Rudgwick Parish Council Weekly Clerk’s Update: 18 – 26 May 2020 (Agenda June 2020) To: Parish Councillors c.c: Christian Mitchell (West County Councillor) Richard Landeryou ( District Councillor)

From: Jonna Foote ______

The weekly update provides information regarding: • Announcements/delegated decisions by the Clerk • Planning information • Correspondence/communications from parishioners • Correspondence/communications from outside organisations

List of organisations that communicate with the Council on a regular basis. o AIRS (Action in Rural Sussex) o APCAG (Association of Parish Councils Aviation Group) o CAGNE (Communities Against Gatwick Noise Emission) o CPRE (Campaign to Protect Rural ) o HALC (Horsham Association of Local Councils) o HDC ( Council) o NALC (National Association of Local Councils) o SECA (The South East Climate Alliance) o SSALC ( and Sussex Association of Local Councils) o WSCC ( District Council) ______

Clerk’s announcements/delegated decisions:

• Open Space Warden has reported that wood deposited at the side of the KGV building last year when Football club emptied their shed, has now been moved to the back. • Clerk requested permissive path (KGV) and Foxholes Copse (entrance and path) to be cut at start of June. • Clerk has sent letters requesting support regarding Allotments to five local landowners. • Open Space Warden has reported that giant hogweed require treating – contractor has been contacted and work will be undertaken at the end of the week, the OSW is available if contractor requests guidance on exact location. • Open Space Warden also reported overflowing bin in the Skatepark (beer bottles) – may the Council please remind the public that this facility is closed, for young and old(er). Contacted HDC. • Clerk has contacted Field in Trust regarding fence (as detailed/ to be undertaken by Rudgwick football club) around KGV field, as it has become apparent (SSALC/legal team) that their agreement is to be obtained. • Submitted meter reading for KGV solar panels to British Gas.


• Requested contract to service both KGV/RH solar panels and replace RH inverter. • Hub have transferred £20.79 for use by the Rudgwick Covid 19 Community Care Group if required. The money will be returned to the hub for distribution to the food bank if not required. • A parishioner enquired after the possibility of funding a bench in memory of a family member. • Update from Rudgwick Covid 19 Community care Group has been received: Activities

For w/c 12/05 81 volunteers and 45 requests

For w/c 19/05. 80 volunteers and 45 requests.

We have also opened up Rudgwick Larder to direct access for residents, although no uptake in first week of this change. (Clerk has been requested to put up posters on noticeboard/ RH door.

New Applications (Delegated Decision) Delegated Decisions for noting at Rudgwick Parish Council Meeting Application Applicant Reason for Application Recommendation Official No Response Date DISC/20/0117 Pathfield Close, 3 - Construction and Environment Not Rudgwick Management Plan (Sections A + B) available 5 - Surface water disposal drawings - See enclosed Planning Statement for full list of drawings 6 - Contamination and remediation proposals - See enclosed Planning Statement for full list of documents 10 - Schedule of external material finishes & colours 11 - Copy of Sunninghill Construction Co. letter, issued to Sussex Building Control w/c 4th May 2020, confirming compliance with optional requirement of building regulation G2 12 - Biodiversity enhancement proposals - See enclosed Planning Statement for full list of drawings/documents

Delegated Decisions Delegated Decisions for noting at Rudgwick Parish Council Meeting Application Applicant Reason for Application Recommendation Official No Response Date


DC/20/0858 Monks Farm, Prior Notification for the change of No objection 28.05.2020 06.05.2020 Honeywood use of agricultural building to a single provided that HDC Lane, Okewood dwellinghouse. planning are Hill, Dorking satisfied that the agricultural building is redundant.

Decisions HDC Council Decisions – Rudgwick Parish Council Meeting

Application Applicant Reason for Application RPC HDC No Recommendation Decision DC/20/0476 1 Queen Elizabeth Retrospective application for No objection Permitted Road, Rudgwick the erection of a carport on existing driveway.

DC/20/0549 Windacres Farm, Retrospective application for Objection, the Permitted Church Street, the retention of a lean-to associated building Rudgwick agricultural storage building has not been approved. DC/20/0550 Windacres Farm, Retrospective application for Objection Permitted Church Street, the retention of an Rudgwick agricultural storage building |

Applications going to Committee Applications going to Committee – Rudgwick Parish Council Meeting Application Applicant Reason for Application RPC Planning No Recommendation Committee Date None

Appeals Lodged / Appeals Decided Appeals Lodged / Appeals Decided – Rudgwick Parish Council Meeting Application Applicant Reason for Application RPC Public No Recommendation Inquiry/Written Representation None

Applications going to Committee

Applications going to Committee – Rudgwick Parish Council Meeting Application Applicant Reason for Application RPC Planning No Recommendation Committee Date None

Enforcement Numbers

Enforcement Numbers 3

Enforcement Numbers – Rudgwick Parish Council Meeting 8th June 2020 EN/20/0190 Sunnyside Nurseries, Loxwood Road, Rudgwick Alleged: Stationing of two mobile homes on the land for residential use EN/20/0189 Oakdale Farm Loxwood Road Rudgwick Alleged: Unauthorised use of agricultural barn approved under prior notification application DC/19/1552 as a distribution warehouse for Plantsbypost

Correspondence/communications from parishioners / to the Council •

Emails/correspondence from external organisations/people

• Further interest in Rudgwick allotments has been received. •

18.05.2020 from GOV.UK Daily update from GOV.UK.

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Funding and manufacturing boost for UK vaccine programme

Page summary UK’s top researchers rapidly working to find a coronavirus vaccine will benefit from £84 million of new government funding.

Change made First published.

18.05.2020 Email from WSCC West Sussex County Council Weekly COVID newsletter - How is the coronavirus pandemic affecting you? Let us know.

Hello All My weekly communication raising the awareness of the West Sussex County Council Weekly COVID newsletter to residents. Some of the Headlines:

• We are launching a survey to gather your views and to assess the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on your lives. – Please disseminate this article through your networks so they can complete the survey. Deadline 31/5/20. I plan to be in touch with Parish & Town Councils 4

separately with further questions to obtain a picture of the good stuff you have been doing locally.

• There is #NoExcuseForAbuse - support for victims of domestic abuse now available 7 days a week

• Household Waste Recycling Sites are open – protocols in place

• Help us protect the county’s children

• Help is still available

As usual any questions please let me know. Many thanks, Sue Sue Furlong Community Initiatives Principal Theme Lead, Partnership and Communities Team Communities West Sussex County Council, Room 237, 2nd Floor, East Wing, County Hall, Chichester

20.05.2020 HDC Planning Enforcement Team – update

You will be aware the Council served an Enforcement Notice on Land at Guildford Road, Rudgwick, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 3JD (otherwise known as Raven’s Wood, Plot 9) for ‘‘Without planning permission, the material change of the land from agricultural land to use for residential purposes including the stationing of a caravan used for human habitation, the stationing of a touring caravan together with storage of vehicles used in connection with the unauthorised use and other residential paraphernalia and associated laying of hard standing on land’. The date for Compliance was the 1st June 2020.

The Council also served two Enforcement Notices on land at Windacres EN/18/0398 for ‘Without planning permission, the change of use of the Land from use for agricultural purposes to mixed use for agriculture and for the stationing of a storage container for human habitation which constitute the unauthorised material change of use of the Land.’ and Enforcement Notice - EN/18/0170 for ‘Without planning permission the erection of an agricultural building and laying of associated hardstanding’. The Compliance period for both notices was the 18th May 2020.

I am emailing you to advise that the Council has extended the Compliance Period for the requirements of the notice to the 30th September 2020 for the Windacres site and to the 1st October 2020 for the Land at Guildford Road site. The reason for this is as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and legislation relating to lockdown set out in The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020 and restrictions on movement during this time. The Council therefore considered that it was reasonable to extend the Compliance period.

For the Windacres enforcement notice (EN/18/0170) relating to the barn, the barn the subject of this notice has now been granted planning permission (DC/20/0556 & DC/20/0549). Therefore the Council are in the process of sending out a Withdrawal notice to the enforcement notice as it is now a lawful development. This is likely to be sent out next week.


The Council will undertake a site visit after the Compliance period deadline to check if compliance with the notice has been achieved and the requirements of the notice met.

If you have any queries on either of these notices please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards

Principal Planning Compliance Officer

19.05.2020 Email from WSCC WSCC news release - Update on available registration services in West Sussex

news release

PR 14888 For Immediate Release 19 May 2020

Update on available registration services in West Sussex

Even with the updated guidance and minimal easing of lockdown announced by government, there are still restrictions in place for registering births and deaths across West Sussex.

The West Sussex County Council Registration Service currently has the following guidance in place for residents.

