New s Supplement

PUBLISHED BI-WEEKLY BY THE STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHATTANOOGA The Official Publication of the Student-Body and Faculty of the University ed" Chattanooga


Blue Key Taps Prof. Edwards "YOURS FOR TONIGHT" Moccasins Battle Loyola of South And Four Prominent Students At New Orleans Saturday— At Annual Chapel Ceremony Centre And Mercer Finish Card

Nelson, Shacklett, Venable and Mississippi Downs Men's Frats Begin Mooremen's Next Home Game Bratton Pledged to Honorary With Mercer Nov. 11— Group. Moccasins 13 to 6 Rush Week Monday Centre Next.

U. C. Practically Eliminated From Throat-Cutting to Last Through The annual "tapping" of new mem­ With three of their most important bers by Blue Key, national honorary S. I. A. A. and Dixie Thursday Night—Pledging games completing the 1982 schedule, campus fraternity, took place in Races Friday. the Blue and Gold Moccasins go into chapel yesterday morning. Men action tomorrow against the strong tapped were: Prof. J. W. Edwards, A fighting band of Mississippi Choc- The men's fraternities start their Loyola squad at New Orleans. On Joe Shacklett, Howard Nelson, Madi­ taws, led by Chief Bruce Hitt, in­ formal rushing Monday and will con­ Nov. 11, the Moccasins will make their son Bratton and Billy Venable. vaded Chattanooga, October 29, to tinue through Thursday night. Friday last stab at the S. I. A. A. and Dixie An impressive service was carried scalp the U.of C. Moccasins, 13-6, and afternoon at two o'clock preferential crowns before meeting Centre in the out. The active members marched to upset the 'Noogans' hopes of their bidding will be held in the Dean's finale, on Thanksgiving Day. the front of the chapel garbed in second Dixie Conference and S. I. A. office. Loyola, although victims of a couple black gowns and hoods, to the accom­ A. crowns. Rushees are allowed to be enter­ of defeats, have had an impressive paniment of a solemn dirge by the Showing the same versatility that tained any way the fraternities desire season. Defeated by two of the organist. After a brief introductory his brother Stan used in 1928 to de­ between six and twelve o'clock on their strongest teams in Texas, Rice and speech by Willard Keyser, a strong feat the Moccasins, 20-19, Hitt passed, respective nights, but no women are Baylor, and tied with Xavier, who de­ light was played over the audience, punted, ran, and intercepted passes. allowed to be invited to the rush feated Centre 7-0, the Wolves slashed seeking out the new men. As the His mates, Reno and Cross, scored paities. St. Edwards 32-0, and Birmingham- light fell on the face of an elected tallies in the second and third quar­ The Pan-Hellenic council allows the Southern 12-0. With this record, the man, an old member advanced to de­ ters, the former on a blocked punt, fraternities one rush night each. The Crescent City eleven will no doubt liver the "tap," afterward leading and the latter after a deceptive pass. night allotted to the different ldoges give the Chattanoogans a real fight. follow: him to his place before the actives. The Moccasins, who outgained the The following Friday, the Moccasins Monday night—Alpha Lambda Tau. Blue Key was originated by a group Indians, 11 first-downs to 8, were engage the Mercer Bears in what Tuesday night—Phi Delta Sigma. of men at the University of Florida in greatly handicapped by inopportune promises to be one of the most impor­ Wednesday night—. October, 1924. It was organized for fumbles, a blocked punt and inter­ tant games on the schedule. With a Thursday night—. the promption of campus welfare, to cepted passes. Venable, credited with 52-0 win over Presbyterian and a 20-6 study student problems, and stimulate runs of 17, 21 and 45 yards, led in the defeat at the hands of Vanderbilt, the progress. Candidates for Blue Key ground gaining with ninety - nine DR. BROWN DELIVERS Bears will Ix' in there trying to stop are chosen for outstanding qualities yards, with Haswell in second