jan Zobel Nona Hungate Sheryl Kaplan Jennifer Knight & Chiqui Cartagena *deceased Anu Bhagwati, Anjali Alimchandani, and Irmary Reyes attend Astraea’s Lesbian Writers Fund celebration. 2646 Photo by Zavé Martohardjono HONORING OUR PARTNERS IN PHILANTHROPY

Michelle O’Brien Janet Watson/ Hosannah Asuncion Micheline Brown Women’s Foundation Mary F. O’Sullivan of Minnesota Charlotte L. Avery Gilda Bruckman & Francie Ball & Arden Eversmeyer & Judith T. Wachs Pamela Westrom Mona Pittenger/ Mary Ayres Naomi Brussel Tulsa Community E. Frances White Foundation Eileen Backer Charlotte Bunch Susan Wiseheart & Roxanna Carillo Polk Bros. Foundation Carmen Balentine Alea Woodlee Paul Buono Myles Presler & Mahea Campbell Marion Banzhaf & David R. Conchado

Kay F. Quam Karen Yin Lenore Beaky Kent Burbank & Ingin Kim Michael Ratner Lars Bedurke Florie M. Burke & Karen Ranucci Monona Yin Bonnie Beebe & Steve Fahrer Martha Burt Sharon Rich/ & Betty-Carol Sellen Keisha Bell Combined Jewish PARTNERS Eliza S. Byard Philanthropies UP TO $499 Berlin-Gerber Partners Fund/ Martha Richards Patricia Anonymous (8) Fidelity Charitable & Thomas Byrne Patsy Rogers Gift Fund Hilary Abell & Lucille Field Goodman CA Matching Gifts Program Dr. Linda Bernhard Ellen G. Abramson Eve Rosahn Maria Cadenas Kris A. Billhardt Audra Acey Lisa Sbrana Jill C. Campbell Joan E. Biren & Nadia K. Gareeb Patricia Ackerman Rachel Cannon Beth Black Michael S. Seltzer Nicole Aebi-Moyo Jenna Capeci & Ralph G. Tachuk Terry L. Boggis Gregory Alexander Mona C. Cardell Ellen Shapiro & Hanita Alexander Laura Bollettino & Berta Britz & Carol L. Page Mary Alford Cynsa Bonorris Mary Cardenas Rosalind Shapiro Anjali Alimchandani Susan Borke Evette Cardona Jane M. Simoni & Marion McGrath & Mona Noriega & Karina L. Walters Ellen Alpert & Janice Sears Debra Borkovitz

Joan T. Casale www.astraeafoundation.org Anna Smeby Sylvia W. Alpert Diann Bowoman Judith Casselberry The Sulica Fund Joni Anderson Dr. Michele Boyer Nivea Castro Tate Family Fund & Yvonne D. King Martha E. Brandwene Kevin Cathcart Rebecca Lisa Anderson & Rita M. McWilliams & L.E. Sykes Lorraine M. Cetto Marie Ariel Dr. Judith V. Branzburg Urvashi Vaid & Margaret A. Ryan Karen Chang & Kate Clinton Judy E. Arnow Elissa Breitbard Melissa S. Chang annual report Wallace-Sexton Fund/ Asian Americans/ Stonewall Community Pacific Islanders in Camille Ann Brewer Win Chesson Foundation Philanthropy Denslow Brown Dorie Clark & Linda Smith


49 Gifts Made Robin Carson Cloud Aliza Dichter in Honor of Sarah Carson Cloud Barbara J. Dobson Katherine Acey Elyse Cogan Alyce C. Dodson Emory The Astraea Staff Carolyn Cohen Anne Dohna Dorothy Allison Gifts Made Arlene Bronstein in Memory of Eileen B. Cohen Mark Domann FIERCE Herbert I. Cohen, M.D. Peg Downey & Astraea’s grantees Donna Abramson Rachel Efron Rita Arditti Misha R. Cohen R. Erica Doyle Liz Hirsch and Karen Pratt Cheryl B. Constance Cohrt The Honorable & Amy Reichman Thomas K. Duane Jana Rhonda Copelon Marsha Day Jaya Fei-Wen Gomez Elizabeth Coker Ellen Dugger Ileana Jimenez Marnee Kennedy & Gale Winn B. Cole Daniel Lee Elke Mueller Yolanda Retter Katherine B. Durgin Joy Livingston Allison Coleman & Elaine McKinley Timothy McIndoe Donna Roberts Carol A. Collins Marla Meislin Edith Rosenthal Rajat Dutta Brenda Roth Sibhan O’Neil Juanita Colon Mary Ann Dutton & Melissa Dichter Isaaca Z. Siegel & Jean Veta Sandy Robinson Kay B. Smith Carolyn Confer & Juanita Deans Judith Ebert Joyce Warshow Jacqueline L. Cook Stephanie Roth Evelyn Winer Dr. Herman Efron Simone Sneed Tricia Cooke Rachel Efron, Ph.D. Theresa Corrigan Justus Eisfeld Jennifer L. Costley & Judith E. Turkel Hilla P. Elkind