Registering a birth Birth registration appointments are on hold as the current legislation from The General Register Office only allows face to face appointments.

However, parents are able to make a claim for child benefit or universal credit, prior to the birth being registered.

Until the service is able to reinstate birth registration, they understand that individuals will not be able to register births within the normal 42 day period.

Registering a death


If residents need to register a death in West Sussex, they are required to do this within five days, and all registrations are now taking place by telephone.

To book an appointment, please visit or call 01243 642122 for assistance.

Individuals will then be contacted by an experienced registrar who will guide them through the whole process by telephone and help to complete the registration.

If individuals have been given the Medical Cause of Death Certificate provided by the doctor, please drop it in to one of the following registration offices, as soon as possible: Crawley, Chichester, Haywards Heath or Worthing - this must be done before the time of your appointment.

For the most up-to-date information on the current situation of services being run by the County Council, please visit

19.05.2020 Email from HDC Agenda supplement published - Group Leader Committee Schedule : Meeting of Wednesday, 20th May, 2020 6.00 pm, Council.

Council and cabinet meetings

Agendas, minutes and publications

Tuesday, 19th May, 2020, 12.53 pm - Agenda supplement published - Group Leader Committee Schedule : Meeting of Wednesday, 20th May, 2020 6.00 pm, Council.

19-05-2020 01:53 PM BST

This item matches your subscribed committee "Council"


Stay connected

Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1RL

20.05.2020 Email from GOV.UK Coronavirus Daily Update

Daily update from GOV.UK.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Latest figures show millions benefitting from Treasury coronavirus support schemes Page summary New figures on the UK-wide government support schemes for individuals and businesses have been published today, Tuesday 19 May 2020. Change made First published. Time updated 10:26am, 19 May 2020

Conservationists rescued from one of the most isolated places in the world Page summary A team of conservationists stranded on one of the most remote places on earth made

it back to the UK following a 12-day voyage to Ascension Island and a military flight home. Change made First published. Time updated 1:43pm, 19 May 2020

Procurement Policy Note 02/20: Supplier relief due to COVID-19 Page summary This Procurement Policy Note (PPN) sets out information and guidance for public bodies on payment of their suppliers to ensure service continuity during and after the current coronavirus, COVID-19, outbreak. Change made Updated ‘PPN 02/20: Additional guidance, FAQs and model terms for construction’ to newer version.


Time updated 2:07pm, 19 May 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19): attendance in education and early years settings Page summary A summary of how many children and teachers attended education and childcare settings since Monday 23 March. Change made Updated COVID-19 attendance in education settings data and added Coronavirus (COVID-19) attendance in education settings: 15 May 2020 summary. Time updated 2:43pm, 19 May 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19): admission and care of people in care homes Page summary How to protect care home residents and staff during the coronavirus outbreak. Change made Updated the guidance to add a loss of, or change in, normal sense of smell or taste (anosmia) as a symptom of coronavirus. The changes are in Section 2, Annex A and Annex B. Time updated 3:20pm, 19 May 2020

How tests and testing kits for coronavirus (COVID-19) work Page summary The different types of tests and testing kits for COVID-19, and the specifications for manufacturers. Change made Added new HTML document on the process for developing and evaluating novel molecular assays for COVID-19 Time updated 4:28pm, 19 May 2020

Slides and datasets to accompany coronavirus press conference: 19 May 2020 Page summary Press conference slides and datasets used by The Rt Hon George Eustice MP and Professor Angela McLean, Deputy Chief Scientific Adviser. Change made First published.


Time updated 5:10pm, 19 May 2020

Wales to receive additional £64.5m as a result of transport funding in England Page summary The UK Government has now provided over £2.2 billion in direct funding to Wales in order to manage the impact of coronavirus Change made Added translation Time updated 5:25pm, 19 May 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19): apprenticeship programme response Page summary Guidance for apprentices, employers, training providers and assessment organisations in response to the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19). Change made Updated with information on training and assessing apprentices in line with the government’s new safer working guidelines, calculating wages for furloughed apprentices, off-the-job training, and redundant apprentices. Time updated 5:34pm, 19 May 2020

Coronavirus grant funding: local authority payments to small and medium businesses Page summary Local authorities have received and distributed funding to support small and medium businesses in England during coronavirus. Change made Data updated as of 17 May 2020. Time updated 6:18pm, 19 May 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19): support for care homes Page summary Sets out the support package to keep care homes safe during the coronavirus pandemic. Change made Attached the template for local authorities to return by 29 May as part of local care home support planning.


Time updated 7:50pm, 19 May 2020

£40m boost for cutting-edge start-ups Page summary Innovative businesses and start-ups are set to benefit from a £40 million government investment to drive forward new technological advances. Change made First published. Time updated 7:00am, 20 May 2020

Unsubscribe from ‘Coronavirus (COVID-19)’ You’re getting this email because you subscribed to daily updates on these topics on GOV.UK. View, unsubscribe or change the frequency of your subscriptions Is this email useful? Answer some questions to tell us more.

20.05.2020 Email from WSCC Pandemic local impact survey - tell us your views

West Sussex R esidents' Survey C OVID-19


Special issue | May 2020

Pandemic survey - West Sussex

Dear residents and partners,

We know the current situation is affecting our residents in various different ways and we would like to understand how we can effectively support you.

We have launched a survey to gather your views and to assess the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on your lives.

Tell us how your lives have changed, how you are coping and what your thoughts are on life after this crisis. Your answers will help to shape our response to the current crisis as well as our plans for the future.

Please take 10-15 minutes to complete this very important survey by Sunday 31 May 2020.

Thank you in advance for your time and for your continued support.


Manage your preferences | Help with your account

20.05.2020 Email from HDC Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information and advice for public and businesses

Information and advice for public and busi nesses fr om H orsham District C ouncil duri ng the cor onavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Information and advice for public and businesses

Timestamp: 20 May 2020 This is a regular email bulletin from Horsham District Council updating you on the latest guidance and advice about coronavirus (COVID-19), updates about Council services and actions being taken. This bulletin has been sent to public email subscribers, Horsham District Council members, Parish Council clerks and Horsham District Council staff.


Help the COVID-19 Appeal reach its £10,000 target

Thanks to your generosity, the Horsham District (COVID-19) Appeal has so far raised £7,206 - but there's still a way to go to meet the £10,000 target by the end of May. Funds are being distributed to the 27 volunteer hubs and charitable and community organisations across the District who are helping to support local people through the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. From providing friendly phone calls to buying and delivering essential food and medicines, volunteers are giving their time to support vulnerable people or those whose live have been affected by the pandemic.


Make a donation

Community safety and support

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic Resident Survey How has the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic affected you and your family? West Sussex County Council are asking for your experiences, concerns and understanding of national guidance. The survey should take no-longer than 10-15 mintues to complete. The responses you provide will be used by West Sussex County Council to help inform the county's response going forward.

Share your experiences

#KindnessMatters this Mental Health Awareness Week Each year the Mental Health Foundation campaign around a specific theme to raise awareness of topics related to mental health. The theme this year is kindness. Here are some ways that you can help spread the word: • Reflect on an act of kindness by sharing your stories and pictures of kindness on social media by using #KindnessMatters and #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek • Download resources from the campaign website to use with your friends, family, school, workplace and community • Share your ideas and views on how you think we could build a kinder society that would support our mental health Find out more and how you can help support kindness in your community

Children activities

Discover Horsham District's weekly Instagram quiz Join the weekly Friday quiz over on the Discover Horsham District Instagram profile. They are a great way to get the kids interested in their local area and are a chance to even learn something new about their home. Join the weekly Instagram quiz Draw with Disney


These creative 'Disney Magic Moments' videos can help you and your children bring all their favourite characters to life. They are all free and are a great way to stay creative over the Half-Term break. Watch Disney's Magic Moments on YouTube

NHS guidance

Do not leave home if you or someone you live with has any of the following:

• a high temperature • a new, continuous cough • a loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste Check the NHS website if you have symptoms

Support local businesses

Take part in Horsham Time Well Spent's regular online trails for a chance to win some fantastic prizes! The trails are produced in partnership with local Horsham District businesses with the aim of supporting them through the challenging months ahead. Visit Horsham Time Well Spent's Facebook page to enter



Southern Rail and Thameslink train time changes Govia Thameslink, who manage Southern Rail and Thameslink train services, have announced changes to their train times. It is vital that you follow government guidelines on permitted travel and only use public transport if you have no other means of completing your journey. Find out more about the changes and using trains during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

