Koprivshtitsa Morphological Days, 5lh National Conference on Anthropology (June 4-6, 2004) Institute of Experimental Morphology and Anthropology Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia From June 4th to 6th in the town of was held Fifth National Con­ ference on Anthropology with international participation and the Koprivshtitsa Morphological Days devoted to the 125th anniversary of the passing of the eminent founder of Bulgarian Renaissance Lyuben Karavelov. These scientific meetings were organized by the Institute of Morphology and Anthropology at BAS together with the Bulgarian Anthropological Society and the Bulgarian Anatomical Society. 130 scientists from , Turkey, Holland and Germany took part in the conference. A total of 49 reports and 40 posters have been presented. The town of Koprivshtitsa has for the first time played host to a scientific forum. The exceptionally warm cooperation of the town municipality has greatly helped the organization and realization of the conference. On the day of the official opening ceremony, June 4th 2004, in the presence of the local authorities the chairman of the Bulgarian Anthropological Society and Head of the Institute of Experimental Morphology and Anthropology at BAS corre­ sponding member prof. Dr. Yordan Yordanov bestowed on the part of BAS a plastic anthropological reconstruction of the head by the skull of Lyuben Karavelov. The conference was opened by prof. Dr. Vassil Vassilev — chairman of the Bul­ garian Anatomical Society. A welcome address to the participants was extolled by the mayor of the town of Koprivshtitsa Mr. Nikola Kamenarov the stress being placed on the rich historical past of the town and a major tourist venue of Bulgaria. Greeting addresses were presented by prof. J. Koebke on the part of the Ger­ man participants, prof. R. Mesut from Turkey, prof. K-H. Korfsmeier from the Anatomische Geselschaft and Mrs. Iskra Shipeva from the Directorate of the Town History Museums. The communications and posters at the conference were presented by collabo­ rators of the Chairs of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology and the Chairs of Gen­ eral Biology at the Medical and Veterinary Departments, Institutes of BAS, Chairs of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, University “Paisiy Hilendarski”, etc. The presentations of all reports were accompanied by animated and fruitful dis­ cussions. The management of IEMA—BAS and the editorial board of Acta Morphologica et Anthropologica have decided on their publication in vol. 10 of the journal.