The Chosen People Volume XIII, Issue 3 April 2007

Jewish MinistryMinistry RussiaRussiainin FarFar EastEast INSIDE To with Love • Reaching out to the “Forgotten ” of Far THIS ISSUE: East Russia • Birobidzhan • Bible Study: King David’s Repentance to Russia with lo ve

(left) Louise Hirsch with a Jewish believer. (right) The Australian team that visited Birobidzhan. Dear friend, Shalom in His grace! Jewish people have heard the It is difficult for me to believe that Gospel through Chosen People I have been privileged to lead Chosen Ministries workers during the last People Ministries for what will be ten ten years and that hundreds of Jews 1990. Born in South Africa, years at the end of this month! I can and Gentiles have come to know Lawrence and Louise moved to only look back with amazement and Jesus as their Messiah! This is what Australia in 1983. Burdened to reach awe at how faithful the Lord has been the work is all about for me and for Jewish people in Australia, Lawrence and how much He has accomplished our worldwide staff family. became the founder and director of through our staff and volunteers. Thank you for making the last ten Celebrate Messiah Australia in 1995. Zhava and I have never felt more years so wonderful through your In the more than 15 years that blessed than we do now, and we look faithful prayers and support.We are we have known Lawrence and forward with great anticipation to looking forward to all the Lord has Louise, Zhava and I have been blessed what He has for us next. for us in the days ahead.And we to see their family grow to include By His grace we re-established cannot do this work without you. So four lovely children.The ministry your Mission to the Jewish people in thank you in advance for your partnership that has developed New York City—the heartland of partnership as we continue to reach between Chosen People Ministries Jewish America— Jewish people for Jesus. and Celebrate Messiah, however, is 1997-2007 purchased a Center almost a decade old. It began in early in Jerusalem, Celebrate Messiah: 1998—when I traveled to Australia Celebrating tripled our staff in Our Growing to explore how Chosen People Dr. Mitch , and Partnership Ministries and Celebrate Messiah Glaser’s expanded our work During the last decade, I have had could work together to reach the to a half dozen the opportunity to know and to Jewish people there. It was a Ten-Year new cities in the network with many people—both particularly fruitful season for Jewish Anniversary U.S. and another Jewish and non-Jewish—who have evangelism. It makes me smile even half dozen taught me much about the love of now to remember how our countries across the globe. In general, Messiah and commitment to His partnership began to develop. our ministry has grown to include service. But few have shown me more than 150 staff workers around more than my dear friends Lawrence The Jewish People the world. and Louise Hirsch. of Australia But what really thrills Zhava and I have known Lawrence almost The history of the Jewish people me is knowing that thousands of our since the day he met the Lord in in Australia began with eight Jewish

