Cinquante Et Unieme Assemblee Mondiale
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WHA51 I 1998/REC/2 WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION ORGANISATION MONDIAL£ DE LA SANTE FIFTY-FIRST WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY GENEVA, 11-16 MAY 1998 VERBATIM RECORDS OF PLENARY MEETINGS CINQUANTE ET UNIEME' ASSEMBLEE MONDIALE DEIASANTE" GENEVE, 11-16 MAl 1998 COMPTES RENDUS IN EXTENSO DESSEANCESPLENIERES GENEVA GENEVE 1999 WHA51/1998/REC/2 WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTE FIFTY-FIRST WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY GENEVA, 11-16 MAY 1998 VERBATIM RECORDS OF PLENARY MEETINGS CINQUANTE ET UNIEME' ASSEMBLEE MONDIALE DELASANTE GENEVE, 11-16 MAl 1998 COMPTESRENDUSINEXTENSO DESSEANCESPLENIERES GENEVA GENEVE 1999 PREFACE The Fifty-first World Health Assembly was held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, from 11 to 16 May 1998, in accordance with the decision of the Executive Board at its I OOth session. Its proceedings are published in three volumes, containing, in addition to other relevant material: Resolutions, decisions and annexes- document WHASI/1998/REC/1 Verbatim records ofplenary meetings and list of participants- document WHASI/1998/REC/2 Summary records and reports of committees- document WHASI/1998/REC/3 For a list of abbreviations used in these volumes, the officers of the Health Assembly and membership of its committees, the agenda and the list of documents for the session, see preliminary pages of document WHA51 /1998/REC/1. In these verbatim records, speeches delivered in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian or Spanish are reproduced in the language used by the speaker; speeches delivered in other languages are given in the English or French interpretation. The texts include corrections received up to July 1998, the cut-off date announced in the provisional version, and are thus regarded as final. AV ANT -PROPOS La Cinquante et Unieme Assemblee mondiale de la Sante s'est tenue au Palais des Nations a Geneve du 11 au 16 mai 1998, conformement a la decision adoptee par le Conseil executif a sa centieme session. Ses actes sont pub lies dans trois volumes contenant notamment : les resolutions et decisions et les annexes qui s'y rapportent - document WHASI/1998/REC/1, les comptes rendus in extenso des seances plenieres et la liste des participants - document WHA51 /1998/REC/2, les proces-verbaux et les rapports des commissions- document WHA51/1998/REC/3. On trouvera dans les pages preliminaires du document WHA51 /1998/REC/1 une liste des abreviations employees dans la documentation de l'OMS, l'ordre du jour et la liste des documents de la session ainsi que la presidence et le secretariat de l'Assemblee de la Sante et la composition de ses commissions. Les presents comptes rendus in extenso reproduisent dans la langue utilisee par l'orateur les discours prononces en anglais, arabe, chinois, espagnol, franyais ou russe, et dans leur interpretation anglaise ou franyaise les discours prononces dans d'autres langues. Ces comptes rendus comprennent les rectifications reyues jusqu'au debut juillet 1998, date limite annoncee dans leur version proviso ire, et sont done consideres comme finals. - iii - llPE,L(HCJIOBHE