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8-11-1922 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 08-11-1922 Journal Publishing Company

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I OH1Y.TIIIKD VliAR. by Carrier or a AO I CLXX1V. No. 42. Albuquerque, New Mexico, Friday, 11, 1922. Dallj Hull, Hc Month j. August Single Copies (Wj

JL,il kJ

HOOVER FOUR REFUSES TO TQ STOP Greatest French Ace Decorated RARDIUC 'S L IRE POWER FOR COAL COST RISE For Air Victories in World War URGED JUDGES NEED OF HAUL TBAIHS THROUGH BY HOLDING HEADS iTi 1'S to NEEDLES UNTIL GUARDS Appeal Interstate Chairman Hooper of Labor WILLIAM I. TUFT Commerce Commission to Board Intimates This is Restrict Transportation of the Object of Conference Gougers. Tomorrow. Chief Justice of Supreme WITH RUNS ARE REIVED The Court Tells National Bar (By AMHjciiiled Preni.) (ny The Acluted TrcM.) Washington, Aig. 10. Use ot Washington, Aug. 10. Nearly ail Association Why Decis- the of the In- emergency powers the officials of railroad unions who ions Are Delayed, terstate Commerce commission to will participate in tomorrow's con- into line coal who BOTH EAST AHD WEST bring operators ference over President Harding's THINKS MEN0N BENCH TRAFFIC are failing to with the final proposal ot a basis for settling federal fuel organization in the the strike, were in Washington to- ARE TOO HANDICAPPED STOPS AT CALIFORNIA POIHTS control of prices was under consid- night and had completed a survey eration today by the centrnl coal of the situation as presented to Says They Have them loaders seven shop-cra- ft Opportunity committee. by of the uo The government's defense orRanizatlons actually on to Uood Work If Brake-me- n advances above the strike. The only exceptions were Conductors and against price the Country Will Give Them Engineers, Firemen, maximum agreed upon by produc- heads of tho four brotherhoods in Which Is Re- ing operators With Secretary of train service men, who are ex- Necessary Authority. Included Walkout, Hoover was declared to lie in the pected to be at hand by 10 o'clock powers ot the Interslate Commerce tomorrow, when the general meet- (Bj The Asdoclulpc As of Shopmen's Strike is scheduled to Vrei,) garded Independent commission to allocate coal cars so ing begin. San Francisco, Calif., 10 Beij W. Hooper, chairman of Aug. of Believed to Be Fore- that mines boosting prices would be (by the Associated I'ress.) De- But Growing Out It; without facilities. the railroad labor board, who also transportation arrived in called pendence upon action of congress Department of officials Washington today, to effect reform to remove delav runner of National Action of Similar Nature justice upon President Harding and later connected with 'the federal fuel and to bring about speed In the were said to have ad- got in touch with union spokesmen organization was understood Mr. administration of Justice "has not ASSOCIATED PIIES9.) vised the committee that the com- It that urougnt me oest (BT THE Hooper's efforts were to persuade results, and some 10. A committee from mission had ample authority under the different mode should be tried." Needles, Calif., Aug. the the law to so cars to the ' both tho rail executives and William Howard distribute ' union leaders to the pres- Taft, chief justice Big Four brotherhoods, the engineers, firemen, conduc- mines ns to effectively control accept of tho United States, told the be ident's offer, which suggested that tors and brakemen notice to the Santa Fe railroad their charges. The question to men be American liar association today. gave it was understood, the strike be called off, the "The of with- determined, taken buck in service by the rail failures Justice in this officials here at 4:40 today that until the railroad whether the commission would ex- Uffl country." said Chief ft Justice Taft. fit ' roads and the question of their drew all from its property no more trains would orcise these emergency powers to "especially in the state courts. guards of seniority status be dealt with by have be from The notice was made ef- their full extent. Discussion the board. been more largely duo to the .moved this point. a was said to have be- of such step - : White HoiiHo Hopeful. withholding power from judges fective forthwith. gun with the central committee. J . . - ll ' over proceedings before them than lg& ,) Ki The White House was tho source to Word was received here that because of the Operator Condemned. W- ex-- : any other cause; and yet tonight Mr. of intimations today that tho judges Alabama operators, Hoover ac.-- 1 have to bear the brunt of criticism refusal of Four" brotherhood members to move brolten ecutives could bo expected to "Big announced today, have the after which is so general as to the re- No. agree- cept president's solution, sults of trains through guarded shop towns passenger train away from the fair price their meeting at New York tomor- present court action. The 9 was and ments made with him and, he ad- were Judges should be given the power tied up at Seligman, Arizona, Number 4, the of Alabama row. Strike leaders, however, ded, Governor Kilby apparently unchanged in their at- commensurate with their respon- California Limited, was tied up at Barstow, Calif. Trains will be asked to take steps to pro- B. sibility. Their to state titude of opposition, although capacity reform Numbers 1, 2 and 8 were tied up here.. tect consumers In that M. Jewell, chairman of the strik- matters should be tried to Jee against rising prices. ing group, said they would not whether better results may not bo UNIONS GIVK ROADS Operators in other districts are until after the attained. Federal Judges doubtless from make a response have ULTIMATUM showing signs of slipping Captain Fonck being decorated with the collar of the Legion of Honor general meeting, and added that their faults, but they are not with the fair pro- for KLUX LEADER their stand price Captain Fonck, aoe of rated with the collar ot officials and the meeting could hardly reach a chiefly responsible the pres- it was said. Inquiry Is be- aces,, the, army chiefs united He re- ent defects in the Los Angeles, Calif., Aug. 10. gram, to Ijpgion .of Honor at the Hotel des in the aviator at the cere- - decision before .Saturday. administration made, Mr. Hoover said, ns - honoring an unfounded of Justice in the federal courts. Member of the fire- ing world war, was deco- tnvaiides in raris. Government II1UU1UB. pudiated entirely engineers', what action the federal organiza- recently the un- Let congress give the man oppor- conductors' suggestion that shopcraft men's, and trainmen's tion can take in case where opera- ions expected sympathetic strikes tunity to show what can be dona brotherhoods on severar"far west- COLLAPSES tors fall to in the mat- from the other transportation or- by vesting in them sufficient dis- ern divisions of the Santa Fe lines ter of price control. ganizations, hut left the Impression cretion for the purpose." notified railroad officials here late Ttailroad service nut of the pro- BY TO FIND 0.S.0PEBATIGH" FLEXIBLE RATES that sympathetic action was Justice Taft said that litigation n coal ho assertod, wis was had so Increased with today that they would no lofiger ducing fields, His erouD constantly the Increase FLOOR OF and car fup-tl- y of- of tho move trains through points where COURT steadilv Improving, OF. in session in meetings to which general business of the armed guards were employed on had improved steadily during FUa HAULS ficers of the uniora on Varlmis country that oven In fields Aiwajs railroad property. -- the-- Inert wo works as n. result ft CAS IS IN TARIFF eastern railroads were occasionally occupied by the federal courts the Within an hour trains were re- the priority system established by BILK admitted. Judicial force had proved Inade- Nathan A. federal organization. United Action. quate. He remarked addi ported tied up at Seligman, Ariz., Baker, Formerly the - Til IS ADVOCATED Vn"t that and Barstow,, and Needles, Calif., 1 I o . n.. - plea fijr assistance in gcmn,- The delay In responding to tho tional burdens had followed the uveruume coai would now one of them being the eastbound rueayie, oytB- ftn,m.aCito producing HIGH-PRICE- D president, Mr. Jewell said, of statutes, California limited. Trains contin- Strain at Trial glons back to production was made SO GET OPPOSITION be due to the necessity of getting particularly the Volstead act. .... i hv S. D. Wnrrlner and S. T. Governors of Wisconsin, of Need New ue to move out of here on sched- tnrinv - unanimity and the expression Judges. officials 'Wnere ne S Ueienaani. Richards, the the union officials "A bill which provides for 24 ule, but railroad say they represents anthra-Mt- n Iowa, North Dakota and opinion by all could not forecast for how long. al policy committee of all invited. Ho Intimated that the now district Judges and one circuit Railroad officials and officers of (Bj The Atnnclated Vtent.) nnprntors. They were pre Chairman of Senate Com- Minnesota Urge Harding Harding's Recommendations strike would "tighten up" when- judge in the fourth circuit has 10. Harding by ex- been to the four brotherhoods conferred Los Angeles, Calif., Aug. sented to President mittee Believes an Under- to Supervise Rail Service That President Be Given ever the "peace talk" stopped, reported both houses," ho bore tonight on means of settling The trial of 37 reputed member Senator TVuper of Pennsylvania. plaining that the number of pickets continued. "It Is opposed, and will Hoover and Chairman would be increased doubtless lead to the differences between them. of Ku Kiux to Secretary Exists Between Tlii- - Discretion Are Disliked around shops discussion; but was the Klan, alleged of the board were standing Hy AimM'Intert PrrM.) and resorted to by in view of the votes From Bakersfield, Calif., it have In raid at Lasker shipping St. 10. Gov- general agitation previous in were mov- participated a. executive offices during Leaders of Oil Industry Paul, Minn., Aug. Farm Bloc. the the two it seems reported that no trains last April, halted ab- In the ernment of railroads By strikers. houses, likely that east over the road's lines, and I.ngiewood operation More telegrams were made pub the bill will pass before the close ing today when Nathan A. presentation. serving tho producing mines and ' brotherhood men there were quot- ruptly Factions Can't Agree, (By The -s- snrlnlrd Prm.) (l.y The Annuel Press.) lie from the rail unions, demanding of this congress. Baker, former kieaglo for Los n of if government seizure as had the u'nPh!nj chairman Aug. 10. Acting necessary Aug. 10 the As- that tho union chiefs the "The new bill authorized a Ju- ed saying they given Angeles county and one of the ir. told Washington, and operation of all tho coal mines Washington, (by reject 24 within which to '" the senate ) effer. Mr. Jewell stated dicial council of ten consist- railroad hours defendants, collapsed in his chair ct Chairman McNary of the in tho United States will have the sociated Press. Flexible tariff president's Judges , resumption theso had been unan of the chief remove armed guards. was in president"""l!that tpe it was of the of Min- to out that messages ing Justice and the and carried a stretcher region was manufactures cqmmittee, approval governors provisions designed carry imous to in thl3 senior associate cir- from the court house. work In the anthracite'(, to nesota, North. Dakota, Wisconsin date expressing Judge of each announced has decided President recommenda- PERMISSION TO STRIKF, prevented solely because ttie today, Harding's view. cuit which is to meet in Washing- v Baker was the admitted leader being and Iowa, according to resolutions nirt ' call head officials of many of the tion to congress last December met ton the last Monday in givkx to fouk of the raiders. His of , to adopted at the conference of gov- September explanation otratTs had oil who can "talk with such today to consider reports from each dis- the affair, made public before) ' furth-- r larger companies ernors In St. Paul tonight and for- strong oppositiop BODY EXHUMED FOUND Cleveland O., Aug. 1 ) s(bv the onio, tt oil indus- in the senate that their fate in the trict Judge with a of the was that he was acting of en-a- s about the Inside of the warded Jo President Harding. description of trial, 1 the the character of the Associated Press). Telegrams In population as next In sen- that must come tomorrow TO BE JOE FUREY'S arrears and a instruction have been sent to mem- an officer of the law an!" "thrar!te countrv wns row try," the step ,the voting recommendation as to the extra. attempt to secure evidence of the so ate's of FIRST OOAL SHIPPED under the unanimous consent bers of the "big four" havtn( lts industry investigation gasoline . The Judicial force needed In his dis- transporta violation of lawi' I""" - INDKIl ARMED GUARD (Ry AaaorlulM Pitx.) tion brotherhoods located at points the prohibition and that It would prob- prices. agreement, appeared to bo in doubt. San Francisco, fallf.. Autr. 10. trict. The conference thus called where walkouts are probable, it Senator McNary said he was de- Staunton, Ind., Aug. 10 (by the It seemed to be fairly certain that Doubt ns tn whether .Tno Tenrnv. In to consider at large plans for was announced by Warren termined to have relevant facts in- the ensuing which dis- tonight . Associated Press). The first coal before they could be approved they nationally known swindler, actually year by the R. of the Brother stand and had just related that m..-- stead of sifte issues" in the com- trict available Stone, president was the anthracite controversy to be shipped out of the two strip would have to be modified to an died in the penitentiary nt Fore Judges for assign- hood of Locomotive Engineers. aid she aroused on the night of the bituminous. mittee record. mines under worm, ana was ment may be best used. of the raid masked1 men that have here being operated even extent than proposed Texas, interred ' D. B. Itobertson, president of the by Tho anthracite operntors The investigation would show. protection of state troops, went out greater here, was cleared away as far as "It ends the absurd condition, Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire coming Into her room and that proposal Senator said, whether when carloads were In a substitute for the original plan are concerned under which each accepted the president's arbi- McNary today six the police today district judge men and. F.nglnemen. she and her sister, Maria, 16, a commission and there lS' "actual competition, for hauled armed to a reported todny by the finance com- when the in was ex- has had to his own canoe were forced to and dress to appoint under guard body question paddle "Take up this situation. with the get up trate the differences which nae instance, among the units of tho main line railroad and started . i mittee majority. humed and minutely answered and has done as much business as railroad management. Endeavor while the intruders remained In of work by tne He believ- he led to a suspension Standard Oil groups." their way to state Institutions. Practically all the democrats and Furey's description. Furey's finger thought proper. Thus one to eliminate that danger.' If you the rbom. She said her father, ed he that the ques- Union refused to nrtntu In thA rtnaactealnn nt tha ,m. has broken himself down in TnlnCrS' I alsoj added, railroad trainmen a of judge do not succeed the men will not be Fidel, and her uncle, Mattias tion of whether there is "an un- touch cars until were out number republicans, including lice tallied those of dead to an Im- tho they Chairman and other lead- with the attempting get through required or requested to work," Elduayen, had been taken from derstanding or what amounts to of flie martial law area and they Gooding man, the police said, possible docket and another hen read the telegrams. were the house. She when a 111 to ers of the agricultural-tarif- f bloc, They thought FALLS an understanding," between gelliiiff had to be switched the trunk to let his arrears grow, in a calm sent to brotherhood officials In series of shots were fired that PLANE to "antics gaFo- - line a mine havo .indicated their opposition companies ns the with little "dinky" In while philosophical contemplation of Atlanta. Ga., and Antlgo, Wis. both were killed, she said. Some line shall perform." engine.'' tho provisions any form, them as an inevitable Arms. were prices others on the majority side have necessity Complain of of the shots fired by Mar Monopoly isiisnecmi. that need not cause him to lio President RoberSftn late today shal Frank T. Woerner of Ingle- - VILLAGE STREET; The hns beard In the insisted upon a sharp curtailment COMMISSI FOR awake Atlanta committee MALL0RY AND JES$UP of the broad the com- nights. received complaints from wood, in an attempt to break up last four R. L. Welch, secre- authority Supreme Court Recommends. misuse "of fire arms days, has shall bp t of by guards the raiding party, and one fatally tary of the American Pctrolenm TO FINALS mittee proposed given "The members of the supreme at the Atlanta joint terminals, snd wounded constable, LOSE LIVES D. vice MEETJN to the president. court Chi- M.,B. Mosher, TWO Institute, and John Clark, have become so anxiou to conditions on the Mid-We- Under the. committee substitute, regarding one of the raiders. The girl had of tho Refin- The AmncliKed FIXING TEUTONS avoid another like that Northwestern toad at An-tig- president (By Pre.) executive would be au- congestion cago ft Just completed her recital of these N. 10. Ouce the chief of the decade before Wis., where armed guards ing company. Olencove, Y.( Aug. thorized to increase or decrease 1821, that ' incidents when who ap- which the on Baker, Auto Race Roth gave testimony ;uin Mrs. Holla Bjurstod Maltory. a of 50 they have deemed it proper them- also are duty. had been intent- Edward Schillo, said he of woman tariff rates within radius selves to Earlier in the had parently listening chairman regarded New York, national cent if prepare a new bill day telegrams ly, gasped and slipped from his and and of- and Mrs. Marlon Zin'ler-stei- n per Investigation develope.1 Jurisdiction of tho been sent by W. G. Lee, president Driver, Roy Kener, Interesting frankly champion, that such ai'tion were necessary to amending the chair. i v fered," but stated! that It did not of Wilmington, Del., DEBT1HCED supreme court and tn Its pas- of the Brotherhood of Railroad Service Man, Jossup, equalize "tho differences in con- urge of Rulicr Calls Friend. Former "get anywhere Jn the committee's will meet in the final round of the sage. It Is now pemllng in both Trainmen, to general chairmen terl-ni- ditions of in the prin- Baker called out: Consequently the commit- women's singles s competition" houses of congress. The act of his organisation on, thi Illinois Killed in Fall. plan." metropolitan cipal markets of the United States ft North- "Gus! Where is Gus?" tee adjourned today to meet agaii', championship ort the turf of the Two Members and An Um- 1891 introduced Into the appellate Central railroad, Chicago G. W. it as between domestic and imported western ra.flroad. and Pr)ce, former king B Tb Aocin(i-- Vttn.l probably early next week, when Nassau Country club. 50 cent ad-- ' system a discretionary Jurisdiction ' Chicago, Asso- articles. Should a per Will & klcagle of the klan for California, 10 the is to call witnesses from They .reached the finals today In- pire Pass Upon of the supreme court over cortain Ttock Island Pacific railroad, Aug. (by proposed to be ' came to the couch said: Chicago. Schillo. when Mrs. the vanoe In rates bo found notifying them authority to call a and ciated Press.) Edward the ranks of the companies! high Mallory, defending sufficient for this purpose, the Claims of United States classes of cases. strike will be "if "Here I am." known automobile race officials. In addition to the sub- titlq holder, scored her third vic- "By the act of 1916 this discre- given employment widely old-tim- e president, after investigation, on line Is unbearable on .a- "That's not right, Gus; It's not and J. Keller, former jects mentioned, Senator McNary tory of the year over her to base duties and Individuals. tionary power of the court was your Baker. driver, Roy were Mrs. Sutton of would be authorized ccount of conditions due to shop right," gasped service and automobile man, explained that the eomm!tte rival, May Bundy, on the American wholesale selling extended an1 its obligatory Juris- of Baker was removed to the when an airplane, would Into tho makeup of Los Angeles, and Mrs. Jessup elim- The Auiiclntfil diction rcdJced, as to review of men's strike," and "a majority city killed tonight Inquire of prU'e instead of the foreign selling (Ill Frms.) your chairmen votes in receiving hospital, where physic- Keller, plunged Into the the big companies, the names and inated Miss Leslie Bancroft, or de- Washington, Aug. 10 Announce- state court Judgments, so that now general piloted by Mass. Mrs. price and then to Increase favor of a strike." ians said his trouble appeared to streets of Naperville, about thirty natures of their subsidiaries, their West Newton, Mallory crease rates within a radius of 50 ment that an agreement between the only question which can conm Mr. Mr. Robertson left be oft net returns and overhead won in sets, 1, Mrs. the United States and of from a state court Stone and "entirely mental." brought miles from Chicago. capital, straight per cent. Germany by writ tonight for Washington to attend by nervous strain. Several weeks Keller was Instantly killed, but expenses the personnel and salaries Jessup required three sets, Restricts President's Powers. providing for the determination of to tho supreme court as a matter tomorrow's railroad labor confer- before the trial he had a some- was in the rear seat, of the directorates' and "details as 7. the amount et claims Ger- of are those in which ho va- Schillo, who trouble with Under modifications proposed by against right, ence. President Lee will be repre- what similar collapse and was was seen trying to free ,hlm.Be" to the trade, practices. He declar- Mrs. Mallory had no executlvo could many was signed today in Berlin, lidity of a state statute or author- but Miss Ban- the committee, the was de- au- sented by W. N. Doak, first vice placed In the psychopathic ward, from the strap binding him ed that It was common report that her opponent today not articles from the duti- made tonight by the state ity or of a federal statute or and of a rescuers could some near croft made a fight, coming transfer The agreement tho constitution has president national legislative hospital for observation. the Before producers holding gallant o to free or from partment. provides thority under plane.. re- 1 to able list the list, agent. J Last Thursday when he came reach him, however, the. gasoline monopolies on small fields had from behind at lean at list, for a claims commission to bo com been the subject of consideration r and at to lose when with- the free list to the dutiable Into court late and was asked tank caught fire and the wreckage sorted to choking wells in then nor could he Increase maximum posed of two commissioners and an by the state court and has been sudden rush ot could he held in a of the match. Inst for an explanation, he told Judge was covered by a that the production point - ad valorem written into the umpire. sustained in the former, or denied the spec Mrs. Mallory beat Mrs. Jes- duties Under the the com- constitu- Houser he had "Been up all night flames wntcti drove back down and the market "buoyed." jyear, bill, such as those on cotton goods agreement In the latter case. All WEATHER In the Interest of the . In this connection Senator Mc jsup ln'the final round. In consid- missioners will meet In Washing tional In the fed- working tators. and cotton gloves. Also, ton questions arising court." Keller, a former army Nary called attention to 'fake- as factors in ascertain within two months from the eral courts, in the district courts A recess for the benefit ments Mr. Clark 'to the bREAK SWIMMING RECORD. ering prices -- date of Its signature and will pass circuit court of taken when tJaker fell gan some "stunts" were today of ing the differences m conaiuons or the appeals . FORECAST. was continued until tomorrow of home crowd he knew effect that production of the Indianapolis, Aug. 10. Johnny could allow upon: (1) Claims arising from may under existing law be brought the his - of competition" he seizure or to American Denver, Colo., Aug. 10. New morning.' t watching him from below. After Rocky mountain field, where 'Weissmuller of Chicago establish- to be In- damage to the supremo court ns of right. was wns not full KOl only "reasonable" profits within the Ger- dis- Mexico: Partly cloudy Friday and several evolutions, the plane company operates, ed a new world's Tecord for 1n such property former "The new bill Increases thl 100-yar- d cluded prices. man Saturday,' probably with Bhowem CONDON CANDIDATE. seen to sideslip and then plunge capacity. Mr. Clark said this wns yards, winning the free of the com- empire: (2) Claims arising cretionary appellate Jurisdiction d's-po- provisions th-- , Explaining as a of war and north portion; cooler north portion. East Laa Vegas, N. M., Aug. 10. into dizzy tail spin. ' because the refiners could not style open event In the national A mittee under which the consequence now vested in the supreme court 150 above XT. substitute since 1914. Arizona: Partly cloudy west, E. A. Condon is also a candidate Whon aonrcelv feet of the crude oil as rapidly A. swvmmlng championship tariff commission would conduct occurring July 31, (3) so that no case of any kind can showers Sat- for seemed to hut Senator Mc- His time for dis- Debts owed as between the nation- court of east portion Friday; the office of postmaster, which the earth, the craft right as it was offered, here today. the investigations and report to the be taken from the circuit selection Is for a moment In some was 40 5 or one als of the two countries. court cf urday, probably fair; not much to be made soon. itself, glide smoothly Nary said he thought that tance seconds, president, Senator McCumher said appeals to the supreme change in temperature. Twenty business men of Las Vegas only to crumple into a shapeless cases the might' be n move and two-fift- h seconds better than contained features of Day Is Umpire. the United States without appli- the earth. practice finish-- , these many Associate Justice of the nave received questionnaires from mass and plunge toward to compel higher prices on the old mark. He also equalled the and other Day cation for a certiorari. Obligatory ' LOCAL Schillo was known among ed or his own world's record for 100 Frellnghuysen United States supreme court, it was nil other courts sub- REPORT. Washington asking for information widely refined products. "scientific" tariff amendments. II" bv appeals from ! Conditions for twenty-fou- r for four mid-we- st automobile dealers. time 62 S sec- announced, has been selected court of the the applicants, who are: yards, the being stated, however, that the commis- He ordinate to the supreme hours ended at 0 p. m. M. M. rOsear E. A. . onds, made In Honolulu several recom- President Harding as umpire. States from the yesterday, Padget, Linberg, NEW SIF.XIOAN EMPLOYED. sion was not authorized to will have to decide fin- the United except recorded by the Condon and V. B. McFarland. ACTRESS IS FREED. An months ago, ' . that authority federal district courts in a limited university: Gul-naf- t, Seattle. Wash.. Aug. 10. mend rates to the executive; on which the Highest temperature 88 Los Angeles, Aug. 10. Texas Uni- ally upon questions class of eases or from state courts, from a thony Savage, graduate of the Its function would be golely that two commissioners one to he Lowest 64 AOTO PARTS STOLEN. actress, was rreed of "and, 'MATHEVSON RECOVERS. of the facts. ' are also abolished and only review 24 out versity Washington former gathering selected by each government may Range , East Las Vegas, N. M Aug. 10. grand larceny charge growing at the agricultural college Scranton,;Pa.. Aug. 10. Christy "In this connection." he con- - by certiorari Is provided. This Mean , . 75 About 2 o'clock morn sale of a mortgaged disagree. court of of yesterday of the large of New MpxIco and at the Lincoln Mathewson," former star pitcher tinned, "the committee thought It The selection of Justice It includes the appeals Humidity at 8 a. ... Bl back wheels of a automobile at the' conclusion to- is Day, Columbia and the rft....'. ing the and tires high school of this city, yesterday for the New York Giants, spend- hardly proper to place In the hands was stated, was made after the the District of Humidity at 6 p. m... 29 truck belonging to W. day of a long preliminary hearing. was athletio mentor of ing a few days at the home of his of a commission of three, a court of,claIms, as well as the ter- 0 were taken his case the justice appointed composed German government expressed Precipitation while machine stood In dismissing the the freshman class at his alma boyhood, the little town of possibly ardent' free traders, and desire to have an American citizen ritorial courts. Direct appeals Wind velocity .... ; ...... 16 In the corral behind the Btapp paid It should tnover have been mater. succeeds R. L. 20 miles west of Scran-to- n. from the distriur courts to the su- Direction u Savage three, possibly high protectionists. appointed as umpire. The name of of wind .Southwest htime n the west side. No clua brought, as If was a civil action, Mathews, now head coach at the He was given a recep- the of American commissioner. It was preme court In Jurisdictional and of . . great duty ascertaining and fixing the Character day. .I'urtly cloudy ha been found as to tho "takr." 'anything. University ot Idaho. tion by lils townsmen. those will be announced on Two.) ' rates,'' said, later. (Continued Fags '" (' x iv K J

h - 4 Page Two ALBUQUERQUE TM i.. i.. Sugust 11, 122.

