On the motion of Councillor Cowan, the Council Resolved : 223. That the following Report of the Highways and Cleansing Committee of a meeting held on the 28th August, 1935, be received :— REPORTS OF THE HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING COMMITTEE. 28th August, 1935. Present:— Councillor Cowan (in the Chair). Councillor Adams. Councillor Walker. „ Dawson. ,, Mrs. Webb. Gange. ,, Wilkins. Greer.

PART I.—RECOMMENDATIONS. RECOMMENDATION I.—Street Improvement, Old Church Lane, . The Clerk of the Council reported that in connection with the improvement to Old Church Lane, Stanmore, which comprises the reconstruction and straightening of the section of Old Church Lane, between Marsh Lane and Belmont Lane, the owner of the land required for the improvement had now entered into the agreement giving up the land in question in exchange for land to be conveyed to him by the Council. The Justices have given their certificate for the necessary diversion of the road and this will be submitted to Quarter Sessions in October. The improvement works can, therefore, be proceeded with as provided for in the agreement. A tender submitted by George Wimpey & Co., Ltd., amounting to £6,045 12s. 6d. (the lowest) was accepted by the former Hendon Rural District Council, in February, 1934, and the Surveyor reported that the Contractors had expressed their willingness to carry out the work at this price despite the lapse of time, provided commencement is not delayed beyond November next. Resolved to RECOMMEND : That the improvement works to Old Church Lane, Stanmore, be proceeded with, and the offer of George Wimpey & Co., Ltd., to proceed with such works in accordance with their tender amounting to £6,045 12s. 6d. (the lowest), which was selected by the former Hendon Rural District Council in February, 1934, be accepted; and that application be made to the Ministry of Health for sanction to borrow the sum of £6,200 being the amount of the tender, together with an amount for contingencies.

On the motion of Councillor Cowan, the Council Resolved : 224. That Recommendation I of the Report of the Highways and Cleansing Committee of the 28th August, 1935, be approved and adopted. 448

RECOMMENDATION II.—Making up of Private Streets- committee. Private Street Works Act, 1892. The Committee considered a further list of streets to be made up under the Private Street Works Act, 1892.

Resolved to RECOMMEND : That each of the following streets or parts of streets in the Harrow Urban District, not being at present sewered, levelled, paved, metalled, flagged, channelled, made good or lighted to the satisfaction of the Council, be sewered, levelled, paved, metalled, flagged, channelled, made good and provided with proper means for lighting under and in accordance with the provisions of the Private Street Works Act, 1892, and that the expenses incurred in executing such works in respect of each street or part of a street be apportioned upon the premises fronting, adjoining or abutting on each such respective street or part of a street according to the respective frontages of such premises, regard being had in the case of all the streets or parts of streets, except Village Way, East, Hawthorne Avenue, and Charlton Avenue (Sec. 4), to the greater or less degree of benefit, to be derived by any premises from such works, namely:— Hillcroft Avenue. Village Way, East (from to Imperial Drive). West Avenue (Sec. 2 from Hillcroft Avenue to Church Avenue). Central Avenue (Sec. 2 from Hillcroft Avenue to Church Avenue). Woodway Crescent. Hawthorne Avenue. Bonnersfield Lane (Sec. 3 from No. 1, Grange Road to Manor Road). Charlton Road (Sec. 4 from No. 183, Charlton Road to Honeypot Lane). And further, that the Surveyor be and he is hereby instructed to prepare in conformity with this resolution as respects each of such streets or parts of streets and submit to the Highways and Cleansing Committee :— (a) A specification of the above-mentioned works with plans and sections, if necessary ; ' (b) An estimate of the probable expenses of the works ; and (c) A provisional apportionment of the estimated expenses among the premises liable to be charged therewith under the Act.

On the motion of Councillor Cowan, the Council Resolved : 225. That Recommendation II of the Report of the High­ ways and Cleansing Committee of the 28th August, 1935, be approved and adopted. 449

PART II.—MINUTES. Highways and Cleansing (Not requiring confirmation.) committee, 1. MINUTES. Resolved: That the Minutes of the last meeting of the Committee, having been circulated, be confirmed and signed. 2. MAKING UP OF PRIVATE STREETS. The following matters relating to the making up of private streets were considered, viz. :— (a) The Clerk of the Council reported that a number of frontagers had objected to the provisional apportionments for Bacon Lane, Grange Gardens, Lytton Road, Hillview Road, Harrow View, Towers Road, Pembroke Place, West Avenue, Merlin Crescent and Haverford Way. With the exception of Bacon Lane, the objections are mainly in respect of the amount of the provisional apportionment. The objections in respect of Bacon Lane are that it is a highway repairable by the inhabitants at large. Resolved : (i) That the consideration of the objections received in respect of the proposals of the Council for the making up, under the Private Street Works Act, 1892, of Bacon Lane, be deferred until the next meeting. (ii) That failing the withdrawal of the objections against the pro­ visional apportionment of the estimated expenses for making up under the Private Street Works Act, 1892, Grange Gardens, Lytton Road, Hillview Close, Harrow View, Towers Road, Pembroke Place, West Avenue, Merlin Crescent and Haver- ford Way, the Clerk of the Council do apply to the Justices pursuant to the authority given by the Council on the 2nd July, 1935, to determine the matter of all objections made. (b) Tenders were considered for the making up of the following private streets, viz. :— Pembioke Place. Albert Road. Merlin Crescent (Sec. 1 and 2). Lytton Road. Methuen Road. Towers Road. Bacon Lane. Hillview Close. Haverford Way. Grove Road. Prescelly Place. Village Way West. Glebe Road. West Avenue (Sec. 1). Grange Gardens. Central Avenue (Sec.l). Parkfield Crescent. The Glen. Harrow View (Sec. 4). Downs Avenue. Edward Road (Sec. 2). Resolved: That, subject to the withdrawal of objections or determination thereof by the Justices, the following tenders (being the lowest completed tenders received for each of the respective streets) be accepted for the making up of the respective private streets 450 fflch3ngnd set out below and that the Ministry of Health be informed of committee. the tender prices :— Street. Contractor. Amount of Tender. Haverf ord Way Parr Head & Clements Knowling, Ltd. £1,577 0 0 Harrow View (Sec. 4) Do. £777 0 0 Pembroke Place William Old, Ltd. ... £374 7 10 Methuen Road Do. £2,176 7 4 Bacon Lane ...... Do. £3,336 7 7 Prescelly Place Do. £499 8 1 Glebe Road ... Do. £981 7 8 Parkfield Crescent . . . Do. £1,181 2 8 Edward Road (Sec. 2) Do. £359 3 11 Albert Road ... Do. £1,165 14 1 Hillview Close Do. £409 5 5 Grove Road ... Do. £255 4 2 Merlin Crescent (Sec. 1) Wimpey & Co. , Ltd. . . . £1,327 3 5 Merlin Crescent (Sec. 2) Do. £988 16 8 Grange Gardens Do. £3,392 1 3 Lytton Road ... Do. £1,026 4 6 Towers Road ... Do. £1,621 14 8 Village Way West . . . Do. £3,211 18 0 West Avenue (Sec. 1) Do. £1,265 6 4 Central Avenue (Sec. 1) Do. £1,342 12 8 The Glen Do. £1,097 6 6 Downs Avenue Do. £1,821 16 10 3. MAKING UP OF PRIVATE STREETS—PRIVATE STREET WORKS ACT, 1892. In accordance with the resolution of the Council on the 30th July, 1935, the Surveyor submitted in respect of each of the undermentioned streets or parts of streets :— (a) A specification of the works with plans and sections ; (b) An estimate of the probable expenses of the works; and (c) A provisional apportionment of the estimated expenses among the premises liable to be charged therewith under the Private Street Works Act, 1892, regard being had in the case of all the streets or parts of streets, to the greater or less degree of benefit to be derived by any premises from such works. Resolved: (a) That the following be and are hereby approved :— (i) The respective specifications now submitted of the works proposed to be done by the Council under and in accord­ ance with the Private Street Works Act, 1892, in sewering, levelling, paving, metalling, flagging, chan- 451

