I will be really honest - I could not figure out what to write for this newsletter article. It’s amazing how writer’s block hits at the same time the newsletter article is due. Every time - right on time. So, I thought I would share an article that made me stop and rethink the power of silence - especially times of quiet and still- ness before the Lord. The article is so simple, yet so counter-cultural. Here it is. I hope it stops you in your tracks and forces you to think - as it did me. Leave the Noise and Listen to God by Scott Hurst Silence is hard to find. Can you remember the last time you were around complete silence? My first experience of noise-canceling headphones a few years ago was a rare experience. I was in Best Buy and grabbed a pair of Beats by Dre noise-canceling headphones. Sounds of shopping carts, chatting customers, checkout counters, radios, and the hum of electricity surrounded me. Putting on those headphones made it all disappear. It was the quietest I ever heard. In the company of so much noise, a quiet moment is almost impossible to find. Even while writing about silence, I am surrounded by noise. I have music in the background; I can hear bags crinkling, the fridge opening and closing as my wife puts the groceries away, and our boys are playing downstairs with all the normal noise of a two-year-old and a five- year-old. In a world with this much noise and many obstacles, is it worth pursuing time in silence? Biblical characters like , Joshua, and Elijah show the gain of escaping the noise and being still before God. Moses went up the mountain to hear from God and returned with the Law, blessing all of Israel with God’s will in writing (Exodus 24). Joshua returned from his time alone with God’s marching orders to defeat mighty Jericho (Joshua 5:13-15). Elijah, the most influential prophet in Israel at the time, retreated while depressed and ready to quit. He returned refreshed and hopeful because he heard the “low whisper” of God’s voice, which he could not hear on a noisy street (1 Kings 19:8-19). These men illustrate what Dietrich Bonhoeffer says, “Silence is the simple stillness of thein - dividual under the Word of God… nothing else but waiting for God’s Word and coming from God’s Word with a blessing.” This is the joy and goal of pursuing silence: retreating from the noise to be with God and receive his word, returning to bless others. We hear the voice of wisdom when we retreat from the noise of folly (Proverbs 1:20-21 and 9:13). Silence is a habit that cuts across the grain of cultural expectations. It shows the gain of disconnecting from technol- ogy to connect with God. We practice silence to pursue God as Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still and know that I am God.” Our phone habits, for example, can feed an unhealthy fear of disconnecting. Fear that we will miss life’s most important post by tuning out for a day or even an hour. When keeping up on Instagram causes us to miss out on communion with God, we gain nothing. Silence subverts this expectation by prizing time in silence before God over the noise of Twitter. Planning time in silence when you are most likely to be on social media intentionally subverts these expecta- tions. Choose five minutes of silence with God when it forces you to sacrifice; scrolling on social media helps the bibli- cal story and not cultural narratives shape our lives. Silence is something we learn to do. You may only get two minutes the first time you try, but that is okay. Every habit requires patience. Training programs start small and build up gradually, and training for godliness is the same. Stay patient. A good place to start is with Psalm 23. Set a time for quiet reflection over verse one (The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want) this week. Quietly repeat it over and over, asking God to show you how he Shepherds you, prayerfully laying all your wants at his feet. Then, do the same thing with verse two next week. I once attended a pastor’s retreat where the speaker started his talk with this reminder; we retreat to refuel and return to battle. Silence is a way of being equipped for the fight of the Christian life. It is a way to turn off the noise and listen to the voice of wisdom (Proverbs 8:1), returning with a blessing from God for others. Chase down the time to be still in silence before God so you might spread a blessing to others for God.

