Indians Find Selves in Hole by Touchdown \• • '
Bears Favored Indians Find Selves in Hole By Touchdown \• • ' . yOB I „ t , , wL •^'®*r f: " iSI sxit 1111% „ „ Sill P !pf|lg| i£lv lllf * 1W&., il <*&**. - Over Redskins After Pitching Gamble Fails Washington Club Expects Real Clue Maglie's Failure Senators' Weak To 1955 Outlook Puts Pressure on Righthand Unit By LEWIS F. ATCHISON Sfaf •Mr Staff Correspondent Cleveland Staff Helpful to Yanks ' jH MEMPHIS. Tenn., Sept. 3. By the Associated Pres* By BURTON HAWKINS The revamped Redskins play the Chicago and New York, with ¦t»r Staff Correspondent HHr timely ;:::; ::K Chicago tonight , the pitching and the hite. NEW YORK, Bept. 3.—Chuck w m Bears here in an by ,' * . are off themaelvea in the prefer platoon v“ IP :t: .., game that is expected PORTS Dressen would to i^mt- exhibition American League race today. The Senators, 1 Si** his but he’s discovering v ».,-4M^- -‘.':^'-£.-\£'' v a definite clue to the Indians, THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. :^ ! , : r-*L»<a.' .- ' supply •:’‘’£-'V?, s' -~>T r to ¦ Cleveland who had UTBIMT, I—g the predominantly righthanded - limMUl3, i. ’ K ~^t }§ Washington eleven’s real I neither, are in third place and A-8 batting order he presents against strength. in a hole. x lefthanded pitching is somewhat (Scheduled for 8:30 p.m. in The White Sox. with Jack short of perfection. The Yan- V Harshman tossing four-hitter, kees’ 4-2 victory yesterday was Crump Stadium, the game will a - jr smacked 14 hits while blowing added proof of the weakness. in Washington night - .B| l be broadcast over the Indians, 8-1, last Dressen’s rather restrained s: by WTOP starting at 10:30 in the opener of their crucial platoontag at the moment con- p.m.
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