nelling, making good, and providing proper means lighting each of the following streets or parts of streets, committee namely:— Rayners Lane (Sec. 2, i.e., from Village Way to Lankers Brook), South. Charlton Road (Sec. 1, i.e., from Kenton Road to the junction of D'Arcy Drive), Stanmore South. Charlton Road (Sec. 2, i.e., from D'Arcy Drive to and including Nos. 101 and 102, Charlton Road), Stanmore South. D'Arcy Drive, Stanmore South. D'Arcy Gardens, Stanmore South. Camplin Road, Stanmore South. (ii) The respective plans, sections, estimates and provisional apportionments relating to such respective works prepared by the Surveyor and now submitted, regard being had in the case of all the above-mentioned streets or parts of streets, to the greater or less degree of benefit to be derived by any premises from such works. (b) That in accordance with the authority given by the Council on the 2nd July, 1935, the Clerk of the Council and the Surveyor take the following steps in the case of each of such streets or parts of streets, namely :— (i) To give all requisite notices and in case any objections are received to obtain the decisions of the Justices thereon unless the objections are withdrawn ; and (ii) To advertise for tenders for carrying out the approved specifications, the tenders to be on the basis that alterations to the specifications required by the Justices may be made. (c) That in accordance with the authority and instructions given by the Council on the 2nd July, 1935, the Clerk of the Council make application to the Ministry of Health for sanction to the borrowing, for making up the said streets and parts of streets, of the total amount of the Surveyor's estimates of expenses thereof. * 4. WORKS ON PUBLIC ROADS—SERVICE ROAD, PINNER. The Committee considered tenders for the construction of a service road at Pinner-Rickmansworth Road, Pinner. Resolved: That the tenders be forwarded to the County Council. 5. SEWERS AND DRAINS. The Committee considered tenders for the construction of a surface water outfall sewer from Belmont to Brook and Kenton Lane. This work was approved by the Council at their meeting of the 1st January, 1935, and the sanction of the Ministry of Health to the borrowing of the necessary money has been obtained. 452

Highways and R/Hinliipd • Cleansing KCSOLVea . committee. That the tender of William Old, Ltd., amounting to £5,115 4s. 2d. (being the lowest tender received) for the construction of a surface water outfall sewer from Belmont to Wealdstone Brook and Kenton Lane be accepted. 6. COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF REFUSE. Resolved: That the Surveyor be asked to submit reports to the Committee at their next meeting as to :— (a) collection of garden refuse ; and (b) protective clothing for refuse collectors and men at work at the Destructor.

On the motion of Councillor Cowan, the Council Resolved : 226. That the following Report of the Highways and Cleansing Committee of a meeting held on the 16th September, 1935, be received :— 16th September, 1935. Present : Councillor Cowan (in the Chair). Councillor Adams. Councillor Gange. Andrews. ,, Greer. Cox. „ Telfer, J.P. EUement. „ Walker. Forbes, J.P. „ Mrs. Webb. Councillor Wilkins.

PART I.—RECOMMENDATIONS. RECOMMENDATION I.—Street Lighting, Watford Road. The Committee considered the terms of the new agreement to be entered into between Wembley Council (on behalf of themselves and the Harrow Council covering the whole road) and the North Metropolitan Electric Supply Co., relating to the charges for the lighting of Watford Road, the charges to be adjusted between the two Councils. The yearly amounts which would have been due from both Councils had the present district boundaries existed in 1933, when the lighting of Watford Road was first carried out by " Osira " lighting, are as follows :— Wembley (34 lamps) : £ s. d. 28 400-watt half-night lighting at £7 4s. 6d. ... 202 6 0 6 400-watt all-night lighting at £9 10s. Od. ... 57 0 0 £259 6 0 Harrow (12 lamps) : £ s. d. 12 400-watt half-night lighting at £7 4s. 6d. ... 86 14 0 453