Quick links

GOV.UK NHS information and advice Staying at home: what you can and can't do

Stay connected

Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1RL

20.05.2020 Email from WSCC WSCC news release - County’s coronavirus response and recovery

news release

PR 14889 For Immediate Release


20 May 2020

County’s coronavirus response and recovery

West Sussex County Council’s Cabinet members will report on the authority’s response to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak at their forthcoming meeting. The Cabinet will give an update on the response to the COVID-19 emergency, which has included the formation of a brand-new Community Hub to help vulnerable residents, as well as support for care homes and the NHS. Cabinet members will consider the significant impact of the virus on the county’s economy, particularly on local businesses and the livelihoods of residents. They will focus on the County Council’s role in delivering the Government’s national recovery strategy in partnership with districts and borough councils, as well as the Coast To Capital Local Enterprise Partnership. The phased return to school for pupils and staff, support for the care home sector and the predicted financial impact of the outbreak on the Council will also be discussed as part of the authority’s recovery plan. Leader of West Sussex County Council, Paul Marshall, said: “For West Sussex, like the rest of the country, the impact of COVID-19 will be far-reaching and will leave its mark. We need to work with our partners at local, regional and national level to make the very best of our communities, of our businesses and our industries, and support them to move forward. “We must take the best of what this really challenging time has taught us to help us focus on what it is that makes West Sussex tick and how we can help it thrive and fulfil its potential in the future.” Members of the public will be able to listen to live audio from the meeting, which will take place via conference call on Tuesday 26 May from 10.30am. During the meeting the Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, Nigel Jupp, will present a report which recommends the use of capital funds to rebuild Woodlands Meed College special school, on its existing site at Birchwood Grove Road, in Burgess Hill. Members will also discuss a report on performance across West Sussex County Council for the year ending on 31 March 2020. The agenda papers can be read on the County Council’s website, where the webcast will be broadcast live.

20.05.2020 Email from WSCC WSCC news release Supporting schools to safely begin reopening

18 news release

PR 14890 For Immediate Release 20 May 2020

Supporting schools to safely begin reopening

The County Council is continuing to work closely with West Sussex schools to support a phased return of pupils in a safe and managed way.

Detailed discussions have been held with school and academy representatives and unions to consider the government’s position that schools should begin to reopen from next month.

The council’s aim is for the phased return to start from 1 June , in line with national guidance. Schools are showing support for this approach.

Schools’ individual risk assessments are identifying how they can best manage this and maintain the safety of their pupils and staff. Priority places will continue to be given to children who are vulnerable, those with Education Health and Care Plans and the children of key workers across all year groups. The council is also asking schools to prioritise disadvantaged pupils and those who have limited access to online resources in both primary and secondary schools.

It means that the way schools will manage the return of different year groups will vary across the county and may mean that not all of the specified year groups will go back to school at the same time.

Nigel Jupp, Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, said: “I would like to thank all of the teachers and school staff across West Sussex who continue to work tirelessly for their pupils. I am also extremely grateful to the children, parents and carers who have adapted so well in very difficult circumstances.

“We are supporting schools to plan for a phased reopening in a safe and managed way for all pupils and staff.

“Throughout the lockdown, our education team has worked together with headteachers, governors and unions. The number of children, including those who are vulnerable, attending school during this period has been above the national average. Everyone involved in education in West Sussex wants what’s best for our children – to keep them safe and keep them learning.”

21.05. 2020 Email from HDC Planning Enforcement Dept EN/19/0057 - Land at Guildford Road, Mobile Home Enforcement Notice & EN/18/0170/EN/18/0398 - Windacres Enforcement Notices - Extension of Compliance period

Dear Cllr Landeryou and Jonna


You will be aware the Council served an Enforcement Notice on Land at Guildford Road, Rudgwick, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 3JD (otherwise known as Raven’s Wood, Plot 9) for ‘‘Without planning permission, the material change of the land from agricultural land to use for residential purposes including the stationing of a caravan used for human habitation, the stationing of a touring caravan together with storage of vehicles used in connection with the unauthorised use and other residential paraphernalia and associated laying of hard standing on land’. The date for Compliance was the 1st June 2020.

The Council also served two Enforcement Notices on land at Windacres EN/18/0398 for ‘Without planning permission, the change of use of the Land from use for agricultural purposes to mixed use for agriculture and for the stationing of a storage container for human habitation which constitute the unauthorised material change of use of the Land.’ and Enforcement Notice - EN/18/0170 for ‘Without planning permission the erection of an agricultural building and laying of associated hardstanding’. The Compliance period for both notices was the 18th May 2020.

I am emailing you to advise that the Council has extended the Compliance Period for the requirements of the notice to the 30th September 2020 for the Windacres site and to the 1st October 2020 for the Land at Guildford Road site. The reason for this is as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and legislation relating to lockdown set out in The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020 and restrictions on movement during this time. The Council therefore considered that it was reasonable to extend the Compliance period.

For the Windacres enforcement notice (EN/18/0170) relating to the barn, the barn the subject of this notice has now been granted planning permission (DC/20/0556 & DC/20/0549). Therefore the Council are in the process of sending out a Withdrawal notice to the enforcement notice as it is now a lawful development. This is likely to be sent out next week.

The Council will undertake a site visit after the Compliance period deadline to check if compliance with the notice has been achieved and the requirements of the notice met.

If you have any queries on either of these notices please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards

21.05.2020 Email from WSCC WSCC news release How has the Coronavirus pandemic impacted you?

news release


PR 14891 For Immediate Release 21 May 2020

How has the Coronavirus pandemic impacted you?

West Sussex County Council is asking all residents what impact the Coronavirus pandemic has had on them in their latest Have Your Say survey.

Until Sunday 31 May, everybody across West Sussex is being invited to answer 24 questions which will help inform how the County Council moves forward during the crisis and beyond.

Bob Lanzer, Cabinet Member for Economy and Corporate Resources, said: “We’ve already had more than 7,800 responses since the survey opened last Friday (15 May). With a population of around 864,000 residents, this equates to almost 1 in 100 people having their say, but we want more people to take part to give us a really clear picture of how the pandemic has affected you and your families so we can work out the best way forward for West Sussex and where our focus should be.”

The survey takes around 15 minutes to complete and the results will be fed back via the ‘Have Your Say’ consultation hub on Tuesday 30 June.

To take part, visit

If residents need the survey in an alternative format, or experience any problems with the survey, they can call 0330 2222 146 or e-mail [email protected] and they will do their best to assist you.

If you are deaf or hard of hearing and have an NGT texting app installed on your computer, laptop or smartphone you can contact them on 18001 033022 22 146.

21.05.2020 Email from GOV.UK Coronavirus Daily Update

Daily update from GOV.UK.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Capacity Market: proposal to relax the rules temporarily in response to COVID-19 Page summary We’re seeking views on ways to relax certain Capacity Market obligations and deadlines, reduce the burden and minimise terminations during COVID-19. Change made Government response published.


Time updated 9:00am, 20 May 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance for educational settings Page summary Guidance for schools and other educational settings about coronavirus (COVID-19). Change made Added updated poster. Time updated 11:43am, 20 May 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19): safeguarding in schools, colleges and other providers Page summary Guidance for schools and colleges to support them keeping children safe, including online, during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Change made Updated to provide guidance on what schools and colleges should be thinking about as they plan for more children to return from week commencing 1 June – especially around updating the child protection policy, designated safeguarding lead arrangements, protecting vulnerable children and mental health. Time updated 11:47am, 20 May 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19): changes to the Care Act 2014 Page summary Changes to the Care Act 2014 to help local authorities prioritise care and support during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Change made In Section 6, added local MPs to the list of people to whom the decision to exercise Care Act easements should be communicated. Added a paragraph at the end of Section 6 listing who the local authorities’ information will be shared with and how to find out details of which local authorities are operating under easements. Added a link to guidance on direct payments in Annex B. Time updated 4:09pm, 20 May 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19): letter to all postmasters Page summary Letter from the Minister for Small Business, Consumers and Corporate Responsibility, Paul Scully, to all postmasters, their staff and Post Office employees. 22

Change made First published. Time updated 4:19pm, 20 May 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19): scientific evidence supporting the UK government response Page summary The national and global response to the spread of COVID-19 continues to develop quickly and our collective knowledge of the virus is growing by the second. Change made We have updated the list of evidence provided to SAGE with reports from the COVID- 19 Clinical Information Network (CO-CIN). Time updated 4:21pm, 20 May 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19): recreational general aviation Page summary Guidance on recreational general aviation (GA) flying during the coronavirus outbreak. Change made Link added to Northern Ireland guidance document. Time updated 4:28pm, 20 May 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19): informing DHSC of the death of a worker in social care Page summary How local authorities and social care providers can tell DHSC about the death of an employee or volunteer in social care. Change made First published. Time updated 4:28pm, 20 May 2020

Slides and datasets to accompany coronavirus press conference: 20 May 2020 Page summary Press conference slides and datasets used by The Rt Hon Oliver Dowden CBE MP and Professor Stephen Powis. Change made First published.


Time updated 5:14pm, 20 May 2020

COVID-19: guidance for stepdown of infection control precautions within hospitals and discharging COVID-19 patients from hospital to home settings Page summary Advice on appropriate infection prevention and control (IPC) precautions for stepdown in hospital or discharge to home or residential settings. Change made Updated guidance (all sections). Time updated 6:47pm, 20 May 2020

What parents and carers need to know about schools and other education settings during the coronavirus outbreak Page summary Information for parents and carers about the wider opening of nurseries, schools and colleges, transport, attendance, free school meals and remote education. Change made Added information about the bank holiday and half term. Updated information on 30 hours free childcare, transport and SEND. Time updated 7:11pm, 20 May 2020

Coronavirus and regional security: UK statement on Foreign Ministers' meeting Page summary The Foreign Secretary hosted a meeting with the Turkish, French, and German Foreign Ministers, to discuss coronavirus as well as Middle East security issues. Change made First published. Time updated 7:11pm, 20 May 2020

Oliver Dowden's statement on coronavirus (COVID-19): 20 May 2020 Page summary Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Secretary gave the 20 May 2020 daily press briefing on the government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Change made First published.


Time updated 7:23pm, 20 May 2020

Unsubscribe from ‘Coronavirus (COVID-19)’ You’re getting this email because you subscribed to daily updates on these topics on GOV.UK. View, unsubscribe or change the frequency of your subscriptions Is this email useful? Answer some questions to tell us more.

21.05.2020 Email from WSCC WSCC news release Governance Committee agrees way forward on council meetings until July 2020

news release

PR 14892 For Immediate Release 21 May 2020

Governance Committee agrees way forward on council meetings until July 2020

A decision on which council meetings will take place between now and the end of July has been taken by West Sussex County Council.

The decision by the Governance Committee at its meeting on Wednesday 20 May, will allow for a focus on priority and essential business whilst in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Cabinet meetings will continue to be held monthly for collective decision making as well as for updates on and the impact of Covid-19 and the Council’s response.

Scrutiny Committees will continue to meet to consider proposals that the Cabinet is expected to consider.

The Council’s Audit Committee will also still meet as planned as will the Full Council meeting on 17 July and the agenda for this Council meeting will be settled towards the end of June.

Some other meetings will be cancelled or postponed, particularly where there is no urgent or time critical matters to be dealt with.


The current plans will run to the end of July 2020.

All County Local Committee (CLC) meetings have been cancelled up to the end of July.

Community Initiative Fund (local small grants) and Traffic Regulation Order (small road schemes) decisions, which are currently taken at CLCs, will still be considered by the members of the committee informally and completed without the need for a meeting.

Janet Duncton, Chairman of the Council and Governance Committee, said: “At such a difficult time, it is really important that the democratic process remains in place as much as is practicable. But we also need to be able to prioritise matters which will have an immediate impact on residents across the county.

“We will keep arrangements for our meetings under review as we move towards the next phase of the public health emergency.”

Meetings still scheduled to take place will be audiocast at It is hoped to have meetings videocast in the coming month.

Residents can check what meetings are still taking place by visiting

21.05.2020 Email from WSCC Helping to facilitate safe space for cycling and walking in West Sussex


Helping to facilitate safe space for cycling and walking in West Sussex

Plans to boost cycling and walking provision in West Sussex, to help people socially distance more easily during the COVID-19 pandemic, are being developed by West Sussex County Council.

This follows the recent announcement that the Government has made £250 million available nationally to help make safe space for walking and cycling.

It is not yet clear how much of that funding will be allocated to West Sussex.

You can find out more on the website.

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22.05.2020 Email from GOV.UK Coronavirus Daily Update

Daily update from GOV.UK.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Environment Agency waterways: Coronavirus (Covid-19) update Page summary Guidance for users of all Environment Agency waterways, including the River Thames, Anglian waterways and the Upper Medway Navigation. Change made Environment Agency waterways: coronavirus (Covid-19) update 19 May 2020 added Time updated 12:00pm, 21 May 2020

Actions for HE providers during the coronavirus outbreak Page summary Information for HE providers on the government support package available for universities and students, the process for clearing and student numbers during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.


Change made Added information about allowing students to collect their belongings or storing them until they can collect them. Time updated 12:17pm, 21 May 2020

MHRA guidance on coronavirus (COVID-19) Page summary We are producing guidance and information for industry, healthcare professionals and patients covering the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Change made Added link to new guidance on immunomodulatory drugs and temporary pregnancy prevention guidance during COVID-19, in the Medicines and COVID-19 section Time updated 12:23pm, 21 May 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19): an update on the Grenfell Tower site Page summary An update for the Grenfell Community. Change made Added Coronavirus (COVID-19): an update on the Grenfell Tower site (21 May 2020). Time updated 2:26pm, 21 May 2020

Emissions to air from Large Combustion Plant in the Transitional National Plan: RPS C18 Page summary When Large Combustion Plant operators can delay meeting new emission limit values scheduled to take effect from 1 July 2020 because of coronavirus (COVID-19). Change made First published. Time updated 2:58pm, 21 May 2020

COVID-19 regulatory position statements Page summary Environment Agency regulatory response to coronavirus (COVID-19). Change made We have added the COVID-19 regulatory position statement ‘Emissions to air from Large Combustion Plant in the Transitional National Plan: RPS C18’. 28

Time updated 3:03pm, 21 May 2020

Welsh Secretary commends Armed Forces’ contribution to the fight against coronavirus in Wales Page summary Simon Hart thanks the Armed Forces personnel providing support in Wales as part of the ongoing response to COVID-19. Change made Added translation Time updated 3:43pm, 21 May 2020

Statistics on coronavirus funding for business Page summary Data on the government loans and grants to support businesses and self employed people through the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Change made First published. Time updated 3:50pm, 21 May 2020

Case studies: remote education practice for schools during coronavirus (COVID-19) Page summary Examples of practice for remote education from schools and academies across England. Change made Additional case studies about adapting teaching practice for remote education. Time updated 4:10pm, 21 May 2020

Slides and datasets to accompany coronavirus press conference: 21 May 2020 Page summary Press conference slides and datasets used by The Rt Hon Matt Hancock MP and Professor Chris Whitty. Change made First published. Time updated 5:21pm, 21 May 2020


Trial of rapid coronavirus test launched in Hampshire Page summary The new coronavirus (COVID-19) test is highly effective in clinical settings and can return results on site, without being sent to a laboratory, within 20 minutes. Change made First published. Time updated 6:00pm, 21 May 2020

Health and Social Care Secretary's statement on coronavirus (COVID-19): 21 May 2020 Page summary Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock gave the 21 May 2020 daily press briefing on the government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Change made First published. Time updated 7:00pm, 21 May 2020

Government to offer antibody tests to health and social care staff and patients in England Page summary New antibody testing programme to provide tens of thousands of antibody tests per day across the UK from next week. Change made First published. Time updated 8:07pm, 21 May 2020

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22.05.2020 Email from WSCC North Horsham County Local Committee - meeting cancelled


You are subscribed to receive North Horsham County Local Committee email alerts on the West Sussex County Council website.

Please note that all County Local Committee meetings scheduled for June and July are being cancelled due to the current public health emergency, with alternative decision-making arrangements being put in place for urgent matters, such as Community Initiative Funding. Therefore the North Horsham County Local Committee meeting scheduled for 18 June 2020 is cancelled.

If you were planning to attend the meeting to raise a query, you are advised to contact your local County Councillor. You can find your local County Councillor’s details on the following webpage

Update your subscriptions, modify your password or email address, or stop subscriptions at any time on your Subscriber Preferences Page. You will need to use your email address to log in. If you have questions or problems with the subscription service, please visit

22.05.2020 Email from WSCC Countryside Ranger Downslink Weekly Update

Good Afternoon

Here is the weekly update for the re-surfacing works at .

Week 6: Area 2, north of West Grinstead is now closed and the Eco blend base layer has been laid from the north end FP1815 to the kennels (rate of approximately 100m per day). Ditching work has also been carried out. 31

By the end of today all machinery will be off site and the DLK will be open as usual for the bank holiday weekend including BH Mon.

Work planned for week 7: Area 2, north of West Grinstead will be closed again during working hours from Tuesday 26th May next week.

There will be deliveries of Lime stone Fines and Eco blend to West Grinstead carpark on 26th and 27th May 2020 taking place between 8am and 5pm.

Planned works are to lay and compact the Lime stone fines.

Access remains available, through West Grinstead car park, for local residents to use the Downs Link southwards from West Grinstead.

Please do not hesitate to contact myself or Sara Piggott if you have any questions.

