A iVetfl.hoor.hoot!. rnrspa/Jt'T J/;oiiSOrer/ 01/ Vollinllne -1/veroreell Communillt Adirm Assoriation

( WHY ME, LORD? During the past few months several residents of the neighborhood deterioration, other problems have higher V /E community and surrounding areas have actively pushed priority. What arc the chances of the Park Commission for the acquisition of at VolEntine approving of a community center at this location? LYNN and Evergreen for use as a cultural, recreational and edu­ WHEELER of the Park Commission surveyed the needs of cational center. The Cypress Citizens Committee, headed the North Memphis planning district in which the site is by NOAH T. GREENE of 1074 Terry Circle, has spear­ located and concluded that, based on Park Commission headed the movement, holding neighborhood rallies and standards, itisoneofthe best served districts in the City. attempting to amend the city's plans for the spending of The new center at Klondike in the 1200 block of Vollintine Community Development Act funds to include the syna­ and the center at Hollywood give an addilional center in this gogue's purchase. (See April, 1975, issue of The Ever­ area low priority. green News. ) A ftcr much thought The Evergreen News feels compc llcri The latest push for the acquisition of the synagogue came to oppose the proposal on the following grounds: on May 24 when about 150 persons attended a lawn rally at Vollintine School. At this time several people spoke in 1) The limited Community Development funds that are favor of the proposal including U.S. Representative HAR­ available should be reserved for needs of highest priority. OLD FORD, Monsignor JOSEPH LEPPERT, civic leader Although everyone is in favor of adequate recreation oppor­ Dr. JOHNE. JORDANandJESSE BUSBY, who represented tunities for neighborhood children, it is obvious that there the Memphis Public Employees Uniono Rep. Ford reported­ exist more pressing needs in the area north of Vollintinc. ly said that he would ask the City Council to appropriate $1 The survey conducted by the City Policy Planning and Analy­ toward the cost as a token and this would allow him to ex­ sis Office indicated a need for housing rehabilitation, street plore the use of federal funds for the proposal. In addition, repair and sewer and gutter installation and these needs Mr. Greene presented endorsements he had received from are apparent to anyone driving through the area. The Cy­ several leaders in government and business. press Citizens Committee is proposing that over two-thirds This movement to acquire the synagogue raises several of the money earmarked for this area be spent on a com­ questions of inportance to the VIE community, the first munity center rather than on housing and street improve­ of which is the need. It is true that the number of children ments. in the community is increasing. No longer is the V /E com­ 2) The News does not want to encourage the exodus of munity characterized by anolderpopulation but it now con­ the Jewish community. Barq.n Hirsch Synagogue boasts the tains a wide range of age groups. Young families - both largest Orthodox congregation in the and sev­ black and white-continue to move in and increase the num­ eral hundred of its families still reside in the Vollintine­ ber of children. This factor requires that VECAA at least Evergreen area. Many non-Jewish residents erroneously consider the problem. A second consideration is the feasibility of the proposed ~ There will be no general m_eeting _of the Vo~­ project. What are the chances of Community Development ~~sl':...:, Yi. lintine/Evergreen Commumty Actwn. Associ­ money being used for a community center in this neighbor­ \~ /J ation in June. Watch the~ fornot10eofthe "'E" ,.. .. hood? According to JOHN DUDAS, director of Policy Plan­ c, • next meeting. ning and Analysis Office, little of these funds will be spent on community centers, in fact none during the first year. Memphis, 6 June, 1975 Since Community Development money is intended to halt Volume V, Number 6 Circulation: 5750 EVERY SUNDAY 7:30 pm TENDER LOVING DAY CARE OPEN DOOR BIBLE CHURCH PLANNED CURRICULUM !792 N. Parkwnv HOT LUNCHES Sundn y School 9:3 0 ®CD®©@ Daily and Weekly Rates Morning service !0:45 7 f,. ~,\.- r, P. \1. MOl\ IJI,Y-I'IULl!,y AT LITTLE FLOWER SCHCJOI, Trnining hour 6:00 l\GES 2-6 2 75-3460 $$ CASH PRIZES $$ "If ll's tile Hthle )'Oil \\"UIIt, MINIMUM $5!5 WEEKLY Me LEAN BAPTIST CHURCH \'Oil want The Hthlc Church"

