Cheminformatics and Metabolism

Chemical resources (structure, bioactivity and metabolomics): ChEBI, MetaboLights and the Enzyme Portal

SME Bioinformatics Forum, Barcelona 8-9 October 2012

Pablo Conesa

EBI is an Outstation of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory. Overview


Enzyme • Enzyme Portal Portal

• MetaboLights

2 29.10.2012 ChEBI – Chemical Entities of Biological Interest ChEBI dictionary of „small‟

EBI is an Outstation of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory. What is ChEBI?

• Chemical Entities of Biological Interest • Freely available • Focused on „small‟ chemical entities (no or nucleic acids) • Illustrated dictionary of chemical nomenclature • High quality, manually annotated database • Provides chemical ontology

Access ChEBI at

4 29.10.2012 ChEBI – Chemical Entities of Biological Interest Chemicals - ChEBI

Nomenclature Ontology metabolite 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine CNS stimulant methyltheobromine trimethylxanthines

Chemical data Database Xrefs Formula: C8H10N4O2 MSDchem: CFF Charge: 0 KEGG DRUG: D00528 Mass: 194.19

Chemical Informatics Visualisation InChI=1/C8H10N4O2/c1-10-4-9-6- 5(10)7(13)12(3)8(14)11(6)2/h4H,1-3H3 SMILES CN1C(=O)N(C)c2ncn(C)c2C1=O Small annotations

• Often appear as free text in biological databases, in which they are not the core data • Are frequently referred to by common names which may be chemically ambiguous • eg. = (S)-adrenaline ? (R)-adrenaline ?

• May be referred to by several different names • , acetaminophen, 4-acetamidophenol, N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)acetamide, …

ChEBI home page

13 29.10.2012 ChEBI – Chemical Entities of Biological Interest ChEBI entries contain

• A unique, unambiguous, recommended ChEBI name and an associated stable unique identifier • An illustration where appropriate (compounds and groups, but generally not classes) • A definition where appropriate (mostly classes) • A collection of synonyms, including the IUPAC recommended name for the entity where appropriate • A collection of cross-references to other databases

• Links to the ChEBI ontology

14 29.10.2012 ChEBI – Chemical Entities of Biological Interest ChEBI entry view

15 29.10.2012 ChEBI – Chemical Entities of Biological Interest Automatic Cross-references

16 29.10.2012 ChEBI – Chemical Entities of Biological Interest Chemical Structures

• Chemical structure may be interactively explored using MarvinView applet

• Available in formats • Image • Molfile • InChI and InChIKey • SMILES

17 29.10.2012 ChEBI – Chemical Entities of Biological Interest How is ChEBI maintained?

• Automatic loading of preliminary data

• Automatic loading of data annotated elsewhere

• Manual annotation

• User requests via Submission Tool

• Public release: First Monday of every month.

18 29.10.2012 ChEBI – Chemical Entities of Biological Interest For more information

• Email: [email protected]

• SourceForge:

• User Manual:

• RSS Feed

19 29.10.2012 ChEBI – Chemical Entities of Biological Interest The EBI Enzyme Portal Your portal to enzyme-related information at the EBI

EBI is an Outstation of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory. The Enzyme Portal integrates EBI’s enzyme resources into a single access point


Enzyme Portal

InterPro Enzyme Portal home page Enzyme Portal Results Page Enzyme Portal Entry Summary Enzyme Portal Structure Enzyme Portal Reactions/Pathways Enzyme Portal Small Molecules Enzyme Portal Small Molecules Enzyme Portal Diseases Enzyme Portal Literature Online training – Quick Tour

• quick-tour

34 29.10.2012 ChEBI – Chemical Entities of Biological Interest MetaboLights a repository for metabolomics experiments and derived information

EBI is an Outstation of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory. MetaboLights - Goal

Create the first open cross-species, cross- platform metabolomics repository (, 29 October 2012 36 29 October 2012 MetaboLights – Main components

• Data Submission✔ • ISA creator • Online data deposition

• Repository ✔ • Complete metabolomics experiments/studies • Sharing Experiments

• Reference Layer • Metabolite identification • Curated

37 29/10/2012 MetaboLights – Data Submission Channels

• ISAcreator

• Bulk submission pipeline

38 29/10/2012 ISAcreator

Nature Genetics doi:10.1038/ng.1054 Susanna-Assunta Sansone,…... Haug, Neumann, de Matos, Griffin, Steinbeck, ….. and Hide

39 29 October 2012 ISAcreator - Study

42 29 October 2012 ISAcreator - Assays

43 29/10/2012 ISAcreator - Metabolite Identification plugin

29 October 2012 44 MetaboLights – Repository Website (,

45 29 October 2012 MetaboLights – Private data

46 29 October 2012 MetaboLights – Study Details

47 29 October 2012 MetaboLights - Search

48 29 October 2012 MetaboLights – Download page

49 29/10/2012 MetaboLights - Curation

Nomenclature Species Tissues GC Disease NMR MS Crossrefs Organs Structure LC Cell Types Identifier Pathways

Reference Reference Reference Spectroscopy Chemistry Biology


Experimental Repository MetaboLights

50 29 October 2012 MetaboLights – The way forward

• Standards, MSI compliance • Filling a gap, “First of a kind” • Journals • Stable identifiers • High demand • High quality curated data • Listening to our users • Open Data Access

51 29/10/2012 Thank you

Any questions?

EBI is an Outstation of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory.