Lorain-Winter Conference 2016

Position for:

The Development Programme

1 Delegation from: the Republic of Represented By: St. Edward High School

Position for the Development Program Council The topic that will be addressed in this paper is Topic A, South-South Cooperation for Development. Chile believes that all people in all countries have the right to receive an education and to work at a job, earning income. Chile is interested in co-operating with other countries to help continue to further develop as a whole. South-South Cooperation for Development Chile is a country that has seen a lot of positive growth and development in the last few decades. Our literacy rate is the highest percentage-wise in South America, and our economy is very stable and prosperous. Something that most of the global North doesn’t realize is how much they rely on countries in the global South. Countries in the global South are on the rise, and they possess most of the world’s accessible natural resources. Most of the of the countries in the global South are mainly natural. For example, the main exports of Chile is , including fish and logging, and also minerals and other related aspects from . If the global South were to band together and to capitalize on this fact, educating the youth, and training them, the global South could become the dominant area in the world. The Problem: The reason why most countries in the global South are not prospering is because of the instability and lack of education on their parts. Chile is one of the lucky countries and is growing steadily, and we feel that the rest of the countries in the global South and do the same. Countries in the global South need to recognize that they have a lot of value around the world, even if the global north, or even them, don’t realize it. Instability is a major problem in a lot of countries in the global South, such as Somalia and Haiti, which suffer from two different problems all together. In terms of education, it is evident that some countries lack the necessary resources to educate their youth, which is the future of the entire world, and should be highly valued. Potential Solutions: Chile would be happy to help other countries unite with the rest of the global South to promote development as a whole. It would be hard for one country to do it by itself, but in co- operation, development would become a lot easier and would lead to more easily attainable long- term benefits for not only the global South, but the entire world as well. In terms of instability, each country that suffers from instability suffers for its own reasons, and it is hard to pinpoint exact causes and solutions, but whatever the problem is, Chile is happy to aid countries in any way it can. Education is also a factor that needs to be considered in terms of development. Chile is also happy to help in any way it can to raise the literacy rate, and the quality of schools all around the global South. Overall, Chile recognizes that these problems are not individually easily solved, but through cooperation and mutual aid, these problems could be mitigated, isolated and dealt with, one by one.

2 Delegation from: Represented by: High School

Position Paper for United Nation Development Programme

The issues presented before the Development Programme are: South-South Cooperation for Development; and Sharing for Economic Development. The country of Denmark supports any form of improvement in the lives of people and therefore endorses the resolution of these issues in tandem with other delegations.

I. South-South Cooperation for Development

In the past it has been clearly substantiated that South-South cooperation has led to proliferation of an established world-wide middle-class economy and the country of Denmark intends to help persist this major spike in economic growth. In a 2013 Human Development report it is stated that developing nations “control about three quarters of the $4.3 trillion in assets controlled by sovereign wealth funds in the world” implicating that there is a major financial push by foreign businesses to invest and profit from developing nations. This has come with major advantages, as described at the 2014 UN Global South- South Development Expo, “There have been 26,700 direct beneficiaries, 477 communities benefitted, 1,533 indigenous people trained, 3,124 farmers converted to organic production, 673 new products and 179 new services deployed, 1,160 women involved in decision-making, and more than $250,000 in sales in 2010”. In the current world we live today we see this as an improvement on a major financial and social scale which is why the Danish government will more than happily approve any resolution to guarantee the South-South Cooperation many more years of success.

Denmark is already considered a “developed” country and is in the northern hemisphere which excludes us from entering this program. However, Denmark is ranked 2nd in the world for least inequality among its citizens, receiving a 0.25 on the . Nevertheless, ensuring the success of developing nations can come to a prodigious advantage to Denmark in the future which is why we will work in coordination with other delegations to see this resolution passed.

The country of Denmark is in the top 35 list of nations with the highest GDP, per a U.N. report in 2014, and demonstrates that the nation is more than capable to help fund this program to ensure an improvement in the lives of future generations. Denmark is already considered a successful nation which is crucial to the success of the South-South Cooperation for Development which are “traditionally aided by more developed countries”. As Denmark has now seen that this programme has major benefits to the world economy and social equality we feel that it is the duty of this nation to help ensure the South-South Cooperation for Development’s success.

II. Technology Sharing for Economic Development

Through the Technological Cooperation among Developing Countries, or the TCDC, developed countries can aid less developed countries in order to benefit the undeveloped country’s economy. In these meetings, ideas are discussed about technology, clean energy, and other issues that developing countries

3 encounter. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations, stated, “over the next 15 years, progress in science, technology and innovation will be key to delivering on all the Sustainable Development Goals - from eradication to agriculture and security, to energy, to water sanitation, and climate change.” These intrinsic topics covered in TCDC meetings are imperative to the further development of undeveloped countries.

The Delegation of Denmark, being an advanced technological country, fully participates in the aid of underdeveloped nations. Through an organization such as the TCDC, ideas can be shared that will increase the flow of cost effective ideas to improve undeveloped countries. Said ideas, along with technology sharing, have the potential to solve nation’s most pressing problems. Additionally, the sharing of technology has already been accomplished in the past. The Delegation of Denmark successfully aided Morocco with the nation's climate control problems by providing the necessary technology. Minister for Foreign Affairs Kristian Jensen stated, “Many developing countries have the political will to address the challenges of climate change, but lack the technology to carry this out. This is why it is crucial that we help the countries by offering them real professional advice, both in terms of helping them adapt to climate change and to strengthen the developing countries by ensuring low CO2 emissions.”

In order to solve the problems of a nation through technological aid, TCDC meetings must continue. In addition, more technological facilities in undeveloped countries should be created. These centers combined with the ideas brainstormed at TCDC conferences will give undeveloped nations an upper hand on the problems the country faces. Clean energy, decreased poverty, and healthy water are only the beginnings of the impact that these adjustments can make. The Delegation of Denmark will play an ample role in these modifications, and nations in need will undoubtedly advance because of it.

4 Delegation from: The Republic of Represented By: Bay High School

Position Paper for the United Nations Development Programme

The issues before the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) are the South-South Cooperation for Development and Technology Sharing for Economic Development. Ecuador is committed to advancing all countries’ development and will continue to support programs set in place to further this cause.

I. South-South Cooperation for Development

In the past, Ecuador has been a leader in the South-South Cooperation both on the providing and receiving ends of bilateral projects, especially in the area of social assistance, which composes 35% of its South -South projects, according to its government. The Republic of Ecuador strongly believes that as a founding member of the , along with many South and Latin American countries, Ecuador should earnestly continue its work (in the words of the Civil Society Organization Partnership) to “Foster self-reliance of developing countries, create and strengthen existing technological capacities in the developing countries, and strengthen the capacity of the developing countries by recognizing their skills and resources.”

Although Ecuador’s economic depression in 1999 left the country struggling to balance the federal budget, raise oil prices to stabilize the economy, and transition to more sustainable energy sources, the Republic of Ecuador has been a champion for the South-South Cooperation cause since its beginning. Ecuador understands the issue of donating to and mentoring developing countries from both ends, having been the largest recipient of bilateral South-South Cooperation projects in Latin America in the past, but also becoming an increasingly-important resource to help other countries as its own economy gained traction from similar projects. Ecuador agrees with the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation in that nations aided by SSC should not be forced to follow the same paths as those in the past with homologous circumstances; rather, non-conditional support of a country’s goals should be the main target of a bilateral cooperation project. Ecuador has supported projects in the past, such as the Building Local Capacity for the Productive Development of the Metropolitan Area of Cochabamba Project, which was the first partnership between and Ecuador in 2015. The project focused on rural entrepreneurship and mutual learning between the two countries, which Ecuador considers very important as well. The Republic of Ecuador stands behind the thoughts of Ecuadorian Representative Maria Espinosa speaking to the General Assembly in 2008. “The Millennium Development Goals are a minimum target for Member States of the United Nations, the fight against terrorism is not an excuse for Member States to abandon their work in SSC, and… without total commitment to economic and social development, talks for international peace and security would not be effective.”

Ecuador believes that the road to lasting peace and diplomacy can be reached through SSC partnerships which blossom into alliances. It also recognizes bilateral corporation's status as an integral part of bettering economies, particularly in the global South. Development programs must continue to be supported, funded, and prioritized by the United Nations as a strategy of meeting the Millennium Development Goals and spreading worldwide peace. The United Nations Development Programme can further this cause by passing legislation that encourages participation in south-south cooperation by connecting stakeholders from governments, NGOs, and private sector businesses that would like to contribute to the cause. It can also aid development by encouraging Member States to increase their donations of funds, time, and perhaps most importantly, human resources to foster cooperation between nations of the global South.