The lighting of the road in this manner was by way of an experiment, Highways and and Wembley Council were not charged the full cost. It is suggested that the sum of £86 14s. Od. per annum should be paid by the Harrow Council in respect of the period from the 1st April, 1934, to the 31st December, 1934, the date of the expiry of the agreement which Wembley Council had with the North Metropolitan Electric Supply Co. for the lighting of the whole of their District. Negotiations have taken place on the terms of a new agreement for lighting the road on and after 1st January, 1935. Settlement has been reached, provisional on approval by Harrow Council, whereby so far as relates to the liability of the Harrow Council the following will be the arrangement:— (1) The Company to continue to light the existing 400-watt lamps (of which there are 12) at £12 15s. Od. per lamp for all-night lighting, but to be at liberty to replace the lamps as they fail with 250-watt lamps. (2) The Council to pay on the basis of 10 lamps only, that is, £127 10s. Od. per annum ; the charge in the first year, however, to be at the rate of £104 per annum only from 1st January to 2nd June, 1935 (during which lamps were only lit half the night), and for the remainder of the year at the full rate of £127 10s. Od. per annum. The lighting arrangements if these proposals are approved will be the same for the part of the road in Harrow as for the part in Wembley. Although normally the Council provide higher power lamps in main traffic routes of this nature, it is obviously desirable to have the same system along the same road. The financial arrangements are satisfactory. Resolved to RECOMMEND : That the terms for the lighting of Watford Road in the Harrow District be approved and that any necessary agreement in regard thereto be executed in a form approved by the Clerk of the Council.

On the motion of Councillor Cowan, the Council Resolved : 227. That Recommendation, I of the Report of the High­ ways and Cleansing Committee of the 16th September, 1935, be approved and adopted.

RECOMMENDATION II.—Street Lighting. (a) Pinner Road, Conversion Scheme.—The Surveyor reported that on the 1st October, 1935, it was proposed to commence converting to gas the street lighting in that portion of Pinner Road, viz., from Marsh Road to Westmorland Road, now lighted by electricity, and in accordance with the principle agreed to by the Council on the 1st January, 1935, for the lighting of main roads, the type of lamp standards proposed to be installed is the six-light " Kemborn." There are 30 existing lamps on this section and they will be replaced with 48 six-light " Kemborn " lamps. The estimated cost, including removal of 24 existing columns, is £626 ; the annual lighting charges will be £284 12s. Od. as against £240 14s. 9d. under the existing system. 454

The remainder of Pinner Road, i.e., from Westmorland Road to committee. Roxborough Bridge, is at present lighted by four-light upright lanterns, and to standardise the lighting throughout Pinner Road, it is suggested that they should be replaced by six-light " Kemborn " lamp standards. Thirty lamps would be required to replace 24 existing upright lanterns. The estimated cost of installation, including removal of columns, is £438; the annual lighting charges will be £177 17s. 6d., as against £106 18s. Od. under the existing system. (b) Little Stanmore, Conversion Scheme.—The Surveyor reported that the actual work of converting the street lighting in Little Stanmore, in accordance with the schemes approved by the Council on the 5th March, 1935, had now been commenced. The positions of the lamps have had to be altered in view of the uneven and long distances apart at which the majority of the existing lamps were spaced. In order to maintain a general standard of lighting throughout the District, it will be necessary to provide 109 additional lamps at a cost of £554 13s. New columns will not be required, as those being removed from Kenton and Station Roads are being utilised in this scheme. (c) Greenford Road.—The Committee considered a letter from the Divisional Road Engineer, Ministry of Transport, asking that in view of the unsatisfactory lighting of Greenford Road, consideration should be given to the installation of modern high efficiency lighting. Between and the District boundary there are 15 lamps which, with two exceptions, are evenly spaced about 150 feet apart. To obtain uniformity of main road lighting throughout the District each of the existing lamps in Greenford Road would need to be converted to six-light " Kemborn " type, with an additional lamp nea? the Station. The lamp at Sudbury Hill at the junction with Greenford Road should also be converted. The conversion can readily be effected at a total cost (including an additional lamp and removal of one lamp to another position) of £90 5s. Od. ; the annual maintenance cost would be increased from £47 to £100 15s. lid.

On the motion of Councillor Cowan, the Council Resolved : 228. That Recommendation II of the Report of the High­ ways and Cleansing Committee of the 16th September, 1935, be approved and adopted.

Resolved to RECOMMEND : (a) That the proposed conversion of lighting in Pinner Road be approved and that in order to standardise the lighting along the whole length of Pinner Road, six-light " Kemborn " lamp standards be installed along the section from Westmorland Road to Roxborough Bridge, to replace the existing four-light upright lanterns. (b) That in connection with the conversion of the street lighting in Little Stanmore, 109 additional lamps be provided at an additional estimated cost of £554 13s. Od. (c) That the 16 lamps in Greenford Road within the District, including the lamp at the junction of Sudbury Hill and Green- ford Road, be converted to six-light " Kemborn " type and one additional lamp of that type be provided, at a total estimated cost of £90 5s. Od. 455 RECOMMENDATION III.—Public Conveniences, Peel Road, Highways and ITT- u ^ Cleansing WealdstOne. Committee. In accordance with the instructions of the Committee, the Surveyor submitted a scheme for alterations to the public conveniences at Peel Road, Wealdstone, and providing turnstiles to obviate attendants. The total cost of the scheme was estimated at £695. The Committee felt, however, that attendants are required at these particular conveniences, and that the Surveyor's original scheme should be adopted. That scheme provided for two attendants' rooms, one for each sex, with lavatory basin for the public, an additional W.C. in each convenience and additional accommodation in the men's convenience, at an estimated cost of £350. The attendants' rooms would be provided by altering the old ambulance garage. It is considered that two atten­ dants of each sex will be necessary to enable shifts to be worked. Resolved to RECOMMEND : (a) That the public conveniences at Peel Road, Wealdstone, be modernised, at an estimated cost of £350, as indicated in the Surveyor's scheme on the 12th June, 1935, and that tenders be invited for the carrying out of the necessary work. (b) That four attendants, two male and two female, be appointed upon the completion of the work, and that the General Purposes Committee be recommended to authorise such appointments. (c) That the Finance Committee be recommended to approve a supplementary estimate in respect of the above proposal. (Note: The Finance Committee raise no objection to the proposed expenditure.}

On the motion of Councillor Cowan, the Council Resolved : 229. That Recommendation III of the Report of the High­ ways and Cleansing Committee of the 16th September, 1935, be approved and adopted.