Kind regards

Sara Piggott

Countryside Ranger (North) for Downs Link, Worth Way and Forest Way

Highways, Transport and Planning

West Sussex County Council

Location: Buchan Country Park, Horsham Road, Crawley, West Sussex, RH11 9HQ Contact: 01293 542088 | Internal: 25201 | External: +44 (0)330 222 5201

|E-mail: [email protected]

22.05.2020 Email from NALC: weekly bulletin


Chief executive's bulletin

Management Board

NALC’s Management Board held its second remote meeting on 20 May, here’s a summary:

• The board received an update on our business continuity, noting home working was proceeding well and there were regular catch up sessions with staff and county association colleagues. • NALC’s financial position remained good despite the loss of some income streams, and the board agreed to develop a strategy for online events over the next year including piloting a remote meeting of National Assembly. • Councillors supported NALC’s continued lobbying for government funding for councils facing financial challenges through a dedicated package of support including financial assistance.

Weekly county officer videoconference

Charlotte Eisenhart, head of member services hosted our weekly NALC and county officer meeting via Zoom on 20 May. Issues covered included finance and audit, next year’s postponed local elections, and online training and learning. As this week is Mental Health Awareness Week we also took the opportunity to check-in as a team as to how we should keep working together to support one another.

Meeting with the Cabinet Office

Justin Griggs, head of policy and communications, Chris Borg, policy manager and Claire Goldfinch, projects officer met officials from the Cabinet Office on 19 May regarding next year’s local elections. A minister-led steering group and a policy-led working group have been established to consider registration of voters, options for holding some polls before May 2021 and 2021 voting options. I’m pleased we are inputting to this work and providing feedback on issues identified so far, and we will be drawing on input from county officers including those in areas with postponed elections. We also shared our recent elections research with officials and we will be continuing to press for changes set out in the report.

Climate change


Every Monday at 1 pm (except Bank Holidays) for the next few weeks, Climate Emergency UK are hosting webinars to create action plans to address and adapt to the climate and ecological emergencies with the urgency they demand. You can book your place here to participate live. Sessions will also be broadcast live on their Facebook page and YouTube channel, and available afterwards.

Frome Town Council, a former winner of Council of the Year in NALC’s Star Council Awards, has hosted a webinar called Climate Emergency – What Next, which details how to go about embedding the principles of climate change into your council – do give it a watch!

NALC and HRSP webinar

I was delighted NALC and HR Services Partnership jointly hosted a Zoom webinar for county officers on 18 May, focusing on HR issues related to lockdown and returning to work. Over 30 colleagues joined the 40-minute session which covered government guidance and its application to local councils, how to handle the needs and concerns of staff, and considerations such as annual leave and contingency planning. Huge thanks to Maria Aguilar, HRSP director, for presenting such an excellent webinar which received positive feedback.

And finally…

At our weekly remote staff meeting, we took the opportunity of Mental Health Awareness Week to discuss how we are being kind to ourselves and others, sharing one of our last photos before lockdown or since then that makes us smile. I was also pleased to read this week how our partners CCLA are building on their own mental health engagement programme started in early 2019 by inviting other investors to join them in encouraging businesses to protect their employees’ mental health during this challenging time. I was particularly struck by this concluding remark: “While a highly infectious disease spreads across the world, we are focussing our efforts on an invisible, non-communicable disease in the belief that if left unaddressed, mental illness will become the next global pandemic”. Enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend and be kind to yourselves.


22.05.2020 New Fire & Rescue Service Scrutiny Committee to meet

The first meeting of the County Council’s new Fire & Rescue Service Scrutiny Committee is being held next month.

The virtual meeting of the committee takes place online on Wednesday 3 June from 10.30am and will be webcast. The committee was due to meet for the first time at the end of March, but this was postponed due to social distancing guidelines.

Members will attend and take part remotely through an audio only conference call. Members of the press and public can watch the meeting online here: https://westsussex.public-

This new committee will be responsible for scrutinising the performance and effectiveness of West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service, as well as policies and plans for its future development.

At its first meeting it will be receiving updates from Duncan Crow, the Cabinet Member for Fire & Rescue & Communities and from Sabrina Cohen-Hatton, the Chief Fire Officer on a programme of improvement currently underway.

Chairman of the new Fire & Rescue Service Scrutiny Committee, Steve Waight, said: “It has been important to set up this new committee so that we can have an in-depth focus solely on this important service.

“The committee’s role will include reviewing key decisions due to be taken by the Cabinet Member and to ensure the fire and rescue service continues to keep residents in the county safe.”

Membership of the committee is Steve Waight (Chairman), Lionel Barnard (Vice-Chairman), Pat Arculus, David Edwards, Michael Jones, Jacky Pendleton, and Bob Smytherman.


For more details on the committee and to view the agenda, visit:

22.05.2020, Email from HDC Publication of plan: June 2020, Cabinet.

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Friday, 22nd May, 2020, 4.26 pm - Publication of plan: June 2020, Cabinet.

22-05-2020 05:26 PM BST

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23.05.2020 Email from West Sussex 4Community West Sussex 4 Community Newsletter 23 May 2020


West Sussex 4 Community Funding Alerts and News for the VCSE Sector Dear Jonna Foote,

Funding News

Registering for the funding news service ensures you are kept up to date with the latest funding news. The following news articles have been published in the last week. To view the full details of any news article, simply click on its title. 21/05/2020: COVID-19 Extraordinary Funding for Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence

Support Services

21/05/2020: Government to Use £150m from Dormant Accounts for Coronavirus Response 21/05/2020: Government’s New £200m Coronavirus Support Fund for Charities Opens on

22 May

21/05/2020: Larger Grants Now Available Through Heritage Emergency Fund

20/05/2020: Deadline Extended for Round 2 of Urban Tree Challenge Fund 20/05/2020: Funding to Support Older People Most Vulnerable to Impact of Coronavirus

Crisis 19/05/2020: European Commission Launches Second Horizon 2020 COVID-19 Funding


19/05/2020: Funding for Voluntary Organisations Working in the Criminal Justice System 19/05/2020: UK Insurance and Long-Term Savings Sector Set Up New COVID-19 Support


18/05/2020: Funding for Racial Justice Initiatives

15/05/2020: Funding for Homelessness Charities in England Affected by COVID-19 Crisis

Your Funding Alerts

Funding alerts allow you to receive email notifications if new funding opportunities arise which match your search requirements. To setup a funding alert, simply run a search for funding on the site. When you are viewing search results press "Save Search". There is an option to receive funding alerts at this stage so make sure this option is ticked.

You can also set up funding alerts for a search you have already saved by enabling email alerts in the "Saved searches" area on the site.

There have been no funding changes that match your profile.

Regards, The West Sussex 4 Community team

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24.05.2020 Email from GOV.UK Coronavirus Daily Update

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Courts and tribunals tracker list during coronavirus outbreak Page summary This page holds a tracker list of open, staffed and suspended courts during the coronavirus outbreak. It will be regularly updated. Change made Tracker updated 21 May 2020 Time updated 9:02am, 22 May 2020

Deaths Registered in Northern Ireland – Week ending 15 May 2020 Page summary Deaths Registered in Northern Ireland – Weekly Statistics – Week ending 15 May 2020 Change made First published. Time updated 9:30am, 22 May 2020

Call for concept notes for the British Embassy Tel Aviv “COVID-19 Enabling Fund” Page summary Funding opportunities for COVID-19 related activities. Deadline 5 June 2020. Change made First published. Time updated 10:10am, 22 May 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19): antibody tests Page summary Information about the government’s coronavirus antibody testing programme. Antibody tests are to check whether a person has had the virus. Change made First published. Time updated 10:40am, 22 May 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19): what to do if you’re already getting benefits


Page summary Guidance for people who were receiving benefits before the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Change made Added information about how coronavirus (COVID-19) affects tax credits. Time updated 10:46am, 22 May 2020

COVID-19: investigation and initial clinical management of possible cases Page summary Information on case definitions, and the initial assessment and investigation of possible cases of COVID-19 infection. Change made Updated flowchart. Time updated 11:21am, 22 May 2020

Staying safe outside your home Page summary The principles you should follow to ensure that time spent outside your home is as safe as possible. Change made Updated face coverings section to include statement: ‘You should be prepared to remove your face covering if asked to do so by police officers and staff for the purposes of identification.’ Time updated 11:25am, 22 May 2020

Monitoring emissions from some environmental permitting activities: RPS C7 Page summary When you can delay and reschedule some emissions to air and water monitoring and other environmental monitoring because of COVID-19 (coronavirus) restrictions. Change made We have added our regulatory position on monitoring emissions for water discharge and groundwater activities permits. We have extended the expiry date to 30 September 2020. Time updated 11:48am, 22 May 2020

Cleansing and PPE waste at a healthcare waste management facility: RPS C1 39

Page summary When you can store or treat coronavirus (COVID-19) cleansing and used PPE waste without having codes 15 02 02* or 15 02 03 in your permit. Change made This COVID-19 RPS has been updated to include separately collected personal protective equipment (PPE) waste, coded 15 02 03. Time updated 11:48am, 22 May 2020

Treasury Direction made under Sections 71 and 76 of the Coronavirus Act 2020 Page summary The Chancellor has made a further Treasury Direction in relation to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. Change made Added: Further Treasury Direction made under Sections 71 and 76 of the Coronavirus Act 2020. Time updated 11:57am, 22 May 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19): advice for UK visa applicants and temporary UK residents Page summary This is advice for visa customers and applicants in the UK, visa customers outside of the UK and British nationals overseas who need to apply for a passport affected by travel restrictions associated with coronavirus. Change made Visa extensions for those unable to leave the UK because of coronavirus have been extended to 31 July 2020. The deadline for making an application from the UK to switch to a visa that would normally require you to apply from your home country has been extended to 31 July 2020. Time updated 12:14pm, 22 May 2020

Find examples to help you work out 80% of your employees' wages Page summary Check examples to help you work out 80% of your employee’s wages, National Insurance contributions and pension contributions if you’re claiming through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. Change made Welsh translation added.