II. Technology Sharing For Economic Development

Ecuador’s constitution pledges to increase the use of sustainable and renewable energy sources in the future, particularly those of solar radiation, wind energy, and . As the Republic of Ecuador meets its goals for adapted to our world’s problems, it can then share new technologies with developing countries. Ecuador strongly believes that the sharing of sustainable technologies will lead to stronger economies around the world, especially in the global South.

5 Ecuador supports the use of partnerships between countries that are mutually benefitting that use green, easily-made technologies. In the past, Ecuador has put forth an Open Source Hardware For Science In Ecuador Plan to increase the use of open-source technology using five key points: “Form a task force to identify the top 100 opportunities to reach key development goals, rank all science-based purchases, such as scientific hardware, and identify if it exists or needs to be created; federally fund the development of open-source scientific hardware identified above; create a national catalog of free and easily-obtained scientific hardware with designs, list of materials, and instructions to create the technology; provide incentives for Ecuador’s entrepreneurs to begin to produce this equipment, ask the government to favor ‘Made in Ecuador’ products; and give each of Ecuador’s public universities a basic ‘maker space’ including access to open-source 3D printers, shop tools, and laser cutters.” This program, coupled with United Nations Resolutions that promote technology sharing, specifically in North-South development partnerships, will take large steps in boosting developing economies. The Republic of Ecuador also endorses the United Nations’ Resolution 2011/17-Science and Technology for Development from the Economic and Social Council in sections VI, VII, and IV- “Support sustainable agriculture by introducing mechanisms and policies that prevent land degradation and the overuse of… energy, especially fossil fuels… Support research on irrigation and soil improvement technologies, as well as the application of affordable information and communication… technologies, to… make agriculture more profitable for smallholder farmers… Facilitate new science, technology and innovation policy reviews… to emphasize… communications technologies in building human capacity and infrastructure to foster innovation in national development plans and programs, in close collaboration with… relevant international development… institutions…” Ecuador will strive to reach these ideals, as well as the larger group of Sustainable Development Goals, in the future as a Member State of the United Nations Development Programme.

The Republic of Ecuador asks the United Nations Development Programme to consider passing a resolution similar to the Open Source Hardware for Science in Ecuador Plan outlined above, and to increase the practicality of its past resolutions to make suggestions easier to carry out in developing countries. It would also be willing to hydropower resources to neighboring global South countries to decrease reliance on oil-based energy in order to meet Sustainable Development Goal 7. Finally, Ecuador suggests North-South and South-South partnerships between medical scientists that work to benefit both medical communities. Although the resolutions will require complete commitment on the part of the Republic of Ecuador, these resolutions will generate peace throughout southern countries, as well as allow countries to obtain and produce technology for Ecuador public education services, and produce a prosperous economy for all involved.

6 Delegation from: Represented by: Western Reserve Academy

Position Paper for the United Nations Development Programme

The issues before the United Nations Development Programme are: South-South Cooperation for Development; and Technology Sharing for Economic Development. France is devoted the eradication of poverty and the reduction of inequalities and exclusion. France aims to increase sustainable development, democratic governance, peace building, and climate and disaster resilience throughout the world.

I: South-South Cooperation for Development

The South-South cooperation is a broad term to describe the collaboration among countries of the Southern part of the world in the political, economic, social, cultural, environmental, and technical areas. It works by developing countries share knowledge with one another, things such as skills, ideas, and resources so that the given countries can meet their development goals. In the year 1978, the UN established a specific Unit for the purpose of promoting South–South and collaboration. France believes that this cooperation between countries is very important and necessary in order to continue the what has already been started.

France believes that South-South cooperation can be continued and increased through the help from NGOs. NGOs, non-governmental organizations, can further fund and increase South- South cooperation; with the additional funds provided by various NGOs cooperation between countries will be even more effective. France encourages with zest that NGOs be used to continue, refine, and accelerate South-South cooperation.

It is obvious that France is not directly affected by most things relating to South-South cooperation as it is not a nor is France in the southern hemisphere. Well this is true France still believes that the continuation and increase of South-South cooperation will be beneficial to more than just the southern hemisphere.The increase and continuation of South- South cooperation will have beneficial outcomes: It will create more stable nations, increase global economic prosperity, and potentially create nations that will benefit the economy on a global scale. With these proposed benefits it is clear that the UN should to continue to encourage and attempt to help South-South cooperation.

France would like to see policies written with the intention of the continuation and increase of South-South cooperation. This policy could potentially use incentives for countries that participate in the continuation and increase of South-South cooperation, weather the given country is directly involved or not. With developing countries helped the global community as a whole will be benefited, potentially decreasing growing threats such as terrorism.

II: Technology Sharing for Economic Development

The Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries (TCDC) program was established with the goal of boosting the collective self-sufficiency of developing countries, increasing the effectiveness and sustainability of developmental projects, overall ending up

7 cutting costs. The TCDC wants to eradicate poverty and change the current unsustainable development practices used around the world, promoting affordable and green technological solutions. This new energy should be green energy, helping developing countries establish sustainable energy practices will therefore provided a more stable foundation for the development of industry.

Although France is not directly involved in Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries for obvious reasons France still believes that the UN should to continue to facilitate and hopefully increase the sharing of technologies in developing countries. As stated by the IAEA, International Atomic Energy Agency, “Outreach and collaboration among AFRA States Parties in the form of technical cooperation among developing countries (TCDC), and the sharing of infrastructure and facilities, has resulted in several ‘win-win’ situations in the past. It has also led to the growth of mutual respect and understanding, benefitting the region as a whole. Through the efforts of its new management structure and operational guidelines, the TCDC modality as applied within the AFRA agreement will generate independence through interdependence using regional skills, capacity and infrastructure”. It is clear that the continuation of TCDC is very beneficial.

France would like to point out the fact that TCDC has terrorism stopping potential. The need for new technology and new energy sources has spun some countries into turmoil, and in this state terrorist groups are likely to overtake the country. The the continuation and increase if the TCDC has the potential stop this. With new technologies shared between countries; unstable and developing countries are likely to adopt the new technological processes increasing infrastructure and allowing for further technological development and the potential elimination of unstable developing countries.

France would like to see policies written with the intention of the continuation of TCDC. This policy could potentially use incentives for countries that participate in the continuation of TCDC, weather the given country is directly involved or not. With developing countries helped the global community as a whole will be benefited, potentially decreasing growing threats such as terrorism.

8 Delegation from: Represented by: Orange High School

Position Paper for the United Nations Development Programme

The issues before the United Nations Development Program are: South-South Cooperation for Development; and Technology Sharing for Economic Development. Germany is steadfast in its support for developing nations and hopes for a resolution that can benefit everyone.

I. South-South Cooperation for Development

It is of great concern that countries in the Global South are allowed to further develop and prosper. It is simply not in the best interest of the developed nations in the world to ignore the challenges that these countries face. For example, in a moral sense, it it unjust to ignore the “100 million children in these developing countries who are underweight” or the “3.1 million of which who die because of their undernourishment.” (According to the World ’s Statistics). Countries have tried to help for decades through foreign aid programs and other donations, but these developing nations lack the self-reliance needed to thrive.

Germany cannot truly be considered a developing country, considering the that is over 80 and the GDP per capita being well over $40,000. (Unesco) Germany’s position allows it to concern itself with the success of other countries, and has long been committed to this idea. Germany believes that, to ensure said success, horizontal cooperation between countries of the Global South must be created. Germany is open to the idea of North- South relationships to ensure this South-South cooperation, but does not believe in blindly giving aid to benefit these countries. The benefits of South-South cooperation are numerous, including, according to the UNDP, the “coordination of policies on development issues relevant to a number of developing countries” and the “opening of additional channels of communication among developing countries.” Germany is willing to and hopes for a resolution that fosters cooperation between the nations of the Global South, not making these nations too reliant on aid.

II. Technology Sharing for Economic Development

Throughout history, progress and growth have followed on the heels of technology. While various kinds of aid can preserve a country, true development requires technology. With the economic significance of the Global South rising sharply, it is important now more than ever to prime the growth of developing nations with exposure to new technological advancements. Technology is key to the development of a wide variety of necessary social amenities, such as agriculture, sanitation, medicine, infrastructure, and poverty eradication. Moreover, technological advancement is vital to self-sufficiency. The Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries program, as implemented by the Buenos Aires Plan of Action, represents an important step towards achieving mutual technical development without the need for foreign aid and the side effects associated with it. The Addis Ababa Action Agenda in turn emphasizes the importance of sustainable development. The importance of sharing technology within the Global South exceeds the exclusive interest of developing nations; rather, the distribution and development of technology represents an opportunity for developed nations (the Global North) to enact their agendas in support of sustainable development and green energy. By promoting green

9 technological solutions, developed countries can combat poverty, change unsustainable industrial development practices, and preserve the environment. Furthermore, the Global South is rich with development resources. For example, open-source software can be refined and given new life by coders in developing nations. Thus, the sharing of technology is a beneficial and necessary practice if the developing nations are to ever become truly developed.