“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to Intercessory Prayer Team the churches. The one who conquers will not be hurt by the Phone: 244-4544 second death.” email: [email protected] Revelation 2:11 In the last couple of issues of the emphas!s, I have talked about the importance of Bible study. Our primary avenue for that, though not an exclusive avenue, is our Sunday School program. The goal is for everyone in our church family, from Preschool through Adults, to have an opportunity to interact with God’s Word in a system- atic, age-appropriate way. Good Bible study should always lead to application, but the focus is knowing and under- standing the Bible. Our grow program seeks, primarily, to help our church family figure out how to build on our knowledge and under- standing of God’s Word and put that to practical use in everyday life. We do that in a variety of venues, but mainly on Sunday evenings. After a long pause in ourgrow program due to COVID-19, we will restart on Sunday evening, September 12 at 5:30 p.m. along with AWANA for children and EQUIP for students. Here are the topics. Please register online (go to edwardsroad. org/growfall21, use the bulletin insert or watch your e-mail for links), but plan to join us even if you don’t preregister: • Bible Study for Women: With Us in the Wilderness, an in-depth 7-week study of the book of Numbers; Sunday evenings, Tuesday mornings and evenings, Wednesday morning and evenings, by Zoom, or Independent study. • Bible Study for Men: Dare to Be a , an in-depth look at the book of Daniel; Sunday evenings for 12 weeks, led by Chuck Staab. • Makers of the Modern Revolution, an analysis and evaluation of Western culture from a biblical perspective; Sunday evenings for 8 weeks, led by Matt Staab. • Crisis 101, how to deal with life when life doesn’t make sense; Sunday evenings for 10-11 weeks, led by me, Pastor Bob. • Evangelism - Three Circles, a simple, non-threatening way to have a gospel con- versation with other people; Sunday evenings for 6 weeks (September - October), led by Pastor . • Revelation Revisited, a deeper dive into the book of Revelation; Wednesday eve- nings, led by Pastor Aaron. Reminder: The church has an account with RightNow Media that is available for everyone. There are hundreds of videos on dozens of topics that can be used for personal or family discipleship or for outreach. If you have not set up an account (free for your unlimited use), you may do so at this link: rightnowmedia.org/Account/Invite/EdwardsRoad God always gives us what we need, not what we deserve, and that includes His goodness. I love the song we sing, “Goodness of God,” that reminds us that all of our lives God has been faithful and so good to us! What a great idea to realize that His goodness keeps running after us! “He has not dealt with us according to our sins, nor rewarded us according to our sins and wrongs. As far as the east is from the west, so far does He remove our sins from us.” Psalm 103:10,12 There is no end to east and west. God takes our sins and just wipes them out because of His goodness towards us and His forgiveness given through His gracious hand! God forgives us not because we are good or we deserve it but because He is good. We can never be good enough to merit forgiveness, yet He offers that to us anyway and that is the amazing grace of God on full display! When we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful to forgive our sins and that forgiveness is immediate and com- plete. That’s a big deal! Whatever we have done, God doesn’t reject us when we sin, He receives us with loving and open arms. This is amazing to us because it is the exact opposite of what people do. When we sin against someone, do they eagerly and openly want to receive us back? Absolutely not! They want to be distant and hold grudges and push us away. They have been hurt by us and they usually don’t want to openly receive us back with eagerness and all the warm fuzzies. But God IS love and He is full of goodness! He loves us because love is His nature. His goodness and love are the reason why we get what we need and not what we deserve. We don’t deserve grace and forgiveness - none of us do. But thank God He gives it to us anyway! So we can sing that song with gladness, “With my life laid down, I’m surrendered now. I give You everything!” Thank God His goodness keeps running after me! May Jesus Christ be praised!

“Porch Gatherings” provide a fun and informal way to connect and get to know each other in small groups centered on mutual interests. Groups gather on porches, patios, backyards or other outdoor places for a feeling of safe and comfortable interaction. We suggest that anyone who is interested in joining a group, who needs more information, or who is unable to get in contact with the group leader to reach out to Sandy Cary at sandycary@ charter.net or 864-430-1422. She will be glad to assist in any way she can.

WMU Monthly Meetings and Lunches September 14 and October 12 The Women’s Missionary Union (WMU) will have their monthly meetings and lunches Tuesday, September 14 and Tuesday, October 12 in Rooms FLC-110/111. All ladies are invited to attend! You can contact Linda Allen at 864-365-9704 for more information. Thank you for praying for all of our summer events! We cannot have events like them without many volunteers and a whole lot of prayer! Thank you! Here are some more events that you can pray for and if you feel led to volunteer please let me know! • ERBC Weekday – starts September 7. Please pray for all the staff and children! • AWANA – starts September 12. Help is needed so please see me if you are willing to serve! • Good News Club – starts September 14. Please pray for everyone involved with this ministry! We also have the opportunity to be involved in Good News Club at another school this year. Please contact me if you are interested in serving in either Club. • Watch the bulletin and emails for info coming soon about our Harvest Carnival in October. Praise the Lord that we have so many ministry opportunities! I want to challenge you to get involved in at least one this year. You never know how the Lord will use you (and change you)! Love and blessings to each of you!