Caroline & Laurie Cotter Mónica Enríquez-Enríquez

Gail Cowie Marta Esquilin

Barbara J. Cox Rachel Esquilin & Margaret A. Habetler astraea lesbian foundation for justice Lucinda B. Ewing Anya Elizabeth Darrow & Luchie Ticzon & Louise Ann Harrison Monica Falcone Joa Dattilo Alan Farley Marcelle Davies-Lashley James M. Fauntleroy Frances Davis Bran Ali Fenner Indrani De Silva Jon S. Fimbres Caitlin Delohery & Duane A. Dauphine annual report Olive Demetrius Katherine Palmer Finn

Dorothy J. Dexter Annette Firestein In April 2011, Felix Endara and Cat Perry gathered in Brooklyn to welcome J. Bob Alotta to Astraea and celebrate Katherine Acey’s legacy as founding 2846 Executive Director. Photo by Melissa Hoskins HONORING OUR PARTNERS IN PHILANTHROPY

& Lawrence Bilick Frances Goldin Debra Hirshberg Evan King & Jamie L. Hecker Nita Firestone Julie Goldscheid Rosamond King & Jane R. Bailey & Penelope Damaskos Tracy L. Hobson Karen Kinney Laura Flanders Eda G. Goldstein Mark Hodgson & Elizabeth Streb Jamie Kinosian Letitia A. Gomez James M. Holmes Cheryl D. Fleming Meghan Kirksey Liani Greaves Clare G. Jasmine Flott & Robert S. Holzman Deanna Sharon Gregory & Marina Kitamura Dr. Cynthia Flynn Youn K. Hong & Deirdre Boyle/ Lauren Gumbs Sidney Fidelity Charitable Melanie Hope & Rachelle Kivanoski Elena R. Gutierrez Gift Fund & Jessica Rothberg Kim Klausner Mariam Habib Bonnie Foley Brenda Hughes & Michele James Valerie Klemme Dwight Foley Sel Julian Hwahng Wesley Hall Kent Klindera Jane E. Foote Sara Inbetu Aileen Hammond Richard Kohsiek & John M. Tartaglia Jazmine Irizarry Eileen Hamper Delores M. Komar Kim L. Ford & Nydia Mendez & Susan M. Wolford Linda M. Hanna Jason Franklin William Isasi Donna A. Korones Anne Harper Blaise Freeman Elena Jaime Julie Kotowski Pan Haskins Brenda Funches Adele James & Elijah Oberman Tracy Hazas Cynthia E. Funk Linda Jane Jennifer Krauel & Janice Kuhagen Julia N Heaton Carol Jaspin Tania Kravath & Allan G Wellenstein Linda Gaal & Rhonda Santamour & Carolyn Chadwick & Adina Back Rebecca S. Hemperly Dr. Karla Jay Susan Kravitz Leslie Suzanne Hendrich Catherine Jelk Kavita Kulkarni & Carolyn Gabel-Brett Annette Hernandez Ileana Jiménez Daisy & Cecelia Martin & Neal Lalwani Marie Gaerlan Catherine Herrera www.astraeafoundation.org Cary A. Johnson Marilyn Lamkay Linda Garnets Ruth Herring & Pam Peniston KaRon Joyner David Lanier Susan D. Gedanke & Gilbert Fouchard Karen Herzenberg Jocelyn Kaplan Ellen C. Geiger & Katie Rooney Sam Larson Sheryl Kaplan Bonnie Genevich Susan J. Hessel Glorianne M. Leck & Karen Dahle Reena Karani Sheila Gershen & Susan Savastuk & Sy Baldwin Hewlett-Packard Lori J. Katz Allan Ledford Company Foundation annual report Ilsa Gilbert J. Kehaulani Kauanui Alexander L. Lee Erica Hill Joyce Kauffman Amanda Goad Susan J. Lee & Margaret Moser Jody Hirsch Logan Kelly & Denise LeVan Martha Legare Nancy Golden Sarah Kennedy


