WORTH, F. J., M.D. Durh., L.R.C.P. Lond., M.R.C.S.. has been ROYAL SEA BATHING HOSPITAL -Resident Surgeon. Salary £100, with appointed Certifying Surgeon under the Factory Acts for the Civil board and residence. Apply to the Secretary, Royal Sea Bathing Parishes of Edenbridge, Hever, , and in the Hospital, Offices, 30, Charing.cross, London. Rural District. ROYAL SOUTH HANTS AND SOUTHAMPTON HOSPITAL.—Assistant House YOUNG, J., M.D. Glasg., has been appointed Medical Officer for the Surgeon for six months. Salary at the rate of B50 per annum, Scattered Homes of the Parish of Bristol. with rooms, board, and washing. ST. MARY’S HOSPITAL, Quay-street. Manchester. - Two Resident Medical Officers (Senior and Jnnior) to attend Home and Out- patients for six months. Salaries E70 and .E65 per annum resptc- tively, with board and residence. SCARBOROUGH HOSPITAL AND DISPRNSARY.-Assistant House Surgeon for six months. Salarv f:75. with residence, board, and washing. BOUTHPORT INFIRMARY.—Resident Junior House and Visiting Surgeon further information regarding each vacancy reference should be for six months. Honorarium at the rate of ,c60 per annum, with residence, board, and made to the advertisement (see Index). washing. TAUNTON AND SOMERSET HOSPITAL, Taunton.-AssistantHouseSurgeon for six months. Salary at the rate of f:30 per annum, with board, CENTRAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC ’HOSPITAL. Gray’s Inn-road, W.C.- lodging, and laundry. House Surgeon. salary £50.per annum, with board and residence THE CHIRF INSPECTOR OF FACTORIES gives notice of vacancies for in the hospital. Certifying Surgeons under the Factory Acts at Osmotherly, in the CHELSEA HOSPITAL FOR WoMEN, Fulham-road, S.W.-Assistant Anses- North Riding in the county of York; and at Masham in the North thetist. Medical women eligible for the post. Riding of the county of York. CHELTENHAM GENERAL HOSPITAL.-House Surgeon for two years, un- UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, London.- Pathologist. married. SalLry e80 per annum, with board and apartments. WOLVERHAMPTON EYE INFIRMARY.—House Surgeon for twelve months. CORNWALL COuNTY ASYLUM, Bodmin.-Junior Assistant Medical Salary B70 per annum, with rooms, board, and washing. Officer, unmarried. Salary E120, rising to f:150 by f:l0 aunually, WOOLWICH UNION. -Assistant Medical Officer at the Infirmary, with board furnished apartments, &e. Plumstead, unmarried. Salary £120 per annum, rising £10 annually COUNTY ASyLUM, Chpster.-Junior Assistant Medical Officer. un- to .E150, with apartments, rations, and washing. Subject to married. Salary E160 per annum, with board (no liquors), lodging, statutory deduction. Apply to the Clerk to the Board, Union and washing. Offices, Woolwich. DEVONSHIRE HOSPITAL, Buxton, Derbyshire.-Assistant House WORCESTER GENERAL INFIRMARY.—House Surgeon for three years. Surgeca. Salary £5O per annum, with furnished apartments, Salary B100 ppr annum, with board and residence. hoard, and washing. YORK DISPENSARY.-Resident Medical Officer, unmarried. Salary £ 110 DOWN ASTRICT ASYLUM. Downpatrick.-Assistant Medical Officer. a year, with board, lodging, and attendance. unrffried. Salary B150, rising E10 annually to B200, with furnished apartments, board, washing, and attendance. Apply to th Resident Medical Superintendent. FRENCH HOSPITAL AND DISPENSARY, 172, Shaftesbury-avenue, london.