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with her younj neighbors. Arthur Oal­ PEEP WATERWAY TO THE GTJI7 HOW TO APPLY PAINT. thorpe, too, wa;t delightful; and he had HYMUS YOU OUGHT TO KNOW said that he intended to' invite her tier- y: - J -• f man master. Che Mississippi River Commission Greatest care should be taken when "It will be what is called a mixed ball, Favors Project painting buildings or Implement# whfMi so there will be no harm in my dancing A deep waterway between Chicago The Lcve Divine. •.re exposod'to the weather, to have tho even with him, if he asks me," thought paint applied properly. No excellence A CROWN OF FAITH and the gulf seems to be one of the O love divine, that stooped to share Ella to herself; and then she threw up Our sharpest pang, our bitterest tear! of material can make up for careless­ her white arms and clapped her fair hands possibilities of the near future. The ness of application, any more than care project has been discussed for many On thee we cast each eartliborn care: joyously, leaned over the balcony and be­ We smile at pain while thou art near. in applying it can make poor paint gan to sing a merry French song, but in years, but now at length it seems to wear well. V a low key, for fear her mother should by be ripening to a head. The surface to be painted -should be Tlion^li long the weary way we tread. some chance overhear her, and' come in The Mississippi River Commission, And sorrow crown each lingering year, | dry and scraped and sandpapered hr'~ 4$s age of twenty-five, and I am going mising position as Miss Jane Wilkinson been guilty of hiding among those bushes blie $6,000,000 already authorized by In which the needed meals would fall Xo sermon on earth was ever preached for a neighbor .who bad a horse with to stand for the borough of Abbotshold, now occupied. "It might have been, only for many, many nights, on the chance of &$ sweeny, and I told him about Sloan's Congress in an economical way If there from the heavens as the suitable sea­ more unanswerable than that proclaim­ and thus we are about to invite every It wasn't," as the volatile and irreverent seeing your figure pass the window.' ' is ever any thought of building a deep sons between sleep and the jmrsuit of Liniment and he bad me get a bottle body who has feet to dance with to the Dick Barrington was beard afterward to "Is it to be Romeo and Juliet?" asked ed by the fading and reviving of field, for him, and It cured his horse all observe, when commenting on the events waterway. pleasure. ' forest and flower. Oalthorpe balk We shall Invite the Miss Wycherly mockingly. "Because, if The spirit of the prn.ver puts a high­ ht, and he goes off now like a .colt. tradesfolk of Abbotshold; we shall Invite of that most unfortunate evening. it is, let me run in and get a glove and The real significance of this recom­ Tlie. being of man is another argu­ mendation from the Mississippi River er significance into these simple words. ft .•^"We had a horse, that had sweeny all the doctors, lawyers and parsons in Miss Jane had dressed herself for her lean my cheek on my hand so, and then ment. Why should his thoughts go out ^awfully bad and wo thought'°n was seven parishes. We shall invite—Indeed, elopement withr an eye to romantic effect. you may begin ten thousand fine speeches, Commission lies in the fact that three Each day cotnes with its deep neMs, in this high quest, for a future life? Mi never going1 to be any good, but we wo have Invited—the she-dragon of St She wore a large white hat, with stream­ and I can sigh and simper. What a pity members of the commission are also its heavy cares, lis high possibilities, Who planted within his heart this in­ Martha's College, and her bevy of fair ers of bright tartan ribbon, and a great there is no one to see us I feel quite members of the Board of Survey, which it? trying duties, its splendid joys, and tense longing? Whether God or na­ used Sloan's, Liniment and it cured It scarlet plume. A scarf of violet velvet up nicely. „>i told another Neighbor maidens; am), Moreover, they are com­ dramatic, Mr. Calthorpe." was authorized at the last session of we ask not for three meals or five, but ture, it was not meant to taunt us with ing, too." was passed over one shoulder and fastened "Ah! beautiful Ella, winter is not cold­ Congress to