cities where pasteurization is com- JOHN V. CONWAY WANTS DAILY MILK GMSUKPTfOH pulsory, can ever tell the differ- DO IT FOR 2,224 ence, as far as the taste is d. TO SUCCEED SELF AS " ALBUQUERQUE ! STATE GALLCrJS M ALBUQUERQUE: The remaining problem is that of , SUPERINTENDENT educating the consumer resarding Iluy your" ticket for the the food value. of dairy products. chamber yl commerce banquet (Special Correspondence to The Journal.) In the past five years considerable today. Santa Fe, Aug. 10. A second an- AND WHOLESOME SUPPLY ASSURED knowledge about the growth-promotin- g Wo must know not Inter nouncement his sub- of candidacy for and tliiui Monday how many d:n-iiei- renomlnation stance callfcfl vitamines has been by the republican to order. been brought to the attention of the Tickets can be had at paty has made by John V. Health and world. So three of vita- Brtggs' state Regula- far types High-lan- d Conway, superintendent of Department's Inspections and Butt's, tlio Alvorado and mines have been identified, a nd at public instruction. Cpnway an- Has milk has been found to contain all pharmacies, nounced ad- tions Guarantee Purity; Pasteurization Strong's and , Matson's book- several weeks ago, in of them. These in combination dresses at educational meetings All stores. he No Effect on Taste; Fluid Contains with fats, carbohydrates, proteins So we that would be a candidate to and mineral make it an important is it that succeed one1 matter,, how tc. himself, but the issued ' Kinds of Beneficial Vitamines. Important food in our diet. More know many reservations today is as the Three - wo are out regarded formal effort is being exerted to get a bet- make, sending announcement. His plea for the ter product to the city than ever ticket sellers to call upon you nomination tho - When the last wot bf party is based '(By Tuhllo llonltli Department.) .The correction and Improvement of before. The farmer is getting prop- banquet upon his twenty-fiv- e jub-U- c held 125 at- years of 'j Albuquerque's daily milk con- sanitary conditions, the physical erly equipped and his methods are, people wanted to service, and upon his if so each bettor tend who because pledge, sumption is 2.240 gallons. Ninety- - examination of all those connected improving that year couldn't, they renominated and of milk IB produced. applied for their tickets too 'edu- six farms are supplylnf? this pro with handling of milk, are consid- being leading the way in increased To increase the use of milk prod- late. cational progress. duction. While in the agffregate ered important factors. a health The will bo cooked seems an enormous amount The five are: ucts has become public dinner Ir this greatest factors because it has been - H'K aw is Clean cows; problem, (ho armory- gas ranges ypt the daily consumption only clean, sterile utensils; shown that in eliminating milk installed for that THREE three-fourth- s small-to- p workmen being pur. ALBUQUERQUEANS about pint per capita. pails; healthy from our diet we are Jeopardizing: pose. Milk Is Rood food, tin more gen- and proper coojing. Mention is - PASS BAR EXAMINATION made of because our physical and mental develop- Wo shall have a brass band eral use of it as a food and bever these the public ment. n age is to be sometimes criticise condi jazz band with specially pre- encouraged. During unjustly u nil I (Special Correspondence to The .T.nirnnl.) tions In " pared unique music, the past twenty years great prog- theysee. driving through male a Santa Ke, Aug. 10. suc- ress has been made In milk inspec the country one cannot always LEASBURG-HATC- H ROAD quartette and soloist. Having . Lnwson, federal cessfully passed the oral and writ- tion work. When the inspection Judge by the appearance of a place gov. ten examinations was detection what kind of a Is BOOSTED FOR FEDERAL eminent project ol of the state board I 1 first advocated, the product being of, bar examiners. . elevpn nntiil. . 1 the of fraud 'was the chief argument produced. The inspector with his AT CRUCES Klephiint Butte project cants have . . The score card and other means of PROJECT will speak on reclamation ol received license to prac- for its inauguration. inspector tice law in New Moxico. i knew water could be added to learning about the Is the the Middle Rio Grando valley Three that supply Cnrraftpomlrnre to The Jnunnl iduea on the lill.: to increase He one who can (Special Mr. J.iuvson not knowt examinations. The milk the quantity. only intelligently 10. Tn only eievon wno m I H " also learned that certain sub- voucn tor mo Las Cruces, N. M., Aug. his but ho Is a passed are: John D, i tat.ryuuiCAawmuiur I A product. a communication to the Rtato high- subject, happj Wilson, John A. A. Sedlllo. nnvld B I . . . I I l.l1,1 ' I I H stances could be added which Inspection is particularly helpful speaker and he has ' I - way commission and Leslie Gil- Chaves, Jr., of Edwin UlI m case- - would cover up defects in the pro- In detecting the source of infected for tho of Albuquerque; craQk i 1 lette, state the jieoplo Albuquerque. L. Holt, of Las Cruces; Clifford F. I J M PCI I . I - duction of this food. The early in- milk and preventing recurrences. highway engineer, One pleasing phase of the I several of hard The is one who directors of Las Cruces Chamber Connell, Arthur A. Hesch. of Santa H I TriA full VnAv I . . il spectors after years inspector the stands Dona Ana banquet will be a testlmonla' T. - . rf rria H .. I' work succeeded in out and your from of Commerce, county bill re; jjioya Atkeson, of Artesla; m Dram out that old I R stamping guard protects baby farm bureau, Butte Irri- lo Ha lVrgmnn, now onr isiuor v. uanegos, of Santa of un- accidental or chance Elephant clinin-be- Rosa 1 this dangerous form, fraud, any infection, of tho directors of tho r Fred ; clear ol. H the those en- asreurization is not a new gation district and the board of C Stringfellow, of liaton clean, keeps J-- til at present time, pro commissioners recommend of commerce, but wMo wll" Richard A. Toommev. of Clnvton in the inspection work can cess u passed tne exoerimenta county v gaged construction of the Leasburg-Hatc- h soon leave Albuquerque to take Edwin do 1 tne say without danger of contradic- stages over years ago. To the Young Vasso, of East Las ruoDing surtaces UdJi I i is liny road, eighteen miles, as the up work in Los Angeles. Vegas. The license of Sedillo will 8 I tion that the city's milk BUpply great many people it means cook Tho - . I the is not next federal aid project in Dona people of Albuquerque not become effective until Febru apar-- Aa mean's long- LWiffl , ' no amplified from well, ing. This true. Fasteuriza ' longer havo subscribed $12,000 for r ary, when 2. 1 and the use of preservatives is out- tion means heating to a tempera- Ana county. he reaches his twenty IB I 11 Hi VA'tll II H lawed. ture of 142 F. The resolution, prepared by boosting budget, nnd they wll first birthday. He is one of the ermcmoremues. M degrees and holding 15. wr Fill with g Eut milk inspection does not end at that temperature for twenty Francis Lester, says that the hear Thursday night why youngest who have ever passed the Teaeo When officials minutes. This is construction of the Leashurg-Hatc- h expect Albuquerque to be r uur examinations in this state, and here. public health the 'heat death BO.OOO disoase-DBoducin- of of , nas It was for ir road, by way the valley city in 1925. anotner year in law school began to study epidemics point the de- a milk can be- as far as possible, will serve to Wo want tho ladles especially found that supply germs mat sometimes are present resources of the come the source of many commun- in a raw milk supply. Recent re velop the county. to come to the banquet. Thcj Trained men were search work shows Also that it will bo a continuation aro new citizens and want tc MONTEZUMA COLLEGE IS icable diseases. that this degree Camino which is in -m- - put in the field to educate the pro- or neating nas no effect on the of the Real, know what Is being done foi TO OPEN eansacleanec M on how to mar- good condition as far as Leashurg. SEPTEMBER 14 3 ducers and dealers taste, quality or the constituents of Albuquerque. ,aoesnt of It is recommended that the There will be me-noU,a- ket a safe, clean supply milk. the milk; in fact few people in not a dull (Spcelnl -- 1 road he constructed moment. rorrespondenre to The Journal.) i flJCffll ... before work is started on the r.ast ijls vegas, N. M. Aug. 10. I 'I ML II I r, 1 m Already nearly 100 reserva- O. M. knnw rarhnn rfAuklo lifv HatchGarfleid-Dcrr- y portion of tions have been Smith, acting dean of the fol- - made. Montezuma stated the highway. The route to be I'leaso college, that at S ! lowed for location of the Leas- - buy your tlrketr present plans are under Made i four fl. the promptly; want to attend way grade . k"' burg-Hatc- h val-- 1 jou the road, through the this whereby college at the springs banquet Jou want youi wouia oe en- l ley should be, it is added the one namo ;' opened and ready for 1 .B U J in the pot. rollment of iiSW,medmm,neavy . selected engineer after further j Btudents by September I by ' ' M. Jj imw u,(, survey, I;. FOX, 11. rne entire student body and I aad extra M Manager. certain members of the faculty heavyall TEXACO GASOLINE I - 1 can ne accommodated in the main j Is MORE POWER FOR building. President Maddox is JUDGES NEED OF NATION YOUNG PEOPLE HAVE making a tour of Texas and New PURE 100 Mexico in the Interests of the col " TEXAUU MOTOR OIL ASSERTS WM. H. TAFT NARROW ESCAPE FROM lege enrollment and finances. The s DROWNING IN LAKE faculty members will arrive about xj Malt a week before the opening of the vjyjf'' Barley Sirup (Continued from Page One.) school. A Real Product s Hot 10. A 3 Quality abol- Springs, N. M., Aug. constitutional questions are was at TheTexasComfany,U.S.A. Texaco Petroleum Products ished and such questions are to tragedy narrowly averted TRISC0 BALL PLAYER court Ijako B. M. Hall Sunday, when Miss reach the supreme only Willa Aeel and Jack Wood sud If( 22-I- b. the circuit court of ap- IS ON THE' HEAD Sold in cans through denly found themselves beyond peals. These changes, it is thought, was all dealers o; court such their depth while wood teach (Hr The Amocliled Prem.) "by will give the supreme M iH.s it ins Noel to swim. The bath San Francisco. 10. Wil- control over the business that of Mr. and Aug. can catch with its docket. ing party consisting lie Kamm, Seal up Mrs. Noel, of the young mt parents White To Chance Stntutes. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. purchased by the Chicago CHAS. ILFELD COMPANY "What I would suggest is that lady; Sweeney, Sox for $100,000, was beancd by a commission Jr., Mrs. 1j. F, Moore, Miss Willa of Salt Lake in ' congress provide for Neel and had been ntcher Meyers the I tUMMCTUWf ' Jack Wood, third of while HJUSER-BUSC- Distributors to be appointed by the president, inning today's game, two playing pranks and ducking each his looked on from of two supremo court justices, other In tho shallow water near the mother the Albuquerqne, New Mexico circuit court Judges, two district stands. Snn Francisco won, S to edge of the lake. 1. judges and three lawyers of prom- les- Tho ball which struck Kamm recommended Wood proposed a swimming was wide of the and as inence from a list by son for the young and was plate the American Bar association to lady Kamm dodged to avoid It, he was ANHEUSER-BUSC- H, her as he waded in the INC., ST. LOUIS prepare and recommend to con- supporting hit on tho side of the head. He Water which wns shoulder deep but gress amendments to the present when he a intc was out for a few moments, the Judi- stepped from ledge revived was taken to statutes of practice and deep water, losing his balance, and quickly pnd cial code, authorizing a unit ad- both went Miss think- the club house. of law in under. Neel, ministration and equity ing it was a trick on the part of one form of' civll action. and for a her instructor, caught him LOCAIi STRIKE PERMITTED. "The act should provide pulled him down also. Wood Is an Boone, la., Aug. 10. Local permanent commission simllar'y expert swimmer, but could not members of tho engineers, fire- created with power to prepare a for free himself from the hold of Ml men and trainmen brotherhoods svstem of rules of procedure companion, and they both sank have been officially notified that adoption by the supreme court. times before he could throw to refuse to from to time three they havo the right Power to amend time her hack into shallow water, when take out equipment which they i should also be given. The rules she was carried out of the water in deem defective. No strike order and their amendments after ap- sub- a fainting condition. was received, but the notification proval by the court, should be Wood sank the fourth time but told them to use their own discre- com mitted to congress for its action, men our '- was rescued by tne oi big tionary powers. Jree in of six f. - but should become effective more than ft SJ no ac- suffering nothing months, if congress takes severe strangling. Miss xseei re tion. In this way the procedure covered promptly. X',fANt5I yiJTMe, . HIS. Id would be framed by those familiar with it and by those whose duty HAVE Every Item Is Specially Priced for Friday. neairom enforce it. The advantage LAS CRUCES TO it is to of experimenting in the laboratory VALLEY CROP DISPLAY Extraordinary Opportunities to Save. of the court would furnish valua- x the 1 Come! ble suggestions for bettering l fm-twtidnir- Journal. of (Snei-ln- The system. The important feature N. M.. 10. needed ac- Tjis Cruces. Aug. such a system is that Directors of Las Cruces Chamber tion Jjy the commission and the funds PHONE 30 and of Commerce appropriated ONLY 2 days more court will be promptly taken for an office exhibit of WOMEN'S GLOVES WOMEN'S AND. in a congress preparing ad- the necessary delay valley orops, and appointed six Silk Glovev CHILDREN'S HOSIERY and then our FREE crowded with business may be ditional committees afollows: Self avoided." T 1 COAL OFFER will Live stock, tax, military, health, I m and contrasting back-s- Women's Pure Silk Hose Women's Improvement association. white, black and assorted be withdrawn! Join HEAVY RAINS NEAR conventions, I MflUMEfiTS Full fashioned, with are being made tors colors; $1.00 qualities. Preparations 1 lisle garter tops, heels our HEATROLA TAOS DAMAGE RpAD enlarge the list o: outigei suDscnu-er- s Friday, at 75c !: and members. Mr. Freuden-tha- l Memorials of the Better and toes. Black and cor- ' cam- CLUB NOW and N. lO.--A fine will have charge pf the dovan. Taos, M., Aug. . , Kind. , Friday, a rain fell at Taos Monday after- paign. , HANDKERCHIEFS i get ONE FULL noon. South of town on the new pair $1.19 j NFAV PLAYER RTLE. "We Pay the Freight" Women's White Kerchiefs Ranchos road the - v TON of coal FREE. precipitation 10. John Ifeyd- Children's Socks J amounted to a cloudbust, doing New York, Aug. with embroidered corners Imported All down is much damage to the new graveled ler, president of tne national Full fashioned, with you pay out leaeue. todav announced S G. E. and quarter-inc-h hems. road. One bridge was washed ,that Fletcher colored - All The balance on and the surface in many places jolpt meetlnw of both majof leagues 35c Handkerchiefs Fri- fancy tops. $. was washed will at would be held next. Monauj m v,m-cag- o perfect; regular 35c. Fri- away. Repairs of on day 7...... ,25c easy installments. once be made and the state will for the purpose opting MONUMENT WORKS a ...... 25c hear extreme changes in the barnstorm- day, pair the expense. The proposed world Men's Handkerchiefs-i-a- Installation of the dry wrather during the building of ing rule as it applied to ll Heatrola will be the road is responsible for liability series players. whiter full size; quarter-yinc- h DOMESTICS. of damage by storms. , STORRIE IS IMPROVING. Wind Shield Glass-Lumb- er I hems; J2l2c quality. made at any time Bleached Damask Mer- you East Las Vegas, N. M., Aug. 1. ; J. C. BAI.imipqB I.UMHEK CO. I L U E R Friday, three for ..25c R- C, Storrie is improving quite 12) Bnutli First Sir ret. I'bone lot. MB cerized ; 72 inch- may specify. A FREE COPY -- - damask rapidly from the recent auto acci- " es to ruin his PAINT WOMEN'S UNDER- - wide; heavy quality OF THE CONSTITUTION dent which threatened GLASS and effective eyesight. He is at his home in CEMENT' . WEAR patterns. OF THE UNITED STATES Fort Worth, Texas. His car was PLASTER . . Women's Knitted Vests-reg- Friday, yard .89c shipped to Fort Worth yesterday. C. H. CARNES ular The three greatest documents and extra sizes Fancy Turkish Towels of American history are the SPECIALIST IN OCT'IAR 'Albuquerque bodice and built-u- p shoul- Practical bor- Declaration of Independence, REFRACTION size; fancy ders. Friday, three ders in hlue or,yel-lo- w. the Articles of Confederation, CALOMEL GOOD 107 8. Fourth. Pbone 1057-- pink, Join Now e Don and the Constitution of the Lumber Co. for .90c Friday ...... 49c United States. Around these three great 423 North First Street Women's Union Suits Batts 3 has Quilted pounds ! legal instruments there fine knitted suits ; in less than a cen- NEXT tight unfolds in one large Lose this grown up BUT DOSE and loose knee chance half size 72x90 inches tury and a the greatest styles; sheet; nation on the face of the earth. sizes 36 to 40, -- one batt sufficient to - Our raeders are offered en- Friday ,...... 65c make a warm comforter. OneTon FREE! tirely free a remarkable DON'T CARRY booklet containing not only SALIVATE Very special Friday, (ml three historical docu- W these ON YOUR GIRLS' DRESSES at .$1.15 I ! but careful records by MONEY TWO DAYS MORE That's all Then our ments, Girls' - Dresses N the constitutional and Gingham ful HEATROLA CLUB offer will be closed. Grasp leading is historical authorities telling It Mercury, Quicksilver, TRIP 4 . in plaid and check pat- . WASH GOODS this chance before it is too late. how were drawn. ' they Shocks Liver and Attacks terns. val- A is but a limited sup- Regular $3.50 42" There 8 Fancy Voile inches The Estate HEATROLA is the marvel of modern heating appliances ply of these booklets. Secure Your Bones ues; sizes to 14. Choice f r small homes, bungalows, stores, offices, etc with or WITH- free copy now by filling Be wide ; pretty, figured pat- your ' Money May Friday $2.95 OUT BASEMENTS. It looks like a phonograph and it works like a out and mailing the coupon Calomel salivation Is terns ; moist air. horrible. - lavender, rose, furnace. It is in fact furnace, circulating warm, It will below. Enclose two oents in It swells the tongue, loosens the Lost or Stolen Girls' Middies Red" with beat three to six connecting rooms perfectly in the coldest weather. for return postage. green, Copenhagen and stamps teeth and starts rheumatism. white braid al- Write your name and address There's no reason a trimming, navy. Makes pretty sum- The Estate Heatrola is such a handsoma of furniture 11 never why person Travelers' so with col- piece you clearly. should take sickening, salivating Our Cheques white colored mer dresses. Friday, have to take it down in Summer. Finished in rich grained mahog-- , calomel when a few cents hnv. a are cashable everywhere, lars. Choice, 75cj enamel, it is an ornament In home. And how it beatsl FREDERIC J. T Friday yard .39c any any nASKlX, llaPM hnttlA nf riflflcAn'. Inn. from and Let us show you letters from delighted users. Director. Tone a cal- CHILDREN ENJOY are safe theft In- perfect substitute for The Albuquerque Journal omel. It is a pleasant vegetable may be replaced if lost. $2 puts the HEATROLA in your home under this offer. And we formation Bureau, Washing- liquid which will start your liver EATING I give yon FREE ONE TON of coal The $2 applies on the pur- - ton, D. C: just as surely as calomel, but it chase price, and you pay the balance in easy installments. I enclose herewith two cents doesn t make you sick find can Let Us Equip You For in for return on our bread, because it is so good. stamps postage not salivate. f tastes almost like and it the I a free copy of the Constitution It cake, Trip. Come in and get our big CLUB OFFER. ACT TODAY Calomel is a dangerous 4ug, is wholesome food for the grow- Uooklet. 'besides it ' may make you' feel ing jtfilld. We bake everything weak, sick and nauseated tomor- from the bread to the finest of Name row. Bank Don't lose a day's work. Tak fine cakes. Cleanliness reigns First Savings Street a spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone supreme here. and 'The Growing Store" Phone 283 Furniture Instead and you will wake up Star Company City , feeling great. No salts necessary. Tour druggist says if you don't Trust Company find Dodson's Liver Tone bet- Slate v. acts PIONEER BAKERY AI.BCQTJERQl'E, N 51. ,113 Ave. 409-W.- K ter than treacherous calomel West Gold . Phone your v pioney la waiting (or you, 207 fioutf) tlrst Street,' w TOR ftUICK RESULTS TRY A WAfiT Afc ' ' f - . August 11, 1922. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL Paga Three.

NON-UNIO- This was made clear TWO N MEN the strike. by I Mr. Lewis at the meeting of the NEEDLES TIE MURDERED; EXPLOSION union policy committee when he UC MI declared "there will be no reduc- IN RAILWAY YARDS tion of wages, and the miners will not go back, to work except under Y (B, The Anocluted Pre...) HOPES the old contacts." No announce- W BE CHOSEN Go STOP T ran INDUSTRY of II I ment came Jen Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 10. Two from the operators non-uni- employes of the New their demands. ALBUQUERQUE. N.MEX. The' committee of twenty-on- e York Central railroad, in its Col- - ElDR that will frame the settlement, AN OLD STORE WITH A NEW E MEHTSWEST ingwood roundhouse were shot and STRIKE which will be presented to the 0 SPIRIT w killed tonight The men had been EI general conference for acceptance standing on a streot' corner argu or rejection, will include eleven miners arid ten (IPtClAL DISPATCH TO MORNINO JOUftNAL) ing with a third man, according to Con- operators. Santa Fe Railway Officials the police, when the latter sud Negotiation of Wage The union's purpose to adopt ltnswell, N. M., Aug. 10. Capt. drew a revolver any scale made here as a basis for J. K. world war vet-- ; Unless Conditions denly and began tract Begun at Cleveland; soft Iteinburg, Say shooting. The assailant escapeu. settlement throughout the eran, has been spoken of as a Will Unions and Get coal industry, was shown at the successor to the late Col. , Change, Passengers Operators possible EXPI.OSIOV OCCURS NEAR policy committee meeting, after James W. Willson, as principal Be Routed Elsewhere. v RAILWAY IJVNK CARS Together. which Mr. Lewis declared that of the New Mexico Military in- -' v "when a scale is made here. 75 per stilute here. $1.25 Los 10 (by the 10. A ter- Illy riie AwioclaM. cent of all bituminous tonnage now is a of Angeles, Aug. Asheville, N. C., Aug. Pr..) scale." Capt. Beinburg graduate Associated Press.) Unless condi- rific explosion occurred tonignt Cleveland, O., Aug. 10 (by the on strike will sign that tho I!, S. Naval academy at An- - Md. tions brought about by refusal of near the shanty cars at the South- Associated Press). Negotiation of napolis, He retired from the s members of Four" broth- ern railway depot here, which a service but went back during the the "Big wage contract, which, according DEMOCRATS TO war and saw active service in erhoods to move trains through house railway employes since the to of Single Cotton Blankets 36 inches wide, in strike. The extent of sponsors the plan will result tho navy. Ho was an officer in points where armed guards are shopmen's in the coal was in tan, and white; beautiful color combi- on railroad ace the damage could not be ascer- breaking soft strike, HERE charge at Hog Island and at the gray employed property ex- begun by and NOMINATE San He! tomorrow, officials of tained immediately after the today operators Diego training station. size 46x80; good qual- nations, including rose, changed by miners who decided to leave the is known as an excellent discip-- 1 the Atchison, and Santa plosion. A green, brown, Topeka Later an was details of 'settlement to a commit- OiV AUGUST 31 linarian. ity nap. splendid blue, Fe railroad will advise passengers explosion reported tee of twent:'-on- e etc. routed in the Southern yards which will begin He makes his homo on a farm sheet blanket, pink and not to take their trains railway considering its tomorrow. at La N. M. Ho - an- report 1SPIC-A- Dti.ATCM TO MORNIN9 JOU.NALJ Union, was; (f- Two . Needles, Calif., it was here. f blue borders. yards $1 through The start was made after the 10. 31 elected as senator from Domi nounced tonight by I. L. Hibbard, policy committee of the United Santa Fe, Aug. August Ana to Each of the coast lines. ATTEMPT TO BLOW t'P is the date decided upon for the county the third and general manager DINING CAR FAILS Mine Workers Voted in favor of democratic state fourth state legislatures, having Pusseiisors Marooned. with those of opening of the railroad and contracting operatbrs convention In it naa previously served in the house. The conference of An the central competitive field, who Albuquerque, He was to fifth 'jcn-er- al Ala., Aug. 10. been at democratic the brotherhood heads, called by Birmingham, had enrolled In the conference. announred is now Hibbard as soon us attempt was made late tonight to headquarters hero. The state cen legislature and chairman Manager car in the Frisco Approximately 20 per cent of the a session of the senate finance .Committee, word of the brotherhood's plans blow up a dining normal coal of the cen- tral committee will hold in session railroad yards, used for feeding production on the day before us is tne gecnrai reached him, remained tha mis- tral competitive field was repre- at 9 o'clock and as all shopmen and laborers, but sented In the custom, AMARILL0, DALHART tonight, sis missed its mark about five conference, but this railroad officials having authority the of an idle proportion did not deter President AND TEXLINE UNDER mnla onnnllnppmpntrt Were In feet, and struck top John L, Lewis of the miners from PICKETING box car, blowing a holo in STRIKE was obtained of what large . OPEN PORT REGIME it, no word No one was hurt.-- predicting that a settlement at the the Santa Fe proposed to uo euntr its roof. conference here would result in INJUNCTION CASE toward of operations more than 300,000 miners return- Ity Tlin ANtnf-lntf- I're.ii.) resumption on BOOKED SATURDAY Hew Challies or for the relief of passengers ing to' work in the soft coal fields Austin, Tex., Aug. 10. Governor MANY AUTO TOURISTS , some of whicn within a week. , , Neff late Palhai-'t- standard trains, W. C. attorney today placed Splendid assortment of In a wide were In hot, dry desert town3. ARE TAKING SOUTHERN Says Minors Wit, Captain Bold, Amarillo and Texline under the variety of Knvorn ItlftlV. "The miners won In New Mexico for theiSanta Fe prints in lights and have this fight for Santa provisions of the open port law. pretty colorings and the checking of ROUTE THROUGH STATE and it is practically over," said Mr. railway, left last night The order is effective at 6 good selection Strategically, Fe, where he will represent the tonight darks; color combinations, 36 train movements at weeaies Lewis. in o'clock. Hanger Captain Frank of colors. - !iilrnnri men tO be a None of the Illinois or Indiana Santa Fe company Saturday Hammer was in of !" inches. (J- .,imlttwl The westbound tourist crop .is Federal court When the hear- placed charge severe blow at their operation of a In assoclatioi of operators was rep- the all throe places. 10 yards Five J)-- suffering slump Albuquerque in- will be hold to determine tpA yards l the Santa system, as wun due to tourists routed south resented in the conference, but ing is bot- - being whether the temporary injunc the neck of the transportation from the usual trail from cities dependent operators were present the SWITCHMEN QUIT WORK i finnttl is Con- - from both stntes. The canvass of tion again picketing during 10 thi ao tha in Kansas. Large numbers of tour- shall tie Moberly. Mo., Aug. (by is a desert town, built are - the coal production of the central strike in Albuquerque Associated Press). Switchmen: cerned. It ists making the trip west made permanent. The temporary up almost entirely to meet ramu through Abo Pass Instead of Al- competitive field controlled by employed by the Wabash here was made order expires Saturday. bo- -' t,,,ic. nmi nil iha transcontinental buquerque, investigation has re- in the conference which walked out this afternoon tfU nor- - by the conference credentials com- The temporary injunction it was national r.t th Sjinln. Fe Bystom vealed. Is now enforced in Albu cause, said, I ia irtiitpri it. If A careful check of tourist cars mittee. Its report was that the op- being guardsmen who have been pat-- j erators in the conference controll- querque by the U. S. marshal's came in the brotherhoods maire guuu is made daily at Los Lunas and was the rolling the yards the uiithe ed 27,910,000 tons in Ohio, 7,800,-00- 0 deputies, granted by yards. ' i threat to halt all trains there, during the past week only a daily court upon of the rail- would result in paralysis average of 32 cars have in Pennsylvania, 2.470,000 tons application situation passed in Indiana and in Illinois. way company which charged of western lines within a day through this city. 1.800.000 as OIL RIGHTS MENACED. the as Arbitration. fcUmeroiiB acts of violence here 10. Formal! pr less, it was admitted, at least Oppose a of the Washington, Aug. traffic was con- Whilo the conference was at result strike, approxi- announcement that recent oil land far as through work W. A. of Phil- mately 60 cases of assault being cerned. It would also hamper the TRAIN NO. 10 TODAY here, Glasgow to the attention of the decisions of the Mexican supreme movement of local western trains adelphia, counsel for the miners, brought court do not, in the opinion of of- ON to Toledo to confer with federal court. he-- e, some extent. TIME; ALL OTHERS had gone ficials effectively protect the to three members of the Illii.ois op- Officials here slate that a great of land From Barstow, Junction of tne reduction in breaches of the rights American owners, Los An- INDEFINITELY' LATE erators' scale committee, and the peace was made today in a statement is- lines to San Francisco and con- tini taken since the tem- broth- hope was held out among the place sued by the state department. AUGUST came word that the DISPATCH TO MO.NINO order wns Issued. ELEVENTH geles, (PCIL JOURNAkj ferees that the Illinois Operators' porary FRIDAY, declined to move any more T. erhoods until Gallup, N. M.,.Aug. 10. Accord- association mipht yet Join the con- A. Ilnnnett. Ghllup attorney, trains through that point ing to information received here ference. Mr. de- will represent the unions at the orders were received from Lewis, however, INDICATOR CHEVIOT further of the tonight, Santa Fe train No. 10 of clared there had been no deviation hearing. !AY FEVER WINDSOR PLISSE CREPE their headquarters. Three is the last of ar- L baclcinB today the eastbound from the union's stand against If 28 inches wide; a strong 30 inches in trains tied up are reported transcontinental trains reported on bitration, a position to which the COLOXFI, DAVIS PROMOTED. you can't "get away", ease shirting wide, plain pink, blue, 10. me urracKS Cheviot in also blue toward Barstow. time. N03. 4, 2 and 8 are reported Illinois association has attributed Washington, Aug. Colonel Wltn plain blue; and buff and orchid; also dainty little indefinlte'y late because of condi- to conference. Hohert Courtney Davis, now acting MOVEMKNT its refusal Join the ,gray with white stripes. blue and flowers on white AVFST TKAIV tions farther west where the "big The union's demands for a set- adjutant' general of the army, was pink four" brotherhoods have refused to tlement center on the nominated today by President Four yards ground. Three yards 3)JL move trains because of the pres- of the wage contracts that Harding to be adjutant , general Calif.. Aug. 10. ence of of Over 17 Million Bakereflcld, to- armed strike guards. expired last March ,31, the eve of with the rank major general. Jan IW Yearly Local officials of the Santa Fe orders to night said they received cancel all trains moving west- WMim MIIWIJJI J1ISJJIW UNBLEACHED ward. A Joint executive ..meeting MUSLIN of the local membership or the 69c TISSUE GINGHAMS Four" brotherhoods wa3 held 40-in- pig ch unbleached Sea tonight. . - It was reported here that it had Splendid quality Tissue Island Muslin. (J- been "programmed" for the broth- Ginghams in colorful assort- Seven erhood men to walk out in se- yards ....$JL di- ments of quence at the various western popular patterns. visional headquarters of the rail- Splendid fabric for early HUCK TOWELING roads in New Mexico, Arizona and school at Albu- fall dresses. California, beginning the 17-in- ch Wins-lo- - querque, and then Gallup, Three yards PX splendid qual- Seligman, Barstow, . Bakers-fiel- d ity Huck. and other railroad centers. Five yards ...$1 S NTA EE OFFICIALS AT TOPEKA SAY NOTHING New Low Pri on Topeka., Kans., Aug. 10. AtchN WHITE TABLE CLOTHS WHITE DAMASK REMNANTS son Topeka and Santa Fe officials informed tonight White .Damask Pattern Cloths,56x in Topeka, when Splendid Damask in two-yar- d ' to quality of press dispatches of the action 62; several good patterns (?"J brottisr-hood- s - 58 taken by the "Big Four" "BMUML1- select from. Each remnants, inches wide. at Needles, Calif., refused tX Each remnant comment on the' situation until ...tpX to notice they had received official of the order. They said that they had received no notice cither of 50c VOILES or of trains being tied ' the order 38 inches a wonderful VOILES up. wide; quality in a wide range of wanted v.oiles in as- PROPOSES Pretty dainty pattern SANTA FE shades. Three yards $i sortments on grounds of blue, TO THEj green, CUT IN FARES Extra Service Tires lavender, pink and black. .. CALIFORNIA RESORTS 8 yards .....vX SENORIETA VOILES 10. The Atchison, Chicago, Aug. 40 inches colorful on Topeka and Santa Fe railroad has wide; designs to other Never Before Have These Standard and Nationally-Know- n or- submitted a proposition grounds of navy, black, brown, FILET AND TORCHON LACES transcontinental roads to reduce and - one-wa- y passenger fares ange, tangerine, raspberry Q- regular 2 Been Such JL S10 and sleeping car charges Cord and Fabric Tires Offered at periwinkle. Two yards ...... O In a good assortment between Chicago and California, U of patterns; white and announced today. The pro was Attractive Prices. to 4 &-- t Dosed 'reductions were considered ecru; widths at a meeting of general passenger inches. 7 yards . of the transcontinental 35c LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS .tX agents Pure Linen hem- lines today. cuts are 8.95 Handkerchiefs, The contemplated rate 30x372 Defender CI. Fabric $ stitched colors of to be brought about by placing In edges, yellow, pink, effect a second-clas- s passenger 30x3y2 Traffik CI. Fabric 10.95 rose, blue, orchid, jade and SILKS not existed since fare which has Five for ; . at $10 less than the pres- 30x312 CI. Fabric 13.95 orange. One odd lot of the war, of Rugged ( ) Silks, including gren- ent first-clas- s passenger fare 32x4 . 21.50 adine, crepes, etc.; values up to $1.50 - S. W. Fabric , ( S - 'S0, Rugged )..... Some very good patterns to tf- PRIORITY COAL ORDERS. 30x3V2 Defender CI. Cord 13.95 50c BLACK SATEEN select from. Two yards Washington. Aug. $X that 15-9- 36 inches wide; fast black; a splen- General has rule! 30x312 Blue Pennant CI.. Cord (i 5 Daugherty un-5- er oveEhze ) oraein for coal issued did quality for linings, bloom-er- s, classification No. 1 of the In- 31x4 Blue Pennant S. W. Cord 26.45 etc. Three terstate Commerce Commission yards t)X SATINETTE LINGERIE CLOTH over other orders 32x4 Blue S. W. Cord 29.15 have preference - Pennant which may have on- their operators announcement to- Wears better than wash satin, highly books, said an 33x4 Blue S. W. Cord 30.05 36-inc- - coal Pennant h; by the federal emergency LADIES' MUSLIN DRAWERS mercerized finish; (J- day Classification No. 1 32x412 Blue S. W. Cord 37.70 flesh and Yard primary Pennant Made of fine quality soft Muslin, pink. n)X ?sTe provision giving - consideration to shipments speclal- 34x4i2 Blue Pennant S. W. Cord 39.50 embroidery trimmed. Regular &t designated by the Interstate line. Pair Commerce Commission. 33x5 $1.25 Blue Pennant S. W. Cord 46.95 vl CHILDREN'S SLEEPERS ' OUTRAGES IN PORTUGAL con- 35x5 Blue Pennant S. W. Cord 49.30 Aug. IUW Made of fine quality Cross Bar Nain- is continuing in Portugal, tOWNS - trol LADIES' NIGHT sook. Sizes 6 and 8. (T- where martial law W9S declwed OTHER SIZES IN. PROPORTION 2, 4, because of a general A good assortment of batiste Night Each recently ' tJX strike and fear of Serious dis- Gowns; lace, organdy, embroidery to reports from - orders, according These prices effective 1st, and include Excise tax and ribbon (J- Lisbon today. A number of bomb August trimmed; pink, occurred Tuesday. orchid and blue. Each PX outrages white, PETTICOATS i Known Everywhere for Extra Service Women's soft white CHILDREN'S BUSTER BROWN muslin petticoats, FRECKLES ,HOSE wide embroidery Black only; heavy and fine rib, ruffle at bottom ) Now Is the Time to Get Rid of all sizes. Four pair $1 some are riDDon these. Ugly Spots. trimmed. There's no longer the slightest Each need of feeling ashamed of your SOUTHWEST MOTOR CO. $1 freckles, as Othine is to re- MEN'S 59c SOX strength guaranteed 211-21- 3 North Fourth St. Phone 710. in black move these homely spots. Highly mercerized, WOMEN'S SILK Simply get an ounce of Othine and cordovan, all sizes. 2 pair $1 double strength from any HOSE druggist and apply a little of It Wholesale and Retail. night and morning and you should soon sea that- - even the "Buster Brown" and worst, freckles have Begun to dis- CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS other brands in appear, while the lighter ones Black and brown ; several different black, white and cor- - have- vanished Is sel- entirely. It ; sizes. dom that more than an ounce Is styles; not all dovanj needed to completely clear the Pair Each . . ...$1 skin and gain a beautiful clear At complexion. Be sure to asK tor tne double strength Othine "as this Is sold NO PHONE ORDERS, C. O. D.'S OR REFUNDS under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles. Page 'our. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL' August 11, 1922.

