Estimated Project Project County Description Acre Funding Needs 3-5 Lead Rank yr Creek Flood This project will construct a fish passage and a plunge pool for Control Channel - passage of fish at the . Construction of the fish passage Rubber Dam No. 1 Tier 2 Alameda NA $16,000,000 Alameda County Water District and the drop structure will open up approximately 27 and Drop Structure miles of steelhead habitat. Fishway

Albany Beach The project will enhance the site by expanding the beach and Restoration and adjacent dune complex to five acres, removing debris and Public Access - Tier 1 Alameda 5 $4,000,000 East Bay Regional Park District invasive plant species, and reestablishing special-status native McLaughlin species. Eastshore State Park

Alhambra Valley Creek Coalition; The project will stabilize severe erosion along the creek and Contra Costa County Public Works; Alhambra Valley Contra replace invasive plants with native species. It will also improve Contra Costa Resource Creek Coalition Tier 2 1 $7,000 Costa fish passage and in-stream habitat for native steelhead trout Conservation District; Friends of Restoration Project and reduce flood impact. ; Alpine Creek Fish San Remediation of a fish passage barrier at this site will open 7 San Mateo Resource Conservation Tier 2 10 $1,580,000 Passage Mateo miles of high-priority habitat to listed salmonid species. District The Sonoma Center will rebuild step pools and Asbury Creek Passage repair/replace baffles to improve fish passage under Arnold Dr. at Jack London Tier 2 Sonoma NA $600,000 Sonoma Ecology Center at Jack London Village near Glen Ellen. 1.5 miles of stream will Village benefit from an increase in fish access to habitats.

The project will eradicate all populations of invasive Algerian BAEDN Invasive Sea Regional sea lavender and prevent future re-invasion to protect high tide Bay Area Early Detection Network; Lavender Eradication Tier 1 50 $800,000 Project refugia habitat for including the ridgway's rail, black Invasive Plant Council & Restoration rail, and salt marsh harvest mouse. Phase 2 levee breaches will restore an additional 200 acres of Bahia Restoration Tier 1 Marin habitat over five years. Phase 2 is also focused on erosion 200 $90,000 Marin Audubon Society Phase 2 control (hydro seeding) and native planting. Bay Point Regional A tidal marsh restoration and upland enhancement project. Contra Shoreline - Tier 2 Restoration will create 17 acres of tidal wetlands and 8 acres of 130 $2,700,000 East Bay Regional Park District Costa Restoration Project seasonal wetland. The long-term shoreline-monitoring project provides resource Beach Watch Regional protection managers with a tool for determining the health of Farallones Marine Sanctuary Tier 1 NA $2,160,000 Program Project the ocean ecosystem and serves as an important baseline Association during an environmental disaster.

Page 1 of 17 Estimated Project Project County Description Acre Funding Needs 3-5 Lead Rank yr Volunteers have begun the removal of invasive vegetation and Beaconsfield Canyon Tier 1 Alameda aim to reduce fire hazard to the residential area, plant native 5 $350,000 Friends of Sausal Creek Restoration species and restore the canyon creek to a natural flow.

Berkeley Brickyard - The 30-acre project will remove soil contaminants and non- McLaughlin Tier 1 Alameda native plant species, establish native species and stabilize 30 $2,000,000 East Bay Regional Park District Eastshore State Park eroding shoreline. In the 20-acre project area, 450 feet of culvert will be removed Berkeley North Basin to create a creek channel and bank stabilization and contouring Strip - McLaughlin Tier 2 Alameda will allow for two acres of tidal and riparian habitat, inclduing 20 $4,000,000 East Bay Regional Park District Eastshore State Park high tide refugia for clapper rail, black rail and salt marsh harvest mouse. Landscape barriers and fencing will be installed Big Break Regional The project will remove invasive plants, preserve a threatened Shoreline - Wetland Contra Delta Science Center; East Bay Tier 1 plant species, remove roads that bisect the wetland areas, and 100 TBD Restoration and Costa Regional Park District build a viewing platform. Public Access Bolinas Lagoon North The goal is to develop a project that allows for estuarine and End Wetland Marin County Parks and Open Tier 2 Marin riparian wetland habitat enhancement and expansion, and 35 $1,200,000 Enhancement/SLR Space protects access to the town of Bolinas as sea level rises. Adaptation Project The project will remove existing inorganic debris and invasive Brooks Island Habitat Contra vegetation, plant native dune vegetation, protect eroding Tier 1 113 $500,000 East Bay Regional Park District Improvement Project Costa areas, create ground-nesting bird habitat and control predators along more than three miles of shoreline.

The project will restore approximately 1 mile of Butano Creek and reconnect Butano Creek to 115 acres of its historic San San Mateo Resource Conservation Butano Floodplain Tier 2 floodplain at a property owned by POST. Restoring natural 10 $1,080,000 Mateo District creek functions will have a wide impact on water quality, listed species, and local safety. Calabazas Creek Fish This project will modify a large apron to improve steelhead Passage at Dunbar Tier 2 Sonoma passage under Dunbar Rd. This will allow fish access to 4 miles NA $300,000 Sonoma Ecology Center Road of excellent stream habitat. The goal is to acquire, protect and restore 85 acres through Canalways Tier 2 Marin 85 $1,000,000 Marin Audubon Society enhancement as seasonal wetland. This project restores: 10 acres of historic bay fill to functioning Candlestick Point -- tidal marsh, two isolated bird-nesting islands, nursery areas for San Yosemite Slough Tier 1 fish and benthic organisms, and transitional areas to buffer 10 $12,000,000 California State Parks Foundation Francisco Wetland Restoration sensitive habitats. It creates 5,000 feet of Bay Trail and includes re-vegetation and elimination of soil contaminants.