2 The Chosen People convicts from England who arrived faith that year.This encouraging start English speakers and one for Russian at Sydney Cove with the First Fleet set the stage for more to come. speakers—and the vision is to in 1788. By 1830, an organized Chosen People Ministries sent expand the outreach to Jewish Jewish community had started to Klaudia Zhelezny, a gifted Jewish people living in all of the major cities exist.The next dramatic change missionary originally from , in Australia. came more than 100 years later. to help Lawrence in an outreach in Of course, Lawrence and Louise Jewish persecution in Europe, Melbourne. For two weeks, Klaudia couldn’t do it alone. In addition to a followed by World War II and the worked tirelessly with Lawrence conscientious board of directors, the Holocaust, led to the arrival of leading Bible studies, conducting Hirsches have a team of staff and displaced Eastern European Jews. special evangelistic services and volunteers who are as committed as Today,Australia has a growing visiting with individuals and families. they are to ministering despite the Jewish population.The official By the end of Klaudia’s visit, 40 difficulty of the work and the number in 1991 was 75,000. Russian Jewish people had received sometimes open opposition of some However, this has risen sharply to Jesus as their Messiah. sectors of the Jewish community. perhaps as many as 120,000 due to After this, we continued to pray. Most recently, the Hirsches have the significant number of Jewish Then Lawrence and I—and the pioneered a new work among the people from the former Soviet boards of our respective missions— “Forgotten Jews” of Far East Russia Union who have arrived in the last decided that we should make our in the region of Birobidzhan (the twelve years or so. In fact, Jewish Autonomous Region). Melbourne, the location of Celebrate partnership official.And so we did! Messiah’s headquarters, currently has Celebrate Messiah is now part of This is a very exciting open door, approximately 75,000 Jewish people, Chosen People Ministries’ global and I hope you will enjoy the articles of which 25,000 are from the former network, which serves in countries about this new chapter in our . representing 96% of the world’s ministry. Jewish population. As in other countries such as A Final Note Germany, the United States and Lawrence estimates that only Israel, the Russian-speaking Jewish about two-tenths of one percent of Thanks again for helping make immigrants have provided a rich the Jewish people in Australia are the last ten years some of the most opportunity for the spread of the believers in Jesus. I’m sure you agree fruitful and enjoyable of my thirty- Gospel—and this is what created that this represents quite a challenge! plus years of ministry. I believe the original impetus for the rich Chosen People Ministries is as strong partnership that has allowed Chosen Ministries in Messiah as ever and as focused as ever on People Ministries to expand its in the Land of Oz bringing the Gospel to our Jewish work. “The Land Down Under” is a people around the world.This was the vision of our founder, The Hirsches’ work among quirky place.After all, you won’t find Leopold Cohn, and we have not Russian Jews began in 1997 when a duckbilled platypus or a kangaroo wavered from the task throughout Lawrence met Victor Zander, the just anywhere. Natives call Australia our 113-year history. I believe the pastor of the Slavic Baptist Church “Oz” because of the striking best is yet to come, and I am so in Malvern,Australia. Pastor Zander differences between it and the rest of grateful for your partnership in was reaching out to new Russian the world. reaching His chosen people for the immigrants in practical ways and, But people are people wherever Messiah! over the course of this ministry, you go—and all have the same need Enjoy the rest of the issue— discovered that many of them were for the Gospel of forgiveness.As especially as you learn Jewish. He gave Lawrence a list of elsewhere, Jewish evangelism depends more about the amazing some of the Russian Jewish people to a large extent on building trusting way the Lord is whom he knew, and Lawrence relationships and establishing reaching Jewish people followed up by starting a Bible study credibility through sincere and loving in far-off places like in the home of a prominent Russian action. Celebrate Messiah engages in Birobidzhan! Jewish businessman. various forms of Jewish evangelism, Although the group started slowly, such as street work and personal Your brother, Dr. Mitch Glaser often with only a couple of people ministry. Lawrence has been President present, it began to grow and a total instrumental in planting two of 27 Russian Jewish people came to Messianic congregations—one for Mitch

April 2007 3 Reaching out “Forgotten“Forgottento the Jews”Jews” of Lawrence Hirsch meets with Jewish answer, of course, was an residents of Birobidzhan Far East emphatic,“Yes!” synagogues. But since the Russia The Jewish People fall of Communism in the under Communism early 1990s, many Jewish The Jewish people have a long At first, hopes were people began to leave the history in the high after the Russian region to make aliyah lands of the Revolution. Didn’t the (immigrate) to Israel. former Soviet newly penned constitution However, in these times Union, perhaps guarantee all of Jews the civil many Jewish people have even to the end of rights they had been dreaming decided to stay in the the Babylonian about? Unfortunately, those promises Josef Stalin Far East of Russia Captivity were never kept.Yet for a single because of the volatile situation in (539 BC) and tantalizing moment, Josef Stalin’s the Middle East.Today, the combined certainly to the solution to the “Jewish Problem” Jewish population of the cities of period before brought the Jewish people closer to a , and Jesus. From the dream of a homeland than they Birobidzhan totals about 70,000. 12th century would come until the establishment These are the people that Birobidzhan’s city onward, the of the Jewish State in 1948. It was Lawrence and Louise Hirsch, square Russian Jewish called the Jewish Autonomous together with Rita Ivenskis and their community has played an important Region, centered in Birobidzhan, just team of volunteers, seek to reach role in . north of the Chinese border, farther for the sake of Messiah. It has been a troubled history, east than even and Mongolia. however, punctuated by periods of Stalin’s experiment had mixed Ministering to the Jewish relative tolerance followed by results. Like so many other schemes People of Birobidzhan horrific persecution. Literally that have been hatched in ignorance It is our vision to reach these hundreds of thousands of Jews were of the Lord of Creation, it began “Forgotten Jews” of Far East killed in the pogroms that took place with a measure of success, only to Russia with the Good News of from the 1880s to the early 1900s. fade away. Stalin began to crack Yeshua the Messiah.Most of Like many people in Russia, the down on , and these Jewish people have never Jewish people looked to the pogroms broke out. By 1948, the had a chance to hear the Gospel Communists for deliverance from the Jewish population of the area had in a way they can understand. Czarist regime.“Could things have peaked at 45,000, and had The project all started at the been worse?” they reasoned.The schools, theaters, publications and prompting of Chris and Nicole