place ADDRESS AT CHAPEL U. of C.'s chance for the Conference in character, scholarship, student ac­ with sixty-four. Tubby scored the titles. Mercer's lone S. I. A. A. loss tivities, leadership, and service. Chattanooga tally in the third period Dr. Arlo Brown, former president was to Furman, 2 to 0. Those "tapped" are representative with a 21-yard sprint. of the University of Chattanooga, On Thanksgiving, Centre, who by of such qualities. Howard Nelson, a now president of Drew University, that time will be the outstanding con­ tenders for the titles, or removed from (Continued on Page 6) RHO BETA GAMMA DUDLEY MERRITT spoke at the chapel exercises Tuesday morning. Dr. Brown gave some of the race by Mercer, will meet Chatta­ ELECTS OFFICERS Another small-town guy who made nooga in the closing classic of the TURKEY DINNERS the impressions he received from vis­ good in the big city—Dudley Merritt, iting foreign countries on his trip year. SERVED IN COMMONS In a meeting of the Rho Beta of Smyrna, Tenn. This "I'm Yours around the world. Gamma, honorary Chemistry frater­ For Tonight" man, 195 pounds of He was impressed particularly by U. C. SPANISH PLAYERS After the successful turkey dinner nity, held Friday afternoon, the brawn, made the All-S. I. A. A. team the rapidly changing East, the effect ANNOUNCE CONTEST of last Wednesday, Mrs. Helms, following officers were elected: Presi­ last fall as a soph—and he's burning of other countries on the United dent, Robert Darling; vice-president, States, and the effect of Christianity hostess, announced that weekly tur­ 'em up on the grid again this year. , A prize of five dollars will be key dinners would be served every Harry Hiebeck: secretary, Mildred on foreign countru Read what the New Orleans scribes awarded to the student writing the week in the Commons. She wished Norton; treasurer, Betty Workman. have to say about Dud after the Loy­ best paper on "Contemporary Spanish to thank the University students for Drama", it was announced by the ola game tomorrow. KNOWN AS LOU their patronage, and hoped they Spanish Players after their last meet­ would continue to buy their dinners DERE GOES IZZY ing. Second prize will be two and a and refreshments in the Commons. half dollars. The paper will be writ­ It's up to the U. C. students to pat­ BABY MOCCASINS LOSE TWO HARD STRUGGLES ten in English, and rules will be an­ ronize their Commons. nounced later.

Playing against teams that were FOOTBALL SCORES aided by greater weight and experi­ PLAYERS OFFER U. C, 0; Tennessee. 13. ence, the Baby Moccasins tasted of MEMBERSHIP TICKETS U.C, 45; Spring Hill, 7. defeat in their last two battle. U. 0.. 26: Murf. Teachers. 0. Tha memborahip drive of the Univi U.C, 0; Catholic U., 19. Against a superior Middle Tennessee .rated this week l>y the mailing <>f letter, to the i rh nd an U. C, 19; Howard, 0. State Teachers Freshman eleven, the tha dramatist department The U. 0.. 6; Mississippi College. 13. charges of Coach Matusek went down, told of tha plana for tha \«.ir of the • raiti Playere, who will pn 19 to 0. D_oc Johnson, Lanky Merri- "Three LI ' Noveml Raehd INDIVIDUAL SCORING C rot hers' "Man, tha Third" man, and Bill Blazek stood out for the M o it landing major production com­ Pta. After 'Noogans. mencement week, which Theta Alpha I'I" T.D. T.D. Total will sponsor. Haswell 6 5 86 Last Friday at Birmingham, the Students in Mr-. I) W, Cornelius' Play Monroe .8 0 18 Production elaaaai will nl twahra Blue and Gold Rats saw the breaks to fifteen one-act workshop plays during White ..2 0 12 go against them, and came out on th<' the fear, one croup in winter nnil Halbach 2 0 12 during the spring. Venable 1 0 6 short end of a 20 to 0 score. Captain The University I'layer are asking but Leydorf 1 0 G ?1.50 for this membership just the amount Blazek was outstanding on the de­ one would pay if tiekets were bought to McCall 0 11 fense, and the offense of the U. C. only the major productk fly. Mem­ bership will entitle the holder