Page 2 of 17 Estimated Project Project County Description Acre Funding Needs 3-5 Lead Rank yr Carriger Creek Bridge This project will increase access to habitats in 4 miles of Construction & Tier 2 Sonoma excellent stream habitat by constructing a full-span bridge to NA $1,200,000 Sonoma Ecology Center Passage at Grove improve steelhead passage under Grove St. Street Chabot Watershed Filter strips and exclusion from stream beds will be Partnership: Habitat implemented on two miles of stream, and ecosystem function Solano Resource Conservation Restoration and Tier 1 Solano 360 $571,153 will be restored to over 360 acres through invasives removal District BMPs for Water and revegetation of over 50,000 native trees and plants. Quality The goal is to provide roosting habitat for migratory shorebirds Contra and waterfowl, enhance habitat for the endangered salt marsh Tier 1 15 $225,000 Ducks Unlimited; Hercules, City of Costa harvest mouse, and possibly provide nursing habitat for and steelhead. Coastal San Mateo These projects will increase off-stream water storage capacity, County Drought San improve irrigation efficiencies and coordinate local San Mateo Resource Conservation Tier 1 NA $4,300,000 Relief Program Mateo management strategies for securing water during extreme District (Phase II) droughts. This project will restore approximately 100 linear feet of creek - habitat for steelhead and rainbow trout with naturalized Albany, City of; Restoration Design Tier 2 Alameda 1 $585,000 Kains to San Pablo meander, pools, riffles, and refuges, while providing flood Group; Urban Creeks Council protection and increasing storage. Codornices Creek - Restore Codornices Creek from San Pablo Avenue west to Albany, City of; Friends of Five lower (San Pablo Tier 2 Alameda 32 $933,000 mouth. Creeks; Restoration Design Group Ave. west) Community-Based This project is restoring three acres of transition zone habitat Restoration and adjacent to a 26-acre marsh to support functioning habitat for Tier 2 Marin 3 $125,000 Stewardship - the salt marsh harvest mouse, breeding Ridway’s rails and Creekside Marsh migrating steelhead trout. Community-Based Volunteers from several Bay Area communities have Restoration and collaboratively removed 3,000 pounds of garbage, eradicated Stewardship - Eden Tier 2 Alameda 10 $125,000 Save The Bay invasive weeds and planted natives to restore tidal salt marsh Landing Ecological habitat at this site. Reserve

Community-Based Restoration and Volunteers remove non-native plants, propagate and plant Stewardship - Martin Tier 2 Alameda natives, test water quality, and conduct creek and shoreline 30 $250,000 Save The Bay Luther King Jr. clean-ups in the 72-acre marsh. Regional Shoreline

Page 3 of 17 Estimated Project Project County Description Acre Funding Needs 3-5 Lead Rank yr This 700-acre restoration project is part of the Concord Naval Contra Costa Mosquito and Vector Concord NWS Contra Tier 2 Weapons Station reuse plan, which includes an approved 700 $25,000,000 Control District; East Bay Regional Wetlands Restoration Costa public conveyance for a new 2,540-acre regional park. Park District

Corte Madera Creek This project will restore a tidal wetland in a 6-acre upland area, College of Marin Dog Other Friends of Corte Madera Creek Marin now mostly used as an informal dog park. The area has a tidal 6 $500,000 Park Habitat Active Watershed channel along the east side. Restoration Corte Madera Creek - The project goals are to increase the channel’s tidal prism, tidal College of Marin Friends of Corte Madera Creek Tier 2 Marin marsh habitat diversity and production of aquatic food sources; 3 $300,000 Ecology Study Area Watershed improve water quality; and accommodate sea level rise. Habitat Enhancement

Corte Madera Creek- This project will restore a tidal wetland now used as a gravel College of Marin Lot Other parking lot and re-route Tamalpais Creek and Murphy Creek Friends of Corte Madera Creek Marin 6 $5,000,000 13 Habitat Active (currently in culverts) to their historical routes through the Watershed Restoration restored wetland. Corte Madera Acquisition, protection and enhancement of inholding lands Ecological Reserve Tier 2 Marin surrounded by the reserve, a critical tidal marsh habitat 5 $1,900,000 Marin Audubon Society Expansion adjacent to a core population of endangered Ridgway’s Rails. Restoration Coyote Hills Regional Restore saltmarsh, freshwater marsh and coastal , Park - Restoration improve water circulation and quality, acquire lands and Tier 2 Alameda 1,000 $12,000,000 East Bay Regional Park District and Public Access enhance habitat for endangered Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse Project and Ridgway’s Rail.

The project goal is to restore diked baylands to tidal marsh Ducks Unlimited; US Fish and while protecting HWY 37. A setback levee was constructed. The Wildlife Service; US Fish and Wildlife Cullinan Tier 1 Solano elevation of hundreds acres of the site will be raised to tidal 1,575 $5,000,000 Service - National marsh elevation using millions of cubic yards of dredge material Wildlife Refuge for beneficial reuse. This project will extend the floodplain terrace for another 2,600 feet upstream, increasing the capacity of the upstream Denman Reach Phase Tier 1 Sonoma segment to carry floodwater; reduce stream bank erosion and 14 $975,000 Petaluma, City of 3 sedimentation; remove invasive species and increase riparian habitat. Work is focused on removing invasive plant species, planting Dimond Park and Friends of Sausal Creek; The Tier 1 Alameda 2,000-3,000 natives annually, controlling erosion from nearby 400 $10,000 Canyon Restoration Watershed Project city storm drains, and monitoring birds and invertebrates.