fUrrb.z.ecwr nepsWI ceccm1 BceMHpHoii accaM6JieH 3.Z.paaooxpaHeHH» npoxo.z.Hna so ,Z:(sopu:e HaU:HH B )l(eHeBe C 11 no 16 MWI 1998 r. B COOTBeTCTBHH C perneHHeM HcnonHHTeJibHOro KOMHTeTa, npHH»TbiM Ha ero COToii ceccHH. MaTepHaJibi ceccHH ny6JIHK)'IOTCjJ B TPeX TOMaX, B KOTOpbiX, nOMHMO npoqHX .Z.OKyMeHTOB, co.z.ep)l(aTC»: pe30JIIOU:HH H perneHH» H npHJIO)I(eH}ijl - .Z.OK)'MeHT WHASI/1998/ REC/1 CTeHOrpaqmqeCKHH QTqeT 0 nJieHapHbiX 3ace.z.aHH»X H CllliCOK yqaCTHHKOB - .z.oKyMeHT WHASI/1998/ REC/2 npoTOKOJibi 3ace.z.aHHH H .z.oKJIMbi KOMHTeTOB - .z.oKyMeHT WHA51/1998/ REC/3 CnHCOK COKpaw.eHHH, Hcnonb3yeMhiX a 3THX H3.Z.aHH»x, H nepeqeHb .Z.OJI)I(HOCTHbiX JIHU: AccaM6neH 3.Z.pasooxpaHeHH», TaK )l(e KaK H qneHCKHH cocTas KoMHTeTos, nosecTKa .Z.Hjl H CllHCOK .Z.OK)'MeHTOB .Z.JI» .z.aHHOH CeCCHH npHBO.Z.»TC» B HaqaJie .Z.OKyMeHTa WHA51/1998/ REC/1. B CTeHorpaMMax 3ace.z.aHHH BbicrynneHH» Ha aHrJIHHCKOM, apa6cKoM, HcnaHCKOM, KHTaHCKOM, pyCCKOM H cppaHU:y3CKOM »3hiKaX npHBO.Z.»TC» B OpHrHHaJie; BbiCTynneHH» Ha .z.pyrHX jl3biKax .z.aHbl B nepeso.z.e Ha aHrJIHHCKHH HJIH cppaHU:Y3CKHH »3hiKH. Y Ka3aHHhie TeKCTbi BKJIIOqaiOT HcnpasneHH», nonyqeHHhie CeKpeTapnaTOM .z.o mon» 1998 r., KaK o TOM 6b1JIO 06'bjJBJieHO B npe.z.sapHTeJibHbiX OTqeTax, H nOTOMY HaCTO»W.WI pe.z.aKU:H» cqHTaeTC» OKOHqaTeJibHOH. - iv- INTRODUCCION La 51" Asamblea Mundial de la Salud se celebr6 en el Palais des Nations, Ginebra, del 11 al 16 de mayo de 1998, de acuerdo con la decisi6n adoptada por el Consejo Ejecutivo en su 100" reuni6n. Sus debates se publican en tres volumenes que contienen, entre otras cosas, el material siguiente: Resoluciones, decisiones y anexos: documento WHA51 /1998/REC/1 Aetas taquigraticas de las sesiones plenarias y lista de participantes: documento WHASl/1998/REC/2 Aetas resumidas e informes de las comisiones: documento WHASl/1998/REC/3 En las paginas preliminares del documento WHA51/1998/REC/l figuran una lista de las siglas empleadas en estos volumenes, la composici6n de la Mesa de la Asamblea y de sus comisiones, el orden del dia, y la lista de documentos de la reuni6n. En las presentes aetas taquigraticas Ios discursos pronunciados en arabe, chino, espafiol, fiances, ingles o ruso se reproducen en el idioma utilizado por el orador. De Ios pronunciados en otros idiomas se reproduce la interpreta ci6n al fiances o al ingles. Las aetas contienen las correcciones recibidas hasta julio de 1998, fecha limite anunciada en la versi6n provisional, y por consiguiente se consideran definitivas. -V- \ "\ Jl \ \ :y o_?}l J ~ r\11 ~ J 0 ~IJ ~.:~WI ~WI ~I ~ .:..-LW\ .:..I...Lk.... a....,'j\; ~ ~...,-."'\.:...... _rJ ,~WI ~JY...} 'f-4dl ~I oJ} W ~, \ q,q,A y.L. /jwJ • :~ \... ,il...JI .;..\~ lS_;>-\11 .:~I_,.JI ~ Jl a;t..p)'l; ,~ I' q, q, A/ 0 't<J"C. ~)I - y rJI ~ _r.-:...jl Wl.iJ J>-')WIJ ~lr-)'I .;..IJ_;.JIJ .:..I)_;JI '\/.:..~ I' q, q,A/ o 't'-"'C. a ii))l -~~~ "L-~ a._.s~,; J a.....WI .:..L.....kJ.I ~.rJI ...,..PL.:-.ll '"/.:..~ . r I.:..~/' q, q, A/ o 't'-"'C. ~)I - 0~1 .r-J'<Z J o~ _,.JI ...,..Pl-.ll ~~ ~ ~ "~iJ a •..\2.· .11 ~t;J J a..~\ .:..\}.~> ':J\ w~.; ~ t'.>l.k'.>U J ~_,1! ~~\ .;..~\ ~\ ,y..;;st;y. a.._.j\,;J oJJ..LJ\ J~i JJ..L....>.J 4l>.J ~~J .' I.;..~ 1\ q, q, A I 0 't'-"'1: ~ ~~ \JI } ~ J)\ Ji ~ _}JI Ji ~~)'I Ji ~I Ji ~..,Jl; ..:...:Alf ~I .:..I....KJI .:>} J ~} .:> _,:..; lS_;>f ..:...:Ali ~\ .:..I....KJI L.f ,.!..