LOOK! ONLY TWIN - ST.MAHY'STIES GAINER'S "BLOWS McGRAW EXPECTS BROTHERS IN BIG HUB ACE TO GIVE TRINIDAD TAKES LEAGUE CAPTIVITY GIANTS PENNANT BROWNS II FAST HELP CARDINALS S AT F The Since Ml YESTERDAY TO 7--3 VICTORY CORNER E D MATCH Quality 1896' Pirates Forfeit to White Sox Three-bas- e Clout and a (By The .l:ioclnlcd TreH.) ' N. M, 10. The Cigar in Junior League; No Homer Feature in Con- Dawson, Aug. Four-Cit- y golf meet held here last Game in the Pig- Mar-- , Played test With Boston; . ; p"Wf rA Sunday resulted as follows: Trini ft 27 2 20 my League. quard Is Hit Hard. dad, points: Raton, 11Y NORMAN E. BROWN. points: Las Vegas, 14 points; Daw- "Max J . I J 10 Carey"' , , Senior League. if 'I ho Associated son, points. Is ' (Bj I'rou.) The lowest medal score synonymous with "Hari Kari" Senate Another tie gamo in the Senior Boston, Mass., 10. St. for any as far as the onnoslne teams in1 Blunt Iplp '' Aug. Loulsj one was St. the Browns round 33,, which waJ in (In Clou Jar) league. Mary played uuii'iiieu rjusion touay, i 10 6, Hi- pitchers the National loaguo are 2 lo show down, getting two made by Barrett of Las Vegas. concerned for 2JC tting Marquard freely in the second No. 2 was In two these days. 2 for , runs in the fourth and one in the Hole made by For this veteran outfield- 25c third and Gainer'b both Van Vleet and Morse of Trin- Plrat fifth, while the Browns got three fourth innings. er is causing even themilHon-dol-la- r In the fifth inning. S. Ortiz of St. in the second worked Into idad. Giants to of of The profeFsionals from Las Ve- entertain thoughts Marys and Roybal the Browns the first Cardinal . His homer committing suicide according to got s. to right center in the third wu (A gas and Trinidad accompanied the the oriental code, fltirt here and Batteries: Browns Roybal made with two on bases. Despite players played the Playing in his fourteenth season St. Devina and two Lavan '- course, scores of 37 39, fleet-foote- Jordan; Marys errors, played well at getting and In pro baseball this d Ortiz. short. Score: respectively. is the School the Tho Dawson club feels gent outstanding star of the Today, High plays St. Louis. - highly Pittsburgh team. In the rocent Xew Mexico AH. H. PO. A. IE. flattered t 9 tl YS Yankees, H. by the large attendance clash between the Pirates and Gi- !f Junior League. Flack, if 2 2 1 3 0 Wv at this meet, and also by the many ants in New York mads five to the White 4 1 2 O 2 ' kind Carey Pirates forfeited Stock, 3h ' 11 ill words of, praise for the nome runs in rour and Pox. There will ho no in the cC 3 0 0 0 0 t,.i,i;u course. games game Mann, fielded and ran bases in such spec- Junior league today. Tomorrow Smith, cf 1 0 n o o Hugh SlcQuillan. The eontcslants were as follows: jLiaa wuu lixu 1 tacular style that the fans to Pirates the Lad 2b. . . . 5 1 5 4 Trinidad tck java the play Highland Hornbby, "Jawn" Rhondes, Van Vleet, watching and not dies. K 1 2 2 0 McGraw, pugnacious Carey the prog- lUF. of smokers Schultz, i of the Moore, Drury, Swetland, Richie. ress of the garrte. gratitude Plirmy League. 4 2 2; 10 0 pilot Giants,, believes that , Gainer, lb Morse, Harper, Kane, Wilson, is thirty-two- . m . 'Athletes the Barclas 4 0 2 2 the acquisition of Carey He was play Tigers Ainsmilh. c... 'j Hugh QullIan, Reed, Caldwell. born in Terra Ind. He everywnere. 4 0 0 B 0 Braves' Hum-phrler.- Haute, first wi today. Lb van, rs pitching ace, will give the Raton Lyons. Bennyman, in STANBINC.S. 4 1 o 3 added cavorted pro circles with South Pf offer, p 0 strength necessary to let the Boyle, Lleb, White, Mur- In 0 mm Senior Gothamites off - Bend the Central league in - Iienne. walk with th v.. phy, Gumm, Pearson, Larkln, Ny- 1903. He For she provides the en- V. U Pet. 'Totals ..' 35 7 11 27 17 tional had visions then of be i?dj&jf league pennant. Toney, hus, Streicher. a The next Browns , 9 .SIS Boston. other Las Aregas ing great . is .72 among things, wa given to Blattman, Barrett. year, however, lie was sent to the thralling wrapper that Ft. Mary A 13. n. H. TO. A, K. the Braves ifffllB 7 3 .70 for McQuillan. Clmpin, Gerard, Guernes, Bahmer, outfield. The Pirates him High School Powell, cf 4 (I o 3 0 0 bought If fi Ward, Springer, Noble, 'ayot, late in 1910. He blended so with Tlldillos .345 Nixon, If 3 1 0 2 0 0 got first chance wonderfully !i .r.nn Kohn, Hoke. 3 1 5 1 1 as a regular outfiolder with the Pi Firefighters Nicholson, if... ,3 8 off 1 Dawson Horan, Mullen, Welch, 'finestVuelta filler ,3f.4 4 innings; Welnert. in 1. Los- rates In when AbajoHavana Duke City Whites. 0 0 0 0 0 r, early 1911, injuries. ..A Hoeckel, 3b Time-:5- Evans, Morrison. Burges-se- 2 5 .286 4 ing Pitcher Bins. 3. Murray, lorced Bed Sox lb 0 - the great to 2 6 Holke, Seerest, Brennan, Utley, Poo- in La "the New Mexico Yankees. .250 3 0 1181 3100 go to the bench. was Palina, quality cigar.'' Ford, F3 ler, Hart. left Junior league. Kopf, 2b 4 I 0 5 4 0 Brooklyn, 10; Chicago, 1. Interstate Meet. playing and King Wilson W. 1.. Pet. 3 2 Brooklyn, Aug. 10. right. . O'Neil, c 0 3 0 0 Brooklyn The Colorado-Norther- n Xew . .13 .867 swamped Chicago 16 has led his vvii iX Highland Marquard, 2 0 J 0 4 n today, to J, Mexico Carey league several uuu iwvLal wNV S. A. 11 4 .733 p... in tho last of the series. Gqlf association will hold times in base al- vi. T.'s McNamara, o n II 0 0 (I game In stealing. He has White i 8 .B25 p.. the fourth, made a meet at Trinidad about the mid well. ffarelas' Sox.. zGibson 1 0 0 0 0 0 Brooklyn throe dle ways hit His grace in field- tare And the . 2 .250 hits off Kaufmann of September. There will be Wmm rapture 2 PirateH 1 0 0 0 0 0 and five oft ing and his are 1 1 0 zzLSarbare of in poputaf personality iBoh Cats .000 Stueland for ten runs. Vance re- three flights eight pairs this his outstanding characteristics. AboTe, Claude Jonnard of the tired after tournament, and an pgjmmi ciidim win yiuw uii Pigmy League. 32 3 8 27 1 3 1 allowing Chicago four appropriate W. Pet. (iiants and his brother, CIarea:e, Totals scattered hits in cup for the winner of each flight. of z Batted for in five innlnirs. Barela" Tigers !l .900 the Pirates. Marquard' Score: Tho first flight will consist of the 8 seventh. tic 16 best medal scores in the quali- Barelas Browns ,727 zz ago. 3 .300 Batted for McNamara in rounds, and the other two '' Athletes ninth. A ti, f. II, I'O. A. E. fying lOPAYS k Try one today. AUSTRALASIA AMD Hcathoote, cf. 0 0 flights, of the next 32 higher By Innings: cf. scores, jjnwson expects to be wen FRANCE St. Olli 100 000 V stalz, j TIE HONORS Louis 8S. represented at this tournament Remember Its Boston ftOO 101 llolloeher, mk .' IN 1003 2 b . with a dozen or more nr.d GAMES LOCAL GOLFERS DAVIS CUP MEET Two-bas- e Terry, players Summary: hits II. Grimes, should be able to garner in at least Schultz, O'Neil. Three-bas- e hit lb. . . . one of the prizes. (tly Th Aumrinled Gainer. Don Kriberg. rf Pros.) Gainer. L. . NATIONAL LRGCE. Longwooit Cricket Club. Chest ble Miller, If. JavaWrapper plays Pfeffer to Lavan ti 3 b Boston at Philadelphia. FOB nut Hill, Mass., Aus. 10. The ten- to Krng, ''f Gainer; Hornsby Lavan to O'Farrell, New York at Brooklyn. PACIIGI nis players of Australasia and of Gainer. Base on balls Off Pfef- c. Cincinnati Hartnett, c. . . at Pittsburgh. France were on even terms tonitrht fer, 4; Marquard, 2; McNamara, 1. ii after the firm out Kaufmann, p, day's play in their Struck By Pfeffer, 2: Mar . AMERICAN LEAGCE. Davis semi-fin- Stueland, p. STATE TOURNEY cup competition. quard. 2. Bits Off Marquard. 11 Washington at Boston. Gerald L. in 7 Jones, p - Patterson, Australasia Innings; McNamara. none in . . Philadelphia at New York. anti-pod- zCallaghan 9 PAYS captain, pulled the vic- Losing pitcher Marauard. zzWirth tory out of a match with Andre Time 1:40. With a of as the delegation possibly (..oberr, French star, after the Totals 1 of hnd two-s- .32 1! j !many as fourteen players, all latter gained a advan- Cincinnati, 7; Xew York. a. z Theaters whom are a of tage. The scores were Batted for Stueland In fifth, 4JMTS Today shooting type golf New York, Aug. 10. Cincinnati zz Batted for Jones in ninth. Jwhlch might win them the state Gobert finished pl-- made it three straight from tho honors, Albuquerque with a service York Brooklyn. G championship cramped thumb, New Nationals todav, win- R. H. A. E. NATIONAL LEA IE. "B" Theater "The Cradle." a in to be a hot contender In which mused 7 Ali. PO. St. 3. fcOlng him distress. ning to 3. Scott was .knocked !b-s- 1 Iyouis, 7; Boston, Jesse L. 'the to be held at To Olson, ... 5 2 4 3 1 Lasky production starring state tournament the Henri Cochet out In the 2b-s- R 16; 1. youthful seventh, when a Cincin- Johnston, s. 1 1 2 Brooklyn, Chicago. ttnei uiayton is the main attrac Boswell 2, 3 and 4. A fell the honors of in- 3,0 September the day for nati rally yielded four IB. . 6' 3 2 1 0 0 Pittsburgh, 14; Philadelphia, tion at the "B" theater today and check of locftl yesterday re- dividual for Griffith, rf. 3. players brilliancy and Franco's runs. Daubert hit a home run in Wheat. If 3 1 2 3 0 0 Cincinnati, 7; New York, tomorrow; also presenting "Birth that fully fourteen were al- pealed offsetting victory. Meeting the tho right field bleachers in this li- Neis, f 3 0 1 0 0 0 day Guests and Jungle Pests," a most certain of and that Australasian O'TTara two-re- entering star, Pat ning with two on bases. Kd 2 1- - (I AMERICAN liEAGlE. comedy. several others were making every his Rough, Myers, rf 5 0 0 No Wood, elder by several years, former 5 2 0 games played. effort to so arrange their the matched hatting Schmandt, lb.. possible boy hrillianey with champion, started his first came 4 1194 3 1 2 1 Lyrlo Theater The great pic business affairs that would be" and High, 3b they brilliancy in the end won the of the season for Cincinnati. Score: c 2 2 1 4 1 0 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. ture, "Theodora," which has been ruble to compete in the annual title get of a five-s- DoBerry, Kansas 2 the deciding match. Cincinnati. Hungling, 0 0 0 0 ff 0 city, 3; Columbus, main attraction at tho Lyric tilt. The were: 4, c... 2. scares AB. R. H. PO. A.E. 2 2 2 2 1 " 0 Toledo, 5; Milwaukee, the past few days, is being repeat- one 4. Vance, p Indications are, however, that , . . 3 St. 4: 3. ed It is wonderful vete- ' Burns, rf Mamaux, p 2 1 1 fl n n Paul, Louisville, . today. a pic- of the old stare tournament O'Hara-Woo- d was Indianapolis, 6; ture and should be seen. will substituting Daubert, lb. 13 Murray, p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Minneapolis, rans,. Grover Divine, not par- for James O. Anderson, his team If . 3 tmirteen In the due to ill Duncan, innings). ticipate meet, mate, an eleventh hour victim of . . 3 1? Pastime Theater Tom Mix still Divine not been Roush, cf Totals 43 16 27 12 2 health. has play- a cold. . 1 PACIFIC COAST the crowds to the Pastime heavy Fonseca, 2b , LEAGCE. brings and should his health By innings: Los ing lately, c 3 1 Angeles. 3; Sacramento, 2. as he stars In "For Bis Stakes," before he Hargrave, Chicago 000 000 001 improve the big meet, TIJ.MXS ARK CCT. 3b . 0 San Francisco, 5; Salt 1. the picture be-Jo- Pineili, 100 1013 lOx 16 Lake, being repeated today; would be required to enter way Brooklyn 6. also Wichita, Kans.. Aug. in. Six Cnveney, ss 1 Two-bas- e Portland, 6; Vernon, repeating the comedy, "Ain't his usual due to lack of Summary: bits Olson. Seattle-Oaklan- d form Frisco trains in Kansas 0 game Love Great," with Al St. John as operating Donohue, p. Mamaux, DoBerry . Hjiree-bas- o postponed, practice. were discontinued today Because (wet grounds). the star. Practice games during the past of hit High. Home run B. Griffith a'shortage of fuel, Fred. K. Totals . . . 36 7 11 27 12 01 P., Griffith. Double week have resulted in gome snappy Clark, division SOCTIIERN ASSOCIATION. DIVORCE EVIL DOMINATING Mc- passenger agent Xew York. plays Olson to Schmandt: John scores being turned in, Boy here announced. Traffic affected Mobile, 9; Chattanooga, 8. IDEA OK ETHEL CLAYTON'S Donald tho course 26 AB. R. II. PO. A. K. ston to Olson to Schmandt. Base making ln'par Is between Kansas and , 5 0 2 Memphis, 7; New Orleans, 1. PHOTOPLAY, "THE CRADLE' and Altwrt Simms fall- City Tulsa, Bancroft, ss 2 4 0 on balls Off Kaufmann, 1; Stue yesterday, uma.; .lopnn ami iort Scott, an 3b Little Rock, 8; Atlanta, 4. ing only one behind with 37. The Groh, land, 1; Jones, 1; Mamaux, 1; Divorce one of the most con- Joplin and Wichita. 2b . ... Birmingham, 9; Nashville, ! course has been made a number of Friseh, Murray, 3. Struck nut By Vance, spicuous of modern social institu- times during the past few days Rawlings, 2b . 3. Hits Oft Kaufmann, 6 in 3 is a decisive in the Meusel, If none in Stue- WESTEJIN LEAGCE. tions, given rap undrf 40. Joe M?Canna, Dr. P. Q. making scores of from two to innings, nut fourth; Denver. 6; Oklahoma 4. story of Ethel new Para- three rf 5 : .Tones. 7 In City, Clayton'B Cornish, .and several others more Young, land, 4: Vance, L'. mount "The Jr., than par. n - Omaha, 7; St. Joseph, picture, Cradle," Kelly, lb 5; Mamaux. none In 2: Mur- 6 bo 0 Tulsa, Sioux City, 6, (eleven which will shown at the "B" Stengel, cf ... ray, 4 in 2. Winning pitcher theater , Smith, e 0 Vance, innings). today. Losing pitcher Kaufmann. Des Moines, 14: 10. Statistics show that divorce Is Scott, p Time-- 1:4 5. Wichita, 0 n steadily increasing and pulpit, V. Barnes, p. , , . WEST TEXAS and havo . 0 0 LEAGCE. press judicial systems xRobertson . Score: E. discussed tho question and sought . . 0 0 - - r, h. Jonnard, p 001 013 5 1 in vain for a 0 0 Ranger ...,000- 12 remedy. floM xxCunnlngham BfcANCM BCY "FT. Sweetwater .100 000 002 3 9 4 As is strikingly polntejl out in this of a 0 Batteries: Lybrand and Clayton; picture the separation Totals ...,s."6 3 10 27 12 I irer and man and wife is especially cruel x Batted for V. Barnes in seir-- j&22 Hays Bailey. ' Score: R, h. E. and unjust when the happiness and enth. Amarillo 001 7 1 future destiny of a child or chil- xx Batted for Jonnard In ninth. ...003 2006 METROPOLITAN CIGAR COMPANY Clovis 000 030 0104 5 6 dren are involved. By Innings: Batteries: Morton, and The beauty of the theme lies in 000 201 (flfiClub Maples 1324-2- 8 Cincinnati 4007 Byers; MetZel ana Erwln. the fact that in this Btory the par- Larimer Street New York 011 000 1003 Score: H. E. ents are brought to realize tho in- Two-bas- e tl Summary: hits Har San Angelo. .100 040 001 6 12 ft justice of'Their course and through DENVER, COLO. grave. Burns. Three-bas- e hits Abilene ....100 000 1013 4 2 love of their child are reunited. Biggest, Oldest, and Best Place Smith. Home runs Hargrave, Cocke Klind- - The photoplajr is an adaptation to Batteries: and P Daubert. Double plays Groh NATIONAL LEAGCE, worth;' Keisler, McAbee and Burch. by Olga Printzlau of a French Bancroft to Rawlings; Fonseca to W. L. Scare: R. H. E. comedy by Eugene Brleux. Paul to Pet. to Get Your Caveney to Daubert; Groh St. Louis 64 44 .593 Stamford ..000 2B0 1109 11 3 Powell directed and the support- Kelly. Base on balls Off Scott, New York 61 44 .581 Lubbock ...000 103 2006 9 5 ing sast includes 'Meredith, Mary .83 2; Jonnard, 1; off Donohue, 2. 56 47 .544 Batteries: Mitchell, Jane Irving, Anna Lehr, Walter .Ton- - Pittsburgh Apploton McGrall Adele Struck out By Scott, 1; by Chicago 57 4.1 .538 and Schmidt; Wooldridge, Cantrell and Farrington. nnrd, 1: by Donohue, 3. Hits Cincinnati 58 51. and Allen. .532 VATICAN ARCHITECT'S Off Scott, 11 in off V, Brooklyn ....51 53 .490 GARBAGE CANS 3; IN Barnes, none in off Jonnard, 36 . WORK 'tTHEODORA;" m Philadelphia 63 .364 GREAT PLAY LYRIC none in 2. Losing pitcher S;ott. Boston 35 67 .343 SEE Tires Time 2:02. Repaired For the'flvst time Jn history the LARGE SHIPMENT JUST RECEIVED 1 Pittsburgh. 11; Philadelphia. 4. COLORADO SPRINGS The Vatican has permitted the use of LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES " Philadelphia. Aug. 10. Pitts- Its architect in aiding the creation FIVE SIZES burgh won Its eleventh straight HORSE WINS GRAND of an amusement spectacle. Signor Phila- Armando who holds that Fifth and Central. Phone 823 M victory todav by defeating Brasini, delphia 14 to 4. Carlson held the CIRCUIT TROT COIN position, designed the entire set Call or Phone home team to eight hjts, while his tings for "Theodora." the great teammates were hammerlnsf Ring (By The Aasoclnttd I'ren.) Italian spectacle whlcn is being re These and Welnert for sixteen safeties. North Randall, Cleveland, O., peated at the Lyric today. The Pirate pitcher had a home run, Aug. 10 the Include reproductions of the J.Mer&Co. In (by Associated Press and as did Walker of Philadelphia. Thompson Dillon palaces, hippodrome.i gardens Albuquerque's Hardware Store. the four-gam- e series Pittsburgh and David r forums of ancient Byzantium. For Large scored fifty-seve- n runs and made captured today's feature events of AMERICAN LEAGCE. their creation no small part of the me . elghty-fnu- r hits for a total of 108 orana Circuit racing program W. L. pet. spectacle's $3,000,000 production St. Louis 43 cost was The entire work, bases. Score: Thompson Dillon proved that he .64 .59S spent. Pittsburgh. Is one of the hest tiv,.,,-- . New York 64 45 .587 to the Slightest detail, was under IT. "" AB. PO, A. E. developed this year. ,,y Detroit -- .68 61 .532 the personal and Constant super Maranvllle. ss.,.5 e Rainy Dav '." Chicago 55 52 .514 vision of Signor Braslui. Want Ads Bring Quick Results Carey, cf 6 straight heats. As nvi.i...a Cleveland ...68 55 .505 r Ibv If result of his 60 E6 TOM SCORES BIG ' 'JfflT no substitute Bigbee. victory, the entire purse of Washington .472 MIX . Js 500 IN HIS NEW m' Russell, rf Wert V, hJ.s owncr nnd breeder. Philadelphia ...... 42 63 ..404 HIT PLAY, git righ- t- Tierney. 2h David C. won tlir, - Boston .....41 66 .3S3 AT PASTIME THEATER Traynor, 3b dall trotting v.i. . handicap sweenul out Come in and one-mi- of a Grimm, lb of two le - Straight as a bullet gun, Inspect c . rt.iii, Schmidt, value of 17.130, the new Tom Mix Fox picture Carlson, p . the first scored a at the Pastime theater Our Modern event of its kind ever raced here. hit Safety was yesterday afternoon and last night, Totals 41 14 16 27 17 2 ovjii k,, uio scratch horse From Vaults Starting at the fire and HEALTH OR nnd is helne repeated today. iF0R THS Reutf.OFT- - Deposit , Philadelphia. he trotting a AS start to finish the photoplay, "For AB. R. H. PO A.E. mile,, easily canto ti, Pain in the StomachSmH For less than a dol Big Stakes," carried the audionce Sb 3 0 0 1 1 1 a moment's lapse in 'Bowels. Intestinal Rapp 1 0 The second mile furntihofl lar you can a along without Crampj For a 'moderate Wrightstone, 3b 1 0 0 0 . buy The end of charge 1 161(1 book that is the intense interest. Parkinson, 2b.. 3 0 0 6 2 0 Wlt,h 'h0 bunched Just came all too soon for V,OLIC,,UlARRHCEA 4 1 2 1 0 0 tZjTy' off' the press, that the picture year you may secure Williams, cf . . . stretch crowd present. The -- sotD fper 4 2 4 0 1 tells how ar' man the capacity Everywhere - Walker, rf . . . . 2 rrT'w K1,,l0TU,,s' "1ipp"d outdoor scenes reflect the atmos- a box in this vault pro- 3 1 1 2 0 1 th after suffering sev. Tyboiirveau, rf. held his en phere of Arizona dollghtfully. Of ss , . . 4 1 0 2 0 advantage all the way Ho years beat the in Mix Fletcher, was forced dread disease Tu- the lively action expected LEGAL NOTICE viding Leslie, lb 0 1 7 1 0 to step the last quar- is with ad- 'mple storage for 4 1 1 1 ter in 28 4 seconds berculosis. pictures there plenty, Henline, c .... to heat Da- - This venture and much romance LEGAL NOTICE. valuable 1 0 0 1 0 vlrtu of book is yours for galore In the Probate Court of jewelry, papers, Ring, p if ner,t' ,fy his 96o "Tom Mix well deserves the great Bernalillo xLce 1 0 0 0 0 0 flnlBh first and second, David C SEND FOR Not has County, New Mexico. bonds and other securi- owned IT. If are 111 popularity he enjoys. only Welnert, p .... 0 0 0 0 '1 0 by Brown & Sons. Colorado you but n In the Matter of flie Estate of John 0 0 0 0 0 0 was it will help you. If he a pleasing personality, A. to which xxMokan .... springs, Colo., awarded tho and he does. No poking Riley, Deceased. ties, you have winner's portion of the you are In health It can 'act Notice is that the s'nke' will show how hero Js Tom. He in all man. mighty hereby given access at all times Totals 32 .4 8 27 9 I3.J28. you and courage Itself In undersigned was, on the 87th day during x in to keep your health of irhiselo, of 1922, ad- Batted for Ring eighth, I. 11 Direct frnm ntiK. deeds f daring which involve phy- July, duly appointed business hours. xx Han for Fletcher in ninth. SWITCHMEN A It 10 CNF.VSY In ministrator of the eBtate of John llshers- - sical peril. And his horse, Tony, By innings: , Moberly, Mo.. 10 HUt"? Just say most un- A. Riley, deceased, by the Probate Aug. (bv tho Ll send me the book. he has an Invaluable and of Pittsburgh 000 (Ti 18014 Associated Press.) About 25 aid. The keenness of Court Bernalillo County, and 010 000 union "Seven Years of derstanding having qualified as such adminis- First railroad four-foote- Philadelphia ' 0124 switchmen and sta- this d sage is uncanny. Savings Bank Summary: Two-ba- hits Tier- firemen Tuberculosis And trator, all persons claims tionary employed by the How It Was Over There is a gin In the fljm and having ney. Lebourveau. Home runs-Wa- lker. Wabash walked out this and against the estate or said .decedent morning, come. what a girl! She is all smiles are notified and Carlson. Double plays when the national ex- and hereby and1 required to guardsmen twinkles, laughter dimples, to the same to the under- Tierney Maranvllle to Orlmm. tended their lines but returned PRESCOTT PRINTING In pro- present Baw-o- rr CO., among the many thrills the in manner , balls Off Ring, 2. Struck this uffernoon signed the and within 'Trust mwm out pending advice of Box 069. Prescott, Arizona duction the greatest is a rldo by the time law. Company hit By Ring. 3: by Carlson, 8; by grand officers of the Order prescribed by N M. of Mix on Tony to save the girl from JuuiN Administrator. ALBI'Qt'KRQPE.' .einert 1. Jilts Off Ring, 15 In Railway Trainmen. in miinu, death a pram fire, . Dated July 27, 1823. , r

1 .A August 11, 1922. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL Pa Five.

