E1272 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 26, 2006 TRIBUTE TO JAIME FABEY, ELIZA- HONORING BROOKSIDE ENGINE Olmert, a skilled politician who has been BETH TOPHAM, SALIL GABALE COMPANY NO. 1 moving away from a somewhat abrasive de- AND BRIAN BECK ON THEIR OUT- meanor, did find the right words of grati- STANDING COMMUNITY SERVICE tude, deference and shared sentiment. In his HON. RODNEY P. FRELINGHUYSEN granted appearance as a special guest before IN ASSISTING THE HURRICANE OF NEW JERSEY a joint session of Congress, he received no VICTIMS ALONG THE GULF IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES less than 17 standing ovations reflecting COAST Monday, June 26, 2006 America’s genuine sympathy for the Jewish state which transcends those who happen to Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise be in power on either side at a given time. HON. CURT WELDON today to honor the Brookside Engine Com- In fact, the vital alliance born of common OF PENNSYLVANIA pany No. 1 in the Mendham Township Fire values and interest between the senior and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Department and the Mendham Township Po- junior partners, has assumed a heightened relevancy following 9/11 with the complex Monday, June 26, 2006 lice Department, in the Township of Mendham, New Jersey, a patriotic community that I am war on terrorism and the costly thrust to Mr. WELDON of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, proud to represent. On July 4, 2006, the good bring democracy’s freedoms to the Middle East and beyond. Who more than the ever be- it is a tremendous honor and privilege for me citizens of Mendham Township will celebrate to rise to honor four young members of the leaguered State of Israel has experienced two historic occasions with a special festivities what terrorizing onslaught on innocent civil- AmeriCorps Program for their heroic assist- and a parade: the 90th anniversary of Brook- ians and a cherished way of life is all about? ance to the individuals devastated by hurri- side Engine Company No. 1, and the 50th an- The President gave his approving nod to canes along the Gulf Coast. The National Ci- niversary of the Mendham Township Police the Prime Minister’s unilateral plan of the vilian Community Corps (NCCC) program, Department. ‘‘realignment’’ (the latest term) of Israel’s under AmeriCorps, is a full-time, teamwork-en- Brookside Engine Company No. 1 was future borders in the absence of a peace part- couraging, non-profit organization comprised founded on January 16, 1916, with 20 devoted ner. The Palestinian Hamas-led government of individuals ages 18–24 who strive to serve charter members. During the ensuing 90 even rejects Israel’s right to exist and is locked in a deadly struggle of a civil war na- the community at large, wherever assistance years, Brookside Engine Company No. 1, is needed. These four individuals, who so pa- ture with Fatah over running the Pales- composed entirely of volunteers, has been du- tinian Authority. When will the Palestinians triotically aided the residents of the Gulf Coast tifully serving the community and surrounding stop the tragic cycle of never missing an op- area, reside in the 7th Congressional District towns. portunity to miss an opportunity? Olmert of Pennsylvania. Today, Brookside Engine Company No. 1 is voiced support for the seemingly moribund AmeriCorps was founded in 1994, through led by Fire Chief Sam Tolley, who presides Road Map which Bush welcomed, as the the enactment of the National Community over a membership of 45 regular volunteers President reiterated his embrace of Israel’s Service Trust Act. Members of the NCCC are and a junior division of more than 12 members determination to hold onto its large settle- required to serve for a minimum of ten months between 16 and 18 years of age. ment blocks on the West Bank while relin- at a time, and are Red Cross-trained and cer- The Mendham Township Police Department quishing control over sparsely populated ter- ritory to allow for the creation of a Pales- tified in CPR, first-aid, and mass care. More was officially established on March 12, 1956. tinian state. than 1,600 NCCC members have extended During its 50 years of existence, the depart- The Prime Minister, a former Mayor of their relief efforts to residents of the Gulf ment has employed a total of seven chiefs, a challenge-laden Jerusalem, is yet to be test- Coast region since September 2005, and have testament to its sterling reputation. ed in Israel’s hot political crucible in his amassed approximately 600,000 hours of In 1994, Thomas J. Costanza was promoted country’s top position. It is doubtless that he service—a truly commendable effort. to chief, a position he holds today. To support was given an extraordinary historic oppor- Jaime Fabey, an NCCC Team Leader, led a him, the department has 15 full-time officers. tunity to affect