RECOMMENDATION IV.—Traffic Control and Regulations : Pedestrian Crossing Places. The Surveyor reported that the Minister of Transport had approved of 36 pedestrian crossing places in the District, as set out below. The estimated cost of installing the necessary beacons and lines of studs is £350. AUTHORISED PEDESTRIAN CROSSING PLACES. Station Road, Harrow and South of College Road. Wealdstone ...... Across College Road. Across St. Ann's Road. South of St. John's Road. North of Courtfield Avenue. Opposite Bridge School. High Street (Wealdstone) ... South of Masons Avenue. Across Masons Avenue. North of Headstone Drive. Across Headstone Drive. Across Grant Road. Across Locket Road. North of Locket Road. 456

Highways and Pinner Road ... East of Vaughan Road. Cleansing Committee. Across Station Road. North of Station Road . Across The Woodlands (South end). Bridge Street North of High Street. Across High Street. Northolt Road South of Hill. North of Railway Bridge. College Road... At Railway Station. East of Pinner Road. Lowlands Road East of Bessborough Road. Byron Road ... North of Christchurch Avenue. Christchurch Avenue West of Kenton Lane. Watford Road East of Common Road. Across Common Road. Church Road West of Stanmore Hill. London Road West of Road. East of Edgware Road. Across Edgware Road (North). Across Edgware Road (South) Whitchurch Lane West of Edgware Road. North of Buckingham Road. Northolt Road Across Eastcote Lane.

Resolved to RECOMMEND : That, subject to the Ministry of Transport making a grant towards the cost, the Surveyor be instructed to instal the necessary lines of studs and beacons at an estimated cost of £350. (Note.—The Finance Committee raise no objection to the proposed expenditure.}

On the motion of Councillor Cowan, the Council Resolved : 230. That Recommendation IV of the Report of the High­ ways and Cleansing Committee of the 16th September, 1935, with the addition of the words " of sixty per cent." after the word " grant " be approved and adopted.

RECOMMENDATION V.—Collection of Garden Refuse. The Surveyor submitted, in accordance with instructions, a scheme for the collection of garden refuse. Persons would be required to inform the Cleansing Superintendent the approximate amount of garden refuse they have for removal and he would arrange for its collection. The following scale of charges is suggested : 6d. per large skip (approx. 2 barrow-loads). 6s. per load (approx. 2 cubic yards). (Part loads to be charged at proportionate rates.) 457

A prepaid ticket system would be introduced, similar to that used in connection with the removal of shop refuse, whereby persons would committee pay the driver of the collection vehicles, who would give a receipt therefor. The Committee feel that advantage would be taken of such a scheme, as there is evidence that difficulty is experienced in disposing of garden refuse. Resolved to RECOMMEND : That the Council approve of the scheme for collection of garden refuse as outlined and authorise the Highways and Cleansing Committee to administer the scheme.

On the motion of Councillor Cowan, the Council Resolved : 231. That Recommendation V of the Report of the High­ ways and Cleansing Committee of the 16th September, 1935, be approved and adopted.

RECOMMENDATION VI.—Making up of Private Streets : Private Street Works Act, 1892. The Clerk reported that in connection with the application for consent to a loan in respect of the making up of the private streets which were the subject of a resolution of the Council on the 2nd July, 1935, the Ministry of Health require to be supplied with formal resolution of the Council agreeing to contribute towards the cost of making up Glebe Road, Merlin Crescent (Sec. 1), and Albert Road. The provisional apportionment approved by the Committee on the 3rd July, 1935, showed that the Council were charged with the cost of the work to be carried out in respect of the construction of Merlin Crescent (Sec. 1) and Albert Road over the byelaw width, and the reconstruction of an old sewer in Glebe Road. Resolved to RECOMMEND : That pursuant to Section 15 of the Private Street Works Act, 1892, the Council contribute towards the cost of making up the following streets, sums not exceeding those set out, being the estimated cost of constructing Merlin Crescent (Sec. 1) and Albert Road to their present width of 45 feet and 50 feet respectively, which is 5 feet and 10 feet respectively over the byelaw width, and the reconstruction of an old sewer in Glebe Road. Name of Road. Amount of Council's Contribution, i s. d. Merlin Crescent (Sec. 1) ...... 95 0 0 Albert Road ...... 90 0 0 Glebe Road ...... 166 15 3

On the motion of Councillor Cowan, the Council Resolved : 232. That Recommendation VI of the Report of the High­ ways and Cleansing Committee of the 16th September, 1935, be approved and adopted. 458

Highways and PART II.—MINUTES. Cleansing Committee. (Not requiring. . confirmation.)_ 1. MINUTES. Resolved: That the Minutes of the last meeting of the Committee, having been circulated, be confirmed and signed.

2. REPORT OF EXECUTIVE SUB-COMMITTEE. Resolved: That the following reports of the meetings of the Executive Sub- Committee of the 15th and 18th July, 1935, and 16th September, 1935, be received and in so far as the same require confirmation and are not otherwise dealt with in these minutes, be confirmed.

Executive REPORTS OF HIGHWAYS AND CLEANSING (EXECUTIVE) SUB-COMMITTEE. Sub-Committee. * ' 15th July, 1935. Present:— Councillor Cowan (in the Chair). Councillor Dawson. Councillor Greer.

i. SENIOR WORKING MOTOR MECHANIC. The Sub-Committee considered 131 applications for the position of Senior Working Motor Mechanic. • Resolved : That the following six applicants be selected for interview on Thursday next, the 18th July, at 5 p.m., viz. :— No. on List. Name. 3 Beevers, Edwin 16 Eames, John Chas. 17 Samways, Alfred Ed. 40 Biles, Henry James 69 Bartle, Wilfred Hy. 97 Seaman, Charles Wm.