Germany has ever been an ally of developing nations. Europe’s largest economy, the German government is fully aware of the great potential of developing countries. Furthermore, Germany remains cognizant of the need for sustainable development, recognizing the opportunity to ensure the future safety of the planet by promoting green technological solutions. In the past, the German foreign ministry has provided assistance and Northern input to South- South development efforts, aware of the benefits of creating jobs and promoting sustainability in the Global South. The German government has championed South-South technology sharing combined with Northern know-how, particularly in its pursuit of triangular cooperation with developing nations, such as agreements between Germany, , and other Southeast Asian countries, and between Germany, , and other Latin American countries. These triangular cooperations strike a balance and create a link between South-South development programs and North-South development programs.

Germany has achieved remarkable success through its involvement with South-South development and technology sharing. However, new markets and the shifting international community always leave room for new initiatives. The distribution of technology within the Global South is clearly vital to their development, but this development could be further improved and made sustainable through contributions from developed nations well-versed in environmental programs. Furthermore, the use of open-source software as a means of developing technology sharing is an untapped resource- the incentivization of such technology could energize new markets in the Global South, as well as produce new software offering benefits to the entire international community.

10 Delegation from: Guinea Represented by: Bay High School

Position Paper for the Development Programme

The issues before the Development Programme are: South-South Cooperation for Development; and Technology Sharing for Economic Development. The government of Guinea takes active measures in the worldwide sharing of technology for development and hopes to continue expanding the South-South Cooperation projects.

I. South-South Cooperation for Development

South-South Cooperation is the collaboration of countries in the Southern Hemisphere to stimulate the growth of the southern developing countries. South-South Cooperation recognizes the importance of these developing countries and believes that they could potentially be very helpful to the global economy and trade.

The country of Guinea has been involved in the South-South Cooperation project for many years. Recently, in 2014, the Kingdom of Morocco helped Guinea through a South-South Cooperation Tripartite Agreement. This project involved reinforcing the irrigation in Guinea’s agriculture, supporting the cultivation of Guinea’s land, and capacity building for the Ministry of Agriculture of Guinea. Guinea believes that South-South Cooperation projects should be continued because they have helped develop Guinea in the past, and because these projects promote regional and international ties among developing countries.

South-South Cooperation has improved trade inside of the African continent between developing countries. For example, 75% of African goods are currently exported to the rest of the world, but trade between countries in Africa has grown to 11% between 1999 and 2013. This is mainly due to the help that South-South Cooperation projects have given the developing African countries. In addition, African products are only 3% of the world’s trade, but over the last ten years, most of that trade has been directed to countries in the southern hemisphere. This proves that South-South Cooperation projects have helped countries in the south create relationships with other developing countries that are similar to them.

The delegation of Guinea would like the and the International Monetary Fund to lend money to southern developing countries through the South-South Cooperation projects without dictating how the money is used. This would allow these independent countries to decide how the money is used without outside interference. Outside sources may not know exactly what problems need to be addressed and the best solutions to these problems for the country.

I. Technology Sharing for Economic Development

Guinea's main source of economic income and wealth originates from the mineral and agricultural production. Since the importance of these areas to the country, Guinea has advanced in many ways and advocated for sharing technology worldwide for major economic benefit. For example, Guinea has recently opened a new hydraulic power plant that will increase the availability and safety of workers available. Most of Guinea is still used to major blackouts and with the new Hydropower plant many workers and families will be able to live with making it easier to get to work and to school. Along with the opportunities the hydraulic power has in Guinea, it is predicted that most of the technology will be shared with other developing countries. Since agriculture is important to Guinea's economy, many funds and organizations have opened and donated new and pesticides with new agricultural technology to better the economic benefit from the crops. This will not only directly benefit

11 agricultural production and sale but will also indirectly help workers feed their families and stay healthy for longer working seasons and hours. Along with bigger and more obvious funds Guinea has made many small drastic improvements thanks to the influx and share of new technology. Guinea has made it easier and more available for people to excess technology therefore making the economic benefits increase along with the safety of workers and their families. Guinea has used many influences to keep the communication flowing in workplaces and at homes. Samsung is a strong supporter of Guinea’s reach for more economic technology and has supplied many cellphones so that communication is accessible and not as dangerous and slow as just relying on a radio. It is estimated that since 2012 over 4.8 million cell towers and lines have gone up in rural areas. Along with communication developments many improvements have been made to better understand the fields and the health of the rice fields. This again can help workers and their families. They have also made small improvements with roads and turnpikes creating more revenue. Guinea has also created and formed many websites to protect workers and the health of their families through technology such as radio broadcasts and new cellphones. Guinea has created many agricultural and technological improvements by sharing and culminating their resources. Many countries have created mines and shared mining technology with Guinea creating more economic flow into the country. Guinea’s wide resources have encouraged countries to share and put forward their technology so that Guinea's economy can flourish. Guinea has been influential in making sure that technology is spread and shared so that countries can continue to make economic benefits.

12 Delegation from: School: Chardon High School

Position Paper for the UN Development Programme

The issues before the UN Development Programme include: South-South Cooperation for Development Position; and Technology Sharing for Economic Development Position. Japan is strongly in favor of supporting third-world nations, as well as sharing its technology with countries that are not as advanced as it is and need the economic support. Since Japan was once in the position of the countries needing economic and technological support and now has advanced technology, they want to give back to the nations in need.

I. South-South Cooperation for Development

Japan Supports South-South Cooperation (SSC) and has been providing technological assistance since 1954 and is very willing to help with any endeavors that countries involved in south-south cooperation may wish to pursue. Japan, having been an ex recipient of financial support from other countries, is very willing and knowledgeable in supplying Financial support to developing countries.

The Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) considers that SSC is effective at Disseminating successful efforts including the efforts that were achieved through Japanese support, contributing to the promotion of regional and global cooperation, and supplementing bilateral cooperation with the experience of developing countries to achieve development results. Japan Believes That through SSC, Developing countries can be helped and later help contribute to the development of other countries once they have finished receiving support. SSC is also useful in helping grow and develop intra-regional trade as well as inter-regional trade. Japan believes that Asian countries are key in helping promote SSC due to the fact that this cooperation is usually undertaken intra-regionally.

At this conference, Japan is very willing and eager to provide support to any developing countries in need of support. Japan would also like to encourage other Asian countries such as , South , and to provide Technological and financial support to developing countries.

II. Technology Sharing for Economic Development

Japan strongly believes in supporting third-world countries with more advanced technology. Nations cannot grow or prosper if they do not have the ability to, and Japan is fully willing to give nations the technological support they need in order to become a better and more economically stable region. Japan thinks that it is not only Japan’s task to help these countries, but the task of all first-world countries with technology to spare, such as the of America and Germany.

Before the world wars, Japan was not a major power in the world. However, the wars brought change, and Japan began to grow into an industrial powerhouse, seeing increases up to 252% on its production. It’s what happened after the war that really set Japan’s position in stone though. With the protection of the United States of America, they could convert their wartime country into a major industrial, economic, and eventually, a technological power.

Since Japan is so familiar with being a third-world, country, they understand what it feels like for other countries in this state, and feel more of a need to help these countries out in their time of need. Japan was

13 able to grow thanks to the United States of America, and they want to return the favor by giving other nations both technological and economic support.

At this conference, Japan wishes to further their support of nations, as well as ask the more technologically forward nations, including the United States of America, Germany, , , Russia, the , China, France, and .

14 Delegation from: Nepal Represented by: Orange High School

Position Paper for the United Nations Development Fund The problems in front of the Economic and Social Council are: South-South Cooperation for Development and Technology Sharing for Economic Development. Nepal seeks to resolve these issues in an orderly fashion which benefits all citizens. Nepal also wishes to explore cooperation tactics with other participating delegations in establishing realistic solutions that will benefit all the nations that are present.

I. South-South Cooperation for Development The need for greater development has become a critical issue in the Global South. According to a 2013 report, developing nations control around seventy-five percent of the global economy, which is $4.3 trillion in assets controlled by sovereign wealth funds of the world. These developing countries can be greatly assisted when the opportunity to grow and improve is placed into their own hands by more developed countries. These developed nations reap benefits from this setup because of the large majoritarian impact that developing nations have on the global economy.

With the assistance of more developed world powers, Nepal has been able to move forward socially and economically. In 2014, Nepal received a total of $27,643,645, their top five donors being the United Kingdom, , , Finland and Denmark. With their donations, Nepal was able to implement projects across Nepal. Additionally, a follow-up to the Millennium Development Goals, which concluded in 2015, was developed to establish specific targets to be achieved by 2030. These targets, or Sustainable Development Goals have been agreed upon by all 193 member-states of the United Nations. Nepal’s main objectives for its people and prosperity are to usher in more economic and social development by ending poverty and , protecting rights and equality, and taking urgent action to combat climate change. Essentially, with its own funds and donations from other nations, Nepal has been able to fund sustainable projects.