believe that the synagogue is not being used but on Satur­ the City of Memphis - and it is not possible financially for the day morning hundreds of members attend services there. City of Memphis to do everything that everybody would like Although the synagogue may eventually follow many_ of its for it to do. Therefore we believe that people have to estab­ members "out east", officials insist that the building is not lish some priorities and determine what will do the most good for sale and that no offers have been made. The large Jew­ for the most people- black, white, young, old, rich, poor, ish community here has done much to give the neighborhood and in-between. We also must consider the sources of funding its character and stability and The News feels that a pre­ regardless of whether a project is funded with city money, mature departure of these residents would be unfortunate. county money, state money, of Federal money it all comes 3) The VECAA long-range planning committee is for­ out of the same pocket - yours ancl mine. mulating a plan to fully utilize existing facilities. Despite In our community there h~{s been some feeling that the the lack of a full-fiedgcd community center, tf.e neig·hbor­ Baron Hirsch Synagogue should be purchased and converted hood is fortunate in having a large number of recreatiomd into a North Memphis Neighborhood Cult~ral, Recreational progrr~ms. Evergreen Presbyterian Church has a compre­ and Educational Center. hensive prop;ram tJwt presently serves over 200 youngsters The Memphis Park Commission has established parks and from the neighbohrood reg:Hdkss of race or religious affil-­ recreational facilities in our section of town within a reason­ iation. The Snowden School gym has lwen usecl dnring the able distance of most of our children. Recently the Memphis summer on a trial basis and activities there will no doubt Transit Authority has set a special 10¢ fare for youngsters. be expnnded. The new YWCA at ,Jackson ancl Willett now It is true that there is not a park or a playground on every has a score of programs involving nearly 200 rcsictents rl.lld block, but most physical fitness programs stress that walking continues to grow. VECAA contenc!s that a new center woulct is one of the best exercises there is. servP to duplicate many of these activities and that coor­ In our section of town there is a Senior Citizens' Center dination of the nxisting faciliti8s and programs is the best which has many activities for older foli

OPEN MONDAY T ill\U SATURDAY IRVIN SACHRITZ ATKINS' HOME AND HAIRDRESSER NEEDED BUILDING CARE PARKWAY HOUSE MAJOR ELECTRIC APPLIANCE REPAIR BEAUTY SHOP NEW YORK Ll FE Stoves, Ovens, Cook Tops, Air 272-9686 INSURANCE COMPANY Conditioning & Refrigeration ,;ROL:ND fLOOI~ 276-6442 Charles Atkins 323-6851 l9li1l ,\!. P'W~\\.',y U~)iJ Sheridan WRECKFR SERVICE BILL & JIM'S CLOSED MONDAYS MECHANIC ON DUTY GULF SERVICE FINE BAKERY GOODS ED CISSOM'S eMECHANIC ON DUTY EXXON LES TAYLOR and DAVID ROGERS J®~Fl s ~@~8lo/~ 1712 JACKSON 585 N. McLean 2 74·-1881 275-7568 1688 JACKSON 276-8431 Before moving to an apartment recently, the Barker fam­ ily lived at212.4 Vollintine. Mrs. Barker, Jane,is a teacher at Willow Oaks School. Their children are STEVE, owner Barker Leaves Me Lean of Silver Threads Shop in Germantown, DOUG, a minister in California, and MARTHA, a student at Georgetown College in Kentucky. Rev, LLOYD 0. BARKER, pastor of McLean Baptist Church since 1960, has resigned, effective June 30. He Address all correspondence to: The Evergreen News, 1906 will continue to serve as director of recruiting and instructor Mignon Avenue, Memphis, TN 38l07. of Bible at the Baptist Memorial Hospital