Israel’s destiny and fully im- group of ten Corps members on two disaster These courageous police officers continue to plement the vision of Sharon who was so serve their community with integrity and honor, suddenly incapacitated at the height of his relief mission-projects along the Gulf Coast. In popularity and on the threshold of fateful de- partnership with the First Baptist Church of providing safety and protection to the resi- cisions having accomplished the controver- New Orleans, Jaime and her team, for two dents of Mendham Township. sial Gaza disengagement. But likely the months helped save 16 homes as well as the Mr. Speaker, I urge you and my colleagues highlight of Olmert’s visit to the capital of personal items of many families whose homes to join me in congratulating the volunteers of the world’s only remaining was were unsalvageable. Elizabeth Topham and Brookside Engine Company No. 1 on 90 years the stern warning he poignantly delivered her teammates spent their first assignment of rich history, and the officers of the concerning the impending threat from Iran, helping with the construction of the Salvation Mendham Township Police Department for 50 and his revelation that the terror sponsoring years of commendable service. radical Muslim regime ghoulishly calling for Army’s largest outreach center in New Orle- Israel’s elimination while denying the Holo- ans, which aided more than 12,000 local resi- f caust is almost within reach, closer than an- dents. Salil Gabale and teammates worked to RECOGNIZING AN ARTICLE BY ticipated of developing a nuclear capability. repair a warehouse that belonged to a non- RABBI ISRAEL ZOBERMAN, SPIR- One wonders if the Prime Minister person- profit organization named the Green Project, ITUAL LEADER OF CONGREGA- ally presented the priceless gift of sup- located in Covington, LA. Brian Beck offered porting intelligence reports, thus nailing the TION BETH CHAVERIM IN VIR- unavoidable response that the his support through carrying out damage as- GINIA BEACH, VA sessments and recruiting for volunteers. Brian and the West are saddled with at this very hour. The risks of hesitant inaction though and his team are currently building houses for far outweighs those of resolute action, send- hurricane disaster victims in Slidell, Louisiana. HON. J. RANDY FORBES OF VIRGINIA ing a powerful message that tyrannical As the Vice-Chairman of the Homeland Se- blackmail is unacceptable and that the re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES curity Committee, I have seen first-hand the solve of free nations to prevail is positive affects of the NCCC. These four Monday, June 26, 2006 unshakeable. An ambiguous response invites young members have no doubt played a large Mr. FORBES. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to further aggression with rising costs. Iran’s role in upholding the excellent reputation of introduce an article written by Rabbi Israel mullahs’ genocidal design on Israel, with Eu- this organization. rope as a potential target as well while seek- Zoberman, spiritual leader of Congregation ing hegemony in a critical region, ought to Mr. Speaker, I am proud to have within my Beth Chaverim in Virginia Beach, VA. The arti- alarm us enough. What should however be district four remarkably heroic and brave mem- cle by Rabbi Zoberman reads as follows: clear is that Israel’s only option is to sur- bers of the NCCC. Our Nation owes Jaime Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s successful vive, it simply can not afford to absorb a Fabey, Elizabeth Topham, Salil Gabale and first official visit recently to the United first nuclear strike. Have we not internalized Brian Beck and the rest of the NCCC volun- States was an expected formality between by now History’s painful lessons, are we teers our most sincere gratitude for their serv- the leaders of two close and long-standing al- doomed to forever repeat the past? I pray ices. We are most certainly a safer country lies. It was also an essential opportunity for not. the Israeli Prime Minister to extend the inti- because of their outstanding efforts. Again, I mate bond between his predecessor Ariel Rabbi Israel Zoberman, spiritual leader of have the great privilege of representing these Sharon and President Bush, which Sharon Congregation Beth Chaverim in Virginia special individuals and honoring them for their learned to carefully cultivate, to his own Beach, was born to Polish Holocaust survivors selfless service to those who needed it the budding relationship with a mighty and nec- in Chu, Kazakhstan, in 1945 and raised in most during a time of national crisis. essary friend. Haifa, Israel.