to the first Frosh just couldn't get going, only LOU ELLIS choice of rest i to the major pro­ DIXIE CONFERENCE ductions and the twelve or fifteen work­ HOWARD (Izzy) SMITH registering two first-downs. The fellow that is known as Lou on STANDING shop plays. The player? need the support Tomorrow afternoon at Chamber­ the Moccasin squad is Lou Ellis, late to put over the pre' they lutvo Won Lost Pet. It was Izzy Smith who played a outlined. big role in downing Loyola last fall, lain field, the Rats play their final Of Kentucky, a tough, blocking, 185- This membership list is open to all stn- Centre 1 0 1.000 dent and alumni of the Unh Mercer 1 0 1.000 6 to 0, but he is lost for the New Or­ game of the year against the Ogle­ pound end. Lou carries the full Chattanooga, and those interested are CHATTANOOGA 2 1 .667 leans game tomorrow. The big 175- thorpe frosh, in what promises to be punting burden of the team, now that urged to secure tickets immediately from Birmingham-Southern 2 1 .667 Mr. Bretake. pound, smashing, bruising, bucking a hard and bitter struggle. Those Monroe has been laid low. Rehearsals for the Southwestern 1 1 .500 Fredrick Iffham'a comedy, "Three Live Mississippi College 1 1 .500 backfield ace was injured early in the boys will be out fighting to win at His punting average of over forty Ghoata", are well under way. with a Howard 2 2 .600 Including Juanita Walter, Lillian Sums season and was again put out of the least one game this season, and spec­ yards at Birmingham last week Stewart Kerr. Rorden .lones. Jack Hodman, Millsaps 1 2 .888 running last week. Mercer and Centre tators who come out will not have against Howard helped keep the Bull­ Stanley Brading, Molly Pritchett, Sydney Sprint Hill 0 8 .000 Kffron. Bd Hatter and Marie Hixon. will meet him. Wait and see! wasted their time. dogs with their backs to the wall. THE UNIVERSITY ECHO Friday, November 4, 1932

®ltp Intuprattij iErttn Beta Beta Beta :: NEW FACULTY MEMBERS :: Published Every Other Week by the Students of the University of Chattanooga. Pledges Eight Volume XXXII NOVEMBER 1, 1932 Number 3 WILLIAM WHITE ,!ACK HODMAN New Members Editor-in-Chief Businesa Manager KDITOKIAL STAFF Lamar O'fJuin Associate BSditor Honorary Biological Fraternity Marie Hixon Associate Editor Joyce Killinsworth Organisations Takes in New Members Ulrey K. Wilson. W. T. Hales, Hohen Darling Sporls Joa Shacklett, Lulu Morn .on Faculty and Chapel in Chapel. John Maxon, Dorothy Pritchett Features BUSINESS STAFF John K. Barnes Circulation and Exchanga Eight University students were sitns, Alvin Blumberi Assistant Business Managers pledged to Beta Beta Beta, national honorary Biological fraternity, in the annual ceremony in chapel October 24. EDITORIAL Dr. Butts, head of the Biology de­ partment, read the purposes of the organization, then introduced Ola FRATERNITIES Crawly, president of the active chap­ (Ed, Note- After talking over the local fraternity situation with mem- ter. of every group tm the campus, I asked a member of one of the Miss Crawly pledged the following: organizations to write his opinions on local fraternities. They are quite in Cora Smith, Mildred Handy, John Ed­ accord with the more or less general feeling on the campus. We are speak­ gar, Lee Battle, Edward Hauer, ing, however, of men's fraternities, NOT sororities. I'd rather not get mixed George Henshall, James Howell and up with women tor obvious reasons.) Prank Brannen. Cut Courtesy ChattnnooKa Times Next week will he formal rash week for tbe men's fraternities. Fresh­ Above are shown Dr. R. A. Anacker (left), professor of German and men will be hurried around from rush banquet to rush banquet; the well-worn U. C. Tames Bulldogs French, and Dr. Culver Smith, professor of history, who are newcomers to but still effective line of rushing hooey will be spread far and wide by zealous the faculty this year. rushers; and the ordinarily peaceful campnus will again take on :-.ii aspect of In Birmingham 19 to 0 Dr. Arnacker is