—Resident Me iical Officer (not a female), speaking French, and unmarried. Salary B80 a year, with full board. and Guest HOSPITAL, Dudley.-Assistant House Surgeon for six months. Births, Marriages, Deaths. Salary at the rate of B40 per annum, residence, board, and washing. FEREFORDSHIRE RURAL DISTRICT COUNCILS -Medical Officer of Health BIRTHS. for the for three £530 annum Combined Districts years. Salary per HAlNES.—On Oct. at Winfrith and disbursements. to the 12lh, Brookside, Newburgh, Dorcbester, including expenses Apply Clerk, the wife of Haselfoot Hereford. Dorsetshire, Frederick Hames, M.R.C.S., of a JARVIs,’ Hereford.—Medical to L.R.C.P., D.P.H., daughter. CHARITY, Staunton-on-Wve, Officer, LILLIE -0n Oct. at the reside in house provided bv the Trustees, with and 10th, Fairview, Albert-road, Ashford, , garden good wife of Cecil Firmiu of a stillborn. rent free. .E150 annum and certain allowances. Lillie, M.B., son, stabling Salary per MURRAY.—On Oct. at the JENNER INSTlTUTE OF PREVENTIVE Chelsea 12th, Dunoran, Renton, Dumbartonshire, MEDICINE, Gardens, wife of David of a ’ London.-Assistant in the of Murray. M.B, C.M., daughter. ’ Department Pathological Chemistry. PEARSOX -On at the £300. ’ Oct. 6th. Crofts, Castletown, Isle of Man, the wife Salary of Ellis F.H.C.S. of a LAMBETH WORKHOUSE.-Assistant Medical Officer for the Workhouse, Pearson, Edin., daughter. Renfrew-road, Lower Salary B100 PITCAlRN.—On Oct. 16th, at Parkhurst-road, Holloway, the wife of Kennington-lane. per year, rising John J. M.R.C.S. and L R.C.P. of a after two service to a maximum of £125 with Pitcairn, daughter. years’ per vear. board, ROBERTS—On Oct. at the wife of Edward. and washing at the Renfrew-road Workhouse. Sub- 14th, Clivedou-place, S.W., apartments, ’ A. M.D.. of a ject to statutory deductions. Applications to the Clerk to the Roberts, daughter. Guardians, Offices. Brook-street, Kennington-road, S.E. SEGUNDO.—On Oct. 15th, at Brook-street, Hanover-square, the wife of LRICESTER INFIRMARY.—House £10 C. S. de Segundo, M.B., B.S. Lord., of a son. Surgeon. Salary £120. rising VAUGHAN.—On Oct. 10th, at Crewe the wife of Alfred until the third year. Board, apartments, and Cottage, Crewe, annually washing Ellis L.R.C.P. of a son. provided. Vaughan, Edin., LONDON TEMPERANCE HOSPITAL, Hampstead-rnad, N.W.-Resident Medical Officer for one year. Salary £200 per annum, with board, lodging, and washing.-Also Assistant Resident Medical MARRIAGES. Officer for six months. Boald and residence in the hospital and HAWTHORNE—LORIMER -At Marylebone and an honorarium given at the rate of Presbyterian Church, London, washing provided, 50 guineas on the 10th the Rev. annum. W, inst., by George Hanson, M.A., D.D, per Charles Oliver M.It to Janie MANCHESTER HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTION AND DISEASES OF The Hawthorne, M.D., C.P.. Lorimer, M.B., Ch.B., of William Lorimer, THROAT AND CHEST.-Resident Medical Officer for the In-patient daughter Esq., Glasgow. OLIVER—LEDGARD.—On the 16th inst., xr Trinitv Department, Bol’o (100, Cheshire. Salary .E60 per annum, with board, Holy Church, and Clapham-common, by the Rev. B. Wilson, vicar of Battyeford, apartments, washing. cousin of the assisted the Rev. W. T. vicar of St. NORTHERN Division OF SOUTH UIST.- Medical Officer. 