Page 4 of 17 Estimated Project Project County Description Acre Funding Needs 3-5 Lead Rank yr The goal is to restore a functioning ecosystem, provide flood California Department of Water Contra protection, and increase habitat for the California Black Rail, Dutch Slough Tier 1 1,178 $6,000,000 Resources; State Coastal Costa Chinook Salmon and Sacramento Splittail in tidal marsh and Conservancy associated habitats. Contra Costa County Flood Control East Antioch Creek Contra Tidal and seasonal marsh restoration on an 18-acre marsh, Tier 2 18 $4,300,000 and Water Conservation District; Marsh Restoration Costa including improved flood conveyance. Mt. Diablo State Park

Eel Grass Protection The project will provide for the acquisition, protection, creation and Creation Project - Contra Tier 2 and enhancement of existing and new eel grass beds along the 1,000 $100,000 East Bay Regional Park District McLaughlin Costa East Bay Shoreline. Eastshore State Park

This project on eelgrass restoration evaluated and monitored Eelgrass Monitoring Romberg Tiburon Center; San different aspects of eelgrass biology, possible synergy and Pilot Restoration Tier 1 Sonoma 1 $500,000 Francisco State University; State between native oyster and eelgrass restoration, and potential Project Coastal Conservancy larger-scale restoration sites for eelgrass. Restore the 48-acre site to tidal habitat and potential foraging Hayward Area Recreation and Park Franks Tract Tier 2 Alameda 49 $500,000 habitat for Ridgway’s Rail. District The project restored 610 acres of diked wetlands and opened National Park Service; State Lands Giacomini Wetlands Tier 1 Marin the wetlands to tidal action. It will continue with flood plain 610 $150,000 Commission construction and invasive plant removal. This project will design and implement tidal restoration, by Hamilton/Bel Marin using dredged sediment to raise elevations prior to levee Other State Coastal Conservancy; US Keys Wetlands Marin breaching, and constructing an adjacent levee to protect NA $0 Active Army Corps of Engineers Restoration - Phase III neighboring communities. Bay Trail segments will also be completed. Restore tidal marsh and shoreline bird habitat, enhance Hayward Regional endangered California Least Tern and Salt Marsh Harvest Shoreline - Habitat Tier 2 Alameda 700 $15,000,000 East Bay Regional Park District Mouse habitat, improve water quality and circulation in Restoration marshlands and restore levees. Restore up to 40 acres of tidal wetlands and adjacent upland Restoration Project - for T&E species by removing fill, potential contaminants and Tier 2 Alameda 40 $2,500,000 East Bay Regional Park District McLaughlin non-natives; planting natives; and improving connectivity to Eastshore State Park adjacent tidal marshes.

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Intertidal Habitat The project will remove inorganic debris from 6,000 linear feet Improvement Project - of shoreline, reduce erosion and sedimentation and create a Tier 2 Alameda 4 $1,000,000 East Bay Regional Park District McLaughlin “living” shoreline of intertidal habitat for fish, wildlife and Eastshore State Park plants.

Invasive Spartina This is a coordinated effort to eradicate four species of the Invasive Spartina Project; State San Control Efforts in San Tier 1 exotic, invasive cordgrass, which took over 1,600 acres of the 1,750 $5,000,000 Coastal Conservancy; US Fish and Mateo Francisco Bay bay's marshes and tidal flats while threatening 69,000 more. Wildlife Service

The project will restore 23 acres of tidal marsh and coastal dune habitat for special status species by removing invasive NOAA - Gulf of the Farallones Tier 1 Marin 23 $421,000 Restoration Project vegetation, restoring historical function to the island, and National Marine Sancuary improving hydrologic function and sediment transport.

A comprehensive synthesis and analysis of existing historical Laguna de Santa information on the Laguna watershed that will inform ongoing Rosa Historical Tier 1 Sonoma NA $300,000 Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation creek and stream restoration, flood protection, T&E species Ecology Study management, restoration of salmonid populations, and more.

Project implements invasive species control, degraded riparian Laguna de Santa revegetation, seasonal wetland restoration and conservation Rosa Middle Reach Tier 1 Sonoma 57 $200,000 Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation management, and oak woodland restoration along 1.8 miles of Restoration Project creek.

Lagunitas Creek - Turtle Island Restoration Network - Tocoloma Flood Plain This project will improve access and facilitation of floodplain Tier 2 Marin 11 $1,500,000 Salmon Protection and Watershed Access and connectivity and critical winter habitat for fish. Network (SPAWN) Restoration

The City of Oakland is aiming to remove culverts and fill Merritt and Lake materials, create a by-pass structure, implement water quality Lake Merritt Institute; Oakland, City Merritt Channel Tier 1 Alameda 8 $17,000,000 technologies at the Lake, and restore the tidal channel of Improvements between Lake Merritt and the bay. The current structure limits passage into Larson Creek, which has had both coho and steelhead and is a major tributary of Turtle Island Restoration Network - Larson Creek Fish Tier 2 Marin San Geronimo Creek. The project involves removal of existing 2 $500,000 Salmon Protection and Watershed Passage check and structures as well as reconfiguration of a Network (SPAWN) water main beneath the culvert.