native of Switzerland and took his Ph. D. at the Uni­ versity of Berne, and he has taught in Switzerland and Union College in tense nervousness, with belligerent Heta Kappas, A. L. T.'s, I'hi Delta Sigmas, Schenectady, New York. and Delta Chi's eyeing oath other suspiciously with anything but an attitude In their second conference fray, the Dr. Smith, former W. and J. history department head, took his B. A. of collegiate friendlim University of Chattanooga Moccasins degree at Duke and his M. A. at Yale. He has taught at Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Duke summer school, and has done research work in Rome, Italy. Four hostile factions will cut at each other's throats for the sake of defeated the Howard University pledging some innocent freshmen too dumb to know when they are well off. eleven, Hi-0, in Birmingham Saturday, And everyone concerned will lose: the school, chiefly, through the disruption October 22. Of scholastic work and the weakening of the already sickly school spirit; the In the fray, in which Monroe was fraternities, by spending money which could be put to any number of better lost for the season with a broken the freshmen themselves, by being divided into separate cliques never collar bone, the Blue and Gold grid­ again to be united. ders out-played the Bulldogs through­ out and at the half held a two Since fraternities seem to be such a disturbing element in collegiate touchdown lead. harmony and a total loss to society, what, then, is their excuse for existence? The touchdowns were scored by Do they in any way benefit the college or improve the student body as a Smith, Haswell and Leydorf, who ran whole? Have they ever contributed anything of lasting good to college life twenty yards after receiving a 30-yd. here? Or, to put it more mildly, are they harmlei are they without any I from Haswell. The game was bad influence? further featured by an 18-yd. sprint k any good fraternity member these questions and be will immediately by Venable and the recovery by Urban start on a vague harangue about fellowship, friends, common ideals and of a Howard fumble which indirectly purposes, which, as any moron should readily see, is nothing more than so led to Smith's scoring. much hooey designed to cover up the lack of any real fundamental objective. Scrappy's charges, with White shin­ To all outward appearances, fraternities are in reality nothing but selfish ing, held the Crimson footballers for clans dedicated to furthering their own aims with the war-cry of "Devil take four downs on the two-yard line in the the hindmost and God save the school." None of them, for all their glib line closing period. of prattle, cares a damn for anything connected with the school if in any way the fraternity's interests are even slightly disturbed. (This applies to MUSIC DEPARTMENT sororities, too, thoughperhaps to a slightly lesser extent.) PLANS BIG PROGRAM There is, therefore, every reason to believe that fraternities should bfl abolished or else radically reformed. For as long as fraternities continue to Under the direction of Maestro divide the student body into hostile factions the University will suffer. Some Blinn Owen, the University Music de­ day, perhaps, freshmen will wake up to the fact that they are only inhibiting partment is already preparing an their own development by allowing themselves to be stampeded into a elaborate Christmas program. Weekly •nd then will the University enter into ;i new era an era of special chapel programs will continue cooperation ami advancement hitherto unknown. throughout the year, it was announced ding this diatribe, will doubtless be inclined to rush by Prof. Owen. forward to protest. What, he would say, will happen to the social aspect of our college life? Where will our dances, our open-houses, and other parties come from? Whin shall we soothe ourselves with the hundred other little superficialities so intimately bound up in fraternal life? STARTS SATURDAY The answer is obvious. So tar