\8th July, 1935. Present :— Councillor Cowan (in the Chair). Councillor Dawson. Councillor Ellement. Councillor Greer. 459

(i) SENIOR WORKING MOTOR MECHANIC. Highways and The Sub-Committee interviewed the following candidates for the commitfe!. appointment of Senior Working Motor Mechanic :— Executive Sub­ Beevers, Edwin. committee. Eames, John Charles. Samways, Alfred Edward. Biles, Henry James. Bartle, Wilfred Henry. Seaman, Charles William. Resolved : That pursuant to the powers delegated to the Sub-Committee on the 15th July, 1935, Mr. E. Beevers be appointed as Senior Working Motor Mechanic at a wage of £4 per week of 47| hours, plus overtime.

16th September, 1935. Present:— Councillor Cowan (in the Chair). Councillor Greer.

(i) MINUTES. Resolved : That the minutes of the meetings of the Sub-Committee of the 15th and 18th July, 1935, having been circulated, be approved. (ii) APPLICATIONS FROM POST OFFICE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, ETC. The Clerk of the Council submitted applications from the Post Office Engineering Department for wayleaves. Resolved: (a) That consent be given to the laying of underground and over­ ground telegraphic lines and the erection of telegraphic posts, as follows :— Underground telegraphic line along north side of Ashburn ham Avenue, Harrow, from outside Nos. 6/8 to outside Nos. 10/12. Underground telegraphic line across Kingshill Drive and along south side of Beaufort Avenue, Kenton, from outside Nos. 10/12, Kingshill Drive to outside Nos. 52/50, Beaufort Avenue. Underground telegraphic lines (a) along north-east side of Kenton Lane, (i) from Shooters Avenue, south side, to outside No. 140 (ii) from Dudley Avenue, south side, to Clifton Avenue, and (b) along the north side of Ivanhoe Drive from Tenby Avenue, east side, to Kenmore Avenue. Underground telegraphic lines (a) along the east sides of Byron Road and Church Lane, , from Locket Road to existing post outside Nos. 22/24, Church Lane ; (b) along the south side of Kenton Larie from Grassmere Avenue, west side, to a point opposite Montbel Road, west side, thence across to Montbel Road, west side, and (c) along the south side of Dryden Road from Bishop Ken Road to existing post outside Nos. 6/8. 460

Highways and A telegraphic post to carry wires in the footway on the Cleansing Committee. east side of Larkfield Avenue, Kenton, outside Nos. 6/8. Executive Overground telegraphic line along Exeter Road, Rayners Sub-Committee. Lane, from existing post at a point about 30 yards north-east of Capthorne Avenue to outside Nos. 217/215. (b) That consent be given, so far as the Council are concerned, to the laying of the following underground telegraphic lines :— Underground telegraphic line along south-west side of St. Thomas' Drive, . Underground telegraphic lines along the west side of Alexandra Avenue, , (a) from south-east to north-west side of Arundel Drive and (b) from south to north side of Tregenna Avenue. (c) That consent be given, so far as the Council are concerned, to the erection of the following public telephone kiosk, subject to the exact position of the kiosk at the site being approved by the Surveyor :— Northolt Road, South Harrow. (d) The Clerk of the Council submitted application from the Head- Postmaster, Harrow, for consent to the erection df an addi­ tional pillar box at the junction of Marlborough Hill and Rusland Road, and to remove the existing pillar box in Bethecar Road, to a site at the j unction of Bethecar Road and Lowick Road. Resolved: That consent be given to the application, subject to the exact position of the sites being approved by the Surveyor.

;iii) NAMING OF STREETS. Resolved: That the following suggested street names be approved :— Proposed Name. Position of Street. Tewkesbury Avenue Cannon Farm Estate. Trevone Gardens Do. Compton Rise ... Do. Glanleam Road ... Warren House Estate. Porlock Avenue... Grange Estate. Ferring Close Do. Wallingford Avenue Do. Vernon Drive Da vis Estate, Harrow Weald. Southbourne Close Adjoining Village Way.

(iv) STREET NUMBERING. The Surveyor submitted schedules for numbering premises in roads on the Camrose Estate, and in Sefton Avenue, High Worple, Worple Way and Worple Close. Resolved : That the schedules submitted by the Surveyor assigning numbers to premises in roads on the Camrose Estate, Sefton Avenue, High Worple, Worple Way and Worple Close be approved, and that the Clerk of the Council be authorised to serve the necessary notices requiring the premises to be numbered in accordance with the schedules. 461

(v) LAYING OF CABLES, OVERHEAD GAS Highways and TRANSMISSION LINES AND Cleansing MAINS. Committee. The Sub-Committee considered the following matters :— Executive Sub-Committee. (a) North Metropolitan Electric Supply Co. Ltd. Notice of intention to carry out certain works necessary to their undertaking in the following roads :— Cypress Road, Tudor Road and Cecil Road. Rosslyn Crescent and Station Road, Wealdstone. Kerry Avenue. Ladycroft Walk, Headstone Lane Estate. Kenton Lane, Kenmore Park, Goosacre Lane. Roads : Sudbury House Estate. Abercorn Road, Estate. New College Estate, Harrow Weald. Resolved : That subject to the Surveyor approving the line of the cable and to the necessary plans being submitted to the appropriate Committee in respect of any sub-station to be erected, no objection be made by the Harrow Urban District Council as the Highway Authority to the proposed works of the North Metropolitan Electric Supply Co. Ltd., in so far as they affect roads under the jurisdiction of the Council. (b) Harrow Electric Light and Power Co. Ltd. Notice of intention to lay underground cables through roads north of Hindes Road and through Alexandra Avenue and Eastcote Lane. Resolved: That no objection be made by the Harrow Urban District Council as the Highway Authority to the routes of the proposed new cables by the Harrow Electric Light and Power Co. Ltd., in so far as they are under the jurisdiction of the Council. (c) Colne Valley Electric Supply Co. Ltd. Notice of intention to lay underground cables along Station Road and Village Way and Bridge Street, Elm Park Road and Rickmansworth Road. Resolved : That no objection be made by the Harrow Urban District Council as the Highway Authority to the routes of the proposed new cables by the Colne Valley Electric Supply Co. Ltd., in so far as they are under the jurisdiction of the Council.