Time updated 12:41pm, 22 May 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19): courts and tribunals planning and preparation Page summary This page provides advice and guidance for all court and tribunal users during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and will be updated when new advice is available. Change made Updated from jury trials working group 22 May 2020 Time updated 12:51pm, 22 May 2020

Ofqual decisions on awarding vocational and technical qualifications this summer Page summary We are confirming following consultation the exceptional arrangements we have set out for awarding vocational and technical qualifications, and general qualifications (other than GCSEs, AS and A levels, the Extended Project Qualification and Advanced Extension Awards in maths). Change made First published. Time updated 1:00pm, 22 May 2020

Consultation on an additional GCSE, AS and A level exam series in autumn 2020 Page summary Proposals for an additional exam series in autumn 2020 in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Change made First published. Time updated 1:00pm, 22 May 2020

Exceptional arrangements for assessment and grading in 2020 Page summary Consultation on the assessment and grading of vocational, technical and other general qualifications. Change made Updated to include consultation outcomes and response documents. Time updated 1:00pm, 22 May 2020 41

Responsibility for autumn GCSE, AS and A level exam series Page summary Expectations for centres on who should be responsible for entering candidates for autumn exams. Change made First published. Time updated 1:00pm, 22 May 2020

Ofqual GCSE and A level consultation outcomes and autumn exam series proposals Page summary Our decisions following consultation on the exceptional arrangements for awarding calculated grades in GCSEs, AS and A levels this summer; and proposals for an autumn exam series. Change made First published. Time updated 1:00pm, 22 May 2020

Personal information charter Page summary We need to handle personal data about you as part of our regulatory activities and so we can provide services for you. Change made Added an exceptional privacy notice for grading and assessment during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Time updated 1:00pm, 22 May 2020

Awarding qualifications in summer 2020 Page summary Information for schools, students and parents on how GCSE, AS, A level, vocational and technical qualifications will be graded and awarded in summer 2020. Change made Changed to include updated guidance documents for centres and for teachers, students, parents and carers. Time updated 1:00pm, 22 May 2020


Extraordinary regulatory framework: VTQ, Covid-19 Conditions and Requirements Page summary This document sets out our regulatory requirements for awarding organisations offering vocational and technical qualifications during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Change made First published. Time updated 1:00pm, 22 May 2020

Exceptional arrangements for awarding qualifications this summer Page summary Our decisions following consultation for awarding results in GCSEs, AS and A levels, other general, vocational and technical qualifications. Change made First published. Time updated 1:00pm, 22 May 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19): cancellation of GCSEs, AS and A levels in 2020 Page summary This guidance aims to answer common questions in relation to the cancellation of GCSEs, AS and A levels due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in 2020. Change made This page has been updated to reflect the publication of Ofqual consultation documents. Time updated 1:01pm, 22 May 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19): scientific evidence supporting the UK government response Page summary The national and global response to the spread of COVID-19 continues to develop quickly and our collective knowledge of the virus is growing by the second. Change made We have updated the list of evidence provided to SAGE with a batch of reports on children and schools. Time updated 2:08pm, 22 May 2020

Number of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases and risk in the UK 43

Page summary The latest number of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases and risk level in the UK. Change made Updated figures. Time updated 2:14pm, 22 May 2020

Plans announced for ’s Covid-19 recovery Page summary A new London Transition Board will co-ordinate London’s response as it emerges from the lockdown and begins to reopen its economy while controlling the virus. Change made First published. Time updated 2:55pm, 22 May 2020

COVID-19: Home Office extraordinary funding for domestic abuse support services Page summary Guidance for the £2 million Home Office fund for domestic abuse charities affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Change made Bid prospectus and forms published. Time updated 3:15pm, 22 May 2020

Staying alert and safe (social distancing) Page summary The most important thing we can do is to stay alert, control the virus, and in doing so, save lives. Change made Addition of text ‘You should be prepared to remove your face covering if asked to do so by police officers and staff for the purposes of identification.’ Time updated 3:17pm, 22 May 2020

COVID-19: management of exposed staff and patients in health and social care settings Page summary Guidance on the management of staff and patients who have been exposed to COVID-19. 44

Change made Added sentence in section 2, clarifying that second episodes of symptoms require isolation and repeat testing. Time updated 3:23pm, 22 May 2020

Coronavirus outbreak FAQs: what you can and can’t do Page summary Frequently asked questions on what you can and can’t do during the coronavirus outbreak. Change made Addition of text ‘You should be prepared to remove your face covering if asked to do so by police officers and staff for the purposes of identification.’ Time updated 3:26pm, 22 May 2020

£300 million additional funding for local authorities to support new test and trace service Page summary Local authorities will be central to supporting the new test and trace service in England, with the government providing a new funding package of £300 million. Change made First published. Time updated 3:51pm, 22 May 2020

Remote education during coronavirus (COVID-19) Page summary Information, guidance and support for teachers and leaders on educating children during the coronavirus outbreak. Change made Added information about Oak National Academy’s school packs, which are now available to be downloaded and used by schools. Time updated 4:15pm, 22 May 2020

Home Secretary announces new public health measures for all UK arrivals Page summary New measures at the UK border to guard against a second wave of coronavirus infections have been announced by the Home Secretary today. 45

Change made First published. Time updated 5:05pm, 22 May 2020

Government publishes latest R number Page summary The Government Office for Science is publishing the latest R number range for the UK. Change made The R number range for the UK is 0.7-1.0 as of 22 May 2020. Time updated 5:12pm, 22 May 2020

Slides and datasets to accompany coronavirus press conference: 22 May 2020 Page summary Press conference slides and datasets used by Sir Patrick Vallance. Change made First published. Time updated 5:19pm, 22 May 2020

Slides, datasets and transcripts to accompany coronavirus press conferences Page summary Slides, datasets and transcripts from press conferences at 10 Downing Street in response to coronavirus. Change made Addition of slides and datasets for 22 May. Time updated 5:21pm, 22 May 2020

Financial support for voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations to respond to coronavirus (COVID-19) Page summary The government has pledged £750 million to ensure VCSE can continue their vital work supporting the country during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, including £200 million for the Coronavirus Community Support Fund, along with an additional £150 million from dormant bank and building society accounts. Change made updated sources of funding 22/05/2020


Time updated 5:34pm, 22 May 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19): support for care homes Page summary Sets out the support package to keep care homes safe during the coronavirus pandemic. Change made Information has been added to the care home support package attachment: a template for local authorities has been added under the heading ‘Publishing your rate uplifts and other extra funding for care providers on your website’. Time updated 5:43pm, 22 May 2020

The R number in the UK Page summary The reproduction number (R) is the average number of secondary infections produced by 1 infected person. Change made First published. Time updated 6:00pm, 15 May 2020

Home Secretary's opening statement to the government’s daily briefing on coronavirus Page summary The Home Secretary, Priti Patel, explains the measures to be taken at the border to avoid a second wave of coronavirus (COVID-19) transmission at the 22 May 2020 daily press briefing. Change made First published. Time updated 6:09pm, 22 May 2020

Online education resources for home learning Page summary Online educational resources for schools and parents to help children to learn at home during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Change made Updated list of online resources with additional resources organised by key stage. 47

Time updated 6:18pm, 22 May 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19): travellers exempt from UK border rules Page summary This guidance explains who will be exempt from new UK border rules introduced due to coronavirus. The rules will apply to travellers to the UK from 8 June 2020. Change made First published. Time updated 6:30pm, 22 May 2020

Financial assistance abroad Page summary Guidance on what you can do and who you can contact if you need financial help abroad, including during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Change made Updated to include new emergency living costs loans available to those in need during the coronavirus pandemic Time updated 6:31pm, 22 May 2020