School of Nursing. Rev. Barker was one of the organizers of the neighbor­ hood clergymen's committee which provided the spark to The Vollintinc-Evergreen Community Action Asso­ get VECAA going back in 1970. He, along with Monsignor ciation (VECAA) is a non-profit neighborhood organi­ JOSEPH LEPPERT and Father TOM KffiK, is considered a zation founded in 1 9 7 0. Its boundaries arc roughly founding father of that organization. Watkins, Cypress Creek, Trezevant and Overton Park In connection with his work for the Doctor of Ministries A venue. V E C A A's initial goal was to cnhm1cc and degree, Rev. Barker is planning a survey of the attitudes of maintain a stable biracial community with quality hous­ V /E residents regarding neighborhood services. The survey ing, services and facilities. It has been active in pro­ will be conducted this summer in cooperation with Dr. MIKE moting stability, assisting in school desegregation, op­ KffiBY of Southwestern's Policy Research Institute. posing commercial rezoning and in general promoting The survey will cover a random sample of perhaps one those activities that serve to create a viable mid- town household in ten and will ask why people chose this neighbor­ community. hood. Of interest are the effects of things like schools, churches, shopping, and convenience to work, on the choice Vollintine-Evergreen Community Action Association: of a place to live. The survey will also explore needs for 1975 NEW 1\ND RENEWAL MEMBERSHIP 1975: new services, including church-related programs and needs for spiritual experience. NAME ______~ (Incidentally, volunteers are needed for each block to help with the survey in the last two weeks in June. If you ADDRESS ______~ can help call Rev. Barker at 274-3766 or Dr. Kirby at . Membership $2.50- Individual, Family, Business: 274-1800, extension 335.) Make checks oayablo to VEC/\1\. ~ ; In some comments recently about the neighborhood Rev. Send to: Mrs. Janet Leonard. -~~'1.-::",:V.._ ~ Barker said he would like to see the VECAA organization be 172!) Tutwiler Avenue ~iff • very positive in its leadership, involving all segments in Memphis, TN 38107 .. · • improving interracial understanding and other aspects of ...... ·community life. He warned VECAA against remaining aloof in the face of fragmentation ofthe community and suggested staff: editors; rick thomas, george !Jradfutc /news: hershel a role of resolving conflicts between special interest groups. lipow, marty thomas /arl-copy: brad mcmillan /typin?;: geo­ For the churches of the neighborhood, Rev. Barker proposed rge bradfute, jr., sallcc bruhwilcr, kendy kallaher /circu­ an emphasis on the enrichment of family life and on intra­ lation/lean bradfutc/busincss: shirley johnson/printing: cour­ faith cooperation in worship and outreach. tesy soulhwcs lcrn al memphis

Episcopal ICE CREAM ITALIAN & Church of the FESTIVAL AMERICAN FOOD Good Shepherd Church of Good Shepherd PLATE LUNCHES

19 71 Jackson Ave. (at University) l97l Jackson Avenue DINO'S Sunday Services Thursday, June 26 7:30A.M. -Mass 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. 10:30 A.M. -Choral Communion, Southwestern Sermon with Sunday School. GAMES -CAKEWALK-FOOD \1\'ednesday Service Cash Door Prizes Grill !0:00 JI.M.- Me1ss 0nd Bible Study Tickets: The Rev. Canon George A . fox, 25¢ in Advance-50¢ at Door Priest-In -Chilrge 645 N. McLean Blvd. 276-9288 On May 19 Congressman HAROLD E. FORD announced that $570,000 had been given to the city by the Environmen­ Around The Neighborhood tal Protection Agency for the Cypress Creek sewer project. He also commended the Cypress Health and Safety Committee Per haps no other organization in the city has such a rep­ for their diligence in campaigning for the project. resentation of V /E residents as the Memphis Business and The grant will cover 75 per cent of the cost" The project Professional Women's Club. Over 15% of its members are covers 3 miles of sewer line and will take 18 months to com­ from our community and last year three of the Club's officers pletc. Bids will be received June 27 and