(d) Central Electricity Board. Notice of intention to erect the remaining conductors on the Watford-Willesden overhead transmission line. No additional pylons are proposed to be erected. Resolved: That subject to no trimming or cutting back of trees being carried out, no objection be made by the Harrow Urban District Council to the erection of the proposed overhead transmission lines. \e) Gas Light and Coke Co. Application for a grant of easement for the laying of a 14-in- gas main through the footpath along a route from Station Road, Wealdstone, to Kenton Lane, via Elmgrove Road and Christchurch Avenue. 462

Highways and Cleansing Resolved: Committee. That subject to the line of the main being approved on the site by Executive the Surveyor, no objection be made by the Harrow Urban Sub-Committee. District Council as the Highway Authority to the route of the proposed new 14-in. gas main of the Gas Light and Coke Company, in so far as it is under the jurisdiction of the Council, and that the necessary easement be granted in a form to be approved by the Clerk of the Council.

(vi) APPLICATION FOR THE ERECTION OF A PROJECTING SIGN. The Surveyor submitted application from the Synchromatic Time Recording Co. Ltd. for permission to instal a publicity clock for Messrs. R. J. Evans, at 13, Canons Park, Whitchurch Lane, Edgware. Resolved : That approval be given to the erection of the publicity clock in question, subject to it being securely fixed to the building.

(vii) APPLICATION TO ERECT ROADSIDE SHELTER : LONDON PASSENGER TRANSPORT BOARD. The Clerk of the Council submitted an application from the London ^assenger Transport Board, for consent to the erection of a roadside shelter on the open space at Brockhurst Corner.Harrow Weald. It was considered that the provision of such shelter would be a convenience to the public. Representatives of the Ministry of Transport and of the Police have approved the proposed site. Resolved to RECOMMEND : That consent be given to the erection of this roadside shelter.

Highways and 3 Cleansing STREET IMPROVEMENTS. Committee. The Committee considered the following matters :—

(a) Widening and Improvement of Kenton Lane. The Clerk of the Council submitted a letter from the Divisional Road Engineer, Ministry of Transport, stating that in connection with the Council's application for a grant towards the cost of widening Kenton Lane, he was unable to recommend the scheme for grant, as he was of opinion the road was of local traffic importance only. Resolved: That the Ministry of Transport be urged to accede to the Council's application and that the Chairman and Surveyor be asked to see the Divisional Road Engineer upon the matter. (b) Bridge Street, Pinner. The Surveyor reported that in connection with this improvement in so far as it affects the entrance to Chapel Lane, he had approached the County Engineer with a view to sufficient land being acquired by the County Council to enable the footpath on the southerly side of Chapel Lane to be linked up with the new footpath in Bridge Street but had been informed that the County Council would not be prepared to con­ tribute towards the cost. The County Engineer is, however, prepared to negotiate for the land required at the same time as other negotiations in connection with Bridge Street Improvement are being carried out subject to the Harrow Council bearing the cost. 463

Resolved : Highways and Cleansing That negotiations be continued with the County Council with a view Committee- to the price asked for the land required for the construction of a footpath at the junction of Bridge Street and Chapel Lane being ascertained, and the cost included in the scheme for the improvement and widening of Bridge Street. (c) County Roads, Paving Works. The Clerk of the Council reported that the County Council had intimated that they -approved of the Harrow Council carrying out, in accordance with the County Road Agreement, the following paving works : Situation of Land. Cost not to exceed

Fronting the site of proposed new cinema opposite Waxwell Lane, Bridge Street, Pinner...... 272 South side Uxbridge Road, west of '' The Chase '' 65 West side Lower Road, Harrow, by Dudley Gardens ...... 350 Resolved: That the Surveyor be authorised to carry out the works. (d) Church Road, Stanmore: Widening and Improvement. The Clerk of the Council reported that Middlesex County Council had approved of Harrow Council carrying out in accordance with the County Road agreement, a widening and improvement along Church Road, Stanmore, between Stanmore Hill and Green Lane, at a cost not exceeding £26,325, and that the Ministry of Transport had approved of a grant of 60 per cent, of the expenditure involved. The County Council are taking steps to acquire the necessary land.

(e) Bessborough Road, Harrow. The Clerk of the Council reported that Middlesex County Council had, under the provision of the Middlesex County Council Act, 1925, prescribed a frontage line along a section of Bessborough Road, Harrow, between the Ham Curing Factory and Roxborough Avenue. Resolved: That the Clerk of the Council ascertain whether compensation is payable immediately or upon development of the land affected.

4. ROAD WORKS. The following matters were considered :— (a) Bridge Approaches : Wood End Road. A letter from the Wood End Green and District Residents' Association, asking the Com­ mittee to receive a deputation of the Association with regard to the state of the Bridge approaches. Resolved: That the Association be informed that as the question is receiving consideration, and every effort is being made to expedite the matter, no object would be served in receiving a deputation. 464