Financial support for when you are waiting to return to the UK during coronavirus (COVID-19) Page summary Guidance on the financial support from the government available for British people who are unable to return home due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Change made Added new emergency living costs loans information Time updated 6:37pm, 22 May 2020

COVID-19: background information Page summary Information on COVID-19 including epidemiology, virology and clinical features. Change made Updated global case numbers. Time updated 6:47pm, 22 May 2020


HMCTS weekly operational summary on courts and tribunals during coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak Page summary This page provides a weekly summary of the HM Courts and Tribunals Service operational position during the coronavirus pandemic. We will aim to update this every Friday at 5pm. Change made Update for w/c 25 May 2020 added. Time updated 6:59pm, 22 May 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19): providing home care Page summary Information for those providing personal care to people living in their own home during the coronavirus outbreak. Change made First published. Time updated 8:28pm, 22 May 2020

Travel advice: coronavirus (COVID-19) Page summary Guidance for British people travelling overseas during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Change made Added information on new rules on entering or returning to the UK that will start on 8 June Time updated 8:45pm, 22 May 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19) essential international travel guidance Page summary This page provides guidance on travel during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Foreign & Commonwealth Office advises against all but essential travel. Change made Added link to new guidance on entering the UK from 8 June Time updated 8:47pm, 22 May 2020

Booking special charter flights during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic 49

Page summary This page explains who is eligible to register for special charter flights, and how the booking process works to return to the UK during the coronavirus pandemic. Change made Added link to new guidance on entering the UK from 8 June Time updated 8:54pm, 22 May 2020

Coronavirus – guidance on accessing green spaces safely Page summary Guidance on using green spaces and protecting yourself and others. Change made Updated with the latest guidance on ticketed garden venues. Time updated 12:15am, 23 May 2020

24.05.2020 Email from GOV.UK Coronavirus Daily Update

Coronavirus (COVID-19) COVID-19: laboratory evaluations of serological assays Page summary PHE has undertaken a number of rapid evaluations of commercial serological assays for their suitability for detecting the production of COVID-19 antibodies. Change made Added updated Abbott and Roche evaluation reports. Time updated 9:00am, 23 May 2020

Reallocating road space in response to COVID-19: statutory guidance for local authorities Page summary Guidance for local authorities on managing their road networks in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Change made Details of amended legislation to speed up making Traffic Orders. Time updated 9:52am, 23 May 2020


Coronavirus (COVID-19): safer travel guidance for passengers Page summary Walking, cycling, and travelling in vehicles or on public transport during the coronavirus outbreak. Change made Addition of text ‘You should be prepared to remove your face covering if asked to do so by police officers and police staff for the purposes of identification.’ Time updated 10:03am, 23 May 2020

Transport Secretary announces new measures to “keep passengers safe now and level up for the future” Page summary Funding to protect and increase transport services, level up infrastructure and regenerate local economies after the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Change made First published. Time updated 10:12am, 23 May 2020

Plans announced for London’s Covid-19 recovery Page summary A new London Transition Board will co-ordinate London’s response as it emerges from the lockdown and begins to reopen its economy while controlling the virus. Change made News story updated. Time updated 10:33am, 23 May 2020

Up to £15 million to support the Citizens Advice service during COVID-19 pandemic Page summary Citizens Advice and Citizens Advice Scotland to receive funding boost of up to £15 million to help them deal with increased demand during the COVID-19 pandemic. Change made First published. Time updated 11:00am, 23 May 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19): business support grant funding – guidance for local authorities 51

Page summary Guidance for local authorities setting out details of the Small Business Grants Fund (SBGF) and Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant Fund (RHLGF). Change made Version 2 of Local Authority Discretionary Fund guidance published – businesses who are eligible for the Self-Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS) are now eligible to apply for the scheme. Time updated 11:25am, 23 May 2020

Letters on COVID-19 planning and coordination Page summary Letters exchanged between the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee. Change made First published. Time updated 11:58am, 23 May 2020

Charter flights from Caribbean Islands for British travellers to return to the UK Page summary The UK has announced a further three charter flights to bring British travellers home from across the Caribbean. Change made First published. Time updated 2:07pm, 23 May 2020

Department for Education explanatory note on SAGE modelling Page summary An explanatory note for SAGE’s paper assessing the potential impact of more children returning to school on the transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19). Change made First published. Time updated 4:01pm, 23 May 2020

Slides and datasets to accompany coronavirus press conference: 23 May 2020 Page summary Press conference slides and datasets used by Dr Jenny Harries. 52

Change made First published. Time updated 4:55pm, 23 May 2020

Number of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases and risk in the UK Page summary The latest number of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases and risk level in the UK. Change made Updated the daily figures for number of cases and deaths. Due to technical difficulties with data collection we cannot provide people tested figures today. Time updated 4:57pm, 23 May 2020

Transport Secretary's statement on coronavirus (COVID-19): 23 May 2020 Page summary Further funding to protect and increase transport services, level up infrastructure and regenerate local economies after the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Change made First published. Time updated 6:01pm, 23 May 2020

UK Government announces three more charter flights for British travellers Page summary Further special charter flights from Nigeria will return British travellers to the UK. Change made First published. Time updated 7:21pm, 23 May 2020

Reopening High Streets Safely Fund guidance Page summary Guidance to help local authorities and partners to deliver activities supported through the Reopening High Streets Safely Fund. Change made First published. Time updated 12:15am, 24 May 2020


£50 million boost to support the recovery of our high streets Page summary The Reopening High Streets Safely Fund will help councils in England introduce a range of safety measures in a move to get people back to work and customers back to the shops. Change made First published. Time updated 12:15am, 24 May 2020

6000 new supported homes as part of landmark commitment to end rough sleeping Page summary Radical plans to provide thousands of long-term, safe homes for vulnerable rough sleepers taken off the streets during the pandemic. Change made First published. Time updated 12:26am, 24 May 2020

22.05.2020 Email from WSCC – COVID 19 National Lottery Funding opportunities

Dear All

Last week Government’s announcement around further funds to support those organisations supporting vulnerable people and communities during this time. dormant-accounts-for-coronavirus-response

The National Lottery Community Fund - Coronavirus Community Support Fund about-the-coronavirus-community-support-fund

This new funding stream makes available £200m in Government funding that will be aimed primarily at small to medium organisations in England.

The Fund has two key objectives:


• To increase community support to vulnerable people affected by the COVID- 19 crisis, through the work of civil society organisations. • To reduce temporary closures of essential charities and social enterprises, ensuring services for vulnerable people impacted by COVID-19 have the financial resources to operate, and so reduce the burden on public services.

Prioritising funding for communities affected by COVID-19

Prioritising funding projects and organisations supporting communities through the COVID-19 pandemic. They are reviewing the situation on an on-going basis and will share any updates or developments on their website. So please only ask for what you need to support communities during this crisis.

Funding fall into 2 categories

• Under £10,000 • Over £10,000

What types of projects they fund

We want to fund activities supporting people and communities affected by COVID-19.

They will prioritise:

• Organisations supporting people who are at high risk from COVID-19 • Organisations supporting communities most likely to face increased demand and challenges as a direct result of COVID-19 • Organisations which connect communities and support communities to work together to respond to COVID-19.

They are responsible for promoting the welfare and wellbeing of all groups, and working to keep them safe. Anyone who applies for their funding needs understand National Lottery our safeguarding policy

Many thanks


26.05.2020 Email from SSALC : Parish and Town Councils information


Coronavirus — information for parish & town councils

NALC has updated its dedicated webpage on the coronavirus. This includes updates on cybersecurity, a FREE digital copy of LCR Spring 2020 and managing risks to the council. See the updates below:

Coronavirus and cybersecurity

The National Centre for Cyber Security has launched a campaign geared towards the public during COVID-19 times. This includes useful best practice we can all be following at work, but also it is useful information to share with residents.

LCR magazine

The recently published issue of NALC’s flagship magazine, LCR, features a coronavirus- themed special section. As local councils stepped up to help the vulnerable in their communities at the outset of the pandemic, there was clear evidence that the magazine could provide some must-read practical tips to local councils and also present some great leadership cases studies. Read LCR Spring 2020 for FREE.

Managing risks to the council

On Monday, the government announced a series of dates for loosening of the lockdown restrictions that apply to retail. This is accompanied by updated guidance on how to assess and manage risk to be able to re-open shops and branches. This guidance includes a list of the types of shops that will be able to re-open which includes a number that many local

56 councils may run or manage such as gift shops and retail spaces in theatres, museums, libraries, heritage sites and tourism sites, indoor and outdoor markets and craft fairs.