Free Access to an Online Collection of Biblical Resources on Marriage is Available to You! Marriage Mentors Would you like to have free access to over 500 solid Biblical resources about marriage? You can! ERBC has provided every member with an opportunity to access an online collection of helpful videos on the RightNow Media platform. Topics covered include: • Effective Communication • Resolving Conflicts • Marital Intimacy • Strengthening Your Marriage • Pre-Marriage • Struggling Marriages • Just for Wives • Just for Husbands If you have not yet signed up for a free account, please contact Bob Allen at [email protected], by phone at 864- 244-2975, ext. 129, or by text at 864-371-0249 to ask for an invitation and instructions on how to create an account and log into RightNow Media. For further information on the ERBC Marriage Mentoring Ministry, please visit our website at this link: edwardsroad.org/marriage-mentors People that “leave their first love” – love for the Lord Jesus (Revelation 2:4) - well, it all starts with NOT reading your Bible. I want to share with you an abbreviated article by John Piper about the importance of reading your Bible daily. Piper says, “I have never met a mature, fruitful, strong, spiritually discerning Christian who is NOT full of Scripture, devoted to regular meditation on Scripture, and given to storing it in the heart through Bible memori- zation.” Church, if you haven’t lately, pick up your Bible and begin to read it. It will change your life! If you haven’t heard it today, Jesus loves you! 1. Scripture saves. 1 Timothy 4:16 Salvation has happened to God’s people, salvation is - at this moment - happening to God’s people, and salvation will happen completely at the resurrection of God’s people. Paul says to hold fast to the teaching and thereby save yourself. God saves us daily by Scripture. 2. Scripture frees from Satan. John 8:32 This is our only hope for defeating a supernatural enemy. Every time Jesus was tempted by the devil (Matthew 4:1- 11; Luke 4:1-13), He struck back with “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (Ephesians 6:17). 3. Scripture imparts grace and peace. 2 Peter 1:2 Knowledge of God gained through Scripture is not identical with grace, but Peter says it is a means of grace. If we want to be made peaceful and powerful through divine grace, Peter says, it happens “in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.” That knowledge is found in one place: Scripture. 4. Scripture sanctifies. John 17:17 Sanctification is the process of becoming holy - that is, becoming more like Christ and like God, who is perfectly holy. We don’t become perfect in this life, but we do become holy. God sanctifies his people. And Jesus prays to his Father, “Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.” 5. Scripture gives joy. 1 Thessalonians 1:6; Psalm 1:2 Life without joy is unbearable. The Christian life is a life of many afflictions. But in them all, God sustains joy, and He does it by the Scriptures. 6. Scripture protects us from destructive error. Ephesians 4:13-14 How do Christians stop being leaves blown around by cultural and theological winds and opinions? Answer: “the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God” - knowledge that they experience not as the opinion of man, but as the word of God. That’s found in one place: the Scriptures. 7. Scripture is the hope of heaven. 1 Corinthians 13:12 What I mean by this is that full understanding, full enjoyment of the truth of Scripture, will be experienced only in heaven. The knowledge of God - all the fullness that a created being can properly comprehend and enjoy - will not be withheld from us indefinitely. The frustrations of our present limitations of understanding and enjoyment will be removed. How fitting it is, then, that we be ever growing now in what will be our final joy in the age to come. 8. Scripture will be resisted by some. 2 Timothy 4:3 In other words, we need to know the Scriptures so that we’re not taken off guard or knocked off balance or led away by false teachers. We need to receive the Scriptures regularly to be ready to meet those who refuse to receive the Scriptures. 9. The right handling of Scripture is approved by God. 2 Timothy 2:15 It is a precious thing to be assigned to do a very important task, and then to find the master worker approving of what he’s asked you to do. We’re all assigned in some measure to handle the Word of God. And what a wonderful opportunity to be pleasing to the Lord. 10. Scripture gives and sustains life. Matthew 4:4 Spiritual life - eternal life - just like physical life, must be fed, not by bread, but by the Word of God. If you think that you have eternal life as a kind of vaccination against Hell, which needs no nourishment, you don’t know what spiritual life is.