Mary M. Leno Karyn J. London Teresa McGovern Elizabeth Seja Min & Susan G. Freundlich Carmen Leslie Kenyetta Lovings Alice McKeage Theodora Minucci Toni Lester Jarrett Lucas Kathleen McLane Jacqueline I. Mirkin Adam E. Levine Andi Lyons Alex McNeill & Edie F. Daly & Janka Bialek Ruth A. Levine Emilia I. Medina Robert Miros Bill Lyons Nathan Levitt Alan Mendelsohn Inca A. Mohamed Brenda M. Mike Lew Adrienne J. Mennis Glynis Moody & Thom Harrigan June Makela & Jacky L. Hardy Ann Meyer Barbara Lewis Lydia Mann Sarah Moon Elizabeth A. Meyer Mary Li Carol Marker Paul Morejon Florence Meyer Mary T. Li Linda Marks Denise Moreland & Berenice M. Fisher Jennifer Michalsky Katherine Lieberson & Andrea LaRose Sandra Morris Cheryl Marland Ruth Lipschutz Microsoft Giving Campaign Ronica Mukerjee Tony Marzani Tracey Little & Harry Schroder Harriet A. Miller Nee Cee Murphy & Monica Wehrle Julian C. Liu Jean A. McCray Mary Ellen Muzio & Phyllis H. Subin Hillary Miller Charles Livingston Anne Myles & J. Lynn Greenfield


305246 Tucker Farley and Eunice Samuels attend the 2010 Holiday Party. Photo by Melissa Hoskins HONORING OUR PARTNERS IN PHILANTHROPY

Sabelo Narasimhan Rosalind Petchesky George Rolfe Margaret J. Schonfield & Lois Gamble Duncan & D. Merilee Clunis Nancy Nauman Pfeizer Foundation Rebecca Rolfe Dara Schur Dee Dee Nguyen/ Karen Plafker & Susan Mooney Marin Community Tuti B. Scott Foundation Nancy Platzer Yanick Roman Victoria Scott Heba A. Nimr Marjorie Plumb Renea Romesberg & Tracy Weitz Janice Sears Jessica Norris Mary Ann M. Rose & Ellen Alpert Whitney Porter North Star Fund Murray Rosenblith Karen R. Sebastian Amy K. Posner & Carol Leven Susan Nowelsky & Deborah B. Novak Audrey Seidman Jovida Ross Zawadi Nyong’o Elin Posner Betty-Carol Sellen Johanika Roth & Martha Burt Miller Oberman Starr Potts Stephanie Roth Dr. Eugene C. Sheeley Jo Oppenheimer Gladys Preuss Stephanie L. Roth Barbara Shepard Oracle Matching Gifts Program Linda Preuss & Kimberly Klein Dixie M. Sheridan Katherine Orr Andrea Quijada Barbara P. Rothberg Jayne B. Sherman Joseph R. Pabst LGBT Letitia S. Quinn Cynthia Rothschild & Deby Zum Infrastructure Fund Elizabeth Ramirez Penny Rubin Jasmine Sheth Eleanor Palacios Joanna Rankin Peggy Saika Jerald Paul Shing Palladino and Koteen & Mary Fillmore & Duane Diviney Family Fund/ Sally Pick Fund/ Advisor Charitable Gift Fund Rosemary Rasmussen Chicago Community Alix Kates Shulman Foundation & Scott York Dominic Lisa J. Reeves & Jeannie M. Pallazola Eunice Samuels Michael D. Siever Graeme Reid Jaimini Parakh Diana Sands Laurie Silverman Sonia Remo & Betty Mayo Sung Park Edith Sargon Resources for Change Karen Simon Janet Parrish James Maxwell Saslow Dulce Reyes & Valerie Coster

& Steven Goldstein www.astraeafoundation.org Radha Patel Andrea Ritchie K. Sing Andrea Saturno-Sanjana Judith A. Patrick Evelyn V. Rivera Rae L. Siporin Curtis & Carmen Chiong Skye Patrick & Cheryl Sawyer Sleepy Martín Rivera Pearson Ronora Sayaman Helen Smiler Amy J. Robinson & Marlene Johnson Sóvero Pereira Janice Schachter Dawn Robinson Deborah A. Smith Miriam Zoila Perez Charles B. Schewene & Tanya Paperny annual report Sandra J. Robinson Donna Smith Maggie Schleich & Juanita Deans Susanne Perkins Joanne N. Smith Jean L. Schmidt Alfred Roca Susan Perley Simone Nicole Sneed