W Village Way, East and Vicarage Way (Sec. 1). A letter from committee. Mr. A. C. Alien, asking that temporary repairs should be carried out to these two private streets in order to provide reasonable access to the shopping area during the winter months, and stating that he will en­ deavour to collect an amount to cover the cost from the various shop­ keepers in the vicinity. Resolved: That as this is work which it is considered should be carried out by a private contractor, the request be not acceded to. 5. MAKING UP OF PRIVATE STREETS. (a) Imperial Drive. An application was submitted from the and District Association, asking that the portion of Imperial Drive, North Harrow, between Elm Drive and Rayners Lane Station, should be added to the list of private streets to be made up. Resolved : That the portion of Imperial Drive in question be added to the list of roads to be made up under the Private Street Works Act, 1892. (b) Bacon Lane. The Clerk of the Council reported that, in con­ nection with the objections made by the frontagers, he was making further enquiries as to their contention that Bacon Lane was a highway repairable by the inhabitants at large. Resolved: That the further consideration of the matter be deferred until the next meeting of the Committee. (c) Harrow View. An application from frontagers in Harrow View to be supplied with a counterpart, sealed by the Council, of the agreement as to payments by them of instalments, of Private Street Works expenses. Resolved : That the request be not acceded to. (d) Rayners Lane. Application from shop owners in Rayners Lane in the vicinity of the Station for this section of the road to be made up. This is the bridge approach to Rayners Lane Station, and it is presumed that the London Passenger Transport Board have some liability for maintenance. Resolved: That the Surveyor be asked to approach the Board on the matter. 6. ADOPTION OF STREETS. The Surveyor reported that the undermentioned streets had been made up and maintained for the requisite period, and recommended that they be taken over as highways repairable by the inhabitants at large. Resolved: That, subject to and upon payment of the proper supervision charges in each case, the following roads be declared highways repairable by the inhabitants at large, and that the Clerk of the Council be authorised to give the necessary notices in connection therewith when payment of the charges has been made, namely;— 465

Silver ClOSe. Highways and ,, , _ TT Cleansing MOOrcroft Way. Committee Lyncroft Avenue. Hill Road (from Lyncroft Avenue to St. Ursula Grove). St. Ursula Grove. The Highway (from Kenton Road to Drummond Drive). Drummond Drive. Woodcroft Avenue. Hill House Avenue. Alton Avenue. 7. STREET LIGHTING. The Committee considered a petition received from residents of flats in Kenton Road, asking for a lamp to be fixed in the accommodation or service road, at the back of the flats. It is not the practice of the Council to light roads of this description except where taken over. Resolved: That the request be not acceded to.

8. CULVERTING OF WATERCOURSES—PUBLIC HEALTH ACT, 1925. (a) The Surveyor reported that as certain estates in the District were about to be developed, it was desirable that certain watercourses should be culverted before building operations were commenced. (b) The Surveyor submitted a statement showing the contribu­ tions to be made by Estate Owners, in respect of the culverting of a watercourse in connection with main surface water drainage works No. 5 and 6 in the Surveyor's report of the 25th December, 1934. Five Estate Owners are concerned and three have offered their proportion of the estimated cost of the work ; in the other two cases one amount offered is less than the suggested contribution, and in the other, no offer has been received. The Committee consider that steps should be taken to press for a proper contribution in these two cases. Resolved: (a) That the Clerk of the Council be authorised to sign and serve notices, pursuant to Sec. 51 of the Public Health Act, 1925, on the owners of the lands hereunder mentioned, requiring them, before building operations are proceeded with, to substitute for the watercourses hereunder mentioned, concrete pipes of agreed internal diameters, with all necessary gullies, pipes and means of conveying surface water through the same. Owner. Watercourse. Claude Evans, 508a, Watercourse running from the junc- Kingsland Road, tion of Grimsdyke Road and Hill- Dalston, E.8 ... view Road, between the land being built upon and the latter road. D.C. Houses (Canons) Watercourse on the south side of Ltd., 53, Gt. Marl- London Road, Stanmore, running borough St., Re- in a southerly direction from gent Street, W.I... London Road to the boundary of the Edgware Golf Course. 466

(b) That the Clerk of the Council be instructed to take all necessary committee steps to enforce the provisions of the Public Health Act, 1925, in connection with the culverting of the watercourse in question. 9. CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF SEWERS. (a) Rayners Lane Station: Drain Connection. The Surveyor submitted an application from the London Passenger Transport Board asking the Council to exercise their powers under Section 37 of the Public Health Act, 1925, and to connect an inspection pit which is on the Board's property at the end of an accommodation road at the rear of shops fronting the west side of Rayners Lane, to the sewer in the accommodation road. A signal cabin has recently been erected and the drains run into the inspection pit in question, and pro­ posed station buildings will also drain into the pit. The Board also ask that pending the connection being made, the Council should undertake the emptying of the inspection pit. There is some doubt as to whether the position of the Board's property will permit of the powers of the Council being applied. Resolved : That the further consideration of this matter be deferred to enable the Clerk of the Council to obtain further information upon the application from the London Passenger Transport Board. (b) Building over Sewer: Stag Lane Estate. The Clerk of the Council reported that in connection with the agreement to be entered into with Messrs. Hilbery Chaplin, Ltd., Estate Developers, absolving the Council from liability for any subsidence which may be caused to houses erected practically over the Council's main sewer which crosses Stag Lane Estate, he had endeavoured to get an indemnity for a period of five years, but stated that Messrs. Hilbery Chaplin were unwilling to give the Council such an indemnity for a period longer than one year. In view of certain circumstances reported to them, the Committee consider that an indemnity for a period of one year should be accepted. Resolved: That approval be given to Messrs. Hilbery Chaplin, giving the Council an indemnity for a period of one year and that an agreement be entered into in a form to be approved by the Clerk of the Council.

10. COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF REFUSE. The Committee considered the following matters :— (a) Pinner Controlled Tip. Complaints from residents in the vicinity of this tip alleging the presence of rats, mice, flies and a noxious smell. The Committee were satisfied that all reasonable steps are being taken to comply with the requirements of the Ministry of Health, who recommend this method of refuse disposal, and that the smell complained of does not arise from the tip. With regard to the alleged presence of rats, arrangements have been made for the Rat Inspector to make periodical investigations. 467