In order to succeed as a nation economically and socially, Nepal seeks the assistance of more developed countries. Nepal is not as developed as most world powers today, and in order for it to implement its Sustainable Development Goals, Nepal needs to collaborate with more developed nations. Nepal has many objectives to improve the lives of its citizens, and people outside of Nepal. The aid of other nations would improve the state of Nepal’s economy and environment, and their own as well. Nepal has a set plan of achievable goals, and with the help of other countries the entire globe could reap benefits.

II. Technology Sharing for Economic Development

Technology sharing for economic development has become an important factor in strengthening the the ties between first world countries and developing nations. Nations with a plethora of resources can assist in strengthening the economic statuses of other nations as well as progressing the development of science, technology and innovation (STI). By testing and developing technologies that are inexpensive as well as practical and functional, economies of nations will be positively affected. The Technological Cooperation among Developing Countries (TCDC) was established in order to facilitate this cooperation between nations in order to improve the economies of a multitude of nations, all while decreasing the cost of development projects, as well as increasing their effectiveness and sufficiency.

Nepal sees the importance of technology sharing and actively participates in technology sharing in order to increase the economy of nations, as well as benefit their communities. As explained by a deputy director of America Makes, Nepal’s innovation “lies in finding problems, ideating solutions and creating innovations to create those solutions.” In collaboration with the USA, Nepal is developing many technologies that can help communities have a greater access to scientific technology, which will increase

15 social innovation and communication amongst Nepal’s citizenry. One of these technologies include 3D printing for the purpose of medical modelling.

Nepal believes that, “wealthy nations must pursue sustainable patterns of production and consumption at home by developing environment-friendly technologies and changing their lifestyles.” In order to effectively develop economies through the use of technology, developing nations must collaborate in order to achieve the best results. Nepal sees that technological development in order to help the economic status of nations needs to have long term goals in mind, and needs to be cost effective and beneficial for communities.

16 Delegation from: Represented by: Avon Lake High School

Position Paper for the United Nations Development Programme

The issues brought before the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) include South-South Cooperation for Development and Technology Sharing for Economic Development. The Delegation of the Netherlands fully embraces South-South Cooperation (SSC) policies, and the concept of Technology Sharing for Economic Development. The Delegation of the Netherlands realizes the vast benefits of collaboration between underdeveloped and established nations to strive for greater economic prosperity for all peoples living in underdeveloped nations by adopting the policies of the South-South Cooperation and by Technology Sharing for Economic Development.

I. South-South Cooperation for Development

The Delegation of the Netherlands fully recognizes the importance of programs such as the South-South Cooperation for Development to improve the lives of those in underdeveloped nations. The Delegation of the Netherlands notes with deep concern the terrible poverty and economic unrest in the world today. The Delegation of the Netherlands notes with satisfaction the far-reaching potential of the South-South Cooperation objectives to help developing nations gain greater self-reliance and economic stability. The South-South Cooperation for Development objectives urge established nations to pursue the achievement of Millennium Development Goals, or MDGs. These MDGs were developed at the Millennium Summit in September 2000 to combat global hunger and poverty in many ways. The MDGs promote gender equality and education abroad, meliorate maternal health, increase the accessibility of healthcare services to populations suffering with outbreaks of HIV/AIDS and , encourage environmental sustainability strategies, and advocate for global partnerships between nations. The Delegation of the Netherlands promoted the adoption of SSC strategies when the Netherlands Partners served as a donor group who bequeathed a US $13.2 million grant for a sustainable development partnership in 2006 between the nations of Benin, Bhutan, and Costa Rica. This grant by the Netherlands Partners enabled the three nations to initiate “ hands-on and inclusive projects, which enable small-scale farmers and microentrepreneurs to share their experiences and expertise across continents. Its 36 financially sustainable projects have so far created thousands of new jobs and additional income for poor people in the three participating countries.” (Europe External Policy Advisers). Additionally, The Delegation of the Netherlands seeks that the UNDP embrace the expansion of triangular cooperation. Triangular cooperation policies are essentially collaborations between donor nations and multilateral organizations to expedite the process of integrating South-South Cooperation goals into underdeveloped nations. Triangular cooperation is achieved through funding, training, advancements in technology, and many other methods of aid. (ssc.undp.org) The Delegation of the Netherlands calls upon public sector organizations as well as NGOs to facilitate the enactment of triangular cooperation as either a facilitator or pivotal partner. According to conclusions made in the Brainstorming Meeting on Triangular Co- operation on September 2012 in Lisbon, a facilitator provides funding and gives technological aid to SSC beneficiary nations. A pivotal partner however, shares knowledge and insight to expand triangular cooperation. (oecd.org). Nonetheless, the The Delegation of the Netherlands fully acknowledges each country’s national sovereignty. However, The Delegation of the Netherland strongly encourages politically and financially stable nations to embrace the policy of South-South Cooperation by adopting strategies of triangular cooperation while working to reach Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to bring greater self-reliance and economic stability to underdeveloped nations.

17 II. Technology sharing for Economic Development

The Delegation of the Netherlands is supportive of the prospect of technology sharing in order to further the development of the nations in need of technological aid. The Delegation of the Netherlands is also aware of the potential benefits of the international cooperation that would be achieved in the process of mutual sharing of technology between nations. The idea expressed through the prospect of technology sharing helps to highlight the necessity of an increase in the research and development of technology that would assist in treating the growing thirst for sustainable energy. By providing an increase in both the granting of this technology to poorer countries, as well as the training of populations in how to utilize these technologies, the Netherlands believes that all nations would possess the tools required to help themselves in the quest towards eliminating poverty and hunger worldwide. The Netherlands also believes that fully developed nations should provide some aid for the countries that cannot boast development. Additionally, the Netherlands government has done much to actively promote sustainable development as well as environmental protection. The Delegation of the Netherlands hopes that nations aid each other in this development, and has begun taking efforts to aid those in support of this idea. These efforts would include the allocation of 0.1% of the nation's total GNP towards environmental protection, which would aid in the furthering of agriculture in developing nations without the ability to use of such expenses. In addition to giving economic aid, the Delegation of the Netherlands is calling for an increase in environmental technology in the next 14 years, as well as the spread of this technology to further the push toward fulfilling the SDGs.The Netherlands have many programs, such as “MATRA”, which helps to arrange the use of economic and environmental management policies to further advance towards the Netherlands’ main goal of poverty eradication. These programs for environmental management and economic policy are also supported by the Netherlands’ backing of environmentally sound technology centers created through UN policy to closely monitor the transmittance and development of new technology. The Delegation of the Netherlands has worked with other nations including Africa and Asia in order to create such centers. This collaboration between Africa, Asia, and the Netherlands helped create the Information Centre for Environmental Licensing website in order to help give information to licensing authorities. These centers are then used in order to distribute information on the environmental ways to help spread technology in order to aid in other countries agricultural, and economic development. This is done as a result of the Netherlands’ commitment to creating international relationships through the open sharing of technology, and providing an accessible source of information on how to use technology as environmentally clean as possible. This goes hand and hand with their more recent involvement with helping create an assessment for the necessity of environmentally clean technology of each nation. This allowed for the Netherlands’ involvement in and the U.S. when the three nations organized a professional meeting where they supported the creation of center for pollution information and training center. The Delegation of the Netherlands acknowledges the major issues that are presented when a nation supports the idea of Technology Sharing for Economic Development. The Delegation of the Netherlands is dedicated to achieving compromise as to what is sustainable and acceptable for the environment while still furthering the interests of those concerned with economic gain. Furthermore, Delegation of the Netherlands encourages the equal distribution of benefits gained from the policy of technology sharing and the integration of policies such as forest protection, maintaining sustainable production, environment, and economic sustainability must be covered in order to come to an adequate closure of the topic.

18 North Korea Development We are the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. The U.N.D.P was founded in 1965, as a mixture of the Special Fund and the Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance. Basically, what is does is it work’s on making life better in developing countries. Topic one is South-South Cooperation for Development, and what it does is it gives tools and resources to developing countries to help them become greater and stronger. The second topic is Technology sharing for economic development. What it does is it help’s developing countries catch up by giving them some of the latest Technology so that they could use it to create their own. As North Korea, we believe we don’t need help. Are country is in top condition. We have a great weapon's program and we treat our people accordingly, thank you. We as the country of North Korea do not need any help from you foreigner’s. We have great resources. Our country has started using renewable energy to help conserve fossil fuels. What we use is hydropower to power turbines and generators to give electricity to over 700 houses in that one area. We also use different treatments on our seeds to make them more suitable to grow and make it to harvest. Are economic development in North Korea is fine. In our country, the living standards are up. Because of the UNDP intervening in the past, it has helped or seed production skyrocket making there more food for people to feed their families. Our country may still need some help catching up on the latest technology, but we do have a good weapon's program. Thank you for your help and we look forward to the future.