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:51 Jun 27, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A26JN8.005 E26JNPT1 CCOLEMAN on PROD1PC71 with REMARKS June 26, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1273 TRIBUTE TO THE HONORABLE Dr. Klein led the establishment of a signifi- $12 billion from the student loan program—the DALE E. KLEIN cant new effort in medical bio-warfare de- largest cut in the history of federal student fi- fense. The Transformational Medical Tech- nancial aid. HON. JIM SAXTON nology Initiative (TMTI) focuses more than $1 In addition to cutting Federal aid, the Re- OF NEW JERSEY billion over the next five years to develop publican leadership has made loans more ex- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES broad-spectrum medical countermeasures pensive. And the bad news keeps coming. Re- against advanced bio-terror threats, including cent reports confirm what struggling families Monday, June 26, 2006 genetically engineered pathogens. already know—students and families are going Mr. SAXTON. Mr. Speaker, the Honorable Dr. Klein provided the Chemical Demili- deeper and deeper into debt to finance a col- Dale E. Klein, currently the Assistant to the tarization Program with the oversight and pol- lege education. The Project on Student Loan Secretary of Defense for Nuclear and Chem- icy guidance that led to the successful start of Debt, a non-profit advocacy group, has found ical and Biological Defense Programs, departs five new chemical weapons destruction facili- that the percentage of graduate seniors who his post this week to assume the position of ties. Under Dr. Klein’s Leadership, the Chem- have debt loads of $40,000 or more have in- Chairman, Nuclear Regulatory Commission. ical Demilitarization Program led the inter- creased from 1.3 percent to 8 percent be- Born and educated in Missouri, Vice Chan- national community in compliance with the tween 1993 and 2004. cellor for Special Engineering Programs in the Chemical Weapons Convention obligations Another recent report done by the Public In- University of Texas System, and on leave while maintaining the safety and security of terest Research Group’s Higher Education from his position as Professor in the Depart- the workers, the environment and the public Project shows that 25 percent of public school ment of Mechanical Engineering (Nuclear Pro- during the destruction of the U.S. chemical graduates and 38 percent of private school grams) at the University of Texas in Austin, weapons stockpile and former chemical weap- graduates who become new teachers can’t af- Dr. Klein, as the Assistant to the Secretary of ons production facilities. ford to pay their student debt on their salaries. Defense from November 2001 to June 2006, His endeavors produced extraordinary re- Social workers in the same situation number led the Department of Defense’s efforts to sults and will have a lasting impact on the even more—37 percent of public and 55 per- combat weapons of mass destruction at a wa- quality of many of the programs vital to the cent of private school graduates can’t afford tershed time in history. Department of Defense. They include such their student loan payments. More and more In this position, he served as the principal significant accomplishments as: successful students are graduating with student loan debt staff assistant and advisor to the Secretary of stewardship of the U.S. nuclear deterrent en- numbers in the six figures. This is unmanage- Defense, Deputy Secretary of Defense, and terprise; spearheading efforts to develop able and unfair and Congress can be a better the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition science and technology programs aimed at partner in making the possibility of going to and Technology for all matters concerning the establishing the backbone of Domestic Nu- college more attainable—especially for middle- formulation of policy and plans for nuclear clear Defense; personally facilitating inter- and low-income students. weapons, and nuclear, chemical, and biologi- national cooperation in the area of nuclear Another troubling statistic has emerged— cal defense. He was directly responsible to the weapons safety and security; and develop- during the 2004–2005 school year—student Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense ment of capabilities to defeat improvised ex- borrowing of private loans increased by 30 for matters associated with nuclear weapons plosive devices, special weapons, hardened percent. Private student loans are often used safety and security, chemical weapons demili- targets, and WMD stockpiles and production to bridge the gap between traditional financial tarization, chemical and biological defense facilities. aid and the cost of tuition—but they are more programs, cooperative threat reduction, trea- Dale Klein accelerated national security in costly to students and families. In addition to ties, and agreements. the critical areas of nuclear weapons safety being costlier, these private loans do not In this capacity, he was responsible for the and security, chemical weapons demilitariza- share some