Resolved : mghways and Cleansing That the complainants be informed accordingly. committee. (b) St. Dominic's Convent.—An application from this school for the the Council to carry out certain levelling of their grounds which they require for sports purposes, by utilising the ground as a controlled tip for the disposal of house refuse. There is no suitable access to the site for the refuse vehicles and there would also be difficulty in obtaining suitable covering material. Resolved: That no action be taken. (c) Rest Hotel, Kenton.—A request from the Manager of this hotel for more than one collection of refuse per week from the hotel premises and expressing unwillingness to pay for the extra service. Resolved : That the Manager be informed that collections additional to those ordinarily made will be arranged only upon payment of a sum of £3 3s. per annum for each additional weekly collection. (d) Pinner Court Flats. A request for a second collection of house refuse each week from these flats. There are 40 flats, and it is con­ sidered that a payment of £10 per annum should be charged for the service. Resolved: That the request for a second collection of house refuse each week from Pinner Court Flats be acceded to upon payment of £10 per annum in respect of the additional service. (e) Wealdstone Destructor. Resolved: That the Surveyor prepare and submit a scheme for increased facilities for refuse destruction in view of the rapid develop­ ment taking place in the area. 11. CLEANSING DEPARTMENT—PROTECTIVE CLOTHING. The Surveyor submitted a scheme for the supply of protective clothing to operatives of the Cleansing Department. Resolved: That the consideration of this matter be referred to the Executive Sub-Committee with a view to a scheme being put into opera­ tion on the 1st April, 1936. 12. STREET CLEANSING. Resolved: (a) That the Treasurer be asked to submit to the Committee a a quarterly report showing statistics as to the running costs of the street cleansing and refuse collection vehicles. (b) That the Surveyor be asked to submit to the Committee within three months a report upon mechanical road sweepers and particulars of the saving (if any) which can be effected by utilising such sweepers. 468

13. PORTABLE STANDPIPES, ETC. : COLNE VALLEY WATER Co. ommi ee. ^g Q^ Qj ^e £ounc[\ reported that in connection with the port­ able standpipes and meters which are required to be used with the gulley emptier machine and steam rollers, it would be necessary to enter into an agreement with the Colne Valley Water Co. The object of the standpipes and meters is to enable water for cleansing or road maintenance purposes to be drawn from the Company's main at any hydrant. This will enable fixed meter hydrants to be dis­ continued. Three meters will be required and the rent payable in respect of each meter per quarter will be 13s. 6d. Resolved : That the proposed agreement be entered into. 14. PLANTING OF TREES, TENBY AVENUE, IRVINE AVENUE, AND MOUNT DRIVE. The Surveyor submitted applications from residents in the above roads, requesting the Council to plant trees in such roads, and agreeing, in the case of Tenby Avenue and Irvine Avenue, to contribute each an amount of 7s. 6d. In the case of Mount Drive, the residents are prepared to contribute 50 per cent, of the cost of the supply and the planting of trees. Resolved: That the above applications be acceded to and that the Surveyor be instructed to carry out the necessary work during the next planting season, after payment of the appropriate contributions. 15. CLERK OF WORKS : MR. W. R. LOCKE. The Surveyor reported that Mr. W. R. Locke, at present engaged as Clerk of Works on the road works being carried out at Pinner Road, had tendered his resignation, to take effect on the completion of that contract. Mr. Locke holds a temporary appointment. Resolved: That Mr. Locke's resignation be accepted with regret and that he be informed the Council appreciate the faithful service rendered to the District by him. 16. DISPLAY OF POSTERS ON SANDBINS. The Clerk of the Council submitted an application from the Kenton Ways and Means Council of the Harrow Hospital, applying for the exclusive right to display posters on the sandbins within the Kenton area for the purposes of advertising functions in aid of the Hospital, on payment of a small annual sum in acknowledgment. Resolved: That the Kenton Ways and Means Council be informed that the District Council do not permit notices to be displayed on their sandbins. 17. FOULING OF FOOTPATHS BY DOGS. The Clerk of the Council submitted a letter from the Hatch End Chamber of Commerce, asking that official notices be exhibited in the District, relating to the fouling of footpaths by dogs. 0 The Committee 469 consider that the byelaw made by the Middlesex County Council is n sufficient to meet the case, and that no purpose would be served in committee exhibiting notices. Resolved: That no action be taken in the matter.

18. TRAFFIC CONTROL AND REGULATIONS. The Committee considered the following matters :— (a) Street Direction Signs. The Surveyor reported that frequent applications, particularly from the London Passenger Transport Board, are received for permission to fix direction signs to lamp columns, and asked for the instructions of the Committee thereon. Resolved: That the Executive Sub-Committee be authorised to deal with such applications on their merits, with power to act. (b) Pedestrian Signals and Pedestrian Barrier Rails in County Roads. The Clerk of the Council submitted a letter from the County Council, agreeing to contribute, in approved cases, one-half of the cost of installa­ tion and maintenance of pedestrian signals and pedestrian barrier rails along County Roads, after deducting the amount of the grant from the Ministry of Transport, subject to the Harrow Council meeting the balance of the cost of installations and maintenance. Resolved: That the Surveyor be asked to submit a report as to suitable positions for such barrier rails. (c) Eastcote Lane: Bus Stopping-places. The Clerk of the Council submitted a letter from the Ministry of Transport, in regard to an altera­ tion to bus stopping-places in Eastcote Lane. The alteration is for an experimental period of three months, at the end of which the Surveyor has been asked to make any observations. The alteration is in response to the Committee's representation in April last in view of the danger caused through a stopping-place being placed at Northolt Road corner. Resolved: That the question of bus stopping-places be referred to the Surveyor for any necessary action. (d) Pinner View and Cunningham Park. The Committee con­ sidered the dangerous nature of this crossing. Resolved : That the matter be referred to the Surveyor to take such action as he considers necessary to lessen the danger which exists. (e) Hackney Carriage Standing, South Hill Avenue. The Clerk of the Council submitted a copy regulation submitted by the Commissioner of Police, relating to the appointment of a Hackney Carriage Standing at South Hill Avenue. Resolved : That no observations be made thereon. 470

19- PUBLIC CONVENIENCES. Committee. yj^ questjon was raised as to the provision of a public convenience on the Harrow Weald Recreation Ground, adjoining the bus garage, which has been approved by the Council. The convenience will have an entrance from the highway as well as from the recreation ground. The approval of the Charity Commissioners is now awaited as the Thomas Blackwell Trust is concerned. Resolved: That, subject to the approval of the Charity Commissioners being received, tenders be invited for the carrying out of the work.