4 The Chosen People Birobidzhan- the Soviet Jewish Homeland The Jewish Autonomous Region of Birobidzhan, Josef purges of the Jews and other minorities Stalin’s solution to his “Jewish Problem,” was established ended this odd footnote in Jewish history. in 1934.After the Russian Revolution, the Jewish A remnant of the Jewish people—many of whom had harbored high hopes for community is still there, the rise of Communism—found themselves mired in the however—and is now being same crushing poverty and persecution as before. offered a homeland in Stalin decided to kill three birds with one stone: eternity through the make the Jews into cheerful and hardy agricultural message of Messiah that workers, populate a buffer zone that would keep China is finally reaching them. and Japan in check, and score a diplomatic coup by Please pray for this Jewish giving the Jewish people their first homeland in almost community as we continue 2,000 years.The region of Birobidzhan was the to reach out with true solution—an area in Far East Russia about twice the size friendship and the hope of of New Jersey.At its height in the late 1930s, the the Gospel. population of the region was 109,000. However, the Jewish workers’ paradise was doomed to For further reading: Stalin’s Forgotten Zion failure. Poor soil, inadequate planning, and Stalin’s later

M., their friends and their have made home visits with Jewish Jew.They also had the opportunity to supporters, who had a burden for Far people across the region and have proclaim the Word among the Jewish East Russia.Then, in September hosted Messianic outreaches on community there, leading two Jewish 2004, we took a missions team to Saturday mornings. people to the Lord right in the this remote region.The mission In addition to fellowship and Jewish community center.They saw began in Vladivostok, then went on encouragement, we also have 18 people—14 of them Jewish— to Khabarovsk and finally to the gathered and given practical aid, such come to the Lord on that trip. In Jewish Autonomous Region of as the sum of $10,000 to purchase a addition to this, Lawrence made Birobidzhan. During that first visit, minivan used to distribute food contact with dozens of pastors from the team identified key people for a parcels to families in the district and across the region who expressed a future Messianic ministry in the to pick up people for services. commitment to reaching Jewish region and A synagogue in This warm relationship proved to people in their villages. Birobidzhan made significant This year, we will once again visit contacts with be the foundation of more to follow. these three cities to follow up the prominent Late in 2006, Lawrence and a people in ministry team returned from a truly ministry and continue to establish the Jewish remarkable time of evangelism in Messianic outreaches across the community. Vladivostok, Birobidzhan and region.We also are hoping to visit One such , where millions of people Kamchatka and Sakhalin, where contact was a were killed through Stalin’s gulags there are still small, isolated Jewish Messianic (work camps). In Birobidzhan, where communities that need to hear the Jewish couple, we have a permanent ministry, ten Good News. Please pray for André André and Jewish people came to the Lord at an and Valeria, our missionaries in Valeria, who outreach meeting. In Magadan, a port Birobidzhan, as well as for the team have opened city of more than 100,000 people, from Australia, as they continue to their home for Lawrence and the others encountered reach out to the “Forgotten Jews” of Bible studies, a vibrant church led by a Messianic Far East Russia.