this year, all dances have been given by the "('" Club, a worthy organization; and I challenge anyone to say that he The Funniest Pair in Pictures— not have a far more enjoyable time at these functions than at any fraternity dances. With the "C" Club continuing its policy, fraternities are Laurel and Hardy "IF EVER I SAW not needed. — IN — a picture of content, it's you when No parties or open-houses whatsoever have been given by men's fra­ "Pack up Your Troubles" ternities this year; in fact, only one fraternity has a house. And in a small you're puffing on a pipeful of university where everyone knows everyone else and with a student commons Granger. And I admit I like the open to everyone, there are few social functions left to be performed by STATE 9 ADMISSION 25c fragrant aroma myself/ fraternil It would be difficult to take up even one fairly good argument for the It is surprising how much better continuance of fraternil a pipe tastes when it is filled with ... tobacco that's made especially for When you pipes. And the Granger package WE DEVELOP KODAK FILMS I is just right, too. — FREE — j MEDICAL ARTS PrinU 3c to ,">r Each j "Say It With Flowers" VIOLET STUDIO J PHARMACY Say it with i 11 K. 7th St. HIM j SANDWICHES Joy's HOME MADE PIES —Always Lovely PLATE LUNCH 25c « •V" 817..MARKET ST. DELIVERY SERVICE I Phone 6-7168—6-7169 BIJOU Phone l 544 Metallic Ave. 6-3414 Monday-Tuesday, Nov. 7-8 I N'cvt uii'k bains Amarlcaa Education v Week, the HMO!" i lirim ing buck In I Chattanooga the G Plctuw Ever Mail. I SAVE PARKING WORRIES BONA BERBER'S < oi.ossAL .. ! I. F. CHERRY ! Park At CIMARRON" | i Charlie White—Jim Haley Mill. I(l( IIAKII IIIX j DRY CLEANING CO. i RBNI IHNNK 17 Itrimrli ()'! ROSfo 4TB8 —GEO. K. SI'ONF. Special Prices ! AUTO PARK •DMA MAE OLOTI MOW. Tl ES. and WED. II During the Game ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ i ^^^ ^^^^ dAirfl *VA ?dHA ri _ ^m^ t^Kmi'^^mit^^m+'^^mitmuBHi^^mtiwuw^mU'W^Fiimjmi'm^i*^ »_••«•»«»' GRANGER IS AMERICA'S W PIPE TOR4nn Friday, November 4, 1932 THE UNIVERSITY ECHO


(Ed. Note—In response to many re­ quests, the Echo takes pleasure in presenting to its readers for the first time its keyhole correspondent, its scandal scooper, its own Walter Win- i hell, which in this case happens to be a woman, one of our own lovely co-eds.)

I'm still sorta hoarse from all that 9yy whoopin' and yellin' down in Birming­ ham last week-end. . . . You should've seen that gang on the $2.00 speshul train. ... or rather, you should've HEARD 'em. . . . ennyhow, a beeg time was had by all, including your none-too-humble servant, me! . . . the A. D. Pi's from Howard threw a gee- orgeous dance for their deah sisters from U. C. and you missed a lot if you didn't see Ena Bryan slay the "Nature in the Raw"—as por. Howard 's with them thar' trayed by the celebrated artist, Fred Madan . . . inspired by that wild, eyes of hers. . . . ho-hum, this thing II called power must be great. bloody scramble of covered wagons in the Colorado Gold Rush (1858), Oh yeh, I almost forgot to ask you as described in the National Geo­ if you heard about Wild Willie Lee graphic Magazine. "Nature in the Kittrell sending all the Chattanooga Raw is Seldom Mild"—and raw to- males back to the hotel at the oily baccos have no place in cigarettes. hour of three A. M.? ... Coming off the train in the Birmingham station •; .; v.v.v.v.v.v.v hoo should we see but a fair gal \\\\\'.'.CjJX>:*'t\''.\+--,.\\\,.,.'