Thank you so much for praying for the team that went to Alaska last month! Despite an early start and a long trip that first Sunday, we all arrived in Anchorage very excited for what God had in store for the week. Our team stayed in a local pastor’s home who had converted his basement to accom- modate large groups, and it served as a great home base for the week. Each morning we had a devotion time together where we heard from different pastors and leaders who are working in Anchorage. It was encourag- ing to hear about all the work that is going on in that town and be reminded that God has been doing and will continue to do His work through His people there. Throughout the week, we kept coming back to the idea that our team was serving as a “link in the chain” of Gospel ministry in Anchorage, and we were so grateful for the opportunity to serve in that way. The main focus for the week was holding outreaches in two local trailer parks. Half our team went to a park called Manoog’s Isle, the other half were in a park called Standish. Both trailer parks had a playground, and each afternoon we would arrive around 1:30 p.m., set up tents and tables, and host a backyard Bible club there. We served packed lunches to all the kids (many of whom hadn’t eaten any breakfast or lunch), played endless rounds of four square, dodgeball, volleyball, and basketball, and taught them lessons and songs that centered on our “Team Jesus” theme. We talked about what it means to be on Jesus’ team through faith in Him, what a life lived according to His playbook (the Bible) looks like, and what it means that we will have the final victory because He is already victorious. Our theme verse for the week was Romans 8:37: “We are more than conquerors through him who loved us,” and we taught the kids lessons from both the Old and that illustrated what it means to be “more than conquerors” with God. We also held an evening park party in both parks in hopes of bringing in more families and sharing the Gospel with them. We presented the Gospel at both park parties using the 3 Circles, and we’re praying all those circles and arrows will stick with them for a long time! In addition to the work in the parks, both teams took on several service projects during the week and were able to put the Gospel in action by helping different families in the community. Overall, the kids responded really well and seemed engaged throughout the week. Because we were week 5 of the GraceWorks program, several of the kids were already familiar with the story of Jesus and knew the basics of the Gospel. As I wrote in my last article, Alaska is the most unchurched state in the U.S., so knowing they now have some basic Bible knowledge through the efforts and outreach of GraceWorks and multiple area churches (continued on the next page) (continued from the previous page) is a big deal! I was so proud of our team of 21 ERBC members. Every day, rain or shine, they were in the parks, engaging and playing with the kids, and sharing the love of Jesus through their words and actions. I wish I had space to write about all the meaningful interactions we had throughout the week, but since I don’t, I would en- courage you to connect with one of our team members soon to hear more about it. We all agreed it was a week well-spent, and we are already discussing what future ministry with GraceWorks might look like. Thank you again for the prayers, encouragement, and financial support you offered for this trip. All of it allowed us to be the hands and feet of Jesus in a community that needs Him, and we’re praying He will continue adding more “links” to the chain of Gospel ministry in Anchorage so that more and more residents of that community will have the opportunity to hear and respond to His call to repent and believe in Him.

