

The following list of is “over-the-counter” (OTC) medications for minor conditions, listed alphabetically and by category. This list includes many examples of common OTC medications, both generics and brand names, but it is not all-inclusive. It is expected that detention facilities that house USMS prisoners will provide OTC medications as part of their inside medical care, which is covered by the per diem paid to facilities by the USMS. Claims should not be submitted to the USMS for OTC medications. Please note that some OTC medications are also available at higher strengths by prescription only and are reimbursable only at those higher strengths. The USMS Medical Management Branch may audit claims if concerns arise that prescription strength medications are being used when OTC medications would be sufficient. This list is intended for use by USMS employees and detention facilities only. Questions about OTC and prescription medications should be directed to the USMS Medical Management Branch, Tel (703) 740-8417 or Fax (703) 740-029-8418.

MEDICATIONS BY ALPHABETICAL LISTING A&D Ointment Acetaminophen Advil, Advil PM, Advil Sinus Afrin , or pads Allegra Aleve Allerest Aluminum and Hydroxide Anacin balms Antacids Topical Ointments Anusol , Ointment, Artificial Tears Aspercreme Bacitracin Ointment Bayer Benefiber Betadine Ointment and (tablets, suppositories, ) Subsalicylate (Liquid and Tablets) 1% 2% Caladryl


Nonprescription Medications: Covered By Per Diem Payments to Facilities

Calamine Lotion Calcium Carbonate Carbamide Peroxide otic solution (200 mg) Chlorpheniramine Chlor-Trimeton Claritin Clemastine 1% cream//spray Colace Commit lozenge Compound W Comtrex Coricidin Correctol Cortaid DayQuil Debrox Desitin Diclofenac external gel Dibucaine 1% Dimetapp Sodium Doxylamine Dristan Drixoral Dulcolax Ecotrin Excedrin Ex-lax (10mg, 20 mg) Fleet enema Flonase -Ex Gaviscon Gyne-Lotrimin Habitrol patch Halls Hibiclens

2 Nonprescription Medications: Covered By Per Diem Payments to Facilities

Hydrocortisone cream and ointment (1%) Hytone 1% cream (200 mg) Ivermectin external lotion IcyHot Imodium Lamisil Lansoprazole (15 mg) Levocetirizine Loratadine Lotrimin AF, Lotramin Ultra Maalox Meclizine Medicated (coal tar , etc) Melatonin Metamucil Micatin Miconazole 2% cream/powder/spray Milk of Magnesia MiraLAX Monistat-Derm Motrin Multivitamins Mucinex, Mucinex D, Mucinex DM Murine Mycelex Mylicon Naphcon Naproxen sodium (220 mg) Nasocort Allergy 24 Neosporin Neo-Synephrine T/Gel Nexium 24 Hr gum Nicoderm patch NIX Nizoral Shampoo Nupercainal Nyquil Nytol

3 Nonprescription Medications: Covered By Per Diem Payments to Facilities

Ocean eye drops Omeprazole (20 mg) Optive Ornade 0.05% Oxytrol Pataday Eye drops PEG 3350 Pepcid AC Pepto-Bismol Peri-Colace Permethrin Piperonyl butoxide/Pyrethrins Povidone-Iodine Preparation H Preparation H Pads, Gel, Suppositories Prevacid 24HR Prilosec OTC Psyllium powder Purell Refresh Rhinocort Allergy RID Robitussin Sea Mist Selenium Sulfide Lotion/Shampoo 1% Selsun Blue Senna Senokot Simethicone (liquid, tablets, capsules) Sklice external lotion Sleep Medications (OTC) Sodium Chloride nasal spray Enema Sominex St. Josephs Aspirin Sudafed Tagamet HB Tetrahydrozoline .05% eye drops TheraFlu

4 Nonprescription Medications: Covered By Per Diem Payments to Facilities

Tinactin 1% topical cream/powder/spray Topical wart medications () Triaminic Triple Antibiotic Ointment cold & flu Tylenol, Tylenol Extra Strength Unisom Vasocon Vicks L.R. and Visine Original : any OTC Voltaren Arthritis External Gel Xyzal 24hr Allergy Zaditor Zegerid OTC Oxide Ointment Zostrix Zyrtec


Allergy Symptoms Allegra Allegra-D 12Hr, Allegra 24Hr Cetirizine Zyrtec Clemastine (1.34 mg) Tavist Allergy Clorpheniramine Chlor-Trimeton Diphenhydramine Benadryl Fluticasone Proprinate Flonase Allergy Relief Loratadine Claritin Nasacort Budesonide Rhinocort Allergy Combination products (with ) Actifed Cold & Allergy, Allerest PE, Benadryl-D, Claritin-D, Sudafed PE, Zyrtec-D