Committee: United Nations Development Programme

Topic: South-South Cooperation for Development

Country: The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

South-South Cooperation for Development

In the modern era, the world has failed to see the shift in the world’s wealth to a more even distribution across all nation and peoples across the globe, and instead witnessed the continuation of Western Imperialism in new, but equally oppressive, forms that are aimed, above all else to oppress third world nations simply seeking to develop to the status of the nations that oppress them. Despite this incredible distance between the wealth of the nations of the world, the Delegation of the Democratic

People’s Republic of Korea believes that cooperation between third world nations is a viable solution to break the oppressive cycle of imperialist control over the economies

19 and finances, and likewise, the politics and power distribution of the developing countries of our world.

The Delegation of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea believes in the successes of trading organizations and economic unions like East African Community,

Southern African Development Community, and Common for Eastern and

Southern Africa of the African continent, which each comprise of several previously failing economies set in volatile and poor nations. These organizations have allowed even small nations with little resources or internal revenue to participate in the growing collective economies of the global economy and prosper from the unique resources they may be able to provide. Together, third world nations can create trading and economic strongholds that can very plausibly have the especially potent power to create and hold monopolies over natural resources of the undeveloped world from which sophisticated production, procurement, purification, and synthesis of more complex and refined products are made.

Therefore, in addition for its continual push for Marxism in the world to eliminate the unequal wealth distribution between nations, the Democratic People’s

Republic of Korea urges third world nations to work together in trade and finances for the betterment of all developing nations subject to interference and pressure of more powerful, Western states.

20 Delegation from: Russia Represented by: Vermilion High School

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

UNDP is incorporated in over 170 territories and countries. The UNDP was made to help the poverty, and reduction inequalities and exclusion throughout the world. The UNDP was created to help spread peace and prosperity throughout all nations across the globe. It was implemented to assist any third world countries that are struggling.

I.South-South Cooperation for Development The South-South Cooperation was implemented for the use of exchange of expertise amongst other countries. The South-South Cooperation is to help the underdeveloped countries. Northern developed countries are trying to help out the other countries who struggle with security, peace, and educational. The reasoning behind the South South Cooperation is to develop technology, knowledge, experience, and information throughout different countries and government. The the South-South Cooperation is meant to help developing countries with such advancements as economic, political and technical progressions. The South-South Cooperation arose over 50 years ago in South-East Asia.

The South-South Cooperation is very important through Russia’s eyes. They believe its a crucial element of assisting countries with traditional forms of aid. Russia’s ambitious participation has not been appropriately acknowledged. Russia is talking about professional development, satellite communications, natural resorts extraction, medicine, and nuclear energy proposals for the South-South Cooperation. In 2002 Russia facilitates trade relations with southern Africa. Later, in 2006 Russia and formed the Russia-South Africa Business Council which brought business representatives together.

The UNDP defines the South-South Cooperation as “as means of promoting effective development by learning and sharing best practices and technology among developing countries” Russia believes it is imperative that all nations get on board as it will allow for more nations to share, communicate, trade, and advance economically and technologically.

II. Technology Sharing for Economic Development

Technology sharing throughout countries continues to help improve living conditions and allows countries to develop further. The United Nations runs an Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology or the APCTT. This aids in the management of countries technology uses. The center helps create a way to increase knowledge of technology and expand also to apply the knowledge that is found. This center is one of five centers and contains a total of 53 member states. In 2013 the center helped assist countries who were members by increasing science, innovation, and technology. The hope is to provide jobs, and stimulate economy in third world countries, and also in larger more developed countries . The APCTT worked with other organizations such as ’s Network for Knowledge Transfer on Sustainable Agricultural Technologies and Improved Market Linkages in South and Southeast Asia, or

21 SATNET, to gain market access and establish control in countries such as India. The center allows countries to stay connected and establish information among themselves.

Russia has an Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development to help promote policies to create better lives for citizens. This allowed governments to seek solutions based on past experiences, also through shared experiences. Russia is a leader in space technology, and has been for a multitude of years, leaders in Russia strongly believe in the importance of not only sharing but also modernizing technology for the betterment of the world. Russia is an extremely wealthy country, the poor may get poorer but the rich are constantly increasing in wealth. Sharing technology to aid in the betterment of Russia, and Russian economy if highly supported by the leaders of this country.

Russia will continue to emphasize the importance of technology and will push for the support of the UN for all nations to cooperate and work together to further international science and technology innovation. This will be beneficial to the growth of not only Russia, but participating countries as well.

22 Delegation from: Republic of Korea Represented by: Orange High School

Position Paper for the United Nations Development Programme

The issues before the United Nations Children’s Fund are: South-South Cooperation for Development; and Technology Sharing for Economic Development. The Republic of Korea is strongly devoted to the economic, social, environmental, and technological promotion of developing countries in the Southern Hemisphere and therefore supports the upcoming resolutions regarding these issues in conjunction with the collaboration of existing delegations.

I. South-South Cooperation for Development

It is imperative to recognize and address the importance of the developing nations worldwide, as each nation contributes to the international society on an economic, social, cultural, and environmental scale. Countries in the Global South, or countries located in the Southern Hemisphere, are a part of these developing nations that suffer from a lack of resources, technology, and aid that more economically developed countries (MEDC) could be providing. The Global South is one of the international community’s fastest growing economy-- yet, still many of its citizens live and work in poverty under governments that are constricting due to its financial situation. These developing nations currently influence and control more than three quarters of the $4.3 trillion in assets the global community holds. In a 2015 report, UNDP stated that “689 projects and programmes across 132 countries that have utilized South-South and triangular cooperation” covered “more than 15 percent of the total projects and programmes”. These statistics offer only a small amount of reassurance that the future of the economy will continue to expand on a fruitful path. With hopes to eliminate the technology-starved and impoverished Global South, it is with utmost importance for the international cooperation between all nations. The goal is to strengthen each and every individual nation and promote equality on a global scale.

The Republic of Korea is recognized as a “global development success story” nation by the UNDP. UNDP reported that, in the last five decades, it provided the Government of Korea over $100 million in aid and effectively established “275 programmes [that] were delivered across 20 areas such as industry, science and technology, agriculture and social development.” The correlation between the UNDP’s aid and the success of the Republic of Korea has helped to provide greater opportunities and stability for both the people of Korea and the global economy. The Republic of Korea has “begun providing technical assistance in developing countries” through its own development programme, the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA). The Republic of Korea also established an UNDP MPG Trust Fund, whose purpose is to “seek to improve livelihoods of the poor and vulnerable.” The Republic of Korea thus understands the difficulty of strengthening a nation and wishes to lend a helping hand to developing countries.

The Republic of Korea is firmly committed to unraveling the deserved potential of the Global South through the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation and the collaboration with the other delegations. The Republic of Korea hopes to establish multiple financial banks in each developing country, in which its purpose is to lend loans to the impoverished citizens dwelling in

23 the Global South. Through the Republic of Korea-UNDP MPG Trust Fund, the Republic of Korea has also agreed upon training and informing these citizens. With the assistance of the other delegations, the Republic of Korea hopes to pave a clear path for the future generation in these societies to achieve happiness around the globe.

II. Technology Sharing for Economic Development

In recent years, it has become evident that the impact of technology on a global scale has been immeasurable. In our rapidly advancing society, we see technology becoming more and more influential in our daily lives. While this increase brings with it an incredible amount of benefits, these benefits are not being utilized to their fullest potential due to an unequal distribution of this of this power throughout the world. Countries who have the advanced technology do not share this abundance with others and thus, we are all handicapped as a society-- in the wise words of Malala Yousafzai, “We cannot all succeed if half of us are held back.” Technology sharing could unlock the doors to “poverty eradication to agriculture and food security, to energy, to water and sanitation, and climate change,” subsequently uplifting the world as a whole as new, inexpensive and groundbreaking ideas are spread throughout it.

The Republic of Korea has taken steps in the past to increase technology sharing. With the help of UNDP, the Republic of Korea was able to establish successful and devoted institutions where the importance of technology sharing was first introduced. Recognizing the power and influence of technology, the Republic of Korea has organized the “Korean Facility for Through South-South and Triangular Cooperation” in which the projects stemming from this institution are committed to strengthening the technological capabilities. This method has proven to show dramatic results: in a report from the Regional Cooperative Agreement for Research, Development and Training Related to Nuclear Science and Technology for Asia and the Pacific, more than 142,805 patients were diagnosed or treated with the new installments of nuclear technology. Moreover, the Republic of Korea has also turned its attention to acknowledging women’s participation in digital economy. The report of Asia Pacific Women’s Information Network Center displays that from 2012-2014, 857 female trainees were granted the opportunity to train and learn from the program, “Women to Become Small and Medium Entrepreneurs”. The Republic of Korea thus seeks to engage everyone in the international community rise to success.