Page 6 of 17 Estimated Project Project County Description Acre Funding Needs 3-5 Lead Rank yr The goal is to analyze subtidal restoration techniques, identify Living Shorelines: the best locations for restoration, and restore critical eelgrass Regional Near-Shore Linkages Tier 1 and native oyster habitat, while providing climate change NA $300,000 State Coastal Conservancy Project for adaptation, flood control, and the protection and enhancement of wildlife habitat. This project will transform a Corps-designed legacy flood Lower Walnut Creek Other Contra protection system, which requires ongoing maintenance, into a Contra Costa County Flood Control 400 $5,000,000 Restoration Active Costa sustainable creek with capacity for floodwaters and and Water Conservation District floodplains. This project will address issues relating to sediment deposition, Marsh Creek Contra heavy practices, and mercury loading which have led to Contra Costa County Flood Control Reservoir Tier 2 218 $4,500,000 Costa a shrinking reservoir, a lack of vegetation and a ban on fishing and Water Conservation District Rehabilitation for the last 35 years. Contra Costa County Flood Control Marsh Creek Contra This plan will increase creek flow area and riparian vegetation and Water Conservation District; Tier 2 7 $1,500,000 widening at Griffith Costa by constructing a low flow channel and enhanced floodplain. Friends of Marsh Creek Watershed; Natural Heritage Institute

Martin Luther King Jr. The proposed water quality project would provide for Regional Shoreline - Tier 1 Alameda collection of floating plastic, aluminum and polystyrene debris 200 $3,000,000 East Bay Regional Park District Water Quality Project discharging from the urban watershed.

Martinez Regional This project will widen the creek and construct flood terraces, Contra Shoreline - Marsh Tier 2 construct one or more eight-acre tidal basins, and remove 15 $2,500,000 East Bay Regional Park District Costa Restoration Phase III shoreline levees to enhance tidal circulation.

The project will reconnect Gallinas and Miller Creek with restored wetlands that provide habitats for state and federally listed threatened and , including steelhead McInnis Marsh Marin County Parks and Open Tier 2 Marin trout, green sturgeon, Ridgway's rail, black rail, and the 200 $500,000 Habitat Restoration Space; State Coastal Conservancy saltmarsh harvest mouse. In addition, it will provide important nursery habitat for marine fisheries and wintering areas for numerous migratory birds. Miller Knox Regional This project will create tidal lagoon, marsh and freshwater Shoreline - Lagoon Contra habitats, reconnecting creeks to their headwaters, reinstating Tier 2 75 $2,300,000 East Bay Regional Park District and Marsh Costa tidal exchange between the lagoon, creek and bay and Restoration establishing wetlands. Turtle Island Restoration Network - Montezuma Creek ? This project will replace and reconfigure an existing culvert to Tier 2 Sonoma 1 $70,000 Salmon Protection and Watershed Juarez St. Culvert facilitate fish passage into upper Montezuma Creek. Network (SPAWN)

Page 7 of 17 Estimated Project Project County Description Acre Funding Needs 3-5 Lead Rank yr Mount Diablo Creek Watershed This project will plan, design, and implement the necessary fish Contra California State Parks; Contra Costa Coordinated Tier 2 passage projects throughout the watershed to restore NA $400,000 Costa Resource Conservation District Steelhead Passage steelhead access to 15 miles of stream habitat. Project Contaminants will be removed from the sediment in the Mountain Lake San Tier 2 bottom of this 4-acre lake by dredging 2 1/2 to 5 1/2 feet from 4 $500,000 Presidio Trust Remediation Francisco the bottom of the lake and hauling off site. This project will enhance 3,000 linear feet of juvenile Coho Muir Woods National salmon habitat in Muir Woods National Monument. Removal of Monument Coho Tier 2 Marin 2 $450,000 National Park Service 80-year old riprap will allow development of natural Habitat Enhancement geomorphic features important to this endangered population.

California Land Stewardship The is one of the only large watersheds in the San Napa River Institute; Laurel Marcus and Francisco Bay Area which remains in a rural state. Restoration Restoration: Oakville Tier 2 Napa 80 $23,670,000 Associates; Napa County; Napa of riparian, freshwater wetland and riverine aquatic habitats to Oak Knoll Reach County Flood Control and Water along 9 miles of the river will enhance salmonid habitat. Conservation District Through implementation of water control structures, Napa-Sonoma improvement in water quality, and embankment repairs, this California Department of Fish and Marshes - Ponds 6, Tier 1 Napa phase will restore five former salt ponds to managed shallow 1,935 $3,000,000 Wildlife; State Coastal Conservancy 6A, 7, 7A, and 8 and deep-water ponds suitable for a variety of waterfowl, shorebirds and other wildlife. The goal is to acquire lands to protect wildlife habitat and North Richmond Contra enhance the marsh by improving special-status species habitat, Shoreline - San Pablo Tier 2 160 $3,500,000 East Bay Regional Park District Costa removing fill, stabilizing eroding shoreline and establishing Marsh Restoration transitional areas. This project will develop a suite of restoration and flood management alternatives that maximize the beneficial uses for lower Novato Creek. The work will include updating and Friends of Novato Creek; Marin Watershed and Flood Tier 2 Marin extending the current hydrologic model of the local area, and 1,200 $5,000,000 County Public Works Department Protection Program identifying potential adjustments to flood management practices that would increase the opportunity for wetland and habitat restoration. The project will restore 20 acres of contiguous habitat for Ridgway’s Rail by removing invasive species, re-vegetating Oakport Project Tier 2 Alameda 8 $250,000 Oakland, City of natives, enhancing seasonal wetlands and creating tidal wetlands.

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Off-shore Bird Habitat The project will construct new off-shore structures and islands East Bay Regional Park District; San Project - McLaughlin Tier 2 Alameda 1 $1,500,000 for shorebird roosting and nesting. Francisco Bay Joint Venture Eastshore State Park

This project opened the Hayward Area Recreation and Park Hayward Area Recreation and Park Oliver Property Tier 1 Alameda District (HARD) Marsh to tidal action, created 82 acres of 324 $200,000 District; State Coastal Conservancy snowy plover habitat and improved a segment of the Bay Trail.