a contract is expec­ were V/E women. They were LOYCE WINFIELD (recording ted to be let shortly thereafter. secretary) of 811 No. Avalon, LILLIAN SITTER (correspon­ ding secretary) of390 No. Avalon and MANER DAVANT (cus­ todian) of 8G1 No. McLean. Tli s year Ms" Winfield will Ice Cream,. serve as first vice-president, Ms. Davant will again be cus­ f. " todian and LILLIAN CARTER of 1550 N" Parkway will act as treasurer. Festival Fifth-grader DAVID BRUHWILER of 883 University was featured recently in the Commercial Appeal's "Assignment Memphis" column for the fable he wrote for "Memphis Mo-­ For the last 20 years or more, on the last Thursday in saics," aycarlypublicationofliterary work by public school June the men of Good Shepherd Episcopal Church have spon­ students. sored an Icc Cream Festival held on the front lawn of the Two big trips are coming up for members of the Lewis church. Cake walks and game booths will be in operation, Center for Senior Citizens, 1188 N. Parkway. In July, mem­ as the purpose is "fun and games for all," and there will be bers will spend three days at Eureka Springs, , in plenty of icc cream and cake (baked by the women of the par­ the Ozarks. The entire trip costs $55. 00, with registration ish) for all who attend. beginning June 11th. In September the Center will sponsor AccordingtoJOIINMcKIM, secretaryofthc men's group, another trip, this one to the Pacific Northwest and the Cana­ door prizes of $10, $15 and $25 will be awarded, and a 45- dian Rockies. The 18- day trip will take members all over minutc airplane ride around the city will be raffled off. This the western U. S. and Canada" The cost of $328" GO covers year the date is Thursday, June 2G and the hours arc G p.m. most expenses. Additional information can be obtained by to 9:30. Tickets arc 50 cents at the door (25 cents if bought calling the Center at 272-7408. in advance). A new neighborhood resident is FRED RAWLINSON, who recently moved into 420 N. Garland. Fred, along-time mid­ Classifieds town resident, is an instructor at the Memphis Academy of Arts and is medical illustrator for the Memphis Regional FOR SALE-Two window air conditioners. lH,OOO Medical Program. Fred will receive his Master's Degree BTU in good shape. $50 each. 274-fiG~JO. in Fine Arts this summer. On May 24th the Reverend RICHARD GANTERT of 474 BABYSITTER NEEDED-Reliable person needed to Stonewall was ordained into the Catholic priesthood at Little sit with three children (six months, six years and Flower Church. The ordination, performed by Bishop Carroll eight years. Days, Monday thru Friday. 27G-0598. T. Dozier, was the first ever held at Little Flower with Gantert being only the second priest ordained from this par­ WINDOW AIR CONDITIONERS: Repaired and Cleaned­ ish. Father Gantert celebrated his first Mass on Sunday, $Hi. 50 for single unit; $14 per unit for two or more .. Call May 25 and later in the day married his sister, BARBIE to· Ed Wingfield at 274-:JH-10. JOHN BRUCE GREGG in the Chapel at Christian Brothers College. (Mr. and Mrs. Greggwillliveat874N. Belvedere.) Father Gantert will receive his assignment in July. He is FOR RENT: One-bedroom apartment in Jackson lEver­ the son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gantert at the Stonewall ad­ green area. Unfurnished. Air concliLioned. Call 27-i- dress. 403G.

MODERN MOVING B I N G 0 WITH OLD FASHIONED CARE eBORG PHARMACYe --....J -CX) 8P.M. EVERY MONDAY 8 ~~~ P,! 16 Games for $2 3 Cards for $5 ~ · s\l ~ ~;t '-'-'- ~ 4th CARD FREE WITH EACH $5 PURCHASE LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE MOVING @ Jackpot PROFESSIONAL PACKING ~ ?\\~~~~:~~. CRATING & VAULT STORAGE ~ , ~"';~•. ~· I --7_. . ~ $1500 - 50 Numbers or Less $1000 Minimum - Over 50 Numbers APOLLO MOVERS INC. "-' A Borg charg·e account will ~ AGENTS FOR give you an automatic drug '""") Baron Hirsch Ladies Auxiliary ;:::J (Lighted Parking Area) C!:J~d.b I!J{;J.IJ.J i..!.!JWJJ::t;! ~ purchase record for tax ("') ~ and insurance purposes. 0 332-7071 ~ t::: B I N G 0 NIGHT DIAl 275·5202 OR 276·7632 e BORG PHARMACY e