The Republic of Korea is fully committed to making great strides in the area of technology sharing throughout the world. The Republic of Korea seeks to create a better future for the world regarding human welfare, agriculture, and the environment by ensuring that the gap is closed between technologically advanced countries with the upper hand and developing countries at a disadvantage. The Republic of Korea seeks to do this by providing incentives and establishing programs focusing on the application of technology in hopes of benefitting the society as a whole. The Republic of Korea will look favorably upon any additional resolutions that would aid technology-starved countries and welcomes all nations to work together to establish global happiness.

24 Delegation From: Represented by: Magnificat High School

Position Paper for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

The two issues set before the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) are the South-South Cooperation for Development, and Technology Sharing for Economic Development. The country of Spain brings much needed experience, advancements, policy, and funding to the programme, and a chance to cooperate with other countries for economic development both domestically and internationally.

I. South-South Cooperation for Development

While the Kingdom of Spain is not located in the Southern Hemisphere, Spain continues to play an important role in the South-South Cooperation for Development through funding and triangular cooperation. As a in , Spain recognizes the need to assist developing nations and contribute towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, formerly known as the Millennium Development Goals.

The Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) supports all of the goals outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals agreed upon at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 2012. Particularly the goals of clean water, sanitation, and food security. Through the close relationship Spain has with Latin American countries this programme can potentially raise the quality of living for citizens plagued with problems common of the Global South.

Spanish commitment to achieving these goals is illustrated in multiple triangular cooperation operations in Latin America and the Caribbean. According to the AECID, the most successful ones include Latin American Countries Brazil, Chile, and Bolivia, with the agency providing primarily technical support and financing for projects. In a July 2015 press release by the Ibero-American Secretary General it is stated there was 576 projects and 399 actions completed through triangular cooperation in 2013. These projects focused on a variety of issues, including but not limited to: promotion of private sector growth, governmental stability initiatives, and environmental issues such as access to clean drinking water.

II. Technology Sharing for Economic Development

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Declaration 9 states, “We envisage a world in which every country enjoys sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic

25 growth and decent work for all. A world in which consumption and production patterns and use of all natural resources.. are sustainable. One in which , good governance and the rule of as well as an enabling environment at national and international levels, are essential for sustainable development, including sustained and inclusive economic growth.” Spain is not only dedicated to preserving the environment while maintaining and growing economic opportunity, but also interested in the sharing of technology between countries to facilitate overall growth of the world’s economies.

Spain is currently a part of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) which in recent years has placed focus onto a regional partnership between the European Union and the African island nation of Cape Verde. The aim of integrating the Macaronesia space, through the sub-organization of the ERDF the European Union Ultra-Peripheral Regions (RUP), is to improve the overall structure and competitiveness. The major areas of proposed intervention are: Renewable / Sustainable energy sources, biodiversity and conservation efforts, , among others.

Measurable effects of this programme have been noted in recent years. Through the education of citizens on water consumption and conservation, as well as investment placed into renewable energy resources, the price of water has decreased. This is partially due to the decreased cost of filtration and desalination. The ERDF and RUP are two examples of Spain’s effort, albeit small on the global scale, to promote economic change and development while keeping with the Sustainability Agenda.

26 Delegation From: Represented By: Westlake High School

Position Paper for the United Nations Development Programme

The issues before the United Nations Development Programme are: South-South Cooperation Development; and Technology Sharing for Economic Development. Sweden is deeply concerned about the development of countries in the southern hemisphere, and has been involved in helping them develop, and hopes to continue developing these countries.

I. South-South Cooperation Development

Sweden supports the development of the countries in the Global South, and acknowledges that the necessity of the development is becoming more apparent in the 21st century. Sweden acknowledges that the way they have been helping these countries may not be the most efficient way, and it is crucial to foster the growth in the most effective way possible. Traditionally, the Global South was fostered by more developed countries, but now United Nations Development Programme is looking to change that by giving the right tools directly to the Global South, enabling them to help themselves.

It is evident that Sweden is very involved with the United Nations Development Programme as it ranked 14 out of 188 countries and was considered the very high human development category in 2015. Sweden has history of being involved in the development some countries in the Global South, specifically: South Africa, Botswana, and Namibia. The past relationships with South Africa, Botswana, and Namibia ended in 2013 to decrease the amount of bilateral relations Sweden had the international development cooperation. Sweden then changed its course of helping these countries. The future relations with these countries will focus primarily on: increasing commercial exchange, increasing political cooperation in multilateral fora, deepening trade relations, increasing tourism, and overall increasing relations with more countries too. With programs like SIDA, Sweden has taken action in helping developing countries including in the Global South to help themselves, by teaching them the proper skills to do so.

Sweden has continued supporting the development of countries, and will keep continuing to so in the future. It is important to note that the best way to help the countries in the Global South is to improve their economies, and accordingly, improve their trade relations. By improving the economy in the Global South by increasing trade and relations between the Global South and the rest of the world will not only help the individual economies of the countries in the Global South but will also benefit the economy as a whole, so it is crucial that the United Nations advocates for South-South cooperation by noting how it will benefit the economy as a whole. It is important that the United Nations sets a good precedent for the rest of the world by being the first to strive to improve trade and commerce with these countries in the Global South to show the benefits. Along with increasing trade and commerce, it would be beneficial to teach the countries how to help build their economies by showing them how the countries in the United Nations got to where they are now. Sweden advocates for the more developed countries in the United Nations to change the ways they’ve helped countries in the past. It is of the utmost importance the United Nations treat these developing countries in the Global South as the mature and potentially influential countries they could be by increasing trade to build their economies and further, the global economy too.

27 II. Technology Sharing for Economic Development

Sweden believes that sharing technology is an integral part of economic development in the world. It is essential for the countries developing to be exposed to this new and advanced technology being created by more advanced and developed countries, because it can empower them to use the new technology to their advantage and possibly even build off of it. Sweden believes that it is important to share resources such as technology with developing countries for the betterment of those countries and for the betterment of the global economy overall.

To continue, Sweden is well known worldwide for its advancements in technology, most notably in these companies: skype, spotify, and ikea. Moreover, Sweden creates a society in which it is easy to become an entrepreneur and use technology to do what you would like to do. It is important to note that Sweden is significantly more advanced technologically than a lot of other countries. For example, the average speed (in the third quarter of 2015) in Sweden is 19.1Mbps, which is actually the second fastest in the world, whereas South Africa’s average internet speed is 3.1Mbps. This illustrates the difference in advancements in the two countries. In 1998 the so-called home-PC reform enabled everyone employed in Sweden the ability to borrow a computer to keep at home and they could later buy it at a reasonable price. This reform helped advance the country of Sweden as a whole. Furthermore, it is crucial that Sweden and the United Nations build off of this, and share their technological advancements.

While it is much too idealistic to assume that all countries will suddenly share all of their technology, it is essential that the United Nations demonstrate how this transition will benefit the global economy. Moreover, the United Nations has already implemented the idea of technology sharing. The United Nations Development Programme needs to address this problem by offering specific ways that the developed countries in the United Nations can help share their technology. Moreover, developed countries may not see the benefits to sharing their technology. Having said that, the United Nations needs to show these developed countries specifically how sharing technology will help in the development of countries in the Global South or other developing countries, and furthermore that will improve the global economy. For instance, if the United Nations referred to it as an investment, more countries might be willing to share their technology. It is also important that the United Nations Development Programme expresses that when the developing countries are exposed to more technology there are much more opportunities for jobs, once again improving the economy. In accordance to intellectual property , the United Nations must further advocate as to why it would still end up benefiting them in the long run. Accordingly, the United Nations should make known how easy it can be to share technology, for example open source technology, is very simple, and isn’t asking for countries to put in a lot of effort. Sweden advocates for the sharing of technology for the betterment of both developing countries, and for the betterment of the global economy, and furthermore would like the United Nations Development Programme to take charge start sharing technology with developing countries.

28 Delegation from: Switzerland Represented by: Orange High School Position Paper for the United Nations Development Programme

The issues presented before the United Nations Development Programme are: South-South Cooperation for Development and Technology Sharing for Economic Development. Switzerland, recognizing the significance of these two topics in relation to its own state and the rest of the world, looks forward to working with its fellow delegations to find lasting solutions.