accepted. The convention also onunittee, which urged the foster, ILL' went on record in favor of tho crea- iiig of respect and confidence in KNOWLEDGE W tion of a bureau to promote under- American legal institutions through standing and respect for American instruction in schools and colleges Mm ideals and for the constitution, as and in tho creation of a "depart- Woman9 recommended a committee on ment of American in s by citizenship" Daily Page American ideals. every newspaper and magazine. Vice President Calvin" Coolldge Reports of committees occupied gazine 1 n GRAY IS GAINING was a speaker before the nlgfjt the afternoon session. One report FAVOR FOR FALL of tho convention, declaring recommended renewing American FOUR FEET SHY BAHRISTEHS that tho time had come to supple- participation in The Hague peace DAM ment the appeal to the law, which conferences, to which Mr. Taft lie said must be a limited an amendment the BY JANE one, with suggested asking PHELPS. an appeal to the spirit of the peo- conference to amend its rules so MENU HINT. the bottom of candv bucket. Set Say Present Disrespect and ple, which he declared, to bo un- the t.'nited States could participate Breakfast. the can in with limited. without sacrificing traditional poll" HAPPINESS CHASES WOKIUES. wants 1n some I won't sit at and pack tight Is Due "No reliance the national cies. ways.' Halved Cantaloupes excelsior,, Just as you pack Ice in Disobedience to upon tho tables and order drinks and Wheat Bacon character ever has been betrayed," Must Obey Laws. Cracked a freezer. Next, make a round of de- -, Chapter 40. things, and that all brings him Milk and Sugar Ignorance American said the vice president, "but our A note of warning against - flat pillow of outing flannpl, stuff fiance of law was sounded "Oh, Jia, I'm so glad you waited money." Cinnamon Bolls with over tho Ideals. countrymen must remember that the by "Well run on to bed!" V excelsior, for top. have can have no de- W. Wickersham, former up tonight!" Gertie said as her N Coffee Milk Have a lid to of they and George fit top bucket pendence save themselves. Our United Slates attorney general, in mother gave her the hot tea she Luncheon and hook down There are Tb. Auoclsted Trent.) Gertie dreamed of Tom Norris Meat Loaf tight. (Bj institutions are their institutions; an address at a luncheon attended hud made. me 25 is Cold Veal or cook books telling how long to San Calif., 10. Mr. ''Fugln gave and motor car, of a. 'new hat Powder Biscuits Francisco, Aug. our government their government; by Taft, Mr. Coolidge and extra when I told him about Tim." and uioak. Then she slept heavily Baking cook different things, which you More power given to federal Judges our laws are their laws." other notables. Butter must have. Put whatever you "That's fine, dearie, now you to warn morning, ana it was later and Cream will prevent many failures of Roth the committee on American "No government resting on uni a a coat or than usual when she awoke. Blue Berries may be cooking in a closed buck- Chief told versal can ran get hat and either Tea M'lk justice, Justice Taft the Idoals and Mr. Coolidge denounced suffrage long endure," dress." "There's a messenger boy been Iced et, place in tin can, put on top, American Bar association conven- the to congress he said, to the mine Dinner. on proposal give power referring "I'll get a coat, Ma, then no one here, he brought this." Jennie then put pillow then lid, tion today, while other speakers to make valid by a strike outrage at Herrln, 111.. see sister a en- Broiled Steak Potatoes Creamed and you can be sure it will not resnect constitu will the dress," ber mind upon handed her crumpled Beets declared that Justice cannot pre- law declared unconstitutional by 'without for the her motor rides with Tom Norris velope. Quickly Gertie tore It open Buttered burn besides the saving in. gas. vail unless the on the the it would tion and law of the land, nor If Cucumber-Radis- h Salad people rely supreme court, saying when he had wrapped1 her in his and with flushed cheeks, and The bucket can be painted and courts. deprive the people of the protection the selfish Interests of particular coat, he wouldn't come quickened breathing read: Blueberry Fie you can , get outing flannel to Mr. Taft's recommendation that of the constitution and classes are to contest Perhaps Milk Coffee subjec. permitted and if he did he might not take "Am in town. Will call for you V match tho paint so that the plans for reforming legal procedure them to the will of two-thir- of tlie laws and facts of government. her out riding, but she would be to take a ride in the country if it cooker will look nice wherever be worked out through a commis- a legislative body, endangering ready if he did and anyway the is pleasant. Ee ready at 2 o'clock, TODAY'S RECIPES. you wish to keep it. You will sion composed of two Judges each freedom of speech and action. HOOVEIVS LHiTHD Y. coat would-- ,' as she said, cover the if you will go. Cucumber-Radl9- h Salad One find It will lower your gas bill from federal supreme, circuit and Respect for American law and Washington, Aug. TO. SecretaT dress (or street wear as well. , "Tom Norris." cucumber, six amail radish- besides preventing loss by burn- district courts and three leading courts has suffered through pop- Hoover celebrated today his forty-ei- "You'll to large "We'll go shopping tomorrow, have get up now, es, lettuce, Creole French dress- ing food. American practitioners of law was ular Ignorance, according to this ghth birthday. so as to be sure it won't ret used Gertie, if we are going to get your ing. Peel and slice tho cucum- for other things," Mrs. Cummings hat and cloak this afternoon," ber; arrange slices on the lettuce; said. Too well she knew there was Mrs. COmniingH appeared in the slice three of the radishes and always need for every extra dol- doorway. "What's the , message arrange around edges of the cu- lar, and she also knew Gertie's gen- about?" cumber. In center place one erosity. This time nothing should "I can't have any hat and coat, whole radish. Then apply dressing prevent her having the things, she leastways, not today! Tom Is here, Is and serve. I so needed. Ma, here in Now York, and he Creole - French Dressing One and will around to take me into tho "It's Saturday, Jennie coining olive oil, pne-ha- lt cup vine- at 2 o'clock. Here, cup See be home all the afternoon with coming Rosenwald's country one powdered sugar, the mother went on. "Now it yourself," she Jumped gar, teaspoon Special Tim," one-eigh- !r. finely run to bed. Your are lightly from the bed, thrust the cup chopped Biij along eyes like two stars." note into her mother's hand and onion, cup chopped commenced to dress. parsley, one teaspoon chopped red "And, mother! I told Fagin one chop- about the dance, and he "I'd get the hat and coat and pepper, tablespoon butterfly trr come ped green pepper, two. teaspoons is awfully said he tell him another day," civ-e- n interested; salt. Mix ingredients in order would buy the clothes for me. I Jennie said. "You are awful shabby an must and more than in your old ones." Hi J and let stand for about try practice for five mln-ute- s. I have lately. I guess I can ork Mrs. Cummings looked up. few hour, then beat well to serve. it out You know go.t "No! If he don't like me in my It Is then ready by myself. I made in that magazine with one of the old clothes wouldn't in new This dressing can be dancers on the stage doing It, and ones. Of course I'd like to look nice 'ft quantity (and used at various that will help a lot. If I got stuck for him, but I wouldn't miss going times, always beating it well be- I'm going to tell him I want a for all the coats and hats in New fore serving. "'"! of lessons In one of the York." Veal Loaf Two pounds veal 'tools that teach fancy dancing. "That's right, dearie, you go! from the forequarter, 1 think he would be willing to pay Now come and help me, Jennie, pound fat salt pork, four crack- for them. There's quite a lot more Gertie can have her breakfast in By ELOISE. ers, cup thin cream come now because of my a few minutes, then she will have Gmy, although rather trying to (top milk), one tablespoon lemon dance he told me so and this time to fix her hair and get ready. many complexions, is Raining favor juice, one teaspoon salt,' one-quart- er new one will be even better. He's I'll press your dress. It will make kll teaspoon pepper, one tea- real good to me, Ma, and I was it look a bit better," and with the color, by any means, nor spoon minced onion, one teaspoon ove lending afraid he'd send me away because dress her arm, followed by will it be strong late W the sea- Bage. Put veal and pork through of that fight.'' Jennie, she left the room. son, but for the last summer days meat grinder, roll wickers and "I guess perhaps he's good to Alone Gertie hgaln read the and the first fall ones gray will be mix all Ingredients thoroughly. himself too, dearie. If you didn't message, then pressed the paper to very smart. Hats are appearing Pack into bread loaf pan and help his business he wouldn't be her lips. "He hasn't forgotten me. in all shades of gray in both velvet bake slowly two hours basting spending money on clothes for you He wants me to go out with him and Uuvetyn and they are trimmed with bacon fat. Serve cold, cut in to dance In." she whispered then sang ornaments. again!" ! with silver ribbons and thin slices. "Of course! But he's been better softly .from sheer happiness, Gray hoaa are alsVi smart and Huckleberry Pie One quart than I had any right to expect. You clothes, everything forgotten in the tho gray frock will be one cup sugar, two table- l see I rush of naturally berries, Ma, go against what he joy. popular with those who can wear- spoons flour. Wash the berries, I it. " add tho sugar and flour and stir Yoa'd Here Is a pretty gray dress made until well mixed. Fill the pie Consider Them Bargains of silk crepe: It features the long lined with cover jl pastry, blouse. plate, m skirt and long .waisted with the upper crust and bake. Panels or bands of petaled loopn ' at $25 1o $35. ThOMOfirtM of the saiho material form the only Home-mad- e Flrclces Cooker. trimming. These are placed on the Things you need: front and Fides of the skirt and 1 bucket .15 Candy - over an odd i v Dear Mrs. am I didn't have many men friends, tho shoulders forming Va Bushel excelsior in w i tw S' . j " a Thompson: I it j im " but now I certainly have as many sleeve line. 4 Yard outlng-- f lannel "vi 23 years old and for the last year Is made of .... '.11 1 Cl a of as I want. Of course, this makes A large buckle effect a Yard . 16ill f J picked up special ,lot I asbestos II charming mignonette have been sick. to that time I at l 'w Up me feel that I am liked because I silver thread embroidery the 1 Tin can with top .is isSr i. had worked In an ofIce as stenog- have money. When I marry, 1 want front of the belt. Jt 13 a smart ! ir ah ..,i rapher and was considered a suc- some one who cares for me and is .finishing touch. cessful business woman, I was so $ .60 not looking for an easy life. How Line tho bottom and Bides '1 tls P mem on sale at y.yo. g conscientious that I overworked can I be sure that the man loves top, ml 1 if 1 and had a nervous breakdown. of tin can with asbestos. Put 8 ' v 1 me? CARRIE. Inches of excelsior Shoppers who have seen them declare these Now I am better and the doctor You can i well whether SALVATION - about three 4' to work at tell pretty HMY says I may go back any the man loves you or your money J& dresses nave a all tneir own. earlier in tne time if I am more careful of my he acts and tho 6 f11 style overtime. by the way things sV;v health and do not work he If ho about money AMERICAN, GIRLS GO season would consider them at says. 1 l-i- At the time I was taken sick I tjilks SwTZW you bargains a great deal and plans what should INTO INTERNATIONAL pj waa encaged to be married. My be done with it, probably that is OFFIGIALS WILL - seem to feel very badly fiance his big interest. FEMININE TRACK MEET X-M,....-- about my condition at first, but does .JJlk' J To be very sure that money j All Colors for Street or Dinner Wear when he saw I did" not Improve not play too big a part in your life, Th. Aiioclnful .inldlv Via utavnrt BWftV SO much be if you moved TODAY (By Preu.) love and you mighty happier BE HERE Aug. 10 the Associat- that I saw he did not me, to another city where people did Paris, (by so I broKe our engagement, not know you had it. Of course, it ed Press.) Sixty-fiv- e young worn- - wouldn't me B I hoped he let is no easy matter to make new en, comprising the elite of the "I VaBiEiae-- k,.n tr it hopfliiRA th shock of his not be Salvation S. Brad- QfAssoVfintf friends; but you might Army Major world's feminine athletes, rept-e-1- agreeing' it waa best nearly L. Carl will nr-ri- that troubled in' that way. Traveling ley 'and Adjutant United -- broke my heart. would also be in which to here to discuss with senting the States, France, 1 11 1 w w " w w my a way today I II W I WLWU ' I How I ever got better with meet new neople. Captain Dick Guest his recent res- England, Belgium, Switzerland and 31 is more than Czecho-Slovaki- a, heart nearly breaking ignation from his post In this city. have entered for Which demonstrate Rosenwald's I can understand, It must have Several ago, Guest the international women's track clearly superiority dear and 60 BABIES EXAMINED days Captain been because my family sent his resignation to Major and field meet at the Pershing POMILl in this line. See these stockings in our window. tried so hard and gave 20. alll UTO doctor stadium Practically l the AT HEALTH MEETING Bradley, divisional officer in August me so much encouragement. of Arizona. New 'Mexico contestants are holders of records. was dressed In a charge The other day I AT Y. W. YESTERDAY western Texas. The resignation The 17 entrants from the United Rosenwald's special No. Cotton hose in black only. beautiful pink organdie dress my was not the divisional States and Panama have begun and sup- accepted, 100 pure silk hose in mother made for me, I Sixty babies wero brought "by commander desiring to talk 1o preliminary training, and Engl- with my blond hair, I looked 16 . 15c pose,, to meet their mothers to the health Captain Guest personally regard and's contestants, Belgium's pair rather well. I happened at the Y. W. C. A. head to 12, Switzerland's eight and . sweet and when he ing his leaving the service, take colors $2.50 my old heart quarters yesterday for examination over the organized work. Czechoslovakia's 12, have in- Infant's fine silk saw me I could see the old look in nurses un- charity Fcmi ribbed he by tho physicians and Even in the event of Captain formed the , French ' his eyes. Now that I am well of the nine that will Mercerized hose hose, per least he asked der the auspices public Guest's resignation being accepted, federation they sports in wants mo back. At health Today is the Sal- reach Paris on the 17th, 11th, 18th QKn department. the building project for tho " black if he could come to see me. In a conference. and white mixture, pair ....UOs but I have fipal day of the vation Army here will not be and 16th of August, respectively. way I still love him, babies, examined ac- American team is tan and white and camel him because he de- Many of the dropped. Funds are rapidly While the lost all faith in have been under the care the and the records made Infant's cashmere hose, serted me when his love would yesterday cumulating for building strong, training hair. Cfi I of the public health nurse all and is that work will by the American women since nr have meant so much. I told him to be it expected Per summer. They were found start in the near future. their arrival show that their task ' ' pair did not consider It best for him to if . 50c greatly improved in condition. They will be an arduous one, and that ' pair come. were weighed, measured ana ex their will be by Now I have received a letter OVER WILL theywln, victory A fine sports silk come amined for disease and defects and WOMEN 16 no mftans a walkover. ' quality Infant's fine cotton hose, from him, and he begs to were advised as to hose in has never been their mothers VICE FILM TODAY id all AP back. He says he further care. SEE NEW BRIDGES. I (1 since our engage- THREE colors. Per pr.$i-oit- ) happy a minute The who gave their Ausr. 10. Contracts for tt black and brown kid one strap pumps, rubber . was broken. My brother says physicians All women of tho cltv over 16 Santa Fe. pair 50c ment to run time to the health conference yes- the construction of three bridges heels '.....$1.95 he was happy enough were Dr. O. C. West, Dr. venra nf acta will be admitted to will be 16.60 plain black kid pumps French heels. ... $1.95 - The wholo terday on highways Silk lisle hose with em- Misses silk hose in around with other- girls. Gar-dun- o. "B" this to important en- ribbed he treated Gillette, Dr. Cornish and Dr. the theater morning awarded by the state highway family resents the way were see two films Drougni nere bidding-o- broidered clocks, in black black and cordovan. I should not let him Those who assisted special gineer, under competitive me and say Miss nurse, Mrs. by the state health department. will be (4 black and brown kid three strap pumps .12.95 and cordovan. come I really don't care Anina Munck, "The American August 18. The bridges gyp Per again. me so Maud Colter and Mrsi J. E. Walker. Tha nietnrfta nrfl of concrete substructure, with wood $4.K0 black, kid two button one strap pumps .$3.95 jrt either way, because he hurt of 'Vice" . Per him and Plan for the Suppression superstructure, and will span Wo'f $4.50 black kid blucher oxfords ..." r. .$2.1)5 pair pair ...$1.00 much I can never forgive 01 vice.- - xne (PeO have other men and "The Ertects creek, the Chama river ana ivavaju $8 plain white kid pumps with turned soles .$2.95 feel the same. I SHE'LL COME TO will be tomorrow 15 white canvas two but I do love any of pictures repented canyon, all in Rio Arriba county. strap pumps .$2.95 Pure thread silk hose, Children's silk lisle hose friends, njt The film will at semi-fashio- MARTHA. U. S. AS FIRST morning. begin n- fl-- f in - them. 9:30 o'clock. The show will be white, black and cor- The man does not de- STEEL BUSINESS GROWS. ffA certainly WOMAN DIPLOMAT free. 10. The SO one ed. Per pAir . dovan. Per serve your forgiveness. You can New York, Aug. $6. white relgnskin strap pumps ....$3.95 .$leDU he considers himself tonnage report of tho $8.60 white linen one buckle strap pumps ,...... $3.95 see row that monthly two pair 50c and not you, and since he has NEGRO JAIL BREAKER United States Steel corporation (5 white nlle cloth strap pumps ....$.1.95 A good silk lisle character showed 5,766,-16- 1 $5 black kid two pumps, low heels $3.95 quality shown this trait in his WHO THREW PEPPER made public today, strap hose in white Children's school hose in before marriage, you may be sure tr&fxf? .t$x&K tons of unfilled orders on hand black, and a worse de-cr- 31. is an increase of black and cordovan. Per It would manifest in j HELD FOR GRAND JURY July This cordovan.: after. I believe, too, that it 140,630 tons over June's unfilled $9 black suede two button, one strap pumps. ,. .$1.05 Per pair 35c or 3 to let him know 6,635,531. pair ....$1.25 would be better J? tm I Curtis orders, which totalled $8.0 two button patent leather pumps $1.95 for and do not w.ant Johnson, colored, who one leather pair D1UU(( you are through With John iPavlowski, $7.60 strap pumps pat, vamps $4.95 him to cme back. escaped $6.60 patent leather two strap sandals ...$4.u. Fine lisle hose in . from the county Jail on Wednesday black, Boys' extra heavy ribbed an K-.-- J. I Jailor $6.60 white kid two strap pumps ,.$1.95 white and cordovan. Mrs. Thompson: I am j night by blinking the with $8 nose, Dear pepper and been bound white Egyptian cloth military oxfords $4.95 rer pair 35c or 3 and have quite a little salt, has THOUSANDS KEEP $6 white trimmed Per orphan over to the on a Jail and $3.50 leather sport oxfords $4.95 rrr money. Before my father's death grand Jury $6.50 and $7.50 rey elk, calf trimmed oxfords. pair breaking charge. Johnson is held sport DC for . In the Jail in default ' of $1.95 ...... tDi.m county $10 black and brown kid military oxfords .$4.95 $000 bond after a hearing yester- Fine cotton hose in black Boys', WHY WOMEN GET day in the court of Justice of the TftNLAG hose, very heavily Peace Manuel was 1 - ribbed. Per DESPONDENT Apodaca He $10 black and kid oxfords $0.95 s!r- . PTA a 90-d- sentence on a patent er . as serving $9 black satin one strap pumps , .,$0.95 a i pair Are not women naturally , 9,. pair vagrancy charge. Thousands of people everywhere $10 one pumps .t4Js light-hearte- brave and hopeful strap patent $i.95 Pavlowski, who was apprehend- have found that Tanlao is $10 brown kid one as men? Yes, certainly but a ed with taking strap pumps $0.95 Johnson at the Isleta the best way on earth to over- ' woman's organism Is essentially bridge at 1:30 ' o'clock v man's more yesterday come the depressing effects of the different from a morning, was brought back to jail. en- $12 to $15 black, white, brown and bronze kid more sensitive and 'more wilting heat of summer and delicate, He is a federal prisoner awaiting able them to do their work with pumps . , s , $8.95 Men's Straw Hats I exacting. Women In delicate health the action; of the federal beaded kid and satin more nerv- grand a vim and enjoy their hours of $11.60 black pumps $8.95 are more dependent, Jury. As soon as the Jail delivery to extent. $12.60 one strap silver pumps $8.95 I more irritable and more des- - was known piny the fullest ous, deputy sheriffs began In hot weather the system "lets $15 black satin two strap pumps $H.95 $1.29 and I When aNWOman develops a search and threw a guard acrocs $14 soles $8.95 $2.69 pondent back-- , ' down," the liver becomes slug- white kid oxfords, ivory nervousness, sleeplfssness, the principal roads out of the and whole lacks ,$10 J. and T. Cousins Modease oxfords $8.95 Our stock dragging-dow- n The men were ns gish the body ' entire at these prices for quick cleaK I aches, headaches, county. caught tone and One becomes $10 white kid one buckle flapper pumps $8.95 - .1. . as. m pains and melancholia she should they were attempting to cross tho vitality. Uft pst E: . an' easy vcltlm to slckneos and lose no time in giving Lydia bridge at Isleta. , disease. Nature must have , 1'inkham's Vegetable , Compound help as will dis- - to replenish the vitality and com- a fair trial, it quickly WILLARD AND SAN bat the insidious "summer com- ' pel such troubles. This root and no HAVE plaints" that, if left unchecked, hrb medicine contains drugs MARCIAL TO are into and has been the standby of apt to develop serious NEW HIGH SCHOOLS fevers and other dangerous mal- American womanhood for nearly adies. ' fifty years', Silk iTl'mard and San Marclat will Tanlao Is the Ideal remedy for Striped Silk Striped this condition. Composed of na- open bids soon for modern high ' school it waa announced tures' own roots, herbs and buildings, acts to , Mile. Standoff. yesterday by Architects Trost and barks, it naturally helft Madras Madras Nadejua restore the to normal a ad Shirting Shirting Ladies Let Cuticura Mile. Trost and Trost and George P. system Nadejda Standoff, charm- Hill, who drew the plans. The make the entire body elastie ing daughter of the Bulgarian min- to the state capitol in San- strong and vigorous, able to with- 49c Yard 49c Yard Your Skin ister In London, has been appointed ta Fe, which was begun two stand the depressing effect of the Keep the most and-Youn- g ecretary'to Bulgarian legation months ago, is now up to the torrid temperatures. Fresn at Washington and is thus the floor. Is Begin taking-Tanla- c and first seconds Rapid progress mm- today SnD.OmtaM,Titrtm,Xem,rwKfc.FOTMmvM woman diplomat in the U. S. cap- bciue rnade with this' work. notice the difference In your "S H" ddrewi ItllM, Hut. and Green Stamps Cltlctrfcl4terlM,D.plIX, ital. She U'but twenty-seve- n feelings. It's sold by all good ' " " yetri obL ' "J 1 Journal .Want Ada Bring Results, drugglstSs Adv, ' 'August 11, 1922. Page Si. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL1 church, Wednesday afternoon. Leone Oyster, Mary Fitzgerald, Scripture reading by their teacher. Lucie Becker and Mrs. Arthur A short business meeting was held. BELEN Bradley. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL NEWS ITEMS GATHERED The rest of the afternoon was spent Mr. and Mrs. John McGaughey, In pleasant conversation. In the with Mrs. Walter Burnett and sou games that were played, Mes-dam- Mrs. John Becker, Jr., Miss Met-zi- e and daughter motored to Santa Fe Johnson, Talbert and Pro-thr- o Enderstein, Miss Mary Anna Thursday, returning Friday by FROM ALL SECTIONS OF THE SUNSHINE STATE won prizes. Those to enjov Bradley, and Miss Fitzgerald re- way of San Domingo, where they the afternoon 'were: Mcsdames turned early in the week from their witnessed tho Indian corn dance Turner, Stobaugh, Johnson, Potter, motor trip to Trinidad, Colorado, and festival. . Shaw, Hale, Smith, Prothro, Klsor, and Ute Park, New Mex., where Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sloan enter- IN ONE SCHOOL Talbert, Kennedy, Cobb, Mrs. Hays they were joined by Johnnie Beck- tained at dinner on Wednesday EIGHTEEN PAIRS OF TWINS and Miss Nell Hayes. Refresh er, who came home with" them evening for Mr. and Mrs. J. F. v HAGERMAN MAGDALENA ments were served. after a six weeks'' vacation at tho Linn, who will leave Belen about Mrs. Meyers Is enjoying a visit camp for New Mexico boys at tha September 1 to live in Albuquer- from her daughter, Miss Evelyn latter place. que, where Mr. Linn has a position ussistant cashier of Turner, who Is in Okla- with tho New Mexico Mortgage and The Woman's Missionary society Tat Luna, teaching Mrs. Barror, Sr., accompanied the First National bank, left on homa. Miss Bonlta left on Loan Company. Mr. Linn has been met at tho home of Mrs. Tom week for Salt Miss by Barror, Thursday of the past Dolly Wagner left this week Monday's train for Ohio. Miss or the efficient assistant cashier In on Wednesday afternoon. Lake, Ariz., where he will spend a for a vacation trip to Redlandi. will visit a few weeks with rel- ha First National Bank of Belen As the president, Mrs. How, was 6r-- vacation of two weeks among Texas. in for for several years and both he and -- atives the cast, returning Mrs. J.inn absent, the meeting was conducted w&trSi friends. Miss Alice Muslck of Causey, who the opening of school. have been prominent In and Mrs. Cowan. L2 was kicked a is social and business affairs here ' by Mrs. Curry Rev. and Mrs. Calvin Duncan, by mule, reported Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Becker, with and made for a FW' re- on the road to A w ill bo missed in these Plans were holding Katharine and Calvin recovery. por tho greatly and near Fidelia, their guests, Missea Lola various .miniature Chautauqua In the turned to their home in Magdalena tion of her skull was removed. Schultz anil Leono Oyster of Ripoa, lodge circles. 'future. It was also decided that auto of four The following marriago licenses One of the happiest social af- after a delightful trip Wisconsin, returned Monday Horn fairs of tho the society would buy a kitchen weeks spent at the National Yel- were Issued the past week: July a ten days' motor trip to the Colo- week was the mesa cabinet for the parsonage. During lowstone Park, l'ikcs l'eak and 24, Miss Fays Fewell, Burkbur- - rado Canyon. party Tuesday night with Miss the social hour ice cream and cake of Interest. nett, Texas, and G. A. Frletlag, Mrs. Lucie Becker nnd Mrs. John Beck-o- r, were other points John Becker, SiTwho has as hostesses. were served. Those present of Elemdoirf, Burkburnett, Texas: July 2!), Ml as been in the Presbyterian hospital Jr., About 35 per- Bert Lylo MacSpaden Essie Port Texas, and Tom sons attended this affair in honor Mesdames Bailey, Harry N. M., was in Magdalena several Floyd, in Albuquerque for several days, Cowan, V. W. Curry, H. A. Hanna, Kuykendall, Clovis; 31, Miss serious op- of the guests In Belen, days this week a guest in the July where she underwent a the Misses C. O. Holloway, Lloyd Harshey, home. Vclma Irene Burch, Texico, and eration, is recovering rapidly and Oyster, Schultz, Fitz- Ueo. Meader, Hire, Dwlght Craig C. N. Sims, gerald nnd Mrs. Bradley. Games Harvey Little, on Mon- Chlllieothe, Texas; will be home in a few lays. N. C. Smith, Jas. Wil- Miss Ova Kitchens left Aug. 2, Miss Lula Griggs, Maize. were played and bounteous Robinson, week for Santa Fe, Miss Dovie May Johnson spent 'a day of this N. M and Arthur Clo t luncheon spread at 7 liamson, Flora West, J. Wright. J. Harden, last week end in Belen,,the gu-is- o'clock, after Misses Williamson and where she will enter the Frances vis; Aug. 2, Miss Maurine Rice, which more games and a Jolly so- Mary Willard school for A num- of Miss Reeso. Francis Little. E. girls. Clovis, and Howard C. Leach, Por Mrs. Robert Darnell, accom- cial time were enjoyed. An party was held at ber of her girl friends were at the tales. Mrs. Wm. Holdingnausen and enjoyable to see her off on the panied her duughter and. family, the Woodmas home on Wednesday depot train, the Will Hart's;1 on a motor to daughter of Clovis, have been the when a number of the each one presented her with a trip guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Moore evening as she boarded the Tucumcari, for a week's visit with friends of Miss Violet Woodmas dainty gift her son and pld friends. this week. were invited to spend the evening. train. HOPE Miss Louise of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Moore and Taylor Roswell, Mrs. Games were played until a late Miss Elma McCluro and mother is the guest of Miss Zell Lewis. daughter, Taylor of Chicago, hour. returned home on Sunday after L. V. Noblitt left yesterday for Grand Canyon, Mrs. and children and Albert Curry is home from the several weeks visit with friends Rev. Z. B. Moon, has returned left this week for a visit with rel- California, other coast cities R. O. T. C. encampment at Fort and relatives at Reserve. from where ho has atives at Taiban. for a month's vacation. a who hns Dallas, Tex., , Logan, Colo., where lie spent Miss Bertha Sppck been for medical treatment. Miss Myrtle Whltener who has very pleasant six weeks. been In Albuquerque attending, Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lon Fletch been making her home with her Miss Novella Dawson, who has summer school, returned to Mag- Mrs. Noblitt and for Winiber-l- y In Al- er, Aug. 7, a girl. sister, family been a guest at the J. E. dalena on Saturday. While some months, has returned to her RAMAH home the pnst week left Satur- Miss Speck underwent Mrs. Nannie Fletcher of Artesia, buquerque, Is in Hone the reunion. home in Clovis. day for her home in Carlsbad. a minor operation. during Dr. and wife and of Mrs. Blanche Robertson and son John McGaughey Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hanson On Friday evening the past of Imperial, California, left on Jack Wilson and L. E.- Hatley children Mr. and Mrs, N. S. the young of the Turner of Hagerman, spent sev- and week, people In Monday by motor for their home have sold the cattle they bought West and children left Friday for Christian Endeavor society, gath- eral days Hope this week, thy - of Mrs. Noel Johnson. after nearly a month assisting in front- Clark M. Carr a few weeks the Ruidoso whero they will camp ered themselves In automobiles guests of Fed- "The was Can- H. A. has the the work organizing the ago. buyer Roy Moore of for several days and enjoy the cool and went a few miles up Hop Taylor purchased Church of He- en- business lot east of the American erated Community Sawyer.' mountain breezes. yon where a picnic supper was sev-er- al and Frances McGuire, Hardin, Mo. Top, richt, Gertrude nnd Lucille Suter, PalmyTa, Mo. hall nnd will a new len. The work of organization is A roundup and branding of Thelma Robinson came home Top, left, Emily joyed. Legion erect a ex hend of cows and Ros- Zola and Zona YounLin, Okla. Bottom, right, Vclma and Zelma Bishop, concreto which" Is "to be "completed and call has been calves sold Tuesday from the hospital at Bottom, left, Jennings, The Misses Anna and Daisy building to be in to Moore was Mo. used for a barber The butld- - tended a pastor who will Roy held at the home well where she underwent an op- Peculiar, Fraiser and mother arrived home shop. field in a time. In of Jack Wilson 6. sev- is to be 25 feet front with the short the August There eration for appendicitis. Thelma "to is on Saturday from a trip of ng large were several as "The college of twins." That's not without good and sufficient enroll more. The mystery windows. meantime, Rev, Calkins, who has visitors, Miss Betty has hod a rather serious time in eral weeks spent at various points been in the Methodist V'ogt, Miss Katherine both was in bad the name that has been bestowed reason. For eighteen of how the gay "oung lotharijs on coast. Mrs. J. W. Mellerd is home after pastor Vogt, her appendix very pairs can the church, will have charge of all from Chicago; Miss May Clawson Little Irma Graham who on Stephens college in Missouri, twins are now attending the that section of the country Mr. and Mrs. Simons aro enjoy- a visit of several weeks Jo her shape. ' services. Mr. Calkins has resigned and Miss Myrtle Bond. was taken to St. Mary's hospital the "Vassar of the west.", And school and efforts are being made t their "sweeties." ing a visit from Mrs, Simon's sis- mother at Van Horn. Watson came down from to attend Columbia University in Babe Gray of Bolton, Texas, has after Thelma was taken was able ter,- Mrs. Kate Kennedy and Aubrey At a of Sun- in with to of Portales. Roswell the first of the week vto September. meeting gone partnership Fred return home last week. daughter day schoel teachers , and officers Lewis in a well machine 111 lawn and Mrs. Claud for- spend his vacation with his drilling Mrs. Cartwrifiht is quite at was spent with different Mr. Dees, par on Wednesday evening, the Fed- and is for Mr. Mrs, tho hosts 1 residents of have ents. drilling Kelsey. the home of her daughter, I games, after which mer this place, erated Sunday school was reorgan- L. E. Hatley and Babe Gray Williamson, of the Felix ranch. j served refreshments. CARLSBAD returned and may again take up Mrs. Carl Daniels and son Billie PORTALES dainty returned from Roswell Monday ized and promises to bva force for made a business trip to Gallup Mr. and Mrs. Hill who have been Miss Mary Holt, librarian at the I their residence here. a influence In the com- 7. In since Mr. and Mrs, Suits are where little Billie has been taking splendid August living Hagerman coming State University at Albuquerque, enjoying munity, having an attendance of L. E. Hatley and family will take here a short time ago from Moun- - The marriage of Miss Maurine was a first of the week visitor of Most of Carlsbad's social activi- a visit from Mr, Suits' parents, Dr. treatments. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Swift are in 126 on last Sunday. a trip to Hot Springs, New Mexico, tainair hav'o moved to the Hayes Rice, daughter of Mr. and Mre. Miss Helen Llndsey. ties center around the bathing and Mrs. Suits, of near Wichita Tho Lutheran Aid met with Mrs. within next few' in of town. Mr. Hill has of to Howard town from tho ranch for the rodeo. the days a place south Virgil Rice Clovis, The Rev. J. J. Richards, pastor beach during the intense heat of Falls, Texas. Schmarge Thursday. truck. purchased this place and will start Leach, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Each afternoon it Miss Helen Blackburn, who has The young people of the Ep of the Methodist church here, one-a- Mrs. Frank Fischer entertained Clare T. Smith of Ramah died a had a herd Leach of was been in worth League will give a ' dairy farm, having Portalex, performed went to Inez on Sunday afternoon is the social gathering place, and Magdalena jfor the past tho Episcopal Guild after- in Albuquerque August 1. Mr. of cows brought here from on Thursday morning at 8 o'clock he the Rev. J. N. tho it is the scene several weeks, a guest in the horn" play next Sunday at the service Friday where will late into night hour. The is called "The noon. Smith was secretary of the Ramah talnair the last of the week. at the home of the bride's parents S. Webb in a revival meeting. The of gay Sunday afternoon of her brother, Leslie Blackburn, play Mrs. P. B. Dalies and Mrs. S. K. commercial club and was Mr. V. parties. Makers," and outlines the popular and Mrs. Will Ed Carter of Tho Rev. J. Nix, pastor of the meeting will continue for at least picnic suppers after the swim are left on Saturday for her home in Joy Cotton a dozen ladies here. Carlsbad were the of Mr. Elk Okla. work of the third department of entertained guests Portalcs Baptist church, perform- two weeks. popular. A congenial party, pic- City, at a well appointed 1 o'clock Bob James was here Sunday and Mrs. Roy 1. Loekhead Wed- ed the ceremony assisted by the "Peck'' one of the force last afternoon In- Miss Evelyn Miller left on Wed- trt Epworth League. Haney, nicking Sunday . Mrs. T. V. Coffin Is expecting luncheon Wednesday at the Dalies visiting sotne relatives. He has nesday. Rev. Hollificlcl, Presbyterian pas- at the First National Bank, left cluded Mr. nnd Mrs. Allen Hardy nesday for her home in Hillsbor.-- home in honor of tho traded his Pathfinder Misses Carmen Jacobs and Ruth tor of Clovis, In the presence of 5') and Mrs. E. R. of after a delightful visit of several her Ulster from Champaign, 111., to visiting Sunday for Julia, Floydada and Mr. and Lange of ladles, the Misses Lola Schultz, for a Dodge touring car. Smith went to Dexter Tuesday guests. The bride was attired in several other in Texas, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cunning- weeks with Miss Hortenso Med- spend the month August. visit with the South- silk points Otis; evening for a a dress of brown canton crepe, where he will spend his two weeks ham, Mr. nnd Mrs. D, M. Jackson, ley and Alice Atkinson. ard family. They returned Sun- with large picture hat to match, summer vacation with friends. Mr. and Mrs. L. E.' Ervfn, Mrs. A crowd of about thirty-fiv- e day, i and carried a bouquet of pink rose Mrs. Paul Morrison will fill his Howard Moore and Dr. Ennis. young folks went to Hop Canvon C. W. received The bridal made a on and Ray Bartlett buds. party place in the bank during his ab- Another party at which Miss Mary Tuesday evening .where they their big 1200 egg Incubator Mon- beautiful picture as they descend- sence. Johnston was hostess inciuaea Mr. enjoyed a picnic supper. After day and will test it out with a trial ed the flower bedecked stairway, A house for the boys' sleeping nnd Mrs. H. F. Christian, Mr. and supper dancing was Indulged in. Bart-lett- s "Cbmi whaPt for hatch this autumn. The the bride leaning on the arm of is under construction at Mrs. Merchant, Mr. and Mrs. Rev. Glazier and family will have one of the most her father and followed the apartment Lige leave the lunch, Daddy an' by tho Baptist Orphans' Home. The Oeorge Duson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry coming week for a two Mother thai poultry farms In the valley. groom, who was accompanied by woik is all donated, and seventeen Mclvim. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence weeks' vacation to be spent in ay$ Mr. and Mrs. Woodmas chil- his The bridal was Nancy an' me art and father. party men were at work on tho luilding Bell, and Miss Alice Teeple of Colorado. dren, Violet and Marlin, and Mr. preceded by four little flower during one day. The building will Houston, Texas, the guest of Mrs. People from the ranch countrv going to have and Mrs. Bradley and children, girls, lovely In various hucd soon be ready for occupancy. Christian. are beginning to take up their res- Kellogg't Corn Claud and Bonnie Bell and flowers In idence in In Flaket Sam, dresses, strewing tht A little daughter of Mr. nnd A visitor of the week town, order to place all Mummer Miss Francis Harshey, left Tues- pathway to tho altar, which was a Mrs. C. T. Manis diod aft- prominent their children in the schools at ths long became they for a to the White moun- bank of flowers. There the Jlonday was Chief Counsel ottomar tia of the day trip largo er a lingering Illness with tuber- IT. 3. reclamation Serv- opening school term, which are so good for our bride and were Joined mele of the be 5. tains, groom ry culosis of the stomach. Funeral ian Urihimrtnn. 11. C. who was win Tuesday, Sept. ttomachil Guest Mrs. Lott and children of Por-tale- s, their attendants, Mr. Joel Fuller services were held on aft-- Mr. and Mrs. Frank McNeal and home of best nnd Miss Tuesday j on'a lour o inspoction of western Mr. what, Daddy, 'nen left for Saturday after Portales, man, ernoon at 4 o'clock from the Nnza Vhile Franklin of the First National a visit at home of Mr. and Mrs. Oriole Curtis of Clovis, bride'smaid. reclamation projects. in you can have tome the rene church, the Rev. A. K. Scott Ha mele was a Bank, motored to Roscdalo on Jack Ingraham. Mrs. Lott is Mrs. As the .bridal parly descended the Carlsbad Mr. given Sunday. They were nooomrmnieri Mrs. Hollifield officiating. banquet at tho Crawford hotel by Ingraham's mother. stairway, played Tho Rev. and Mrs. Albert Bates Water ' homa Ray McXeal who had been Mr. and Mrs. Fred Evans and march and tho members of the Pecos me Lohengiinb wedding and children and mother, Mrs. Users association. Dj,r,iuiups wti;K at iLoseaaie. daughters. Misses Fay and Lillian played sofjly all through the cere- Bates, returned Miss Hortense Medlev rettirnprl Rot-we- Mary Wednesday Mrs. Evans, motored down from ll mony. The ring ceremony was Mrs. John Merchant and home on Wednesday from several from Texas, where they have been Merchant entertained with an Tuesday, Mrs. Evans will re used. After congratulations the engaged in revival work at differ- IJge days visit to the Clafud Medley main here all week at the home of company was served fruit punch informal dance at their home In ranch north of town, ent points for the past four weeks. on her son, Aubrey Evans. The Misses and cake. Tho bride threw her Mrs. Ed Williams entertained La Jiuerta rnursaay mgnt. ine Elsie Davis left on Saturday fni-- Evans have recently returned from bouquet to the little flower girls honor guests were Miss Eldred her home in Corono, N. M.. several little girls and boys with is the sum- after attending summer school at Silver which delighted them. The pres- a on 4 Holbvrt, who spending a visit with relatives here. llor ents lawn party Tuesday from to, mer in the of her City. were many and beautiful. Mr. 6 o'clock in honor of the Carlsbad, guest aum. Mrs. mollis Fonville, accom re- eighth and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bullock and Mrs. Leach left on the 9 i aunt, Mrs. Lige Merchant, J. her on tho birthday of her Dorris. . panled trip. turned from a to the o'clock train for the Grand Can- daughter, ,,' 7 r who is home Thursday trip J?-- Ruidoso went of where will JaJl . a!l "T! School, New York. where they with Dr. yon Arizona, they I,h.""llllk" 1 Kflll Kill fm Trinity a few I'ld.YllI ttllU UIC and Mrs. Walker of Roswell, and spend days sightseeing. They grassy lawn, and drinking ice lem-- l Mrs. Bullock and Miss Bullock of will go to Redwood, Calif., where nnnrio nnd natntr younger social set were present. CLOVIS Jackson, Miss. Miss Bullock came they will locate. The bride's go- Mr. and Mrs. Claud Jones and A unique and delightfully re- dress was blue down from Roswell Friday and ing away silk crepe children left Wednesday for f""nil1 attalr was the fennessee mained until Sunday as the guest with hat to match. The marriage Texas, where will visit MrJhuvn fcte which was given at the W. I. Lulkart is uf Mr. of Miss and Mr. Leach was they Mrs. enjoying a visit and Mrs. Oscar Bullock. Ricg nnd Mr rvnn r,f tr home of Mr. and J. Frank wun nis in Siloam SnrinuH Miss Louise Menoud Is tho culmination of a romance nrlni on Native Ten- ramily Mary Jones, and Miss Nell Ryan, a sis- -' Jo'ce Thursday. Ark. He will purchase his fall pending the week in Roswell. which began one year ago when ter, for several nesseeans residing in Carlsbad were of Mr. Mrs. R. M. Ware enter- Bliss Rico came to Portales as a days. supply dry goods in eastern j and Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Bishop were;BUlBls ,J,UUU L,,c ""'" markets before home. in our schools. J- - F- - returning tained about thirty couples from teacher hosts to a number of their friends! Jo'c,e- - Slare!nLe Iie11' A series of farewell Dexter eve- Miss Beulah matron of It. M. H. parties were and Hagerman Friday Fonville, at a lawn party and dance on Sat- - lowers, Thorne, J. given Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cramer at the Orphans' Home at Portales, urri.-i- ning their spacious country evening Tho lnwn woa ijuvvuus Ji viiuuaiiutigu. .niii before leaving for their new home home. Dancing was enjoyed dur- left Friday to attend the South- a present wero Mrs. Shelby Moore, eastern association meet- origin; with electric lights and in Wichita, Kans. Mr. Cramer ing the evening. Ice cream, cake Baptist table was placed on the lawn from Howard Moore, Judge and Mrs. has been and were served. ing In a church near Mrs. A. A. Mrs. My- appointed general manag- peaches Lovington. which Lamb, Davis, Long-Be- ll Mr. and Mrs. John Bradford refreshments were served. er over the Co.'s lum- Mrs. Lewis Lyles and children Portales was visited by a thun- ron Clark of Silver City, Mrs. W. ber and which Har-rou- n, yards, comprise of Pine Bluff, Ark., came In a few and three children of Sweetwater, derstorm and a shower of H. Harroun, Miss Margaret some are Tex., are in the home of light thirty or forty yards. days ago and guests at the visiting rain on Sunday night, which al- Mrs. Mary Thorne, and Miss Miss Lillian who has been FLAKES - home of her T. West. Mrs. Bradford's parents, Mr. and Willie Lovett. Guyer. uncle, J. layed the Intense heat of the past visiting her brother, G. S. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. McKinstry Mrs. John Bond. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. left Guyer Mr. and Mrs. Frank three weeks. The thermometer Tracy of this city, left this week for her entertained a number of friends Galloway has registered from 9S to Friday morning on an automobile home In at a eve- ana Miss Murial, left a degrees Clayton. dancing party Wednesday daughter, 104 degrees every day during the trip to different parts of the state. Mrs. Chas. Ludwig left this weak ning. few days ago for an overland L. re- with fresh noon hours for three weeks. Mrs. N. Randolph has whero Imit! for Minnesota, she will Mrs. Ross A. White came In pleasure trip of two weeks to sev- a visit eral in Texas. Mrs. J. S. Long and Mrs. J. B. turned from six weeks' visit to relatives for a couple of months. Sunday for a visit with her father, points Priddy entertained the class that California, Mr. Randolph is ex The Rebekahs Geo. W. Butler anil Mrs. C. Robert E. White, agent for the will give a social sister, graduated from Portales pected home the last of the week to Its 2 C. Prichard. Mis. White's home is state tax commission, has been high membens, Monday the lit, Safe with your stomach and Health this school In 1921 with a delightful from the eastern markets, where at the Masonic hall, the result of a Play your In Buenos Aires, Argentina. spending his vacation of two weeks he has been winter at the home of his Mrs. moonlight picnic luncheon on bjiying stock contest between the I'inks and summer I Get and from a Miss Ealen Walters went to Hope mother, H-B- for yourself your family away heavy R. L. Wood. Mr. White left Wednesday evening at the the Peoples Mercantile Co. Greens, in which the "Pinks" are Tuesday to visit friends and at- here miles out. store. anc1 tend the rodeo. Sunday for Santa Re, ranch, three losers. Thus they become the hosts diet. Eat lighter, sustaining foods work better, play Mrs.W. F. Wednes On Tuesday afternoon from 8 to Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Glasier and to the "Greens" in a spread. Also The Epworth League gave a Kenacy left 6 . for been o'clock, Mrs. H. E. Russell gave sons, Bobble and Blllie, are enjoy. a program will be rendered. better, sleep better and feel better. party on Wednesday evening at day Magdalena, having a lawn In honor of her a vacation motor Mrs. home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. called there by the serious illness party ing trip through A. W. Skarda entertained the daughter, Hazel Russell's ninth nortnern Mexico the ladles Paddock. A very enjoyable time of her sister, Mrs. John Simons, iew following at bridge Put Corn Flakes first on summer diet listl who moved there less one birthday, to several of her girl and Mr. and Mrs. Will Ed CarteY re- Tuesday afternoon: Mesdames J. Kellogg's your was had by the young folks who than friends. Tho on the lawn year ago from Portales. boy little folks had turned Saturday from a visit to El C. Nelson, H. V. Stonehill, O. A. Wonderful food wonderful its ele-- played games during much fun with children's games, Paso Sanford, through nourishing the evening. Lemonade and cake Mrs. Rose McDowell and sister, and Cloudcroft. Little Miss Harry Miller, John Barry, Miss Y. nnd Just before their departure Martha Carter visited the Scott McDowell, H. D. were served. Cook, secretary of the W. Mrs. George Emmert, ments; wonderful in refreshing deliciousness and in crisp C. A. at 111., Russell served refreshments. i' reaencKs while were ocneuncn, vv. c. Mrs. Pete Cassabonne and little Chicago, left Monday On they away, jnas." Zerwer, ror a Friday Senator nnd Mrs. S. fun-o- Fred Dennis. A. L. Dillon. C. E. fcrunchiness and flavor! son, who have been visiting at the pleasuro trip to California, A. Anion, those attending the f MorrKon were hosts to a com- R. F. W. C. Car-mac- Miehelet home to where they will spend a month era! Col. J. W. Willson in Ros- - Worrell, Plxley, Jaques returned of friends at two-cour- were accom visiting friends and sightseeing, pany a well on were Messrs. J. D. Russell Hardwlck, Felix Hope Monday. They 12 o'clock dinner. Places wero laid Friday Mandell, J. S. Skarda and Miss Ma 'And, Kellogg's Corn Flakes digest without taxing the panled by Mrs. Cassabonne's sis Miss Cook has been tho guest of at a Hudgens, Ed Weaver, John Bol- her sister, Mrs. McDowell for the beautifully appointed table ton, E. rie Cochran. ter, Miss Louise Miehelet who will for Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wood, the Eugene Roberts, p. Bujac, Miss Alice stomach yet they are satisfying! There isn't anything attend the rodeo while at Hope. past two months as a rest from her F. E. Hubert, R. M. Thorne, Jo- Rogers entertained a duties and will return to Misses Helen Llndsey, Irma Smith, number of friends at a Miss Helen Cumpstcn Is spend Chicago Mardell seph Werthelm, C. D. Rlckman dancing more refreshing, more more beneficial on a hot beptember 1 Morrison, Mr. Robert E. and J. R. Linn. party at her home Thursday eve- palatable, ing the week at the Cowan ranch, Wood of Santa Fe, and Senator the guest of Miss Mabel Cowan Judge W. E. Llndsey left Friday Miss Frances ning. than a bowlful of with of cold milk ror ban and Mrs. S. A. Morrison Bclnert, who has V. J. Hively returned the first flay big Kellogg's plenty Joe West and I rancisco, California - Harry Cumpsten been the attractive house guest of of the week from Las went to Hope Tuesday and will where he represented the State . Mrs. O'Connor for Vegas whefo and luscious fresh fruit! Bar association of - George several ho' was installing a contract i several there New Mexico at to spend days tho National weeks, has returned her home in Job for the The gave an Bar association which I I Mo. plumbing Santa Fe extra-speci- al Epworth League Is held TAOS Hopkins, there. As an treat some soon have a Interesting program Sunday eve- being this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ott, Mr. and Mrs. evening very Mr. and Mrs. en- Mrs. J. C. Nelson and Mrs. H. hot-da- ning which was prepared by the James Burleson Sutton and Mr. Warren Gossett y dessert Corn Flakes with lots leader. Miss Esther James. The tertained a number of young la are ten V. Stonehill entertained with an surprise Kellogg's dles and at Mrs. spending days camping on elaborate luncheon at was "I'ride and gentlemen their home J. B. Brooks was hostess tc tho' Ruidoso. Soon re- bridge the . subject Humility. on after they House In of cream and fresh fruit Kellogg's Talks were given by Mrs. Flora Friday evening at a lawn pnrty a porch party last Thursday fore- turn to Carlsbad Mr. and Mrs. Ott Harvey Saturday, honor "Paddock mpltmentlnir their guest. Miss noon, at which sixteen ladies were of Mrs. G. A. Sanford, Mrs. Nel- to serve no trouble all ! West, Misses Marian and and Mr. and Mrs. Sutton will leave son's house are ready at Alice Grcgston, I Loyce Graham. A pleasant evening present. Five hundred was enjoyed for their home In guest. The Harvey two-cour- Dayton, Ohio. room as until 12 o'clock when a An old fashioned dining well as the beauti- cattle round ful homo of Mrs. was de- luncheon was served. up has been in progress for ton Nelson, Kellogg's Corn Flakes are sold bnly In the Taos people who attended the different corated with great baskets of days onhe Livingston Shasta daisies. Tables were ar- RED and GREEN that bears the corn dance given by the Indian rancnes. iMumocrs or visitors from package of Santo Domingo pueblo last Fri- Carlsbad ranged for the following ladies: ot W. K. of BUY THE BEST have been attending. Mesdames G. A. Signature Kellogg, originator day were: Miss MeKaye, MMss those out last Sanford, J. T. Corn Flakes. None without T? Mr. Mr. Among going Friday Miller, F. M. Malone, J. C. are, genuine, it 1 Murphy, Holllne, Curlee. were Mrs. Marvin Hyatt, w45& 1 Livingston, her F. B. W. L. your MSv Mrs. Sterne, Mrs. Henderson, Mr. Mrs. i5en Roten of El Herod, Price, W. C. Corn guesis, Car-mac- Lu-Jn- n, k, ffl Meyers. Mr. Bynner, Antonio Paso, Mrs. C. G. Stunz of Zerwer, Harry Miller, W, S. 1 Miami, Chas. Miss Grant, Mr. ITennlng. Ariz., Gordon Jones of Scheurich, R. F. Plx- Mrs. Globe, Herbert O. Mkes Mr. Cheetham. Mrs. rerklns, Ariz., ana Mrs. u. u. Bikes. ley. Jefferson, John $ Davidson and Mr. Ratcheler. Mr. asd Mrs. Grant Mann and Prltchard, Scott McDowell, H. D. A shut-o- game of baseball was of El Emmert, H. O. Springfield, Fran- daughterl Barbara, Paso, who ces W. played Sunday afternoon on the nave oeen tne summer In Mayhall, John Barry, W. piok-u- p spending F. E. Taos diamond between a Carlsbad have decided to remain Mayes, Dennis, Frank (Burns, team from Santa Fa and the Tans and have jA. L. Dillon, McGce, J. S. Skarda, permanently rented the A. Mrs. A. W. Giants. At the close of the ninth Noel home on Canyon street. Mr. H. Miller, Smith, 0 S. J. Miss Wol- - Inning, the score stood 10 to In Mann nas a position with Gibson Skarda, Stallings, favor of Taos. A Slarge crowd was Brothers. fin,' John Lulkart, Roy Denof, present to see the game. Mr. Mrs. Willard Swaney, J. E.. Llndley. and Arthur Linn, who A. A number of people from Taos have been visiting friends and Chas. Shannon, J. Klasnor, C. .1 will en to Raton Baturdav to at- relatives In Carlsbad for the P3. Worrell, J. A. Hall, Hugh 1 past Dice Rob- tend the trial of tho State versus two monins. nave returned to their Woods, Frank and Geo. 'From Olives" Ksnulpula Martinez, which will be home In Washington, D. C erts. Perfect held in ft special session of dis- Mrs. Jackman, assisted by Mrs. trict court, presided over by Judge Hill, entertained tho young mar KELLOGG'S BRAN, sooka and krumblU Lelb. Want Ads Bring Quick Results ried ladies class of the Baptist Al makers of KELLOGG'S KRUMBLES and Seven. August 11, 1922. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL Page