The featured Torchbearers for September and October are Dr. Woodrow (Woody) and Bobbie Long, currently residing in Rolling Green Village. Woody was born in Conway, SC, of Christian parents and lived there through high school. Bobbie was born in Greenville, SC, of Christian parents and lived there through high school. Both Woody and Bobbie committed their lives to Christ at an early age. Woody at one time considered the pastorate but finally decided on the medical pro- fession. Woody graduated from Furman majoring in Pre-Med. Bobbie graduated from Furman majoring in Psy- chology after attending the first two college years atNorth Greenville College. They met in Furman at a social event and were married at Piedmont Park Church in Greenville during Woody’s first year in med school. After graduating from Furman, Woody attended the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), and Bobbie taught Science at North Charleston High School to support them. Following the four years of basic medical train- ing, Woody served four years residency and three years on staff atMUSC in Surgical Urology where he performed the first kidney transplant in South Carolina. After the period as a Staff Surgical Urologist, Woody decided to enter private practice. They moved to Greenville, SC, where he joined a local urology practice. Woody remained in the practice until his retirement a few years ago. They have two children with families. Their daughter Susan; husband John Taylor; and granddaughters Barrett, Stella, and Clayton live in Greenville. Their son Wilson; wife Jennifer; and grandsons Wilson, Jr., Jonathan, and David live in the Atlanta area. Woody and Bobbie attribute their long marriage to open discussions, praying to- gether, and forgiving each other when difficult times come. Woody was first diagnosed with polio in high school during a time when medication, therapy, and medical equip- ment were not very well developed. Following the diagnosis at the Conway hospital, he was transferred to MUSC and spent seven months in therapy in an iron lung. Following the therapy period, he struggled with breathing and activities through high school, college, MUSC, and continued to struggle to live in general. Woody credits his father’s support and Bobbie’s support in helping him deal with the chronic effects as well as drawing on his faith in realizing that God will help and guide him through life. Upon moving to Greenville, Woody and Bobbie joined ERBC when Haywood Crosby was Pastor at the invitation of a neighbor. They have witnessed many changes in ERBC through different pastors, much growth, and expanded ministries. Woody and Bobbie consider their spiritual gift to be service to others. Their passion in helping oth- ers has been obvious in ERBC ministries and Woody in particular in his urology practice to help those not able to afford treatment. Woody’s interest in the pastorate profession has manifested itself in their supporting church members on mission trips since his health has prevented his going. They have been members of the Torchbearers ministry for many years. They enjoy getting to know people and fellowshipping with people in their same stage of life. Looking back, they see the Lord’s hand in leading them through everyday life. Bobbie considers Woody as her greatest blessing. Woody considers his greatest blessings Bobbie and his Dad that supported him through his medical challenges. Woody and Bobbie know that God loves them and watches over them. To encourage others, they would say to trust in the Lord knowing that He is in control and to be involved in a church in fellowship with other Christians. The September monthly meeting will be replaced by the Torchbearers Recognition Service on Sunday, September 26, postponed from April due to the Covid-19 virus. Torchbearers will be recognized during the morning worship service and honored with a meal following the worship service at no cost. To estimate attendance, please sign up by Sunday, September 19. The sign-up sheet for the Recognition meal will be located in the main church hallway. The October monthly meeting will be Monday, October 1 at 12 noon in the Student Center with a catered meal at $5 per person requiring sign-ups closing on Sunday, October 10. The meeting will include a devotional and a program to be announced soon. A Christmas Carol Sing-Along with meal is planned at the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove for Monday, December 6 at $30/person with sign-ups and paid fee required for the remaining 6 reservations until gone. The event will involve singing carols, a devotional, a buffet lunch, and time to view the always impressive Christmas decorations/manger/fireplace. Transportation will be provided by church buses leaving church at 7:30 a.m. and returning between 4:00 and 5:00 p.m. Sign-up sheets are located in the main church hallway. Please pay fee to Amy Parker in the church office; or deposit fee in church envelope with name, event, and amount into secure mail slot beside Pastor’s office or into collection plate for The Cove event; or pay at the monthly meetings. If transportation to the church is a problem for any reason, contact Amy Parker in the church office at 864-244-2975, ext. 125 to arrange transportation. Lack of transportation should not prevent you from attending.

The id Class event is an informal and relaxed time for prospective members to learn about the doctrine, stewardship and membership expectations of ERBC. These meetings will be held Sunday, September 19 and 26 at 5:30 p.m. in Room B-204. Please see edwardsroad.org/ growfall21, contact Angela Yeargin at 244-2975, ext. 141 or [email protected] to sign up.