This information forms part of a NALC's dedicated webpage on the coronavirus. It should not be used as a substitute for government advice, however, there are some practicalities specific to local (parish and town) councils where we hope this information will help you plan ahead and manage your risks. If you would like further advice and support on any of these topics for your local council then please contact your local county association. This is a fast-moving situation and we will be updating the webpage regularly.

Find out more

Copyright © 2020 National Association of Local Councils, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in at our website, or requested to be added to the mailing list, or as a member are obliged to be kept up-to-date on NALC matters.

Our mailing address is:

National Association of Local Councils

109 Great Russell Street

London, WC1B 3LD


United Kingdom

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Anna Beams Office, Training & Events Manager, SSALC Ltd







26.05.2020 Email from SECA: update

To all Parish Council Clerks, Parish Council Chairmen & Horsham Neighbourhood Councils,

On behalf of the South East Climate Alliance here is their latest newsletter. If you wish to reglarly receive it simply go to the website and scroll to the bottom and complete the Subscribe to Our Mailing list boxes.

Kind regards

Anne Davies

SECA newsletter #15 - May 2020


Dear SECA members,

I hope this email finds you well. With so much of normal life on hold, this lockdown period has been for many a time of reflection. In this months’ newsletter we highlight two recent articles pondering a post-coronavirus future. Both strike a positive note. Tony Whitbread writes about the death of the ‘me first’ society. And I’ve put some ideas together on how councils can shape their post-coronavirus recovery strategies so we ‘Build back better’.

And for May’s joint action we’re suggesting we all take this lockdown opportunity to encourage those who haven’t done so to switch to a green energy supplier using a brand new SECA switching page.

Death of the “me first” society - saying no to our lizard brains As Tony Whitbread writes in his recent blog, “The coronavirus pandemic has claimed the lives of many people, and many more will be lost before the crisis is over. But one death that we will not mourn is the death of the “me first” society.” The aggressive, competitive, grab everything, me first approach is not human, he argues, “it is our lizard brain taking over.”


Tony celebrates how “COVID-19 has shown people around the globe naturally re- organising into mutually supportive groups”, and provides important lessons on the limits of the state and markets and the importance of the ‘commons’ and households as organising pillars of our economy and society. Read the full blog here.

Tony has written widely on nature and climate change themes. You can browse his blog archive here which includes a piece on ‘Pressing the Pause Button’ based on his inspiring recent talk to the Horsham Climate Café.

Building back better: how can councils spark a green post-Covid recovery? As organisations and governments move from emergency response mode to thinking about the post-coronavirus recovery a wave of new thinking is emerging on how we can ‘Build back better’, or perhaps more specifically – ‘better, fairer and greener’.

The conversation up to now has focused on what central governments can do. But

60 it’s equally relevant for local councils. What would a climate-friendly recovery package for councils look like? In this blog article I make some initial suggestions, starting with an immediate move to create pop-up cycle paths to help commuters during lockdown, and bringing forward plans to roll out EV charging points and electric scooters.

Councils can also lead from the front in supporting a more localised food system, championing new ways of working, creating green jobs, revising planning laws, unlocking new funding sources for example by teaming up with community energy groups, and gearing up their communication efforts.

We’ll be sharing these ideas with all our council contacts and looking to pull together other ideas and examples we can help publicise. So let us know if you have any suggestions on what would make a difference right now. And don’t forget to share these ideas with your local Councillors too. As one council officer put it to us, “We desperately need councillors to hear direct from their residents as to what’s important to them, because this way, Councillors can bring questions to officers, into council meetings and into our decision making processes. If Councillors don’t hear direct from residents, they don’t know it’s important.”

Switch to a green energy supplier and help support SECA For our joint action for May, we’re launching a brand new energy switching tool that will help people save money and choose 100% green energy, while at the same time chipping in to support the work of SECA.


Many of you will already be on a green energy tariff. But lots of people haven’t got around to it, or are uncertain where to look amongst the dozens of energy switching sites out there. How about we all give our members and contacts a nudge so they put energy switching on their lockdown to-do lists?

To do this we’re teamed up with the Big Clean Switch energy switching service which has created a special web page for us, which you can point people to. All you do is pop in your details, say which supplier you’re currently using, and put in an estimate of your current usage. It then comes back with a list of potential green alternatives and how much you’ll save by switching. You can click through to make the change in a few easy steps. Simple! And each successful switch generates a small commission for SECA, which we’ll use to underwrite our (very modest!) operating costs.


Sussex Green Living have been promoting the BigCleanSwitch service for some time. It only takes 5 minutes to compare a range of clean energy suppliers and make the switch. “All the people we have helped to switch have saved money” according to Carrie Cort from SGL, with savings have ranged between £90 and £366 a year.

Here’s a blog describing how it all works, but if you want to dive in and try it here’s the link.

Progress on climate action plans Despite the lockdown, work on climate plans is still going ahead in many councils.



County Council published their climate change strategy just a few weeks ago. It sets out their plans for the Council to reach net zero by 2030, and for the whole county to achieve this goal by 2050. It includes specific step-wise targets – aiming for an ambitious 46% reduction in the county’s emissions by 2025. Paul Street and colleagues from Dorking Climate Emergency are taking a close look at the strategy

63 and are putting together a detailed response, so keep an eye out for this on their website. While congratulating the Council on its overall ambitions, they question the ability to achieve these reductions without much more tangible, measurable actions.

We learned that Hampshire County Council has published an interim progress report on their Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan. This ties the Council to a target of reaching net zero for it’s own estate and the county as a whole by 2050. Thought light on specifics, it confirms decisions to reverse an earlier ban on building large wind turbines on county council land, approves a programme of tree and wildflower planting on highways amenity land, and establishes a Salix De- carbonisation Fund of £1million to fund a range of energy saving initiatives on the Council’s corporate estate.

After a lockdown lull, we are starting to pick up work again on our SECA survey of council climate actions. Here’s the link: Please check the entry for your local district/borough council and send any updates that you are aware of to [email protected]. We are particularly thin on information about local councils in Kent, so it would be good to hear from you.

Take a look at the SECA Survey of Council Climate Actions, and let us know if you hear of any updates needed.

Online events to look out for

Mon 18th May: Climate Emergency Action Plans for District & County Councils. Climate Emergency UK are running a Zoom seminar looking at what is needed in an Action Plan to deliver emergency action in your locality. They’ve

64 selected some of the best District & County Council Action Plans produced so far, which will be presenting and discussing these. Starts at 13.00. Here’s the booking link. For links to previous zoom seminars, including a recent one on communicating climate change, see their website.

Trying out Slack And finally, if you're ready to start engaging with other SECA groups around the area, this would be good moment to try out Slack networking platform, that's been made available to us by Friends of the Earth. What's on your mind and what would you like to kick off a discussion about? Why not take the plunge and sign up?

This blog post tells you all about it and provides a link to FOE's excellent introductory page where you can find out more.

Stay well and hang on in there! The climate emergency hasn't gone away, so let's find some creative ways of using this lockdown period to keep the momentum up.

Best wishes

Geoff Barnard Newsletter & website editor The South East Climate Alliance [email protected]


Copyright © 2020 South East Climate Alliance, All rights reserved.

Please email [email protected] if you do not wish to receive this newsletter.

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To see previous editions of the SECA newsletters visit our email archive.

Website: Facebook: @seclimatealliance Twitter: @SECA_UK

26.05.2020 HDC – Minutes from Cabinet meeting 30.4.2020


Council and cabinet meetings

Agendas, minutes and publications

You are subscribed to receive Council meeting agendas, minutes and publications email updates from Horsham District Council. To view the updated page click on the link below.

Tuesday, 26th May, 2020, 4.18 pm - Minutes published: Meeting of Thursday, 30th April, 2020 5.30 pm, Cabinet.

26-05-2020 05:18 PM BST

This item matches your subscribed committee "Cabinet"

26.05.2020 Email from HDC Initial Report on Local Plan Consultation Responses

Dear All, file:///C:/Users/Clerk/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/INetCache/Content.Outlook/L320Z9IM/Initial%20Report %20on%20Local%20Plan%20Consultation%20Responses.pdf


Initial Report on Local Plan Consultation Responses.pdf

As you will be aware, the Council concluded its Horsham District Local Plan Regulation 18 consultation at the end of March. A very high level of response was received and we are now able to share with you a summary document which sets out at a high level the volume, type and nature of the comments that were received. As stated in the note it is important to be aware that whilst the comments received will lead to further work being undertaken as we continue the process of Local Plan preparation, this will arise from the planning issues which were raised during the consultation and not as a result of the number of comments or the level of objection or support for a particular site or housing target.

Following on from this email it is expected that the note will be published on our website in early June for the public to view. We will also make the comments received in response to the consultation available online from this time.


Kind regards,

Catherine Howe Head of Strategic Planning