1 week In range near Hermosa, where she- 1 Mound, Zula Hatton, Anna and nah; Mrs. Suddeth and Mrs. Hat- Okla., Is spending the the SHE'S ONLY WOMAN will three weeks 01 ner an- Ruth Gibson, Daisy and Zula Bun-ta- ton are slBters. home of her brother, George Gib- spend 1 ' j Sun- ARTESIA TO IN SOCORRO nual vacation. LEVY John and Tom Gibson and Miss Ruth Irwin returned son, and family. SIT UPPER W. I Mrs. J. C. Robinson. day from Springer, where she The brother of J. Snyder I . who has been visiting the Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Suddeth and chil- spent two weeks in the home of Austrian banknotes, nominally HOUSE IN SWEDEN Thornton e home sold his posses KpniTrtrlr nnit tti'n dren, of Quanah, Texas, who have her nun,. Mrs. C. D. Van Meter worth twenty-fiv- dollars each, W. Eat- has lately rs The chamber of commerce was W. D. Neweomb and J. daughters, Fern an?. I.etha, of here in the Hatton and have been used as soap-wrappe- court Hills-bor- sions In Phillips county, Kansas, been visiting family,, hunt to about 60 business men at on are attending in Grande coun Villisca, Iowa, arrived Thursday returned to Miss Nellie Gibson, of Gould, by a Swiss manufacturer. a nt the Hotel week. and is giving the Rio home, recently Quay banquet supper this once-ov- er 10 for a few weeks' visit in the home try the Avltn a view or llnrdwlch clinin hall Inst Thurs- Harold Bunton of Magdalena, New Mexico his home. He Mr. Kendrick s brother. C. C. day evening. These men enjoy a was here Thursday. making sur- Kendrick, and family. They came Yfie at- left Tuesday for Silver City to dinner each two weeks. - Mr. Mrs. Ernest town overland and were accompanied was and Phillips, vey the possibilities of that tendance was not as large as Misses Alma and Jcwll Phillips as a business location. by another brother, Harl Kend- expected. The object of the sup- and Pauline Jackscjn returned Sat- - The Hillsbor ball team, accom- rick, who has been visiting in Iowa pers is to create a better spirit of 3 ft from a' weeks' In fans for several months. For & be- urday three stay panied by a goodly number of Today and fellowship Texas. came down afternooo Messrs. Johnson, Pj?terson, Hick- tween business men and farm- last Sunday man and all of the Mrs. W. B. Bunton and children to play the Hot Springs team. The Sopley, Cranfill, ers of this section of the- vadtey, from a two was and snappy Texas, were guests Sunday In the who .are members of the chamber returned Saturday game brisk home of Mr. and Mrs. weeks' outing In Water Canyon. throughout and the visitors se- Henry of commerce. Mark Corbin, local L. Enloe cured lead In the first four Schmidt. They were on a motor iTomorrow was Mr. and iitrs. E. and a long New Mexico merchant, the toastmaster, TOO left Tuesday in their innings but after that the Hot trip through and and proved an excellent one. His son, Carey, ' Colorado. v..vl car for Silver City, where they will Springs , boys thawed out and witty and flowery address was in- runs in Miss Myrtle Miller of Chicago, secre- spend two weeks. stacked up six the fifth teresting:. Dr. J. J. Clarke, Mrs. of and sixth after which neither side arrived Sunday for a visit of two of tliex chamber of commerce, Ernest Rupel Indianap- weeks with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. tary olis, is the guest of Mrs. H. O. scored. The game stood 7 to 4 in made a tnlK on "Things Accomp- re- Hanks and Mr. and MrsT""Peter ORGANDY Mrs. will be favor of the home team. DRESSES lished Chamber of Com- Bursum. Kupel by the membered aS Misa Frieda Ayres, Tuesday a little daughter was Bchipman. merce."- Mayor M. H. Ferriman Ed W. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. SImms gave and was here three years ago. born to Mr. and Mrs. Jones a dance spoke on "What the Chamber of Mrs. J. J. Lcesoh returned that they have named Georgia Saturday evening in honor Commerce Intends to Accomp- visit with her Lee for the and a large of their son, Jewell Simms, the lish." Frank from a daugh mother, occasion his Alderman Dunahue, ter, Mrs. George Wheelock, In relationship of Ies on the fath- being eighteenth banker, ttfkj of the plans for a now California. er's side of the house. birthday. Cards were a part of electric Dr. II. Aus- Northern the eventnff-'l- Mlftrtnlntnont power plant. If Mrs. Lillian Herkenhoff return- Mr. and Mrs. Sam N. Matson ,nil tin St the lunch was served at to roup spoke concerning r1" ed Monday from a week's visit In and Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Hill spent midnight a new Artesia hospital. ThiB insti- and Sunday at the large number of friends and rela- tution, which has been closed for Albuquerque. Saturday night tives. Friends of Dr. Theodore O. Ker Lake Side club house. Mr. several months, wljl be Pit to Miss Eleanor Fries returned ami Mn Chm nDnV c ex- shaw will be pleased learn that of Forest under the management of an ho is to arrive In Socorro from a visit with friends in El Park," 111., and Mrs. nurse. expected Richard Hanke ar- Two Lots Some Were Priced perienced, trained The Ker-rIa- w Paso of Chicago, Big snon, for a brief visit. Dr. last Thursday. Miss Fries rived chamber of commerce was Influ- is at in San Fran attended the Silver City summer Tuesday and are guests of in- m present Mr. and Mrs. ential in the of this a normal school will in Chas. Hanke. Jr. cisco. where he Is attending and teach A son was stitution. clinic. Hot Springs this year. born to Mr. and Mrs. As High As $25.00 Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hammond, - The John Simmons, of the Pledra Miss Kerstln Hcsselgren. M. E. Pickens who has been bathing beach of the Hot Lumbre Thomas Hammond, Mrs. Andrew confined to his home for two Springs Boat club looked like a district, Wednesday, Aug.; Morris and daughter, of Albuquer- Miss is the with nn Infected Is Im- seaside resort last Sunday when are at the C. M, Colo Kerstln Hesselgren weeks, leg, Mrs. Peter a re- que, visiting first and onlv woman member of proving rapidly. the weekly picnickers foregathered Bchipman gave In order to close out our stock' of fine or- homo during a part Of the cum- Mrs. of Australia, is in force In the comfortable water ception Thursday afternoon in mer. , the upper chamber of the Swedish Mary Nash, honor of her guests from women the guest of Mrs. C. T. Brown. of the lake for their weekly swim, Chicago. dresses we have them in two Mr. Ovie Meadows was KBst to a Riksdag. There were four ex- Those present, in spite of showerv gandy placed to lower Miss Kirkman McNairy is Attorney Charley Gilbert and few friends Saturday evening at elected last year the house, home from Chi family of Roswcll are located at weather, were the Mesdames his home In West celebrat- Miss is alone pected Monday Koonne, lots $5.00 and $10.00 for and Artesia, but Hesselgren in the cago, where she has spent tne the Sweeney apartments for a stay Schmidt, Johnson, Hanke big Friday ing his birthday. The guests The women are now - or weeks and Schleifer, and the Misses Alma upper body. past- eight weeks at the Columbia tnree resting and enjoy- Sehleifer an Interesting evening play- preparing to- submit bills concern- School of Music. ing the baths. and Luclle and Leona Saturday. ing rook and other games Re- insurance and wom- Mrs. Richardson "Hanke. ing maternity Miss Genevieve Sparks enter- John and MiSS 16-to- freshments were served Miss - FrAnrpft RlAttmnn TattmAA 40 selection of all the by en night workers. tained on Friday evening with a daughter, Mrs. Agnes Griffith of Sizes an ample Lillian Meadows, sister of the host. were served Cutter, were visitors at the home Saturday to her home In Wagon The concert band dance. Refreshments Mound after a week's Artesia gave and a most enjoyable evening was of Mr. and Mrs. B. Jones Tues- vlait with best shades. a concert on the corner of Main who were day. Miss Frances Davis in the home eve- had by those present, of Mr. and Roselawn ten Saturday Elizabeth Mrs. W. A. Graham entertained and Mrs. L. J. Wood. stock" is all fresli and desirable some A and TUCUMCARI Misses Graves Means, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin The ning. large appreciative Grace Maise her Sunday school class of prl-mar- y Miller, audience was Terry, Gooch, Berry, Mrs. J. C. present. Several Hazel Loewenstein, Hrvnnah Fitch, scholars at her home Wed- Robinson, Miss Anna of the' dresses were as high as $25 members of the organization were Isa- - from 4 6 Gibson, Messrs. Tom Gibson, Clyde, priced C. S. was a Helen Hilton, Ruth Bursum, nesday evening till with unable to be present on account of Mrs. Sartaln pleasant Messrs. Owen games and refreshments. Harl and Stanley Kendrick, went business duties. Brewer hostess to members of the Martes belle Speare; Terry, to Red on and were considered great bargains at that Director Sanborn Nicholas, Harold Rogers, Mrs. R. M. Harvey, who was a River an outing Friday, and his (organization of musicians Bridge club and a number of spe guest at the Davis returning Sunday. They were ac- aeserve cial on Donald Wilson, Frances Butler, apartments, mucn credit ior these ae guests Tuesday morning Frank Jim Gibbons, George left last Friday for her home in companied by Thornton Kendrick price. lightful concerts. The band went from 8 to 1:30. Following trie Fuhr, El Paso. and daughters, Fern and of served to Warner. August Hilton, Gordon Letha, chance to to Hope, New Mexico, to play at games luncheon was Ken- - Villisca, Iowa, who are visiting Here's your get that organdy the western rodeo. members and Mesdames Jen Herkenhoff, Eugene Sparks, relatives here. C. metzer, Mr. and Mrs. Studley, Mr. Mr. dress a give-awa- y The Radcliffe Chautauqua Is In E. F. Dunn. Dick Durant, and Mrs. Antilla. and Mrs. Kletke and family you've wanted at price. Artesia six- - C. James Dave Wal- - of I this week, whero a Todd, Briscoe, Scout Master A. E. Kaesner ac- WINSLOW Optimo were dinner" guests Sun- program series la being presented, bergh, and Misses Edna Clark and of day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. C. E. Mann Elsie Ruth guests. companied a number Boy Peter and daughters, Dykes, specM Scouts to San Acacia Sunday Schlpman. Helen, LaRue, and Leila Bess, re Mrs. P. G. Sample was hostess to The C. 1. C. class of the Arkan-sa- s tots on Wed- where a picnic dinner was enjoyed. The turned this week from Cloudcroft, a number of little L. who annual picnic given by the Valley Sunday school gave a 1 1 a where have been in honor of little Charles, Bradbury, has Frank Perkins of the American weiner r i they spending nesday morning spent the summer at Inspiration, post roast Thursday evening In 'i the past few weeks. Miss Janice's third birthday. The to Socorro Mon Legion last Sunday at Chaves the Piedra Lumbre canyon. Th Rev. S. S. state hour was from 10 to 11 for games Arizona, returned Pass was well attended. All re- class was Russell, Sunday day. chaperoned by Mr. and scnool secretary of the State Bap followed by Ice cream and dainties. ported a good time with plenty of Mrs. L. J. Wood, Mrs. Wood be- tist Children the little miss C. J. Herrick, a teacher of the eats. no.. the convention, preached at the wishing University of Chicago, and daugh- ing teacher. The members Baptist church at both services on many happy returns were Jean Former Gnvernnr nnil rue Frances Davis, Lola and Lott- iQMincnen. Sar- ter, Miss Ruth, came Monday for Sunday. He delivered special ad Gresham, Jack Clark, Billy a visit with Mrs. W. II. Herrick tcr to Slam, Geo. Hunt of Phoenix, ie- Dillard, Ruby Walker. Maxlne Ai-iz- WOMEN'S dresses to the Junior, intermediate taln, Betty Lee Hale, Mary and nas Deen in tne city lor the Bolt, Milton Shultz, Jesse Koonee, "CHIL DRENS"OUTFITTERS C'MILUNERY and Ronton B. Y. P. u. Lcvon Fern and Freida and family. Nell lyrrant. On Thursday Mrs. Herrick and past few days. Bolt, Steve Fulton, Max Gib- Swimming and fishing parties Clinkman, Margaret Walborgh and and Mrs. J. D. of San Fran- son and Virgil Long. Those pres- M. OSOFF, Phone 617 403 West Central art! the chief activities of Kllen. daughters, Misses Marjorie McCuIly ent as Manager the past Ruth and Billy Beulah, Charles L. Bradbury, C. J. cisco, is here visiting her husband, guests of the lass were week, creating a great deal of in- Mrs. A. M. Woodard and daugh- of the Frances Blattman of Wagon terest week from Herrick and Miss Ruth Herrick Supt. McCully Santa Fe, f among the younger set. ters returned the past to kift for a week's camping trip near this week. Parties Spring Lake, Cotton- an extended stay in Texas. Reserve. Samuel wood dam. Cottonwood Falls and Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Agerter re- Proctor has purchased other bodies of waters are turned the week from several Samuel Van Wagner and fam the local Winslow Mail from L. V. popular past ily and Miss Rachel Greene left Hoot. Mr. Proctor was a social diversions. weeks' vacation in Missouri, where member of formerly Hundreds of Artesia at- - 2, son of Mr. Wednesday for Albuquerque the Arizona people Austin, Jr., aged will reside. commission. railway ranaea tne Western rodeo Thnrs and Mrs. A. F. Brian, died early they This is his first ad- at Artesia Mrs. Sam Tlnguely, Miss Eliza- venture in the newspaper game. day Hope. hiialnexa Sunday morning following a brief Mrs. houses t beth Tinguely, Joe Tinguely and Roy E. Chambers has left closed year for this Jlness. ' for Clo-vi- s, Frank Kelly, of Water Canyon, Prescott, where she will have ceieDration. Mr. Al Brian and family of were here The P. I. G. S. club was are in the city at the home of Wednesday. temporary employment in a bank. tained by Miss Elizabeth Soloman Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Brian. Mrs. George Kingrea and daugh- ' ters, Dolores last Tuesday afternoon. A delle-ht- O.' Sandusky and son Robert and Georgiana, have ful afternoon was to Las left for Mt. Carmel. Illinois, for an enjoyed by the made a business trip Vegas extended young ladies. Refreshments were this week where Robert had a po HOT SPRINGS visit with relatives. served to Misses Ldrle Bea- Superintendent of City Schools Davis, sition with tho Palms band for a Clifford C. trice Davte, Mildred Frlsch, Vesta short engagement. Grnver hno Frlsch, Elizabeth Vir- ' Mr. O. Hale went to Dawson R. W. Martin left Friday for from Oklahoma City, wheremi,jhe and Soloman, J. Mrs. Grover have ginia Attebery and'Mrs. Eldredge on Wednesday for a few days' visit Pwifv F7ird. Colo., where he is been spending !:: beet boiler in the the summer months. ouiumup. with friends and to seek a change under contract as Miss of climate for hay fever. sugar beet factory. Mayme Scott, who has M. son Don- after two been ill for the past few is Mrs. McQuaid and Miss Ruby Nations, to days ald, with Mrs. Paul Potter, drove weeks' visit at the home of Mr. reported be improving. WAGON MOUND to Amarillo on a few Mrs. R. P. returned Mrs. John Gratton has left for Monday for and Pankey. Osawatomie, Your where Make Dollar Kansas, she I. days' visit with friends and rela- to Hillsboro last Sunday. will tives of of a, visit her father for a few Mrs. Potter. Mr. Joe Van der Stukkcn months. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. R. Keve Mrs. C. C. Clark and small son. Mex., visited his cousins, home week-en- Mrs. Helen Twitchell returned Saturday night Jack, spent the d at Santa. Mayor Emil James and family, and Miss from a four weeks' motor to Mon- Francis Maynard were visitors at trip Rosa visiting relatives. and Hilmer E. James last tho Grand t.:nicago and points along Lake General Manager Sweet, General Canyon last Sunday. Stretch day. wicn ran. were XT'. Mrs. Joseph McMahon and fam- iney accompanied Superintendent L. Morris and Mrs. McCutcheon of Falrview of homo by their two children, Division Superintendent C. B. and Miss Janie, are ily Gallup are visiting relatives daughter, here this - - 'v-- ' ley and Margaret Keyes, who had Beeth of El Paso & Southwestern visitor at the Springs for Mrs. week. beer, visiting their Mrs. G. C. Bazcll has grandparents railway, left Tuesday for Dawson McCutcheon's health. Miss Janie' rrom an returned Mr. and Mrs. Bradley, In Chicago on an inspection trip. taught the primary department of extended vacation with ior several weeKS. Mrs. win- friends at Los Angeles and other Troy Renck left the past the Hot Springs school last on The Misses Wehntur nt n week for a visit with home folks at ter, but will not engage in teach- points the coast. came last and will' Rock Claude Quebedeaux has return-- ' - ' Friday morning Island, Illinois. ing for the present. ed HE purchasing- of a dollar bill has shrunk, visit here for some time as the A delightful outing was nlanned Otto Goetx has bought the from Mayer," Arizona, where ho T power guests of their aunt, Mrs. J. R, Mrs. M. B. Keator residence on purchased another Deisel by honoring her Charles Stenson the for Winslow engine in has Uillesnie. guests. Miss Margery Corn and corner of Joffre and Birch streets the electte plant. The considerably the last ten years. There never, A box flUDner and rinnfa wrM.A work is now Miss Julia Fulkerson, on Monday and will move the family from the' under way and when given at the opera house Tuesdav evening. The party Included Miss present home one door west of the completed will make the cltv plant been a time when 'discriminate buying paid bigger, evening by the Wagon Mound Corn, Miss Fulkerson, Miss Verlie Cash store to the new residence independent of the Santa Fe serv- 'ot-he- ice. iirowns" for the benefit ir Misses soon as some addi- 'dividends. baseball Eager, Ruby and Jilamio as necessary Mrs. A. v team. A good sized crowd Hall, Miss Anna Kathrlne tions can be finished. Mr. Goetz J. Roush of Albuquer-?,U,- 8 was in Alldridge week-en- d attendance and a fairly and MteB Lois, Shields, and little will oocupy the vacated living rhe guest of Mrs. iarse numoer or boxes was auc- miss Riley Walcott of tin's city. tioned Meeker, Messrs. rooms as additional space for his off by Messrs. J. M. Mo Jack Kifort,Marynellayward Eager. Alton business. Harold Bell Wright, the noted Every day this newspaper contains information that you Math and M. Fraker. Musio was and Harold and Albert Cecil is the playwright and author, has left for furnished local - Meeker, Phillips installing the to increase The ad- by the miiioina- Parker. An outing with electric wires in the theater build- mountains after having been should have your buying power. club. Receipts from the sale of the the guest of Chas. D. uoxes picnic supper and campfire break- ing for Emil James. McCauley y ana irom tne (lance totaled fast at the Ten Mile lake where Pink Davis has reached a strong and family of this city. Mr. Wright vertisements are intimate litfle .lessons in every-'da- about $45. was chief flow water on his has a large party with him who Mrs. Turn toff swimming the diversion. of hot artesian J. Frank Mesdames sti-ee- t are camping and in the teach .when and for what for Las Meeker; Shields and lot on east Main and is pre- fishing economy. They you how, day Vegas, where she .will Fulkerson were the chaDerOnes. paring to install a hot plunge bath mountains, south of here. visit irionas ior several days. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Harrison left in connection with his apartment C. E, Asbury and family of your dollar will go farthest. ( Mr. and Mrs. Izosa Phoenix are Sunday evening on an extended house. , the guests of Robert and children, of Oiianoh Powell and wife. who had T,n.. trip to (Jloudoroft and the Cnlffnr. Miss Mary E. Kirwan, secretary spent several weeks here nia resorts. Mr. and Mrs. Harri In the agricultural department of W. E. Werner has returned from who Icnow How to' use advertis- visiting friends, left Friday for Hot son Will be at Tucson on Mesilla a vacation with relatives at San To those it, newspaper Springs, Arkansas. joined State College at Park, their return by Mrs. Harrison's made a ehort stop In Hot Springs Francisco. , . continuous source of Miss Viola Marpa rfn son, James on to ing is a watchdog of dollars a last afternoon Lowelady, who has last Friday hec way the Thursday from Las' spent tne summer 'camnlne- Sheppard ranch in the Black Journal Want Ads Bring Results. , csas, wnere naa satisfaction. jsne been attend- B. L. Moncus and Lee Taylor economy and ing the Bummer school of the New were in from Mexico Normal TTnivemitw the Ima mnntrv Win. Arnold lnf Monday reporting excellent ains xinA in inelr the Dast week. .T the advertise- Aurora, where vicinity California Health and Merchants tell of tKeir bargains through Colorado, he will A. Freeman of Ima brought to Hotels, Schools, visit for several par-ent- s. days with his town nis nrst load of new wheat, ments. Almost new is offered He is making the trip In trading it'for flour. every opportunity tlirougli his car. Mr. and Mrs. Summer The of John Webb hv Resorts advertisement. unusual is corps instructors for the returned from Colorado, where an Practically every buy Wagon Mound city schools has they have Veen spent the Bummer. Mr. Announcements of completed and school will Webb is superintendent of Read the California's Famons Hotels, Schools, advertised. open on Monday, SeVtember i. The schools. city Health, Reach and Mountain Resorts and Solve "That Onting Prob- teachers are: W. Fremont Os- Invitations have lem" Literature and Full Information by Writing Direct, or at Free borne, been issued by superintendent; Miss Mrs. James Conwll for a. nnrfw on Information Bureau at Office of the Morning Journal. You can s'tre'tcK 'dollar to its elastic limit lceeping" Blanche M. Osborne, principal of next your by Miss Tuesday afternoon In honor high school; Katherine John- - ui uuw miss sixth birth to full value. son, high school Instructor; Abel iiettys Thorny Croft Sanitarium abreast of the opportunities get day. An tn near Los , Sandoval, seventh and Mr. Mrs. ideal placo tho foothllla Miss eighth and Hugh Swift and Angelea. Beautifully fltuattd anions: grades; Fern Cattew, Miss children of eot-t- Viola Mrs. Tulsa, Oklahoma, re- orange trees anS flowers. Individual Mares, Chas. R. Keyes turned home this week with porchea or rooms In Miss Jessie Defore and Mr. after a visit aleeptntr Ben wun it. ja. BtanBbury and main building. Bldorlr people and Salaear. Wagon Mound will main- family,jrs. preferred. Nniee's car. Good tain four-ye- ar tualne t accredited high Mr. and Mrs. II. B. table. Twenty mlnutne from school this and nhopptnir eectlon of city. Addrees year, the first In the son, Wilbur, to leave THORNY Windsor of the town. expect this ' CROFT Sanitarium. lilstory The beauti- ior an overland to Grand M I P"ion I Road and Adatna atreet, Olendale, Calif. ful now school building Is trip and nearing Canyon. completion, according to the Mrs. VT, B. Humphries, is plans of the contractors, will be Jr., -- oiiiuiutimns yie Wednesday bridge ready for occupancy the 16th of club this weeft in the last September. The 1923 class which va. meeting will be Lug nuIUIIltU, the first senior class of Mr. and Mrs. nn Tri- - the Wagon Mound will have schools, tertalning with a house party for the honor of in week-en- d There's One to Do This Read the Advertise- the new graduating the at the Trlggs" ranch Just Way building. near Cm nana. Guests will be Mr. Little Miss Ellen McMath, who and Mrs. Wa has been Whettem nf seriously ill with an at- the Misses Elizabeth Wilma" ments Those that are inserted every Sunday and of tack of Is and tonsilitis. now Improv- i x. worm, Mr and Mrs ing. v James Conwell. Mr. A box was and Mrs. W. The is of in the Journal supper given at the w. Woolsey, Tiioumcari, and Mr Journal course on other days theweek Morning Arcade hall Wednesday and under evening Mrs. E. D. Newman, Santa Fe. exclusive the auspices of the United EUROPEAN PLAN Resort Brethren church for the purpose - ' Medium of New of helping to liquidate the church Per Single, Doable. debt. A musical Raa Dnyt program was 109 Rooms .11.10 fs.M Mexico given by local talent, assisted by gffiStJBLl ..... Mr. Bjwey of Roy. The commit, 100 Rooma I.e t.tO-t.- tee in announced fOO Rooms, toilet.. I.M-S.S- 0 1. charge that thev 00 1. 60-- 0 B. desired "to realize $100 from the looms, bath... en la tt th a hVA , ,. . rWENTI COSNEB SUITES. boxes had been sold thn mil tirf Slnsla S.M to nut been reached and several buy- Or. Unlrd has sbiolui moot that 111- - ...n 1.M ! Double ...... 17.00 to 18. N ers donated their boxes to be re- btrouloala can healed la all ellmalM sold as a bt THE) INHALANT METHOD. RnulU and, result, the sale r nation-wid- e. For farther particular! -- brought 100. Several donations aonrwa method Free Auto Busses Meet All .,;Jt .'X were made and 09tub inhalant oj.. the gross receipts Suite linlna Leasue Bids, Kr NOk - ' amounted to $124, 7. Trams. . Page Eight. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL1 August 11, 1922.