-*.'X*- »v»v.v.v.vXv>V-'- • • v.. .v.v. ppi named Dixie (a wee bit changed since she went Jean Harlow) and did our noble editor greet her fondly or DID HE GREET HER FONDLY? What's this we hear about that boo- No raw tobaccos in Luckies tee-ful Blonde having a date with some gal's uncle while th' niece tripped th' light fantastic out at the —that's why they're so mild Birmingham Air Port. . . . While on the subject of Chi Omegas we'd like to menshun that Joyce Killinsworth's Football Dog all in bloo an' yaller is E buy the finest, the aging and mellowing, are a sure 'nut? inspiration at games. . . . Wvery finest tobaccos then given the benefit of not to menshun the proud owner her­ self. in all the world—but that that Lucky Strike purify­ And did you know that Virginia Smith did the Pi Phi lodge a beeg does not explain why folks ing process, described by favor and got 'em some publicity when she wuz asked to have her pitcher everywhere regard Lucky the words—"It's toasted". tooken for Yordley Products. . . . and in a riding habit at that! ... If you Strike as the mildest ciga­ That's why folks in every want to see Chicago's Darling, alias Florus Black, blush, just ask him rette. The fact is, we never city, town and hamlet say about his noo wife. . . . and this is no overlook the truth that that Luckies are such mild scoop. . . . And hoo is the li'l gal that brings th' luff light to Stewart Kerr's "Nature in the Raw is cigarettes. purty eyes? . . . From what we hear, the only reason she takes practice- Seldom Mild"—so these teachin' over at City High is becuz "It's toasted" that's HIS Alma Mater. fine tobaccos, after proper That package of mild luckies Who's the Pi Phi pledge who is all Copr . 1»32. The American ga-ga over the Swamp Angle flank- Tobacco Co. man, and even has been accused of bringing him shoe strings. . . . And What with the sorority pledges barred from chewing gum, it's a sight to see COMING EVENTS PHOTOGRAPHIC "Cotton" Robbins without her Wrig- ENLARGEMENTS ley's. . . . Freshman Roberson must be taking a course in electricity, hav­ Delta Chi Open House, Commons— 5c 5x7... 10c 4x6 6c 8x10 ing fallen for "Powers"-house. This afternoon. 25c Frosh-Oglethorpe Game, Stadium Free Developing And there'll be more next time. . . . ENLARGEMENT STUDIO University Players —Tomorrow afternoon Hasta la vista, with regards to the SequatchieSt'QUI , Tenn. David Minor, Mgr. U. C.-Loyola Game, New Orleans— senorita. .: Tomorrow afternoon. — In- PATRONIZE ECHO ADVERTISERS "C" Club Dance, Gym—Tomorrow Night, 9 'til 12. — SEE — These firms and concerns are making your Men's Frat Rush Week—Monday Echo possible. Patronize them : "Three Live Ghosts" Chesterfield Cigarettes through Thursday. JOE LANDERS Granger Tobacco Special Choir Music, Chapel— At the Commons — For -By- Lucky Strike Cigarettes Thursday. Violet Studio Preferential Bidding, Dean's Office DANCE POSTERS Joe Landers FREDERICK ISHAM David Minor —Friday. U. C.-Mercer Game, Stadium—Fri­ Vine St. Pharmacy DIRECTED BY MRS. D. W. CORNELIUS Coca-Cola day. SIGMA MEETS Medical Arts Pharmacy Alpha Delta Pi Open House—After Joy's Flowers It was announced at the Sigma Pi Sigma Student Assembly Room University Pharmacy Game, Friday. meeting that the organization will n^ain pre­ "C" Club Dance, Gym—Friday sent the first year Physics student who shows Cherry Dry Cleaning Co. the most improvement with a reward. Walker FRIDAY, NOV. 18 George's Barbecue Night, 9 'til 12. Evans won the reward in 1931, and the winner "C" Club of last year will be announced in the MM "Three Live Ghosts", Student As­ future. The next Colloquium will be hold State Theatre Monday at 3:15 in the Physics lecture room. Bijou Theatre sembly—Friday, Nov. 18. Paul Curtis and Sigma Pi Sigma president H. Tivoli Theatre F. Bohr will make the talks. THE UNIVERSITY ECHO Friday, November 4, 1932

Jr., vice-president; Stanley Brading, SCORES OP U. C OPPONENTS UNIVERSITY WILL HAVE recording secretary; Charles Coldwell, LOYOLA, 19; St. Louis, 0. INTRAMURAL BOXING Starting Monday gLETTERS corresponding secretary; Robert Dar- 1,()Y()I,A, 8; Xavier, fi. Through MKKCKR, 57; Parris Is. Marines, 0. A program of intramural boxing will be put ling, treasurer; William White, ser- Furman, 2; MERCER, 0. On by the University at the close of the foot* Wednesday FROM CENTRE, Si H'ham Southern, 0. ball season, it was announced by Assistant nt-at-arms; Lynn Deakins; Charles Coach Pop Keyser. Whitey Urban, well-known Exclusive Showing Watson; Earl Manning; and James in local tistic circles, will