J.C. Sobel United Way of New Mexico Jacqueline Woodson

Randi M. Solomon Dona Upson Tynisha Wynder & Julia R. Cohen Monica Urbina Arlene Zarembka Carol Spelkoman & Priscilla Rucco & Zuleyma Tang-Martinez & Carol Underwood Wendy Volkmann Suzanne Zuckerman Linda Stein Nancy Wackstein & Helen Hardacre THANK YOU Aimee R. Walker Julie Stenken Carol Alpert Rebecca Wallach Tara Sterling Gina Breedlove Kate Walter Rebecca Stilling Carol Buell & Jean Reeves Edward Wang Deity Lisa E. Stone Erica Waples & Scott Cantor Rox Etheridge Ouida Washington Chiemi Suzuki Sandra Mukasa Susan Wefald Timothy J. Sweeney Allison Pilatsky Gloria Weiner Javid Syed Michael Seltzer Weller Investment Company & Ralph Tachuk Winnie Tam Claire Wendland Sierra Spingarn Catering Tristan Taormino-Tognazzini & Mary Moore Toshi Reagon Anne D. Taylor Wendy Wenner Tarrah Reynolds Liesl Theron & Janet P. Gocheman DJ RiMarkable Selly K. Thiam Heather West & Jennifer Williams DJ Tikka Masala Kim Westheimer Matthew Thibeault & Madeline M. Klyne Eunique Waring

Reverend Paul K. Thomas Rebecca E. Weybright WitchesBrew

Danielle Thomson Jan Whiteley astraea lesbian foundation for justice Aimee R. Thorne-Thomsen Katrin E. Wilde & Leif Thorne-Thomsen Andrea B. Williams Jill Tinmouth Anna J. Williams, Ph.D. Victor Tobar Debra Williams Myrna S. Tortorello Lorin A. Wiseman Tata Traore-Rogers Kathy Wolfe Traub-Dicker Fund of Stonewall & Barbara Verhage

annual report Community Foundation John Won Carla Trujillo Michelle Wong & Leslie Larson


Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice Statement of Activities Unresticted Temporarily Permanently All for the year ending June 30, 2011 Restricted Restricted Funds Support and Revenue

Individual Contributions 171,190 220,719 391,909 Foundation Contributions* 811,743 933,503 1,745,245 Corporate Contributions 16,472 16,472 Bequest 150,000 150,000 Special Events 4,863 4,863 Administrative Fees 140,723 140,723 Other Income 15,474 15,474 Net Investment Return 26,457 642,701 669,158

Total Revenue 1,336,922 1,796,923 3,133,845 Net Assets Released From Restrictions 2,193,017 (2,193,017) (0)

TOTAL REVENUE AFTER RELEASES 3,529,939 (396,094) 3,133,845

Expenses 3,529,939 Program Services Grants Made** 1,688,728 1,688,728 Other Program Services 1,030,768 1,030,768 Total Program Services 2,719,496 2,719,496 Supporting Services Administrative and General 400,883 14,670 415,553 Fundraising 507,969 507,969 Total Supporting Services 908,852 14,670 923,522

TOTAL EXPENSES 3,628,348 14,670 3,643,018 ASTRAEA2011 Changes in Net Assets EXPENSE(98,409) REPORT (410,763) ASTRAEA2011 (509,173) EXPENSE REPORT Net Assets as of June 30, 2010 251,04611% 3,268,390 2,958,316 6,477,751 Net Assets as of June 30, 2011 152,637 2,857,626 2,958,316 11% 5,968,579 14% 14% ASTRAEA2011 www.astraeafoundation.org EXPENSE REPORT ASTRAEA2011 EXPENSE REPORT 75% 75% 11% 75% 11% 14% 14% PROGRAM EXPENSES


*Included are contributionsPROGRAM EXPENSES advised by individuals through Donor Advised funds from other foundations of $423,300 **Total grants madeFUNDRAISING FY11 EXPENSESis $1,709,728 reduced by $21,000 due to prior years’ canceled grants.