>~\ 4; ~ ~\ a.illl; ~ _rJI ...,..Pl-JI ..u_,.JI Y.J, \ q,q,A ~y. /j~ ~ 4:At ~ ~\ .:..~ya::ll ~ ~J .~_;JI} ~~)'\ .~~ ~ Jl::ll; ~ J ,a:; _r.ll ~\ J ~\ J~l ·vi· tFditJtAt~ P! 1drt- oo Jlii~t)l~l}c;t, 1tlL +-Aiiil:!:~.:E.!£3\.~-T 1998 ~5AllS~16S~S~~HOOt~~.~~~~~~~ili~.~~~~*# ;ft 1~ , ~ ~ $-@Ai5": l}ct)l, l}c;t~~HJ::-:5c.1tf WHA5111998/RECI1 ~~ P! ~=11Jj~~f/<~{l%-:5c.1tf WHA51/1998/REC/3 ~~~~m~~~~•,.:£1.*-~~tP!&~~~P!~~~~,~~&~~ X1tf ~., JA!, X1tf WHA5111998/REC/1 )t ~ Jlr • M~~x., ~x.,~x,*x,Mx•w~Mx~~~~*~~.m~~A ~m~•~fl•: ~t•~~~•m~x•*x~xfl•. ~~~~R*MY 1~8~7A~~·~~~~~.~~~~:5c.*~*•~aksM, ~W~ffi~ l\1~ ~X.*· - vii- CONTENTS Page Preface iii VERBATIM RECORDS OF PLENARY MEETINGS First plenary meeting 1. Opening of the session .......................................................... 2. Address by the President of Switzerland ............................................ 2 3. Address by the Director-General of the United Nations at Geneva ........................ 4 4. Address by the President of the Fiftieth World Health Assembly ......................... 6 5. Appointment of the Committee on Credentials ....................................... 6 6. Election of the Committee on Nominations .......................................... 7 Second plenary meeting I. First report of the Committee on Nominations ........................................ 8 2. Second report of the Committee on Nominations ...................................... 9 Third plenary meeting 1. Presidential address . 11 2. Adoption of the agenda and allocation of items to the main committees . 14 3. Announcement . 31 Fourth plenary meeting 1. Programme of work ofthe Health Assembly . 32 2. Review and approval ofthe reports ofthe Executive Board on its 100th and 101st sessions . 33 3. Review of The world health report 1998 . 35 4. First report of Committee B . 39 5. Debate on the reports of the Executive Board on its 1OOth and 101 st sessions and on The world health report 1998 . 45 Fifth plenary meeting Debate on the reports of the Executive Board on its 1OOth and 101 st sessions and on The world health report 1998 (continued) . 65 Sixth plenary meeting 1. Programme of work of the Health Assembly . 93 2. First report of the Committee on Credentials . 94 3. Director-General . 96 - ix- Page Seventh plenary meeting Debate on the reports of the Executive Board on its 1OOth and 101 st sessions and on The world health report 1998 (continued) . 108 Eighth plenary meeting Fiftieth anniversary of WHO 151 Ninth plenary meeting 1. Awards . 166 Presentation ofthe Sasakawa Health Prize....................................... 166 Presentation ofthe United Arab Emirates Health Foundation Prize . 172 2. Election ofMembers entitled to designate a person to serve on the Executive Board . 177 Tenth plenary meeting 1. First report of Committee A . 178 2. Second report of Committee A . 178 3. Third report of Committee A . 179 4. Fourth report of Committee A . 179 5. Fifth report of Committee A . 180 6. Second report of Committee B . 181 7. Third report ofCommittee B . 181 8. Fourth report of Committee B . 182 9. Fifth report of Committee B . 182 10. Second report of the Committee on Credentials . 184 11. Fifth report of Committee B (resumed) .