ERBC Weekly Events Sundays: 9:00 a.m. Sunday School Classes - Various Rooms 10:30 a.m. Worship Service - Sanctuary 4:00 p.m. Praise Team Practice (starting September 12) - Sanctuary 4:30 p.m. Worship Choir and Orchestra Practice (starting September 12) - Sanctuary 5:30 p.m. AWANA, EQUIP and grow Discipleship (starting September 12) - Various Rooms 3 Circles - A Simple Gospel Conversation - Music Suite Crisis 101: Making Sense of Life... When Life Doesn’t Make Sense - Room FLC-111 Dare to Be a Daniel Men’s Bible Study - Room A-106 Modern Identity - Room B-210 With Us in the Wilderness Women’s Bible Study - Room A-104 (Library) 7:00 p.m. Difference Makers Class - Keith and Lauren Brown’s home Tuesdays: 6:00 a.m. Men’s Accountability Group - Room A-104 (Library) 8:30 a.m. Women’s Prayer Time - Room FLC-109 9:30 a.m. grow: Women’s Bible Study - Kathy Oliver’s Home - 122 Applewood Drive, 29615 12:00 p.m. Men’s Prayer Time - Library 7:00 p.m. grow: Women’s Bible Study - Linda Hester’s Home - 21 Kingsbury Way, 29617 grow: Women’s Bible Study - Fran Dill’s Home - 208 Arundel Road, 29615 Wednesdays: 9:15 a.m. grow: Women’s Bible Study - Room A-104 (Library) 6:00 p.m. grow: Women’s Bible Study - Room A-106 6:30 p.m. grow: Wednesday Night Bible Study Revelation Revisited - Sanctuary (starts September 15) Student Ministry The HUB - Student Center Thursdays: 10:30 a.m. Torchbearers Senior Adult Choir Practice - Music Suite 11:00 a.m. Handbell Choir Practice - Room FLC-111 Saturdays: 8:00 a.m. i-9 Soccer - Hudson/Devenger Roads Soccer Fields 10:00 a.m. Homeschool Polish Class (starting September 25) - Room A-106 Special Events for September Wednesday, September 1: 6:30 p.m. Student Ministry The HUB begins - Student Center Monday, September 6: Church Offices Closed for Labor Day Holiday Tuesday, September 7: WEE Classes begin - Preschool Hall Thursday, September 9: 7:00 p.m. Operation Christmas Child Meeting - Room A-104 (Library) Friday, September 10: 6:00 p.m. Equip Conference Dinner/Opening Session - Family Life Center Saturday, September 11: 8:00 a.m. i9 Soccer begins - Hudson/Devenger Roads Soccer Fields Equip Conference Men’s Breakfast/Session - Family Life Center 12:00 p.m. Equip Conference Women’s Luncheon/Session - Family Life Center Sunday, September 12: 9:00 a.m. Equip Conference Session for all Adult Classes - Sanctuary 10:30 a.m. Equip Conference - Sanctuary 12:00 p.m. Equip Conference Volunteer/Speaker Luncheon - Family Life Center 4:00 p.m. Praise Team Practice begins - Sanctuary 4:30 p.m. Worship Choir/Orchestra Practice begins - Sanctuary 5:30 p.m. AWANA for Children begins - Family Life Center/Preschool Hall/Sanctuary EQUIP for Students begins - Student Center grow Discipleship begins - Various Rooms (see Weekly Events on previous page) Monday, September 13: 11:45 a.m. Prayer Cover Lunch - A-104 (Library) Tuesday, September 14: 9:30 a.m. grow Women’s Bible Study begins - Kathy Oliver’s Home 10:30 a.m. WMU (Women’s Missionary Union) Monthly Meeting and Lunch - Room FLC-110/111 2:30 p.m. Good News Club begins - Lake Forest Elementary School 7:00 p.m. grow Women’s Bible Study begins - 2 locations Wednesday, September 15: 9:15 a.m. grow Women’s Bible Study begins - Room A-104 (Library) 6:00 p.m. grow