April 2007 5 ee the ThroughS Jewish Eyes

(c) Sin – falling short and missing the mark. by DanielBible Goldberg, Th.D., D.D. (d)Deceit or Guilt – sin deceives others and even ourselves. David then acknowledged the source of sin: “Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me” (Psalm 51:5).The word sin here is a reference to the “old nature,” which DAVID’S Adam passed on and with which each REPENTANCE one of us is born.That nature is the AND root of sin, and we are responsible for GOD’S MERCY the fruit of sins committed when we permit that fallen nature to govern our lives. In Psalm 51:16 David prays, “For You do not desire sacrifice, or else I would give it.You do not delight in burnt offering.” David was guilty of adultery David penned five of the seven When David kept silent and refused and murder, both of which are capital Repentance Psalms (Psalms 6, 32, 38, to confess his sins to God and to repent, offenses under the Mosaic Law. No 51, 102, 130, 143). Psalms 32 and 51 he was under the heavy hand of God. provision was made for presumptuous specifically tell of David’s repentance, He lived in a state of spiritual drought sins of this magnitude. No animal forgiveness and justification by faith. that took its toll upon his body sacrifice would suffice (Psalm 51:2,8).Then he prayed, “Do not (Deuteronomy 17:12). THE PERSONAL cast me away from Your presence…” DAVID’S RESTORATION EFFECTS OF SIN (51:11). “Restore to me the joy of Your Looking past the whole ritual When the prophet Nathan salvation…” (51:12). confronted King David after his sinful system to God alone, David cast relations with Bathsheba, Nathan told DAVID’S CRY himself, in repentance and remorse, a story about a poor man’s lamb OF CONFESSION upon God’s mercy. Nathan declared, stolen by a rich man to provide a feast David’s confession is a catalog of a “…The LORD also has put away your for a passing guest. David reacted fallen nature that is with us even now. sin…” (2 Samuel 12:13). Consider that instantly to that story of injustice “… Blot out my transgressions.Wash me there was no lamb, ox or sin offering— (2 Samuel 12:1-14)—and was found thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me just the pure grace of God. guilty even by his own standards. from my sin” (Psalm 51:1,2). “Blessed is The grace that was extended to For nearly a year, David was the man. . . in whose spirit there is no deceit” David is fully realized for us in miserable due to his sin. “When I kept (Psalm 32:2). Four important terms for Messiah Jesus’ supreme sacrifice of silent, my bones grew old through my sin are employed: Himself. He died as the “Lamb of groaning all the day long. For day and (a) Transgression – a deliberate revolt God” for the sins of David and the sins night Your hand was heavy upon me; my against divinely constituted law. of the whole world (John 3:16).We vitality was turned into the drought of (b)Iniquity – the perverseness of can rely on Him alone for the summer. Selah” (Psalm 32:3,4). human nature. forgiveness of our sins. 6 The Chosen People NEWS NEWS NEWS BRIEFSBRIEFS

SPRING BREAK FOR PRAYER ALERT MESSIAH’S SERVICE The building where our Tel Aviv congregation meets Although many every Saturday has been sold. For more than six college students seem years, it was a place of refuge and home for seven to find mischief during congregations and 20 different ministries. Now they spring break, Rachel must all relocate. Apart from the disruption this will G. worked last month cause, it is not easy to find a facility that will rent to a with two groups of Messianic ministry. Please pray that the Lord will open students for two up the right doors for a new ministry home. weeks each in New York City. The students took part in MESSIANIC CENTER IN BERLIN EXPANDS ACTIVITIES a ministry program focused on Our Messianic Center in training, outreach and cultural Berlin is continuing to exposure to the Jewish people. expand its outreach Among the activities they engaged programs. Vladimir in were outreaches in Manhattan, Pikman, who directs Brooklyn and Queens, as well as a our work there, reports: prayer walk in an Orthodox Jewish “We attract more and neighborhood. And, of course, what experience in more new people with New York City would be complete without lunch at a our seminars, confer- Jewish deli? If your church group would like to ences and concerts.” participate in an outreach to Jewish people in New Vladimir’s wife, Inna, York City, contact Rachel G. at 212-223-2252. recently started teaching a course in Biblical Hebrew at the Center. More than IT’S GOOD TO MAKE A LIST! 60 people signed up, including some Jewish seekers. Inna now teaches three groups and is enjoying this It sometimes takes creativity to form partnerships in ministry a great deal. Please pray for her and for the Israel. Staff member Victor B. tells about a new participants to know the Messiah through their studies. initiative that his congregation is implementing. It is a list that comes from the film about the German industrialist Oscar Schindler, who saved the lives of hundreds of Jewish people, registering them all on his POSITION AVAILABLE well-known list of “necessary” workers for his factories. Now, Victor and his brothers and sisters in IN NEW YORK CITY Messiah are making another kind of list. They are gathering the names of relatives, friends, colleagues Full-Time Personal Executive Assistant to and acquaintances who need the Gospel. They have started praying for every single person on the list. the president of Chosen People Ministries, Praise the Lord; they have had wonderful fruit already. Dr. Mitch Glaser. Must be well-organized, Elizaveta, a woman on the list for whom they have have excellent personal skills and writing prayed, has received the Lord. abilities, and have good references and a strong recommendation from a pastor or “FUN IN THE SON” IN FLORIDA congregation elder. Position is available Chosen People Ministries in South Florida had a successful six-day ministry in February called “Fun in beginning May 1 in New York City. Salary the Son.” Worship services were followed by two is commensurate with experience. seminars and a concert night with Messianic musician Preference will be given to those viewing Ted Pearce. The team also had fruitful evangelistic this job as a career position. Enjoying outreaches in Miami Beach and in the Palm Beach area of Delray Beach. While ministering on the beach bagels, Jewish humor and the everyday for three hours, participants found people to be more camaraderie of fellow believers is a plus! and more interested in the things of the Lord. Please Please send résumé and all inquiries to pray that the seeds that were planted will grow into a Julia Sedaca ([email protected]) harvest for Messiah. 212-223-2252.