Report is unauditedADMINISTRATION & GENERAL EXPENSES You may obtain the latest financial audit from Astraea or the Office of Charities Registration Department of State, Albany, NY 12231 524633 STAFF, BOARD AND PANELS

STAFF BOARD Thuli Madi, Johannesburg, South Africa (as of February 2012) (as of February 2012) Lepa Mladjenovic, Belgrade, Serbia J. Bob Alotta Mary Li, Portland, OR, Board Chair Miriam Molnar, New York, NY, US Executive Director Miriam Zoila Pérez, Brooklyn, NY, Rauda Morcos, Haifa, Israel Christian Baer Board Secretary Phumi Mtetwa, Yeoville, South Africa Administrative Coordinator Michelle Kweder, Somerville, MA, Monica Pisankaneva, Sofia, Bulgaria Alex Bell Board Treasurer Development Officer Svati Shah, New York, NY, US Miriam Barnard, Brooklyn, NY Michelle Blankenship Anjana Suvarnananda, Senior Accountant (Consultant) Alice Y. Hom, Los Angeles, CA Nakornchaisi, Thailand Sangeeta Budhiraja Ileana Jiménez, Brooklyn, NY Javid Syed, New York, US Director of Programs Alex Lee, San Francisco, CA Maria Georgina Villar, Namita Chad Daniel Lee, San Francisco, CA Quezon City, Philippines Program Officer Jarrett Lucas, New York, NY Wei-ting Wu, Taipei, Taiwan Mónica Enríquez-Enríquez Program Officer Cynthia Rothschild, Brooklyn, NY Bin Xu, Beijing, China

Ariel Federow Development Assistant Astraea acknowledges U.S. Advisory Board (as of June 2011) Senka Filipovic former staff and board for Executive Assistant their contributions during Kebo Drew, San Francisco, CA Miles Goff the fiscal year 2010-2011. Kim Ford, New York, NY Major Gifts Officer Malachi Larrabee-Garza, San Francisco, CA Jova Johnson Tiona McClodden, Philadelphia, PA Administrative Coordinator Staff: Kimberly Datz, Yvonne Fly Onakeme Etaghene, Melissa Hoskins, Nguru Karugu, Nadeja Wesley, Chicago, IL Mai Kiang Eli Oberman, Wendy Muse, Dulce Reyes, Director of Grantmaking Simone Sneed, Shomi Terceros, Denise Kleis Tata Traore-Rogers, Aimée Thorne-Thomsen VISUAL ARTS FUND Human Resources (Consultant) Board: Kimberly Aceves, Surina Kahn PANELISTS Zavé Martohardjono Kimberly Mayhorn, New York, NY Media Communications Officer Maia Palileo, New York, NY Joy Michael ADVISORS Staff Accountant International Advisory Board Carrie Yamaoka, New York, NY (as of June 2011) Suzanne Pharr Movement-Building Coordinator Omo Akintan, Toronto, Canada (Consultant) ANNUAL REPORT Belissa Andía Pérez, Lima, Perú TEAM Adam Shaw-Vardi astraea lesbian foundation for justice Webmaster (Consultant) Lohana Berkins, Buenos Aires, Argentina Contributors Libay Cantor, Marikina City, Philippines J. Bob Alotta, Alex Bell, Michelle Blankenship, Sangeeta Budhiraja, Maria Ysabel Cedaño, Lima, Perú With deep recognition Namita Chad, Ariel Federow, Tatiana Cordero, Quito, Ecuador Senka Filipovic, Miles Goff, Mai Kiang, of her vision, Astraea Ochy Curiel, Bogotá, Colombia Mary Li, Zavé Martohardjono & Karen Thompson. acknowledges Katherine Jelena Djordjevic, Belgrade, Serbia T. Acey, Executive Director Marta Drury, Half Moon Bay, CA, US Editor Zavé Martohardjono Emerita, for her continued Mónica Enríquez- Enríquez, commitment to the New York, NY, US Designer Tristan John

annual report foundation. Yuderkys Espinosa Miñoso, Buenos Aires, Argentina Printer Natasha Jiménez Mata, Union Solidarity Graphics San José, Costa Rica Printed with vegetable-based inks on paper Anna Kirey, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan with recycled content. 345246


Funding Change and Strengthening Communities Around the World astraea lesbian foundation for justice 116 East 16th Street Seventh Floor New York NY 10003 P 212.529.8021 | F 212.982.3321 [email protected] annual report