Women’s Bible Study begins - Room A-106 6:30 p.m. Bylaws Vote/Wednesday Night Bible Study Revelation Revisited begins - Sanctuary Thursday, September 16: 10:00 a.m. Torchbearers Senior Adult Choir Practice begins - Music Suite 11:00 a.m. Handbell Choir Practice begins - Room FLC-111 Saturday, September 18: 2:30 p.m. Memorial Service for Sarah Allen - Sanctuary (Ice Cream Social to follow) Sunday, September 19: 4:00 p.m. Deacons Meeting - Room FLC-111 5:30 p.m. id Class Part 1 - Room B-204 Wednesday, September 22: 5:30 p.m. Finance Team Meeting - Zoom Saturday, September 25: 10:00 a.m. Homeschool Polish Class begins - Room A-104 (Library) 4:00 p.m. Halbert Class Fellowship - Family Life Center Sunday, September 26: 10:30 a.m. Torchbearers Senior Adult Recognition/Worship Service - Sanctuary 12:00 p.m. Torchbearers Senior Adult Recognition Luncheon - Family Life Center 5:30 p.m. id Class Part 2 - Room B-204

Special Events for October Sunday, October 3: 10:30 a.m. Worship Service/Lord’s Supper - Sanctuary Monday, October 4: 11:45 a.m. Prayer Cover Lunch - A-104 (Library) Saturday, October 9: 8:30 a.m. Life Line Screening - Family Life Center 9:00 a.m. Women’s Conference - Sanctuary Tuesday, October 12: 10:30 a.m. WMU (Women’s Missionary Union) Monthly Meeting and Lunch - Room FLC-110/111 6:00 p.m. WEE CPR Class - Student Center Thursday, October 14: 7:00 p.m. Operation Christmas Child Meeting - Room A-104 (Library) Sunday, October 17: 4:00 p.m. Deacons Meeting - Room FLC-111 Monday, October 18: No WEE School 12:00 p.m. Torchbearers Senior Adult Monthly Meeting and Lunch - Student Center Tuesday, October 19: No WEE School 6:00 p.m. Finance Team Budget Meeting - Room A-106 Sunday, October 31: 5:30 p.m. Harvest Carnival - Family Life Center (no other evening activities) Our Church Family September Holly Carver 21 Melinda Siefert 8 Birthdays Marion Terry 21 Christopher Tanner 9 We Welcome these New Members: Eddie Turner 1 Rowena Thibodeaux 21 Jim Frazier 9 Taylor Wilson and Averi Kelley Walter Hunt 1 Katy Brooks 21 Taylor Nash 10 by Profession of Faith seeking Baptism. Caleb Knight 2 Rachel Banks 21 Tyrus Cobb 10 Luke Griffin 2 Chris Davis 22 Will Kendjoria 10 Julie Foss 3 Logan Stroud 22 Eric Coggins 10 Condolences to Members and Their Don Alewine 4 Ashley Smith-Bishop 22 Ken Brown 10 Sam Brown 4 Chip Williams 22 Families on these Deaths: Camille Creps 10 Martha Kidd, Grandmother of Kathy Wyant, July 21; David Geyer 4 Chandler Ott 22 Aiden Rogers 5 Jon Hinson 23 Lindsey Latta 10 Frances Patton, Mother of Sue Abbott, July 30; Colton Parker 5 Ouida Williams 23 Rylan Harbin 11 Jim Stovall, Jr. July 31; Alex Littlejohn 5 Grady Brown 23 Lauren Hutto 12 Don Williams, Brother of Walter Williams, August 3; Scott Siefert 6 Tory Holt 23 Clint Gates 12 Sarah Allen August 5; Clint Rigsby 6 Deborah Taylor 23 Marion Rentz 12 Carol Whetsell, Sister of Nancy Warner, August 15; Rachel Wade 6 James Silvers 23 Walter Williams 12 Margaret Elizabeth Brown, Jeff Heath 7 Ileen Rector 23 Oni Maxey 12 Mother of Linda Harrigan, August 15; Lila Tyler 7 Sarah Grace Harris 23 Donna Stroud 13 Roberta Ratterree, Sister of Emmalyn Heath, Patsy Pennell 8 Glenda Brown 23 Linda Cobb 13 Joyce Breland 8 Corey Alix 23 Bill Cary 13 August 