Oyster Bay Regional The project will restore 2,000 feet of tidal slough by removing Shoreline - Tidal Tier 2 Alameda fill and non-native vegetation, installing low fences and barriers 10 $500,000 East Bay Regional Park District Slough Restoration and planting native coastal scrub species along the shoreline. The project will restore a 122-acre, previously filled marsh to its Contra Costa County Flood Control Contra Pacheco Marsh Tier 2 historic tidal wetland flow, maximizing wetland habitat and 122 $9,000,000 and Water Conservation District; Costa benefiting 12 special status species. Muir Heritage Land Trust Pescadero Creek These projects will include reducing bank erosion and sediment Watershed Habitat San delivery and implementing structures to enhance wintering San Mateo Resource Conservation Tier 1 NA $505,000 Enhancement Mateo refuge and summer rearing habitats for coho salmon and District Projects steelhead. Shallow, tidally responsive habitat and fish passage in the marsh will be restored and enhanced through channel Pescadero Marsh & San San Mateo Resource Conservation Tier 2 reconstruction between the marsh and Butano Creek. This 10 $1,850,000 Butano Fish Passage Mateo District restoration will provide a solution to flooding, as well as benefiting sensitive salmonid species. These streamflow enhancement projects will install Large Pescadero-Butano San Woody Debris structures, increase access to floodplain habitat, San Mateo Resource Conservation Tier 1 NA $12,000,000 Creek Watersheds Mateo prevent erosion, increase off-stream water storage, and District improve irrigation efficiencies. Monitoring of restored tidal marsh and enhancement of upland Petaluma Marsh ExpansionTier 1and RestorationMarin 182 $60,000 Marin Audubon Society refuge habitat. The project will create unimpeded tidal inflow to and drainage Peyton Slough Contra from the marsh, improving water quality and bird-nesting Hydraulic Relief Tier 2 NA $1,400,000 Mt. View Sanitary District Costa habitat, and minimizing the impacts of flooding of adjacent Project infrastructure. The project will further establish native vegetation, diversify San Pier 94 Upland Tier 1 the native plant community and enhance wildlife hbitat in the 5 $22,720 Audubon Society Francisco upland flats of Pier 94. Restoration at the marsh and bluff will improve riparian and Pillar Point Marsh and San San Mateo County Parks and Tier 2 coastal scrub/ habitat for state listed bird species and 178 $2,000,000 Pillar Point Bluff Mateo Recreation Division special status amphibian and reptile species.

Page 9 of 17 Estimated Project Project County Description Acre Funding Needs 3-5 Lead Rank yr Fish This project entails design and implementation of fish passage Contra Contra Costa Resource Passage Tier 2 improvements to allow rainbow trout and steelhead to migrate NA $125,000 Costa Conservation District Improvement Project and reach good spawning habitat.

The project will create 0.6 acres of tidal marsh plain, breach a Contra Costa Resource Pinole Creek Contra levee to increase tidal flushing and flood storage, replace an Tier 1 7 $3,000,000 Conservation District; Pinole, City Restoration Costa exisiting bridge with a flood-safe bridge, and protect shoreline of; Restoration Design Group from increased wave-erosion resulting from sea level rise.

Plant Material The project will establish a 2,000 square foot growing ground Growing Ground to collect, propagate and supply local genotypes of native Tier 2 Alameda NA $250,000 East Bay Regional Park District Project - McLaughlin wetland and upland plants for several habitat restoration Eastshore State Park projects.

The program facilitates direct community involvement with Point Blue practices that build resilient, healthy watersheds. We propose Conservation Regional Tier 1 to implement multiple native planting and invasive plant 9 $5,525,000 Point Blue Conservation Science Science's STRAW Project removal projects that engage schools and community Project members. Point Isabel Regional This project includes enhancement of upland areas, removal of Shoreline - Wetland Contra noxious weeds and re-vegetation of natives, building fence to Tier 2 25 $2,700,000 East Bay Regional Park District Restoration and Costa protect wildlife and habitat, and stabilization of eroding Public Access shoreline.

Point Molate Acquire and protect eel grass habitat and adjacent uplands, Regional Shoreline - Contra including avian roosting rocks, oyster reef and tide pools, and Tier 2 70 $4,000,000 East Bay Regional Park District Restoration and Costa reconstruct the shoreline to adapt to sea level rise and prevent Public Access Project erosion.

Point Pinole Regional The project will reconnect the creek with its historic flood plain, Shoreline - Lower Contra improving water quality and flood water conveyance and Tier 2 25 $7,000,000 East Bay Regional Park District Costa providing new high tide refugia for the threatened California Restoration black rail. Point Pinole Regional The project will provide a visitor center with interpretive Shoreline - San Contra exhibits and education programs demonstrating unique Tier 2 5 $5,000,000 East Bay Regional Park District Francisco Bay Costa shoreline features, tidal marshes, rare coastal prairie and Interpretive Center access to the Bay shoreline.

Page 10 of 17 Estimated Project Project County Description Acre Funding Needs 3-5 Lead Rank yr Radio Beach The project will enhance and expand the beach by removing Expansion Project - debris and non-native vegetation, importing sand to the beach Tier 2 Alameda 4 $1,000,000 East Bay Regional Park District McLaughlin and dune complex and re-vegetating native and special-status Eastshore State Park plants to reduce erosion.

Redwood Creek This project will reduce stormwater runoff and increase Groundwater Storage Tier 2 Marin groundwater storage in Redwood Creek in order to enhance 1,000 $250,000 National Park Service & Coho Habitat coho salmon habitat during the dry season. Enhancement

The overall restoration project restores natural function to a 46- acre area at the mouth of the watershed, including creek, Redwood Creek floodplain, wetland, dune and lagoon habitats. Phase 5 entails Marin County Public Works Restoration at Muir Tier 2 Marin 6 $8,200,000 modifying a major piece of infrastructure to allow the creek to Department; National Park Service Beach, Phase 5 perform naturally and to adapt to a wide range of conditions in the future. This project will establish a watershed council to restore Contra approximately 2,400 feet of creek and develop an education Natural Heritage Institute; Urban Rheem Creek Tier 2 1 $977,000 Costa program to conduct restoration, re-vegetation, monitoring and Creeks Council water conservation. SLT has designed 3 restoration projects designed to support climate change adaption, sensitive species habitat and Solano Land Trust; State Coastal Rush Ranch Tier 2 Solano 2,070 $498,000 hydrological functions enhancement that will improve Conservancy connectivity of fluvial, upland and marsh components.