Albuquerque Morning Journal "THE OLD FISHIN' HOLE" upturn in hog values. AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Closing prices: IT'S THE SAME OLD SCENERY. BCT - published Hv WITH TW ircOMP VIMEVTS Wheat Rent , il flXTi- n. COntXAL Pini.lSHIMi COMPANY $1.06; May. $1.11. t. A. MACPHBHSON President By Hoot. Corn Sept., Dec, IV. T. McCRElQHT Secretary Mav. KSe 68c; 64c DRESSMAKING (By Tbe Associated Preu.) Oats Sept., 81c; Dec.,' P. 3. ANDERSON Marquette Bids'., No wonder May, 37 c. S4c; 111. Harry Strong got Chicago, in ln Lard WANTED JOS RALPH n. MULLIGAN, 30 East 43d ahemi the woiiu. If wants FINANCIAL Sept., $10.78; Oct.. $10.80. Uressmaklng. BoutK, Street, New York. anything lie kPt-p- afl.-- it until lie xiiub ocpr.., a.82; Oct., $9.30. tiroaaway. Omaha. DRESSMAKING Prices as second-clas- s matter At tho ?cts it witness the top. reasonable, Entered Wall Street. Omaha. Aim in v. - - x-- avenue, tn pustoffloe of Albuquerque, N. M., and tt iew York. 10. ?,h?-.99c1-03MNo- entry in Santa Ke, N. M.. tendlnff, under A man in Colorado flra to Aug. Extraordi 3 hard, HEMSTITCHING pleating. Williams' Mil of Conexess at March 17, 1879. st nary strength of railroad stocks linery, zii. eiiiutn pn. T77-- J act liis sliirt and stopped .. trim. We j.iroaaa. many of which moved tn htah Corn No. 2 FIRST-CLAS- S work - TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION seen some silk hhirts here-aliou- ts ntn white, 63c; No. 2 dreaamauing, guar- have zo 17S1-- J. Pally, by carrier or by mail, one month, tliis summer that would fi,:,u "r ine year, despite the in- anieeq. west Lead, pnnne In 13.00. seriousness Oats No. 2 SEWING d. ,S5c. yearly, advance, a train unassisted. creasing of the railroad wblt 5fttin'L!..' 25o hour. Satisfaction MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS flag stride situation, was the outstand No. 3 white, 29c. ill Souta Harvard.' Phone The Associated Press Is exclusively en- ing development in today's stock ztlto R-- l. titled to the use, for of all I'nlil somebody proves to the market session.' Threatened t.n Kansoa PLEATING, accordion, aid. and to It or not otherwise city. box; new. credited contrary, we won't believe thai sion of the strike to members of Kansas 10. credited In this and also the local City, Aug. Cash: Seventh. riper Hill Hart is responsible for the the 'big four" brotherhoods Wheat n 1 n V,!U Crane Apartment., phone 114. tietv published herein. caused Unchanged separation from his bride. Kill's some uneasiness at the er. No. 2 hnrrl l ft7iRii 17. HEMSTITCHING don. promptly In th start, but dark . ' be.t a Mid, but we fall for him. the offerings were No. 2 $1.02. poi.lblc manner, price, reasonable. FRIDAY, 11, 1 !22 homely easily absorbed red, 117 Gold avenue. itinn iaK..1 Rlnr.a .August and prices held well to re- Corn Unchansred tn 1 the end Un Sewing Machlna Company. There's n0 doubt about It, skirts gardless ot "short" attacks, indi- No. 2 white, 64c; No. 2 yellow4 68c! "THE CONSTITUTION AND are going to be longer this fall. cating that the floating iiay uncnanged. PERSONAL stocks was In hands. INDIVIDUALISM." Tho fashion pictures indicate it. strong J. W. Those who enjoy had bet- wan street apparently is BRASFIELD, watcb. clock and jew. looking on the LIVESTOCK " in pouin Becuna. Cordenlo A. ter do it. now. heavy crop and coal CAN"j Severance, president movements i FURNISH home for few healthy this fall, together with . to of the American Bar association, in the expected increase in boy. wl.hlng attend Albuquerqu an address before the annual meet- A little boy named Willie Farr general Chicago. Mhool.. Addree. Mother, rare merchandise loadings, to more Chicago, Aug. 10 (U. S. Bureau of tho association at Han Fran- smoked his father's black cigar. than wis, will, make your old roof, better ing That sent for Doctor offset the temporary effects of Agricultural Economics). Cat- than when they were new. Guarantee cisco on "The Constitution and In- 'night they ui Birino conditions. tle Co., box C72. Fry, and Willie told his folks a Receipts 9,000. Market slow, Roofing Sherman Carmony. dividualism," cited a proposed con- lie. Grangers, such as Northern Pa- generally steady on all classes. Top Proprietor. stitutional amendment to prevent cific. Great Northern preferred, matured steers, $10.50; top year- MONEY Chicago & Northwestern, St. Louis lings, $10.40; bulk beef TO LOAN courts declaring laws unconstitu- There Is a hotel In Cincinnati steers, Boumwestern and Pere . (&hj canners ana MONEX TO LOAN On tional, as a of an Innovation called tho Hotel which evi Marquette, iu.25; cutters, watchej, dla. sample Alms, again broke through the peak cows mostly beef munda, (una and everything valuiDla, would take liberties Is the newest for speak- $2.853.75; Mr. B. 311 that away dently way prices for 1922, cows and helfersx largely $5.15 M.rirua, South Firt. of United tlrst-cla- from the, people by giving congress ing tips. States Steel common was 7.25; bologna bulls mostly MONEY TO LOAN, on real unchecked and declared In- down and Independent steels, $3.90 & 4.15; bulk veal-er- s esiaie; ei.vuu, 11, bull, 'J,O0u. power, light and Wood !06 fluences from soviet Uussla, were Judging by the way It does other notably Crucible and Republic, early, $10.50 10.75; Weet Gold. softened handy MONEY TO LOAN un to overthrow the American thitH's, congress would have the in sympathy. weight bulls largely $11.0011.50. diamond., watcbes seeking strike settled in about fourteen Mexican Petroleum continued Its and good Jewelry; liberal, reliable, force If Hogs Receipts 16,000. Opening Gottlieb Co.. 106 N. government by necessary. years. Jumping jack movements of the 10c to 25c Jewelry lit American should be unevenly higher; later The people last few days, closing at a net gain very slow, easier; big packers do- FOR RENT Jtoreroom taught, bo said, that the federal Down Clovis do of 1 points. Total sales were ing nothing. Bulk light, $9.85 way they don't FOR RENT of on constitution and laws and the but talk baseball and 575,000 shares. 10.00; bulk 215 to 250-pou- fart .tore Central, anything between First and Second. , courts that Interpret them do not listen to the crops And It Call money opened at 4 per cent butchers, $9.15 9.85 ; extremely Addresg grow. and was in demand. Time i. jt., care journal. but preserve t heir liber- seems the darned crops most al- good heavy butchers around $8.25(3) FOR rtostroy money rates were RENT Building at T1 Wet Cop- - ties. ways grow. slightly higher. 8.50; packing sows mostly $7.00 There were few offerings of prime 8.00; "If the proposed constitutional commercial heavy weight $8.259.40; Sherman, at Flr.t Saving. Bank and paper, which was medium, $9.009.95; light, $9.60 i un, i. puny, (inline a. amendment should bo adopted," Hides are back on the tariff bill's at 4 to 4 4 cent. free list. After tho two quoted per 10.00; light light, $9.3510.00; FOR RENT Store room and cellar, iS "not would con- approach- Foreign exchange business was hv Kn 1 , 1, . . . . . n , . he declared, only conventions there will be a packing sows, smooth, $7.258.15; have unlimited power to deal ing confined largely to transactions of sows, $6.76 7.65; cce.albl. by alley from Second gress supply of tanned hides packing rough, Gold and Central .treet. 'with that have always neatly speculators because cable delays killing pigs, $9.00 9.75. avenuea. Fred Lutny, subjects ready for the market. the of com- ni 'HKH. il.UUIiai OaTIK. been looked upon as belonging to prevented transaction Sheep Receipts 12,000. Largely mercial business. Sterling was to 25c Wednes- WILL arrange tu ault tenant a 2oxll)0 tho states and reserved for their steady higher than foot brick building: eondiro.n- - If any more hats are going to be slightly higher and some noted In general trade. Top natives. exclusive cognizance, but It would put Into the senatorial we'll the continental German day's oppolt Santa Fa .hop.; reasonable ring, rates, but $12.25 to city butchers; $12.00 to term., eee or writ. L. 109 out. bill of and all have to marks were down to 11 V Heyiiao. wipe the rights enlarge the ring. cents a packers; some bid higher; bulk rth first, AlHiiquerqtie N. M. the protection that It gives to the hundred. natives early, $ 11 .90 12.00 ; no Closing prices: westerns sold; fat sheep and feeder FOR SALE OR TRADE people." American .' 47 Mr. Severance traced the devel- Beet Sugar lambs largely steady; about WA.NlliU TO TllADIi Ttdm American Can 59 worn ufiw of American liberty as WHO'S WHO feeder lambs, $12.40; norse. for vacant lot; not par- aa . opment IN American Sumatra Tobacco.. 39 feeder $9.50 on ticular to tofiHr,,, ri sheltered and protected by the THE PAY'S NEWS 1 yearlings. Mil 810 North American Tel. & Tel 122 i country account. Broadwav. See Scott constitution and by the Judicial In- KssaraoasaaiDSSBsnaB American Zinc .'. 17'4 Rldenour. It and 53 ?g terpretations placed upon CHARLES CAD-WEL- MOORE. Anaconda Copper Kansas City. FOR S A LE Ranches a tendency ( Is Atchison 101 10 S. Bu- declared that growing alitornia aroused Just now Kansas City, Aug. (U. KOBEKTS-TUKNE- ' Baltimore & Ohio 57 K company, 214 Weac centralization of power In at the reau of Agricultural Economics). hflVM - , - toward possibility of Hiram OOld. glltahtl.h- - m. was Bethlehem Steel "B" 77 Cattle Receipts'4.500. Beef steers . woiCu ulicciui .ana, the hands of the government Johnson being displaced as . 1 who needs around Butte & '. . 30 fnl tod States senator Charles help." Looking Superior steady to 15c higher. Medium FOR SALE We a danger to the people. by Uncle saw a 56 Va have gome splendid C. Wiggily large, flat California Petroleum ...... and mixed yearlings, Dronnsllllnn In i "If we do not check the tenden- Moore republican of San Fran- 141 weight cisco. It is race stone, and tho voices seemed to Canadian Pacific $10.25; she stock steady, to' 15c to set a bureaucratic govern- expected that the 7 JL come from beneath it. Central Leather 38 U cy tip will be closely contested as Moore iJLLlMUJU lower; bulk common and medium FOR TRADE Nine acrei in Llneola we Invite dis- & 19 I Hi ment at Washington n came Chesapeake Ohio $3.75 4.50; lots Park.- fnnnn is one of "Help! Help!" again the 48 cows, gjod gener. n..i.t, vuiu., vegeitiDies, aster." he said. "The wise men men. cry. Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul ally $5.50fii6.00; canners mostly Trult and berry ralaln district, for city constitution did not "Afghanistan, which Istic What Is Chino Copper v. . . 29 Va 10c to 15c hulk, e.a,vat,T, vni ennmner a good equity who wrote the fornia's recently by force. England going "Who are you and what's the 30 lower; $2.252.60; Address best Anglo-Afgha- n Colorado Fuel & Iron other byoyner. care Journal. Intend to the citizen lead- Moore d the regained to do when France becomes totally trouble?" asked the cutters largely $3.003.50; CP., place treaty bunny, for Crucible Steel 90 Look at this, must be sold on are per- himself Its is unreasonable? And present indi- woll he knew it could not- be classes around steady; bulk bologna kajsch ing strings. If legislators complete independence, glad- the Erie , 17 best vealers, ioniiiB iivuuii, six room nouse, cations show a oi Fuzzy Fox or the Woozie un- bulls, $3.504.00; oi mitted to run riot under the pre- as chairman of ly ready to enter into a wholesale great danger Wolf Great Northern pfd 89 garage, barn, implement, with or with-- the f I Tin n I this. der the flat stone. $9.009.50. stock; twenty-tw- o acres alfalfa, frulta exercise of power, pin 40 Mil IrlnHn -- . tended police ! with American capital loved Inspiration Copper 5,000. Market , turnr,v Mil.. I... committee "We nevt?r and admired the "Wo are some black 8 4 Hogs Receipts iii ir' (in cuy. rnorn the constitutional guarantees for and and but it hugs," was Int. Mer. Marine pfd on all classes. Top, owner, 2417-R- or 348. Postofflce A inter as enterprise, absolutely rrussluii militaristic spirit, but the answer. "The about steady box of and prop- - V j refuses to deal with wind blew tho Kennecott Copper 38 and traders for the protection liberty i A dent of th Pn- - nations which now since we Have learned to know stone over on us and $9.50 to shippers pursue alms directed we can't get Louisville & Nashville 134 choice and choice erty will he destroyed." y" nama arific In imperialistic the Frenuli militarism. we see out from under." 171 light weight good FOR SALE against it." Djemal Pasha, new Mexican Petroleum 150 to $9.259.50; Furniture S' ternational Ex- something far worse. France fears "I'll F C RNITUftEKEPA thief of the Arg:ian military forces, us help you then," offered Mr. Miami Copper 294 good and choice 220 to IrtlNG andVplio'lateri AMERICAN LEGION. and Is owing to our superior industrial 22 oid-v- THE position referring to the natural wealth ot Longcurs, and with his strong paws Missouri Pacific 260 to rnune Of ErvlDV with ability. Mho hi's to put nn iron he soon tho 97 $8.509.50; .jgumiig company. credited his country, declares: ini- raised flat stone. New York Central $S.40 8.75; bulk. $8.609.30: Is made that the much ot suc- - heel upon German effort and FOR SALE five-roo- J Announcement its "It is From beneath it crawled some Northern Pacific 82 sows steady to strong, All furniture In cess. little tiative. packing Dungaiow; reasonable. 81 S charter of an American legion post known in Amer- round, black, shiny bugs, each one Pennsylvania . 48H stock pigs steady to price. e. was "America from $7.007.40; ixorin jourtn. heen annulled Moore Judges everything about tho e Consolidated 18 H 10.40. In Wyoming has A mm ica and Europe but size of a twenty-fiv- cent Rav Copper.... 10c lower, $9.75 fOK SALE born in Ininp. on economic point of view, 78 3.000. New drenaer. r,lroh It is alleged, it tolerated cms. c. Atoox that Afghanistan affairs cannot so be piece., Reading Sheep Receipts Killing dressing table, beds, at reduced ,jL,huv,pr coun. European & Steel 71 na- T1...h. xi- - prices rooms. How Is into'con-rideratio- n "Thank Republic Iron classes steady. Top nil gambling in Its club ty. New York, in JSCS. He received very rich in judged. One must tako you for taking the rtone 30 generally was is not minerals' and also off our backs," said the Sinclair Oil & Refining tives, $12.00; odd lots fat ewes, frnn hai.p tLrai.nnBn.. extensive the gambling his early education and college the French mind, tin round 92 6.00. uij enact, iuarier.4 It on a possesses oil wells. shiny, black bugs. "You did us a Southern Pacific mostly $5.00 .awed oak ..."S.jbuffet; very reasonable! but unless was large In California. He was in fear of superiority." 26 -- known, training a oc- Wirr-ii- v Southern Railway .'lam pnung aiZS-I- or were iactors the of the San Francisco have rich great favor. Undo jitn, scale, there oiner, employ an- some do" oj Studebaker Corporation ....123 St. FOR SALE Two nub Th... Tool some and currences of day perhaps we may one 46 Joseph. wap.,.ha in tho case which aggravated tho company for time sli- for Texas Company et Tnonii An 10 (IT S. Bureau oak) dre.seri, one wooden bed, three thracite coal, you." 63 ' offense, it does not seem probable succeeded to tlie business as the ver, Tobacco Products of Economics). Hogs springs, three .mall center tables. S2S C. copper, lion "Oh, don't worry about 144 Agricultural North Third. national or- Charles Moore & Co., engineers, and Bedtime that!" Union Pacific Receipts 6,500. Shippers buying that any pther great Stories spoke the bunny gentleman, and on 100 FOR SALE other specializing in motive power and preciousru- United States Steel few 170 to butchers at Wardrobe. refrigerator. ganization oi young men, of which stones, like he hopped to have an adventure. 65 sectional bookcaee, fireles. hydraulic work, he is bies, lazuli He not Utah Copper $9.45 9.50; looks a snaae nigner; cooker, than, those of avowedly religious president. He is director in vari- lapis For Little Ones had gone on very much about steady; phonograph, child's bed, ivory dresser, would have taken such and others. farther until, all of a as packers bidding complete Un. used furniture. 325 SoutH character, ous financial enterprises in Cali- h o a By Howard B. Garls. sudden, Foreign Exchange. nnoL'tnc annM nhoilt. RtrOnflT tO 15C First. In "T to he was going a field of ex- severe disciplinary action such fornia. VEMALiPASHA througli New York, Aug. 10. Foreign mostly $7.00 7.25. much gold in our goldenrod, ho brushed off some of de- higher, a case. He was appointed commander to mountains in by McClure change, steady. Great Britain Cattlfi Receipts 8,uu. Jiariy LEGAL NOTICE the vicinity of tho city Copyright, wn, the golden dust. sixty-da- y serves to Europe to secure foreign warships of yellow Tho dust mand, cables, $4.46; sales most classes steady. Top The affair emphasize Kandahar and in tho big rivers Newspaper Byndlcat. blew up the bunny's nose, $4.45: France NOTICE OP' SUIT. ideals of the American for the Portola celebration in San of northern we tickling bills on banks, $4.43. beef eteers early. $10.00; yearlings, ' the lofty on Afghanistan, whllo UNCLE AND THE it and, almost before he knew it 8.08. No. 13446. members are Francisco. He has been active possess oil wells in the WIGGILY Uncle demand, 8.05; cables, Italy $9.75; few loads Kansas grassers State New legion. Its pledged northeast. RLACK HUGS. Wiggily felt that he was go- cables, 4.55. Bel- beef $4.50 of Mexico, County of constitution and various civic campaign committees "We are also in a to ing to sneeze. demand, 4.64; early $5.60; a few cows, Bernalillo. to uphold the and on loan committees-an- position demand, cables, 7.65. bulk desirable veal calves, In the District Court. United States. Gam liberty export great quantities of wool: in "And I know what will gium 7.64; 6.00: Pacifico Plaintiff, vs. laws of the the state council of defense. we "I think I shall have to get a Germany demand, cables, Kansas and Oklahoma Baldassarl, ract, had a flour shine wool when I o .11; $9.009.50; Louis Bertoni-M- c Is umawiui, out me iaw Ho holds orders new one. Yes, most I happen Holland demand, 38.75; $6.20 7.00. Bertoni, Clara ming for decorations trade with Russia before the war. certainly, when I er .11. feeders, Croden and Charles Bertoni, it, like the Volstead act, is from China, shall need a new one very soon," cables, 38.80. Norway demand, 1.000. Market ' against Japan, Italy, Norway, The recent treaty we mado with sneeze. Oh!" cried Uncle 26.15. Den- gheep Receipts Children and Sole Direct Heir not taken very seriously by num- and Greece. He Is also our said Uncle Wigglly, seemingly And he Wiggily 17.25. Sweden demand, generally steady. Car lot natives president England giants to export and gave such a loud sneeze drive-in- s, of Gughlelma Bertoni Eppele, who other of the San Francisco Council of speaking to himself, one day. He mark demand. 21.50. Switzerland mostly $12.00, sorted; erous persons respect import trade free trans t on the was that immediately half the buttons 19.02. demand, a Deceased; Noble Q. IcCroden, Boy Scouts of America. hopping down off the porch demand, Spain cull lambs. $7.00; Bertoni-Mc- laws. see no harm in play- Indian burst off his Po-tan- H $1.111.15; Husband of - They railways." of his hollow stump bungalow to tight coat. 15.60. Greece demand, .300. few medium weight fat ewes, $6.00; Clara a social game of poker, for In- "We prefer business with Amer "Oh, dear!" cried the bunny demand. .01 'A. Czechoslo Croden, Unknown Heirs of Louis ing CLAIMS FOUL PLAY. ica to an economic go nriventuring. "This is er most heavies mostly around $5.00. If All Un stance. There is card playing for "What is It you will have to get vakia demand, 2.49. Argentino de Bertoni, Deceased, and Montreal, Aug. 10. Declaring with England because we fear the too er KER-FO- bad!" ' Known Claimants of Interests in money in many perhaps most his Buf- new, Uncle Wigglly?" asked Nurse And mand, 36.00. Brazil demand, u.oi. Omaha. brother, Patrick Carey, of latter's he sneezed 11-1- Premises to men imperialistic aims. After Jane Wuzzy. tho muskrat again, bursting off an- Montreal 99 10 S. Bureau the Adverse tho clubs maintained by young falo, had been drugged to death decades of forced to an- Fuzzy other button. exchange, Omaha, Aug. (U. Plaintiff. women allegiance lady housekeeper. "Do you mean e TCennnnllcsl. Hogs Defendants. for social purposes, and for the $20,000 in cash and nego- other power we have, thanks to "I hud better home before To the Above Named Defendants:1 for tiable securities which he on our a new rod, white. and blue rheu- I hurry New York Money. Receipts 5,500. Light medium play bridge and other games had sword, won back our complete matism get to laughing, and shed all my 10. Call money You an'd each of you are hereby American him, Dr. Hugh F. of Chica- crutch? If you do, I shall said New York, Aug. butchers steady to strong, duir. notified above named prizes. But the legion Carey tioerty. bo very to gnaw one out buttons," Uncle Wiggily, but Firmer. High and last loan, 5 top. $9.35; that the go today called on the coroner to "We have intentions. happy you then a 4 $8.509.25; practical has apparently takes the law against peaceful of a cornstalk as I did at first." just little hoptoad boy came cent; low and ruling rate, per mixed and packing grades mostly plaintiff brought suit against reopen the inquest Into but we shall know per 5 in the above court for gambling as seriously as any other Carey's how to defend "Thank you, no. Nurse Jane, it skipping along, and when he saw cent; closing bid, 5 to per cent; 10c to 15c higher; bulk. $7.35 you named death here July 24. our freedom If is menaced Uncle the be- the purpose of title to real and will not tolerate its viola- it again. Isn't a new crutch that I need," Wiggily hoptoad boy call loans acceptances, an 8 25 quieting law Afghanistan now has an army of gan laughing. against Beef estate situate in the county of Ber- tion by one of its posts. spoke the bunny rabbit. "I'm per cent. Cattle Receipts 6.700. 150,000 men and in case of a war of coat. "Ha! Ha! Ha! Ho! Ho! Ho! Oh Time loans r irm. muicu rtnii wnnlr to 15c lower. nalillo, state of New Mexico, and The annulment of the offending the world every L. E. J. can speaking my Either this look so described as t: year? put half a million in the field. old coat of mine is so small you Ha! Ha! funny so 60 and 90 days, 4 to 4 beeves, $10.25; better grades follows, while a severe pun- A. The world's death rate is getting lateral, a! 4 Va. Heavy , Lot in post's charter, "The bankruptcy of Europe's or else I am so funny such a funny bunny Ha' and v months.- . stocK to strong-- numbered Six (6) Bloc.; re- - estimated at 68 a 97,920 getting fat that I Ha! per she steaay Numbered x of ishment, must he approved as minute, war policy has convinced us that it can button It me. with half your buttons gone mercantile paper, slow to lower; other classe.3 Twenty-si- (26) the a day or 35,740,800 a year. Is to our own hardly around Uncle per cent; prlmo grades Perea addition to the of Albu- a stem aeterminatiun better stick to tradi As it I'm almost to sneeze Wiggily Ho!; Ho!!" laughed 4 to 4 cent. i stock steady.' rj city fleeting Q. is, afraid vi ',i per of mostly What kind of money is used tions, customs and spirit than to the hontoad bov. And h& a .i 13,000. querque, as the same is phown and, the part of the legion to uphold In or laugh when I go out in it." gheep Receipts Killing ad- stands. Porto Rico M. C. copy those of Europe. This atti- asked Nurse a hearty laugh that Uncle Wigglly Bonds. price choice designated on the plat of said the principles for which it A. Both American and not us "Why?" Jane. Liberty classes steady. Popular dition filed in the office of ths Spanish tude, however, does keep "Because," answered Uncle Wig- juirwng in. Vnrlr. AllC 10. Liberty western lambs, $12.00; natives, "With a membership running money are used in Porto but eco- "Ha! Ha! Ha! Probate Clerk and lo Re- Rico, from building up our life and glly. with a sideways twinkle of his ' Ho! Ho! Ho'" bonds closed: $100.92; first $11.75 11.90; feeders weak to 25c seven figures it is Inevitable the American Is the official cur- - 1. . 3s, corder of Bernalillo New into nomic organization on modern pink nose, "because if I or " llioil 1MB 4s, $100.90; secona s. iuu.oo; lower. county. men belonging to the legion rency. lines. laugh rest of the buttons burst Becond Mexico, May 1, 1891.1 that -- off his first $101.16; 4s, should sometimes do unlawful Q. Have European countries a "Our country is of an agricul- ugnt coat, on, dear!" cried Mr 4s,third $100.48; fourth Denver. You are further notified that, three-mll- o $100.60; cause to en- do in the coast limit the same as tural and our govern- Longears when he saw this. "All 4 C101.22: 4s, 10. Cattle Re- unless you enter or be things. They may them character, lis. Victory (un Denver, Aug. in said name. Before condemn- tho United States? V. J. C. ment now makes great efforts to my buttons gone, just as I feared $100.88; Victory4s 600. Market steady. Beef tered your appearance the legion's three-mil- e called), 4s ceipts cause in said on or na- A. The limit is an organize a wholesale home indus- and no way to sew them on. I cows and heif- and the court ing the legion, however, let the international shall have to wilt imtn (called). $100.60. steers, $7.0010.00; before the fifth day of September, an op- arrangement. try by building factories, railways ers, $4.607.60; calves, $6.00 tional organization have Q. Why is. ermine, considered and the like. to go home, for I would never dare Blockers 1922, default will be entered on case. The 9.00; bulls, $2.504.00; will ap- portunity to pass the the royal fur? H. P. wniit aiong wun my coat all un GRAIN feeders. $6.00 7.40. against you, and plaintiff endorsed a law- buttoned. Oh. and to the court for the relief pray- legion has never A. Its beauty caused It to be "FRANCE DETERMINED TO OC- dear!" Hogs Receipts 2,200. Market ply a subordinate post. worn and Edward CUPY GERMAN "We will help you!" called some ot Trade. $9.50; ed for in the complaint. less action by by royalty King RUHR." Chicago Board strong 15c higher. Top, is John W. it has re- III made it a punishable offense STEEL KING ASSERTS?. voicfB irom ine grass, 10. Uneasiness Attorney for plaintiff On the contrary always "Who are Chicago, Aug. bulk. 48.509.40. Wilson, office and Al- it and sometimes, as in for any persons except those of "France is determined to you?" asked the rab about possible spreading of the Sheep Receipts 800. Market postofflce, pudiated to it.' This re- the Ruhrt bit. 11.00; buquerque, N. M. case of the Wyoming post, has royal birth wear Sooner or later site will - rail strike had more or less to do unchanged. Lambs, $9.00 the striction has do so." ; 1 aCVW-?"'-- V "The round, black 6.60. (Seal) FRED CROLLOTT, offender from the or- - long been removed, jKI bugs," was today with an upturn in the price ewes, $5.00 Clerk. expelled the but the fur still enjoys fa- The head of wealth- the answer. "We are like of wheat. The market closed firm royal Germany's vour buttons. nrm shiny .x HARRY F. t vor. iest Alfred Han-ie- l, w v,u o By LEE. Deputy. gamzaiii'ii. industrial family, to to lo net higher, with Septem- ( Q. Is tho of the ex- made this statement. The one aide of your coat with our ber $1.05 to $1.06 December PRODUCE NOTICE OP SUIT. What origin ana and pression "to play hell and Tom- Haniel family controls 25 per cent irom tegs to the other side of $1.06 to $1.06. Corn finished No. 13445. L. 3. of iron steel in u vitii uur iiina e oats off c to c State of New Mexico. County oi Answers to Questions. my?" E. the and Industry thej legs, said to up, Chicago. r A. It Is supposed to be a cor- Germany. Alfred Haniel is peculi- largest black, tu "and in that and provisionsle unchanged to 27c Chicago, Aug. 10. Butter Mar- Bernalillo. In the District Court. ruption of Hal and Tommy, and arly fitted to discuss Germany's way we.ii puu your coat edges to- - lower. ket higher. Creamery extras, 32c; Paubllta Sepulbeda Rochas, Plain- that the allusion is to Henry VIII immediate future because his for- Bcmer, Ana we n look just Ilk Rail strike misgivings in the firsts, seconds, 26 tiff, vs. Jesus Rochas, Defendant. reader can the an- and his tune it. buttons: see if we don't " wheat trade were stirred 2829c; To the Above Named Defendant: (Any get unscrupulous minister, depends upon So ten especially 27c; standards, $le. swer to any question by writing Thomas Cromwell, who seized and Ho is held to be the shrewdest trie Larmy. of the round black bugs by a report that locomotive engi- Eggs Market unchanged. Re- You are hereby notified that a very kindly made believe de- has been filed you lu the Albuquerque Journal Infor- rifled religious houses and turned observer or political and economic sneeze too they were neers nt Pottsville. Pa., had ceipts 12,101- cases. suit against Has-kl- n, hard I may burst all buttons ion Uncle to weak- the said court and county by the mation Bureau, Frederick J. out their occupants to starve. conditions in Germany. He has no Wigglly's coat clared for an immediate walkout Potatoes Market slightly ' the buttons off my coat!" holding It as U. above named in which director, Washington, D. C. Q. How did hollyhock get Its political axe to grind. Ho sees tight together he hopped aid the shopmen. Shorts covered er. Receipts 14 cars; total S. plali.tlff, to in- fat5 from stand- "Well, I Ivipe nothing like that niuns, inn everyone who saw him after this became 766 cars. New Jersey the said plaintiff pray for absolute) This offer applies strictly name? H. K. Germany's tbe said Miss his freely report shipments, of aban- Tho bureau cannot A. is the point of the industrial. happens." Fuzzy Wuzzy. thought coat was buttoned as current and the market closed at sacked Irish Cobblers. $1.801.85 divorce on the grounds formation, Hollyhock garden "So do exclaimed Mr. Long-ear- s. it are n I," always was. And when of Pre- shore bar- donment. And you further give advice on legal, medical and mallow (Anglo-Saxo- hoc, mal- "It is not because the French if all he the top figures the day. cwt.; eastern Virginia not at- "For the buttons burst reached his bungalow the vious to notice being taken of re- notified that unless you enter or financial matters. It does low). It is called hollyhock or want 300,000,000 gold marks that off coat when I flew bugs rels Irish Cobblers, $2.03.00; to domestic will take the Ruhr," ho said. my happened to away, after the bunny had newed talk about transportation Maryland barrel Jrish Cobblers. cause to be entered your appear- tempt settle troubles, holyhock, from the Holy Land, they bo out adventuring, I would be thanked ance In said cause on or before the. nor undertake exhaustive research where It Is "This is only a pretext. But oc- them, and Nurse Jane difficulties, the wheat market had $2.90; Minnesota sacked Early indigenous. ashamed to come homo until after bought Mr. re- fourth of September A. D. on Write ques- What never oast a cupation of the Ruhr means France Longears a new and developed a little strength as a Ohios, $1.40 cwt. , day any subject. your Q. president dark. Well, I'm off, Nurse Jane. mrner coat wun real bids 1922, Judgment will be rendered in is in the where she buttons on sult of higher from exporters, . tion plainly and briefly. Give vote? M. C. S. put position I'm off, but I hope So enmn said cause you default name and en- A. of can dictate to the rest of the Ger- my buttons everything nut together with announcement that Kansas City.-.- against by full and address It is said Zachary Tay- don't come off, Butter-Crea- mery b re- man France can then con- though they surely right, you see, and if the 505,000 bushels had been pur- Kansas City, Aug. 10. and the relief prayed for will close two cents In stamps for lor, that from the time he was empire. will if I or sneeze snoon . sugar interior and exter- laugh too hard." doesn't ellmh" .uiiiw. chased here for shipment to Eu- lo lower, S5c; packing granted. turn postage. All replies are old enough to vote, he never trol Germany's And as Uncle cellar to "i sail The name of the at- the in one ior policy. truly, Wigglly hop- go riding In the gravy rope. unchanged. plaintiff's sent direct to inquirer.) stayed place long enough ped away, Nurse Jane saw that his next low records for the torney is Espinosa & Esplnosa, to qualify a voter. "The answer to it all is very coat was """ " you about unci" New price Eggs Market unchanged. si controls very tight around him. Wigglly and the buzz bug. season were touched by the wheat Butter fat Market 2c lower, 27c. ahose postofflce address is Albu- Can tlie Southern Cross be Q. When wore chain cables simple. .If France the t Q. "Dear old bunny rabbit!" mur- Re- querque, N. M. , L. invented? R. A. then sh'e controls the coal market Just after the opening. noon in New England? T. A. P. Ruhr, mured tho muskrat lady. "I hope were heavier than had York Metals. (Seal) CROLLOTT, A. Chain cables were em- of Bavaria. France thinks RAIN AT LEVY. ceipts here New FED ' A. Tho naval observatory says first supply he doesn't lose his buttons!" ar- Copper-Stea- dy.- Clerk. in 1811. can Bavaria from Ger- N. M.. 10. been looked for, and primary New York, Aug. 10. never on shipboard The she separate Uncle Levy. Aug. Lew snil 200,-00- that the Southern Cross is ployed Wigglly hopped along, and rivals taken as a whole were 0 .Electrolytic, apot and By HARRY LEE, Deputy. visible in New England. All four first vessel to use them was a many. That is France's real pur- along, caro vicinity have been favored with West Bavaria's coal taking that nothing anotner bushels In excess of last year. nearby, ;14c; later, stars forming the cross can not India ship, the Penelope. pose, By controlling tickled his pink nose to make him neavy downpour of rnln eastern connections 1414c. fu- - were invented and she thinks she can compel ho accompanied In hail. Houses with Tin Steady. Spot. $32.26; , be seen north of latitude 28 de- They patented supply sneezo. And tried not to think places by on de- r PICTURE ACTOR HURT. ' in 1808 b a surgeon named her to sever vierself from Germany. xne section of bought somewhat freely, tne tures, $32.37. ceeea north. navy of anything funny su he wouldn't ary northeast Lew. and the weakness unchanged. Los Angeles, 10. Eugene) Slater. "France thlnns also she can help need to which up to this time has received cline, however, Iron Steady, prices Aug, Q. What Is a (leal ns the term move- laugh. brief. Steady. Spot, $5.76 6.80. O'Brien, .well known motion pic- Is used in lumber Q. Was the diamond valued by the Rhineland separatist "For as as I only light showers, was soaked proved of Iad the business? 13. surely laugh or Advices indicating need rain Zinc Quiet. East St. Louis spot ture actor, is in a critical condition V. the ftiK'ients? I). R. ment As a matter of fact tho sep sneeze off will como and several dry water holes were J. A. is in the my buttons!" over a wide district tended to rally and nearby deliveryj $6.26 6.30. at a Hollywood hospital today It problematical whether aratist movement Rhineland Uncle filled. Some wheat which was v A. In the United States a deal murmured Wigglly. corn, like Antlmony--Spot,''$5.2- 5. - or not the diamond was known is a movement Prus- . was the corn market after with Internal injuries and a possl- is a 12 feet 11 Inches simply against A little later, all of a sudden, he to cut shattered by hail. .had touched a new low 69c. ble of re plank long, to the ancients.. There are in the sia, not the German empire. was The to bean wheat, Foreign bar silver, fracture the skull as a and 2 2 inches thick. In against crossing a field when he heard damage the crop will record for the season. Cash Mexican suit of been run down British museum some Roman France mistakes tho movement. some voices De more tnan onset ben price dollars, 62c. having by, Europe thonamo is applied to to divide sadly calling: by the demand for corn was better. Oats a motor truck last while rings of the fourth century, A. D., She seres an opportunity efit received from the much need " CrJtton. night 7 "Help! Help! Oh, who will were ; In Hol- boards of fir above inches in set with diamond Dia Into parts. us help neglected. New York walking a highway in the WJdth and of various crystals. Germany impotent in our trouble?" ed moisture. Pastures are fairly sales caused late de- New hills. The lengths mond points were nlfy used by "The greatest mistake England "Hum!" ana stoeic is Liquidating York, Aug. lywood Japanese drlvr B feet. thought Uncle Wigglly. good looking well. clines in the, provision market, closed steady. Oct., $20.?0; of the truck, who said he did not the later Creek and Roman en made after the war was to permit "Trouble Is nothing to or more i. How many people die lu to eo much mUltar- - laugh at than offsetting advances Dec, $20.70; Jan., $20.62; March, see O'Brien, hurried the actor to gravers. France gather to sneeze at, so I'm J'lj sea - Journal Yitnl Ada Results, " saot Bring. which, carljec had resulted, frem sfl J.20,69. May. jUO.t. , .be hospital, j , , ' Nine.' 'August 11, 1922.'. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAD Page