16; and Rebecca Ward 8 Laurie McNair 23 Terry Len Waites, Son-in-law of Stella Stowe, John Allen 14 Hazel Smith-Bishop 8 Greg Gratz 23 Don Stokes 14 August 18. Jill Harris 9 Trent Kyzer 24 Jim Wall 14 Dale Hefner 10 Tiffany Buress 24 Helania Vallier 10 Katherine Fields 25 Sara Warren 15 Staff Anniversaries: Sheila Brock 11 Skeet Martin 25 Kalie Smith 15 Renée Blackwelder, Administrative Assistant, Graham Fogle 12 Josh Lackey 25 Madeline Staab 18 Weekday Early Education Progam, 30 years. Kristin Stageberg 12 Larry Kendall 26 Greg Berfield 18 Kemp Bouknight 13 Wayne Moore 27 Abby Banks 18 Kathryn Ott 13 Harry King 27 Tanner Wilson 19 Thank You for Your Consistent Terry Blackmon 14 Sarah Alix 27 Kevin Hunter 19 Micah Silvers 14 Gloria Culver 27 Whitney McKee 19 Giving and Faithfulness! Jadyn Patterson 14 Joann Martin 28 Margaret Carter 20 Giving as of Year-to-Date Budget Linda Frost 14 Bobbie Bagwell 28 Chicketa Hamilton 20 8/30/21 Received Need Bill Dill 14 John Moll 28 Sam Scalf 20 Lily McWhite 14 James Kellett 28 $1,266,460.79 $1,357,845.19 Noah Rigsby 20 Budget Ike Johnson 15 Madison Smith 28 Matthew Bowling 21 Missions $107,389.03 $131,250.00 Alan Corbin 15 Beverly Harcum 29 Offering Jessica Griffin 21 Jonan Clayton 15 Harrison Knight 30 Mark Griffin 15 Maureen Rhea 30 Suzanne Gregory 21 YTD Received $1,266,460.79 Phillip Dillard 22 Marci Shetler 16 October YTD Expenses $1,180,987.11 Jay Kerr 22 Receipts are above Expenses by 7.24% Samuel Guthrie 16 Birthdays Paula Edwards 17 Hannah Brown 1 Lane Dumit 23 Jane Smith 17 Carol Rice 1 Karen Milner 23 Conley Hunt 17 Holly Lee 1 Jim Ball 24 Calvin Hunt 17 Heather Kyzer 1 Lamar Haltiwanger 25 Rachel Barrett 18 Sandy Cary 1 Rebekah Mason 25 Holden McGill 18 Titus Henry 4 Dana Swartzel 25 Tim Sorrells 18 Soffia Hamilton 4 Hannah Smith 25 Anna Bullock 18 Kaylyn Tyler 4 Amelia Silvers 26 Lisa Trull 18 Edward Coggins 5 Kim Kellett 27 Mia Rayburn 18 Cynthia Rush 27 Jake Burnett 18 Lee Berfield 5 Zachary Shetler 28 Anne Foster 19 Jack Rincon 5 Peggy Martinez 19 Kathryn Ferguson 5 Meredith Swiger 28 Allyson Hancock 20 Janice Broughton 6 John Pennell 28 Sam Manley 20 Andrew Frazier 6 Judy Callahan 29 Malia Taylor 20 Aaron Rayburn 6 Roxanne Padgett 29 Abby Parris 21 Jack Rayburn 6 Janice Cockrell 30 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED

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1050 Edwards Road • Greenville, SC 29615 Phone: 864-244-2975 • Fax: 864-244-0252 • 24-Hour Prayer: 864-244-4544 Ministry Staff Aaron Rayburn Malia Taylor Senior Pastor Weekday Program Director Assistant: Angela Yeargin - Ext. 141 Ext. 127 Bob Allen Assistant: Renee Blackwelder Education and Administration Pastor Ext. 130 Assistant: Judy Ellison - Ext. 114 Amy Sweeney Travis Cross Preschool Ministries Director Family Ministries Pastor Ext. 120 Assistant: Ginger Hall - Ext. 111 Judy Ellison Clay Smith Office Manager Worship Arts Pastor Ext. 114 Assistant: Amy Parker - Ext. 125 John Freeman LoriAnne Tolbert Student Ministries Pastor Finance/Budget Administrator Assistant: Ginger Hall - Ext. 111 Ext. 113 David McWhite Kristina Joyner Missions, Outreach and Young Couples Pastor Childcare and Resource Coordinator Assistant: Jerri Ward - Ext. 100 [email protected]