10s. bride, by Hollins, Salary £77 of Harro- to Mr T. Wilson. Solicitor, Lochmaddy. Clerk. James, Clapham. George Oliver, M.D.. F.R.C.P.Lond., Applv to of the late W. of NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE INFIRMARY AND EYE HOSPITAL, Hartshill, gate, Mary, daughter Ledgard, Roundhay, House for six months. Yorkshire. Stoke-upon-Trent.—Assistant Surgeon TINLEY-LEA-ON Oct. at St. Thomas at the end of that with board, and 12th, Oswatd’s, Lythe, Yorks, Salary £1O perioj, apartments, Tinley, M.D., J.P., of Hildegard House, Whitby. and the Bungalow, washing. to of Thomas NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY ASYLUM. Morpeth. -Assistant Medical Saadsend. Annie Mary, elder daughter Lea, Abbey- unmarried. E125 £10 tc terrace, Whitby. Otticer, Salary per annum, rising yearly llth at St. with and WHITE-RANDLE.—On the inst., Andrews, Ashley-gardens, £155, board, lodging, washing. Arthur T. M.R Medical PARISH of S’r. Assistant Medical Officer White, C.8., L.R.C.P., Principal Officer, Nile LEONARD, Shoreditch.-Second of late for the Hoxton for six months. at thE Reservoir Hospital, Assuan, to Mabel, eldest daughter the Infirmary, street, N., Salary of and of rate oi £100 with and furnished N. Handle Bombay Mrs. Randle, 25, Morpeth-mansions, per annum, rations, washing, apart, S.W. ments in the Infirmary. Applications to the Clerk to the Guardians Victoria-street, 213, Kingaland-road. PARISH OF ST. MATTHEW, Bethnal Green, London.-Clinical Assistant DEATHS. at the Infirmary, Cambridge-road, N.E., for six months, unmarried Salary at the rate of :H40 for the six months, with board, lodging LANGDON-DOWN.—On Friday, 5th Oct., 1900, at Normansfield, of pneu- and washing. Apply to the Medical Superintendent of the Infir monia. Mary, wife of the late J. L. B. Langdon-Down, M.D., mary, Cambridge-road. F.R.C.P., J.P., of Normansfleld, Hampton Wick, and No. 81, Harley- ROTHERHAM HOSPITAL.-Assistant House Surgeon. Salary E80, witl street, W., in her 72nd year. board, lodging, and washing. REDMAN.-On Oct. 9th, suddenly, J. H. Redman, L.D.S., of Wimpole- ’ROYAL FREE HOSPITAL, Gray’s lun-road, London.-Two Hous, street, London, and Old Steine, Brighton. Physicians, a House Surgeon, and a Casualty House Surgeon, al SAVAGE.—On Oct. 3rd, at Loudoun-road, N.W., Henrv Savage, M.D, for six months. Board, &c., provided. F.R.C.S.. one of the Founders of the Samaritan Free Hospital, in ROYAi. HOSPITAL YOR DISASES OF THE CHEST, Clty-road, London.- his 9lst year. House Physician for six months. Salary at the rate of E40 pe SWAYNE.—On Oct. 12t,h, at Pembroke-road, Clifton, Bristol, Samuel annum, with furnished apartments, board, and washing. Henry Swayne, M.R.C.S.. L.S.A., aged 79. ROYAL HOSPITAL FOR INCURABLES Donuybrook, Dublin.—Residen YouNa.—On Oct. llth. at Melville Lodge, Ventnor, I.W., David Young, Medical Ot1icer tor one ear. Salary £80 per annum, with buard and M.D., late of Rome, aged 61 years. furnished apartments. IN MEMORIAM. ROYAL INFIRMARY Sheffield.—House Physician. S,tlary £100 pc annum, with board, lodging, and washing. MACKEY.—In. memory of my dear husband, Stephen William Mackey, ROYAL NATIONAL HOSPITAL For CONSUMPTION AND DISEASES OF Tir L.R.C.S.I, K Q.C.P.I., L.M., the anniversary of whose death Isle of Resident Medical Officer occurs Oct.. 24th. R.I.P. CuKsr, Ventnor. Wight.-Assistant - ried. Salary £100 per annum, with board and lodging in th hospital. Applications to the Secretary at the London Office 34 N.B.-A fee of 5s. is Charged for the insertion oJ Notices of Births, Ch< W.C. Marriages, and Deaths.