The project consists of the removal of Arundo donax (giant Russian River Giant reed) from the Russian River watershed, as well as follow-up Reed (Arundo donax) Sonoma Resource Conservation Tier 1 Sonoma treatments to insure that all re-growth is controlled. Re- 5,000 $750,000 Removal and Riparian District vegetation with native riparian plants is conducted where Restoration Program appropriate.

Salvador Creek Flood The project will stabilize streambanks, enhance riparian plant Napa County Flood Control and Reduction and Tier 2 Napa NA $2,600,000 diversity, improve geomorphic function, and reduce flooding. Water Conservation District Habitat Enhancement

Page 11 of 17 Estimated Project Project County Description Acre Funding Needs 3-5 Lead Rank yr This project includes the design, permitting, and construction San Anselmo Creek - necessary to treat four serious barriers to salmonids on San Treatment of Barriers Anselmo Creek. Two of these barriers have been identified as to Salmonid Passage - Friends of Corte Madera Creek Tier 2 Marin the highest priority in the entire Corte Madera Creek 0.25 $2,000,000 Corte Madera Creek Watershed Watershed. One of the proposed treatment designs would Watershed - Marin both solve a chronic local flooding issue, and be consistent County with NOAA fisheries policy.

San Francisco Bay The 230-acre project will restore foundational intertidal and Regional Multi-Habitat Tier 1 subtidal habitats and create connectivity between submerged 230 $700,000 State Coastal Conservancy Project Enhancement areas and adjacent tidal wetlands and creeks.

San Francisco Bay The prgram was developed to implement several of the area's Region Stream Regional most critical habitat restoration projects and to expand our Center for Ecosystem Management Tier 1 NA $9,000,000 Habitat Improvement Project understanding of steelhead status and conservation needs and Restoration Program through monitoring.

Dixon Weir is a collection of structures including a culvert, dam, sill, and scour pool that constitute an absolute barrier to fish Turtle Island Restoration Network - San Geronimo Creek - passage in the north fork of the San Geronimo Creek. Tier 2 Marin 1 $200,000 Salmon Protection and Watershed Dixon Weir Passage Reopening the fork involves removing barriers and Network (SPAWN) reconstructing a large box culvert into a bottomless arch culvert. This section of San Geronimo Creek passes through extensive San Geronimo Creek - cattle pastures, and is a significant source of sediment through Turtle Island Restoration Network - Flanders Ranch Tier 2 Marin the entire watershed. The project will restore riparian 2 $12,000 Salmon Protection and Watershed Restoration vegetation and install cattle exclusions along the north fork of Network (SPAWN) San Geronimo Creek. Roy's Pools is a significant barrier to fish migration. Restoration of the existing check pools and fish ladders will remove that Turtle Island Restoration Network - San Geronimo Creek - Tier 2 Marin significant barrier and allow reconnection of an extensive 5 $1,700,000 Salmon Protection and Watershed Roy's Pools passage floodplain and critical winter habitat on the San Geronimo Network (SPAWN) Valley Golf Course. San Geronimo Valley includes some 300 acres of heavily San Geronimo Creek Turtle Island Restoration Network - infested areas of invasive species that do not contribute & Tributaries Invasive Tier 2 Marin 400 $1,500,000 Salmon Protection and Watershed effectively to ecosystem function. This program includes labor Plant Removal Network (SPAWN) and materials for removal and replanting. San Geronimo Creek is profoundly affected by activities in the San Geronimo Creek roughly 1,000 private parcels abutting the main stem and Turtle Island Restoration Network - & Tributaries Private Tier 2 Marin tributaries. This program will facilitate projects to protect, 350 $1,500,000 Salmon Protection and Watershed Lands Restoration restore, or enhance riparian habitats, floodplains, creekbanks, Network (SPAWN) and winter fish habitat.

Page 12 of 17 Estimated Project Project County Description Acre Funding Needs 3-5 Lead Rank yr San Geronimo Valley includes paved and unpaved roads that San Geronimo Creek are a major source of sediments contributing to TMDL Turtle Island Restoration Network - & Tributaries Public Tier 2 Marin exceedances in the watershed. This project will work with NA $2,500,000 Salmon Protection and Watershed and Private Road County commitments to re-engineer and repair eroding Network (SPAWN) Restorations roadways on public and private lands.

San Geronimo Valley includes some 100,000 square feet of San Geronimo Creek institutional buildings that are a major component of the Turtle Island Restoration Network - Watershed Storm Tier 2 Marin impervious surface in the watershed. This project will install 125 $200,000 Salmon Protection and Watershed Water Controls bioswales and other stormwater control measures to reduce Network (SPAWN) flashiness and sedimentation in steelhead habitat.

San Geronimo Valley In addition to the rebuilding of the Roy's Pools passage, the Turtle Island Restoration Network - Golf Course reconstruction and reconnection of upstream flood plains on Tier 2 Marin 4 $150,000 Salmon Protection and Watershed Floodplain the golf course represents one of the most significant Network (SPAWN) Restoration improvements available in the watershed.

San Gregorio Creek These projects will include reducing bank erosion and sediment Watershed Habitat San delivery and implementing structures to enhance wintering San Mateo Resource Conservation Tier 1 NA $445,000 Enhancement Mateo refuge and summer rearing habitats for coho salmon and District Projects steelhead. San Pablo Creekside Contra The project removed invasives and propogated and planted Tier 1 1 $5,000 Park Project Costa native plant species from the high bank down to the creek.