Y BRINGING UP FATHER. Copyright, 1981 by th International Xew Service By Georjfa McManu; Reentered I). R Patent o:ff, FIRE INSURANCE KINGSBURY'S KOLUMN. Whtn you saw the other fel- I WANT fOO TO CO I I WIH I HAO ALU MY LT oh: low's houso HOME. RlHT ( you are: nr. - burn you thought GOOD BIIICK OVEft AND bEE Oft. WELL- VOULL of your fire Insurance. Four good-size- rooms and Did PULLEr-TEUuHI- M RitiHTv tOME OF THE ' PAN-I- you take out that addi- n Hard- FIHTt HAVE TO glassed-i- sleeping porch. I'VE tbECN IN 60r-- iuuk VIFE'b BROTHER tional insurance you wanted. wood floors. Modern. Garage NT - LIKE We BROTHER- tE,NT I will bo glad to have a home. Located - FEUE.R.t NEVER. HAVE vrrsT WELL advance: and a complete "YOU- HE. T fine: mnn call on you and fix It up. close in on a street and TV KNOWS HIM' ' ' good ANY lock: r I Houses for sale, for rent, for reasonable. I VTl -J VANT TO can be bought very lease, many furnished houses rnnt or lease. LOCATED for ON EAST CENTRAIj Am TOOTH H. CHAS, ROEHL,. A brand new brick home. PULLED I'liono 010. , Hardwood floors throughout. Four , rooms and sleeping porch. Breakfast nook. All kinds of built-i- n features. Fur- Good-size- d base- ROBERTS-TURNE- nace heat.. R CO, ment. Large screened porches r:. ii S and can be bought for only jsrk 21 West Gold. Phono 407. $5,250, on extragood terms. CHOICW RESIDENCE AND I!l?SI.ERS RENT. PROPERTY. BUS- FOR INESS OPPORTUNITIES AND We have several good apart- RANCHES ments and houses for rent in all parts of the city. IJXCOLN ADDITION A more lots to be few good 1922 BY Inth. Featuhi Service. Inc. had in Lincoln addition, lo- TRADE, Via hftva a 120-ac- cated on North Fourth street first class re with gome shade and fruit ranch at Silver City on trees; also extra large lots. SEE OPPORTUNITIES which wo will make a good S trade r,n Good terms. ACKERSON & GRIFFITH SEE-THI- ONE A GOOD HOME AND A A HOME AND INCOME v A GOOD VALUE In cily property Double apartment house, close KEAfjTY have (food for- - S,T.KS (6'mPAXY, For a real buy on East Central; Shirigle bungalow, four rooms GOOD INVESTMENT Large roomy house ot three We an especially, Highlands, a bnrfc'niii cash. llealtora. D, KINGSBURY five rooms, hardwood and apartments. located, value in' a Xive-roo- modern Wi'll lncntod four rooms and bath T. floors, fire glassed sleeping porch, Seven room modern nous with Splendidly 114 S. Second. I'lione 009. Realtor. " place, built-i- n features A new bath, hardwood floors, base- owner occupies one apartment adobe house In the Fourth Highlands, close in. Rents well; hardwood floors, 3 sleeping and rents ward. Almost new and In the Real Estate, Loans and house. For appointment. $3,750. ment, garage, lawn and trees, furnished. other two for $85.00 $.1,250. Insurance. Call 414. in a location In porches, completely per monlh. This can be bought best of condition. Price right Comfortable four-roo- home near good the house -- 907-- Tou can live in this and for furnished. at $4,200. Can .loan Rood and 210 W. Gold. iTiono Fourth ward. make onXhe sids rent- $5,500, partly only shops, garden bath SMALL HOME m. enough See us at once. amounts up to $4,000 on "fifst sleeping porch; $2,500 easy TO! SALE jas.' johnsox, ing rooms to pay good interest Phono 657. mortgage. terms. Partly furnished, In Rood condi- Insurance, Real Estate, Loans. on whole investment. For tion, 5, room the "Our personal attention to Stucco adobe five rooms, bath fourth ward, pood locality; j,750 frame bungalow, new, 216 W. J, D, KELEHER ' Gold. Phono 240. price and terms see llttlo worth every dollar that is asked- - modern, oak floor fireplace, Bast every detail." Realtor. and porches, splendid location in Central. Fourth ward; lots of shade east $1000; small, payment, balance JO.000 brick, modern, well built, '.A; L, Martin Company,. Franklin & Company 211 V. Gold Ave. Phone 410. like rent. hardwood floors, hot water shade front, fruit, outbuildings; $4,200 heat, Realtors. Realtors. terms. 2164 West Gold. See and fruit trees, Fourth ward. NEW AND Auto Insurance, Loans, Rentals, Stacy. $4,200 adobe, atucco, bath, etc., COSY, TERMS, Real Estate, Fire and MrtllMJOX WOOD, Konltors. Phone 999 east front, ahade and fruit trees, North Living and room across Insurance,. 2(lfi V. Gold. Loans. -- e6. dining the 221 AVest Gold Avenue. Insurance, ROBERTS TURNER Twelfth street. front, built-i- n book cases, fine 223 V. Gold. Phone 156. PROFESSIONAL 407. Borne good buys in business property. BERNARD A, SLEYSTER CARDS 218 W. Gold. Phone Lots and houses in all of the fire place, prettiest kitchen In parts city. town, SIX breakfast nook, hardwood All Kinds of Insurance. CHAS, G, ZAPF, w. $6,000 EXCELLENT floors, fine sleeping porch, REAL. ESTATE. joiin WILSON, modern Fourth A. ReaHw FOR ONLY Heal Kstnte Specialist Altorner. room brick, FLEHSCD, J. P. Gill $5,500 113 South Third Street. ftoeros 15. 1? and IS. Cromwell Accident Realty Company, - , Insurance. Building. Fira, Automobile insurance, New brick. hardwood 14 Phona 115.1-- j. DANDY CON-cre- te Surety Itoi Is, Loans. Phono 770. 323 W. Central. Phone I have several homes for sale on $ 5500 SURE built-i- n features, furnace, I II lAfiH AMI XI five room mod- No. Ill B. Peortb St. Velrphone 6T4. floors, easy payments. I build good homos Vl( KJK.1VH. adobe garage, lot fenced, 'Sidewalks, in 1U. S. I.. ern. Fourth ward. Office: Second and Gold. III KTON, Luna district, good terms. 010 HU-lt- . IX.teaaee of tna Hfnmarh. NEW FIVE ROOM J'lioins ""lie. 0. $5.250 "MONEY TALKS" 11. McCLCGIIAN, Realtor FOR BY OWNER Harnett Building. highly modern, elevation. 204 W. . Lem!! SALE MAHIiAKKl' MOD-er- n, Have 5 modern HOMES that Gold, phone442-J- ('AKTVYKHillT. 1 5, 000 SEVEN ROOM WE WILL GET YOU 8 In few Five-roo- m 1123 - must be sold at once, 2 are fur- Real Estate, Insurance, Notary Goinn; past a days. residence E;ist Central T5xl42 ft. lot, S. Broad- stucco SOME BARGAINS. . Phone 571. AND - nished, 3 are not owners are Public. brick, bungalow, 10 A3 Long As It Lasts built-i- n book- Have S. MAUl.Fi it. o. for leaving for the east this month hardwood floors, several small houses to sell Kiu:i;r.s, NEW TVE ROOM amounts of $500.00 and over cases, china closet, gas water at a bni'snin, reasonable terms. Citizens' Building. $400 secured and want the money to take with Phone HSI-- modern. West side. by first mortgages on Rlassed-i- n Let us them. Good servi- nnd them. Come In and let us tell $10.00 Per Load heater, sleeping porch, you UK. R C. " SPLENDID MODERN Albuquerque city Improved prop- large, back screen ce, and intereHt 1,'tken. ri.AKKE, $4,200 All about ona of A front and I'Jir, No and Throat. five-roo- m stucco. Fourth erty. property to be shown in you them, them PAT, THE PLUMBER, Better Grade $15.00. new .1. K. Ky. bo porches, vines, trees and GOXCK, ltEAIi ESTATE. Harnett Hul'dlns. Phone ward. person and papers to De ex- might Just what you want. for sale. 110 West Silver. Thono 477. IJf. amined and at- 216 North Third, lawn; price right quick Ofriae Hours CHOICE FOUR ROOM prepared by your , (Of about 1,000 or 315 S to lSm. m.. and a t 8 re. $3,850 torney, our and feet) Inquire at S14 South Sixth p. modern brick. Fourth ward. client's expense. A, C, STARES Plumbing Heating. Call with South Sixth. A-- ROOM 321 W. Repair Work a Specialty. Wagon W. M. SHERIDAN. M. $3,250 l FjDUR Goodall Investment Co. Gold Ave. Phone 1C8 201 FOR REm Dwelling DT West side. PHONE - modern brick. Room 6 Grant Bldg. Terma Cash Prnctirn Limited In NEW FIVE ROOM i'OH RKNT T rumlnhed bouse, GKNITO - TKIMAISY IHMCASR9 $3,150 (Over Golden Rule Store) N FOR RENT Roorru modern, h. w. floors, etc., with puteh. 102 South Walter. AM) DISEASKS OF TIIR RRIV Phone 349. FOR SALE liliM'-Hu- om & Twu-rmi- Rousei & Jiuii at Weat Cupper. l'u' KKN'T slepp-Inf- f H'afinemiua elevation. Insurance, Loans, Real Estate McKinley Land htjuao with I.illiiiriitnrj In Connei'ttcin. WE HAVE MANT OTHERS FOR BALI! Small house, newi also fur- FOR T2 ootluikTtcloUer 415 poivh; city water and lights, J15. Clllzciis Ilnnk nirta. Phono NSB. to show At niture; good as new. 107 Glrard. Lumber Co, Nnrth Hrcniul. No trouble you. WANTED ' li'Olt HKS T Kour-ruti- service. FOR SALE House, three rooms and I'ou rknt Cool front room. 009 huuae nnd F. C. BAKES. M. D. your bath, furnished. 1104 Fruit. I'hone 2042-J- : porch, part ly furnished; light, watur. Members: New Mexico State South Walter. Albuquerque. New Mexico, P'.nrio 2't'2. Diseases of the Isre. Glassed Pitteil HELP WANTED FOR SALE Will for FOR rU0N"rbmd furnished rooms, Association. By owner, suburban home, pay cash three Five-roo- Office removed to 114 N. Sec- - Realty four rooms and qulro 4'.'1 South Third. Full lilj.NT furniohcd lumse, sleeping porch, city with 716 West Coul, onrt Bt. Ground floor. Phone tut. water, fruit e room modern house and FOR RENT room. trees, (rape arbor. Furnished pltnno 0'7 ". box 729-- WANTED-M- an 218, city. Seventh, phone for general farm work. or b'OH HK.NT Two-roo- furnished house, CHIROPRACTORS 24U-H- FOR sleeping porch four Phono SALE OR LEASE Completely FOIlltENT Several rooms, unfurnished. with 115 13U0 furnished AUTOMOBILES 124 South Edith. slffplriff poruh, month. 1MKN, FORJtENW WANTED Good milker house, strictly modern, five rooms, Must have gar- 'Worth ecm!. A 415 BezemeU's rooms and bath, two 414 South FOU chil- rhlroprflrllff. l'OK KENT two.roora apartment. Palry, 190! North Fourth. porches. FOR SALE-E- -45 RENT Furnished rooms; do Oii HK.NT 1 anil 20 Nortli Second. Fourth. Mgnt Buldt, JU00; dren. 110 8outh Wali.uU iiouscs, all klnda;furnished Armljo llnlldlnr. v 1UU OKT good location and 1 1 6 and unfuriKAtied. ftrfcMillin & Wuod, standardized Aulo Training. FOK KALE Nice modem brick home en age, JiULl. "". West Oold. POIl RENT Small ctol desirable apart- Mcl' Christian LM'ISliT RADIATOR ItEPAllJTEn FUHnTshed modern rooms; no sick; no nonlturn. Si.tfi West Q6M, CARPENTERING Anlek" School, Los fifty-fo- lot, at iOS South Edith; What have 414 ments. 208 Bouth priced right, Metal cnuriren. West silver. R IJ N T u four-roo- High. leaving town and will sell on KSheft Works. 217 North Third' Full fju in tt y furnUhed ("OH ODD JOI3U WANTED cheap, 11 FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 218 and contract work, call FOR RENT rooms, One city one good terms. sale-k-- 45 house; hnrd wood fluora; Areola 1175-- Light tiousekeeplng salesman, road you? Address Uutck tourTng carl Bouth 11107-- hoat. UD Walter, phone innj South Arno. reasonable. Glldersleeve Electrlo Co. 1i0omhnThTrhdO " .W0"h th FOR SALE Four-roo- house, two vuiiuuioii. ttona-D- i ion co I WILL r.STIMATB all ur olly. OHAYSTONE rooms, 21S!i West Gold. ItENT Kour-mor- h any part o( FOR RENT three-roo- Full tiuuso and sleep- lath-In- Outside apart- ..air,.',..-..- porches, modern; completely furnished, PViono 810-- Mrs. E. your wirs; I make a specialty ot g close In. Call at 404 West Lead, form .' or without furniture; till CARE JOURNAL, GKT a fluidl. ing porch, furnished. Inquire C14 and ment, priced right, guaranteed overhauled Job South 140B-- sUiniln(. 'ff. u. Conver, phone In rear. lJ.ab"J?"':,gc",d transportation to South Eighth. FJ car washed mid 75c' LA Utl E. cool room, beautitully furutabed, Kdlth, phono 241(i-J- """I polished, at , 110 s. Th hours. 1 South bath. 1211 West Roma. FOU Fuir-ruo- UrU-k- FOR KENT Furnished two-roo- apart- "'wrm Agency. rd. MUST SELL AT ONCE Two small Third. private IjlKNT modern, FLOOIt BANDING We can resurface close no 215 North vr A.Miiu L,ive wire salesman with Car. houses on corner lot, 60x142. rent for FOIt SALE OR FOU RENT Furnished room and kitch-cn- . lawn, shade troes, In splendid neigh- old ment, in; slckv TilADn For n., ,,r borhood. 1'hono your floors and make them lUe Fifth. van real estate surf f r. in J35; 2r.O good furniture; f 1,500; terms. team, $270 eoultv In trood to, r.ii 1724 West Central, phone 25?. n$i. new and make your new floors perfect. "urunce. McMiuion Wooil. 5,i Phone 171 FOR SALE Miscellaneous Ou Trnn.f-- r. 3L'4 Foul- ve-room unfurnish-70S- , 2070-- FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, for and . y's South Second.' FOIt REX T Front Ig lit housekeeping KUJt UKNT Phone wt ed 717 .light housekeeping; no sick. FOU SALE Furnished house, FOR SALE OR KENT Piano. Phone 60 to ,5 per on useH and rooms. Overland lintel. houncs, 705, 715, bouth LET mo figure yuur new house or re adults; oac crnt parts, each. Phone 1031). 721 Smith i experienced- sitleslady. - modern, highlands, close; In, $3,500; 2072-- etc.; full stork tor over twenty-fiv- e li'OIt Walter, rnasonable work suaran ...-,.- , Span- dif- RENT Pleasant housekeeping pairs; prices; x. Kil06 small Ad- ferent FOK KKNT Modern 176S-- FOR RENT Three-roo- modern fur- n,B. Hm,ly Btor6j n5 payment, balance like rent. cars. Mcintosh Co., Sll West rooms near sanatorium. Phono 132R-- furni&fiod cot tage, teod; estimates free. Call H 'T'n'n rirHt. dress caro TRY HODDY'S BBST IN TOWN. K. nished no 614 Owner, Journal, MILK; FOH two rooms and plnswed slerplng porch, Johnson, fil John. apartment; children. Fhone 2413-R- RENT Very uislfuble ro,,m, on car lino. 12L'2 South Kdilh. ftouth limadway. WAAiiD For farm work; middle FOR SALE New adobe house with Iwo tOR lass 1910 , bath; close In. 114 South Arno. LET? llRFiabftK with you on new and on full slse corner out- FOR BALE Irish water spaniel pupptea. A- 1'OK 108 old R. FOR RENT Small modern apartment, Cnll porches, lot; mechanical condition; Ipsa than RENT kln-t- Mouth Arno, seven houses; estimates guaranteed. at county agent'a office. Commercial buildings; for sale, 11,450; $15 each. Phone 2409-J- half Room lol! Neatly furnished sleeping rooms and bat h, n. Contractor furnished. Averlll Apartments, 208 Vj price quick price. 7, National room, close in. 331 basement. Calilwell, and Builder, terms. Inquire 1524 North Seventh. I'EARS FOR BALIS nnnlt hullillng. yFlrst North Fourth, Phone ur P. F. McCnnna. phonn 2:ir.a-- North Second. Lynch's Orchard, ' WANTED 1474-- FOR RENT Furnished room, Immediately, . experienced AN INVESTMENT without a peer, four 1215 Forrester, phone K " HALE lam Ford ton worm gentle, FOH KENT Completely furnished, three WE 1)0 ODD JOB carpentering and FOIt RENT Furnlshs.1 front apartment, one fur- truck, men preferred. 120 South Wnlter. - tbreo rooms and bath. 21Vb .icuuarapner, able and willing to cottages, all rented, ajl new and FOK SALE Twenty-on- e breeding docs, ilrlvc. good mochnnlcal condition, room cottage, sleeping porch, near Uol- house building, reasonable;; Investigate prlvats do clerical work ex- a H78-- Korth Hotel. part time; state nished, $1,500 year Income; all for three buika. 1913 South HlRh. .rosturrice Inn S3, Old Albuuucr-qu- FOll RENT Nice. oeH n sleeping and vercMy car line. Phone our low prices; estimates free. Phone fpcond. Albuquerque perience end In Room 7. or 1407-- 23M-- salary expected flrt $6,500. First National Bank phone housekeeping rooms. 121 H North Third FOH Two-roo- J. F. Kluken. J12 Yale. RUNT Four-roo- modern fur- FOR SALE Five teams and harness, KENT furnished bi'U FOR '""t. Aniiress uin.E., Flagstaff, Aril, buildlnir. FOU 30 I nished with porch. also six wagons. 1105 West Iron. SALE 19SlNBjh !,.nn.r. FOR RENT Two lea rooina furnished with sleeping porches; modern; WANT you tu InvestiKate my low iirlcee apartment sleeping FOH New four-roo- In 70ft HIS H2H-- Female. SALE house, run. less than 6.0no miles, with extras for housekeeping. Apply C17 West Sll p.r Coll at Eut Sanfa Fe. nn any kind of a building proposition South Edith, phone two ROOFING In ver. In view. K. - University Heights; screened and good nouses you have A, Palmer, Bunga- Rooms. furnished for -experienced waitress, Ap- EXPERf guaranteed work, phone 1SS4-.- condition; priced to sell. LIST your vacant witn the City RENT v 41. 175S-- FOR u.ji,u- porches, garage, newly furnished; owner 1154 West Central, 879-J- . low Builder. V.nx city. Phone 411 uly at Liberty Cafe. No. 1. cot-an- d phone FO KENT Nice, fiealty Co.,. for and efficient housekeeping, sleeping porch. going east; will sacrifice. IK West DEANGEI.IS, pure mllK, butter, apartments. prompt WANTED dlnin? room OR KALE Large assortment of nuto. reasonable. Imperial Hotel, 211 West service. 207 West Oold, phrfht g7. LET US PAINT that old roof, or put South Edith. , Competent rirl Silver, phone 4'T. tage cheese buttermilk. Fhone mobile on a new one, backed a ten and Call at 120 North Second, 9 a. m. S41.VJ4. paints, varnishes and colors. ntral. FOR KENT Two room housa,, two by FOR RENT Three rooms and sleeping nfter AN INVESTMENT OR HOME Seven-roo- Pee B. F. fifteen-yea- r let us build WANTED Monahan, automobile painting, RENT One front room for light sleeping porches, modern and furnish guarantee; that furnished, hot and cold water, Housekeeper; win brick FOU SALE Fine Columbia Grafanoia. 702 fir.l-- toll new or one. Call porch, give good modern pressed residence. South Second; phone 115 per month, 401 ed.. 413 South Broadway, phone 190D-- home repair the old hath. Inqulro 702 South High. in exenanga lor llgnt housework: In Fourth ward; built for a home; will with records; will Bell cheap. Apply housekeeping, 2.1S7-- VOR SALE At a three-sente- d South Seventh. South half of double house: Auure-- s j. k care journal. also consider trade. Address Opportuni- 507 North High. sacrifice, 1)78; FURNISHED HOUSIO of four roima, FOR RENT roadster, In fine mechanical RENT Nice e uni house, Between 1:30 WAWlJiD ty, care Journal. model. A-- l FOR sleeping sleeping porch, garage; opposite FOR RENT clean, cozy fall llealthy young American FOR SALE Bicycle, coaster condition, good tires, and 1820 Cen Miscellaneous SI 5 South woman to -- roll-to- p tubes, good looms. Albuquerque Hotel, versity; $50 per month. East and 4:30, at Edlth assist with light house work FOR SALB, New ionise by owner; o.,e condition, and desk. Inquire top, new and ilttt KOlt HUNT SH West Coal. and care 410 battery horn, upholstering North Second. ilatme. One one beau- for two small children, in 824 West Gold; one West Harrison. in good NT FOR RENT single, larger shape. Ml South Edith. Fliit-flE- three-rou- FOK SZS 'furnished hot Santa F.e; no washing. Box 208 Santa 110 North ope four-roo- 210 Nicely furnished room FOIt RENT TWo cozy RENT Private garage. South tifully aparatment; Maple; FOR SALE Harley Davidson motor SO! Third. 1211-1- 4M-- Fe, New Mexico. 821 Weat Sil floor, with Bleeping porches, furnished, water. 5 West Roma, phone North Maple; terma Call cycle, 1922 model; Twin 74. Ap FOR A ground adjoining bath, 1949-- Big OOOD used car come and see r?outli 2", Room 7, Bank build- WANTED Woman cook In small sana ver, phone 217 North Fourth. Rroadway. First National POIl II EN T Piano, excellent condition. FOR RENT Furnished apartment, four ply what we have and those we have listed Phona 1S04..1 two-roo- apart-jr.o- torium; good to SALE Three-roo- ROOMS Newly furnished, cool. rooms, modern; also wages right party; FOR modern cottage, FOR SALE Six collie pupplW, seven for sale. Odcn Rnlck Company, Fifth and large, 1104 North must go home nights; come ready for on Bouth Walter, completely furnished. weeks Mann's Gold, J200. clean, modern, hnth, and t fiti.Vi' Modern brick house, nictjiy with sleeping porch. 1416 old, very reasonable. phone down. fi'.'3 South otk. south Edith. $375 down, balance $30 month; priced 1881-- Fourth. furnished, six rooms, front and back WANTED Real Estate Second. , Dairy, phone in. fur- jrxPERIENCED SALESMEN below market valuator quick sale. Call IMi'lUUAU ROOMtJ Nice, clean rooms; screened porches; highlands; close IP YOU for eale. RENT South half of double WANTED FOR BALE New ma- AUTO WrtiSCUING 1647-J- . have hui(t!i pr. ipt'rty FOR rREAD 68 69 at 701 East Bants Fe. Singer sewing ALBUQUERQUli CO. or week. Over Pastime Phone It MeMMMon nished house; clean, coiy house. Call pages and of the Aututt chine; cash or Thone New and Used rates by day 11l with Wood. Bouth 6 Issue of the SALE four-roo- mod payments. Theater. ?!1 Wen Central. FOR RENT New four-roo- furnished between 1:30 and 4:30t at 316 Saturday Evening Post, FOR By owner, 973-- call 411 East Central. REPLACEMENT PARTS AH LINK then get our to local repre- and bullt-l- n house, two Just MINK tsr ALIO Edith. proposition ern house, two porches In Stock for All Cars: LINCOLN Al'A RTMENTS, newly furnish sleeping porches. The cars. Ele sentatives In New Mexico. Real Bilk will tnke a touring TYPEWRITERS, all tnaVes, lit and up; ed rooms; hot cool cloee in. modern. Phone 1478-- near orange colorra Engie, Two nice, clean rooms and features; garage; $3 ALti Tarts tested before leaving shop. water, and decorated, Dam Hot N. FOR RENT Hosiery Mills, Office 7, First National car In traflTS at 809 South Co- per tnnnth. Albuquerque Typewriter 312 Bouth 914-- enr line, nhant nmie and Springs, furnished for light Inquire ' Radiators, electrical parts, tops, bodies, Third, phone University M. mil sleeping porch, Bank building, Albuquerque, N. M. rnel, Heights. jAcutuiae, m noutn f ourtn. Meet train, at Engle, leaving 321 University lights, horns. Ignition sets, eto. FOU KENT Clean rooms, ad Three-roo- F :3i m. housekeeping. South Walter, phone BAT '6-1- 4 springs, sleeping FUR RENT house with Hot at II a. m. and !:I0 p. WANTED A In the Al- SALE rooms and lawn. FOR B Used tractors. and Parts carried 21 makes of cars. New one or prints 1670-- J. . representative FOR Five bath, for joining hnth; suitable for two; chicken house for two hundred chickens Oldest Dam drivers, best Pam cars on buquerque for the Vacuette close wim gang plows. tiaruwaie axles, drive and if 619 Three-roo- furnished territory shade, garage, highlands, in; shafts, pinion ring gears meals desired. North Third. and water. 1205 West the Dam line. We drive our own, cars. FOR RENT Suction We are Department. J, torber a Company. carried for us In mind. garage, lights" Sweeper. $3,500: four rooms and bath, furnished, all care. Keep FOR RENT Two furnished 490-- our apartment, with running water, lights; 1100,000 for FOR SALE cot NEW beautifully Iron, phone Write for reservations at eipeme. 823 South spending advertising during garage, washhouse, shads and lawn; Fresh huttermllk and MEXICO'S OLDEST WRECKING roums in modern home.t Mrs. HEFFEltNAN BIIOS.. water and phona paid. Call the next four months 142,000 in Sat- W. P. also fresh milk In HOUSE. Apply POR E N T furnished modern Props. Fourth ward: $3,500. J. Rice,. at tage cheese; gallon Fred Hamm,..4123 North 8ejond. It Nicely Hot N. W. Fifth. - urday Evening Post alom All replies P. McCanna's office. lots. Bwayne's Dairy, phone 191 West Central. Phone 4J4. new stucco bungalow, larce glasRetl Pprlncs. . FOK RENT Two-roo- furnished apart-men- t; held In strict confidence. Address Box FOU RENT Nicely furnished, well southeast exposure: gas Well-bui- lt FOR SALE Pianos and WHEN IN NEED OF sleeping porch, Albuqueriue-Ran- i Fe T'oe. and care FOR SALE by practical player pianos; ventilated bed room, suitable for one 801 hot and cold water, lights 113, Journal. pre-w- Phone 106. 'Geo. P. TIRES, - and hot water. Call at soutn Kmtn. PAII.T HIAdK rent reasonable. 421H builder. IA7B cash, or best offer, buys values. rims, carburetors, springs, mag- two gentlemen. 416 South Third. phona paid; n Piano Co., 214 South Walter. netos To Ttioe (Read Down) Kent-Room- one-roo- and glassed-i- eleeplng porch. generators, wheels, gears, axles, WANTED To sell the rurnlture or part Pou'h Broadway. For s with Board EU'IN HOTEL Sieepln rooms and Leave 7:30 a. m. Electrlo and waler. The best in FOR SALE HOOVER VACUUM CLEAN- bearings, horns, accessories of It, elght-ronr- rt modern apartment " RENT-f-t)n- e and ona small city COME the Arrive 10:30 a. m. FOR largs healthseekers. Palmer. 1822 ER; uaid six a HEADQUARTERS. housekeeping apartments, by day, hot water good Income from furnished completely for BOOM and board. Mt Bouth Broadway. town for only months; bargain WE HAVE SALVAGED TO DATE THE wefk or .nonth. 602 West Central. house; heat; Leave 13:30 a. m. apartment 315 South High, phone 1758-- at 30, 'Write rr call J20 North Maple. aprrtments; reasonable rent; close Jn. . housekeeping. Crane Apartment!, FOR RENT Room with board, FOLLOWING MAKES ClV CARS: FOR RENT Front room, well furnished, Leave 13:30 p. m. ail new FOR SALE Out-do- flush com- Address M. H care Journal. m. North Seventh, phone an. Bouth tjroadwav. FOR SALE Jn south highlands, closet, Bulclt C24, C25. D45, D6S; Cadillac. adjoining bath, use of phone, close Id; Arrlvr 1:0') p. . thtee-roo- screened plete; galvanized Iron stove pipe with 490, To Albuquerque Mtead l'p) FOR RENT Nicely furnished three ROOM AND a week. cottage; two large Chalmers, Chandler, Chevrolet FB, on or two gentlemen. 703 West fiilver. BOARD, (11 built-i-n safetly flue, feet of pipe. SIS t, WANTED Miscellaneous 7:00 p. m. rooms and porch, closet In, In In porches, oak floors throughout, fifty Baby Grand; Dodge. Don, RENT One Albuquerque ...Arrive... sleeping South Broadway. small South Walter. 20. H. K. Mitch- FOR large room, with Santa Fe. Leave... 4:00 p. m. tha highlands'; modern; wate free. features: a real buy; very pay Ford, Hup N.t Maxwell, furnished for house WANTED Ten tons uf loose alfulfu. . FOR RENT Room In 701 ell 8, sleeping porch, Santa Fe Arrive. ..15:45 p. in. 1142-.- I. 410, North BlTth. and board, pri- ment down, balance like rent. East EVERYTHING! IN PLUMBING FIXT- Olds Overland, every model; Saxon 1511-- 1920-- Phone 1576-- 4 keeping; light and water. Phone Phone 11:13 a. m. vate home. Phone Santa or IDs. URES, and and well and : Studebaker 4 and 8; Willys-Knigh- t, Espanola Arrive... vcwi it i.: Three, room modern well Fe, phone material. Pumps fur- - WANTED Houaelrolil ot Tans 7:30 a. m. vt Glassed-i- n . 472-- every model. FOR RENT One large room, well furniture every ...Leave... bath ad- - FOR RENT porch, with) points. Thaxton Supply Co., Phone 944-.- furnished apartment, shower 114 BUT from owner and save commission; If yon don't eee car In the above ntshfd for housekeeping; nice for cou kind. Phone FARE TO SANTA FE, W.SD. bi.ard. North Majle. fnite-rno- 11U North Fourth. your disappearing Don; aauus omy, modern fcdobe house. In list, close no sick. 306 West TO TAOK. $11. 50. Joining; Walter. CANVAS FOR SALE assortment of auto- remember, ple working; in; WANTED MONET On good sick preferred. Apply B00'5o. sleeping porcn, with board.! University Heights, . Coal and Columbia f.arge WB ARE SALVAOINO LATB MODEL Iron. McMilllon elHVood. Albuquerque TWdqunrters Rlngllns con 110 per week. 1207 East Central. Just finished, white stucco, Dig mobile paints, varnishes and colors. mortgages. Brothers' 310 West Central FOR RENT Furnished apartments, avenue, See CARS EVERY DAY. FOH RENT Modern, furnished either ngar Store, ruum ROOM AND BOARD with - two nice porcnes. front ana B, F. Monanan, automobile painting, In addition living WANTED Dresser and chiffonier, Aver '. I'hone 600. venient to wur glassed sleep- basement, 6S1-- to the largest stock of used nc fio ft sanatorium; nnri sraraae. fenced: cash or 701 Bouth Second. Phone room, sleeping porch and kitchen; oak or Ivory, South llronilway. Santa Fe Bank CoBfec-tlone- ry glnssed-l- n porches, gas; on East ing porcn; no sisk. ioz7 Forrester. hnir. parts In the state. w earry a COM Headouartera sleeping see this before sick; adults; water and lights paid. work dene, Phone Central car line. Call 1321 East Central, FOH RENT furnlsned rooms with terms: don't fall to place FCi SALE Black currents for making PLETE line of NEW gears, drive shafts. to South TRANSFRRi and scavenfter t2t. Nicely a ne Bent-- s Broadway. rates. E. A. Griffith. 722 or iseeMcMlllln ft Wood. Phone Htf, first-clas- s table board. Phone 1327-- you buy home; price win ngiu, Jellies, pies, preserves and lams. axle ehafti and general accessories, for reasonable 1417-R- FOR One 1P70-- n - 318 North Broadway, n to I car. RENT large room, nicely fur East 5 vi-t- ti Two rooms, with kltchen- 110 South Arno. Scott Rldenour, Ranch, phone from ev.ry Iron, phone TIME CARD rnt 1668-J- . 13 to 1 and OUR PRICES ARB THE nishel lor light housekeeping, adjoin - and aleeplng porch, FOR RENT phone morning, (to nights. LOWEST, MAXBA'BaA"lN STORE, at IJ8 South ette, bath, phone Light housekeeping room! VIADUCT GARAGE. ing bath and glassed sleeping porch; will for entrance: completely furnished; also reasonable. Mrs. FOR SALE New frame, two large rooms CEDRO CANYON Firewood Co., firewood cool. First, par the highest phces nrivt board; Halstead, 800 SOUTH SECOND. clean and South Edith. second-han- and modern, with gas. 1006 Forrester. Phone C19H West Central. and sleeping entirely com 'tUroct from Cedro canyon to user; your clothing, shoee large porch; sawed And In stove Largest parts house in the state. FO RENT Exclusive, well furnished furnlttre. Phone. 8H8. Sell 1379-- plated with attractive and useful built split or fireplace ROOM, PORCH AND BOARD, $45 2400-J- room, with sleeping not APARTMENTS 1003 In features to accommodate a family or lengths; prompt delivery. Phone large porch, P.IIQ CLEANERS WASHINGTON month; tray service: purse's care If In WANTED Position; ater heat and bath; centrally located. location one of the - 1678-- make a coay home for two, finished SOFT SPOTS Heel and arch cushions Cleaned West Central; , desired. Phone linoleum to Phone 1744-- (121 West Coal. ill tugs spots" of Albuquerque; every enamel and dark oak with prevent fallen Insteps; cures all foot WANTED Housework day. Phone MATTRESSES renovated. 13.50 ma' tip; nr "beauty electrlo BOARD Oood home cooking, rates by on a 80x150 lot; completely Arch Thus. bythe FOR RENT Two house Krvln apartment hat private bath, or match; troubles, tl. Planter Supports. inu, furniture repalrei end packed. - fWMern conveniences. the meal week. ,nrs. Knigae, nor' fenced for poultry, with ditch water F. Keleher Leather Co., 408 West Central. keeping rooms; gas and water in the Co.. phones 013-- or 2035-- WESTBCl'N.- Dally. ,1 range and all ner Broadway and Gold. cemented out WANTBD washing aud Ironing to take nice and back Bedding Train. Arrive. Depart. M. J. P. EAKIN, proprietor. . piped In for garden, and US33 EFFECTO AUTO TOP and SEAT nome. kitchen; porch yard; Phone coal and work rnone 1304. no close In. 806 West WANTED Careful Kodak finishing. No. 1 The Scont.... 7:30 pm 1:10 pm FOR RENT Nicely furnished room buildings for poultry, drawing. Effecto Auto Enamel, Vale- - ground floor; sick; - on 1582-- WANTED Work Iron. No. I Calif. Llmlted.lvtlO aw 11:00 am I- with or without board. 413 Bouth house. $1,750. terma Phone par. Enamel on automobiles. by the hour. Phone OK 1909-- Valspar 1.143-- 6:80 faction guaranteed. Send your finishing No. 7 10:60 am 11:! era ' SALLLiyejrtocli" Broadway, phone or 1411 North Sixth. after p. m. Fargo Fast.. 1031 Forrester. Plymouth Cottage Paint. Homestead a a oonu.u amiuii am 1: does. FOll RKNT Have for two Floor Paint. Roof and Cement. Sat- CONTRACTING, ditch LOST AND FOUND reiiaoin, iiiin, No. t The Navajo. .U:8 U) torsalETwo AP- - lovely vacancy Paint dlgglg ft Hanna, Mnifer Photographers. FOR BALE One good Jejaey cow. Mrs. W. H. BUSINESS CHANCES isfaction assured. Thos. F. Keleher Leath- - wn ainas. B01HI1 Third. SOUTHBOUND. convalescents. Reed, phone in LOST Jewelled blgma. Chi Fraternity Nc. M El Paso 10:1$ pm isortn 1226-- J. 406 Bouth Walter. er Co., 408 Weat Central. Phonel057-J- , Exp pty pixui. FOR SALE house, well house cleaning, floor polishing, lawn pin, set witlr pearls, In form of a whlto RENT No. 37 El 11:1$ cows. fresh. Crystal rooming 14S0-- FOR Ranches Paso Exp aa FOR SALE Two Jersey FOR RENT Room and board, sleeping furnished. Inquire 22Htt South Second. FORCED TO SELL, one per cent loan work, call J. W. Lowe, phone cross; return to 306 North Arno; reward, EABTP9UNU. 230 North Walter. In FOR LEASE 320 acres of gnud mountain Call at porch and board with private family RAT. in twenty rooms, pool United States Loan and Investment PROFESSIONAL NURSE Will nurse In liO"ST On Old Town boulevard, or Wist No. I The 1:10 pm 1:4$ iron Hotel, - been and good Navajo.. pn OR SALE Horses, harness, and wagons. gentlemen only. 818 East Coal. , lease. 313 SoutS- company, for 12,600, which has any case; chargea reasonable. 212 East Central avenue, yellow side board off gracing agricultural land; No. Calif. Limited. 6. to 1:40 pna J. hall ahd bar: good 8 pm f - 1668-- FO- -. running sixteen months. Also one per rrumoun. 420. grass and winter protection: good four 310 North Broadway, phone RENT Airy room and porch, with Flrst. ton truck. Mnthews Dulry, phone room 25o en acre Call NO. I 8. F. Eight.. 7:35 pm $:1 pm bar-- r cent loan In United Home Builders of - house; per year. ana 'FOR and hutches: board: can accommodate twofonva Two-ater- WANTED- chamber- five 10 Tile 7:10 am :f SALE Rabbits FOR SALE y prick building. America for $2,000 which has been run- By experienced LOST Airedale pup, age months, at 1207 Virginia boulevard. No, Scout.... ! - Call 1026 North Sixth. lesoents f 45 per month. Phone 1428-- maid; would like work. collar on, blank FROM SOTTTH. gain.- evening. 311 South First; location good (or any twenty-tw- o months. Both should half days' slick black hair; has ning Phone 1698-- return to 119 North Mul- Ho, rrom El Paso s 36 pea " FOR SALE Jersey cow with calf three FOR HEALTHSEEKERS, in private kind ot business. mature soon. Box 83, Clovls, N. M. tag; finder WANTED Board & Room il - V old. 415 North home; nurse care, tray eervlce, coud berry, for reward. No. to From El Paso 7:0 am months Inquire at FOR BALK Hotel, 315 BALE six-fo- McCormlck KALSOMINING. and meals. . 207 North 1748-- J. Albuquerque FOR New cleaning paper YOU.NO I.ADT il No. 10 eonneflts at Telen No, II Second. High, phone South First, Albuquerque Cafe, pool mower; six foot alfalfa renovator. cleaning kalsomlne. John Gondson, LOST In plaza or on streets of Old eslrearionandbl ,- in or fur VH- - i City aud - Jerey-Hol-- MRS. MARSHALL'S, private home for room. 319 South First. huckboard phone 2194-- Albuquerque, Sunday atternuon, one private family boarding house, CWIe, Peee FOR SALE . Concord huv and harness, wlrere there are no a C Iw 70, frfah in Sep-- convalescents and bed patients; nurse's 1,000. black leather hand bag or vanity box, sick; preferably Oast. stuln; quick sale, A- -l money-makin- g business and harness, breaking cart, pound WANTED C. B. In 33 Titum No. 1220 " care;- excellent moale. Phone 1101-- J. WE HAVE Job as truck or auto driver; contained wrist "Annle,'r home and the highlands. C. E. No. connect. t wltk tl tember. South High. ' such as merchandise, scales, 800 pound counter scales, five mechanic. watch, engraved f., care and aontb Beds 1107 North Twelfth. opportunities, two eecond- - years' experience; good same T. Journal. from Clovla and point ea' FOR 8AIE Flemish Oiants. Rufus and other Wgh-cla- gasoline engine, Aaarese K. M. metal pencil with marking, a:, . an 4 groceries, garages C care Journal. I Rlrk. Belgians, bucks, does SPECIAL summer rates, til per month; not advertised locally. Roberts- rhand wagons, three bottom turning plow, & S. F. pass In favor "Annie F. Snow," 1826-- room with propositions four-dls- o corn ana tractor. WANTED com fr. erj. 710 West Lead, phone excellent board, private -Turner 218 Was Oold. plow, planter Position ae nurse or some and other small articles; service. Co., Gardens.- Miss change 2 frash cows, eleeplng poroh and tray Su Apply Mann'a ' panlon; best of city references. roward for return to W. H. Osborn, A., rlioan Jersey 491. some 600 1169-- will John's Episcopal Sanatorium, phone WANTED To hear from young ASBESTOS ROOF PAINT Baker, North Second, phone T. F. good milkers; also i Jersey that some ladles, with F. Ry. station. MRS, CARL BERULUND, 1416 South men and also from THIS hlth-rrart- a nalnt contains no tsr. CALL .he fresh soon; win taae 3500 809 In good IKITCHINSON for house cleaning Mnnntaln Road. Phone JJ7-- Edith street, accommodations for or to Invest paying pitch or asphalt, is fire-pro- and will ana well West hat good to start. Address weat. cleaning, floor waxing, paint' FOR SALE Real Estate convalescents on furnished south business; salary stand the hot, dry climate of the Ing, kalsomlnlng, and sweephig 'A vor HALE Nine milk cows, giving newly J. H., eare .TournalJ don't answer unless maroon and chimney FOH KALE At a bantam, seven acres new; HOME A of milk each, bed special diets We also have a red, green Odd Job..Man. 2082-- from one to four gallons porch; also patients; can 1 phone Llnd-- , you qualify. paint. All kinds, per gallon. Our mesa land, adjoining the University Price $60 t6 1125. Joe and general nursing If desired. Phone e middle-ag- ed per day. new built-u- p roofs will last twenty-fiv- WANTED Position by Heights resident dlstrlat; can be sold for On seven miles south of town. H65-W- ., North Thirteenth Street, five room frame, basement, ley Place, FOR SALE Poultry-Egg- s years. Fhone 1834-- J. The Manzano woman, experienced In drug salesman as muoh per one resident lot as present Company, 110 South Walnut. ship, grocery store or cashier. Phone owner asks per cre; any Investor can Areola heat. Built. In features. Oak A well built WHITE DUCKS for sale. 711 S. Broad 1971-- on this In two floor., "WELL CONTRACTOR MATTRESS RENOVATING double money proposition In ' way. m21 w, or iio'J-j- , home, gqoJ location. , ,. CTil driven' and repaired"; MATTRESS 13.69 and FOR RENT Office Rooms V ANTED. POSITION paper years. Inquire, phone WELLS iUlbV RENOVATING. tip. FOP. 6. R. I. Red laying Painting, tank, tnwera. J. F. Wolktnf, furniture repairing, fur- 8ALE Fifty C, hanging and wall paper clenjrtlig; free Rug oleanlng, 1870-- J. Kmrn r two orrice rooms over rwi"i WANTED Houses phone'14fct-W- . , ell-- or 203B-- J. bens. Phone work Phone Jfc 423 West Marble, niture packing. Phone 139 per tnnnth; light. estimate; guaranteed. " Ervln Bedding Com pan ' FOR SALE Thoroughbred rabblte and heat and water. 10,4-- 413 Southern avenue. WANTHO To rent rooming house, by TYPEWRITERS X fryers, 820 Stanford, Heights. WANTAlD competent lady. 712 West .Marble. WILLIAM J. Realtor 1 WANTED Rooms FOR RENT Oflce rooms, Central ave- Bj American lady, position LEERETT, ailed BARGAINS' IN C. li RBDS nue, above Matson's Book Store. ' Kor- - as housekeeper or housework. In small LIST your property fur rtale or rent wittr TYPE WRITEKH All maaea a PI. 110. 222 Gold. WANTED Unfurnished room, with TWENTY hens, fine 33 each anii Auto family; would care for sick: must he J. 6lonce( real estate; Rood, lervice Phono ' West and re for every ml' layers, her Company. Department. unci A1truaueroue s porch and private bath: near four cock birds, 13 each. C P. sanitary: can take full charge; refer. iiuret takes. ,ll&- WeBt" Silver, hin. Typewriter sleeping Haytir 1601-- C01-- loui-.- NortH Ada PUa change, phone is: Buutq Fuum l university, raoue m Hll. rf - Jpiurnjii jyafit Prjng Besuns, jence, V