study the whole situation. for all that the d.iy may have we may a lie. about it and be said it was the best He spoks now in a tone of triumph. . under the other at the side of the waist er than your heart, and, alas I its skies It Is believed that the board will be find sufficient strength and sustenance. Another proof arises from the nature I4sitn'ent he ever u«ed. , "St. Martha's College? Mr. Leigh with a golden buckle. Her bodice and are not more gloomy than your life, if all It talcos more than a good breakfast '"Wt in using Sloan's Suw Colic long sweeping skirt were of Iavender-col- apcount be true. Here," and the young In readiness to make its report in of human love. It is at once the ten- teaches there." to equip a man for the day's business. Cure and we thin]* It is all right" "Exactly. So I must invite Mr. Leigh. ored silk. On her arm she carried a man struck his chest, "is a faithful breast, October or November and that it will derest and most powerful of our facul­ It takes a bracing of the will, some A. D. Bbocb, Aurella, la.--,;. All the county folks, of course, are com­ splendid cloak of white ermine, lined with where you might pillow that charming recommend a 22-foot channel from St. ties. And love is stronger than death. ing—even the duke. There will be waltr- crimson silk; this to be worn as protec­ head, with its coils of black hair, Its di­ Louis to the sea. With the Mississippi uplift of the heart; it taUes some inner The last look, the' last pressure of the "Iftii W«r . the pur Proposed. Ing with the St. Martha's maidens." tion from the cold of the winter night. vine, rosy lips, its cheeks like the peach, River Commission already committed Impulse and power that helps us to see hand of the dying proves it undimin­ It Is a pretty story which surrounds "I really believe you are in love with Maria, the housemaid, on the other side its eyes of liquid brown, so sparkling and to a deep waterway from Cairo to the the glory of a new day, to feel the ished. Our own bleeding hearts will the betrothal of tlie present Czar one of them," said Ella, opening wide her of the wall, .had tossed over Into the road so clear. My ball at Beryl Court " gulf and the prospect of an intelli­ thrill of its possibilities, to face it with not admit that the ties are severed for­ a large, square, ugly brown paper par­ "Go, go, go; I hear the door. Mamm'a Nicholas *ud the Gear in a, for, although black eyes. gent, comprehensive and technical re­ delight, and to Hud in i t every good and ever. They cry out against so cruel Arthur laughed and flushed. cel. This, doubtless, contained Miss Wil­ is in the room!" ' 1 the great question had been planned port on the project from Sti Louis to every noble thing it may liave for us. and unnatural a fate. We follow our and thought out for them by their re- "Ton are no father confessor, sweet kinson's Impromptu wardrobe, for the oc­ The gentleman scampered off, took ref­ lady. Leigh, did you say? Where does casion of a sudden flight into Scotland, the gulf, there Is every reason for be­ There are hours every day when the departed beyond the "great divide" and > apeetfW parents, /they both were de- uge among the laurels, and was surprised inner light burns dim, when the heart pur unbroken love forbids us to think he lodge?" or France, or Holland, or wherever Rich­ to see the figure of a man dart away lieving that initiatory legislation for termlned to havVasay in the mattery ard Barington, Esquire, meant to sojourn seems to fail and almost faint, when .fthat they. too. do not love us still. ; That they were in.love with each "Honeysuckle Cottage, Woodmancote." amid the thick bushes of the miniature the deep waterways will be secured at "Thank you. What a mercy we met with his bride. Very pale Jenny looked, wood in the greatest hurry and distress. this session of Congress. As Is gen­ despair creeps over us and the spirit To those of us who believe in revela­ ^/ff^'K/ other every .one knew, .'and' between him." and her teeth chattered, and she seemed of pessimism comes up like a bewil­ tion. who hold that the Father would themselves a mutual understanding "What a little flirt!" cried Romeo. erally known a survey has already "Here we are at the house," cried Ella. ready to cry. "Here is another Romeo; but I'll catch been made and a complete reiport Is dering mist, when