The program trains and deploys Citizen Scientist volunteers to Santa Rosa Plain collect data using a vetted, standardized protocol. Volunteers Adopt a Vernal Pool Tier 1 Sonoma return annually to their "adopted" vernal pool to collect data, NA $60,000 Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation Program assess plant community composition and conduct photo monitoring. The project includes invasive plant removal and native plant Sausal Creek Erosion restoration, erosion control, accomodating urban runoff, Control Restoration Tier 1 Alameda restoring flow to previously-formed channels, and installing NA $741,500 Friends of Sausal Creek Project energy dissipation structures to mimic step-pools and vegetated swales.

Sausal Creek Monterey Redwoods Erosion reduction efforts extend from the creek up to the top Tier 1 Alameda 0.3 $10,000 Friends of Sausal Creek Understory of the Bridgeview switchbacks, about a 120-foot elevation gain. Restoration

Page 13 of 17 Estimated Project Project County Description Acre Funding Needs 3-5 Lead Rank yr Alameda County Flood Control and Sausal Creek Native The project produces up to 10,000 local native plants annually Tier 2 Alameda NA $10,000 Water Conservation District; Friends Plant Propagation for restoration projects in seven different vegetation types. of Sausal Creek; Oakland, City of

Sausal Creek The project will provide a science-based watershed Watershed Tier 1 Alameda management plan to guide sustainable long-term restoration 2,656 $75,000 Friends of Sausal Creek Management Plan of the watershed's hydrological and biological functions.

The project goals were to restore 960 acres of tidal marsh; enhance up to 40 acres of seasonal wetlands; enhance 15.5 Sears Point Wetland acres of CA red-legged frog habitat; enhance over 900 acres of and Watershed Tier 1 Sonoma 2,327 $200,000 Sonoma Land Trust upland , vernal pools, and riparian drainages; and Restoration Project construct 2.5 miles of the Bay Trail and up to 3.5 miles of additional trails. This project will permanently protect and enhance historic Simmons Slough - baylands as seasonal wetland habitat. When the restoration is Tier 2 Marin 144 $25,000 Marin Audubon Society (Olive & Atherton) complete, Marin Audubon will deed the property to the Marin County Open Space District. Skaggs Island and This project will focus on tidal wetland restoration and Ducks Unlimited; US Fish and Haire Ranch Tier 2 Sonoma inclusion in the San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge for both 4,402 $54,000,000 Wildlife Service - San Pablo Bay Restoration properties. National Wildlife Refuge This assessment of the magnitude and locations of instream & flow limitations on fisheries will significantly build on an Tributaries Instream Tier 2 Sonoma NA $200,000 Sonoma Ecology Center existing analysis and increase capacity and knowledge through Flow Assessment outreach, monitoring and/or research. This project will restore, conserve and expand riparian and Sonoma Creek & instream habitats in approximately 100 miles of stream. Tributaries Riparian Tier 2 Sonoma Riparian enhancement will be conducted on high-priority NA $500,000 Sonoma Ecology Center Enhancement private parcels and in concert with sediment remediation work at public culverts and crossings. Sonoma Creek & This project will restore riparian vegetation communities and Tributaries: associated riparian wetlands along a creek that runs through Tier 2 Sonoma 9 $1,500,000 Sonoma Ecology Center Nathanson Creek downtown. Salmon having been observed spawning just Preserve & Parkway upstream of the project area for the last four years. Sonoma Creek Fish This project will increase access to migratory fish habitats in 15 Passage at Madrone Tier 2 Sonoma NA $1,500,000 Sonoma Ecology Center miles of stream. Road

Page 14 of 17 Estimated Project Project County Description Acre Funding Needs 3-5 Lead Rank yr This project will conserve and enhance dry season streamflow Sonoma Creek on 100 miles of stream. Beginning with monitoring and Streamflow Recovery Tier 2 Sonoma progressing to voluntary changes in water use by landowners, NA $3,640,000 Sonoma Ecology Center Program CEMAR it will also work to increase capacity and knowledge through outreach, monitoring and research.

This project will restore, conserve and expand riparian and Sonoma Creek instream habitats, benefiting 120 miles of stream. Watershed- Tier 2 Sonoma NA $800,000 Sonoma Ecology Center Watershed Fisheries wide prioritization of fishery projects will be based on several existing datasets, and design for highest-priority projects.

The goal for these former salt ponds is to complete a large- scale tidal marsh restoration, maintain or improve flood South Bay Salt Ponds: Santa State Coastal Conservancy; US Fish Tier 2 protection, and improve public access. At this site, this will be 499 $1,000,000 Alviso - Island Ponds Clara and Wildlife Service accomplished by lowering, removing, or breaching levees, and modifying existing breaches. The goal for these former salt ponds is to complete a large- South Bay Salt Ponds: scale tidal marsh restoration, maintain or improve flood Alviso - Mountain Santa protection to adjacent residences and businesses, and improve State Coastal Conservancy; US Fish Tier 2 845 $25,000,000 View Ponds - A1, A2W, Clara recreation and public access. This will be accomplished by and Wildlife Service altering or breaching levees, and creating wildlife habitat features. South Bay Salt Ponds: This 2,500-acre project will breach at least four salt ponds to California Department of Fish and Eden Landing - become tidal marsh, add habitat islands to increase bird- Tier 2 Alameda 2,500 $35,000,000 Wildlife; State Coastal Conservancy; Southern Eden nesting success and create deep-water channels to improve US Fish and Wildlife Service Landing habitat quality for juvenile fish. South Bay Salt Ponds: The goal of this project is to restore seasonal ponds to tidal California Department of Fish and Ravenswood San marsh and managed ponds, maintain or improve flood Tier 2 670 $4,000,000 Wildlife; State Coastal Conservancy; Complex - Ponds R3, Mateo protection, improve habitat for western snowy plover, and US Fish and Wildlife Service R4, R5, S5 create public access.