' 7 Page jreii. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL 'August 11, 1922.

C. OF C. D ATIONAL FORCE NO TIE-UPHE- RE Let Us Send 9 Man To replace that broken window This is Tomato glass. Albuquerque Lumber Co. Catsup Day Phono 421. 41i North First. i TO-B- JAZZED con FLAME 5 EXPECTED FROM Today we offer you a great big bargain on a real tomato catsup. Large 14J-o- z. bottle, under a brand nre f means UP TO ACTIO TROY HOUSES FOR SALE TODAY AND TOMORROW that always quality. UL mUCTION Large ice box, suitable ior fresh meats, size 4x5 feet and 8 feet tall.' Glass doors and n HIGHEST CLASS IN EVERY WAY 1-- (Bf The Ami .'luted 6 foot door. 805-- J. 2o Bottle Musical In Preu.) Local Officials Be- large Phone ienarch at 22 a Lively Program Dublin, Aug. 10 (by the Associ- Railway BoswcH's Grocery, 613 N. Fifth terspersed With Talks at ated"" Press.) The national forces lieve Service Will Be it; if you do not like it, money back. Biggest Dinner entered the city of Cork toCaf, ac- Maintained East and West ' Inf nld You Divorce ilisn? Euy it; try Ever cording to an official announce- J Planned for Albuquerque ment here tonight. Patrick Street, Through Albuquerque. the Victoria hotel, the military FOGG, The Jeweler CASH S T O R E, s Phone 28 If mdslc's power to stimulate barracks and the newspaper of- Local railway officials stated iPiamonds, Watches, Jewelry. WARD'S are hasn't been overestimated, the fices aflame, following dyna- Inst that did not antici- Highest Quality, Lowest Prices. 10c eoormons which will at- mite which blew night they 508 West Central. Orders Delivered for crowd explosions up pate any extensive change In Opposite Postoffice. of commerce many tie-u- 118 tend thef chamber buildings. schedules here due to the p South Fourth. dinner at the armory next Thurs- The reopening of the dail in several western caused evening will be up eireann, scheduled for 12, points day pepped August by the "Big Four" brotherhoods enough to spread Albuquerque all was postponed today until August to run over the man of the United 26. refusing1 trains through lElriHUEIL; J States, cities having armed strike guards. A Hvelv Droirram of musical numt was believed all ilipl bers sandwiched with talks It here that DAHLIAS & GLADIOLI! snappy KINCAID ARRESTED mail and express trains would be by booster members has been in tresn cut all colors Send a the , maintained service, although planned by management. BY EL PASO PdLICE some cuts might be,, necessary in friend a box today. Flans are being made to enter- schedules. ' ...... the. crowd ever assem general passenger Last Raymond F. Bloom, H w HHU, ta jEi Mn tain largest G. Kincaid, wanted here on a tickets were sold for While I a meal too The night being Phone 21B7-- J. bled for in city. bad check was arrested In California, ' the ticket previous enamuer or commerce charge, points accommodated 375 last night In El Paso, according to agents reporting that no orders dinners which a wire received received that I. boosters and turned away 12'J, was at police head- had. been indicating the to that date and the quarters from El Paso police de- the regular service would not be biggest tectives and officers. The wire in effect TODAY AND TOMORROW coming one will surpass It, accord- today. A tremendous The stated that Kincaid will return to An official of one of the "Big WtlSSS vfj drama of love, 14f M fM V" ing to expectations. biggest two klnd.3 ofl en. and di- - auditorium in the has been face the charge without requisition Four" brotherhoods here stated IPWV H '111 city organiza- SfM voe f an husband J Vl M obtained and tho- - single lot papers. last night that the local erring CSfl i, largest tions had" filed no formal com- P'AfiP and and the 1 M1 dishes and table ware available, 1 - of SMaCT M; ' WfoJ''i force that them to- - Z$M 3 with the railroad company brought JS!?..- that of the V. 3. Indian school, has plaint i i armed I getlier again. iP I ! been to serve the crowd. regarding guards being t'o ' engaged , fi .Something wonderful thrill ill, J One of the unique musical at- reid'Mswope maintained at Albuquerque. r and thlnk i tractions will be a new orchestra composed of several wholesale E. MARCHANT GETS '; men and commercial travelers ol L the city. This is a real jazz outfit discuss CONTRACT FOR NEW "r, which has in its repertoire several strike jt clever musical stunts. In afldilion ELLER APARTMENTS there will be a male quartet lead by fieorge Goalee, several popular WITH F.. J. Marchant w:as awarded the soloists and perhaps a band. ROTARiiS contract for the construction of not be a dull moment the two-stor- y tiriek There will apartment B O N during the entire evening, either house to be erected at Eighth I T I is in music and in talks, it is prom- Both That a Is street and West Gold avenue by AM mainspring ised. The speakers have not yet Agree Strike Dr. Charles A. Filer. Construction been announced with the. excep- Disastrous to All Con- began yesterday. of civilization. tion of L. W. Lawson, the promi- The building will contain twelve A proper business nent reclamation engineer, of Ki cerned; Present Questions apartments, each of which will is the back- Paso, who has promised to be here of National have three porches, a number of training for the dinner. In connection with Scope. built-i- n features and all modern bone of a better Mr. Lawson's address an an- conveniences. Eight of the apart- Know- nouncement will he made from the Both sides of the railway strike ments will have four rooms and citizenship. of the interior in re- situation were presented to mem- and the how is the cour department bers of the sleeping porch remaining ing M mramounti JU ,. gard to the necessity for a special Rotary club yesterday four, three rooms and a sleeping cashes m f U? noon, W. C. New Mex- age that J session of the to meet Capt. Reid, The will he legislature ico porch. building the requirements of the McNary attorney for the Santa Fe rail- erected nt a cost of about $45,000. bill. way, explaining the company's Trost and Trost and George P, Hill START HERE! AM All tickets for the dinner are to viewpoint and Ed Swope, an offi- are the architects. R BEGIN NOW! 14. cial of one of the rtXStyiri ' be taken up by Monday, August striking shop 1 . . I Reservations may be made at the crafts, setting forth the strikers' v chamber of commerce or ticketu version of the difficulty. ADDED ATTRACTION at In their which cov- may be purchased the drug discussions, Standard Furniture Co. "' stores. Mrs. Elsa Wennips, of ered almost every phaa of the 401 .South First St. I'lionc 610 catcress both "Bjrthday-Guest- i - Tamarisk Inn wl;j act as question, speakers stated We buy, sell and exchange fi Jungle- Pests? for the dinner. their belief that railway strikes new and used t were disastrous to furniture. Handle all concerned complete line kitchen utensils, A Two Part Comedy and that other means should ho etc. SHE "CARRIES ON found to settlo such disputes ns HUSBAND'S PAPEH result in strikes. REGULAR PRICES Mr. Swope described the strike as a clumsy weapon and urged the establishment of national boards Dr. H. E. Kimble with the to power adjust such DEXTIST troubles between railway com- Fresh and Fit! r--Jt . panies workmen. He sthted Room 4, Grant Third that In this case the unions had Building. little cause for nud Central. i difference with the Phone - 492 A romance Santa Fe railway company man- Today mystery of the range agement and pointed out that the issues of the strike were of a na- Salmon ALSO AL ST. JOHN IN tional charsveter rather than a lo- Halibut cal scope. Phone 1MI2-- 421 W. Central. Barracuda Trout Captain Reid declared that in RENT A CAR Vegetables Fruits honesty to the thousands of men ' ' COSTINCOCS I TO 11 P. 1 who were now Drive it Yourself New Fords Meats I H, working in railway and shops and who had been promised Dodges, Coupes and Sedans and Groceries 1 and Al.Iil'Ql'F.RQrK TODAY AND TOMORROW seniority steady employment, DRIVF.KI.KS8 REGULAR ADMISSION PRICES the railways could not grant sen- CAR CO. iority to the striking union men. Cars Delivered. He stated that when the strike vote was beins: taken, the shop 1 "TRUSTY" WHO COOKS ' mm Him men were notified that In case of Albuquerque strfke, would lose sen- 201 North L they their Reymann's Auto Body First Street. 1 LOCAL ITEMS AT JAIL MAY FACE iority.' Mr. Rwope stated that if Phone 109. liRIISrairffliL' Acclaims it the.;. such a notification had been serv-- ! '. Works A LARCENY CHARGE ed on the union men, he did not Manufacturer nnd Repairer of Phono Vs Your order; We Will Greatest of 5. i Do the 'MfcHHSMHltf : K Coal Supply Co. ?bone t and know it. AUTO AND THICK BODIES Rest. " v U There is an undelivered tele- Officials at the sheriff's office He summed up the strike issues SPRINGS AND WHEELS WmBBmam of- set to work some time to listed as re gram at the Postal ago originally the wage and , Telegraph out what was Blacksmithlng Woodwork. fice for John V, Turner. ferret happening duction and the elimination of J02 S. Second. Phone 551 V. to the food the coun timcnnd-a-hal- f C5. I. Hurvison, divisional re- supplies at pay for work on What was considered a sen- officer U. ,S ty jail. Sundays and holidays. The habilitation at the month's of Veterans' bureau here, has been supply provisions for iority question of course, he point to the prisoners got into the habft ed out, came up following the! transferred I'ueblo, where he of about two weeks. will work in the same lasting only ntriko order. 9, 1922. WEM COFFEE capacity. i August Mr. Harvison has been here for Th officials came to the con- ever clusion that the prisoners were GRAVES ADMITS DEFEAT. a year. His successor has j , living too high, but a survey of 10. Col. Sold at this Store. , not been named. The change will Montgomery, Ala., Aug. NOTICE the condition to no - I, Robert L. McNeill, have sold bo made about September 1, brought light ' nibb Graves of Montgomery, de- unusual was i m interest and will in Just carload famous Las diet. Then a trap in tuc uiiiii y my good arrived, set, and Luis a who luesuay, the Amusement Cruces Pink Meat Cantaloupes; on.; Perea, trusty Mrs. Lewis Butt Barrett wired Judge W. W. Brandon his Tijeras Canyon WeSeU5mflrER' dollar this has been cooking for the prison- congratulations tonisht and issued Park to D. U. Etter and Earl per crate; week only. be Mrs. A1I Asl your grocer. ers, may arrested charged with Lewis Butt Barrett, of a statement pledging his full sup L. Stephens. outstanding the highest grade. Macaroni, Irficeny. It is the belief of dis- bills will be The Fraternal Benefit associa- petit Birmingham, Ala., bears the port to the nominee. paid by them. Spaghetti, Egg Noodles and tion county officials that he has been tinction of being the woman will meet at 7:30 o'clock at more canned only Macaroni ' i the of hall. swiping goods and publisher of a news- ether Products. Sardou's Knights Pythias it than he has been cook- metropolitan 654 W immortal , A of the Casino Al- selling paper in the United States. She TAXI LINE meeting ing for the prisoners. ffHJ buquerque will be held tonight Rt succeeded her husband, E. W. Bar- Phone 654 8 o'clock at the K. of P. hall, rett, as publisher of the Birming- when final organization will take UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS ham Age-Hera- after his GALLUP LUMP COAL ' 7 r - All Spanish-America- n r::r place. peop- DOINGS death. le are invited to attend. The or- CERRILLOS LUMP COAL i Wm1 ganization is for social purposes. &7 flM Crowded Houses Mrs. liettis left A new water main will be imme- DE LA VEGA, HELD FOR ' Hugh yester- Wanted CERRILLOS EGG - day for Kansas City, where installed block Boys COAL ' All Week Have she diately through RELEASED BY will visit with friends for two thirty, south of Qoal avenue, in the MURDER, , j KINDLING Order a Load of Wood , pSyillll 804 Park Ave. Factory '''''' !, weeks. greater restricted district for the GOVERNOR Apply t Greeted This of OF SONORA Big Truck Load Four Dollars jllll JJ Factory wood, full truck load purpose enabling several own- Ispllllll ' four dollars. Hahn ers to build once. M Coal company. at B Amwclnftd Wonder Picture If Phone 91. H. E. Dicekman is a Tbr Fnwf.) sSlil building Douglas, Ariz., 10. Flor-enci- o COAL lllJ Mrs. H. W. Goelitz beautiful California buff Aug. COMPANY and daugh- type de la Vega, mur- WJ ters, Dorothy and Louise, family pressed brick bungalow opposite his alleged Guys Transfer and of H. v. Goelitz of home on Vassar avenue. derer of Dato Campbell, well . 91 rSWlF m l BW" vwk. Yftiii Ijr. the Santa known Sonoran who was Phone t l?um Hniilf i'a hospital, returned The Heights a delight- cap- yesterday, enjoyed tured federal in Chi- Storage nt'ver a two months' vacation in ful rain Wednesday afternoon, by agents We haul anything, any time and Kansas and Missouri. Miss Dor- which did not extend over the city. huahua City last Saturday, has been released Gov- anywhere. othy was a student last year at The members of the Baptist by order of Phono S71 323 South Second Ward-Belmon- t. ernor a, Nashville, Tenn. church held a wienie roast party Ignacio Enrlquez of Night Phones 2033-- J nnd 1209-- Mrs. K. I). Hoi-Ra- and daugh- Tuesday evening on Point Inspira- according to official ad- ter, Miss Rosemary Horgan and tion. All seem to have enjoyed the vices received in Agua Prlota to- YALE HARDWARE son, Kdward Horgan, delightfully cool air and remained day. WL last night from Santa Fe, where there until after, nine p. m. De la Vega' release, according they spent two months. to Mexican officials, was effected E1PIRE Gleaners Just arrived, carload famous Lus In accordance with a provision of ('ruoes Pink Meat Cantaloupes; one DEATHS AND FUNERALS Mexican law which forbids the DYERS AND HATTERS qoliar per crate; this week only. imprisonment of any person for HUG CLEANING Ask your grocer. GUYTON Thomas B. Guyton a longer period than three days Phone 453. Cor. fltn and Gold Kenneth Gertig and Millard died at his home here yesterday. or 72 hours, without proper war- ' Thorp havj returned from a mo- His wife and two small children rants, or in the absence of a At Prices Lower tor, trip to El Paso. They were were with him, having made their, definite charge. According to city .away about a week. home here for the past five years. officials of Chi- LOST-i-Wal- let Agua Pricta the containing money Than You Dr.. Margaret Cartwright has Funeral services will be held at huahua authorities did not have Hosier returned from a to .Strong Brothers this Key Number 344, trip California, mortuary these necessary documents, and business and is located at 1123 East Centra! afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, the the failure of lodge receipts and Governor Francisco cards which will own- to uvenuc, Rev. Thomas Harvey officiating. Ellas of Sonora, to send letters of Identify Expected Pay Mr. and Mrs. Interment will be in er. Finder please return to E. V. Carieton and Fairview requisition to Governor Enrlques baby, who spent two weeks nt cemetery. within the time address shown on business Cowles on specified by law, cards REWARD. the Upper Rio Pecos, resulted in the release of the when Mr. ROMERO Man-u- el Carieton proved himself The funeral of prisoner. PRICES OF ADMISSION j ,. an excellent fisherman, returned to Romero, who' died Tuesday According to '!, the will be held morn- Judge Esteban eily yesterday. morning, this Mendoza, local judge of Matinee . , . Adults 25c Children . ... 1..'. .10c . Just carload ing at 8 o'clock from the fam- Agua arrived, famous Las Prieta, the blame for de la Vega's ..Crimea Pink Meat Cantaloupes; one ily residence to the San Felipe release rests " . ... Do Neri church. Burial will with Governor Ellas, VYHSTKEY Night (6 to 11) ,35c .....15c dollar per crate; this week only. be who to this Window Shades HARDWARE CO. Ask at Santa Barbara Crol-lo- tt according authority, your grocer. cemetery. received notification John A. Doverspike, of the E. L. will have charge. telegraphic Washburn of de la Vega's arrest from Gov- We the PHONE 76 F. company, with his fam- ernor Enrlquez, on Carry R. MEAD, Mgr. ily, will leave today on a vacation GARCIA Francisco Garcia, Monday, but of several 83 years, died last at failed to send the requisition weeks. They will make aged night hold the v auto trips to the Jemez and Sul- his residence at Sandoval. He is necessaryto prisoner. CRESCENT springs, in Sandoval survived by two sons, Juan Gar- conditions phur county, and riTi n.rcTRio shoe shop Handmade Unfilled milk produced under' proper and on their return will a cia Ologio Garcia, who were B87-- 213 spend with him. Funeral I'bune South Hrcond. ANY a herd, is good, clarification lew days on the Upper Rio l'ecos. arrangements Fret Coll and Orllvery. s healthy M. T. are pending. Crollolt is in i Tint Myers, who recently ar- charge. GALLUP COAL makes milk better, clarification , plus pasteur- rived in the city from Mexico, Mo., Gentry's crks, GOe; for sale nl This famous brand represents ization makes the best milk of all. with his family, has accepted a OR PRANK r.. MacCKACKEN, leading groceries. the highest quality hand made t'osition at the Eubank clothing Ml. DAISY B. MacOlACIUuJ, translucent window shade. The very best. now cars. A ton For dessert SHERBET is best of all. We also T'nloadlng from or more In hot feather store. Osteopathic Physicians. carry the hand made your bin ts the licst fuel insurance. , K. I. Building. Phone Office 89-- oil opaque. Private Sate Furniture Piano. Residence 89-.- I. ' FOR SALE Let us give you an estimate sectional book cases and furnish Twelve ALBUQUERQUE .yOrafanoIa, Two nice e samples. machine, and furn- houses, twenty-fiv- colors to select from. COAL SUPPLY : sewing other The Gllderslccve Electric Co., foot lots, two rooms fi LUMBER CO. DAIRY ASSOCIATION : iture. Mrs. Gold, 81 West Silver. 211 East Central. Phone 797-- each, sleeping porches, north part of Phone 831 '821 North Second. town, good location. Seo S. - 4 PHONES S , C. II. CONNEIJ. M. t. I). O. IlLl'.CTRI CA Ij CONTRA CTI X G Anderson Bros. ' v : Kahn, J09 Northr First, cash .or Osteopathic list, Forrest II. Numi-si- Electrical Co terms. ; "';. WM, R, WALTON, President and taanagrr . bteru Bids. id. 701-- J. 323-- Phono 1253-J- . phone :m. ' ' JOURNAL ADS BRING A ; i .WANT QUICK, SURE RESULTS

K l.. a tBii tmu it. - ;. .ft,. 'i ... . ' t. . '.t