cynicism's cold not hear all these ages the cry of Ilia liad .been a'&ived at In the summer "Now, what will papa nay?" . , Those two elderly men—the stout, the fellow and knock him down. I feel fingers lay themselves Icily on our children and give no answer from Ilis 4 boose of York cottage; but as Czare* pompous rector, with purple face and in the possession of the government CHAPTER V. , in a fighting mood to-night. That little, for that portion of the deep waterway warm faith in our fellows. Such per­ infinite heart, there, of course, comes witch the future Czar had to make scowling forehead, and the severe, iron- saucy jade I" And though the other dou­ absolutely certain evidence. Lionel Leigh told himself that he was gray man of mettle, from the great Mid­ from Chicago through the drainage iods of depression and doubt become the formal and old-fashioned offer of mad, and that the sudden hatred which bled and turned, the pursuing Romeo was habitual with some; they serve to This doctrine of immortality is the ttis band land center of manufactured iron—both upon his heels and suddenly grasped him canal, Des Plaines and Illinois rivers flooded bis .whole soul, and hissed like a frowned down upon Jenny, as if she had block every high endeavor. best explanation of unfinished lives. "The Emperor, my father," he said, serpent in his blood, was an evil and a savagely by the shoulder. to St. Louis. How many lives are broken off like a been a thief. She turned away her head The other threw off his grasp. The With a Board of Survey outlining These' hours simply mean that the ^ , addressing the' blushing bride-to-be, deadly thing to be struggled with and and burst Into a passion of tears. column dn"the midst? In the very cen­ §f "has commanded me to make you the conquered by the might and main of an moon's rays fell full upon his face, and the plan for the entire distance, ap­ Inner life needs its daily bread: that Most scandalous!" said Mr. Jabez both young men broke into laughter, none for the high business of living, for the ter of theiji- usefulness, with a thou-; v ^ffer of my hand and heart" honest man's will. Howler. propriations will be sought for the im­ sand bonds holding them to family, Ella Wycherly I What was she to him ? the lees impossible to restrain on account mediate starting of the work. soul's service in the world, we need grandmother, tb£ Queen," re- Most dreadful!" growled the Rev. of the element of bitterness that mingled society, church and state, with wisely ki' plied the present Czarina, "Ms com- Beautiful as an hourl, fascinating as a Seymour Cummington. the food of the spiritual life. The ad­ » . .. ,..1. . i siren, proud at heart—as were all that ia It vice to reitd a good and noble thought laid plans unaccomplished, they f.re M manded me to accopt th^ 6ffer of your old gtock of aoble8se> the Norman aristoc- An elopement," Said the manufacturer. suddenly summoned and must leav : all. * *.! "You are a cunning gentleman," said every day, as some poem, and to see -hand —she broke intoA rippling laugh wcyi t0 wbloh hhe belonged. Ell* Wych- Sad—sad—sad I" cried the purple rec­ Are such liv^s fragmentary, are thi.y a ,4 tor. Romeo. some good picture or to hear an ele­ -»r and your.heart Jf take of my own trj»? Well, he had dreamed a day dream failure? Xo, not in the light of im­ I don't care!" screamed Jenny, hys­ "And what of you, then?" asked the vating strain of music every day Is as 'fitpe- win.*1--- -ft ay/'1' " ha If an hour since, and now it was dis- mortality. But there in a larger sphere terically throwing out her long, lean other meaningly. simple and practical as the advice to elled; he had built a splendid castle, and and .vaster scale. The high ideals and V< tii arms, and turning her young, foolish, "My good fellow, you and I must shaka take your meals regularly. mm |§§P$&et***¥* how*. ,,, Sehold; it has tumbled into ruin, chaos, hands," said Romeo gaily. ^ ; - r plans conceived here shall be wrought v A ncn iriuicQer told a story about I freckled face toward the murky November The physical plays a large part in and confusion, broken pillars, crumbled night sky. "I don't care, I will never (To be continued.) • .. out to a glorious perfection. ms Uttl* .stufn ufohin whom be bad 'sent terraces,(Spilt wine, crushed flowers I life, but it does not play the largest.