I: South-South Cooperation for Development In 1291, Switzerland was accepted as an independent country of Europe. Now, Switzerland is considered a first world country, as it has developed, industrial, political, and economic interests. Switzerland consists of many large mountain ranges, contributing to its cool climate, but also, its resource rich economy. As a first world country, Switzerland has partaken in improving and aiding to the economies of the global south. South-South Cooperation is defined as the exchange of resources, technology, and economical contributions from first-world countries to developing countries, which are referred to as the “Global South”. This process was initiated with the intent of improving economic and social relationships between developing first-world countries, and has also benefited the global economy. Switzerland has donated finance and resources to further support the global South. Some of the Third-World countries in relation to Switzerland are countries such as Libya, Liberia, Angola, and Sierra Leone. These relationships have helped Switzerland and Third-World countries, as they both exchange and receive from one another. The Swiss Constitution states five objectives in dealing with foreign relationships, which include: the existence of peaceful nations, the preservation of natural resources, the respect for law, reduction of poverty, and lastly, to “promote Swiss economic interests abroad”, showing how Switzerland can offer economic aid to the Global South. Switzerland’s participation in international organizations and societies, such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, makes it a valid, active, reliable resource for developing countries. This means that Switzerland’s money will allow for these Third-World countries to flourish and grow without a large reliance and dependency on other unstable sources. Under these terms, Switzerland suggests for further investments in South-South Cooperation, but also simultaneously, Triangular Cooperation, which involves traditional donors in addition to First and Third World countries to add to the flow of resources and to incorporate another experienced viewpoint and contributor. This will help sustain and improve relationships, which will ultimately benefit the global economy as a whole. With incorporation of the benefits of two or three parties, the developing economies will be at a stronger point. Switzerland also suggests that First-World countries contribute to a stronger education system in the Global South so that they are able to become more dependent on education to guide their development directly and become more independent as a country. With these solutions executed on Swiss government, effective South-South Cooperation will be accomplished.

II: Technology Sharing for Economic Development In the recent breakthrough of the age of technology, Switzerland has taken on a leading role in adapting to these new innovations. Switzerland has developed and researched numerous inexpensive, small, clean, green, and reliable pieces of technology. In addition, Switzerland has many organizations working to utilize clean energy sources for the purpose of technology

29 sharing. However, few natural resources are available in Switzerland, meaning that it relies on its ties with Third-World countries, with rich and abundant resources. The economy depends on technology, and therefore, it obviously plays an important role. This being true, technology using green resources needs to be implemented in order to further guarantee stable governmental dependency on technology. Switzerland is one of the leading countries in development and research of nanotechnology and biotechnology, as well as reducing energy consumption in the technological field. The nanotechnology will help underdeveloped countries in that it is inexpensive, small, and portable, while biotechnology will be able to adapt to unpredictable climates, which is common in Third-World countries. In Switzerland, the quality of the soil is poor, yet modern technology has helped increase the production of crops in the presence of this poor soil. Switzerland is also one of the main industries in environmental technology. This increase in crop production has helped not only Switzerland’s economy tremendously, but also many other resource challenged countries. Most research is geared towards improving and developing chemicals for agricultural research. Additionally, Switzerland is one of the largest providers in the world of wind industry generators. Wind energy is a major aspect of green technology, which is the ultimate goal all nations are striving to achieve and incorporate into their national development. The organization of EULITHA is a leading developer of nanostructures, which includes “nanopatterned solar cells,” nanowire LEDs, and nanomedical devices. This provides many plausible solutions for numerous problems that Third-World countries face, which incorporates green technology sharing. These pieces of technology meet and exceed the standards of being inexpensive and affordable, green, small scale, and from sustainable energy sources. Under these conditions, Switzerland suggests the following: countries should further invest in green nanotechnology and biotechnology. This would be affordable for any given country, and have great effects on problems such as an underdeveloped economy, because of nano and biotechnology’s ability to adapt to any conditions and the ability to exploit them for the greater good. These will also be vital for economic development as well. Secondly, Switzerland advocates for First-World countries to help fund providing of more expensive and less affordable technology in third-world nations. Finally, Switzerland proposes to invest in the advancement of natural chemical science in the agricultural field to further benefit economic development. With all of these implemented in global societies, technology sharing for economic development will be effective.

30 Delegation from: Represented by: Avon Lake High School

Position Paper for the United Nations Development Programme

I. History of topic and policy statement

The issue of development can be split into two general approaches. These include the fight against poverty and long-term economic and social stability and development. Turkey believes in both sides, its views aimed at poverty eradication and sustainable development. Turkey as a nation that has spent millions aiding UN efforts and globally impacting organizations such as UNDP and UNIDO. A goal of the Turkish foreign policy is to expand Turkey’s involvement on global issues further than just its surrounding countries. Turkey appreciates the favorable circumstances created by the UNDP in the past two decades, as well as aiding in our foreign aid efforts, which have been in place for 31 years. However, Turkey does understand that our foreign aid efforts will not keep the entire world at peace.

II. Topic relation to country

The delegation of Turkey believes that when discussing worldwide development, it should not be split into two differing parts. Development should be seen as one whole issue in which the UN is trying to handle. Turkey donated almost 50 million USD in 2008 alone to UN organizations for the aid of development in places such as Africa. In 1992 Turkey created the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency Directorate, also known as TIKA, to give social and economic aid to developing countries on 5 continents. TIKA has been successful for 24 years installing peace, stability, and safety in developing and third world countries. More effort from other countries and organizations can only improve their lives.

III. Desired Policy Outcomes

The Turkish delegation believes that further and continuous support for developing countries will have a great effect in the long run. It may seem very slow and insignificant now, but years later we could live in a world with little poverty and total international stability. Turkey is very active with the UNDP and TIKA and is confident in the capability of all countries to follow in their economic footsteps.

31 Delegation from: Uganda

Represented by: Westlake High School

Position Paper for the United Nations Development Programme

I. South-South Cooperation for Development

Both throughout the modern era and into the current century, the issue of sustainable development for countries which lie primarily in the southern hemisphere has grown increasingly significant. The growth of a new-age “global middle class” has developed the economies and improved the livelihood of people in both hemispheres. Looking forward as a nation in the southern region of the planet and as a developmentally optimistic one, the Republic of Uganda looks to support any and all future efforts to fund and empower the authority of the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation.

The Republic of Uganda holds a strongly vested interest in the outcome of any efforts to reform the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation. The Republic of Uganda supports a population of over 37 million individuals on land area approximately 241,000 sq. km. The Ugandan people, on average, live their lives with the equivalent of $648 U.S. each year. This alone sets Uganda as a country on the verge of complete economic impoverishment, a condition that can only be remedied with the assistance of other southern nations whose overall goal is to raise the quality of life for those who live in upsettingly under supported nations below the equator. Uganda has, and will support any and all measures that seek to support the development of its infrastructure and other aspects of its society. In 2000, The Republic of Uganda joined the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) debt relief initiative worth $1.3 billion USD and the Paris Club debt relief worth $145 million USD. This effort to increase the availability of funds needed to repair national infrastructure and other progressive movements has effected the nation positively and the Republic of Uganda seeks to continue to participate in similar efforts.

The Republic of Uganda therefore demands that the committee discusses this issue with speaking and policy-making precedence given to countries that qualify for status within the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation. It is vital that the wellbeing of these nations be decided by themselves and themselves only, not by nations whose imperialistic and selfish tendencies may prohibit them from participating in an unbiased and productive discussion.

II. Technology Sharing for Economic Development

32 As the new millennium has begun to unfold, with it so has the need for nations, especially those in the southern hemisphere, to advance technologically. This need can only be furthered by true international cooperation and development: a fundamental aspect of the United Nations mission. The need for both energy and the intelligent use of that energy to strengthen the world economy is at an all-time high. The Republic of Uganda would at this time like to point out the importance of this issue as it relates to the needs of not just its people, but the people of all nations predisposed to technological failure due to centuries of oppression and imperialistic control.

Uganda has and will support all efforts to assist its people in securing the technologically up-to-date lifestyle they deserve. This is true as it has supported the South-South Global Assets and Technology Exchange as well as the Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries Program (TCDC). This along with the fact that Uganda has attempted to pass numerous technological security measures puts Uganda as a leader among African nations in the quest to develop nations both in physical and technological methods.

The Republic of Uganda implores that this committee address this incredibly complex and life-altering decision with the utmost respect for all nations involved. As a small, often mistreated but equally important member nation, Uganda asks that all delegations represented at the committee consider the importance of the views supported by the developing nations of which this committee seeks to revitalize. The importance of this is unparalleled by any and all other debates that may occur throughout the progression of the committee.

33 Delegation from: The United Kingdom Represented by: St. Vincent-St. Mary High School

Position Paper for the United Nations Development Programme

The issues before the the United Nations Development Programme are: South-South Cooperation for Development and Technology Sharing for Economic Developments. The United Kingdom stands firmly in support of any and all efforts to promote efficient and sustainable development, both technological and economic, in developing and underdeveloped nations.

I: South-South Cooperation for Development

The United Kingdom is a strong supporter of South-South Cooperation for development between nations. As some nations continue to expand, both in terms of economic, technological, and social standards, they need an avenue through which they can efficiently promote their country’s growth. Developing nations in the southern hemisphere, or Global South, are the main proponents of South-South cooperation, and are the most in need of assistance in sustainable development and expansion. Currently, the United Kingdom has the fifth largest economy in the world, and therefore has the funds to assist growing nations in developing. Given this, the United Kingdom is perhaps one the best nations to assist the Global South in developing in a safe and sustainable manner.