April 2007 7 SummerSummer TrainingTraining && EvangelismEvangelism ProgramProgram STEP is an exciting week of in-depth training, engaging evangelism and Jewish cultural excursions.

Jewish Evangelism • Minister among Russian Jewish immigrants. • Be a part of our Brooklyn and Upper West Side congregation plants. • Prayer-walk through Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods. • Meet Jewish young people and students.

Training Seminars • Share the Gospel with your Jewish friends. • Understand the Jewish roots of your faith. eXperience Israel • Witness through a better understanding Want more of the Hebrew Scriptures. Vital Statistics information? DATE: Jewish Cultural Experiences Contact our short-term July 7-22, 2007 • Take a walking tour through the Lower missions team ages 18 to 35 East Side. 1-888-2-YESHUA • Taste good Jewish APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE AT deli food at Katz’s. (1-888-293-7482) or email us at • Worship at a opportunities@ Messianic [email protected] Congregation. TO SPEAK TO A HUMAN, CALL 1-888-2-YESHUA (1-888-293-7482)

Remnant Who are the Jewish people of the former Soviet Union and what is their relationship to the Gospel? Remnant and Renewal: The New Russian and Renewal Messianic Movement tells the story of the Russian-speaking Jewish people item: 3115 and the sometimes heartbreaking, often heroic tales of those who have price: $13.95us sought to bring the Gospel to them throughout their troubled history.

by Dr. Mitch Glaser Order online at, or for phone orders in the U.S. and Alan Shore call 1-800-333-4936. Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery. See more Messianic Jewish resources at

The Chosen People Newsletter Please remember Chosen People Ministries has been taking the love of the Messiah to Jewish people worldwide since 1894. Chosen People Ministries in your Chosen People Ministries U.S. Board of Directors: Mr. John Holbrook, Jr., Chairman • Mr. Roy Adams • Dr. Darrell Bock • Mr. Jeffrey Branman • will. “I will bless Ms. Cindy Forbes • Dr. Mitch Glaser • Dr. Gregory Hagg • Mr. Eugene Johnson • Mr. Tom McHugh • Dr. John L. Pretlove • Mr. David Schiller • those who bless Mr. Gary W. Smith • Dunewood Truglia, Esq. • Mr. David C. Weland you.” (Genesis 12:3) Serving in: Argentina • Australia • Canada • France • Germany • Israel • Mexico • Russia • Ukraine • United Kingdom • United States The Chosen People newsletter is published monthly by Chosen People Ministries. For more information or to receive The Chosen People newsletter, write to: Chosen People Ministries, International Headquarters, 241 East 51st Street, New York, NY 10022. In Canada, write to: Box 897 Station B, North York, ON, M2K 2R1. In Great Britain, write to: P.O. Box 47871, Golders Green, London, NW11 1AL ( In Australia, write to: Celebrate Messiah Australia, PO Box 304, Caulfield, South Vic 3162, Australia ( Editors: Zhava Glaser, Andrew Sparks; Staff Writer: Alan Shore; Design: Lois Gable.

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