of the features of Federal student day-to-day oversight of four organizations re- tion, chemical and biological defense pro- loans that are backed by the government, in- sponsible for billions of dollars in providing grams, cooperative threat reduction, and nu- cluding deferment of payments and the rates combat support operations to the Theater clear, chemical, and biological treaties and at which interest may accrue. Commanders in support of the Global War on agreements. His leadership, vision, and tenac- What’s more, starting July 1, Federal stu- Terrorism, Counterproliferation and Combating ity were the driving forces in transforming the dent loans will carry a higher fixed interest Weapons of Mass Destruction. In addition, he Department of Defense’s approach to nuclear, rate of 6.8 percent, an increase from the cur- was responsible for the Research and Devel- chemical and biological defense while rent 5.3 percent. That’s why I support Demo- opment, Testing and Evaluation, and Acquisi- proactively seeking new and revolutionary cratic plans to provide substantive increases tion Life-cycle Planning for systems to combat technologies to address future threats. Dr. to the Pell Grant and to cut the student loan Weapons of Mass Destruction and to survive Klein’s achievements and dedication represent interest rates in half. As a co-sponsor of the in a contaminated environment. the highest traditions of public service. Reverse the Raid on Student Aid Act, I believe Dr. Klein personally facilitated international f that Congress can be a better partner for cooperation in the area of nuclear weapons those students and their families who—as we safety and security by ensuring active and rel- HIGHER EDUCATION REAUTHOR- debate these very issues that affect them—are evant bi-Iateral dialogue was ongoing between IZATION ACT EXTENSION sitting at kitchen tables across the country try- several nuclear nations. These actions directly ing to figure out how to piece together the fi- helped ensure proper stewardship of the en- SPEECH OF nances to attend college this fall. during nuclear weapons stockpile by several HON. BETTY McCOLLUM There is some good news in this extension. nations, while maintaining adherence to nu- OF MINNESOTA The good news is that the current law that will merous international treaties and agreements, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES be extended today is better than the Repub- such as the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty lican bill to reauthorize the Higher Education and Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. These Wednesday, June 21, 2006 Act, H.R. 609, which does nothing to make programmatic actions serve to help mitigate Ms. MCCOLLUM of Minnesota. Mr. Speak- college more affordable for students—the ex- the threat nuclear weapons pose to world er, today the House will temporarily extend for pressed purpose of the Higher Education Act. order, while ensuring the President retains a 3 months the Higher Education Act. I rise It makes no sense to make college more ex- credible deterrent option. today to support this extension and to express pensive by amending a law that exists to pro- He supported and electrified President my concern for the dangerous direction in mote access to a college education. Bush’s aims for the NATO-Russia Council. which this Congress has taken our country’s College students should not be forced to Desiring to see NATO and Russia move for- college students and our Nation’s valued high- bear the weight of President Bush’s and this ward, together, to face common challenges er education system. Republican Congress’s irresponsible fiscal and build ties that expand with time, Dr. Klein The Republican leadership has failed col- policies that have slashed student aid in order helped facilitate and institute numerous initia- lege students and their families by pushing to pay for tax cuts that only benefit one per- tives in the realm of nuclear and chemical and through a reauthorization bill that does nothing cent of the nation’s wealthiest. As I’ve stated biological defense programs. These chal- to make college more affordable as tuition in earlier extensions—today, this temporary lenges include countering terrorism, preventing continues to increase at a rate faster than in- extension is necessary, but I will continue to the spread of weapons of mass destruction, flation. Instead of helping students and fami- work to ensure that students will not be forced search and rescue operations at sea, and lies deal with the rising price to attend college, to pay for this enormous deficit now through fi- emergency planning. Republicans also passed legislation cutting nancial aid cuts—or in the future as taxpayers.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:51 Jun 27, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A26JN8.010 E26JNPT1 CCOLEMAN on PROD1PC71 with REMARKS