Projects will include invasive plant eradication, native plant California Land Stewardship Suisun Creek revegetation, stream channel restoration, fish migration barrier Institute; California Sportfishing Watershed Solano, Tier 1 removal, water quality and temperature monitoring, and 10,000 $2,000,000 Protection Alliance; Laurel Marcus Enhancement Sonoma voluntary participation of local farmers in an environmental and Associates; State Coastal Program certification program called Fish Friendly Farming. Conservancy

The project will convert a culverted creek tributary to an above Tennessee Hollow: San ground "daylighted" creek and plant native vegetation along Tier 1 7 $6,000,000 Presidio Trust Eastern Tributary Francisco the bank, as well as convert a road to a multi-use trail with a pedestrian bridge.

Page 15 of 17 Estimated Project Project County Description Acre Funding Needs 3-5 Lead Rank yr One of the few natural channel reaches in its watershed, Lover's Lane Reach sustains willows and small perennial flow. Tennessee Hollow: Other San Non-native trees and invasive species will be removed to 3 $25,000 Presidio Trust Lover's Lane Reach Active Francisco increase the quality of the habitat. The old footpath is also being renovated. This project to daylight a currently culverted stream will require Tennessee Hollow: San road removal, building demolition, and extensive grading. The Tier 2 5 $4,700,000 Presidio Trust Macarthur Ave Reach Francisco Presidio's community-based restoration program, which relies on a group of dedicated volunteers, will maintain the site.

This is a wetland enhancement that requires the Tennessee Hollow: San Tier 1 removal of 4,500 cubic yards of fill to create approximately two 4 $300,000 Presidio Trust MacArthur Meadow Francisco acres of freshwater marsh and 200 feet of creek channel.

Tennessee Hollow: This project will create very rare brackish marsh habitat as well Quartermaster San Tier 1 as riparian forest on the south end of its reach, and mud flats 7 $750,000 National Park Service; Presidio Trust Reach/ Francisco and salt marsh on the north end. Phase 2 This project will restore 2-5 acres of wetlands by raising Tennessee Valley groundwater elevation, removing invasive species, and Tier 2 Marin 5 $600,000 National Park Service Wetlands Restoration planting native species. The wetlands will support a variety of wildlife species and the area is widely used by the public.

The levee on this property will be modified to create high tide Tiscornia Marsh Other Marin refuge habitat for endangered Ridgway's rail which inhabit the 20 $120,000 Marin Audubon Society Restoration Project Active marsh. Public access will also be improved on the levee top.

The acquisition of the 1,737-acre Tolay Lake Regional Park California State Parks; Sonoma Tolay Lake Regional Other allows a much greater degree of public access than ever County Agricultural and Open Sonoma 1,737 $600,000 Park Active before. At least 12 known species of “special status” are found Space District; Sonoma County on the property. Regional Parks Department The 25-acre project will improve tidal action, implement and Triangle Marsh - modify water control structures, promote native vegetation Hayward Area Recreation and Park Tier 2 Alameda 25 $250,000 Hayward and enhance habitat for the endangered Salt Marsh Harvest District Mouse.

Two barriers to steelhead migration will be removed, and Upper Adobe Creek Other Sonoma Resource Conservation Sonoma restoration of riparian habitat along Adobe Creek will 1 $60,000 Fish Passage Project Active District rehabilitate ecological processes and restore fisheries habitat.

Page 16 of 17 Estimated Project Project County Description Acre Funding Needs 3-5 Lead Rank yr Projects will include the completion of a watershed Upper Mark West management plan with an in-depth analysis of hydrologic Creek Management Sonoma Resource Conservation Tier 1 Sonoma conditions and water flows, creation of an interactive online NA $278,377 Plan and Water District map-based information system, and installation of two water Conservation Projects conservation demonstration projects. Steelhead trout and Chinook salmon use this reach of the Napa Upper Napa River River to spawn and rear. This project restores and creates Tier 2 Napa 20 $500,000 Laurel Marcus and Associates Restoration project riparian and aquatic habitats and enhances water quality by reducing channel erosion. This project will assess habitat and flow conditions in 80 miles Upper Sonoma Creek of stream in the upper 2/3 of the watershed. This project will & Tributaries Habitat Tier 2 Sonoma NA $200,000 Sonoma Ecology Center increase capacity and knowledge through outreach, and Flow Assessment monitoring and/or research. The project restored tidal salt marsh habitat for Ridgway's rail Western Contra and other wildlife through restoration of adjacent coastal University of California Berkeley Tier 1 8 $300,000 Restoration Program Costa prairie , removal and control of invasive species and Environmental Health and Safety native plant vegetation. The project will remove barriers to fish passage providing for Wildcat Creek Contra fish migration, improve riparian and fish habitat, reduce Contra Costa County Flood Control Tier 2 NA $6,000,000 Restoration Costa sedimentation, and reduce the impacts and costs of and Water Conservation District maintenance. This project will remove invasives and plant native speciess, Wilkie Creek Contra provide erosion control along 150 feet of creek, assess a Tier 1 0.14 $5,000 The Watershed Project Stewardship Project Costa deteriorating culvert, and include a strong educational component with De Anza High School. Yulupa River Passage This project will notch a perched culvert to improve steelhead at Warm Springs Tier 2 Sonoma passage under Warm Springs Rd. and increase access to NA $20,000 Sonoma Ecology Center Road habitats in 10 miles of stream.

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