coach the teams, anil Then gone forever I intra-fraternity league and tourneys will be LIONEL Latimer. Faculty members are Dr. held. "GRAND Alexander Guerry, Dean M. A. Smith, I'll meet ya' Y. M. C. A. and Y. M. H. A. teams will bly bo engaged, but it is not probable HOTEL" Chicago, Oct. 86. Dr. E, S. Lindsey and Prof. Blinn that intercollegiate competition will be sche­ Drub Willi*! io much obll duled. A wrestling squad is already at work With An suh, foah the fuhsl two ' !,,• of yoah Owen. in the gym. drivel sheet. The Influence of yoah guid­ UNIVERSITY All-Star Cast ing 11 vehy much in evjdei Next (Ali maghl ' too touch M>, wen 1 The Most Refreshing Drink in ifie World THURSDAY mil acquainted with the lensitivem PHARMACY "TROUBLE IN iii As foah yoah BOTTLED highly inelegant publication of mah cahd, j Visit (The Campus Pharmacy) PARADISE" ah can only be thankful thai moah of mah With correepondents nhn'i edituhs, tuh. j GEORGES Sandwiches 10c Miriam Hopkins Whiii with freshmen venturing matrl- "A Good Place To Eat" and Kay Francie iiHHiy, ami U i itah Boah preading the For the Best Hamburgers in Town in Idiou propagandah that college I the VINE AND BALDWIN place to I" pare yourself ),, take your j 129 blast 8th St. 6-9531 Phone 6-1912 place In the world', ah'm maghty p (FOR SALE EVERYWHERE 9 \* >^»\fmmnimm>ommntmm) TIVOLI -: "nee mi mah love to you nnd that diimli blonde (how else could she have become ai ociate-edituh T) n i I foah anothah s. i. A. A. championship. LIONEL. P. S. 'I ' . dialed i- lOtna indi­ cation of th. .HInd up ben. Never order 'pah' iii the North I Give my love to the i'i i'i i' . Vou might publish m> address. Maybe I'd besl include the Chi O's and A. I) IT I,. 8. Ed. ' II me whom you wish to plague with yoah letteri, suh, and ah'll giv« 'cm yoah address, suh!) L^ross J5lendinq: EDWARDS, FOUR STUDENTS TAPPED BY BLUE KEY

•Cuntinui-d from Page 1) graduate of Baylor School, is presi­ dent of the Junior Class, president of Phi Delia Sigma, president of Men's Pan-Hellenic, member of the Student Council, Rho Reta Gamma, honorary Chemistry frternity, and is an Eco­ nomics honors student. Joe Shacklett, another Baylor graduate, is a member of the Junior class, the Delta Chi fraternity, Sigma Tau Delta, honorary English fra- iity, and Rho Reta Gamma, Chem­ istry fraternity, lie is also on the basketball and track teams. .Madison Bratton is assistant in­ structor in History, and is also a can­ didate for himois in that department He is a Junior, a member of Phi Delta Sigma, Sigma Tau Delta, and vicc- presidenl of i. R. C. Billy Venable is one of Coach Bfoore'a fast stepping backfield a and all-around track star. He is a member of Delta Chi and a Junior. an lie graduated from McCallk' in 1930. Prof. Edwards has served the Uni­ versity in many ways during his idling. As Chemis­ try pi' Director of athletics and friend of i tudent, he is one of the outstanding members of the faculty. Active members of Blue Key are: Sydney Effron, president; H. F. Bohr, might explain it this way...

V BRING YOUR HUSSY "Let's say you're painting clouds. They blend and cross-blend these "C" Club Jig You've got your primary colors here tobaccos until they get the special on the palette. Jlut you haven't the tone they want—in other words, the clouds until you blend certain colors Chesterfield flavor. into the special tone you want "And just as each color you use "This is very much what happens acts on the others to change and in making a good cigarette. And I enrich them, so each Chesterfield to­ gather that what Chesterfield means bacco partakes of the fine qualities by Cross-Blending is what an artist of every other. does with colors. Their Domestic "You Veld' different kinds to get and Turkish tobaccos — many varie­ a better kind. That's Cross-Blend­ ties of each—are the primary colors. ing ?" Oiesterfi

AT THE GYM CrassIjlencleJ-—that's wlwtkeure MILDER Every Saturday Nite, 9-12 that's why then TASTE BETTER i © 1932. LICCBTT tc MYERS TOBACCO CO 1