Texas John Slaughter (Paperback) \ eBook « OGZVQHDEX1

Texas Joh n Slaugh ter (Paperback)

By William W. Johnstone, J. A. Johnstone

Kensington Publishing, , 2016. Paperback. Condition: New. Language: English . Brand New Book. THE GREATEST WRITERS OF THE 21ST CENTURY Civil War soldier. Trail driver. Cattleman. Texas Ranger. The story of John Horton Slaughter is the story of the America West itself. Now bestselling authors William and J.A. Johnstone bring this legendary figure to life in the blazing saga of the first sheriff in U.S. history who could tame a town like Tombstone, . A WESTERN LEGEND. AN AMERICAN HERO. It s been barely a decade since the notorious gunfight at the O.K. Corral. Rustlers and outlaws still terrorize the land, and the good citizens of Tombstone are at the end of their ropes. Enter Texas John Slaughter the new sheriff of Cochise County and the toughest lawman west of the Rio Grande. With a backbone of steel to match the iron law of his badge, Texas John is determined to bring peace to this parched desert hell even if it kills him. Which it just might. When word gets out about an untapped vein of silver in the , every man in town heads for the hills. The streets of Tombstone are an easy target for...



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