In the present day, the United Kingdom is one of the driving forces in promoting and supporting South-South cooperation. Currently, the United Kingdom is one of the main proponents of triangular or trilateral cooperation. This program, which involves bilateral providers of development cooperation, partners in South-South cooperation, and international organizations, is the path which the United Kingdom believes is best to promote sustainable development. Along with this, past laws put into place in the United Kingdom, such as the International Development Act of 2002 and the International Development Act of 2006 clarified the United Kingdom’s position in helping the Global South to properly and sustainably develop. Additionally, the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development seeks to improve the conditions for citizens in the Global South. By improving the status of some nations, these countries are able to more efficiently engage in South-South Cooperation with other nations in the Global South.

While the United Kingdom and the United Nations have put several laws and resolutions in place to more fully enable South-South Cooperation, the United Kingdom wishes for the United Nations to institute new programs which more efficiently and successfully promote sustainable development in the Global South. In order to do this, the United Nations must successfully integrate the proper involvement of nations in the Global South, international organizations, such as the World Bank and the IMF, and more advanced countries, such as the United Kingdom. By properly integrating programs and resolutions which assist nations in the Global South to engage in South-South Cooperation, the United Kingdom believes that sustainable development in the region can be achieved.

34 II: Technology Sharing for Economic Development

The United Kingdom is a strong and genuine proponent of any and all efforts to share and integrate technological advances within developing countries. Technology is expanding at a rapid pace to meet the needs and desires of billions of people worldwide. However, this technological surge has not been present in third world countries. As the fifth largest economy in the world, the United Kingdom is considered by many to be a technological hub. Our government knows full well the boundless benefits, but also the complicated intricacies of such technologies. For this reason, countries in the Global South require cooperation and aid in order to benefit from the numerous technologies that have been implemented in First World countries.

The United Kingdom has always and will continue to be a driving force for international outreach to the Global South, and we believe technology sharing is a crucial aspect of this outreach. Our support for technological outreach dates back to 1978 with our support of A/RES/33/134 and The Buenos Aires Plan of Action which set up the Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries (TCDC). Ever since then, the UK has supported dozens of resolutions and agreements to aid Third World countries in development. Our further commitment to this issue is shown in our backing of organizations like the The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Knowledge Program, and recently A/RES/64/222 which established the advantageous SS- GATE. Overall, the United Kingdom believes these programs are significantly productive and will support the international community in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals which will make our world a better place for all nations.

Although many resolutions have passed on technology sharing, there is always a demand for improvement and updates due to the ever-changing nature of technology. The United Kingdom agrees one way we can accomplish more efficient and suitable technology sharing is by focusing on the area of education. Previously, this had been deemed an ineffective strategy due to the existing issues of poor education centers and lack of school attendance. However, efforts by UNESCO and other organizations have dramatically increased literacy and school attendance rates among children in developing countries. With this promising development, the UK believes this is the precise time to integrate technology sharing sources already in place with the growing educational centers in developing countries. By educating the next generation in new technologies, we ignite and promote Third World countries’ development of sustainable and productive economies.

35 Delegation from: USA Represented by: Monroeville High School

Position Paper for United Nations Development Programme

I. South-South Cooperation

South-South cooperation is initiated, organized and managed by developing countries themselves. Quite often, Governments play a lead role, with active participation from public and private sector institutions, non-governmental organizations, and individuals. (UNDP) It involves many aspects that are continuously improving, such as the sharing of knowledge and experience, training, technology transfer, financial and monetary cooperation and in-kind contributions. The basic objectives or “missions” of south-south cooperation are quite supportive. To name several of them, as listed from cited website, they are: to foster the self-reliance of developing countries by enhancing their creative capacity to find solutions to their development problems in keeping with their own aspirations, values and special needs; promote and strengthen collective self-reliance among developing countries through the exchange of experiences; the pooling, sharing and use of their technical and other resources; and the development of their complementary capacities; strengthen the capacity of developing countries to identify and analyse together their main development issues and formulate the requisite strategies to address them. (UNDP) As you can tell from reading, the objectives are mutually supportive of one another. There are also benefits of south-south cooperation. These benefits include the sharing and increase of knowledge in developing countries, strengthening said countries voices, and even the sharing of technology that developing countries might not have had beforehand. If knowledge and technology were to be shared with struggling countries, there could be easier methods for them to obtain food for the citizens, access to clean water, and or even cleaner environments. These are not the only benefits that can be received from south-south cooperation, there are plenty more that are outstanding.

II. Sharing Technology for Economic Development

36 In the MDGs, for developing countries, it was to reach reproductive goals and achieving population. Countries like Ghana, China, and Bangladesh have benefited from programs that share technology and knowledge, improving environmental sustainability and maternal health. It is important to share technology to improve developing nations economically. Sharing the technology among these countries will open up communications, foster scientific, economic, and technological self reliance. Sharing technologies and knowledge with these developing countries will also benefit in ways such as; national science and technology plans, economic and social planning, linkage of research and development with economic growth, project planning and evaluation, use of human and natural-resource potential. When sharing these technologies and knowledge, there has to be a balance that keeps the country’s values and special needs in mind. The UNDP is suppose to connect countries to knowledge, resources, and technology to build a better life. In the SSC, UNDP is able to combat climate change by sharing technology and knowledge with these developing countries. UNDP is working with China, Zambia and Ghana on renewable energy technology transfer. Technology sharing is very important for developing countries to improve.

37 Delegation From: The Bolivarian Republic of Represented by: Westlake High School Position Paper for United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, with a population of 31 million faces problems in development, as it is faces numerous crises and internal problems of the country, such as corruption and shortages. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela hopes to work with other countries to rid the crises, lessen the shortages, and share technology, ideas, and science in order to improve the economy of Venezuela. I. International Migration due to Climate Change Venezuela is highly dependent on oil income to feed the mouths of the citizens. Venezuela faced an economic crisis when oil prices fell since 2014, which resulted in poor cash flow, which brought the decline of oil production. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela’s production of oil has dropped 2.1 million barrels a day since 2003. Most of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela trade goods contains crops such as , Corn, , Rice, and Sorghum. The agricultural sector takes about 4 percent of Venezuela’s GDP and employs around 13 percent of the people in Venezuela. has taken roughly 17 percent of the country’s GDP. The thing is, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela depends too much on oil. Venezuela depends on around 95 percent of its export revenue on oil. Citizens believe that the crisis the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is facing can be blamed on the current leader, Nicolas Maduro. When Maduro took office, oil prices dropped by 50 percent throughout 1 year (2014-2015). The decline in oil prices not only has lead to problems in the country such as shortages of food, money and medicine. Maduro made a statement about the oil crisis: “The price of oil, for necessity, can and needs to rise to 70 dollars a barrel.” Simply raising the price of oil will not help . Sure, it may help Maduro get reelected for his next term if we raise oil prices, but if the oil prices are raised, it means that the Bolivarian Republic of Argentina is too dependent on oil. To bring Venezuela out of its current crisis, we need to look at building up other parts of the economy and get the citizens to pay taxes instead of evading them. The country at fault of the crisis of Venezuela is indeed Venezuela, but few countries actually try to help Venezuela out with the oil crisis. The U.S. congress have claimed that “they do not want to stir up a hornet’s nest by taking measures that Maduro might frame as evidence of U.S. meddling.” Maduro is unpopular with other countries, and his relations within his party are also somewhat troubled. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela would like to stretch out with other countries of the South-South Cooperation in order to decrease the shortages of supplies in Argentina and free ourselves from the oil crisis.

38 II. Technology Sharing for Economic Development The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela faces many factors that have led to the economic crisis the country faces today. Food shortages result in schools that cannot serve lunch, resulting in malnourished children and poor health care. Because of outrageous policies that Venezuela faces, universities are being downgraded and professors are leaving to teach somewhere else, like in Europe or America because of the ridiculously low salaries and lack of research resources. Universities are degrading, laboratories are being torn down, and libraries are lacking updated information. The says that there are only 16,000 researchers in the country and an estimated 1,500 left because of the lack of technology and science, resulting in the decrease of 40 percent of publications in recent years. Something needs to change as universities are not being taken seriously and citizens who want to learn at a school are being attacked by others. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has taken action in the past during 2006, when Venezuela signed a technology-sharing agreement with Cuba for oil exploration, production, and refining. The signing looked to increase Cuban oil production, as Venezuela is an oil-rich country and to improve the quality of Cuban’s fuels and refineries. An ideal solution would be to form with other Latin American countries to aim for self- efficiency for food, development of exported and imported materials, and the sharing of agricultural technology and human resources. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela hopes to meet these goals, and at the same time improve technology-sharing between countries between Latin America and the U.S.