Levocetirizine Xyzal 24hr Allergy

Analgesic (pain relief) and Anti-Inflammatory Agents Acetaminophen Tylenol, Tylenol Extra Strength Aspirin Anacin, Bayer, Ecotrin, St. Joseph’s Ibuprofen (200 mg) Motrin, Advil Naproxen sodium (220 mg) Aleve Diclofenac external gel Voltaren arthritis pain, Arthritis

5 Nonprescription Medications: Covered By Per Diem Payments to Facilities

Pain Reliever external gel

Anorectal Preparations Anusol Cream, Ointment, Suppositories Anusol Dibucaine 1% Ointment Nupercainal Preparation H Pads, Gel, Suppositories Preparation H

Antacids & Acid Reducers Single or combination products such as: • Aluminum and Gaviscon, Maalox, Milk of Magnesia, Mylanta, etc • Bismuth Subsalicylate Pepto-Bismol • Calcium Carbonate Rolaids, Tums, etc • Cimetidine (100 mg, 200 mg) Tagamet HB • Esomeprazole Magnesium Nexium 24 • Famotidine (10mg, 20 mg) Pepcid AC • Lansoprazole (15 mg) Prevacid 24HR • Omeprazole (20 mg) Prilosec OTC • Omeprazole/sodium bicarbonate Zegerid OTC

Antibiotic Ointments Bacitracin Ointment Triple Antibiotic Ointment Neosporin

Antidiarrheals Kaopectate Loperamide tablets Imodium A-D Bismuth Subsalicylate (Liquid and Tablets) Pepto-Bismol

Antiflatulents Simethicone (liquid, tablets, capsules) Mylicon, Gas-Ex

Antifungal Topical Creams, , Sprays & Suppositories (Includes OTC vaginal products) Butenafine 1% Lotrimin Ultra Butoconazole 2% Clotrimazole 1% Gyne-Lotrimin, LotriminAF, Mycelex Miconazole 2% Lotrimin AF, Micatin, Monistat Tolnaftate 1% Tinactin Terbinafine 1% Lamisil 6.5%

Antiseptics Alcohol gel, liquid or pads Purell

6 Nonprescription Medications: Covered By Per Diem Payments to Facilities

Chlorhexidine Hibiclens Hydrogen Peroxide Povidone-Iodine Betadine

Cough & Cold Products Numerous: Actifed, Benylin, Include various combinations of: Comtrex, Coricidin, DayQuil, • Acetaminophen (/pain relief) Dimetapp, Dristan, Halls, Nyquil, • Dextromethorphan ( suppressant) Mucinex, Ornade, Pertussin, • Guaifenesin (expectorant) Robitussin, Sudafed, TheraFlu, • Phenylephrine, Pseudoephedrine (decongestants) Triaminic, Tylenol cold & flu, Vicks. • Chlorpheniramine, Diphenhydramine, (/sleep)

Eye Drops for Allergies/Cold Relief/Minor Irritation Artificial Tears Murine, Optive, Refresh, etc Ketotifen Zaditor Naphazoline Naphcon, Vasocon Oxymetazoline Visine L.R. Tetrahydrozoline Visine Original Olopatadine eye drops Pataday

Laxatives and Fiber Supplements Bisacodyl (tablets, suppositories, enema) Correctol, Dulcolax Castor Oil Docusate Sodium Colace Magnesium Hydroxide Phillips Milk of Magnesia Mineral Oil Polyethylene Glycol MiraLAX, PEG3350 Psyllium powder Metamucil, Benefiber Senna Ex-Lax, Senokot Sodium Phosphates Enema Fleet enema Combination products Peri-Colace

Miscellaneous Caladryl Lotion Calamine Lotion OTC medicated shampoos Neutrogena T/Gel, Selsun, Nizoral Oxytrol for Women Topical wart medications (salicylic acid) Compound W, Wart-off Zinc Oxide Ointment Desitin

Nasal Decongestants and Sprays Oxymetazoline 0.05% nasal spray Afrin, Dristan, Neo-Synephrine Sodium Chloride nasal spray Ocean, Sea Mist

Otic Preparations for removal of earwax Carbamide Peroxide otic solution Debrox

7 Nonprescription Medications: Covered By Per Diem Payments to Facilities

Pediculocides (anti-lice) Permethrin NIX Ivermectin lotion Sklice Piperonyl butoxide/Pyrethrins RID

Rubs and Analgesic balms Aspercreme, Bengay,IcyHot, Zostrix A&D Ointment Sleep Medications (OTC) Diphenhydramine Nytol, Sominex Doxylamine Unisom

Smoking Cessation Products (, lozenges and dermal patches) Habitrol (patch), Nicoderm (patch), Nicorette (gum), Commit (lozenge)

Steroid Creams and Ointments (low-strength OTC) Hydrocortisone cream and ointment (1%) Cortaid, Hytone 1%

Vitamin and Mineral Supplements Multivitamins Numerous brands Vitamins: any OTC vitamin